Deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Marina Karelin. Why Chelyabinsk Gordum left the only female deputy

https: //www.Syt/2018-04-12/pochemu_chelyabinskuyu_gordumu_pokinula_edinstvennaya_zhenchina_deputat

"She said that her husband set the condition ..."

Why Chelyabinsk Gordum left the only female deputy

The decision on the addition of the powers of the deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma and the Council of Deputies of the Central District Marina Karelina became a surprise for most participants in the political circles of the Southern Urals. Two days ago, she was seen at a meeting of the representative body, where the head of the city of Yevgeny Teftelians was reported about their work. Then she said nothing to his colleagues. Immediately after that, judging by her Facebook page, Marina Karelin flew to Thailand. No comments gives. Meanwhile, various versions of what happened, up to the most exotic ones are expressed in the polittuska.

The first to learn Marina Karelina from the representative body began to report telegrams. Most of her colleagues were not aware of what is happening, some learned news from the media. Nevertheless, a formal confirmation from the urban Duma appeared closer to the dinner. At the same time, the press service of the representative body clarified that the decision to revoke the People's Choir of the Gordeum will be taken by the district council of deputies, since he delegated it there, at a meeting on April 19, 2018. On this day, as they say in Gordum, Marina Karelina promises to tell about the causes of his act. While she is unavailable for comments.

"For our part, I can say that Marina Vladimirovna is a strong deputy. It actively works in his district and successfully implements creative social projects, is always distinguished by a special look. Marina Vladimirovna is the only woman in the city of the City Duma and always decorated all meetings and events, "said Stanislav Mosharov, the Speaker of the Chelyabinsk City Duma.

Meanwhile, surrounded by Marina Karelina informally say that the decision to fold the deputy mandate she took a few weeks ago.

Other sources of our online newspaper, however, perceived this message skeptically. "Marina Karelina, her status of a deputy absolutely prevented his deeds. She did not hesitate himself in movements, in lately I went a lot with your female amateur football team "FIFA 74". Yes, many deputies have been disappointed today and they say that they will not go next time on elections - restrictions more than bonuses. But this is not a reason for the year before the elections hastily take off the authority. And, if such a wish came from Muina Karelina from her husband, it means that there should be very good reasons for this, "the source argues.

Causes calls itself. In the Chelyabinsk Duma confirmed the addition of the powers of Marina Karelina

Note that the spouse of the deputy is a businessman Alexander Karelin - once had a great influence in Chelyabinsk. It belongs to the hotel complex "Park City", the scandalous underground TC at the monument to Kurchatov, as well as the mass of other real estate. Once a married couple controlled passenger traffic in the city. It is believed that friendship with the former City manager Chelyabinsk Sergey Davydov helped the successful development of businesses. However, today, Davydov is under investigation, and passenger traffic is gradually taken by other structures.

"Recently, the ring around Karelins was narrowed. There may be a lot of reasons for this, the same criminal case Sergei Davydova (today it does not intersect with the interests of the deputy family, but the likelihood of new episodes no one can exclude). Problems may arise from the partner of Marseille Yusupov. It is possible that Karelins decided to issue a second citizenship or a residence permit abroad either bought some property that I do not want to declare. And, since the deputy has dual citizenship is prohibited, the mandate had to donate. If so, this fact would be revealed and Marina Karelin would lose the status at the request of the prosecutor's office. And now she has the opportunity to leave beautifully, make the course of the horse. Now it will be remembered by everything, "he judged one of the businessmen, who asked not to call him the name.

"I won't be surprised by anything. Karelin has a lot of property in different cities, including abroad. Not so long ago they went to Spain. These people can afford to live where they want. In Chelyabinsk, there are not so many prospects today, "they say in political circles.

In addition, one of the interlocutors suggested that the incidentally related to the formation of the new composition of the Public Chamber of the region. "Some Chelyabinsk deputies have already made it clear that their nomination and the passage of the new convocation in 2019 will not agree. To stay on the agenda, they were offered to enter the public chamber, the formation of which is completed. Perhaps Marina Karelina agreed to such an option, "notes one of her colleagues.

Deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Marina Karelina wrote a statement about early prosecution. The reasons for their decision Mrs. Karelin did not explain. According to experts, deputy deputies may be associated with problems in family business arising from the change of local authorities. Political scientists believe that next year, the Gordum will be formed under the influence of entrepreneurial clans that may take the dominant position in the authority of the representative power, and even change the speaker.

The only woman in the first convening of the City Duma of Chelyabinsk Marina Karelin will fold the authority in a week. The fact of refusal of the mandate was confirmed in the press service of the city Duma, noting that Mrs. Karelina will retain the status of a deputy until its colleagues from the Central Chelyabinsk district will dismiss a resignation at the next meeting. "The Deputy Corps of the City Duma, Marina Vladimirovna delegated the district council and only in his powers to accept and satisfy her request for the progress of authority. On April 19 at his meeting, district deputies will consider this question and will decide. For my part, I can say that Marina Vladimirovna is a strong deputy. It actively works in his district and successfully implements creative social projects, always distinguished by a special look. Marina Vladimirovna is the only woman in the city of the City Duma and always decorated all meetings and events, "said Stanislav Mosharov, chairman of the city. According to Alexander Khlovy, the head of Rosiseta Alexander Khlovz, "There is no discussion about the collected," since the deputy officially did not comply with the authority. The press service of Gordeum noted that, most likely, the new deputy on the 15th electoral district will be chosen in September.

Marina Karelin itself turned out to be inaccessible for comments - she did not answer calls and messages. According to geolocation in Facebook, the deputy is in Thailand. At the same time, Ms. Karelin took part in the work of regular committees and at a meeting of the city Duma on April 10. Contact her husband, a large South Ural businessman Alexander Karelin, as well as his brother Sergei Karelin, who is headed by the Council of Deputies of the Tractor Plantsky District, also failed: their phones were not answered.

According to the political scientist Andrei Lavrov, Marina Karelina's departure from the city duma may be associated with problems in family business, which covers almost all profitable areas of activity. In particular, the Karelian family assets include Satkin Bread Bakery, Bus Station in DS "Youth", Kurchaty, ParkCity Hotel and a number of other objects. Entrepreneurs at the expense of the business in the business are considered close to the ex-head of the Chelyabinsk administration Sergey Davydov, who is now under a subscription on the unprisoned due to suspicion of major fraud. Chelyabinsk political scientists believed that thanks to the patronage of the ex-chapter, the Karelin family launched a business in Chelyabinsk, who after changing the authorities began to carry losses. Several land plots owned by Alexander Karelin were voluntarily returned to the municipality.

According to Spark-Interfax, Marina Karelina belongs to different shares in LLC "Investstroy", Restaurant LLC "Balkans", LLC "Raverpark" (Ufa), Foundation "It's time to be happy!", She also heads Parquiti LLC LLC " Alexander Karelina in different shares belong to Satkin Bakerybabbinat, Avtovokzal Miass LLC, LLC Kite Club Gagarin, LLC "Investstroy", KPP-Magnitogorsk LLC, Seven-Stroy LLC, Country Non-commercial partnership , OOO "Sollar", LLC "TK" Cosmos ", JSC" Chelyabinsk Energy and Service Company ", OOO" SK "EVENT-STROY" ", OOO" Jupiter 2010 "(Snezhinsk).

"Most likely, this is due to some difficulties in the business of her husband. I don't see any explanation in purely logically. We perfectly understand that the entrepreneur cannot lead active activity without having a strategic lobby. Karelins can not be considered a separate group, they were "close to", and now they are in a state of confused. It all pours out from the region, as it was after the departure of [the first mayor of Chelyabinsk Vyacheslav] Tarasova. Criminal cases may be followed, so sometimes it is better to leave. There are no sinless deputies, "said Andrei Lavrov in a conversation with" Kommersant Ural ". Also, the political scientist noted that "already now there is a serious political struggle between different groups," claiming places in Gordum, which will re-election in 2019. "The composition will change completely dramatically. During the work on preparations for SCO and BRICS summits, when very serious money will come to the city, the Duma can either block or help in implementing certain projects. Already there are divorces, but I would not talk about the preparation element. Now everyone thinks, count, look, collect their resources. It will be a little voluntarist - to predict how the composition will change, but I can say exactly what new players will appear. It is quite obvious that RMK will participate, and vowelly or gross, we do not know because the deputies can hide it. Now in the Duma about seven groups, although this is a very conditional division, because one person can belong to several clans, "the expert commented.

Political scientist Alexey Shirinkin refrained from commenting about the care of Marina Karelina from politics. He also suggested that the Deputy Corps would change, but it was difficult to judge his future composition. "If we talk about SCO and BRICS summits, there are Moscow interests, it is obvious that there will be federal developers, because the projects are federal. But to what extent will they look for some partner here? The vacuum of power and business is formed today on the site of the Yurevich group, there are talk about the sale of "Macfins", "Prospectus", which seems like "Magnit" buys. That's the question: will there be a "magnet" here to play some games or will not? In general, I would not say that the SCO and BRICS will lead to reformatting of Chelyabinsk politics, "says Mr. Schirinkin.

Experts partially agreed and that changes could touch the acting speaker Gordum Stanislav Mosharov, who heads the representative body since 2010. "In principle, he suits everyone now, but in fact Mosharov does not lead the group. He claims a lot of "weak" wishing, they will understand with each other. Judging by what I see, Mosharov would love to go to federal Level. Here he suits everyone as a compromise figure, but I do not think that he will hold in this position. I believe that during the divorce "throw off". He has his own group is very small and, in fact, not very resource, "the Lavrov suggested. Alexey Schirinkin believes that the candidacy of Mr. Mosharov "all arranges", so "it is quite possible that he will remain." "The risk is, but we do not know who will be in power after a year and a half," the expert emphasized.

https: //www.Syt/2017-01-09/marina_karelina_o_politicheskih_ambiciyah_legkih_dengah_i_emigracii_iz_chelyabinska.

"I live like Scarlett O'Hara"

Marina Karelin - About political ambitions, light money and emigration from Chelyabinsk

The only female deputy of the Chelyabinsk City Duma Marina Karelina says that she and her spouse - workaholics who work more than many other businessmen. And, in her opinion, it is successful entrepreneurs - Ideal deputies, since they have a resource to solve many problems, and understanding how to do it. In an interview, the site Marina Karelina talks about how a year has passed for her business, why she does not want to leave Chelyabinsk and what will happen to her business projects that did not receive approval in the authorities.

- What did you remember the past year in the city Duma?

- An important part of the deputy work was social project "It's time to be happy." I really like how it develops. We made a big festival, a lot of small events passed, this year we plan to hold the ball and relay the project into several cities Chelyabinsk region.

- Deputy takes a lot of time?

"A lot of time and effort goes to work in the district Duma and in the city." If you configure the team for yourself in business, and people give you ideas and energy, then in the Duma you feel that at least half of the people you take energy.

- And who from the counter-deputies can be called the associate?

"In general, I like people who can learn something." I like Stas Novichikhin, he is a big professional in his business. Mikhail Dedovich is sympathetic, he heads the plant of modern glass. This is very smart production. They are only 11% of orders for Chelyabinsk, everything else goes to Kazan, Moscow. In fact, in the Duma many people who like me. Part of these people was in our who we did to the 20th anniversary of local government. I know that Vitaly Rylsky a lot of strength and soul invest in solving social issues in their district and not only.

- Everyone you called is businessmen ...

- I think the perfect deputy is a man with money, from business, but with a socially oriented heart. A businessman understands how everything is arranged. And if he successfully manages successfully in one area, he will cope with the deputy work. Most deputies work on a public basis. They do not receive salary, if not occupied in the Duma on an ongoing basis. Someone does not understand why he came to the Duma, someone is important status, and someone really came to help. And the businessman is easier to do this, he has a resource. And the classic community can only tell about the problem, and not the fact that it will be solved.

- They talked a lot about what the Duma for you is only the beginning of a career in politics, what you want to become the head of the Central District ...

- I was misunderstood. I wanted to become the head of the district before the elections. But did not and went to the polls. And now there are so many cases that I am even glad to such an outcome. I worked in the city administration, was a vice-mayor referent on social ranges and know well what kind of work. I don't want to be an official. I think Viktor Yereklinsev and did not take these rumors seriously.

- Tell us how 2016 has become for your business.

- Everything was cool. First, we opened the hotel "Old Town". I really like it, and people are satisfied. We attached a building to the "Balkans Grill" restaurant and made it in the same historical style. We have there seems to be a corner of Europe. This is the business that I am proud of. Secondly, we finished the building of the Parquiti Hotel. It will have a swimming pool, and there will be a fountain near the building. I really want to be near the hotel, something is for people. Where you could walk. In Ufa, the business also develops.

- Something decided with your plot on Lenin Avenue, where did you ban the build a new hotel?

- No, nothing dreamed. Everyone is waiting for us that we will upset. Everyone ask about this site. And we are not upset. We have something to do. And if there is less load, it is also not bad. Everyone believes that if my colleagues did not sign something, then I should get out. And I did not even recognize who spoke against the project. My husband and I do not want to cultivate this aggression in ourselves. Over the years, we seem to become philosophers. We believe that energy should be sent to creation, and not for destruction. From the fact that we will be angry with someone, we will not get anything.

- The story with the TC "Kurchatov", which requires cut the roof, is not a reason to get angry?

- About the roof my opinion is such: if all historical buildings in Chelyabinsk were given in due condition, then the roof could be cut. If it prevented the appearance of our deeply cultural city. And in fact, Kurchatov's feet excellent can be seen from Lenin Avenue. Everyone was worried because it would not be visible to the legs. And they can be seen. In our city there are many beautiful old buildings in the city center you need to restore. Here they all restore them, then you can write the roofs. Is it reasonable?

- But, if suddenly, how is it possible, to remove the roof from the built complex?

"I like Scarlett O'Hara, think about it tomorrow."

- Did you manage to build a dialogue with the city authorities?

- You know, there are people who build a dialogue, and there are people who work. We treat the second category. I do not understand why everyone is so worried about: we agreed or not. It seems to me that such attention has been riveted to us with her husband. This is for what reason: people make money to spend them, go somewhere, to join something, buy hours, ring, car. And my husband and my husband are just workaholiki, and all this is a little annoying, that we do not walk with the Gypsies, do not drink Mulled wine in Kursavel, etc. We just work. More than 90% of businessmen. And I think the government sees it and must be a little appreciated.

"Many celebrate such a trend: a business runs from the city, a cafe is sold, people move to the south or to the capital. Do you see this movement?

- The state has made a lot of money for many years: I bought, sold, taxes did not pay. Now the conditions for business become others. Business - very competitive, and taxes are much more than before, plus it is necessary to pay white salaries and so on. He is removed and rides to the south who wants to quickly earn. But not because there is no taxes in Sochi, it's just there everything is developing and financed well. For quick earnings, probably for startups, this situation is good. And if you built something in the city, for example, a factory or hotel, then in honor of what you will leave? To breathe fresh air? It's great, but at our age he will not be particularly helpful. I like the concept: flutter for three days to distract from affairs, I don't need anymore. Migration of thinking businessmen is normal. But this is not a reason to be sad here. Now every year will earn more difficult and harder. Seven years ago I went to Canada to an internship. Then the profitability of my business was 50%. When I watched their financial reports with a profitability of 8%, I even regret them. And now I understand that it is possible to live with such profitability. I think that the time of cunning people will pass soon and the time will come.

- How do you feel about how to scold your city?

- I sincerely infuriates that people are peasant. I regularly spend in the park of Saturday and I know for sure that this garbage there is not the Teftelians and not Dubrovsky threw, but a simple citizen. I constantly swear with people because of the garbage. I open the window at the traffic light and express the thrust cigarette. I would put in the park and on the streets of the warriors so that they penalize people for each discharged piece of paper. We ourselves are not high inner culture. If you pass in the sleeping areas and see what is happening under the windows, they will simply be terrible. It was not the authorities, but people themselves. We have what we deserve.

- Like a merchant who forms an urban environment, you have an opinion, which Chelyabinsk is missing?

- We lack aesthetics. This is especially visible on outdoor advertising. In the city center hanging stretch marks: large red letters "Rent!" In my building, the area is exempt, but I don't have a hand on my building to hang such a banner. And in the center it can be done. Or another example: our restaurant "Balkans Grill", and next to the historic building, hanging banners, there is no living space on it. This is disturbed by this alleapic feed. For me, Chelyabinsk is not ugly, I saw many cities and still love Chelyabinsk. To love your city, you need another mood. But there is where to grow. I think we lack educational projects. In order not to just whine, how badly, but to critically comprehend the situation, a person should be smart, he must understand the topics. We must tell people, explain. We need more clubs in interests, open lectures and similar things. At the same time, we have another very positive trend, which develops by itself, outside the context of power. We have a whole layer of "Zozhevtsev". If you arrive at the weekend on the ski database, you simply do not fallmore. It seems to me that it has never been. Among my friends and friends, the people have become non-drinking, runners, skiers. This is a very good topic. Chelyabinsk became a sports city, and this is also a growth point.