The story of the life and tragic death of the Russian clairvoyant and medium Ilona Novoselova. For those who are interested in the biography of Ilona Novoselova What is the real name of Ilona Novoselova

Reading 4 min. Published on 20.06.2013

Investigators of the ICR, investigating the case of the kidnapping of TV star Ilona Novoselova and her fiancé, found out that the victims of the crime are transsexuals.

The operatives who released the finalist of the famous television show and her fiancé from captivity were very surprised: the young man of the clairvoyant, passing through the documents as Oleg Petrov, actually turned out to be a girl.

As it turned out, the recently beloved 26-year-old Ilona Novoselova underwent a sex change surgery. Oleg Petrov - a 21-year-old native of Yaroslavl - became a woman, getting rid of the male genital organs.

On June 13, 2017, a tragedy occurred, a famous psychic fell from the sixth floor of his apartment.

Psychic Ilona Novoselova turned out to be a man. Video:

Oleg Petrov's classmates, who studied with him at school No.

- Oleg has always been very feminine. He dated girls up to grade 6, then very unexpectedly switched to guys. Because of his gentle nature, our boys offended him and called him Lena, Olya, - classmate Alena D. told Life News. - At school, he was still somehow interested in girls, but after graduation he entered the university and completely changed his orientation. Started going to gay clubs. He visited these establishments, dressed in dresses, skirts, that is, as a transvestite.

Oleg Petrov was so sure of his special "destiny" in this world that even at school he did not hide his plans for a sex change.

- He told us about the desire to become a girl at the age of 16, the girls talked to him like a girlfriend, - continues Alena D. - Oleg entered a pedagogical university, but then dropped out. He also chose women's clothing in the capital for going to clubs.

According to a classmate, Oleg Petrov's family is aware of all the changes and is trying to support him.

- The last time I talked to him was on May 6, he called me for my birthday ... And I recently saw his mother. She seemed to be talking about Oleg's gender reassignment, added Alena D.

As the relatives said, having met Ilona Novoselova, the young man enlisted the support and understanding from his beloved and decided on such drastic changes.

Oleg Petrov, despite the male name and surname, has been living as a woman for several months: he underwent a surgical operation to remove the male genital organs. And in order for his figure to be no worse than that of any top model, the ex-student of the Yaroslavl University took special hormones for a long time.

- Petrov Oleg Andreevich has already applied to law enforcement agencies with a request to change his passport. The reason was the desire to change the name to Lana K., - the source said, - in the coming days, documents with a female name will already be transferred to the owner.

Many believe that it was Ilona who accelerated her lover's decision to change sex, since she herself is a transsexual.

- How can you trust a person who has changed sex? Ilona is a man from birth. She does not have an innate gift, she acquired it, - Irina Bogdanova, the first psychic teacher Ilona Novoselova, commented on Life News.

As sources told Life News, Ilona Novoselova from birth is Andrey N. from a city near Moscow.

Recall that today the operatives carried out an operation to rescue the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Ilona Novoselova and her transsexual fiancé from captivity. The kidnappers demanded a ransom of 7.5 million rubles, keeping the beloved in a house near Moscow in the city of Sergiev Posad. The criminals were detained at the scene of the operation.

Ilona Novoselova is a wonderful girl, a strong psychic, an extraordinary personality. Russia learned about it thanks to one well-known TV show, which has been shown by the TNT channel for many seasons. But what do Russians really know about Elon? And what did this unusual girl tell about herself?

Key facts from life, the history of the formation of a psychic and a terrible retribution for playing with dark forces. These and many other interesting aspects of the biography of Ilona Novoselova will be considered in this article.

Ilona's birth

In 1986, on the second day of November in the city of Pavlov Posad, which is located not far from Moscow, a girl was born in an intelligent family. Her parents gave her a beautiful and original name - Ilona.

And everything seemed to be fine, only every family at some point faces some difficulties. Which are popularly called everyday life. When Ilona was five years old, her parents broke up. And the girl stayed with her mother.

Money, as happens in many families with one parent, was not enough. And Novoselova Sr. had to go to the factory. As a result, Ilona, ​​already at a fairly young age, was forced to learn to live and take care of herself on her own.

School years

The future psychic Ilona Novoselova went to school later than her peers, at the age of eight. But relations with classmates, as, indeed, with teachers, did not work out from the very beginning. After all, the girl was clearly different from the guys, they did not understand her. The mockery began.

Ilona really liked the learning process itself, so she endured them for a long time. Then, as you know, in adolescence, children become especially cruel, the antipathy of classmates intensified. As a result, her mother transferred her to home schooling. Ilona was then 12 years old. Ilona Novoselova did not appear in educational institutions anymore.

The first manifestation of extraordinary abilities

A further biography of Ilona Novoselova tells us that not only the ridicule of classmates and the dislike of teachers caused the girl to leave school. Perhaps even more influenced by the manifestation of Ilona's psychic abilities.

After all, for the first time the girl was faced with a similar oddity at the age of ten. She saw her late grandmother. And since then, the spirits have not left the young witch, asking for help, trying to warn about the future. They followed her everywhere. Including in the classroom.

And this greatly interfered with Ilona, ​​aggravating her already difficult relationships in the school team.


As soon as the future participant in the show "Battles of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova began to study at home, her craving for knowledge intensified. After all, now she did not have to endure the ridicule of her classmates, and she could completely focus on obtaining new information.

One day, Ilona found old handwritten books. Opening and flipping through them, she realized what they were and what important information they contained for the girl.

These books were the diaries of her late grandmothers. Of course, Ilona was very interested in them. And she began to read the content more carefully. As a result, the girl found out that one of her grandmothers was engaged in healing, and the other practiced magic. Ilona understood how she was different from others. After all, she inherited from her grandmothers not only old diaries, but also a strong witchcraft gift.

Development of psychic abilities

The diaries of grandmothers gave a lot to Ilona Novoselova (whose biography we explore in the article). Thanks to them, the girl learned about the methods of non-traditional healing, various methods of helping people and other useful information. Ilona began to study a lot and develop her gift according to her grandmother's "tips".

Unrequited love and suicide attempt

It would seem that life improved, the girl found herself and an important goal of existence. But a year after coming of age, Fate “inscribed” a tragic episode in the biography of Ilona Novoselova. The girl fell in love, but love did not bring her happiness, but only pain, disappointment, hostility and distrust of the entire male sex.

Ilona even wanted to commit suicide and almost did it. But her eternal companions, the spirits, dissuaded her, saying that the bearer of the great gift that millions of people need should not leave so hastily.

As a result, Ilona began a serious struggle with stress, and after a while, she again began to improve her craft. She traveled around Russia and foreign countries to learn different ways of healing, to learn new methods of helping people.

Participation in the "Battle of psychics"

Ilona Novoselova took part in the famous and extremely popular show "The Battle of Psychics" twice. For the first time, people met an unusual and rather eccentric girl in the sixth season. She immediately attracted attention with her gothic appearance and excellent results.

But Ilona never reached the final. And the reason for this is not at all that the judges have identified her as the weakest participant who should leave. The spirits again influenced the girl's decision, threatening death if she disobeys and continues the competition.

The audience fell in love with the powerful witch. Those who believed that she could win were very upset when they learned her decision. Others began to look on the Internet for information on how to get to Ilona Novoselova for an appointment.

It is difficult to say what influenced the witch, but in the seventh season of the Battle of Psychics, the audience again saw a familiar face. Perhaps the spirits still had mercy and allowed Ilona to show the country her abilities? In the new season, Ilona reached the very end. However, she did not become the winner, because the viewers gave their preference to her opponent.

But the second place did not deprive the witch of audience sympathy. And a lot of people began to be interested in the question: "What is the cost of taking Ilona Novoselova?" After all, some clients of the psychic claimed that they gave 30,000 rubles at one time.

Sudden death

But popularity did not bring joy to the powerful witch who practiced black and white magic. At some point, someone started spreading rumors that she was actually a man. This hypothesis was discussed for a very long time in the press and on hundreds of sites on the Internet.

Then Ilona was kidnapped by unknown people, after which they began to demand money from her relatives for the return of the girl alive. But by some miracle she herself escaped from captivity, escaping with only fright.

The personal life of psychic Ilona Novoselova was also very far from a fairy tale. Her chosen one Artem Besov, who also has superpowers, encouraged the "dark" side of Ilona. Together they often performed complex and very dangerous rituals, engaged in black magic. Perhaps that is why they lived in constant quarrels and abuse.

On their last day - June 13 last year - the lovers also had a big fight. And at 17:00, Ilona fell out of the window of her own house. The examination proved that the girl was pushed. But who did it? After all, the investigators found out that the witch was completely alone in the apartment.

Many psychics say that in childhood, Ilona Novoselova was lucky to avoid death, but in adulthood, “dark” spirits got their own.

The famous psychic and finalist of the show "Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova attracted the attention of many. The bright and extraordinary star had a rich life full of mysteries, mysticism and surprises.

Ilona Novoselova claimed to remember her past lives. One of them began in the distant nineteenth century, in gloomy Germany. The girl's name was Eleanor, and she was an adopted daughter. Already in her youth, the girl began to have visions, but she refused them, not believing in mysticism and the afterlife. However, Fate decreed otherwise, and by the age of thirty, Eleanor began to help people communicate with deceased relatives. She did not expand on the causes of death and only casually told that she remembers the moments of the intrauterine life of her last incarnation and some episodes after her birth.

Biography of the most mysterious psychic of our time

Ilona Valentinovna Novoselova was born on November 2, 1986 (according to some sources - 1987) in the city of Pavlovsky Posad. The beginning of the life of an unusual child is shrouded in mystery: some sources claim that Ilona was born under the name Andrey and changed sex only in her youth. However, the girl herself rejected this information.

Difficulties in the fate of the child began with a lack of parental attention. The head of the family left them without waiting for the fifth anniversary of his own child. Ilona grew up as a problem child and often came into conflict with her classmates. Her unusual abilities began to manifest already in early childhood, which also did not contribute to normal communication with peers and teachers.

The clairvoyant claimed that she inherited the gift from her ancestors, and equally on the paternal and maternal lines. The girl saw her first spirit at the age of 10, and this was a turning point in her life. From that moment on, she began to develop witchcraft abilities in herself, and then the mysterious diaries of the late grandmothers came to her aid.

Ilona Novoselova decided to follow in the footsteps of her eminent ancestors and by the age of 14 she freely communicated with the ghosts and souls of dead people, conveying their messages to living relatives.

The difficult fate of the witch constantly presented her with trials. At the age of 19, Ilona tried to commit suicide. According to unconfirmed reports, the reason for this was unhappy love. However, fate decided otherwise here, sending spirits to the psychic. They did not allow her to complete what she started and made it clear that she has a strong gift that she can develop and improve.

Ilona Novoselova began to travel around the countries, absorbing experience bit by bit and continuing to help people. However, relatives began to notice the nervous state of the girl, which worsened from year to year. Perhaps the reason for this was the burden of responsibility that lay on the shoulders of a fragile girl. Or maybe she already knew how much she was allotted in the next incarnation. Her fans, who closely follow the life and activities of the witch, claim that Ilona predicted her death more than once and seemed to call her to her.

Like it or not, we will not know, because on June 13, 2017, Ilona Novoselova died tragically. From some sources, information comes that the girl had a fight with her boyfriend and imprudently stumbled, trying to scare him. According to others, it was the deliberate suicide of a confused witch who could no longer cope with the visions and the inability to help everyone at once. Many note that shortly before her death, the girl often and increasingly abused alcohol.

Psychic Ilona Novoselova

The witch gained wide popularity after appearing in the show "The Battle of Psychics", where she took part twice. An extraordinary personality attracted many, but such fame played a cruel joke with Ilona. It is known that the girl was kidnapped and demanded a ransom for her life, but fate was favorable to the witch. After filming, Ilona often experienced pain and suffering due to the attacks of aggressive people who spread bad rumors and gossip about her.

Ilona's first appearance in "Battle" took place during the filming of the sixth season, where she reached the final, but left it voluntarily, citing spirits. According to the witch, they strictly forbade her to continue participating on pain of imminent death.

A little later, the girl reappeared on television and took part in the seventh season of filming. During the broadcasts, Ilona used black and white magic, used a rich arsenal of magical tools, including parts of animals, black candles, ritual cards. During filming, she rarely restrained herself, which earned her a scandalous reputation for an unrestrained personality. The girl did not win the “battle”, but got into the top three. A minority voted for her, and the "Hand" was awarded to another psychic.

After this project, Ilona Novoselova took part in the show "Psychics are investigating." In it, the witch continued to help people look for answers to their questions, tried to remove damage and evil eye, and also found criminals, which is confirmed by some tests. For example, she easily discovered prohibited substances in one of fifteen people, and after filming, the editorial office of the TNT television channel was often called to express gratitude to the psychic for the assistance provided in the investigation of the complicated case.

Witch's private life

This topic was taboo for Ilona, ​​and anyone who touched it received harsh answers bordering on rudeness. However, according to some reports, recently the girl was in a romantic relationship with a certain Artem Besov. According to one version, a quarrel with this young man became the end point in the life of a mysterious witch.

One way or another, we wish Ilona Novoselova what she herself would like. Perhaps this is a new incarnation, which will thunder like a shot in the near future. Or perhaps her earthly life is over at this stage, and the witch chose a different path, as mystical and mysterious as the extraordinary girl herself. Take care of yourself and your loved ones, live happily and don't forget to press the buttons and

Ilona Novoselova was first seen by the audience on the TV show "Battle of Psychics". The bright brunette was remembered for her sharp attacks against skeptics and unpredictable behavior. Nevertheless, the hereditary witch, as she called herself, found many admirers. Because the sudden psychic was a shock to many.

Novoselova was born in November 1987 near the capital, in Pavlovsky Posad. At the age of 8, the girl went to school, where she immediately developed a strained relationship with teachers and classmates. Ilona kept herself "a mansion" and did not contact the guys. It got to the point that my mother had to pick up her 12-year-old daughter from school and transfer to home schooling.

The biography of Ilona Novoselova is exclusively her version of reality. As the heroine herself claimed, her "gift" manifested itself at the age of 10. She saw the silhouette of her dead grandmother next to her mirror image. Since then, Ilona began to "communicate with the dead." As Novoselova said, her paternal grandmother was a witch, and her maternal grandmother was a healer.

The outrageous brunette said that with the help of her extraordinary abilities, she saw herself in the past. The girl's name was Eleanor, and in a past life she allegedly lived in Germany in the 18th century.

From the age of 12, Novoselova developed a gift and at 14 she already recognized people's illnesses and "spoke with the dead." At 17, Ilona came to understand that her mission was to help people.

At the age of 19, the girl experienced severe emotional stress due to separation from her beloved. Ilona almost committed suicide, but at that moment the spirits reported that she had been granted witchcraft power. By the age of 30, according to Novoselova, her abilities had reached their peak. To gain new knowledge, Ilona traveled to different parts of the country, where she got acquainted with new esoteric practices.

"The fight of extrasensories"

A young sorceress from Pavlovsky Posad appeared on the screens in 2008. Then the 6th season of the project "The Battle of Psychics" was released. Loudly declaring herself, Novoselova unexpectedly left the show. Ilona explained her departure by the fact that she received a strict ban from the spirits on testing abilities.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Battle of psychics"

However, in 2009, the jury and the audience were surprised to see Novoselova again. She arrived for the 7th season of the project and this time reached the final.

The woman repeatedly shocked those present and spectators with sharp attacks when what was happening annoyed her with something. Used the witch and profanity during the shooting. At the same time, the medium showed considerable success in all competitions. Perhaps the failure happened only in one test, when it was necessary to find a child who was hidden in the park.

Permanent "magic attributes" with which Ilona Novoselova did not part on the set were a dried roe deer shoulder, cards and a colorful scarf. Also, the sorceress used rituals and conspiracies, while not at all embarrassed by the camera.

The participant of the show from the very beginning of the project was among the recognized leaders. But according to the results of the vote, the audience gave the championship not to her, but. Nevertheless, the project brought fame to Novoselova. The number of clients of the sorceress has multiplied many times.

Ilona Novoselova in the show "Psychics are investigating"

Later, the sorceress participated in the Psychics Investigate project, where she worked with her colleagues to solve crimes in which law enforcement agencies were powerless. Psychics also helped ordinary people in solving life problems. One of the mediums with whom Ilona was comfortable cooperating was.

Personal life

Even during the project, rumors began to circulate in social networks that Ilona Novoselova was a man. Then her psychic colleagues also started talking about it, who were embarrassed by the fact that the woman did not know how to stay on her heels at all. Later, rumors spread that Novoselov used to be called Andrey. Allegedly, the guy changed his gender and began to be called Ilona. Photos of the sorceress taken before the sex change even appeared on the Web. In her interview, the psychic called all these rumors the machinations of envious competitors.

The girl was credited with an affair with a medium who came from Samara to conquer Moscow. By that time, Ilona was already known in certain circles. The girl helped her lover with advice and advice. As a result, Alexander became the winner of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. Later, the paths of psychics diverged. Alexander began to meet with.

In 2014, social networks started talking about the kidnapping of Novoselova and demanding a ransom for her in the amount of 7.5 million rubles. In the entrance of her own house, Ilona was stolen not alone, but together with her ex-boyfriend Oleg Petrov. But soon Novoselova returned home alive and unharmed. Four thieves were arrested. Two of them were previously hired by Ilona herself to renovate the apartment. Young people received terms from 7 to 15 years in prison.

The personal life of Ilona Novoselova is a closed topic. All questions were answered promptly. It is only known that since 2015, Ilona met with Artem Besov. The young man assured the public that he was engaged in black magic. Probably, a quarrel with a loved one was the cause of the tragedy.


In memory of Ilona Novoselova, TNT showed the release of the Battle of the Strongest program, which was the last for the sorceress. In the program, the girl investigated the suicide of a young man along with colleagues and.


  • Season 7 "Battles of Psychics"
  • "Psychics are investigating"
Published on 14.06.17 23:24

Ilona Novoselova, latest news: Ilona's friend revealed the details of her death, and the media learned that the man Andrey Novoselov had changed sex, becoming a witch, and was very tormented by this.

Ilona Novoselova threw herself out of the apartment window: the media called the cause of death

The finalist of the show "The Battle of Psychics" Ilona Novoselova, from the sixth floor of a residential building in the Russian capital, wanted to play a trick on her boyfriend, but accidentally fell off the balcony. It is reported by RIA Novosti with reference to a law enforcement source.

“Having drunk alcohol in the evening in the company of her young man, the girl quarreled with him and jokingly intkbbee climbed onto the balcony railing to scare the man. But she could not resist and fell down," the source said.

In turn, Ren-TV reports that Novoselova's neighbors often heard screams from her apartment. They constantly drank alcohol there, and the noise was heard even a few minutes before her death.

As he wrote, the body of the 30-year-old star of the mystical show was discovered late in the evening the day before on the visor of a dental clinic near the house on the Enthusiasts Highway. Earlier it was reported that Ilona Novoselova had a fight with her lover, after which she called her mother and asked her to come. According to some reports, the women talked about death, after which my mother went to watch TV, but after a while she heard the sound of a thud.

The death of Ilona Novoselova was commented on by her colleague in the "Battle of Psychics"

A friend of the deceased Ilona Novoselova and a participant in one of the seasons of the "Battle of Psychics" Kazhetta Akhmetzhanova told the website that Ilona often visited her house, and she came to her not alone, but with her mother.

“Psychics always communicate differently with each other than ordinary people, and in recent months I began to feel that there would be something terrible,” the clairvoyant said, noting that Ilona Novoselova “was engaged exclusively in black magic.”

Ilona Novoselova. A PHOTO

“She could drive into a coffin, break her family, cause damage, the evil eye. I told her many times:“ Ilona, ​​finish with these dirty deeds, you will ruin your karma, they will not bring you to good. ”But my friend only waved it off,” admitted Kazhetta.

She also spoke about the causes of Ilona's death.

“Today everyone says that Ilona threw herself out of the window because of a quarrel with her beloved. This is not so. The man with whom she lived left her four times, but then returned, so this was hardly a serious reason. Ilona told me that at the age of 13, an otherworldly force moved into her. This voice inside told her what to do, he also advised me to have a sex change operation, "said the participant of the Battle.

After the sex change, according to Kazhetta, Ilona began to experience severe pain.

“Ilona suffered from wild phantom pains, she just went crazy. Depressions became stronger, breakdowns were more frequent, she could no longer work. assures the psychic.

“Novoselova kept talking about how she regretted that she had become a woman. In a male guise, as it seemed to her, one could easily meet her beloved woman and live happily. Now Ilona suffered from an internal contradiction,” said the clairvoyant.

According to her, Ilona Novoselova died because she lost control of herself due to pain: "She just had a clouding of her mind."

Marilyn Kerro also commented on the death of Ilona Novoselova

Another finalist of the Battle of Psychics, Estonian representative Marilyn Kerro, spoke about the death of Ilona Novoselova.

According to her, some time before Ilona's death, she often tells her loved ones that she is very afraid of dying. The witch spent a lot of time on such conversations, anticipating a terrible end.

As he wrote, earlier Vlad Kadoni said that the condition of Ilona Novoselova deteriorated sharply after the persecution unfolded in the media, and also because of the breakup with her boyfriend.

Ilona Novoselova, biography: neighbors confirmed that the psychic used to be a man

Rumors from the biography of Ilona Novoselova that the witch was born a man, commented on a resident of the house in which the participant in the Battle of Psychics used to live.

"Yes. Andrey. Andrey Novoselov," the woman said.

According to her, all the neighbors and "the whole city" know this fact.

“I don’t know if he changed his gender or not. They even told me that since childhood he wanted to be a girl from the very beginning,” she added, saying that after entering the house she was scared, since blood could be seen in the entrance after one of the attempts Ilona to commit suicide.