Interesting stories about dinosaurs for children. An abstract classes in familiarization with others in the preparatory group on the topic: Dinosaurs

The word "dinosaur", which is translated as a "terrible lizard", appeared in 1842, when humanity only tried to figure out what kind of bones were found during excavations. It was then that the science of paleontology was originated. The history of dinosaurs has been repeatedly rewritten since then, and at the moment there are a lot of versions on their origin, becoming and extinct. Consider the most common and relatively official option.

Number of dinosaurs

Attempts to explain in a simple language, the history of dinosaurs in a film or a cartoon was made repeatedly, but the events preceding them with the appearance on our planet, not yet covered by anywhere. As is known, the ancestors of these creatures are reptiles and birds. In particular, the crocodiles currently existing at the moment have the most similar with the ancient monsters of the traits. Approximately 300 million years ago, when the lizards in their usual form already existed, a serious climate change occurred. Tropical forests were largely destroyed, and the remnants of life juts in the remaining small enclaves. This gave the first impetus to a huge variety of species, since each population developed independently of each other and tried to adapt to the conditions in which it existed. And they were very different in different regions. So there were ancestors of dinosaurs, named by scientists of Arhozes.

First species

The history of dinosaurs, at least in the form in which the modern person represents them, began approximately 200-245 million years ago. There are practically no accurate data on the features and differences of these creatures with later samples, but something can be argued by something:

  • They were two-legged (dinosaurs with four legs appeared a little later, although the return situation would look logical).
  • The creatures were large enough, mostly their growth reached 2-4 meters.
  • They were all cold-blooded. Because of this, the need for food, despite the impressive sizes, was not too big.
  • At the initial stages of development, most likely there were no flying species of these lizards.

In general, humanity is extremely little know about this period. Most of the information are guesses and theories based on various finds and indirect data. So everything could be completely different.

Latest dinosaurs

The dimensions of the "terrible lizards" gradually increased, and so continued to approximately until the end of the Jurassic period (it was about 145 million years ago). In the middle of his cycle, the existence of dinosaurs reached huge sizes (up to 12 meters in height and 1 tons of pure weight). During the "reign" of these monsters, no other kind could even be concerned about the domination on the planet. Even later, in the chalk period (65 million years ago), the creatures began to fine. According to some reports, they appeared arrogant feathers, and even had warm-blooded species. Judging by the information available, the number of predators has significantly decreased, and, accordingly, the number of herbivores has increased. As a result, rare hunters became truly real "murder machines." They quickly moved, could cope with the majority of opponents, did not have a shortage of food and rightly considered the peak of evolution at that time.

Mass extinction

The situation with the disappearance of this type of living beings is well shown in the cartoon "The History of Dinosaurs". Of course, there is more information oriented on children, but actively active volcanoes, drought, lack of food and other similar problems could really cause full extinction of the prehistoric Lord of the planet. According to the official version, it all began with a huge meteorite that fell somewhere in the area of \u200b\u200bthe current Mexico. When hitting the atmosphere, a large amount of dust rose into the atmosphere, sharply lowered the temperature on the surface (the same situation is called "nuclear winter" and can become a reality if countries tried to solve their problems with the help of nuclear weapons). Along the way, the blow to the ground activated the dormant volcanoes. As a result, the simultaneous impact of several factors immediately led to the fact that dinosaurs simply did not have time to adjust and for a short period were almost completely extinct. Most likely, there were separate individuals, but to survive in the new world, in which other dominant species appeared, they could not. Many believe that it is this story of dinosaurs - for children. Allegedly, in fact, everything was completely different. Unfortunately, later scientists disagree in their opinions, and to give a clear theory about how everything really happened, no one can yet.

The lot of intriguing and mysterious is shown in Dinosaur Story Dinosaur Documentary Films from Scientific Popular Channels. True, it is not necessary to name them, because there are no documents, but it is reconstructed everything is very competent. Nevertheless, every year more and more discoveries are committed, radically changing the idea of \u200b\u200bdinosaurs as such. Let's see what interesting Facts It opens up a modern history of dinosaurs.

  • Despite the fact that, as it was believed, dinosaurs were almost a mistake of nature (too little brain, a lot of weight, a strictly limited diet and so on), they managed to dominate the planet for more than 130 million years. The story of a person as such, if you take more or less reasonable of our ancestors, at best there are 100 thousand years. So it's not a fact that in the distant future, some new species will not be considered a mistake of a modern person.
  • Tiranosaurus, known for many films and literature as the most terrible and huge dinosaur, was actually that was not. There were even more creatures, though, unlike this predator, they were still not hunters.
  • The history of dinosaurs still silences, why in general the tyrannosaur of his small handles. Judging by the structure of the skeleton, reach them somewhere he simply could not. An even greater mystery attaches the fact that the muscles have been very well developed.
  • Stegosaurus plates were primarily used to protect against predators, but for heat removal. That is, they played the role of a natural radiator, in one case the cooling of a huge dinosaur, and in another helping him to more effectively accumulate heat, extremely important for any cold-blooded creature.


The history of dinosaurs gradually fines all new data, some of which contradicts each other or does not fit into existing theories. For example, it is believed that dinosaurs and people could not exist in one period of history. Although there are very interesting findings-stones, on which ancient people have reliably depict the interaction of a person and a "terrible lizard". As it was in fact, no one can say anyone. We are not able to completely figure out even in our own history, what to say about what happened long before the appearance of a person as such.

So this momentous day came 🙂 Dasha for several weeks in a row asked me to make a lesson on dinosaurs for her. I all postponed (then the holidays, then vacation), but it was impossible to wait more and the whole last week I wrote classes, made benefits, printed, cut and glue. And today we started playing, and I am ready to start telling you about how our classes pass.

Immediately I will say that a list of references to which we used a complete set of all the benefits and games that I prepared for classes I will lay out for familiarization (books) and download (benefits and games) after I tell about all our days.

So, begin. And I started with a book from the school series of seven gnomes "where dinosaurs left." We read the story of the boy and his grandfather and, of course, about dinosaurs.

The story began with the fact that a long time ago, when even people were not yet, and the mainland was only one (show a picture, how this mainland could look like a lot of millions of years ago. You can cut pictures with modern continents and try like a puzzle to fold the punce ) And he was surrounded by the ocean lived on Earth ancient giants and called dinosaurs. We just looked at the photo of Pangai and compared it with a modern card.

We laid down toys of dinosaurs in front of them and carefully considered them. In first glance, it was possible to immediately find distinctive features and similarities. We have not many such figures, but we also noticed these differences, and also allocated the features of predators and herbivores, for example, a large toothstay, long claws, etc.

I asked Dasha, how she thinks, how did people know about dinosaurs, if there were no people in those days? Dasha thought and said that they probably found something that they talked about it

To present yourself with scientists, on the excavations, I suggested a Dashka to spend them. To do this, we took the box from the Marshus and put into it the cut parts of the dinosaur skeleton (1). I gave the Dasha brush (I left the lens from wiping the lens), I fell asleep all this with a cum, and the dashka began to carefully look for bones (2). Having collected everything you need, we began to create a skeleton (3). How did we do it?

You will need a billet on which the skeleton of a dinosaur will be schematically drawn (the one that you liked the most), PVA glue. Having found all the bones, try to lay out the skeleton. As a sample, you can find the drawing of your dinosaur skeleton (4).

The next step of the excavation was the search for bulk parts-macaronin (2). After the search, we also collected the skeleton from them on the paper scheduled (3, 4).

But there were a lot of dinosaurs, and they were all different, and the scientists were not so easy to determine what dinosaurs belonged to those or other bones. Let us try to determine with you, and we would find our dinosaurs during the excavations. To do this, we will need small dinosaur rubber figures, salty dough or plasticine. Roll the dough ball or plasticine just more than your dinosauric size. Spindle the ball and apply dinosauric to it, pressing it inside (1) so that it leaves his clear imprint in the dough, and then it is in it or baked if we used the dough.

Similarly, you can also play the traces of dinosaurs (4) and to create several prints from the rubber toys of dinosaurs and determine which dinosaurus left his mark in the "History".

The last lesson today was creativity. I drew two large dinosaurs: TiranoAurus and Diplodok (Dashkin Choice), she painted them with my tips and we hung them on the wall. For what? You will learn about it tomorrow 😉

Sometimes it seems that the child comes to the world of adults to remind them of dinosaurs. Lives an adult: a house, work, family, the first smile-step-word, and here - Batz: "Dad, and can I be a zauropod?" And after a couple of months, the adult is easily distinguished by the Ovirapptor from the bicycleraptor and knows what the glorious parazaurolof. There is even a joke of this: "If a person knows all the names of dinosaurs, he is a paleontologist or four-year apartment."

Dinosaurs are such a fertile, disturbing the topic in which a child at the age of 3-6 years old with his family is completely immersed (games, puzzles, figures, books). Why not? After all, dinosaurs are so interesting! They are huge and small, because they have become extinct for a long time. A brief special course of a novice paleontologist is attached.

How long have dinosaurs lived?

225 million years ago, 65 million years ago they were no longer. That is, as much as 160 million, our planet belonged to these amazing creatures. This time later scientists denote as Mesoza, the Mesozoic Era, which, in turn, was divided into three periods: Triassic, Jurassic and Chalkoy. By the way, then the turtles with crocodiles appeared.

How did dinosaurs appear?

What was before dinosaurs? The first primitive living organisms appeared on Earth 4.5 billion years ago. Life originated in the water. First algae, then mollusks, fish. Cystic fish (by the way, her descendant is still swimming in the Komorian Islands area) consider the "transitional point", from where the calculation of the separation of land and marine animals is conducted. Thanks to its powerful fins, the fish moved along the bottom and went to the land. It is from the film of the fish that the first land vertebrates, the first reptiles, the progenitors of all reptiles on the planet Earth went from the cyzer organisms. And the person, in essence, also the distant prealtance of the feet of the fish.

How many species of dinosaurs?

500 clans, more than 1000 species are currently studied by paleontologists. All dinosaurs are divided into two detachments: poultom and lizard-positive (modern birds, as surprising, occurred from the latter).

What did dinosaurs look like?

If everything is more or less clear with skeletons, then the collapse of scientists argue so far. It is quite possible, gray-boring-green copies, which have already accustomed to humanity, in fact should be orange-red, for example, and indeed - any.

How many years lived dinosaurs?

10-20 years are small species, and large representatives, according to scientists, could live 200-300 years.

What is the name of the dinosaur with a long neck?

The most popular representative of the group of Zauropodov - diplodok: 29 meters in length, weight of about 16 tons. Was found in North America in late XIX. century. The remains of the Brachiosaur were also found there - also a dinosaur with a long neck, under 30 m in length, weighing in record 90 tons.

Where did the dinosaurs live?

Over all earth! The remains of dinosaurs were found on all continents, even in Antarctica. Especially a lot of them in North America and Asia, in Russia, the main finds in the Urals, also in Buryatia, Yakutia, Krasnoyarsk Territory.

In what conditions lived dinosaurs?

On Earth was hot and wet. Brown vegetation, including ferns, who lived to this day, were not allowed to get rid of herbivores. Volcanoes speced periodically.

Roller-bonus: how to make a volcano at home.

Why dinosaur tail?

The tail allowed to reflect the attack, keep an equilibrium, effectively jump.

How disappeared dinosaurs? Why are they extinct?

There is still no accurate answer, but probably due to the fall of a giant asteroid or strong volcanic activity, the climate has changed - it became colder, ice caps were formed on the poles, changed chemical composition Ocean, oxygen concentration in the atmosphere has decreased tripled, spread flower plants. How to survive in such conditions? But birds and mammals appeared (and man, man!).

The cartoon song "Why dinosaurs disappeared"


Museums dinosaurs

In Moscow, this Paleontological Museum. V.A. Orlova. The most famous natural historical museum of the world. Address: ul. Trade union, 123.

Parks dinosaur

The largest park of "living" dinosaurs is located in Krylatsky (st. Krylatskaya, 18). More than 20 exhibits move and growl, on some you can even ride. Participation in excavations - at will.

16 dinosaurs will wait for visitors on forest paths in the Dinosaur Park "Evolution" in Ethnomyr (Kaluga region, Borovsky district, der. Petrovo). Moreover round year. Master classes and excavations are attached.

Trade shows Dinosaur

In the Central Children's World on Lubyanka (Theatrical Pr-d, 5), in Dinoklube, you can visit the exhibition of dinosaurs: an excursion in the Mesoza and 30 growing specimens, as well as a cognitive film about the birth of life on Earth, a child will be remembered for a long time.

Cartoons and films about dinosaurs

"Train of dinosaurs" (animated series), "Earth to start time" (animated series), "Dinomama" (full-length cartoon), "good dinosaur" (full-length), "Vasya and Dinosaur" (1971 Soviet animation), "Andy's adventures with Dinosaurs "(the British series of 2014 about the smiling worker of the Paleontological Museum of Andy, who through the temporary portal is fascinating and popularly walks in Mesoza).

"Miles from another planet" and "Little Einsteins", a series about dinosaurs:

Hello, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you on our children's page. You probably have heard about them, and maybe even seen in the movie in the cartoons. We will tell you a lot of interesting about dinosaurs. Most likely, you have many questions about these wonderful animals. We will try to answer them.

How many years lived dinosaurs?

Answer the question, at what age dinosaurs were died, until it was possible. But do not leave attempts to do it. Scientists are trying to assess the life expectancy of dinosaurs in the rate of growth of fossil bones. It seems not to determine the age of trees on the annual rings.

Is it true that the life expectancy of the dinosaur depended on its size?

Scientists suggest that large dinosaurs lived longer than small. The little dinosaur developed and grown faster and lived intensively live.

What dinosaur was the biggest?

The biggest dinosaur was the seismic zavr. Part of his skeleton was found in the United States, but the excavations are not finished yet. Scientists assume that this dinosaur weighed more than 50 tons. And was in length about 36 m

Did the dinosaurs live in the sea?

Dinosaurs did not live in the sea, as they live, such as whales or dolphins. Dinosaurs could enter the water to hunt fish or twist the river, save from the predator. But no dinosaur do the whole life in the sea. Do not confuse dinosaurs with such inhabitants of the seas of the Mesozoic era as ploslavra or Plesiosaur

Did the dinosaurs be able to fly

Dinosaurs did not know how to fly or plan. All dinosaurs were outstanding terrestrial animals. But at one time with dinosaurs, reptiles lived, which were relatives of dinosaurs, but knew how to fly. They are called pterosaurs. Also, in the Jurassic period there was an animal called Archeopterix. Archeopterix was not a dinosaur. Until now, scientists argue about whether archeopteryixes to birds or reptiles are. Externally he looked like a bird, but claws and teeth were like a reptile

Which dinosaur had the biggest teeth?

One of the largest dinosaurs teeth ever in the hands of scientists belonged to a tyrannosaur. This tooth was located in the side of the jaw, not far from the front teeth. The length of the root to the top was about 30 cm. And over the gum thiranosaurus, the tooth rose not 18 cm.

Which dinosaur was the longest neck?

Of all the dinosaurs known to the paleontologists at the moment, Mamemenchizavr is considered the longestness. Mamenchizavr lived about 150 million tn. On the territory of modern China. The Neck of Mamenchizaur was about 14 m in length. Mamenchizavr could easily look through the roof of a three-story house. It is possible when the full skeleton of the seismicosaur will be dug, it will be the longest dinosaur.

What dinosaur ran faster than everyone?

Scientists suggest, the fastest dinosaurs were ornithommotes - ostrich-like dinosaurs. This group includes such dinosaurs as: galimmim, Ornithitim, pelicanimim , struction . Scientists suggest that these dinosaurs developed a speed of up to 50 km / h.

Did the dinosaurs fall in the winter hibernation?

In the time of the Triassic and Jurassic periods, the climate on Earth was a heavier and wet than now. At the same time, all the land was located not very far from the equator. Therefore, to fall into the hibernation in dinosaurs there was no need. In the future, in the chalk period, the continent began to diverge further. Antarctica began to shift to the southern pole. At the end of the Cretaceous period on Earth, the climate began to change, and the differences in temperatures in the summer and winter was becoming stronger. Winter chalk period was not so harsh, as it is now, but still, the temperature could fall to 0 ° C. With such a temperature of cold-blooded reptiles, what dinosaurs were, it became very cold. Therefore, it is very likely that they fell into a hibernation to not freeze.

What values \u200b\u200bwere dinosaur eggs?

Dynosaur eggs dimensions are the most diverse. Near the skeleton of the Muszaution, they found eggs with a length of only 2-3 cm. In large dinosaurs from the group Zauropod eggs were much larger. But still, even the largest, from the found eggs of the dinosaur, did not exceed the size of a soccer ball.

Were there dinosaurs ears?

In the dinosaur skull there were small bones, passing the sound from the drum membrane to the brain sites responsible for the hearing. He ears in a general understanding of dinosaurs were not. The "ears" of the dinosaur, were small holes on the sides of the head. The ears of modern lizards look also look.

Which dinosaur was the most teeth?

Most of the whole teeth were in the assholes - waterproof dinosaurs. At the bottom and upper jaws of the gardensaws were located 480 teeth. That is, in the amount of 980 teeth. Given that the teeth in dinosaurs were restored, it can be assumed that the gardensaurs were replaced by about 10,000 teeth in all her life.

Was Dinosaur Fur?

There is still no evidence of the fact that dinosaurs had a fur. However, learn exactly, we are unlikely when we can. Fur - Material soft and gentle and he could not continue for many years. At the same time, neither one of the modern reptiles does not have fur. Therefore, most likely, dinosaurs also did not have fur.

Did the dinosaurs be able to climb trees?

It is possible that some small dinosaurs were quite clever and movable, which was easily lazy on the trees and jumped through the branches. Most dinosaurs were too large and heavy to climb on trees. Giant herbivorous dinosaurs could simply beat the tree to get to juicy foliage.

Was the dinosaur developed sense of smell?

Some dinosaurs breathed through quite large nostrils. Large was the dinosaur brain section responsible for smelling. Therefore, most likely, the smell of dinosaurs was developed well

Is it true that dinosaurs swallowed stones?

Yes, some dinosaurs swallowed stones. These stones are also called tour. They served to overtake hard leaves and shoots directly in the dinosaur stomach. Similarly, modern chickens swallow small pebbles that help them to digest grain.

Was there a bronontosaur in the world?

A few years ago, a set of mail grades with dinosaurs was released in the United States. Because of this, confusion arose. The dinosaur shown on one of the brands was mistakenly called brontosaur. This name is the "Thunder Lizard" invented Paleontologist O.K. March in 1879 But two years earlier, the dinosaur owner of such a skeleton was called Appatosaurus. Therefore, the dinosaur with the name of the brontosaur does not exist. This dinosaur should be called Appatosaur.

Why did Dinosales need claws?

Dinosaurs used claws for different purposes. Sharp and thin as the daggers of Claws of predators served to break the meat of the victim. Wide and flat claws replaced hooves - served as a support when walking. Other types of claws, adapted for the digging of the Earth, scratching, protection against enemies.

Did the dinosaurs united in herd?

Scientists have found a lot of evidence that some types of dinosaurs led herd lifestyle. During the excavations, thousands of bones collected in one place belonged to the same type of dinosaurs were found. Presumably piles of bones - the remains of the herds killed as a result of a sudden natural disaster.

Dinosaurs migrated?

In search of food or places for the nesting dinosaurs could migrate to huge distances. Dinosaur remains discovered by paleontologists indicate that some types of lizards during such migrations crossed entire continents. Nowadays, some birds flying into warm edges overcome no less impressive distances.

Did a person meet with dinosaurs?

The last dinosaurs disappeared about 65 million L.N. At the end of the chalk period. The first people, according to scientists, appeared about 150 thousand years ago. This means people appeared more than 64 million years after the extinction of dinosaurs. It is unlikely that any of the people could meet with a living dinosaur.

Have dinosaurs used camouflage?

Like many modern animals, some dinosaurs must be not noticeable. It is necessary or to hide or to imperceptibly sneak. Perhaps the dinosaur color allowed them to hide in the ground where they lived.

How do paleontologists distinguish each other traces of different dinosaurs?

Determine what kind of dinosaurus left one or another trace can only specialist. First, paleontologists are studying the shape and feet and fingers. Then they study the age of the cliff, in which fancy footprint of the dinosaur foot was found. After that, the fingerprints found are correlated with the appearance of those dinosaurs who lived in the era of the rock formation.

Does the dinosaurs seen well?

As far as you can judge, most dinosaurs had very good eyesight. The orders of the found dinosaurs are great, therefore, the eyes were big. Well developed as well as the sections of the brain responsible for vision.

What color were dinosaurs?

What color were the dinosaurs no one knows. The fact is that the skin of the dinosaur is a very rare find. At the same time, the painting pigments have not been preserved in the foundcasters found. The specialist believes that the dinosaur color corresponded to the environment of their habitat. And was adapted for disguise. But some dinosaurs did not need masking color, as they did not have enemies due to large sizes. In this case, scientists can only assume.

How does the fossil to protect the fossil from damage during transportation to the laboratory?

The fossil remains of dinosaurs are removed from the ground with the greatest caution. Each bone wrapped in papyrus paper, and then apply plaster. Hardened gypsum and protects bones from damage during transportation.

Did the dinosaur fastened eggs?

Some dinosaurs were fed on eggs of other animals. One of these dinosaurs was an Oviraptor. Oviraptor means "Egg-kidnapper", precisely because it robbed the nests of other dinosaurs. In the mouth of the oviraptor there were specialighs that he split eggs.

How do scientists determine the age of fossils?

Fossils are found in rocks stacked from sedimentary rocks. For millions of years, the rocks have changed under the influence of wind, sunlight of rains and temperature drops. On the age of fossils are judged by the layer of rock in which it is found. In addition, the age of the remains of dinosaurs helps radioactive elements. Scientists measure the level of radioactivity of fossil bones and based on these measurements determine the approximate age of the dinosaur.

What dinosaur was the most big eyes?

Huge eyes were dromitomym. His name means "like emu". Judging by the fossil skulls of this lizard, his sockets were larger than any other famous dinosaur. Therefore, dramitsim is considered to be the most largest dinosaur. Dromitomym's eyes were located on the heads of the head, which provided an excellent review and advice before predators.

Dinosaurs sweated?

Dinosaur could not sweat. The dinosaur leather was scaly and did not even have a pore, through the sweat.

What dinosaur appeared before all?

For the title, be called the first in the history of land, dinosaurs compete two lizards. This is a germerozer and elaraptor. Both were two-legged predators and lived about 230-225 million tns. The search for fossils continues and is not excluded that there are even more ancient dinosaurs.

How do dinosaurs get names?

Since the 1820s, dinosaur names inherent in paleontologists. Having found the remains of a new type of dinosaur, scientists describe the find in a special diary. In the future, to distinguish this view from others, he is selected a special name, never previously used. Often in the name to serve the name of the area, in which the dinosaur would be found.

Could dinosaurs scarce odors?

Many dinosaurs had an excellent sense of smell. It helped them from far away, feel the smell of a predator, mining, or a potential marriage partner. It is also likely that dinosaurs could emit special signal smells, like many animals ..

Dinosaurs built at home?

Most dinosaurs were too large to build housing. However, some dinosaurs built nests for masonry eggs.

Is there a place on earth where dinosaurs did not live?

Dinosaur remains found on all continents of the Earth. Until recently, it was believed that there were no dinosaurs in Antarctica. Over the past few years, on the rocky coasts of this ice continent, fossil remains of a shell dinosaur and a small herbivorous dinosaur found.

Why so many fossil remains found in the Canadian province of Alberta?

In the time of dinosaurs, the territory, which is now called alberta empty, literally eaten dinosaurs. It was the place of intersection of routes, for which dinosaurs migrated from the south to the north and from north to south. A hundreds of skeletons of prehistoric lizards were found in Albert Dinosaur National Park. A large disposal was found, from which more than 50 dinosaurs were removed.

Do dinosaurs sleep?

All animals, including a person, need a dream and rest. And dinosaurs are no exception. Modern reptiles spend a large part of life in a dream. And there is no reason to believe that dinosaurs could do without sleep.

Dinosaurs were all bloodthirsty?

Most dinosaurs were peaceful herbivan animals. They grazed a greater honor. Predators were much smaller.

Did the marriage couples persist for the dinosaurs for life?

Specialists tend to think that dinosaurs did not create sustainable marriage steam. But some dinosaurs nest together together and cared for offspring. However, hardly the male and female remained for a long time after mating.

How long is the movie Dinosaur develops in eggs?

To date, it is not known how much time dinosaurs developed in the eggs. You can only build guesses on this. It is only known that some dinosaurs, for example, Maasavra led a nomadic lifestyle, but for the teaching of the eggs came to the same place.

Which dinosaur was the longest tail?

The longest tail was at the diplodok. The length of the tail of the diplodok reached 11 meters. The diplodok used them as a whip, drivening off predators.

Did the dinosaurs live in the caves?

Most dinosaurs were too large. They would not fit in the cave. Some paleontologists believe that small dinosaurs could hide in the caves in the arid periods. But this is just an assumption.

How did dinosaurs sleep?

How dinosaurs slept while remains a mystery. Perhaps large herbivorous dinosaurs, slept standing. As for predators, for example, a tyrantosaur in the lower part of the pelvis had large bones curves, and under the ribs there were additional bones. This allowed a tyrannosaur without fears to go to the ground, and protected its internal organs from overload.

Do dinosaurs fastened with fruit?

Some dinosaurs, such as Ornithyms, had toothless jaws, like modern ostriches. They relate to the group of omnivorous dinosaurs. In their diet, insects, small animals, roots and possibly fruit. Also, it is excluded that other dinosaurs could eat fruit.

How much meat could eat the tyrannosaur for the day?

Considering the size, the hungry tyrantosaur could eat 120-150 kg of meat for 1 time. After such a dinner, the dinosaur could do without food for several days.

Did you extinct with dinosaurs all other reptiles?

Not. Many reptiles were able to survive and even lived to the present day. These are lizards, snakes, turtles and crocodiles.

Dinosaurs blorce?

Dinosaurs had eyelids, so they could blink. An attachment of the pacar dinosaurs ankylosaurs turned out to be an interesting find. These dinosaurs had bone eyelids. When the ankilosaurus lowered the eyelids, his eyes were securely protected.

Was there vivi-love dinosaurs?

Scientists still do not know any confirmation that there were novelty dinosaurs. All the dinosaurs found eggs were postponed. The reptiles who lived in the sea were adapted to liveborn, but they were not dinosaurs.

Did dinosaur dinosaur do lizards do?

Dinosaurs are not relatives of close lizards. Their skin has another structure. External layers of skin are not completely discharged, but small fragments, like crocodiles.

What images of dinosaurs contained themselves clean?

Dinosaurs had no fur nor wool, so their skin did not need cleaning. The dirt adopted to the skin of dinosaurs, or dried and dropped, or was dropped along with old skin scales, like modern reptiles. Dinosaur leather was constantly updated.

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Theme lesson:

Flying pteranodon

250 million years ago Dinosaurs lived on Earth The word "dinosaur" comes from the Greek combination "Horrible Lizard"

Giant dinosaurs Brachiosaur

Traces of dinosaur


triceratops herbivores

pakhiceofalosaur Pakhiceophalosaur Vocyprottors

jaw predator


triceratops tyrannosaur

brachiosaur Psittakosavr Albertosavr Pakhiceofalosaur Dainc

steenzavra Ankylosaurs Pakhiceofalozavra Tiranozavra

tarotic vocational systems

oVI - Eggs, Raptor - Thief, this dinosaur was fed by eggs of other dinosaurs

triceratops three or three, tse - horn, that is, three-legged. This dinosaur had three horns, two on the forehead, and one on the nose.

Dinosaur death The cause of dinosaur death was a sudden climate change. It could be caused by an eruption of a volcano or a drop of a meteorite or an asteroid.

space environmental

The disappearance of such animal giants, like dinosaurs, was and remains a mystery ... and it can in your hands there is a disclosure of this huge mystery ...

Do not flip wildflowers Flowers decorate meadows and forests But this is not only the nature of the beauty - the healing gift is found in them, and the butterflies drink sweet nectar from them. Do not, friends, meaninglessly to tear, do not have bouquets of them of them ... bouquets will be called ... Flowers will die ... and there will be no more such beauty!

Do not cut out the inscriptions on the trees stand trees - the giants do not regret the hooligans and cut the words with sharp knives on the tree - "for memory!" But so cruel to do! It is impossible trees offend. Let them in the forest are growing - good and beauty is carried ...