Deputy of the Sverdlovsk School Armen Karapetyan. Karapetyan kicked out from "House"? Karapetyan loses patrons

Suspective Sverdlovsk region On Tuesday, at the meeting, the powers of the deputy from the Party "Fair Russia" Armen Karapetyan stopped. The reason was the claims of the prosecutor's office, which pointed out that he filled the revenue declaration with errors. Mr. Karapetyan during the voting demonstratively left the meeting, calling him "illegal".

The question of the termination of the deputy authority was on the agenda twentieth, but Armen Karapetyan persistently tried to take the floor at the beginning of the meeting. Speaker Lyudmila Babushkina reminded him that there is a regulation: "You will make your application before considering your question."

Armen Karapetyan briefly sat down, and then left the hall. "Where there is no law - there is no me. If my voters come here and say: "We do not trust you," then I will write a statement without any problems on your own request. And what is happening here is chaos, "he said to journalists in the lobby, promising to go to court if a decision was made to deprive his mandate.

Recall, the question of the deprivation of the powers of the deputy Armen Karapetyan, the scratch on the submission of the mandate commission considered the second time. In early April, this issue has already been made to a vote in connection with the inaccuracies in the income declaration for 2016, filed by Mr. Karapetyan: he did not indicate two of the six children and the property belonging to them. However, for the first time of the 46 parliamentarians present for deprivation of the mandate, 23 were opposed to - nine. The rest did not vote or abstained. After that, the prosecutor's office of the Sverdlovsk region filed a lawsuit to the regional parliament, accusing him in idle (the court will consider the case on June 1). In addition, the supervisory authority presented claims to nine deputies, accusing them in various violations of anti-corruption legislation. Soon the mandate commission re-issued the question of the deprivation of Armen Karapetyan mandate.

Viktor Yakimov, Deputy Chairman of the Mandate Commission, spoke about new circumstances in the case of Mr. Karapetyan. In addition to the fact that he did not indicate the property of two minor children for 2016, the deputy paid 64 thousand rubles. His wife, who was employed by his assistant, for the period when she was in unpaid holiday. In addition, according to the credentials of the Commission, he hid that he has a stake in Elite-Window LLC. "The commission decided to believe that violations made by the deputy Karapetyan Armen Eminovich are sufficient for early termination of powers. Recommended by the Legislative Assembly ahead of schedule to terminate the powers of the deputy, "said Mr. Yakimov. For deprivation of the mandate, 42 deputies voted, one against. They abstained and did not vote on one deputy. A vacant mandate can get Alexander Yulanov, who was next after Armen Karapetyan in the list of "Fair Russia" in the elections.

Political analyst Mikhail Bulkorenikov believes that the prosecutor's office received that she wanted, and claims to the rest of the deputies can be removed. "The prosecutor's office showed that there are levers of influence on the scope, and Lyudmila Babushkin demonstrated that he controls the screaming," he said.

https: //www.Sype/2015-01-29/istoriya_uspeha_sverdlovskogo_deptata_armena_karapendyana.

"Kozitsyn for me was a spiritual brother"


The deputy of the Sverdlovsk School from "Fair Russia", Armen Karapetyan becomes a noticeable figure in the region's policies. He accompanies the governor of Evgeny Kuivashev on business trips as an informal representative of UMMC Andrei Kozitsyn, and Brother Karapetyan's company receives all new multi-millionth government contracts for road construction. As a deputy came close to the Kozitsyn family, which business projects will lobby and why he does not have relations with the mayor of Yekaterinburg - in the material site.

"If what happens, for me at once, 240 families will go"

In the office of the deputy Armen Karapetyan in Sverdlovsk School, there are several icons and a candle burns. "I am a believer, I often pray. I pray not because I ask something, I just thank God for the fact that I have. And what would be said about me, I'm clean before God. By the way, you will probably be interested to know that my mother gave birth to me in the temple at Lake Sevan in Armenia. The contractions began during the service, she was ashamed to say this, and then it was already late - I had to give birth right in the temple, "says parliamentarian.

Karapetyan 44 years old, in the upper pyshma he lives the last 25 years, during which time many of his relatives moved to the Sverdlovsk region, having formed a strong diaspora. "The surname of Karapetyan is generally known in Armenia, and in Russia. In Armenia, my grandfather was led by Sevan Gubernia, the second grandfather was the first secretary of the district office. Now, if what happens, for me in the Sverdlovsk region, 240 families will go at once, "says the deputy. In 2012, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan offered Karapetyan to the post of Honorary Consul of Armenia in Yekaterinburg, but he refused, making a choice in favor of work in parliament.

"In the 90s I did not even know where the Urals and Top Pyshma are located. I served in the army in Krasnoyarsk, and my commander General Alexander Popov, who worked at the headquarters of the Volga-Ural Military District, invited me to visit, and I eventually stayed, "says Karapetyan. The commander invited him to do construction. "I didn't understand anything then, and he taught me, introduced me to know me," he recalls. Being in the Sverdlovsk region, Karapetyan graduated in absentia by the Yerevan state institute of the national economy in the specialty "Finance and Credit".

Famous Julia Mikhalkov from the Ural Pelmeni now - Assistant Armen Karapetyan, but in the future hopes to become a deputy

In 1991, Armen Karapetyan became acquainted with Alexander Kozitsyn, the brother of the future general director UMMC Andrei Kozitsyn. "We met in Moscow, in one of the institutions. When they started talking, it turned out that both of the upper pyshma, so the friendship faced, "says Karapetyan, without specifying the details. According to the official biography, in 1991, Alexander Kozitsyn worked after the army at the Likhachev Moscow Automobile Plant, and then returned to Pyshma - to Uralelectrombomed (later he headed this enterprise).

In 2009, Alexander Kozitsyn died in a car accident, but Karapetyan still supports close relationship with his family. Kozitsyn Dmitry's son is seen almost every day of the deputy. "I can say with great pride that Alexander Kozitsyn has always been a spiritual brother for me, a friend, very close to me by a person. He played a big role in my life. He taught me to be intelligent, be decent, be the owner of his word. Alexander Anatolyevich family for me is holy, "says Karapetyan.

"In 10 minutes I returned 970 million in the regional budget"

The deputy of the Sverdlovsk School Armen Karapetyan was elected in the winter of 2011. In his documents, as a candidate, it was stated that he is the director of Dorry LLC, although in fact he led the Emma Corporation, which includes this company. After the election, he handed the business to his brother Rafik Karapetyan. According to the database of "Spark", LLC Emma received state contracts for the construction of roads in the amount of more than 800 million rubles. Among them, for example, a contract for the repairs of the boulevard on Dzerzhinsky Avenue in Nizhny Tagil, repair and construction of roads in Yekaterinburg, Upper Pyshma and in Polevsky. It is noteworthy that in 2012, when Armen Karapetyan was only a deputy, the amounts were modest - 43 million rubles for the repair of the Perm Road Road section - Yekaterinburg, 3.6 million rubles - on the repair of roads in the upper pyshma, 480 thousand rubles - on the installation of windows at school.

In Yekaterinburg, Emma Corporation is scandalously known for the construction of the road on Stepan Razin Street (contract for about 140 million rubles). Emma specialists built this way for three years, the Yekaterinburg City Hall has repeatedly reproached the contractor for the failure of the commissioning of an object of commissioning. In Nizhny Tagil, the reconstruction of the Square of Glory was built for a long time, "Emma" was also engaged in works.

"I'm not ashamed for my brother. When Emma entered the object on Stepan Razin, it turned out that the mayor's office did not conduct any coordination with the owners of networks. In fact, without this, the contract could not be concluded. "Emma" lost a lot of time on this facility, "said Karapetyan. In his opinion, the mayor's office simply substituted the contractor, in no way affilmed with urban officials.

With the mayor of Yekaterinburg, Karapetyan relations are tense. "As a deputy chairman of the budget committee, I, together with other specialists, control the spending of budget funds. In 2013, Yekaterinburg, within the framework of the "Capital" program, on behalf of the governor allocated about 5 billion rubles for the construction of roads. City officials declare contests in several objects worth about 4 billion rubles, we analyze and see that the numbers are very high. As a result, at auction in 10 minutes I returned 970 million rubles to the regional budget, simply by canceling some of the contests or having achieved a cost reduction, "the deputy noted. According to him, he is already configured to work with auctions on construction facilities for the 2018 World Cup.

Another controversial project associated with Karapetyan's brother, who leads Emma, \u200b\u200bis located in the native to Karapetyan the upper pyshma. There, the company "Logistics" (it is headed by Rafik Karapetyan) received the platform for the construction of a large logistics center. However, not all the inhabitants of this project supported: rallies against the construction of the center several times were held several times, since about 60 hectares of forest would have to cut down.

"There are all the necessary conclusions of supervisory authorities, the mayor's office had the full right to allocate this site. For three years, entrepreneurs plan to invest about 15 billion rubles into the project. We are talking about the development of the territory, about creating new jobs. This is what we need now - the development of our economy. Or need to wait when new sanctions will be introduced against us?! " - Notes Karapetyan.

In addition to the top pyshma, the Karapetyan family will work in Nizhny Tagil. Stroydor LLC, which is headed by Rafik Karapetyan, won the competition for 500 million rubles for the reconstruction of the bridge, which is in emergency now. The money from the regional budget was planned to be allocated this year, but due to the difficult economic situation, the plans had to adjust the reconstruction time could be shifted. However, the mayor of Tagil Sergey Nosov, according to the site, intends to lobby the issue of reconstruction at the regional government level.

With regional authorities who often conflict with the mayoria, Armen Karapetyan has developed, on the contrary, fruitful relationships. Last week, Karapetyan participated in the governor of Evgenia Kuivasheva's governor in Verkhturyye as an informal representative of the UMMC, plunged along with the governor into a hole in honor orthodox holiday Baptism. In the government they say that Karapetyan is essential. With the regional ministers, he meets in his office in the Capture, and not in the government, and sometimes members of the Cabinet have to wait for the reception.

"I will say honestly that Kuyvashev is the only Sverdlovsky governor who himself seeks to find a common language with everything. But we have no special relationship with him. I believe that today every deputy can call the governor and agree on a meeting of Tet-A-Tet \u200b\u200bto discuss issues relating to the region and voters, "says Karapetyan. He clarified that in his task in the claimation is not lobbying the interests of UMMC. "Why lobby the interests of such a company? It is necessary to pray for her! It is registered in the Sverdlovsk region, the budget regularly go on deductions, 70 thousand people are employed. In addition, the company builds sports facilities, organized an educational center, invests in the development of schools, kindergartens, "said Karapetyan. The questions about the provincial ambitions of Andrei Kozitsyn Karapetyan is responsible for one. "I think Andrei Anatolyevich is now in his place, further - life will show," he noted.

Karetian's main plans for the near future - attraction to the investment projects. "I think the intended deputy is the one who brought at least two rubles of private funds to the area," he says. According to him, it is not about the support of some particular business: "There are notches, but I would not share them yet." However, in the sidelines of government discuss that Emma is likely to gain momentum from the point of view of construction orders in the Sverdlovsk region. Karapetyan himself plans to re-participate in the elections of deputies of applications again.

Administrative resource and communication in strength structures The Sverdlovsk deputy Armen Karapetyan decided to resolve the issue with a criminal case against his two brothers. In the week in relation to Rafik and Gevorork, the court issued a conviction, recognizing them guilty of the abduction of man. The story, for the development of which more than a year was monitored by the Moscow region and in Yekaterinburg, would end without hype in the press, if the occasion did not give the parliamentarian himself.

- Brothers known in the Sverdlovsk Region of the Deputy Clamps Armen Karapetyan. The court pleaded by their guilty according to PP. "A", "B", "G" Part 2 of Art. 126 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("man's abduction by a group of persons on a preliminary conspiracy with the use of violence, life-threatening or health, or with the threat of such violence, as well as using weapons or items used as a weapon"). The sanction under this article provides for a punishment in the form of imprisonment for a period of five to twelve years.

The lawsuit was held in a short time - from the beginning of the first meeting and ending with the sentencing passed less than two months

The criminal case against the Karapetyanov brothers was considered directly chairman of the Dolgoprudnensky City Court Vyacheslav Maleshev. According to one of the versions, it was due to the fact that certain forces tried to lean the story with the abduction and bring it out of the criminal plane - unsuccessfully. Deputy resources and acquaintances with high-ranking law enforcement officers probably did not apply to the territory of the Middle Urals.

Armen Karapetyan himself, according to his own words, was located in the Moscow region for the last three or four days. In September 2015, his armed brothers arrived in September 2015, the purpose of which was to find and return the daughter of Karapetyan Ashchen, who left the upper pyshma with his beloved Mikhail Kobelyan.

Armen Karapetyan diligently avoids comments on the theme of a wrecking criminal-family drama

On September 14, in Dolgoprudny, the Karapetyan brothers traveled down the bride and his brother Minas, beating the latter and forcibly settled into an SUV. After chasing the hostage's kidnappers managed to repel - after the incident, he was taken to the hospital, where the doctors recorded the fracture of the face bones. A few days later, a criminal case was initiated by the investigative authorities, which was continued to be inconsistent. After connecting the employees of the investigative committee, two identical surnames appeared in it, but by that time, Gevork and Rafik were already out of sight of the near Moscow Silovikov.

In May of this year, it became known that Rafik Karapetyan was announced in the federal wanted list. It did not prevent him from having fun at entertainment and restaurants. So, Rafik was seen in the Pan Smetan Meat Restaurant and Show Girls Striptease. A visit to the latter is even more surprising that in a close environment, the brother of the deputy is considered a deeply believer man.

Announcement to the federal wanted list did not prevent him from doing business. Despite the interest on the part of the investigation, his SU-196 company (former Emma, \u200b\u200bwhich is known to Yekaterinburgs on history with the repair of Stepan Razin Street) won several major state contracts for the repair of highways in the Sverdlovsk region. In total, over the past twelve months, Su-196 has received orders from the budget for more than 630 million rubles.

Su-196 shows impressive financial results. Data Base "Contour Focus"

It should be noted that while the brothers ran from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Armen Karapetyan was engaged in preparing for the autumn elections to the Sverdlovsk Parliament in the Revdinsky district. On the day of voting, observers noted mass delivery - hundreds of voters from neighboring municipalities organized on buses to Revu, where the candidate himself came, who, by the way, was able to get into the new composition of the ZSO on the lists of "Fair Russia". The joy of re-election was somewhat lubricated by the information that was reported that ten days after the elections, a criminal case against the Karapetyan brothers was received for consideration.

To learn the position of Armen Karapetyan regarding the indictment against the nearest relatives has not yet been possible. The parliamentarian says that it is in Moscow, at the same time, according to unverified information, on the night of June 10-11, he was stopped by Ekaterinburg traffic police officers on suspicion of driving in a state of alcoholic intoxication. The deputy considers this information false, noting that it spreads its ill-wishers.

Recall that on December 13, on Tuesday, the next and last meeting of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region will take place. The editorial board will be grateful to Armen Karapetyan, if he gives us a few minutes to arrange all the points over "I".

Ivan Morozov © "Evening Vedomosti"

"On the appointment of the head of the FNS new prime minister, the Russian edition" Compromat-Ural "wrote a few months before the event," news messages in a number of federal media came out with such headlines.

So, "Polit.Ru" (one of the first media in Runet) notes that "the Russian publication wrote about the appointment of Mishoustin by Prime Minister in the fall of 2019." We quote in more detail: "On the appointment of the head of the FTS, the new Prime Minister, the Russian edition" Compromat-Ural "wrote a few months before the event itself. An article with the title "Mishun Dimon is not sweeter. Mishoustin Mikhail Vladimirovich will sit down in the Prime Minister's chair, "it was published in September 2019. For a surprisingly accurate prediction of the editorial board, "Compromat-Ural" drew attention to the publication of the "Info24" media.

It is noteworthy that Mikhail Mishoustin (in any case, publicly) did not react, for the September forecast in the register of the editorial board "Compromat Ural". The official refutation also did not follow.

Almost exactly four months after our forecast, January 15, 2020, Vladimir Putin He proposed the candidacy of the head of the Federal Tax Service of Russia Mikhail Mishoustina as head of the Cabinet of Ministers. It happened after Dmitry Medvedev Reported that the current government resigns in full force. The resignation of the Cabinet was the result of the installations announced in the Presidential Message to the Federal Assembly. In Messages, Putin announced the dismantling of the authority, which is provided for by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, in particular, will go to cut off the authority of the president after how to formally leave this post and proceeds to another official status (of course, the main country is still We will not feed illusions).

Some time ago, the scandalous "Worker" of the oil and gas industry Babayev Azad Kamalovich (Ru-Energy and the associated structures) posted the publications in the media that caused Skepticism and Ironia in the expert community. With a tagged pathos reported that Mr. Babayev wrote himself open letter Chapter of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev. According to the editorial board "Compromat-Ural", the supervisors of the Babaevsky Epistle also included the chiefs of police masters on the YNAO and the Volgograd region - Alexander Udovenko and Alexander Kravchenko, respectively. In his opus, law enforcement bosses Babayev complains of fate and that he, they say, became a victim of his intra-family disassembly: did not share a business with his uncle and cousins (Kerimov). Is it really for the thought of Babayev, Russian law enforcers have no more to do more, except to get involved in Caucasian clan conflicts on the soil of redistribution of financial flows?

The long-term groove of southern merchants occurs for the redistribute group of companies "Naftagaz". According to one of the versions common in the media, and "naphtagaz-service", and "NG-drilling" were created at the production base of Naftagaz, which at the beginning of the "zero" tied Tokaz Kerimov, a close friend of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Scandalous Service Holding "RU-ENERGY", of the most Azad Babayev. Holding has accumulated debts for hundreds of millions before its partners and then was bankrupt.

The editorial office of "Compromat Ural" continues to learn a negative media background around Babaevsky commerce. So, a year and a half ago, the journalists conducted an investigation into the way "Relatives of Azad Babayev have drawn into confrontation with Sberbank" ...

Readers, who have additional information about the activities of Roskomsnabbank (Basksnabbank's previous sign - Baskasnabbank), were addressed to the "Compromat Ural"; Flour Galyamov (TIN 027408945156) and members of his family. In March 2019, the "Cassa" galloped covered with a wet hat. Central Bank deprived the license bank for dubious operations and multiple disorders Federal Law "O counteracting legalization (laundering) of revenues obtained by criminal means and financing terrorism." From the chairman of the Central Bank Elvira Nabiullina Materials at the Galleam Bank were sent "to the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation and the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for consideration and adoption of relevant procedural decisions."

"In the activities of Roskomsnabbank (PJSC), unscrupulous actions of the leadership associated with the participation of the Bank were noted in operations of its individual legal entities aimed at attracting money population with non-obvious prospects for their return according to the scheme having signs of the "financial pyramid". The credit institution carried out the reception of funds for individuals under an increased interest rate in favor of a client-legal entity, which ultimately went to the issuance of loans from a number of companies. At the same time, the repayment of obligations to individuals according to such contributions was actually carried out at the expense of newly attracted funds of the population. " In addition, "during the examination of the credit institution, signs of operations aimed at the conclusion of Basshkinabbank's assets by lending to borrowers who do not have the ability to fulfill their obligations," is noted in the regulator materials.

Where is the criminal and legal assessment of the identified frauds? Judging by the official silence of subordinates Yuri Seagull and lieutenant-general justice Alexandra Romanova (Head of the CD MVD and Deputy Minister Vladimir Kolocoltseva), I managed to accumulate the auditors of the Central Bank, the Lord law enforcement officers were quietly laid under the cloth. Readers of the Portal "Compromat-Ural" in connection with the journalistic investigation of the Bashkir Landromate, recommend paying attention to the activities of another deputy minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - State Secretary Igor Zudov. A very interesting person ... "Other surprised, in 2018 Roskomsnabank received a prize in the field of economy and finance named after P.A. Stolypin in the nomination "Best Regional Bank"! And it is strange that no one noticed big problems with the balance. And maybe they did not want to notice? ", - perplex the competent interlocutors.

Actual publications

Chairman of the Investigative Committee Russian Federation Alexander Bastrykin issued a number of orders aimed at preventing possible infection and distribution among the employees of the coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

In particular, it was decided to maximize the presence of women in the workplaces under service in the investigative committee of Russia, for the current week, until April 6. These measures are directed, among other things, the possibility of monitoring their children and compliance with the self-insulation regime. This concerns women under service both in the central office of the department and in regional investigative divisions.

The measures taken in the Investigative Committee of Russia for self-insulation of the employees will not affect the work of the department. During this period, the work of the central office and regional divisions of the SC of Russia will be carried out on the work schedule. At the time of self-insulation of all women of the Investigative Committee, all their duties, the Chair instructed to fulfill the officers in full. This applies not only to the structures of the department, but, if necessary, men investigators will take criminal cases to their production investigated by investigator women.

In accordance with a separate order in all educational institutions SC of Russia in staffing will continue to work men in the conditions of ensuring the necessary security measures, warning the possibility of spreading the virus. In addition, the leadership of the Cadet Corps and Academies in Moscow and St. Petersburg are instructed to carry out continuous control over the observance of the study regime of self-insulation and the quality of their remote learning. Particular attention should be paid to children from the orphans and children left without parental care, ensuring their daily inspection and observation of health, disinfection of premises at their place of stay and compliance with the isolation rules.

All regional divisions of the Investigative Committee of Russia are entrusted to establish a remote relationship with supreme children's homes for the subsequent organization of targeted assistance. As part of these assignments, employees of regional investigative bodies need to be assisted by pupils of the profile cadet classes of SC of Russia, located on the subordinate territories, excluding violations by them established rules on preventing the spread of a new coronavirus infection.

"Is it possible to beat the disease with the help of a falsification?", - such a rhetoric question is asked by the editorial board of the compromat-Ural, who has studied "continuation of the scandalous history with dubious drugs supplied by Rowuge's companies and a rosex-farm owned by a citizen of India Samir Srivastava».

"As you know, impunity generates permissiveness and pushes on the commission of new" feats. " So it happened with Samir Shrivasta, who considered that he was given "green light" to implement new schemes.

At the same time, in addition, what can be called "falsification", we are talking about much more serious violations. First of all, it is worth paying attention to the drug Levoflox-Roweke, a solution for infusion 5 mg / ml 100 ml, vials (1) / complete with a system of one-time for intravenous administration of solutions with a built-in ventilation barrier against Evrodrip bacteria / this antimicrobial drug With a wide range of actions, which is often used in medical institutions in particularly severe cases.

So, according to the documents, this drug in the territory of the Russian Federation packs the company Roslex Farm, but it is produced outside the country, namely in India.

On packaging anyone drug The manufacturer must contain its address and license number. On the packages of Levoflox-Rowhek, this information is available, here only the address and name of the manufacturer seems to not coincide with the license number. It turns out that the package contains data at the same time two manufacturers, and which one said what is in the package is unknown. In a relationship medicinal preparation Such an "mistake" is unacceptable and must lead to the immediate removal of the entire batch of drugs. Appropriate queries were sent to manufacturers specified on the packaging, however, the answers were still not received. It may turn out that none of the manufacturers recognizes that this drug is produced by them, then what is it? Counterfeit?

It turns out that it is impossible to reliably determine where exactly this drug was produced, respectively, claims for quality in the event of issues to present and no one. Instead of an antimicrobial drug in tanks, everything can be, professionals are clear that such medications are unlikely to help the patient ... well if they do not harm. But at the same time, this drug is unpunished in the medical institutions of our entire country. Will our doctors, using such drugs, cure someone? Why do law enforcement bodies do not respond to such actions?

Leading Russian economists with world names demanded to introduce hard quarantine in Russia in order to prevent the further spread of coronavirus infection. The application is published on the page inFB. Professor of the University of Chicago and HSE Konstantin Sonina..

In the Kremlin, they got acquainted with the letter of famous economists in which they stated that the government should spend from 5 trillion to 10 trillion to support enterprises, citizens and banks. Dmitry Peskov.

Special criticism was subjected to a strange decision on the introduction of the non-working week. "The fact that our economy is experiencing recession along with the whole world, it is already obvious. And the unnecessary non-working week will only strengthen this decline, "said the director of the Analytical Department of Loco-Invest Kirill Tremasov. At the same time, the expert is perplexed why the week of the weekend was announced by employers. "This measure clearly contradicts the goals to support business in an epidemic. And it is completely incomprehensible how one week can solve the problem of spreading the virus (even if everyone stays at home). We only started an accelerated increase in the number of infected, and on the experience of other countries for the week this process does not stop, "the analyst emphasized. Special concern to all "rest" causes both business representatives. At a meeting of entrepreneurs with Vladimir Putin March 26th Founder of the Anderson Cafe network Anastasia Tatulova She stated that a number of industries have no airbag, and this is "just a tragedy."

At the request of the readers, the editorial office "Compromat-Ural" literally publishes the appeal of the economic gurus to combatCOVID -19 ...

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation analyzed the practice of prosecutor's supervision in the field of the implementation of national projects "Small and secondary entrepreneurship and support for individual entrepreneurial initiative", "labor productivity and support for employment" and "International cooperation and export".

Taking into account the importance of creating favorable conditions in the country to conduct business, prosecutors are closely monitored for the proper implementation of the activities of the National Project "Small and Middle Entrepreneurship and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative".

In the course of its supervisory accompaniment, measures were taken to eliminate about 400 violations of the legislation, 71 persons were brought to disciplinary and administrative responsibility, 2 statements were sent to the courts, 7 officials were able to violate the violation of the law, 1 criminal proseculin a business.

One of the reasons for incomplete use of budgetary funds is a long-term failure to provide the authorized bodies for the provision of financial support for economic entities.

AT Chelyabinsk region Prosecutor's response required due to late approval by regional ministries economic Development and agriculture of the procedures for granting subsidies to entrepreneurs and agricultural producers, as a result of which more than 60 million rubles of financial assistance remained unemployed.

In the republics of Adygea, Bashkortostan, Crimea, Tyva and Khakasia, the Altai and Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kemerovo, Kirovskaya, Kursk, Nizhny Novgorod, Orenburg and Penza regions, the Nenets Autonomous District and the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Ugra, prosecutors took measures to ensure the formation of the legal basis for the implementation of the specified national project and curbing cases of imposition on entrepreneurs not provided for by the law of duties. In total prosecutors, 38 illegal regulatory legal acts were protested.

In some regions, prosecutorial intervention was required due to improper information support for small and medium-sized businesses (republics of Crimea, Tyva, Altai region, Voronezh, Rostov, Tyumen and Ulyanovsk region, Sevastopol).

The means of prosecutor's supervision are stopped by violations of the procedure and conditions for assisting entrepreneurs (Udmurt Republic, Kamchatsky and Krasnoyarsk Region, Bryansk, Kaliningrad, Kaluga, Kemerovo, Kostroma, Murmansk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omskaya, Ryazan, Samara, Sverdlovsk and Chelyabinsk regions).

The principal assessment of prosecutors demanded cases of unacceptable indicators of regional projects in the implementation of the National Project (Krasnoyarsk Territory, Samara region).

Judge of the Scherbinsky District Court of Moscow Anna Boriskina Received from the lawyer Alexandra Scrodian A strange claim that may have "viral" consequences for the entire law enforcement system. Businessman from Sevastopol, director and founder of the firm from one employee Inter 2012 LLC Yuri. Hermann (His interests and represents Mr. Zabrodin) demands to prohibit the disclosure of his individual taxpayer number (INN) under the pretext of protecting "personal data". According to experts, a special scandalousness of the situation attracts the fact that the Inn dozens of millions of Russians has been openly published in a row for many years in a row. Mikhail Mishatina During the leadership of them by the Federal Tax Service (FTS). Public access to individuals of individuals is consistent with the international practice of fiscal bodies. The lawyer Zarodin from questions of journalists was evolved.

The claims of Yuri Hermann to online publications became known recently, although his lawsuit entered Shcherbinsky Riceud back in early July 2019. It is noteworthy that Anna Boriskin's business is appointed a federal judge only last November, before that Anna Vladimirovna was the world judge (judicial district No. 432 of Moscow and Mosartgen in Moscow). According to journalists, the plaintiff did not appeal directly in the editorial office. "The position is illogical, and the claim itself seems contrived. In the summer of 2018, there is an article, you for some reason "tolerate" for almost a year, only then make a lawsuit. Months come, years already. Publication remains, and you have never written to the editor on the essence of your discontent, to at least try to remove yourself from a public without trial. How so? ", - perplexed by us a lawyer familiar with the details of the process.

Mr. Herman is dissatisfied with the episodic mention of his person in a journalistic investigation published in August 2018, about the former beneficiary of the Bank "Dialog Optim" Alexandre. PolykovyeFor which criminal proceedings in Russia and Ukraine were initiated (on the facts of fraud in particularly large amounts and the use of a deliberately fake passport for crossing the border). According to the latest data, after illegal departure from Ukraine Polyakov, Donkey in Slovenia. Journalists drew attention to a number of legal entities, who, after Polyakov left the Russian Federation and was wanted, continued to function in Moscow, were listed on his wife Larisa Slivinskaya And sons: Kirill and Mikhail Polyakov.

In the court of the railway area of \u200b\u200bYekaterinburg, a sentence was sentenced to a deputy of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region Armen Karapetyan. Parliamentarians were recognized as guilty of non-compliance with the legal requirement of the auto inspector.

Operators and photographers remain in the corridor. In the courtroom, only reporters are allowed to record what is happening on the recorder. "At the hearing did not appear Karapetyan. He properly notified the court to today's court session. "

Armen Karapetyan was not on the first hearing. His interests defend the lawyer Karen Gulianz. This time, the defender with him is 26 thank you letters from the ROC, boarding school and the Armenian church addressed to the deputy. They believe the lawyer, will help objectively evaluate the personal qualities of the client. Paper - as a counterproof the operational video: "Citizens, we drive deputies drunk, refuse to fulfill the legal requirements of the police."

The incident occurred at night on December 11 last year on the Street of Chelyuskintsev in Yekaterinburg. The traffic police inspectors stopped a toned tuple from two Mercedes. From the words of the police, behind the wheel of the first "Gelendwagen" was sitting Armen Karapetyan - a representative of "Fair Russia" in the Regional Parliament. At the request of the police to present documents a driver's folk chosen one, the deputies took a brow: "What do you want from me? - Your driver's license. "What a certificate, I am a passenger."

This position defends in court and the lawyer of the deputy. According to protection, Karapetyan rode on the passenger seat, and therefore the police were not entitled to require him the driver's documents as well as undergo a medical examination. Employees of the traffic police - in the case they witnesses are a different version of events.

Sergey Bazhev, inspector DPS traffic police: "Citizen Karapetyan came out of the driver's door, followed literally two to three steps and originally sat down in the second" Gelendvagen ", namely, on the front passenger seat, after which the door closed. After that, the guard, a brewer citizen, demonstratively sits behind the wheel of the first "Gelendwagen", includes a phone and starts shooting: what is the cause of the stop? What do you contact me? "

According to the traffic police inspectors, the night from Karapetyan was alcohol. But to check the state of the deputy to law enforcement officers did not succeed: the parliamentarian abandoned the passage of medical examination. This has become a reason for the court.

Valery Borehykh, head of the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Sverdlovsk Region: "A citizen who is talking about, behaved in extremely bold that, in fact, confirms video surveillance."

The world judge recognized Armen Karapetyan guilty. Punishment is a fine of 30 thousand rubles and deprivation of driver's license for the year and seven months. In response to this, the Protection Party began to throw loud phrases: we do to the Supreme Court "! And hint at the frames hidden from the press.

Karen Gulianz, lawyer Armen Karapetyan: "Just look a little further than that frame that you have shown. And if it is permitted with the deputies to do this, then our certificates with you are not saved at all. "

The defenders of the deputy have ten days to appeal the decision of the magistrate. Otherwise, after the decision comes into force, Armen Karapetyan will officially lose the driver's license.

Yana Yumakayev