Sowing Anyutin Eye. Pansies - How to grow seedlings at home

Touching and gentle, pansies (Viola) are familiar with almost everyone. They are grown in cottages, in gardens and parks. There are a large number of Viol varieties, each of which has its own charming flowers. Gardeners they love for their beauty, tenderness and unpretentiousness. Even a novice flower model will be able to grow eyes from the seeds of the eyes and decorate them the flowerbed on their plot.

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Pansies: Description

Two-year or perennial bushes in height can reach from fifteen to thirty centimeters. They have branched and fairly thin triangular hollow stems, seats or tuberous regular rounded-heart-shaped leaves of small size, urine root system and very beautiful single flowers with multi-colored petals. Buds are located in the sinuses of the leaves on long flowers. They can be monochromic or multicolored. Three-color and two-color viol of the eyes in relation to petals has a contrast color.

Last year lied herbaceous plant blossom will begin in April, as soon as snow comes. Blossom will continue all summer. Young bushes are compact, over time they grow up and breeding breeds.

Pansies: Growing from seeds

Despite the fact that the plant is in regions with cold winters, it is most often grown as annual. Therefore, to get a flowering flowerbed from a viola in the spring, you need to grow seedlings.

When is the pansy's pansies? Sey Viola follows three months before plant landing in open ground. On the garden, the seedlings are planted only after the last frosts will be held. Two-year-old views of the pansies sow in July immediately on the flower beds.

Growing seedlings

Viola seeds before landing soaked in growth stimulant. Empty tanks are filled with soil mixture for violets, or prepare ground from the following components:

The planting material is placed on the surface of the soil and sprinkled with a nutrient mixture. The distance between the seeds should be about one centimeter. The soil is moistened with a sprayer and covered with a film. Empty containers are placed in a warm place with air temperature within +22 degrees. Landing care It consists in daily tillage and maintain it in a wet state.

After about seven or fourteen days, seedlings will appear. Some varieties can up to three to four weeks. After the appearance of seedlings, the boxes are placed on a well-lit place where the straight sunshine does not fall. The film is not recommended immediately. First, young plants open a few minutes a day. Every day, the duration of ventilation increases. About two weeks later, the film is removed at all.

When growing seedlings need to follow the humidity of the soil. Viola does not like drying soil, so watering should be regular. However, it is impossible to pour the seedlings too. It is possible to water it only after the upper layer of soil is dry.

Often gardeners are interested in the question - do I need to dive the seedlings of pansy eyes? In this case, it all depends on how often seeds were sown. If the distance between bushes from two or more centimeters, then they can be grown in boxes before landing in open ground. At a shorter distance seedlings are dive.

When the plants appear in two or three real leaves, they are seated into separate pots or in the container more. So that the seedlings are not covered, they are plugged to seedy leaves. For the formation of lush busta, when the top of six real leaves appears, the top of the plants is pumped.

About two weeks before landing seedlings into open ground, it should be started hardening. To do this, it is possible to endure seaside containers on an open balcony or a plot.


For pansies choose well lit plot. However, they are not recommended to plant an open area that the sun lights throughout the day. From direct sunlight flowering Viol by mid-summer will end. Therefore, it is better that a part of the day on the flowers fell shadow. But in the shade to plant flowering plants should not. From the lack of light color of the flowers fond, and the inflorescences will become small.

Phanti Must be loose and fertile. In the growing plants growing on poor soils and flowers will be pale, varietal qualities are worse.

There should be twenty centimeters between planting compact bushes. Branching varieties planted apart from each other with a distance of thirty centimeters.

In the first decade of july sow pansies seeds of two-year species. For them are preparing a bed with air-permeable light soil. If the soil is heavy, then it can be mixed with peat, sand or perlite. Composts or humus are made as fertilizer.

IN open soil Seeds germinate faster, so seedlings will appear in a week. Care is lies in timely watering and removal of weeds.

At the end of August, the grown and harming seedlings are transplanted on the flower. For bushes make wells with a distance of each other in twenty-twenty-five centimeters. Before the occurrence of cold plants should grow well, they should not bloom. Only in this case, the two-year-old pansies will bloom in the early spring for next year and there will be a lush blossom.

Pansy eye

Plants are unpretentious, so care for them will not take a lot of time.

Watering and subordinate

The roots of the Viola in length reach about fifteen centimeters, so moisture cannot be removed from the depth of soil. Plants need to water in a timely manner, especially in the hot months. It cannot be allowed to dry the soil. Watering can not be absolutely, but regularly. The main thing is that small roots soak water.

If summer is roast and dry, then in the evenings, the virus leaves can be sprayed with water from the sprayer. The water should not fall on inflorescences. When watering and spraying, water is used resistant. Cold plants can not be water.

Pansies for abundant and long flowering requires feeding:

  1. During the period of active vegetation, the first feeding of potassium, phosphorus and nitrogen is carried out before the formation of buds.
  2. During flowering plants fed by phosphoric and potash fertilizers.

You can not use for fertilizer Viol Fresh Korovyat. It is best to buy ready-made mineral fertilizers for violets. Also, feeding can be done by dry cow dung or bird litter, ammonium nitrate, superphosphate, nitroposka.

Additional care

After watering and removing weeds once a week recommended loosen around bush soil. Such a procedure is needed as the prevention of fungal diseases and for better penetration of oxygen to the roots.

So that the bushes were beautiful and lush, curves and stretched shoots regularly pinch. Will help extend flowering timely removal of flashing buds. Dropping and shrinking at the beginning of the summer plants can be cut to provoke their growth and a new blossom wave.

Seed collection and preparation for winter

If you do not remove dried buds, then they are formed in their place seed boxes. When they please, they should be disrupted. Otherwise, the box will burst, and the seeds will waken on the ground. The collected seeds for the next year can be used for landing. The germination they retain for three years.

In the regions with not very cold winter, pansies leave in the open soil. To protect them from extinction, bushes are covered with dried foliage, sweetheart, sawdust or special material - Loutrasil. From above, shelter is thrown by snow.

In the regions with frosty winters, the viola is digging up and is grown at home or greenhouses.

To get more planting material from several bushes, pansies you can smallest. For this, the top cuttings are used, which are cut off in the already rooted and strengthened plants. Each cutlets must have two or three knots.

Immediately several cuttings are planted into the ground to a depth of one centimeter. The garden for them is chosen on the plot where there is no direct sunlight. Care of cuttings is regular irrigation. Rooting will occur in about seven or ten days. After that, young plants can be transferred to the flowerbed. They should be bloated this year.

Hot and dry weather contributes to the appearance of plants. These pests will be pulled out by the colonies, quickly multiply and feed on the juice of leaves and stems. As a result, they first turn yellow and fall leaves, and then the entire bush dies. The TLL is also a peddler of many viral diseases. It is necessary to get rid of the pest immediately after detection. Insecticidal preparations will help. Plants need to be sprayed with cypermetry, intavir, accomplishing or desisis.

Korni Viola Can be amazed with small worms, which are called root gallic nematodes. Their larvae eat the roots, as a result of which the plant ceases to bloom and develop. You can destroy pests using Lindane, Bi-58, phosphamide, ragon or other insecticides. Since eggs nematodes are not destroyed, processing is carried out several times.

Diseases of Viola

Adverse weather conditions, care errors, infected planting material or soil may cause plants to be defeated by various fungal diseases.

Common diseases of pansies:

Proper care and timely feeders contribute to strengthening the immunity of plants and increasing their protective forces.

Beautiful and tender pansies can be used for the design of flower, borders, alpine slides, lawns. Violas will look beautifully in the vases placed on the site. With their help, you can decorate balconies and loggias. The plants are unpretentious, so the care of them does not occupy a lot of time. And the flowering of pansies can be admired from early spring to the autumn itself.

Create a multicolored velvet carpet in its paradist corner will help pansies, which are known under the elegant name of Viola or under academic - Vitrochka violet. Traditional color gamut of this culture is purple and yellow. Over time, breeders brought about 200 varieties with stunning shades. So the garden violet has become a buoyan flowering and beautiful garden decoration.

The family of violet has many features in landing, caring, as well as growing. To enjoy such beauty both in spring and autumn, you need to know some nuances. You should also choose to choose a variety for landing.

Flower characteristic

Shades of petals are so rich that even in the photo Pansies eyes look unmatched. You can see this charm in early spring when warming up. Some varieties are glad throughout the summer, because it easily tolerate sultry weather. Others feel great in the velvet season, because they are withstanding even frosts. Among other things, varieties are derived, which are resistant to low temperatures. All this variety is classified as follows.

Frost resistance

These plants can be dissolved even at the end of February. Low temperature In the morning or light frost will not spoil tender flower. Gardeners are carefully taken to their country cottage area Winter-hardy copies. These varieties are mainly attributed:

For all winter-resistant varieties, the compact extension size is characterized (the flower diameter reaches 6 cm). Some varieties of such a viola throw abundant flowering. It is they who please the owners with their charm for a long time.

Flower size and shape

They are small caliber: 3-5 cm (Snow Maiden, Blue Boy and Red Hat). Buds bloom out of small sinuses. Anyutin's flowers are single, but in the complex they constitute a chic look. Especially luxuriously look such grained giants:

The flower table of such titans reaches 10-12 cm in length, and the flower diameter is more than 7 cm. They can be monophonic, as well as with exquisite spots or patterns. Among large varieties are the most popular:

The length of the branched stem is 10 cm, and the diameter of the colors does not exceed 5 cm. True tricolor violet petals have both smooth edges and wavy (serrated).
Corrugated petals of Flamenco varieties, Chalon Super and Rococo have an exotic look, as well as unusual flowing color (stroked coloring in the center).

Color spectrum

Pallet palette Vitrokka's violet is striking with its diversity. A tricolor specimens in dark shades of blue, purple and red are unusually looking at the flower. Snow-white with a greenish chipper Viola will become a breathtaking garden. At the same time, blue, lilac, yellow and burgundy (with fancy spots) exhibits will make notes of romance in country plot.
A varieties with contrasting stripes, border and unmatched eyes look in a special way near the house. Such a colorful description of the pansies is infinite, because it is difficult to consider all 250 varieties.

Height bush

The low-spirited crops reach 15 cm in height, and the giants are up to 30 cm. In the diameter, the Viola bush can grow from 6 to 12 cm. Since this plant perfectly transfers shaded areas, it can be safely grilled in the garden between trees.

The flowering period can be artificially extended. To do this, it is necessary to constantly remove fading flowers, not letting them turn into the seed boxes.

Flowering period

As already noted, pansies are able to delight their stunning blossoms in the season desired for the owners. So it can:

  • march or April;
  • summer months (withstand heat and drought);
  • autumn period (calmly carry snowfall and decrease in temperature).

Therefore, gardening can be resettled in pots (plastic boxes) and decorate them balconies, facades of houses, loggias, as well as windows. To do this, periodically loosen the earth and water the plants.

It is important to ensure that the soil is not wet for a long time, because the roots can start rotting.

Secrets landing

First of all, you need to choose a variety and suitable place for it on the plot. Many hostesses prefer large-caliber varieties. Single-flowered copies look amazingly on flower beds surrounded by other colors. However, as experience shows, it is Violi with small petals of the most enduring.
Such cultures survive in the rainy season, and with sharp temperature differences. Therefore, in the northern regions it is better to plant small-bedroom varieties, because in southern latitudes, inflorescences are minced. The same applies to gigantic varieties, if they grow in a hot and dry climate for a long time.

Spring culture is better in the open area. Heat access and direct rays should be at least 5-7 hours per day. Water flower beds costs once a week. Depending on the weather, you can and twice.

Place landing

It is important to take into account that pansies are perennial and annual plants. This means that they are bred both for one year and two. The growth period is largely depends on the work, which is ready to invest the gardener into these garden exhibits, and processing technologies. It was noted that if you put the land with fertilizers, at least once a week, then the stem grows faster, and the inflorescence becomes more magnificent.
The following parameters will be favorable for landing and care of pansies:

  1. Type of soil. Dry soil mixed with sand or stones is not suitable for a viola. Earth must be fertilized to saturate young roots with nutrients. It should contain enough moisture.
  2. Degree of shaders. It is important to find here golden middle. The thick shadow will lead to the degeneration of the plant, and the scorching sun - to its destruction.
  3. Good care. Cares about regular watering of sprouts. Around the root (at a distance of 2-3 cm) it is worth making out of leaves or dried grass. Periodically, you need to tear spoiled stems or petals.

When the amateur gardener decided on the place and chose a suitable variety, then you can proceed to the process of sowing. There are several ways to this procedure.

Landing time

The first option is an independent cultivation of pansies from seeds. When to plant depends on what period the gardener wants a raspberry flower culture. These varieties germinate perfectly at a temperature of 16-18 ° C. So, if seeds in the container in winter (at the end of January), then after 2-3 months, seedlings can be replaced in the soil. At the same time, it is important to correctly calculate the date of the last frosts.
You can see what time they were last year, and from the number to count 3 months. This will be the date of diving in the open land, only the next year.

Those who plan to see this charm in their garden in the fall, you need to spend sowing during July. Then by September, when the heat will fall, the sprouts will be ready for transplantation to the ground.

Perennial cultures can be immediately soiled in the open ground in the middle of the summer. However, the Sun is capable of falling down gentle sprouts, so they should be covered with greens, but that there is no greenhouse. Until the end of August, seedlings must grow to successfully survive the winter. To do this, they need to water once in 7 days and fertilize the soil, alternating mineral and organic feeding. At the end of the summer, the sprouts are transplanted to another place. It is important not to give them blooming, because it will delete the plant before wintering.
As a result, in the spring, you can make an adorable photo of the colors of pansies and enjoy their gentle fragrance.

Nuances landing

Garden Viols, although not very fasting flowers, still require special relationship. During seeds, it is necessary to comply with a number of simple rules:

  • break and slightly moisten the soil;
  • mix seeds with sand so as not to sow too thick;
  • it is not recommended to deeply roast the seeds into the ground;
  • it is necessary to water them with a glacule with a small pitch, so as not to wash off the water seed;
  • store tray throughout the first week in a dark place;
  • the container is then important to put in a more illuminated room;
  • periodically, the box with seedlings, which are already 25 days, are carried out on fresh air (at temperatures from + 6 ° C) to handle sprouts.

Replanting seedlings to open soil, it is important to hold the special system. Pricing culture is needed in early May. And literally after 3-4 weeks the inflorescences will appear. Transplanting tubers is advised to spend in the evening when cool and there is no sun. It should be planted at a distance of 25 cm, because they are able to grow. If the weather forecasters promise freezing, the beds need to be stolen by straw.

Strong wind can harm the plant. Therefore, it is important to make a protective fence for flower beds with VIOLA.

Pest care and protection

Pansies will bloom violently with proper care and favorable conditions. Winter without snow - a destructive factor for plants. Therefore, the beds are advised to cover mulch and special tarpaulos. Among other things, it is important to monitor the following:

  1. The soil should always be soft and wet. Therefore, the soil must constantly loose. Moisturize the land only after it completely dries.
  2. Fertilize. It is impossible to do the fresh manure. It is better to use humus in proportion of 5 kg per square. m or compost.
  3. The place must be well ventilated.
  4. Make a piece slut to protect from direct rays.
  5. Savages with defects need to repent immediately.
  6. Dried leaves clean.

These simple rules contribute to the magnificent blossom of the viola. Nevertheless, the danger for it is pests. These may be such manifestations:

This plant is not really whitewash. Therefore, pests and diseases almost in rare cases interfere with vegetation, as well as magnificent flowing of culture. As a result, it is always possible to enjoy the beauty of Anyutin Galka.

How to grow pansies - video

You can sow Viola immediately in open soil, but it is often grown through seedlings. Sowing at home or in a greenhouse allows you to carefully care for each seedlings, which means less germs die, which gives savings of seeds. It is important if you have some seeds - for example, you bought a beautiful expensive variety. Also, pansies sow on seedlings when they want to get abundant bloom in the first summer. For example, when growing a viola in balcony boxes and in vases, it is necessary for it to bloom in the sowing louder, which means it is necessary to sow earlier than in the open soil.

When to sow pansies to seedlings

Soil mixture for sowing Viol seedlings

Land mix for sowing can be used ready, purchased in the store. So that the roots of shooters develop better, add a little washed sand in the purchased ground. You can cook the soil for the seedlings of the Viol yourself. Mix in equal amounts of turf or garden earth, humid and sand. Mix and seek the mixture. In order for seedlings not to be amazed, pass the prepared mixture in a double boiler for an hour. Steaming will destroy not only from diseases of diseases, but also the seeds of weeds.

Fill the grouse for sowing a wet soil mixture, slightly compact. Viol seeds distribute evenly on the surface of the soil. The easiest way is to do with a small piece of paper.

Watering the crops are needed using a small sprayer. Abundantly moisturize the surface of the soil.

Cover the glass with glass or place it in a clean plastic bag.

The seeds of the pansies are better at the dark, so place the flame in a warm dark place.

At a temperature of + 22 ° C, the shootings of the viola appear 7-10 days after sowing. After the appearance of shoots, put a flame in a sunny place.

Make sure that the soil remains moderately moist all the time, and the drops after irrigation remained on the leaves. A week after the appearance of shelter shoots, remove.

Picking seedlings Viol

When the seedlings of the pansies appear 2 of the real leaves, it is time to dive.

You can dive Viola in the box according to the 5x5 centimeters scheme, as it moves well in almost any stage of development, even during flowering. But such seedlings after planting in the ground will require more attention, because when seeding from the box, the roots are damaged, and they need to recover. If you have enough space at home on the windowsill, it is better to pee pansies in separate pots.

The composition of the soil for dive is the same as for the sowing of a viola, only to sift and disapperate the soil is not necessary. Add 1 tablespoon of mineral fertilizer to the soil mixture (nitroposka, azophoska) by 2 liters of mixtures. Mix well. Fill it the pot and slightly compact. Sit the seedlings of pansies one at each pot. When landing, make sure that the roots are freely placed in the hole and did not bend during its backfill.

If the roots do not fit in the hole, then pinch them. Too elongated seedlings when picking, blind off the seedy leaves. The soil around each seedlings compact.

Pight carefully.

Watering start from the edge of the pot. If, as a result of irrigation of the soil, it is very dye, it can be added, but do not fall asleep at the same time seedlings.

Put seedlings into a bright place. The temperature is sufficient to maintain at + 15 ... + 17. Watch for soil moisture. Feed Viola once every two weeks with a solution of mineral fertilizers for seedlings.

With the onset of warm weather, the seedlings can be put in, a greenhouse or a balcony: where the temperature will not fall below 0 ° C. If you do not have such an opportunity, then 2 weeks before disembarking at a permanent place, we begin gradually catching it to the outdoor air. In warm weather, put the pot with seedlings of the pansies in the half, to avoid the burns of the leaves.

With proper care by the end of May, Viola blooms and is ready for landing at a permanent place.

Landing of the seedlings of Pansies in the soil

The soil for planting a viola does not have to be fertile, but it is important that the loose and breathable. Any vulnerable garden land will suit.

If you have a clay and heavy soil on your area, then make it peat and sand and make a complete mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium per 30-40 g per 1 sq m. Perekap well.

Planting a Viola in a flower bed - 20 x 20 cm. If you plant flowers in one row, the distance between the plants can be reduced to 15 cm. The seedlings of pansies in the holes with a small (about 1 cm) of the root neck are planted.

After disembarking, the seedlings are good.

Further care consists in regular feeding, loosening and watering.

With a lack of moisture, Viola quickly finishes bloom, so the soil must be kept constantly in a wet state.

In order for pansies to continue to bloom as long as possible, the flexible seeds need to be deleted in a timely manner, especially this concerns plants planted in boxes and containers.

Lined in the soil, Viola gives self-sowing. The dried boxes are cracking and shooting the seeds for a while, so the next year the blooming Viola can be found in the most unexpected places.

When the bushes of the Viol will be filled down, cut them, leaving 4-5 cm. After 2-3 weeks from sleeping kidneys, new shoots are formed and bloom will resume, especially abundant it will be in the spring of next year.

Pansies (Botanical Name of Viola) are rightfully considered universal, they can be grown both in the country and on the balcony. They conquered the hearts of many flowers lovers with their beauty, simplicity of landing and unpretentious in care. You can even replant with a period of flowering, from early spring (April) to autumn, with a slight break.

Pansies Pansies are a low perennial height of up to 30 cm from the Philekov family, although they can be grown as an annual at the expense of Samosv. They are planted in the foreground Rabatok, borders, in and on. Her colors are rainbow and motley. Viol tricolor (for southern regions), Altai (for the middle strip), Wittrtoca use popularity.

Place and soil

Plot for landing pansies Choose solar, with a variable shadow. In the shady garden, bloom is weak. The soil is fertile, loose with good air aeration. Heavy and clay soil is fed by peat, sand and complete complex of mineral fertilizers at the rate of 30-40 g per 1 sq. M. On sandstone and poor soil bloom scanty.


You can grow pansies as seeds, planting in open ground and seedlings grown at home.

In May, after the end of the return freezing period, for planting seeds of colors can sow immediatelyAfter processing with a solution (dunk per day). Pansies are planted into the grooves - at the rate of 50-60 seeds per 1 m, or in the wells at a distance of 5-7 cm from each other by 2-3 semen in each. Putting seeds to 1 cm to 1 cm, fall asleep with loose ground, moisturized and mulched sawdust to save moisture for a longer time. A week later, young sprouts will appear, which must be shaped for 2-3 weeks. With the appearance of 2 real leaves, heavily remove the weak seedlings. Blossom will begin in the same year, but wintering can pass extremely difficult. If you put the pansies in July, then bloom will come only next spring, but wintering will pass painlessly. Later, the flowers are inappropriate, so they will not have time to grow and most likely die in winter.

Landing the seeds of Anyutiniye to seedlingsit takes place in the first decade of March. The soil for sowing is better to use ready-made, from the store, adding some sand. If this option does not suit you, the substrate can be prepared independently using in equal amounts of garden, squeezing ground, sand, peat and humus. Before laying in the seedlings, the substrate is better to sift and disappear to disinfect the pathogens of diseases. Distribute seeds on the surface of the soil, moisturize from the sprayer and cover the film. Put on the extension to the dark and warm place, where the temperature is saved within 20-22 ° C. After 7-10 days, when sowing sprouts should be transferred to a bright place, regularly carry out soil moisturizing and remove the film or glass.

With the appearance of 2 real leaves, picking seedlings into separate pots or according to the 5x5 cm scheme, removing weak. Seeding seedlings in the wells so that the roots feel themselves at the bottom freely. If they are long, they need to be discredited. If the seedlings are too stretched, it is necessary to burst into the well to seedly leaves. After picking the soil around each seedlings, slightly seal and watered.

With further irrigation, the soil can seek, add the missing, without affecting the seedy leaves. The seedlings of pansies are grown in a bright place at a temperature of 15-17 ° C. 2 weeks before seedling at a permanent place to open ground, start doing hardening.

Pereparing the seedlings of Pansies in late May-June in the 15x15 cm scheme or 20x20 cm. Please note that when the root neck colors should be slightly burled (for 1 cm). After that, bypass and inspire a peat layer (up to 5 cm).

A seaside method of growing pansies is good because the percentage of loss of flowers is less than landing into an open ground.

Pansy eye

For abundant and long flowering, the implementation of one condition is required - regular watering. Drought flowers are not transferred.

The feeder makes every 10 days, starting from the 10th day after landing. Using the fertilizer "Kemira" or nitroposk, alternating with a bird litter solution or a cow. Fresh manure it is impossible!

The shrouded pansies are cut off, leaving over the surface of the earth shoots up to 5 cm long, so that in 2-3 weeks there are new shoots, and the next flowering wave has gone.

Pansies give self-saming, so if you cannot delete the knitted seed boxes in a timely manner, they can crack when drying, crumble and even shoot, being in an unexpected and possibly unnecessary place.

For the winter, the pansies must necessarily cover the mulch. It protects the roots from the variability of temperatures in early spring. The mulch layer should not cover completely flowers so that in the spring they do not "suffocate." To protect against frosts, make snowstore.

Collect the seeds of pansies, when the seed boxes will become pale colors. The germination of seeds persists 3 years.

How to multiply pansies

We conclude seeds (self-seed or organized, seed collection) or stalling. For the second method of reproduction, take the tops of green cuttings, they are cut into 2-3 knots. It is planted immediately into the open soil in June to a depth of 0.5 cm in a shaded place (under the trees) very tightly to each other, they must come into contact. After that, slightly compact the soil, pour and spray on top. The rooting occurs in about a month. You can get up to 10 green cuttings from one bush. In the first days it is necessary to regularly water and spray with water so that they do not start. Flowering young plants will begin this year. Later, the pavement will allow to come blossom only in the spring of next year. Replanting the cuttings for a permanent place is better in spring.

Pansies in scientific are called violet whirlpool. They are grown in cottage sites, decorating flower beds, as well as on the balconies. The plant is unpretentious: it can be transplanted even during flowering period and plant early spring as soon as snow leaves. Pansies are blooming early and bloom abundantly. If everything is done correctly, their motley flowers will delight eyes from spring to late autumn.

Pansies: Growing

There are 2 main ways to cultivate pansies: growing from seeds and shilling. Seeds can be planted with 2 ways: in open ground and drawers. When the plant is wondering, it remains fruit with seeds that are used for further sowing. Seeds can be assembled when the box becomes pale yellow or bother. Swimming the sowing material will be during drying. It is possible to store it within 3 years. After the observed eyes depends on the desired flowering period. To obtain good flowering in early spring sow at the end of June - early July of the preceding year.

Seeds are planted into the rampathers or on well-processed beds with loose rows. They board 1 - 2 weeks after landing, and after 2 - 3 weeks you can see the appearance of sprouts. Sprouts are picked, and at the end of August, planted in the place of the intended flowering at a distance of 25 cm from each other. If you want to get flowers in the same year, seeds are highlighted in boxes. Then the seedlings are transplanted into the flower garden.

Sowing the seed of Anyutiniye in the boxes produced in February, scattering them on the surface of the moistened soil. Do not forget to sprinkle them with a thin layer of land. Boxes put in a dark place, maintaining a temperature of 15 - 20 degrees. They need to be covered with glass, and periodically ventilate and moisturize the soil. When the seeds go up, the temperature should be reduced to 10 degrees and put the box with sprouts on the sunlight. You can dive color seedlings about 10-20 days. Planting into an open ground advised in May.

If you have chosen the growing plants with the help of shilling, it is necessary to produce it immediately in the open soil in May - June. The finite green shoots with 2 - 3 knots are cut off the bush. They plant them on the pronted plot tightly to each other to a depth of 5 mm. Well watered the soil and spray with cuttings with water. Roots appear in a month. If the inventing in the spring, the pansies will bloom in the summer or at the beginning of autumn, and if closer to autumn, then the spring next year. The hauling rejuvenates the plant, not allowing the bushes to grow strongly. From the 1st large bush, you can get 10 cuttings.

Pansies: Proper Care

To date, about 400 species and several hundred varieties of pansies are known. Winter varieties bloom very early. Flowers of a group of Swiss large-flower groups are varieties of a plant with a flower diameter up to 10 cm. They are painted with large stains, border around the edge and stripes of different tones.

The palette of colors is pretty rich - it is yellow, orange, wine-red, deep black, blue, blue and purple colors.

Main grades: Rhine Gold, Bride, Flame, Sunny Kiss, Black King, Love Duet.

This plant is not whimsically in care. Pansy's pansies are sufficiently shadow, but if they grow them in a half, bloom will not be so abundant, but longer. For landing of pansies, fertile and wet sublink soil are recommended. Make sure that the melting waters are not stored, otherwise it can lead to the reinforcement of the root system of the plant and his death.

Water flower need 2 - 3 times a week. In hot and arid days - daily. It is necessary to feed the plant with complex mineral fertilizers, which includes phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen, etc. Microelements. Feature violet needed before the bootonization, and during flowering. Seedlings can be seeded with superphosphate and ammonium nitrate (20-40 g per 1 m²). Pansies can not be fertilized by fresh manure.

So that the plant bloom for a long time, delete the blurred flowers and dry leaves in time. Be sure to beugret the beds where the pansies grow, removing weeds. Do not forget to loosen the earth.

As for diseases and pests, TLLs are often found, scoop, spotty, puffy dew, black leg, root and stewed rot. With these problems, you may encounter if you break the landing agricultural engineering, growing and care for pansies. It is possible to fight pests and diseases with special drugs that are sold in stores for gardeners.

Pansies Flowers: Photo

Pansies are very beautiful and unpretentious flowers that will decorate any summer cottage. You can transform with their help stony crust and small flower beds. Pansies look beautifully in suspended pots, which adorn balconies, verandas and terraces. Observe the landing rules and do not forget to care for the plant so that its lush flowering continues until late autumn.