What to do with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. Cervical osteochondrosis: symptoms and treatment at home

A common disease is osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, which manifests itself in people of any age, and especially among the working population from 30 to 50 years. Some people suffer from this disease, sometimes unaware of the cause of the ailments, because degenerative changes in the cervical spine occur imperceptibly. Timely treatment of cervical osteochondrosis will return a person to excellent health, and give health in the future.

Symptoms and signs of cervical osteochondrosis

Cervical osteochondrosis at the onset of the disease may not manifest itself at all. The disease makes itself felt already in a neglected form with frequent head and neck pain when moving. When there is a violation of cerebral circulation with cervical osteochondrosis, a person has the following symptoms:

  • regular headaches;
  • violation of the sensitivity of the muscles of the face;
  • increased fatigue;
  • noise in the head;
  • high blood pressure;
  • loss of coordination;
  • frequent dizziness;
  • wobbly gait.

If osteochondrosis of the cervical vertebrae takes on a chronic form, then the pain is permanent, and any head movements are difficult due to the tension of the neck muscles. The patient begins to suffer from cervical migraines, and headache sometimes accompanied by vomiting, nausea, and even loss of consciousness. If cervical osteochondrosis is not treated on time, then the person may be accompanied by pharyngeal symptoms: difficulty swallowing, a feeling of dry throat, itching and tickling. Over time, this disease can lead to occurrence.

Methods for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine includes a whole range of tools and methods that are aimed at eliminating pain and combating the inflammatory process in the tissues. An effective method is daily physical. Usually, individual program loads are selected by the doctor after diagnostics using MRI or computed tomography and assessment of the stage of the disease. Let's see how osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is treated.

Medication: pills, medications and injections

Drug therapy is prescribed already at the first signs of cervical osteochondrosis. If the first pain can be eliminated with a regular anesthetic pill, then later it will no longer help. Medical treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is carried out with drugs that stimulate the restoration of cartilage tissue in the spine. The best therapeutic effect is provided by a combination of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate. The course of treatment with these drugs can be several months of admission, after which the mobility of the cervical spine improves.

But if you need to relieve acute pain in cervical osteochondrosis, then doctors prescribe novocaine blockade or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. These are ointments, capsules, tablets and injections that quickly improve the general condition of the patient. But if chondroprotectors have no contraindications even with prolonged use, then NSAIDs have serious ones, so their use must be agreed with the attending physician.

Local remedies: gels and ointments

To quickly anesthetize the cervical spine with osteochondrosis, special gels or ointments will help, which begin to act 10 minutes after application. There are several types of them:

  1. Regenerating, allowing to restore damaged cartilage tissue between the vertebrae.
  2. Anti-inflammatory, based on non-steroidal substances, eliminating pain.
  3. Pain relievers that affect nerve endings, quickly dulling pain.
  4. Massage ointments.

Manual therapy

The most ancient, but no less effective methodthan modern ways treatment of osteochondrosis is manual therapy. Specialists have developed many techniques that have a beneficial effect on the vertebrae, tissues and joints of the affected area. Only the chiropractor should be a good specialist in his field, so as not to lead the patient to a wheelchair. The main methods of manual therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are:

  • segmental massage to relieve muscle tension;
  • manipulations aimed at restoring the working capacity of the joints, accompanied by their crunch;
  • mobilization, restoring damaged joints by stretching them.


With the help of acupuncture, you can not only remove pain symptoms in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, but also completely cure it. The needle technique came to Russian medicine from the East. The wise Chinese, guided by the philosophy and knowledge of the human body, have learned to regulate energy in the body using metal needles. The acupuncture procedure is today recognized by doctors as an extremely effective method of combating osteochondrosis.

But before resorting to acupuncture, you need to consult a doctor, as this procedure is not suitable for everyone. You cannot carry out this technique:

  • in the presence of infectious diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • any tumor;
  • diseases of the skin or blood;
  • senile or infancy.

Homeopathic remedies

Cervical osteochondrosis is successfully treated with homeopathy. Homeopathic preparations contain useful trace elements and biologically active substances. They fully correspond to the concentration of vitamins and minerals in the human body. Homeopathic preparations contain plant extract, herbal extracts taken from environmentally friendly samples, and most importantly, they are completely natural. The principle of their action in osteochondrosis:

  1. Cartilage tissue is restored.
  2. Improves blood circulation in the neck area.

How to cure cervical osteochondrosis at home

Now it is possible to comprehensively treat cervical osteochondrosis at home. It is quite possible to achieve better health and relieve pain symptoms on your own if you adhere to correct diet and lead an active lifestyle. The daily diet for cervical osteochondrosis should contain foods that contribute to the regeneration of cartilage tissue, these include:

  • legumes, grains, vegetables, fruits;
  • containing proteins: nuts, eggs, low-fat poultry, fish;
  • unsaturated fatty acids: flax seed, fatty sea fish;
  • : milk, cottage cheese, leafy vegetables.

The vibroacoustic device "Vitafon", which has proven itself very well in the treatment of osteochondrosis at home, is excellent. The device acts on the center of pain with ultrasonic waves, as a result of which the process of cartilage regeneration is accelerated, tissue inflammation passes and damaged cells are restored. "Vitafon" does not cause any harm, because the treatment is carried out with acoustic waves, which are natural for the human body.

Massage and self-massage

Successful home treatments are performed with massage or self-massage. This procedure releases tension by relaxing tight neck muscles. After the massage, blood circulation in the intervertebral discs improves, which gives quick relief to the patient. The self-massage procedure is performed while sitting and is carried out by rubbing, stroking and kneading movements in the back of the head. But in order to get a greater effect, it is better to invite a qualified massage therapist.

Wellness gymnastics

Therapeutic gymnastics has no less effect than drug treatment of osteochondrosis, and is the basis of recovery. The exercises will not take long, especially since they are easy to do at home. Gymnastics is aimed at relieving pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, stretching the ligaments and relaxing the neck muscles. But you need to do the exercises only after consulting a doctor and very carefully so as not to harm the body.

Acupuncture is a very effective way to treat osteochondrosis, but not everyone decides on acupuncture. For home use, there is a similar device - Kuznetsov's needle applicator, in which paired or single needles are located on a belt with fasteners or on a neck roller. Even if you lie on the applicator for only half an hour a day, it will provide the patient with not only relief, but also recovery.

Dystrophic processes and dysfunction of the intervertebral discs of the cervical spine are called cervical osteochondrosis (SHO).

What is cervical osteochondrosis?

Is a disease in which the soft intervertebral pulp, which acts as a shock absorber between the vertebrae, degenerates into ossified tissue, while nerve roots and blood vessels are involved in the pathogenesis. This pathology is disguised as a variety of disorders. A distinctive feature of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is pain in the head, neck and upper back. Also, patients go to the doctor with nausea, loss of consciousness, lack of air, numbness of the tongue, with suspected angina pectoris and other pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

This means that a person who feels pain in the back of the head, shoulders, arms, sternum and in the retrosternal region complains not only to a neurologist, but also to doctors of other medical specialties (cardiologist, therapist, orthopedist), which seriously complicates the initial diagnosis of the disease ...

Dystrophic changes in the tissues of the cervical spine are widespread among middle-aged and older people. This is due to vertical arrangement the human skeleton and the distribution of static and dynamic loads.

The widespread occurrence of cervical osteochondrosis is explained by the peculiarities of the exit of the roots of the nerve endings in the upper part of the spinal column and the mobility of the joints of the neck, which carry the load to keep the skull in an upright position.

Approximately 60% of the adult population of European countries suffers to one degree or another from clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis. It is noticed that this disease manifests itself earlier in men - at the age of 45-50. Women usually get sick a little later, at about 50-55 years.

In modern society, neck osteochondrosis is rejuvenated. When examining representatives of different generations with a tendency to this disease, it has been reliably established that today's young people begin to experience difficulties with the spine much earlier than representatives of the older generation of the family, sometimes even in adolescence. People born 60-70 years ago go to a medical institution for the first time for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in adulthood or even in old age, but people born 20-40 years ago often fall ill with osteochondrosis already at a young age. This indicates a significant deterioration in the health of the younger generation, which is associated with a sedentary lifestyle and a decrease in the quality of nutrition.

Osteochondrosis it is customary to consider in two ways, always in the relationship between physiological (natural aging of the body) and pathological (dystrophic and inflammatory processes) factors:

    Physiological process - the inevitable aging of the cartilage of the spinal column, regulated by the neuro-endocrine mechanisms of the body as a result of natural irreversible phenomena;

    The pathological process is the destruction of the intervertebral structures and the nerve nodes and vessels surrounding the vertebrae - the less healthy the lifestyle, the faster the disease develops.

From the point of view of localization of the pathological process:

    Physiological changes are located in the center of the intervertebral disc, are accompanied by the replacement of the disc pulp with fibrous tissue, are part of the aging process of the body, do not manifest themselves clinically or appear only when the nerve endings are irritated;

    Pathological changes spread outside the cartilage, always cause irritation of the nerve endings and squeezing of blood vessels, which is manifested by local and reflected pain reactions (dyscalgia).

The pathological form of osteochondrosis is the replacement of physiological aging with a pathological process.

The disease can self-liquidate, compensate and manifest itself sporadically. This feature is associated with the ability of the organism of higher mammals and humans to develop compensatory and protective mechanisms that level pathology. Meanwhile, it is inappropriate to test the body for strength.

The pathological form of the disease is always associated with aging of the body, even in young people. Further destruction of the tissues of the annulus fibrosus without replacing the pulp with fibrous tissue leads to the formation of microcracks, impaired fixation of the vertebrae and the development of symptoms of spinal instability.

The pathogenesis is accompanied by:

    Impregnation of the nucleus pulposus with calcium salts;

    By pressing the structures of the vertebra into the body of the neighboring vertebra (like a hernia);

    Gradual wear of the vertebrae (spondylosis)

    Ossification of the ligaments (ossifying ligamentosis).

Diagnosis of the disease is difficult, pain sometimes does not appear, and the symptoms are erased, moreover, the uncontrolled use of strong analgesics masks the signs of the disease. A patient who does not feel pain considers himself healthy, and this continues until the development of irreversible processes in the tissues of the joints of the neck.

Important symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis are dizziness, racing blood pressure.

Dizziness with cervical osteochondrosis

This condition does not always unambiguously indicate osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Dizziness may result from:

    Inflammation in the middle or inner ear;

    Vascular spasms of the brain;

    Disturbances in the transmission of nerve impulses;

    Problems with the vestibular apparatus;

There are no clear criteria for dizziness in osteochondrosis. However, there are systemic and non-systemic vertigo, they have obvious differences.

    Systemic vertigo - this is a sensation of a circular movement of surrounding objects or the body, which is a consequence of disruption of the vestibular apparatus, visual analyzers and receptors in the joints, muscles and epidermis (osteochondrosis of various etiologies);

    Non-systemic dizziness - This is a feeling of faintness, a feeling of stunning, an uncertain state in an upright position. In case of non-systemic dizziness, the sensation of circular rotation is absent, and this is an important difference between the compared signs.

A person who feels dizziness of one of these types should be examined by an experienced doctor, first of all, by a neurologist or (if there is a suspicion of ear and nasopharyngeal disease) by an otolaryngologist.

The reason for emergency hospitalization, not associated with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, is the identification of the patient (except for dizziness) of such signs as:

    Paralysis of the facial muscles and numbness of a part of the shoulder girdle;

    Severe headache against a background of deterioration in health;

    Movement coordination disorders;

    Loss or extinction of consciousness.

Headache with cervical osteochondrosis

This is one of the most common non-specific signs of many human diseases. Headaches are especially common in the female population. It can be difficult to determine the cause of headaches, and even more so, to associate it with lesions of the spine. About 14 different causes of headache in humans have been identified.

The most common causes of headache in the pathology we are describing:

    Vascular spasms of the brain;

    Pinched nerve roots;

    Reflex increase in intracranial pressure.

A headache with cervical osteochondrosis can resemble sensations in arterial hypertension, or a stroke. Moreover, middle-aged and older people, as a rule, have risks of developing or.

Feels like the pain can be paroxysmal, constant, throbbing and dull.

With heart pathologies, patients complain of discomfort in the chest area, accompanied by a disturbance in the rhythm of cardiac activity. Only a qualified doctor can determine the cause. In case of headaches, combined with nausea, dizziness and chest pain, an ECG is required.

Pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The pain is not always localized precisely in the region of the head and neck. There are known cases of other localization of pain.

Neck pain (cervicalgia) can radiate to the shoulder and to various parts of the arms. A distinctive feature of such sensations is the suddenness of attacks after sleep, sudden movements, tensions that are hardly noticeable to a person, for example, when laughing or sneezing. The pain associated with osteochondrosis, if the process has not become chronic, usually subsides after a short time and is combined with a crunch in the cervical vertebrae.

Without preliminary examination, you should not relieve pain with manual therapy (massage). In some cases, inept manipulation can only aggravate the pathology, disrupt the innervation and lead to the patient's disability.

In intensity, pain can be moderate or severe. In terms of duration - both short and long.

Typical sensations described by patients:

    Localization of pain in the depths of the neck;

    Crunching and cracking sensation when trying to turn your head;

    Muscle weakness or decreased sensitivity in different parts of the body.

In the cervical region of all mammals, including humans, there are seven vertebrae and eight pairs of nerve nodes. SHOC can also develop on the border of the cervical and thoracic vertebrae.

It has been noticed that osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is most often associated with damage to the sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.

There are tests to determine the localization of the focus of the pain impulse. A lesion in the region of the sixth vertebra is complemented by pain in the thumb, and a lesion in the region of the seventh vertebra is accompanied by pain in the middle finger.

Blood pressure in cervical osteochondrosis

The connection of cervical osteochondrosis with surges in blood pressure has long been established. The cervical vertebrae have important nerve endings and blood vessels.

Pressure surges during the day are characteristic. Hypertension for a long time is not characteristic of this disease. Reflex irritation of nerve endings and short-term spasms of blood vessels cause an abrupt daily dynamics of arterial hypertension.

Distinctive feature high blood pressure with cervical osteochondrosis is a combination with the following symptoms:


    Pain in the limbs and chest;

    Decreased sensitivity in the neck area;

    The appearance of pressure surges after stress, muscle tension, prolonged uncomfortable posture and other similar situations.

These signs should be taken into account in the independent differentiation of hypertension of various origins.

Sharp jumps in blood pressure and a rapid deterioration in well-being are the basis for seeking emergency medical help.

The reasons are always associated with the aging of the body and the developed pathology of bone and cartilage tissue. However, not all people suffer in old age. different kinds skeletal pathologies.

Numerous observations have established that cervical osteochondrosis has provoking factors, including:

    Sedentary lifestyle;

    Forced postures during work;

    Excessive nervous tension and prolonged;

    Previous injuries to the occiput and neck;

    Local hypothermia;

    Autoimmune diseases that lead to degeneration of cartilage tissue;

    Congenital anomalies of the structure of the spine.

Moderate physical activity, healthy eating and a correct lifestyle significantly reduce the risk of osteochondrosis, or minimize its effect on well-being in old age.

Why is cervical osteochondrosis dangerous?

Reduced flexibility in joints, muscle elasticity and other signs of aging of the body - unconditional companions of the elderly - is a natural process.

Pain during movement and at rest begins to annoy a person much earlier than the natural aging period, sometimes it ends in disability or a significant decrease in the quality of life.

Inexperienced treatment is just as dangerous as inaction, because in the first case, the pathology without high-quality treatment is aggravated, in the second, inept therapy can result in sudden disability or persistent deterioration of well-being, because therapeutic manipulations affect the two most important systems of the body - the nervous and vascular.

Cervical osteochondrosis syndromes

Syndromes are a combination of several symptoms. There are several symptom complexes of cervical osteochondrosis, the main ones are:

    Vertebral or vertebral;

    Vertebral artery;

    Cardiac or cardiac;

    Nerve endings (radicular).

The combination of different syndromes, like a mosaic, forms a single picture of cervical osteochondrosis.

Vertebral syndrome

This syndrome means that pathological processes are associated with the body of bone and cartilage tissue.

In the case of clinical manifestation, the syndrome consists of three symptoms associated with damage to the bone or cartilage tissue of the vertebrae, namely:

    Impaired neck mobility;

    Pain when trying to turn your neck;

    Morphological changes in the vertebral body or in the intervertebral space (the symptom is determined on the radiograph).

These symptoms must be combined with each other. In the absence of one of them, vertebral syndrome is also absent - this is a medical axiom. In the presence of pain during head rotation, morphological changes in the tissues of the bones and cartilage of the cervical skeleton can always be assumed, and by indirect signs (change in the site of sensitivity), it is possible to determine a specific vertebra or a group of joints involved in the pathology.

The difficulty in diagnosing vertebral syndrome lies in the fact that a similar clinical picture (limitation of neck mobility) can also be found with lesions of the neck muscles (myositis), and the main symptom of the syndrome - pain with an active change in the position of the neck - is often the result of other pathological processes in the human body.

Vertebral artery syndrome

This syndrome means that pathological processes are associated with the vertebral arteries that supply the brain. The manifestation of symptoms should be considered in direct connection with a violation of the blood supply to the brain and cervical tissues.

The syndrome consists of several symptoms. The main ones are related to:

    Insufficient blood flow in one of the trunks due to compression of the artery (, a state of stunning, dizziness, pressure surges, nausea, etc.);

    Irritation of the nerve endings of the artery (severe pain and or vice versa, numbness, decreased sensitivity, temporary one-sided blindness or "flies" in the eyes);

    Oxygen starvation (drowsiness, fainting, mild aching headache, decreased performance and concentration).

This syndrome can develop not only with osteochondrosis, but also with other pathologies (deposition of atherosclerotic plaques on the inner wall of blood vessels, squeezing of the vessel by tumors, inflammatory infiltrate, and so on).

Cardiac syndrome

Signs of this syndrome resemble cardiac abnormalities, angina pectoris, and even a condition preceding a heart attack. The syndrome includes the following symptoms:

    Pain and burning in the sternum;

    Shortness of breath, weakness and fatigue;

    Heart palpitations.

The main methods of differential diagnosis of pathologies of the cardiovascular system and osteochondrosis are the ECG method and functional tests. On the ECG, a shortened ST segment is noted, with angiography - the absence of atherosclerosis. It can be difficult to exclude cardiac syndrome in osteochondrosis, and this requires a long study.

The clinical manifestation of this syndrome is associated with one of eight pairs of spinal nerve roots that innervate the cervical spinal column. One-sided lesion of the body is characteristic.

The syndrome is associated with impaired nerve conduction: with pain, or, conversely, with semi-paralysis (paresis), paralysis and decreased sensitivity.

Conductivity disorders are characterized by the following symptoms:

    The first and second roots - numbness or, conversely, pain in the occipital region;

    The third pair of roots - numbness of the tongue and the area behind the ears, difficulty in chewing food, a feeling of bursting of the tongue;

    The fourth pair - pain in the clavicle, hiccups, difficulty swallowing as in the case of angina;

    Fifth pair - violations are felt in the shoulder area in the form of difficulty moving the arms;

    The sixth pair - discomfort in the shoulder blades and forearm;

    The seventh pair - numbness in the hands and, in particular, the index and middle fingers;

    Eighth pair - leads to difficulties in handling ring fingers and little fingers.

In practice, very rarely single vertebrae are affected, more often several pairs of nerve roots are involved in the pathogenesis, therefore, the syndromes mix and confuse the clinical picture. It is advisable for the patient to independently listen to his own body.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Depending on the stage of the pathology (remission or exacerbation), the form of the disease (acute or chronic), the severity of clinical manifestations (presence or absence of pain syndrome) are selected different methods therapy.

This could be:

    Conservative treatment (medication and non-medication);

    Surgical intervention;

    Combinations of conservative and operational techniques.

Let's dwell on the classic methods of therapy. Knowledge and competent use of simple techniques, including physical therapy, massage and self-massage, greatly facilitates the well-being of a person experiencing neck pain with osteochondrosis. In the case of long-term degenerative processes, it is better to undergo an examination in a hospital or on an outpatient basis, and only then apply medical procedures.

If it is not possible to undergo an examination, then it is recommended to use sparing methods, for example, perform exercises aimed at hydration - saturation of the inter-articular space with fluids by improving blood supply to the neck and occiput.

Exercise therapy (physiotherapy exercises) for cervical osteochondrosis

Therapeutic gymnastics works wonders when done correctly. Many techniques have been proposed, but all of them are based on enhanced nutrition of cartilage and bone tissues. The principle of exercise therapy is to restore blood supply in the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe body.

It is forbidden to strongly rotate and bend your head during exercise therapy, only imitation of such movements is allowed. This method has shown its effectiveness, despite its obvious simplicity.

The correct use of exercise therapy is the use of physical exercise without:

    Long-term loads on the joints of the neck (one set of exercises is performed no more than 2 minutes);

    Turns, bends and rotations of the neck (such exercises aggravate pathological processes in the joints and intervertebral discs).

Shallow (shallow) head tilts are shown, which do not lead to joint movement, but increase blood flow to them. Such inclinations in motion resemble a subtle nodding of the head, which means the answer is "yes". After a while, about 30 minutes later, the movement is repeated, resembling the answer "no".

You can also do exercises that simulate the movement of the head forward (limiting the frontal part of the head with the hand) and back (limiting the movement of the head with the hands in the back of the head).

Massage for cervical osteochondrosis

Massage should be done carefully, without power exertion. Inexperienced, unprofessional massage can end in disaster. Movements should extend to the cervical region, collar area and part of the back.

The massage is performed in a prone position, in extreme cases, in a sitting position.

The techniques are based on the following techniques:

    Stroking. Impact on the surface layers of the skin. With the palms of the hands or fingertips from the head down to the upper third of the middle of the back. Stroking from the base of the neck can also be in a zigzag pattern;

    Squeezing. Impact on the deep layers of the skin in the upper third of the back. Fingers (thumb and forefinger) across the neck carry out movements to grasp the skin, reminiscent of squeezing. This is done carefully, tissues close to the vertebrae are not involved;

    Trituration. The purpose of the procedure is to warm up the skin and increase blood flow in the neck area. This is done very carefully. Impact on the spinous processes of the vertebrae is not allowed. Rubbing can be replaced with movements reminiscent of sawing, or circular stroking;

    Kneading. It is of limited importance, since it affects very deeply lying tissues, which can aggravate the pathology.

Self-massage for cervical osteochondrosis performed while sitting in a comfortable position. Methods of stroking, circular rubbing in the neck or shoulders are used. It is advisable to combine the self-massage method with rubbing in various ointments that increase blood flow and relieve pain in the kneaded area.

It is a simple plastic device with spikes that act on areas of the skin. A person lies down on thorns or applies them to the body, thereby causing irritation of the skin receptors responsible for the physiological processes in the body.

In some cases, the applicator helps and permanently relieves pain caused by cervical osteochondrosis. In addition, the device sometimes increases a person's working capacity, has a beneficial effect on skin turgor, normalizes sleep and blood circulation, and restores joint mobility.

Contraindications to the use of Kuznetsov's applicator are infectious, tumor, skin and vascular diseases. Before using the device, the patient should consult with the attending physician or independently test this simple device on himself with the help of short-term application of the applicator and monitoring his well-being.

Orthopedic pillows for cervical osteochondrosis

Orthopedic sleep pillows are effective remedy prevention. In many cases, osteochondrosis is aggravated by additional compression of the cervical artery and nerve roots while sleeping on an uncomfortable pillow. The orthopedic product ensures a uniform horizontal position of a person during sleep and, thus, guarantees a physiologically adequate blood supply to the brain.

When choosing a pillow, one should take into account the individual anatomical features of a person and correlate them with the volume and characteristics of the filler. A properly selected pillow brings tangible benefits to a patient with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

Drugs and medicines for cervical osteochondrosis

The arsenal of medicines and drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis is very extensive:

    (non-steroidal drugs that relieve pain). They are usually prescribed as tablets or capsules. It should be remembered that most of these medications irritate the lining of the digestive tract. Among the modern drugs used to relieve pain in osteochondrosis are diclofenac, piroxicam;

    Anti-inflammatory (steroid). These are hormonal drugs that relieve inflammation and, thereby, eliminate pain. Most often, with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, tablets and ointments based on hydrocortisone, prednisolone or dexamethasone are used;

    Chondroprotectors... An important component of complex treatment is the intake of chondroprotectors - for example, the drug Alflutop. The injectable form provides maximum bioavailability and speed of action of the drug, which helps to stop the progressive destruction of cartilage, relieves inflammation and stimulates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. Due to the rapid onset of the effect, there is no need for long courses of the drug. Supplementing them with arthritis treatment can reduce the dosage and duration of NSAID use.

    Muscle relaxants are drugs that relax muscle tone. They are used in surgery and orthopedics as aids to relieve pain. These drugs are administered parenterally and are therefore always under medical supervision. For the treatment of osteochondrosis, drugs of two are used pharmacological groups: glycerin and benzimidazole. There is an extensive list of contraindications;

    Vitamins. With osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, vitamins are prescribed that have a beneficial effect on the peripheral nervous system and improve conductivity. Water-soluble vitamins: B 1, B 6, B 12, fat-soluble vitamins: A, C, E. B last years Combined preparations containing both painkillers and vitamin components began to be prescribed more often. One of these drugs is Milgamma compositum. Effective drug consists of B vitamins based on pyridoxine and thiamine, and contains lidocaine as an anesthetic;

    Ointments and gels for external use. This is the most accessible group for use at home. drugs... They are divided into relieving inflammation, warming and pain relievers. Such products are often advertised, the most popular are: voltaren emulgel, nurofen, fastum gel. With cervical osteochondrosis, not all ointments are effective, in addition, because of their availability, they are sometimes used unreasonably and without taking into account the peculiarities of pathogenesis. Before using any medication, you must be examined by a doctor.

Prevention of cervical osteochondrosis

It is better to prevent the disease, or to minimize the factors contributing to the development of pathology. It is known that the basis of health is a correct lifestyle. It includes moderate physical activity, weight control, regular warm-ups for sedentary work, especially if it is performed in a static position. All of the above is independently controlled by a person and often depends on the habits established in childhood.

But throughout life, a person is exposed to risks that cannot be eliminated. These include congenital and acquired microtrauma of the spine, diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

If a person has a tendency to clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis, then it is advisable not to choose a job associated with increased physical activity, as well as to avoid sudden movements in everyday life. Overweight over 10 kg is considered critical for people with back problems.

If it is impossible to completely abandon intense physical activity, you should:

    Transfer weights alternately on one side of the body, then on the other;

    Use a corset to protect the spine;

    After completing the work, unload the spine, namely, lie down for a while, or hang on the horizontal bar.

Abrupt changes in weather and climate should be avoided. Risks increase with higher humidity and lower temperatures.

To protect yourself from exacerbation of cervical osteochondrosis will help:

    Sleep on an orthopedic mattress and pillow in the correct position that does not interfere with blood circulation in the spine;

    Regular swimming;

    Healthy eating.

With osteochondrosis, sports that increase the load on the spine and contribute to its trauma are contraindicated: running, jumping, weightlifting. During the period of exacerbation, you should refuse to visit the steam room in the bath.

The implementation of simple rules of prevention, exercise therapy and massage (in some cases) allows you to lead a comfortable life with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, even in old age.

Education: Moscow Medical Institute. IM Sechenov, specialty - "General Medicine" in 1991, in 1993 "Occupational Diseases", in 1996 "Therapy".

Cervical osteochondrosis is common, accompanied by pain in the head, neck, shoulder girdle, impaired cerebral circulation. The peculiarity of the localization of the pathological process and contradictory manifestations force patients to seek help from specialists. Lack of timely treatment threatens disability.

Often, cervical osteochondrosis affects young people (up to 40 years old), contributes to the development of improper body position (prolonged sitting at the computer, the habit of holding the phone with your shoulder), vibration, improper posture, physical inactivity, uncomfortable bed, heredity.

Possible reasons

The disease is accompanied by degenerative-dystrophic changes to which the intervertebral disc of the cervical spine is exposed. This is caused by metabolic disorders in the cervical spine, as a result of which the structure of the intervertebral discs and their bodies changes.

The main causes of the disease:

  • high levels of salts in lymph and blood (in active people, there is a constant exchange between bone and muscle tissue, with a static lifestyle, the blood flow rate slows down, less salts enter the muscle tissue, they accumulate in places that do not physically work - joints, spine, kidneys, liver);
  • irreversible phenomena occurring in the cartilage tissue (the deposition of salts causes changes in the shock-absorbing properties in the vertebrae, the flexibility and elasticity of the cartilage tissue is lost);
  • prolonged stay in a position that overstrains the muscles of the neck, back (work at a table with a crooked neck and a tilted head), the vessels feeding the spine are compressed, leading to dystrophy of the intervertebral cartilage;
  • with obesity the spine and intervertebral discs undergo deformation due to high load, the back muscle corset weakens;
  • as a result of improper metabolism the balance of minerals in the bone tissue is disturbed.

Typical symptoms

The main manifestations of cervical osteochondrosis:

Symptoms are conventionally divided into groups:

  • I - neurological manifestations (incessant pain in the neck, pain in the muscles, chest, joints);
  • II - pathological effect on the spinal cord (weakness in the arms and legs, involuntary twitching, myelopathy);
  • III - associated with processes occurring in the brain (cerebral manifestations due to insufficient blood supply: visual disturbances, feeling of a foreign body in the throat, noise and ringing in the ears, hearing loss, dizziness, instability when walking, fainting, fatigue, irritability, sleep disturbance, decreased ability to remember).

In the absence of indications for hospitalization, outpatient treatment is prescribed (most of the time the patient is at home, visiting a neurologist on the indicated days). From medications used:

  • NSAIDs (Indomethacin, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac) in a course of 7 - 14 days (2 - 3 times daily);
  • sedatives (Novopassit, Valerian) protect the nervous system from the influence of pain syndrome, course 1 - 3 weeks;
  • diuretics (Diacarb, Veroshpiron) to reduce edema in the inflamed area;
  • b vitamins to improve metabolic processes in the nervous tissue, normalize musculoskeletal conduction;
  • muscle relaxants (Baclofen, Tizalud, Midocalm) to relieve muscle spasm;
  • agents that improve the structure and function of cartilage tissue (ATP, chondroprotectors);
  • locally - creams, gels, ointments as a warming, analgesic or distracting agent.

In the acute stage it is necessary to perform breathing exercises and exercises to relieve muscle spasm (smooth head tilts and turns, circular movements), gradually increasing the load. You should not make sudden movements.

Massage is prescribed for muscle spasm (self-massage of the neck can be performed). FROM preventive purpose a massage course should be carried out twice annually. To relieve the spine, use a neck collar or Glisson loop (after prior consultation with a doctor).

Power supply should be adjusted, excluding products that increase muscle tone (smoked and spicy, alcohol, coffee, tea). Good for cartilage:

  • foods with a high calcium content (fermented milk, cottage cheese, mineral water, dark green leafy vegetables);
  • unsaturated fatty acids (fatty fish, flaxseed, nuts);
  • proteins (low-fat poultry, dairy products, eggs, nuts);
  • foods high in fiber and antioxidants (legumes, grains, fruits).

In the absence of exacerbation it is recommended to drink enough water (30 ml per 1 kg of body weight), to strengthen the spine and back muscles with the help of physical exercises. When working for a long time, you need to take a break every hour, relaxing your back muscles with exercises.

How to treat with folk remedies?

Components amount Mode of application
Pine needles 250 g Brew the needles with a liter of boiling water, insist. Drink twice a day.
1:1 Add garlic and a little butter to the grated ginger. Rub the sore areas of the neck.
4 things.
5 pieces.
Pass the lemons and garlic through a meat grinder, pour 2 liters of boiling water. Drink ½ cup twice daily.
Fresh potatoes
1:1 Mix the gruel from grated potatoes with honey, apply to the neck.
Horseradish leaf 1 PC. Dip the horseradish leaf into boiling water for a few seconds and remove. Cool the liquid, use for compresses.
Horseradish root 2 tsp Put the grated horseradish root on a bandage, attach to the neck, cover with plastic wrap and wrap it up. Keep for 1 - 1.5 minutes, then rinse with water.
Honey 1 dessert spoon Pre-warm your neck, do self-massage with honey for 5 minutes. After that, wrap your neck.

With cervical osteochondrosis, you can not:

  • lift weights (if necessary, you should perform actions with a straight back, without tilting your head forward);
  • you cannot crunch the vertebrae (these movements violate the integrity of the contact surfaces of the spine);
  • sleeping on a high pillow, soft bed (causes tension in the back muscles);
  • lead a sedentary lifestyle (jogging, swimming, walking is useful);
  • independently diagnose and prescribe treatment.

Preventive measures

To prevent cervical osteochondrosis, it is recommended:

A good result in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis can be obtained with the use of complex treatment. Home treatment will be effective only with careful adherence to all appointments and their daily use.

We also suggest you watch a useful video on the topic of the article:

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at homecarried out under the supervision of a doctor. The main danger of the disease is that it does not appear immediately. The development of cervical osteochondrosis can be asymptomatic for quite a long time. On early stage it is rather difficult to make a correct diagnosis, since the clinical picture has no characteristic signs and is suitable for many diseases.

Cervical osteochondrosis is easy to confuse with radiculitis, hernia, and there is even a general symptomatology with a tumor of the bone system of the spine and spinal cord. therefore consult a specialist before starting treatment. 1

What are the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis?

It is believed that the cause of headache in one of the three cases is precisely cervical osteochondrosis. The thing is that the bulk of the load falls on him and on the lumbar spine. In addition to headache, the disease has the following symptoms:

  1. dizziness;
  2. nausea;
  3. neck pain radiating to the teeth;
  4. flies before the eyes;
  5. general weakness;
  6. feeling of numbness in the arms and shoulder girdle;
  7. unstable mental state, insomnia.
This clinical picture is due to damage not only to the vertebrae and intervertebral discs, but also to the vertebral artery, which is responsible for supplying blood to the brain.

Please note that with cervicothoracic osteochondrosis, cardiac signs of autonomic disorders (for example, shortness of breath) may also be observed.


Why does osteochondrosis of the cervical spine occur?

First of all, the risk group includes people with a sedentary lifestyle and insufficient physical activity (physical inactivity). Of particular danger is office work, which forces you to sit around the clock in a sedentary and not always comfortable position. The load in the form of walking to the place of work and in the opposite direction is not enough. This lifestyle leads to a weakening of the spine, poor posture.

Neck pain can occur under the influence of a number of factors:

  1. violation of metabolic processes in the body;
  2. genetic predisposition to the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  3. microtrauma and excessive physical stress on the spine;
  4. improper diet, overweight;
  5. insufficient physical development;
  6. lack of vitamins, minerals;
  7. availability bad habitsthat lead to spasms and vasoconstriction (alcohol, smoking);
  8. stressful situations;
  9. intoxication and transferred infectious diseases.

Having sedentary work, do not neglect the five-minute warm-up of the spine. You can turn your head, do bends, or massage your neck in order to normalize blood circulation.


Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic disorder in cartilage and bone tissue, the treatment of which often does not require hospitalization. All the necessary procedures recommended by your doctor can be done at home. However, the peculiarity of the treatment lies in its duration and regularity. The wellness complex does not require large expenditures, but patience and is aimed at:

  1. elimination of pain with analgesics;
  2. strengthening metabolism in the cervical spine;
  3. restoration of normal blood circulation;
  4. improving the muscle tone of the neck and shoulders with exercise.
You can treat osteochondrosis at home with massage, a special complex physical activity, folk remedies and medicines. Treatment of cervicothoracic osteochondrosis has a number of features associated with focusing on the cardiovascular system.


How to do massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine?

Massage of cervical osteochondrosis is quite simple to master. It is not necessary to call a specialist, because you can do everything yourself. The procedure is carried out with the fingers of the hands. Massage movements are done in the direction from the spine to the periphery. No effort is needed, the actions should be smooth and easy. Massage is a rubbing, kneading motion, stroking, which are best done in a sitting position.

The pose should be comfortable. It is recommended to put your legs on your legs, and on the one on top, rest your elbow. The duration of this massage is four minutes, it can be repeated several times a day. It perfectly treats osteochondrosis in pregnant women, when the use of medications is highly undesirable.

If all of these fail to get used to self-massage, it is better to contact a competent specialist who can come home. You should not trust this business to your friends or relatives. An improper effect on the cervical muscles can provoke a negative effect.


How to cure cervical osteochondrosis using traditional medicine?

You can treat osteochondrosis at home with horseradish... It is enough to attach the sheet to the back of the neck and secure it with a bandage or any cloth at hand. It is better to do this procedure at night. By morning, the pain is significantly reduced or disappears altogether.

In the fight against osteochondrosis, the usual potatoes, from which you can make an ointment. To do this, grate the vegetable on a fine grater and mix with the same amount of honey. You can apply the ointment to the affected area every day, but at least once a week.

Excellent treats osteochondrosis vodka compress... To prepare it, you will need half a liter of alcohol, a gram of propolis, 50 g of mustard powder and aloe juice each. In the resulting solution, the fabric is moistened and applied to the neck for several hours, fixing the compress with a woolen scarf.

Heal the spine will help bitter pepper, which perfectly improves blood circulation. Crush two pods and pour sunflower oil... We insist the mixture for at least four hours. Rubbing such an ointment three times a day gives a quick and long-lasting effect.

Grind 250 g of comfrey root and mix with the same amount of butter. Apply to the problem area twice a day.


What exercises are effective for cervical osteochondrosis?

You can cure cervical osteochondrosis at home yourself using the usual rolling pins... It is better to use such exercises after the end of the acute period. The patient lies down on a hard surface, puts a rope under his back and rolls it under him, paying special attention to the collar zone and neck.

You can treat cervical osteochondrosis at home using some yoga asanas... Kneel down and sit down on the floor. Clasp your hands in the lock, gently and slowly press on the head in the back of the head, smoothly bringing the chin to the chest. Perform light swinging movements for several minutes. This asana should not cause discomfort, but only slight pulling sensations.

Exercise in the same starting position will help cure the neck at home. Raise your right hand and lightly press down on the left side of your head while swinging your left hand on the floor to maintain balance. Thus, slowly lower your head to your shoulder, and with your left hand stretch further and further, trying to lie completely on the floor. Then repeat the exercise in the opposite direction. Such exercises perfectly restore blood circulation in the cervical spine and help to strengthen the muscles.

To cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, an exercise therapy is recommended, which has its own characteristics for each diagnosis and has a beneficial effect on the vertebrae, helps to restore their normal functioning.


How to treat cervical osteochondrosis?

Neck hurts? 15 effective and universal recommendations will help you to get rid of neck pain on your own and prevent it from recurring.

Stress at work or at home; tasks that require strenuous work, when you, bending over your desk, ruin your posture; or even an overly soft mattress - all of which can cause neck pain, tension and muscle tightness. Neck pain can occur as a result of injury or illness, although most often it is due to a simple muscle strain or spasm.

The recommendations in this article are generally relevant regardless of what is causing the pain. Therefore, it will be useful both for those who are looking for an answer to the question "how to treat cervical osteochondrosis" and for those who want to quickly restore the neck after stretching the muscles during sports training.

But in order not to harm yourself, be sure to consult with your doctor before applying any advice in practice.

How the neck works

The neck, with its complex structure and wide range of motion, is particularly vulnerable to stress and tension. The head, which weighs between 10 and 20 pounds, is supported by a group of seven small bones (vertebrae) and held in place by 32 complex muscles.

Between the vertebrae there are “pads” of fibrous cartilage called discs that act as cushions (or shock absorbers).

Eight nerves, which are transmitters of sensation (including pain), and four main arteries, which carry blood, run through the neck and connect the head to the shoulders, chest, and arms. The delicate spinal cord passes through the central part of this group of vertebrae, which in turn have a protective function. If we also consider that the neck moves more than any other part of our body, it is not surprising that it is with it that people constantly have some problems.

This is a vicious circle. When our muscles tense due to physical or emotional stress, the blood supply to the muscles decreases, causing pain. This pain makes the muscles tense even more. That is why the best way relieve cervical pain - try to eliminate or reduce physical or emotional stress in addition to physical stress.

Here are 15 recommendations from David Hufford, Ph.D., professor of medicine at Penn State University. They can help you get rid of long-term neck pain and develop new habits that prevent new pain from occurring.

1. Remove the weight from the neck... One of the most simple ways relieve pain - give your neck muscles a chance to heal.

2. Relax. But don't use a thick pillow that makes your neck bend.

3. "Freeze" the pain. Ice can effectively "freeze" pain and reduce inflammation. Place crushed ice in a plastic bag and cover the bag with a pillowcase (terry towel is too thick to transfer cold effectively). Apply such an ice pack to your sore neck, hold for at least 15 minutes per "approach".

4. Warm your neck. Heat improves circulation and can be effective in relaxing the occipital muscles. Use a damp towel or bottle of hot water, or take a hot shower. But do not heat your neck for too long - too much heat can aggravate symptoms and cause severe pain.

5. Relax. Emotional stress can cause muscle tension. Pay attention to what triggers your stress: when you are in a hurry to get to work, in a hurry to make lunch, talking to your boss, or whatever. Once you've identified your triggers for common stress, think creatively about how you can reduce it. One way to deal with stress is through relaxation techniques such as progressive relaxation or abdominal breathing.

For progressive relaxation, find a quiet place where no one will disturb you. Sit or lie down and close your eyes. Then, starting at the head and neck, working down the entire body, consciously tense and then completely relax the muscles.

To do abdominal breathing, sit quietly and inhale slowly, deeply with your belly. Place your hand on your stomach to feel that you are breathing deeply enough. Then exhale completely, as if pushing out the air with your belly. Breathe slowly and deeply for a few minutes; if you breathe too fast, you may hyperventilate.

Other relaxation techniques include meditation, yoga, physical exercises... In addition, you can personally use your favorite ways to relax: hobbies or listening to calm music. Do whatever works for you.

6. Application of massage. The massage helps to relax tense muscles, creates a feeling of lightness and helps to sleep. First you need to take a hot bath or shower to relax your muscles. Then have someone rub the oil or lotion into your neck and shoulders in small circular motions, using gentle finger pressure. Don't forget about the chest area. If there is no one to help you, self-massage your shoulders and neck for 10 or 15 minutes.

7. Buy pain relievers, over the counter, such as aspirin or ibuprofen. They relieve pain and reduce inflammation. If you are unable to take these medicines due to allergies, indigestion, or any other reason, try the analgesic acetaminophen, which will not relieve inflammation, but it will help ease pain.

8. Watch your posture. Poor posture can often cause neck pain. In order to keep the body in an upright position, move and at the same time maintain balance - a person has to constantly overcome the force of the Earth's gravity. Our skeleton is a support for muscles and internal organs. As long as our muscles are strong, they carry the skeleton without effort, but when they become weak, they struggle with gravity. In poor posture, the lower back curves forward, and the upper back curves further backward to compensate for axial loads. In response, the neck bends forward in a tense position.

We can use a regular wall to align our body and improve our posture. You need to stand with your back to the wall, your heels should be several centimeters behind the wall, your buttocks and shoulders should touch the wall, the back of your head should be close to the wall, and your chin should be kept straight.

Now you can step away from the wall and check your posture. You should do this exercise several times throughout the day.

9. Watch your figure. Being overweight strains all the muscles in the body, including the neck.

10. Strengthening the abdominal muscles. Just as poor posture and obesity can strain the muscles in the neck, so too weak abdominal muscles weaken upper part the back, causing it to curve further back, and the neck to curve forward.

Do abdominal strengthening exercises while lying on your back: bend your knees, lift only your head and upper back off the floor, not your entire back.

11. Exercises for the neck. Two types of these exercises can help prevent and relieve neck pain. Apply a warm compress to your neck before proceeding. The exercises should be performed three times a day, each repeated five times. Calm, unhurried exercise helps your neck muscles relax.

Sit up straight and relax. Slowly turn your head to the right as far as you can, then return it to a center position. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.

Now slowly lower your chin down to your chest; then lift your head back up. After that, tilt your head to your left shoulder, and return to its original position. Do the same to the right side.

Isometric exercises are performed with resistance, but without actually moving the head. Try this complex:

  1. Sit straight and calmly, raise your hand and place it on your forehead, press your forehead into your palm, try to resist the movement of your forehead.

  2. Place your right hand on the right side of your head and press your head against your hand (as if trying to bring your right ear to your right shoulder), use your hand to resist head movement. Do the same on the left side.

  3. Press with both hands on the back of your head, as if you are trying to push your head back; your hands must resist the backward movement of your head.

  4. Press your hand on the right side of your face, as if you are trying to turn your head to look at your right shoulder; use your hand to resist the spinning motion. Repeat with your left hand on the left side of your face, as if you are trying to look over your left shoulder.

12. Stay fit. The stronger and more flexible your body is, the less likely you are to suffer from neck pain. Swimming is one of the best exercises for strengthening your back and neck.

13. Work at eye level. If your neck is uncomfortable at the end of the day at work, this clearly indicates that your job is a source of problems. People often sit at a table with their necks down, looking down for hours. To avoid all this, always place your computer monitor at eye level. Change the height of your chair, desk, or computer screen, and use a vertical stand to hold your reading materials.

Take frequent breaks. Change your body position as often as possible, if possible, avoid physically stressful situations. Get up and walk around for a few minutes, at least every hour.

14. Get rid of bad neck habits. Stop pinching the handset between your neck and shoulder. Do you often fall asleep while sitting in a chair with your head tilted back or your chin pressed to your chest? Do you wash your hair in the sink? All of these habits can cause neck tension. Realize what habits might be holding you back and replace them.

15. Sleep on a hard mattress. If you wake up in the morning with a hard, sore neck - the mattress and pillow are probably the culprit in your troubles. Use a firm mattress and keep your head level with your spine. Do not sleep on your stomach, as this will cause your neck to bend upward. Avoid pillows that are too thick and hard, try feathers or soft synthetic fillers rather than hard foam.

As you can see, some of your daily habits can cause neck pain. Take note of the home remedies listed in this article to keep your neck lifted and healthy.

When to see a doctor?

While most simple muscle tension can be relieved with home remedies in most cases, in some circumstances you should definitely see a doctor.

Call your doctor if:

  • pain was caused by an injury (fall, collision, traffic accident);

  • neck pain is accompanied by chills, headache, and muscle pain;

  • you feel tingling or numbness in your hands or palms;

  • you have visual impairments;

  • neck pain gets worse or persists for several days despite treatment at home.