Good and evil in the work of the demon. Analysis of the poem "Demon" (m

1. The concept of evil and good

2. Tragedy of the demon.

3. Return to life.

4. Symbolism of the central image.

Critics are called the poem "demon" by the crown of Mikhail Yurevich Lermontov's poetic creativity. Above the text of this work, the author worked for ten years, during which time eight different editions of the poem were created.

The plot of "Demon" is based on the famous biblical legend about the False Angela Azrael, who dared to rebel against the Lord and for this misconduct was forever expelled from the paradise kushche and turned into a dark spirit, personifying the energous evil.

The concept of evil and good Lermontov interpreted in his own way. In the literature, the traditional is considered to understand good as humility to God and voluntary following His commandments, and evil - as disobedience to the Most High and the choice of the unrighteous path. The poet, on the contrary, the Lord is not good lord, but a cruel and straight-line tyrant, and the demon is the power that tried to overthrow him from the throne.

In the poem under consideration, the concepts familiar to us, evil and good acquired a new meaning, not corresponding to the generally accepted morality of the Orthodox religion. The demon, being, in fact, the focus of evil, does not negate the well-existing good, but understands it differently than ordinary people. In accordance with the "traditional" Christian morality, virtue means humility, humility, and evil - confronting these rules. But for Lermontov, on the contrary, good is a synonymal of inconsistency, the struggle, and the Mord himself becomes the culprit in the world of evil in the world. The poet sincerely believes that a kind and fair God would never have created such land:

Where is the crime only yes execution,

Where passions are small only to live;

Where they don't know how without fear

Neither hate nor love ...

The presence of the Lord feels in every line of the text of the poem. God can even be called one of the main actors, despite the fact that his presence is invisibly and inform. It is about him that heroes constantly mention, only the Most High accused of injustices and crimes committed in the earthly world, as people were created by the divine image and likeness:

... Messenger God,

You could know about the future

Why did you create me?

Azrail as well as the main hero of the poem, the demon, is an exile. This is "the creature is strong, but defeated." But, unlike a demon, the punishment of Azraul followed not for the riot, but only for the expression of discontent - bored in complete loneliness, he dared to reproach the Most High in that one for some reason created him much earlier people. The Angry Lord, having learned about it, did not slow down to punish the reclamation:

Changed his star;

How smoke was scattered,

The hand of the Creator is fragmented;

But death faithful on the edge,

Looking at the deceased world

I lived alone, scored and sir.

The demon, unlike the azraul, was punished "according to merit": he didn't just expressed his disagreement with God, but also actively opposed him. And for this, the arrogant rebellion was waiting for a terrible punishment. The "good" Lord not only immediately expelled the breath of Paradise, but also completely destroyed his essence, his soul, taking her curse and making it empty and dead. In addition, the demon was charged with full responsibility for all evil and injustice, which was wrapped in the earthly world. Submitting the will of the Lord, the demon "burns the stamp of the fatal" everything, how can his hand touch, becoming a merciless "gun of evil." And this is the terrible tragedy of the main hero of the poem:

Russed - but where? What for?

I do not know ... former friends

I was rejected; as Eden,

The world has become deaf and it.

Strong love, suddenly appeared and reviving the Dead Dead Soul, who broke out in her chagging fire, caused the return of an unfortunate exile to a full-fledged life. The dancing beauties of Tamara managed the warmth of his soul, to revive the "mute soul of his desert":

And he jumped off the shrine

Love, Good and Beauty!

The demon's warmed warm funeral feelings reiterated in the awakened soul. He dreamed that his soul remains forever alive, could perceive all the joys of life and, finally, could merge on the other, native and close soul in one love. The deaths of a demon to Tamara spread to all living things surrounding him, he experienced the need to do good and looked at the beauty of the earthly world. It was returned to him that was selected by the All-Wild God:

He admired - and dreams

About the former happiness chain long,

As if behind the star star

I have rolled it before.

But, again, gaining the ability to experience bright feelings, the demon cannot withstand surging emotions and, without cope with them, crying bitterly:

So much near the cell

Through the stone is visible

Tear hot, like a flame,

Inhuman tear! ..

The demon attracted not only the bright beauty of Tamara and her dance. He managed to see her soul, a living, sympathizing, capable of understanding his suffering.

The mystical meaning of the poem "Demon" is organically combined with the strata-depicted earthly reality. This work is imbued with the deepest psychologism: in the form of a demon Lermontov combined the characteristic features of many of its contemporaries. In the 1930s of the XIX century there were already people who sought to find the truth, expressed dissatisfaction with the existing orders, were looking for ways to get rid of slavery and the oppression of autocracy. Unfortunately, they were unknown, what ways you can come to truth: they were originally born in the slave-owned state, they were initially not free.

The demon is not just a mystical figure, this is a real riotrik, obsessed with passion for destruction, supported by his own pride, protesting against existing orders and laws, but at the same time not finding decent opposition to all this. The demon is not to blame for injustice to be worn on earth, but he has already poisoned by this injustice, evil and hatred. He strives for people, but at the same time despises their lowland essence.

This deep symbolic image means the natural destruction of opposing old concepts, the desire for a new understanding of the evil and good, the establishment of new, fair and comprehensive laws. That is why the poem "demon" did not lose its relevance and now.

Problems of the poem Lermontov "Demon"

The poem "Demon" is the most important poems of Lermontov written in a romantic style. The poet worked on him for more than ten years, in the period from 1829 to 1839. In the process of work on the poem, a creative idea changed several times, Lermontov repeatedly edited it by changing the scene, the plot and the composition of the actors.

Under the "demon" is understood as a supernatural being, most often about the Angel, which risen against God. The demonism is attitude to the world, based on the absolute freedom of the will of its carrier and total skepticism, the ultimate goal of which is the destruction of all values. It is based on the denial of good and love, as well as the personal insult of the media of the demonism, a deep complex. The concept of freedom in this case is not considered in the context of "freedom for", but in the context of "freedom from" of something.

According to the plot, the demon, flying over the ground, recalled the best times, the days, "when he believed and loved." Now he misses and is in constant despondency: nothing pleases him, "he sowed evil without pleasure," without meeting a worthy rebuff, and ultimately "evil bored him." Flying over the Caucasus, the demon notes that around the house, which "always silently" standing on the cliff, there is some kind of revival. It turned out that the local prince Gudal issues his daughter - Princess to Tamar. Planned noble celebrations - "On the feast he convened the whole family." Flying closer, the demon sees a young and beautiful Tamar, dancing with a tambourine. And suddenly it happened that the demon clearly could not expect:

A mute soul his desert filled the gracious sound -

And he fed the shrine of love, good and beauty!

The fallen angel falls in love, and now he needs to deal with the opponent. The demon sees how the rule of the Sanidala - the groom Tamara - from all his legs rides towards his happiness, and decides in any respect to prevent his appearance at the wedding feast. At first, the demon does so that the opponent did not stop prayer in the chapel, where he lay "some kind of prince, now saint", and immediately after that he kicks a caravan of the robbers. The wounded groom out of battle takes his horse, but "the evil bullet of Ossetian" still catchies it. Thus, the demon manage to get rid of the opponent.

When the horse brings the groom's body to the gudala goal and everyone understands that the wedding does not be, "crying and moans" begin, and the head of the family itself sees in this Kara. Lying in her room, "spars a poor Tamara," but suddenly she heard "magic voice over himself": this demon came to confuse her sweet speeches:

No, lots of mortal creativity,

Believe me, my earth angel,

Do not stand one moment of your sadness dear!

Tamara falls asleep and she dreams of sleep, as if, "Red Blue unearthly", a certain "newcomer" descends to the head of her bed and is complaints about her. But she cannot understand who it is: "No day, no night, is neither darkness, no light." So lasts a few nights in a row, and Tamara understands that it is, rather, the Spirit of the Snay, and begs the Father to allow her to get in the nun. Gudal agrees, and relatives will take Tamar to the monastery. But there, the image of the demon does not let her go, does not give her rest:

For many days she languishes,

Not knowing why;

Holy wants to pray -

And the heart praises him.

The demon is looking for meetings with Tamara, but long can not enter the "shrine of a peaceful shelter". He is overcome by doubts: he understands that the payback for love is the death of a girl, and it is tortured him, in some moment he even wants to fly away, but "his wing is not stirred." The demon really suffers, he does not want to hurt her, but he can't do anything with him, and it brings him to tears:

Ponya near the cells of that thoroughly buried the stone of the tear hot, like a flame,

Inhuman tear! ..

The demon still enters the cell, but sees there is not Tamar, but her guardian angel. And here the "old hatred of poison" again wakes up in the soul of the demon. He explains Cherubim that "you came, the defender, late," because his love for Tamara has already managed to become mutual, and "there is no more your shrine." Angel, realizing that the demon does not deceive him, leaves the battlefield. Tamaru at the sight of a demon is beginning to overcome doubts, and she asks him to swear, that he rents from "evil compassion." He swears; The demon invests all its skills of eloquence, admonition and seduction in this oath:

I swear the first day of creativity,

Swear it last day

The draws of lush will build from turquoise and amber;

I'm omitted to the bottom of the sea,

I will fly for the clouds,

I will give you everything, all the earth -

Love me!..

Tamara can not resist the dustiness, passion and the sweetness of these words and gives his love to the spirit of evil. But paying for this love is death - it does not make himself wait a long time:

A painful horrible cry night out of the silence.

The complexity of this poem lies in the fact that Lermontov is simultaneously connected to the tradition, and largely goes its own way. The poem "Demon", over which Lermontov continued to work almost all his creative life, differs from other works of the same thematic focus. A George Byron in the Poem "Cain", Johann Goethe in Fauste, was addressed to the Deon's image in the "Demone", in "my careless ignorance" and in "Angela". Lermontov demon is more complex, it combines the human features of the Faust and Mephistofel with such a property of a demon as rebellion. His demon seeks good, beauty and harmony, decides to rewrite his fate, that is, it cannot be called only by the power of evil. The author is trying to say that the world is so mired in evil that the demon has become invisible: evil is enough and without him. The Lermontov demon seems that love can change everything, and there is a struggle in it: he understands that he is Tamaru, but it seems to him that love is engraving. The demon understands his own way, but what he considers good, in fact they are not. The spirit of Evil's evil is such a love that would make him leave Tamaru, his own desires are set above: the demon loves not her, but her love for her, otherwise he would not have sought her. But the demon deceives himself, he really believes in his words. "Inhuman tear", which he sheds at the walls of the monastery - proof of this struggle.

Another struggle in the poem takes place between the demon and the angel for the soul of Tamara. Here Lermontov emphasizes that God's God's court, and God and Angels are able to see the purity of the soul, that is, there is a force in the world that is above the demon.

Summary of the lesson in Russian literature Grade 9.

Subject. "Searches for lost harmony with the world and the struggle of good and evil in the soul of the main hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon".

Goals. To acquaint students with the plot and ideological and artistic features of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon". To trace how the search for lost harmony and the struggle of good and evil in the soul of the main character take place.

Develop the ability to work with the textbook's article, with the text of the work, analyze, draw conclusions, give a monological answer.

Develop the communicative culture of students, the ability to express their own point of view, create illustrations for the work.

Promote the upbringing of morality, curiosity, responsibility.

Warn the overwork of students. Monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

During the classes.

I.. Organizing time . The goal is to create a positive attitude. Understanding the topic, setting goals.

Hello. Today we continue to get acquainted with the work of M.Yu. Lermontov and the topic of our lesson "the search for lost harmony with the world and the struggle of good and evil in the soul of the main hero of the poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon". Read carefully the topic, define keywords and ask the question to which we will have to answer.

    Why is the demon looking for lost harmony with the world?

    How does the struggle and evil in the soul of the demon?

    Does the demon manage to gain harmony with the world? Why?

Wordwork . Purpose - explain the value of a keyword.

Harmony - consent, mutual understanding.

II.. Preparation for the assimilation of a new topic, intensifying students' knowledge.

Let's remember whether I myself was M.Yu. Lermontov in harmony with the outside world? Name the characteristic features of the poet.

(Longing, loneliness, disappointment, thirst for love, mutual understanding, pride, anxiety, murmurness).

The word of the teacher.

M.Yu. Lermontov, for all his life, sought to find harmony with the world. This is reflected in his work (remember Lermontov's software poem "I go out one way"). One of the contemporaries of Lermontov noted that there was something demonic in the poet. And it is not by chance. The image of the demon is the favorite image of Lermontov. He was engaged in its development throughout his life. Questions of life and death, good and evil always worried a poet.

A poem of A.S. constantly lived in his soul. Pushkin "Demon", published in the literary almanac "Mnemozina", in 1824. At Pushkin, the demon - "evil genius" visited him (already in the past), n Love teachers. Pushkin saw the enemy in him and did not try to do not. Pushkin pies will be replied.

egypt answer o stopped. And the soul did not poison him. Pushkin saw the enemy in him and did not try to get closer to him, understand him. Lermontov did not let him go just like that. After all, if it is an enemy, then special. The poet was worried about the question: is it only hateful for such terrible all-negious? Lermontov reflected on how terrible to be expelled to the ground, forever, and not love anything on it. The image of the daemon he became his twin, part of him.

Compilation of cluster.

Let's and we define for themselves: who is such a demon? What associations do you have this concept.

angry spirit hell fallen angel paradise evil

    

devil Demon Cowar

    

power destruction sky temptation god

Thus, our ideas about the demon are associated with such concepts as ....

Having become acquainted with the poem, we compare, as I presented and developed the image of Demon M.Yu. Lermontov.

III . Studying a new material.

1. Work with the articles of the textbook.

Let's first get acquainted with the history of the poem.Task: Read the textbook article, fill in tables.

1829 ……

1837 …....






Folklore motifs (sources).

………. …….. ……

(Legend of evil Houd spirit). (Legend of AMIRIS chained to the rock). (History with the temple of the Holy Trinity).

2 . Student responses.

3. Message of the student about the sources of the plot. Tutorial page 121-122.

    Biblical myth.

    Production "Cain" D.G. Bairon.

    "Faust" Goethe.

Lermontov develops the theme, draws its image of a demon.

4 . Working with the text of the work. (Implementation of homework).

Give a challenge a demon, tell about its history.

    Where does the demon inhabit? What recalls? What are his classes? Part 1 (1, 2) p. 183-184.

    How does the demon relate to nature? Ch1 (3, 4) p. 184 - 185.

    History of the demon Part 2 (10) pp. 201 "What bitter tomorrow ..."

    Describe the portrait of the hero of Part 1 (16) p. 193, Part 2 (16) p.210.

(There is no direct portrait characteristic of the demon in the poem, in the text only the individual details are scattered, emphasizing its fantasticity, dissolution in the world of nature and allocating some human features).

    Draw an illustration that would allow a demone habitat. Use the color palette that the author creates in the poem.

Special color palette of cosmic background: Blue of eternal ester, lilap black thunder. Dominant colors - black (20 use), red (20 use), blue (20 use). Blue balances black and red, denotes the space where the collision of good and evil occurs.

5. Responses of students, representation of creative work.

6. Presentation of the slideshow.

. Many artists illustrated the work of M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon", but the most famous works of Mikhail Alexandrovich Vrubel. See how he presented a demon

Fizminutka. Stand up, turn your eyes up, pull out and imagine that you are part of a huge universe.


Why is the demon looking for lost harmony with the world?

(The demon will be rejected by God, is doomed to eternal loneliness. In his soul, evil was entered and began to manage them. The demon wants to return the harmony, get rid of loneliness).

What a feeling can revive the demon? (Remember Evgeny Onegin).

Love is the most natural and harmonious feeling.

The demon falls in love with Tamaru, the struggle of good and evil begins. How does this happen? What wins?

    Working with the text of the work. Independent work.

To trace how the struggle of evil and good for the following plot events takes place.

    The demon sees Tamaru. Part 1 (9) p.188.

    "Demon's cunning dream" H 1 (11) p. 189 - 190

    The demon comforts Tamaru, describes nature. Part 1 (15) p. 192 - 193.

    How does the demon affect Tamaru? Part 1 (16) p. 193, h 2 (1,2,5, 7).

    Is the demon immediately deciding to pick up the soul of Tamara? Part 2 (9).

    Can Tamara return to the Demon Heaven? How does he talk about it? Does it believe in it? Does it think about Tamara? Ch2 (10) "O1 Listen ...", "Why, beautiful ..." does Tamara sympathize with him? What does it require a demon?

    What is the promise of a demon, his oath?

    What would be the life of Tamara if she stayed with the demon? What does he promise her?

    What is the demon before the angel and Tamara? What feelings cover it? Why didn't Tamara stay with the demon? H 2 (11, 14).

    Could the demon change its existence? What wins his soul?

    Is it possible to find harmony with the world, causing another evil?

    Writing an essay.

We traced how good and evil in the poem occurs. We have to answer another question: why does the demon can't find harmony with the world?

    Read 1- 2 work.

IV. . Generalization, summing up. Estimation.

Have we achieved the goal? Answered questions marked at the beginning of the lesson?

V. . Homework . To learn by heart like a fragment of the work.

Poem M.Yu. Lermontov "Demon" can be considered a business card of the writer. Here we see and the Caucasus beloved by the author, and the philosophical thoughts of the author regarding good and evil. Not devoid of the poem and theme of the impossibility of love, which was so relevant for Mikhail Yurevich himself. Master image of nature, full psychologist and romantic pathos dialogues, varieties of mythological and folklore motifs - all this contains this masterpiece of Russian literature.

The poem "Demon" has 8 editions, as Lermontov began writing his work at the age of 14 and returned to work on his brainchild throughout his life. Early editors are characterized by the illegality of images, a large number of philosophical reasoning. The turning point for the development of copyright is 1838, when the 6th and 7th edition appear from under the poet's feather. Now the more mature Creator does not hold a parallel between the demon and he gives his hero by monologues.

The poem is based on the biblical myth on the false angel, and also appeals to the Georgian folklore and details of the local life.

Genre and direction

The main character of the poem can be called the prototype of the hero - exile, which firmly taken by his place in the literature of romanticism. This is a fallen angel, suffering for his audacity and disobedience. The very appeal to such an image is a characteristic feature of romanticism. One of the first was Milton ("Lost Paradise"), he applied to this character and influenced Byron, he influenced Russian literature, does not bypass the party Eternal image and A.S. Pushkin.

The poem is permeated by the ideas of the struggle as at the global level (confrontation between the demon and God), and inside the soul of a separate character (the Demon wants to correct, but the pride and thirst for pleasure are tormented by him).

The presence of folk motifs also allows you to attach a "demon" to the genre of the romantic poem.

About what?

In Georgia, in the luxurious house of Prince Gudala, his daughter lives, the girl of incredible beauty, Tamara. She is waiting for her wedding, the courtyard has already been removed to the celebration, but the demon who flown over the tops of the Caucasus has already noticed the girl, he captured her. The groom hurries to the wedding, followed by a rich caravan of camels, but the robbers overtake in the trap gorge. So the joy of the wedding turns around grief funeral.

The demon, now who has no rivals, is Tamara, wanting to take possession of her. Poor girl wants to find protection from God and goes into the monastery. There is a guardian angel, but one night the demon overcame this obstacle and seduced the girl. Tamara died, but the Angel saved her soul and moved to Paradise, where she found peace.

Main characters and their characteristics

  • Demon - Very complex character of the poem. The very image of the demon goes back to biblical plots, but in the poem Lermontov we celebrate the author's interpretation of this archetype. He punished eternal life, and his existence will always be accompanied by loneliness and longing. It would seem that you can envy this unique opportunity: from the view of a bird's eye view of mountain beauty, but it missed the hero. Even evil no longer brings pleasure. But the characteristic of the demon cannot only be reduced to the negative. He meets a girl comparable to a fabulous Virgin, who has such beauty, which one else is not tortize. " But it is beautiful not only appearance and outfits, but also a soul.
  • Tamara Modest, shallow, believes in God, it is not created for this world, it is no coincidence that the demon wants to gain salvation through love for her. Sensing this new feeling for him, the fallen angel wants to create only good, stand on the right way. But, as we see further, the hero can not cope with his pride, and all his good intentions are turning to the rush. The tempter muster and persistent, on the way to delight, he is not going to give way to either plenty of a defenseless girl nor the persuasion of God's Messenger.
  • Topics

    • Love. A special place in the poem is occupied by love. It has limitless power: sometimes the heroes are ruined, sometimes gives hope, and sometimes the eternal flour promises. Jealous hurry to the bride ruins the groom Tamara, for the demon, this girl is hope for salvation. Love awakens in the false angel for a long forgotten feelings, she makes him catching up horror, fear and cry.
    • Fight. The demon rejected by heaven is no longer able to make her torment. In the poem, he appears to the reader who has already lost all the taste of existence, even evil does not bring him pleasure. The last chance to win for forgiveness - the love of a young pure girl. Tamara for a demon is an instrument for fighting the sky. He got rid of Angela, seduced Tamaru, but he was not able to overcome himself, his flavors, for which she was doomed to suffer forever. Tamara is struggling with the tempter, it does not give in to him words against the Most High, desperately wanting to avoid the hellish monastery.
    • Loneliness. "Exhalation Spirit" for several centuries, he wanders "in the desert of the world without a shelter." The only one inversion of its existence is the memories of the past when he was among his fellow - "clean Cherubs." Love for a death girl makes the demon even more acute to honor his longing and loneliness. It seems that at some point he is ready to express humility and bow before Most High: he hears the evening song, she reminds the false angel about the paradise. The demon who has attacked before all fear and horror, now crying with hot tears.
    • Vera. Only thanks to the unshakable faith in God, Tamara avoids from the Muk of Hell. The dismissive attitude towards religion is ruined, according to the copyright, the groom is printed. The sophisticated beauty, the demon whispers to her that God is busy only with heavenly affairs, and the earth does not pay attention. But the girl did not succumb to the naval evil, for which the soul was saved by the guardian angel.
    • Idea

      Angel and demon - two sides of one soul. A man in his nature is dual, good and evil always fight in it. The purpose of the chief hero of the poem is to sow doubt, awakened the custody thoughts in man. For obedience, God can cruelly punish, as it happened to the fiance of Tamara.

      Defeated the demon, but is it severely brutally to him? It gives an exile with a chance to escape through sincere love leading to virtue, but the hero does not cope with his negative start and thereby ruining himself and the girl.


      Love and vice are incompatible - Lermontov actualizes this problem in the "Demone". For the author, this feeling, rather, the holy, this sky, rather than the earth. When they forget about the beauty of the soulful, but they only think about the pleasures of the flesh, the substitution of love is a sin. The true feeling calls for virtue, self-sacrifice, the abandonment of pride.

      But not everyone is given the ability to love so much. An obsessed with thirst superiority over the sky and the desire to experience pleasure, for the first time in many hundreds of years, the Demon breaks down the last saving thread. And the fallen angel, and Tamara become victims of sinful passion, but the girl reserves the god easily, and the demon opposed to the Creator of the Demon to the eternal suffering. This reflection is the moral problem of the pride - the dark side of the soul of each of us.

      Before heroes there is a problem of moral choice. The demon between humility and passion chooses the latter, for which it gets even greater suffering. The groom Tamara listened to a loan voice and neglected the prayer on the road, for which he was cruelly paid, Tamara was able to withstand the temptation of the tempter, so the Gate of Paradise was opened for her.


      In assessing the critics "Demon" at certain periods of its literary history, the poem is presented in different ways. The appearance of this demonic image in Russian soil was in a certain way of a literary event, reviewers with trepidation treated the work, first of all, because they realized what history this topic is in world literature. One of the largest authorities criticism of the time V.G. Belinsky himself recognizes that the "demon" has become a measure for him "Truths, feelings, beauty." V.P. Botkin saw a revolutionary look at the universe in the poem. Many of the researchers of Lermontov's creativity still argue about the importance of some editions, without giving up unconditionally palm of the championship final version.
      Completely different was the criticism of a later period. The "demon" became the object of ridicule and bullying, especially realists, V. Zaitsev, A. Novodvorsky, extremely negatively treated one of the main symbols of romanticism.

      Rehabits the poem Sveta poetry of the beginning of the last century A. Block, continuing in its poem "demon" the tradition of Lermontov.

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Scientific work on literature on the topic "Fighting of good and evil in the poem M.Yu.Lermontova" Demon ". Copyright: Korbasyuk Alena Head: Atamanova G.A.

Introduction: I chose such a topic of essays because I am very interested in the reflection of the essence of good and evil the famous poet M.Yu. Lermontov. In the poem "demon" Lermontov expresses himself in the Rol of the "fallen angel". He embodies his thoughts and experiences. The topic of unfortunate love is also present in the poem, as in Lermontov's life. This tragedy is most pronounced in recognition of love. All this makes the poem amazingly attractive, even for those who do not see pleasure in reading.

"Sad demon, the spirit of expelling, flew over the sinner of the earth ..." M. Lermontov

The poem "Demon" can be called the crown of all creativity Lermontov. The poet worked on her ten years, the poem has eight editions. The biblical myth about the fallen angel, who rebels against God, was put in its foundation, which was expelled from Paradise and turned into the Spirit. In the poem, Lermontov reflected his thiranoboric pathos. God in the poem is the strongest of all tyrants of the world, and the demon is the enemy of this tyrant. In the concept of good and evil, Lermontov invested the meaning opposite to what they have in the traditional Christian morality, where good means humming to God, and evil - disobedience to him.

But if God is unhappy, then the concepts of good and evil change their meaning, acquire the meaning opposite to what they have in the traditional Christian morality. The author and his demon do not deny good, but good for them is something other than for a simple person. According to the Christian morality, the feat of virtue - in humility, for Lermontov - in the struggle, and humility and humility - evil. Lermontov shows that he was not a demon, and God the culprit evil. And the most cruel accusation against the Creator is the Earth:

"Where is the crime only yes execution, where the passion is small only to live; Where they do not know how to hate without fear, nor love. "

The demon is punished not only for Ropot. His wines are worse. God wanted a terrible curse of the Demon's soul, making it cold, dead. He not only drove out of Paradise, but also devastated his soul. But this is not enough. All-powerful despot laid responsibility for all evil all over the world. Upon the will of God, the demon "burns the stamp of the fatal" everything, for anything will touch, he is an eraser evil. In this terrible tragedy of Hero Lermontov: "Russed - but where? what for? I do not know ... I was rejected by the previous friends; As Eden, the world became deaf for me and him. "

Love that broke out in the soul of a demon means a revival for him. The dancing Tamara revived "a mute soul his desert": "And he fed the shrine of love, good and beauty! "

Dreams, forgotten feelings woke up in the revived soul. The demon wanted the soul to live him, responded to the impressions of life and could communicate with another, native soul, experiencing great human feelings. Finding the love of Tamara, the demon felt the love of everything alive, the need to create good, admire the beauty of the world - everything that God deprived of: "He admired - and dreams of the same happiness with a chain long, as if behind the star, the star was riding him then. Feeling for the first time longing, the demon cries: it is still near the cell that. Through the stone, the stone is visible in a tear of hot, like a flame, inhuman tears! .. "

What attracted a demon in Tamara? She is not just a beauty, it would be little for love. He felt a soul in her capable of understanding him. The thought of the fate of the slave who worried Tamar was a protest against this fate, and this riot felt the demon in it. It is on such a soul, a full pride, and could put his print demon.

When we read the poem, we believe in the depths of the senses of the demon to the young Beauty Tamara. In love for her, he sees hope for the revival of another, high and pure life: "And he enters, love ready, with a soul, open for good, and he thinks that the new life has come, the welcome!" "ABOUT! Listen - out of sorry! I would be good and heaven, you could return the word, your love is dressed, I will premine the new angel in the brilliance of the new ... "

Tamara succumbed to His Charm. The death cry of Tamara, its parting with life is the warning of the author against deadly poison of demonism.

On behalf of God, an angel acts in the poem; Clemented on earth, he defeats the demon in the sky. The first meeting with an angel in the Tamara's cell awakens hatred in the "heart, full pride". Obviously, in the love of a demon there is a sharp and fatal turn - now he fights for Tamaru with God: "There is no more your shrine here! Here I own and love! " The demon ruined Tamar. And even after her death, he chased her soul and tried to take her from Angel. But God did not give evil to triumph. Tamara was now free, and the demon again remained alone with eternity.

The "demon" completes the era of high romanticism, opening new psychological and philosophical opportunities in the romantic plot. As the brightest work of romanticism, the "demon" is built on contrasts: God and the demon, the sky and the earth, the Brengin and Eternal, the struggle and harmony, freedom and tyranny, the love of earthly and the love of heaven. In the center is bright, exceptional personality. But Lermontov is not limited to these typical opposition for romanticism, fills them with new content. Many romantic antithesis are changing in places: the gloomy temptation is inherent in heaven, angelic impurity and purity - earthly. Demon conflict is wider than romantic conflict: first of all it is a conflict with himself - internal, psychological.

Conclusion. As a result of all the work done, I realized that the struggle of good and evil in the soul of every person is inevitable and that wins depends on the person himself. Also, I believe that M.Yu.Lermontov, who dedicated to work on the poem of ten years, reflected in the image of the hero some of his features: fearless spirit, infinity of the search for the meaning of being. Perhaps the tragedy "demon" is the tragedy of the poet itself, and the recognition of the demon "I want to reconcile with the sky ..." And there is a recognition of the poet itself ...