Executions Egyptian. "Execution of Egyptian"

His people, promising that, otherwise, God will punish Egypt. Pharaoh did not obey, 10 disasters were collaborated on Egypt, and each time after the new refusal of Pharaoh, let go of the Jews followed another disaster:

  1. Punishment of blood
  2. Penalty frogs
  3. The invasion of bloodsowing insects (midges, pajobs, lice, bugs)
  4. Punishment by pussy flies
  5. Sea cattle
  6. Ulcers and meadow
  7. Thunder, zipper and fire hail
  8. The invasion of locusts
  9. Unusual Darkness (Darkness Egyptian)
  10. Death of the First People

Punishment of blood

"And raised the rod and hit the water of the river before the eyes of Pharaoh and before the eyes of his slaves, and all the water in the river turned into blood, and the fish in the river died out, and the river was variable, and the Egyptians could not drink water from the river; And there was blood throughout Egyptian land. "
- Ish.7: 20,21

All the water in Nile, other water bodies and tanks turned into blood, but remained transparent for the Jews (and even the one that was at Jews, turned into blood if the Egyptians tried to take it). The Egyptians could only drink the water for which they paid money to Jews.

James Tisso (1836-1902), Public Domain

Then, according to legend, the sorcerers of Pharaoh bought water from the Jews and began to conjure on it, they managed to turn her into the blood, and Pharaoh decided that the punishment of blood was not punished by the Lord, but just witchcraft, and did not let the Jews.

Penalty frogs

"And the Lord said to Moses: Tell Aaron: Prior to your hand with your river on the rivers, on the streams and to the lakes and bring the toad to the Egyptian land. Aaron shoot his hand on the water Egyptian; And the toads came out and covered Egypt's land. "
-Isch.8: 5,6

As Pharaoh was promised: "They will come out and enter your house, both in your bedroom, and your bed, and your slaves and your people and your people, and in your furnaces, and your quashers" (Ish.8: 3) . The toads filled the Egyptian land.

The second execution of Egyptian - toads. Illustration of the illustrated biblical encyclopedia of Archimandrite Nikifora (1891) G.N. Petrov, Public Domain

Egyptian sorcerers began to conjunate again, and they managed to do so that the frogs became even more, but they said Pharaoh that they did not know such a witchcraft, which would allow to remove the frogs. Then Pharaoh said Moses, which would believe that Egypt punished God, and his people will let go if God removes all the frogs. After the disappearance of Frogs, Pharaoh decided to abandon his promise.

The invasion of midges

As a third punishment on Egypt, healing the midges, who attacked the Egyptians, stuck them, climbed them into the eyes, nose, ears.

"... Aaron is her hand with his hand with his rod and hit the Earth's finger, and the midges were on humans and on Skot. The whole end of the earth made midges throughout Egyptian land. They also tried to make the Mozhek with the Moshk, but could not. And there were midges in humans and skot. And said Magi Pharaoh: This is the finger of God. But the heart of Faraonovo hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord said. "
-Isch.8: 17-19

This time, the sorcerers could not help Pharaoh and said that they did not know such witchcraft, and that, it should be, this is all the punishment of the Lord, and Jews should be released. However, Pharaoh and this time turned out to be adamant.

And then God wrapped the fourth execution to Egypt:

Punishment by pezzi flies

"And the Lord said to Moses: Tomorrow I stand early and appear before the face of Pharaoh. Here, he will go to the water, and you tell him: so the Lord says: let me go to my people to make me serving. And if you do not let go of my people, then, here, I will send you on your slaves, and your people, and in the houses of your waves flies, and the houses of the Egyptians are filled with the lands on which they live; And the Department on that day, the land of Ges, on which my people dwells, and there will not be waves of flies, so that you knew that I am the Lord among the Earth; I will make a division between the people of mine and between the people of yours. Tomorrow will be this sign. So did the Lord: there was a lot of flazy flies into the house of Pharaohs, and in the houses of his slaves, and the Egyptian houses for the whole land: the earth died from the pesti flies. "
-Isch.8: 20-25

The clouds of these flies covered people and filled the houses of the Egyptians. "According to Philon, the insect, which served as the fourth execution tool, combined the properties of flies and dogs, was distinguished by the taste and unequivocarcy. They published how the arrow, it was on a person or an animal and, rapidly attacking, dugged out sting in the body and as it should stick to him "(Lopukhin's interpreting Bible). Most likely, under the pisi flies, the wands that did not give peace to the Egyptians and herds of their animals.

The main lesson of this penalty was that God was openly revealed by Pharaoh and all Egyptians the difference between them and Jews. Pisia flies were everywhere, except the region of the hem, in which the Jews lived; They were in all houses, besides the houses of Israelis: Poems 22-23 "... Division that day, the land of Ges, on which my people dwells, and there will not be waves of flies, so you knew that I am the Lord among the earth; I will make a division between the people of mine and between the people of yours. "

Such a separation between the two peoples and the areas of their habitat in Egypt showed Pharaoh that the God of Israel is the Lord, the Egyptian execution, and what exactly he is God above Egypt, surpassing the strength and power of all Egyptian deities and idols. Then Pharaoh called Moses and again promised to let go of Jews, and after the disappearance of wild animals, he again violated his promise.

And he suffered Egypt the fifth execution:

Dore (1832-1883), Public Domain

Sea cattle

In all Egyptians, the cattle, which was in the field, was not touched by the Jews. And then I understood the pharaoh that God cares about the Jews, but he was preparing and the Jews did not let go (Ish.9: 3-7).

Ulcers and meadow

After that, the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron to take on the handful of oven soot and throw it high up before the pharaoh. So they did, and the bodies of Egyptians and animals were covered with terrible ulcers and membranes.

And Pharaoh was frightened that the rest of his life would be tormented and scratched because of the ulcers and injections and decided to let go of the Jews. But God strengthened his heart and gave him the courage to do according to his convictions, because he wanted to let the Pharaoh Jews not from fear, but from the realization that no earthly king could argue with God. And again did not let Jews Pharaoh (Ish.9: 8-11).

Then God struck Egypt in the seventh time:

Thunder, zipper and fire hail

A storm began, thunder thundered, flashed lightning and fiery hail fell on Egypt.

"And the Lord produced thunder and hail, and the fire spilled on the ground; and sent the Lord Grad to Egyptian land; And there was a hail and fire between hail, very strong, which was not in the entire Earth Egyptian since her population. And broke the hail throughout Egyptian land all that was in the field, from a person to livestock, and all the grass broke the hail, and all the trees in the field broke out "
-Ish.9: 23-25

They saw the Egyptians that the flame burns in every gradine and was horrified, as they realized that it was anger who could change the nature of things.

John Martin (1789-1854), Public Domain

Then, then Pharaoh in front of Moses and Aaron, asked them to pray to God, so that the hail stops, promising that he would let go of the Jews. Prayed Moses God, and the hail stopped. But again did not restrain his promise of Pharaoh.

And he suffered Egypt the execution of the eighth:

The invasion of locusts

Strong wind blew, and behind the wind flew into Egypt Horde Saraschi, sober up all the greens until the latter blasting on Egyptian land.
And again asked Pharaoh Moses to pour mercy from God, and again promised to let go of the Jews. I called Moses to God, and blew the wind to the other side, and he took all the locust. But the heart of Pharaoh's heart reiterated again, and again he did not let the sons of Israel.
And the ninth execution began: Exk.10, 13-15

Unusual darkness

"Moses apparently his hand to the sky, and was a thick darkness throughout the land of the Egyptian three days; did not see each other, and no one got up from his place for three days; All the sons of Israel were light in their housing "
-Ish.10: 22-23

Darkness, who fell into Egypt was unusual, she was thick and dense, so it could even touch her; And candles and torches could not disperse darkness. Only the Jews were light, and the Egyptians were forced to move to move. However, soon the darkness began to thicken, saying the movements of the Egyptians, and now they could not even move.

And called Pharaoh Moses, and he told him that he let go of the Jews, only the cattle should be left. However, Moses told Pharaoh that they would not leave the Jews their cattle. Then Pharaoh ordered Moses to leave and not coming more, promising that if he comes, it will be executed. And then Moses said that he would not come more, but what will suffer Egypt the execution, worse than all the previously taken together, because all the sons of the firstborn will die in Egypt.

Dore (1832-1883), Public Domain

Penalty penny

And did not pass Egypt promised by Moses Kara, and followed at midnight the widespread death of the firstborn.

"At midnight, the Lord struck all the firstborn in the Egyptian land, from the firstborn Pharaoh, who was sitting on his prestrol, to the primacy of the prisoner who was in the dungeon, and all the original from livestock"
-Isch.12: 29.

After all the firstborn (with the exception of Jewish) died in Egypt in Egypt, Pharaoh surrendered and allowed the Jews to leave Egypt, the outcome began.

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Helpful information

Ten executions of Egyptian

Histority plot


In the history of Egypt, in a sufficient detailed documented numerous hieroglyphic texts, neither "Egyptian executions" are not mentioned in the form, as described in the Bible, nor any other events that could be associated with these executions. Although there were many tragic events in the history of ancient Egypt (for example, the invasion of gixos and uprisings, which brought the country in full chaos), none of these events can be directly compared with the description of the "Egyptian executions".

Moreover, it is unknown, with what Pharaoh and even in the era of which dynasty there was an outcome of Jews from Egypt. If Egyptian executions took place, then in all likelihood this event was local and so insignificant that it did not cause interest among Egyptian society and was not reflected in any written monuments except the Bible.

In the description there are also incompleteness: so, if the fifth execution destroyed the entire Egyptian cattle, it is unknown, the primorrian from what livestock was destroyed during the tenth (ISSCh.11: 5), as well as how animals were harnessed six hundred chariots, which were part of the army Pharaoh, who began to pursue the Jews (14: 7) (Cattle in the field was destroyed in the field, although the "field" can be the country according to the source text, at the same time there is no word "all" in the source text).

Reply to criticism

However, the lack of written evidence of the ten executions of Egyptians often explain the fact that, as stated in the Papyrus of Ipouver, all the scribes of Egypt were killed, and their records dispelled in the wind. Some researchers believe that the events of Egyptian executions were so fresh in the memory of the Egyptians, that they did not consider it necessary to record their history and betray the humiliation of the Egyptian people and the release of Jews from under the subordination to Pharaoh.

It should be taken into account that Egypt was constantly balanced on the verge of civil war with gixos. As described in the Bible, after the death of Pharaoh, the new Pharaoh made the Jews to build a new capital of Raamses in a pair of kilometers from the capital of the Avaris, since ancient managed by gyksos. Moses who killed Moses, apparently, worked at this construction (for, returning, he began the outcome of the Jews from Raamseste). Considering that the Jews-men took 600 thousand - three times more than the population of the income of that time - it can be assumed that this was "Asians", followed by the Tharana army and which are described in the Papyrus of IPUURA (also the "blusted sea", "poisoned water "And" Mor ").

Part of the researchers refers to the Papyrus of the Ipupur, finding many coincidences with the events described in the Bible. On this basis, it is concluded that the "execution of Egyptian" occurred, possibly during the rule of Pharaoh Ramses II and his son Merneptha.

Scientific research

Attempts are underway to scientifically justify 10 executions of Egyptian. A group of European scientists with the Director of the New York Health Department (English) Russian. epidemiologist John Marre (Him.) Russian. Scientifically substantiated and tied up into a logical sequence of "10 executions of Egyptian", in particular:

  • Redness of water is the famous phenomenon of "Red rings" - the flowering of algae physteria, emitting toxins and absorbing oxygen, which causes the death of the fish and mass escape toad. (According to the version of the amphibologist Dr. Richard, Vasasyuk, used in the Bible, a word can mean any kind of chopped amphibians, according to his version it was the kind of toad "bufo"; every toad molds a million cheeky, who ceased to devour a deceased fish, which caused the explosion of the toad population. )
  • Dying toads and rotting fish causes the flies of flies - infection carriers, the fleet was accurately identified in the signs of both Culicoides (eng.) RUSSIA .. (In antiquity there was no classification of flies, so scientists attracted to the study of the director of the Mississippi Mississippi Museum Museum, Andrew Spielman, and director of the study department of animal diseases of the US Department of Agriculture Roger Breeza.)
  • Infectious midge causes subsequent executions - the paddown of cattle and ulcers identified as signs of SAP infection transmitting flies to a distance of 1.5 km.
  • Thunder, lightning and fiery degrees - hints at volcanic theory. The Bible directly describes a pillars of smoke and fire in the distance, to which Moses led the Jews of 11 days, falling from the sky a fragment, shaking down the mountains. (ISX.9: 23-25, OSX.13: 21-22, ISX.19: 18, ISK.24: 15-16, Dev.1: 33)
  • 3 days without the Sun is a sandstorm, which lasted not ordinary 1-2 days, and 3 days. The cause of the protracted storm could be the destruction of the seeding and flora (the wind did not restrain the foliage) or the possible eruption of the volcano, which caused climatic anomalies and volcanic winter.
  • The death of the firstborn is explained by the toxins of the fungus Stachybotrys ATRA (English) Russian., Breakdown only in the upper layer of grain reserves, which fell there from the water or excrement of locusts, and its fermentation in a very strong poison - mycotoxin. Infection could be as a result of the combination of a number of cultural factors: in the Egyptian tradition, the first sons eaten the first in the family, receiving a double portion; Cattle also feeds - the strongest elder animal is published to the trough. Firstborn and poisoned first, having received a double portion from the upper infectious grain stocks. The Jews were not injured from this execution, because they settled away from large Egyptian cities and had independent food reserves. In addition, they were shepherds, and not farmers, and a significant proportion of their diet was not a grain like Egyptians, but meat and milk.

The volcanic exodus theory is justified that executions are phenomena, accompanying vulcan explosions (in particular, redness of water).

Executions in culture and art


  • The history of the outcome was based on the first part of the oratorio of G. F. Handel "Israel in Egypt" (EXODUS).
  • Metallica group wrote the song "Creeping Death" where some of the executions are directly mentioned.
  • AKROMA has completely devoted to the description of the ten Egyptian executions of the album of Seth, published in 2009.
  • Amaseffer's group of Israel devoted to the outcome of the Jews album 2008 EXODUS - Slaves for Life
  • In the song Louis Armstrong "Go Down Moses" mentions the threat of the death of the firstborn.


  • Harvest - the plot of the film is built on a local manifestation of 10 executions of Egyptian in a small American town, the entire population of which is the Satanist sect.
  • Prince of Egypt - cartoon-screening event of outcome.
  • Mummy (USA, 1999). The plot of the film: The gold kits in search of the Treasures of Pharaoh disturbed the centuries-old tomb of the tomb, and the mummy rises from the grave, bringing with them 10 disasters of Egypt.
  • Fool me ("Lie theory") 2 season 19 series, mentioned about 10 Egyptian executions Lightman, after maniac phone calls
  • Supernatural (television series) (Supernatural) 6 Season 3 Series, Egyptian executions were sat on the unreleased police officers, as well as at the Messenger Rafail Balthazar with the help of Moses, Moses.
  • World Creation is the screening of the Old Testament.
  • Halen (Haven) Season 2 1 series, Egyptian executions are collapsed on the town.
  • Ten commandments (film)

Easter - familiar to the majority word! On this day, Christ always remember and instead of the usual "Hello" we hear: "Christ is risen!" And in response, people welcoming commented familiar, in a similar way, want to hear: "Truly risen!"
What do we know about Easter?
This is a "holiday" of kulukhai, painted and writing, scratch and carved eggs.
Many many others are associated with honoring the dead close to which the dates need to visit the cemetery at the Easter or on this day.
But what is actually Easter and how in connection with this we need to treat it?
To understand the importance of Easter and whether it is necessary to celebrate it, you need to change the Bible a little.

What is the name of the Lord?
In the synodal translation of the Bible, we read in the Old Testament, in the book Exodus, in the 6th chapter, 3 text: "I was Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the name" God almighty ", and with the name of my" Lord "* did not open them . In the footnotes, we read that I meant translators under the word Lord. It is indicated that everywhere in the Bible, where the Lord stands, should be the name * Jehovah!
The Lord is Mr. But the Mr. Our, God has a name.
So, in the bible's synodal translation in 1876, the first and only Russian translation, which has a recognized status in the Russian Orthodox Church, the name "Jehovah" appears nine times - all in the Old Testament: In the Book of Genesis, 22nd Chapter, 14th text; in the book Exodus, the 3rd chapter, the 14th text; 6th chapter, 3rd text (in a footnote to the word Lord "); 15th chapter, 3rd text; 17th chapter, 15th text; 33th chapter, 19th text; 34th chapter, 5th text; In the book of judges, the 6th chapter, the 24th text; In the book of the Prophet Axia, the 12th chapter, the 5th text.

In the previously made, Orthodox Church, the translation of Archimandrite Makaria's name "Jehovah" is used much more often (more than 3000 times). In turn, Archimandrite Makarius followed the traditions of Professor of the Jewish language Gerasim Petrovich Pavsky, who made the translation of almost all 39 books of the Old Testament and also used the name of Jehovah.
Also, one of the largest Russian Orthodox theologians of the XIX century Metropolitan Filaret (Drozdov), using the Jewish Masorette Text, translated the Bible Book of Genesis, in which the name "Jehovah" (IGOVA) consistently used, where Tetragrammaton meets - the name of God in Jewish language.
In the New Testament, Jehovah should stand there, where the writers quoted from the Old Testament. For example, the Bible, New Testament, Gospel from Matthew, 22 Chapter, 44 Text quotes the words from the Old Testament, from Psalm, 109 chapters, the 1st text: "The Lord said to my Lord: Sien the best of me, the talk of your enemies in your foot."
The two gentlemen - Jehovah (the Lord) said to Jesus Christ (the Lord - the appointed king): Sed the right hand from me, until the time when I put your enemies to the foot of your feet ...
The Israelis of the times of Jesus, undoubtedly knew the name of God Jehovah and used it, both in worship and in everyday life.
Why it is important to use the name of God Jehovah in worship, indicates the Old Testament Prophet Micah. In Micah, the 4th chapter, the 5th text says: "For all nations go, everyone in the name of their God; And we will walk in the name of Jehovah (gentlemen) of our God forever. "

Who is Jehovah?

"Who is the Lord Jehovah?" This question was asked 3,500 years ago by Gordy Pharaoh, the king of Egypt. Explicit neglect prompted him to add: "I do not know the Lord Jehovah." At that moment, before Pharaoh stood two men who knew who Jehovah. These were two native brothers - Moses and Aaron, originally from the Israeli knee of Levi. Jehovah sent them to demand them from the Egyptian ruler to let the Israelites in the Desert in order to spend a religious holiday there.
"After this Moses and Aaron came to Pharaoh and told him: so the Lord says, God is Israel: let me go to my people, so that he has made me a holiday in the desert.
2 But Pharaoh said: Who is the Lord, so that I listened to his voice and let go of Israel's sons? I do not know the gentlemen and Israel will not let go. "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus, 5th Chapter, 1st and 2nd Texts.
Pharaoh did not want to answer his question. Under his power, the priests contributed to the worship of hundreds of false bodies. Even Pharaoh himself was considered God! According to Egyptian mythology, he was the son of the Republic of Armenia, the God of the Sun, and the embodiment of God the mountain portrayed from the head of the falcon. Pharaoh appealed by applying such titles such as the "powerful God" and "Horde God". Therefore, it is not surprising that he screamed asked: "Who is the Lord [Jehovah, Nm], so that I listened to his voice?"
Moses and Aaron did not need to answer this question. Pharaoh knew that Jehovah was God who worshiped the Israelis, who suffered at that time under Egyptian slavery. But Pharaoh and all Egypt soon learned that Jehovah is a true God. Today, Jehovah will make his name and a deity known to everyone on Earth.
"And the consecration of the great name is my unwinding among the peoples, among which you immoved him, and find out the peoples that I Jehovah (Lord) says Jehovah (Lord) God, when I will give my holiness to you before your eyes" - the Bible, the Old Testament , Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, 36 Chapter, 23 Text.
Therefore, it will be useful for us to discuss how Jehovah God exalted his name in ancient Egypt.
"10 executions of the Egyptian", which are described on the pages of the Holy Scriptures - the Bible, will help you understand what happened in fact. Please check the Scriptures on your Bibles, and you will be able to trace and realize this grand drama and understand the meaning of what happened ...

Standing above Egyptian gods

When Pharaoh with a challenge asked who Jehovah, he did not expect those consequences that he experienced. The answer came from Jehovah himself, who brought ten executions to Egypt. These executions were not just misfortunes that collapsed to the state. Ten executions - were blows on the gods of Egypt.
The execution clearly showed the obvious superiority of Jehovah over the Egyptian gods. This is how I expressed, myself, the creator what happened next: "The court will be happy about all the gods of Egyptian. I'm Jehovah. " Moses described the consequences of this action as follows: "Above the gods of their Lord Jehovah made a court" - Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus 12th Chapter, 12th Text and Book of Numbers, 33rd Chapter, 4th Text.

First execution

Imagine the noise that rose when Jehovah turned the River Neil and all the waters of Egypt to the blood! Through this miracle Pharaoh and his people learned that Jehovah stands above the Happi, the god of the Nile River. The death of fish in Nile was also a blow on the Egyptian religion, as in Egypt they worshiped certain types of fish.
"And the Lord Moses said: Tell Aaron's brother Your brother: Take your hand in your hand and move your hand on the water of Egyptians: on the rivers them, on their streams, on the lakes of them and on any accommodation of their waters, - and turn into blood, and There will be blood throughout Egyptian land and in wooden and stone vessels.
And made Moses and Aaron, as the Lord commanded them. And raised Aaron's rod and hit the river water before the eyes of Pharaoh and before the eyes of his slaves, and all the water in the river turned into blood, and the fish in the river extinct, and the river was variable, and the Egyptians could not drink water from the river; And there was blood throughout the Egyptian land "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 7th chapter, C19 in the 21st text.

Second penalty

Then Jehovah struck Egypt tobami. This discredited the Egyptian goddess of Hecks, embodied in the frog.
"And the Lord said to Moses: Tell Aaron [my brother]: Prostivate your hand with your river on the rivers, on the streams and to the lakes and bring the toad to the Egyptian land.
Aaron shoot his hand on the water Egyptian [and brought the toad]; And the toads came out and covered Egypt's land.
The same was done and the Magi [Egyptian] spells with their own toad on Egyptian land.
And called Pharaoh Moses and Aaron and said: Pray [about me] to the Lord, so that he removes the toad from me and from my people, and I will let the people of Israel to bring the victim to the Lord.
Moses told Pharaoh: Assign me himself, when praying for you, for your slaves and for the people of yours so that your toads disappear from you, [your people,] in your homes, and remained only in the river.
He said: tomorrow. Moses answered: will be according to your word, so you learned that there is no one like the Lord, our God; And the toads are removed from you, from your homes and from the fields, and from the slaves of yours and from your people; Only in the river they will remain.
Moses and Aaron came from Pharaoh, and Moses appeaseed to the Lord about the toads, which he brought on Pharaoh.
And the Lord did for the word Moses: the toads were extinct in houses, on the courtyards and in the fields of them; And they gathered them in piles, and the land was raised. "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus 8th Chapter, from the 5th to the 14th texts.
We must recognize that the strength of the Magi (Mages of Egyptian, using the power of evil spiritual personalities - Satan and his demons) until the next execution were at the level. Magi could repeat what Moses and Aaron did. But the third execution was not able to fans of the pagan gods.

Third penalty

The third execution embarrassed the Magi, who could not repeat the miracle of Jehovah on the transformation of dust into the midges. "This is the finger of God!" They exclaimed. The Egyptian God that was attributed to the invention of the art of magic could not help these charlatans.
Pharaoh learned more than Jehovah. Jehovah was that God, who not only declared his intentions through Moses, and then performed them, bringing supernatural executions to the Egyptians. Jehovah could also, according to his will, how to start, so stop the blows. Knowing this, nevertheless, did not prompted Pharaoh to obey Jehovah. On the contrary, the ruler of Egypt persistently continued to resist Jehovah.
"And the Lord said to Moses: tell Aaron: sending your hand to the hand and hit the Earth's pen, and there will be midges in humans and on Skot and on Pharaoh, and in his house and on the slaves, all the end of the earth will be done on all Egyptian land.
So they did: Aaron shifted his hand with his rod and hit the earthly, and was midges in humans and on Skot. The whole end of the earth made midges throughout Egyptian land.
They also tried to make the Mozhek with the Moshk, but could not. And there were midges in humans and skot.
And said Magi Pharaoh: This is the finger of God. But the heart of Faraonovo has hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord said "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 8th chapter, from the 16th P19 texts.

Fourth penalty

Flys fly - the fourth penalty - had a detrimental effect on the ground, flooded at home and, probably, the silence of the bicycle in the air, which was an object of worship, personified in God Shu and In Iside, the goddess of the sky. The Jewish word denoting this insect is translated by the words "blind", "Pesya Muha" and "Beetle" ("Translation of the New World", "Synodal Translation", "Young"). If it was a scarab sacred, then the Egyptians were amazed by insects, who were considered sacred, and people were impossible to walk, not let them under their feet. This execution, at least taught Pharaoh to something new about Jehovah. Egyptian gods could not save their fans from the blind way, Jehovah defended his people. This and all the subsequent executions were amazed by the Egyptians, but the Israelites they did not touch.
"And the Lord said to Moses: Tomorrow I stand early and appear before the face of Pharaoh. Here, he will go to the water, and you tell him: so the Lord says: let me go to my people so that he will serve me in the desert; And if you do not let go of my people, then, here, I will send you on your slaves, and your people, and in the houses of your waves flies, and the houses of the Egyptians are filled with the lands on which they live; And the department at that day, the Earth is a hem, on which my people dwells, and there will not be waves of flies, so that you knew that I was the Lord God among the whole earth; I will make a division between the people of mine and between the people of yours. Tomorrow will be this sign on earth.
So did the Lord: I got a lot of flazy flies into the house of Pharaohs, and in the houses of his slaves, and on the whole earth Egyptian: the earth died from the pesti flies "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 8th chapter, from the 20th 24th texts.

Fifth penalty

The fifth execution was a marine ulcer, striking Egyptian cattle. This blow disgraced the Hator, APIS and Nut - the goddess of the sky with the body of a cow.
"And the Lord said Moses: go to Pharaoh and tell him: Thus, the Lord says, God of Jews: let me go to my people so that he makes me the ministry; For if you do not want to let my people go and still keep it, then here, the Hand of the Lord will be on your Skot, who in the field, on the horses, on donkeys, on camels, on the will and sheep: there will be a very heavy seaside; And the Lord will divide at that time between the cattle Israeli and cattle Egypt, and from the entire cattle of the sons of Israel will not die anything.
And the Lord appointed the Lord, saying: Tomorrow will do it the Lord in this village.
And did it the Lord on another day, and the whole cattle of Egyptian is measured; From the cattle and the sons of Israel did not doubt nothing.
Pharaoh sent to find out, and so, nothing died from the entire cattle sons of Israel. But the heart of Faraonovo hardened, and he did not let go of the people "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 9th chapter, from the 1st to the 7th text.

Sixth execution

The sixth execution was the burden on people and animals that humiliated the gods of Tota, Isido and Ptah, who were falsely attributed to the healing abilities.
"And the Lord said to Moses and Aaron: Take the full hand in the oven, and let him give him Moses to the sky in the eyes of Pharaoh and his slaves; And the dust will rise throughout the Egyptian land, and will be in humans and on Skot's inflammation with the ruins, in all Earth Egyptian.
They took the ashes from the furnace and appeared before the face of Pharaoh. Moses threw him to the sky, and there was inflammation with the ruins in humans and on Skot.
And they could not stand Moses because of inflammation, because the inflammation was on the wrappers and on all the Egyptians, "the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 9th chapter, from the 8th to 11 texts.

Seventh penalty

The seventh execution was a strong hail with fire, sparkling in the midst of gradin. This blow was posted by God's god, which was considered the owner of a lightning, and a total, allegedly managed by rain and thunder.
"And the Lord said to Moses: send your hand to the sky, and a degrees will fall to the whole earth Egyptian, people, in cattle and all the grass field in Egyptian land.
And the sketch of Moses was rod to the sky, and the Lord made thunder and hail, and the fire was poured on the ground; and sent the Lord Grad to [all] Earth Egyptian; And there was a hail and fire between hail, [hail] is very strong, which was not in the entire Earth Egyptian since the population of her.
And broke the hail throughout the Egyptian land all that was in the field, from man to livestock, and all the grass broke the hail, and all the trees in the field broke [hail]; Only in the ground hem, where the sons of Israel lived, there were no hail. "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus, 9th chapter, from the 22nd to the 26th texts.

The eighth penalty

The eighth strike is the invasion of locusts - showed the superiority of Jehovah over the God of fertility, which was considered allegedly the keeper of the harvest.
"Then the Lord told Moses: send your hand to Egyptian's hand to Earth, and let the Egyptian lands attached to the Earth and take the whole grass of the earth and all the fruits of woody, everything that survived the hail.
And the Egyptian Egyptian rod to Moses, and the Lord brought the East Wind on this land, which continued all the day and all night. It came morning, and the eastern wind struck Saransch.
And the locust attacked the Egyptian land and went throughout the Egyptian country in a great set: there were no such locust before, and after this will not be such; She covered the face of the whole land, so the lands were not visible, and rooted the whole grass of the earth and all the fruits of wood, survived from the hail, and there was no greens left on the woods or on the grass field in the whole earth of Egypt "- the Bible, the Old Testament , Book Exodus, 10th chapter, from the 12th to the 15th text.

Ninth penalty

The ninth strike is a three-day darkness over Egypt - poured by the contempt of such Egyptian gods as the God of the Sun RA and the Mountains.
"And the Lord said to Moses: send your hand to the sky, and there will be darkness on Egyptian land, tangible darkness.
Moses apparently his hand to the sky, and was a thick darkness throughout the land of the Egyptian three days; did not see each other, and no one got up from his place for three days; All the sons of Israel were light in their dwellings. "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus 10th Chapter, from the 21st to the 23rd texts.

Tenth execution

Despite nine crushing executions, Pharaoh still refused to let go of the Israelis. His cruel and arrogance was very expensive for Egypt, when God brought the tenth, final, execution - the death of the firstborn of people and original from livestock. Even the firstborn of Pharaoh died, although he was considered God. So Jehovah is a living God, the creator of the sky and land, "he made a trial over all (false) by the gods of Egypt" - the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 12th chapter, the 12th and 29th texts.
Then Pharaoh called Moses with Aaron and said to them: "Stand up, leave the environment of the people of my people, both you and the sons of Israel, and go, make the ministry to the Lord, as you said; And your small and large cattle take, as you said; And go and bless me "- Bible, Book Exodus, 12th Chapter, 31st and 32nd Texts.
But before the 10th execution, God warned the Israelis that they need to take something for salvation. From all 9 previous executions, the Israelites defended the God of Jehovah himself. Now they needed to do something so that the 10th execution did not comply with them on a par with the Egyptians. Namely to make Easter the Lord! It was necessary to take an annual lamb, bake it on the fire and eat with fresh bread and bitter herbs. It was necessary to take the blood of this lamb and assimilate the shoals and the door crossbar, so that the Angel of God passing by, saw the blood marks on the above places, he would have passed by not hitting the firstborn of this house. The Jewish word "Pesach" translined into Russian as "Easter" - means "pass by". As it, exactly, it was necessary to be made described in the Bible, in the Old Testament, in the book Exodus, the 12th chapter: "Tell the whole Society [Sons] Israel: For the tenth day of this month, let everyone of the month for the families, by Lamb for a family; And if the family is so little that it does not eat the Lamb, then let him take with her neighbor to his closest to his house, in terms of the number of shower: to the extent that everyone will eat, calculate the lamb.
The lamb must you have without a blurry, the masculine, annual; Take it from sheep, or from goats, and let him be stored before the fourteenth day of this month: then let him raise his entire collection of the society of Israeli in the evening, and let them take it from blood and fool on both shoals and on the door crossbar in homes where there will be it; Let him eat meat in this very night, baked on fire; With fresh bread and bitter herbs, let them eat it; Do not eat unambiguous, or cooked in water, but eat baked on fire, head with legs and internships; Do not leave it until the morning and bones do not crush it, but the remaining of it until the morning burn on fire.
Eat it like this: let them hide your pregnant, your shoes are on your legs and your ears in your hands, and eat it with hasty: it is Easter Lord. "
What happened next?

Savior of his nation

Pharaoh, being in confusion from what happened, released Israelis and they went, but soon Pharaoh seemed that they wander the wilderness. He suddenly seemed to him: everything that happened was a random coincidence. And he - the "Supreme God" of Egypt - misses the chance to take a revenue over the Israelis, as it seemed to him, skillfully using circumstances. Therefore, he with his servants said: "What did we do? Why let the Israelis released so that they do not work for us? " - Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus 14th Chapter, from the 3rd to the 5th Texts.
In addition, the loss of the people-slave was a severe economic blow to Egypt.
Pharaoh mobilized his army and pursued Israel up to Pi-Gahirofa.

"Pharaoh harness his chariot and people took their own with him; And he took six hundred chariots of selected and all the chariots of Egypt, and heads over all them.
And the Lord of the Heart of Pharaoh, Tsar Egypt and Rabov, has harvested, and he chased behind the sons of Israel; Sons of Israel walked at Higher.
And hit them by the Egyptians, and all the horses with the chariots of Pharaoh, and riders, and all the army, and overtake them located by the sea, with Pi-Gahirofa, before Waal Cefon, "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus, 14th Chapter , From the 6th to the 9th texts.
In a military relationship, the situation seemed to the Egyptians profitable, because the Israelis were between the sea and the mountains. But Jehovah to defend the Israelis, formed a cloud between them and the Egyptians. For the Egyptian side, it was a cloud and a darkness, which prevented them to attack the Israelis. For the other side - for the Israelis - the cloud was light, 'illuminating the night'.
"Pharaoh approached, and the sons of Israel looked around, and now, the Egyptians go beyond them: And the sons of Israel were very frightened and they crushed the sons of Israel to the Lord, and they said Moses: Is there no coffins in Egypt that you led us to die in the wilderness? What did you do with us to bring us out of Egypt?
Whether we told you in Egypt, saying: Leave us, maybe we work the Egyptians? For it is better to be in our slavery from Egyptians, rather than die in the desert.
But Moses told the people: do not be afraid, stand - and you will see the salvation of the Lord, which he pretends to you now, for the Egyptians, which you see now, do not see anymore; The Lord will be defeated for you, and you will be calm.
And the Lord said to Moses: What do you want to me? Tell the Sons of Israel, so that they walked, and you raised your rod and send your hand to the sea, and we split it, and the sons of Israel will be held among the sea on land; I fierce the heart of Pharaoh and all Egyptians, and they will follow them; And I will show my glory on Pharaoh and on all the troops of him, on his chariots and on the riders of him; And they recognize all the Egyptians that I am Lord Jehovah, when I show the glory of my on Pharaoh, on the chariots of him and on the riders. And the Angel of God, who was walking before the pasties of Israel, and went behind them; Moving and the pillar cloudy on their face and began behind them; And he entered the intermaro between the village of Egypt and between the mill sons of Israel, and was a cloud and a darkness for some and highlighted the night for others, and did not come close to one with others all night. "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus, 14th Chapter, From the 10th to the 20th texts.
The Egyptians tuned to robbery and destruction, but the cloud prevented them to do it.
"Said: I will chase, Nastignge, I divide production; My soul will be satisfied with my soul, I will start my sword, my hand is destroyed. "- Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus 15th Chapter, 9th Text.
When it dispersed - about a miracle! The water of the Red Sea was divided, and the Israelis crossed it by moving on the other side - on the suther! Pharaoh and his army with noise rushed through the seabed, the complete determination to capture and threaten their former slaves. But the supreme ruler of Egypt underestimated the god of the Jews. Jehovah led to the confusion of the Egyptians, making it so that the chariots had disappeared their wheels.
"And the hand of Moses has his own on the sea, and challenged the Lord of the sea with a strong eastern wind all night and took the sea to land, and the water was broken.
And the sons of Israel went among the sea on land: the waters were the straight and on the left side.
They chased the Egyptians, and they entered them in the middle of the sea, all the horses of Pharaoh, his chariots and riders of him.
And in the morning guard, the Lord was placed on the Stan Egyptian from the pillar of fire and cloud and led to the confusion of Stan Egyptians; And took the wheels from the chariots of them, so they attracted them with difficulty. And they said the Egyptians: I would run from the Israelis, because the Lord defends them against Egyptians "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 14th chapter, from the 21st to the 25th texts.
"We run from the Israelis, because Jehovah defeats against the Egyptians!" - shouted the strong men Egyptian. Pharaoh and his warriors realized it too late. Being safe on the other seashore, Moses move the hand to the sea, and the water returned to their former place, the flooding of Pharaoh and his army.
"And the Egyptians said: I will run from the Israelis, because the Lord defeats against the Egyptians.
And the Lord said to Moses: send your hand to the sea, and let go of the Egyptians, on the chariots of them and their riders.
And cherished Moses his hand on the sea, and by morning the water returned to his place; And the Egyptians fled to meet [water]. So Skilled Lord Egyptians among the sea.
And the water returned and covered the chariots and riders of all the troops of Pharaoh, who entered them into the sea; Not one of them remained "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the Book Exodus, the 14th chapter, from 25b to the 28th texts.

Lessons learned from the experience

So who is Jehovah? Proud Pharaoh found out the answer to this question. The events that occurred in Egypt clearly showed that Jehovah is the only true God, absolutely unlike the "idols" of nations (Psalm 95: 4, 5). His power, inspiring a reverent fear, Jehovah "created the sky and the Earth." He is also a great ridder, the one who "brought their people, Israel, from the Earth to Egyptian signs and miracles, and Hero strongly and the muscle stretch, with great horror '(Jeremiah 32: 17-21). How convincingly proved that Jehovah could protect his people!
These lessons Pharaoh received bitter experience. The last lesson, in fact, cost him life (Psalm 135: 1, 15). From his part would be much wiser if he showed humility when asked: "Who is Jehovah?" Then this ruler could act in accordance with the response received. Fortunately, today many humble people find out; t, who is Jehovah. Reflections on what he has for a person, what the requirements for us will increase us, your, love and respect for one, whose name is Jehovah!
"And the Lord Moses said: I will spend before you all the glory of my and proclaim the name of Jehovah before you, and whom to pardons - a lot, who regret - I will regret" - Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus, 33rd chapter, 19th text.

Let's go back to the Easter of the Lord

From the Bible learn when it was necessary to celebrate Easter. It was the 14th day, the first month.
"On the tenth day of this month, let each lamb of the families, according to the Lamb for the Family; And if the family is so little that it does not eat the Lamb, then let him take with her neighbor to his closest to his house, in terms of the number of shower: to the extent that everyone will eat, calculate the lamb.
The lamb must you have without a blurry, the masculine, annual; Take it from sheep, or from goats, and let it be stored with you until the fourteenth day of this month, "- the Bible, the Old Testament, the outcome of the 12th chapter, from 3rd to 6th texts.
So, it was necessary to take a lamb - annual, without a vice, a masculine floor.
The biblical book Exodus indicates further actions: "Then let his all the meeting of the Israeli society in the evening, and let him take it from the blood and fool on both shoals and at the door crossbar in homes where it will have it; Let him eat meat in this very night, baked on fire; With fresh bread and with bitter herbs, let him eat it; Do not eat unambiguous, or cooked in water, but eat baked on fire, head with legs and internships; Do not leave it until the morning [and bones do not crush it], but burning from him until the morning burn on fire. "
Eat it like this: let your pretty pregnant, your shoes are on your legs and your ears in your hands, and eat it with hastyness: it is Easter Lord "Exodus, 12th chapter, with 6-b 11 texts.
We see, it was necessary to lay this lamb, bake on fire and eat with fresh bread and bitter herbs, and burn it from it on fire. That it is not unavailable to anoint the blood crossbar and shoals of the door.
Vera, in this god established by God, the Blood and the body of the Lamb, saved the lives of people.
God ordered that this ritual of the Israelis repeat every year: "And yes there will be a day of this day, and celebrate our Lord's holiday in [All] your childbirth; As the establishment of eternal celebrate it "; "Perform this charter at the appointed time, from year to year" - Bible, Old Testament, Book Exodus, 12th Chapter, 14th Text and 13th Chapter, 10 Text.
The Israelis followed this ritual, according to the usual God.
However, we do not note here a baked cropped with a frown dough, how do we do, nor eggs, nor visiting the graves of deceased close ...
This holiday was prophetic and led us to the thought that we will be saved by faith in the blood and the body of the Lamb. Who is this lamb?

This is what John the Baptist about Jiang Christ said: "Another day, John who goes to him, and says: this is the Lamb of God, who takes upon himself the sin of the world" - Bible, New Testament, Gospel from John, 1st chapter 29 text.
"And I looked, and here, in the middle of the throne and four animals and in the middle of the elders there was a lamb, as it were," - the Bible, the New Testament, the revelation of John the Bogoslev, the 14th chapter, 1st text.
The Bible compares Jesus Christ with Lamb: "And I looked, and here, the Lamb stands on Mount Zion" - the Bible, the New Testament, the revelation of John the Bogoslev, the 14th chapter, 1st text.
Through the faith in its spilled precious blood and its cristed perfect body, we can escape!
Apostle Paul pointed directly on Jesus Christ that prophetic shadow, which Jesus Christ fulfilled: "So clean the old Zakvask to be a new dough, since you are breastless, for our Easter, Christ, crushed for us" - Bible, New Testament , 1st Message of the Apostle Paul to Corinthians, 5th Chapter, 7th Text.
Easter OUR - Jesus Christ!
He himself stressed this fact, when he established the Lord's evening for his followers before his death, the evening of the memories of his death and when he gave the symbols of his body and blood to the approval of students, as the Jews, for centuries, ate of a literal lamb and used blood to anoint the door in their own House: "And when they ate, Jesus took bread and, blessing, prevented and, distributing the disciples, said: Hold, Fly: This is my body.
And, taking the cup and thanks, he filed them and said: Drink it all, for this there is blood of my new covenant, for many exhausted in leaving sins "- Bible, New Testament, Gospel from Matthew, 26th chapter, from 26- go to the 28th text; Gospel from Mark, 14 chapter, from the 22nd a24th text; Gospel from Luke, 22nd chapter, from the 19th to the 20th text.
Apostle Paul repeated evangelists in his 1st message to Corinthians, in the 11th chapter, from the 23rd of the 26th texts:
"For I received from the very Lord, what I gave you that the Lord Jesus That night, in which I was betrayed, took bread and, thanking, Pravomil and said: Press, say, this is my body, for you breakdown; We create this in my memoil.
Also and the cup after the evening, and said: this bowl is a new covenant in my blood; We create this when you only drink, in my memoiler. For whenever you eat this bread and drink the bowl of this, the death of the Lord is annoying, until he comes. "
When did Jesus Christ gave his life to the redemption of our sins?
Date when it happened - 14 Nisan, 33 years old. That is, exactly that day when Israelis celebrated Easter.

We again see that there are no dubbed breads and eggs and speech!

What and how, on the basis of the words of Jesus, you need to celebrate his followers?

Trapez, or meal, arranged in memory of the death of Lord Jesus Christ. This is the only event that, according to the Bible, should celebrate Christians. Dinner or the Supper of the Lord is also called the evening memories, and sometimes the "Lord's Supper" (1karinfians 11:20, SP).
Dzhin Lord, who introduced Jesus!
When was it introduced? Easter has always been celebrated by 14 Nisan (Aviv), on the day of the full moon, because according to the Jewish calendar, the first day of each (lunar) month was considered a day when people noticed the new moon. Consequently, the 14th day of the month came about his middle.

In the evening, on the eve of his death, Jesus was the last time celebrated Easter and after that he put dinner or in the evening of the Lord. He let go of Judas, who became a traitor, even before the beginning of the evening. According to the Gospel, then "was already night" (John 13:30). Since the Jewish calendar, the day started in the evening of one day and ended in the evening of the next day.

The first day of the full moon after the spring solstice, which is usually on March 21, falls in 2014 on April 14, in 2015 - April 3, and in 2016 - March 23, after sunset, since the day of the Jews began in the evening. And not April 20, 2014, April 12, 2015 and May 1, 2016, how to celebrate the so-called "Christian churches" - these dates do not correspond to 14 nisans!

What then celebrate with us?

A large place in folk Easter holidays is occupied by the motives of the resurrection of the Sun, renewal and prosperity of nature.
Due to the fact that religions, including Christianity, did not support the true God, and became a political tool for deterring and managing the people's masses, many pagans were penetrated into Christianity folk traditions and customs. Today, practically generally accepted Christianity has become a performer of traditions and rituals of ethnic groups in which it is common!
Custom furnace Failed bread in the form of a phalosa appeared as a symbol of fertility at fertility festival. Eggs added to the wave-like herbs.
According to the spring, a grandee was celebrated. Great in Russia is also the holiday of spring resurrection, the renewal of nature, which was noted with the arrival of the day of the spring equinox back in pre-Christian times.
In mid-April (according to the modern calendar) Slavic Aria celebrated the completion of the wedding of the sky and the Earth, the offensive of spring, the holiday of the disclosure of the earth and its readiness for sowing, in other words, fertility festival. This holiday symbolized the beginning of a new life, the cause of nature and the beginning of crops. In the days of the holiday in the fields drove round dance than, allegedly, it was energetically helped to recharge the positive energy and bring more harvest. On the day of fertility festival, a man took a woman in the field where they committed sexual act. The man finished on the field (land), so as it would be fertilizing it. After that, a cake oven, as a symbol of male strength and fertility (which is why it has an elongated shape and on top of it, it is taken on white cream from whipped eggs) and curd cake that is now called Easter as a symbol of female fertility. The symbol of male strength and fertility in the Slavs is denoted by the word Pake (direct translation - the rod), female power - the word Kolo (circle), hence the form of treats.
And again, we see that the traditions and customs of our ancestors firmly live in the memory of the people and, in no way they did not care about any religions, the traditions were not eradicated, but they switched to the so-called Christianity!
Where did the custom appeared to clean the graves of the dead and spend the ancestors in the cemeteries?
Again, according to the Slavic calendar, if we translate to modern way, in early April there is such a holiday called the day of the ancestors. On this day, services are made on all cemeteries and grazing, cleanliness and order are performed on the graves and mounds. In addition to the gifts and demanding ancestors, on their last, the sacred lights (candles, lamps, firing) are lit.
On another tradition, the week before Easter or the Red Week, and in Belarusian Polesie, the ancient name is Russal. In the people, this week had many titles - Rus. Krasnaya, Chervonaya, Great, Holy Week, Ukr. Bіliy Tijan, Chijan, Belor. RUSSIAL WEEL.
According to Slavic traditions, in one of the days preceding Easter or directly following her, ancestors return to the land, where they are for some time. The celebration was preparing the whole red week - from Monday to Saturday. The main preparations were from Thursday (now called pure Thursday) on Saturday. All week diligently prepared for the holiday: soapped tables, benches, shops, windows, doors. Belie the furnace, or even the walls. Screamed, washed the floor, the rugs shake out, jumped out dishes. From Thursday to Saturday, there was a cooking on the furnace and in the courtyard: the mistresses were baked Easter cakes, painted eggs, baked meat; Men put a swing, harvested firewood at the time of the holiday and others. Selyan tried to be a few. As during the entire post, they avoided loud street singing, there were no street games and rounds.
And in our days, every housewife is once a week before Easter, trying to bring your home and yard in order: everything is appointed, it is revealed, cleaned, cast, label, jumped ...

The clergymen themselves negatively respond about the ancient traditions of our ancestors: "... the consecration of the scene on the festival of a bright Christ's resurrection is a historical mistake, this is one of the signs of religious illiteracy. This is a ridiculous merger of the state church and ancient pagan rituals in the IV century. "
"Culich, like a high bread with eggs, is the famous pagan symbol of the fertile fruction of Falosa."
"There are no church regulations about such nonsense when to whom there is a cake and an egg is painted, no, because neither cake nor an egg for the resurrection of Christ has nothing to do. It is just our domestic, folk, peasant, consecrated by the custom time, "explained Archpriest.
Posted on the Korrespondent.net website on April 21, 2011 under the title " Orthodox Church It insists that the trips to the cemetery in Easter is not a Christian tradition. "
Also, the date of the Easter celebration varies from different "Christian" currents: Catholic Easter in 45% of cases a week before Orthodox, in 30% of cases coincides, 5% is the difference of 4 weeks, and 20% is the difference of 5 weeks (more lunar cycles) . There is no difference in 2 and 3 weeks.
Because the various formulas for the calculations of the Easter Day are used - different from biblical!

Blood, saving life
Then, in Egypt, the Blood of the Lamb played a decisive role in salvation. When Jehovah struck the original, he passed past the houses, on the shoals of the doors of which blood was. In addition, the Jews did not mourn the death of their firstborn and therefore were able to make the transition through the Red Sea to freedom.
Today, the celebration of the evening memories must focus on the death of Jesus and at its meaning for humanity. This event should be celebrated seriously and serve as time to think about the kindness of God and the appreciation that we should have to Jehovah and his son (Romans 5: 8; Tita 2:14; 1 John 4: 9, 10). Therefore, Paul warned: "Therefore, who will eat this bread or drink the Bowl of the Lord is unworthy, will be guilty against the body and blood of the Lord" (1 Corinthians 11:27).

Worthy - what does it mean?
Obviously, God would not like if we would defile this event by participating in doubtful rituals or adoptive pagan customs.
"Clean and immaculate piety, before God and the Father, there is something to prite the orphans and widows in their sorrows and keep themselves unktennign from the world."
"Request, and do not get, because ask not to good, but to use for your desire.
Adultery and adulteress! Do you know that friendship with the world has a hostility against God? So, who wants to be another world, he becomes the enemy of God. "- Bible, New Testament, Message of James, 1st chapter, 27 text and 4th chapter, 3rd and 4th texts.
Thus, this excludes popular events inherent in the celebration of Christian Easter. Following the command of Jesus "Sie to create his memoirs," we would like to celebrate the evening in the evening, as Jesus commanded (Luke 22:19; 1 Corinthians 11:24, 25). This eliminates the holding of the ceremonies introduced into the celebration of the churches of the Christian world. "New Catholic Encyclopedia" ("New Catholic Encyclopedia") recognizes that "modern Mass is very different from the extremely simple ceremony, which he followed Christ and his apostles." Mass often, even daily, christian world Disposted from what Jesus meant, and turned it into ordinary.
Paul wrote Christians who lived in Corinth, about unworthy participation in the celebration, because in the meeting there was a problem related to the Supper of the Lord. Some of the Corinth Christians did not respected the sacredity of this holiday. They brought with them dinner and fir before the meeting started or during her. Often they ate and drank too much. From this they clone into sleep, and their feelings were dulled. Not awake neither mentally, nor spiritually, these Christians could not "talk about the Body of the Lord" and therefore became "guilty against the body and the blood of the Lord." Meanwhile, those who did not dinner were hungry and also distracted. In fact, none of them was able to take symbols with appreciation and with the full realization of the importance of the event - the fact that this celebration was held in memory of the death of the Lord. Therefore, showing disrespect, even contempt for the death of Jesus, Christians from Corinth were subjected to condemnation.
"Therefore, who will eat this bread or drink the bowl of the Lord is unworthy, will be guilty against the body and blood of the Lord.
Yes, he has the same man, and thus let him eat from the bread and drinks from this bowl.
For who eats and drinks is unworthy, he eats and drink a condemnation to himself, not arguing about the body of the Lord. Because many of you are weak and sick and dying.
For if we judged ourselves, they would not be tried.
Being tried, we punish the Lord not to be convicted with the world.
Therefore, my brethren, going to the evening, wait each other.
And if anyone is hungry, let him eat at home to gather you not to condemn. Other will arrange when I arrive "- the Bible, the New Testament, the 1st Message to the Corinthians, the 11th chapter, from the 27th to the 34th text.

According to the book, Moses, the name of God demands from Pharaoh to let go of his people, promising that, otherwise, God will punish Egypt. Pharaoh did not obey, 10 disasters were collaborated on Egypt, and each time after the new refusal of Pharaoh, let go of the Jews followed another disaster:

1. Application of blood
2. Casual frogs
3. Planned midges
4. Application by Puciim Muhami
5.Mommy cattle
6. Sugar and Narya
7.Grom, zipper and fire degrees
8. Company locust
9. Network Darkness (Darkness Egyptian)
10. Emergency first

Punishment by blood.
First execution

And raised Aaron rod and hit the water river before the eyes of Pharaoh and before the eyes of his slaves, and all the water in the river turned into blood, and the fish in the river extinct, and the river was variable, and the Egyptians could not drink water from the river; And there was blood throughout Egyptian land.

(Ish.7: 20,21)

All the water in Nile, other water bodies and tanks turned into blood, but remained transparent for the Jews (and even the one that was at Jews, turned into blood if the Egyptians tried to take it). The Egyptians could only drink the water for which they paid money to Jews. Then, according to legend, the sorcerers of Pharaoh bought water from the Jews and began to conjure on it, they managed to turn her into the blood, and Pharaoh decided that the punishment of blood was not punished by the Lord, but just witchcraft, and did not let the Jews.

Penalty frogs
Second penalty

And the Lord said to Moses: Tell Aaron: Prior to your hand with your river on the rivers, on the streams and on the lakes and bring the toad to the Egyptian land. Aaron shoot his hand on the water Egyptian; And the toads came out and covered Egypt's land.

(Ish.8: 5,6)

As Pharaoh was promised: "They will come out and enter your house, both in your bedroom, and your bed, and your slaves and your people and your people, and in your furnaces, and your quashers" (Ish.8: 3) . The toads filled the Egyptian land.

Egyptian sorcerers began to conjunate again, and they managed to do so that the frogs became even more, but they said Pharaoh that they did not know such a witchcraft, which would allow to remove the frogs. Then Pharaoh said Moses, which would believe that Egypt punished God and hesitate his people if God would remove all the frogs. After disappearing frogs, however, Pharaoh decided to abandon his promise.

The invasion of midges
Third penalty

Egypt hit the Horde of the midges, who attacked the Egyptians, stuck them, climbed into the eyes, nose, ears.

... Aaron moves his hand with his rod and hit the ground, and the midges were on humans and on Skot. The whole end of the earth made midges throughout Egyptian land. They also tried to make the Mozhek with the Moshk, but could not. And there were midges in humans and skot. And said Magi Pharaoh: This is the finger of God. But the heart of Faraonovo has hardened, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord said.

(Ish.8: 17-19)

This time, the sorcerers could not help Pharaoh, and they said that they did not know such witchcraft, and that, it should be, it's all the punishment of the Lord, and Jews should be released. However, Pharaoh and this time turned out to be adamant.

And then God fell into Egypt fourth execution:

Punishment by pezzi flies
And the Lord Moses said: Tomorrow I stand early and appear before the face of Pharaoh. Here, he will go to the water, and you tell him: so the Lord says: let me go to my people to make me serving. And if you do not let go of my people, then, here, I will send you on your slaves, and your people, and in the houses of your waves flies, and the houses of the Egyptians are filled with the lands on which they live; And the Department on that day, the land of Ges, on which my people dwells, and there will not be waves of flies, so that you knew that I am the Lord among the Earth; I will make a division between the people of mine and between the people of yours. Tomorrow will be this sign. So did the Lord: a lot of flazy flies in the house of Pharaohs, and in the houses of his slaves, and the Egyptian land for the whole land: the earth died from the pezzi flies.

(Ish.8: 20-25)

The clouds of these flies covered people and filled the houses of the Egyptians. "According to Philon, the insect, which served as the fourth execution tool, combined the properties of flies and dogs, was distinguished by the taste and unequivocarcy. They published how the arrow, it was on a person or an animal and, rapidly attacking, dugged out sting in the body and as it should stick to him "(Lopukhin's interpreting Bible). Most likely, under the pisi flies, the wands that did not give peace to the Egyptians and herds of their animals.

The main lesson of this penalty was that God was openly revealed by Pharaoh and all Egyptians the difference between them and Jews. Pisia flies were everywhere, except the region of the hem, in which the Jews lived; They were in all houses, besides the houses of Israelis: Poems 22-23 "... Division that day, the land of Ges, on which my people dwells, and there will not be waves of flies, so you knew that I am the Lord among the earth; I will make a division between the people of mine and between the people of yours. "

Such a separation between the two peoples and the areas of their habitat in Egypt showed Pharaoh that the God of Israel is the Lord, the Egyptian execution, and what exactly he is God above Egypt, surpassing the strength and power of all Egyptian deities and idols. Then Pharaoh called Moses and again promised to let go of Jews, and after the disappearance of wild animals, he again violated his promise.

And deposited Egypt fifth penalty
Sea cattle

In all Egyptians, the cattle, which was in the field, was not touched by the Jews. And then I understood the Pharaoh that God cares about the Jews, but he was preparing and the Jews did not let go. (Ex. 9: 3-11)

Ulcers and meadow
Sixth execution

After that, the Lord commanded Moses and Aaron to take on the handful of oven soot and throw it high up before the pharaoh. So they did, and the bodies of Egyptians and animals were covered with terrible ulcers and membranes.

And Pharaoh was frightened that the rest of his life would be tormented and scratched because of the ulcers and injections and decided to let go of the Jews. But God strengthened his heart and gave him the courage to do according to his convictions, because he wanted to let the Pharaoh Jews not from fear, but from the realization that no earthly king could argue with God. And again did not let Jews Pharaoh.

Then God struck Egypt in seventh times:

Thunder, zipper and fire hail
A storm began, thunder thundered, flashed lightning and fiery hail fell on Egypt.
The Lord produced thunder and hail, and the fire spilled on the ground; and sent the Lord Grad to Egyptian land; And there was a hail and fire between hail, very strong, which was not in the entire Earth Egyptian since her population. And broke the city throughout the Egyptian land all that was in the field, from a person to livestock, and all the grass broke the hail, and all the trees in the field broke

(Ish.9: 23-25)

They saw the Egyptians that the flame burns in every gradine and was horrified, as they realized that it was anger who could change the nature of things. Then, then Pharaoh in front of Moses and Aaron, asked them to pray to God, so that the hail stops, promising that he would let go of the Jews. Prayed Moses God, and the hail stopped. But again did not restrain his promise of Pharaoh.

And deposited Egypt The execution of the eighth:

The invasion of locusts
Strong wind blew, and behind the wind flew into Egypt Horde Saraschi, sober up all the greens until the latter blasting on Egyptian land.
And again asked Pharaoh Moses to pour mercy from God, and again promised to let go of the Jews. I called Moses to God, and blew the wind to the other side, and he took all the locust. But the heart of Pharaoh's heart reiterated again, and again he did not let the sons of Israel.

And started ninth execution:

Unusual darkness
The ninth execution of Moses move his hand to his sky, and was a thick darkness throughout the Egyptian land for three days; did not see each other, and no one got up from his place for three days; All the sons of Israel were light in their dwellings

(ISX.10: 22-23)

Darkness, who fell into Egypt was unusual, she was thick and dense, so it could even touch her; And candles and torches could not disperse darkness. Only the Jews were light, and the Egyptians were forced to move to the touch. However, soon the darkness began to thicken, saying the movements of the Egyptians, and now they could not even move.

And called Pharaoh Moses, and he told him that he let go of the Jews, only the cattle should be left. However, Moses told Pharaoh that they would not leave the Jews their cattle. Then Pharaoh ordered Moses to leave and not coming more, promising that if he comes, it will be executed. And then Moses said that he would not come more, but what will suffer Egypt the execution, worse than all the previously taken together, because all the sons of the firstborn will die in Egypt.

Penalty penny
Tenth execution

And did not pass Egypt promised by Moses Kara, and followed at midnight the widespread death of the firstborn.

At midnight, the Lord struck all the firstborn in the Egyptian land, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who was sitting on the throne, to the primacy of the prisoner who was in the dungeon, and all the original from livestock

(ISX.12: 29)

After all the firstborn (with the exception of Jewish) died in Egypt in Egypt, Pharaoh surrendered and allowed the Jews to leave Egypt, the outcome began.

So-called Exodus of Jews from Egypt Described in the "Second Book of Moiseeva". It says that one day a group of Jewish nomads - about 70 people - disadvantaged on the occasion of a protracted drought, turned to the Egyptian pharaoh with a request to resolve their cattle to graze in the Nile Delta on the meadows of the Earth Ges.

The hospitable Pharaoh launched them to their lands, and from politeness did not even be awarded the period of staying "guests". Say, live as much as you want. The seed nomads took advantage of this invitation, so to speak, to the full coil. They remained on Egyptian land for 430 years.

But everything ever ends. The patience of pharaoh ended. The next ruler of Egypt, fearing as if "guests" did not hit him in the back in the event of an attack of external enemies, began to oppress them.

Jews understood that it was time for them. However, Pharaoh and this was opposed to this - he did not smile at all that people who are familiar with the orders of the Egyptian state, coming out of him, then united with the opponents of Pharaoh and returned again by conquerors.

Trial demanded a lot of time and effort, until, finally, Pharaoh, fired by the ten executions of Egypt, did not agree to let go of Jews and their leader Moses on all four sides.

But then "Lord Hardheart Hardened the Heart of Pharaoh, King Egyptian, and he chased behind the sons of Israel" ...

And since, as stated in the same Bible, in this case, it was important to prove his superiority over everyone, he immediately moved on the other side and decided that "I ... I will show my glory on Pharaoh and for all his troops; And they know the Egyptians that I am the Lord. "

As a result, the wonders of irrigation were demonstrated. At first, the sea was broken and missing the people of Israel, and then closed again and "covered the chariots and riders of all the troops of Faraonov ... and not one of them left."

It would seem that a miracle of miracles, however, the current researchers believe that in some meteors, a strong wind could drive the water for some time from the coast. But it was worth the wind to get squeezed as the sea returned to the original borders.

Therefore, it does not care about the fact that historians managed to calculate the almost accurate date when the outcome occurred. It happened in 538 BC, when the Persian King Cyrus allowed the Jews, hijacked in 587 BC. In the Babylonian captivity the Assyrian king Nebuchadnezzar, return to his homeland - to Palestine.

But if it, probably, should find a rational explanation and a riddle of ten deaths ... Epidemiologists from the University of Connecticut (USA) are convinced that they managed explain all 10 executions of Egyptian without any mysticism.

In the biblical book "Exodus" of events are set out exactly and consistently, scientists consider. It is necessary only to interpret them correctly. Moses and Aaron ask to let go of their people. But Pharaoh does not want to hear it.

Then Aaron raises the rod and hits them with river water. And the water in the river turns into blood. "And the fish in the river extinct, and the river Vapsemen, and the Egyptians could not drink water from the river; And there was blood on the whole earth of Egypt. "

Such was the first execution. But on Pharaoh, she did not impress, and he does not make the requests of the Israelis. And then God sends the second penalty to the Egyptian - the whole river I climbed the toads, who began to enter both at home and in bed, and in the furnace, and in the square.

Both executions are connected with each other, researchers believe, the second leaks out of the first. And both are easily explained by natural reasons. Bloody water in the river is all famous microalgae, really dangerous for all living things. They suck oxygen from water and distinguish the poison that kills all living things.

Fishes have nowhere to go, they died and vocalized. Amphibians, including frogs and toads, got out of the river and spread around the surroundings in search of another water, because without it, they also had death. So climbed where it fell, including in the square.

Seeing all this, the frightened pharaoh commanded Aaron to remove the toad. Then he, they say, will let go of the people of Israel. Aaron shoot his rod, toad extinct. But Pharaoh did not fulfill the promises.

Then the Lord enveloped the Miriad Moshek on people and cattle. "It should be expected," researchers say. - Moshki multiplied among the declared zhabiah remains ... "

Moreover, there is one detail in the Bible, according to which you can accurately determine what it was for the midge. When Aaron struck the rod into the hardest, dust turned into a midge.

"There is no doubt," Professor M. Mar believes, - that this is coming here about the midges of the Kulicoids. These are unusually evil little mosquito, laying eggs in dust. And their larvae feed on the mineral remains of decaying organisms.

There were other insects of the same origin, which in the Bible are called peesy flies. That was the fourth penalty, and for her, since Pharaoh rested everything, followed the fifth - the sea ulcer ruined all the cattle.

Dr. Mar rewned all reference books in search of a disease that would be overwhelmed by the mosquito view of the Kulicoids. And even found them two - African horsepower and "blue language" - a severe viral disease amazing blood system In sheep and cattle.

Egyptian cattle died from these diseases. The Israeli survived, but not because the Lord wanted so much, but he is trying in another place, and the infection has not passed to him. The land of Hesse was 150 km from the land of Pharaoh, and the mosquito on their tiny wings simply could not overcome such a distance.

Since Pharaoh continued to stubbornly, his state attacked the sixth execution, which was inflammation with Naryuzhi, hitting the remaining cattle, and then rented on people.

"That was the well-known SAP," researchers believe. - This infectious disease can also get from flies, microbial carriers, and dirty water or food. For the first time, SAP is described by Aristotle in 330 BC. He was famous in those days and earlier in the Middle East and Africa. "

The seventh execution with the previous ones is not connected. But there is nothing supernatural in it. Grad, broken sowing, from time to time falls on Earth and today. Moreover, in the Bible, interesting details are given - the hail beat only early sowing, having managed to drive the ears. Late sowing, just glued out of the ground, hail practically did not affect. So, the laws of nature and there are not violated.

The next, eighth execution - the invasion of locusts, destroyed crops, survived after hail. In it, there is nothing too unusual - the locust and it flies on the southern lands, bringing considerable damages to the farmers.

The ninth execution is a thick darkness that lasted three days across the Egyptian land. Scientists suggested that the darkness of the Egyptian could cause a graceful explosion of the volcano somewhere nearby, say, on the island of Santorin in the Aegean Sea.

The explosion really happened 3500 years ago and fell asleep with small ashes of all East Mediterranean. However, Mar suggests a different explanation - the sandstorm. It is this darkness that is mentioned in the time of the ancient papyrus.

It remains, thus, to explain only the tenth penalty - the death of all the firstborn from the Son of Pharaoh to the son of the slave - and the entire original cattle. Researchers are taken for this task. They remember the sudden death of eight children in Cleveland a few years ago. The children died because in the cellar of the basement of their house, a black poisonous fungus was joined.

A similar incident could occur in Egypt. During the day, the arrogant of the day, people spawned themselves to the barn, and the fungus, broken during the darkness in darkness, had already spent them there. He struck first of all the weakest - babies, and, of course, not only of the firstborn. This is a human moloss, the legend allocated such a feature.

However, can so much misfortune to conjure one state for a relatively short period of time?

It turns out that there is historical confirmation. The ancient Russian word "Poverty" directly indicates the relationship between natural disasters and epidemics. It is winds and transfer microbes and other pathogens of diseases.

Say, in the fifth century BC. In Africa, they raged by the news, accompanied by earthquakes and floods, as well as droughts. "All the forces of the world then united against a person," wrote in this regard. It was especially difficult to 427, when volcanoes were coming to the islands in the Aegean Sea, which caused the entire coast on the sea. And in Athens, many houses collapsed from the soil oscillations.

In general, if you wish, all ten executions of Egyptian and other similar incidents can be explained without the help of the Lord. However, this does not mean that he has nothing to do with it. After all, all these disasters could be, according to the same Bible, and they are.

The exact date of disaster described in the pentateuch is unknown, moreover, it is also unclear, with what pharaoh it all happened. At least, in the documentary sources of Egypt about a similar incident, there is not a word. And although in different periods of ancient Egypt really experienced difficult times, records about global catastrophes like biblical in papyrus. Some researchers tend to believe that this is explained by the vigorous death of educated scribes, and the fact that to capture the events was just no one. Others believe that the records did not leave, in order not to document the shame of Pharaoh. However, assuming that Egypt really suffered from terrible punishment, is it possible to explain it from the point of view modern science?

Punishment of blood

According to the legend, Moses drew the water of the Nile in the blood with his rod, after which the whole fish extinct, and the water began to be unsuitable for drinking.

Scientists believe that a similar phenomenon (water staining) could be caused by the flowering of red algae, which happens both in fresh and salt water bodies. This, in turn, could be provoked by drought and climate change, which turned the full-water river into a viscous crossing - a comfortable medium for breeding bacteria and toxic algae. The poison allocated by these organisms really makes the water unsuitable for use and destroy all the living. Toxins can also be poisoned and air around infected water, which leads to problems with breathing in those who live in close proximity. Another explanation can be a powerful eruption of a volcano on the island of Santorini 1628 BC. E., which caused the tsunami, embraced on the coast of Egypt (archaeological excavations on the territory of Egypt confirmed the presence of pieces of volcanic stone in the soil). Salted water that fell into fresh sources could lead to the death of certain types of fish, and the type of blue-green algae is to highlight nitrogen. During the flowering period, the algae acquires a reddish hue, which makes water like blood.

Penalty tobami

The next punishment of the Egyptians was the invasion of frogs, which, according to the outcome, "covered Egypt's land."

The outlet of the frogs from the water, in turn, could be directly related to the first execution and poisoned the waters of the Nile. The amphibians left the infected habitat, which turned the mass yield of frogs to land. Stories are known to many cases of phenomenon "Frog rain". This happened in the recent past, for example, in 2010, thousands of frogs got out of the lake in the north of the country in search of food and provoked a road collapse that lasted several days. The behavior of animals is explained by environmental and climatic changes that make their habitats unsuitable for life.

Execution toaks. (Pinterest.com)

The third misfortune, hitting the Egyptians, became the hordes of the midges, scattered around the district. "And there were midges in humans and skot."

A sharp increase in insect populations could be caused by a massive outcome and extinct frogs, which, as you know, feed on both Moshkara. In addition, a dead fish thrown ashore contributed to their distribution. Separate types of flyers are transmitters of infection, some are capable even to transfer bacteria that causes the plague.

Punishment by pezzi flies

Following the midges that sealed all people and cattle, a new car was followed: the Egyptians were attacked by the Horde of the Pesiih Muh, which "differed in Litness and Unsure."

The invasion of the midges. (Pinterest.com)

A description of these creatures that had signs of at the same time flies and wild animals with a stale, remind or whether the mosquito. There is an assumption that it could be snakes and scorpions. However, there is a chance that the "flyes of flies" were actually something like the "gallows of autumn", sucking blood and being the carrier of dangerous diseases like staphylococcus, sepsis and Siberian ulcers.

Sea cattle

Logical turn of the events described above became a livestock magparm. In the end it is said that the whole cattle of Egyptians died.

Blood flies can cause harm to man, however, first of all, attacking animals, infecting them with deaths. It could provoke a plate of horned livestock. Such epidemics were fixed to different years both in Europe and in Africa. Animals had fever, diarrhea, their body was covered with ulcers. According to another version, the plague came to Egypt from Asia, and the consequences were the same as when transferring a disease of the flies.

Ulcers and meadow

The next victim was directly the people of Egyptian: Moses and his brother, Aaron took the burning of soot, threw it into the air before the pharaoh, and the bodies of Egyptians were covered with terrible membranes.

A similar epidemic could be an ordinary abscess, from which the skin is covered by blisters, and its surface becomes reddish and swollen. Subsequently, the wound are tightened, but the scars and rashes remain. The infection is extremely contagious, and therefore it could provoke a massive disease. It is known that the traces of this disease were discovered when inspecting the mummy of Pharaoh Ramses V. It is believed that shell came to Egypt about 3000 years ago.

Thunder, zipper and fire hail

Another misfortune became the strongest storm, and hit the Egypt's Earth "Fiery Grad, and broke all that was in the field, from a person to livestock."

Darkness. (Pinterest.com)

Disaster in the form of burning particles falling from the sky, most likely, the consequence of the very eruption of the volcano on the Greek Island of Santorini. Together with a powerful tsunami storm from the ash turned around a real large-scale catastrophe and touched, probably extensive territory.

The invasion of locusts

Hallets of these insects came to Egypt along with strong wind and raised the harvest, as well as all the vegetation.

To blame for this, all the same volcanic eruption: the ashes cloud provoked serious climatic anomalies expressed in the fallout of precipitation and enhance humidity. Such conditions are extremely comfortable for the reproduction of locust.


Pharaoh still refused to let go of the Jews, and then Moses caused a "thick darkness", which spread throughout Egyptian land for three days.

This phenomenon could be caused by both the formation of a dense cloud of volcanic dust and a simple solar eclipse. According to NASA, in 1223, a sunny eclipse really happened to our era. And in that, in another case, darkness could indeed be immentable.

Penalty penny

The last misfortune sent by God to Egypt, became the patient's death of firstborn, which did not bypassed, including the family of Pharaoh. It did not affect only Jewish babies.

The death of Pharaoh's firstborn. (Pinterest.com)

The death of the firstborn could be the result of both a mass epidemic, which, as discussed above, struck many Egyptians and the consequence of the spread of malicious fungus, which were infected with sowing. In this case, everything was explained by the fact that the firstborn was given to food products containing this malicious mold, capable of provoking the deadly disease. And since it was the first to be supposed to feed precisely male firstborn, they could fall victim to dangerous fungus.