Results Primerizes one. The results of the Prime Minister of Russia in Kuzbass are not surprised at all

All-Russian primaries "United Russia" ended. The turnout for 19 o'clock in Moscow time exceeded 8.5 million people, it is about 8%. In the party consider such a result good

In some regions, the Okavka reached 15%. In Moscow, an hour before the closure of the counting sites, it fluctuated at the level of 3%. We will remind, about three thousand candidates participated in Primerizes. The final results of the voting in United Russia promised to sum up by May 25. How was the vote in Moscow?

Mikhail Bazhenov correspondent Business FM."This is the second plot, where I come to see how the primaries of United Russia pass. Everywhere everything is quiet everywhere. I even looked on the Internet - actually about violations say a little. And for some reason they talk about it just our opposition politicians. In particular, they led an example of one of the plots where the counting commission was drawing ticks in favor of one of the candidates. Facts were recorded when representatives of social centers call to pensioners and ask them to come to the elections. Moscow is still shown - I emphasize while there is a low turn. If I'm not mistaken in numbers, the turnout of just below 1% was announced at 12-13 hours. This is very little even in comparison, for example, with primaries, which took place a year ago, when United Russia has formed a team for the election in the Moscow City Duma. Then the turnout was 4%, and here, it seems like the federal campaign, and the turnout - below 1%, it is very little. "

Unfortunately, an administrative resource was used to increase turnouts in Moscow. In that Mikhail Bazhenov I was able to make sure after communicating with one of the voters, who told that it works in the health care system:

Why did you come today?
- asked.
- Who?
- in a voluntary and compulsory order.
- Where do you work?
- Well, now ... probably the idea itself is correct, of course ... another thing, how much this party is now trusted. But, nevertheless, the choice is big. People will make a choice that they want.
- And in the September elections you will vote for "United Russia"? Or for some other party?
- I will not vote for "United Russia".

Primary "United Russia" passed in 85 entities Russian Federation. In Chukotka and Kamchatka, primaries have already ended. According to preliminary data, on Chukotka, the turnout exceeded 12%, in Kamchatka - 7%. The director of the Krasnodar Regional Sociological Center Nikolai Petropavlovsky told about his voting to Primeriza BUSINESS FM.

Nikolay Petropavlovskydirector of the Krasnodar Regional Sociological Center"I went to the polling station in the morning to vote. And he was surprised by a large number of ballots, which were already in two urns lay. And a large number of observers. Very calm all, stepwise. I thought it would be less people. There Grandpa stand, grandfathers. I still stood in line to get to the cabin. Because a list bulletin is huge in the Krasnodar Territory. There, probably, surnames 50. Therefore, people read carefully, studied. "

The most common violation is called bribing voters. Representatives of one of the candidates allegedly offered the electors to come to the plot and vote, and in return to get a "sweet gift for a special coupon" with a photo of the candidate. Results in areas where such a type of bribery is fixed, can be canceled.

We add that in many points for voting, which are located mainly in schools, children's concerts took place. The calculation apparently was made that the parents who came to look at their child will come and vote. On the other hand, schools are a traditional place for polling stations.

Let me remind you that today the procedure of preliminary intrapartare voting "United Russia" ended in Messenka. In the vote on the choice of candidates for the upcoming municipal elections on the party list "United Russia", respectively, only "selectors" from the Political Party "United Russia" could take part, which are supporters or members of the party.

The candidates extended and winning in primarizes are exempt from collecting signatures of the constituency of the constituency where they plan to run into their support (nomination) on the upcoming municipal elections.

However, only 10 people have the right to participate only 10 people (by the number of mandates in two five-day districts of the Meshchansky district) from the entire list of 46 candidates for participation in the primaries of candidates in the sewage elections. The 36 candidate's primaries will no longer be able to take part in the upcoming elections as self-promoted candidates. These are the rules.

So, two "five" leaders of the United Russia party for the upcoming municipal elections. The names of the future candidates are indicated in descending order of the votes given to the candidate (Top-5):

Pyan-mandate constituency number 1

1st place - Danilova Anna Gennadevna, 1988 Birth year, ROO "Meshchansk Sloboda", Chairman. Congratulations to the leader of the first constituency, activist and just a pretty girl!

2nd place - Karakut Alexander Anatolyevich, 1952 year of birth, ZhSK "Allegro", Chairman of the Board of the Cooperative;

3rd place - Jordanian Albert Vardovich, 1959birth year, the head of the branch number 2 of the GBU "Polyclinic No. 5 Dzz" (Chief Doctor of Polyclinic No. 13 on ul. Pipe, 19). I sincerely congratulate my colleague!

4th place - Pavlova Tatyana Nikolaevna, 1979 year of birth, temporarily disobeying;

5th place - Zakuskin Alexander Andreevich, 1983 Birth of Birth, Head of the Division of Rusmoloko LLC, part-time head of the Meshchansky district, Chairman of the Council of Messenki Deputies, Member of the Political Council of the United Russia Party of the Central District of Moscow. Suddenly, the Speaker and the public figure of our deputy corps Alexander Zakuskin turned out to be in the last place. His companions in the party gave Alexander to snacks the least number of votes for his victory on a preliminary voting through the United Russia party. Congratulations to my colleague! I hope that at the upcoming election, Alexander Andreevich will take a higher place in the general ranking for the status of the chapter of the district!

Pyan-mandate constituency number 2

1st place - Tolmacheva Nadezhda Sergeevna, 1982year of birth, director of the Center for Social Services GBU TCSO "Meshchansky" - the leader of the second constituency from the party "United Russia";

2nd place - Ivanova-Golitsin Olga Eduardovna, 1961 Birth year, head of the "Garden Ring" museum, deputy MO Meshchansky in the city of Moscow. Congratulations to my colleague!

3 place - Uzabova Elena Anatolyevna, 1958 year of birth, director of the Leisure Club "Dialog";

4th place - Reteyum Alexey Alexandrovich, 1968year of birth, director of the "apkorsky garden";

5th place - Epifanova Veronika Valerievna, 1992 Birth year, the Cultural Activities Manager "Park Novoslobodsky" closes the "Five" of the Second Election County. Traditionally closes the top 5 young and novice politician. We wish Veronik Valeryevna only victories and the best prospects!

Congratulations to the winners of the preliminary vote and wish you success in the upcoming elections!

Let me remind you, however, that the preliminary vote on the list of the United Russia party has not yet guarantees the victory of candidates in the September elections. Personally, I did not take part in Premeris "United Russia", because In the current convocation I am an independent self-confedeent candidate.

The ownership of the United Russia party has already made a bet on its candidates, but the remaining parliamentary parties also have the right to hold their primaries on the nomination of candidates, independent self-confedese candidates can participate in elections. In any case, the decision will remain behind the voters of the bureaucrat. The campaign officially starts 2-1.5 months before the voting day.

On Friday, the Federal Organizing Committee of United Russia approved the results of the party primaries, annuling results in three regions. In total, 225 winners were approved in single-member districts, of which only 74 people are the current State Duma deputies. The preliminary placement of places on lists in all entities and, according to the results of which a party list of 400 candidates at the congress at the end of June will be formed. In the Kaliningrad region in relation to the participant, "discrediting facts" were identified, the ex-vice-governor of the region Evgeny Morozov was removed from work by the court due to the conflict of interest, in the Ulyanovsk region, the cause of cancellation of the result of Alsa Balakishiyeva was the initiation of a criminal case on receiving a bribe into particular large size, and in Sverdlovsk region The victory of the head of the Department of Internal Affairs of Nizhny Tagil Ibrahim Abdulkadyrov was canceled due to the application of the administrative resource. The results in the Perm region were partially canceled - in several districts they could not establish a reliable result of the voting.

In case of detection of discrediting facts, the Federal Organizing Committee, until the congress, will make decisions on cancellation of registration.

Sergey Neveov

Secretary of the General Council "United Russia"

Prime Ministerializes of the State Duma deputies were not able to win - among them Member of the Tax Committee Boris Reznik, a member of the Committee on Combating Corruption Ilya Kostunov, Chairman of the Committee on International Affairs Alexey Pushkov, Member of the Presidium of the General Council (Soviet) party Robert Schlegel, Deputy Valery Trapeznikov. Complaints with violations of the primaries and stamps of the newsletters of the party, Maria Maksakov, Elena Publigina, Elmira Destuzovskaya sent computers. Several deputies refused to participate - among such a deputy chairman of the Corruption Committee Alexander Hinstein, who was proposed by the post of media advisor in the party.

"The authors of the primaries proceeded from the fact that without scandals would not cost, but the task was that the scandals threw out now, and not in August - September," the political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov explains. Before the elections for more than three months and these scandals will discuss, he believes. Primerizes dropped scandals and showed that the center has the right to place points over I in controversial situations. Fiasco Pushkova, Trapiznikova, Evgenia Fedorova shows the gradual exhaustion of demand for radicals and fatigue from them, he notes. It cannot be said that the Center had a clear installation - "throw federal figures and to drag some of its people," the political scientist Dmitry Oreshkin believes. Basic primary objectives - to increase the recognition of the party and understand how the party mechanism functions, because party tops do not always understand how the bottoms work, the expert believes. Among those who did not undergo 49 deputies were well-known and strong personalities and it will be interesting, whether the United Russia will really refuse such figures and what the deputies themselves will do, such as guns, asks the question of the expert.

About 6.5% of voters took part in preliminary voting "United Russia". Such results of Pri Memerization announced journalists Chairman of the Moscow Regional Organizing Committee of the EP for the preliminary vote Nikolai Gonchar.

Earlier, the Secretary-General of the General Council of the Party Sergei Neversov informed the media representatives that the general appearance on the primaries in Russia amounted to 9.2 million people. Particular violations on the basis of preliminary voting was not recorded, the chairman of the Regional Accounts Commission Svetlana Tshe is approved.

"There were no serious violations during the voting procedure. All issues were solved quickly, in normal mode", - said Svetlana Tshe.

May 22 in Moscow for vote on primary "United Russia" 700 plots worked. Residents of the capital could give their votes to support 291 registered participants in the preliminary voting.

Primerizes took place in all regions of the country. The results of the preliminary voting will determine the list of candidates for the State Duma deputies from United Russia.

Elections B. State Duma The VII convocation will be held on September 18, 2016 on the mixed system: out of 450 deputies 225 will be elected on party lists and a single federal district, and another 225 - on single-member districts. The party list is allowed before the distribution of deputy mandates with 5% of voters.

/ Monday, May 23, 2016 /

Almost 390 thousand Muscovites or about 6.5% of voters took part in preliminary voting "United Russia", said the chairman of the Moscow Regional Organizing Committee " EP " Nikolay Gonchar.

He said that the process of counting participating in preliminary voting "United Russia" continues. "We have 6.44% of those who took part in the vote. What is happening, it is 386-390 thousand, but still 5.44% increases".

Serious violations on primarizes are not recorded. . . . . . All issues were solved quickly, in normal mode, "said Svetlana Tshe Regional Accounts Commission.

In the whole country, the turnout was 9.2 million people. In Moscow for voting on May 22 from 8:00 to 20:00, 700 plots worked. . . . . .

Voters determined who will become candidates "United Russia" At the next autumn elections of deputies to the State Duma of Russia VII convocation. Muscovites' activity on preliminary voting "United Russia" exceeded the turn on the primaries in MHD.

As of 20 hours of Sunday, 386 thousand Muscovites took part in the preliminary voting, which is 6.44% of voters. This was announced to journalists Chairman of the Moscow Regional Organizing Committee "United Russia" Nikolay Gonchar. "As of 22 hours, 380 - 386 thousand voted, which is 6.44% of voters. The account is conducted according to books, so the data may change", - he noted.

From 8 to 20 hours, 700 polling stations worked in the capital, on which voters could choose the most worthy candidates who will be able to represent their interests in the State Duma. For the first time in the newest political history of the country, the selection of candidates for deputies from the political party was carried out not by party leadership, and the residents themselves. In this case, any voter could give his voice for an unlimited number of candidates, and the winner became the candidate who scored the greatest number of votes.

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According to the Chairman of the Regional Accounts Commission, Svetlana Tshe, a preliminary vote in the capital has passed without serious violations. "Currently, the sites on which a preliminary vote was closed. . . . . .

There were no serious violations during the prior vote.

May 22 in Moscow, as in all regions of the country, the primaries took place "United Russia". According to preliminary, not final estimates, in the capital they were attended by a little less than 400 thousand people, which is about 6.44% of the metropolis voters. . . . . .

In the late evening of Sundays in the countable areas, the calculation of citizens who took part in the primaries continued. . . . . . What I get is 390-386 thousand, "said Nikolay Ponchar, bearing in mind total number Muscovites who have expressed the desire to give their votes for candidates from "United Russia".

Final figures may change - both in Moscow and in Russia. According to the Secretary of the General Council of the Party of Sergei Nesherov, also voiced in the evening of May 22, the total turnout on the primaries in the country amounted to 9.2 million people.

As for the voting in the capital, there were no serious violations here, it was not fixed, told representatives of funds mass media Chairman of the Regional Accounting Commission Svetlana Tshe. . . . . .

Recall: Primerizes "United Russia" Passed on May 22 in all regions of the country. In the capital from 8 am to 8 pm, 700 sites worked at 8 o'clock in the evening, on which citizens could give their votes to support one or more registered primaries participants. 291 people were listed on the list of Moscow unincesses.

Participants of the preliminary vote that scored the largest number of votes will take part in the struggle for the chair in the State Duma. Elections will be held on September 18th this year.

In the country the primaries ended "United Russia". The voting was attended by 386 thousand Muscovites or more than 6.5% of voters. . . . . . In the capital, serious violations are not fixed. This was reported to journalists Chairman of the Regional Accounts Commission Svetlana Tshe.
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Preliminary results of primaries in Russia are announced on May 27.

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"At 22:00, the process of counting those who participated in the preliminary voting continues. . . . . .
According to the vote on the primary "United Russia" In the capital of serious violations, the order at the plots was not recorded, Chairman of the Regional Court Commission Svetlana Tshe reported. . . . . .
Primerizes passed throughout Russia on May 22. . . . . . The results of the primaries will determine the list of candidates for the State Duma deputies from "United Russia".
. . . . . The party list is allowed before the distribution of deputy mandates with more than 5 percent of the votes, and with a result of more than 3 percent of the party receive state financing and are exempt from collecting signatures in the following elections to the State Duma.

Chairman of the Moscow Organizing Committee "United Russia" Nikolai Gonchar summed up the first voting of the party. According to the results of yesterday, about 386 thousand Muscovites, and this is 6, 44% of voters, came to the plots and gave their votes worthy of candidates.

According to the Chairman of the Regional Accounting Commission, Svetlana Tshe in Moscow did not record serious violations of the rules for conducting primaries.

Recall that yesterday in Moscow a preliminary intrapartarean vote "United Russia". . . . . .

About three hundred eighty thousand inhabitants of Moscow or about six and a half percent of voters took part in preliminary voting "United Russia" Following the last day of voting. . . . . .

It was previously announced that the total appearance of prior voting throughout the country was about nine million people.

In the capital, primaries passed without disorders. In each site, the police officers who watched the order were visited. Also on each site there were observers who were monitored and behind the progress of voting, and by counting the votes, following the way these procedures be honest. There were no serious violations in the sites of the city of Moscow.

. . . . . As of five o'clock in the evening, the turnout was almost 330 thousand people.

. . . . . In case of detection of violations during the preliminary vote on May 22 in some areas, the results will not be taken into account and will not affect general results Voting.

More than 380 thousand citizens took part in preliminary voting "United Russia".
For 22 hours 22 May Chairman of the Moscow Regional Organizing Committee "United Russia" For a preliminary vote, Nikolai Gonchar commented on the proposed primaries, as the voters of Moscow scored 6.44 percent. According to him, the score was conducted according to books, and the data was specified. At the moment, representatives of the party are informed that the primaries in the capital exceeded a level of 6.5 percent.
Lower voter activity showed northern capitalIn St. Petersburg, the yavku was 4.7 percent, in the near Moscow region - 9.6 percent. . . . . .
One of the most important results, the primaries in the capital was the lack of serious violations. Such a goal put the leadership of the party "United Russia " Before members of election commissions and union counters, so on the eve of the head of the Executive Committee of the Moscow City Branch of the Party "One Russia", Member of the Regional Organizing Committee for Conducting a Preliminary Voting Oleg Smillkin said that the party is ready for open and honest voting.
. . . . . Voting was conducted at 291 registered participants. At the same time, as of 17:00, the turnout was almost 330 thousand people. . . . . .

Chairman of the Moscow Organizing Committee " EP " For a preliminary vote, Nikolai Gonchar told reporters on the eve of the post of the preliminary results of the voting.

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Primerizes - a political procedure, which, through a preliminary vote, determines potential candidates for deputies in the elections to the State Duma from the Party "United Russia "which will be held in September of this year.

For candidates, primarizes is the ability to test your strength, increase your own awareness and adjust your election programs based on numerous meetings with residents.

It is worth noting that primaries have undeniable benefits for voters. The official election campaign of candidates falls on summer periodWhile exactly the summer, many citizens leave for vacation or to the country.

Therefore, the primaries that started in the spring allow Muscovites, being in the city, to learn candidates, examine their election programs, meet them personally, ask questions, to identify those who are trusted and in September in the election in the State Duma to make their conscious choice.

More than 500 thousand Muscovites took part in preliminary voting "United Russia", Identify candidates from the party to the election in the State Duma in constituencies. . . . . .
"Currently, voter counts in Moscow at the end of the preliminary voting "United Russia"The appearance turned out to be high enough, it was about 6.9% of the number of registered voters. This is more than half a million people. This is a very high result. ", - Stressed Tshe. At the moment, more than 90% of bulletins are processed.
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However, field counts still continue, so the numbers may increase.

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"Primerizes won some popularity in our society. The tradition was established. Such a system of selection of candidates, I remind, for the first time was used in 2007, then in 2011. True, then it was somewhat shed. And now we see the most open, democratic primaries. . Any citizen of the country, who has the right to be elected. Its candidates were made by the country of about 3 thousand candidates. During the primary, a certain screening occurred - now candidates 2.8 thousand. In Moscow there is a tenth of the number of candidates. This is a significant Number. Inscript voter to figure it difficult to understand them. But at the same time think that people will not find where to put a tick, it would be naive. Primerizes need that the elections could be put forward the most adequate, strong, motivated candidates who have support for the population, which can mobilize their own electorate "- Commented on Voting Director of the Center for Political Analysis Pavel Danilin.

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. . . . . Residents of the capital, despite the day off and unfavorable weather actively went to vote. Following on May 22, more than 386 thousand Muscovites or about 6.5% of voters took part in preliminary voting "United Russia". . . . . .
It must be said that more than 9.2 million voters accepted participation throughout the country.
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"The counting process continues, but now we can say that about 386-390 thousand people took part in the voting", - he said.

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Photo: Urban News Agency " Moscow ".

President of the Educational Holding " Heir Love Dukhanin and journalist and TV presenter Peter Tolstoy leading to primaries "United Russia" In their single-member districts. This was announced by the Secretary of the General Council " EP " Sergey Neverov, reports

In turn, the Chairman of the Regional Organizing Committee of Moscow United Russia for the preliminary vote Nikolai Gonchar told that for 22 hours on May 22 in the capital about 6.44 percent of voters took part in primaries.

- What I do is 390 - 386 thousand people- Nikolai Gonchar added.

At the same time, the turnout on the plots in Russia amounted to more than 9.2 million people.

Recall, on May 22, 700 plots worked in Moscow, where citizens could give their vote to the support of candidates who were exposed to the primaries from the party "United Russia ".

Internship event attracted attention not only to supporters "United Russia", but also the apolitical part of potential voters.
More than 380 thousand Muscovites - about 6.44 percent of voters took part in preliminary voting "United Russia". . . . . . I get about 390-386 thousand voters "," Nikolai Gonchar said.
The total turnout on primarizes in Russia, according to preliminary data, amounted to 9.2 million people. This figure was announced to journalists by the Secretary of the General Council of the Party by Sergey Neverov.
. . . . . This was announced by the chairman of the Regional Accounts Commission Svetlana Tshe, she noted the efficiency and professionalism of participants in election commissions. . . . . .
Recall, the first primaries of the party "United Russia " held in August 2007, before the autumn elections to the State Duma. Then compulsory preliminary voting was enshrined in the Charter of the Party. In contrast to the previous primaries, the elections held on May 22, 2016 were not only an internal event, but also allowed to vote citizens who are not members of the party. "United Russia ". Thus, the EP representatives activate the political process before the vacation period and involve the apolitical part of the voters.
The very fact of holding such a large-scale action as the All-Russian primacy is a serious application for the victory and vote in the elections to the State Duma, which will be held on September 18, and on which representatives of the party " . .
Nikolai Gonchar noted that the final figures may change, as the counting of votes in Moscow still continues.
. . . . . For the order at the polling stations, observers followed from each candidate. They were also observed for the procedure for counting votes. Svetlana Tshe noted that serious violations were not identified and all the questions that arise and problems were solved in normal mode.
Recall that the elections were determined by the names of candidates who would take part in the vote in the elections to the State Duma. . . . . .