Numbering in the insert in the work book sample. How to draw up an insert in a work book? Rules for filling out the insert

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The situation when the work book is completely filled out is not so common in everyday life, so sometimes even experienced personnel department employees are not always aware of how the insert in the work book is maintained, which is drawn up after there are no free columns left in the main document.

How to issue

The procedure for issuing an insert in a work book designated in Government Decree No. 225 dated 16.04.03. This legal act explains that if at least one of the sections of the work book is completely filled out, then an insert is filed with the main document, the maintenance of which is similar to the maintenance of the book itself. Also, this Decree states that the insert is not valid without the main document confirming the length of service.

Note! When making an insert in the work book, a stamp is affixed with an inscription that the corresponding document was issued, indicating its serial number. Since the document has a strictly unified form, identical to the work book itself, its execution is carried out according to the same principles.

Despite the fact that the principle of issuing an insert is identical to that used when issuing the work book itself. there are some nuances. So, if at the time of the establishment of this document, the employee has undergone significant changes in personal data or information about education, information that is relevant at the time of the establishment of the document is entered into the insert being drawn up. For example, if an employee who had a secondary vocational education at the time of starting work graduated from a university, if it is necessary to insert an insert, the presence of higher education is indicated in the corresponding section.

Insert numbering

The insert itself is not an independent document, therefore the numbering in it does not start from the beginning, but continues taking into account the already existing entries in the book itself. There may even be situations where an employee's hiring record was made in the main document, and the dismissal information is indicated in the attached insert due to lack of space. Thus, when numbering entries, one should start from those already available in the work book itself, continuing the order, taking into account the last mark made.

Record Sample

As explained above, the insert is filled in identically to the work book. That is, on the title page, basic information about the employee is entered, according to the indicated lines:

  • Surname of the employee;
  • Employee name;
  • Middle name;
  • Full date of birth;
  • Available education;
  • Profession or specialty;
  • The date of filling out the document is affixed;
  • The signatures of the owner and the person responsible for maintaining this documentation are put.

This is what a sample record looks like on the spread of the document:

Information about hiring, transfer to another permanent job, qualifications, dismissal

In the form itself, the letter designations correspond to:

Note! The record made is certified by the seal of the institution and the signature of the head. Identical to the above example, the section on awards is filled in.

How to sew an insert

The legislation does not define exactly how the insert should be hemmed directly to the labor one. Usually, both documents are fastened with an ordinary paper clip for convenience, and after filling they are stapled. Since there are no prescriptions from the point of view of the law on this matter, most often the insert is placed on the spread of the last page of the book, both documents are pierced with an awl in several places, and then they are stitched with a double thread, making several stitches. In the same way, an additional insert is hemmed, if necessary, if you need to bring it in exchange for a completely filled current form.

Who Should Buy the Insert

As a rule, this form is purchased at the expense of the organization, but, unlike the work book itself, the cost of the insert can be deducted from the employee. It is assumed that the enterprise can purchase this documentation by order in a specialized printing house, but at the same time, the law does not prohibit citizens from purchasing this document on their own - it can be found in any stationery store.

Note! Purchasing in a store can be much cheaper than paying the cost of an accounting document to the accounting department of an organization, because when ordering from a printing house, the company will incur additional costs, for example, those associated with delivery.

Where in the work book is it written about the issuance of an insert

The law does not regulate exactly where the stamp on the issuance of the insert should be affixed, so it can be affixed either directly on the title page, or on a sheet adjacent to the cover itself. Both options are acceptable. When choosing a place for affixing a stamp, a personnel officer should be guided by the fact that the seal with a stamp does not overlap another existing entry. In the absence of a special stamp, the personnel officer makes a regular handwritten entry, which states that the insert was issued, and indicates its series and number.

Duplicate insert

Any documentation can be lost or damaged. For example, if an erroneous entry is made in the internal sections, it is enough to put a mark on its invalidity and enter up-to-date information. But, if a mistake is made in the design of the title page, the form is subject to withdrawal with subsequent write-off, and a duplicate is issued instead. Information about the total length of service is entered into the duplicate. However, if an employee has the opportunity to visit all past employers to enter information about past hiring and dismissals in chronological order, then a duplicate can be filled out identically to a lost or damaged form.

Insert in the work book - registration rules

If it is no longer possible to enter information about the employee in one of the sections of the work book, in this case it is necessary to use the so-called inserts. Additional pages have become a great alternative to not having to start a new working identity every time. They are relevant for those who are active and change jobs quite often. And although the basic principles for filling out additional pages are similar to those used for the main sheets, certain nuances are present and should be taken into account.

The issue of registration is regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and other norms from the Government. It is the employer for whom the person is currently working that is responsible for filling out the insert in the work book. A feature of the design of the title page is the fact that you need to put down the actual date of entering the data, and not the date when the book was started. In this situation, personnel workers enter up-to-date information about the employee, since often the last name and other information can change over time. Each entry is also signed and stamped.

The numbering in the insert in the work book should continue the order established in the book. Therefore, if the last page in the book is the 16th, then the first additional sheet will be the 17th.

Why do you need an insert in the work book

Additional pages are applied when the main ones are over. Even if there was not enough space for the last entry on the main pages, it can be transferred to additional ones.

Many are interested in who buys an insert in the work book, an employee or an employer. The very function of formalizing the corresponding process refers to the mandatory actions of the employer. If at the moment when you need to enter new data, the main pages in the employee's book end, then personnel officers are required to take care of the new insert sheets. However, it is the employee who is responsible for paying these sheets. He must reimburse the full cost of these forms. Payment is made in one of the following ways:

  • Transfer to a bank account;
  • Transfer of funds through the cashier;
  • Deduction of the required amount from the salary.

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In any case, the employer and the employee must agree in advance on the method by which payment will be made.

How to sew an insert into a work book

The rules for filling out and accounting for work certificates of each citizen indicate that, if necessary, it is possible to sew new pages into this document. There is no other information about this in the established order. Therefore, the quality of the threads used and the exact place for sewing in are chosen directly by the employer involved in the design of the book. In practice, staffers choose a place for sewing in just after the last page and just before the back cover. At the same time, it is forbidden to use a stapler instead of threads, because over time the metal oxidizes, and, accordingly, the pages with the entries made can be damaged.

Application for the issuance of an insert in the work book - sample

Before issuing a new form, the subordinate must draw up a proper application addressed to the head of the organization. After indicating the full name and position of the applicant in the text at the top of the appeal, a request is made to issue a new sheet. The existing rules mention the cost of the form and the agreement that the money will be withheld from wages for the next period. At the end of the appeal, you must sign and date the document.

Download a sample application for issuing an insert in a work book

Record on the issuance of an insert in the work book - sample

The most standard form of this record is the affixing of a special seal, which serves as confirmation of the issuance of an additional sheet for a work certificate. The content of the submitted document notes that an additional form was issued, and also mentions the series with the number of this page. Other data is traditionally entered on the same sheet - about education, specialty, changes, and so on.

Download a sample entry on the issuance of an insert in the work book

The book of accounting and movement of work books and inserts in them - a sample

The main document with the help of which control over the working certificates of workers is carried out is the journal of accounting and movement of work books and inserts in them. Therefore, it is in the journal of accounting and movement that information about additional forms is mandatory entered. Upon dismissal, an employee may be required to sign this journal, which will confirm receipt of the book. Data on the documents of the employee and on the employee himself are sequentially entered into the corresponding act.

Download a sample book of accounting and movement of work books and inserts in them

An important condition in the design of working relations is to follow the norms established by law. This applies in particular when it comes to entering data into the working document of the worker. The correct filling of the submitted act is important, in particular, when going on a well-deserved rest.

Making an insert for a work book

Sometimes in the registration of an employee's work activity, a situation arises that the section of information about work is filled to the end, and there is nowhere to make new entries. In this case, an insert is made to the work book of the approved form. Briefly, the requirements for its maintenance can be formulated as follows:

  1. An insert is issued if all the pages of the section are filled out in the work book.
  2. Filling and maintaining it is carried out by the employer according to the same principles as the book itself.
  3. The insert is attached to it by sewing in and separately, without a work book, is not a valid document.
  4. When issuing an insert in the upper part of the title page of the work book, a mark is made with the number and series of the inserted insert.

Despite the fact that the rules for issuing an insert in a work book are widely known and enshrined in regulatory documents, there are a number of nuances in its design. Workers involved in the maintenance of work books periodically have questions that are worth dwelling on in more detail.

How to insert an insert into a work book?

An employee who is to draw up an insert in a work book presents a passport with documents on education. Based on them, the information on the title page of the insert will be filled in. Its establishment date will be the actual date on which the first entries were made.

Forms of inserts in the work book are made by specialized organizations. They have an appropriate degree of protection against counterfeiting. Employers are provided with them on a paid basis under an agreement with distributors or manufacturers. The employee reimburses the employer for the funds spent by him on the purchase of the insert form. But if it was incorrectly filled out or damaged during the initial filling through no fault of the employee, then the cost of a new form is paid by the employer.

The already completed insert is filed into the work book. Some employees may have several such additions. All of them must be filed in the order of establishment under the cover of the work book and reflected in the marks on its title page.

The rules for filling out an insert for a work book do not strictly prescribe the place where it should be sewn. Also, the quality of the threads used for this is not regulated. Usually it is filed at the very end of the work book, between the cover and the last of the pages. Although many consider it more convenient from a technical point of view, sewing an insert to the middle of the document.

The first sheet of the insert in the work book must be certified by the legible signature of the person responsible for working with work books and the seal of the organization or personnel service. This must be done immediately upon registration of the insert. After all, seals tend to change periodically due to reorganizations, changes in the name or departmental affiliation of the organization.

How to make an entry in the work book about the insert?

To avoid mistakes, you must first enter an insert, and only then make the appropriate mark in the stamp on the work book. Indeed, in case of incorrect filling, the damaged insert must be destroyed, and its number and series will remain in the work book. In this case, you will have to put a new stamp, for which there is not so much space on the title page of the book.

The entry in the work book about the insert, as a rule, is a special stamp with an imprint “Insert issued ...” sized 10x25 mm, affixed in the book. It indicates the data of the document, its series and number. Moreover, the rules for filling out an insert in a work book speak specifically about a stamp, which means that it will not be very correct to write this data by hand. Although if the work book already has a handwritten record of such information, then this is not yet a reason to invalidate such an insert.

Also, the rules do not regulate where exactly in the work book such a stamp should be. Usually it is placed in the upper right corner of the first page (title page) of the work book. Moreover, this is done so that it does not cover other records containing information about the employee.

The mark is put down when issuing the first insert and all subsequent ones. How many of them there will be, so many stamps should be in the work book. Therefore, it is still better for the employer to have a stamp that meets the requirements for these purposes.

What should be the serial number in the insert in the work book?

The numbering of the insert entries does not start from the beginning, but is a continuation of the numbering of each section of the book. That is, the serial number of making an entry in the insert of the work book will be the next after the one that ended the entries for this section in the book. Numbering through, as in the work book. It excludes numbers with fractional, letter and other indices.

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But in the practice of filling out an insert in a work book, the entry number can be the same as in the book. This is possible if its text, begun in one of the sections of the work book, continues in the corresponding part of the insert.

For example, entry number 28, started in the section of information about the work of the work book, contained only information about the admission of an employee with an indication of the profession (position), and everything else did not fit. Then the remaining data on the structural unit (place of work) will be entered in the corresponding section of the insert. And the record number will be the same - 28.

We fill in the insert in the work book without errors

In order to avoid possible problems with the work book in the future, for example, when applying for a pension, you should know that it is strictly forbidden in the design of inserts. These serious violations include:

  1. use instead of inserts of new forms of work books>
  2. crossing out the words "about the award" in the title of the relevant section and then replacing them with the words "about the work" with entering in the information about the work in the section obtained by renaming>
  3. sewing or pasting as blank sheet inserts>
  4. strikethrough inaccurate or incorrect entries.

If an error is found in the sections of the insert in the work book about work or awards, in no case should the previously entered information be crossed out. The correct design of the insert in the work book prescribes another way to correct errors. It consists in changing records by invalidating incorrect information and then making accurate records.

So, for example, if a mistake is made in column 3 of the record of the work information section, then it remains unchanged. And the entry under the next number will be the text: "Entry number (the number of the previous entry is indicated) ... is invalid." And here the correct wording of column 3 of the entry should be entered. In column 4, all the correct data of the previously made entry are repeated. In this way, you need to correct any inaccuracy in the work book or insert. Even if it is just an erroneous entry number in the insert in the work book.

The rules provide for the correction of identified inaccuracies where incorrect entries were made, or at a new place of work upon presentation by the employee of an official document from the previous place signed by the employer about the mistake. The changes made must correspond to the original or a certified copy of the order (instruction). If it is not preserved or contains an error, then the correct entry is made on the basis of other documents confirming information about the work. The testimony of witnesses cannot serve as such a basis, except in cases in respect of which there is a court decision.

How to fill out a work book with an insert when changing the name of an employee?

If an employee who already has an insert in the work book changes her last name due to marriage, then the appropriate changes must be made not only in the work book, but also at the same time in the insert. This applies to any information on the title page: name with patronymic, date of birth and education. All changes are made on the basis of the relevant documents with reference to their details. To do this, on the title pages of both the insert and the work book, old information is crossed out with one line, after which new information is entered next to or above (where there is space). Links to the documents confirming the changes are applied on the inside of the cover, certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal.

When making an insert, one must not forget to make an appropriate entry in the book of accounting for the movement of work books, indicating its series and number. After all, the insert, although it is an addition to the work book, is still a separate document.

Registration and numbering of entries in the insert in the work book

Making an insert in the work book

Official employment involves the mandatory registration of entries in the work book. This is regulated by the Labor Code (LC) of the Russian Federation. Labor - the main document of a working person, reflecting all stages of labor activity: from the first employment to retirement. Therefore, it is the basis for registration of pension provision in the Russian Federation.

Read about filling out a work book when changing a surname in this article.

It happens that an employee often changes jobs or actively moves up the career ladder. Therefore, the labor of such a citizen contains a huge number of records. After all, all events in a person’s working life are reflected in this document: hiring, appointment to a new position, dismissal, additional education, incentives, dismissal, etc.

The work book has a certain number of sheets, and if there are many entries, it ends. According to labor law, a citizen can have only one such document. Therefore, for the possibility of making new entries, there is a special insert (Government Decree No. 225 of 04/16/2003). Consider how to fill out and how to sew an insert into a work book in accordance with the law.

Where to glue the hologram in the work book can be found here.

insert for labor

The insert is additional sheets for the work book, printed, like the work book itself, in the GOZNAK association of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Insert - a unified document of the established sample. It is a continuation of the main work book, therefore, the insert is not valid separately from it.

Inserts should be kept in the accounting department and issued to the human resources department upon request. Inserts can also be purchased at a store that sells a variety of blank documents.

Step-by-step design instructions

The design of the insert, as well as the main work book, is carried out by an authorized employee. In a large organization, this is the head of the personnel department, in a small one - the chief accountant or head of the organization.

Important: the current Rules do not exactly establish where you need to put a stamp on the issuance of the insert, whether this mark can be made manually, and where to file the insert itself. Based on established practice, including judicial practice:
1) it is better to put a stamp on the issuance of the insert so that it does not crowd out other entries, but is readable; 2) you can make a mark manually, but it is more desirable to use a stamp; 3) the insert is hemmed, as a rule, at the end of the book, in front of the cover, although it is more logical to do this before the “Award Information” section, and more conveniently in the middle on the insert firmware itself.

Consider what a HR officer should do when making an insert:

  • step 1 - get a document in the accounting department or purchase it in a special store;
  • step 2 - register the insert in a special accounting book (register) of the movement of work books and attachments to them;
  • step 3 - sew an insert into the main work book;
  • step 4 - put an imprint of the stamp “Insert issued” in the fully completed worksheet and enter its number. The choice of location for this stamp is not regulated by law. The best option is to put it on the title page of the work book in the upper right corner;
  • step 5 - fill in the title page of the insert and stamp the organization on it. It should be noted that all data about the owner of the document in the labor and in the insert must be identical, otherwise the document will not be valid;
  • step 6 - entering the necessary information in the labor insert. It is worth noting that the numbering continues in the insert in the work book. Example: the last entry in the labor was number 55, therefore, the first entry in the insert will be number 56.

In the workbook is a question that employers face from time to time. There is a certain number of pages in the work book, which are completely used up over time, and in this case it comes to the rescue. What is an insert, why fill it out, and how to do it correctly, we will consider in detail in this article.

What is an insert in a work book and why is it needed

Citizens who are active in the labor force sooner or later find themselves in a situation where the pages of the work book in one of the sections end. This can be caused not only by frequent job changes, but also by active career growth (for example, internal and external transfers), frequent rewards for success with entry in the work book, etc.

However, this does not mean that the employee should stop working or start a new work book. For these cases, a specially designed and anti-counterfeiting insert is needed, which is filed into the work book.

The rules for filling out the insert of work books (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) are regulated by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated 10.10.2003 N 69 “On approval of the Instructions for filling out work books”.

How to make an insert in a work book

When making any entries in the inserts of work books, it would seem that problematic moments should not arise, since the Rules establish that the insert is filled in exactly the same way as filling out a work book. But still, let's dwell on the design of the insert, which often arises among personnel officers.

Don't know your rights?

  1. The insert is filled in by the employer (its employees), during the work of which the pages of one of the sections are completely used (most often this is the job information section).
  2. On the title page of the insert, the actual date of its completion is put, and in no case is the date of the establishment of the work book.
  3. The insert contains those data of the employee that are valid at the present time (for example, since the establishment of the work book, the level of education, surname, possibly first name, etc., could have changed for the worker).
  4. Under the entries on the title page of the insert, the responsible employee puts his signature and the seal of the employer (who has the insert).
  5. Inserts can be made as many as you like, the limit number is not established by the Rules.

After entering the data on the title page of the insert, it is filed to the work book, on the first sheet of which (where the data about the employee is entered) is stamped “Issued insert” indicating its details (number, date of issue, series).

Important: the current Rules do not exactly establish where you need to put a stamp on the issuance of the insert, whether this mark can be made manually, and where to file the insert itself. Based on established practice, including judicial practice:

  • it is better to stamp the issuance of the insert so that it does not crowd out other entries, but is readable;
  • you can make a mark manually, but it is more desirable to use a stamp;
  • the insert is hemmed, as a rule, at the end of the book, in front of the cover, although it is more logical to do this before the “Award Information” section, and more conveniently in the middle on the insert firmware itself.

What is unacceptable when maintaining inserts in work books

There are situations when a personnel officer (or other employee of the employer) makes a mistake when creating a new insert. Corrections cannot be made, and such an insert must be disposed of in accordance with the relevant act. The unique insert number should be cut out and pasted into the record book (to confirm the disposal of the damaged insert).

Therefore, it is recommended that you first completely fill out the insert (title page), and only then hem it into the book itself. Otherwise, the data in the work will have to be corrected, a new stamp and details of the insert should be put in (as you know, the work book is small, and there is so little space on the title page).

  • instead of issuing an insert in the work book, use a new work form;
  • hem or stick blank sheets in the work book;
  • cross out the last word in the section "Information about awards" and change it to the word "work".

The nuances of filling out an insert in a work book

Consider the important basics of filling out a work book insert.

  1. As mentioned above, the insert is conducted in the same way as the book itself.
  2. It should be remembered that without a work book, the insert itself has no legal force (invalid).
  3. The numbering in the insert does not start over, but continues what has already been started in the work book. For example, the number of the last entry in the labor record in the job data is "16". This means that the first entry in the insert will be numbered "17".
  4. Do not worry if the place on the page in the work book has already ended, but the entry that has begun is not yet. In this case, the record is transferred to the insert from the place where it broke off.
  5. If during the course of work the employee had a change of surname, then the surname must be corrected both in the work book itself and in the insert to it.
  6. If the employer who started the insert did not put his seal on it, and the employee is already working at another job, then the employee must contact the employer who issued the insert (i.e., the previous one) to stamp the insert.

We settled on the basic rules for the design of inserts in work books. Using them in their work, employers can save not only their time, but also the time and effort of employees whose work books and inserts they fill out. If errors or inaccuracies are made in the design of the insert in the employee's work book, the latter may draw the attention of his employer to this article.

What to do when the lines for making entries in the work book run out? Design and sew an insert. Let's figure out what kind of document it is, how to fill it out correctly in 2020.

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Anyone can face such a problem when there is no longer room for making entries in the work book. This situation arises if a citizen often changes jobs.

Where to enter information for a new employer? There is a special document for this - an insert.

Basic information

Knowledge of what it is and where to get it will be useful not only to HR specialists, but also to the employees themselves.

After all, the work book reflects their length of service and it cannot be allowed that a certain time of work is not taken into account when the retirement age comes.

Yes, and fill out the inserts in the work book must be correct. Otherwise, red tape in paperwork and the restoration of seniority cannot be avoided.

What it is

An insert in the work book is a document with the help of which it is further possible to maintain the employee's length of service (when the sheets in the work book run out).

In this case, it is not allowed:

The only correct solution in this situation is to hem an insert in the work book.

Otherwise, the HR specialist will violate the requirements of the law. As a result, the book may be considered invalid.

Therefore, individual entrepreneurs, the management of legal entities, the chief accountant, the management of the personnel department or other authorized persons are required to ensure that the inserts are available at the enterprise.

Purpose of the document

As soon as a new employee gets a job in your organization who does not have space left for entries in the work book, you will need an insert.

After all, without it, it is impossible to reflect the acceptance of a person for work in his labor. The entry must be made within 5 days after the employment of a citizen, after he takes office ().

It is also impossible to refuse to hire a person, otherwise the employer will have to bear responsibility in accordance with the norms of the law.

Be sure to make an entry in the labor "Issued insert". It looks like this:

Photo: obligatory entry in the work book about the deposit

Rules No. 225 of April 16, 2003 also apply. Conditions for providing an insert to an employee:

  • it is issued free of charge in accordance with clauses 44, 48 of the Rules;
  • issued upon payment of commensurate compensation, which will not exceed the price of the form - clause 47;

A fee is charged, which is equal to the price when the document is purchased by the employer.

Template for an insert in a work book

How to fill out an insert in a work book, the chief accountant and the head of the enterprise simply must know. Consider all the important nuances.

Outwardly, the insert form differs from the work book:

  • It contains 36 pages.
  • Its cover is cardboard.
  • Document format - 88*125mm.
  • There are several protective elements.
  • The title page is similar to the title page of the work book.
  • The insert has the same fields as the labor one.

How to fill it?

It is necessary to adhere to the following order:

Issue forms first Which are acquired by the management of the company, where at the time of the end of the fields in the work book a citizen worked. A personnel worker must know how to issue an insert in a work book
Next, make out the inserts The first sheet reflects information about the employee:
  • his full name according to passport data;
  • date of birth;
  • education according to the records of the diploma or certificate;
  • profession - according to the education documentation;
  • registration date;
  • Name of the specialist who makes the entry;
  • stamp and signature of the authorized person.

The information in the insert may differ from those in the work book. This may be when changing a surname, receiving additional education, etc.

Entries are made according to the same rules as in the labor The numbering of information should be end-to-end - continue those that are entered in the work book. That is, the numbering does not start from the beginning, but continues.
  1. The second column has the date the entry was made.
  2. The next one is data on , . Abbreviations are not allowed.
  3. In the fourth, they write the name, date and number of the documents, on the basis of which information is prescribed
Information that the insert was issued is prescribed in the work book Write the number and series of the form. There is no precise description in the legislation how the information on the issuance of inserts should be located. It is usually displayed at the top right.
Stamp It is better to put it when the document has already been drawn up
Next, check the records. There shouldn't be any mistakes
The liner is stitched

If errors are made or the document is incorrectly filled out, you cannot continue to make entries.

Forms in this case are subject to destruction in accordance with specially drawn up acts. If the series and number are already reflected in the labor, you need to put another stamp on the title page.

It is worth correcting errors by adhering to the following rules:

The most common mistakes that are made when filling out the insert:

Information about education, full name is entered incorrectly The occurrence of such a situation takes place when drawing up a document from the words of an employee, and not when rewriting data from documents. There is only one way out - the destruction of the insert and the design of a new one.
Work data is not displayed correctly The date of admission to the company is incorrectly indicated, the name of the company is not prescribed, there is no position, structural divisions, words are abbreviated. Such errors are corrected only at the place of work where the recording was made. The new employer can make corrections only on the basis of official documentation issued by the enterprise where the inaccuracy was made. Make a new entry on a new line with a clause about the invalidity of the previous entry
If the stamp “Issued insert” is not set, the document is considered invalid In the absence of a stamp in the company, the entry is written by hand

The legislation does not limit the number of use of insert forms. You can sew in 2 and 3 forms.

But all numbers are registered in the book. The insert is invalid if provided without a work book.

In the absence of an application, the company's management cannot deduct the cost of the form from the salary. The application can be of any form and is addressed to the management.

Although it can be transferred to the chief accountant or other authorized employee. The application expresses a request for the issuance of forms of inserts, as well as for the deduction of their cost from earnings.

Video: registration of a work book, a lecture for personnel officers

This document is filed in the personal file of the employee. The reflection of any information in the insert must be correct and comply with the requirements of the Rules, Instructions and nomenclature documentation.

You can apply all the requirements for maintaining work books. We make a reservation that the data on the title pages of the labor and insert must match.

If they differ, it is necessary to submit all the documents on the basis of which the entries were made. A marriage certificate is submitted (if the surname is changed), diplomas (if another education is entered), etc.

To be sure that when reflecting the data, all changes are taken into account, the questionnaire filled out by the employee will allow.

Who should be formed?

Only companies buy insert forms. The employer cannot:

  • accept a clean insert from the employee;
  • submit a requirement to provide forms from employees.

Inserts are a form of strict reporting. They are bought from an intermediary that specializes in the sale of such goods, which has the State Sign of the Ministry of Finance of Russia.

Such a person should be in charge of conducting this kind of activity. A certificate is also required.

If you buy forms elsewhere, the question may arise that work books are forged. Acquisition is carried out by firm according to the contract with the distributor.

Purchased inserts must be kept by an accountant or other employee who is authorized to keep work books.

Data on the purchase of documents are entered into the register of income and expense books. Then they are transferred under the persons that keep records.

The design and filing of inserts should be handled by employees of the personnel department or the company's management.

How to sew (instruction)

When the title page is filled out and the insert is registered, the document is sewn into the work book by the personnel specialist.

It is advisable to carry out such a procedure with a ready-made insert, otherwise you will have to prepare acts of damage.

The legislative norms do not prescribe in which place the document is sewn. So, you have the right to attach it at the beginning of the work book, in its middle or at the end.

Inspection authorities will not make claims in this regard. Usually, inserts are sewn at the end of the work sheet - between the last sheet and the cover.

But it is more convenient to attach the forms in the middle, since in this case additional holes will not be needed.

In this option, there is such a drawback - in the work book, old entries will be interrupted by newer ones. Be sure to include the document. You can not attach it with tape, staples.

It is also not permissible to simply put forms in a work book. Compliance with this requirement will ensure the safety of the document.

What you need to stitch a document:

  1. Employment history.
  2. Insert forms.
  3. Needle with thread.
  4. Awl and scissors.
  5. Stamp "Insert issued".

How to sew forms:

What should I do if the numbering of entries in the insert in the shopping mall is started anew? These records are made by previous employers, so I cannot invalidate them, only if the employee collects documents for me confirming work in these organizations. Then on the basis of these documents (copies) I will be able to correct all this. The employee is not going to do it. I, in turn, having calculated my correct serial number, can I put it down ?. It will not turn out that I made a mistake by making an entry for the number 34 after the serial number 6?


The employer draws up and maintains inserts in the work book in the same manner as work books, including entering information about them in the accounting books. The numbering of the entries in the insert continues the numbering of the workbook entries in the relevant sections. At the same time, the inserts themselves without work books are invalid. This follows from the provisions of paragraphs 11, 38 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 16, 2003 No. 225.

Thus, the numbering of the entries in the insert continues the numbering of the workbook entries in the relevant sections (that is, in your case, the number should be 34).

Therefore, if entries about work with incorrect serial numbers are made in the work book, then such entries should be corrected, i.e. declared invalid in accordance with the established procedure. In this correction entry, assign the next number after the number of the last correct entry.

We also note that due to the fact that the error lies not in the records themselves, but only in their numbering, in our opinion, the employee does not need to collect supporting documents. Therefore, you can make corrective entries based on those that are already in the insert to the employee's work book.

See sample below.

Details in the materials of the System:

  1. Answer: How to make entries about work in the work book

Insert in the work book

If a personnel officer needs to make a new entry in one of the sections of the work book, and all the columns of this section have already been filled out, then an insert in the work book should be drawn up (Rules approved). It is illegal to make a new entry in other blank sections of the work book. approved.

When issuing an insert in the work book, put a stamp with the inscription “Insert issued” and indicate the series and number of the insert (Rules approved). As a rule, the stamp is affixed in the upper right corner of the title page of the work book.

The specific place in the work book where the approved insert should be sewn in is not indicated. In practice, the insert is sewn between the last page and the back cover of the work book.

Ivan Shklovets,

  1. Answer: How to make changes and corrections in the work book

How to correct incorrect information

Correct an incorrect or inaccurate entry in the employee's work book in the following order. In column 1, put the serial number following the last entry. In column 2, enter the date the entry was made, and in column 3, indicate: "The entry under the number such and such is invalid." Then write the correct entry. In column 4, repeat the number of the order, on the basis of which an entry was incorrectly made in the work book. If the order itself was issued with an error and then canceled, then in column 4 indicate the date and number of the order that canceled it. If the entry in the work book is correct, but the details of the order are erroneously indicated, reproduce the entry without changes, and in column 4 indicate the correct details.

According to this scheme, correct all inaccurate or incorrect records: on hiring, transfer, dismissal, awards (including a record of transfer or dismissal, if these actions are recognized by the court, the labor inspectorate or the organization itself as illegal).

Situation: What to do if an entry is made in the work book about work with the wrong serial number of the entry

Such an entry should be invalidated in . At the same time, assign the corrective entry the next number after the number of the last correct entry ( Rules approved , Instructions approved ).

Ivan Shklovets,

Deputy Head of the Federal Service for Labor and Employment

Government Decree
Russian Federation
April 16, 2003 No. 225

Job details

Closed Joint Stock Company
Alfa (CJSC Alfa)

Admitted to the technical department for
position of production foreman

Order from
No. 4-to

The employment contract was terminated on the initiative
employee, point 3 of part 1 of Article 77
Labor Code of the Russian Federation

HR department ***

Order from
№ 27

Limited Liability Company "Betta" (LLC "Betta")

Entry number 1 is invalid

Admitted to the technical department as a production foreman
training of Closed Joint Stock Company Alfa (CJSC Alfa) from 11.01.2006

Order from
No. 4-to

Entry number 2 is invalid

The employment contract was terminated at the initiative of the employee, paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation from 03/25/2011 in Closed Joint Stock Company Alfa (CJSC Alfa)

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  • Making an insert in the work book (sample)

    The work book is the main document that serves to confirm and determine the length of service of citizens of the Russian Federation. It is used when calculating and assigning pensions in Russia. The specified form is drawn up at the first employment of an individual and accompanies him during all subsequent movements in positions or places of work. As a result, it may be necessary to draw up an insert in the work book.

    Employment history

    The employer should make entries in the specified attachment in the same manner and according to the same rules as in the work book itself.

    Failure to comply with this requirement, as well as ignoring it, may be the basis for holding the relevant organization or entrepreneur liable in the form of a fine, the amount of which is established by Article 5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

    Rules for issuing an insert in a work book

    The Government of the Russian Federation, having approved by its Decree of 16.04.2003 N 225 the Rules for maintaining work books, did not develop a detailed description of the steps to fill out inserts in them.

    There is no such algorithm in the Instructions, approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated 10.10.2003 N 69.

    The indicated departments have not developed an official sample for filling out an insert in a work book.

    The only thing that is directly established by the Government of the Russian Federation in the Rules is the need to put the stamp “Insert issued” in the work book. Be sure to indicate the series and number of the form of the issued document.

    It should be emphasized that the norms of domestic law do not regulate the place of affixing such a mark. However, taking into account the contents of the form of the book and the customs of business, it seems reasonable to put a stamp on the issuance of the insert on the inside of the first sheet of the cover.

    The total number of inserts that can be issued to one work book is not regulated by law. It is important that all of them are drawn up in accordance with the law and that a separate stamp is placed on each of them. A sample of how to draw up an insert in a work book is available for download at the link.

    When filling out the insert, the numbering of the entries in it must continue the serial numbers in the work book. This prescription follows from paragraph 11 of the Rules, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 04/16/2003 N 225.

    On the title page of the insert, all columns should be filled in and signed by the owner of the book and the responsible employee of the employer. It is also mandatory to have an imprint of the seal of the enterprise or individual entrepreneur.

    In the future, all entries are made and executed in the same manner as in the work book.

    It is important to remember that if errors are made during the design of the insert, then the insert in the work book should be drawn up according to the model indicated above.

    How to sew an insert?

    Each insert in the work book must be sewn into it. Without the fulfillment of this requirement, such an investment cannot be considered valid.

    The current legislation of the Russian Federation does not determine the procedure and methods for sewing in an insert into the main document.

    However, given the need to number all entries in the form in chronological order, it seems reasonable to sew in an insert between the last sheet of the work book and its cover.

    Sewing should be done by using a needle or a sewing machine. Norm-making acts of the Russian Federation do not contain requirements for the quality and color of threads, as well as for the width of stitches.

    Pasting or attaching an insert in any other way is against the law, violates the rules for filling out an insert in a work book and entails the need to draw up a new attachment to the main document.

    Stitching should be carried out by turning the insert. This method will ensure maximum strength of its fastening with the work book.

    Instead of a conclusion, it should be noted that ignoring the procedure for processing and stitching the insert will entail its invalidation. As a result, the employee may experience certain difficulties in the future.