How to cut a swan from an apple. How to make a swan from an apple? Step-by-step description of manufacturing and useful tips swan from apple. Step-by-step instruction

It's no secret that dishes that are served on the table should be not only delicious, but also beautiful. The originally decorated dish will wake up the missing appetite and will fully enjoy the skill of the hostess. In this article, I will tell you how, spending only five minutes, make a swan from an apple - decoration for any dish. Single from the apple "Swan" - one of the easiest figures that will be available even beginners. In order not to get confused in the actions, cutting out a swan from the apple, focus on my step-by-step photos Instructions. Just great if you have special knives for carving, if not, then arm yourself with the thinnest knife. The thinner you will have a knife, the more layers of the "feathers" will be cut. You can also take another 2 conventional oil knives in the helpers, why write below. The prepared apple is cut on the diagonal passing through the center. One of the halves put down the cut down on the cutting board. And oil knives are placed below and from the top of the apple. They will stop the knife that we will cut the wings, not letting it enter deeper than you need.
On both sides of the core cut the apple. To do this, we visually outlook in the middle of a strip of 1 cm wide, we make an incision with a knife, but not until the end of the apple, we make a counter incision from below. It turned out corner. We carry out the same actions and on the other hand. Now our main goal will cut as much careful corners as possible from the piece that we cut off in the previous step. The more - the more beautiful the wings will be. Do not forget that the corners should be equal to the number on both sides.
When everything is chopped, proceed to the formation of the wings, laying the sliced \u200b\u200bcorners on each other.
Prepare a place for your head. To do this, in the middle of an almost finished body (that strip, that 1 cm wide) we make a deep cutout.
To create the head, we take the remaining half of the apple and cut out a slice from it, equal to the thickness of the place prepared by us. Orientate in the photo, make several cuts. We should have a neat head.

There were nuances. From Apple Seeds I will form your eyes and put the finished head on the place prepared for it.
All, now you know how easy it is easy to cut a swan from an apple.


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Decor table. Always was part of the feed of the dish. Scientists have proven that a beautiful serving excites appetite and increases the mood, so why not decorate the table for the holiday or the arrival of guests?

In the culinary direction, increasingly gaining popularity carving - art carving for vegetables and fruits. Very time-consuming occupation that requires accuracy and patience. Knowing the fact that many of the weight of gold, "With taste" Offers to make a simple, but very beautiful apple craft.

How to decorate the table

On the buffets and feasts there are a variety of fruit decorations and vegetables, but not all of them will be able to repeat without clear instructions. It is such instructions that we prepared for those who want to make a little originality in the usual meal.

You will need

  • apples (one for two crafts)
  • 3 knives: 2 identical and 1 sharp

Having everything you need, you can proceed to creativity.

IN decoration of table. Children will be accustomed to participate, and the technique itself is simple and original. In addition, it's much more pleasant to see edible crafts next to dishes. They will greatly decorate the fruit plate or. If you like the idea, share our master class with others!

On the eve of the New Year holidays, full celebrations and feasts, I want to carry out a small excursion to the world of carving for you. Today I will master the art of carving fruit. This culinary lesson is for beginners, so do not judge too strictly. Fruit snack "Swan from Apple" will decorate the table and please the eye. Consult to connect to the preparation of older children. They do not take patience in the development of culinary innovations.

For carving, one large apple will be required with a tail and fruit. The apple will be brighter and more, the Swan will be more attractive. Also need a sharp thin knife.

So, the magic of transformation will now begin. Apple, I hope you were well fluted and rubbed dry. Divide it with a sharp knife into two parts so that one apple part remains with a fruit.

Then take most of the apple and cut a thin pancake and still with a fruit. What do you think, why do I focus on this unusable thing? Apple "wand" at the exit is the Crown of the Royal Male Bird. We will cut out a harmonious couple of swans, which without fruits and the tail simply can not do.

Circle remove to the side. Half turn over to the working surface with a cut down. Visually divide the apple slice into two parts. At visual halves, do not cut, not coming to the end. The middle you have determined the look need to leave a width of at least 1 cm.

Now I advise you to pay attention to the photo. Explain the text how to cut the wing parts correctly - difficult.

At this stage, we already have a body of future swans and apple triangular slices.

Apple poles, we still have four pieces - two pairs.

Now every wing must be cut into a similar way, as for the first time.

Continue cut your wings, focusing on the photo. Each wing will consist of five and six carved figures.

Look at how clearly you can see in the photo, which should work out.

While I have a gelly couple of swans.

On the center of each tummy it is necessary to make a rectangular recess for the neck.

Neck with heads are cut out of the apple circle along with the tail - for the female, and the fruit - for the male.

Here are the royal swans from the apple from me.

Agree, to master the simplest carving from the apple is completely simple?

Let's lay the penny wings and give a couple of a couple of festive table.

It is possible to decorate any festive dish with such a cute bird. To make a swan from the apple, we need: one big apple, a couple of seeds of cloves, toothpick, one lemon and water.

So that the cuts on the apple do not oxidize and do not darken, it is necessary to treat them with acidified water (lemon juice diluted in 1/2 liter of boiled water).

  1. Sut off the segment on the side of an apple with a thickness of about 1 cm to get a steady form. We leave the cut part - it is useful for the manufacture of neck and head.
  2. We put the shape cut part down. Place the places where we will make wings. First, with one part of the apple intended for the wing, cut out an oval segment with pointed edges.
  3. We repeat the procedure, increasing the width and length of the cut.
  4. A total of four (or more) segments should turn out.
  5. In the same way, we cut four (or more) segments from the second side of the apple. Sprinkle all segments and the basis of lemon water.
  6. Gently return all segments into place. Slowly alternately stretch segments towards the tail "Swan".
  7. To securely fix the design, extended parts of the segments must be copped with halves of toothpicks. We return to the previously pending part of the apple. From her middle, cut out a slice of about 1 cm wide. The peel does not consider.
  8. On top and bottom cut the pointed ends

Option number 1.

To create a swan from an apple, you will need: thin knife, apple, serving plate.

1. Cut the apple into two halves. Remove the core with neat movements and place the apple cut down the apple down.
2. In the center, leave a strip of 1 cm wide, and on the left and on the right of it are cut from top to bottom, not reaching the end. Must get a corner. The elegance of creation depends on the number of similar corners.
3. Since it is very thin work, use, respectively, a thin knife.
4. Next, you need to cut the corner of the middle strip, which mimics the neck and the head of the winch.
5. Pre-cut corners are shifted to give a beautiful shape of the figure.
6. The neck of the Swan needs to be inserted into the cut. The finished product is placed on the serving plate.

* No less effectively lobed from a green apple.

Option number 2.

The second way to cut the swan from apples. To do this, take a large apple, a slice of carrots, a solution of 1/2 liter of water and juice 1 lemon, a few grains of pepper or mustard seeds, as well as toothpicks.

1. Cut off from EPLA 1/3 part from the other side where the tail is located. The next part is set off, it will have to make a neck and head out of it.
2. From the middle part of the apple cut out an oval figure with pointed ends. Cut out three more such shapes parallel to the first. In general, you should have four oval figures - this is one segment.
3. Next, cut out similar segments from both ends of the EPLA. The main thing is to determine in advance the middle of each of them. In total, there are three segments of four oval figures. I put them in the direction, while not separating.
4. To avoid the darkening of the fetus, spray the pulp of apples with lemon mortar. Return ovals to our places, slightly shifting each of them.
5. Fix oval with toothpicks.
6. From a smaller half of the apple, cut out a slice of 1 cm wide. Give the shape of the arched neck. Then we insert the toothpick on both sides.
7. From carrots, cut the beak and secure it on the head where the toothpick sticks out. We attach the neck to the body and insert your eyes from the grains of pepper or mustard.
8. It remains only once again to irrigate the bird with a lemon solution.

These are uncomplicated and beautiful figures, applying some patience and practice. And you have mastered the lesson how to cut a winch from apples.

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