Easter cakes with meringue. Cottage cheese cake with Italian meringue Meringue on protein cake

Hi all. Here is the long-awaited post about meringue. You will definitely like this recipe, because from the three ingredients we will make an incredible beauty. Moreover, we will let the finished product do two useful things at once. We will turn part of the meringue into meringue, and leave part to decorate Easter cakes.

In my last article, I already shared, and promised that I would make a separate post about the icing and decoration of the Easter cake. There were many questions on Vkontakte, with which I covered the Easter cakes. The answer is, I am extremely against raw protein, at least some heat treatment of the eggs must take place. But, this is purely my opinion.

So, how to make icing on Easter cakes at home, a recipe with a photo step by step.

If suddenly a kitchen scale has not yet appeared at home, then take 50-60 grams of sugar for 1 protein. The alignment is this - protein to sugar 1: 2. If you have eggs of the first category, then the protein weighs an average of 25 grams, if the egg is selected - 30 grams.


  1. 100 gr protein
  2. 200 gr sugar
  3. teaspoon lemon juice (optional)
  4. gel coloring (if you want multi-colored icing or meringue)


Place a small pot of water on the stove. Water should be poured a little, so it boils faster. We will cook our meringue in a steam bath. Steam - this means the bottom of the bowl with the protein mass should in no case touch the water. To do this, it is better to take a smaller saucepan, and a larger bowl.

In order for the protein to whip well, there are several rules. The bowl and beaters must be dry and free of grease. It is better to wipe them with vinegar or lemon juice beforehand. By the way, plastic containers hold fat very well on their surface, so it is better to beat in a metal or glass bowl.

Mix protein and sugar. For this recipe, the size of the sugar grains is not critical, since all the sugar will dissolve in the protein during heating in a steam bath. But if we were making meringue without a bath, then the sugar would have to be taken finely crystalline or completely replaced with powder.

As soon as the water in the saucepan boils, reduce the heat on the stove to medium and put our bowl on top of the saucepan.

With constant stirring, we need to bring our mass to a temperature of 65º. If you do not have a thermometer, then in time it is about 5-7 minutes on fire.

As soon as the protein mass has reached this temperature, remove the bowl from the heat and begin to beat the mixture with a mixer. I have a stationary mixer, so I poured the whole mass into the mixer bowl. We start beating immediately at high speed.

In the middle of whipping, I added literally a teaspoon of lemon juice. Some pastry chefs also add a little cornstarch near the very end of the whipping, for greater stability. In principle, I am satisfied with the result without it.

Beat in time, too, for 5-7 minutes, until dense peaks. The mass will become shiny and smooth. If you turn the bowl over, the mass will not budge. There should be such a stable beak on the corolla. Whipping time depends on the power of your mixer, focus on the peaks.

Further, if you want to color the meringue in different colors, then divide it and put it in different bowls. I added 2 drops of dye and gently mixed with a silicone spatula. I have our Russian dye - Top Decor. But, it is quite possible to do without dyes.

We shift the meringue into a pastry bag with a nozzle and place roses or “dome” on a baking sheet covered with parchment, in principle, here you can play with the shape as you like. It is necessary to deposit immediately, otherwise the meringue may seize.

Here are the fittings I have.

We put it to dry in a preheated oven at 90 ° in convection mode for 2-3 hours, the time depends on the size of the meringue. Ready meringues should easily move away from the parchment.

If you want to make meringue on a stick, then there are 2 ways, either immediately put it on a stick, or insert a skewer 10 minutes after the start of baking. I always put the meringue right on the stick.

For those who have a gas oven or an electric oven that does not have such a low temperature, you will have to dry with the door ajar. To start, try making white meringue, without dyes. If it does not change its color by the end of drying, then you are doing everything right. If the meringue begins to darken, then your oven heats up too much, you need to somehow reduce the heat.

I left part of the meringue to decorate the Easter cake, just cooled on top! Easter cake covered with this cream with a spatula. The meringue keeps its shape perfectly, you can create fancy patterns, curls on it, or you can simply cover it with an even hat on top.

And on top of the Easter cakes you can decorate with our meringues, that's what happens in the end.

Very beautiful cakes in gentle colors. Meringue, by the way, on such a cream is very well preserved. Just don't store it in the fridge.

And the meringue on the cap of the Easter cake hardens for several hours, it does not crumble and is very, very tasty. So I advise you to make a layer of this glaze thicker.

Enjoy your meal.

Greetings! Before Easter, the question often arises of how to decorate Easter cake, or how to cook the meringue correctly. There are many types of different sweets, but I want to spend a minimum of money and effort. This is what our story will be about. Today we will make meringue. It can be said to be universal. After all, if you do not use it completely for icing Easter cake or cupcake, you do not need to throw the leftovers into the bucket. They can be used to make meringues.


This recipe is suitable for those people who have a negative attitude towards the use of raw protein in food, which is fraught with such an unpleasant ailment as salmonulosis.

Yes, we will use raw proteins, as in a regular protein cream or icing, but in our case the protein will undergo heat treatment in a water bath. In some recipes, such a cream is called "wet meringue".

Therefore, you should prepare a small saucepan and a large metal bowl in advance. Compliance with the size of the container in this case will allow you to make the correct effect of the water bath.

It will depend on the fact that the container in which you will beat the proteins will not be able to come into contact with the boiling liquid. This will allow the cream to go through any temperature treatment and at the same time not boil.

It's important to keep the proportions. You can use special kitchen scales, but if there are none among your kitchen utensils, we will give you approximate proportions.

So, the weight of the protein in the eggs of the first category is about 25 grams, but in the selected ones it weighs a little more - 30 grams ... In the future, calculate the ratio of egg white and sugar as a part to two.

In this recipe, it is not necessary to use powdered sugar, because as a result, when heated, the characteristic crystals will melt.

You will need

  1. 4 proteins or 100g., depending on the category of eggs.
  2. Sugar sand 200 gr.
  3. Lemon juice. You can use the purchased one, which is sold already packaged in small plastic bottles.
  4. Food dye. You will need it only if you decide to make the glaze multi-colored. Give preference to gel. It is not recommended to color the meringue with berry juices, otherwise you will not achieve the desired consistency.

Cooking method

  1. It is worth noting that we will need not only to beat the whites with sugar until smooth, but also to achieve a thick mass. The choice of dishes also has a lot to do with the final result. It must be clean and preferably fat-free.
  2. Place a saucepan on the stove for a water bath. Wait until the water boils, and reduce the heat to a minimum. Since we will beat for more than one minute, it is important that the liquid does not boil away.
  3. Pour sugar into a bowl with proteins and mix well. Try to carefully separate the constituent eggs from each other, otherwise, if the yolk gets in, all your efforts may be in vain.
  4. We send the cup to the pan with water and, constantly stirring with a whisk, leave for about 7 minutes. If you have a cooking thermometer, you can remove the bowl when the mixture reaches 65 degrees.
  5. The water bath stage is over. We proceed directly to whipping with a mixer. You do not have to start with a low speed, you can immediately switch to the most powerful one.
  6. After a few minutes, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. This is not a prerequisite, but most confectioners add it. You can also add some corn starch at the end.
    It will help you achieve a more stable consistency. But if you decide to add starch to the meringue, then use only corn starch. Unlike potato, it has a more delicate structure.
  7. Now the most important, and one might say, the final stage remains - to bring our cream to the appearance of a peak. When it is ready, you will understand by the form in which it will remain on the whisks of the mixer.
    You can also test doneness by turning the bowl upside down. If you're not afraid, of course. The finished meringue will remain in place.
  8. If you set out to color the glaze, divide it into several bowls, depending on the color scheme. And add some dye.

We decorate Easter cakes

Well, here our icing for Easter cakes is ready. It is convenient to apply it with a rubber spatula, spreading the meringue over the surface.

Due to the fact that the glaze holds its shape perfectly, you can experiment with patterns on the surface of your product.

The main thing do not forget that you can apply meringue only on an already cooled cake.


The meringue that you have left after decorating pastries can be converted into meringue. There is no difficulty in preparing this sweet.

Preheat the oven first. The temperature should not exceed 90 degrees. You will not so much bake the meringue as dry it.

If you have an old oven or an electric oven that does not allow you to precisely control the heat, do not despair. You can also prepare meringues by simply opening the door.

Prepare a baking sheet. It must be lined with baking paper in size. It will prevent the treat from sticking to the surface.

Well, now let's get to the fun part. In order to put the meringue on parchment you you need a piping bag. For convenience, place it in a glass, wrap the edges outward and only then fill with cream.

For confectioners in our time, many interesting devices have been invented. One of them is culinary nozzles, which, when planted, immediately give a shape identical to a flower.

If you have one, then it will be interesting to make a flower a la candy by inserting a wooden skewer into the meringue.

You can do this right away, or after a few minutes already in the oven. As you like.

I would like to note that the preparation of meringue is not too fast. The reason is that already ready, it is not advisable to immediately get it out of the oven. When it is ready, let it cool inside. At least 30 minutes.

And make sure that the bezels do not change color. If the oven is too hot, the whites will turn brown, and the colors may even lose their color.

In addition to a separate treat, meringues can also be decorated with Easter cakes. It will be beautiful and original.

Enjoy your meal! And have a great holidays!

Easter cakes are traditional pastries for Easter, which each housewife bakes and decorates in her own way. Today I have prepared a master class on cooking Easter cake decorated with small multi-colored meringues.


150 g butter 250 g sugar 250 g cream cheese (cream cheese, kaimak, mascarpone) 3 eggs 300 g flour 13 g baking powder

Glaze: 100 g protein 300 g sugar 80 g water

We will also need cake molds: they can be large or small, according to your taste.


Tip: All ingredients should be at room temperature.

Preparing the dough:

1. Beat butter with sugar for 5 minutes.

Add cheese and beat until completely combined.

2. Add eggs one at a time to the mass, each time kneading the dough well.

3. Sift flour and baking powder and beat everything well again.

Optionally, you can add cinnamon, vanilla, cardamom, raisins, lemon or orange zest.

4. Put the dough into the cake molds 3/4 of the height of the mold and bake in a preheated oven for 35-40 minutes at 180 degrees.

We determine readiness with a wooden stick - it should remain dry.

Preparing the frosting:

5. Beat the protein until fluffy foam.

6. Boil the syrup from sugar and water to 118-121 degrees and pour it into the whipped protein in a thin stream, without stopping whipping the mass.

7. Beat the meringue at medium speed until fluffy, shiny, strong and holds its shape well.

How to decorate Easter cakes? Most often, pasochki are decorated with meringue or white Easter icing, because it is elegant, light, bright, decorative sprinkles hold well on it and patterns with sugar pencils look beautiful.

Easter icing can be bought ready-made in bags: just add egg white and beat. But you can also make your own at home!

1. How to make meringue for Easter cake

In the dough for Easter cakes, only yolks are needed. But the squirrels remain. Here they are useful for decorating apiaries!
Decorating the tops of meringue cakes is the easiest, classic way, as our mothers and grandmothers did.
Take 1-2 egg whites and 0.5 - 1 cup of sugar, respectively, and beat with a whisk or mixer until fluffy, thick foam.
Brush the tops of the cakes with whipped egg whites and put them in a hot oven for a few minutes to dry the meringue.
If you hold a little - the meringue will be white and soft, if you hold it longer - it will become brittle and ruddy, but be careful not to dry the apiaries themselves.
Of course, the eggs must be only the freshest! After all, meringue undergoes very little heat treatment.

2. Cooking real Easter icing.

This method is basically similar to the first, but a little more complicated. We take:
- 1 egg white;
- half a glass of powdered sugar;
- on the tip of a teaspoon of citric acid.

The composition of store glaze just includes all these components, in addition, starch (thickener). I do not know the proportions of its addition, but I think it is possible without starch.

First, beat the egg white with a mixer, as for a biscuit: first at low speed, then at medium and at high speed, until a thick, strong foam forms.
Let the mixer rest for a minute. 🙂 Then, slowly, with teaspoons, add powdered sugar, continuing to beat. You can also use sugar, but if you want glaze just like store-bought, smooth, smooth, silky, without sugar, then powder is best!
At the end of whipping, when all the sugar has been added, add a little citric acid.
With the finished glaze, immediately grease the tops of the Easter cakes.

3. Ready Easter icing.

The easiest and most modern way is to buy a bag of ready-made glaze and beat it with a mixer with 1 egg white. We also beat like a biscuit: first at low speeds, gradually picking up speed.

We apply the glaze on the pastries.

We wait 2-3 minutes, and only then sprinkle with sprinkles or draw with sugar pencils. Why not right away? Because the icing is still wet and the paint will start to melt. But do not miss the moment: the sprinkle will not hold on to the dried glaze.

Beautiful and delicious cakes for you! 😀

Great Lent is coming to an end, on the threshold of the Bright Feast of Easter. Housewives work tirelessly in the kitchen: they paint eggs, knead the dough, and prepare the icing for the Easter cake. On such a solemn and joyful day, everything should be at the highest level. But when it comes to icing, the opinions of women are divided: someone prefers to cook it according to the “classic” recipe, someone buys it ready-made in the store ... What is the icing for Easter cake and how to cook it? Let's try to figure it out.

Types of glaze for Easter cake

Cooking gives modern women room for imagination even in such a seemingly insignificant issue as the preparation of glaze. There are different recipes and methods. Glaze happens:

  1. "From a bag" - you can buy it in the store;
  2. Classic protein;
  3. No eggs (lemon);
  4. From cocoa;
  5. Chocolate;
  6. Berry.

And many, many more different recipes, variations, ideas - there is where to roam.

The finished mixture is sold in grocers and pastry departments of supermarkets. It is inexpensive, but from one bag you get a lot of the finished product - it’s enough to cover the Easter cakes with everything, and there will be more left.

Preparing purchased glaze is simple and quick. For its preparation you will need:

  • A bag of purchased glaze powder - 1 piece;
  • Egg white - 1 piece.

Cooking process:

  1. Whisk the egg white until stiff peaks form and begin to gradually add the contents of the sachet.
  2. At the same time, do not stop whipping the mass. It is most convenient to use a mixer (manually achieving the ideal consistency is unlikely to work).
  3. When the foam becomes fluffy and strong, like meringue mixture, spread it on the cakes (it hardens pretty quickly) and leave for a few minutes.
  4. When the icing has set, sprinkle the top with confectionery powder, ground nuts, or lemon zest.

Classic egg white frosting recipe

This icing recipe for Easter cake is one of the most beloved and used by modern housewives. It is quite simple and does not require long preparations.


  • Egg whites - 2 pieces;
  • Sugar - 1 cup;
  • A little salt.

Advice! Grind the sugar into powdered sugar in a coffee grinder. This will significantly reduce the cooking time, and the glaze will turn out more magnificent and tender..

Cooking process:

  1. Refrigerate the whites. You can put them in the refrigerator for half an hour.
  2. Mix the proteins with salt and beat until a strong foam is formed.
  3. Start gradually adding sugar (powdered sugar) and beat until it is completely dissolved in the egg mass.
  4. As a result, you should get a strong thick foam. It must be carefully distributed over the tops of the Easter cakes and left to harden.

This icing recipe for Easter cake is very similar to the previous one, but undoubtedly better, since all the ingredients are natural and beyond doubt.

Lemon watering without eggs

Not everyone is willing to take risks and eat raw eggs, and someone cannot do this due to habits, attitudes or body characteristics. It is for such picky people, allergy sufferers and vegetarians, that this recipe is intended. It is very simple: even a novice hostess can make lemon icing for Easter cake.


  • Powdered sugar - 1-1.5 tablespoons;
  • Lemon juice - 1 spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Mix powder gradually with lemon juice. It is better to add juice to powder, and not vice versa.
  2. When the mass becomes homogeneous, evenly apply it on Easter cakes with a thin layer.
  3. You can immediately sprinkle with confectionery powder on top, as the lemon glaze hardens very quickly.

Homemade cocoa frosting

If you don't already know how to make "homemade chocolate" without chocolate, it's time to learn. Such icing is suitable not only for decorating Easter cake, but also for home-made cookies, pies, cakes and other pastries.


  • Cocoa - 5 spoons "with a slide";
  • Sugar - 0.5 cups;
  • Milk - 5-6 tablespoons;
  • Butter - 0.5 packs;
  • Flour - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking process:

  1. To prepare chocolate icing, you will need a small saucepan. Mix sugar and cocoa in it.
  2. Slowly pour in the milk, while remembering to stir the mass so that no lumps appear. It is better to use a mixer for this, but you can get by with an ordinary whisk or spoon.
  3. When the mixture becomes more or less homogeneous, put the saucepan on a small fire.
  4. When the milk boils, start introducing butter into the mixture (it is better to cut it into cubes and add it gradually). Don't forget to stir the frosting.
  5. At the end of cooking, add some flour to thicken the mixture.

That's all! Homemade chocolate icing without chocolate is ready. It should turn out homogeneous, shiny, rather liquid and without lumps. Spread it on your cookies right away. For speedy hardening, baking can be put in a cool place.

Advice! Experiment with proportions. You can reduce or increase the amount of cocoa and sugar in the recipe, depending on your own preference. Milk can be replaced with cream - this will give the glaze a richer creamy taste. You can also add some coffee to the mixture.

Chocolate glaze

There are many variations of the recipe for chocolate icing for Easter cake. It is made from white and dark chocolate, butter, cocoa, nuts, coffee, honey and other ingredients are added, which give the dish different shades of taste and color. Consider two of the most delicious chocolate icing recipes that you can easily prepare for the Bright Easter Holiday.

Chocolate glaze with condensed milk


  • Chocolate (dark or milk) - 1 pack;
  • Butter - 4 tablespoons;
  • Condensed milk - 4 tablespoons.

Advice! Chocolate can be replaced with regular cocoa. It will require three spoons.

Cooking process:

  1. Melt the chocolate in a water bath (wait until it has completely melted, and only then start stirring).
  2. Add butter to melted chocolate and, without removing from the bath, mix until a homogeneous mixture is formed.
  3. If you decide to use cocoa instead of chocolate, then first melt the butter and add cocoa powder to it.
  4. Enter the condensed milk into the resulting mass and stir again.
  5. Remove the mixture from the bath and put on fire.
  6. The icing will be ready as soon as the first boiling bubbles appear on its surface.

Chocolate hazelnut glaze

Add nuts or not, you can decide for yourself. If you do not like this product, just cross it out of the recipe, and do everything else as it is written.


  • Chocolate (white or dark) - 1 pack;
  • Cream - 125 ml;
  • Nuts to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Grind nuts (if you decide to use them) into flour. Control the degree of grinding to your own taste.
  2. Break the chocolate, put it in a saucepan and put it in a water bath.
  3. Immediately add the cream and melt the mixture until it is smooth (until the chocolate has completely melted).
  4. Remove the mass from the water bath and stir in the nut flour.

Watering for Easter cake is ready! You can let it cool and thicken a little, and then apply it on Easter cakes or other pastries. If you still have ground nuts, you can decorate the top of the cake covered with icing with them or use a special sprinkle.

berry glaze

But this is something new! Berry glaze is prepared extremely rarely, but in taste it will not yield to either chocolate or lemon.

Berry glaze can be prepared from both frozen and fresh berries. You can also take a berry rubbed with sugar and “closed” in a jar, but then the amount of other ingredients will change.


  • Berry juice - 4 tablespoons;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 cup;
  • Warm water - 1 spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. Sift the powder through a fine sieve.
  2. Enter juice and water into it.
  3. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Berry watering is ready! Now she can grease Easter cakes and other pastries, and decorate with berries, powder or nuts on top.


If you can't decide what icing to decorate your Easter cakes with, don't hesitate. Prepare portioned cakes and grease them with different waterings. Let there be cakes with chocolate, and berry cakes, and, of course, a traditional cake with a protein crown on the table. Your guests will definitely appreciate this variety.