Natural detox. Natural detox: what it is and how to speed up the process

Want to revive yourself from the inside, increase the level of energy and improve well-being? Natural recipes detox drinks They will help in delivering the body from toxins and return it to a healthy balance.

Detoxification is the process of removing toxic substances from the body. It will not be secret for anyone that detoxification along with the cleansing of the entire body can increase the body's immune system.

5 Best Natural Recipes Detox Drinks:

1. Cleaning Limonad

Lemon contains ascorbic acid, assists in the process of cleaning.
Perhaps this is the simplest recipe for a drink.

Mix 2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of pure maple syrup and 1/10 teaspoon of Cayenne pepper in 240 ml of purified water.

It is recommended to drink 6-8 cups of this lemonade drink and do not eat food during your cleansing. Despite its popularity, nutritionists prevent the absence of the necessary nutrients in this beverage.

2. Green Drink Detox

This vegetable detox drink consists mainly of fresh green vegetables, which thereby ensures efficient and high-quality natural cleaning of the digestive system.

To do this detox drink, you will need:
3 carrots
3 leaf feed cabbage
2 Celery stem
2 beets
1 repa
½ spinach beam
½ cabbage
½ beam parsley
½ Luka.
2 cloves garlic
Mix all the ingredients with water and grind everything in a blender.

3. Detox tea with dandelion

According to research of homeopaths, dandelion is an excellent source of vitamin A, potassium, iron and calcium. Detox tea with dandelion is a diuretic to remove toxins from the body through your liver and kidneys.

We recommend to prepare this tea in the way of brewing: 12 tablespoons of fresh dandelion leaves and 6 tablespoons of 1-year-old dried dandelion root and put in 4 glasses of peeled, boiling water. Other recipes require a simple addition of 2 teaspoons of crushed dandelion leaves on a glass of boiling water and give it to brew about 10 minutes.

4. Fresh cranberry juice

According to the Mayo clinic, there are some reason to believe that if drinking cranberry juice, it can help prevent urinary tract infections and ulcers in healthy people. Cranberry juice also contains vitamin C, manganese and antioxidants.

Although this is not promoted by any authoritative body, but cranberry juice has become a popular detox drink, and in accordance with the recommendations of the Mayo clinic, the daily use of two cups of concentrated juice can be safe for healthy adults.

To make this detox drink, you need to dilute one part of the cranberry juice in four parts of the water. Then add 1 tablespoon of each of the apple pectins and the fibers of the plantain to stimulate the elimination of harmful substances from the intestine.

5. Fruit Drink Detox

Since the high content of fiber is filled with essential vitamins and minerals, this is an amazing natural detox for the body. This recipe includes fruits, together with flaxseed oil and lecithin, to provide the body with necessary fatty acids during detoxification.

Mix in a blender:

- 240 ml of orange juice
- 120 ml of purified water
- ½ cup banana
- ½ cup strawberry
- ½ glasses of yogurt
- 2.5 cm from a piece of ginger
- 1 small garlic clove
- 1 tablespoon of linseed oil
- 1 tablespoon lecithin granules
- 1 tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice, if desired
- 1 tablespoon of protein powder or spirulina powder.

Before proceeding with any detox diet, you must consult a doctor, especially if there are any health problems.

Recently, more and more often we have a hearing an expression "Detox" appears. This word is practically entered into fashion, and many long and successfully use this method for and weight loss. Nevertheless, many still cause a bewilderment of the word "Detox". What it is? Let's figure it out in detail.

Detox - What is it?

By one name, which occurs from English "De-To", you can guess that we are talking about the removal of slags and toxins. The importance of such cleaning for the body is difficult to overestimate. Inxication, stacking is overload, and metabolism, overweight, blow to your health and beauty.

It is impossible to be an absolutely happy person if your health is not in order. Prevention of stabbing and towering toxins are the necessary activities that will help to lose weight, put the skin, look great and feel great.

Often headaches and reduced immunity are provoked precisely inxication of the body. And heavy metals, accumulating in tissues, weaken our health significantly. Since the stagnation is related to the fact that our body does not have time to cope with the removal of "garbage" from the blood and organs, should help their body to quickly get rid of harmful substances.

When is it especially necessary to clean the body?

Especially relevant to the use of detox programs after the holidays, when we fully betrayed gluttony and passive pastime. On the dangers of overeating and alcohol for the body, all of us are well known. But nevertheless, most of us are unable to abandon the familiar feast. But indeed, in addition to the huge amount of calories, we overload the organism of salt, carcinogens and other harmful substances. So, for example, only 3 grams of cook salt will detain in your body liter of water. Overeating, especially in combination with alcohol, negatively affects the state of all internal organs: liver, stomach, intestines, gallbladder, and there are not far from the mountains and skin problems.

The procedure for cleansing the intestine should be suitable with caution. The fact is that too intensive purification leads to a microflora wash, which not only supplies the body with vitamins and other useful substances, but also is responsible for maintaining a dense barrier in the intestine. This leads to an increase in the permeability of the intestinal wall and getting into the bloodstream of toxins and allergens, which is reflected in the state of the skin and overall well-being. In order not to harm your body in the purification process, use a modern natural-based agent -. It contains food fibers that serve food for useful bacteria and contribute to their growth. As a result of their fermentation in the intestine, butyrate is formed, which feeds the intestines cells and restores impermeable for harmful substances, allergens and toxins, the intestinal barrier. Also, the fibractine contains lactoferrin - a valuable component that generates immunity, prevents the admission of allergens and other harmful substances in the blood flow.

Competent home detox will help to clean the body, again feel the ease and tide of strength. The shortest express coupling course of the body takes 3-5 days. If we talk about the right integrated approach to detoxification, then getting rid of slags will require 3 weeks.

Detox program at home. Week first, preparatory

This course of purification of the body is considered one of the safes and at the same time a very effective method of detox. The instruction for holding the course is quite simple, but still requiring work on yourself and some effort of will.

In the first week, go to low-calorie food, avoid salty, oxygen, fried and smoked in the diet. Try to eat as many raw vegetables and fruits. Avoid coffee, strong tea and sweets. In the first days, such food will seem unusual. These restrictions initially can deliver psychological discomfort, but, fighting in this way for seven days, you gradually get used to the abandonment of harmful food and comfortably enter the next cleansing week. If you are fully responsible for the rules of this first week, then for its end you will feel ease, tide of energy and lose some extra kilograms.

Week Two, intense

At this stage of unloading, go to the next power supply scheme: once a day - solid food and twice a day - liquid. Liquid food is soups, juices, kefir, yogurts and so on. Current food at the same time should be rich in proteins. It is also worth given preference to plant nutrition. It can be cereal, vegetable soups, salads. Several times during this week you can afford a piece of low-fat boiled chicken, fish or other seafood, some cheese, mushrooms. Nutritionists recommend to eat often, but in small portions and after 19 or 20 hours are not. In the process of such a detox-program, your body is already quite well cleaned, fit off, and extra centimeters will melt in front of our eyes.

It is very cool, if at the 2nd week of detoxification you will prepare yourself a smoothie from raw vegetables, fruits and greens. Especially useful to use such drinks for dinner. In general, raw vegetables and fruits must be present in your diet in large quantities not only during the detoxification period, but also all year round. They not only do not glue the body, but also, on the contrary, contribute to its cleansing and provide you with the necessary vitamins.

Week 3 - come back to normal nutrition

The third week can be described as a soft way out of the program. During this period, it is necessary to gradually return to ordinary nutrition. Preference will still be made fresh fruit, vegetables and proper healthy nutrition. Fat, sharp, salty, sweets, alcohol and coffee are still banned. The third week should be the most comfortable, since you are already psychologically accustomed to a healthy food, and now instead of restrictions you, on the contrary, can afford some gastronomic liberations.

Here are some tips that will help more effectively hold such a course. So, what does the detox-program require from us at home?

Little tricks

Perhaps it is worth starting a diary in which you will fix products eaten throughout the day. It helps to control the power and analyze the results. For those who seek to lose weight with the help of a detox, the diary will be useful and what can be noted, after which products the body willingly drop the weight and clears, and what food slows down these processes.

Since spices for the time of the Detox Programs will have to refuse, you can make your dishes are tastier with the help of grated nuts, pieces of dried fruits, mushrooms, vegetable oils and other useful products.

Add various crude cereals and bread from solid grain to its diet. This contributes to additional cleaning of the body. Pay attention to products such as bran and fiber (they can be purchased at the pharmacy). By adding a fiber into a smoothie, yogurt or kefir, you put the stomach, clean the intestine, but at the same time practically do not use calories.

If there is such an opportunity, eat various berries. The antioxidants contained in them will help your body get rid of harmful substances.

And, of course, you should not forget that fast food and other "trash" food must be completely excluded from the diet. If it is impossible, to refuse it at least partially. The fact is that such food is not only too calorie, it also disrupts the metabolism, which does not allow easy to dump weight.

Try to introduce germs into your diet. The benefit of this product is impossible to overestimate.

Following these tips, you will lose weight without any problems and strengthen your health.

Are there contraindications?

Even despite the very very healing properties of detox programs for the body, before starting them, it is worth consulted with a doctor. This is especially true if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, there are diseases of the heart or kidney. Detox-program should not be carried out with a cold, elevated temperature and general weakness of the body. Also, experts recommend cleaning the body in a good arrangement of the Spirit and avoid stress.

It is impossible to conduct detox procedures if you are pregnant or feed the baby with breasts.

Can Detox be dangerous?

Detox products that can be purchased in stores often do not have useful ingredients in their composition. They work at the expense of laxative components and caffeine.

When eating such additives, the feeling of "cleansing" processes in the body can really develop. Cheerfulness from caffeine, discomfort in the intestines and low-calorie food create an impression of an effective diet, but unfortunately, this is not always the case. First, in the body there may be a shortage of vitamins and microelements, and secondly, if there are medical laxatives, diuretic or dull appetite components as part of these products, there is a risk of making a failure in metabolic processes and even disrupt the operation of some internal organs.

Unfortunately, the kilograms dropped on hungry diets and with pharmacy preparations are usually quickly returned. Remember that there is nothing more effective and more useful than physical exertion and proper nutrition. Only with the help of these methods you will save a slim figure and health in the long run.

Plock Detox

One of the very efficient and simple ways to clean the body today is a detoxing plaster. Many probably hear about this product. - what is it? Such a product helps to clean blood, lymph and the whole organism from water-soluble toxins. The fact is that some substances cannot be removed from the body with biological fluids. These products from the juices of trees pull toxins accumulated in fat tissues through the skin, thus achieved the effect of detox. The instruction prescribes to apply plasters for the night, on clean feet.

These products contribute to getting rid of harmful substances accumulated in the body, warn the development of oncological diseases, help improve the work of all organs and microcirculation, normalize sleep, transform the skin and rejected. Such plasters are completely safe, the components do not penetrate the human body. It is curious that overnight they become muddy brown, and with severe stacking even black. As these products and purification of the body, it will be even smaller than substances. You probably became wondering how much the plaster of Detox is. The price of them is currently from 25 rubles per 1st and higher, depending on the manufacturer.

You can glue the detox-plaster and on other parts of the body, to the area of \u200b\u200bthe organs that are worried. The course takes an average of 5 days, but if necessary, you can extend cleaning up to 2-3 weeks.

Detoxification face

Our skin needs detoxification as well as the body. The person requires special attention, because we all want to look great. What is a detox mask? It can be both from the store and cooked independently. If you wish to purchase a special detox mask, the price will be completely different depending on the company. It can be as a means for 50-100 rubles, and a very rated cosmetic composition.

For the preparation of Masks Detox at home, you should know the main ingredients capable of cleaning the skin and pull out harmful substances. Pay attention to berries and fruits rich in antioxidants, use essential oils, tea brew and healing herbs. Just pick up for your skin the optimal combination of detoxie ingredients. Such masks should be done once a week.

Scrub for intestines

Effective cleaning of the body is achieved by eating casis from oatmeal. This is another simple and natural method to spend detox. What it is? First of all, it should be understood that it is called a scrub because of the properties to rub, capture and remove slags and harmful substances from the body that are located on the intestinal walls. The basis for such a scrub is the usual oatmeal. There are 2 ways to prepare the mixture. In the first case, oatmeal is grinding in a coffee grinder. Then 3 tablespoons are poured with boiling water and insist for a few minutes. Take the mixture follows half an hour before breakfast, without drinking. The second method - non-agglugged flakes (3 tbsp) flooded with a small amount of cold boiled water and left overnight. Such a mixture is desirable to use 3 hours before meals, carefully fastened the flakes.

The mucus secreted by oatmeal envelops the stomach and intestines, due to which it contributes to the withdrawal of slags and a comfortable sensation in the stomach. If you enrich this "scrub" the benefits and the effectiveness of the composition will increase at times. The mixture cannot be salted or sweetened. To improve taste, you can add fruits, nuts, a little honey. The course of such a cleaning can continue from 5 to 30 days. This method will help to lose weight, feel ease and improve the body.

Healthy food is a pledge of a slender figure and good health

Running to help detox diets, you will get used to eat right, using a maximum of healthy food. Gradually, it will go into the habit, and extra kilograms will go with ease, and harmful substances will not fall into the body in huge quantities.

Residents of large cities are the main objects of the influence of many toxic factors that are replete with the urban environment. The idea to control their volume in 80 cases from a hundred is doomed to failure. But the thought to help the body will protect against them by all available methods can lead to positive (and what is the most pleasant: physically tangible) results.

If the function detoxification feature is not in order, the appearance and health can suffer.Our body independently and continuously filters everything that gets from us, ousting waste and toxins. Each cell can carry out its own detoxification and get rid of environmental and metabolic garbage. This is the so-called natural detoxification. You can only trust this complex and natural system. After learning how it works, you can help her and speed up the process of updating the body.

Detox through the lymphatic system

The lymphatic system of a person resembles a secondary circulatory system, which forms an extensive network of organs and tissues throughout the body. Its value is enormous: it is precisely it is responsible for circulating all fluids in the body and getting rid of it from cargo of unnecessary or malicious elements (such as leukocytes, bacteria, viruses and toxins). The failure of this miraculous system can lead to a chronic feeling of fatigue, decrease in immunity and increased slowness. Prevent it with simple methods is quite simple:

Add activity: Physical exertion create a pressure that increases the intensity of fluid circulation in the body. Walking, cycling, yoga - Wrongs of sports activist are enough for every taste. the main thing - Support the dynamics of the body.

Meditation Plus Deep Breathing: Stress negatively affects the health of the lymphatic system. The conscious fifteen-minute meditation for each day will support the balance of the nervous system, and the contraction of the muscles, which is activated with deep breathing, will create additional pressure and normalizes the circulation of fluid in the body.

Use a brush and comb: They will help arrange an effective drainage session for your skin. For this suitable as ordinary bristles and lufa. We try in the morning before the invigorating shower.

Choose spacious clothes for sleep: At night, the detox of the body is intense and reaches its maximum between the 10th o'clock in the evenings and 2 o'clock in the morning. Whitening linen, compressing areas of cluster of lymph nodes, can adversely affect the effectiveness of night detox. So what is free to your robe in sleep clock - the healthier will be the awakening of the body the next day.

Detox through sweating

Your skin is the largest organ for elimination of toxins. If you do physical exercises about three times a week at least 20 minutes, then you are optimizing the detox potential of my pores. Potting contributes to the elimination of such metals from the body as lead, mercury, cadmium, so after exercising sport is useful in the sauna. Studies also showed that with then the body gets rid of numerous endocrine intruders that knock down the normal work of hormones.

The removal of malicious decay products and excess chemical elements from the body is not the only useful function of sweating. In the usual sweat, antibiotics are contained (in special proteins), stem cells, as well as prebiotics, which contribute to skin healing, increase the efficiency of cellular metabolism, as well as the removal of pathogenic bacteria, often leading to acne. During the evolution, the human body became a real gurus in the field of detox: and this is not a complete list of all his techniques to combat chemical ill-wishers - inside and beside themselves.

Detox through urination and chair

Kidney - a unique pair of filter organs, which is responsible for the most important channel leaching slags and toxins from blood. Healthy kidneys make everything to ensure the balance of salts and fluids in the body, maintain normal blood pressure and acid-alkaline balance. This system of organs is true and devotedly serves as a detox of the body throughout the human life. These are the cherished ways that you enable them a big service in this difficult thing:

Drink a lot of water: The kidneys need water for urine secretion, and it is the main "submissive" substance of our body. The low level of its generation can lead to the formation of "stones" in the kidneys. To prevent all unpleasant failures in their work, just do not forget to drink 3.7 (for women) and 2.7 (for men) liters of pure fluid per day.

Hail kidneys: High calcium products, seaweed, fresh juices, cranberries and grapes will become perfect positions in your diet, especially if you seriously took the kidney cleaning.

Use vegetable additives: Omega-3, vitamin B-6 and potassium citrate- list can be expanded after consulting a doctor.

Shaped chair one or twice a day: One of the best ways to deliver the body from toxins. It is possible to help the body in this process by increasing the consumption of fiber - fresh vegetables, fruits, useful cereals, legumes, whole grain products.

Detox through the liver

This organ - One of the leaders of multitasciance in your body. It It has a sensitive filtration system and waste disposal. The liver is the most important process of neutralizing substances brought by lymph. The liver cleans our blood, and in order to help her, the following unexproitement measures can be taken (however, this statement is purely individually):

Control the body mass index: Normal is considered a variation within 18-25. Restore from regular overeating, frequent alcohol use, but strive for regular physical training.

Avoid actions with a high risk of negative consequences: unprotected sex with different sexual partners, drugs - Classic list for this point, which does not premict to mention any doctor.

Know your risk factors: Heredity or excessive use of alcohol can cause problems with the liver or simply activate them. Some diseases may not give themselves to know over the years and emerge not at the most suitable moment of your life. Diagnostics and once again diagnosis: Do not be lazy to pass the survey if you felt something wrong.

What would this eat to clean the body from toxins and lose weight? There are people who use rapid methods or expensive means to reduce weight. In this way, my girlfriend went after the New Year holidays. She, however, dropped 3 kilograms for 3 days, but then scored 4.

And with such a problem, many are faced - the drug or additive bring an effect, but after the discontinuation of the reception you recruit hated extra kilograms.

It is more useful and economically used to purify the body of nature. These products and their properties are tested by time.

1. Telka

This is the best thing you can do for our intestines: consume enough bran, fresh vegetables and fruits, legumes, nuts and cereals. The body will in response to take care of purification, reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels, microflora normalization.

2. Linen seed

The rich in the fiber of flax seeds is very useful for women - they include antioxidants, potassium and magnesium, as well as vitamin E. In addition, it is a reliable supplier of omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6. By the way, in linen oil, these useful fats are contained in the most balanced ratio. And this means, in addition to cleansing the body and improving the condition of hair, nails and skin, we are waiting for a healthy heart.

For detox are good both flaxseeds and linseed oil. Take both on an empty stomach in the morning.

123RF./ Yuliaff.

It is important not to overdo it: no more than one tablespoon of flaxseed oil and no more handful of flaxseed seeds. Chew solid seeds is another task, but you can resolve them before use.

Contraindications:pregnancy and breastfeeding, fiber uterus, endometritis, polycystic, pancreatitis, inflammatory processes in the intestines, stones in the blade or gallbladder.

3. Kuraga with prunes

Natural laxative, which promotes weight loss - a mixture of Kuragi with prunes. To do this, you need to pour it with almost boiling water overnight (it's better to give water a little cool and then add to dried fruits). In the morning, on an empty stomach, drink infusion and eat a crustache.

123RF./ Irina. Palei.

4. Honey water

Lose weight on the honey water will turn out, but not immediately - the drink will have to take more than one month. But the result will be resistant and safe. And as an additional bonuses, the normalization of digestion, energy, strengthening immunity is waiting for you. And by the way, chocolates and cakes will want less.

You probably know that honey can not be poured boiling water. Water should be warm and necessarily very clean. You will need 1 cup of water and 1 teaspoon of natural honey. Prepare honey water and take it in the morning and on an empty stomach.

123RF./ George Mdivanian.

5. Plum

We have already mentioned them at 3 points, but now it will be not only about the prunes. Plums eliminate our body from edema, deriving extra salts and liquids, reduce the acidity of the stomach. They are advised to eat during constipation, in diseases of the gallbladder. In winter, it is simply a prune, which can be simply so, and you can cook compote. In the summer - fresh plums from which you can make puree or squeeze juice. The loose fruit is the better.

123RF / Lutai Razvan Alexandru

6. Beet

Want to improve your metabolism? Then you are for beets. In addition, she and the intestines will be cleaned, and will save from dysbiosis, and improve blood condition. The composition of beets also includes folic acid, which is so important during pregnancy.

If you want to get a maximum of benefit from this tasty and useful root corner, try the beet juice. True, it is very concentrated, it needs to be quite a bit - less than in the picture.


By the way, there are beets and their contraindications - it is not recommended to be used in diabetes, urolithiasis and chronic diarrhea.

7. Pumpkin

The low-calorie product, which is easily absorbed and helps the intestine to remove the mass of harmful substances - all about pumpkin. It calms the nervous system, has a rejuvenating effect, strengthens the vessels. Pumpkin seeds help to fight gloves.

Pumpkin is useful in any form. In the form of porridge, she has a milder effect on the body. A particularly well pumpkin porridge is combined with a fast.

Pumpkin juice helps to clean the liver, remove toxins and radioactive substances from the body.

123RF / Elena Veselova

8. Banana

No wonder they love my minions so much! These fruits are well absorbed due to the large content of fiber, and due to the high content of potassium normalize the exchange processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Finding into the stomach, bananas are enveloping its walls, even sometimes helping the restoration of the mucous membrane.


9. Spinach

This is a real storehouse of nutrients. With regular use, he and the composition of blood improves, and vision, and the forces are added from it (maybe, and not as the sailor is dropping, but enough). In addition, this green leaf vegetable is a natural "detergent" colon, which helps to stimulate the growth of useful bacteria, which in turn improves digestion. Spinach also moisturizes you from the inside, so you can say goodbye to dry and hard chair. And the spinach is very useful for pregnant women.

123RF / IRYNA Melnyk

10. Lemon with peel

Do not rush to get rid of the zest of this fruit - according to scientists, in it 10 times more useful substances than in the citrus itself. Lemon with a leather helps to slow down aging, destroys the rotten bacteria and is an excellent tool when the abdomen is swollen. Not to mention the normalization of the intestinal work and the improvement of digestion.


And finally, 2 detox recipe - salad, which will withdraw slags from the body, and delicious water for weight loss.

Salad "Mockery"

The name speaks for itself - after this dish your intestines will be clean! For a better effect, there is a salad for a few days in a row.


Cabbage - 3 parts

Beets - 1 part

Carrot - 1 part

Oil (Best Linen) - 2 tbsp.

Lemon juice

If you wish, you can add celery

Cooking method:

Obtain vegetables, mix, add oil and lemon juice.

Water Sassi.


High-quality water - 2 liters

1 tablespoon grated ginger root

1 Purified Cucumber

1 lemon

3 twigs of mint

Cooking method:

Products need to be cut, folded into the jug and pour water. For better effect, water must be broken by 8 hours, so it's good to make yourself a drink before bedtime. Water must be kept in the refrigerator, the winter is just a cool dark place in the house.


All 2 liters of Sassi water need to drink in one day. This drink accelerates metabolism, cleans the body from toxins, increases your vitality.

Contraindications: Hypertension, renal failure, diseases of the cardiovascular system and organs of the gastrointestinal tract.

Have a nice and delicious detox!

Although our body, as a rule, cleans itself, there are some situations in which it is necessary to help him. This occurs as a result of many different factors for which, in most cases, unfortunately, we do not have any influence. What to do to get rid of harmful toxins?
First: go to the sauna and relax. Each of us sweats. In the cold months, the truth is not so strong, but our skin cannot breathe freely - everything is through thick layers of clothing, without which we cannot live. A good idea that allows you to efficiently support the body and get rid of toxins, a sauna will become! Hot and wet air will undoubtedly allow you to improve the skin condition, respectively, cleaning it and conducting detoxification. It should, however, keep in mind that not everyone can use this type of rest.
Secondly: Drink green tea. Connoisseurs of traditional medicine over the centuries recommend drinks from herbs. Some of them have special properties that contribute to human health and excellent well-being. Here is some of them:
1. Pansies are a plant that contributes to the fight against acne, so many people apply it during puberty. In addition, they have a diuretic effect, a slight and gentle way that expelled harmful substances from the body. Regular use of this tea will lead to normalization of sweating.
2. St. John's wort - Cleansing Antidepressant. Natural antidepressant, of course, is a hunter. It is worth applying it, especially in winter, when the sun does not indulge with its rays. In addition, St. John's wort effects on the effective cleansing of the body, so that you can enjoy good and strong health. Unfortunately, he also has its drawbacks.
3. Horsetail field especially helps people who have weak hair and nails. It is true, for it has a lining effect due to the presence of silicon compounds. It is also a grass with a diuretic effect, so it can be safely used in the detoxification of the body.
4. Burning is a plant that enhances the department. In addition, it has properties that allow to act on the secretion of gastric juice and bile. This allows you to improve the processes of digestion and purification of the body.
5. Dill is recommended mainly with colic and constipation. It works very much, so you should not overdo it with him. In addition, dill helps much improve digestion.
6. Aloe acts as a laxative if fed in small concentrations. Too big dose of it can be dangerous for the body. In addition, the grass enhances immunity and acts favorably on some skin problems.
Watch out and stay healthy.