Slovakia language Phrasebook. Useful phrases of the Slovak language

Slovak language belongs to a group of Slovenian languages, which means very close to us, Russian. Nevertheless, despite the similarity of sounds and pronunciations, the Slovak language, as alleging Slovaks, is an independent unit.
English and German languages \u200b\u200bare quite popular in Slovakia. Therefore, for the connoisseurs of English or german language Communication within the country will not be a problem. However, it is always pleasant to show respect for culture and get a greater portion of Slovak sausages or real Slovak wine from the barrel of the generous owner.
So, Likbez in Slovak language ...

Main phrases

Please - Prosím.
Thank you - ďakujem Vám (Ti)
Good morning - Dobre Ráno!
Good day / Hi - Dobrý DEň
Good night - Dobrú Noc!
Hi - Ahoj, ČAU (Familiar)
See you - Dovidenia, ČAU (Familiar)
For health (toast)! - Na Zdravie!

Yes / No - Áno / Nie

Sorry me - Prepáčte!
Pleasant appetite - Dobrú chuť!
Please - Prosím.
For nothing - Niet Za ČO!
Welcome - Vitajte!
Sorry, you speak English - Prepáčte, Hovoríte Po Anglicky?
Do you understand me? - ROZUMIETE?
I do not understand - Nerozumiem.
I do not speak in Slovak - Nerozumiem Po Slovensky.
Please email it for me - Napíšte Mi To Prosím.

Where is...? - KDE JE ...?
Could you help me? - Mohli by Ste Mi Pomôcť?
What means...? - ČO Znamená ....?
How much does it cost? - Koľko to Stojí?

What's your name? - AKO SA VOLÁTE?

My name is ... - Volám SA ...
Very nice - TEŠí MA
How do you? - AKO SA MÁTE? (máš)
Take care of yourself! - Majte SA Dobre!
Is there a phone here? - Je Tu Niekde Telefónna Búdka?
Where is the toilet? - KDE JE TOALETA (WC)?
What time is it? - Koľko Je Hodín?

Where is my baggage? - Kde Je Moja Batožina?

Call a taxi for me - Zavoláte Mi Prosím Taxík?

How far is it to...? - AKO ďaleko Je to Do ..........?
What's the fare? - Koľko Stojí Lístok?

In the restaurant Slovakia

The check, please. - Prosím, Zaplatím!
Is this table busy? - Je Tento Stôl Rezervovaný?
We want ... - Môžeme Poprosiť ...........
Bottle of Red Wine - Jednu Fľašu Červeného Vína
1 Glass Beer - Jedno Pivo
Still beer - Ešte Jedno Pivo.
We are in a hurry - WE ARE IN A HURRY.

Food and Drinks

Nápoje Drinks

Pivo beer.
Červené Víno Red Wine
Biele Víno White Wine
Minerálna voda. Mineral water
Čistá voda. Hot water
jablkový džús apple juice
Pomarančový džús orange juice
Káva Coffee
Čaj tea

Jedálny Lístok Menu

Predjedlo Snacks
Polievka Soups
Hlavné Jedlo main dish
Mäso Meat
Šunka ham
Hovädzie beef
Pečienka liver
Kačica Duck
Klobásy sausages
Kuracie chicken
Salám salami
Slanina Bacon
Bravčové Porkin
Ryby Fish

Zelenina Vegetable

Zemiaky potato
Cibuľa Luk.
Cesnak garlic
Huby, Šampiňóny Mushrooms
Paradajka Tomati
Paprika Pepper
Šalát salad

Ovocie fruit

Banán bananas
Broskyňa Peach
Citrón Lemon
Hrozno Grapes
Jablko Apple
Marhuľa Apricos.
Pomaranč Orange
Čerešne Cherry


Ryza Fig
Hranolky chips
chlieb bread
Maslo Oil
Syr Cheese
Vajce Eggs
SOľ Sol
Korenenie Pepper
Horčica Mustard
ZMRZLINA ice cream

Enjoy your appetite and welcome to Slovakia!


The Russian-Slovak phrasebook contains typical models of phrases and expressions along a wide range of topics. Slovak text is equipped with practical transcription transmitting the sounds of the Slovak language to the means of Russian graphics.
Phrasebook is designed for russian citizens, with different goals of visiting Slovakia and do not speak Slovak language.

The phrasebook is intended for Russian citizens, with different goals of visiting Slovakia and do not speak Slovak.
The material in the phrasebook is located on the thematic principle. For the most common situations (acquaintance, customs, airport, hotel, restaurant, etc.) Typical models of phrases and expressions are given. The end of the sections provide a list of words on this topic. Substituting the words from this list to the finished phrases, you can get new options for proposals.
The phrasebook will help you when passporting passport control, at customs, when exchanging currency, a device in a hotel, travel around the city and country, when visiting museums and theaters, when making purchases, etc.
The following page placed instructor instructions about what should be taken into account by persons not knowing the Slovak language when using practical transcription.
This phrasebook is designed to help everyone, with various goals who came to Slovakia.

Free download electronic book In a convenient format, watch and read:
Download the book Russian-Slovak Phrasebook, Lazareva E.I., 2003 -, fast and free download.

  • Dictionary-reference book for shipyards and motorists working under a foreign flag, 2003 - the directory is intended for sailors (shipyers and motorists) working under a foreign flag, the professional communication requires knowledge of marine terminology in English ... English-Russian, Russian-English dictionaries
  • New Russian-English Phrasebook, Lazareva E.I., 2006 - A new Russian-English phrasebook contains typical models of phrases and expressions along a wide range of topics. English text is provided with practical transcription transmitting sounds ... English books

Comment on pronunciation

4. The letter "E" is read as "E"

Slovak language is very close to Czech, but they are far from being identical. Modern Czech schoolchildren is already required to translate from Slovak to the native - otherwise they understand only a part of the text, as if it were about the understanding of Polish or Russian languages.

Yes - Ano [Ano]
No - NIE [Nei]
Welcome! - Vitaje! [Waytete]
Very nice! - TEŠI MA. [Techi Ma]
Thank you - ďAkujem [Dyakuch]
Good morning! - Dobré Ráno! [Dose early]
Good day! (Hello) - Dobrý DEň! [Dobry Dan]
Good day! - Dobré Popoľudnie! [Dobe Popper]
Good evening! - Dobrý Večer! [Dobri Wacher]
Good night. - Dobrú Noc. [good nts]
Hey! - Ahoj! [AGAY]
Hey! - Nazdar! [NatarDar]
I'm glad to see you. - SOM Rád že ťa Vidím! [COM RADE Zhe you see]
How are you? - AKO SA MÁŠ? [AKO SA MASH]
Well thank you. - Mám SA Dobre, ďakujem. [Mom Sa Dose, Dyakuym]
Bye. - Dovidenia! [Contribution]
See you on Saturday. - Uvidíme SA V Sobotu! [See I SA with Satot]
What? - ČO? [Cho]
What is it? - ČO Je To? [Cho yeah]
What is this for? - Na čo to je? [on Cho then]
What is it done from? - z čoho je to vyrobené? [W White Ye. Vobenee]
What happened? - ČO SA STALO? [Cho SA has become]
What's happening? - ČO SA Deje? [Cho Sa Dae]
What are we talking about? - o Čo SA Jedná? [About Cho Sa Uhna]
What should I do with it? - ČO s Tým Mám Robbiť? [Cho with Tim Mom Reliable]
What do you want? - ČO Si Prajete? [Cho Si Priaue]
I need ... - Potrelbijem ... [Polebuyem]
What are you looking for? - ČO Hľadáte? [Cho Hlyadate]
I'm looking for ... - Hľadám ... [hlyards]
What's new? - ČO JE NOVÉHO? [Cho Ye Novago]
What's your name? - AKO SA VOLÁŠ? [AKO SA VOLASH]
What is your name? - AKO SA VOLÁTE? [AKO SA VITE]
My name is ... - Volám SA ... [Will Ca]
Sorry, are you talking in Slovak? - Prepáčte, Hovorite Po Slovensky? [PREPACHTE SPASHED FOR SLAND]
I'm not talking to Slovak. - Nehovorim Po Slovensky. [Non-Study]
It's good. - Je to Dobre. [IE that Dose]
How much does it cost? - Koľko to Stojí? [How much stood]
Where can I find...? - KDE SA Dá Nájsť ... [KDE SA YES NAP]
I dont know. - Neviem. [Naviam]
I know. - VIEM. [VIEM]
I understand. - Rozumiem. [Rosemiam]
I do not understand. - Nerozumiem [Narroimiam]
How did you know about ... - Odkiaľ Ste Sa Dozvedeli O [Doskal Steat Ca Doszhedeli About]
Where are you from? - Odkiaľ Ste? [CHEKAL STE]
I need help. - Potrebujem Pomoc. [Polebuyem grooves]

1. Emphasis most often drops to the first syllable.
2. Consults: ď [DI], Č [H], ľ [l], ň [n], ť [th], Š [Ш]. Accordingly, the syllables: ľa [la], ťa [te], ďa [DI].
3. Diacrites over vowels (for example, Á) means a long sound.
4. Letter "E \u003d" "\u003e 5. The letter H is read as in the Russian word" Wow! ", I.e. fricatable.
Slovak language is very close to Czech, but they are far from being identical. Modern Czech schoolchildren already requires translation from Slovak on their native - otherwise they understand only part of the text as if ... "\u003e

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Glosbe dictionaries are unique. On Glosbe you can see not only translation into Russian or Slovak language: We provide examples of use, showing dozens of examples of transferring proposals containing translated phrases. This is called "translation memory" and very useful for translators. You can see not only translation of the word, but also how it behaves in the sentence. Our translation memory comes mainly from parallel buildings that were made by people. Such a translation of proposals is a very useful addition to the dictionaries.


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