Nitrites in the urine without bacteria. Causes and treatment of nitrites in the urine

Nitrates and nitrites are salts of nitric and nitrogenous acid. These connections are moving into each other under certain circumstances. But if the presence of nitrates in the human body (and in the urine), the phenomenon is healthy and necessary, then nitrites in the urine cause a reasonable alarm. What are dangerous salts of nitrogen acid? What to do in case of their detection and how to treat possible pathology?

The urine analysis on the presence of nitrite is an indicator of the infection of urinary organs. A positive result of the study with a large share of probability indicates the presence of bacterial infection of the bladder, urethra, kidneys.

Why is urine analysis (urins) for nitrites prescribed with suspected inflammatory disease? The fact is that bacteria are needed to form nitrite. The main "manufacturers" of nitrites in the human body are Salmonella, intestinal wand. Less often in this role protruding "Cockki": enterococci, staphylococci, streptococci.

Microorganisms produce nitrites from nitrates. Nitrates (nitric acid salts) are the necessary component of ensuring normal, healthy activity of the human body. Nitrogen compounds enter the organism with food and are present in the bloodstream, in the urine in constant mode. Nitrogen oxide (nitrate derivative) ensures the efficiency of nerve impulses.

Nitrates are sustainable connections. Displays from a healthy body through blood filtering by the kidneys unchanged. The formation of nitrite is the product of the life of bacteria. No sector - no nitrite. "Went" in the urinary system or intestines of bacteria - the analysis shows the appearance of nitrites.

Note! The absence of nitrites in the urine is not 100% guaranteed for the health of the bladder and kidneys. Their presence is also not a sentence, since the interrogation could occur from outside.

Causes of positive analysis for nitrites

You conducted an express test for nitrites or passed the urine to a laboratory study. The result is positive. What is the reason?

Several options:

  1. Inflammatory process in the urinary system;
  2. External contamination of the sample through dishes, hands;
  3. The infection is, but localized in the genitals, intestines.

When a positive sample is detected for nitrite, the patient must provide additional research. Test for nitrite is not able to show where there is inflammation than exactly it is caused. The analysis states the fact of the presence or absence of infection with a large share of probability.

Note! To obtain the most reliable result, Urin should be collected correctly!

How should I collect urine on nitrites?

Since nitrates in Urine are always, and bacteria are present in an external environment in sufficient quantities, it is important to protect one of the other.

The first rule: urine should be collected in pure (sterile) dishes immediately before delivery to the laboratory.

It is no coincidence that planned analyzes in the clinic are accepted in the morning. It is the morning portion of Urin that is the most informative:

  • during the night, the urine acquires the necessary concentration of nitrates;
  • with the inflammatory process of the bacteria have time to recycle nitrates in nitrites.

Urina, which collected on the eve loses its sterility during storage. The result may be false positive as a result of "work" of bacteria that came in the dishes from the outside.

The second rule: on the eve of the analysis, there should be little to drink and not take preparations with ascorbic acid.

Vitamin C helps to reduce the concentration of nitrites, since it is able to drown out the intensity of "work" of bacteria.

False negative result can be obtained:

  • if the patient often urinates, which is characteristic at high temperature and abundant drinking during the disease. To take a "good" sample, Urina should "stand out" in the bladder at least 4 hours;
  • if the infection is caused by bacteria, which are unable to recycle nitrates into nitrites.

The false positive test is possible in diabetes mellitus, since the presence in the urine of increased sugar concentration creates a favorable medium for the rapid reproduction of the bacterial flora.

Note! The positive test for nitrite in the case of the presence of the inflammatory process is accompanied by specific symptoms: pain or burning when urinating, temperature, edema.

Clinical picture with an inflammatory process

Some time, a bacterial infection of the urinary system can occur without symptoms.

Anxiety should be taken when:

  • the appearance of pain, discomfort when urination;
  • changing the color or smell of urine;
  • appearance in the urine of flakes, sediment, blood impurities;
  • the appearance of unpleasant sensations during sexual contact.

Any new unpleasant feeling that is associated with a trip to the toilet "on a small" should be alarmed. Preliminary diagnosis of the house is possible with the help of express tests for nitrites. The positive result is associated with symptomatics are a reason for a visit to the doctor.

Positive analysis in women

By virtue of the peculiarities of the physiological structure of the urogenital system, women suffer from the inflammation of the bladder. A short urethra, the proximity of the vagina, anus with insufficient hygiene and unprotected sexual contacts contribute to the ingress of infection in the urinary authorities.

The infection of the lower departments of the system leads to the appearance of cystitis or urethritis. Climbing bacteria into the upper departments of the urinary system causes pyelonephritis or other kidney pathologies. Ignoring symptoms leads to the transition of the inflammatory process in the category of chronic and significantly complicates treatment.

Ureretrite - inflammation of the urinary channel of characteristic symptoms gives a little. Main: appearance in urine fibrous films, mucus, burning in urination. Custitis - inflammation of the walls of the bladder. According to statistics, women can be fixed up to 3 times a year.

The cause of the disease can be:

  • supercooling;
  • poor-quality underwear, passion for daily gaskets;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • vaginitis;
  • imminent immunity;
  • nervous, physical overload;
  • hormonal failures.

Pyelonephritis - the inflammation of the renal loin often begins without symptoms. Patients celebrate the "unpleasant feeling of gravity" in the lumbar region. The increase in infection is accompanied by the rise in temperature, the appearance of symptoms of organism poisoning: the absence of appetite, nausea, vomiting. Further development of pathology leads to progressive renal failure, disability.

Fact! Pyelonephritis in women is fixed 6 times more often than in men.

Positive analysis during pregnancy

Control of nitrites in the urine during pregnancy is important both for the health of the woman and for the well-being of the fetus. During pregnancy, the load on the urinary system increases multiple, and the immunity of a woman is usually somewhat reduced.

Inflammatory processes in the urinary sphere lead to:

  • unbearably fruit;
  • the birth of a child with a small weight;
  • the appearance of edema;
  • enhance arterial pressure;
  • preeclampsia.

If you are pregnant, then do not tighten with getting into account. A timely examination is a guarantee that possible pathology will be discovered "in the embryo". Timely treatment will retain the health of mom and baby.

Positive analysis in men

The male part of the population of doctors visits extremely reluctant. An independent test for nitrite will help to diagnose:

  • urethritis;
  • prostatitis;
  • bPH;
  • prostate cancer;
  • inflammation of the testicles;
  • pyelonephritis.

The diseases of the prostate gland in men of middle age and older often provoke inflammatory processes in the bladder, since the timely outflow of urine is disturbed. Any "suspicious" symptomatology from the urinary system should be a reason for a visit to the urologist.

Positive analysis in children

The false positive result of the analysis on a salt of nitrogen acid in a child is associated with the peculiarities of the urine collection process. If a child is up to a year, then collect the necessary volume of fluid is problematic. Often parents do it not at the recommended time frame, but in advance "as it turned out." The result will be an external sample interimation and favorable conditions for breeding bacteria.

False negative result can be obtained:

  • if the test for analysis is not enough concentrated;
  • the child was given antibiotics;
  • the child was given ascorbic preparations.

Parents must follow the state of the urine of a child. Normal Urina is transparent, weakly yellow with a unwitting characteristic smell. The appearance of flakes, mucus, precipitation in it, color change and smell serves as a reason for passing tests. Do not ignore planned analyzes, even if you think that the child is healthy.

Conducted examinations confirmed the availability of inflammation? In such cases, they talk about bacteriuria. Classical therapy is to appoint antibiotics for 5-7 days and dietary constraints. We need a temporary refusal of vegetables and fruits in the child's menu to minimize the arrival of nitrates. Vegetables are allowed only boiled, better from their garden or farm.

What to do with positive analysis?

If the express test conducted at home gave a positive result, then contact the therapist or urologist for an additional examination.

Treatment of inflammatory processes in the urinary sphere is fully managed by specialists. An independent reception of antibiotics is able to drown out the process and translate it into a chronic form. Diagnostic studies will be revealed by the pathology and specialist will appoint a corresponding drug.

Non-nitrous acid (nitrites) salts (nitritis) are present in a healthy human body in minor quantities. Increasing their level in Urin can have a different nature. The appearance of them in patients "Risk Groups" unequivocally requires immediate advice from the attending physician followed by a survey and therapy.

What is nitrites and what means their appearance in the urine

Nitric acid salts (nitrates) find the way to the human body with vegetable food (vegetables) or canned food and semi-finished products, where they are used in the form of food additives. Nitrites can also enter the body in the form of preservatives or be the result of the transformation of nitrates in the human digestive tract.

Nitrites have a toxic effect, oxidizing bivalent iron in the hemoglobin molecule. The final compound is methemoglobin - unable to transport oxygen into tissue and take carbon dioxide from them. The permissible daily rate of receiving nitrite, established by the Ministry of Health, implies limited use and a slight flow of nitrites to the body.

Nitrite normally may be present in the urine in minor quantities, and the concentration growth may occur when they are excessive admission to food.

But from a clinical point of view, increased formation of nitrites in the urine, subject to the presence of bacteria in it. This can occur with the increased contamination of the urin of the pathogenic flora, a number of varieties of which is able to split nitrates to form nitrites.

The presence of bacteria in the urine may be a sign of an extended inflammation or asymptomatic reproduction of bacteria in the urinary system.

Causes of nitrous acid salts

If incorrect delivery of analysis is excluded, a significant increase in nitrite indicates development in the urogenital system of bacterial inflammation. At the same time, there may be a place as true bacteriuria, accompanied by inflammation and asymptomatic form, when bacteria are present in Urin, but are suppressed by human immunity.

Frequent causes of the presence of nitrites in the urine, regardless of the floor are:

  1. Inflammatory diseases of the bladder, kidneys or blade – , .
  2. Diabetes - The presence of bacteria (A, it means nitrites) in the urine due to the high level of glucose.
  3. Surgical interventions In the region of the abdominal cavity or urological instrumental manipulations (including diagnostic).
  4. The presence of infection in the organs of the sexual sphere or intestines - The pathogenic microflora can penetrate the urine lymphohematogenic.
  5. Clinically confirmed immunodeficiency - Against the background of long-term intake of steroid hormones and cytostatics or the presence of HIV infection.
  6. Elderly age - Against the background of reduced local immune protection of mucous membranes, poor blood circulation or existing source pathologies.

Analysis can give a positive result and in the absence of a disease - for example, on the background of the admission of anesthetic fabulosis or urine storage in a warm place for more than 4 hours before shipping to the laboratory.

Features of men

Representatives of a strong floor, along with general prerequisites for the appearance of nitrogenous salts in Urin, allocate specific problems, such as:

  1. Prostatitis and Adenoma Prostate - Bacteria fall into urinary tracts from the genital organs and multiply on the background of stagnation of urine.
  2. Orchit or epididimitis - Inflammation of eggs or seed appendage. And since these pathologies are developing as complications of influenza, gonorrhea or tit, the flora appears in the urine as descending (from the focus of inflammation) and hematogenic (from the bloodstream) by.
  3. Burning ureter (at) - creates conditions for incomplete emptying of the bladder and inflammation. The problem is not only "male", but women are rarely diagnosed.
  4. Gout - the asymptomatic course of the disease is often accompanied by an increase in the level of nitrogenous salts in the urine.

Specificity in women

Here you can also distinguish special causes and the corresponding "risk groups" among patients. Preventive analysis on nitrates is more often positive at:

  • pathologies of the female sexual sphere - vulvit, vaginitis, adnexitis;
  • the hardening period of menopause, accompanied by the weakening of the mechanisms of sewn and purification of mucous membranes;
  • disregarding hygiene measures, constant use of daily gaskets;
  • pregnancy - Here favorable conditions for the appearance of nitrites can create hormonal changes, low immunity, stagnation of urins and accompanying inflammation of the kidneys or bladder.

Characteristic for children

Their appearance in the urine in small patients can also talk about inflammatory processes, but more often occurs on the background:

  • - "favorable soil" for it create poor breathable diapers or a stagnation of urines associated with the peculiarities of the child's behavior;
  • insufficient hygiene of the genital organs, which is difficult to implement in the infant;
  • an excess of nitrates coming with food;
  • asymptomatic bacteriuria against the background of reduced immunity in schoolchildren or adolescents;
  • inflammation of the extreme flesh in boys (phimosis).

Special mention deserves the complexity of the correct delivery of the analysis in infants - here and problems with, and difficulties with hygienic procedures, and the inability to get urin, which stayed in the bladder at least 4 hours (and this is the optimal value for the analysis accuracy). The output is simple - you need to strive to do everything "according to the rules" and to deliver the result to the laboratory as soon as possible.

Diagnostic methods

The easiest way to learn about the presence of nitrogen salts in the urine is that can be constructed in the pharmacy. If he gave a positive result or if a prophylactic inspection is required, then follows:

There are two main aspects that need to be taken into account in excess nitrite therapy:

  • nitrogen salts are not a pathology, but the marker of the presence of bacteria, therefore, it is necessary to eliminate the source of infection in the body;
  • if nitrites appear in the urine against the background of redundant consumption of them with food, it is worth reconsidering their diet - to include more proteins and boiled vegetables there, prevent the appearance on the "dubious" table from the point of view of chemical processing of products (this advice is especially relevant for children).

If excess of nitrogenous salts are caused by stagnation without expressed inflammation and complaints, then it is worth it:

  • compliance with the norms of hygiene;
  • proper nutrition and drinking mode;
  • reception of vitamins, general fastening agents and drugs that stabilize the work of the kidneys.

If we are talking about a child, then tracking the timeliness of diuresis, control over the state of urins and the reception of antibacterial agents on the recommendation of the doctor.

Asymptomatic bacteriuria is a serious threat in pregnancy, effective therapy is carried out with participation:

  • antibacterial drugs () for one-time reception;
  • antimicrobial means ();
  • antibiotics of groups of cephalosporins and penicillins for coursework;
  • elimination of excess fat and nitrate sources in the everyday menu of women.

The course of treatment for adults will be selected taking into account the state of the body, the severity of infection, the acute / chronic nature of the disease and other factors.

In the treatment of acute infection, the effectiveness largely depends on the patient's discipline in terms of receiving antibacterial agents and diagnosis of treatment progress. Violation of the doctor's prescriptions entails the transition of disease in a chronic form, to treat which is more difficult.

The presence of nitrite is only an indirect sign of the presence of infection. However, this indicator is good because it can be determined at home. This is especially important for pregnant women, children or the elderly. The use of test strips can serve only for screening bacterurium, further diagnostics are required in the clinic conditions.

Within the framework of laboratory diagnostics, a test is carried out to identify such an indicator as nitrites in the urine. These compounds are nitrogen salts metabolism products. Nitrates fall into the organism with fresh fruits and vegetables that were grown using nitrogen fertilizers.

Where in the urine netritis is taken

Nitrates can detect each - they come with food and are outlined with urine.

Microorganisms that cause infections in the urinary system form enzymes that are able to turn nitrates into nitrites.

The presence of nitrites in the urine indicates the development of pathogenic microflora, namely intestinal sticks (gram-negative E. coli) or Salmonella - the possible cause of inflammation in the kidneys.

The location of bacteria in the excretory system depends on the pathogenesis. The accumulation of pathogenic microflora in the upper part of the ITP indicates the development of pyelonephritis. He is seriously treating. The pathogenic microwave in the lower departments of the genitourinary system develops during cystitis or urethritis.

How to prepare for the test

Before passing urine on tests, it is necessary to limit raw vegetables and fruits in the diet (for example, cabbage, carrots) and on the eve of reduce the amount of fluid consumed. It is desirable to exclude ascorbic acid and drugs, which includes vitamin C.

For analysis, the morning urine is collected or Urina, which was at least 4 hours in the bladder. Compliance with this rule is important to obtain an objective analysis result.

The result of the test will be distorted if the patient takes antibiotics.

To identify nitrite at home, you can use special test strips. It is easy to analyze, it is sufficient to lower the litmus paper (test strip) into the prepared fresh urine and verify the result with the scale indicated on the package.

The test can identify only the presence of nitrites in the urine, and determine which type of bacteria provoked this violation, and even more so to identify the sensitivity to antibiotics is independently impossible. Deciphering analyzes is an important part of the right treatment. To obtain a complete picture of the disease, you need to consult a doctor and follow all its recommendations.

Who in the risk area

Increased nitrite indicators can be observed in everyone who has bothered, or with temporary imminent imminent. In the risk area of \u200b\u200bthe defeat, such groups fall into infection:

  • women and girls (since in comparison with men, they have a short urethra, which facilitates the spread of pathogenic microflora);
  • sugar diabetes people;
  • old-year old patients, over 70 years old;
  • persons suffering from gout and adenoma prostate;
  • persons who have undergone operational interventions on the genitourinary system.

There are hidden forms of diseases, so in preventive purposes it is worth contacting the nearest medical institutions to avoid any violations in the future.

Nitritics found in a child

If nitrites are found in the urine in the urine, these indicators indicate bacteriuria. Often there are no symptoms of the disease, which does not cause any suspicion of parents or pediatricians. For prophylaxis, you can analyze yourself using a test strip. Positive results indicate only that the child should show a doctor.

For analysis in the laboratory, you need to adhere to the same recommendations as adults. Reception of drugs is possible only after the prescription of the doctor. In addition to medicines, you need to protect the baby from the use of raw vegetables or fruits, and to include them in the diet is desirable only after thermal processing.

If the positive result of the dough has a breast child, which does not yet use raw vegetables or fruits, is a sign of violation of the rules of hygiene. With systematic use of waterproof diapers, a greenhouse effect is created, which can cause the development of pathogenic microflora. In babies, it is difficult to take and carry out reliable analyzes, because bacteria from an adult can get into the material under study. Take the urine, which should be 4 hours in the bladder, it is impossible for infants.

Analysis is positive during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the urine analysis periodically needs periodically. It is necessary to identify any changes in the early stages. One of the obligatory tests is to pass urine to identify nitrogen salts. Nitrites in the urine during pregnancy is a bad sign, since it indicates the possible development of such a serious illness as pyelonephritis. It is dangerous both for a woman and for a hunted child. The disease can provoke a pregnant pressure in a pregnant pressure, the spread of infections of intrauterine and even unbearable of the fetus.

To obtain reliable results, women should properly take biomaterial:

  • only the morning urine is involved, which has the highest concentration of nitrites;
  • it is necessary to take the material under study after the hygienic procedures conducted to reduce the risk of bacteria;
  • skip the first portion, and collect without interrupting the stream, the average urine.

With a positive result, the nitrites do not need to worry once again. Early detection of the pathoral flora will reduce the risk of pathologies and provide emergency and adequate treatment.

Revealed nitrite in men

If positive results are found for nitrite in men, this may indicate inflammatory processing processes of the urinary tract: infections of the outer genitals, prostate gland or bladder. You need to consult a doctor to establish the correct diagnosis and get effective treatment. For the prevention of strong sexes, it is advisable to hand over urine and blood tests 1 time per year (creatinine, urea).

Nitrites found in women

Nitrites in the urine in a woman are rising at the contact pathogenic microflora and nitrates. The process of forming nitrite proceeds asymptomatic, so the ladies detect them when cystitis or urethritis has already developed. These pathologies are rather painful and cause discomfort when urinating.


It is extremely dangerous to engage in self-medication, so in order to avoid chronic forms, you need to see the doctor in a timely manner and follow all instructions. To properly form a diagnosis, the doctor will recommend analyzes that assess leukocytes, red blood cells and proteins.

With the deviation from the norm at least one indicator, such a picture is observed:

  • formation of precipitation;
  • the presence of flakes;
  • sharp change the smell of urine;
  • change coloring (shade of urine is darker familiar);
  • changed density.

Based on the results, bacteriological treatment and compliance with a special diet, which eliminates the use of raw vegetables, greenery, fresh juices and provides for thermal processing of products. Vegetables and fruits are allowed to include in the diet only if they are grown on their garden or there are 100% confidence as products (known seller).

If nitrites in the man's urine above the established level, this indicates the presence of pathogenic bacteria, which is why the small pelvis organs suffer. The pathogenic flora synthesizes the enzymes that turn into nitrites, and the increased indicator of this substance is characterized by kidney disease, inflammation in the bladder, urethra. Nitrites accompany pain, fever and problem urination. It is necessary to identify the presence of a substance in order to detect the diseases of urinary organs, and in time to begin treatment.

What is nitrites?

This is a product of transformation of nitrates by pathogenic microflora. The active reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms leads to the fact that nitrates turn into nitrites. A certain amount of nitrates are permissible in a healthy urine, as they fall there together with vegetable food, but pathogenic bacteria processes them, turning into a harmful substance. The reason for the appearance of nitrites in the urine can be any bacterium: Klebsiella, Salmonella, Enterococcus or intestinal wand.

If the general analysis of urine showed a high level of nitrites, it means that in the urinary organs, a bacterial infection.

Who gets into the risk zone?

Increasing the level of nitrite substances is characterized by some category of people. The risk group includes:

  • girls and women, pregnant women;
  • men who have prostate adenoma;
  • elderly people;
  • patients with diabetes;
  • patients undergoing urological operations.

Why increase the level of nitrites in the urine?

Increased nitriets in man and women

The high content of nitrites in the urine indicates the possible availability of infectious diseases.

Leukocytes and nitrites in the urine of a female organism, talking about the reproduction of infection and the development of inflammation in the bladder, urethra, kidneys. That is, the results in women may indicate the development of cystitis, urethritis or pyelonephritis. In men, the situation is slightly different. High rates mean inflammation in the bladder or kidney. The results help to identify the prostate gland, cystitis, ICD or jade in men.

Causes of the child

Nitrites in the urine in the child signalize that in the urinary tract the infection and the bacteriuria (the appearance of pathogenic microorganisms in MOC). In addition, a positive result is considered a reaction to eating vegetables, which were agreed artificially using nitrates. In any case, it is advisable to take advice from a pediatrician who will write the course of antibiotics or will recommend a special diet with a focus on dairy products and meat. The infection is noted in infection if the mother occurred. It is much more complicated to get adequate test results, which is due to the impossibility of compliance with the hygienic rules and the taking of the material in crumbs.

Causes of pregnant women

Negative results for nitrites in the urine during pregnancy - a rare phenomenon. If a high level of nitrites is detected, then the gynecologist's close attention is required. The fact is that a pregnant woman increases the risk of infection of the fetus infection and the likelihood of the development of complications. The high indicator is a sign of the development of inflammation in the kidneys (pyelonephritis), and also causes the abortion of pregnancy or threat to the life of the child because of high blood pressure.

Urine collection rules for analysis

Proper preparation for the analysis will show the correct results.

The urine analysis will help identify the number of nitrites, as well as protein, and leukocytes. So that the results were more accurate, you need to adhere to the rules for the fence of the fluid under study. First, the morning urine is suitable for analysis. Secondly, if the course of treatment with antibiotics is carried out, then the surveillance is better transferred for a period of 10 days after the end of therapy. For the accuracy of the result, you must comply with a few more rules:

  1. On the eve of the delivery to reduce the volume of the used liquid.
  2. The day before the procedure, use more leaf vegetables, cabbage and carrots.
  3. A few days before the procedure, avoid the use of products, which include ascorbic acid (vitamin C).

Similar to the meaning of two words: nitrates and nitrites, actually have completely different concepts. Under nitrates, various "chemistry" is meant, which involuntarily, together with the products (especially with vegetables), enters the human body. This refers to food dyes, additives and the like. Today, nitrates are not going anywhere. The newest technologies of cultivation and food production did not leave a person a single chance for a healthy eating. Nitrates fall into the bladder through blood flow and accumulate there, which is not only unpleasant, but also dangerous, especially for women in a state of pregnancy. Nitrite in the urine of man, which means a completely different question, which also requires decryption.

So, what are these nitrites in the urine. This concept can be interpreted and in a different - nitrogen salt in Urin. In the urine of a healthy person, they are not present or their concentration is so small that the result obtained when analyzing the blood does not cause anxiety from the doctor. In fact, they are the reaction of the effects of enzymes on nitrates, and their presence in the urine, even in women in pregnancy, is not considered any pathological process, unless of course the norms of substances do not exceed the permissible values. Otherwise, nitrites, as the result of the vital activity of some bacteria, can "warn" a doctor about infecting a genitourinary system if the blood test gives a positive result. The causes of nitrites are E. coli's intestinal wand, pronteus, citrobacter, Klebsiella, as well as a number of other bacteria, including: Staphylococci, enterococci. Infection can be in a child, a man or a woman in a state of pregnancy.

Nitrites are usually diagnosed with kidney diseases when a general blood test is charged. As a rule, not only they are found, but also elevated proteins, leukocytes, red blood cells, glucose. The causes of the disease that can be confirmed only by the doctor is not always pronounced. For example, chronic pyelonephritis. Symptomatics is clearly not defined, that is, a person suffering from pathology may experience headaches, vomiting and write off the unpleasant feelings for other diseases. Only in severe form is observed painful urination.

The most frequent cases are stated in women in a state of pregnancy, since their body is significantly weakened. Even taken blood test in Nechiphenko will serve as a physician source of information on the presence of an infectious disease in the body. In 3% of cases, chronic pyelonephritis, discovered jointly with nitrites in the urine, is the cause of child mortality in the state of premature birth.

Increased nitrites - source of diseases

If nitrites are found in the test of the material - this means that a stormy pathogenic reaction is present in the body. The source of microbial reproduction may be in the upper (pyelonephritis) or lower part (cystitis, urethritis) of the urogenital system. It is extremely difficult to deal with such complications, especially if we are talking about women in a state of pregnancy. Pathology can affect not only the health of the women in labor, but also on the development of the fetus.

Nitrite compounds is a consequence of a negligent attitude to its own body. In most cases, the primary disease is detected only when analyzing blood, ultrasound of a small pelvis and other studies (sowing urine on flora, etc.). And the main reasons for this - the stage of neglection, when the disease is already in an open form makes itself felt: multiple pain, fever, chills, etc.

Summing up the intermediate results, it makes sense to call the causes of the anomalies and specify some important aspects. So, what does the emergence of nitrites in Urin and confirmation through urine analysis, including women in a state of pregnancy. In this case, we can say that the test for nitrites gave a positive result and gram-negative bacteria discovered in the material under study.

  • Nitrites are a direct effect of infection of the genitourinary system. Typical diseases: cystitis, pyelonephritis, urethritis. Other inflammatory processes are possible.
  • Errors in the study. Causes can be carried in the presence of bile pigments in Urin, high density of vitamin "C", insufficient reaction of bacteria, etc.
  • In women, in particular during pregnancy, the risk of damage to infections is increased due to the small urethra. That is, microbes easier to penetrate the bladder.

It is possible to prevent the development of hazardous diseases in one case - immediate treatment if the doctor interpreted the blood test as bad and subsequently discovered the causes of the disease.

How to check at home

To find out the presence of nitrites in Urin, every month take tests at all optional. There are special tests with which it is possible to determine their presence without laboratory studies.

  • Go to the pharmacy and buy a set of lactium stripes. They are released without a recipe and are inexpensive. These strips react to Nit (nitrates), and you can even teach them to use them.
  • When pregnant, it is extremely important for pregnancy, therefore the ladies in the position should regularly pass this preventive test.
  • How to use? Take a strip, moisten it in the urine and on the basis of staining and color scale to make a conclusion.

But, you should not fully trust NIT test. It only documented the presence of nitrites, but as it concerns the type of bacteria - here you will have to pass urine and blood analysis. This is necessary, especially in a state of pregnancy, when the fact of proper diagnosis is important. Even if the test shown Nit Positive, he will not be able to answer a set of questions about the infection of the urogenital system.

Another disadvantage of litmus strips is the selective reaction. The express test will not determine in the urine of pseudomonads and gram-positive bacteria, and after all, they play the role of a catalyst in the development of complex ailments, such as cystitis.

Therefore, for women in a state of pregnancy, it is better not to rely on the Lacmus strips, but to pass in the clinic, the analysis that the attending physician will require. Otherwise, the disease (if any) over time) will turn into a chronic form. Children also important to track the possible development of hazardous diseases using samples. First, parents are obliged to monitor the state of urine from their child. And secondly, dark color, a sharp or unpleasant smell should alert and become an excess reason to consult a doctor.

Nitrit in Urin in a child

The reasons for the diagnosis of nitrites in children are different. This means that not every analysis will be able to give an accurate answer to many questions regarding bacterial infections. It is important to listen to the opinion of the doctor and fulfill all the prescriptions. Nitrites in the urine in the child are obvious reasons.

  1. Under the influence of physiological and biochemical factors, nitrates in the gastrointestinal trades are transformed into nitrites. Watering the baby is painted in a bad color, it begins to smell badly.
  2. The baby discharges the directions to pass urine and blood analysis. Up to this point, the diet can not be changed, as well as take medicines.
  3. Analyzes tend to rent twice after a certain time interval to make sure there are dangerous pathologies.
  4. Diagnosing nitrites in newborns is associated with frequent use of diapers, when in certain places a kind of greenhouse effect is created. As a result, the urinary system begins to work incorrectly.

In order for urine analysis to give a qualitative result, it must be passed correctly. The material under study should be in the bladder at least 4 hours. This rule is important to comply with the bacteria to reproduce the required number of nitrites. If the child is sick of ARVI, and the analysis is simply necessary, abundant drink should be limited, otherwise the study will in any case show a negative result.

If the nitrites in the urine in the child are present, the first thing to do is to balance the baby's nutrition and contact the pediatrician for qualified help. He will be obliged to advise and compile a list of allowed products. Usually it includes dietary meat, dairy products, boiled vegetables, but only as a side dish. It is important to prevent complications against the background of developing bacteriuria. If the number of detected nitrite will exceed the permissible values \u200b\u200bof dozens of times - this may mean signs of infectious diseases. Prevention - diet, treatment is obliged to draw up a doctor.