Love horoscope for Sagittarius for September. Sagittarius - horoscope for September Horoscope of romance and love relationships

The sober cold mind of a representative of this sign is always a companion of the desire to learn something new. However, in moments of indignation, the Sagittarius mind is drowned out by emotions. They become overly straightforward, tactless and even cruel people. However, this cheerful and ingenuous sign has a lot of positive qualities, which will help to understand the love horoscope for September Sagittarius.


A loving representative of this fiery zodiac always naively and sublimely idealizes the object of passion. She just needs a partner who would strive with the same enthusiasm to bring love relationships closer to perfection. She is good-natured and frank, but will not tolerate insincerity of feelings from a companion.

Trying to catch a Sagittarius woman in your love networks, you should not be assertive. It is important for her to have freedom of choice. Being consistent in everything, she wants to recognize her partner gradually:

  1. Common interests;
  2. Friendly communication;
  3. Love experiences.

Prepare yourself for a little fly in the ointment in the last step. The Sagittarius woman loves big companies and is extremely sloppy in everyday life.

This independent and freedom-loving person will never give up her habits to the detriment of her individuality. If a man wants something from her, then he will have to act exclusively through requests. Since childhood, she was not used to being commanded.

The horoscope determines that the Sagittarius woman is not supportive of family ties. A man can enter into a love marriage with her only if he tries a lot and places convincing baits. She is sentimental, although she does not show it. A love melodrama, a heartfelt verse can bring tears to her eyes. She will cherish all the memorabilia that she received from a loved one.

Like all fiery representatives, this woman blossoms in love. In September, this is especially evident. But love is not the only thing that feeds her this month. A man must clearly understand that this lady needs a partner who truly shares her interests. It can be travel, active sports or outdoor recreation.

According to the horoscope, September for this woman promises the resolution of many problems at home. Everything that was holding you back will suddenly recede and there will be time for personal development. The stars bless you for exciting journeys.


He is a bright ray in the routine of life. The witty statements of Sagittarius can become a byword, and the nobility of actions and generosity raise him to the highest step of the pedestal. The company of such a man is always desirable, but can he belong to one woman? Big question.

The love horoscope for September Sagittarius claims that it is still possible to become the center of his Universe. To do this, you must at least understand its nature. The main features of Sagittarius:

  1. Initiative. From a woman, he expects active action only when he is going to make love to her;
  2. The phenomenon of memory. He always remembers everything and reciprocates any attack;
  3. Generosity. As a child, he usually does everything for friends, and when he grows up, the benefits go to the family;
  4. Eloquence. He loves and knows how to speak on both philosophical topics and everyday issues.

The horoscope says that for him there are no norms and rules of behavior, except for those that he sets for himself. All he wants is to live as he would like. If this does not suit someone, then usually this fact does not bother him much.

According to the horoscope, such a man needs, first of all, a like-minded woman. Love for him is not when the eyes are directed at each other, but when they look in the same direction. Like any man, Sagittarius can also be carried away by a spectacular beauty with large breasts and long legs, but as soon as he finds a lack of depth of feelings, or a rejection of his lifestyle, he retreats. The horoscope says that this man will find solace in the arms of a less spectacular, but more understanding woman.

Every wise woman takes a love union with him seriously and treats his hobbies with understanding. Even if she doesn't like them. You must either be with him or not interfere.

In September, Sagittarius men will express a desire to return to a warm, cozy home. The love horoscope advises, create an atmosphere of sincerity for him, feed him tasty food and listen carefully.

A man of the fiery zodiac is capable of much if he knows that they believe in him. In September, according to the horoscope, there will be a great opportunity to support him, cheer him up with your optimism.

Being honest, he demands the same from his beloved. If a Sagittarius man discovers a lie, then you will forever lose his trust. Horoscope advice to a woman - be frank with him and do not make irreparable mistakes.

In September, the representatives of the sign are especially tuned in to the positive, they will not be bored with them. They can have fun in a childish way and infect others with a joyful mood. Those who think otherwise simply did not have time for them one day or could not catch and tame them.


The period is open to wide opportunities. You feel the energy inside that makes you achieve results. The horoscope predicts projects that have not been considered before in September, and the concentration of forces will be so high that you will feel omnipotent.

The horoscope for 2017 indicates that sincerity and honesty in relationships will be encouraged. At a difficult moment, unexpected help will appear, but the main work will have to be done on your own.

In the sphere of love and relationships, this period will be stable. Only in September will the likelihood of drops requiring attention increase. You will notice some changes in the partner and immediately wish to understand. An accurate horoscope warns, do not overdo it and do not violate the personal space of your companion.

A single Sagittarius man can take advantage of the favor of the stars on a first date. His reasonable assertiveness has a hypnotic effect on women. They like it when you demonstrate both strength of character and tact at the same time.

Sagittarians will have to make some sacrifices to keep their composure. A love horoscope focuses on your attitude to what is happening. If you repeatedly perform actions that do not lead to a result, you need to think and stop. September is the best time for this. The correct exit is October. Then you will understand that you initially set the wrong task.


The upcoming year of the Earth Dog is significant for Sagittarians with turbulent changes. Finally, you will be able to solve internal personal problems and increase self-esteem. These changes will be appreciated by others. In you, they will now see a confident, persistent personality, and not an erratic teenager who rushes from one extreme to another.

The horoscope for 2018 warns that from the beginning of the year you will have to work hard, then by September you can collect the first fruits. This applies not only to the business sphere, but also to the desire to find a lasting love union. Even the stars this year are jealous of your perseverance. Go to events and social gatherings more often.

In mid-September, you will have to sacrifice career interests for the sake of loved ones. Judging by the horoscope, the sacrifice will be justified and new horizons will open next month.

The creative dream that Sagittarians have been cherishing for several years now will get off the ground in September. According to the Sagittarius love horoscope, either a new muse or a new spiritual mentor will contribute to this.


2019 promises to pass under the symbol of "luck". Everything that was saved up over the previous year, whether it be finances or connections, will work for Sagittarius men and women this year. The horoscope recommends continuing to work on creating a career, but not to the detriment of personal life and leisure.

The love horoscope assures that relationships with lovers will also change for the better. A more accurate forecast should be expected from the horoscope by date of birth.

“For Sagittarians who have been married for a long time, September of this year threatens with minor setbacks that will lead the family to discouragement. Support should be sought from the spouses, and not on the side, otherwise sharp conflicts bordering on assault are possible. Be wiser and don't let petty troubles enter your home."

Judging by the love horoscope, Sagittarius men and women will be very popular with the opposite sex. Their vitality and charm will increase by 2 times, and they will feel in demand. Do not get carried away and be able to distinguish flattery from a sincere compliment in time.

In any case, by September 2019, a new fan or charming passion will appear. Free Sagittarians will have a dizzying but short-lived romance. Sagittarius family men have a chance to get carried away by love passion, however, even here the relationship will not be long-lasting.

Representatives of the fire element are always full of energy and are constantly doing something. So Sagittarians rarely have such days when they are overcome by laziness, and they spend several hours in a row on the couch. The horoscope for September 2018 for the sign Sagittarius recommends that you forget about laziness this month and work hard! However, in the last few months, representatives of this sign are ready not only to work, but to wage a real battle with all the surging cases. This approach cannot but inspire those around you, who, looking at how you stubbornly rush through thorns to the stars, want to imitate you in everything.

On the way to the goal, no one but another Sagittarius can become you in a given period of time. Use it to complete all your unfinished business and projects, as well as to discover something new, interesting and promising.

Horoscope Sagittarius for September 2018: woman and man, health and finance, love and relationships.

Serious relationships are not for you ... You are used to taking all your lovers lightly and changing them, as they say, like gloves. You perceive the relationship with a new partner as nothing more than a hobby and an interesting pastime. You do this solely because you yourself do not understand what you want to get from this relationship. Perhaps your time has not yet come?

Sagittarius advice for September: clutter in the head produces clutter in deeds, which is important to remember. In order to do as much as possible at work, you will need to reconcile with colleagues. Do not neglect relationships with workmates, because at the right moment they will be able to seriously help you.

What could be better than making dreams come true? Probably just enjoy the already fulfilled dream. In September, the stars predict the emergence of new desires that you will want to realize. The process promises to be not too long, but interesting and exciting. Improve your skills, start learning languages ​​previously unknown to you. Today, knowledge is money, so you need to earn as much of it as possible.

Love horoscope for September 2018

Set out to seek your destiny - this is the main recommendation of astrologers for this month. Get together with friends, attend cultural and non-cultural events, and do your best to meet new men. The stars cannot say for sure whether one of your new acquaintances will become just a good friend, or it will grow into something more. However, one thing is known for certain - with this, as yet unknown handsome man, you will spend not a single beautiful evening.

For Sagittarius women

Sagittarius women do not make their choice just like that. Before agreeing to a second date, they try to find out as much information about their companion as possible. First of all, they are interested in the type of man, his financial situation and hobbies.

Do not think that Sagittarians are mercantile. They do not need wealth and expensive gifts, but behind an active man they can feel like behind a stone wall, knowing that they will not be lost with him. In most cases, already on the first date, women of this sign are disappointed in their companion, but the upcoming meeting should not be from this category. The stars recommend that you do not try to look for flaws, but study the pros more carefully. Some of the positive aspects can more than cover all the minor flaws that are common to every person.

Advice from a love horoscope. At established couples, everything is fine as never before. You are trying to encourage your lover to a more romantic relationship, you want to be desired, and you have to constantly remind him of this. Please note that not all males can say the word "love" out loud. Often this is manifested in a multitude of, on the one hand, strange, on the other hand, touching actions.

For Sagittarius men

Astrologers recommend that Sagittarius men carefully examine the circle of their acquaintances of women whom you consider friends. Since friendship between the opposite sex is almost impossible, think about it, maybe your girlfriend is in love with you? Take a closer look at her - maybe this is the kind of woman you need.

Scandals have recently become more frequent in the families of married Sagittarius. Already not a single day can not be like without starting to talk in raised tones by the evening. Most of the time it ends in a stormy night, but not always. This happens because you do not feel in marriage that spark that has accompanied you throughout these years.

Financial horoscope for September 2018

September is perfect for starting new projects, whether you're self-employed or owning your own business.

  • It is not necessary to rush if the project is long-term, but at least it is worth starting.
  • In September, you can build a quality plan for future work, make calculations, consult with experienced people.
  • It will not be superfluous to prepare a plan "B" in case the parts of the project that are especially difficult to implement do not succeed in the form in which they were originally planned.

Such zeal is needed so that while all the other employees are just starting to recover from the holidays, you are already at high speed and tirelessly rushing to the coveted promotion.

Recommendation: what Sagittarians often lack is the motivation to act. Where can you find that desire to act? First, you need to exclude social networks from the search area. In addition to quotes about the success of unknown people, there is nothing else there and cannot be. You need to master time management, or simply a system for effectively managing your time.

The less time left in the day to do meaningless things, the better. Proper time management will greatly simplify the implementation of your goals and objectives.

Sagittarians love dreams about how they will have their own, albeit not very big, but profitable business that will bring them a stable income. The magnificent dream of becoming a businessman can begin to materialize as early as September. Do not refuse the help that your relatives and friends will offer you, now is not the time to turn on the heightened pride mode.

You don’t know yet, but most of your friends have good contacts with people who can seriously help you if you decide to start your own business.

Health Horoscope for September 2018

Even the stars were surprised by the changes in your mood and character. Since when did Sagittarius women wake up early in the morning, try to keep a schedule and eat right? You strive to look great regardless of age, so you almost never refuse to pamper your body. SPA - treatments, solarium, massage and pool - a list of things that are guaranteed to cheer you up, no matter what is happening in your life at the moment. Try to comprehend new knowledge and science every day, developing memory and thinking.

Advice: It's time to make regular check-ups with your doctor a habit. You are used to going to the doctors only when something is already ill, but a preventive examination can help avoid most of the negative points that can occur when a treatment procedure is delayed.

The cardiovascular system has never been your forte, and at any moment it can fail - so an examination in the near future will not hurt.

  • Auspicious days: 3, 8, 10, 17, 23.
  • Unfavorable days: 5, 9, 16, 21.

What else do astrologers advise Sagittarius in September 2018?

from 3.09 to 9.09. These days, first dates can go most smoothly, as well as meeting new people. It is worth spending more time with children, devoting most of your free time to them. Gifts to loved ones will not be superfluous, even if there is no reason for this.

from 10.09 to 16.09. The stars recommend making several purchases that will bring comfort to the house. However, don't spend a lot of money on it. It is worth reducing physical activity these days, allocating a significant part of your personal time to rest. The only thing, do not forget about morning exercises.

from 17.09 to 23.09. On this day, you can afford to fork out and make a major purchase. During this period, as in no other, it will be favorable to marry or make major transactions.

The beginning of autumn will be a "time of change" for this zodiac sign. Horoscope for September 2018 Sagittarius says that the most unexpected things can change, the most unusual situations will arise. This applies to all spheres of life, but first of all - family and business. September 2018 is the time of new discoveries and the best time to conquer new heights.

Completing old, unfinished business will help you move to a new level in the autumn cycle. First of all, the fulfillment of this particular condition will lead Sagittarius to positive results in work, help to establish personal life. And it is good luck in September that will become a “gift” from the stars for the completion of the previous, summer cycle.

In general, according to the astrological horoscope, September 2018 is a very, very favorable time for Sagittarius. At the beginning of the autumn cycle, the Sun will be the only planet that will protect you from bad luck. But at the same time, you must remember that the daytime luminary has an extremely strong energy, and it depends only on you in which direction you will direct the forces given to you. There are several options here, and one of the best would be a job. Every nuance and every problem is best solved now, without delay.

As the horoscope for September 2018 Sagittarius shows, the autumn cycle is not a time for adventures. Therefore, it is undesirable to start a new one during this period, because you can get used to the support of the Sun, and then it will be difficult to continue the business started on a grand scale without its constant replenishment.

It is not recommended to "invest" in September in love relationships. Under the scorching sun, love cannot be born, and the flame goes out quickly, and as a result, sooner or later you may find yourself "bound" by a new partner in arms and legs. Take a new hobby calmly, do not start building long-term relationships - now you do not need them.

Video horoscope Sagittarius for September 2018

Happy days in September 2018 for Sagittarius: 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 24, 29

Dangerous dates for Sagittarius in September 2018: 5, 9, 15, 23, 28

Horoscope of romance and love relationships

Despite the strong influence of the Sun, September 2018 is not the time for constraint in love. Sagittarians should not forget about their soul mate. At the beginning of the autumn cycle, it makes sense to bring a long-standing love relationship to its logical end, because you can’t imagine a better time for a wedding than September!

Also in September, there is a reason to end a relationship that has become obsolete. According to the horoscope, Sagittarius at this time must correctly sum up the results and prepare for calmer cycles, deal with relationship problems, and dot the i's.

It would be useful to bring a little romance into the relationship. Especially those who have a relationship long and held. A trip to the sea for a week will be most welcome - in the velvet season your senses will be renewed.

Sagittarius family horoscope

In September 2018, there will be a calm and measured relationship between the spouses, without unnecessary emotional outbursts. Problems in relationships can only appear under the influence of others. During the first ten days of September, beware of interference on your territory by relatives and friends, especially representatives of the older generation.

Don't let anyone ruin your happiness. The horoscope says that the Sagittarius family belongs to him alone, and this should not be forgotten, resolutely suppressing any interference!

In relationships within the family, minor misunderstandings can sometimes arise, but the energy of an outsider is likely to exaggerate and exalt the quarrel to a higher level, even if the conflict problem is extremely trivial and does not differ in any, even minimal originality.

Sagittarius woman, horoscope for September 2018

In September, the stars advise the Sagittarius woman to focus on work, career and personal growth. The beginning of the autumn cycle for Sagittarius is a great time for career growth. It makes sense to devote yourself also to your hobbies or personal financial affairs. The most important thing now is not to forget about your own pleasure. Work should bring joy and satisfaction. If she oppresses you, then consider changing her. September is a great time to look for a new job.

Women who have devoted their lives to business will also succeed, but we should not forget that solar energy alone is not enough. The horoscope for September 2018 recommends Sagittarius - a business woman to pay attention to her sleep and nutrition, because they are simply necessary for new achievements.

In addition to work, new pages will also appear in personal life. You will be full of positive energy, and men will be attracted to you like a magnet. But do not fall for these tricks, especially for those who have a significant other. Adultery is definitely not for you. However, this does not apply to free women Sagittarius.

Horoscope for September 2018, male Sagittarius

At the beginning of autumn, a Sagittarius man needs to fully concentrate on work and his career growth. After all, it is in September that you have a real opportunity to achieve the promotion that you have been waiting for so long. You should not share your successes with strangers, be sure that envious people feel your energy and are ready to mischief at any moment.

Some men will decide to radically change their lives, no need to be afraid of this! The horoscope for September 2018 promises typical Sagittarians that changes will only benefit them. In his personal life, men of this sign will also have many fans, but in this case it is not recommended to start relationships “on the side”. Like the Sagittarius woman, the man of this zodiac sign needs to pay more attention to his family.

Expenses can be unexpectedly high in September, because your ambitions and needs require significant expenses. Be careful when signing various documents or compiling a report, in September they may try to cheat you. The horoscope recommends reducing cash costs, and saving up a small amount to secure for the future.

Be attentive to your health and do not forget that September is great for sports.

Sagittarius career in September

In the workplace, Sagittarius will get a chance to fully realize himself. At the beginning of autumn, you will find many ways for self-development and self-realization as a person. Truly, September will be teeming with career opportunities!

You have to work collectively. You will be able to show your best side as a leader, as a critic and as a helper. There is no point in being afraid to come up with new ideas. Many of them will be successful. Do not limit yourself in independent work, because your ideas are individual, and collective work cannot give you proper satisfaction. Do not forget about it, because sacrificing yourself for the sake of the goals of others is pointless.

The first half of the month will be full of negotiations and many of them will be successful if you can approach them with all seriousness. The second half of September will be devoted to making deals, many of which will be very profitable for you.

Finance, money horoscope in September 2018 Sagittarius

The financial situation in early autumn for Sagittarius will be extremely good. Profitable deals and promotions that “shine” for you will bring a good decent income by the end of the month. But there are also risks to be aware of!

So well-earned money can just as quickly be wasted. So be careful with your spending and remember that the best way to spend money is to spend it wisely! Invest free finances in the development of your business, in your family, do not skimp on gifts for loved ones.

Sagittarius Health in September 2018

In terms of health, September does not portend any special risks for Sagittarius. You are full of solar energy, and it will envelop not only you, but also your loved ones, but remember that you should always be able to find time for relaxation.

Monitor your sleep and nutrition. Quick snacks and poor sleep will keep you from focusing on your goals. Do not neglect either, because they will help to properly distribute your energy and direct it in the right direction.

September beauty horoscope

In the first decade of September, Sagittarius needs to remember all his virtues and remain himself; show your qualities from the best side: luxury, vigor and true external beauty. Do not be afraid of brightness and catchiness! Choose bright colors in clothes, shiny jewelry, unusual makeup. Together with your "solar" energy, you can become a true decoration of the first autumn month!

In the second half of September, the temperament characteristic of every Sagittarius will manifest itself. Her best expression will be: bright makeup and cold modest jewelry. Sagittarius needs to pay special attention to the color red and to cold metals - silver and steel. The cold in jewelry will only emphasize the true temperament and sexuality of Sagittarius, it will become like a background against which you will shine with the brightest colors in the world.

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In September, the level of vital activity of Sagittarius will drop significantly, although at the beginning of the month they will be able to successfully engage in individual and creative activities, cooperate, conclude agreements and discuss future plans. In the period from the 6th to the 20th, more inconsistencies, conflicts and misunderstandings will appear in the work.

Sagittarius can weave intrigues behind their backs, discuss their behavior, which can damage their reputation. At this time, relationships with relatives can become quite tense and confusing. In addition, you should not let strangers into your house, show your documents, and also conclude any real estate transactions. In the third decade, the energy of Sagittarius will increase, the desire to communicate, they will be able to successfully influence their environment, achieve their goals precisely thanks to collective and well-coordinated activities.

Horoscope for September 2018 for Sagittarius women

You have big plans and career ambitions. Many Sagittarius women will want to change, if not a job, then at least a department or workplace, go on a business trip, because you love change and travel so much. And only at the end of September you will vaguely feel that your hyperactivity does not add to your popularity ...

      • Talisman of the month: a metal pendant depicting a bird or dragon.
      • Auspicious days: September 3, 11, 20.
      • Unfavorable days: September 8, 15, 16, 22.
      • Priority interests: relationships with relatives and loved ones, older in age.

love horoscope

Now it is especially important to honestly face the truth. And you may not like what you see. In the middle of the month, you and your partner will realize that your personal differences were worth nothing. Problems will melt away like smoke. It will be pleasant to return to your house after a working day, and you will become the embodied ideal of any man.

After September 23, be careful with strangers and your heart secrets. Now is not the best time to tell your loved one the truth.

Health Horoscope

The first week is favorable for cosmetic procedures, choose anti-aging and tightening masks. Good time for sports. Useful preventive measures aimed at improving health. Aromatic oils of ylang-ylang and rosewood will give you self-confidence, while cosmetic apricot oil, added to face masks, will make your skin truly radiant.

In the last week, experiment, make a new unexpected hairstyle, change your hair color. The result will exceed the wildest expectations.

Horoscope of work and finance

You will succeed financially, but only if you behave discreetly and unobtrusively at work. Be careful in stores, in early September there is a danger of spending all your savings on unnecessary purchases. Secret information that has become known to you at work can bring considerable income. However, you should not unnecessarily initiate others into it.

At the end of September, family ties will bring profit. You will have a serious chance to improve your financial affairs. Use your natural abilities and hidden opportunities.

Horoscope for September 2018 for Sagittarius men

Many Sagittarius men will face pressure from their superiors in September. True, in the first half of the month, relations with management will be favorable in face-to-face communication. But this is all subject to your complete obedience and loyalty. And when at the end of September you want more freedom, you will immediately lose the favor of the boss.

  • Mascot of the month: the logo of the company you would like to work for.
  • Auspicious days: September 2, 7, 10, 19, 27.
  • Unfavorable days: September 9, 14, 22.
  • Priority interests: career, work, promotion.

love horoscope

During the first week, your jealousy can push the woman you love away from you more than once. Don't test her patience.

From September 14, beware of offended rivals or ex-girlfriends. Your enemies are stronger than ever. Keep this in mind and do not try to defeat everyone, your love may suffer. Explain to your partner that you have been slandered, do not keep everything in yourself. You can spend a lot of energy on those who do not deserve it. Do not be distracted by trifles, your chosen one is first of all worthy of your attention and love.

Health Horoscope

There is a risk of overstraining one's strength in pursuit of an illusory ideal. Relations with others will provoke you to more and more new feats. You will be pleased with the attention of the management. For the sake of it, you can spit on a lot, even on the state of your health.

The middle of the month is harmonious for active sports and scheduled visits to the doctor. Pay attention to the symptoms that have been bothering you for a long time. A great time to start fighting bad habits and shortcomings that are harmful to health.

Horoscope of work and finance

You will be able to make good money if you do not spend all your time arguing with colleagues and washing bones. In the first week, business partners can mislead you. Don't give in to impulses when making deals. During September, a showdown at work can lead to financial losses. Remember that silence is golden. In the literal sense of the word. From September 20, try to stay away from your bosses. This will allow you to avoid being dragged out with a subsequent reduction in wages.

Children's horoscope for Sagittarius for September 2018


For most of September, your boy will be looking for attention. This is very useful for Sagittarians who dream of achieving fame or recognition. But most of the little representatives of this sign in September will want to frolic and misbehave enough. These pranks can be so violent that your son will justly provoke the wrath of adults. Teach him how to properly respond to comments. Now is the right time for that.


For Sagittarius girls, the beginning of the school year will seem very difficult. Perhaps your daughter rested too well in the summer, and therefore she does not want to remember such concepts as discipline, study, obedience. In relationships with peers, everything will be more or less harmonious, but adults, especially teachers, may be dissatisfied with your girl. Try to convince her to obey the rules that are common to all.

Sagittarius in September 2018, under the influence of planetary aspects, will become more decisive and rational. Particularly great success will be achieved in the field of intellectual activity. Many Sagittarians will be active and dynamic, which will make them successful in all areas of their lives. You can make the most ambitious plans for this month, because it is during this period that you have every opportunity to realize your plans. Help in this will be good luck and luck. You will often be visited by original ideas and creative solutions to various problems. It will not be difficult to quickly resolve any issue, and as efficiently as possible. This feature of Sagittarius will attract the attention of other people, they will often come to you for advice or ask for help. If it does not contradict your personal interests, then you should not refuse such smallness. You will not only help your neighbor, but also strengthen your authority. The family will also listen to your opinion, and accordingly, try to meet your expectations.
The first decade of September 2018, under the influence of the current astrological situation, will become a kind of test period for Sagittarius. It is possible that financial problems will arise at the beginning of the month, but not just for you, but for someone close to you who asks you for help. Since you did not count on such items of expenditure and at the same time you will strongly desire to help out a loved one, you will most likely feel embarrassed. You just have to focus on the problem, let go of emotions and feelings, and the solution will come by itself. You should not waste your health and time on meaningless experiences and torment, it is better to approach the decision constructively. If you are unable to help financially, you may have other acquaintances who can provide this service. Sagittarians can easily find a way out of any situation, the main thing is to think it over carefully and not be led by emotions. In the field of interpersonal relationships, representatives of your zodiac sign will radiate optimism, due to which they will become a very popular and popular person.

The second decade of September 2018 will be held under the harmonious influence of the stars and bring Sagittarius a lot of joy and bright moments in the field of love and relationships. Family representatives of your zodiac constellation during this period should take care of the improvement of their home. If you have been saving money for repairs or for the purchase of new furniture, then in the middle of the month you will have the opportunity to make profitable purchases, as well as use the services at the lowest prices without losing quality. Perhaps one of your friends will advise an excellent craftsman and designer, or they will give you a decent discount. Or in the building materials store there will be an autumn sale with attractive prices and promotions. It doesn’t matter in what form it will be possible to realize this idea, in any case, you will not only win financially, but also safely resolve most of the domestic issues.
The third decade of September 2018 promises Sagittarius to be dynamic and productive. Under the influence of planetary aspects, you will have a second wind, as it were, and many of you will zealously take up the implementation of your plans. Some of the representatives of your Zodiac sign will recognize the emergence of new prospects on the horizon and will begin to work on their competitiveness. Sagittarius will show their leadership qualities in the final period of the month, thanks to which they will be able to make a career or organize their own profitable business. The only obstacle to success may be the appearance of competitors and envious people. This can throw you off balance and lead to confusion. So that no one and nothing can break your plans, try to think carefully and foresee everything in advance. If you have finally decided on what you want to achieve, then no obstacles can prevent you from reaching your intended goal. Unless your weak desire and lack of motivation. Believe in yourself, you are no worse than the rest. And ambition, purposefulness and perseverance will help you not to turn off the chosen path.

In September 2020, Sagittarius will be accompanied by good luck. They realize their plans and achieve the goal they aspired to. Success will affect relationships with others. Not all friends will be happy with the self-realization of representatives of this zodiac sign. However, thanks to this situation, it will become clear who is friend and who is enemy. The emotional state will improve after a weekend trip to another city. A small trip will cheer you up and leave pleasant impressions.

Sagittarius woman. Representatives of this zodiac sign will have the opportunity to show their talents and realize themselves in professional activities. If they continue to work at such a pace, then in the near future they will achieve a promotion. Through success at work, the financial condition of these women will improve.

At the end of the month, health will deteriorate. Do not self-diagnose. A timely visit to the doctor will help to avoid the unpleasant consequences of the disease. To restore the body after an illness, consume more vitamins and give up bad habits.

Sagittarius man. Men of this zodiac sign will work hard in September. The authorities will notice their dedication and reward them with a bonus or promotion.

Relationships with others will be strained. A quarrel with friends will help to understand the true motives of comrades.

Dedicate the end of the month to improving your health. Go in for sports, start going to the gym or running in the morning. Refusal of bad habits will increase the protective properties of the body.

love horoscope

September 2020 will be a good month for Sagittarians in terms of love relationships. A loved one will surround you with attention and care. Those who are looking for a soul mate will meet her in an unexpected place.

Lonely representatives of this zodiac sign will be lucky enough to find their love in a trolleybus, subway, minibus or other public transport. This will be an unusual acquaintance, which will continue with a pleasant conversation. Don't be afraid to take steps towards your destiny. If you stay inactive, your personal life will not change for the better.

Those who are in a relationship will immerse themselves in an atmosphere of romance. A loved one will make a pleasant surprise. The horoscope advises to thank the partner for the care shown and also prepare an interesting gift.

business horoscope

Sagittarius in September will succeed in the professional field. They are waiting for career advancement.

Those who are looking for work will be lucky. After posting their resume online, they will receive several calls from employers. To choose the best position, analyze the responsibilities that will be assigned to you, the remoteness of the place of work from home and the level of wages.

Employees will work tirelessly, for which management will reward them with promotions. However, you should not relax after receiving a new position, because the authorities will closely monitor all actions.

For leaders, September will be a fruitful month. They will make a profitable deal that will bring profit.

Financial horoscope

The financial situation of Sagittarius in September 2020 will improve due to success at work. Feel free to buy what you dreamed about. Ruin in the near future does not threaten you. At the end of the month, a friend will ask you to borrow a small amount of money. Don't refuse to help a friend.

Health Horoscope

In early September, Sagittarius will not be worried about health. However, in the second half of the month, an unpleasant illness associated with the musculoskeletal system awaits them. Do not neglect the symptoms and treat yourself. At the first sign of disease, consult a doctor. He will diagnose and prescribe treatment. Reviewing nutrition and outdoor recreation will help to recover from an illness.

Make time for family

Find time in your busy work schedule for loved ones. Spend the weekend with your family. Plan a trip to another city together or just take a walk in the park together.