The main methods of personnel assessment. Coursework: Analysis of modern methods of personnel assessment, their use in personnel practice Individual methods of personnel assessment


Mastering modern management methods for Russian enterprises is not only an important and relevant task, but also a difficult one. The difficulty lies in the imperfection of the conditions of our economic activity, as well as in the chronic and rapidly growing backlog from the highly developed countries of the world in the field of management. This has manifested itself most clearly in recent years as the so-called vertical of power has been strengthened, or, more simply, the unjustified bureaucratization of all levels of government in the state and business. The fact is that the systems and management methods currently used in Russia are approaches used, at best, in highly developed countries, 50-60 years ago, and improvement in this situation began quite recently.

The competitiveness of Russian companies of all sizes and industries without exception relative to enterprises and firms of highly developed countries (judging by the quality of goods and services combined with productivity and efficiency of their production) is extremely low. Without a radical revision of management systems at all levels, no most advanced machinery and equipment will be able to provide the proper economic result. But it is precisely with modern management technologies in the country that not everything is safe.

In this regard, in my work, I outlined the technology for conducting personnel assessment as a key tool for managing human resources of an enterprise, planning a professional career, examined the automation of personnel assessment, and cited standard methodological documents for certification.

1. General characteristics of personnel assessment methods

Sooner or later, the HR manager is faced with the task of conducting staff appraisal. When choosing methods for conducting personnel appraisal, it is important not to lose sight of its goals, namely: assessing the effectiveness of the work of employees and their suitability for their positions, as well as identifying promising employees for their training and promotion. From such an understanding of the goals of certification, it logically follows the division of certification procedures into two components:

o Evaluation of labor

o personel assessment.

Labor evaluationaims to compare the actual content, quality, volume and intensity of personnel work with the planned ones. The planned characteristics of the work of personnel, as a rule, are presented in plans and programs, technological maps, and the work of the enterprise. Evaluation of labor makes it possible to evaluate:



· labor intensity.

Personel assessmentaims to study the degree of preparedness of the employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential in order to assess the prospects for growth (rotation), as well as the development of personnel measures necessary to achieve the goals of personnel policy.

An analysis of management practice shows that corporations in most cases use both types of employee performance assessment at the same time. Thus, procedures are carried out aimed both at assessing the results of labor and the personal and business qualities of employees that affect the achievement of these results.

It should be noted that both the immediate supervisors of the assessed and other superiors, colleagues, subordinates, HR specialists, external consultants and, finally, the assessed person himself (self-assessment) can be involved in the assessment of personnel. Thus, a minimum familiarity with the methods of personnel assessment of all employees is a guarantee that the methods used will give the expected effect.

All evaluation methods can be divided into methods individual evaluation employees, which are based on a study of the individual qualities of the employee, and methods group evaluation which are based on comparing the efficiency of employees inside.

Many of the assessment methods that are used today have developed in the last century. However, during the evolution of these methods have undergone significant transformation.

The most common personnel assessment methods are:

Questionnaire method.

The evaluation questionnaire is a specific set of questions and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes the presence or absence of the indicated features in the assessed person and notes the appropriate option.

Descriptive assessment method.

The assessor must identify and describe the positive and negative features of the behavior of the assessed. This method does not provide for a clear fixation of the results and therefore is often used as an addition to other methods.

Classification method.

This method is based on the ranking of certified workers according to a certain criterion from the best to the worst, assigning them a certain serial number.

Pair comparison method.

In this method, it is compared in a group of assessors who are in the same position, each with each, after which the number of times when the assessee turned out to be the best in his pair is counted. Based on the results obtained, the overall rating for the group is built

It is based on an assessment of the employee's suitability for the position held. The most important component of this type of assessment is the list of tasks that the assessed employee must perform. After compiling this list (it can also be taken from job descriptions), the activity is studied, taking into account the time spent by the employee on decision-making, ways to complete the tasks. It also takes into account how economically the employee uses material resources. Then there is an assessment of the qualities of the certified employee listed in the list, for example, on a 7-point scale: 7 - a very high degree, 1 - a very low degree.

The analysis of the results can be carried out either by matching the identified estimates with the benchmark, or by comparing the results obtained from employees of the same position.

Specified Distribution Method

With this method, the person conducting the assessment is instructed to give employees assessments within a predetermined (fixed) distribution of assessments. For example:

% - unsatisfactory

% - satisfactory

% - quite satisfactory

% - Okay

% - Great

total - 100%

The only thing that requires the employee is to write down the name of the employee on a separate card and distribute them into groups in accordance with the specified quota. Distribution can be carried out on various grounds (assessment criteria).

Critical Situation Evaluation Method

To use this method, evaluators prepare a list of descriptions of the "right" and "wrong" behavior of employees in typical situations - "decisive situations". These descriptions are divided into headings according to the nature of the work. Next, the person conducting the assessment prepares a journal for records for each employee being assessed, in which he enters examples of behavior for each rubric. Later, this log is used to evaluate the employee's business qualities.

Typically, this method is used in assessments made by the manager, and not by colleagues and subordinates.

It is based on the use of “decisive situations”, from which the business and personal qualities required from the employee are derived, which become the evaluation criteria. The evaluator reads the description of any evaluation criterion (for example, engineering competence) in the rating questionnaire and puts a mark in the scale in accordance with the qualification of the assessed. Expensive and time-consuming method, but accessible and understandable to workers.

Behavior Observation Scale Method

Similar to the previous one, but instead of determining the behavior of the employee in the decisive situation of the current time, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one or another specific way earlier. The method is laborious and requires significant material costs.

Method of Questionnaires and Comparative Questionnaires

Includes a set of questions or descriptions of employee behavior. The appraiser puts a mark next to the description of the character trait that, in his opinion, is inherent in the employee, otherwise leaves an empty space. The sum of the marks gives the overall rating of the profile of this employee. Used for evaluation by management, colleagues and subordinates.


This technique is borrowed by human resources departments from sociology.

Here is an example of an interview plan for a personality assessment. In an interview, it is important to obtain information about the following components and personality characteristics:

intellectual sphere;

motivational sphere;

temperament, character;

professional and life experience;


attitude to professional activity

early years;


vocational training (primary, secondary, higher, vocational);

Military service;

attitude towards work in the company;


self-assessment of opportunities, health;

marital status, family relationships;

forms of leisure activities.

Method "360 degrees of evaluation".

An employee is evaluated by his supervisor, his colleagues and his subordinates. The specific assessment forms may vary, but all assessors fill out the same forms and the results are processed by computers to ensure anonymity. The purpose of the method is to obtain a comprehensive assessment of the person being certified.

Method of independent judges.

Independent members of the commission - 6-7 people - ask the certified various questions. The procedure is reminiscent of cross-examination in various areas of activity of the person being certified. There is a computer in front of the judge, on which the evaluator presses the “+” key in case of a correct answer and, accordingly, the “-” key in case of an incorrect answer. Upon completion of the procedure, the program issues a conclusion. It is also possible to manually process the answers of the employee, then the correctness of the answers is entered in a pre-compiled form.


Various tests can be used to evaluate an employee. According to their content, they are divided into three groups:

qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of an employee;

psychological, giving the opportunity to assess the personal qualities of the employee;

physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person.

The positive side of the test assessment is that it allows you to obtain a quantitative characteristic for most assessment criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. However, when evaluating the potential capabilities of an employee, the tests do not take into account how these abilities manifest themselves in practice.

committee method.

The evaluation is carried out by a panel of experts and is aimed at finding out the abilities of the candidate, which give him the right to apply for other positions, in particular for promotion.

This technique consists of the following steps:

activity is broken down into separate components;

the effectiveness of each activity is determined in points on a scale (for example, from -10 to +10), and thus determine the degree of success;

three lists of jobs are compiled: those jobs that can be solved successfully, that work out from time to time, and those that never work out;

o a final comprehensive assessment is made

o Evaluation in its most general form consists of the following four steps:

selection of assessed qualities, performance indicators of the employee;

use of different methods of collecting information;

evaluation information should give a comprehensive picture of a person;

comparison of the actual qualities of the employee with the required ones.

The studied sets of qualities are developed taking into account the tasks performed by position. Usually such qualities are recruited from 5 to 20.

Method of assessment centers.

This method solves two problems:

the personal and business qualities of the employee are ascertained (usually this method is used to evaluate executives)

the program of individual trainings of the manager is determined, which allows to develop his abilities, behavioral skills.

The test takes a different time, so, for example, several hours are enough to assess the professionalism of a master, one day for a low-level manager, two or three days for middle managers, a little more for managers and senior managers. Here are some of the procedures used for evaluation:

*Performance of administrative actions. For the two hours allotted to complete the task, the subject must familiarize himself with some instructions, business papers, orders and other materials necessary for issuing orders on specific technological, production, and personnel issues. This imitates the real activity of the company. After the end of the two-hour work on the task, the assessed person is interviewed.

*Discussion of problems in a small group. This procedure reveals the ability to work in a group. The members of the group are given material that they need to familiarize themselves with, independently make a decision on the question asked, and during the group discussion (40-50 minutes) convince the others of its correctness. At all these stages, the subject is evaluated by observers in points.

*Making decisions. The subjects are divided into several groups (representatives of competing firms). The work of firms is modeled for several years (2-5 years). Each hour counts as one year, during which a number of tasks are completed. The activity of each subject is evaluated by experts.

*Development and presentation of the project. It is necessary to develop a draft plan for the development of some kind of activity in 1 hour, which is then defended in front of experts.

*Preparation of a business letter. Each subject prepares business letters on different issues and from different positions: refusal, cancellation of a decision, negative information, etc. Actions are assessed by experts.

*Sometimes it is also practiced to compare the results of an employee's expert assessment with his self-assessment of his personal and business qualities. The results of such a comparison can be very revealing for both management and the employee himself.

Business game method.

Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developing business games. Both participants of business games and expert observers are involved in the assessment. Attestation business games are held, as a rule, for the result, which allows assessing the readiness of the staff to solve current and future problems, as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. This evaluation method can be used to determine the effectiveness of staff teamwork.

Method for assessing the achievement of goals.

The manager and the subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee's activity for a certain period (one to six months). The goals should be specific, achievable, but intense, important both for the professional development of the employee and for improving the performance of the organization. The goals set outline the scope of the employee's responsibility and the scope of his duties for those specific periods that are necessary to achieve the intended result. These results should be measurable, at least as a percentage. The evaluation of the results is carried out jointly by the manager and the employee on the basis of individual standards for the implementation of goals, however, the manager has a decisive voice in summing up the results.

Assessment method based on competency models.

Competence models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his interpersonal communication skills necessary for successful professional activity within the framework of the corporate culture existing in the organization. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development of individual plans for professional development. The fulfillment of these plans, which is expressed in concrete results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

1.1 Balanced scorecard

With a delay of 10 years in comparison with highly and medium developed countries, we also began promoting the balanced scorecard (BSC), a truly modern management technology that has proven its effectiveness in various countries and industries. Russian business was immediately convinced that this is the technology that will allow our companies to "rush" to the heights of world management standards, to stand on a par with the leaders of world business in terms of efficiency and quality of management. It is incalculable that the number of consultants who in the vastness of Russia "spud" business structures with a view to introducing BSC into them. It is even more difficult to count the number of Russian executives who have succumbed to the promise of stunning success from the use of this fashionable technology. But not everything is so simple.

The BSC is really possible only in developing and learning organizations, in companies with flexible organizational management structures, within the framework of proven procedures and regulations for organizational analysis, the formation of cross-functional teams and working groups. It makes sense to effectively apply the BSC only when all the progressive management technologies previously developed by mankind are mastered. BSC does not replace other management technologies, but is only one of the forms of efficiency improvement.

In essence, the BSC is a format for understanding the position of an organization in an increasingly complex external environment and internal conditions of activity, a format for linking long-term (strategic) and short-term (operational) results of enterprises and firms, this is an approach to more efficient use of previously developed and implemented management technologies, their more competent combination and sequence of their use. I would especially like to emphasize the close relationship of the BSC with the quality and performance management of all aspects of an enterprise or firm: the quality of products, services, performance of operations, the quality and efficiency of management, including personnel. As in the management of production efficiency and quality within the framework of the BSC, the main emphasis is on the correct definition of the system of priorities: the strategic parameters of the business, the achievement of which ensures the successful development of the business. The need for the emergence and implementation of the BSC was largely due to the growing role of intangible assets in ensuring the competitiveness of the business. Usually, intangible assets include the value of business intellectual property (patents, licenses, etc.), well-known trademarks (brands) and the so-called "goodwill" - a very vague and not always clear set of everything that is commonly called the value of a company ( this may include long-term contracts, and the reputation of the company's leading managers, and much more). In fact, 90% of the total value of intangible assets of a modern company is its managerial potential (management systems, decision-making systems, forms of organization and stimulation of labor, organizational management structures, etc.), which today is the main factor in ensuring the company's competitiveness in the long term. basis. But if trademarks, intellectual property are at least somehow quantifiable, then the assessment of the managerial potential of 90% is the staff of managers and specialists, their number and proportion, their professional composition and qualifications, skills and knowledge, experience, efficiency and quality of work . American companies have the most powerful managerial potential in the world today.

The role of managerial potential, efficiency, the final results of the work of managers and specialists, their increasing importance for increasing the competitiveness of enterprises and firms in modern conditions lead to the fact that the role of certification and evaluation of personnel is constantly increasing. For the successful application of the BSC, it is necessary, first of all, that companies use modern technologies for attestation and assessment of personnel, directing them in the right direction, able to link current efforts and long-term results. The reasons for this are as follows:

Managerial labor (the labor of managers and specialists, as a kind of mental labor) is much more difficult to evaluate in quantitative terms or in other objective indicators in comparison with physical labor, since there are no production standards or output volumes of products directly at the workplace in the field of managerial labor.

As specialization and division of labor deepen, evaluate the performance of an individual manager or specialist, the performance of a functional structural unit, and their direct contribution to achieving overall results the company's activities without the use of special procedures and evaluation methods is extremely difficult.

The share of managers and specialists in the total number of people employed in various industries in highly developed countries is constantly increasing. Knowledge work is becoming a more important factor of production (or a source of surplus value) than the labor of production workers, and personnel evaluation procedures are playing an increasingly important role.

The connection between the results of the work of an individual worker and the overall final results in the context of a deepening division of labor is becoming increasingly difficult to trace. Passing through numerous chains of the process of developing and making managerial decisions, the results of the activities of an individual manager or specialist are difficult to single out and evaluate. An increasingly powerful arsenal is required, implemented as part of the procedures for attestation and evaluation of personnel.

The cost of human capital is becoming an increasingly important part of a company's investment activities.

Success in the competitive struggle today mainly depends not on the technical level of production and not on the size of investments or the level of applied technologies, but on the management factor, on the perfection of those systems and management structures that a given organization has. And the more perfect the management system of an organization, the more successfully it operates in the most dynamic and harsh economic environment. Not without reason, in the leading companies of industrialized countries, investments in fixed assets, in machinery and equipment are correlated with the costs of human capital as 1: 2. In our country, the opposite ratio was traditional.

It is hardly possible to correctly evaluate the effectiveness of such investments in the absence of personnel assessment systems.

The external conditions of business (economic environment) and the conditions of competition are changing. On the one hand, the economy of highly - and medium-developed countries (which today can be attributed, for example, China) is becoming more and more saturated with high-tech industries. Here, there is less and less dependence on raw materials and businesses with a low share of conditionally net products in sales volume, and more and more - on the costs of intellectual labor and the application of results in production. And the forms of productivity of intellectual labor and predominantly physical labor (workers) are radically different from each other. On the other hand, as the share of raw materials decreases, the conditions and forms of competition change. In place of predominantly price competition come various types of non-price competition. The competitiveness of a business is increasingly determined by the quality and comparative advantages of the product, its differentiation, the depth of diversification, the accuracy of focusing on target market segments, rather than by the price level. Hence, the criteria for evaluating the performance of the company as a whole and their employees (especially management personnel and specialists) change significantly. Evaluating the results of personnel work only according to traditional criteria (for example, profit, sales volume, etc.) in modern conditions may not be correct enough. An important role is played by non-financial or generally non-quantitative criteria (for example, investment activity, flexibility and adaptability of management systems and structures, etc.).

The complexity of managerial work (the abundance and variety of functions, professional differentiation, etc.) implies an increase in the role of evaluation of managers and specialists.

The complexity of assessing the effectiveness of managerial work requires the development of appropriate procedures. The question is what is the focus of the evaluation and what are the criteria. In our country, the criteria in evaluating a manager are most often the goals and objectives set by him, i.e. his intentions and promises, the ability to present the current state of affairs as real results, in other words, the main thing for our leader of almost any level is good public relations (PR). Of course, PR is important for any leader, but not only as one of the criteria.

In organizations and firms in highly developed countries, the main criterion is to link the results of the work of an individual manager or specialist with the final results of the company as a whole.

The BSC arose due to the need to evaluate the return on the company's managerial work, from that part of intangible assets, the effectiveness of the use and development (growth) of which is most difficult to quantify. And the managerial potential of any company is, first of all, its managerial personnel in the broad sense of this concept, their qualifications, skills, experience and other parameters. The BSC emerged as a tool for assessing the role of intangible assets different kind in increasing the competitiveness of the company, as it developed, organically came to the need to restructure the entire personnel assessment system on new principles, new criteria and methods. But the essence of the BSC has remained basically unchanged: to quantify what, in principle, cannot be accurately quantified.

The problem is that with the illiterate use of the BSC (unjustified narrowing it down to linking the strategy and tactics of increasing competitiveness), with a misunderstanding or underestimation of the fact that the entire BSC is needed primarily to assess the effectiveness of the company's managerial potential and its contribution to increasing competitiveness, in the most important final results that characterize the achievement of this highest competitiveness, neither the BSC as such, nor the personnel assessment system in the company will give the proper result by themselves.

But in modern conditions, the use of such an approach is often not effective enough to build an integral system of personnel assessment. In modern conditions, it is becoming increasingly important to evaluate the effectiveness of personnel development costs, i.e. selection of personnel, advanced training, improvement of motivation and stimulation of personnel. In addition, it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of investments in personnel development (it is not possible to evaluate them using standard investment analysis procedures either in terms of payback periods or in assessing the contribution to improving the company's financial performance, since non-financial results are of great importance here).

And their share in the total investment in business development is increasing, especially in high-tech companies. To assess the effectiveness of the company as a whole and to set goals in the field of certification and assessment of personnel in particular, other management technologies are currently needed, a different level of methodological and organizational tools that correspond to the nature of the tasks facing the business.

2. The role of personnel assessment and certification systems

To understand the place of modern personnel assessment technologies in the internal management system, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the changing role of the personnel service as a whole. In the highly developed countries of the world, in recent decades, the work of personnel services and personnel management services has been intensively restructured in the direction of creating integrated personnel services, which is associated with a change in the set of functions, the status of the personnel service in the organizational structure of management and the role in the management decision-making process. Currently, such services are typical for companies with a high level of competitiveness.

In modern management theory, it is customary to single out four levels, or stages, of competitiveness.And each of them has its own approaches to the organization of management in general and personnel service in particular.

It is not worth considering companies with a zero level of competitiveness, of which there are many in modern Russia. There, the role of the personnel service is reduced to a purely accounting one (management of personal files, accounting of personnel, registration and implementation of personnel decisions). The chances of such companies to survive in market conditions are not connected with the restructuring of management, but with the re-profiling or liquidation of these companies.

For employees of enterprises or firms of the first level of competitiveness, the management factor is, as it were, “internally neutral”. They believe that if regular management was once put in their companies, then management does not affect competitiveness in any way. These managers see their role only in ensuring the stability of production, producing products without much fuss, not caring either about improving production and management, or about “surprises” for competitors and consumers. They are confident that the quality of their products is sufficient for the consumer, and any additional effort in production or in management is considered overkill. The functions of personnel services are the selection, training and advanced training of personnel.

This approach can bring success to the company if it can find a place in the market that is free from competition. This is usually typical for a small or medium-sized enterprise that focuses on a niche market. But as the business scales up, it may happen that the company either outgrows this niche or enters competition in a new market segment, or the niche segment becomes a growing market attractive to other manufacturers. As a result, sooner or later competition from distant and obscure becomes close and visible. The ability to produce products of proper quality and establish regular management is not enough. Care must be taken to exceed the standards offered by competitors in terms of price, production costs, quality, delivery accuracy, service level, etc.

2.1 Characteristic features of the personnel management of an enterprise of different levels of competitiveness.

personnel assessment appraisal indicator

Characteristic features of the personnel management of a Russian enterprise first level of competitiveness are the following features:

A) understanding that the functions of the personnel service are not limited solely to accounting functions and can be expanded within the framework of the previous status and staffing of this service.

When selecting personnel for the positions of managers and specialists, it is considered sufficient for candidates to have a track record corresponding to the position (primarily previous work experience), without organizing a competitive selection, thorough and comprehensive testing of the candidate.

Insufficient attention is paid to the qualification and motivation of employees, to issues of personnel management in general. In this case, as a rule, we see a high turnover of staff. It is believed that if it is necessary to increase the volume of production, one can freely hire additional personnel without thinking that such an approach is likely to negatively affect the quality of the product, and hence its competitiveness. A very calm attitude towards staff turnover comes from the belief that there are no irreplaceable people. Hence the limited investment in human capital. Why spend efforts and funds on the development of human resources, to train qualified personnel from the institute's bench, when you can recruit the necessary workers from outside?

The decisive word in the appointment belongs directly to the leaders, the decision is made by them on their own, without an expert opinion or even coordination with the personnel department.

B) misunderstanding of the role of the control factor in general.

At the same time, the issues of improving structures and systems, forms and methods of management are considered redundant. The bet is on what was expedient or worked well in the past.

The dominance of companies of the first level of competitiveness is due, on the one hand, to the weakness of competition in the domestic market, and on the other hand, to the close ties of enterprises that have survived on the market with local or federal authorities, and budget money.

Companies of the second level of competitiveness strive to make their production and management systems “externally neutral”. This means that such enterprises must fully comply with the standards set by their main competitors in a particular market (industry or region). They try to reproduce what the leading firms do: they strive to borrow as much as possible the techniques, technologies, methods of organizing production from the leading enterprises in the industry; purchase raw materials, semi-finished products and components from the same sources as their main competitors; follow the same principles and approaches in managing product quality and production efficiency (process approach), establish similar relationships with employees in their production (including systems for organizing and stimulating work); begin to introduce a system of certification and evaluation of personnel.

However, borrowing of advanced methods and management systems is often carried out formally, without a thorough analysis of the essence of a particular management technology, without conditions for its adaptation to the specifics of an enterprise or firm. As a result, HR departments are created only because it is supposed to be that business leaders already have it. Personnel appraisal and evaluation systems are being applied without a serious revision of the functions, status and powers of personnel departments. Some enterprises have already reached the second stage and are trying to apply the most modern approaches to working with personnel.

The features of enterprises of the second level of competitiveness include the following:

A) further expansion of the functions of the personnel service and an increase in its role in the preparation and justification of all personnel decisions.

B) the desire to create an integrated personnel service, including by changing the status of personnel management in the organization.

C) Change in personnel policy. The focus is not on the manager or specialist in general, but on taking into account his qualifications and ability to give a new impetus to the development of the company's business. Such firms seek, if necessary, to invite managers and specialists from the best companies in the same industry to work, relying mainly on their high qualifications and professional qualities, without regard to the specifics of a particular enterprise or production.

D) focus on the most common standard management technologies that provide success in the market today to the main competitors. Here, the improvement of the organization and stimulation of labor, management systems are carried out according to the principle of "reasonable sufficiency".

E) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel are based on the analysis of the suitability of the position and the results of its performance for an individual employee in order to make more justified staff reductions, employee transfers within the company. Here the main form of work is the work of the attestation commission.

It must be remembered that any copy is always worse than the original. At a certain stage, direct borrowing of best practices no longer adds to the competitiveness of the company. The question arises before the management of such companies: if their enterprises have different comparative advantages in competitiveness in the market than their main rivals, then why do they need to adhere to the general standards of organization of production and management established in the industry? Those who find the right answers to this question usually “grow up” to enterprises of the third level of competitiveness and become on a par with industry leaders.

Production in companies that have reached third level of competitiveness , become, as it were, “supported from within.” All other divisions of the organization are oriented towards its development. The focus is on the development of the organization, the continuous improvement of all management systems, including the personnel department. Here we are already talking about the formation of a full-fledged integrated personnel service, the main features of which are the following:

A) the set of functions of the personnel service is the widest. Moreover, the traditional areas of activity (accounting, keeping personal files, registration) do not determine the main content of their work.

B) each employee, especially those who have worked in the company for a long time, is considered as a value for the company, the loss (leaving, dismissal) of which is not profitable from a purely economic point of view (the costs of his training and advanced training, his competence, knowledge of the specifics of the company's business are extremely are important). Hence, staff turnover is reduced to a minimum.

C) focus on continuous improvement of the most common management technologies. Here, the improvement of the organization and stimulation of labor, management systems is no longer carried out according to the principle of "reasonable sufficiency", but become an essential part of the corporate culture.

D) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel are aimed at developing the potential of an individual employee, at planning his career, at helping to ensure that each employee of the organization can fully reveal his personal and qualification potential.

E) the status of the integrated personnel service in the organization is increasing. Its head not only becomes accountable directly to the first official of the company, but also integrates a number of functions and related services that were previously accountable to other top managers of the company.

There are very few companies in Russian business that have actually reached the second level of competitiveness. Therefore, the task for the near future is to rise to the third level of competitiveness, i.e. try to build management in Russia the way the best companies in the world do it, and at the same time see the general direction of development of effective management systems.

However, there are companies that are ahead of the competition for many years. These are companies that have achieved the fourth level of competitiveness , a company with world-class manufacturing. They do not seek to copy the experience of the best firms in the industry, but they want to surpass the most stringent existing standards. They have already created full-fledged integrated personnel services that perform a wide range of functions and are responsible for all aspects of personnel policy. Here, the development of personnel potential is considered as one of the most important aspects of ensuring long-term success in the competitive struggle. The main features of personnel management at the fourth level are the following features:

A) improvement of management technologies is focused on achieving the highest standards of efficiency in terms of realizing the main goals of the company. Improving the organization and stimulation of labor, management systems is carried out in the direction of surpassing all the best that competitors have.

B) systems of certification and evaluation of personnel are aimed at developing the potential of not an individual employee, but a team of managers and specialists. Everything that concerns career planning, assessment methods, is carried out taking into account this direction.

So, we can see that with the change in the organization comes a change in the personnel service. The greater the level of competitiveness of an organization, the more important the role of the personnel service begins to play in it. The well-being of the entire organization as a whole subsequently depends on the degree of efficiency of its work.

.3 Approaches to personnel assessment

In the science of personnel management, there are two approaches to personnel assessment.

The first approach is traditional, it involves the assessment of personnel, focused on the result of the work done. The second approach is a modern one, which involves the assessment of personnel focused on the development of the company.

The traditional approach to personnel assessment has the following goals:

promoting company employees or making decisions to move them to another department;

informing employees about how the company's management evaluates their work;

assessment of the contribution of each employee individually, as well as structural divisions as a whole, to the achievement of the company's goals;

making decisions related to the level and conditions of remuneration;

verification and diagnostics of decisions related to the training and development of personnel.

The traditional approach was based on the fact that the certification of personnel was primarily associated with the assessment of the work done, with checking the employee's suitability for the position held by identifying his ability to perform job duties.

It is necessary to distinguish between the traditional approach - domestic and foreign. These differences are in the purposes, methods and results of certification and evaluation of personnel. The traditional domestic approach was mostly of a more formal nature; it was recognized post-factum to justify certain personnel decisions. The traditional foreign system of certification and evaluation of personnel is considered mainly in the framework of management by objectives. As a rule, the technology of such control includes the following components:

definition of the company's mission, its goals and strategy for their implementation;

setting individual goals for employees and managers of the organization based on previously defined goals of the company;

periodic assessment of the degree of achievement of individual goals;

training and assistance to employees;

determination of remuneration to employees for the successful achievement of goals and the fulfillment of tasks.

Personnel assessment built on traditional management by objectives allows you to increase control over work and its results, link the company's goals with the individual goals of employees, evaluate employees on an objective basis, and not on the subjective opinion of line managers, create an objective basis for determining rewards for results achieved and making decisions about promotion.

At the same time, the experience of using the traditional personnel assessment system in many Western companies turned out to be ineffective or even unsuccessful. The problem is that although this system is quite logical and should bring results, it is built on a number of assumptions that are not always applicable in practice.

First, the traditional system of personnel evaluation assumes that the results of the company's work are a simple sum of the results of the work of each employee of the company.

Modern practice shows that the results of the company's work directly depend on the interaction between employees, on teamwork, and not only on individual success. The interaction between employees, being a key factor in the effectiveness of the organization, falls out of the traditional system of management by objectives.

Secondly, within the framework of the traditional system of management by objectives, the main emphasis is on achieving results. An employee is given a performance-oriented goal, for example, to receive revenue in such and such an amount, and it is understood that an employee who clearly understands what is required of him will find a way to achieve it.

Thirdly, the traditional system of management by goals involves the involvement of the employees themselves in the definition of individual goals. Employees want to have a lot of control over their work, and providing such control, naturally within reasonable limits, will certainly be an additional incentive.

But in fact, the definition of goals by the employees themselves is far from being effective in all cases. Modern theory and practice of human resource management show that simply involving employees in setting individual goals is not enough. This is because employees are not involved in the process of defining the overall goals of the organization, on the basis of which the individual goals of employees should be formed.

The personnel assessment process, focused on the development of the organization, should contribute to the professional growth and development of employees, and not only be focused on assessing the work of personnel over the past period. Moreover, it would be wrong to consider the assessment as the basis for downsizing. If an employee is viewed as “human capital”, then it would be wrong to “write off” the funds that the organization has already invested in it. It is necessary to think about ways to increase the return on the human capital invested (created) in the organization. Modern technologies for assessing and certifying personnel are, first of all, ways to increase the return on this capital, finding ways to make the best use of these corporate resources. This does not mean that upon completion of the assessment and certification, jobs for employees are always preserved, that in the worst case, everything is limited to the rotation of personnel, the selection of another position within the company. But a careful attitude to highly professional personnel, for the training and education of which significant corporate resources could be spent, to personnel who, moreover, have experience in this company, is becoming the dominant trend of modern corporate management.

The process of personnel assessment, focused on the development of the company, is much more efficient. The most successful Western companies set more stringent requirements and goals for their employees, directly and to a large extent link the remuneration of their employees and managers with the degree to which these goals are achieved. In these companies, the process of personnel assessment is aimed at the future of the company, at the implementation of not only short-term, but also long-term plans.

Fourthly, traditional personnel assessment is aimed at the past, while in the modern approach, development-oriented personnel assessment is designed to help employees understand the direction of the company, its goals and how to achieve them. Thus, in traditional personnel assessment, the emphasis is on determining what happened, and in the modern one, on why it happened and what needs to be corrected.

The process of personnel assessment, focused on the development of the organization, includes three main features:

setting goals and standards for monitoring their implementation;

review of the work done;

improvement of work, development of the company and assessment of the contribution to this development of each employee individually.

The motivation and performance of an employee can only be improved if the employee clearly understands what exactly needs to be achieved.

.4 Purpose, principles of organization and goals of modern personnel assessment

Before proceeding with the organization of personnel appraisal, the management of the personnel service should clearly understand the general and specific, main and auxiliary (additional) goals of personnel appraisal and assessment, as well as the technical and organizational capabilities of the company.

Certification and assessment of personnel is a management technology aimed at achieving the company's goals and implementing its strategy, as well as improving the efficiency of the organization's activities in the main management functions.

The evaluation process itself can be both formal and informal. In any case, the assessment of personnel directly affects the increase in wages, promotion or promotion, dismissal, training and career development of employees.

Certification and comprehensive assessment of personnel are an integral part of a well-established personnel service of any modern organization. This is a kind of criterion and guarantee of its competitiveness and stability in the market, an indicator of the quality of management - the most important factor of success in the competitive struggle today. A properly constructed system of certification and evaluation of personnel is the first indicator of the level and quality of personnel work in a company.

In the West, according to management theory, CERTIFICATION is a summing up of the work of an employee at the end of his employment contract, an assessment of the results of his work for the entire period of the contract, determining the degree of compliance of the employee with the requirements established by his position, the requirements of the job description, which were the basis labor contract.

Personnel assessment in management science is a system for periodically assessing the results of an employee’s work or demonstrated skills, approaches to performing work (for a month, quarter, year) in accordance with the goals (standards) and tasks (results) of the activity established for this position.

Certification and evaluation of personnel in a modern organization must necessarily pursue a set of interrelated goals.

In order to understand why an organization needs attestation and evaluation of personnel, it is necessary to determine the goals (quantitative and qualitative) that must be realized when performing attestation and evaluation procedures.

2.5 Purposes of appraisal and evaluation of personnel

Basic goals this:

determination of personnel performance;

changes in wages and incentives based on performance;

employee development;

Additional goalsinclude:

checking the compatibility of the employee with the team;

verification of motivation to work, to work in this position;

determination of career development prospects for the employee.

General goals:

improving personnel management and increasing the efficiency of personnel work;

increasing responsibility and performance discipline.


determination of the circle of employees and the list of positions subject to dismissal or reduction;

improving the moral and psychological climate of the organization.

It should be noted that the use of certification as a tool for downsizing is considered unacceptable.

Let us consider in detail the main goals of certification and evaluation of personnel.

Determination of personnel performance.

Personnel evaluation allows you to distinguish effective employees from inefficient ones. The manager must be able to determine which employees contribute to the organization's strategic goals and which do not. In a performance-oriented organization, there is no room for “levelling”: poorly done work should not go unnoticed. Those employees who cannot perform the tasks assigned to them should be provided with the necessary assistance and given the opportunity to improve their work. If the work of an employee still does not meet the necessary criteria, then corrective actions must be taken to him: relocation, demotion and, in extreme cases, dismissal. Effective company executives never hesitate if a layoff is necessary. Leaving employees at work who are not doing their jobs will send the wrong signal to employees who are doing their job well. For example, the American company Microsoft annually dismisses about 5% of its employees, based on the results of personnel appraisal.

A condescending attitude towards an incorrect personnel assessment system "results" in a long-term problem. Employees who achieve high results want their work to be noticed and rewarded. To motivate staff to work effectively, it is necessary to single out the most promising employees, and their work should be paid in accordance with their contribution. The increase in salary should not be the same, but should vary depending on the results that a particular employee has achieved. The effectiveness of wages as a motivating factor depends entirely on how accurately the performance of the work performed can be measured, as well as on the ability to distinguish between efficient and inefficient employees.

Changes in wages and incentives based on performance.

In order to contribute to the improvement of the performance of employees, a job well done should be rewarded. Employees who contribute the most to the achievement of the organization's strategic goals deserve the most rewards.

Employee development.

The task of the manager is to help the employee in ensuring his professional growth and development. To achieve this, appraisal and appraisal of personnel must be a constructive and dynamic process, oriented towards future achievements.

Unfortunately, appraisal and performance appraisal is a strategic process in many organizations. They are related to past performance rather than aiming to improve future performance. Without a focus on the future development of employees, staff appraisal can lead to negative results, employees will consider appraisal as a report on the work done. This is one of the main reasons for the negative attitude towards the appraisal of employees and managers.

3. Technologies for personnel assessment

Personnel certification can be carried out in various ways, based on the specifics and traditions, and on the characteristics of the management culture in the organization. The choice of an assessment system is a function of top management. It is largely determined by the level of personnel work in the organization: the higher the level, the greater the need for objective indicators and formal procedures for assessing personnel, the more time and resources the company is willing to spend on these purposes.

Staff appraisal can be based on two main areas: assessment of performance and assessment of professional skills and approaches to the performance of work.

Performance evaluation.

One of the simplest and most effective methods of evaluation is the evaluation of the final results of labor. First of all, this concerns such indicators as the amount of work performed, the amount of revenue received by the employee, the number of customers served.

Evaluation of labor results allows you to directly "tie" the performance of an employee to the performance of the department and the organization as a whole. Determining the results of labor, as a rule, is not particularly difficult and is devoid of any subjectivity. If, when assessing the business qualities of an employee, the manager who conducted the assessment can proceed from his personal, subjective judgments, then when assessing, for example, the number of products sold, the reports on the work done will speak for themselves.

Assessment of professional skills and approaches to work performance.

As a rule, the work is evaluated according to the result obtained. But it is inappropriate to rely only on the results of the work or only on them. It is necessary to evaluate the contribution of each employee to the achievement of the set goals, i.e. determine how he solves the problem. It is necessary to evaluate the approach to the performance of work, the level of proficiency in certain skills and establish performance standards in this area. In the theory of human resource management, the term “competence” is used to define such skills. More precisely, a competency is a work behavior, attitude, knowledge and skill that is necessary to perform work at an acceptable or high level and to successfully achieve goals for the period being assessed.

The biggest problem with evaluating skill levels is subjectivity. First, everyone may have a different understanding of what is “good” and what is “bad”, or what approach to doing work will be considered effective and what is ineffective. Secondly, when evaluating the same employee, some will consider that the employee showed the best approach to solving the task assigned to him, while others will believe that the employee worked very poorly and used a completely wrong approach to solving the tasks assigned to him. If these questions are left unattended, then the effectiveness of the assessment of skills and approaches to work will practically be reduced to zero.

Modern theory and practice offer quite effective, but not always known, and even more so applied in Russia, solutions to the issues raised. First, before the assessment, options for effective and inefficient approach to the performance of work or the level of proficiency in any skill are determined in advance (as a rule, this is done by a special expert commission). In other words, patterns of effective and inefficient working behavior are determined. Secondly, the evaluation is not based on the opinion of the evaluator, but on the basis of evidence of good or poor performance, or, more precisely, on the basis of examples of work behavior that the employee demonstrated during the period being evaluated. Thus, any assessments must be necessarily reasoned and supported by real examples.

Evaluation of mastery of a skill or approach to work has another fundamental advantage over the evaluation of the final results of labor, which is not always possible and appropriate. Even if the end results are easy to measure and observe, their evaluation will not determine why certain results were achieved. That is, if an employee could not achieve the planned value of the estimated indicator, then it is not clear why this happened and what exactly this employee needs to correct in his work. At the same time, the assessment of skills and approaches to the performance of work focuses on the reasons for achieving a particular result and, accordingly, makes it possible to determine the directions for the development and training of personnel.

Modern assessment technologies are based on a systematic approach that takes into account the action of many interrelated factors.

3.1 Methods for obtaining information about the work of an employee

When considering the methods of obtaining information, it should be noted that the main thing here is obtaining data for assessing employees from various angles, namely: observation, information received from colleagues of the employee being evaluated, information received from consumers, reports.


This method is the most reliable way to obtain information about the work of the company's personnel, but also the most difficult to apply. Moreover, the complexity arises not only because of the possibility of a misunderstanding of the actions of the assessed employee. The biggest problem with using the method of performance observation is the lack of time for the evaluator to constantly monitor how each of the subordinates is working. But it should be noted that due to the fact that the manager himself observes the work of his employees, this method is one of the most reliable. Information about good (or bad) performance is received directly by the evaluator, rather than from third parties, often based on rumors or misunderstandings.

The negative aspects of this method include the fact that the evaluation of the work may be distorted or biased. To avoid this, it is necessary to evaluate the work of personnel based solely on real facts, i.e. when determining the assessment, argue it with specific examples of the correct or incorrect work behavior of the employee.

Information from colleagues at work.

Employees in the same department or team members who work together on a daily basis tend to have more information about each other's work than their immediate supervisor. This is information about the employee's work with clients, about relationships within the work team and with other departments of the company. Using this method can help the manager to uncover problems that are not visible at first glance, and obstacles that hinder the achievement of the company's goals. Employee opinions about the work of colleagues may be based on preconceptions or misunderstandings, so employees are required to provide evidence or examples of the right or wrong approach to doing work.

Information from consumers.

To obtain objective information, it is necessary to evaluate the work not only from the point of view of the employee performing it, but also from the point of view of the consumer. Moreover, the consumer is understood not only as the company's customers (external consumers), but also the staff (internal consumers). Conducting research and surveys among internal consumers of the company will provide information about the problems that arise between employees. Such surveys can be conducted using questionnaires that contain questions about the work of certain employees that they have to deal with in their work.

For surveys of the company's customers, you can use special questionnaires that offer answers to a number of questions about the quality of services provided. Customers, unlike company employees, are not required to fill out questionnaires at all. Therefore, all questions should be specific, and their number should not be large. The use of this method for surveys is limited, but the information received from customers is more significant than the opinion of employees, and in certain cases - than the opinion of a line manager.

An important source of information about the work of the company's personnel are complaints received from customers. For example, the minimum number (or absence) of complaints from customers can serve as a performance criterion. Moreover, with the help of this information, you can find out about errors when working with customers and take measures to eliminate them.


This method of obtaining information is necessary, first of all, to determine the actual results of the work and the degree of achievement of the individual goals of the employee. Information sources can be not only financial reports, but also any others, for example, a report on the number of transactions concluded or products sold (in physical terms). Estimates derived from this information are the most appropriate for calculating performance-based bonuses and salary changes. On the other hand, the information obtained on the basis of reports on the results of the company (or department) does not say much about the reasons for not meeting the set goals, it only fixes this fact. Therefore, this information is difficult to use to determine the directions for the development and training of personnel.

3.2 Methods for assessing the organization's personnel

When choosing a system for assessing the results of personnel work, it is necessary to proceed from the goals of the organization and the immediate task of the assessment (for example, development and training of personnel, changes in remuneration). The evaluation system chosen must also be appropriate for the culture of the organization.

Can be distinguished three groups of methods: common methods; assessment of work behavior; evaluation of labor results.

Let us consider in more detail the general methods of assessing the personnel of an organization.

General methods.

Method of written characteristics- one of the simplest methods of personnel assessment. The manager can evaluate the work of the subordinate by describing his work in his own words. Such an assessment can be given to the results of the employee's work (revenue, volume of products sold, its quality), business qualities, approaches to the performance of certain duties. Also, the evaluator can give recommendations on the development of the employee.

An example of an evaluation form for the written characteristics method is given in Appendix 1.

Ranging- the oldest and most simple, from a technical point of view, a method of personnel assessment. According to this method, the results of the work of employees are compared, and the evaluating manager ranks all his subordinates from best to worst. This method assumes that he fully understands the job responsibilities of his subordinates and can compare their performance simultaneously based on common factors. The apparent ease of use of this method is deceptive.

Ranking is only suitable if there are a small number of employees being assessed, provided that their job responsibilities are practically the same. But even in this case, the use of ranking when evaluating personnel can be extremely subjective and lead to great difficulties in evaluating employees with average results.


The grading system provides for the existence of specific levels of labor efficiency, for example, highly effective, effective, acceptable, inefficient, unacceptable. The results of the work of each assessed employee are compared with the descriptions of each of the levels, and then the employee is assigned the level that best describes his work.

This system can be improved by prior distribution, i.e. each level is predetermined by the corresponding fixed percentage of employees. This method is known as the “specified distribution method”.

There are several very strong arguments in favor of using this method, because it overcomes the problem of a manager overestimating or underestimating his subordinates, as well as assigning average ratings to each subordinate. Moreover, this technology makes managers take the process of personnel assessment more seriously, which greatly increases the likelihood of identifying those employees who do their job well and those who do not meet the necessary criteria.

However, the technology of predetermined performance grading may meet resistance within the organization. If used incorrectly, this technology can lead to increased competition, undermining trust and worsening the working atmosphere in the team. On the other hand, absolute standards for determining the level of efficiency set specific goals for the staff, without leading to increased competition in the team, i.e. it is also necessary to evaluate the conditions for the application of the method.

Rating (or graphic) scale- one of the most popular modern methods of personnel assessment. The rating scale defines different levels of performance in a job or skill, and each of these levels is assigned a specific score. Usually a manager can choose one of several (usually 5 to 10) levels for each specific criterion. Evaluation criteria on the rating scale, in principle, can be any. Using this method, you can evaluate the results of employees, the degree of achievement of their individual goals, as well as the degree of possession of any skill or business qualities of an employee. An example of a rating scale is given in Appendix 2.

This method offers a single approach (based on a common scale) for evaluating different employees, thus providing a single basis for evaluating personnel in all departments of the organization. In addition, the method of rating scales is quite simple to use, does not require any great effort on the part of the evaluating manager, large financial or time costs.

The main problem of using this method is the uncertainty in the choice of estimates. What does a 3 (Acceptable) or a 5 (Excellent) mean, for example? What is the difference between them and what should be based on when choosing one or another assessment? To avoid such questions, the method of rating scales should not be used alone, but in combination with other assessment methods, which allow to more accurately determine and distinguish between different levels of effectiveness.

.3 Establishing a process for periodic personnel assessment

The process of periodic personnel assessment (attestation) serves to successfully achieve the company's goals. It allows you to link the company's business plan with the plans for the work and development of its employees. The duration of the assessment process (personnel assessment cycle) is usually 1 year, although it can be longer (up to 18 months). The periodic evaluation process is an iterative process, i.e. completion of the evaluation cycle, the process is repeated again.

An important requirement for certification is the strict observance of the stages of organization of this work. The complexity and quality of certification procedures should correspond to the status, qualifications and experience in conducting certification of personnel service specialists. That is why the introduction of complex schemes and procedures into the practice of working with personnel from the very beginning is unjustified. The first steps for certification should be simple, understandable to employees of the organization and easy to use for heads of structural divisions and HR specialists.

The most preferable stages of building an integrated system of certification and evaluation of employees, aimed at significantly improving the efficiency of personnel management, are at least the following:

) the introduction of periodic (usually 2 times a year) certification (assessment) of personnel based on interviews (interviews) and questionnaires (filling out specially designed forms) of employees of the enterprise in order to verify their business and personal qualities. Stage duration: 1 - 2 years;

) supplementing interviews and questionnaires with a system of attestation and evaluation sheets, used no more than once a year, in order to increase the objectivity of assessment and verification, along with other results of the employee’s work in this position, the degree of compliance with his job requirements. Stage duration: 2 - 3 years;

) transition to a personnel management system by goals with the most objective assessment of the contribution of each employee of the enterprise to the results of the work of its structural unit and the organization as a whole. Stage duration: at least 2 years;

Thus, the transition to a full-fledged system of comprehensive assessment and certification of personnel based on modern requirements of management science cannot take a total of less than 5 years.

The procedure for organizing and conducting certification implies a clear prescription: the timing (frequency) of certification of the certification technology, its forms (procedures), the distribution of areas of responsibility for the development and implementation of certification activities, the procedure for implementing the results (outcomes) of certification.

The introduction of a personnel assessment and certification system should be preceded by a preliminary stage, the content of which is as follows: the top management of the organization, by special order, must notify the heads of structural divisions and employees of the enterprise about the time frame and why personnel certification is carried out, what goals and objectives it pursues, what conclusions it will bring for the organization as a whole and for each employee individually.

At its disposal, management should:

announce who will prepare the methodological support for attestation, i.e. develop goals, objectives, certification procedures, etc.

determine the list of documents that must be developed before the start of certification;

determine the approximate dates for the first certification and the period during which all participants in the certification must familiarize themselves with the procedures and documents for certification, make motivated comments and suggestions.

3.4 Stages of periodic assessment of personnel

The process of periodic staff appraisal is intended to contribute to the following tasks:

*Determination of individual work plans for employees of the organization for the coming period;

* Establishment within the framework of the work plan, by mutual agreement with the employee, individual key goals and objectives;

*Monitoring progress in achieving assigned tasks through mini-interviews and a more formal mid-term assessment interview;

*Assessing the work of employees and determining individual training needs necessary to improve the efficiency of employees;

*Improving working relationships between assessors and assessors;

*Determination of the amount of remuneration and changes in remuneration depending on the performance of the employee and contribution to the achievement of the company's goals.

The main stages of the periodic assessment of personnel:

Work planning;

setting goals, developing evaluation criteria and ratings;

system of individual targets;

action plan;

defining key goals and skills;

intermediate interview or mini-interview;

evaluation interview;

assessment definition;

work planning.

The cycle of periodic personnel assessment begins with the definition and discussion of the work plan of each employee and manager for the upcoming period. The main purpose of this discussion is to draw up a work plan that identifies key individual goals and objectives for the coming year, as well as a small number of less significant goals.

Evaluation of the performance of personnel in the company is carried out using direct assessments (or assessments of labor results) and indirect assessments (or assessments of the employee's performance by qualities) that affect the achievement of these results. Estimates complement each other and have different direct purposes.

The group of direct assessments includes assessments on the achievement of goals and assessments of the level of contribution made by the employee to the activities of the organization and unit. If the goals are set strictly individually, then descriptions of the assessment of the level of contribution are developed not for each performer individually, but for job groups of employees.

Indirect assessments relate to factors that characterize the employee himself, his professional skills, abilities and knowledge. These characteristics are related to the performance of the employee by functional dependence.

Direct and indirect assessments are used together as elements of a general assessment system that meet various purposes in working with personnel.

The greatest difficulty in the implementation of management by objectives lies precisely in the definition of a system of individual target indicators. After that, the evaluation process is reduced to a fairly simple operation of comparing actual results with those that were established before the start of the evaluation period.

Also, personnel assessment reinforces the traditional mechanism of personnel management based on a rigid system of individual responsibility and incentives for managers. It will allow you to maximize the potential of each employee in the organization.

The choice of forms for evaluating the results. Evaluation of results, i.e. the actual assessment of an employee upon achieving goals consists in comparing actual results with a given level.

After such a comparison, it is not difficult for the manager to determine the overall assessment of the performance of the assessed employee for the period under consideration. At the same time, the assessment may deviate somewhat from the arithmetic mean due to the fact that one or another goal is somewhat different in importance. In addition, the manager can take into account special external circumstances that influenced the results and were beyond the control of the assessed employee. In such a case, these circumstances should be explained in detail in the comment box.

Criteria for choosing an evaluation form. The development of evaluation criteria is the process of choosing a system of factors that influenced the achievement of goals in terms of how they influenced the employee's activities and reflected on its results in a given period of time. Moreover, it is not the capabilities (potential) of the employee that are assessed, but the real manifestations of professional qualities in the period of time considered during the assessment.

The criteria that are most important and most applicable to a particular position or a group of positions of the same name should be selected.

The system of factors consists of three main groups:

Technical knowledge and skills;

Problem solving skills;

Managerial skills (or interpersonal skills in the absence of managerial responsibility)

Technical knowledge and skills mean that an employee has a certain level of "know-how" in the area of ​​direct responsibility.

Problem-solving skills mean the ability to identify what data an employee needs to solve problems, determine their source and, based on this, come to logical conclusions. Each of the main groups can be assessed in the simplest version by a single assessment, however, in most cases, a more meaningful analysis is expected within each of the main groups.

The development of a system of factors should be carried out by specialists of the personnel service directly in cooperation with the managers in whose subordination the positions of this professional group are located.

Management skills can be disclosed as "communication skills", "coordination of efforts", "representation". Just as “attentive attitude to subordinates” characterizes leaders, they are an integral part of the knowledge and skills of an effective leader.


Evaluating the personnel of a company with 30-50 people (not to mention corporations with thousands of employees) can be a rather painstaking and time-consuming process. And this is not only due to the technical complexity of analyzing the entire set of assessments for each of the employees and compiling all the necessary assessment documents. It is practically impossible to calculate "manually" various scenarios for personnel assessment, i.e. determination of the overall integrated assessment of the company's employees with different values ​​of the weighting coefficients of the assessment indicators, although this task is relevant when making managerial decisions.

Obviously, without an appropriate computer program that would take on all the technical difficulties, the assessment and certification of personnel, instead of an effective management technology, can turn into a routine, formal procedure that does not pay off the efforts and time invested in it. To effectively solve the problems facing the assessment of personnel, the program should provide an opportunity to:

flexible adjustment of the system of assessed indicators to the specifics of the company's activities;

automated compilation of evaluation documents;

determination of various weight coefficients for the estimated indicators.

In the West, numerous computer firms and consulting companies offer all kinds of software products for the automation of personnel assessment.

In Russia, at the moment there is not only a shortage of software tools for personnel assessment, but also a complete absence of computer programs to support managerial decision-making in the field of human resource management. Programs such as "1C - Personnel", "BOSS - Kadrovik", etc. in fact, they are aimed at solving purely accounting and legal problems, but not at all managerial issues. A possible reason for this problem is a strong underestimation in our country of the importance of human capital as the most important factor of production in a post-industrial society and the competitiveness of an enterprise.

One of the few automation tools for personnel assessment in domestic practice is the computer system "Personnel Assessment", developed by the consulting company "TOR - Consultant". In this program, there is an extremely successful combination of the ability to conduct assessments for various scenarios, build reporting assessment forms, on the one hand, and maximum ease of use, on the other. In addition to conducting an expert assessment, the program provides for the possibility of assessment using testing, i.e. in fact, the implementation of one of the most advanced methods for assessing personnel - a scale for monitoring work behavior has been ensured.


  1. E.V. Maslov. Enterprise personnel management. - M.: Infra-M, 1999, 295 pages.
  2. Fundamentals of the scientific organization of labor at the enterprise: Textbook for higher education. Ed. ON THE. Polyakov. - M.: Profizdat, 1987, 2875 pages.
  3. Personel assessment. / V.E. Khrutsky, R.A. Tolmachev. - 2nd ed., revised. And extra. - M.: Finance and statistics, 2007. - 224 p., ill.
  4. Personnel management of the organization. V.P. Perachev. - Moscow, 1998, 447 pages.
  5. Shekshnya S.V. Personnel management of a modern organization - M .: 2002, 355 pages.
  6. Travin V.V., Dyatlov V.A. Fundamentals of personnel management - M.: 1995, 205 pages.
  7. Organization personnel management. Textbook / edited by A.Ya. Kibanova 2nd edition, supplemented and revised - M .: - INFRA - M. 2002, 636 pages.

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personnel personnel certification

One of the main tasks of any manager is to fully engage in the work of the full potential of their employees. When developing the right system of employee motivation, there is an increase in productivity and, as a result, the profitability of the company.

Personnel management is a vitally conditioned strategic function, which during the 20th century formed into an independent structure in the course of the evolution of various forms of management. As it turned out, the main measure of progress and development of activity is a person with his needs, motivations and specific interests.

In this regard, the relationship between the heads of organizations, between the head and subordinates, between all employees within the organization is changing. The attitude towards the personnel of the organization is also changing, since the social orientation of economic reforms turns them towards the person, the personnel of the organization. Human resource management focuses on workers and employees who are in the organizational environment of the firm. It generally concerns the leaders of the lower, middle and upper levels of management.

In order to develop, succeed, maintain the health of people and the stability of the team, they must optimize the return on investment of any resources, whether financial, material or human resources.

Personnel assessment is a procedure that allows you to measure the results of the work of employees, their level of professional competence, business and personal qualities and potential in the context of the company's strategic goals.

Evaluation of personnel in companies in one way or another always exists. Any leader expresses his attitude to the work of subordinates, but most often such an assessment is vague and emotionally colored. When properly developed and conducted, an assessment is an effective tool that allows you to identify the strengths and weaknesses of employees, draw up a professional development plan, build an open corporate culture and trusting relationships with the manager, and increase business profitability through more effective personnel management.

The problem of personnel assessment during hiring and in the process labor activity is gaining more and more importance. The effectiveness of the organization as a whole depends on the efficiency of the use of labor resources.

The relevance of the problem under study predetermined the setting of the goals and objectives of the study.

The purpose of the work is to develop methods for improving the system of business evaluation of the personnel of UE "Minsk Gear Plant" (hereinafter - UE "MZSH") based on the study and analysis of personnel management technology.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks:

Conduct a theoretical analysis of modern methods of selection and evaluation of personnel;

Consider methods for assessing personnel when hiring and in the process of labor activity, used at UE "MZSh";

develop practical proposals for improving the process of selection and evaluation of personnel.

The object of the study is the personnel policy of the UE "Minsk Gear Plant".

The subject of research in the work is the personnel assessment system of UE "MZSH".

The purpose and objectives of the research determined the specific structure of the course work. The work consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a list of references, and applications.

When performing the work, general scientific methods, statistical models and methods, methods of classifications and graphic images were used.

The information base of the work is information - analytical materials of domestic and foreign authors, scientific publications on this issue, various forms of financial, accounting and other reporting of the enterprise. The main source of practical material used in writing the term paper is the reporting data of the UE "MZSH".

1. Theoretical and methodological analysis of the business assessment of personnel

1.1 The essence of personnel assessment as an element of the organization's personnel policy

In modern management practice, a large arsenal of technologies, methods and assessment techniques has been accumulated. The need for management systems to produce better results by making optimal decisions has led to the emergence of a whole direction in management - evaluative management or mark management.

Leading in mark management is the concept of "evaluation". Domestic authors, revealing this concept, distinguish its three most significant features:

1. Belonging to the subject: an assessment is characteristic of any person, since it reflects his personal opinions, judgments, attitudes. A person can, for one reason or another, “hide” his assessments by referring to the assessments of others or by speaking even more vaguely “there is an opinion” (but in any case this “opinion” has an author). In other words, it is subjective (that is, belonging to specific subjects), but not non-subjective assessments that are important in mark management.

2. Availability of technology: it is clearly not enough that someone has evaluative information, it is necessary to obtain this information, that is, to “deduce” estimates from people using certain techniques and methods. The degree of reliability of assessments largely depends on the level of assessment technologies used. Moreover, the term “objective assessment” is not accepted in mark management, and the main emphasis is shifted to the degree of assessment reliability: the higher it is, the more reliable it is for decision making.

3. Representation in a certain final form: as a result of processing the received evaluation information, it is important to obtain a final score (for example, a rating) or a series of ratings (in particular, the severity of a particular quality in points). In this case, the assessment acts as a result, a specified result of the assessment.

In the thesis work, we adhere to the definition of the concept of "assessment" given by V.I. Zhukov and E.I. Komarov: "Evaluation is the judgments, opinions, conclusions of someone and what and / or about someone that are identified using a certain technology, act as the result of evaluation."

In modern management, there is a distinction between labor assessment and personnel assessment. The purpose of labor assessment is "to compare the content, quality and costs of labor with the planned".

The subject of labor assessment can be:

l the effectiveness of the applied systems of remuneration;

ь system of stimulation (motivation) of labor;

l conditions and level of labor organization, etc.

Based on the results of the labor assessment, it is possible to identify employees who do not satisfy, satisfy and significantly exceed labor standards.

The purpose of personnel assessment is to study the degree of preparedness of an employee to perform exactly the type of activity in which he is engaged, as well as to identify the level of his potential for determining the prospects for professional and job growth.

Personnel assessment allows you to diagnose the level of development of professionally important qualities, compare individual results with standard requirements (by levels and specifics of positions), and outline career prospects.

Business assessment of personnel is a purposeful process of establishing the compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace.

We have already found out that personnel assessment is an integral part of the entire management system in an organization, since it is impossible to effectively manage people without having an idea of ​​the results of their work, the level of development of professional and personal qualities.

Without a proper personnel assessment system, the company also cannot build systems for selection, rotation, motivation, training and development of personnel, personnel planning systems, retention of especially valuable specialists, and also a personnel reserve is formed.

The main criteria for assessing the qualities of an employee are:

§ professional knowledge and skills;

§ production experience;

§ health, working capacity;

§ business and moral qualities;

§ psychological properties;

§ the level of general culture, etc.

From what tasks the assessment pursues depends on which criteria to give preference to. If the objective of the assessment is to increase the productivity of labor in the workplace, then the criteria should relate directly to labor productivity. If this job requires communication skills and personal qualities, it is necessary to focus on them. If the goal is the possibility of promotion, then it is necessary to find out the possibilities of the employee's personal development.

The objectives of the business assessment of personnel are:

1) formation of a personnel reserve for promotion;

2) obtaining analytical material necessary for making informed decisions on the selection and placement of management personnel;

3) development of measures for advanced training and retraining of managerial personnel, taking into account personal characteristics (development of relevant competencies);

4) increasing motivation for professional development and career growth;

5) formation of a favorable socio-psychological climate.

Typically, the need for an organization to evaluate people is especially relevant at the time of:

Selection of candidates for vacancies,

Completion of the probationary period by new employees,

Completion of a certain cycle of work (fiscal year, semi-annual project, etc.),

Implementation of changes that require the search and development of new competencies,

Transferring employees to another job, promoting them to a higher position,

Emergence of the need to start training employees,

Making decisions on the dismissal of employees.

The results of personnel assessment for the company:

Determining the results of work, the level of knowledge and skills of personnel, business and personal qualities of employees;

Possibility of personnel rotation and creation of a personnel reserve;

The basis for the development of a system of motivation, development and training of personnel.

Benefits of assessment for an employee:

Determining the place and role of each employee;

A clear understanding of the tasks set, the criteria for success, the dependence of the amount of remuneration on the results of work;

Opportunity to receive feedback from the manager;

Opportunity to plan further development and evaluate career opportunities.

Depending on the tasks, an assessment of all personnel (both managers and specialists), employees of a separate unit, only managers of a certain level, assessment of professional knowledge and skills, assessment of labor results, assessment of readiness for leadership work or work in a new direction can be carried out.

Thus, we can conclude that effective personnel assessment is one of the most important components of the management of any organization. Personnel assessment is the basis for many management and personnel procedures: personnel selection, intra-organizational transfers, enrollment in the reserve for promotion, personnel control, retraining and advanced training, improving the structure of the apparatus, etc.

1.2 Personnel assessment methods

It should be noted that both the immediate supervisors of the assessed and other superiors, colleagues, subordinates, HR specialists, external consultants and, finally, the assessed person himself (self-assessment) can be involved in the assessment of personnel. Thus, a minimum familiarity with the methods of personnel assessment of all employees is a guarantee that the methods used will give the expected effect.

All assessment methods can be divided into methods of individual assessment of employees, which are based on a study of the individual qualities of an employee, and group assessment methods, which are based on a comparison of the effectiveness of employees within.

Many of the assessment methods that are used today have developed in the last century. However, during the evolution of these methods have undergone significant transformation.

Consider the most common methods of personnel assessment.

Questionnaire method

The evaluation questionnaire is a specific set of questions and descriptions. The evaluator analyzes the presence or absence of the indicated features in the assessed person and notes the appropriate option.

Descriptive evaluation method

The assessor must identify and describe the positive and negative features of the behavior of the assessed. This method does not provide for a clear fixation of the results and therefore is often used as an addition to other methods.

Classification method

This method is based on the ranking of certified workers according to a certain criterion from the best to the worst, with the assignment of a certain serial number to them.

Pair comparison method

In this method, it is compared in a group of assessors who are in the same position, each with each, after which the number of times when the assessee turned out to be the best in his pair is counted. Based on the results obtained, an overall rating for the group is built.

When comparing in pairs, it is effective to use the Group Evaluation Form (Table 1.1).

Table 1.1 - Form of group assessment

At the intersection, mark the name of the employee who seems to be the most effective in this pair.

It is based on an assessment of the employee's suitability for the position held. This is a method of scaling the personal qualities of an employee. The most important component of this type of assessment is the list of tasks that the assessed employee must perform. After compiling this list (it can also be taken from job descriptions), the activity is studied, taking into account the time spent by the employee on decision-making, ways to complete the tasks. It also takes into account how economically the employee uses material resources. Then there is an assessment of the qualities of the certified employee listed in the list on a 7-point scale: 7 - a very high degree, 1 - a very low degree.

The analysis of the results can be carried out either by matching the identified estimates with the benchmark, or by comparing the results obtained from employees of the same position.

Specified Distribution Method

With this method, the person conducting the assessment is rewritten to give employees assessments within a predetermined (fixed) distribution of assessments. For example:

10% - unsatisfactory;

20% - satisfactory;

40% - quite satisfactory;

20% - good;

10% - excellent;

in total - 100%.

The only thing that requires the employee is to write down the name of the employee on a separate card and distribute them into groups in accordance with the specified quota. Distribution can be carried out on various grounds (assessment criteria).

Critical Situation Evaluation Method

To use this method, evaluators prepare a list of descriptions of the "right" and "wrong" behavior of employees in typical situations - "decisive situations". These descriptions are divided into headings according to the nature of the work. Next, the person conducting the assessment prepares a journal for records for each employee being assessed, in which he enters examples of behavior for each rubric. Later, this log is used to evaluate the employee's business qualities.

Typically, this method is used in assessments made by the manager, and not by colleagues and subordinates.

It is based on the use of "decisive situations" (see the method of assessing decisive situations), from which the business and personal qualities required from the employee are derived, which become the evaluation criteria. The evaluator reads the description of any evaluation criterion (for example, engineering competence) in the rating questionnaire and puts a mark in the scale in accordance with the qualification of the assessed. Expensive and time-consuming method, but accessible and understandable to workers.

Behavior Observation Scale Method

Similar to the previous one, but instead of determining the behavior of the employee in the decisive situation of the current time, the appraiser fixes on the scale the number of cases when the employee behaved in one or another specific way earlier. The method is laborious and requires significant material costs.

Method of Questionnaires and Comparative Questionnaires

Includes a set of questions or descriptions of employee behavior. The appraiser puts a mark next to the description of the character trait that, in his opinion, is inherent in the employee, otherwise leaves an empty space. The sum of the marks gives the overall rating of the profile of this employee. Used for evaluation by management, colleagues and subordinates.


This technique is borrowed by human resources departments from sociology.

Here is an example of an interview plan for a personality assessment. In an interview, it is important to obtain information about the following components and personality characteristics:

Intellectual sphere; motivational sphere;

Temperament, character;

Professional and life experience;


Attitude towards professional activity

Early years;


Vocational training (primary, secondary, higher, vocational);

Military service;

Attitude towards work in the company;


Self-assessment of opportunities, health;

Marital status, family relationships;

Leisure activities.

Method "360 degrees of evaluation"

An employee is evaluated by his supervisor, his colleagues and his subordinates and clients. The specific assessment forms may vary, but all assessors fill out the same forms and the results are processed by computers to ensure anonymity. The purpose of the method is to get a comprehensive assessment of the person being certified.

Goal Management. This method is based on the fact that managers in the course of the organization's activities should cooperate with subordinates to develop the goals of the organization, which gives subordinates the opportunity to use self-monitoring of labor productivity. But this is not just an evaluation process - it is a method by which managers and subordinates plan, organize, control, communicate and discuss work. Thus, the subordinate receives the program and the purpose of his work.

Method of independent judges

Independent members of the commission - 6-7 people - ask the certified various questions. The procedure is reminiscent of cross-examination in various areas of activity of the person being certified. There is a computer in front of the judge, on which the evaluator presses the “+” key in case of a correct answer and, accordingly, the “-” key in case of an incorrect answer. Upon completion of the procedure, the program issues a conclusion. It is also possible to manually process the answers of the employee, then the correctness of the answers is entered in a pre-compiled form.


Various tests can be used to evaluate an employee. According to their content, they are divided into three groups:

qualification, allowing to determine the degree of qualification of an employee;

Psychological, making it possible to assess the personal qualities of an employee;

Physiological, revealing the physiological characteristics of a person.

The positive side of the test assessment is that it allows you to obtain a quantitative characteristic for most assessment criteria, and computer processing of the results is possible. However, when evaluating the potential capabilities of an employee, the tests do not take into account how these abilities manifest themselves in practice.

Committee method

The evaluation is carried out by a panel of experts and is aimed at finding out the abilities of the candidate, which give him the right to apply for other positions, in particular for promotion.

This technique consists of the following steps:

Activities are broken down into separate components;

The effectiveness of each activity is determined in points on a scale (for example, from -10 to +10), and thus determine the degree of success;

Three lists of jobs are compiled: those jobs that can be solved successfully, that work out from time to time, and those that never work out;

A final comprehensive assessment is made.

Evaluation in its most general form consists of the following four steps:

The choice of assessed qualities, performance indicators of the employee;

Use of different methods of collecting information;

Evaluation information should give a comprehensive picture of a person;

Comparison of the actual qualities of an employee with the required ones.

The studied sets of qualities are developed taking into account the tasks,

performed by position. Usually such qualities are recruited from 5 to 20.

Evaluation center method

This method solves two problems:

The personal and business qualities of the employee are clarified (usually this method is used to evaluate senior employees)

The program of individual trainings of the leader is determined, which allows to develop his abilities, behavioral skills.

The test takes a different time, so, for example, several hours are enough to assess the professionalism of a master, one day for a low-level manager, two or three days for middle managers, a little more for managers and senior managers. Here are some of the procedures used for evaluation:

Implementation of management actions. For the two hours allotted to complete the task, the subject must familiarize himself with some instructions, business papers, orders and other materials necessary for issuing orders on specific technological, production, and personnel issues. This imitates the real activity of the company. After the end of the two-hour work on the task, the assessed person is interviewed.

Discussing problems in a small group. This procedure reveals the ability to work in a group. The members of the group are given material that they need to familiarize themselves with, independently make a decision on the question asked, and during the group discussion (40-50 minutes) convince the others of its correctness. At all these stages, the subject is evaluated by observers in points.

Making decisions. The subjects are divided into several groups (representatives of competing firms). The work of firms is modeled for several years (2-5 years). Each hour counts as one year, during which a number of tasks are completed. The activity of each subject is evaluated by experts.

Development and presentation of the project. It is necessary to develop a draft plan for the development of some kind of activity in 1 hour, which is then defended in front of experts.

Preparing a business letter. Each subject prepares business letters on different issues and from different positions: refusal, cancellation of a decision, negative information, etc. Actions are assessed by experts.

Sometimes it is practiced to compare the results of an employee's expert assessment with his self-assessment of his personal and business qualities. The results of such a comparison can be very revealing for both management and the employee himself.

Business game method

Personnel assessment is carried out within the framework of specially designed simulation and developing business games. Both participants of business games and expert observers are involved in the assessment. Attestation business games are held, as a rule, for the result, which allows assessing the readiness of the staff to solve current and future problems, as well as the individual contribution of each participant in the game. This evaluation method can be used to determine the effectiveness of staff teamwork.

Goal Achievement Assessment Method (Goal Setting Method)

The manager and the subordinate jointly determine the key goals of the employee's activity for a certain period (one to six months). The goals should be specific, achievable, but intense, important both for the professional development of the employee and for improving the performance of the organization. The goals set outline the scope of the employee's responsibility and the scope of his duties for those specific periods that are necessary to achieve the intended result. These results should be measurable, at least as a percentage. The evaluation of the results is carried out jointly by the manager and the employee on the basis of individual standards for the implementation of goals, however, the manager has a decisive vote in summing up the results.

Assessment method based on competency models

Competence models describe the intellectual and business qualities of an employee, his interpersonal communication skills necessary for successful professional activity within the framework of the corporate culture existing in the organization. The gap between the required and existing level of competence becomes the basis for the development of individual plans for professional development. The fulfillment of these plans, which is expressed in concrete results of professional activity, is the subject of assessment and self-assessment, as well as independent examination.

1.3 Foreign experience in business assessment of personnel

The personnel policy of each organization in economically developed countries consists, first of all, in the formation of a certain set of personnel decisions regarding individual employees or their groups to ensure the normal functioning of the organization as a whole. At the heart of these decisions, the leading place is occupied by the assessment of personnel.

The most developed methods for assessing the already employed personnel of the company. This is due to the desire to maximize the identification and use of the potential of internal human resources in the interests of the organization in the context of "shrinking" external sources of qualified personnel. And the very process of assessing internal sources is facilitated due to the proximity of the object.

In general terms, personnel assessment is defined as a planned, formalized, regular, standardized procedure for assessing the quality of work of employees of an organization based on selected criteria throughout the entire period of employment, while usually checking the compliance of personnel characteristics with the requirements of a position or workplace.

The initial element of personnel assessment, necessary for making decisions on promotion, advanced training, etc., is the formal level of knowledge and experience, i.e. purely personal information. But the main areas of assessment are the assessment (accounting) of labor results and the assessment (analysis) of business and personal qualities that affect these results. In addition, the assessment of the potential of employees, as well as the assessment of their motivation, are specially highlighted.

Among the main methods of personnel assessment, popular abroad, the following can be distinguished:

1) Management by goals,

2) Achievement management,

3) Assessment center,

4) Method "360 degrees", etc.

American firms focus on specialized knowledge and professional skills.

As for the frequency of assessment, the statistics are as follows: 74% of employees and 58% of workers were assessed once a year; 25% of employees and 30% of workers were assessed once every six months, about 10% were evaluated for performance more than once every six months. In US companies, fairly frequent valuation periodicals are common. The evaluation of employees is most often carried out by the manager-manager.

Most often in US firms, the graphical rating scale method is used. We also widely use the descriptive method, most often as part of a graphic rating scale. Questionnaires are widely distributed. Other methods combined account for only 5% of cases. The method of management by objectives is most often used in evaluating the work of managers, engineers and workers who are not directly related to the release of products.

Work with staff in Japanese firms, first of all, relies on deep traditions. Here and group collectivism and craving for joint labor activity; obedience to the leader and elder in age. The senior in position (position) is also older than the younger in age and length of service. Harmony is above all. Devotion to the ideals of the firm. Establishing informal relationships with subordinates and ordinary employees. Lifelong hiring of personnel in large companies, constant rotation of personnel with a change of professions and positions every 3-5 years.

Personnel assessment is carried out mainly through the study of biographies and personal files. Preference for professional tests - the implementation of written assignments (project, report, business letter). Oral examinations in the form of interviews and group discussions. Questionnaire to find out abilities, work experience, personal development and desires. Testing knowledge and skills. In some firms, a special document is maintained for each employee, which indicates professional qualifications and their growth, achievements in the field of innovation and quality, intra-company activity and achievement in work. This document is similar to the attestation card used for attestation in Russian firms, and serves as the basis for determining the amount of earnings and promotion.

In one form or another, accounting for the results of work covers almost all personnel, since it is the basis of the remuneration system. The results of the labor of workers and some employees are determined, as is well known, by the level of fulfillment of the norms. As for those employees whose work cannot be strictly standardized, the main criterion for evaluating its effectiveness is the compliance of the results of labor with goals set in advance for a certain period (hereinafter, for brevity, we will call such an assessment “assessment according to goals”). The work to identify this compliance includes the following steps:

* establishment of several main duties (functions) of the employee;

* specifying each of these functions and linking them with certain indicators (profit, costs, scope of work, timing and quality of their implementation, turnover of "key personnel", the state of labor discipline, etc.);

* establishment of units of measurement (percentages, days, dollars, etc.) and a system of indicators reflecting the results of activities (reduction of terms of work, a decrease in the level of marriage, profit growth compared to the previous period, a decrease in the turnover of "key personnel", a decrease in the level of violations of labor discipline etc.);

* setting minimum and maximum "performance standards" for each indicator;

* comparison of actual results of work with performance standards (above the maximum standard, at its level, below the minimum) and the derivation of an estimated score for this indicator;

* derivation of the average score for all indicators.

Along with the above estimates, estimates of the “level of contribution” made by the employee to the activities of the organization are applied: the results of labor are not correlated with individual planned indicators (the latter are not defined in this case), but with more general formal requirements. The description of the “level of contribution” is carried out not by individual performers, but by job groups of employees.

So, for example, in the Stanford Research Center, in relation to research personnel, there are five areas of activity through which the employee participates in solving common problems:

b professional contribution (as a researcher),

l commercial implementation of ideas (contribution to the increase in the profit of the center),

development of relationships with customers,

ь management and coordination of research and development (role in the activities of complex project teams),

performance of the functions of a line manager.

For each of the areas, six "levels of contribution" (assessment categories) are allocated, and for each there is an exact description, which is presented in the "matrix of professional maturity" of the center's specialist.

The "professional maturity matrix" reflects both the results of work and the general professional and qualification level. It is the basis not only for the current assessment, but also for the certification of employees. When choosing an evaluation category, the manager takes into account not individual best achievements, but the work of a specialist during most of the year.

Firms seek, on the one hand, to determine a set of labor productivity factors, a common criterion for assessing personnel, and on the other hand, to highlight specific qualities for individual groups of employees. Thus, at the plants of the American corporation General Electric, an assessment of all categories of workers - from skilled workers to managers - was introduced according to five factors:

1) knowledge of the work (does the employee have a clear understanding of the content of the work and its goals);

2) the need for control over his actions by the boss (how diligent the employee is in performing production tasks, whether he observes labor discipline, including lunch time, breaks, etc.);

3) style of work (does he always make thoughtful decisions, does he have a penchant for introspection, the ability to bring things to the end);

4) initiative (does he have a desire to take on additional responsibility, how he perceives new ideas, is he prone to risk);

5) propensity to cooperate (does he show willingness and ability to work together with colleagues and subordinates, is he able to maintain a favorable psychological mood in the team).

Summarizing the foreign experience of business assessment of personnel, it is worth noting that the most developed methods for assessing the already employed personnel of the company. In general terms, personnel assessment is defined as a planned, formalized, regular, standardized procedure for assessing the quality of work of employees of an organization based on selected criteria throughout the entire period of employment, while usually checking the compliance of personnel characteristics with the requirements of a position or workplace. Among the main methods of personnel assessment, popular abroad, the following can be distinguished: 1) management by objectives, 2) achievement management, 3) Assistance Center, 4) certification "360 degrees"

1.4 Persian attestationonala as a method of business evaluation

Personnel certification, i.e. assessment of compliance with the position held - a procedure for a systematic formalized assessment, according to the specified criteria, of the compliance of the activities of a particular employee with clear standards for the performance of work at a given workplace in a given position for a certain period of time.

Certification is a specific procedure, and therefore must be executed in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation, as well as local normative documents organizations .

Schematically, the certification process looks like this:

Figure 1.1 - Algorithm of actions during certification

Purpose of certification. The most important thing in the certification process is to decide on the goal. Possible purposes of attestation have been discussed above.

Analysis of the situation. Before the certification begins, it is necessary to determine what results are expected from the certification, how they are processed, possible conclusions and actions. It is necessary to take into account the previous experience of conducting certification, its pros and cons, the conformity of certification with the organizational culture, the standards for the performance of work adopted in the organization, documents regulating the activities of employees, the reaction of personnel to the upcoming certification, human, time and financial resources available for certification, etc. questions.

Analysis of methods and approaches (3-6 ) . From the variety of methods, it is necessary to choose exactly those that are suitable for a particular organization. Different approaches impose their own requirements on the qualifications and training of personnel, the moral climate in the team, the availability of time and money.

Work plan. It is necessary to draw up detailed plan works with a description of who is involved in the process, what stages and in what time frame they pass, what resources are needed, who is responsible for individual stages and for the process as a whole.

Cost estimate for the organization also seems to be quite important. Obvious costs are the printing of attestation forms, the costs of attracting consultants (if necessary) and purchasing literature.

Carrying out certification. The implementation of this stage depends on the preparation. The most difficult at this stage is the certification interview. Analysis and follow-up. Analysis of the results of certification provides not only a better understanding of the activities of a particular employee, but also the situation in the organization as a whole. The results depend on the goals set and the methods used.

For a particular employee, based on the results of certification, it is possible to draw reasonable conclusions about the need for training and development, his place in the organization, career planning, salary changes, disciplinary actions.

It is also possible to assess what is happening in the organization as a whole and in individual departments, how reasonably the work is distributed, how to plan human resources, whether it is possible to implement the organization’s plans with the available resources, increase labor productivity, which is necessary to introduce new technologies and change working conditions, whether the norms and rules adopted in the organization, in particular labor protection standards, comply with the law.

Participants in the certification are two parties, one of which is called the certified, the other - the certifying.

In Western practice, assessment by the immediate supervisor is very often used, which is logical, since mutual understanding between the supervisor and subordinate is the basis for effective work. In the daily "turnover" mainly tactical production tasks are solved. It is psychologically and organizationally quite difficult without a clear reason to sit down and discuss past achievements and failures and outline plans for the future. Certification can serve as such an occasion for a frank conversation. However, the assessment by the immediate supervisor involves a constructive relationship between the boss and the subordinate. In the case of conflict situations, the probability of effective completion of certification with such interaction is low.

Organizations use a combination of different assessment methods. Let's take a look at some of them and their uses.

Rating methods - the most common and simplest method of certification. Its essence lies in the fact that employees are evaluated according to specified criteria in accordance with the selected scale. There are two options - the introduction of rating scales, when the score is given from 1 to 3 points, from 1 to 4 points, from 1 to 5 or 10 points - at the discretion of the scale developers. The second option is "list", where a yes or no answer is selected.

Comparative methods consist in the fact that managers compare the performance of employees. This method is used much less frequently than rating methods. It makes sense to contact him to determine incentives for the best employees.

Written methods. These include primarily an essay (or characterization of an employee) and a method of critical situations. The characteristic is often used both in combination with other methods and independently. An important condition for turning a written characteristic into a working tool is its structure. The inclusion of characteristics in the certification form as an addition to other methods will allow the manager to note the points that were not included in the assessment by other methods. Independent use of characteristics is more acceptable for small companies where it does not always make sense to develop more complex circuits. Processing information obtained with the help of characteristics is much more difficult than that obtained with the help of rating methods. In addition, the characteristics are much more likely to be subjective.

In an organization, employees are independently asked about various behaviors. These examples are then collected and summarized and given back to the interviewees to ask them to place the examples on the scale. The ratings most frequently repeated by different respondents are taken as the basis for constructing behavioral rating scales.

As a result, these scales describe various behaviors in a situation from desirable and expected to highly undesirable.

Management by Objectives (MBO). Management by objectives is a method that has recently received the greatest recognition and development not only as a certification method, but also as a management method, as a management philosophy.

The main idea of ​​the method is that management and development is purposeful, and the achievement of the organization's goals through setting goals for each employee and their coordination, which allows you to move from simple daily performance of job duties (process orientation) to conscious work aimed at what is important for the organization result.

MVO is a validation method that is ideal in cases where other methods do not work or can be used in a limited way. First of all, this concerns managerial personnel, especially high-level ones, whose certification using other methods gives limited results. Management by objectives is suitable for creative types of work that are difficult to describe quantitatively and qualitatively. Schematically, the process of certification of MVO can be described as follows - fig. 1.2.:

Figure 1.2 - Management by objectives

The process does not begin with the definition of goals, but with a discussion of job responsibilities, work performance and performance standards. In fact, everything is explained by the fact that any goals are achieved using certain resources. In this case, the resource for achieving the goal is the activity of a particular employee. It is assumed that at each stage of certification the bar of goals will rise higher and higher. To do this, firstly, it is necessary to determine what the employee does and with what quality and requirements for work. Next, resources should be found to improve performance, i.e. continuous development of performance standards is required. After that, you can set activity goals for a certain period - specific, measurable, understandable, communicated to the employee and agreed with him. In the period between attestations, it is recommended to periodically evaluate how planned is being carried out. During the next certification, the procedure is repeated, but at a higher level.

Depending on who conducts certification, the use of certain methods is allowed. Visually, it looks like this - tab. 1.2.

Table 1.2 - Application of various methods of personnel assessment

Who evaluates

Comparative Methods

Recording Methods

Manager evaluates subordinates

Employees evaluate the manager

Colleagues evaluate each other

Grade Combination



Often, in practice, several methods are combined in certification (and certification sheet). For example, a short description (recording methods) can complement the rating methods, and for the best organization of MBO it is reasonable to apply self-assessment and, in some cases, rating methods. The results of comparative methods should preferably be supported and substantiated by rating methods or recording methods. In any case, when preparing an attestation, it is important to keep in mind the goals and the resources available to the organization. The more complex combination of methods is chosen,

the longer and more difficult the certification will be, but the information received will be deeper and more serious.

In addition to the above methods of certification, you can use the following methods:


Assessment by abstracts;

Method of expert survey;

- "360 - certification";

Business games;

Psychological methods;

Assessment Centers.

Thus, personnel assessment is an integral part of the entire management system in an organization, since it is impossible to effectively manage people without having an idea of ​​the results of their work, the level of development of professional and personal qualities.

All evaluation methods can be divided into methods of individual evaluation of employees, which are based on a study of the individual qualities of an employee, and group evaluation methods, which are based on a comparison of the effectiveness of employees within.

The most common personnel assessment methods are: questionnaire method, descriptive assessment method, classification method, pair comparison method, rating or comparison method, given distribution method, decisive situation assessment method, rating behavioral attitudes method, behavior observation scale method, questionnaire method and comparative questionnaires, interviews, 360-degree assessment method, independent judges method, testing, committee method, assessment center method, business game method, goal achievement assessment method (Goal setting method), assessment method based on competency models. Certification is a comprehensive procedure for assessing personnel in order to identify the compliance of the level of work, quality and potential of the individual with the requirements of the activities performed.

2. Analysis of personnel assessment methods for hiring and in the course of labor activity used at UE "MZSh"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the activities of UE "MZSH"

Production Republican Unitary Enterprise "Minsk Gear Plant" (hereinafter PRUP "MZSh") is one of the largest specialized enterprises in the CIS.

PRUP "MZSH" is a full technological cycle enterprise. Has a production area of ​​110,000 square meters. Has more than 3200 pieces of metalworking equipment, powerful forging and pressing, thermo and chemical-thermal production units; workshops - tool, power, repair - mechanical, agricultural machines, transport and processing of metal waste. Type of production: from mass and large-scale to single. The production quality management system complies with the requirements of the international standard ISO9001 and was introduced at the plant in 2001.

The main products are gears and shafts (gears and shaft - gears) for tractors, cars, agricultural machines, combines, engines, pumps, gearboxes, light industry machines.

The main technical and economic indicators necessary for analyzing the production of the enterprise, the results of the activities of UE "MZSH", are summarized in table 2.1.

As the data in Table 2.1 show, all the analyzed indicators of the enterprise have grown, which indicates an increase in the efficiency of activities in the study period. Intershop and intrashop cooperation is clearly organized at the enterprise, brigade organization of labor is widely used, a significant part of the workers perform multi-machine maintenance.

Table 2.1 - Indicators of production and economic activity of UE "MZSH" for 2012-2014


Deviation, +/-

Growth rate, %

Volume of products sold, million rubles

The volume of marketable products, million rubles

Gross output, million rubles

Average number of employees, pers.

Balance sheet profit, million rubles

Profit from


products, million rubles

product cost,

Average annual

cost of basic production

funds, million rubles

Average annual

working capital

funds, million rubles

According to the results of work for 2010, with an increase in production volumes by 23.6% compared to the previous year, the average number of PPP decreased by 4% (-90 people). Compared with 1990, labor productivity increased 2.4 times. There are practically no losses of working time at the enterprise due to organizational and technical reasons.

The work on the implementation and development of personnel policy is carried out by the personnel department. In its activities, the personnel department of UE “MZSH” is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus and the charter of the enterprise.

The most important function of the personnel department of UE "MZSh" is to document the process of personnel movement at the enterprise. This type of activity includes promotion, demotion, transfer, termination of the employment contract. To this end, an instruction has been developed that determines the procedure for registration when hiring, transferring, dismissing and accounting for employees of the enterprise, as well as the procedure for issuing, accounting and distributing orders for personnel.

Let us consider in more detail the personnel structure of UE "MZSH" (table 2.2).

Table 2.2 - Number of personnel of UE "MZSH"

As we can see from Table 2.3, for senior and middle managers, the availability of labor resources exceeds 100%. The data of the analysis indicate the need for a better use of the resources available at the enterprise. The availability of specialists and workers is 98.8% and 98.4%, respectively, which makes it necessary to reconsider the need for these personnel and a possible increase in the number of this category of workers.

Efficient use of labor resources is crucial to improve the performance of the enterprise.

Over the past 2 years, the proportion of employees over 25 years old has increased in UE “MZSH”, employees with experience from two to five years predominate, despite the predominance of employees with secondary specialized education, the proportion of personnel with higher education is increasing.

Table 2.3 - Provision of UE "MZSH" with labor remurs

The structure of the personnel of UE “MZSH” should be assessed positively, since the organization has employees of different ages and with different length of service.

Consider the indicators of the movement of the labor force of UE "MZSH" (table 2.5).

Table 2.5 - Indicators of the movement of the labor force of UE "MZSH"


Average number of employees

Number of people hired

Number of dismissed

Acceptance turnover ratio

Termination turnover ratio

Flow rate

Staff retention rate

Employee turnover rate

As can be seen from the above data, the staff turnover at the enterprise is low. During 2011-2013 it decreased by 3.1% and amounted to 4.4% in 2013. Staff turnover causes great damage to the economy. According to studies before dismissal, within a month, the productivity of the dismissed decreases by 10-15%, and for newly hired workers, the productivity is lower by 56% within three months. These losses are approximately 10-15 days. It takes another 10-20 days from the moment of dismissal to the start of a new job. Therefore, the total loss will be 20-35 days.

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Assessment of personnel in the organization - important aspect practice and theory of management. The team of both the private enterprise and the public service must be able to realize the goals of the company, based on its values. In order to form and maintain a powerful team, to achieve the strategic goals set by the administration, it is necessary to systematically evaluate employees using various existing methods.


The most common form of performance appraisal is personnel appraisal and appraisal, which is a special managerial measure carried out periodically in an organization in full compliance with national labor legislation. This is done by a special commission, which includes representatives of management, heads of structural divisions, representatives of the personnel department and other employees who are somehow related to personnel management.

Attestation is a complex system that uses various assessment methods. Its results are necessary for:

  • Evaluation of the employee's compliance with the current position, his specialization and skill level (grade), the possibility of revising the salary within the appropriate levels for this position.
  • Monitoring the fulfillment of the goals set for employees during the previous certification.
  • Setting goals for the next period.
  • Definitions for employee development activities.
  • Making personnel decisions: changing the salary, transferring an employee to another grade, changing specialization, promotion / demotion, transfer to another job, dismissal.
  • Changes in the compensation package by transferring to another grade (position).

Certification and evaluation of personnel, if possible, should be carried out regularly. Its frequency depends on the position. When carrying out certification, certain characteristics of a particular person are compared: business qualities, sociability, professional qualifications. Then the results obtained are compared with the results of the work of other employees and industry standards for this position.

Selection of indicators

Before developing a certification procedure for employees, it is necessary to carefully study all the functions and tasks that employees must perform in accordance with the job description. Based on the analysis, indicators are selected - criteria for assessing personnel.

For each specific function performed by an employee, or for each individual task, it is necessary to develop clear, well-understood performance indicators and performance standards for subordinates. To establish standards for the performance of work, the optimal number of indicators is selected that will serve as benchmarks for assessing the various qualities of an employee. In practice, a certain set of evaluation criteria is most often used for this. It may include, for example, the following items:

  • Professional knowledge.
  • performance and participation.
  • Attitude towards managers and employees.
  • Reliability.
  • Quality of work.
  • Work intensity.
  • The pace of work.
  • The ability to express yourself.
  • Ability to organize planning.
  • Attitude to work.

Evaluation Criteria Requirements

When defining standards, certain requirements must be met. Thus, the developed criteria should:

  • Display normative ideas about personal and business qualities, labor behavior, the results of an employee's activities, based on organizational and individual goals.
  • Have quantitative certainty to evaluate different levels of performance.
  • Be reliable and valid to exclude subjective errors.
  • Be understandable to managers and performers.

In addition, the costs of the evaluation process should not exceed the benefits of its results. To obtain a thorough description of the object of analysis, it is necessary to use a sufficient number of criteria.

Sequence of evaluation processes

When evaluating and analyzing the effectiveness of employees, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence of actions in order to ultimately obtain clearly structured data. Such analytical material is easier to process, and the business assessment of the staff will be as correct as possible.

  1. The first step is to define the goals to be achieved. They should be described as clearly as possible, otherwise the whole point of certification is lost.
  2. The level of performance actually achieved against the established standards is then measured. The range of methods, ways, tools for this is huge and depends on the structure of the organization and the tasks it performs.
  3. The third step is to compare the actual results with the desired (or expected). This will help to objectively rank employees among themselves based on achievements and failures.
  4. The next stage is the mandatory discussion of the results of the assessment with employees in compliance with all the rules of business ethics.
  5. At the end, motivational, qualification, administrative and other decisions are made based on the results of the study.

Whatever the assessment of personnel management, employees should know what positive results they reached in reporting period what prevented them from successfully solving problems and what recommendations they can use in their future activities.

Valuation principles

Personnel assessment methods will fully function subject to the following principles:

  • Objectivity. Only reliable information bases and systems of indicators are used in determining the characteristics of an employee. Current activities, period of work, dynamics of results are taken into account.
  • Publicity. Comprehensive familiarization of the audited employees with the assessment methodology, bringing the results to the attention of interested parties.
  • Efficiency. The speed and timeliness of certification, the regularity of its conduct.
  • Democracy. Participation of members of the audited group in the assessment of subordinates, colleagues.
  • Unity of evaluation criteria.
  • Clarity, accessibility and simplicity of the procedure.
  • Efficiency. Taking prompt action based on the results.

Personnel assessment in the organization is carried out in two areas of activity: current and prospective. Current activities are analyzed in terms of labor productivity and compliance with the requirements for a particular position. When planning long-term activities, managers determine what qualities need to be developed, what needs to be taught to the employee, the procedure for improving qualifications, and how best to unleash his potential.

Main characteristics

In order for the assessment of the work of the personnel of an organization, enterprise, institution to be adequate, it is recommended to first determine a list of the most important indicators. For example, they may be:

  • labor productivity;
  • professional conduct;
  • personal qualities.

The business assessment of personnel must meet the following requirements: completeness and reliability of the display of results, specificity, ensuring compatibility with the achievements of other employees, as well as with the previous period.

For different positions, the main indicators may vary. Somewhere stress resistance is important, somewhere speed of decision-making, perseverance and scrupulousness, the ability to convince or the ability to say “no”. A person cannot be perfect in everything. Therefore, 2-4 positions are determined that are critical for a particular profession, and when checking, they focus on them.

In order for the assessment of the professional activities of employees to be objective, a variety of methods should be used that are best suited to the structure of an organization, its goals, and the nature of the team's activities. Professional sources describe many methods for studying and analyzing the competence of employees. Among them:

  • Certification is an assessment of the work of personnel, which uses an integrated approach using various methods. During the audit, the attestation commission determines the compliance of the candidate with the vacant position or the position he occupies.
  • forced choice method. This procedure consists in the selection by experts of the most suitable characteristics for the employee, for example: the ability to plan one's activities, sociability, work experience, etc.
  • The descriptive method involves the creation of a consistent, detailed description of positive and negative traits every worker.
  • Testing is a system for assessing personnel, in which professional knowledge and skills, abilities, motives, and personality psychology are determined. These qualities are revealed with the help of special tests that can be deciphered using "keys".
  • A business game is a kind of management game, during which the knowledge and skills of an employee are analyzed, and his ability to work in a small group is also assessed.
  • Management by objectives (in foreign literature - Management by Objective (MBO)). Evaluating the effectiveness of personnel by this method involves the general setting of tasks by the manager and employee, after which the results of their implementation are evaluated at the end of the reporting period. This system covers all positions in the company - from technical to institutional levels.
  • Performance Management. According to this system, not only the final results of the employee's work are evaluated, but also his competencies - those personal qualities that are necessary to achieve the goals set.
  • The assessment center (group and individual) is designed to test employees in terms of competencies for specific personnel tasks. Personnel assessment methods may include behavioral interviews, as well as case studies (game situations). For the selection of candidates for high positions and in the evaluation of top managers, the emphasis is on behavioral interviews, and for the promotion of employees to the personnel reserve - on business games.
  • Self-report (speech) consists in making oral presentations by the manager or specialist to the work team, during which the implementation of the work plan and personal obligations is analyzed.
  • 360° method. According to him, employees are evaluated by colleagues, managers and their subordinates. For each person, an individual and general questionnaire is filled out.
  • Evaluation by the method of committees. In accordance with this method, the work of employees is discussed in a group, while it is divided into separate tasks. As a result, a certain list of actions is compiled, each of which is evaluated as successful and unsuccessful.
  • Method of independent judges: an employee is evaluated by independent persons who did not know him (usually 5-7 people act as "judges"). At the same time, personnel assessment methods are based on the principles of cross-examination.
  • Interview: The applicant acts as an HR manager and interviews several job applicants. The ability to correctly analyze and select employees is checked.
  • observation. In this case, the employee is assessed both in an informal (on vacation, at home) and in a working environment using the methods of momentary observations and photographs of the working day.

It should also be noted that at each stage of an employee’s work in a company, certain assessment methods can be used: for example, in the process of selecting an employee for a vacancy, you can use the interview and testing method at the same time, and to make a decision on dismissal from a position, it is enough to conduct an employee appraisal.

Scope of Research

The analysis of personnel assessment directly depends on the amount of research, the quantity and quality of the study methods used. In terms of content, they can be partial, when they evaluate only certain qualities of the performer or the level of work performance, and complex, when they consider business and personal qualities, labor behavior, and performance results in a complex.

According to the regularity of the study, they are divided into those that are organized constantly with a certain frequency (depending on the position: once every six months, a year, two, etc.), and episodic assessments that are due to a certain stage (completion of the probationary period, promotion service, disciplinary responsibility, etc.).

Depending on the frequency, the assessment is divided into current, final and prospective. The current one determines the level of performance of duties by the employee at the moment. The final summaries the performance of the work and its results at the end of a certain period. Perspective determines the abilities, qualities, motivations, expectations of the employee, that is, it allows you to predict his potential.

Grading system

Depending on the criteria, a quantitative, qualitative, analytical (reduction of all results according to all criteria) assessment and determination of time guidelines are distinguished. Personnel performance appraisal is divided into two types:

  • Systemic: when all blocks of the analysis system are involved;
  • Unsystematic: when the appraiser has the right to choose criteria, methods, methods, tools, analysis procedures.

Subjects of evaluation

This concept refers to employees evaluated by their manager, colleagues, clients, subordinates. They can also be subjects of a comprehensive, so-called 360° assessment, which takes into account all of the above factors in combination.

In addition, the so-called self-assessment, or internal assessment of personnel, is practiced. Information in this case is obtained after motivational monitoring. The combination of conclusions on external and internal testing allows you to more fully implement the orienting and stimulating functions of research.

Evaluation of the labor activity of the personnel allows:

  • Assess the professionalism of an employee, namely: the level of professional training (knowledge, skills), the level of psychological training (orientation of the personality, motives of behavior, adaptability, character traits, temperament), labor efficiency (productivity, quality of labor), the desire for rationalization and inventions.
  • Develop recommendations for the development of personal and professional qualities of employees.
  • Determine the degree of compliance of remuneration, its effectiveness with the efforts of the employee and his expectations.
  • Determine the main directions of personnel development.
  • form effective mechanism professional motivation of employees.

Foreign experience

The assessment of personnel in foreign countries is somewhat different from how this process goes in our country. In the USA and Western Europe, a special personnel assessment test is used - the Bussiness Personality Test (BPT). It contains 100 questions, the results of staff assessment vary on a scale from 0 to 10 points. This allows you to get much more information from each question for analysis than using the traditional “no / yes” scale, or choosing from given answer options.

In the giant General Electric concern, criticism was found to be an ineffective means of informing subordinates about shortcomings in their professional activities. In order to provide feedback, there needs to be a two-way discussion on specific performance improvement issues. In Japan, personnel assessment is based on the philosophy of production adopted here, that is, the abilities of each employee are determined individually. A feature of this assessment of personnel is its regularity and obligation for all.

Domestic experience

In Russia, both analytical methods for assessing personnel and special electronic devices that work by analogy with “lie detectors” are used. For example, the Luch apparatus, created by researchers at the Institute of Psychology, allows specialists to test such human qualities as quick wits and reaction speed.


Not all of the above methods are equally good in the implementation of the personnel assessment process. Their effectiveness directly depends on the goals set, the level of maturity of the company, its objectives and the type of corporate culture. Equally important is the assessment of staff training, possession of theoretical knowledge and practical skills. Agree, it is better to evaluate an employee using the performance management method, since each company works directly for the end result, which is customer satisfaction and profit. Therefore, in order to achieve these goals, it is necessary to periodically check how the work of each employee is performed. Already on the basis of these data, the administration can make an appropriate managerial decision to increase wages or, conversely, to reduce it, to promote career growth or to dismiss a person.

In today's issue of the "Expert Interview" column, we will discuss modern methods of personnel assessment with Maxim Peskin, Product Specialist at SHL Russia & CIS.

  • Please tell us how the area of ​​personnel assessment has developed in Russia - what main stages can you single out? How can you characterize the current situation?

The emergence of modern instruments in our country objective evaluation personnel is a matter of the relatively recent past.

IN Soviet time there was no question of any objective assessment: a diploma, a biographical interview, a background check - this, in fact, exhausted the range of available tools. Yes, in some organizations, candidates could be offered test tasks, but this practice was hardly universal. In principle, in Soviet times, there was practically no objective assessment of personnel precisely because there was no HR in today's sense: there was only personnel administration. This is the first stage.

The situation changed radically in the late 80s and early 90s, when a radical change in economic conditions and the emergence of fundamentally new forms and methods of doing business - in fact, the emergence of business as such - required HR specialists to solve new problems. The second stage is associated with the expansive growth of various industries. Evaluation tools, methods and practices have evolved around a key HR question: “How do you find the best people?” This is the second stage.

In the last few years, it seems to me, the third stage begins, which is characterized by a fundamental shift in the focus of HR in general. If in the previous decade it was more important to attract and find the “right” people, today the most important tasks are related to their preservation and development, identifying future leaders and ensuring the succession of leadership. We increasingly hear from clients questions like: “How do I identify truly high-potential employees at the start of their career and how do I keep them in the company?”, “What kind of development do future leaders need?”, “What positions are key for my company and what motivates people in these positions?”… This stage is, in principle, characterized by more attention to the current employees of the company (especially to experienced and high-performing ones) than to external candidates.

Another important topic that is gradually appearing on the market is related to external benchmarking of personnel - i.e. such an assessment, which is not only objective and reliable in itself, but allows you to get detailed information about the comparative level of people. More and more organizations are asking questions about how their employees of one level or another department look against the background of the industry, in what and how much they lag behind competitors, and finally, what kind of development they may need. In principle, this is the fourth stage, and today we can say that such questions arise only in the most advanced companies.

  • Now a lot of tools for personnel assessment are offered by various companies. How to understand and choose the really necessary tools for your company?

Depending on what kind of instrument we are talking about, the set of criteria will, of course, differ. In any case, the choice of the necessary tools relies primarily on a deep and objective understanding of the objectives of the assessment. Determining exactly who will be assessed, what exactly - what characteristics of the candidate or employee - needs to be assessed, for what purpose and in what degree of depth, how this information will be used further - all this is the first step. And after that, we can talk about the selection of the actual assessment tools.

When choosing an assessment tool, it is usually assumed that there are standard types of tools for assessing each aspect of the personality. I will talk about this below. But there is also the question of how to choose the best tool in a given category (for example, how to choose the best ability test). In this sense, several mandatory points can be distinguished - something like a checklist, according to which it is worth checking each offer and weeding out obviously unprofitable and inappropriate ones:

  • Fame and reliability of the provider, its experience and customer recommendations
  • The "theoretical base" of the provider: how convincing and scientifically substantiated are the methodologies, approaches and models used
  • Breadth and depth of portfolio of instruments to choose from
  • “Sharpened” tools for business, taking into account the specific realities of modern business
  • Willingness to interact in various formats - training, evaluation, customization, development from scratch
  • Information on the validity and reliability of the proposed instruments
  • External credibility (external validity) of instruments, their perceived complexity (if we are talking, for example, about tests) and depth (for questionnaires)
  • For tests, the relevance and regularity of updating normative groups is of particular importance.
  • Interaction mechanism - for online assessment, this is primarily the quality, reliability, convenience of interfaces, for face-to-face assessment - the speed and intensity of information exchange
  • A set of proposed reports, their quality and depth

Finally, almost always, when choosing an assessment tool, one has to choose between highly specialized tools that evaluate a strictly defined range of characteristics, and “broad-purpose” tools that provide not so deep analysis, but allow assessing a person from many different angles. This choice, again, is determined by the objectives of the assessment. For example, if we are talking about evaluating candidates for a position that is constantly undergoing some organizational, technological, and content changes, if it is necessary to assess the qualities of a person in a dynamically changing environment, those tools that allow you to look at a person from different angles will be more useful. .

  • Company SHL - one of the leaders in the market of evaluation tools. What tools do you offer? Do you make a difference in approaches when evaluating candidates for vacant positions and current company personnel? What is it?

We offer a range of tools designed to assess candidates and employees throughout their entire life cycle in a company. The portfolio structure of our instruments is based on two basic models. First, we proceed from the fact that the result required by the organization is determined by the behavior of people, and the basis of behavior is potential. Therefore, from the point of view of the organization, it is possible to evaluate all three components: the results achieved in the past, today's actual behavior and the elements of potential, on which the future success of an employee depends both in this position and in the organization as a whole.

Assessment centers (assessment centers) are considered the most effective means of assessing current behavior. In them, the participants are offered exercises in which any real business situation is simulated. This approach allows the candidate or employee to visually demonstrate both their strengths and areas for development. The SHL portfolio contains several dozen exercises of various types: analytical presentations, individual business exercises (also known as "in-trays" - fully written exercises that model various aspects of individual administrative and organizational work), group discussions, fact-finding exercises, role-playing games, etc. At the heart of the mechanics of any exercise is the concept of competence - a stable cluster of observable behavioral manifestations that determine the success of the work.

The exercises provide the opportunity to give one assessment of the competence (although, of course, for this you need to test the competence with at least two relevant exercises). For comparison, the potential cannot be assessed "in one figure", since it, by definition, consists of several heterogeneous entities. First, it includes a person's motivation - factors that determine what will increase his productivity and efficiency, and what can become an obstacle. Secondly, these are personality traits - actually character traits and individual characteristics that determine how a person manages his own emotions, how he interacts with others and how he solves various problems. To assess these two groups of factors, professional questionnaires are usually used - motivational and personal, respectively.

By the way, we do not recommend the use of clinical personality questionnaires in a business context - for at least two reasons. First, they were originally designed for other purposes and in principle do not answer the question of the future performance of a person at work. Secondly, an overly free interpretation of clinical scales, in particular, by non-professional psychologists, can cause more harm than good, and give reason to label an employee.

Let's return to the components of the potential. The third element is a person's knowledge and skills, which are assessed using appropriate professional tests. The fourth is intellectual ability. To assess them, ability tests are used: from the well-known numerical and verbal tests to tests of critical and systemic thinking, creativity, the ability to make managerial decisions, and many others.

If we talk about differences in the assessment of candidates and current employees, then there is no fundamental difference in the tools. In other words, there is no tool that can be said to be completely inappropriate in one case and effective in another - the only exception would be, perhaps, the 360-degree assessment. All other tools can be used in one case, and in another. Their weight will change general assessment and in a sense the logic of interpreting the results.

As a rule, in practice it looks like this. If we are talking about existing employees, then first of all, most likely, their behavior will be evaluated - for this, it is most logical to conduct an assessment center, as well as resort to the 360-degree method. If we are talking, for example, about candidates for any positions, including candidates for a personnel reserve or a program for the development of high-potential employees, then certain components of the potential often come to the fore. Then, at the level of instruments, the task of their evaluation is solved by various tests and questionnaires.

The SHL portfolio contains all of the listed potential assessment tools: tests of various abilities, and personality and motivation questionnaires (as well as highly specialized questionnaires developed on their basis - for example, a questionnaire on sales styles or a questionnaire on working styles), and tests of professional skills and knowledge ( for some areas and industries).

  • What methods are most in demand by progressive companies?

Progressive companies tend to use a wide range of assessment methods and tools, and in their choice are based on the specific needs of the case. However, this does not mean, for example, that the selection of candidates for each position uses a fundamentally different set of tools. On the contrary, progressive companies are characterized by a complex and structured selection funnel. At the first stages, screening takes place using several tools, regardless of the position. In the future, at the stage of the actual selection, candidates are faced with those tools that most effectively determine the presence and level of the required characteristics. For example, if we are talking about hiring young professionals and employees at the level of a department head in a large manufacturing company, then at the beginning of the selection, both the former and the latter may face ability tests. However, in the future, potential managers may be offered situational thinking tests designed to determine the quality of their managerial decisions, to identify a characteristic managerial style, etc.

A similar picture is observed for the assessment of current employees - although our research shows that objective assessment tools are used significantly more often in selection and recruitment. According to our 2013 Global Appraisal Trends Survey, 72% of companies use appraisal for external recruitment, 62% for internal promotion, but only about 40%, for example, for tasks related to identifying high-potential employees, their development , succession planning, etc. In other words, these tasks, for all their importance, are much more often solved on the basis of subjective judgments and incomplete data.

In general, and interestingly, professional tests have historically remained the most popular assessment tool, i.e. skill and knowledge tests. If we talk about the global picture, then personality questionnaires and ability tests come on their heels - for comparison, in Russia the share of companies using such tools is much lower. In general, perhaps, it cannot be said that progressive companies are characterized by a preference for some specific tools: rather, they are distinguished by the breadth of the range of methods used, the depth of understanding of the purpose of the assessment, and finally, the accuracy of the correspondence between the tasks of the assessment and the selected tools and the effectiveness of using received data.

  • Now many companies are trying to simplify and automate the processes associated with the assessment. How have these trends affected the offerings of service providers?

Speaking about the automation of evaluation processes, three separate, albeit strongly interconnected, trends can be distinguished.

First, the automation and computerization of the "old" assessment tools, which are well known in paper and booklet versions, continues. The integration of such “digitized” tools within online assessment platforms significantly reduces the cost of assessment activities and makes them more convenient for the client, so almost all providers are interested in this aspect of automation. In fact, today there is not a single large category of assessment tools that exists only offline. The only exception is exercises and simulations, but even in this area there is significant progress (see below, in the third paragraph).

Secondly, not only the tools themselves are integrated, but also the data, i.e. results of evaluation activities. In this case, from the point of view of IT, we are talking about personnel management systems (HRIS - HR Information System) or talents (TMS - Talent Management System). Data integration ensures the coherence, validity and consistency of personnel decisions at all stages of an employee's life in an organization. In principle, this task is already beyond the competence of evaluation service providers. However, they are involved in the creation of such information systems to support the integration of all data at all stages - from the assessment to the storage and analysis of information. Actually, analytics becomes a key point here and a source of competitive advantage for the company.

Thirdly, radically new tools are emerging, based on today's technological capabilities. The most striking example is the emergence of electronic individual business exercises, or e-trays. These are not so much the usual "in-trays" translated into electronic format, but a very special evaluation tool.

The main advantage of e-tray exercises is that the simulation of the work situation becomes interactive, i.e. the appearance of new documents occurs as and in direct connection with the actions of the participant (as opposed to the "classic" version, in which documents are available from the very beginning), which provides many alternative event scenarios. Although e-tray exercises are gaining popularity today, only about 10 companies worldwide used them in the previous decade. The most telling example is Deloitte, which uses such a solution as one of the selection steps for hiring graduates, as well as for evaluating internal applicants for junior management positions. Why is this format not very popular? This is due, firstly, to the exceptional complexity and high cost of development (even compared to the development of “classic” exercises) and, secondly, to the problem of predictability of simulation scenarios and, thus, the reliability of competency assessment.

However, it can be predicted that in the coming years we will see at least attempts to implement them; in addition, they are guaranteed more frequent mention in professional circles.

  • How will assessment methods evolve in the near future? What trends in personnel assessment can you highlight?

The most important trend that determines the future of the evaluation area is the constant development of information and computer technologies. In addition to the above aspects of automation - the computerization of exercises, the integration of data within talent management systems, the emergence of fundamentally new formats - it is also necessary to note the increasing influence of mobile technologies. According to our research, users of assessment tools are increasingly saying that they value being able to take assessments and/or access results through dedicated applications or portals that are optimized for mobile devices. Interestingly, if in developing countries about a third of companies are already talking about this and thinking about it, then in developed countries it is only one in six.

Another trend is customization. Fewer companies are ready to use boxed solutions. And we are not talking about superficial changes in tools like the design of “packaging” or, say, transferring an exercise from one industry to another. Today we are talking about customization at a much deeper level, at the level of mechanics and semantic content of assessment tools. What does this mean? Firstly, development from scratch or adaptation of tools to the customer's competency model. Secondly, the creation of special reports aimed at identifying the most key aspects of the personality of a candidate or employee - and presenting this information in an extremely understandable form, in a living managerial language.

The third trend is the linking of evaluation results to business results. In principle, this trend cannot be called new, because the requirement to “prove the effectiveness of the instrument” underlies any investment activity in principle. Today we hear more and more often that it is people who are the most important and most valuable asset of the company: it is not surprising that investments in this asset are subjected to especially rigorous analysis. This trend manifests itself at the level of interaction between the service/assessment tool provider and the client. In fact, understanding what is called a business impact, the ability to define and communicate it today is becoming another criterion for the quality of a provider - perhaps one of the most important.

The fourth trend, local in nature, is associated with the gradual adoption of more objective assessment tools and the rejection of more subjective ones. As noted above, Russia lags far behind the world in terms of the use of aptitude tests, personality questionnaires and similar assessment tools. We expect that as the benefits of such tools are demonstrated, they will be used more frequently. Of course, this does not mean that the "usual" methods - biographical interviews, test tasks or cases, recommendations - will completely disappear in the near future. This definitely won't happen. Despite the lower predictive ability (the so-called predictive validity), such methods can bring certain benefits to the company and solve specific problems in the selection and / or evaluation of current employees.

If we summarize the above trends, then the "megatrend" in the field of evaluation is undoubtedly an increase in objectivity due to various technological and conceptual solutions. Today, the requirement of objectivity ceases to be a requirement for individual tools and becomes a requirement for the assessment system as a whole - even, perhaps, for the talent management system in an organization.

  • What can you recommend to those HR -specialists who are only tasked with organizing a systematic assessment of personnel in the company. Where would you advise them to start?

As with any major project, it's best to start by clarifying the company's goals and the needs behind them. Why does an organization need staff appraisals? What kind of problems are supposed to be solved in this way? How will the performance of the organization be different once the assessment is implemented? What will change for the better? What business outcomes are expected to be affected? Finally, how can the management of the organization and other stakeholders know that the evaluation has been implemented, and that it has been implemented adequately and effectively? And just as important, who are the stakeholders, who can help and who can hinder the implementation of this project?

Once the strategic context is clear, the tactical and organizational context needs to be dealt with. First, what positions are we talking about? What stage of the life cycle of an employee in an organization is it? Second, what constitutes success for these positions—i.e. what meaningful metrics and target business results reflect this? Third, what is behind the successful performance of these positions? (In fact, the ideal answer to these questions is to develop a complete competency model for each position). Finally, what information about candidates or employees should be collected – ideally?

In other words, you need to correlate business results with the characteristics of people, and then identify the most important categories of objective data regarding the competencies and potential of candidates and employees, as well as their performance. And only after that should one proceed to the choice of assessment tools and the formulation of selection criteria.

Another important piece of advice is to treat innovation with a certain degree of caution. First of all, this is important if it is not just a new tool or method, but a new platform or approach to assessment. It is worth weighing all the pros and cons, assessing not only the potential benefits of the proposed innovations, but also their fundamental compatibility with the specifics of the business. In addition, a formal policy on the use of new evaluation platforms and technologies can be a useful tool, for example, the value of specific information to the organization, which can be collected lawfully and honestly in relation to candidates, and also indicate how it can be used. .

If you reduce all the variety of recommendations, “best practices”, advice from HR gurus and just ideas based on common sense and business experience, to three key tips, then, in my opinion, it will be next trio:

1. Understanding the goals and objectives of the assessment. Both the introduction of assessment tools and their direct application in each specific case should be based on a clear understanding of the purpose of the assessment, how the information will be used, and what decisions it will influence. Of course, there is a certain probability of error in determining these strategic parameters. However, a much more risky scenario is one in which HR basically does not think about what exactly the assessment tools are used for, why the company collects this information about people and what role it will play in certain HR processes.

2. Quality and efficiency of tools. Only tools should be used that are designed to answer the questions asked and provide HR with exactly the information they need. Further, it is necessary to take into account the context of the use of tools and not seek to find one tool that can answer all questions and at the same time provide an exhaustive description of a person, taking into account, relatively speaking, all possible behaviors in any situation. In addition, the reliability and validity of the instruments must be proven by independent studies. This requirement directly necessitates the need to work with proven, successful providers of assessment tools and services, who are able to offer a wide range of products and solutions and have many years of global experience in this field.

3. Valuing for the sake of the business, not for the sake of the valuation itself. Both when choosing tools and when using the data obtained, a logical chain should be traced connecting the results of the business as a whole, performance indicators of people and, finally, the characteristics of competencies and potential, which are measured by assessment tools. Further, investments in personnel assessment can be quite large and risky, so demonstrating the meaningfulness and profitability of such investments is simply necessary. This is especially important given that HR is becoming a full partner of business today, and HR departments are required not only to implement modern, effective tools for assessing candidates and existing employees, but also to truly strategic, systematic approach to business as a whole.

The head of the organization must rationally use the human resource. At the same time, it is important not only to effectively manage already hired workers, but also to control the selection of new ones.

In 2018, the manager must apply modern assessment principles that will help to achieve economic goals. Their advantages lie in independent peer review.

It is carried out by a special center. This center will be able to confirm whether the employee's skills meet pre-established standards enshrined in law.

What methods of personnel assessment are more effective?

Practice shows that the most effective modern method is combined. This is an integrated approach that combines four systems of qualitative and quantitative analysis.

It can be attributed to:

  • a system of summed estimates;
  • testing;
  • system of the given grouping of employees.

Qualitative methods for assessing employees

Modern qualitative methods do not include quantitative indicators.

These include:

  • a method common in modern conditions - matrix;
  • "360 degrees";
  • group discussions;
  • system of arbitrary characteristics;
  • task performance analysis.

Basic methods of selection and evaluation of personnel

The basic recruiting principles that provide the company with an effective staff:

  • Complexity. Expert analysis of biography and career, identification of labor and personal qualities, determination of the level of knowledge and competence;
  • Objectivity. The minimum subjective opinion of the recruiter. Reselections must show the original results;
  • Continuity. The process of finding an employee should not be urgent. The talent pool should be part of the company's strategy;
  • Planning. The company must take into account the development prospects and the need for new employees;
  • Alternative. Efficient selection implies the benefits of choice. To do this, it is worth attracting more candidates;
  • Activity. Modern recruiting must be effective. Its main task is to work with potential personnel.

Effective recruitment should be carried out in stages:

  • preliminary selection;
  • questioning;
  • autobiography;
  • interview;
  • testing;
  • verification of recommendations;
  • medical checkup;
  • expert decision-making on employment.

There are four main recruitment methods:

  • Mass recruiting. The task is to find employees of lower and middle level. Personnel analysis is simplified and aimed at identifying the candidate's compliance with the established requirements;
  • Direct Search. The purpose of this technique is the selection of a top-level employee, or a narrow specialist with special skills and knowledge;
  • headhunting. A kind of direct search. The technology consists in finding a highly qualified specialist and poaching him into a competitor's company. Only an experienced HR professional can cope with such a task;
  • Premiling. Modern effective way of recruitment. It implies the choice of workers among probationary students. Certification is carried out by HR managers.

Four expert qualitative methods of personnel assessment:

  • Primary selection, carried out at the stage of resume analysis (qualitative assessment of the compliance of the candidate's characteristics with the established characteristics, experience and requirements of the vacant position);
  • Interview(analysis of the professional and personal qualities of the candidate during a personal meeting with the employer);
  • Assessment Center(a comprehensive analysis focused on identifying the real qualities of applicants, their professional and psychological characteristics, potential);
  • Professional surveys(direct verification of the knowledge and skills required by the candidate).

When is the best time to use quantitative employee evaluation methods?

Modern quantitative methods are considered more objective than qualitative ones. Key benefits of quantifying in specific numbers recorded as a report.

There is four effective quantitative methods, which employers can apply worldwide:

  • Quantitative rating method;
  • Target score;
  • Free scoring;
  • Graphic profile system.

Benefits of Non-Traditional Employee Assessment Methods

Employers can conduct non-traditional expert analysis.

Modern non-traditional methods and their advantages:

  • graphological. Under dictation, the employee writes several sentences. The result of the work is checked by a specially hired specialist - a graphologist. You can reveal the character and learn the skills of a person;
  • physiognomic– not only unconventional, but also modern. Its advantages lie in the complete decoding of personality by facial features. At the same time, it is difficult for a person to hide true feelings. In forensic science, the physiognomy is often used, but many argue whether it is worth using it, not trusting the results;
  • Psychological tests– non-traditional for personnel analysis. Tests help to analyze the employee's abilities and his readiness to perform job duties. By analyzing psychological tests, a psychological portrait of a person is compiled, fully revealing the potential and predicting the level of development;
  • Modern and non-traditional methods of analysis- astrology, numerology for many charlatanism. That does not prevent them from existing, and many companies choose them as the main ones.

In order to provide the company with high-quality staff, and not to load the employee with duties for which he is not ready, employers must use modern classical (quantitative and qualitative) and non-traditional methods.

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