Day of People's Unity: What do we know about him? Susanins What sights showed Ivan Susanin Polish tourists.

The name of Ivan Susanin in our country is familiar even to schoolchildren. But many are many know where the swamp is located in which he started the Poles, and remembers why he did it at all? But the case was in the Kostroma region, and the Susanin route can be repeated, together with the inspection of the attractions that arose on it.

The path from Kostroma to Susanino in Slytnaya Winter weather you can not call pleasant. The quality of the road surface leaves much to be desired, from under the wheels of the rods, the dirt flies continuously, forcing almost liters to spend glass makeup. Involuntarily, you begin to sympathize with the Poles, who brought here a difficult four centuries ago. The center of Susanino appears on the horizon after about the hour on the left in front of the river. In the center of the panorama, the first-in-heading church with a tent bell tower is very soon, the outlines of which many may seem familiar. Do not be surprised - the Resurrection Temple of the late XVII century you really, most likely seen more than once - of course, do not live, but in the picture Alexey Savrasov "Graci flew". The outstanding Russian landscape officer created its main work here is true, not in Susanino, but in Moltino - this is the so-called village until 1939. Finding the Rakurs from which Savrasov wrote his "rods", in modern sussanino, you can hardly succeed - apparently, working on the picture, the artist has quite freely rethought his scenery.

To the legendary feat of Ivan Susanin district center, despite its name, direct relationship does not have - historical events of the end of the troubled time unfolded at about ten kilometers from here - in the vicinity of Domnino. Nobody cleans this village to this village before asphalt, so the road turns out to be much cleaner and picturesque. The domino itself meets the travelers of a neat white-tailed church with elegant blue masks, but in general, it differs little from thousands of other Russian villages.

The whole difference is in historical content. According to the canonical version of the domestic history, at the end of winter - the beginning of the spring of 1613 in the dominino, the birth of his mother, was only elected to the kingdom and even who did not even know the founder of the Dynasty of Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich. The church at the entrance to the village is just on the place where beginning of XVII The century was located a manor house Boyar Sixth, from the genus the mother of the newly elected sovereign occurred. In addition, according to one of the versions, it is in the territory of the temple that there is a grave of the most famous Russian guide-guide and part-time of the National Hero of Ivan Susanin.

Susanin was also coming from the domino and, as we know from the jokes, possessed the leadership qualities and the ability to lead people. By 1613, he, however, already lived in the villages - the village in a pair of kilometers from Domnino. Apparently, it was there that Susanin and met the Polish detachment that I squandered in the Kostroma outback in search of a newly elected Russian sovereign. Repeated that nothing good meeting with the lost Polish "tourists" Mikhail Fedorovich does not succeed, Susanin sent to the Domnino with anxious news of his son-in-law, and he himself, who promising uninvited guests to show the way there, led them in exactly the opposite direction.

Unlike a well-preserved dominino, the existence of a village today is reminded of only a small brick chapel, built to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov's house - it seems like at the very place where Ivan Susanin was standing. The chapel is visible from the road that leads from the domino. A couple of minutes drive around the "highway" from a tightly rolled snow, and the next fork diving meets us an unusual road sign. That is, it looks like a pointer quite usually - white letters on a blue background - everything according to GOST, only the inscription on it is not the inscription: "Place of Podav I. Susanin." And most importantly - no shooter defining the direction of movement. And around only a snowy forest, drifts - and nor soul. In general, a little mystical place - you will not envy the motorist who gets off the path will be before this sign. Worse, probably, only a shield warning about what you entered the territory of the Bermuda Triangle.

Everbugs running around the bodies of goosebumps, decide to turn right and very soon rest in the edge of the cliff of the cliff, from which the impressive view of the squeezed Mescalem of Isupovskaya swamp around two thousand hectares. From the bad weather, the boulder is covered with a layer of Inea, through which another concise inscription appears: "Ivan Susanin. 1613". This memorable sign was established here in the late 80s, when the 375th anniversary of the Susanin feat was noted in the country. Then the asphalt road was laid here. They say that the locals are still grateful to their famous countryman at no less than the salvation of the king from the Poles.

It was worth it to get out of the car, how, because of the stone, a colorful grandfather was smelled in felt bags, a hatching hat and with luxurious swirling tips up with a mustache. Susanin's poured, we decided. "You are just garbage after yourself!" - he warned the first thing. It turned out that this one of the elderly dominets chose himself to be responsible for maintaining a historic place in purity and now every day walks here on foot on duty.

"Voi there Susanin died," - pointed out our new acquaintance on Red Pine in the middle of the swamps and extended army binoculars so that we could see her better. A 2,5-kilometer path of the swamp is lined with a pine. The descent to it begins right behind the memorial stone. It is worth sharing on a swamp without a conductor (especially in winter) - decide for yourself. But remember that, given the historical experience, take a guide from the local - also not best idea. Although, they say, actually for tourists here are arranged whole theatrical programs. Excursters rushing along the wooden pavements deep into the swamps after the rich sussanin, and closes the group accompanying the Polish gentry that is periodically interested in Susanin, if he forgotten the way.

If, unlike Polish pioneers, you will be lucky to safely return from the Izuupovsky swamps, on the way back, you can still call in the district center and visit the Museum of the Father Ivan Susanin. Moreover, it is located just in that very church, which is depicted in the picture "Graci flew". The museum's exposition tells not only about the very feat, but also about the cult of Susanin, perpetuating his act in art (one of the most interesting exhibits in working as a music box, which is playing a fragment of the opera Glinka "Life for the king"), and about the followers of the "guide" - Patriot.

The museum holds stories more than fifty people, in for different years And the war of repeating the feat of Susanin. For example, in August 1919, the Altai peasant Fyodor Glyaev not only started 700 Kampchakov's kavalorists in a swamp, but also managed to get out of this alteration and unharmed. For this feat, the revolutionary got a silver watch and a checker from Lenin's hands, and the VTCIK special decree assigned to him the honorary name - Susanin.

It is curious that the Susaninsk-Molvitinskaya Land gave our country to another tsarer - Sharp master of Osipa Ivanovich Commissioner, a native of Molivina. On April 4, 1866, he took his hand with a pistol at the Emperor Alexander II Terrorist Dmitry Karakozov at the summer garden in St. Petersburg. For this, he was built into the hereditary nobility with the name of the Kostroma Commissioner, and in Moltino until 1917 he even stood a monument.

That was a holiday. Yes, a certain number of Russians, you must admit, the next day with difficulty remember that this holiday was. But we are conscious! We celebrate November 4 for more than 10 years (or much more, but with interruptions?). We have already remembered how it is called, we are already focused on what events he is dedicated. We begin, probably, slowly understand why the state established the "this" holiday, and it is instead of the "that" holiday.

Orthodox youth movement "Course-East" conducted a homemade simple sociological survey since 2012, asking simple questions about the holiday. First, to learn an approximate level of knowledge about it among the population, secondly, to listen to that people think about him, thirdly, to tell his story that the holiday is much more than a ten-year-old.

Knowledge level can be viewed here:

Sometimes people told their attitude to the holiday. We did not ask them about it, but they willingly shared our impressions, because here and politics, and history, and religion, and all people, as you know, in these areas the biggest specialists. Therefore, everything was listened, including the most extreme, point of view:

  • from "I don't know what a holiday, and I don't want to know, because there is November 7 ..."
  • before "There is a holiday of the Kazan Icon, and all sorts of state affairs do not know, and I do not want to know ..."

It is noteworthy that there are even such two opposite, but in something united camps:

"I don't know at all that for the holiday, it's good that the weekend" and "I don't know at all that for the holiday, I got already with your weekend." In general, it became an impression that when the state reported to the people that now we will celebrate the "Day of People's Unity", the people went somewhere, or was fascinated by something, or thought that this knowledge would not be useful to him, so what to teach them ... Some respondents crushed that the people did not ask what holiday to put instead of the great-language, therefore, they say, and there is no unity about the Day of People's Unity ...

It was not always to tell the story, because on November 4, it was not June 12, and it was cold, but we conducted surveys mainly on the streets and squares. But we handed these booklets in which the whole story is written in detail.

In our optimistic dreams, we assumed that people read them and passed to each other. Because how else to explain that the level of knowledge is judging by each new society. A little bit, but increased. From the face of the state of course supported support in the form of historical artistic and documentaries, a new context in school lessons, as well as in the form of fiery speeches on demonstrations. Therefore, the people are slowly educated and gets used to.

Now let's see what the answers turned out to our virtual survey, which we spent the day before. As the survey was posted on our public vkontakte and on the YouTube channel, it is necessary to consider that the audience of respondents is young people, one way or another, familiar with the Orthodox youth traffic "Course Vostok". So, here is the questions, answers and comments to them:

  1. What is the name of the public holiday, celebrated on November 4?

Answers "Day of the Great Socialist October Revolution", "The Day of All Saints" and "The Day of People's Militus" did not chose no one and, thank God! The correct answer, of course, the Day of People's Unity. But apparently, we have several people stuck in the time interval from 1996 to 2004, or still have not yet been agreed and reconciled with the name "Day of People's Unity".

  1. When did you start celebrating the Day of People's Unity?

Actually, they, probably, they answered that this holiday began its history in 1991. But this is not accurate. As not exactly that the holiday "People's Unity Day" we began to celebrate from 1649. With this name it was not yet. But in 1649 an event happened, which greatly influenced the future value of this holiday. In this year, by decree of the king Alexei Mikhailovich, the local Moscow (and Kazan) holiday in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God becomes all-Russian. The reason for this decree was the birth during the vigil service on October 22 (according to the old style) of the heir, Tsarevich Dmitry Alekseevich. This joyful event was attributed to the mercy of Mother of God for the king, and from that time Alexei Mikhailovich began to develop a puzzle: the Moscow shrine of Kazan Icon of the Virgin, this and the savings of Russia from the invasion of the Inomes and the inner University, this is his personal patron. In general, there were such signs through the Kazan icon, which testified to the special intercession of the Mother of God and for the royal genus, and for the entire Russian people. This attitude to the shrine was inherited by subsequent kings from the house of Romanov, and the royal Kazan image remains with them last day The existence of their dynasty. And very strongly helps the country and in the years Patriotic War 1812 (remember M. Kutuzov and a particularly revered list of icons in St. Petersburg), as well as during the Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

  1. How was this period been named in the history of Russia?

It should be noted that among the respondents there were people with a sense of humor, or reading only the first 5 letters of response and choose it if these 5 letters coincide with what they want to answer.

  1. The official name of the state actively interfering in the affairs of Russia in the troubled time?

The correct answer "Commonwealth". They answered correctly 3 people. Here I want to justify the respondents who answered wrong. Unofficial, or rather, the current name is also standing, as the following questions are said that we kicked the Poles from Moscow. It would be logical then to mention the then "speech joints", siren subjects of the Commonwealth. There were blanks of the answers "United States of America" \u200b\u200band "Uzbekistan", but respondents were prudent and did not choose them.

  1. Who was Kuzma minin?

Let's first see the answers:

The correct answer is: "traded fish and cattle," and this, by the way, makes the honor of the people of trading, which many were then conscious and responsible for their country, contrary to the opinion. In addition, Kuzma minin was both a Zemsky old-age, so there were its versions (there were 2 them), they also go to standings.

  1. Who called "Tushinsky Thief"?

The correct answer: False Dmitry II. But someone knows something about Vasily Shui ...

  1. What sights showed Ivan Susanin to Polish tourists (according to the official version)?

The opinions of the survey participants were separated. This, of course, is not a significant fact, but historical justice for the Kostroma swamps.

  1. What was the name of the first Russian king chosen after the liberation of Moscow from the Poles?

Correct answer: Sovereign Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, Son of Patriarch Filaret, was elected to Orthodoxy on February 21, 1613. On Sunday Day, on July 11, 1613, Metropolitan Kazan and Sviyazhsky Ephraim walked on the kingdom in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin of Young Mikhail. With the wedding of the tsarist crown, the scepter and an apple (power) held the heroes of the militia: Boyarin Prince Dimitri Timofeevich Trubetskoy and Prince Dimitri Mikhailovich Pozharsky.

  1. What was the name of the Patriarch of Russian Orthodox churchHaving called to unite and give back to the invaders?

Proper answer: Patriarch Hermogen. Read his life urgently!

Joker answered "Benedict", but it should be said that our fellow citizens in 1612 would not be funny if someone said that he was heading our Russian church with a Latin sound name ...

  1. In our country, they love to shoot art films dedicated to the heroic episodes of our history. And what movie has not yet been removed on our topic?

Proper answer: Minin and Pozharsky.

Yes, unfortunately, it is about them that not a single artistic film has not yet been filmed, but in vain. Such plots and such personalities! Let's hope that the inquisitive creative people who read the results of this test will want to express the country's history, and tell about their discoveries in wonderful works.

A wonderful selection of questions compiled by the Perm Internet magazine "Star" was taken as the basis of the virtual test.

- Where did you start us, do not see ZGI!?
- Go in FIG! I lost myself, I wanted to start you, but I got drunk with the trail!

people Jumor

30 March 1613 Kostroma peasant Ivan Susanin made his famous feat.
Susanin was sick by historians, poets and became the central figure of one of the most famous musical works of the period of the formation of Russian classical music - Opera M.I. Glinka "Life for the king." Time stores, time heals, time and erases from memory ... But not Susanina))) Because the feat of him on hearing and overgrown with legends and myths, jokes and "facts" in which it is very difficult to understand, but we will try ...

According to the established interpretation, at the end of winter - the beginning of the spring of 1613, the reaches of the tsar, Mikhail Fedorovich Romanov, with his mother Inokine, Marta Romanova was located in the primary village of Domnino Kostroma district. In March 1613, a military Polish-Lithuanian squad came here in order to find a young king (and either assume it, or to kill, which seems more likely for that historical moment).

We must not forget about a serious period of Russian history, not in vain called a vague time, when the question of independence and the most further existence of the Moscow state was raised on the map. Rus stood on the threshold of the national catastrophe: the end of the Rurikovsky Dynasty, the death of the Godunov family, the impostors in power, Boyarskaya gnawing for the throne or for the place near him, the peasant rebounds, the Polish-Lithuanian intervention and the chaos accompanying it, reinforced by the interventory, the Swedish intervention and the seizure of key cities -plosities of North-Western Russia, raids of the Crimean Tatars ...

Here, in such historical realities, the Poles met on the way to the dominist of the victorious Older Ivan Susanin, trying to disappear from him the location of the young king Mikhail Romanova. Returning to the official interpretation, further events developed as follows. Susanin agrees to show the Pois women to the place of residence of Mikhail Romanov, fasciating them in the opposite direction, while at the same time sending his son-in-law Bogdan Sabinin to the domino warn about the risk of the young king and his mother - Inoken Martar.

Poles walked long along the coast. Susanin hoped that he would be able to run, but tied with ropes to two horses, could not choose the moment. While moved along the river, the horses fell into the quagmire and drowned. The blizzard began. The detachment entered the forest. Susanin moved ahead, the tongue, who kept the rope. Suddenly, the old man was knocked out the rope and jumped into the bushes. The enemy shot, but missed. Dogs pounced on Susanin, several Poles arrived behind them. The first two enemies, the old man pushed the battle, but the rest overtook him.

- You deceived us! - They shouted, surrounding the conductor.
- Yes, from this forest you no longer get out. Here you will die, "said Susanin.

Casting out of the forces, the stuffed enemies asked the peasant to bring them out of the forest to the road, promising him for this not only life, but all the looted gold had them. But the old man was unshakable. Shutchiki pounced on him and pulled the sabers.

By the morning of the next day, the swelling of the stych. Long peasants were looking for Susanin. After some time, Bogdan Sabinin with her neighbors came across two killed bubbin invaders, and then discovered the chopped body of susanin. There was no other Poles, the squad did not return - he also drowned.

The king Mikhail Fedorovich himself and the mother manage to flee to Kostroma and hide behind the walls of the Ipatiev Monastery.

Where do you lead us? .. Not visible ZGI! -
Susanina with a heart cried enemies ...
Where did you start us? " - Lyah old cried.
- "There, where you need!" - Susanin said.
- "Kill! Touch! - My grave here!
But know, and go away: - I saved Michael!
Traitor, imagine, in me you found:
They are not and will not be in the Russian land!
In it, every depreciation loves
And I will not destroy my soul to change "...

"Village!", Shouted the enemies of Zakipev:
"Drill under the swords!" - "Your anger is not afraid!
Who is Russian to heart, then cheerfully and boldly
And joyfully dies for the right thing!
Neither execution, no death and I am not afraid:
Do not flourish, die for the king and for Russia! " -
"Umpti!" Sarmati Hero crisp -
And saber over the old man, whistling, flared!

"Perception, traitor! Your end has come! " -
And the solid susanin fell in ulcers!
Snow pure pure blood ripped:
She saved Mikhail for Russia!

This is a line from the poem Kondratiy Ryleev "Ivan Susanin".

The first is how closely it was associated with the family of Romanovs, their primary headman (hence - could he know about the election of Mikhail King, or that Mikhail is a challenger for the royal throne; he knew the true location of Mikhail Romanov and his mother in the event If they were not in the domin at the time of meeting it with the Poles). If they were in the domin, there are no questions.

The second is Li Mikhail and his mother were in the dominary, were somewhere nearby or were safe (hence it was purposeful if he took them away from Domnin or led them just in difficult and removed from the roads).

The third is where the true place of death is a swamp or the very village of Isupovo.

Fourth - where Ivan Susanin's grave is located (only a few versions came to this day).

Well, finally, the fifth question - when the feat was performed: in March 1613 or in the fall of 1612.

Historians argue, lead arguments in favor of their hypotheses. However, the very fact of the accomplishment of the feat of Ivan Susanin remains undeniable. Even if the feat was committed in the fall of 1612, when Mikhail Romanov was not yet elected to the king, then, defending his young Barin and his mother, Susanin saved the king, and self-sacrifice in relation to Barina, an extra fact confirming the inviolability of patriarchal values \u200b\u200band the mains of the Russian The societies of that time and the deep opposition to the alien stands, who rubbed national roots.

The same applies to the question of where Mikhail Romanov was with her mother at the time of the meeting of Susanin with Poles.

Polyakov took from Domnin - a fact, reached into the area of \u200b\u200bthe difficult marsh or village (Issuov) in the opposite side of the Domnin and aside from the direction of the Dominary Kostroma.

Susanin was brutally killed - a fact confirmed by the royal diploma, in an empty place that did not apply.

And the gram itself, noticed that I confirmed the sacrificial death of Ivan Susanin, freed from the filings of his son-in-law and all the descendants, which was also a big rarity for that time.

In Kostroma, there is a monument to Ivan Susanin, erected in 1967 opposite the descent to the Volga. He became the second in Kostroma after the monument demolished in 1918, erected by the project V.I. Demoust Malinovsky.

There is another version of the Susanin feat (which looks quite real and does not make Poles idiots). It was on it that all the Romanovs were brought up, passing it from mouth to mouth.

"In February 1613, the Polish detachment was digging around the Kostroma Territory in search of Mikhail Romanova and his mother, Inokini Martha.

They intended to capture or destroy the real Russian applicant for the Moscow throne.

The future king with his mother and (perhaps with a small guard), learning about the approach of the Poles, fled from the village of Domnin and was on the races, in the house of Susanin. The peasant was drunk by their bread and kvass and sheltered in the off, throwing it with heads and burned rag.

The Poles were calculated where the traces are broken, they went to the house of Susanin, they were searched, but they did not find anyone and began torture the old man. Susanin his king did not give out. Finding it with dogs failed, because The heads interrupted the human smell. The peeled enemies cut the sussanin and rolled into the forest to search in the direction of dangerous swamps. And Mikhail got out of shelter and, accompanied by peasants, went to the Ipatiev Monastery. "

One way or another, but the feat of Susanin was, although, of course, the salvation of the sovereign and the simultaneous drowning of the Poles looks more patriotic and useful for Russia.

Today, one of the district centers of the Kostroma region is called Susanino.

Not far from this village still stands the village of Domnino, near, away from the road - the chapel on the site of the former village of Village or Village, where he lived, and on the road near Isupovsky swamp - the sign "Place of the feat of Ivan Susanin" and a memorable stone.

A B. soviet time We had an icebreaker, called in His honor)))))) This Creative. He is still in Storu -

At the places of Ivan Susanin

The name of Ivan Susanin and his feat in our country are familiar even to schoolchildren. But many are many know where the swamp is located in which he started the Poles, and remembers why he did it at all? But the case was in the Kostroma region, and the Susanin route can be repeated, together with the inspection of the attractions that arose on it.

The path from Kostroma to Susanino in Slytnaya Winter weather you can not call pleasant. The quality of the road surface leaves much to be desired, from under the wheels of the rods, the dirt flies continuously, forcing almost liters to spend glass makeup. Involuntarily you start to sympathize with the Poles, which brought here a difficult four centuries ago.

The center of Susanino appears on the horizon after about the hour of the way to the left in front, behind the river. In the center of the panorama, the first-in-heading church with a tent bell tower is very soon, the outlines of which many may seem familiar.

Do not be surprised - the Resurrection Temple of the late XVII century you really, most likely, saw more than once, of course, do not live, and in the picture Alexey Savrasov "Graci flew". The outstanding Russian landscape officer created its main work here is true, not in Susanino, but in Moltino - this is the so-called village until 1939. Finding the Rakurs, from which Savrasov wrote his "rods", in modern sussanino you are unlikely to succeed - apparently, working on the picture, the artist very freely rethought his scenery.

To the legendary feat of Ivan Susanin district center, despite its name, direct relationship does not have - historical events of the end of the troubled time unfolded at about ten kilometers from here - in the vicinity of Domnino. Nobody cleans over the village to this village before the asphalt, so the road turns out to be much cleaner and picturesque. The domino itself meets the travelers of a neat white-tailed church with elegant blue masks, but in general, it differs little from thousands of other Russian villages.

The whole difference is in historical content. According to the canonical version of the domestic history, at the end of winter - the beginning of the spring of 1613 in the dominino, the birth of his mother, was only elected to the kingdom and even who did not even know the founder of the Dynasty of Romanov Mikhail Fedorovich. The church at the entrance to the village is worth just at the place where a manor house was located at the beginning of the 18th century, the boyars of sixth, from the genus of the mother of the newly elected sovereign. In addition, according to one of the versions, it is in the territory of the temple that there is a grave of the most famous Russian guide-guide and part-time of the National Hero of Ivan Susanin.

Susanin was also coming from the domino and, as we know from the jokes, possessed the leadership qualities and the ability to lead people. By 1613, he, however, already lived in the villages - the village in a pair of kilometers from Domnino. Apparently, it was there that Susanin and met the Polish detachment that I squandered in the Kostroma outback in search of a newly elected Russian sovereign. Repeated that nothing good meeting with the lost Polish "tourists" Mikhail Fedorovich does not promise, Susanin sent his son-in-law in the domino with anxious news, and, promising uninvited guests to show the way there, led them in exactly the opposite direction.

Unlike a well-preserved dominino, the existence of a village today is reminded of only a small brick chapel, built to the 300th anniversary of the Romanov's house - it seems like at the very place where Ivan Susanin was standing. The chapel is visible from the road that leads from the domino. A couple of minutes drive through the "highway" from a tightly rolled snow, and the next fork is welcomed by us an unusual road pointer. That is, it looks like a pointer quite usually - white letters on a blue background - everything according to GOST, only the inscription on it is not the inscription: "The place of the feathers of I. Susanin." And most importantly - no shooter defining the direction of movement. And around only a snowy forest, drifts - and nor soul. In general, a little mystical place - you will not envy the motorist who gets off the path will be before this sign. Worse, probably, only a shield warning about what you entered the territory of the Bermuda Triangle.

Everbugs running around the bodies of goosebumps, decide to turn right and very soon rest in the edge of the cliff of the cliff, from which the impressive view of the squeezed Mescalem of Isupovskaya swamp around two thousand hectares. From the impact of the boulder is covered with a layer of Inea, through which another concise inscription appeal: "Ivan Susanin. 1613. This memorable sign was established here in the late 80s, when the 375th anniversary of the Susanin feat was noted in the country. Then the asphalt road was laid here. They say that the locals are still grateful to their famous countryman at no less than the salvation of the king from the Poles.

It was worth it to get out of the car, how, because of the stone, a colorful grandfather was smelled in felt bags, a hatching hat and with luxurious swirling tips up with a mustache. Susanin's poured, we decided. "You are just garbage after yourself leave!" - he warned the first thing. It turned out that this one of the elderly dominets chose himself to be responsible for maintaining a historic place in purity and now every day walks here on foot on duty.

"Voi there Susanin died," - pointed out our new acquaintance for red pine in the middle of the swamps and extended army binoculars so that we could see her better. A 2,5-kilometer path of the swamp is lined with a pine. The descent to it begins right behind the memorial stone. It is worth sharing on a swamp without a conductor (especially in winter) - decide for yourself. But remember that, given the historical experience, take a guide from the local - not the best idea. Although, they say, actually for tourists here are arranged whole theatrical programs. Excursters rushing along the wooden pavements deep into the swamps after the rich sussanin, and closes the group accompanying the Polish gentry that is periodically interested in Susanin, if he forgotten the way.

If, unlike Polish pioneers, you will be lucky to safely return from the Izuupovsky swamps, on the way back, you can still call in the district center and visit the Museum of the Father Ivan Susanin. Moreover, it is located just in that very church, which is depicted in the picture "Graci flew". The museum's exposition tells not only about the very feat, but also about the cult of susanin, perpetuating his act in art (one of the most interesting exhibits in working condition a music box, which is playing a fragment of the opera Glinka "Life for the king"), and the followers of the "Guide" - Patriot.

The museum holds stories more than fifty people, in different years and wars of repeating the feat of Susanin. For example, in August 1919, the Altai peasant Fyodor Glyaev not only started 700 Kampchakov's kavalorists in a swamp, but also managed to get out of this alteration and unharmed. For this feat, the revolutionary got a silver watch and a checker from Lenin's hands, and the VTCIK special decree assigned to him the honorary name - Susanin.

It is curious that the Susaninsk-Molvitinskaya Land gave our country to another tsarer - Sharp master of Osipa Ivanovich Commissioner, a native of Molivina. On April 4, 1866, he took his hand with a pistol at the Emperor Alexander II Terrorist Dmitry Karakozov at the summer garden in St. Petersburg. For this, he was built into the hereditary nobility with the name of the Kostroma Commissioner, and in Moltino until 1917 he even stood a monument.

Passed 405 years, and the memory of the feat of the folk hero alive

About the personality of Ivan Susanin little is known. More precisely, almost nothing is known. Vague was time, Liphelety. Ensure, confusion. Enemies tormented Fatherland. Blood flowed, moaning unfortunate Russia ...

We do not know about his birth, nor parents. He was not young - so, in any case, he was portrait on portraits - lived in the village of Domnino in the versts of the seventy from Kostroma. Ivan Osipovich Susanin seems to be not a simple peasant, but the old-age victorious. Married? He had a married daughter Antonina with children, his grandchildren.

As accuracy was the case, not led. Only legend remains ...

In the early spring of 1613, the Polish-Lithuanian squad ruined near Domnin. The invaders knew that nearby - or in the dominance itself - the king Mikhail Romanov was trampled - the Tsar of the Dynasty and his mother, Inokin Martha. Next, the legend disintegrates into two versions. According to the first, Susanin, who met Lyakhov, agreed to show the enemies a secluded place. However, I spurred and started their dark and cold night in a dense boron. There, deception turned out, and the elder accepted from angry bassurmans to death. It happened on Isupovsky (pure) swamp.

According to another version, Susanin from the very beginning was opposed to the plans of the enemies. For which it was subjected to sophisticated and cruel torture and was cut "in small pieces".

So Susanin became the Savior of King Mikhail. His son-in-law, Bogdan Sobinin, was given the royal gradder and half of the village with the "Obelius" (release) from all the filters and the mantles "for the service for us and for blood, and for patience ..." This gradder is, by the way, documentary confirmation of the feat . And later on the relatives of Susanin, royal mercy was poured.

There was time, literary monuments began to appear. The poet of Kondrati Ryleev wrote a poem, where there were such lines: "Where do you lead us? .. There is no ZGI! - / Susanina with a heart cried enemies ... / Where did you start us? " - Lyah old cried. / - "There, where you need!" - Susanin said. / - "Kill! Touch! - My grave here! / But know, and go to: - I saved Michael! / Traitor, imagine, in me you found: / They are not and will not be in the Russian land! / In it, every depreciation loves with infancy, / and the soul will not destroy his soul ... "

It was a real Hero Manifesto, Patriot Oath. A simple person did not regret life for the king!

The poet painted as the saber of angry enemies whistled over the travelers, and "Solid Susanin fell entirely in ulcers! Snow pure clean blood Obagil ... "

Stern bearded old man with a sharp gaze becomes a character of historical dictionaries and textbooks. His feat challenged the composer Mikhail Glinka in the famous opera "Life for the king". Sergey Glinka - Writer - In the article "Peasant Ivan Susanin" made the Kostroma peasant with a symbol of valor and self-sacrifice.

In 1835, the Central Square of Kostroma in the Tsarist Decree was named Susaninskaya. After a year and a half, a monument to the sculptor of Vasily Domute-Malinovsky, on which Susanin was depicted along with Mikhail Romanov, was solemnly opened in the city.

However, the official version took on faith not all. Among the doubters were the famous historian Nikolai Kostomarov, who concluded: "... In the history of Susanin, it is reliably only that this peasant was one of the countless victims who died from the robbers who wander around Russia in the troubled time; Whether he was died for not want to say where the newly elected king Mikhail Fedorovich was located - it remains doubtful ... "

Kostomarov wrote that a similar story happened later - in 1648 in Malorus. There, the peasant Mikita Galangan from the troops of Bogdan Khmelnitsky "took to be the counselors of Polish troops, deliberately started him in the swamps and forest slums and gave the opportunity for the Kozakov to break their enemies."

Another historian - Sergey Soloviev believed that "Susanina was not tortured by the Poles and not Lithuanians, and the Kozaki or their own, Russian robbers ...". The root of his doubt is that Poles expelled from Moscow back in November 1612, and they went to the West. Where did the Lithuanian-Polish detachment come from the Kostroma Wildlobe?

You can, of course, assume that it was a kind of sabotage group, Commandos XVII century, abandoned in order to kill the first Tsar Romanov, turn the whole Russian history and plunge the country in the bunch of stormlessness ...

But the point is not in the "details", but in the very essence of the nation of a person from the people. In Russian history, not one "susanin" happened.

On April 4, 1866, Alexander II completed his walk in St. Petersburg Summer garden. Wanting to look at the king, a small crowd gathered there. When the monarch approached, a long-haired young man with a burning gaze rushed towards him. He snatched the revolver's old coat out of his pocket and began to heal. The defenseless emperor slowed down the steps, accompanying his gendarmes, froze ...

And it would be a misfortune, if there was no unprecedented, poorly dressed, a white-male man. He pushed a young man at hand. Shot a shot, but the bullet did not cause the king of not the slightest harm. And here the gendarmes who came across the long-haired and tied him.

The participant turned out to be attenuating secret society, Former student Dmitry Karakozov. Well, the Savior of the Tsar was the 25-year-old Osip Commissioners, the modest St. Petersburg Cap Master. Interestingly, he was originating from the Kostroma region, the countryman of the legendary Ivan Susanin.

The life of the Commissar was cool changed. And on the same day! In the evening, he was honored with the emperor in the Winter Palace and His Gratitude. The Savior was awarded the Vladimir Cross of the IV degree and was erected into hereditary nobles with the name of the Surname Kostroma name.

The flow of congratulations, honors and gifts literally collapsed. ON THE. Nekrasov composed a poem, in which the shapper was called the "master's master's guard." Moreover, he was mashed by the inspiring title of "Second Susanina"!

From the capital to Kostroma, the telegram flew from the capital to Kostroma: "Congratulations to Kostromich, with the feat of the former peasant of the Bui district, village of Molvitina, Osipa Ivanov Commissioner, now the nobleman who saved the life of the king." The answer was: "The sudden message about the threatening danger of the king liberator deeply struck us; The news about salvation spawned a joyful feeling and reinforced the conviction that Susanin's spirit lives in the hearts of Kostromich ... "

Several years have passed, and the name of the "second sussanin" began to be forgotten ... The present Ivan Susanin remained the main hero of the Earth to Kostroma and Patriot of Russia. So it was until the October Revolution.

With the Soviet government, the hero was in the literal sense. But not at once. First, "Third Susanin" appeared. They became the 53-year-old resident of Altai Fyodor Glyaev, who in 1919 began a large whitevardeysky detachment into an impassable swamp. He himself managed to hide.

Glyaeva not only awarded the Order of the Red Banner, but also appropriated last name ... Susanin. The hero came to Moscow, met with Lenin. And carefully kept a photo Clara Zetkin with the inscription "For a good memory, Comrade Susanin."

The Lenin Plan of Monumental Propaganda provided for the destruction of monuments, "erected in honor of the kings and their servants." And therefore the monument was demolished.

The church in the homeland of the hero in the dominant turned into a warehouse of grains, and the Susaninskaya Square in Kostroma was renamed the Revolution Square (the historical name was returned in 1992). No one has already written about the hero, and the opera Glinka ceased to execute. The new time has their heroes ...

However, in the late 1930s of the twentieth century, the legendary peasant was rehabilitated. However, it is peculiar: Susanin lost the former appearance, throwing the old political "clothing". By new version He made his feat not in the name of the king, but to save Moscow.

In 1939, the famous musical performance M.I. Glinka was put in a new edition in the Bolshoi Theater. Its content and design corrected and said Stalin himself. Opera called "Ivan Susanin" has become more colorful, pompous. The scene poured the streams of light, rumbled unfortunate music of the victory "Walk!" In the final scene, the people in bright clothes Wasil walked past the Temple of Basil to celebrate Minin and Pozharski, traveling from the gate of the Kremlin. Soon the Opera went on the scenes of theaters of Leningrad, Kharkov, Gorky, Odessa, Kiev, Kharkov, Saratov, Kuibyshev and other cities of the USSR.

Remented and more than once the name of Susanin during the Great Patriotic War. He was erected into the category of national heroes together with Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Mikhail Kutuzov, Mini and Pozharsky.

The feat of Susanina repeated the resident of the village of Kurakino in the Pskov region, 83-year-old Matvey Kuzmin. When the Germans demanded that they secretly hold them to the positions of the Red Army, the old man for the type agreed. He himself sent his grandson Vasya to warn our fighters. Those arranged an ambush towards the German column. Kuzmina to get out of the shelling failed ...

For the first time, the writer Boris Polevoy writer firstly told about his feat - the one that he told the world about the validity of the pilot Alexander Maresev. Kuzmin posthumously assigned the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Nowadays, Susanine began to forget. Is that reminds of him a monument in Kostroma (in the photo) opposite the descent to the Volga - this monument was established in 1967. Tourists who will be in those regions can take part in the excursion to historical places. Accompanies their majestic bearded - Susanin himself. In the midst of the forest - a red brick chapel. And - the blue sign with the inscription: "Place of the feat of I. Susanin." As if it was known that it was here that the tragedy happened ...

Until the 90s of the last century, the Russian water expanses of the three-plated motor ship "Ivan Susanin". Then the ship was resting for a long time, then he was converted and gave a new name: "Peter the first". Someone can see that the former words on board the vehicle Tahli ambiguity: Suddenly, the snow-white romance sails not to where it is necessary, and then they really bring it into impassable fop. And what if the Polish and Lithuanian travelers are on the liner?

Susanin - no longer just a surname, but the name is nominal.

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