What is antonyms in Russian Definition. Antonyms - what is it? In antonymic relationships do not enter

This article will be devoted to such an interesting topic as Antonyms. What they imagine and how they are used.

The essence of Antonyms

Antonyms are words that are different not only by writing. Antonyms are opposed to the sense of the word. So, for example, the antonym of the word "good" will be the word "evil", and the antonym of the word "friendship" - "Enough".

Consider this question deeper. Take two synonyms (similar in the meaning of the word). For example, "beauty" and "charm". The antonym of the word "beauty" will be the word "ugliness." Does it mean that if the word "deformity" is an antony for the word "beauty", then it will be an antony and for the word "charm." Yes, means. Thus, it is possible to make a general conclusion: the antonym of a certain word will also be an antonym and for the synonym for this word.

Use of Antonyms

Many foreign and Russian writers, poets and publicists used antonyms in order to show the contrast between two situations, between any two states. When the two opposite words are used in one sentence, to show some kind of radical difference - it is perceived much more seriously and makes us think about what the author wants to say. For example, such a method of narration is often found when the author wants to convey his mental state to the reader.

Lermontov wrote: "In the eyes as in the sky, light, in his soul it is dark, like in the sea." Using two antonyms in such a beautiful form, the poet showed us the essence of things. Instead of writing a few bakers, revealing the identity of the heroine, which this line is devoted, Lermontov cost only one sentence.

From the above example, it can be seen that antonyms allow the author not only to reduce their narration, but at the same time express their thoughts in a very poetic and original form. This gives him the opportunity to emphasize the uniqueness of his work.

Now you know that Antonyms are not only a lexical definition, but also a special technique in creativity. This technique is called antonym. If you do not feel about creativity - it does not mean that you cannot use this technique in your speech. To a person who knows how to eloquently express his thoughts is quite another attitude.

Antonyms (Greek αντί- - against + όνομα - name) - these are words of one part of speech, various sounds and writing, having direct opposite lexical values, for example: "True" - "lie", "good" - "evil", " Say "-" silence. "

The lexical units of the dictionary composition of the tongue are closely related not only on the basis of their associative bonds on the similarity or adjacency as lexico-semantic options for multivalued words. Most of the words of the language do not contain a sign capable of opposing, therefore, antonymic relationships for them are impossible, however, in a figurative value they can gain antonym. Thus, in contextual antonimia, antonymic relationships of words with direct values \u200b\u200bare possible, and then these pairs of words carry the emptic load and perform a special stylistic function.

Antonyms are possible in such words, the values \u200b\u200bof which conclude opposite high-quality shades, but at the heart of the values \u200b\u200balways lies with the general basis (weight, growth, feeling, time of day, etc.). Only words belonging to one grammatical or stylistic category can be opposed. Consequently, words related to different parts of speech or lexical levels cannot be the language antonyms.

Our own names, pronoun, numerical antonyms are not.

    1Tipology of antonymic relationships

    2Antonyms in poetry

    3 cm also



Typology of antonymic relations

Antonyms based on expressed concepts:

    contractor correlators - such opposites that mutually complement each other to the whole, without transient links; They are in relation to the privative opposition. Examples: bad - good, lies - truth, alive - dead.

    contracting correlators - antonyms expressing the polar opposites within one entity in the presence of transitional links - internal gradation; They are in relation to the gradual opposition. Examples: Black (- gray -) White, old (- Elderly - middle-aged -) Young, large (- medium -) small.

    vector correlators - antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, public phenomena, etc. Examples: Sign in - go out, go down - climb, light - put out, revolution - counter-revolution.

    conversions - words describing the same situation from the point of view of different participants. Examples: Buy - Sell, husband - wife, teach - learn, lose - win, lose - find, young - old.

    enantiosemia - the presence in the structure of the words of opposing values. Examples: To borrow with someone's money - to borrow with someone's money, to break tea - treat and not treat.

    pragmatic - words that are regularly opposed to the practice of their use, in contexts (pragmatics - "action"). Examples: Soul - Body, Mind - Heart, Earth - Sky.

According to the antonym structure there are:

    midlock (forward - back);

    single-darling - are formed with the help of consoles opposing in meaning: enter - to exit, or with the help of the console added to the original word (monopole - antimonopoly).

From the point of view of the language and speech, antonyms are divided into:

    language (Uzual) - Antonyms existing in the language system (rich - poor);

    contextual (contextual, speech, occasional) - antonyms arising in a specific context (to check for this type, it is necessary to reduce them to the language pair) - (Golden - Copper half, that is, dear is cheap). They are often found in proverbs.

From the point of view of Antonym, there are:

    commensurate - action and opposition (get up - go to bed, rich - poor);

    disproportionate - action and lack of action (in a broad sense) (light - redeemed, think - to think).

Antonyms - These are the words of the same part of speech with the opposite lexical value.

Word antonymit happened from Greek. anty. - against +. onyma. - Name.

Antonyms allow you to see objects, phenomena, signs in contrast.


heat ↔ cold, loud ↔ quiet, go ↔ stand far away

Not all words have antonyms. Words that designate specific items (table, desk, goat), usually do not have antonyms.

Different values \u200b\u200bof multivalued words may be different antonyms.


soft (Fresh) Bread ↔ Surge Bread; Soft (smooth) movements ↔ sharp movements; Soft (warm) climate ↔ harsh climate.

Most antonyms are words of different roots. But meet I. singleproof Antonyms.

The opposite value in such cases is created with the help of negative consoles not-,without-,anti-,counter- and etc.


experienced - inexperienced, familiar - unfamiliar, delicious - tasteless, military - anti-war, revolution - counter-revolution

Antonyms widely use writers and poets to enhance the expressiveness of speech.


You rich, I am very poele.; You prozaik, I poet; You rumyantlike poppies color i like death and skin balen.. (A. Pushkin)

This technique (the use of antonyms in the artistic text) is called antithesis.

Phoneme (Dr.-Greek. φώνημα - "sound") is the minimum sense-sensitive unit of language- (linguistic unit of speech). The phoneme does not have an independent lexical or grammatical significance, but it serves to distinguish and identifying significant units of the language (morphem and words):

    when replacing one phoneme to another, another word will get (<д>oM -<т>ohms);

    when changing the order of the phone, another word will also get (<сон> - <нос>);

    when removing the phone, another word will also get (t<р>he is tone).

The term "foundation" in the close modern sense was introduced by the Polish-Russian Linguists N. V. Kruzhevsky, and I. A. Boduen de Courta (after the early death of Krevyshevsky Boduen de Kurgea pointed out his priority).

The phoneme as an abstract alone of the language corresponds to the sound of speech as a specific unit in which the phoneme is materially implemented. Strictly speaking, the sounds of speech are infinitely diverse; A fairly accurate physical analysis may show that one person never pronounces the same sound (for example, drumming [a]). However, so far all these pronunciation options allow you to correctly identify and distinguish words, the sound [a] in all its versions will be the implementation of the same phoneme<а>.

The phoneme is the object of study of phonology. This concept plays an important role in solving such practical tasks as the development of alphabets, principles of spelling, etc.

The minimum unit of gestured languages \u200b\u200bwas previously called Hillow.

"Greek origin and translates as" antimony. "

Antonyms are words with the opposite meaning expressing it with paradigmatic ties.

Antonyms are a very interesting phenomenon of language, because In the consciousness of a person is kept in the form of an antonymic pair.

Despite the fact that Antonyms are opposed to each other with all its content, their meaning structure is extremely homogeneous. As a rule, antonyms differ in one differential sign.

For example, a pair of antonyms "-" has common semantic signs (quality, mood) and only one differential (positive and negative mood).

Due to the homogeneity of the semantic structure of antonyms, there are almost completely coincidentally coincidence.

Views of Antonyms

2 types of antonyms are distinguished:

1) Ophpalnery and single corner.

Single angry antonyms usually form smooth and submissive words. Examples: Friend - Neudar; bad - not bad; Log in - Get out; Go up - to move away.

Epiphany antonyms are completely different in their own form. Examples: Cherry - Fresh; life death.

2) gradual, poor and vector antonyms.

Graduated antonyms express the opposite that involves the existence between the two extreme dots of intermediate steps. Examples: Brilliant - talented - gifted - medium abilities - mediocre - mediocre; - Causible - sensible - non-Middle abilities - a nonsense - limited - stupid - stupid.

Non-group antonyms call the concepts between which there is no and cannot be intermediate. Examples: True - false; Live - dead; free - busy; Married - idle.

The vector antonyms indicate the opposite direction of action, signs, qualities and properties. Examples: Forget - remember; increase - reduce; Supporter - enemy.

If you can't choose to the word antonym, and the search attempts in the dictionary are unsuccessful, it is worth thinking: maybe this word does not have antonym by definition?

Antonyms (from anti - against, onyma - name) - these are words of one part of speech, having correlated opposite values \u200b\u200bwith each other. For example, the "closer" and "remote" have a general component of the "moving to a certain side in relation to any subject", on the basis of which opposition "from" and "K" occurs. Words cannot be opposed to There is no shared value component. It is clear from this that not all words have antonyms. So, antonyms can not be chosen to the names of their own (Pavel Chichikov), with a specific value (room, TV), numerical (three, twentieth). Most often, opposition occurs on the basis of qualities (omnicable - honest, light - dark), quantities (a lot - little), time (early - late,

Antonimia (student)


    The concept of Antonimia

    Types of Antonyms

    Communication of Antonimia with Phasemia and Synonymy



    The concept of Antonimia

Antonimia.- The opposite of the values \u200b\u200bof the language units of the same language: words, morpheme, syntactic structures [ERY, C. 29].

Antonyms(Greek. anti.'Against' and onyma.'Name') - the words of the same part of speech having oppositevalues \u200b\u200b[LES, p. 36].

    poor - rich

    poor - rich

    poverty - wealth

    poor - Boy

    morning evening

    morning - evening

    preprincip - borrower

    in the morning - in the evening

Antonimia assumes the presence of high quality sign, able to varyand reach the opposite. In the values \u200b\u200bof antonyms to verb generalsymptoms rapping them creating a basis for opposition and signs distinctive, Specific[Reformed, p. 101].

In antonymic relationships enter not all words. Antonyms do not have own namesNouns S. specific values(table, chair, hand, head),nUMBER, most of the part primhensions(i, who are you who).

Antonyms form antonymic couples(more often) and Rows:

    smart - capable - mediocre - stupid - stupid.

    Types of Antonyms

Exists several classifications of Antonyms:

    by type of opposite

    according to the degree of opposite

    by fixing in the language system,

    by structure (structural).

2.1. Classification by the type of opposite, expressed antonyms

1) gradual antonyms

Such antonyms express Qualitative(contracture< лат.contrarius.The opposite ') opposite. Between the extreme members of the antonymic pair exist intermediate (medium) element:

    large - small -small ;

    hot - Warm - Cool - cold ;

    beautiful – … – ugly ;

    top - (middle) - bottom.

Intermediate element can be supposed:

    rough - Ø - gentle

Lack of special le for intermediate member can compensate for descriptions:

    not very rough[Alefirenko, p. 223].

    Additional antonyms

Antonyms of this type express counterfeitator(Lat. contradictorius.'Conflicting'), or complementary(Lat. complempentum 'Supplement') opposite.

There is nothing average between extreme members. Denial one is the approval of another:

    can -not - can \u003d it is impossible,

    smean -not - sighted \u003d blind,

    married - idol,

    live - dead,

    together - apart,

    observe - violate.

It can be noted that in some classical examples of additional antonyms, the average elements still exist: smean -weakhead semi-blind - Blind. However, it is fundamental to the fact that when denying we get the opposite member of the pair: not - sighted \u003d blind;not -Lespiece \u003d silent. For gradual antonyms it is not: large not big ≠small ; hot not hot ≠ cold .

    Vector Antonyms

(express opposite directionactions, states, signs):

    approach - to move,

    allow - ban,

    begging - gaze,

    defensive - offensive,

    attack - counterattack,

    lifting - descent.


Conversion(from lat. conversio. 'Change, transformation'), appeal of saying- The expression of the same action or relations in the opposite directions - from one participant in the situation to another and vice versa:

    FROM tudentputting exam.Teacheraccept exam.

    Towerrelying on the foundation.Foundationsupports tower.

    Brotherolder sisters. Sister younger brother.

    Seller sales Picture. Buyer buys Picture.

    predecessor follower.

Conversion do not form an independent classbecause Among them are antonyms of previous classes. Many researchers

    notconsider conversion as type of antonymy,

    but consider antonymy one of sourcesconversion [LES, p. 234].

2.2. According to the degree of oppositestand out twoclass.

    Full antonymscall extreme Pointsa number of words denoting homogeneous concepts:

    cold - hot,

    small big,

    good bad.

Full antonyms stylistically homogeneous.

    Incomplete antonymsconsider those who possess

a) various shades of values:

    cold - warm,

    little - gigantic,

    good - disgusting,

    weak - powerful;

b) various stylistic or expressive color:

    junior(neutr.) - old man(high.) ,

    bad(neutr.) - Cool(Zharg.),

    run(neutr.) - drag(accelerate, expr.) .

2.3. By fixing in the language systemantonyms are divided by


    speech(contextual, occasional).

Contextual antonyms- Words that are antonymic only in this context:

    honey - poison,

    Liliput - Gulliver,

    "Master and Worker"(Tolstoy).

    They agreed:water anda rock ,

Poems andprose , ice andflame.

Not so different among themselves (Pushkin).

    Poet You can not be,

Butcitizen To be obliged(Nekrasov).

2.4. By structure(structural classification)

    Melted antonymsare the greatest class of words.

    Single Antonyms:

    for Duration ↔w. - Treat (in ↔ you, vz ↔ s, s ↔ times, etc.);

    competent ↔not -Remotable, beautiful ↔not -beautiful; Symmetry ↔but -symmetry, Militarism ↔anti -militarism;

    english.hARM.- fUL. 'harmful' hARM.- less 'harmless'

    Enantiosemia(Greek. enantios. 'Opposite'), or internal antonym- The presence of the words of opposing values. For example:

    lend- to lend borrow

    make a reservation -especially inadvertently

    view- inspecting, to meet with something looking, not to notice, skip,

    pamper- Undead, caress hooligan, disperse

    lat.altus.- tall deep.

Besides languageenantiosemia, highlight riverwhich occurs in certain contexts as a result of an expression-ironic evaluation of events when a word with a positive value is used in a negative sense:

    So today you have not prepared for the lesson?!Wonderful !

    Suchgood Reception I have never seen!

    Oh andwen !

Entry-language enantiosemia:

    stink- in the East Slavic languages \u200b\u200b'to publish a bad smell', in West Slavic - 'foulness', cf. Czech. wow'Perfumes';

    urvdain Polish 'beauty';

    lat. hostis 'Enemy' → Russian and Germans 'Alien merchant' → Gast., the guest'Friendly visitor'; In Indo-European primary, the Word meant 'Alien' [Reformed, p. 102].

    Communication of Antonimia with Phasemia and Synonymy

LSV.multivalued words can enter various rows of antonyms:

    thick - Rare(about the forest, hair); - Liquid(about soup, sour cream);

    dry 1) not containing moisture - wet,

2) deprived of humidity - wet,

3) deprived of freshness - fresh,

4) thin - full,

5) devoid of softness, kindness - gentle.

Between synonymous pairs (and rows) are possible antonymicrelations:

    ­ mount ↔ joy ,

    gore - Sadness, pain, sorrow, bitterness, longing, tumbleetc.

    joy - Otrada, bliss, happinessetc.


brave non-smileantonymic beam


    Stylistic use of Antonimia

1. Antonyms - a bright means of expression antithesis.(Stylistic reception based on comparable concepts (objects, phenomena, signs) at the level of phrases, suggestions):

    All this would befunny when it were not sosad .

    Easily make friends heavy serve .

2. Oxumoron(Greek. oxym.ō ron'Witty stupid') - the figure of speech, which consists in combining words contrary to each other in meaning:

    eloquent silence,

    ringing silence

    dry wine,

    living Dead,

    dead Souls,

    hot Snow.


Alefirenko N. F.Language theory. Introductory course. M.: Academy, 2004. Antonimia. The functions of antonyms. P. 221-227.

Vendina T. I.Introduction to linguistics. M.: Higher School, 2001. Antonyms. Pp. 158-160.

Girutsky A. A.Introduction to linguistics. Minsk: Tetrasystem, 2001. 6.4. Lexico-semantic groups of words. Antonyms. Antonimia. P. 137-140.

Kodukhov V.I.Introduction to linguistics. M.: Enlightenment, 1987. § 28. Lexico-semantic groups of words. Antonyms. P. 183-184.

LES is a linguistic encyclopedic dictionary. M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1990. Antonymy. P. 35-36. Antonyms. P. 36

Rakhmanova L. I., Suzdaltseva V. N.Modern Russian. Vocabulary. Phraseology. Morphology. M.: Publishing House of MSU: Publishing House "Chero", 1997. Antonyms. P. 106 -115.

Reformatsky A. A.Introduction to linguistic education. M.: Aspect Press, 1997. § 17. Antonyms. P. 101-104.

Modern Russian. Phonetics. Lexicology, phraseology / ed. P. P. Shuba. Minsk: Progress, 1998. The ratio of Russian words on the principle of antonym. P. 210-216.

Shaikevich A. Ya.Introduction to linguistics. M.: Academy, 2005. § 57. Semantic groups. Pp. 163-166.

Ery - Russian. Encyclopedia. M.: Large Russian Encyclopedia - Drop, 1997. Antonimia. P. 28-29. Antonyms. P. 31.

Different sound and writing that have directly opposite lexical values, for example: "True" - "lie", "good" - "evil", "say" - "silence".

The lexical units of the dictionary composition of the tongue are closely related not only on the basis of their associative bonds on the similarity or adjacency as lexico-semantic options for multivalued words. Most of the words of the language do not contain a sign capable of opposing, therefore, antonymic relationships for them are impossible, however, in a figurative value they can gain antonym. Thus, in contextual antonimia, antonymic relationships of words with direct values \u200b\u200bare possible, and then these pairs of words carry the emptic load and perform a special stylistic function.

Antonyms are possible in such words, the values \u200b\u200bof which conclude opposite high-quality shades, but at the heart of the values \u200b\u200balways lies with the general basis (weight, growth, feeling, time of day, etc.). Only words belonging to one grammatical or stylistic category can be opposed. Consequently, words related to different parts of speech or lexical levels cannot be the language antonyms.

Our own names, pronoun, numerical antonyms are not.

Typology of antonymic relations

Antonyms based on expressed concepts:

  • contractor correlators - such opposites that mutually complement each other to the whole, without transient links; They are in relation to the privative opposition. Examples: bad - good, lies - truth, alive - dead.
  • contracting correlators - antonyms expressing the polar opposites within one entity in the presence of transitional links - internal gradation; They are in relation to the gradual opposition. Examples: Black (- gray -) White, old (- Elderly - middle-aged -) Young, large (- medium -) small.
  • vector correlators - antonyms expressing different directions of actions, signs, public phenomena, etc. Examples: Sign in - go out, go down - climb, light - put out, revolution - counter-revolution.
  • conversions - words describing the same situation from the point of view of different participants. Examples: Buy - Sell, husband - wife, teach - learn, lose - win, lose - find, young - old.
  • enantiosemia - the presence in the structure of the words of opposing values. Examples: To borrow with someone's money - to borrow with someone's money, to break tea - treat and not treat.
  • pragmatic - words that are regularly opposed to the practice of their use, in contexts (pragmatics - "action"). Examples: Soul - Body, Mind - Heart, Earth - Sky.

According to the antonym structure there are:

  • midlock (forward - back);
  • single-darling - are formed with the help of consoles opposing in meaning: enter - to exit, or with the help of the console added to the original word (monopole - antimonopoly).

From the point of view of the language and speech, antonyms are divided into:

  • language (Uzual) - Antonyms existing in the language system (rich - poor);
  • contextual (contextual, speech, occasional) - antonyms arising in a specific context (to check for this type, it is necessary to reduce them to the language pair) - (Golden - Copper half, that is, dear is cheap). They are often found in proverbs.

From the point of view of Antonym, there are:

  • compass - action and counteraction: get up - go to bed, rich - poor;
  • disproportionate - action and lack of action (in a broad sense): Slage - to pay off, to refuel.

Antonyms in poetry

see also

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Synonyms. Antonyms.


  • Lviv M. R. Dictionary of Antonyms of the Russian Language: more than 2000 Antonym. par / ed. L. A. Novikova. - 4th ed., Stereotype. - M.: Rus. Yaz., 1988. - 384 p. (error.)

Anchonia characterizing antonyms

"Well, well ..." he said.
"I know that she loves ... love you," the princess of Marya recovered.
I did not have time to say these words as Pierre jumped up and with a frightened face grabbed the princess to Mary.
- Why do you think? Do you think I can hope? You think?!
- Yes, I think, - smiling, said Princess Marya. - Write to parents. And instruct me. I will tell her when you can. I wish this. And my heart feels that it will be.
- No, it can not be! How happy I am! But it can not be ... how happy I am! No, it can not be! - Pierre said, kissing the hands of the princes Mary.
- You go to Petersburg; this is better. And I will write to you, "she said.
- In Petersburg? Go? Good, yes, go. But tomorrow I can come to you?
The next day, Pierre arrived forgive. Natasha was less visible than in previous days; But on this day, sometimes looking into her eyes, Pierre felt that he disappears that neither his nor her more, but there was one sense of happiness. "Is it really? No, it can not be, "he said herself with every look, gesture, the word that filling him with the soul with joy.
When he, passing goodbye to her, took her thin, thin hand, he unwittingly kept her in his way somewhat longer.
"Is this hand really, this face, these eyes, all this alien to me is a treasure of female charms, really that it will be eternally mine, the usual, the same, what am I myself for myself? No, It is Immpossible!.."
"Farewell, a graph," she said loudly. "I will really wait for you," she added in a whisper.
And these simple words, the view and expression of the person who accompanied them, in the continuation of the two months, were the subject of inexhaustible memories, explanations and the happy dreams of Pierre. "I will really wait for you ... Yes, yes, how did she say? Yes, I will really wait for you. Oh, how happy I am! What is it like me happy! " - Pierre spoke to himself.

In the soul of Pierre, nothing has happened to what happened in such circumstances during his walling with Helen.
He did not repeat how then, with a painful shame of the words spoken by him, did not tell himself: "Oh, why I did not say that, and why, why did I say then" Je Vous Aime "?" [I love you] Now, on the contrary, every word of her, he repeated his own in his imagination with all the details of the face, smiles and did not want to subscribe anything, nor add: I wanted to repeat. There is no doubt about whether it is, or bad what he undertook - now there was no shadow. Only a terrible doubt sometimes came to his head. Is it all a dream? Did the princess marina not mistaken? Isn't I proud and samonean too? I believe; And suddenly, what should happen, Princess Marry will tell her, and she will smile and answer: "How strange! He, right, was wrong. Doesn't he know that he is a man, just a man, and me? .. I am completely different, higher. "
Only this doubt often came to Pierra. Plans, he also did not do no longer. It seemed so incredibly the upcoming happiness that it was worth it to accomplish, and there could not be anything further. Everything ended.
Joyful, unexpected madness, to which Pierre considered himself unable, took possession of them. The whole point of life, not for him one, but for the whole world, seemed to him only in his love and in the possibility of her love for him. Sometimes all people seemed to him only one - his future happiness. It seemed to him sometimes that they were all rejoicing the same way as he himself, and only try to hide this joy, pretending to be engaged in other interests. In each word and movement, he saw hints at his happiness. He often surprised people who met him, their significant, expressing secret consent, happy glances and smiles. But when he understood that people could not know about his happiness, he sincerely regretted them and experienced a desire to explain to them that everything is busy, there are perfect nonsense and trifles that do not have attention.
When he was offered to serve or when they discussed any general, state affairs and war, assuming that the happiness of all people depends on such or such an outcome of such an event, he listened to the meekly condolent smile and surprised the people talking to him with his strange remarks. But like those people who seemed to Pierre with a real meaning of life, that is, his feeling and those unfortunate, which, obviously, did not understand this, - all people during this period of time were presented to him in such a bright light in him feelings that Without the slightest effort, he immediately, meeting with any man, saw everything that was good and worthy of love.