Scientists have studied the effect of magnetic storms on our well-being. Magnetic storms: nature and impact on humans

Recorded on September 6, 2017, it will cause magnetic storms on Earth that will affect the health of weather-dependent people.

A magnetic storm is a natural phenomenon associated with the occurrence of flares on the Sun, which lead to the release of electrical particles. Reaching the Earth's atmosphere, these particles begin to influence the planet's magnetic field and provoke its perturbation. Magnetic storms in the Earth's atmosphere can last from several hours to several days.

Impact on a person

Scientists have proven that under the influence of a magnetic field, the viscosity of the blood changes. During a magnetic storm, blood flow in the vessels slows down, the power of heart contractions decreases, and arrhythmias can occur, explains Tamara Breus, a leading researcher at the Space Research Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

As a result of jumps in blood pressure, a person develops a growing headache and difficulty breathing. The lack of oxygen in the blood triggers a number of negative sensations: pain in the heart, dizziness, darkening of the eyes, pain in the joints. In the elderly, chronic diseases are exacerbated. All this is accompanied by a decline in strength.

Who is subject to magnetic storms

Experts note that magnetic storms are especially dangerous for people who have had myocardial infarctions, strokes, coronary heart disease, and hypertension.

As Yevgeny Velichkin, full member of the Professional Psychotherapeutic League of Russia, told RIAMO, first of all, people with vegetovascular and mental illnesses suffer from magnetic storms.

“Storms often provoke heart attacks and strokes. Especially among residents of large cities subject to constant stress,” he said.

Often people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system or the musculoskeletal system fall under the influence of magnetic storms. Children and the elderly are most sensitive to solar flares. The most resistant to the negative effects of geomagnetic storms are young people who are not only in good physical shape, but also mentally fit, says Velichkin.


Limit alcohol intake, exclude fatty foods that increase cholesterol, do not overeat;

Eat more fruits rich in potassium and magnesium: raisins, apricots, cranberries, blueberries, currants, lemons, bananas (they reduce the level of adrenaline in the blood and facilitate the functioning of the cardiovascular system); Before breakfast, it is advisable to drink a glass of freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice.

Reduce physical stress on the cardiovascular system;

You should not get out of bed abruptly, this can provoke an attack of headache;

It is better for weather-sensitive drivers not to drive, because in the first days of magnetic activity, a four-fold slowdown in reaction is observed;

It is better not to ride the subway during this period in order to avoid a heart attack;

When stressed - take sedatives: tinctures of peony, valerian, motherwort;

Take water procedures more often - this calms you in general and improves your well-being;

Drink tea with raspberries, mint, strawberries, decoctions with lemon balm, wild rose, St. John's wort;

To disperse blood clots and help the cardiovascular system, you can take aspirin, but only if there are no contraindications.

“The degree of violation depends on the condition of the patient. Whether it is possible to increase the dose of aspirin or is it better to take melatonin, and in combination with which drugs, should be clarified with the attending physician, ”recommends Breus.

Those who suffer from chronic vegetovascular diseases should always carry the necessary medicines with them.

Psychological help

Psychologists note that it is important to deal not only with the consequences, but also with the causes of stress to which weather-dependent people are exposed.

So, Evgeny Velichkin advises to avoid conflict situations in the family and at work.

“Meteorologically dependent people need to increase stress resistance, fight negative emotional states that destroy a person from the inside, such as anger and resentment,” he says.

Even healthy people are advised by experts on such days to support the body in the following ways:

Sleep well;

Take at least half an hour walks, because walking strengthens the nervous system;

Go to the bathhouse and take a shower more often, bath lovers are less likely to react to temperature changes.

Many of us are familiar with people who, with confidence, more reliable than any weather service, can predict upcoming changes in the weather. Their predictions are based on a deterioration in their own well-being: either a headache occurs, or neuralgia manifests itself, or joints ache and muscles cramp. How do magnetic storms affect our well-being?

The impact of weather changes on the human body

According to statistics, about 1/3 of the male population of the planet and 1/2 of the female population are weather-sensitive. As a rule, these people have chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system, and they also suffered injuries to the joints and bones.

The body of people suffering from rheumatism, arthrosis, arthritis, osteochondrosis always accurately reacts to weather changes.

But, in addition to changes in pressure and humidity, nature checks the health and well-being of a person for strength and through other methods, for example, solar flares that turn into magnetic storms on Earth.

The effect of a magnetic storm on well-being

A magnetic storm is understood as the occurrence of rapid and strong changes in the Earth's magnetic field, which is characterized by the occurrence during a period of increased solar activity. Such changes, as a rule, do not go unnoticed for the inhabitants of the planet, since a magnetic storm disrupts the functions of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, slows down the reactions of the central nervous system, and reduces efficiency.

The influence of a magnetic storm on well-being is felt by people suffering from coronary heart disease. They note a deterioration in well-being by 50-55% more compared to ordinary days. Some people note the occurrence of feelings of anxiety and longing, mental tension, increased irritability and insomnia.

Effect of magnetic storms on the heart

The heart and brain are particularly sensitive to magnetic storms in the human body. Magnetic storms cause less trouble to physically healthy people. It has been scientifically proven that during magnetic storms there is an increase in the production of the stress hormone, and a decrease in the amount of the hormone that is responsible for adaptation. Doctors have noticed the effect of magnetic storms on the heart: during solar flares, the number of patients complaining about the heart increases several times. In most cases, magnetic storms cause a rapid heart rate, the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes. When the magnetic field fluctuates, changes in blood circulation in small vessels occur. Because of this, there is a decrease in the overall fluidity of blood in the body, which causes oxygen starvation. In addition, during magnetic storms in the blood there is an increase in the level of adrenaline, which is responsible for increasing blood pressure and regulating vascular tone.

Effect of magnetic storms on the nervous system

More than other people, very emotional people, as well as people with an unstable psyche, are subject to magnetic storms. During a magnetic storm, as well as a day before and after it, an increased number of heart attacks is recorded, an increase in pressure with hypertension is noted.

Scientists believe that the worst effect on the human body is the effect of weak and medium power flashes. But strong flashes cause more trouble to technology, it is possible to disable high-tech devices.

Recent statistics state that approximately 15% of the world's population responds to magnetic storms. In addition, self-hypnosis is widespread. One experiment in which a group of very impressionable people were informed of an impending magnetic storm showed that almost all of them complained of malaise on the scheduled date, although in fact there was no magnetic storm. Changes in the earth's magnetic field are acutely felt in one way or another by all people, but the worst of all is the tolerance of magnetic storms in women and children.

Solar flares

A solar flare is understood as the occurrence of an explosive process of energy release in the atmosphere of the Sun. Flares in one way or another cover all layers of the solar atmosphere: the photosphere, chromosphere and corona of the Sun.In total, 5 types of flashes are distinguished - classes A, B, C, M and X. Each subsequent class is characterized by an excess of the peak power by 10 times.

Class M anomalous flares can also cause magnetic storms on Earth, and they can damage the operation of communication and electronic systems.

In just a few minutes, a huge amount of energy is released during a solar flare. There is a rapid transformation of the energy of the magnetic field into the energy of charged particles and plasma.

Radiation increases in all ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum. Although the Sun does not shine brighter in the visible part of the spectrum, a giant explosion is detected in the ultraviolet and X-ray regions of the spectrum.

Magnetic storms can only be accurately predicted 1-2 days before they begin. The radiation from the flare reaches the Earth less than 10 minutes after it began. After that, within a few tens of minutes, powerful and fast streams of charged particles enter our planet, and after 2-3 days - plasma clouds.

Upon reaching the plasma clouds that accompany the flashes, the Earth, they cause the occurrence of magnetic storms that affect the living organisms that live on our planet.

The greatest threat comes from solar flares in outer space. They are dangerous for astronauts because people can be exposed to radiation. In addition, they can damage spacecraft and communications satellites.

Flares are also unsafe on Earth, despite the fact that our planet is protected from them by the ozone layer of the atmosphere and the geomagnetic field.

In Nice, as early as the 1930s, a sharp increase in the frequency of myocardial infarctions and strokes in the elderly was noticed on days when the local telephone exchange worked with severe disturbances, up to a complete cessation of communication. Later it was found that telephone communications are disrupted during magnetic storms. As a result, it was concluded that the occurrence of heart attacks and strokes, as well as disruptions in the operation of the telephone network, is associated with magnetic storms.

In addition, during magnetic storms, there is a noticeable decrease in the reaction of pilots and drivers, an increase in the number of accidents and injuries at work and in transport, accidents in mines and on roads.

The negative impact of magnetic storms is felt by the majority of the world's population, and the onset of a stressful period occurs individually. Troubles with health and well-being can begin a couple of days before the expected storm and continue until it ends.

"Magnetic storms affect the Earth's magnetic field, as well as the well-being of many weather-dependent people."

A magnetic storm begins when a solar flare occurs. The electrons and protons thrown out by the luminary reach the earth with a stream of light and destabilize its magnetic environment. The closer to the north or south pole a person is, the more tangible is the dependence on magnetic storms and the more suffering from this phenomenon.

Impact of magnetic storms on health

It is unlikely that the story of air and car accidents, the increase in equipment failures and accidents at work will convince anyone that they are caused by magnetic storms, but meanwhile it often happens that way. They most actively affect the elderly, as well as everyone who has the misfortune to be familiar with vascular and heart diseases. Even mild diseases of civilization, such as vegetative-vascular dystonia and hypertension, which already mean practically nothing for a person, can loudly remind of themselves during magnetic storms.

In addition, being on an airplane, subway, or in another place where there is a pressure drop, it is more difficult to transfer a magnetic flash. Mentally unstable people also have a hard time enduring magnetic storms. These cosmic blizzards have only a negative impact on health.

Symptoms of the influence of magnetic storms:

  • Aches in the knees, elbows, ankles and other joints.
  • Headaches - from a small annoying background to a real migraine.
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances, anxiety.
  • Depression, mental disorders. Most often - this is the usual irritability, nervous behavior, rapid mood swings.
  • Pressure surges.
  • Complete energy decline, unwillingness to work, apathy.
  • Also, during magnetic storms, chronic diseases are often exacerbated.

How to deal with the effects of magnetic storms

In order to feel good on the days of magnetic storms (and not only!) You should follow simple recommendations:

  • Eliminate the use of alcohol, nicotine, and other harmful substances.
  • Do not allow yourself to overwork, rest more.
  • Take care of outdoor recreation, spend more time on the street, if possible, temper yourself (this will improve the condition of the vessels).

But sometimes the tension needs to be removed directly at the current moment, and it will take more than one month to wait for the effect of hardening and sports life. Follow these tips to reduce pain and irritability.

1. Do acupressure . From a small bump on the back of the head, run your fingers to the earlobes. Squeeze them and start massaging. The procedure can be repeated. The same applies to palm massage - by pressing on the central convex point, expand the massaging movements in concentric circles, completing the massage on the tips of the little fingers, which should also be pressed.

2. Do not get out of bed abruptly or quickly - and in general avoid jerks and pressure drops . Lie down on a bed or chair, stretch properly. Stretch the oblique muscles of the body in turn by stretching up with your right hand (lying on your left side) and vice versa. Stretch your neck by doing 5-7 smooth bends forward, backward, left and right.

3. Apply simple yoga exercises . Sit in the lotus position. With your left nostril closed, breathe in deeply through your right. Every 10-15 breaths, try to hold your breath for 20-30 seconds. Then repeat on the second nostril. Focusing on breathing will enrich the brain with oxygen, help relieve spasm.

Magnetic storms do not affect healthy people in any way, so the best way to avoid their consequences is to temper yourself, play sports and eat rationally.

The expression "magnetic storms" has long and firmly entered our lives. There are about four magnetic storms on our planet every month. Their impact on human health is obvious. After all, at this time the condition of many people worsens, the head hurts, body aches are felt. Doctors are absolutely sure that people's well-being depends to a large extent on geomagnetic disturbances. Let's try to understand their nature.

Impact on a person

What is the effect of magnetic storms on human health? The symptoms are generally the same for everyone:

  • a person begins to feel a strong causeless fatigue;
  • headaches begin to bother;
  • Many people have heart palpitations.

But in people with chronic diseases, the impact of this unusual natural phenomenon is expressed as follows:

  • people suffering from bronchial asthma find it more difficult to breathe;
  • in hypertensive patients, pressure often jumps;
  • even in healthy people, irritability may increase, unreasonable anxiety may appear, and efficiency may decrease;
  • people with an unstable psyche may experience depression or bouts of aggression.

First steps for such ailments

Although magnetic storms sometimes affect human health quite tangible, doctors believe that you do not immediately need to start drinking some serious medicines on your own. It is better to consult a doctor and try to help the body overcome the reaction to it with his help. But if you just feel weak, herbalists suggest to cheer up with the help of brain-activating spices, which almost everyone has at home:

  • ginger;
  • cardamom;
  • nutmeg;
  • thyme.

Take a teaspoon of each spice, add a teaspoon of black tea and brew an invigorating drink in a thermos. However, if you do not have time in the morning for this, you can drink one of the available antispasmodics, such as:

  • "Baralgin".
  • "Spazmalgon".
  • "Bral" and others.

You can take a dissolvable aspirin, but before that you need to eat something.

The impact of magnetic storms on various areas of activity

It is noticed that they can affect many areas of human activity. They entail a disruption of communications, navigation systems of spacecraft, and can even lead to the destruction of energy systems. In the 30s of the twentieth century in France, in Nice, it was noticed that the frequency of heart attacks and hypertensive crises increased sharply on days when the local telephone exchange malfunctioned, up to its complete stop. It was later determined that magnetic storms were the cause of the disruption of telephone communications. Their influence on human health, based on such observations, of course, is beyond doubt.

Magnetic storms and phases. Impact on human health

Science defines a magnetic storm as a disturbance of the Earth's magnetic field, or, in other words, a magnetic field created by intraterrestrial sources. This phenomenon may continue for several days. The nature of a magnetic storm is an interaction the so-called solar wind with our planet's magnetosphere. First of all, the magnetic field changes one of the most important physical characteristics of health human - viscosity blood. This entails a change in the work of the whole organism.

The most dangerous are the drops, which are most often caused by the Sun. The human body does not have time to adapt to such changes that affect the blood, and therefore, aged people and those who, for some reason, have weakened immunity, are the first to suffer from magnetic storms. As for the phases of the moon, scientists believe that the human body does not depend on it so much that it could cause serious changes in its biorhythm. Yes, together with the Sun, being also a cosmic body, it can, of course, influence the human body, but so insignificantly that this influence goes almost unnoticed.

Effect of magnetic storms on blood vessels

A change in blood viscosity can lead to the formation of clots in it and a deterioration in gas exchange. The body experiences stress caused by an increase in the release of adrenaline into the blood. At the same time, during jumps in the Earth's magnetic field, the human body reduces the production of melatonin, which affects the body's resistance to stress. This leads to drops in blood pressure, which can lead to a severe headache, difficulty breathing. There is a lack of oxygen in the blood, which leads to a number of negative sensations:

  • there are pains in the region of the heart;
  • the head begins to spin;
  • darkens in the eyes, etc.

All this only increases the stressful state to which the body has already undergone. This may well lead to a hypertensive crisis. Fortunately, for most people, the effects of magnetic storms are limited to joint pain, insomnia, and exhaustion. Children become overly restless and capricious. In this section, we took a closer look at how magnetic storms affect human health. Next, we will talk about how to deal with such phenomena.

How to reduce the impact of magnetic storms on humans

First of all, a person affected by a magnetic storm must prepare for it. Warned by forecasters about the upcoming changes, he should first have a good rest, ideally just sleep off. On a rested body, the impact of external stimuli will be minimal. In addition, these days you need to plan work that is not associated with heavy physical labor. If a person is healthy, he can conduct his usual business as usual, but not complicate them with additional loads. You need to walk more and give preference to light diet food. We should never forget the impact magnetic storms have on human health. How to reduce it is another question. It all depends on the person himself, the implementation of all the above recommendations.

Water treatments to protect the body from magnetic storms

Magnetic disturbances in the atmosphere affect the state of vessels. They become less elastic, the blood moves through them more slowly, and the organs receive less oxygen. Therefore, the vessels need training. Water will help you with this.

  • Take a contrast shower twice a day. It not only improves the functioning of blood vessels, but also perfectly tones.
  • Try to devote one or two days during the week to swimming in the pool.
  • It is advisable to visit the sauna once a month.
  • And on the eve of a magnetic storm, it is very useful to take soothing baths with sea salt, coniferous extract, essential oils of valerian, mint, orange and others.

It turns out that the impact of magnetic storms on human health is not so terrible. How to protect yourself from them? There are enough ways. The main thing is to show desire and perseverance.

Magnetic storms: impact on human health. How to protect yourself from an unpleasant phenomenon

  • First of all, it is necessary to reduce physical activity to a minimum. Do not make sudden movements that can cause pressure drops. You need to walk slowly, at a moderate speed.
  • It is advisable to take sedative herbal preparations that relieve emotional stress. It can be motherwort, valerian or herbal preparations.
  • You can not include in the diet foods that can retain fluid in the body. This applies to pickles, hot spices, smoked meats. At the same time, drink plenty of green tea or plain water, which will help reduce blood viscosity.
  • You can do breathing exercises, which helps to saturate the blood with oxygen.
  • Ventilate the room you are in and spend more time outdoors.

A healthy lifestyle helps to maximize your well-being during magnetic storms.


If you are exposed to magnetic storms, then first of all keep track of the days on which solar flares are most likely. If you know exactly when magnetic storms will occur, their impact on human health can be minimized. Spend these days in a calm environment, exclude the possibility of stressful situations, do not make important decisions, avoid drinking alcohol. You can go to the theater or cafe, take a walk in the park. In addition, it is important to understand that geomagnetic changes in nature have always existed, they are inevitable and will be repeated with a certain frequency. Do not be afraid of magnetic storms, as a feeling of fear can lead to a deterioration in well-being. Keep a positive attitude and stay healthy!

On September 6, 2017, at about 19.00 Novosibirsk time, we became unwitting witnesses of a unique astronomical event - a superflare on the Sun, the strongest in 12 years. Streams of charged particles will rush to the Earth's surface, which by the evening of September 7 have reached our atmosphere and provoked a geomagnetic storm of about the third level out of five possible.

The solar storm did not end there - three more followed the first one, the last one yesterday, September 10th. It forced the crew of the International Space Station to take shelter behind the reinforced walls of the habitation module, almost knocked geostationary satellites out of orbit, and the background radiation on Earth increased for the first time in three years.

We are unlikely to suffer from an increase in the radiation background, then what is the danger of magnetic storms? Do we feel them and are they harmful to our health?

How does a magnetic storm affect our planet?

The sun continuously radiates not only light, but also streams of charged particles - the so-called "solar wind". This stream seems to go around our planet from all sides - the Earth's own magnetic field works as a kind of shield. And only closer to the poles, the solar wind breaks into the upper layers of the atmosphere, coloring them with northern lights.

This is how the solar wind goes around our planet

But periodically there are flashes on the Sun - like in early September of this year. In this case, the plasma ejection turns out to be so great that it causes a perturbation of the magnetosphere on the entire planet - a magnetic storm. The earth's magnetic field is out of balance, and plasma clouds saturate the surrounding space with charged particles, sharply increasing the radiation background.

The strongest geomagnetic storm or "Carrington Event" was recorded in modern times in 1859, September 1-2. It caused the failure of telegraph systems throughout Europe and North America. Aurora Borealis has been observed all over the world, even over the Caribbean, and in the US over the Rocky Mountains, they were so bright that they woke up gold miners who started preparing breakfast, thinking it was morning.

Of course, such strong geomagnetic storms do not happen every year - calculations show that the next extreme solar storm will occur no earlier than in zoo years. However, magnetic storms weaker than the famous "Carrington Event" by 3-4 times happen quite often: over the past 60 years, they were recorded on September 13, 1957, February 11, 1958, July 15, 1959, March 13, 1989 and November 20, 2003. The current outbreak is not surprising by its power, but by what happened at the minimum of the next cycle of solar activity, which none of the astronomers expected. Now, perhaps, they will have to reconsider their calculations!

The fact that scientists recorded a solar flare does not yet indicate the beginning of a geomagnetic storm. After all, the light from the Sun to the Earth (what scientists see) comes in 8.5 minutes. A directed stream of charged particles will reach us within an hour, and it can “miss” our planet. Plasma clouds will cover us only after two or three days from the moment of the outbreak, and the magnetosphere will need the same amount of time to “come to its senses”.

How does a magnetic storm affect the human body

The effect of magnetic storms on technology has been well studied and even classified. Thus, in accordance with the classification of the US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, even medium-level magnetic storms can lead to problems with voltage stability in power networks, affect the tracking and orientation mechanisms of spacecraft, impair satellite navigation for several hours, and even cause induced currents in pipelines. .

People, like technology, react to fluctuations in the magnetic field, we are talking primarily about the brain and heart. At the beginning of the last century, Russian biophysicist Alexander Chizhevsky described an increase in the frequency of epileptic seizures in patients during changes in the geomagnetic field strength. But magnetic storms also change the properties of blood (this is viscosity and fluidity), its composition (the number of red blood cells decreases in someone, the level of white blood cells increases in someone) and biochemical characteristics. Today it is generally accepted that people with diseases of the heart and blood vessels suffer from magnetic storms, the number of strokes and heart attacks increases, and the condition of neurological patients worsens.

Healthy people may experience mood swings, feelings of depression, restlessness, apathy and unmotivated fatigue.

Removing an electroencephalogram in healthy volunteers showed changes in the electrical rhythms of the brain during electromagnetic exposure, the temporal region, the projection of the hippocampus and hypothalamus become especially active. Scientists attribute these changes to adaptation mechanisms: there are centers in the hypothalamus that control the production of hormones responsible for the constancy of the internal environment of the body.

In some people, theta rhythms appear in the encephalogram. Theta waves occur when a calm, relaxed wakefulness turns into sleepiness. Vibrations in the brain become slower and more rhythmic.

This state is also called "twilight", because in it a person is between sleep and wakefulness. Normally, this state is accompanied by the appearance of unexpected dream-like images, vivid memories. Most people fall asleep after this, but the theta rhythm also increases with emotional stress, often observed in mental disorders, states of confusion, concussions.

Therefore, some children with unstable work of the nervous system prefer to simply lie down and sleep through the unfavorable time. If possible, do not interfere with them, the brain in sleep mode restores the disturbed constancy of the internal environment.

In studies of a large number of adults with various diseases, scientists emphasize the decrease in adaptive capabilities and the associated deterioration in the general condition.

Nevertheless, the results of healthy volunteers indicate that the human body, as a result of evolution, has developed mechanisms for adapting to an increase in the intensity of the geomagnetic field, and in a healthy person, the countermeasure mechanism consists in activating the brain. This increases the body's resistance, maintaining or even increasing efficiency.

No less interesting were the results of studies of pregnant women: in expectant mothers with severe placental insufficiency, there was a tendency to the onset of childbirth against the background of magnetic field disturbances. In healthy women in labor, childbirth occurred at the moment following the end of the storm.

The geomagnetic situation even affects the formation of the thymus in the fetus - the thymus gland, which forms the immune response in children. As a rule, solar flares occurring at 13-17 weeks of embryogenesis have a negative effect on the development of this organ.

Listen to your well-being during solar flares, avoid additional workload and stress, do not forget to take the therapy prescribed by your doctor. Pay special attention to children with neurological deficits, especially if you see a clear relationship between solar activity and the behavior of young children.

Solar flare (animation)