Why boys are cheating. If your man is lying: why, how to understand and what to do is not so much you like you, if he threw you

Lyrics M.V. Isakovsky is connected with oral folk poetry deep connections. People's ideas, signs, warehouse and image of thoughts live in the poetic world of Isakovsky. Therefore, reading his poems, it is important for a deeper penetration into mystery to see from within one or another image, represent not only the direct meaning of the word, but also the forms of its existence in the populating consciousness. In comprehending the content of the poetic text, the principle of slow, and most often a return, re-reading is required.

  1. Do you think where and when is the action? For what purpose came "Three Roughs"?
  2. Highland in the folk poetic - place of a love date. Remember the fragment from the poem "Katyusha": "Come on the shore Katyusha, / on a high shore on a cool ..." In the poem "Three Roughs", the steepness of the coast is not underlined. Does this happen? But in the same stanza there is another "transparent" image. He is "hidden" in the rows: "They will sue the twig / from the birch of the young ..." Remember other works of Russian poetry. What associations should cause a twig of a young curly birch?
  3. Girls try, "heat in the water river ..."; In another place of the poem, it is said that "the fog is only steel ...". Cold water and a flutter fog, on popular beliefs, foreshadow; Warm water and rising fog - joy. So, maybe, in fact, "... Only for this / and they walked here." Why M.V. Isakovsky needed the word "as if"? And more: what did the girls want to know, trying "heat in the water river"?
  4. Curly once again in Stroof:

        And there is no month in the sky
        No month, no stars ...
        And went back the girls
        Offended to tears.

    What does it mean "there is no month in the sky, / no month, no stars?

  5. Make another microwave: why didn't the deceiversants come? Where did they stay? What once again with bitterness and pain felt "three rows"?
  6. Word the topic of the poem M.V. Isakovsky "Three Roughs". Following about the same way, characterize the poem M.V. Isakovsky "Enemies burned their native hut."

For you, inquisitive

Meet the fragments of Article A.T. Tvardovsky "Poetry Mikhail Isakovsky".

"The words of Isakovsky's songs are, for few exceptions, poems that have independent content and sound, a living poetic organism, as it were, as if imposing that melody, with which he is destined to merge and exist together. Isakovsky is not "the author of the texts" and not the "poet songwriter", and the poet, whose poems organically inherent in the song, which, by the way, has always been one of the most characteristic traits-Russian lyrics.

This feature brings closer to Isakovsky as the author of the most popular songs with the classics of Russian poetry, Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, whose poems are called, which is called, through the page. And among them, so many widespread popular folk songs (also often lost belonging to the names of their great authors). These are poetic works created without compulsory of their song defense, but then called for their musical interpretation.<...>

The words of the best songs of Isakovsky are meaningful, even if this is a funny, comic that, by the way, is not uncommon and in a folk song, or thoughtfully lyrical and touching. But the vertex of his belongings of this genre, which have gained broadest fame, are striking significance, concentration and depth of civil, patriotic thought.<...>

Among their relatives. Artist E.M. Cheptsov. 1945

A surprisingly post-war poem of Isakovsky, who also became the well-known song "Enemies burned their native hut", a combination of traditional-songs, even stylized techniques with plentiful tragic content. With which a few and again, the unaffardous force is transferred here in the image of a Great Mer The suffering and victims of the people of the winner in his right war against the enemy invasion.<...>

Lyrics of Isakovsky testifies to the integrity of his mental warehouse, about modesty and dignity, about good, a responsive heart, not inclined, however, to sentimentality, or rather, protected from her congenital sense of humor. Personal appearance of the poet is in organic unity with his work.<...>

The holistic spirit and the warehouse of its poetry, the characteristic features of her form, as it is impossible to the spirit and warehouse of a people's worker, alien to Glłopansey and Krasnoslo-Vyu, who is more able to speak in practice than in words, by no means devastated, however, sense of humor.<...>

The poet has the ability to even in the most unpretentious form at first glance, as if to withdraw to acute and deeply essential aspects of people's life. Here is a song - not a song, the lyrical sketch of the late walking "Three Rusts", waiting for the promised guys of the meeting.

      And twilight descend, -
      Home is not time?
      And more and more often three rows
      Look in the distance. .

This simple candidate Lada is a thing with her, as it were, a comic intonation can be attributed by external content to pre-war pores, and to even further times of rural life. But she was written at the very beginning of the fifties, when it was still bitter waggey of war on a special bitterness of the post-war village virility - the transmission of brides and the lack of grooms. And poems in which there are no speech about it, permeated with the fate of the fate of "Rovenitz" with their heart offend and timid reproach:

      What are you, boyfriend boys,
      Forgot - did not come?!

So in the simple and almost as the pastoral form of "three-peers" the content is contained, maybe not less vital acute than in such a strong poem of the Isakovsky post-war years, as "the enemies burned their native hut" ... "

Questions and tasks

  1. What features of poetry M.V. Isakovsky marked in Article A.T. Tvardovsky?
  2. What image of Isakovsky - the poet and a person - have you formed after reading his poems and biographical materials about him?

Koshelev Ya.R. Live Heritage // Mikhail Isakovsky. One hundred songs. Smolensk, 2000. P. 3-6.

After lessons

Prepare and spend the literary and musical evening "Live Heritage" (songs M.V. Isakovsky in my family and in my country).

A man can say: "I have a terrible eyelid at work; I recently experienced a gap of a serious relationship, which has become a big blow for me; The divorce of the parents left in my soul an indelible trace and brought a bunch of new hassle; Now I need to focus on my career; I can not tie relations while in my life everything will not work out; As soon as my position is improved, I will brag my wife, a girlfriend, a lousy workman; I'm terribly busy. "

It is easier for us to jump out of the window than to say: "You do not fit me." We are one hundred percent sure that in this case you will kill us or yourself, or both of us, or, even worse, start crying and screaming. Even if we do not talk about it, we explicitly show you your attitude. Stop inventing justification for us, our actions speak for yourself: you just don't like it.

1. Not so much you like him, since he does not invite you to date

Because if you like him, believe me, he will definitely assign you a meeting

1. An option of justification: maybe he does not want to destroy our friendship

It does not want to tell you terribly about it, but this excuse does not stand any criticism. Unfortunately, throughout the history of mankind, this excuse never used those who really had this in mind. If a woman really worries us, we can't get ourselves to stop - we want more. And please do not tell me that he is just "afraid." The only thing he is afraid is - and I argue this, experiencing sincere sympathy for you, - so it is to admit that you do not at all attract it.

2. Exchange option: Probably, it is not solved to take the first step

You can hint at a man that nourish it with sympathy, but should not help him invite you to a date. Again I repeat, lovely ladies: what you smile and playfully wink to him, it will be quite enough.

3. Exchange option: maybe he does not want to rush the events

If you actually like a man, but there are deep personal reasons why he does not want to rush the events, he immediately tells you about it. He will not leave you in ignorance, since he needs confidence that you will not disappoint and will not disappear from his life.

4. Type excuse "But he gave me his phone number"

Do not allow him with the help of cheap tricks to make you invite him to date. If you are interested in a man, he will take all the troubles for himself. It sounds somewhat old-fashioned, but when a man likes a woman, he invites her for a date.

5. Job justification "Perhaps he forgot me"

Be sure you have impressed it. And now leave everything as it is. If you like him, he will remember you even after the tsunami, flood or defeat of the Russian national team in the next match. If he forgot about you, you should not spend time at him. Do you know why? Because you are great.

  • Any excuse is essentially that you are not enough of it. Men are not afraid to "destroy friendship."
  • Do not give in to his tricks and do not invite him to date. If you like him, he will invite you yourself.
  • If you can find it, then he can find you. If he wants to find you, he will do it.
  • "Hey, let's meet at such a party / in some bar / friend of a friend" does not apply to the category of invitations on a date. Even if you live in New York.
  • A man remembers well, if you liked him at the meeting, so put the phone.
  • You are good enough to be invited to date.

2. Not so much you like it, if he does not call you

Men can use the phone

6. Job excuse "But it is so often in the road"

Take yourself a note: the man who is interested in you wants to spend time with you. And he enjoyed five phone calls only if it does not have time for a plane to catch it to you.

7. The excuse of type "But his head is busy completely different"

The most important question here sounds like this: "Is that normal if a man forgot to call me?" I answer: "No." Unless he should urgently take someone to the hospital or if someone hijacked his Ferrari. He should never forget that he promised to call you. If you really like you, I will never forget about you. Don't you expect such a guy who will soon forget about everything that was in his life than forget about you?

8. Type excuse "He says not what is really thinking"

That's the whole problem: at the end of a date or a telephone conversation, many men tell you what, as it seems to you, would like to hear. They believe that it is better than nothing. Therefore, if the guy with whom you meet does not call you, despite all your promises, is it worth it for it? After all, you need a man who at least can hold back the word.

9. Job excuse "But he is very busy"

And now I am going to make an outrageous, sharp and-draft statement regarding the relationship between a man and a woman: the word "busy" is a complete nonsense, it usually uses donkeys. The word "busy" by one volley can destroy any relationship. Extraordinary "Employment" may seem convincing justification, but in fact, this concept is always hiding a man who has not been interested in calling you. Remember: Men always have time to achieve what they want.

10. One hundred percent of the respondents of strong sex said: they will always find a minute to call a woman who really likes.

  • If he does not call you, then he does not think about you.
  • If he gives promises, and then brings you on trifles, be sure: the same thing happens when it comes to more serious things. Remember this and keep in mind that this guy will not be difficult to disappoint you.
  • Do not build relationships with those who are not able to keep the word.
  • If he does not want to make the slightest effort to calm you and smooth the brewing conflicts in your relationship, he simply does not respect your feelings and needs.
  • "Busy" is the same as "donkey". And "Donkey" is the same as the guy with whom you meet.
  • You deserve to you, damn it, called.

3. Not so much you like him if he does not recognize the fact that you meet

Spend together time - does not mean meeting

11. Job excuse "He just experienced a painful breaking relationship"

Perhaps he is one of your closest friends, but as a man he is passionate about you not so much. Beware of the words "Friend". It is often used by men or women who are in love with these men to justify their pork behavior. Choosing friends, I give preference to people who do not upset me.

12. Job excuse "But we really meet"

Men, like women, seek to find a sense of security and security when they see that relations become serious. One of the common ways to achieve this is to declare your rights to your loved one. A man who is really enthusiastic will want you to belong to him undivided. And what's wrong with this girl?

13. The excuse of type "is better than nothing"

Let me remind: you need a man who wants you, regularly calls you and makes you feel the sexiest and desired woman in the world. He eager to see you more often and more often, because with each time his feeling is growing, reversed from sympathy in real love. Relationships in which you meet a man every two weeks or once a month, who does not feel any love, nor sympathy on his part, can last a day, or a week, or a month. But can they last all their lives?

14. One hundred percent of the surveyed men stated that the fear of serious relationship had never kept them from starting a new novel. One young man even noticed: "The fear of a serious relationship is one of the myths of the big city." And the other guy said: "This is what we say girls who really don't really like us."

  • Men talk about their feelings, even if you refuse to listen or do not believe their recognition. "I am not ready for a serious relationship" means "I am not ready for a serious relationship with you"Or" I'm not sure that you are the woman that I need. " (I am sorry.)
  • "Better than nothing" should not arrange you.
  • If you do not understand what is happening in your relationship, then there is nothing terrible to slow down and ask him a couple of questions.
  • Is it like uncertainty? Good not wait.
  • There is one guy in the world, who wants to inform everyone and everyone that he is your boyfriend. Enough to fool a fool, go and find it.

4. Not so much you like him if he does not want to have sex with you

If a man likes a woman, he always wants to touch her

Dear ladies, you have already found and meet a great many men. I am very unpleasant to tell you about it, but some of these men will simply decide that you are not in their taste. And none of those men who do not like, never for anything will tell you about it. And he will say that ... he is afraid, worries, languishes from fatigue, he experiences pain from foot fracture, suffer from a cold, afraid (again). But the truth is simple, cruel and bitter, clear as a white day: you do not attract it, and he does not want to hurt you.

15. The excuse of type "He is afraid that he will hurt again"

Is he afraid? Yes, he is afraid to offend you. That is why he did not clarify the situation with your relationship. Perhaps he is even trying to make himself feel at least something, speaking of his love and that he does not want to lose you, but he might sign up with the same success in your diary. He loves you as a friend. If he loved you as a woman, he would not be able to control himself and spinning with you a rapid novel, despite all fears and unpleasant memories.

16. The excuse of type "I so rely it crazy that he does not show any interest"

Of course, many people in the past had to suffer, and now they are afraid of a serious relationship. But you know what? If you really like a man, nothing will prevent him from achieving you, even fear of a serious relationship. If he has really big problems about this, he can go on a stupid treatment, but will never keep you in the unknown.

17. Job excuse "But it's so cool"

It used to be believed that a woman refuses to have sex when he wants to gain power over a man. It seems that representatives of strong sex also learned to use it. If the guy, lying with you on the couch, happily blends cookies and watching the movies (and at the same time is not a gay), then you simply do not attract it.

18. Job excuse "He finds a bunch of explanations"

You can believe his excuses if you want, but first ask yourself a couple of questions. Are such relationships suit you? The most important thing here is whether you want to feel exactly the case, perhaps the rest of your life? Sex also refers to the greatest pleasures that a person may experience. Therefore, at least weirdly, when the person with whom you meet, prevents you from getting this pleasure.

19. Remember:

  • People constantly talk about what they really are. If a man tells you that the monogamy is not for him, then there is no reason to he do not believe.
  • Communication is great. But if communication is combined with sex - it's even better. Call your names with your own names, or rather, call a friend with another. And find yourself such a friend who will not be able to keep from touching you.
  • If you have understated self-esteem, then you will have to spend on its raising more time than in search of a new boyfriend. Therefore, express priorities in accordance with your needs.
  • If the thought is about a thousand and one nights spent in the arms (and only) of some kind of men, then put yourself a puppy.
  • Hot thing, somewhere walks a man who really wants to do with you love.

5. Not so much you like it, if he sleeps with another woman

There is no truly convincing excuse for treason.

Whatever the problems darken your relationship, they do not give him the right to make love with another woman. Do not ask what you are guilty. Do not take blame for yourself. And if he tells you that it happened by chance, remember: treason is not accidental. This is not an accident of the type "I got stuck, and I was whosled by a swamp named" Treason ". He planned and embodied this to life, fully realizing that it could put an end to your relationship. Remember: if he sleeps with another woman without your permission and approval, then he behaves not just like a man who is not so much passionate about, but as a man whom you are not interested at all.

20. Job excuse "He has no excuse, and he knows about it"

Treason is bad. And the inability to explain why you changed a person, even worse. If you are not enough one red flag, how about two? Do not meet men who do not know why they committed one or another.

21. Job excuses "But I fused"

I am completely sure that you need to lose 90 kg in the form of your worthless boyfriend, and not at all those twenty kilograms that he says. He changed you and called you Tolstoy. How many humiliations can a man suffer? If something in your relationship does not suit him, he must talk about it with you, instead of looking for consolation in the vagina of a foreign woman. In addition, think how he will react if you get pregnant, aged or will you have several wrinkles? Or if you paint your hair in the color that he will not like? Immediately get rid of this loser, or I myself will come home to you and throw it out from there.

22. Job excuse "He needs more sex than me"

There is no excuse that he changes you. Point. There is a lot of ways to solve this pretty problem, which arises due to the difference in sexual appetites. As a rule, people begin with the fact that they frankly talk on this topic, and everyone agrees to make it all depends on him that the partner remains satisfied. At the same time, it is not necessary to jump into bed to someone else!

23. Job excuses "But he at least knew it"

I explain in other words: it does not matter, he loves you or not. He clearly gave you to understand what his attitude towards your novel. He went on his feelings and arranged everything to be alone with another woman, kiss her, remove clothes from her and do everything else that usually happens when two adults are sexually engaged in sex. Can you continue to love it after this?

24. One hundred percent of those surveyed men reported that they never made love with a woman in a pure chance. (But many of them wished to find out how such an accident arises and what to do to take advantage of it.)

  • There is no excuse. Let me repeat: there is no excuse. Now tell me for yourself: there is no excuse.
  • The only thing that you are responsible for the moral fall of another person is your own feelings.
  • Treason is treason. It does not matter with whom he changed you and how many times it happened.
  • Each time it becomes even easier. It is difficult only for the first time when you feel the remorse of conscience and guilt due to the fact that I did not meet the confidence of another person.
  • Deceivers are never happy. (Because all of them are bastards.)
  • The wrong man primarily changes himself, since he cannot build a normal relationship with you.

6. Not so much you like him if he wants to see you only when he is drunk

If you like him, he will seek to see you when his brain is not clouded with alcohol couples. If your clown is put on a red nose every time it comes to proximity, this suggests that there are serious problems in your relationship.

25. Meaning of the type "But I like when he is under the hops"

If, sitting in the bar, he drunk says something like: "Baby, you are so beautiful!" And at the same time hugs you a little stronger than it would be necessary, then it's time to learn something: it is impossible to believe everything that the man says when he is drunk. And listen to the former bad guy: "bad guys are called bad due to the fact that they have full of trouble, there is no self-esteem, besides, they absolutely do not believe in sincere love relationships, but very often they are coolly dress and ride sharp Tackles. Do you really need this?

26. Job excuses "At least he drinks not the fastest drinks"

Do not allow yourself to fool yourself. A guy who is not falling down and is not written in pants from drunkenness, should not get from hand that it quietly turns off his brains to another, easier way every time you are together. It's still intoxication, it's still the desire to avoid responsibility, and it is still not too good for you.

27. Remember:

  • His words mean nothing if he uttered them in a drunk. "I love you" or the like, said under the influence of any drink, stronger than grape juice, has no power in court and in real life.
  • The use of alcohol and drugs is not the way to the most intimate sense of man. Otherwise, people would not break empty beer bottles to themselves and try to touch the flame of fire to find out, they will feel something or not.
  • If he wants to see you, communicate with you, you have sex with you only when it is suitable - it's not love, it's a sport.
  • Bad guys are not in vain called bad.
  • You deserve such a man who does not need to be rolled to spend time with you.

7. Not so much you like him if he does not want to marry you

Love treats manic disease obligations

Each of your former men who told you that he does not want to marry, or does not believe in marriage, or he has doubts about marriage, someday will certainly connect himself to sacred bonds. Only not with you. Because he says not that he does not want to marry at all. He says that he does not want to marry you.

28. Type excuse "Now everything is very complicated"

If you are guided by the state of your finance, choosing time for the wedding, this favorable period will never come. If the boyfriend uses the lack of money as an excuse, so as not to marry you, then this relationship is in danger, but not his bank account.

29. Job excuse "But it is all this one"

If you have to sit and think about how to make a conversation about marriage with a person with whom you have already associated with a close relationship, this is a disturbing signal. Immediately call him on a frank conversation and find out the relationship. Then, as soon as you are ready, go to the search for a person, all the thoughts of which will be busy with how you feel.

30. Dilemma type "Is it really a pretext to not marry?"

Marriage is a tradition that we inherited from previous generations, so marriage has so many opponents. Yes, it will be like this: if a man is categorically against marriage, and you are both hands for, then please make sure that it is hidden from marrying exclusively to the very institution of marriage, and not any other feelings or their absence.

31. Job excuse "I'm just not ready"

I unpleasantly tell you about it, but he does not want to rush in just one reason: he is still not sure that you are the same.

32. The excuse of type "He looked at other unsuccessful marriages."

For a decent man meeting with a woman with whom he wants to share his life, always becomes a real event. And, probably, if he understands that this is the woman, it will not immediately inform her that one thought about the registration of their relationship causes him a disgust.

33. One hundred percent of the surveyed men admitted that there would be no doubt the woman and the heart of the woman if they were completely confident that it was she - the love of their lives. One representative of the strong gender said: "This is how you need to be an idiot, so as not to marry a woman you love?"

  • "Does not want to marry" and "does not want to marry me" - these are two different things. Make sure that you correctly identified what category your chosen one is.
  • If you have opposite looks for marriage, then you will certainly have other issues that will lead to disagreements. It's time to make a problem list.
  • If you do not change anything in your relationship, then what are you waiting for?
  • Somewhere on the ground there is a person who wants to marry you.

8. Not so much you like him if he threw you

"I don't want to be with you" still means that

34. Job excuses "I need him"

Do not satisfy what it is bored without you. He must be bored. You are so unique. And yet he was, and remained a man who threw you. Remember, there is only one reason why he may miss, remembering you: he thinks that he does not want to spend this day with you.

35. Meaning of the type "After such a solution is much easier"

If he meets with you, calls you on dates, throws you and continues to sleep with you, that, in fact, takes off all responsibility for your feelings for him. There is one thing that a young man will never do, if he does not think without you his life: he will never leave you. The only way for you to find out if you love yourself, is to get rid of it, and as quickly as possible.

36. Job excuse "But everyone is doing"

Stop hold on to his dick, dress and quickly go home to your best friend. And do not look for the pretext to stay from him. And do not think that all this crazy passion will inevitably lead to the fact that you will again be together. Oh yeah, sex after parting is quite good, because it's great to sleep with a man you know. And it's great to sleep with a person who is experiencing strong feelings. This combination and makes sex after parting so bright. But now you know that because of this, a real confusion arises in my head and you begin to feel terribly. Look truth in the eyes: you are a woman, and women do not know how to share love and sex. And do not make such errors anymore. Understood? You don't really like it. He is much more like a very bad idea that is masked under a very good idea, namely - sex after parting. Like this.

37. The excuse of the type "But then he wants to return back"

Unfortunately, after you part, your young man begins to look for anything better. And when he does not succeed, it covers loneliness and he returns "home". It does not look like you really liked you very much. Just he really does not like to be alone.

38. Job excuse "I refuse to accept the fact that he threw me"

I'm sorry he threw you. Trying to return it again and again, you guide the former boyfriend to the idea: "What did I even find in this psycho bitch?" Remember one simple advice, ladies: always be at the height. Never go crazy. Well, in essence, it is not even one, but as many as two advice. But believe me, you will never regret what they listened to them. At least it will save you from unpleasant memories of how you cut into pieces of his clothes or thrown out all the photos with him.

39. Remember:

  • You will not be able to prevent separation with the help of a conversation. Discussions here will not help. The rupture of the relationship is the final decision, and it is not subject to appeal.
  • Sex after parting does not mean that you are again together.
  • Stop communicating with him. Let him bother you.
  • No need to remind him of how you are great.
  • He himself can take care of his cat.
  • "Gorgeous woman" will never torment his answering machine.
  • Somewhere you are waiting for a young man who will be just happy that you did not come together again with your terribly nasty former boyfriend.

9. Not so much you like him if he just took and disappeared

Sometimes you have to put the point

Well, everything is extremely clear here. He gave you to understand that you are so wrong in his taste that he didn't even bother to leave you at least some news about himself. The only thing you should bear out of this love story is the fact that he decided to leave you. And he did not have enough courage to tell you about it, looking into the eyes. Case is closed.

40. The excuse type "maybe he died"

There is nothing worse than not to get a response from your beloved. But the trouble is that no answer is the answer for you. Perhaps he did not write a farewell letter, but his silence says clearer clear: "I don't like you." The only reason you should write to him again is the desire to get a clear refusal, now in verbal form. Did you really forget? You are too busy with your fans, and you have no time for such nonsense.

41. The excuse of the type "So, it turns out, I can't even ask him for the last time?"

At first, it may seem to seem to feel if you call him and arrange a scandal. You may have a feeling that you allowed him to leave dry out of the water. But believe me, nothing of what you want to tell him will not be a revelation for him. And you have something to spend your time.

42. Job excuse "But I just want to get the answer"

Do you deserve to find out what happened in fact? Undoubtedly. I can tell what happened: you met with a terrible person. The easiest way to fix this error is to make certain conclusions for yourself, to live on and continue to be more legible in choosing a partner. Do all this quickly, without losing a minute of your precious time.

43. One hundred percent of the surveyed male representatives, which "disappeared" from the field of view of the woman, stated: they fully realized that they had done something terrible, and no phone calls and late conversations would be forced to change them.

  • Perhaps he really lies in the hospital, suffering from amnesia, but most likely he is just not so passionate.
  • No response and there is his answer to you.
  • Do not let him reject you again.
  • Let his mother suits him scandals. And you are too busy for this.
  • There is no riddle here: he just left your life, and he was not enough you.

10. Not so much. He likes if he is married (here are all other, the most incredible causes, because of which he cannot be with you)

If you can't love each other freely and openly, then this is not real love. No matter how strong and sincerely your feelings for another person, if he cannot respond to them honestly and fully, that is, with mutual love, these feelings mean nothing.

44. Job excuse "But his wife is such a bitch!"

No matter how unfortunate is his marriage and, no matter how terribly a wife, everything is definitely not so bad, otherwise he would have threw her for a long time. Sincere love relationships do not deserve to hide them. Find a man who will not hide their feelings.

45. Job excuse "But he is such a good man"

Please do not attempt to ignore this fact. He is married to another woman. I know you are not like that, and in your case everything is different, but the fact remains a fact: he is married. If for all your life you are willing to dwell on the red light just once, then this is exactly such a case. Just for everyone who plays this game, rates are too high.

46. \u200b\u200bJob excuse "I just have to wait"

If at a certain stage of development of relationships it comes to "wait for it," this is a disturbing signal. He is not an action in which you are going to invest money. He is a man whose heart should be quite open so that he is ready to meet with you and madly fall in love with you. If you really like someone, he will quickly solve all his problems and make a lot of effort so as not to lose you.

47. Remember:

  • He is married.
  • If it does not belong to you and completely, it means it belongs to it.
  • The world has a lot of cool and gentle lonely men. Try to post with one of them.
  • If a man screams and exhibits curses to the ex-wife or mourns the previous girlfriend, go to the movies with someone else.
  • He is married.
  • Do not join the ranks of those most women.
  • You are not so easy to forget. Let him find you when will be ready for a new relationship.

11. Not so much. He likes if he behaves like self-lovely egoist, boasts or just like a big idar

If he really loves you, it will make every effort to make you happy

48. Job excuse "But he really wants to correct"

Loving people are trying to treat well to each other and even enjoy, showing tenderness and care. If your partner does it work very badly, in the end you will reap the same fruits as in a situation called "not so much you like you like."

49. The excuse of type "But it was simply so raised"

It is not necessary to go crazy about your CD collection. It is not necessary that he liked all your shoes. But any full and prudent man is simply obliged to make an effort and love your friends and your family, especially if they are all so wonderful people.

50. Job excuse "But it will change"

Hot temper is not a temporary problem. People who scream on others simply do not know how to control themselves and need psychiatric care. People who scream on others believe that they have right. Hey, beauty, do you want to create such a family?

51. The excuse of the type "After all, it is only important what is happening between us alone"

Why be with a man who needs to humiliate you to feel your own superiority? Especially before friends! And why should you pay attention to what he belongs to you better when you are alone? After all, he is just waiting for how to bring you to people to humiliate. Throw it! Enter the Institute and write a diploma on the topic: "How to find a man who is not ashamed to show his friends."

52. Job excuse "But he is just trying to help"

An offensive is called not only such behavior when a man beats a woman. You can also be offensive and you need to consider such a behavior when a man screams to a woman, publicly humiliates her or reminds her that she is too thick, forcing it, thereby feel unattractive. It is very difficult to believe that you deserve real love when someone struggling to convince you that you are not worthy of anything in this life. But, as I see, all exhortations to part with him do not act on you. Therefore, for a start, just aware: you are too good for such a relationship. You are too good for such a relationship.

53. The excuse of the type "He just did not yet find himself"

54. The excuse of the type "maybe this is one of his small oddities!"

You will probably meet men who do not like hugging, kissing or having sex. You will spend a bunch of time, trying to understand how to deal with it and you have not caused such behavior. Or you just come to the conclusion that these people do not like to do what, in your opinion, is an integral part of a full-fledged life, and go to search for such a person who shares your views.

The joke sounds, for example, as: "Hey, Bjork called, she wants to pick up his dress back." And an insult is like this: "God, well, you drove out!" But the most important thing is to understand what you need. All of you definitely deserve a better relationship!

55. One hundred percent of the people surveyed stated that they never tried to humiliate or upset the woman who really liked them. And this is the most important thing.

  • It is not necessary to complicate the already difficult life, sharing it with a person who delivers you a lot of trouble.
  • You are worthy of such a man who will behave in any situation with you as appropriate. (Do not forget that you should treat it well.)
  • There is no reason to shout on another person, except in cases where a mortal danger threatens him.
  • Wrinkles place in the circus, not in your apartment.
  • You already have one ass, why do you need the second?
  • Getting rid of useless people, you will get a lot of free time that you can spend on what gives you pleasure.
  • Believe in yourself. Can it be otherwise?

13. So what do you do?

56. Here you ask: "And what if the next novel is not at all?" And we will reply: "Send these terrible thoughts into a long sailing on the ship, which will certainly thin, because he is destined to break about the reef of the island of sadness. And we do not want you to be on this ship. "

Your new requirements:

  • I will not meet with a man who himself does not invite me on dates.
  • I will not meet with a person who makes me wait for his call for hours.
  • I will not meet with a man, not confident that he wants to meet with me.
  • I will not meet with a man, because of which I feel sexually unattractive.
  • I will not meet with a person abusing alcohol or drugs, so it causes me discomfort.
  • I will not meet with a person who is afraid to build plans for the future with me.
  • Under no circumstances will I spend time per person who has rejected me once.
  • I will not meet a married man.
  • I will not meet a man if he is not really kind, sincere and gentle man.

And now your turn. Only you know what other requirements want to present to your future chosen one. Write them all. And do not forget about them.



This should mean the following: I would never intentionally did anything that could hurt you.


This should mean the following: Today, my inauguration was happening as president of the United States.
In some cases, this means: you just don't really like you very much.

Bad guy

This should mean the following: the guy from which you need to stay away.
In some cases, this means: a guy from which you need to stay away.

I'm not ready

It should mean the following: I can not find my pants.
In some cases, this means: you just don't really like you very much.

Call me

This should mean the following: I accidentally dropped my cellular with a cliff to the ocean.
In some cases, this means: you just don't really like you very much.

I don't like your family

This should mean the following: I do not want to meet your mother.
In some cases, this means: you just don't really like you very much.

I'm afraid of intimacy

This should mean the following: I'm really very afraid of intimacy.
In some cases, this means: you just don't really like you very much.

And you will be happy!

The post is written on the basis of the book of Greg Berentta, Liz Tuchillo "You just don't like it. The whole truth about men. " We recommend reading the entire book entirely.

Zarenka Saul
Music and words of Demidov

Helling Zarenka over Moscow River.
Saul red yes above the whole country.
The haze is enveloped arable land and fields.
Oh you, Divo Wonder, Russian Earth!

Sorel broke out over his native Moscow.
He admired the red wonderful beauty:
Dal Neogly, peaceful edges,
Divo our wonderful, Russian land.

Sorel broke out. The sun gets up.
The song of the nightingale wind carries.
The dews crumbled, grief pearls.
Oh you, Divo Wonder, Russian Earth!

Song about Motherland
Music R. Boyko, words A. Prokofiev
(text in the collection)

My village
Music N. Kudrina, words V. Gundarereva

First furrow
Music V. Bukina, words V. Lazarev

1. The peasants from different came villages,
And Lenin came to that memorable day.
And I waited for the peasant people,
As a Tractor Soviet on the field will go.

Chorus: And we never forget,
As the first one lasted the band.
As the first one lasted the band,
We never forget.

2. The peasants sighed
And subsided around
And the land cut
Rapid plow.
And people for the firstborn
Walked like in a dream
In hungry, cold,
Happy country.

3. With peasants near
For that furrow
Walked the leader of our beloved
Ilyich dear.
And were in that field
Steps are not easy.
And burned tractor drivers
In the night fists.

4. Now far
Those days and years,
By starry sky
Grozda passed.
Our fields
Golden fate -
Noisy, campaign
Thick bread!

Chorus: And never forget never,
Like the first ta of the groove.
Like the first tone of the groove, -
We never forget.

Music N. Polycarpova, Words V. Sevennina
(text in the collection)

Music and Words L. Dmitriev

On Bryansk roads
On Bryansk roads
Silence are obeliski,
Flowers warrets.
Flowers of warming
Sorrow of relatives or loved ones.

The wind is slightly audible,
Branches are inclined low.

On Bryansk roads
On Bryansk roads
Silent is obeliski.
Under gray granite
Under gray granite
Sleep eternal sleep partisans,
Hurry to visit them
Hurry to visit them
People get up very early.

Granite glows,
Hiding the bloody wounds.
Under gray granite
Under gray granite
Sleep eternal sleeping partisans.

On marble white
On marble white
Line inscribed gold.
Come to the obelisk
Come to the obelisk.
Read everything here to the point.
Name of heroev learning,
Son told Ile her daughter.
On marble white
On marble white
Line inscribed gold.
On Bryansk roads

On Bryansk roads
Silent is obeliski.

Dindye cute flowers
Music Yu. Zatzarny, the words M. Shishlyannikova

Stopped downloading over the quiet Don,
Over the suspension of our party.
All circle in cherry gardens.
Veins from the field of the steppe breeze.

Far rings tangled,
SIZY smoke smokes over the village.
Good, my dear, beloved
Meet the dawn clear together.

Silver lay dew to Niva,
New day over the homeland rises.
See how voluntarily and happily
All Dindon Cute blooms.

Our Russian Winter
Music Ponomarenko, words P. Chernyaev

Oh, how much in the sky blue,
Split head.
Everywhere everywhere white frost,
Like marsh lace.

Chorus: snow, snow.
In the snow trees and at home.
How good is good
What is good
Our Russian winter!

At the edge of the wind whistest.
As crazy, buzzing-sings.
In white birch borage
Released in the winter dance.

And frost our faces
Rubs in Kumach.
We go, as they say,
One skiing together.

Oh, how much, a lot of blue,
Split head.
Everywhere everywhere white frost,
Like marsh lace.

Chorus: snow, snow.
In the snow trees and at home.
How good is good
What is good
Our Russian winter!

Music L. Dmitriev, words T. Alekseeva

Go well in the evening to go out in the field,
Look at the Russian enjoyment.
There are thick flaxs,
There are thick flaxs,
Pigeon sea waves.

Sinegylase flax.
Summer warm breeze
In love with you.

The field, among the flax of the inter-narrow,
The girl goes from Russian fairy tale.
Alenushka Krasya,
Alenushka Krasya,
Behind the back, like flax, braid.

Wind golden strand pegs.
Red Sarafanchik smoothly embroidered.
And flax around flowers,
And flax around flowers,
Affectionately to the girl pours.

Girl herself Lenok raised,
In the rain and dried on the pole walked.
And grateful lin
And grateful Len.
Low gives off.

Chorus: ah, Lenochk, Lenochk,
Sinegylase flax,
Summer warm breeze
In love with you.

We flew geese swans
Music A. Emanova, Words L. Shikina
(text in the collection)

Three rows
Music L. Pechnikova, words M. Isakovsky

For dam, behind the mill,
Where are the shaky bedding,
At sunset, three rows
Walk by the river.
Then go along the shore,
It will be over the water,
Then they will be ruined on the branch
With a young birch.

Then try, touch -
Heat in the river water?
As if only for this
They came here.
And twilight descend -
Home is not time?
And more and more often three rows
Look in the distance.

And in the midst of the fog only stele -
Over the speech smoke
And in the distance alone hears,
As a mill of noise.
And there is no month in the sky
Not a month or stars.
And went back the girls
Offended to tears.

For dam, behind the mill,
Where are the shaky bedding,
At sunset, three rows
Walked around the river.
High Clean Voices
Over the river floated:
- Well, you, boyfriend boys.
Forgot, did not come?!

Like snow
Music and words Y. Rybnikova

Like snow
Our cherry brought.
At night Looking someone's guys
Applied to us in the village.

With a song bell
Along the street go
All girls for themselves
We will take a goily.

I would also
Until the morning went to go,
If I did not like to Kolya,
If I did not wait for a stroke.

He serves, he will come back
And then we are together
Along the village, with all the people,
All happier go!

If we need each other
Music Ponomarenko, words G. Georgiev

Cloud with sky, wind with blizzard,
May with grass, and you are with me.
If we need each other,
So bound by fate.

Stop scolding separation
And I'm sophisticated to the bottom.
If we need each other,
We are not terrified.

Do not look like a fright,
I do not break you love.
If we need each other,
So, so be.

Cloud with sky, wind with blizzard,
May with grass, and you are with me.
If we need each other,
This day is not for the mountain.

When a child occurs in a child, problems arise one after another. And most often in the world of boys about them, it is not customary to tell parents. When moms, for the first time, climb their child in lies, it seems to them that a real catastrophe occurs. Instead of panicing and scolding your sons, Rosalind Weisman , Lecturer and the author of popular books on psychology for parents, proposes to create for children such conditions so that it is easier for them to tell the truth than to solga again. For his book, "the leaders and led, or how to survive in the world of boys", published in the publishing house "ABC", it interviewed more than 160 adolescents and their parents who shared their experience and alarms, and brought several typical problems in the process of upbringing boys. "Letor" publishes an excerpt from this book.

Why lies so attractive

One mother convinced me: "It is very important to teach the son of honesty. Honesty is our greatest family value. My son is an honest boy. " (Approximately the same I hear from other parents). Woman "shared" with me considerations when we were preparing for the shooting of the program about boys and lies. I had a strange impression when later her son was leaving about hidden cameras; I'm right all eructuring in a chair. As a teacher, I know: children and adolescents lie much more often than we think, parents. However, there are never once with me - and in front of the mother - the image of an honest son did not destroy.

That mother is not an exception, on the contrary, it is a typical representative of parents, who, for obvious reasons, determine sincerity as dignity, connect it with family values \u200b\u200band are trying to instill this faith to children in the hope that they will not lie. However, children and teenagers lie.

Understand why boys lie, hard; You either believe that you have excellent relationships with your son, or, on the contrary, you think that he constantly lies and he shouldn't believe him. In any of these cases, you ourselves lose relationships and for an even greater blow to the faith in the need to feel honesty and direct. Situation, to put it mildly, complicated, therefore remember the following :

To become good in hand, it is necessary to be socially competent, sociable and prevent possible "leaks" (inconsistencies that reveal the lies).

The various types of lies and react should be different. For example, for the sake of justifying unworthy behavior, the child lies at all as if he tried to hide the problems.

Do not take his lies to your account.

If you still take a lie close to your heart, then your anger, outrage and disorder will not allow you to teach your son that honesty is rewarded. On the contrary, he will learn to brag and lie even more.

The boys lie completely differently to his friends and parents. It would seem that it is obvious, but if the parents find the Son for lies before friends, they simply do not recognize him.

How most often - and quite logical - parents warn the sons? "If you make something wrong somewhere, then better tell me to be honest." This phrase, parents seek to respect: they say, honor the family moral code, and correctly report that the lies only will aggravate the situation. With some boys such a rolls, but with most of those with whom I worked with, no. At least not when they decide to lie. Why?

The answer will become clear if you look at the situation with the eyes of a teenager. Award for honesty abstract and far away: parental pride and self-esteem. The award for the lies is concrete and comes immediately.

Let's say, the son broke a neighbor's window and argues: "I will tell the truth - parents will be explained, and they will make me responsible for misconduct. If you lie - it will not be necessary to endure reproaches from the elders, it will not be forced to pay for a broken window of pocket money or apologize to these grains neighbors. " Saying children: "Tell me the truth, and you will not be anything," we forget how it is to punish children. To confess to you, explain everything, and after you get disappointed and still go to ask for forgiveness from the unfamiliar neighbors - that's how the kids are sentenceded. If you think in the same way, you will understand why the lie sees to be so attractive for children.

If your son hides that he broke the window, it does not mean that he is a lie. And it is not weakly accuracy. Remember: I lie 96% of boys. I do not justify a lie. I just ask to understand the reasons why the son is lying - so that you can adequately respond to his lie, and he realized for myself: future results that honesty will ignore the momentary benefit from concealing or distortion of truth in order to avoid punishment. In addition, conversations with boys taught me this: our reaction to their lies and our false accusations are a direct reflection of our relationships now in the future. Therefore, the real question sounds like this: do children see what we achieve, and how seriously they perceive us?

Some parents believe that it is worth looking into the child in the eyes - and the truth is poured from it under the influence of a certain lies detector. However, a good lie will easily pass the test: it is assembled, cool and, despite everything will stand on his.

Parents often do not see when their children lie - they only think they see. I finished in a lie, the child will quietly pass "the test look", and parents will think that he tells the truth. But worst when parents do not believe the truthful words of children and accuse them of lies. Children infuriates that adults do not see the difference. Ironically, it is worth the parents of the child once in lies, as they mistakenly begin to consider it a liar. Such a fatal error does not just spoil the relationship with the child - it negatively affects the atmosphere in the family as a whole.

Mom thinks the elder brother Honest guy, although he is constantly lying. Just he knows how to lie, and I always come. Lit is none of me. When the brother match, I walk to him and ask: "Why do you lie?", And he answers: "Because I can." He annoys me. So I want to pass his mom, but she does not want to hear anything. And when she thinks that I lug, I just stays what to say: "Well, I lie so much, be in yours, punish already." I'm angry with her and therefore I do not tell anything.

Aaron, 15 years
In order to immediately clarify everything, I will say: Aaron is a nice boy, behaves thoughtfully and decently, however, the conviction of his mother, as if she was smiling, which of them with a brother of a liar, and who is honest, has far-reaching consequences. Aaron does not just know that it is not right; He feels that the mother will not listen to him and does not consider a worthy person. He removes it from her: smiles, shrugs, and these gestures Mother takes for signs of disrespect and navel attitude. If a child thinks his a priori is considered a liar, he either justifies these expectations, or will cease to communicate with his parents. Most likely, he will still begin to lie, because he seems to be to lose in this situation.

Cause First: Self-Beman

Why do boys lie, if you understand that you can easily calculate deception? Doctor of Philosophy Anthony Wolfe calls lies in such situations "Lit for the Future". That is, the boy is lying, being sincerely confident that he will certainly fulfill the instruction. By saying: "I walked down with the dog," "I was removed in the room," "I did lessons," the boy does not consider himself a lie: after all, he will fulfill the promise! I understood this concept and thereby seeing confusion in my head at my boys regarding time and space, I began to scream significantly at them. No, I still have to remind them about the houses around the house and lessons, but I no longer believe that they are deliberately trying to bring me out of themselves.

Reason Second: Dosage Parental Intervention

The boys believe that the parents react too rapidly on trouble and in a hurry to figure them out. In their opinion, the best strategy is to keep you in relative ignorance: that is, you can dispense information that you get from them. To which they only go, just to minimize parental intervention in their school life, extracurricular activities and hobbies. From the point of view of parents, such behavior does not make sense: after all, who is how we are not ourselves who wish their children only good - will be able to help and indicate the right direction? However, the reaction of parents for problems causes a child even greater fear, disorder and anger. Why do boys lie if they know in advance that they are painted? Dre's answer as it should not be better expressed by their overall opinion: "Let it be better to leave me well once than yelling every day. If I tell the truth, I lock me at home every weekend. "

Cause Third: Protection

Probably you know about this reason and think that the essence of her is to get away from responsibility for misconduct? The boys lie to protect themselves or friends, or - in some cases - protect someone from the truth. Boys are often afraid that surrounding (and you including) will reveal their true essence; They are afraid of your assessment and condemnation.

Case Fourth: Freedom and Independence

Boys need freedom to go where I want, they believe that they can greatly assess the level of danger. At the same time, parents are convinced that they will do it much better than sons. For example, small boys are completely calmly chatted on the roof of the house to shoot from a water blaster along passing by cars. ("Mom, everything will be fine. No one will suffer.") For them, it's true, no one has suffered. Your fears that they will fall or provoke a car accident, groundless: you can not imagine how skillfully boys crawled around the roofs and what kind of talented - they are going to shoot at all by cars, but only next to them.

Yes, there is another reason for lying - the boys know about the possible consequences of their actions, but believe that he will sweep. Even considering the previous experience of deception, they will rather remember cases when they did not have anything for the tricks than when they were caught. Teenagers consider themselves invulnerable - at least they like to approve adults. I have no doubt of the justice of this statement, but before we continue, take a look in the mirror. Have you ever written Esemask driving? Sit down the wheel after the beer or wine gland, even if there were children in the car? I just want to say that adolescents are not the only one who denies the possibility of paying for their misconduct.

Cause Fifth: Help

We will analyze cases when the boys lie to hide unworthy or illegal behavior. It is important to remember: many spend the border between deception and misleading. To lie to you - undoubtedly, the shameful and deserved act. But to the clusters - the moment is controversial, since your child is no longer responsible for your possible assumptions.

As soon as you become a parent, for your own mental health and child safety, it is critical to obtain the necessary information from other adults. I'm serious. Even if you are a very good parent, you still need your eyes and ears - for cover. The best agents - those who like your children who know what they are capable (in good and bad meaning), and who your children respect, having climbed to climb on the Rod.

The best way to create a network of agents is to contact parents of friends of your son. If the child is engaged in sports, in the theater mug or a mug of a young technique, get acquainted with the parents of the rest of the participants. It is not necessary to start friendship, it is necessary to just know how to contact them, and still - without the shadow of embarrassment, recognize that you have problems with your child. Each parent has a situation in life when he does not know something important about his child, and the only way to find out is to ask other adults. In addition, the stronger your children will be convinced that you are closely communicating with the parents of their friends, the less sure they will lie. At the first convenient opportunity, make a list of friends of the Son and bring the number of cellular parents into the phone's memory.

You get closer to him

From the very birth, children explore us with the only thing, the main goal - to learn to manipulate us. Having at least a drop of social literacy, they calculate how to get out of us, to wet or bypass. Therefore, they often are so deftly deceive. Being in the hairs from the failure, they will do everything, just to knock down their parents from the trace. I will give an example:

Boy: Why do not you believe me?
Parent: As I believe.
Boy: So okay. (The end of the conversation; it comes out of the room or puts on headphones).

Boy: Why don't you trust me?
Parent: I am not that you do not trust you, just want to know what is happening.
Boy: Now you know. (Comes out of the room or put on headphones).

Boy: If I'm lying to you, why then try to prove that I tell the truth?
Parent: What are you so angry, I do not understand?
Boy: I am not angry. That you behave illogical. (Pulls out the phone and screaming the Esemask).

Such conversations occur only between sons and mothers; With the fathers, the boys do not allow themselves. If the dialogue with the son takes place on one of the above schemes, you have serious problems: the child does not respect your credibility, manipulates your emotions to achieve your own. He can love you, take care of you, but at the same time not to respect as an older. Do not perceive seriously. To put up with this optional. Mothers advise to realize that they can love their son, but at the same time defend their positions. You can reveal a lie, disrespect, disregard and attempt to manipulate you and keep up with a child with a child. Pope, it is necessary to use this loophole: you just somete the son with a sense, and he will no longer be the worthy person you, according to your words, are trying to grow out of it.

Usually we grow children in a pair with someone. You are married or not, the pair education of children requires a completely different approach - in this case, you need to perform a single front, support each other. It is such moments that lay the basis of moral obscures, the general relationship of a boy to women and feelings that the world is an emotionally safe place in which certain standards are valid.

I do not like to constantly doubt your words, but you make you make me climb your life. I want to believe you. I want to respect your word. And it is important for me to know what is happening, since you go to such tricks.

The only situation when you can read the child with strangers - if he matures with his friend to deceive you. Leave the room and call other parents, but so that everyone can hear.

Do not wait for easy consent to cooperation. Even if you do everything right, it can get out so that the son will not open anyway. Then it is best to return to the source position.

And now you are going to remove from the house for a couple of hours ...

It is worth leaving children unattended, how they fly from the coils. What if you wanted to get out of the watch-other in a movie or dinner at the restaurant Saturday night? You are not all weekend from the city you are leaving! Some parents are not afraid to leave children on three hours, others fear that the house will begin at home. Let's take a look at the picture from the side. Ask yourself what you are actually afraid - tragedy in the house or what son stays unattended?

there is several ways to cope with the eldest son while you are not at home. You can install cameras; However, every angle will not take to the fly, and the child will feel that he is not respected. You can say as if you return in half the twelfth, and go home yourself at ten - and see what awaits you. Or a little schitrite, saying: "So far, dear, go back after a while after the film." The charm of this method is that you are not lying, but the "alarming button" in the brain in the son turns on. Even inviting guests, he will not receive pleasure from the party, waiting for your arrival.

Do you have the foundation to substitute your son? Everything is ambiguous here. Of course, the fact that he is still a teenager itself is a sufficient basis, but an attempt to arrange a sudden check to him insult him. Remember: You are a judge, jury and executioner. Be valid, consistent and do not have enough games in which he can become playing with you. One thing I can say for sure: whatever approach you choose, you are inevitably waiting for the moments when the son is truly angry. And in this case you have to know how to act.