L Arginine instructions for use. Arginine - Powerful natural agent for male potency

The tempo of the modern lifestyle of people is very high. Under these conditions, energy consumption and irreplaceable substances increase. Strong half of humanity, mostly feels such a need, taking into account the physiological features of the male organism. With insufficient developing of elements or admission to food, pathological changes arise, which contribute to the development of diseases. Therefore, there is a need for additional nutrient components.

The pharmaceutical market offers drugs that consist of essential or conditionally replaced protein components. In the condition of an increased need for amino acids, biologically active additives are used as a subsidiary product. One of these medicinal substances is L-Arginine.

What it is - many people are interested. This is a chemical compound that is synthesized in the human body and is present in metabolic processes. The amino acid participates in the synthesis of nitrogen oxide, which has a vasodilator and neuromediator action. Therefore, arginine is often used for potency, with respect to which the substance has stimulating properties.

Useful actions of the substance

Additional reception of arginine is prescribed as prevention or treatment in the conditions of the intended deficit of a substance, given its unique properties.

The drug has the following actions:

  1. Participates in tissue regeneration.
  2. It has antitoxic effect.
  3. Displays disintegration products from the body.
  4. Stimulates the immune response.
  5. Promotes the normalization of the hormonal background.
  6. Affects potency, increasing the erectile and reproductive possibilities of a man.
  7. Normalizes the function of the prostate gland.
  8. Relaxing and expanding the vessels, enhances blood flow to the organs.
  9. Increases the flow of oxygen into skeletal muscles and myocardium.
  10. Promotes increase muscular mass.
  11. Stimulates the production of collagen fibers.
  12. Normalizes sleep process.
  13. Increases performance.
  14. It has a positive effect.
  15. Normalizes the level of glucose due to an increase in insulin synthesis.
  16. Stimulates growth hormone.
  17. Supports the balance of cholesterol fractions, reduces the risk of atherosclerotic plaques.
  18. Reduces the amount of excess adipose tissue.

Amino Acid Reception Indications

A wide range of actions of the substance determines the indications for the use of drugs containing arginine.

You can call the following states, at which the destination of the Bada is justified:

  1. As metabolic therapy, in diseases of the internal organs, especially of cardio-vascular system, in the period of rehabilitation.
  2. As a subsidiary drug, in order to replenish the deficit of the element with increased physical activity.
  3. In the chronic flow of the pathology of the nervous system.
  4. In order to restore metabolic processes against the background of the diet.
  5. To stimulate male potency.
  6. Sports achievements in bodybuilding, given the ability to increase the level of creatine.

Methods of admission of the substance in the body

In the body, arginine is synthesized independently or comes with food. High concentration of amino acids is marked in meat and fish products, nuts, sunflower seeds and pumpkins, peas, cocoa beans.

Thermal processing reduces the number active substance. Therefore, with an increase in the need for protein, you need to eat a large amount of food containing the chemical element that it is not always possible to do. In such a situation, the dotation of arginine in the form of the drug is considered more appropriate.

Advanced Actions Additives

In the therapeutic and preventive doses, Arginine is a drug safe for health. However, during the reception of additives in some cases, there is a risk of exceeding the amount of protein entering the body.

Therefore, adverse reactions may be marked:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Discomfort and abdominal pain.
  3. Reduced arterial pressure.
  4. Allergic rash.
  5. Weakness.
  6. Tissue seals and deformation of the cartilage and articular surfaces of bone structures.
  7. Reduced immune status.
  8. Endocrine disorders.
  9. Chronic kidney diseases and urinary tract.

Contraindications for reception

You can call the following states when the additive does not apply:

  1. Idiosyncrasy to the component of the drug.
  2. The period of pregnancy and feeding the child with breast milk in women.
  3. Syncopal states and resistant reduction in blood pressure.
  4. Children and adolescents during periods of active growth due to the risk of giganty.
  5. Frequent exacerbations of herpetic infection.
  6. Mental disorders.
  7. Related oncological diseases.
  8. Disruption of blood glucose tolerance.
  9. Autoimmune pathology.

Given the likelihood of adverse situations, before the start of adopting the drug, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Important! Self-use of L-arginine can benefit and harm. Therefore, it is previously necessary to determine the testimony for the purpose.

The best option of income of the substance into the body is the use of food containing arginine. If this is not enough, resort to the help of biologically active additives or official preparations containing amino acid. Drugs usually have a comprehensive composition. Carnitine and vitamins of group V. can act as additional components.

Dose of substance

A specialist or coach will tell you how to take the drug correctly. Dosages depend on the form of the drug and reception purposes. The normal content of the substance is 115 mg / kg per day. The average dose for an adult man is 3 grams per day. The maximum amount of amino acid should not exceed 10 grams. The reception duration ranges from 2 weeks to 1 month. You can repeat the course after 1-1, 5 months.

For athletes produce L-arginine in capsules of 500 mg or 1 000 mg in banks of 90 pieces. According to the reviews of men who took dietary supplements, such a quantity is enough for several periods of receiving the drug in order to obtain a high anabolic effect.

Features of reception at various states

The multiplicity of reception is determined by the testimony for applying arginine. For the treatment or prevention of the pathological state, the daily dose is divided into 3 receptions. Athletes need to take an addition for half an hour before training and after load to increase muscle mass and get the maximum result. In order to improve sleep and ensure an anabolic result, the amino acid is used in the evening. There is a bad assimilation of arginine along with fats. Therefore, it is necessary to limit fatty food or observe an interval of at least 2 hours.

The drug stimulates sexual function, enhances the erection, improves endurance. According to the reviews, the tangible effect of L-arginine for men is noticeable on average from the fifth day of reception. However, the instructions for use does not recommend combining the additive with other stimulants for the treatment and prevention of impotence in order not to get unwanted adverse reactions.


Arginine has a pronounced metabolic and stimulating effect, with competent use does not cause negative consequences. This gives the right to specialists to recommend amino acid as an additive with a wide range of action as auxiliary or a subsidiary drug.

The appearance on the market of biologically active additives, as part of which this amino acid is indicated, is associated with the discovery, which was made by three American doctors at the end of the twentieth century. They found that the growth and normal operation of the human body is associated with the presence of nitrogen oxide in it, which is synthesized from arginine. For this discovery was received by the Nobel Prize for Medicine in 1998.

Arginine is considered a conditional replaceable amino acid. In the body, it is naturally synthesized from a fiber, which in large quantities is contained in nuts, gelatin, corn, cocoa beans, oatmeal and sesame. In a small number, Arginine is in all breams, nuts and legumes. To be clearer, what we are talking about, you need to tell you more about what amino acids are and what they happen.

The amino acid is the component of proteins - simple proteins, of which, in turn, the cells are built, then fabrics, organs and the whole organism are underway. Such a chain is obtained: amino acids - proteins - proteins - cells - fabrics - organs - human body. That is, the amino acid is the source material of the human body.

All amino acids are divided into three groups: indispensable, conditionally irreplaceable and replaceable. Indispensable synthesized by the body in very small quantities or not synthesized at all. Man gets them with food. Conditionally irreplaceable amino acids are produced by the body in sufficient quantities to maintain life, but they are not enough to recruit muscle mass. Replaceable amino acids are made in sufficient quantities, but only in the presence of essential amino acids and nitrogen.

In the body there are constantly processes with the participation of amino acids: new fabrics are formed instead of those who came into disrepair, organs are regenerated. A small amount of amino acids in the body does not allow properly "update the system" and necessarily leads to diseases. The main reasons for the cessation of amino acid synthesis in the body are unbalanced nutrition and poor absorption of proteins.

Arginine turns into an organism in nitrogen oxide, which, in turn, stimulates the emergence of new cells, thereby slowing the aging of organs and skin. How else is arginine affect the body?

  • Improves metabolism in muscle tissue.
  • Supports cholesterol levels in the blood at a mark below the norm.
  • Expands the vessels and dilute blood, thereby lowering pressure.
  • Enhances spermatogenesis in men.
  • Due to the acceleration of the exchange processes in the body, has a wound healing effect.
  • Actively restores liver cells.
  • Improves the general physical condition of a person.
  • Prevents the appearance of early wrinkles, making the skin more elastic.
  • Makes a person more energetic, increases the mood.

The Arginine preparation is adopted with insufficiently active growth and in moments when the intensive addition of muscle mass is necessary. Most often, he is prescribed to people who decided to get rid of excess weight And do the body for the rebirth of adipose tissue into muscle. This drug stimulates production somatotropic hormone pituitary or "Growth Hormone".

In addition, it is prescribed if they are observed:

  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system (hypertension, atherosclerosis and others).
  • Fat rebirth or cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Kidney disease (renal failure, pyelonephritis, cystitis).
  • Impotence and infertility in men.
  • Second type diabetes or hereditary predisposition to this disease.
  • Tumors of any nature (mioma, adenoma, cyst and others).
  • Depression.
  • Immunodeficiency states after operations, AIDS.

This is not the entire list of indications for the use of L-Arginine. Despite all the benefits, this drug has contraindications. It cannot be taken:

  • during pregnancy and during breastfeeding
  • in the period of active growth in adolescents, Arginine can cause gigantism
  • in schizophrenia and other mental illness, as it has a psychotropic effect
  • with herpes virus in an active stage.

Here are only common diseases in which the reception of arginine drugs is contraindicated, in any case, before the start of use of this drug, you must consult with the doctor.

Arginine burns fats and helps reincarnant adhesive tissue into muscle with active classes. In the medium of weightlifters and bodybuilders, the process of rebirth of the tissue without significant loss of body weight is called "drying". During this process, extra fats and water are leaving the body, but the balance must be constantly replenished. To do this, take a lot of squared foods: cereal from cereals, eggs, special protein cocktails.

The use of arginine is shown to people over 30 years, since it is at this age that the natural level of amino acids in the body decreases, and the first signs of aging of the skin appear. For medicinal purposes, Arginine is accepted two or three times a day 40 minutes before meals.

Tablets "Arginine" begin already 20 minutes after admission. Most of the substances falling into the stomach is absorbed and with blood goes into the liver, where there is a decay and the conversion of the active substance into nitrogen oxide necessary for growth.

Bodybuilders use large doses of arginine per hour before training. The daily dose of this additive to increase the muscle mass is calculated based on the proportion of 115 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the athlete. Arginine in large doses causes a physical and emotional climb, a person becomes stronger and hardy. That is why the drugs of arginine are included in the stop list in weightlifting competitions and other strength sports.

With arginine overdose, headaches, nausea, dizziness and convulsions are observed. If something from the above symptoms appeared after the reception, the dose of arginine must be reduced to comfortable. In addition, large doses of such drugs can destructively affect the function of the pancreas, including lead to pancreatitis.

On the russian market Tablets "Arginine" are represented by many manufacturers. Prices range from 500 to 800 rubles per package of 100 capsules to 500mg actors in each.

For the full work of the human body, a large number of different nutrients, microelements, amino acids are required. The latter can be divided into replaceable and indispensable. Conditionally replaced arginine (L-Arginine). Arginine regularly requires the body. With its disadvantage, the risk of hypertension disease increases, it is involved in the formation of a cell nucleus genetic material affects the exchange of proteins.

Reception of arginine, as well as other essential amino acids, has a beneficial effect on the whole body as a whole

This amino acid helps to improve blood delivery to the training muscles, and with it - and the delivery of nutrients, hormones and oxygen, which help bodybuilders in the process of training and recovery.

Additional properties:

  • First, it enhances immunity, as it is involved in the metabolism. This is an antioxidant, output products resulting from a nitrogen exchange.
  • Secondly, its influence on hormonal processes cannot be overestimated. Developing testosterone, growth hormone occurs solely with the participation of arginine. Due to it, muscle mass is actively gaining and the subcutaneous fat is burned, the effect of pamping is enhanced.

The regular arrival of arginine into the human body significantly reduces cholesterol levels, the walls of the vessels are strengthened, the risk of atherosclerosis is reduced.

What products contain

Arginine can be filled with food in the body. These include: Meat, Bird, Eggs. Also a lot in salmon, legumes, different species Nuts.

It would seem that it is easier - to fill L-arginine by purchasing various nuts. However, in nuts there are many others, not so useful athletes of substances, for example - fat. Therefore, in the same time, with the task, to increase the content of arginine without special sports nutrition to do it difficult.

In professional sports, arginine is used in the composition of sports nutrition and dietary supplements. In addition to the main amino acid content, the following components may contain:

  • Gelatin
  • Microcrystalline cellulose
  • Magnesium stearate

L-Arginine in Bodybuilding

So that the effect in bodybuilding is really powerful, it is necessary to take arginine with other amino acid complexes or sports additives

Due to the high features of the drug L-Arginine, it is used in bodybuilding.

With proper use and selection of the dose of the drug, the muscular mass of an athlete is significantly increased. Especially urgent is the possibility during the cycle of the active set of mass and during drying. This drug is used as an evening additive for better sleep and activation of growth hormone. To increase the synthesis of Testosterone, arginine is used in a testosterone complex.

For an athlete, the value has the right full nutrition. The synthesis of arginine depends on it to a large extent, and additives only additionally support the level of this amino acid in the blood. The schemes of reception of this drug depend on the purpose that an athlete puts in front of him. The dosage is selected individually, based on the purpose and parameters of the bodybuilder.

Dosage: 3-5 g arginine take three times a day, one portion is 30-40 minutes before training.

L-Arginine in the female body

Arginine is involved in the development of hormones, so it is also called the "element of youth"

For women's health, it is also important as for male. Since it is involved in the metabolic processes of the body, its influence cannot be overestimated. It helps to get out of depression, improves performance. Among its properties there is an improvement in mood, overall well-being, stamina.

With age, the ability to produce an amino acid arginine is reduced and the correction of nutrition or the reception of additional drugs is required.

Arginine can boldly be called construction material for the human body, so it affects appearance Women: hair, nails. It helps to synthesize proteins, enzymes. It controls the growth processes of the body tissue, positively affects the burning of subcutaneous fats (naturally, during exercise).

The value and effect of L-arginine for health

In addition to natural processes that regularly occur in the human body, the amino acid L-Arginine is actively used in medicine for the treatment of many diseases. The ability to improve immunity allows you to take arginine as an imostimulator. It is used as supportive therapy with HIV and AIDS.

L-arginine is a natural and safe additive

Its influence on hormonal processes is used as therapy with insufficient hormone production in adolescents and as a result of slow growth and development. Properties of control processes of the growth of body tissues, helps when tensile ligaments and fractures of different complexity. It also recesses its cholesterol levels, improves the state of the vessels, therefore, has a positive effect on the treatment of hypertensive disease.

In addition to influence on physiological processes, its psychotropic impact on man is observed. It is appointed with deep depression. It has a positive effect on memory, overall health.

Often doctors prescribe arginine as an addition to the main treatment as biologically active additives, focusing on the fact that it is not medicine. However, some contraindications are seen by the drug L-Arginine.

For growth

Arginine increases the level of growth hormone (GH).

Drug L-Arginine is used to support hormone therapy In children, adolescents, with insufficient production of growth hormone, as a stimulating substance. In the case of open growth zones, it helps to increase human growth. However, there are no results of reliable research confirming this fact. Appointment of the drug B. more than Supporting therapy.

There are several methods in the complex with which positive indicators were revealed to increase the growth of the patient. This includes waters, gymnastics, different methods of stretching with stretch marks. All complexes operate with open growth zones. Before applying the drug, consultation with a specialist (endocrinologist) is recommended. Do not forget about the hereditary factor.

For weight loss

With a properly chosen dose of the arginine substance, a significant weight loss is noticed and a decrease in the fatty layer. Muscles intensively acquire the desired shape. The substances included in the arginine accelerate metabolism, contribute to greater saturation of muscle oxygen, improve blood circulation. With permanent physical exertion, L-Arginine has a positive effect on the feminine figure. In a sports complex, the substance shows high results.

For hair

Arginine is used not only in sports, medicine, but also in cosmetology. It is part of shampoos, hair masks, however, the external effects of amino acids on appearance is an advertising move. The main impact of Arginine has a human body on the internal processes. Shampoo - only the means of cleansing the scalp and hair skin. Arginine as part of the shampoo improves oxygen income to the bulbs of hair, but the effect is noticeable only as they are growing.

Impact on potency

Since Arginine is involved in the development of testosterone, it has a big impact on the potency in a man. In addition, its influence on metabolism and the exchange of nitrogen contributes to the relaxation of blood vessels, the expansion of them. This mechanism is important during the occurrence of erection. Arginine contributes to the influx of blood to the genital bodies, which directly increases the potency of the man.

In a healthy person with full nutrition, the body itself controls the development of arginine. With the onset of 30-35 years, this ability is reduced and additional arrival of this indispensable amino acid is required. Arginine deficiency can be corrected both using a special diet and full nutrition and using sports additives.

Impact on the liver

Amino acid Arginine is indispensable in the liver. It contributes to sufficient blood circulation and regeneration processes. Thanks to the arginine, glucose is generated. In addition, the constant purification of the liver from slags occurs without the participation of arginine, which fully controls the process of output of slags and converting from into urea.

Contraindications and harm

It cannot be used during pregnancy and lactation, since there are no full-fledged research that studies the effect of amino acids on this group. In addition, an allergy may arise to the active ingredient, which is also a serious reason to stop the reception of the drug.

People with mental illness, for example, schizophrenia is not recommended to start receiving arginine. It acts as a psychotropic substance and in the complex of active therapy against schizophrenia can weaken the basic medicinal preparations.

Video: 10 facts about arginine

Arginine regularly requires the body. It participates in many vital processes. In a healthy person with full nutrition, the body itself controls the development of arginine. Perhaps additional admission with the help of dietary bars.

Despite the fact that the drug is not a medicinal substance, it requires attentive circulation and accurate calculation Dosage. Before starting reception, you should pass the doctor's advice.

Be sure to read about it

Arginine is an amino acid that needs our body. Alas, but in low food products, it is contained in small quantities, which is why many companies produce it as a food additive. It is popular with athletes who seek to increase muscle mass, increase strength and endurance.

Arginine: benefit and harm

As we have said, the human body will not be able to produce this aminoxylotu in large quantities. It stimulates growth hormone, which leads to an increase in testosterone and an increase in muscle mass, which is why it is produced in the form of a sports additive. It is popular among athletes, especially those who deal with strength training.

As for food, arginine is in red meat and fish, bird, proprieties of wheat, grain, nuts and seeds, dairy products. If you want to improve your results in training, we recommend turning on the arginine in the form of a sports additive in the diet.

Many have developed an erroneous opinion on arginine and they believe that the supplement harms the body. Do not confuse sports nutrition and steroids are different things. Arginine refers to safe sports nutrition, which brings only the use of the body, this aminoxylta is not a hormonal drug.

The benefits of arginine for your health:

  • Stimulates the production of hormone responsible for the growth of the muscles. It can be taken even to teenagers who have a delay in physical development.
  • Burns subcutaneous fat - but only in combination with training, without sports, the additive will not work.
  • Accelerates metabolic processes - contributes to the growth of muscle tissue and a decrease in fat.
  • Restores skin covers
  • Improves the work of kidneys
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, thus preventing cardiovascular diseases
  • Stimulates the production of hormones, prevents infertility
  • Restores the work of the hormonal system

What about harm arginine?In fact, the amino acid has no side Effects And if you use it in reasonable quantities, it will only benefit you. If you decide to buy a sports additive, pay attention to the price and manufacturer - often for sale for fakes, the result is vomiting and nausea, poisoning. Therefore, do not save on the purchase and be sure to ask the seller documents confirming the quality of arginine.

Contraindications for the use of arginine

The additive cannot be taken pregnant and nursing, as well as children up to 12 years old. Also, doctors recommend abandoning its use by those who have a violation in the functioning of the nervous system.

With individual intolerance to additives, nausea may occur, headaches, dizziness and rash on the skin. In this case, you will have to refuse to receive arginine.

It is impossible to take an additive with drugs that reduce blood pressure, the same applies to drugs that improve potency.

Arginine: Instructions for use

Duration, regularity and dosage depends on what you are going to take arginine. You can experiment with quantity, but we still recommend adhere to several rules that are relevant for both men and women:

What about the dosage?After all, it is important not to overdo it with quantities. The average digit is up to 6 g per day. Since the additive is most often produced in the form of capsules, read the instructions on the package before use. Each drug contains different dosage. Most often, 6 grams of arginine are contained in 1-2 capsules. You can also calculate the dosage on your own, based on your weight - a 115 mg of amino acids at a kilogram of weight (with an active lifestyle and regular sports). If you weigh 55 kg, use 6.3 g per day (6325 mg).

One of the conditionally indispensable amino acids is arginine. Its function lies in the construction and transfer of nitrogen oxide - an important element in the human body.

Nitrogen oxide is directly involved in the adjustment of blood pressure by maintaining the tone of the vessels at the proper level. If there is not enough arginine in the body, a person may have an increase in pressure. In addition, arginine helps to remove protein decay products from the body. The "Ornithine-Citrullin-Arginine" cycle is necessary in order for these products to come out of the body, creating urea.

Another function of arginine is its participation in the process of building muscular fabric. That is why this substance was widely distributed among bodybuilders.

The human body is able to synthesize arginine independently. But if for an ordinary person of this amount is quite enough, then there is no athlete. The body of the weightlifter is experiencing colossal loads, therefore needs an additional arginine source.

If not to fill the lack of this substance, the person will begin problems with arterial pressure, the general well-being will deteriorate, as a result of which he will not be able to train as efficiently as before. In addition, the lack of arginine will adversely affect the health of muscle tissue and joints, because without it is impossible to complete their restoration.

Besides useful properties Arginine cost to keep in mind contraindications to its reception and side effects that he can cause. When using elevated doses (more than 15 g per day) Or undergoing a standard response of the body is noted.

  • vomot
  • diarrhea
  • nausea
  • dizziness
  • reduced arterial pressure.

In this case, it is necessary to temporarily stop using additives and after the disappearance of all symptoms you can continue to receive the drug in the optimal dosage.

Harm arginine

As mentioned many times, the lack of arginine is harmful to the body. Blood pressure rises, the body cannot relax and much more. But it turns out and the surplus of arginine is no less harmful. Despite the fact that arginine, whose side effects are not fully studied, has a lot of useful properties, this amino acid is able to cause our organism oxidative damage.

According to some doctors, in the future it will be possible to determine the content of nitrogen oxide in the body and its quantity. Thus, it will be possible to find out how much this substance needs the body. Then it will only be possible to take arginine, along with the Q10 coenfer and lipoic acid, neutralizing side effects.

Do not exceed the bar at ten grams, possibly a side effect

Be that as it may, Arginine is a popular amino acid in bodybuilding and other sports. Only the right and adjustable use can help the body fight fatigue and recover. Violation of the reception mode can lead to irreparable consequences.

Who can not take Arginine?

The use of arginine in large quantities is not recommended for children in order to avoid giganty. Also arginine is contraindicated to people suffering from various viral infections and schizophrenia. It is worth careful with the use of arginine pregnant and nursing women, it is better to turn with a dosage question to a specialist. In the manifestation of any side effects, it is worth reduced by a daose dose to their complete disappearance.

L-arginine is contraindicated in large doses to those who have diseases of the joints, connective tissues, liver and kidneys, as well as in individual glucose intolerance.

  1. People who suffer from the pancreas diseases must be neat when the use of any kind of additives with arginine is used. Based on the results of scientific research, the development of pancreatitis in some experimental was noted.
  2. People who have low blood pressure
  3. Astmatikam
  4. People prone to allergies
  5. People having kidney problems
  6. Taking other medicines

If you have something from the above factors, then consult your doctor before use, in order to avoid possible side effects of arginine.

If you have doubts about the reception and calculation of the dosage of Argenine, then it is better to consult with your doctor.

But still, the effectiveness of the use of arginine in order to increase muscle mass is still in doubt. There are numerous studies that have been repeatedly conducted among scientists and bodybuilding and sports nutrition specialists.

L-arginine from the pharmacy

Form release

Dosage form of the drug L-Arginine - capsules. Capsules 500 mg are packaged into glass cans of 50 pieces, the number of 1000 mg capsules in one can - 90 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

L-Arginine is conditionally indispensable for adults and indispensable for children of amino acid. This means that the substance is produced in the body, but in insufficient for its full functioning of quantities.

Plays an important role in the metabolic processes, strengthens the production of somatotropin (growth hormone).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

L-arginine is a protein-forming amino acid and is the main source of NO production (nitrogen oxide) - neurotransmitter and a powerful vasteransior factor. Its action is aimed at maintaining the optimal cholesterol concentration in the blood, which, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the heart and blood vessels.

Arginine in L-form promotes rapid assimilation without causing discomfort by the gastrointestinal tract.

In men, against the background of the use of el-arginine, blood flow to the sexual organs increases and the amount of seed fluid increases, which increases the optimal conditions for continuous and stable erection, and the state of the prostate gland is normal.

In addition, L-Arginine:

  • stimulates insulin synthesis;
  • promotes the rise in the level of somatotropin in the blood;
  • production of somatotropin;
  • reduces the amount of fatty sediments in the body;
  • activates the wound healing process and speeds up recovery after injuries;
  • stimulates the natural methods of detoxification and contributes to the removal of ammonia from the body;
  • plays an important role in collagen production processes;
  • increases the activity of the immune system;
  • prevents the accumulation of mental and physical fatigue;
  • takes part in the growth processes of muscle tissue cells;
  • stimulates the synthesis of glycogen in muscle tissue and in the liver;
  • promotes the release of lactogenic hormone, glucagon, adrenaline, peptide hormone somatostatin;
  • takes part in the formation of amino acids ornithine, urea, creatine (carboxylic acid, which performs an important function in the energy exchange processes, which flow in the nervous and muscle tissues), arginine phosphate (substance that is the bearer of the reserve energy form);
  • promotes expansion coronary arteries, acting as a predecessor of nitrogen oxide released from the cells of the endothelium of vascular walls;
  • supports arterial pressure indicators within the physiological norm;
  • improves blood microcirculation and its rheological properties;
  • provides a normal blood flow to the limbs;
  • prevents the formation of atherosclerotic plaques.

Indications for use

The dietary supplement can be used as one of the components of metabolic therapy, to prevent a sufficiently wide spectrum of internal organs, as well as to compensate for the deficit of the substance in healthy people leading an active lifestyle.

The replenishment of amino acids is especially important for people who:

  • suffer from nervous disorders, dystrophy, heart disease and vessels, anemia, chronic fatigue syndrome, epilepsy;
  • restore the physical condition after the abuse of psychoactive substances or long compliance with the therapeutic diet.

The properties of arginine - namely, the ability of the substance to increase the level of creatine in muscle tissue, determine the feasibility of the use of dietary supplements and in bodybuilding.


Application Bad is contraindicated with:

  • individual intolerance of components included in its composition;
  • pregnant women and women who are breastfeeding;
  • patients who are diagnosed with schizophrenia or other mental diseases;
  • under herpes.

According to experts, from receiving the BAA should also refrain to people who have been detected at the moment oncological diseaseAs well as children in the phase of active growth. The latter is determined by the amino acid affects the growth hormone and can provoke unwanted giant in the child.

With caution, it is prescribed sick diabetes, as well as patients whose glucose tolerance is broken: Reception of amino acids can cause a hormonal shift, and this, in turn, can lead to a sharp increase in blood glucose concentration.

It should be noted, however, it should be noted that the daily reception of the capsules in a dose of 1 g for 14-20 days in these groups of patients usually does not cause negative reactions from the body, and the substance is softly involved in the metabolic processes flowing in it.

It also shows the use of dietary supplements in people with disturbed electrolyte balance and kidney pathologies (including anourcing).

Side effects

In individual patients, the reception of L-arginine may be accompanied by the following side effects:

  • allergic reactions;
  • increasing the risk of exacerbation of herpesvirus infection;
  • impairment of immune protection (in the case of a long-term course);
  • sleep disorders;
  • increased excitability.

Up to 18 years should not take long capsules in a dose that exceeds several grams.

If you have arthritis, the reception of arginine can cause an aggravation of the inflammatory process.

In arthritis suffering from infectious diseases Patients receive means can provoke an exacerbation of the inflammatory process, therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to supplement therapy with the appointment of lysine or other antiviral components.

When activating the manifestations of any herpesvirus infection, the use of dietary supplements is undesirable for the reason that the viruses use arginine for their own replication.

Instruction on L-Arginine

The instructions for arginine indicates that for an adult, a daily dose of substance is 3 grams. It is usually divided into 2 or 3 receptions, respectively, taking 1,5 or 1 g.

Capsules must coincide with the reception time. Duration of the application of the BAA - from 14 days to 1 month. Reception is possible in 1-2 months.

How to take arginine in capsules in bodybuilding?

The daily dose of L-arginine for athletes is from 3 to 9 grams. Despite the fact that a higher dose gives a more pronounced result (when receiving 20 grams of substance on the day, the production of a somatotropic hormone increases by 60%), experienced bodybuilders still do not recommend taking more than 10 grams of arginine per day, as this can provoke a hypotension, as it can provoke a hypotension, Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness.

Capsules are taken by drinking with plenty of liquid (at least 200 ml). It is allowed to take a means in combination with creatine.

Drinking dietary supplements should be in front of the training, approximately 45-60 minutes before it starts. After this time, the NO level becomes sufficient so that muscle tissues began to be saturated with anabolic hormones, oxygen and amino acids.

Capsules should be taken on an empty stomach and in no case with fatty foods, as it worsens his absorption and will adversely affect the effectiveness of the dietary supplement. Experts argue that for the full absorption of amino acids it is necessary that no less than five hours have passed since the last use of greased products.

Athletes who drink protein cocktails before training are recommended to take arginine and only then drink a cocktail.

After exercise Bud takes when you want to strengthen the nutrition of the muscle tissue, and for pamping. The use of amino acids before bedtime stimulates the secretion of growth hormone.

To avoid addiction, there are recommended breaks between the course of use.


The instructions do not describe the symptoms of L-arginine overdose, however, it is known that the reception of high doses of doses (more than 15 grams per day) can cause diarrhea, weakness, nausea, hypotensions.

It is important to comply with the correct dosage of arginine, to prevent side effect

There is also evidence that the reception of this amino acid can provoke a deterioration in the state of the pancreas: in the course of scientific research, cases of inflammation of the body and the development of pancreatitis were recorded.


BAA should not be taken in combination with any other donators (including nitroglycerin or Viagra).

Often, Arginine and Ornithine and Ornithine are part of various funds. Ornithine is a precursor of glutamic acid, proline and citrulline, and just as an arginine, stimulates the production of growth hormone and insulin, protein synthesis, regeneration and restoration of liver cells, improves immunity and strengthens the connective tissue, speeds up the combustion process in the body.

The simultaneous use of carnitine, arginine and ornithine helps to strengthen these effects and stimulates weight loss.

Terms of sale

Means of non-prescription vacation.

Storage conditions

Capsules are stored in a light-proof, dry place in which the temperature of 25 ° C is supported.

Shelf life

special instructions

L-Arginine - What is it?

Wikipedia indicates that L-arginine is an isomer of alifatotic alpha-amino acid arginine. Sport Wiki reports that the substance is applied in sports nutrition As Donator Nitrogen.

Chemical formula of aliphatic base α-amino acid (arginine)

The amino acid is indispensable for children, since the child's body is not able to produce it, for adults it is considered indispensable conditionally: as a rule, at weakened people and people of old age, it is produced in a very minor quantity or not produced at all.

The benefits and harm arginine

The amino acids are the chemical components of molecules of simple proteins (proteins) and the source material for biosynthesis of vitamins, hormones, mediators, alkaloids, etc.

L-Arginine takes part in the formation of proteins, and is considered the most powerful amino acid in immunology and cardiology.

Speaking about the dangers and benefits of arginine, it should be noted that a sufficient admission to the body of the specified amino acid is especially important for men. Seed liquid approximately 80% consists of this protein building material, Therefore, arginine deficiency often leads to infertility.

Arginine stimulates the products of sperm, which is used by doctors in the treatment programs for male infertility. Men with reduced spermatozoa domesticities are often recommended to take with zinc drugs.

Possessing the ability to relax the smooth muscles of the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, the amino acid allows you to maintain their normal patency and ensures the right microcirculation of blood.

In turn, the condition of the cardiovascular system is closely related to the reproductive function in men, where the circulatory disorder is fraught with various kinds of sexual disorders.

For women, the substance is interesting primarily by the fact that subject to the rules healthy nutrition It allows you to fight a problem of excess weight.

As in men, in women, the remedy helps to strengthen the health of the genital organs, prevents the appearance of benign and malignant neoplasms, cleans the vessels, reduces the manifestation of depression, increases the health and overall endurance of the body.

Arginine often call "youth amino acid". This is due to the fact that it takes part in the development of many hormones. The organism in which the arginine deficiency is observed, it becomes much faster.

The amino acid nourishes all the fabrics and organs of the human body, and also improves its blood supply and, in particular, the blood supply to hair bulbs. For this reason, cosmetologists often include it in the composition of hair rehabilitation.

The body can only harm the body can only in ultra-high doses and in the presence of contraindications to its use.

It should be remembered that such a substance, like arginine, works in particular effectively when refusing psychostimulating drugs and alcohol, as well as with normally organized sleep and recreation mode.

Arginine in food

What products contain amino acids? First of all, in seeds and nuts. In 100 grams of pumpkin seeds, for example, its content - 5.353 grams for the daily need of 6.1 grams.

Also rich in the peanuts, sesame seed, almonds, cedar and walnuts. From 600 to 1400 mg of substance contained in various varieties of meat (most in pork, chicken and chicken fillet), liver, degreased cottage cheese, chicken eggs.

Sources of amino acids can serve peas, chocolate, corn, raisins, oat groats, gelatin, snails, anchovies, tuna, shrimp, crabs, raw salmon fillet, white fish, flounder.

Arginine is contained in everyday food products, but most of all in seeds and nuts.