Tomatoes for the winter are stored in the refrigerator. Fundamentals of storage of tomatoes at home in the apartment - who is fresh tomato for the new year? Preparation of tomatoes for storage

The taste of tomato is the result of a combination of sugars, acids and volatile substances (compounds perceived by our sense organs as aromas). It is in the volatile substances that the reason is hidden. They are extremely sensitive to temperatures, so the impact on these substances kills the beautiful fragrance of tomatoes.

Chemistry of tomato

The French know a lot about food, and it is French scientists who studied the effects of temperature on the taste of tomatoes. In particular, the consequences of the storage of fruits at room temperature and in the refrigerator were compared.

The result is: at a storage temperature of 20 ° C, a ripe tomato not only does not suspend the separation of volatile fragrant substances, but also enhances their development. Speaking easier, tomato becomes more fragrant.

A completely different situation was observed at a storage temperature of 4 ° C. Fragrant substances not just stopped stand out - the already contained such compounds began to collapse. Moreover, different compounds have different resistance to reduced temperatures. First of all, the more than others were destroyed by substances that attach the fetus so-called herbaceous shade. It is it that we perceive as a sign of fresh tomato, and the substance responsible for this is destroyed in the refrigerator first.

The problem here is not only in chemistry. Plays the role and structure of the fetus. Tomatoes are gentle, and it can not only harm them. It is enough to lower the temperature ambient up to 10 ° C, and the fruit will begin to collapse at the cell level. In fact, this is a massive frostbite, the result of which becomes soft, tasteless tomato.

Exceptions: Soups and Sauces

On the background of so negative influence The refrigerator on fresh tomatoes seems strange the fact that soups and sauces, which are based on the same tomatoes, with short storage in the refrigerator not only do not lose taste, but often even get better.

Why? The fact is that in the case of a finished dish or sauce, we are not talking about the pure taste of one product, but about the mixture of tastes, and there are already practically no tomato tastes.

After thermal processing of tomatoes, there is no speech on any volatile fragrant substances - there are no there. Therefore, manufacturers simply do not rely on the true taste of tomatoes. The taste of tomato paste is attached with the help of spices. Just add B. tomato soup Fresh passionate tomatoes at the very end, and you will feel the difference.

If you still need to cool

Tomatoes need to be stored at room temperature, but if you really need to cool them, then consider the next fact.

Even if the tomato lay in the refrigerator 6 days, after its room in room temperature, there was a resumption of separation of fragrant substances. Of course, in a smaller volume, but still.

Scientists are trying to remove special tomato varieties resistant to lower temperature. For this, wild grades of plants are investigated, successfully growing in Andes.

Save tomatoes with fresh to spring - the desire and purpose of many dachensons. This is understandable: the fruits contain many useful minerals, potassium, iron and a whole complex of vitamins. Of course, in our time, you can buy beautiful fresh tomatoes in stores round year, but yours, from the garden, they still will not replace, right? Its hands grown more juicy, fragrant and very, very tasty.

What kind of varieties can lie for a long time, how to store them correctly and, most importantly, where? We will talk about it now.

It's no secret that the optimal storage conditions make it possible to save various vegetables, fruits and berries (to which, by the way, the tomatoes include) fresh form quite a long time. We already know with you: it is time to talk about the nuances of long-term storage of tomatoes. It turns out that they can remain fresh for quite a long time without much effort. The main thing is to know some secrets.

Save tomatoes for a week or two easy. It is enough just to fold them into a paper bag and remove into the refrigerator, on the shelf shelf of vegetables. But to save safe and preservation to the new year and even more so before spring, not only your desire and suitable conditions for storage, but also special varieties. But let's talk about everything in order.

What varieties of tomatoes are suitable for long-term storage

Consider an important nuance: regardless of the variety, tomatoes that have grown in open soilStore betterthan greenhouse.

For long-term storage fit medium-Formation and late Tomatov varieties, such as:

  • "De Barao" - Mid-line intenerminant (with unlimited growth) grade, height can reach 2.5 m, and sometimes more. Oval fruits (depending on variety varieties) are red, pink, yellow, striped and even black;
  • "San Martzano" - intederminant highly productive grade; Fruits dense, fleshy, bright red, elongated-plum-shaped, reach the masses until 150 g.
And more beautifully preserved fruits of varieties " Rio Grande", "Kumato", "Volgograd 5/95"And" Zhanina"In addition, breeders have simplified the task of long-term storage of tomatoes: new lying (long stored) varieties are derived. Among them:
  • "Giraffe" - Intenerminant variety, reaching a height of 1.2 m. Round fruit form can be stored until March;
  • "Long Keper" - determinant grade, long-term fruit of which can weigh 250-400 g; In the fresh form are able to leave until February - March;
  • "Masterpiece 1" - Lovely low grade, whose bush reaches 60 cm. Red flat fruits Weight of about 80-200 g may remain fresh almost until spring.
Of course, the fruits of long stored varieties saved easier. But what to do, if this year you buying seeds, chose not lying, and delicious, fragrant or, for example, beautiful varieties? I am happy to plant a "swallye heart". I know that they are stored bad, but delicious after all! The answer is simple - try to save what has grown that is in stock. Itpalicity tomatoes will remain fresh and suitable for a short time, but to maximize this period it is possible to comply with the optimal storage conditions. Of course, this requirement concerns and long stored varieties.

What conditions are needed for storing tomatoes

  • the room (place) for storage should be dark and cool. Ideally, this is a refrigerator shelf, intended for vegetables, cellar or basement;
  • the temperature in the storage must be +5 ... + 12 ° C with relative air humidity 80%;
  • fruits It is necessary to gently lay the fruit up in wooden or plastic containers (drawers, trays).

Fruits It is necessary to neatly put up the fruit in wooden or plastic containers (drawers, trays)

In total, it is much easier to save immature fruits, so their storage is practiced most often. They can be placed in the refrigerator or room. But, no matter what place you choose, it is necessary to take into account the conditions for collecting the harvest and perform the preliminary training of tomatoes.

How to collect and prepare storage tomatoes

Observing these simple recommendations, you will reduce the risk of product damage to a minimum:
  • for a long time, the fruits will be stored, which are removed from the bushes before the night temperature drops below +8 ° C. If they moved freezing on the bush, then no longer lay down for a long time, even if you now do not see their explicit signs of frost damage;
  • the correct time to collect harvest is also important: it is better to make fruits with a bush in the afternoon, when they no longer be dew;

  • to extend the shelf life to the maximum, careful sorting is needed. Select only whole fruits that have reached dairy ripeness (still green tomatoes, which have already grown to the sizes inherent in the variety);
  • before laying them into storage capacity, you need each instance to be lightly wrapped in a cotton swab in vodka (without additives) or alcohol. So you destroy all microorganisms on the surface of the tomatoes.

How to store tomatoes in the refrigerator

Store tomatoes in the refrigerator follows in the bundle for vegetables, layerly laying them up and shifting each layer paper. You can use this option: Each tomato is wrapped with paper - so you save the fruits even longer, because they will not touch each other.

But keep tomatoes in the cellophane package, of course, very comfortable and practical, but wrong. Celofan does not pass air, so inside the package is created a high level of humidity. Naturally, in such conditions, tomatoes begin to quickly determine.

How to keep tomatoes in the cellar or basement

Restressing tomatoes for storage in the cellar or basement, they should also be laid in layers in wooden or plastic trays (boxes), shifting each layer paper or speaking wood sawdust. Even better if the paper wrapper is every fetus. Laying the harvest in boxes or trays is needed in three layers, no more - take into account it.

Periodically, about once every 7 days, it is necessary to look at them with the check. Without pity, choose and remove all damaged fruits.

How to keep tomatoes in banks

For a long time (3-5 months), it is possible to keep tomatoes in ordinary glass jars. There are several ways, for example, such:

Method 1

Tomatoes of dairy ripeness, without signs of diseases and damage to the peel, it is necessary to gently wash, dry and fold into a clean sterilized bank, without pressing tightly to each other. Filling out her to the top, you need to pour it into 3 spoons of alcohol, close the caproic lid and clean it in the hands. Thanks to such uncomply manipulations, all tomatoes will react with alcohol. After that, lower the wick and set fire to it from the outside. As soon as the alcohol starts to burn, the jar quickly roll up with a metal lid.

Method 2

Thoroughly wash the tomatoes and spread them outdoors for drying. Meanwhile, sterilize the cans and on the bottom of each of them, pour 2 tables. Tubes of mustard powder. Lent in the bank of tomatoes, a little lucky mustard each subsequent layer. After filling out the jar, pour into it another spoonful of mustard powder, after which we roll the metal lid. A total of a 3-liter jar should go about 5-6 st. Spoons of mustard powder.

Thanks to such methods of conservation, tomatoes will continue in a fresh form about 4-5 months. And remember: no matter how much way you take advantage, banks need to be removed for storage in a cool dark placeIdeally - cellar or basement.

P.S. Laying tomatoes for long-term storage, I have tormented for a long time - wash them or wash them. Some argue that washing categorically impossible. Others, on the contrary, advise to hold the fruits in hot water (+55 ... + 60 ° C) about 3-5 minutes. So, allegedly, all the pathogens of phytoofluorosis will be destroyed. I did not soap tomatoes, but simply wiped with alcohol every fruit.

And how do you? Hold them in hot water before laying on long storage? And in general, please tell me how you keep tomatoes?

Most popular lean dish Our time is a vegetable salad. And the most saturated ingredient for lettuce - of course, tomato. How to choose, keep and cook tomatoes, tells the new chef restaurant "Vanil" Camel Benamar.

There is a lot different species Tomatoes, what are the best?

Well, the best tomatoes, in my opinion, are Tuangahi, Baku Tomatoes, and a bullish heart. By the way, the tomatoes of the bullish heart should be very large and pink. They are incredibly sweet, fleshy and at the same time juicy. But they can get them only in May-June. So while in the first place is Baku. These choose the medium size, they themselves are always small and red. Pay attention to the fragrance - what it is also taste. The smell should be not barely catchy, but strong. And that personally for me is fundamentally important, Baku tomatoes should be sold on the branch.

And if a person comes to the market or in a supermarket now, in March, sees in front of him msypi tomatoes of different sizes and colors, how to understand what delicious?

First of all, you need to ask where the tomatoes come from. If italy is good. And with Russian tomatoes, there is really such a problem - there are so healthy, red tomatoes, and you will throw it - the real wool is simple. This is all because now tomatoes are grown in greenhouses on a compost, and not on a normal vegetable garden with natural soil. You can arrange so that the tomato was beautiful, red and large - the hand still stretches, but completely tasteless, a real deception. In some institutions, they use such, and even try to improve the taste with casing or oil olive - for me, it is a waste of products.

So you can determine the quality, only trying?

To my great joy, it is possible to identify the ripeness and taste of tomato, just it sniffing. In general, there is a certain number of products, choose which you can smell. So, tomatoes in this row.

How long have you been cooking Cherry?

Ten years old, a maximum of 20 minutes ago. Prior to that they were prepared only in the south of Italy and in Spain. In Russia, they became popular because of their rich saturated taste, and because of the ease of preparation. At the same time choose Cherry need carefully. In many supermarkets, they are sold in transparent plastic containers, without a branch. Well, here I personally will not buy grapes with separate berries! And you? Also with Cherry tomatoes. For those sold by the scatter, the taste is completely different - apparently, they were collected from branches with pitched or, on the contrary, with green fruits. Cherry should always be on the branch to see that the whole bunch is healthy.

How best to keep tomatoes?

I am categorically against the refrigerator. If you want to spoil even the most first-class tomato - put it in the fridge for a couple of days, and the case is done. Store in the kitchen on the windowsill, on the shelves in the cabinets - yes anywhere, the main thing is not frozen. This is actually blasphemy. Tomatoes are loved by heat.

Does this mean that they can be prepared at high temperatures?

Well, it would not be very high, but it's not enough to fry on a weak heat. In wok, it is excellent to make a vegetarian vegetable dish. Vegetables can be used anything: broccoli, pepper, eggplant. The main thing, the tomatoes put at the very end, they are soft, and we want to save juice. Slightly fried at low temperatures, do not forget about salt, spices, garlic. You can still make my favorite confidence tomatoes. It is a little bit like the dried tomatoes, but are preparing faster. So, I cut every tomato in half, put the halves of a cut down into the oven, pour out a large number of olive oil, add garlic and sprinkle with sea salt. Some time they are preparing for average temperature, degrees 150, until they shook a little, it is important not to overdo it. As a result, they lose water and become very concentrated for taste.

Cradi Tomatoes is an independent dish or used as a side dish?

Yes, as you like. I garnish the lamb, you can and chicken. Such tomatoes in general in any salad will be good - there is a matter of taste. By the way, since I went about salads, I love to add Baku tomatoes there. And I choose the smallest and the most red. And the basis can be any lettuce leaves and other components. As a train - olive oil with a vinegar from red wine, chopped garlic and Italian white onions.

As it comes to recipes with tomatoes, you often remember the garlic, why?

He, also olive oil, the same vinegar emphasizes his own taste of the tomato, because I combine them almost always. Tomatoes are very good with cheese. Their taste is at the same time slightly sour and sweet - very well combined with freshly soft cheese, with mozzarella, for example, and with salty, as in a Greek salad with feta cheese, and with parmesan.

What about tomato juice? Can I cook at home yourself?

Personally, I prepare myself tomato juice I would not become - I tried already, something clearly lacks, well, not tasty, no matter how trying. Therefore, I recommend just to buy high-quality juice in supermarkets. But with him already and create. "Blood Mary", for example, is an excellent cocktail. Just do not forget to add to the tomato juice of tobasco, pepper and sea salt.

Delicious fresh tomatoes in winter - rarity. They cost expensive, and the quality of the vegetable sold in the cold season leaves much to be desired. If you know how to freeze tomatoes, you can provide yourself with delicious and useful products For the whole winter. Frozen vegetables differ little from fresh and much better than tomato paste or juice. How to freeze tomatoes at home?

General rules of frost tomatoes

If you decide to keep tomatoes in the freezer, you need to comply with some rules:

  • before freeze tomatoes, you need to carefully select them and prepare. Choose dense, elastic, but not too tough, fresh fruits without dents, holes and other flaws;
  • after the vegetables are washed, they should be dried, otherwise the tomatoes will simply stick together;
  • large fruits are better stored in the freezer, pre-cutting into pieces or rings. Small varieties can be freezed entirely.
  • putting the fruits into the container, pack them as close as possible so that the moisture is not evaporated;
  • packaging should be hermetic;
  • freeze in small tanks or parties.

Methods of freezing

Whole fruits

This is the least laborious process that takes a little time. If you are thinking whether you can freeze Cherry tomatoes, you can safely store them entirely. Such varieties are also suitable as "cream", small and fleshy.

  • Selected tomatoes wash and add.
  • To put on the pallet in 1 layer and put in the freezing chamber.
  • When the fruits are frozen, they can be shifted into packages.
  • It is necessary to defrust the tomatoes for use in the winter at room temperature without exposing heat treatment or heating. Fruits are suitable for cooking sauces for second dishes and stuffings.

    You can use frosthed tomatoes in the fresh form, but everything will depend on the quality of storage, shape and consistency of fruits. If the vegetables retained properly, they will save their taste even after cold processing.


    This kind of frost is well suited as a blank for pizza or salads. Those who do not know how to freeze tomatoes for the winter, can be advised to cut vegetables with rings. So they will take less space and will be ready for use immediately after defrosting.

  • Tomatoes wash well and dry.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the fruit with thick rings.
  • Put the food film on the plate, and on it - the carriages of tomatoes in 1 layer.
  • When pieces are fastened, they can be placed in a plastic container.
  • Tablets

    Those who are thinking how to freeze fresh tomatoes, you can offer a method of frost "tablets". To this end, the fruits are crushed to a puree state, which is then subjected to molding.

  • Tomatoes wash and skip through a meat grinder. They can add sweet pepper, greens and spices.
  • Dispatch mashed puree for muffins or for freezing ice cubes.
  • When tomatoes are frozen, you can remove them from the form and decompose by packages. So that the puree is well separated, the forms should be dipped in hot water Or just turn out.
  • The molded tomato mass is suitable for the preparation of gravy to the second dishes, refueling for boors. It will be enough to throw several such "tablets" in boiling water.
  • The prepared puree can be frozen in small plastic containers. Such a measure will preserve the product tightness and convenient for storage form.

    Juice or sauce

    Is it possible to freeze tomatoes in the form of sauce or juice? Of course, it is possible if the volume of the freezer and there is a suitable packaging.

    To prepare juice, you need a well washed fruit to skip through the juicer and pecking 15-20 minutes to remove the acid. Salt is added to taste. Then the juice is placed in small containers and in the freezer.

    You can cook sauce according to the following recipe:

  • Tomatoes crush, rub through sieve.
  • Cook puree on slow fire 5 minutes.
  • Finely chopped onion and sweet pepper.
  • A minute before the removal from the fire add vegetables to tomato mashed potatoes.
  • Cool sauce, pour in containers and put in the freezer.
  • Before use of the container with sauce or juice, dip in hot water and put a frozen tomato puree into a large container. To speed up defrosting, slightly warm the dish.

    Is it possible to freeze tomatoes in the freezer? Of course, the process is limited to the volume of the freezer and the desire of the hostess. This is a unique opportunity to provide your family vitamins throughout the winter. Fresh tomato slices and tomato juice will give me dishes with nothing comparable charm.

    2015-12-02T05: 00: 05 + 00: 00 admin.homemade billets

    Delicious fresh tomatoes in winter - rarity. They cost expensive, and the quality of the vegetable sold in the cold season leaves much to be desired. If you know how to freeze tomatoes, you can provide yourself with delicious and useful products for the entire winter. Frozen vegetables differ little from fresh and much better than tomato paste ...

    [Email Protected] Administrator feast-online

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    Tomatoes (tomatoes) are juicy fleshy fruits, without which it is impossible to imagine summer salads, saturated sauces and casseroles. They are very tasty, rich in vitamins and minerals. Those who himself grows tomatoes, it is known that the fruits ripen not all at once, but gradually. Tomatoes, matured first, must be preserved until the preservation, and the latest varieties are often collectable to protect against frosts. That is why it is important to know how to ensure the right conditions for storage and ripe, and have not yet had time to satisfy tomatoes.


    Green tomatoes are stored in order to gradually bring to maturity, red - in order to accumulate sufficient volume for conservation with a gradual harvest or for the maximum long time to keep their freshness. General recommendations For the preparation of tomatoes to long-term storage is suitable for any occasion:

    • when harvesting, it is necessary to take into account that any, even minor damage to the fetus will not allow him to be stored for a long time. The place where the shkur is wild or torn, quickly swings, and, if the tomato does not remove from the total mass, it will quickly spoil neighboring vegetables. Therefore, preparing for long-term storage should begin with a thorough selection of the highest quality instances;
    • you should select varieties having thick peel and fleshy flesh. And cherry tomatoes, for example, it is better to eat first or put it, because they have a very thin skin and will lay, they will not shortly;
    • fruits need to be sorted not only in varieties, but also by the degree of maturity and size. Ripe tomatoes produce gas that will accelerate the ripening of green vegetables, and with long-term storage it will be completely inappropriate. It is also necessary to take into account that large specimens ripen faster than small;
    • when harvesting, it is better to leave the fruits, because it is proved that in this form, vegetables are stored longer.


    After the vegetables are prepared, the owners have a question, is it possible to store tomatoes in the refrigerator. Need to remember that when low temperatures Tomatoes quickly lose taste, aroma and become loose. The fact is that special volatile compounds that make fruit with such fragrant, disintegrate at temperatures below +15 ° C.

    The refrigerator is better to use only for short-term storage of tomatoes: put in it a small amount, which in the near future it is planned to eat. Tomatoes are laid in a special compartment for vegetables, which is usually as far away from the freezer. A significant change in taste will not happen during the day.

    If you store tomatoes at room temperature not exceeding +25 ° C, their quality will only improve, since substances responsible for the taste of fruits begin to be produced more active. Do not put vegetables for direct sunlight or heat them over +25 ° C - under such conditions, decomposition processes are activated.

    How to store tomatoes at home, if they are completely ripe, but it is not planned to use them soon? The perfect option is to decompose them into wooden or plastic boxes with the bottom and walls in the form of a lattice in one layer. Tomatoes will be much less damaged if you treat the box with alcohol mortar and how to dry. The bottom of the tank must be postponed paper without typographical paint. Put the prepared packaging is best in a darkened place with a temperature of + 8 ... + 12 ° C and ventilation, which will determine the separating carbon dioxide gas. Ideal conditions create a cellar, a basement or a special wine cabinet.


    It is permissible to spread the vegetables in a box of several layers, separating the levels of paper sheets or waking up wood sawdust. Take tomatoes best fruits up. There is a secret that will help extend the freshness of the fruits: treat them boric acid or weak gelatin solution. If you follow these rules, ripe tomatoes will retain their properties within a few weeks.

    Other simple techniques will help the tomatoes properly. For example, red tomatoes can just fill vegetable oil So that its level is above the layer of vegetables by 1 cm.

    Prevents damage to vegetables aqueous solution of vinegar and salt; Ingredients are taken in the following ratio: 8 parts of water and 1 part of salt and vinegar.

    Storage of non-seated tomatoes

    Where to keep tomatoes if they were collected non-seated? So that the tomatoes remained as long as possible in their original condition (did not sing for a long time), you need to place them in a cool dark place (basement, cellar, sudfol, garage).


    So that the tomatoes sang gradually, the container is placed in a dark place with room temperature, for example, under the bed (periodically checking the fruits, eliminating ripe or fallen).

    For long-term storage, tomatoes are laid in the same boxes as ripe fruits. The difference is that each fruit is wrapped with paper. The varieties collected in the fall can be placed on the balcony if storage containers insulate. Inside the layers of tomatoes, they are moved by polyurethane foam balls, which also serve for insulation, and to mitigate the load of fruits to each other. Temperature should be + 5 ... + 7 ° C. In such conditions, green, unworthy tomatoes are stored for several months.


    If it is necessary that the tomatoes are ripe as quickly as possible, the container with them is carried into the lighted room and left at a temperature of + 15 ... + 20 ° C. In the box you can put several ripe fruits to speed up the ripening process.

    Storage of recycled tomatoes

    When there are no suitable conditions for long-term storage fresh tomatooV, the best solution is to recycle them.


    Drier, dried and canned vegetables do not spoil much longer and do not require special storage conditions:

      1. Drier tomatoes can be stored like dried fruits - in linen bags in the kitchen cabinet. The main secret is to take care of excessive moisture, insects and neighborhood of fragrant products. Many hostesses fold dried tomatoes into a sealed plastic container or glass container, poured with olive oil and put it in the refrigerator. You can use the freezer, but you need to remember that after defrosting the tomatoes lose a rich red color.
      2. Dried tomatoes can be stored as dried: in bags or tanks filled with oil. Large volumes are conveniently folded in wooden or plastic boxes and placed on a darkened shelves with a temperature of 0 ... + 10 ° C. Dried tomatoes are well transferred to stay in the refrigerator.
      3. Canned tomatoes, closed hermetic, can be stored at room temperature. The shelf life of the conservation is not more than 12 months. If the container in which vegetables are salinated or fried, the shelf life is reduced to 6-8 months, and it is necessary to store such blanks in a cool room or refrigerator.

    About how to knick tomatoes, read