Treatment of bruxism in adults. How to deal with bruxism in adults and children? Dangerous consequences of bruxism and the absence of his treatment

Never guess what theme today will be in the article! How do you already know? And read the title? Okay! Indeed, today's topic - Bruxism in adults cause and treatment. This thing is so ancient that even in the Bible, which seems to be almost two thousand years old, there is a phrase about the "dental grinding". True, there is not at all about medicine and dentistry, well, oh well! Our task with you is to study the problem and try to find a solution.

Why does the teeth be crushing?

Doctors say that the main cause of bruxism is stress. Honestly, America did not open up America. In our time ... however, when was it calm? Then the war, then the revolution, then the barin is not pleased, then Pechenegs came up. So the teeth, nervous. And what to do something?

As a result, the joints of the jaws themselves begin to change from the many years of practice of bruxism, their muscles hurt, their spasmodic abbreviations begin. It is very unpleasant and hurt.

It is found, and quite often, bruxism caused by the features of the work. If you are a watchmaker, a jeweler or, for example, a surgeon making microoperations, you have to strain to prevent an error. At the same time, jaws are compressed, there is a strong tension on their muscles and joints.

Even enuresis and lunatism can lead to the appearance of bruxism. If nightmare had dreamed at night, making your nervous system to experience severe stress, similar phenomena are also possible.

In the event that you recently put a seal and have poorly handled it in height and form, you instinctively begin to pull the tooth to the tooth.

As you can see, grinds teeth in adults can be caused by many different situations. It is also an epilepsy to mention. During the attack, the sick instinctively squeezes the jaw so much that the teeth can be destroyed. And if he did not have time to remove the language, there is a big risk to injure or even bite off a piece. It sounds no less terrible than it looks like. By the way, doctors always seek to exclude this diagnosis, determining the reasons for the grincling. After all, epilepsy can appear in different ways. Someone attacks are more noticeable, someone is less. Everything is very individual here for every person.

Someone considers the problem of insignificant, although the bruxism threatens the normal functioning of the temporomandibular joint, and also leads to, rapid erasing of teeth, damage to enamel, and therefore serves as one of the prerequisites for the development of caries and its complications.

Video - Why a man creaks his teeth at night

Symptoms of bruxism

A few articles on this topic surprised me very much. Because among the symptoms I discovered those that for me, unfortunately, are characteristic.

So, in addition to pain in the jaws and temporal share, you can get the following set:

  • headache in the morning. Many familiar. The reasons are different, including - crushing teeth;
  • rings in the ears, hum, unpleasant sensations and even pain in the ear;
  • insomnia, sleep disorders;
  • pain in the nasal sinuses;
  • pain in shoulders, neck and back;
  • dizziness, feeling of tingling in the head;
  • drowsiness during the day.

How to fix the problem

In general, with the word eliminate, I always imagine a killer from the militant, such a person without emotions. He screws the muffler and ... yes, the dental grinding after such methods will not be exactly. And if seriously, the science is studying this problem for a long time and has developed several methods to combat it.

The first thing that should be understood is a violation. This condition is not natural for the human body, therefore causes a mass of the negative consequences described in the previous section.

Doctors believe that you need to act comprehensively. For example, if the cause of the grincop is stress, it should be struggling with its manifestations, help your nervous system.

Contact neurologist. He will advise you to act. Typically help various exercises for relaxation, meditation, yoga. What is the east! Go to a good masseurist several times a week and feel such a relaxation that you neither pill, nor Indian guru will give.

Watch yourself. By default, when we do not fierce food, your teeth should not touch. Teach yourself to the opening state of the jaws. Learn to control the chewing muscles on the machine. Gradually, it will go into the habit and will work even in a dream.

Another way to help with bruxism in adults is the loading of the jaws. If the muscles get tired before you go to bed, they are unlikely to stay forces on the night at night. To do this, you can use chewing gum or special devices.

Teeth with Bruxism

There are also special tires for wearing during the daytime and separate for sleep. They are selected individually and customized under your jaw.

First of all, the specialist needs to make sure that you do not have defects and other dental problems that could lead to such consequences. If they are needed, correction is necessary, treatment. Sometimes it can be about the form of seizures caused by the shortcomings in the body of certain useful substances - vitamins, minerals. Often, doctors prescribe vitamins of group B, as well as magnesium and calcium.

  1. Avoid sleeping physical overwork.
  2. Dinner should be 3-5 hours before sleep.
  3. Take a warm relaxing bath at night, use aromatherapy.
  4. Use wet warm compresses on the cheeks to relax the tense muscles.

Kappa on the teeth - an effective remedy for bruxism

Video - how to stop creaking teeth in a dream

Minute of Fame for Folk Methods

IN lately write a lot and talk about the treatment of bruxism folk remedies. There is nothing particularly difficult. Start with your diet. Let it be sufficiently solid food - vegetables, fruits. But you will have to get rid of sweets, coffee and cakes / buns. To begin with - at least for dinner. Then you themselves get used to the new supply mode. Sometimes you can afford a luxury in the form of natural chocolate. But it is precisely natural - it is useful for the nervous system.

The second point is drinks. You can easily replace tea, coffee and cocoa herbal analogues - lime color, mint, melissa.

Grass Chamomile, Calendula, St. John's wort and sage

Going into the bathroom, take with you medicinal herbs and aromatic oils. There are also a fine daisy and mint. Valerian will calm the nerves, fir and lavender in the form of several drops will also add effect. Fifteen minutes in such a useful bath will give an excellent effect.

Inside, it is possible to apply the following infusion:

  • three parts of the chamomile;
  • five parts of cumin;
  • two parts of Valerian.

Science and rumors

There is a commodity view that the cause of the grove is worms. Studies that can be found on the network and scientific publications have not confirmed such an assumption. So it remains no more than a myth.

If you drink a lot of caffeine ... here is someone like. Someone has a strong excitement, someone has a tension. And someone generally relaxes after a cup of fragrant drink. However, if you pour a liter of strong coffee, you can not only get bruxism, but also increased pressure, heart problems.

Alcohol and nicotine - similarly. If you lose the fact that drinking and smoking is generally harmful to the whole body, there is no single answer for everyone. Someone nicotine and ethyl alcohol can cause bruxism attacks at night, and someone will sleep like a baby. Although it can wake up with a hangover.

Psychotropic substances "Early". Amphetamine, like other similar drugs, is able to lead to such effects. This is confirmed by research. But, like caffeine or alcohol-containing drinks, it is not the main factor. There are always basic prerequisites. However, it is better to refrain from experiments on yourself. After all, except for a grinding, you can get a lot of medical problems.

In any case, in adults - the phenomenon is not fully studied. Science finds genetic factors, binds it with rudimentary habits that have rushed to us from prehistoric ancestors

The only thing that medicine found out - the crushes of the teeth is a problem for almost 15% of all people on Earth. What do you say? Nervous person in life. Therefore, you need to learn to relax, look for something good in every day, rejoice in the trifles. Well, not forget about your health.

The main thing is to pay attention to the problem in time. Otherwise, at least spoil your teeth and have to spend money on their recovery or even prosthetics. Ask your relatives if they didn't have such a problem.

Video - Bruxism: Causes and treatment. Crossing teeth in a dream

The term has a Greek root - to literally "grind the teeth." Each seventh person, at least once in his life, was subjected to pathological phenomenon. The unconscious compression of teeth in adults requires medical intervention. Children in 75% of cases recover from bruxism independently. Older people in all cases are obliged to resort to medical care. The neglect of such leads to chronic headaches, loss of teeth. At the reception at the therapist, you can find out what bruxism in adults, its symptoms, which diagnosis and treatment are needed in a particular case.

Distinguish the day and night form of pathology. The disease is characterized by a special creak, which is from a few seconds to 1-2 minutes. If, at night, the patient does not always know its own organism reflexes - during the day it squeezes the jaw spontaneously. Unnatural behavior is noticeably surrounding even with infrequent manifestations. Despite the seeming harmlessness of an unpleasant jaw reaction - in the running stage it is dangerous with the loss of teeth.

Than dangerous disease

Bruxism entails a number of undesirable consequences for the body:

  • Infringement of facial nerve.
  • Premature wear enamel. The impact rendered disrupts the integrity of each individual tooth, looses, shifts from the spot. As a result, the sensitivity increases, there is a bleeding of adhesion, the smile line is significantly distorted.
  • Soreness in the field of ears, nose, pulling headaches in the morning.
  • Painful sensations of face muscles caused by overvoltage.

Since the Bruxism in adults is a potential sign of epilepsy, the diagnosis does not tolerate deposits. Psychological inconvenience from the awareness of the problem and worsening health will be able to prevent a timely appeal to the doctor.

The reasons

Doctors mate crossed teeth in a dream with a collection of human biorhythms. Specialists put pathology in one row with spontaneous urination, lunatism, snoring. Genetic predisposition is the main factor in the progression of the disease. The uncontrolled reduction of facial muscles in a dream makes the jaws to shrink, publishing a characteristic creak. This happens due to stressful situations, manifestations of hidden aggression. Provoke disease dental problems with a bite, incomplete amount of teeth.


Psycho-emotional ethiology of bruxism is found in 2 out of 3 cases. Internal struggle with their own feelings, experiences, unrest is reflected outwardly in the form of an uncontrolled compression of the jaws. Depressive states are frequent predecessors of this phenomenon. His additional name is "Businessmen's disease", since the people of the business sphere are constantly subjected to stressful situations. Systematic emotional overvoltages lead to chronic nervousness with the manifestation of the night groves. The risk factors of the development of pathology include pregnancy (due to changes in the hormonal background during this period).


Due to the progression of pathological factors, neurological problems are converted into motor, in which jaws are compressed involuntarily.


Dental practice has an alternative name of the disease - foredererism or the phenomenon of Carolini. The crushes of the teeth is caused by their curvature, incorrectly installed fillings, pins, "bridges", braces. The predisposing factor is any pathology of the temporomandibular joint. The main cause of the night bridge of the teeth orthodontists consider the wrong bite, provoking the patient to automatically compress the jaws. The development of forediarism aggravates the condition of the teeth and the guy, erases enamel, contributes to the development of caries. The constant tone of the facial muscles provoke systematic convulsions, innervation violation, premature wear of dental implants. Accompanied by alarming states.


Osteopathic ethiology of bruxism - poor quality prosthetics of teeth, spinal sickness (arthritis, arthrosis, intervertebral hernias). Crushing the teeth - the reaction of the body, which independently and naturally restores the craniosacral rhythm. The pathologies of the musculoskeletal system disrupt the innervation, blood supply, psychomotor functions of the body. As a result, nervous excitability increases, irritability appears against the background of limited functionality of ligaments, joints. Pathological processes provoke stiffness of jaws, frequent manifestations of their involuntary compression.

Other reasons

To circumstances provoking foredererism include:

  1. Brain tumors, brain injuries.
  2. Parkinson's disease, Huntington's chorean, gastroesophageal reflux pathology, frequent rhinitis attacks.
  3. Heredity, including 3, 4 generations.
  4. Otolaryngological factors - obstacles to full-fledged nasal respiration (adenoids or curvature of the nasal partition), snoring, allergic reactions.
  5. Excessive use of alcohol, narcotic substances, medicines.

There is an opinion on the abuse of chewing, as the potential ethiology of bruxism. Detection of these causes of illness takes time and multiple technical resources medical personnel. Self-treatment, as a rule, does not bring due results.

Signs and symptoms

The daily form of Carolini syndrome is rarity, because in a state of wakefulness a person controls the muscular tone of the person. Permanent stay in depression, systematic stress exposure causes nervous overvoltage. Its consequence is an involuntary compression of the jaws. The patient may not guesses about the development of pathology, perceiving it as a bad habit, which is accompanied by the bitching of the lips or jacket from the inside; Splitting nails, pencils and other primary items.

Such behavior is the consequence of unsolved psychological problems as an anamnesis. It is possible to get rid of an unpleasant phenomenon in the daytime due to dynamic self-control, help of a psychologist. Speaking of Bruxism - in 95% of cases implies the night shape of the disease, which men and women are exposed of different ages. Disease does not apply to category harmful habits and requires comprehensive therapeutic measures. To identify pathology by early stages Difficult - monitoring for sleeping organism from loved ones.

In addition to a specific evidence from others, the spontaneous compression of the jaws has the following signs:

  • Painness in the area of \u200b\u200bmigraine, discomfort in the ears, shoulders, neck - especially after chewing
  • Numbness of the upper or lower jaw after sleep
  • Frequent development of caries, increased sensitivity of teeth, bleeding of adhesion. Toothpick and increased enamel sensitivity due to the use of sweet or acidic, hot or cold food.
  • Irritation of eyeballs provoking tear
  • Noticeable increase in maxillofacial muscles, attitudes of temporomandibular joints
  • Chronic fatigue, drowsiness, ringing in ears, dizziness, depressive states
  • Sleep disorders, appetite

Patients with similar symptoms feel their own inferiority. This is due to permanent psychological discomfort. Especially suffer from the individuals that are not indifferent to the opinion of other people. They feel alienation from others, so often the irritability and secrecy are expressing - the first signs of depression.

To which doctor to turn

Initially, you should contact the therapist. After listening to the complaint and having studied an anamnesis, the specialist will send to the next doctor - depending on the symptoms. If no parallel deviations in the body have been identified, you will need to consult a dynologist. This is a specialist dealing with sleep disorders. Often therapy is carried out by comprehensive efforts of psychologists, osteopaths, neurologists, gastroenterologists, otolaryngologists.


A narrow-profile diagnostic study is polysomnographic monitoring that detects spontaneous reductions in temporous musical muscles. Such diagnostics detects brain pathology, epilepsy. An electromyography is used to determine more detailed results. Measuring the electrical pulses published by chewing muscles shows the degree of their activity, functionality. Often EMG appoints a neurologist.

In case of suspicion of foredorthyism, the reception at the dentist is obligatory. According to the aesthetic appearance of the teeth and the state of Enamel, the specialist recognizes the cause of damage. To confirm the diagnosis, the dentist will appoint the use of a special kapa for the night - Brooks Checker. By the nature and localization of damage left on it, it is not difficult to determine the degree of progression of the disease.


Therapeutic techniques are aimed at relieving the hypertonus of the facial muscles. The main therapeutic course takes place using orthodontic caps, made according to the individual tracks of the teeth. They relax the jaw muscular fibers during sleep. The systematic use of specialized kapa contributes to addictive face muscles to properly functioning. The duration of treatment varies from several months to a year - depending on the progression of pathology. At the time of therapy it is recommended:

  1. Use natural means To calm the nervous system - infusions of herbs or medicines based on them
  2. Not neglect the help of a neurologist, systematically passing from him to surveys
  3. Avoid stressful situations as much as possible
  4. Refuse chewing gum, limit oneself from bad habits, including - nibble objects
  5. Rinse in the morning and in the evening the oral cavity with antiseptics of natural origin - decoction of chamomile, "Rotokan"
  6. Adhere to healthy nutrition in which it is advisable to turn on garlic, ginger, onions, fresh fruits, vegetables, which are beneficial affecting facial innervation

If one-materialism has dental etiology - therapy is foreseen. The exception is the wrong bite, a significant curvature of the teeth, in which the braces must be used for a period of several months to 1.5-2 years. In the case of psychological or neurological causes of pathology, it is necessary to start the restoration of damaged teeth only after complete disposal from an unnatural grincling. Restoration of teeth requires compliance with all the recommendations of the dentist, and excessive load on enamel aggravates the process of implant lifting or seal.

If necessary, the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, auditory, respiratory tract, the psychological state of the patient, the main therapy is combined with the use of special caps for recession of dental damage. Spring overlays that push the lower jaw forward, trainers, day or night tires are potentially prescribed - depending on the form and degree of the disease. Rehabilitation of teeth is carried out in conjunction with a common therapeutic course.

Full psychological assistance - 90% of the probability of a successful result. The practical part of the technique is aimed at relaxing the nervous system and the body as a whole, including chewing muscles. The objectives of the therapeutic course are achieved using the following manipulations comprehensively and individually:

  1. The breathing exercises annihile stress, disturbing thoughts, soothe psyche. Implementation technique is simple: a tightening nose, breathing retention for 3-4 seconds, long exhalation mouth. Recommended repetition frequency - 20-25 or for 4-5 minutes.
  2. Meditative practices, yoga help restore emotional balance, psychological health. Classes are mastered independently or among like-minded people under the control of the mentor - the choice is individual.
  3. Massage of the area of \u200b\u200bthe head, neck, jaws normalizes muscle tone to the natural, activates blood circulation, promotes the lymphatic outflow, improves innervation. In the absence of opportunity to resort to the services of a professional can be performed self-massage in the cheekbone area. It is necessary to clamp the chin with palms and massage the area of \u200b\u200bthe jaws. Effective exercises "Horse Codes", in which the language rests on the upper heaven with a 10-second fixation. It is advisable to perform the "pullover" of the facial muscles. To do this, you need to push down the chin on top, while closing the mouth (lift the lower jaw) with the effort. The above manipulations are repeated 10-15 times.
  4. Gymnastics improves the overall condition of the body, accelerates metabolism, generating endorphine, reduces nervous excitability.
  5. Thermal compresses that are elementary to install independently at home. Moisten the flap of tissue with warm water, press, attach to pathological areas for 5-7 minutes. It is advisable to duplicate the process to 5 times, after which the painful sensations subscribe, the muscular tone is normal.
  6. Baths before bed helps to achieve healthy sleep, relax the body, normalize the psyche. With the addition of herbal extracts, essential oils, marine salts, the effectiveness of the procedure increases.

Exceptional cases occurring in the psycho-emotional pathogenesis of the disease implies a consultation. As a result of the decisions taken, the attending physician appoints systematic sessions of psychotherapy, the reception of sedatives, hypnotic treatment techniques and even the injection of Botox.


Bruxism prophylaxism is the normalization of the nervous system by available methods affecting the tone of the mandibular muscle fibers. In case of chewing apples, carrots or nuts before bed, the musculature of the face is tired of having a beneficial effect on its night state. Alternative techniques for load on chewing muscles - simple: self-massage of the face, meditation to the point between eyebrows, autotraining, special exercises. The prerequisite for a successful result is to maintain the right way of life, every day improving the state of health. The following recommendations should be followed:

  • Systematically play sports
  • Carry out daily monitoring of the state of the teeth
  • Preferred coffee and tea Herbal infestees Linden, mint, calendula, eucalyptus, daisies
  • Do not neglect the opportunity to walk outdoer

It is necessary to make adjustments to the diet. Restrict ourselves harmful products Power supply with the content of transgins, chemical additives. It is advisable not to load the body before bedtime. It is equally important to use useful additives to food - vitamins, minerals. Holding the elementary rules, it will be possible to completely prevent, as well as at times to reduce already available bruxism attacks.

Video: Bruxism. What if at night you creak up your teeth?

With such a phenomenon, as an unconscious turn, every adult person came across in his life. Single cases of bruxism are not threatened with health, but if such attacks acquire a permanent character, it is necessary to find out the reason for their occurrence and think about treatment, otherwise not to avoid serious complications.

What is Bruxism in adults?

Bruxism (Carolini phenomenon, odoneryism) is a state that is characterized by an approached reduction in chewing muscles. At the same time, the man is clenched by jaws, and a short-term crossed teeth occurs. The disease occurs in 8-15% of the adult population.

Most often, stresses or emotional stress are the cause of pathology. The attacks may be observed in dental diseases, improper bite, unsuitable dentures.

In case of severe the course of the disease, there is a pathological erasing of the teeth, periodonta tissues are inflated, arthrosis of jaw joints is developing. In addition, a person suffers from strong pain in the lower jaw, noise and a stall in the ears, sleep disorders.

Views of odonestivity

The disease is day and night. Attachments of daytime bruxism arise at the time when a person is awake, mainly with strong emotional tension. Treatment of such a form of pathology largely depends on the patient himself and its ability to self-control.

In the second case, the signs of illness are manifested at night when a person sleeps and does not have the ability to control himself. Such attacks can be multiple. At the same time, human breathing is disturbed, blood pressure changes, the pulse rate.

In addition, Bruxism happens:

Causes and factors of development

To date, the reasons for such a disorder are not fully clarified, but there are several theories explaining its occurrence.

The cunningness of the disease is that when it occurs at night, a person may not even guess the existence of a problem. Spring teeth lasts only a few seconds, the patient does not even have time to wake up. The attacks can repeat repeatedly.

To suspect the presence of pathology is possible only by indirect features, such as:

  • morning headache;
  • soreness in the area of \u200b\u200bthe jaws;
  • noise, ringing in the ears;
  • discomfort in the neck, shoulders, backs;
  • dizziness;
  • problems with sleep;
  • day drowsiness;
  • painful feelings for chewing;
  • depressive condition;
  • dentistry, periodontal inflammation and bite change;
  • clicks in maxillofacial joints.

Diagnostic methods

Most often, bruxism is diagnosed on the basis of the subjective complaints of the patient or his relatives. During the dental examination, the doctor may suspect the presence of pathology if the indirect signs will be found: the wasrability, sensitivity of teeth, enamel defects, destruction of dentures. If a person complains about clicks or discomfort in the jewish joint during chewing or yawns, radiography is recommended.

For objective diagnostics use Brooks-checkers - made in the cast of the patient's patient's kapa. The device is put on the night, then given to the clinic for analysis, on the basis of which the doctor can confirm the fact of Bruxism. This method will also help find out which teeth are exposed to the greatest load. Additionally, the patient may need to consult other specialists: a psychologist, a neuropathologist, osteopath, a otolaryngologist and Gastroenteroga.

To clarify the diagnosis, electromyography is used, which is necessary for the analysis of the work of the chewing muscles, their maximum effort, the symmetry of chewing. To fully estimate the activity of the brain, the stage of sleeping a person, fix the spasms of chewing muscles spend polysomnography. The patient is immersed in sleep, during which special sensors fix the performance of its brain, respiratory rhythm, heart rate, blood pressure, muscle movements. Such a study allows you to hold differential diagnosis with epilepsy.

How to get rid of the disease

At first glance, grinding teeth is not very serious illness. But if you do not care, then various dental problems may occur:

  • cracks appear in enamel;
  • cARES is developing;
  • they are erased, teeth loose and fall out;
  • feeds are injured;
  • appear ulcers in the mouth;
  • bite is broken;
  • the diseases of the temporomandibular joints are developing.

In addition, Bruxism is the cause of permanent psychological discomfort. A person feels incomplete, becomes closed and irritable. Completes the quality of life, there is a quick fatigue, constant headaches, depressed.

Causes and therapy of Bruxism - Video

Treatment of Bruxism - the problem is not easy, as it is difficult to determine the cause of the disease. Most often, dentists are engaged in a similar problem. But the best results can be achieved with complex treatment. Therapy should include the following directions:

  • Dental treatment. The patient should explore the periodontalist, orthodontist, dental orthopedist. If necessary, the patient will fix the bite, replace seals and crowns.
  • Psychotherapeutic treatment. The specialist will help identify the conflict, to realize it, will teach effectively to cope with everyday difficulties and emotional shocks, relax.
  • Sedication therapy. In some cases, to reduce the activity of chewing muscles, we will take the reception of drugs that have sedative and sleeping properties, calcium, magnesium preparations, vitamins of group V.
  • Physiotherapy. Improve the patient's condition will help relaxing massages, wet compresses on the jaw area.
  • Botox injections. This method is used in the most difficult and running situations. Botox is introduced into the muscles of the jaws, after which they cannot spontaneously shrink.

Treatment of day bruxism

Successful treatment of such a form of the disease largely depends on the patient himself. It is necessary to learn self-control, try to get rid of the habit of creaking teeth with stressful situations. Various methods will reduce the effect of stress:

  • relaxation. The benefit will bring yoga classes, Pilates. Special relaxing exercises will help reduce the level of stress and anxiety. You can attend sessions of psychotherapy;
  • kinesiology. Elimination of stress and voltage will help stimulation of energy points;
  • osteopathy. A series of exercises and manipulations of Osteopath's doctor has an impact on facial and cervical muscles in order to reduce tension in these zones. As a result, the level of stress is reduced.

In cases where the cause of bruxism is another pathology, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the underlying disease or facilitate its flow.

Treatment of night bruxism

Night manifestations of pathology are not controlled by a person, so in this case it is recommended to use special night kapas. They are made of plastic or rubber. The device is put on the teeth before bedtime, does not allow them to climb and prevents erase during attacks.

Kapa is manufactured individually for each patient. In itself, such a device from bruxism will not save, it is used only to protect the teeth from erasing.

During treatment, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Control the position of your teeth. When the mouth is closed, the upper and lower teeth are not in contact. Do not allow a strong compression of the jaws.
  2. Avoid stressful situations. Since it will cut your teeth is a stress response, you need to find a way to reduce its impact. It can be a relaxing massage or bath, walks, yoga classes, light physical activity.
  3. To reduce the frequency of night seizures, it is useful to bite the nuts, carrots, seeds before bedtime. After such a load on the jaw, the likelihood of the creak of teeth will decrease. We can use chewing gum.


  1. Valerian. A great remedy that contributes to the relaxation of muscles and deep sleep. You can use valerian oil to be mixed with olive, and rub the neck and the area of \u200b\u200bthe jaw. Inside it is useful to use tea with Valerian.
  2. Infusion or tea from chamomile. Good sedative not only for muscles, but also for the whole body. The drink can be purchased in the finished form in the pharmacy, and you can cook yourself:
    • 2 h. L. Dry daisy colors pour boiling water;
    • finally five minutes;
    • if desired, add honey or lemon. Means need to drink two or three hours before sleep.
  3. Milk and turmeric. Milk is recommended to use before bedtime in warm shape to relax and plunge into deep sleep. Milk in combination with turmeric saturates the body of calcium, which is necessary to teeth for normal development. In addition, such a tool reduces pain in the unconscious gnash. To prepare a tool:
    • cup of milk to bring to a boil;
    • add 1 tsp. turmeric;
    • stir and add 1 tbsp. l. Honey. Drink use half an hour before sleep.

Folk remedies in the photo

Chamomile infusion is easy to cook at home milk with turmeric better to drink in warm form Valerian oil will help get rid of nervous tension

Prediction of treatment and possible complications

If you have noticed signs of the disease, it is better to contact a specialist. After conducting a comprehensive diagnosis, the doctor will appoint the necessary treatment that will relieve this problem and its consequences.

Do not try to cure bruxism yourself, such actions are often unsuccessful and can lead to unpleasant consequences, such as:

  • abrasion enamel and dental destruction;
  • headaches;
  • problems with jaw joints (pain and crunch);
  • insomnia;
  • depression.

Prevention measures

Some useful habits will help to prevent the disease or reduce its manifestations:

  • avoid stressful situations or try to reduce their number;
  • before leaving to bed, do something relaxing: read the book, listen to music, take a warm bath. Active actions are better to leave for morning;
  • do not overload the jaw when it is not required;
  • refuse or limit food consumption that contains a lot of caffeine and carbohydrates;
  • freshly walk in the fresh air. Such an active leisure increases the production of hormones of happiness;
  • in order to relax the jaw, apply warm compresses;
  • use hard food before bedtime. It is the tip of the muscles of the jaw and calm them on sleep.

In the absence of treatment, this, at first glance, a harmless habit, as the teeth grinds, can become a source of dental, psychological and other problems. Therefore, medical care must be referred to. And if the treatment does not give results, do not hesitate to consult with other experts, perhaps the cause of the disease was established incorrectly.

Bruxism - the medical name of the screenshot of the teeth, which is usually manifested at night.

Periodically, he can even be observed in healthy people, but if the grower becomes a permanent satellite of life, you need to consult as soon as possible with your doctor.

This phenomenon not only delivers serious discomfort to others, but also can lead to unpleasant consequences. Why is Bruxism developing in adults, the cause and treatment of the disease, is it possible to get rid of the habit of creaking teeth forever?

Reasons for bruxism in adults

Accurate still not installed. Most experts argue that it is most often subject to strong stress and psycho-emotional loads.

In addition, bruxism can manifest itself as a complication:

  • after poor quality tooth treatment;
  • installations of unsuitable prostheses;
  • with sleep disorders, including somnambulism, snoring, enuresis, nightmares, attacks apnea.

Less often crushes his teeth:

  • multiple sclerosis;
  • reception of some drugs (in particular, psychostimulants);
  • alcohol abuse.

According to statistics, Brooksism occurs in 15%, and many of them do not even know about their problem.

Typically, this phenomenon is manifested at night - day seizures are less common, as people may stop their will. In addition to the creaking of teeth, people encountered with this phenomenon meet the habit of chewing and nibble outsiders (pencils, knobs, etc.).

Do you need to treat bruxism?

It is believed that Bruxism does not entail any serious consequences other than discomfort for others, but in fact it is not.

In the number of complications of an involuntary brine, the teeth include:

  • erasing of solid dentals, appearance and characteristic flat surface, which makes it difficult to chew
  • damage to dental crowns and prostheses;
  • the appearance of painful ulcers and damage on the inside of the cheeks due to the constant oxidation of the mucous membrane;
  • increased and risk of multiple caries;
  • resorption and atrophic processes in gum tissues, pathological;
  • pain in the muscles and bundles that are responsible for the process of chewing food, and, as a result, the appearance of headaches and migraines;
  • numbness and discomfort in the jaw field in the morning;
  • impossibility to sleep normally, constant fatigue, mental stress, reduced performance.

Bruxism is often observed in successful and self-sufficient people (it is sometimes called "businessmen's disease") due to the fact that during the daytime they have to constantly hide and control their emotions.

Methods of treating day bruxism

Day Bruxism is less common than night, but sometimes the severity of pathology is so strong that a person is not able to suppress the habit of creaking with teeth alone with the effort of will.

To avoid a toothbrush, you need to abandon the habit of gnawing outsiders in stressful situations and pay attention to the position of the lower jaw.

In the closed state, the lower and the upper teeth should not touch, and when the jaws are involuntarily compressed, you need to immediately relax the chewing muscles. If such measures do not give results, a person requires a consultation of a specialist and a comprehensive treatment, which should be aimed at eliminating the cause of the dental grinding.


Since Bruxism is the reaction of the body for stress, it is necessary to find a suitable way to eliminate increased anxiety. It can be:

  • breathing exercises;
  • yogic practices;
  • listening to music;
  • reading books;
  • walking, etc.

A good result brings sessions of psychotherapy, which make it possible to identify the subconscious fears of a person, understand them and learn to overcome.


Kinesiology is a branch of alternative medicine, which studies the work of the muscles and its influence on the activities of the entire body, as well as methods of eliminating various diseases and pathologies by impact on muscle tissue. Kinesiologists treat bruxism by massage facial muscles and influences on certain energy points responsible for stress and voltage.


Osteopathy is another direction of alternative medicine, including treatment of diseases:

  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • acupuncture and other techniques.

Bruxism therapy in this case consists of a complex of exercises and manipulations by a specialist, the purpose of which is also a decrease in stress levels and eliminating tension.

Before contacting the methods of alternative medicine, a dentist should be visited, to keep the oral cavity, and if necessary, change the dentures to more comfortable. Perhaps after these procedures, the Bruxism will disappear independently.

Methods for treating night bruxism

It is more difficult than the daily, since the exact causes of pathology are unknown, and, in addition, during sleep, a person is unable to control his own body. With a night grinding, teeth often have to resort to special dental devices and other techniques.

Control of the position of the teeth

To protect the surface of the teeth with bruxism and control of the complete closure of the jaws, special tires are used and. They are made from hypoallergenic materials (soft plastic, rubber, silicone), fit tightly to the teeth, and take the entire load, keeping enamel from damage.

Capa for the treatment of bruxism

Such adaptations make it possible to prevent unpleasant consequences of bruxism, but do not eliminate the cause of pathology, therefore, most often used in a complex with other methods of treatment.

Avoiding stressful situations

It is almost impossible to avoid psycho-emotional stress to avoid psycho-emotional stress, but you need to try to do so that they do not become an obstacle for a normal rest.

People who suffer from bruxism should not take work at home or solve business questions before bedtime.

Instead, it is better:

  • make a small walk in the fresh air;
  • take a bath;
  • listen to relaxing music;
  • read a book.

To eliminate night Bruxism, You can try to "tired" chewing muscles, as a result of which the likelihood of a dental grincling will decrease.

For this, you can before bedtime:

  • make a number of exercises for jaws;
  • chew a chewing gum;
  • sliding seeds;
  • eat a few pieces of solid products (carrots, crackers, etc.).

To combat bruxism, you should not use sleeping pills and sedatives, especially without appointing a doctor - to improve the work of the nervous system and the quality of daytime sleep, it is necessary to introduce products to the diet with the content of group B, calcium and magnesium vitamins, or take vitamin complexes.


Funds folk MedicineUsed to combat bruxism include the use of decoction and informations from healing plants with a sedative effect.

Their number includes:

  • melissa;
  • valerian root;
  • motherwort;
  • oregano

They can be taken independently or as part of plant fees.

For the preparation of therapeutic infusion, you need to take a spoonful of dried grass (or a mixture of several), pour boiling water, insist from 15 to 30 minutes, after which you can drink in half a cup before bedtime. In addition, you can take baths with the addition of coniferous extract and citrus, lavender or rosemary essential oils, which also contribute to muscle relaxation.


For the prevention of bruxism, it is necessary to reduce the number of stressful situations if possible, as well as learn how to correctly cope with life difficulties.

It is better to go to bed as soon as possible, preferably at the same time, and 1-2 hours before sleep is recommended to make a small walk, take a warm bath and try to relax well.

An important role is played and proper nutrition With the content of vitamins and trace elements that support the normal operation of the nervous system.

Bruxism is an unpleasant pathology, which is often found in modern society with his rapid rhythm of life. Despite the fact that the teeth crushes seems harmless phenomenon, which does not threaten serious consequences, it is not worth ignoring his manifestations. If a person is not able to cope with bruxism on his own, it is better to consult a doctor and carefully comply with all the recommendations.

- Periodically emerging episodes of involuntary reduction of chewing muscles, accompanied by compressing the jaws and grinding teeth. In addition to the main symptom of the screen, the bruxism can lead to pathological washelling and hyperesthesia of teeth, the formation of wedge-shaped defects, periodontal pathology, and the PRS, pains in chewing muscles, headache, etc. Bruxism is detected on the basis of patient complaints and its loved ones, characteristic changes teeth, polysomnographic research, electromyography. In the treatment of bruxism, psychotherapy, massage, physiotherapy, botulinity, wearing protective caps are used.


Bruxism - paroxysmal grinds teeth, resulting from the spasm of chewing muscles, stacking the jaws and their intensive movement relative to each other. During the period of dairy bite (from the moment of teething to the teeth up to 7 years), the Bruxism occurs about half of the children; The prevalence of adult problems is 5-10%. About the bruxism in children and adults they say if the creak and grinds teeth occurs during sleep; If the data of manifestations occur during the daytime, such a state is regarded as a bruxomania. Bruxism and bruxomania belong to the parafunctions of chewing muscles (oral parafunctions).

Causes of Bruxism

Since the development of bruxism can be based in a complex of various reasons and their combination, this problem is studied not only within the framework of dentistry, but also psychology, neurology, otolaryngology, gastroenterology. Consider the main etiological prerequisites of bruxism.

According to psychological theory, Bruxism is a reflection of emotional disadvantaged, stress, overloads, frequent affective states, overvoltage, causing involuntary muscle contractions and grinds teeth. Bruxism is sometimes called the "businessmen's disease" experiencing constant psycho-emotional overloads, but short-term episodes of bruxism in a dream may also occur in people who have a positive emotional mood.

The neurogenic theory of Bruxism considers the problem in terms of violation of the activities of central and peripheral systems leading to neurological and motor disorders. It is noted that Bruxism is often combined with sleep impairment (Somnambulism, snoring, nightmares, apnea in a dream), Tremera, Enurrez, epilepsy. In addition, states such as triumphs and bruxism can develop due to the tonic stress of chewing muscles in the damage to the motor neurons of the trigeminal nerve.

Dental theory is based on the fact that the occurrence of bruxism contributes to various deviations in the structure and functioning of the dental system: incorrect bite, the anomalies of the teeth (adenatia, ultra-target teeth), poorly selected dentures or bracket systems, poor-quality teeth treatment, arthritis and arthritis of OPS, etc. .

From the point of view of osteopathic theory, bruxism is interpreted as an attempt of the neuromuscular system to eliminate the locking of the cranial seams and restore the distressed craniosacral rhythm. These phenomena in children may arise due to a complicated flow of labor and generic injuries, anomalies of teeth, incorrect bite, etc.; in adults - with incorrectly performed dental prosthetics, osteochondrosis cervical department spine, etc.

Other theories of Bruxism, which are not widely recognized and reliable scientific confirmations, bind to teeth with a disruption of nasal respiration (adenoid, curvature of the nasal partition, frequent rhinitis), gastroesophageal reflux disease, helminths (ascariasis, enterobiasis, etc.), improper nutrition, chewing abuse rubber band, etc.

The peaks suffering from Parkinson's disease and Huntington's choreans. Bruxism in children can occur during periods of teething and shifts of teeth. Bruxism cofactors can be recently transferred to the brain injury, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, sleeping bags, antidepressants.

Symptoms of bruxism

The episodes of bruxism, as a rule, last about 10 seconds, but per night can repeat repeatedly, accompanied by the sound of the grincling or snapshoting to the teeth. Usually, these symptoms notice close patients (parents, spouses), because during sleep, a person does not control its condition and is not awakened from the squeak of teeth. The attacks of the grincop of teeth are often accompanied by a change in respiration, arterial pressure and pulse.

Nutro Patients often celebrate Facial Malgia, Toothpro, pain in the jaws, headaches, daylight, dizziness. With long-term flow of the bruxism, pathological washydrability of teeth, hyperesthesia of teeth, wedge-shaped defects, chips and enamel cracks, fractures of teeth crowns can develop. The consequence of injury of near-block fabrics with bruxism is inflammation in periodontal tissues (periodontitis), loosening and loss of teeth. Excessive uncontrollable load on the teeth can cause chipping of restorations and seals, ceramics chips on artificial crowns, damage to dentures.

The remote consequences of bruxism and bruxomania can serve as the muscular and articular dysfunction of the NEFS: hypertrophy of chewing muscles, restriction of the movement of jaws, pain in the temporal mandibular joints, shoulder joints, neck. Permanent traumatization of the oral mucosa in some patients with bruxism leads to the occurrence of gingivitis, flat red deprived, oral fibrome, a faster (gear) language, abandon under removable prostheses.

Diagnosis of Bruxism

The fact of Bruxism is usually established on the basis of the subjective complaints of the patient and its relatives, as well as indirect signs detected by the dentist when examining the oral cavity. The method of objective diagnosis of bruxism is the use of so-called Brooks Checkers - special capples made on the basis of the cast and model of the patient's jaws and allow you to determine the presence of occlusal obstacles. After the night wearing, the kappa is transmitted for analysis to the clinic; Studying Brooks Checker allows the dentist to determine which teeth are experienced overload.

The pathological activity of chewing muscles can be registered in the process of conducting electromyography or polysomnography. A much more complex task is to identify the causes of bruxism in a patient, which often requires the involvement of a number of related specialists: neurologists, psychologists, otolaryngologists, osteopaths, gastroenterologists.

Treatment of Bruxism

The methods of therapy of bruxism depend on its causes and degree. In children early age Bruxism usually does not require special treatment and comes independently by 6-7 years. In adult patients, the maximum effect of the treatment of bruxism is achieved with an integrated approach using psychotherapeutic, drug, physiotherapeutic and dental techniques.

With a bruxism caused by psychogenic factors, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy is published: biological feedback, relaxation and self-control methods, trainings, etc. Medical therapy of Bruxism is aimed at reducing the convulsive activity of chewing muscles in a dream and may include the appointment of light sedative and sleeping pills. , magnesium, calcium drugs, group vitamins B, injection of botulinum toxin, etc. In some cases, osteopathic treatment, manual therapy and massage sessions, production of warm wet compresses on the jaw area may be shown.

The dental treatment of Bruxism is carried out with the participation of various specialists: therapist, stomatologortopeda, orthodontist attempts to cope with bruxism, as a rule, turn out to be unsuccessful and often lead to deposits. In awareness of the presence of this problem, you should contact for professional advice to the dentist. Conducting comprehensive diagnostics and the choice of an adequate method of treatment makes it forever to get rid of this obsessive pathological habit, to prevent or eliminate the effects of bruxism.

Bruxism prevention involves the normalization of psycho-emotional state, getting rid of bad habits, training for self-disabilities and self-massage. An important link of the prevention of Bruxism is the timely elimination of diseases of the teeth and the nervous system.