Religion The main types of religions of the concept of religious worldview. Religious worldview and its features - Report

Religious worldview relies on faith, and its foundations are usually recorded in the sacred texts. Adherents of this or that religion are convinced that the sacred texts are dictated or inspired by God or gods, or written by the Holy and Deals on Teachers.

There are two types of religions - politicalism and monotheism.

Polytheism - Religions based on faith in several gods is the oldest form of religions. In polyterism, the world appears as a hierarchy of the deities, which have varying degrees of power and entering each other into complex relations, at the head of the Divine Pantheon is the Supreme God. An example of polyterism is greek paganism Faith in the Olympic gods. The world of the gods is not sedired: Gods descend to Earth, communicate with people, and some people, as a rule, heroes can penetrate into the world of gods and even with time to occupy a place in the Divine Pantheon. But politicalism is not only the distant past of humanity, in modern world It is presented hinduism, African cults and etc.

Polyteism is opposed monotheism - Religions based on faith in a single God who has absolute power and is the creator of all existing. Examples of monotheistic religions: judaism, Christianity, Islam. Monotheism is a higher stage of development of religion than politicalism, however, a discussion is on the relations of polycism and monotheism in religious science and it is not yet completed.

Depending on the type of religion (monotheism, politicalism), as well as options inside one type (monotheistic - Christianity, Islam, Judaism; Polytetic - Buddhism, paganism), various paintings of the world are asked, but it is a variety of only in detail. The essence of religious worldopony is unchanged, his center is God or many gods. God unrecognizable his qualities and abilities exceed the possibilities of human perception and understanding. The truly religious consciousness, as a rule, clarifies the image of God, giving him the personality features. In monotheistic religions, the power of God is limitless, he creates the world and manages it in accordance with his idea, which exceeds the possibility of human understanding. However, a religious view of the world and does not imply a rational understanding and explanation, a religious picture of the world, unlike scientific or philosophical, this is the subject of faith, and not reason.

The main feature of religious world population is to doubling reality. In the religious consciousness, reality exists in two planes - ordinary, worldly, stray, and sacred, sacral, i.e. Supernatural. The French sociologist Emil Durkheim argued that the doubling of reality is the main sign of any religion. Sacred is a totality of sacred, i.e. Forbidden things that express socially significant meanings and reflect the public nature of man, sacred - the object of worship and the source of moral prohibitions. Sacred primary, it determines the daily life of people. On the one hand, a person is experiencing in relation to the sacred fear and even horror, and on the other - the sacred is perceived as something related and close and causes admiration. Modern religion is trying to assimilate the latest data of science on the structure of the Universe, the essence of life, the possibilities of the human psyche, but in religion, regardless of the specific confession, a person cannot cross the line that shared sacred and stranded. The only way to unite the believer with the Divine World is the cult, i.e. Rites, rituals, prayers, in some cases meditation, and the place where the sacred and ordinary are intersecting is the temple.

Space and time in religion are also dual, there is space and the time of the usual peace and peace of sacred. Moreover, in the sacral world, the time becomes eternity, and the space is divided into levels - the sky (Paradise) and the underground kingdom (blood pressure) with a whole host of those inhabiting their beings.

In the presentation of sacraltime, various religions converge, the time of the deity is eternity, in understanding the time of the ordinary world there are differences. Time in Christianity is stretched in line, from the creation of the world through the sin of the first people to the second coming of God and the terrible court. The beginning and end of the earth's time are closed with the Divine, and everything that happens inside the historic line is predetermined by the divine design and develops in accordance with it. In Greek polyterism or in Buddhism, time is understood differently, it is closed and cyclically. The universe appears from chaos, develops, and then dies to be born again. The cause of death, as a rule, is the same: the sins of a person whose amount exceeds a certain level that holds the world from death.

Religious picture of the world invites man the only answer about the meaning of lifethis is the salvation of the immortal soul and overcoming its own sinful nature. There are nuances. In Buddhism, for example, where there is no idea of \u200b\u200bguilt and sin, the meaning of the existence recognizes liberation from the sanitary - an infinite wheel of rebirth and dissolving the individual "I" in the highest consciousness. But this item does not change the essence of the case, the religious aspiration of a person is aspiration to the otherworldly, in whatever form it has not appeared to be more interesting. Guidance on the way are faith and proper behavior, with the help of which purification from sins in Islam or Christianity, or exemption from the wheel of rebirth in Buddhism.

In religion, a huge spiritual experience of mankind is concentrated, so it would be an unforgivable error. The unknownness of the future, the infinity of the universe and their own defenselessness in the face of old age and death makes many people to contact religion and there to find answers to questions about the meaning of life. Religion makes it possible to feel at the care of wise and mighty strength, faith in God quit the fears and alarms of man, so it was in antiquity, this is happening now. Understanding the cultural foundations of different religions is important for harmonious personality development, because many holidays and works of art, music and literature are permeated with religious symbols, the knowledge of these characters enriches aesthetic experience and gives deep emotions to even a non-religious person. In modern civilization, religion no longer plays the dominant role that she performed in the life of our ancestors. In developed societies the question of believing or not to believe is a question personal choiceBut now there are states and countries where religion occupies a place of state ideology.

At a certain historical stage, its new type comes to change the mythological picture of the world - a religious picture of the world, which constitutes the core of a religious worldview.

Religious worldview Formed for a very long period. Paleoanthropology, archeology, ethnography and other modern Sciences Show that religion arose at a relatively high stage of development of primitive society.

Religion is a rather complicated spiritual education, the core of which is specific worldview.

As the most important elements in it

religious vera and

religious cultdetermining the behavior of believers.

The main sign of any religion - vera in supernatural.

Mythology and religion are close to each other, but at the same time differ significantly.

So, myth does not oppose the perfect and real, the thing and the image of this thing, does not distinguish between sensual and superitive. For myth, all this exists at the same time in the "one world".

Religion gradually divides the world into two - "pretention" - the world where we live, and "otherworldly" - the world where supernatural creatures are (gods, angels, devils, etc.), from where it comes and where the soul is fixed after death .

Religious worldview is gradually formed on the basis of the archaic forms of religion

(fetishism - the cult of inanimate objects - fetish, allegedly endowed with supernatural properties;

magic - faith in the supernatural properties of certain ritual actions;

totemism - Belief in the supernatural properties of the totem - plants or an animal, from which, as it was believed, one or another, tribe led to the beginning;

animism - Belief in the supernatural existence of souls and spirits), creates his picture of the world, in its own way explains social reality, produces moral norms, political and ideological orientations, regulates the behavior of people, offers its solution to the issue of a specific person to the environment.

Religious worldview becomes dominant in feudalism, in the Epoch of the Middle Ages.

One of the specific manifestations of the religious picture of the world is that the representations that have developed in the conditions of the underdeveloped culture of deep antiquity (narration about the creation of peace and man, about the "fidewind of heaven," etc.) are erected into the absolute, seem like divine, times and Forever truth data. So, the Jewish theologians were counted even the number of letters in the Talmud, so that no one even the letter could change the written there. It is also characteristic that in mythology, a person often acts as equal to titans, in the religious consciousness he appears as a weak, sinful creature, whose fate is entirely depends on God.

Basic principles of religious worldview.In the developed religious worldview over time, the basic principles of religious theoreticalation are developed. Consider some of them on the example of a Christian worldview. It is with the manifestations of such an worldview that the future chemist officer is most often faced (only service in the compact accommodation places of Islam media can bring it closer to the ideas of Muslim worldview).

The dominant idea of \u200b\u200breligious worldview is the idea of \u200b\u200bGod..

From the point of view of this idea, everything in the world is determined not by nature, not by space, but supernatural Benewroom - God. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality of such a supernatural start forces it from a special point of view to evaluate all events in nature and society, in a special way to consider the goal and the meaning of the existence of a person and society as subordinates to something incredibly, the eternal, absolute, which is outside the earth's existence.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe reality of God gives rise to a number of specific principles of religious worldview.

Among them principle supernaturalism (From the lat. "Super" - over, "natura" - nature) approves the ultra-crosses, the oversight of God, who is not subordinate to the laws of nature, but on the contrary, these laws establishes.

Principle coteriology (from Lat. "Soter" - the Savior) orients the entire vital activity of a believer of a Christian to "Salvation of the Soul", which is considered as a deification, the connection of man with God in the "God's Kingdom". Life acquires two measurements:

the first is the attitude of a person to God,

the second dimension is attitude towards the surrounding world - has a subordinate role as a means of spiritual ascent to God.

Principle creationism (from Lat. "Creatio" - the creation) approves the creation of the world by God from "nothing", thanks to his power. God constantly supports the Being of the world, constantly creates him again and again. If the creative power of God stopped, the world would return to the state of non-existence. God himself is eternal, unchanged, without anything depends on the other and is the source of all existing. The Christian worldview comes from the fact that God is not only higher being, but also the highest good, the highest truth and the highest beauty.

Providencyliaism (from Lat. "Providentia" - Providence) comes from the fact that the development of human society, the sources of its movement, its goals are determined by external in relation to the historical process with mysterious forces - providence, God.

At the same time, the person acts as being created by God saved by Christ, and intended for supernatural fate. The world is not developing in itself, but according to the fishery of God, in accordance with his will. The fishery of God, in turn, applies to the entire world around and gives comprehension and targeted nature to all natural and social processes.

Eschatology (from Greek. "Eschatos" - the last and "logos" - doctrine) acts as the doctrine of the end of the world, about the terrible court. From this point of view, the history of mankind acts as a process in advance by God to a predetermined goal - the Kingdom of Eschaton ("The Kingdom of God"). The achievement of the "kingdom of God" according to the Christian worldview is the ultimate goal and the meaning of human existence.

The considered principles in one way or another are common not only for various varieties of Christianity, but also for other religious worldviews - Islamic, Jewish. At the same time, the specific interpretation of these principles in various types of religious paintings of the world differs. The religious picture of the world and the principles laid in it are developing along with the development of not only religion, but also philosophy. In particular, the most serious changes in the religious and philosophical picture of the world have occurred in late XIX. - The middle of the twentieth centuries with the statement in the European culture of the dialectical picture of the worldview with its ideas of the unity of the world and his self-development.

In Russian religious philosophy, such changes were most brightly manifested in the work of outstanding thinkers N. Fedorov and P. A. Florensky, in the concept of "common cause" - the future resurrection of mankind. In the Protestant ideology is the concept of "dipolar God" A. Whitehead and Ch. Hartshorn. According to the latest concept, the global process is the "experience of God", in which "objects" (universal), moving from the ideal world ("the original nature of God") to the physical world ("derivative nature of God"), define events.

In the Catholic philosophy, the concept of "Evolutionary-Space Christianity" of the Catholic Priest, a member of the orders of Jesuit, outstanding philosopher P. Teyar de Sharden (1881-1955), whose work at one time was withdrawn (1957) from libraries, spiritual seminaries and other Catholic institutions. As a graduate of Oxford, he became a famous paleontologist, an archaeologist, a biologist, which contributed to the formation of his original picture of the world.

And how it happens

The worldview is a system of sustainable attitudes of the individual on the world and the phenomena occurring in it. It is acquired throughout life consciously either spontaneously, can change. Based on the world's vision and experience gained

the principles, beliefs, ideals, goals are formed, that is, what distinguishes a mature self-sufficient person. Any worldview includes three components: a globility (emotionally sensual component), world-upsion (rational - theoretical level) and a world-visiting (formed on the basis of previous two components value installations). According to the classifications of psychologists, the worldview is everyday (ordinary), religious, scientific, mythological and philosophical. Each of them has its pros and cons and does not claim the role of the only right one. In this article, we will describe only a religious worldview in more detail. It is the most controversial in the modern world.

The main features of the religious worldview

As it becomes clear from the name, this type of reality perception is significant because things and phenomena occurring in the world are perceived through the prism of religion and faith in Divine Providence. Religious worldview has

distinctive features:

1. The personality of the believer is closely connected with God, any act is treated on the basis of religious regulations.

2. Faith is valued above knowledge, since only it is the only way to salvation.

3. The purpose of human life is the knowledge of truth (or achieving insight) through the service of God and the observance of His commandments.

4. The world is divided into physical (visible) and spiritual (mental), where evil and good entities live, which are invisible to humans, but directly affect his life.

5. Religion is practical, that is, "faith without deeds is dead."

6. Often the religious worldview goes against generally accepted scientific theoriesthat deny the existence of God. For example, in such fundamental issues as the creation of the world and the evolution of man.

7. Religion can be not only mono- (Christianity, Judaism), but polytetic (syntoism).

8. Unlike mythological worldview, in religion there is a clear division into the subject and the object, there is a clearer systematization of concepts.

Religious worldview and its role in society

Reaction of modern secular society to various religions

ambiguous. On the one hand, the specificity of the religious worldview is such that it puts in doubt many scientific truths and comes with them to conflict. Many scientists express sharply against religion, she, in turn, calls people to look at the world in a different way and understand that there are things that exist, despite the fact that we do not believe in them. Despite this, there is a certain plus of religious education: propaganda of the high-moral lifestyle and thoughts, which contributes to maintaining a healthy moral atmosphere in society. As the representative of one of the Christian communities said: "Svetsky humanism, so common in our time, under mask personism justifies our lower passions and vices. And only faith in God is able to exalted a person over their sinful nature, indicating the path to the truth."

Topic 2. Religion as a sociocultural phenomenon

The concept of religion. Specificity of religious worldview.

The structure of religion.

Religious consciousness. Vera. Religious experience.

Religious activities.

Religious organizations and institutions. Church, sect.

The main functions of religion. The role of religion in modern society.

The concept of religion. Specificity of religious worldview

The religious worldview is historically born in the depths of mythological consciousness and initially bears the imprint of polyterism and pantheism, which consistently overcomes in the process of becoming world religions. They are characterized by pronounced monotheism (monotheism) (for example, Christianity, Islam) or a tendency to a monotheistic understanding of the union (Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism). In the process of rationalization and value debate of myths, faith in tribal gods is increasingly inferior to faith in the dominant necessity - fate, rock. This monistic tendency in the evolution of mythology, ultimately leads to the allocation of the mythical creatures in the pantheon of the dominant figure, the most important functions of which are cosmogonical (the creation of the world) and ontological (maintenance of its being). So, gradually the set of ideological and ideological prerequisites for the formation religious creed.
Religion is a type of worldview based on faith in a single, absolute and sacred beginning of the world - God, the essence of which is not available to the understanding of a person.

As a basic relationship of a person with a university, it establishes a supernatural, irrational identity relationship with God, based on love for him, unlimited faith and reverence. The postulate on the uniqueness and absoluteness of the Divine entails, along with Monotheism, the following feature of religion - theocentrism. As a result, this picture of the world is developing, in which the entire system of ideas about the status of man and society in the Unionist is radically changing. In the religious picture of the world, a single and absolute center of force appears, the source of the whole manifold, father and almighty, the power of which over the space created by the space is immense and can no longer be limited. Thanks to the essential difference of God and the world, God as a transcendental absolute is infinitely above the natural reality, does not merge with her, although it permeates everything on Earth with its radiant energy. The world as a "twear" (created by God) is infinitely lower than the creator, both in the value and substantial plan. It is imperfect, relatively seconded, finite in time and space and completely depends on his will.

These characteristics of the relations of God and the world apply to the understanding of human connection with God. Created by the image and likeness of God, a man is radically different from other creatures and therefore occupies a special position in space. Its purpose is concluded in a consistent and crowded spirituality of the flesh, in overcoming the viciousness of its being, and through this - and any of the creature nature. That is why the person was intended to dominate the God on Earth and manage the natural world. However, being fully in the authority of the Absolute, a person considers his relationship with him as the most significant, because it depends on the fate of his immortal soul. At the same time, a number of value oppositions are lined up. The man is weak and limited, his capabilities are relative, God is absolute, omnipotent and unlimited, he personifies the highest good, truth, justice and love. The man is finite, mortal, is limited to space and time, while the deity is not just immortally, but, by virtue of its absoluteness, there is a genuine source of life and eternity. Sinoven's man, his soul is burdened with the weakness of the flesh, and God is the absolute base of morality and the personification of perfection.

The specificity of the religious worldview is also manifested in the fact that beliefs play a special role in its structure. As a pronounced form of spiritual and practical development of reality, a religious worldview implies as a compulsory rule strict compliance of a person's life content of its religious ideas and ideas. Faith as the basis of religion implies the conformity of thoughts to the actions and actions, the compliance of the cult of dogmas. Therefore, the religious worldview with the inevitability gives rise to a religious lifestyle and strict regulation of religious practice.

Finally, religion, as well as the myth, authoritarian, dogmatic, traditionalist form of culture, still contains in itself, in contrast to mythology, a significant element of rationality. This is largely relating to her with philosophy. The rationality of the religious worldview is already manifested in the nature of the ideas about God, which only metaphorically likes the absolute personality and, thanks to this, acquires anthropomorphic features. In the framework of theological tradition, God is recognized as an unrecognizable and inaccessible to human perception by the essence, deprived of any sensual empirical content.

Being absolutely transcendental at the beginning, he thinks outside the sensual empirical context of reality, outside space and time. The separation of the Universum on the world empirical and transcendental, inevitable knowledge, inevitably turns God (when trying to think) into a certain abstract first-line explanation of reality, the philosophical category. In religion, the syncretism of mythological thinking and the pantheism characteristic of him, which assumes that the Divine and Natural is mutually dissolved in each other in each other are completely overcome. By virtue of these features of the religious worldview, it has historically developed in parallel with the philosophical, in close cooperation and interpenetration of these two forms of spiritual culture.

Structure of religion

The main elements of religion include:

1) Belief in God (or gods) is the main sign of religion. In different religions - different gods, but there is something common in the ideas about them: God is a person, subject, creature; God is a creature reasonable, immortal, having supernatural abilities, incomprehensible to humans. The similarity between a person and God is explained in the framework of religion by the fact that God created a man "in his image and likeness."

2) Emotional attitude towards God. Belief in God is not just a rational conviction in its existence, but a religious feeling. The believer belongs to God with love, fear, hope, feelings of guilt and repentance, and this emotional attitude with God forms a special kind of "spiritual experience".

3) religious cult. The worship of God is expressed in the rooties and rituals dedicated to him. An important side of the religious cult is symbolism. Cult items, actions, gestures are a symbolic language on which the human dialogue happens to God. As a result of cultural activities, religious needs of believers are satisfied, religious consciousness is revived. Real communication of believers with each other is carried out, a religious group is paid.

4) religious organizations. There are three types of such associations. The church is a relatively wide association, which is determined by the tradition, followers are mainly anonymous, believers are divided into clergy and laity, usually the church cooperates with the state. The sect proclaims the opposition to traditional churches, preaching isolationism, election, strictly controls the membership, leadership in the sekty of charismatic. Denomination - Something among the church and sect: the preaching of the chief of members is combined with the possibility of salvation for everyone. From the sect, the denomination is distinguished by an active part in secular life, effective economic activity, the desire to grow into church.

In primitive society, mythology was in close cooperation with religion, however, they were not inseparable. Religion has its own specifics that lies not in a special type of worldview. The specificity of the religion is determined by the fact that the major element of religion is the cult system, that is, a system of ritual actions aimed at establishing certain relations with supernatural. Therefore, any myth becomes religious to the extent that it turns on in the cult system, acts as its meaningful side.

Worldview structures, including the cult system, acquire the nature of the creed. What gives worldview a special spiritual and practical character. With the help of ritual, religion cultivates human feelings of love. Kindness, tolerance, debt, etc., tying their presence with sacred, supernatural.

The main function of religion is to help a person overcome the historically changeable, passing, relative aspects of its being and exalted a person to something absolute, eternal. In the spiritual and moral sphere, this is manifested in giving standards, values \u200b\u200band ideals the nature of the absolute, unchanged.

Thus, religion makes sense and meaning, which means that the sustainability of human being, helps him overcome everyday difficulties.

As part of any religion, there is a systematic (response system for questions). But philosophy formulates its conclusions in rational form, and in religion - focus on faith. Religion implies ready-made answers to questions.

Religious doctrine does not tolerate criticism. Any religion offers a person ideals and is accompanied by rites and rituals (concrete actions). Each developed religious teaching contains imprint system. Religious worldview is also characterized by the following features:

  • 1. Symbolism (every significant phenomenon in nature or history is considered as a manifestation of divine will), through the symbol there is a connection between the supernatural and natural worlds;
  • 2. Wears the value nature of attitudes to reality (reality is the spatial-temporal length of the struggle of good with evil);
  • 3. Time is also associated with the sacred history (time before and after the Nativity of Christ);
  • 4. Revelation is recognized for the Word of God and it leads to the absolutization of the word (Logos), the Logos becomes the way of God.

Mythological consciousness is historically preceded by religious. Religious worldview is more systemically than mythological, it is more likely in a logical plan. The system of religious consciousness implies its logical orderliness, and continuity with mythological consciousness is provided by the use as the main lexical unit of the image.

Religious worldview and religious philosophy are a kind of idealism, i.e. such a direction in the development of public consciousness, in which the original substance, i.e. The foundation of the world, perfect spirit, idea. The varieties of idealism are subjectivism, mysticism, etc. The opposite of religious worldview is an atheistic worldview.

The first historical type of worldview was the mythological, the second historical type of worldview was religion. Religious worldview possessed many common features with the mythological worldview preceding him, but had its own characteristics. First of all, the religious worldview differs from the mythological in the method of spiritual development of reality. Mythological images and presentations were multifunctional: in them, a cognitive, artistic and estimated development of reality was intertwined in them, which created a prerequisite for the occurrence on their basis not only religion, but also different species Literature and art. Religious images and views perform only one function - an estimated regulatory.

An integral line of religious myths and ideas is their dogmatism. Arriving, religion retains a well-known stock of representations over several centuries.

Religious images are meaningful: they admit different interpretations, including absolutely opposite. Therefore, on the basis of one system of religious dogs, there are always many different directions, for example in Christianity: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Protestantism.

Another feature of religious images and ideas is that they are hidden irrationality, which is subject to perception only by faith, and not reason. The latter reveals the meaning of the image, but does not disprove and does not destroy it. This feature of religious image is based on the recognition of the priority of religious faith over the mind.

A central place in any religious worldview is always the image or idea of \u200b\u200bGod. God here is regarded as initial and the first-axis of all existing. Moreover, this is no longer genetic initially, as in mythology, and initially, creative, creating, producing.

The following feature of the religious and ideological way of mastering reality is the universalization of spiritual and volitional communication, the idea of \u200b\u200bwhich the mythological ideas about universal relationships gradually displaces. From the point of view of the religious worldview, all existing and what is happening in the world depends on the will and desire of God. All in the world rules the divine providence or moral law-controlled and controlled by the highest being.

For religion, it is characterized by the recognition of the primacy of spiritual over bodily, which is not in mythology. The attitude to reality, determined by the religious worldview, is significantly different from the illusory-pranceological method of actions related to mythological worldview. This is a passive attitude to reality. The dominant position in religion is occupied by dying action (reverence of various items endowed with supernatural properties, prayers, sacrifices and other actions).

Thus, the religious worldview is a way of mastering reality through its doubling on natural, earthly, pretensioned and supernatural, heavenly, otherwise. Religious worldview passed a long path of development, from primitive to modern (national and world) forms.

The emergence of a religious worldview was a step forward in the way of the development of human self-consciousness. The unity between different kinds and tribes was compiled in religion, on the basis of which new generality - nationality and nation were created. World religions, such as Christianity, rose even before the awareness of the generality and proclaiming equality before the God of all people. At the same time, each of them emphasized the special position of its followers.

The historical meaning of religion was that she was in slaveholding, and in feudal societies contributed to the establishment and strengthening of new public relations and the formation of strong centralized states. Meanwhile, religious wars occurred in history.

It is impossible to unequivocally assess the cultural significance of religion. On the one hand, it undoubtedly contributed to the spread of education and culture.