Nocturnal bruxism in adults is the cause. Bruxism treatment in adults

The unconscious paroxysmal grinding of teeth that a person can make at night or during the day has many names - bruxism, Carolini's phenomenon, odonterism. Isolated cases of involuntary squeak usually do not give a person anxiety, but sometimes the phenomenon begins to acquire a permanent character, and then we can already talk about the disease.

A symptom that is harmless at first glance can become a source of dental problems. From this article you will find out what bruxism is, why it appears. We will also consider the manifestations of this disorder in an adult and a child, talk about how to cure this disease and cope with uncontrolled seizures.

What are the symptoms?

Bruxism in medicine is a condition of a person in which he involuntarily clenches his teeth tightly or grinds them. Isolated cases are completely normal occurrences that sometimes happen to each of us. But if such attacks are repeated daily, this is already a serious reason to sound the alarm and begin to fight the problem. The following symptoms can help diagnose bruxism in adults or a baby.

  1. The main manifestation is teeth grinding. More often it makes itself felt at night, when a person is sleeping. Moreover, the creak can be so loud that it can wake up a neighbor in bed.
  2. There are also more rare symptoms that are not observed in every case. These include moderate enlargement of the jaw muscles.
  3. Since muscles are often at maximum tension, a person may experience stiffness and soreness in these areas.
  4. In severe forms of bruxism, patients complain of persistent headaches and ear pains. They are usually mild in nature, but still significantly reduce the quality of life, it is impossible to cope with this with medications.
  5. All these symptoms are complemented by the most unpleasant manifestation - the characteristic wear of the tooth enamel. At the same time, the teeth become sensitive, reacting sharply to cold and hot food.

Is it necessary to treat this disease and how to get rid of the problem? Not everyone who wakes up at night from the creak of their own teeth rushes to see a doctor. And it is completely in vain, since bruxism can lead to serious problems with the teeth, including loosening and premature loss, so treatment should be started as early as possible.

Two forms of the disease

Bruxism can manifest itself in two different forms - nocturnal and daytime. Nightlife is much more common. During sleep, when a person is not in control, he unconsciously clenches his teeth tightly. For a few seconds, you can hear a low sound of teeth grinding and tapping.

During attacks, changes in blood pressure, pulse and respiration are noted, which is associated with the emotional state of a person at this moment. Similar symptoms are observed in both an adult and a child.

Daytime bruxism appears during waking hours. Involuntary clenching of the teeth can occur in moments of intense nervous tension. This form of the disease is much easier to treat, since during the day a person can control his actions.

Causes of the disease

Earlier it was believed that the main reason for the night squeak of teeth is helminthic invasion, but doctors have long refuted this misconception. Nevertheless, it has not yet been possible to establish the exact reasons for this phenomenon. With accuracy, only a number of factors can be named that provoke the active development of bruxism:

  • difficult life periods, associated with high nervous load and stress;
  • mental disorders and diseases accompanied by excitement;
  • sleep disorders such as enuresis, somnambulism, snoring, nightmares.

Bruxism is diagnosed based on the patient's history. In some cases, a polysomnographic study is indicated to exclude a cause such as epilepsy.

Negative consequences

At first glance, the disease seems to be very harmless, but in chronic course it can lead to the most unpleasant consequences. Untimely treatment of bruxism or its complete absence can result in the following problems.

  1. Abrasion of tooth enamel, leading to exposure of the nerves and an increase in their sensitivity. In severe cases, when treatment is not carried out for several years, the teeth can be sharpened almost to the root.
  2. The pathological mobility of the teeth, their premature loss, and damage to the gums gradually develop.
  3. Excessive muscle tension leads to painful sensations and their increase.
  4. In rare cases, short-term respiratory arrest occurs at night.

It is in order to avoid these consequences that it is necessary to begin to fight bruxism in a timely manner.

Features of anomaly in children

Bruxism in children is a fairly common phenomenon that invariably worries parents. However, this symptom causes less concern in a child, as it often disappears as he grows up. In some cases, the symptoms are so mitigated that they can be treated standard ways does not make sense, so you can use folk remedies... But there are also difficult cases when medical intervention is necessary.

The reasons for development are the same as in adults, but bruxism in children can also appear because the lower and upper teeth are not yet completely aligned. Children often clench their jaws when teething, mechanically trying to relieve pain and discomfort. And, of course, the emotional component cannot be ruled out, since the child's psyche is not yet completely stable.

Anxiety should be beaten if bruxism is regular, leads to undesirable consequences, and does not diminish as we get older. Then you definitely need to show your child to specialists. Of course, the appointment with the dentist should be regular preventive in nature.

Treatment and prevention

To cure bruxism, you need to act in a complex way, since both physiological and psychological components are important here. The doctor determines the causes and treatment of bruxism in adults based on careful diagnosis and assessment of the severity of symptoms. The therapy includes the following methods.

  1. The most effective method is bruxism mouth guard. Special pads for teeth allow not only to get rid of bruxism, but also to minimize its undesirable consequences. Night trays, which are designed for sleeping, prevent teeth from closing too tightly, thereby preventing their abrasion. At the same time, the mouthguard for bruxism relieves excess stress from the jaw joint and weakens the spasm. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of soreness in muscles and joints. You can order mouth guards in any dentistry, having previously made an appointment with a specialist, since they are made individually. Another undoubted advantage of the mouthguard is that it serves as a preventive measure against tooth displacement and loosening. But, despite all the benefits, mouth guards cannot be called a panacea. Their use must be complemented by other methods of treatment and the normalization of the emotional state.
  2. If the main cause of bruxism is malocclusion, then the dentist may recommend wearing orthodontic appliances.
  3. With an unstable emotional background, it will not work to get rid of bruxism until it is restored... Be sure to visit a neurologist and a psychotherapist. Along with the usual methods, you can apply treatment with folk remedies - taking tinctures of valerian, motherwort, warm honey with milk before bedtime.
  4. Independently at home, you need to do exercises to relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders, and mouth. How to do it correctly, the doctor will show you.
  5. Hot, cold compresses and massages work well if these methods have been agreed with your doctor.

From this article, you learned what are the causes of the development of the disease, what are its symptoms and, most importantly, how to treat bruxism with a comprehensive method. As additional information we bring to your attention interesting video, in which the expert talks about this disease in an accessible form.

Bruxism is a pathological condition characterized by the parafunction of the masticatory muscles. Usually, patients learn about the presence of this disease from close people who notice a person's teeth grinding at night.

There are 3 clinical forms of bruxism:

  1. Unconscious clenching of teeth... This process occurs due to the tonic contraction of the muscle fibers involved in lifting lower jaw... The force with which the teeth clench can vary and depends on the mental load on the body. Tonic contraction of the masticatory muscles leads to the formation of seals in the muscle tissue. Patients, as a rule, notice them on their own.
  2. Chewing without food... The movements of the lower jaw have a small amplitude and the teeth are usually closed. Most often, this clinical situation is characteristic of people of advanced age who have. Prosthetics with dentures intensify the processes of bone atrophy. If artificial teeth are not remade in time, they will not stick well in the mouth. Chewing without food is aimed at better pressing the denture to the jaw. Over time, this movement becomes a habit, and a person unconsciously performs these manipulations.
  3. Teeth grinding... In this clinical form, the jaws are tightly compressed, and the dentition performs lateral movements (left - right), accompanied by a typical sound. This problem usually occurs at night. Therefore, patients suffering from parafunction of the masticatory muscles do not sleep well: restlessly, often wake up, in the morning they feel headaches.

The reasons for the development of the pathological process

Sometimes bruxism is the result of a bad habit of chewing on the tip of a pencil or pen. However, more often the cause is a stress factor. The body is so arranged that it responds to any stressful situation with a strong clenching of the jaws. In addition to chronic stress, bruxism is promoted by pathology of the dentition: the wrong ratio of the jaws, the absence of a certain number of teeth or the presence of supernumerary dental units. Often the parafunction of the masticatory muscles is diagnosed in people with Huntington's or Parkinson's disease.

How does bruxism end?

Due to the constant movement of the jaws with clenched teeth, the upper enamel layer is grinded.

This leads first to hypersensitivity of dental tissues, and later to the development of a carious process. Bruxism in adults, the cause and treatment are the main things that the patient and the attending physician should know in order to avoid or at least reduce the negative consequences of the process.

In advanced cases of masticatory muscle parofunction, when the grinding of teeth lasts for several years, dental tissues are erased so much that the tooth rises a few millimeters above the gum level, they can only be restored with orthopedic structures, but in this clinical situation, artificial recovery is problematic, because the increased chewing load is strong shortens the period of operation of prostheses.

Due to the increased chewing load, the temporomandibular joint suffers. Pain and clicks appear when opening the mouth. With a weak periodontium, a recession of the gingival margin may develop, accompanied by dental mobility. All of this can lead to massive tooth loss.

Bruxism in adults, causes and treatment are fully known to qualified doctors. Treatment is aimed at completely curing or reducing side effects.

The first thing a specialist does after a diagnosis of bruxism is made is the manufacture of an individual mouthguard. This mouthguard is worn at night and reduces abnormal chewing pressure on the dentition. Also used to relax muscle structures medicinesand sometimes hypnosis. However, wearing this device does not lead to a cure, the device only reduces the pathological effect.

To completely get rid of the parafunction of the masticatory muscles, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. If the cause is stress, treatment should be aimed at normalizing the psychological state. If the reason lies in a dentoalveolar anomaly, then the patient must first undergo orthodontic treatment.

To relieve tension, the patient must master the self-massage technique and learn to relax the muscles of the neck, shoulders and the orbicularis muscle of the mouth.

Bruxism is a pathological condition that signals that the body is tired. The timely provided specialized assistance will not only preserve the aesthetic appearance of the patient, but also improve the general condition of the patient, because the treatment of this pathology is a complex process that requires the participation of many specialists.

Bruxism in adults is a fairly common problem. Let's talk about its causes and treatment, as well as prevention. After all, if you do not allow the underlying disease, then you can avoid various unpleasant consequences associated with it.

And although most doctors believe that bruxism is not a pathological condition, they still agree that it requires treatment and correction. After leaving such a symptom unattended, you can earn many problems in the future - psychological, dental, etc.

What is bruxism?

This is an uncontrolled human action, manifested in excessive clenching or grinding of the jaws. It is observed in 10-15% of the total population of the planet, but presumably the numbers may be higher, since it is almost impossible to detect it on your own.

It is possible to notice the main symptoms only when others complain, who wake up because of a loud sound made by a person, or when irreversible consequences appear. Periodic spasms of the chewing muscles can be short-term or long-term, quiet or loud.

And although doctors distinguish nocturnal and daytime bruxism, the most common is teeth grinding in a dream, when a person is not in control. In the morning he does not even remember and does not realize that there were such spasms at night.

When such a peculiar attack occurs, at the same time it rises sharply arterial pressure, the pulse quickens, and it becomes difficult to breathe. Usually, this pathology is equated with snoring, sleepwalking or nightmares. Physicians otherwise designate bruxism with names such as the Carolini phenomenon or odonterism.

Causes of occurrence

When a person or his family complains that he is grinding his teeth, then one should first determine the etiology of the disease, that is, why such a problem arose. Experts identify the following factors contributing to the appearance of bruxism:

  • Psychological - the most common reason leading to night grinding and other unpleasant consequences. More than 70% of cases occur precisely because of psychological stress, which a person is unable to cope with. This tightens the chewing muscles throughout the day, and at night the load only increases in the absence of control from the mind. Therefore, if signs of bruxism are found, first it is better to check the patient's psycho-emotional state.
  • Neurological - when the cause is epilepsy, tremors, enuresis, sleep disturbances, or apnea. It also turns out to be a consequence of damage to the trigeminal nerve, which tones the chewing muscles without the conscious participation of a person.
  • Dental - various diseases temporomandibular joint, malocclusion, poorly installed prostheses or fillings and other anomalies.
  • Gastroenterological - although rare, gastroesophageal reflux disease can also cause bruxism in an adult. And also the provoking factors are food - coffee, strong tea, unhealthy food.
  • Otolaryngological - similar to problems with snoring, frequent companions of bruxism are difficulty breathing, a deviated nasal septum, adenoids, chronic runny nose, allergic reactions, etc.
  • Osteopathic - as a result of general disorders in the body associated with other systems, for example, problems with the spine.
  • Taking certain medications, alcohol abuse, smoking or a banal lack of minerals and vitamins in the body.

It is popularly believed that bruxism also appears simultaneously with the action of helminths, but this is not a fact confirmed by science. But who is still at risk are people suffering from Huntington's chorea, Parkinson's disease, after receiving brain injuries or with pathological formations in it. It was found that men are prone to this condition more often and in them this pathology can be inherited.


Since the manifestations of bruxism are mainly grinding at night, during sleep, it is easier for relatives or a roommate to detect it. But this also does not always seem possible. Therefore, we list the main signs that accompany this disease and, in their totality, can alert:

  • painful sensations upon waking, especially in the head or jaw joints;
  • also pain can be given to the ear or nasal sinuses;
  • the appearance of tearing, the mucous membrane of the eye is more often irritated;
  • sometimes you hear clicks from the movement of the jaw;
  • discomfort in the neck, shoulder, back;
  • the chewing muscles become visible from the side;
  • while eating, a pain syndrome is found, which can be confused with a toothache;
  • in the morning;
  • dizziness and ringing in the ears;
  • the feeling that you could not get enough sleep during the night, during the day there is drowsiness and fatigue;
  • if stress is the cause, depression or feelings of depression may increase.

At the same time, appetite and sleep are disturbed, it is more difficult to fall asleep at night, and to concentrate on work during the day. But such symptoms turn out to be manifestations of completely different diseases, therefore, if you suspect bruxism, you should consult a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.


The main division occurs into:

  1. Nocturnal bruxism is the most common in which a person is unable to control jaw clenching while sleeping. Several such attacks can occur during the night, most often they are short-lived. Such manifestations are noticed by others, relatives or other people who sleep with you in the same room. The person himself is not able to realize or remember that during this period there was a grinding.
  2. Daytime bruxism is a rarer variety, since being conscious it is possible to control the strength of the tension of the masticatory muscles. But psychological stress makes the jaw clench so hard that even those around you hear it. The latent form of this manifestation is the nervous habit of gnawing pencils, nails, the inner part of the cheek, etc.

In addition, doctors distinguish the following main forms of manifestation:

  • Noisy (with grinding) - characterized by a special sound, loud and noticeable to others, when it seems that the teeth are rubbing against each other. When the jaws move from side to side, the enamel wears out quickly, which leads to a decrease in the natural crown height.
  • Quiet (with squeezing) - this form of the disease is more insidious, since it is almost impossible to determine it, because even relatives do not notice from the sounds that the jaws are clenching. This condition is manifested by a constant compressed position of the dentition, which can last for a long time. As a result, from such a night overvoltage, the enamel quickly deteriorates - cracks appear on its surface and other defects.

Treatment methods

To get rid of bruxism, you need to diagnose it and determine what caused the problem. Depending on this, it becomes obvious which doctor will deal with the treatment.

For diagnostics, special brooks checkers are used. They are made according to an individual impression of the patient's jaw and are made in the form of caps. A person should wear them for a certain period before going to bed and then show them to a specialist. By the condition of the product, one can judge the presence of bruxism, distinguish it from epilepsy, and also identify the most problematic areas.

To determine the state of the masticatory muscles, their work and the intensity of tension during sleep, additional studies are carried out - electromyography and polysomnography. As a result of the collected data, you can talk about a particular problem and try to determine the cause that caused it.

A specialist will help to fight bruxism, but which one depends on the factors that led to the disease:

  1. With psychological problems and the presence of stress, you need to see a psychologist or psychotherapist. Appropriate therapy will help reduce its intensity and improve the psycho-emotional state of a person. Also, these specialists teach the patient to relax on a physical and psychological level, which forms a healthy skill that will save in the future from such manifestations of stress.
  2. If dental abnormalities are the cause, then they should be eliminated. For example, the bite is leveled, fillings or dentures are adjusted to the individual characteristics of the patient, or other necessary treatment is performed.
  3. With a lack of various vitamins or minerals, appropriate complexes or diets are prescribed that can replenish their amount in the body.
  4. In some cases, sedatives may also be prescribed to relax the masticatory muscles, as well as a number of physiotherapy procedures aimed at the relevant area.
  5. In the most extreme situations, Botox injections help. In this case, the substance will prevent the compression of the jaws, if it is impossible to achieve this in another way.

Regardless of the type and form of the course of the disease, an integrated approach has a good therapeutic effect, which includes:

  • yoga, pilates, general or facial massage;
  • psychotherapy;
  • kinesiology, when stress is eliminated through special stimulation of energy points;
  • osteopathy with effects on the facial, cervical muscles and the shoulder joint.

Also, with bruxism, wearing caps is prescribed. They are worn at night to prevent abrasion of the enamel. But this method does not eliminate the root cause, but only helps to secure the tooth structure.

In many cases of dental or orthodontic treatment, it is impossible to establish any constructions for bruxism. Therefore, initially it should be definitely eliminated and only then proceed with the appropriate corrective procedures.

In addition to the medical impact, it is proposed to change something for the patient himself:

  1. If you find yourself constantly clenching your jaws throughout the day, then learn to relax them. Remember, your teeth should not touch while you are not eating. Get in the habit of keeping them open.
  2. Sometimes it is recommended to consume a large amount of solid foods (carrots, nuts, seeds, apples) so that the chewing muscles have time to get tired and have a good rest at night. This significantly reduces the number of seizures.
  3. Before going to bed, try to switch to calm activities - read a book, listen to soothing music, meditate, etc. Do any active and emotional activities only in the morning.
  4. Practice relaxing techniques - auto-training, massage, yoga, breathing exercises, Pilates, etc.
  5. Exercise regularly, exercise, swim, dance - moderate exercise stress helps relieve stress and normalize the emotional state.
  6. Apply warm, moist compresses to your jaw.

Also, at home, treatment with folk remedies is also effective. They focus more on relieving stress and calming the nervous system, but they are quite effective:

  1. Start with your diet. Change your usual coffee for herbal soothing teas - chamomile, mint, lemon balm. Limit sugary foods and carbohydrates. Give up bad habits.
  2. Bring aromatic oils or candles with you when you go to take a bath. Here it will also be appropriate to opt for mint and chamomile.
  3. A special infusion relaxes well. It requires two tablespoons of valerian, three tablespoons of dry chamomile and five tablespoons of cumin. After letting it brew for about half an hour, drink a little throughout the day or before bed.
  4. If you take valerian oil and olive oil, mix them, then you can rub the neck and lower jaw area with this means. It relaxes muscles well, relieving their tension.
  5. A simple brewed chamomile with honey and lemon will not only relieve stress, but also contribute to the overall health benefits.
  6. Everyone knows that a glass of warm milk at night is a good sedative. But if you add another 1 tsp to it. turmeric and 1 tbsp. l. honey, then you can relieve the tension of the jaws, which will eliminate the gnashing of the night for sure.

Video: bruxism, its causes and methods of treatment.


Do not be superficial about this problem. After all, bruxism is not just a contraindication to orthodontic treatment and most methods of prosthetics. it serious problemwhich affects the quality of human life. So, its consequences may be:

  • destruction of enamel and, as a result, frequent dental diseases;
  • the appearance of periodontal disease and other pathologies of the gums;
  • aggravation of negative psychoemotional state, depression, psychological discomfort, etc.;
  • violation of the bite;
  • loosening and premature loss of healthy teeth;
  • the formation of painful sores in the mouth;

Yes, and just the presence of an aesthetic defect, which, with strong abrasion, becomes noticeable during a conversation or when smiling. This is already enough for a person to begin to have complexes and close themselves from communication.

To prevent such manifestations and unpleasant consequences, it is better to engage in disease prevention. For this, doctors recommend:

  • monitor the condition of the jaws during the day so that they are not constantly squeezed from internal stress;
  • go in for sports;
  • walk often in the fresh air, walk;
  • replace caffeinated drinks with herbal decoctions;
  • try to switch to a healthy diet, giving up fast food and sweets;
  • the last meal should be no later than two to three hours before bedtime;
  • observe a rest regimen without letting yourself get too tired;
  • if necessary, take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, or at least B vitamins, magnesium and calcium;
  • it is best to minimize stress or learn to deal with it in the available ways.

The condition in which a person's teeth involuntarily clench and gnash occurs is known in medicine as bruxism. What is it - a bad habit or a sign of some kind of malfunction in the body?

Although this phenomenon does not pose a mortal danger, it gives a lot of trouble to a person. Such uncontrolled chewing movements, which most often occur during a night's sleep, place increased stress on the temporomandibular joint. As a result, the enamel is damaged, the teeth are erased and loosened. In addition, the night grinding teeth negatively affects the muscles, joints, the emotional state of a person, and simply interferes with the sleep of others.

Symptoms are aggravated by stressful situations, hard work. Most often, children suffer from this disease, but it also occurs in adults. The disease is equally susceptible to both men and women. Bruxism can occur at any age. The causes and treatment of this phenomenon are described in this article.

Causes of the disease

According to psychologists, stress, neurosis, depression can provoke the onset of the disease. In this state, a person has tense facial and temporomandibular muscles, teeth are strongly compressed. During the day, pathology is still amenable to control, and in a dream it is manifested by gnashing of teeth. Under stress, this phenomenon is periodic. With neuroses, which are the result of prolonged nervous tension, bruxism in adults manifests itself more often and more painfully. The cause and treatment in this case are obvious. It is necessary to stabilize the person.

Bruxism in adults can indicate the presence of complexes on a subconscious level. Perhaps a person cannot solve something in life, and this becomes the cause of anger, internal tension. It is possible that this problem is the result of repressed aggression. A well-mannered person does not allow himself to throw out emotions, drives problems inside, which finds a way out during sleep and manifests itself in a night gnash.

Bruxism can be observed in a person who suffers from sleepwalking, apnea, it happens that the patient is simply tormented by nightmares. Serious malfunctions of the nervous system can be accompanied by a creak of teeth.

Dental problems, such as uncomfortable dentures or braces, and poorly installed fillings, can also trigger the development of a disease such as bruxism in adults. The cause and treatment in this case are determined by the dentist.

The development of the disease can be triggered by a tumor or brain injury, a deficiency of vitamins, the presence of bad habits, a passion for antidepressants, hypnotics, and hereditary factors play an important role.

Signs of the disease

The most important symptom of bruxism is loud teeth grinding during sleep. This continues for a few seconds or minutes, and may be repeated several times during the night. The attack begins suddenly. The disease can be accompanied by anxiety and tension, eating disorders, insomnia, irritability. This phenomenon is often associated with stress and depression.

In addition, a person suffering from bruxism may experience headaches, pain in the ears, increased sensitivity of the teeth and the formation of cracks in them, pain in the facial muscles and joints of the jaw.


It is necessary to deal with such a problem first of all to the dentist. On the basis of the patient's complaints and examination of the teeth, a diagnosis is made - "bruxism". The causes and treatment of this pathology are interrelated.

It may be necessary to conduct a polysomnographic study, with the help of which it is possible to fix a spasm of the chewing muscles of a sleeping person to exclude epilepsy as the cause of the spasm.


With a disease such as bruxism, the reasons are difficult to establish, which means that it is quite problematic to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon, but still real. The main objective of the treatment of nocturnal grinding teeth is to relax the chewing muscles.

Bruxism in children often goes away on its own. Adults, however, need to pay special attention to treatment. It will be more successful if the problem is found early.

The patient needs to wean himself from the habit and creak them with nervous tension, in a state of excitement to control his chewing movements. Psychotherapy has a positive effect, which helps to identify and realize the conflict, teaches us to cope with everyday difficulties. To get rid of stress, it is recommended to walk a lot before bed, read books, listen to relaxing music. You can take which are sold at the pharmacy, it is permissible to prepare them yourself. To reduce muscle cramps during sleep, it is recommended to take medications that contain calcium, magnesium and B vitamins.

The most effective treatments

Such methods include the use of a mouth guard, which is selected individually and prevents the erasure of tooth enamel. In severe cases, it is recommended to use plastic splints - special pads on the teeth to prevent damage to them. Such devices help to reduce activity

Advocates are successfully used for a disease such as bruxism. device in the form of two pads on the teeth, on springs. And they use it mainly to get rid of snoring, but it also copes well with such a problem as grinding teeth in a dream. With this device, the jaw and tongue are kept extended, which helps to facilitate breathing. Botox is sometimes used to treat bruxism.

Kappa for bruxism

Nocturnal bruxism, unlike daytime, cannot be controlled. In this case, special night aligners are used for treatment. The device is put on the teeth before going to bed, which protects them from abrasion.

The mouthguard is made according to individual sizes. During a night attack, all the pressure falls on this device, which allows you to preserve tooth enamel and protect orthopedic structures. Using a mouthguard allows you to avoid misalignment of teeth, which constantly rub against each other and loosen. Of course, the orthodontic appliance does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but it protects the teeth from damage. Therefore, its use is only a part of complex therapy.

Making mouthguards

For the manufacture of mouthguards, special two-layer materials are used. For maximum gum comfort, the inside of the device is soft. The solid outer part ensures the durability of this fixture.

The device is custom-made for greater efficiency. Such a product will not slip or fall out during sleep, and will provide protection against excessive pressure on the teeth.

Kappa care is not difficult. In the morning, rinse it with water from the inside. The outer part is cleaned with a toothbrush. A special case or glass of water is used to store the product. The device should be shown to the dentist from time to time. He will assess the condition of the mouth guard and, if necessary, recommend making a new one.

How to help yourself

The diagnosis of bruxism may come as a surprise to a person. What it is and how to relieve symptoms is of interest to many. You can try to get rid of the tension of the jaw muscles with the help of a warm wet compress or, conversely, ice.

Massages of the face, neck and shoulder girdle, as well as relaxing exercises, also work well. During the massage, focus on the pain points, when pressed, the painful sensations are sent to the head or face.

Learn to relax as much as possible before bed, avoid stress. You can try soothing teas or warm baths before bed. At night, you can chew something hard or at least chewing gum - this is tiring and at the same time soothes the muscles during rest. Avoid foods rich in caffeine and carbohydrates that lead to arousal. Walk more in the fresh air, play sports.

Bruxism in children: cause and treatment

With emotional stress, nervous strain, neurological disorders, children may experience bruxism. What is it and is treatment needed? This question worries many parents. If the disease is caused by disorders of the nervous system, a neurologist will help.

Bruxism in children may go away on its own with age. In case of malocclusion, abnormal structure of the dentition, orthodontic treatment may be required.

If the causes of bruxism in children lie in overexcitation and stress, proper organization of the daily regimen is necessary. Active walks in the fresh air are useful for the kid. Offer solid foods to your child to help reduce overactive chewing muscles. Before going to bed, it is necessary to exclude noisy games, massage, a warm bath are useful.

Parents should be alerted to severe attacks that last for a long time. After them, as a rule, the child complains of a severe headache or toothache. There may be other unpleasant consequences of a disease such as bruxism in children. The cause and treatment in this case are determined by a specialist.

Why is the disease dangerous?

Teeth grinding in sleep leads to abrasion of enamel, loosening, tooth loss, headaches, discomfort in the neck and masticatory muscles. In some people, the bones of the lower and upper jaw thicken, which is noticeable visually. A person with bruxism experiences psychological discomfort, which affects the quality of life.

In children and young people, the disease often goes away on its own without causing any consequences. Treatment in such cases is not required.

Traditional methods of treatment

Bruxism in adults caused by frequent stress and nervous tension, is successfully treated with the help of folk methods aimed at normalizing the emotional state.

For frequent stressful situations, a relaxing facial massage is recommended. Yoga practice helps to relieve nervous tension. Baths with aromatic oils or soothing herbs (chamomile, valerian, mint), teas are useful. You can make warm herbal lotions to help relieve facial muscle tension. You need to keep such a compress for a long time.


It is quite difficult to get rid of the problem on your own. Self-medication can result in serious consequences. With the problem of bruxism, it is necessary to contact a dentist who will conduct a comprehensive diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment. If you follow all the recommendations, it is quite possible to get rid of the problem.

Bruxism in adults and children is a common disorder. The pathological condition does not threaten human health, but it can cause a lot of inconvenience. Finding the cause and eliminating the disease is the task of treatment. How can this be done?

Description of pathology

Bruxism - uncontrolled clenching of the jaws, clicking or tapping of the teeth. The appearance of the disorder is associated with a spasm of the chewing muscles. Most patients learn about the problem from the words of other people, since they cannot independently detect the problem.

According to statistics, the disorder occurs in 15% of the adult population.

The duration of the attack is individual: some patients are characterized by a short-term grinding of teeth for 5-10 seconds, in other adults the symptoms continue for several minutes.

Synonyms for the disease are the Carolini phenomenon and odonterism.

Disorder classification

There are 2 forms of bruxism:

  1. Daytime grinding of teeth. Occurs during wakefulness, it is difficult for the patient to control the muscles of the jaw, although much easier than with the following form.
  2. Night type. It occurs more often, several attacks may occur during the night. The condition is complicated by the fact that the patient is unable to control the movements of the jaw during sleep.

According to the symptoms of the disorder, the following types are distinguished:

  • noisy - grinding of teeth is manifested by a characteristic sound;
  • quiet - strong compression of the jaw, which is not accompanied by a creak;
  • mixed - a combination of the named species.

Causes of occurrence

The formation of bruxism is associated with the following factors:

  1. Dental reasons:
    • incorrect installation of fillings, crowns, braces;
    • complete or partial absence of some teeth;
    • malocclusion.
  2. Otolaryngological causes - difficulty breathing as a result of:
    • snoring;
    • allergies;
    • overgrown adenoids;
    • curvature of the nasal septum.
  3. Psychological reasons:
    • prolonged stress;
    • overvoltage;
    • depression.
  4. Neurological causes:
    • apnea;
    • epilepsy;
    • tremor;
    • damage to the trigeminal nerve.

The risk group includes people of the following categories:

  • having craniocerebral trauma;
  • suffering from Huntington's chorea or;
  • using antidepressants, caffeine, alcohol and nicotine.

Symptoms of the violation

Depending on the stage of development of bruxism, the patient has the following manifestations:

  • dental and in the morning;
  • change and increase in heart rate;
  • tinnitus;
  • cracks and other damage to the teeth;
  • increased sensitivity of the teeth;
  • blood in the mouth;
  • inflammation of the gums;
  • sleep problems leading to rapid fatigue during the day.

Diagnostic methods for bruxism

Seeing a doctor is an important measure to establish the fact of the development of bruxism and to understand the causes of the pathology. The patient will point out his complaints, after which the dentist will proceed with the examination and find signs of the problem - damage to teeth, fillings or crowns, as well as worn out enamel.

To obtain complete information about the condition, you will need the help of not only a dentist, but also other specialists - an otolaryngologist, psychologist, somnologist and neurologist. The following studies are assigned:

  • polysomnography - studying the quality of sleep and detecting disturbances;
  • electromyography - diagnostics of the muscles involved in the chewing process;
  • pulse oximetry - a study of the level of saturation of the body with oxygen, which will reveal apnea and other sleep disorders;
  • electroencephalography - the study of the brain and its activity;
  • brooks-checkers - making an impression of the jaw to analyze places that are exposed to heavy stress.

Differential diagnosis

Is it necessary to eliminate pathology in adults?

Pathology seems harmless to most people, but a closer look at the disorder reveals that the disease causes a lot of inconvenience to patients.

A sick person suffers from a change in bite and frequent pain in the temporomandibular joints. During sleep, the patient does not rest well, which negatively affects the period of wakefulness - frequent discomfort and fatigue cause both physical and psychological inconveniences. These factors increase the likelihood of developing depression or more complex problems.

A common cause of the disorder is nervous strain. Proper rest positively affects the quality of sleep and mood, so the patient's task is to normalize the daily routine. The following recommendations are also important:

  • refusal of activity shortly before sleep - overexcitement will not allow you to fall asleep;
  • self-control (in daytime form) - the jaws should not touch;
  • walking in the fresh air or watching a calm movie is a good alternative to activity, since such activities will allow you to get rid of bad thoughts and tune in to sleep;
  • refusal from coffee, nicotine and alcohol - these funds have a negative effect on the emotional state and quality of sleep;
  • stress on the jaw before bedtime (eat an apple or carrot, gnaw on nuts) - helps to eliminate stress, and the likelihood of grinding tired jaws decreases.

Drug therapy

The drugs help to make up for the lack of vitamins and get rid of nervous tension. It is not recommended to take medications on your own; before starting treatment, they visit a doctor and receive recommendations. Otherwise, the likelihood of a worsening situation increases.

For treatment, the following agents are used:

  • sedatives: Persen, Novo-Passit, Sedavit, Fitosed;
  • complexes, which include B vitamins, as well as magnesium and calcium: Complivit, Calcemin Advance, Vitrum, Magnerot;
  • hypnotics and sedatives based on herbs and natural ingredients: tinctures of motherwort, valerian, St. John's wort.

Drug gallery

Complivit is a source of nutrients Calcemin Advance eliminates calcium deficiency Magnerot contains magnesium, which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. Persen has a calming effect

Protective devices

Mouth guards help protect the oral cavity from mechanical stress during an attack. The tasks of the product also include:

  • decrease in load;
  • elimination of pain;
  • protection from deformation and inflammation;
  • prevention of bite changes;
  • protection of dental appliances: crowns, fillings;
  • normalization of sleep.

Depending on the form of pathology, appropriate products are used:

  • daytime - applied throughout the day, there are no inconveniences during wearing;
  • night - the device is installed before going to bed.

To create a mouth guard, measurements are taken - each device has individual parameters, which only increases the effectiveness of treatment. Stages of manufacturing the device:

  • taking casts with a special substance;
  • model casting;
  • creation of a structure - bioplastic, biosilicone and other suitable materials are used;
  • fitting the device - checking the location of the product to eliminate inconvenience and discomfort.

Thus, the mouthguard not only has a therapeutic effect, but also prevents complications.


Finding the cause of emotional stress and its elimination is the main task of a psychologist. Additional techniques can be used to relax and eliminate the effects of stress:

  • meditation and yoga are a great way to collect your thoughts and get rid of worries. The lesson is conducted under the supervision of a specialist who knows the intricacies of his business;
  • breathing exercises - a set of exercises that includes the elements: deep breath, long exhalation through the mouth, holding the breath for a short time.

Traditional medicine

Most recipes for traditional methods for the treatment of bruxism are aimed at relaxing the patient. An example is the following herbal decoction:

  • mint;
  • cumin seeds;
  • hop cones;
  • motherwort;
  • valerian roots.

The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions and used to prepare the drink:

  1. Pour 1 tbsp. l. mixture with a glass of boiling water.
  2. Insist 15 minutes in a water bath.
  3. Cool before use.

It is useful to take this remedy before bedtime.

Milk is known for its useful properties... It can be used to calm down by making the following drink:

  1. Heat milk over low heat.
  2. Add 1 tsp. turmeric.
  3. Stir the composition and remove from heat.
  4. Add 1 tsp. honey.

Recipes traditional medicine intended for both indoor use and outdoor use. The simplest is a compress with warm water - such a remedy placed on a sore spot has a relaxing effect.

Baths are useful for the patient with the addition of the following agents:

  • pine needles extract;
  • valerian rhizomes;
  • wormwood, peppermint, linden leaves or bark;
  • hops and hawthorn;
  • valerian or lavender oils;
  • horsetail and celandine;
  • sea \u200b\u200bsalt.

Gallery of traditional medicine

Sea salt contains many minerals and has a beneficial effect on the nervous system Valerian roots have a sedative effect
Milk with honey is the most affordable way to sleep well and relax Mint can be used both as part of a decoction and for tea

Predictions and consequences

When the first symptoms of the disorder appear, you need to visit a doctor. Compliance with the rules will help control the situation and get rid of bruxism.

  • depression;
  • problems with the jaw joints;
  • headaches;
  • insomnia;
  • tooth decay.


Preventive measures will help prevent the appearance of bruxism, including repeated ones. You must follow the rules:

  • avoid stress;
  • replace coffee with a soothing tea with valerian or lemon balm;
  • include physical activity in the daily routine;
  • change your diet: reduce the amount of junk food, add more fruits and vegetables;
  • do not eat food before bedtime - the body needs rest;
  • control the jaw and avoid strong compression;
  • walk before bed.

Bruxism in adults - video

Bruxism causes many problems, but with the timely initiation of treatment, the damage from negative influences can be minimized. Do not self-medicate and visit a doctor on time, and then the body will thank you!