Riddles for the game green pharmacy in cards. Didactic game "green pharmacy"

Educational game "Green Pharmacy" for children of the preparatory group Prepared by Zh.V. Kazantseva educator of the highest qualification category MDOU CRR-d / s No. 10 "Forget-me-not" town Lobnya

Purpose: To develop ecological thinking based on ideas about the “kingdom” of medicinal plants. To develop the cognitive activity of children in the process of forming ideas about medicinal plants. Consolidation of the acquired knowledge about the properties of medicinal plants. To form the ability and desire to actively protect and protect nature. Equipment: Screen Laptop Window blinds

Hello guys! I'm Dr. Neboleukin! I invite you to the forest!

The forest is like a fabulous kingdom, Here medicines grow all around, In every herb, in every branch - And medicine and pills. I know all medicinal plants without exception. Well, what and how to treat, I can teach you!

We will find plants in the forest that are suitable for treatment! This is the yarrow. Each leaf of it consists of many tiny leaves, and each leaf has openwork edges. Yarrow is used to stop bleeding.

This is a mother - and - stepmother. The top of her leaf is smooth and cold to the touch, while the bottom is soft and warm like velvet. The leaves of the mother and stepmother are dried, brewed tea and drunk from a cough.

This is a plantain. The plantain has strong leaves with elastic veins. Thanks to them, he is not afraid of trampling and grows where it is difficult for other plants to take root: on the side of the roads or right on the road along which people walk and cars drive.

This is nettle. Nettle leaves are rich in vitamins. And nettle also contains substances that kill microbes. A decoction of nettle leaves is used to strengthen hair.

This is a rose hip. Rosehip infusion is very tasty and healthy. It contains vitamin C. Drink it, and then you won't get the flu!

Now I'll check how you learned my lesson! 1. A traveler often wounds his legs - Here is a healer by the road. 3. It burns, not fire, Evil, but heals people. Guess my riddles and find out which plants are hidden under the leaves. 2.Smooth leaf on top, But with a bike lining! 4. Somewhere in the dense thicket, Behind the barbed fence, In the coveted place There is a magic first-aid kit: There are red pills Hanging on a branch.

Which of these colors is medicinal and cures cough? This is a mother-and-stepmother!

Which of these plants is not medicinal? This is a forget-me-not!

Look carefully at these drawings and tell me what the artist was wrong about.

Find a pair. 1.What medicinal herb will help with abrasions? 2. What medicinal plant will stop bleeding? 3. What medicinal plant will strengthen the immune system? Well done!

Lander Chesnoluk Romachekh Well done! Guys, guess from which two medicinal plants Dr. Neboleukin grew one.

Well done boys! You have learned my lesson perfectly. But plants want to give you a command that you must remember, and then nature will be grateful to you. I saw a young sprout, Do not touch or tear. Come on by, smile. Years will pass and a healing herb will grow there. Protect the green forest, do not offend anyone! Do not destroy the trees, save the flowers in the forest! Love flowers, forests, Expanse fields - Everything that is called your Motherland!

Goodbye, guys! Let our game help you on your exciting journey into the world of wildlife, in your searches and discoveries!

The following literature was used to create the presentation: L.P. Simonova, Keys from Nature - M .: Agar, 1997 L.I. Grekhova, In alliance with nature - M .: Ileksa, Stavropol: Service School, 2001 O.M. Maslennikova, A.A. Filippenko, Environmental projects in kindergarten - Volgograd: Teacher, 2009 M.M. Markovskaya, Nature Corner in Kindergarten - M .: Education, 1989 Children's Encyclopedia, Why? Why? and for what? - M .: Pilgrim, 1997

Slide number 1
There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a natural temple
With the woods reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in heat and cold.
Come in here
Be a little bit heart
Do not desecrate her shrines.

Slide number 2
Here in the forest thickets,
Where everything is so sweet since childhood
Where clean air
It's nice to breathe like that
Eat in herbs and flowers
Healing power
For everyone who knows them
Solve the mystery.

Slide number 3
The forest is like a fairy kingdom
There are medicines growing all around.
In every grass, in every branch
Both medicine and pills.

1. Contest "Mysterious" Slide №4
1. Breathes and grows, but cannot walk. (Plant)

2 the kingdoms of the dark tenants
Crawling to different ends
Drinking moisture tirelessly
All plants are allowed to live. (Roots)

3. Birdies perched on branches in spring
And they mutter something when they meet each other.
In the spring and summer they sit without flying,
In winter you look - the whole flock has disappeared. (Leaves)

4 I look so much like a rose
Isn't that good
But my fruits
Suitable for everyone. (Rosehip)

5. Winks at you stealthily
The flashlight is sweet from the grass. (Strawberry)

6.With these fluffy balls
Parachutists will fly. (Dandelion)

Carries a dandelion
Yellow sarafan.
Grow up, dress up
In a yellow dress.

7 .. Every leaf of mine loves trails
By the side of the road
But one day to good people
He helped to heal the wounds. (Plantain)

8. Sisters are standing in the field:
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

2. Game "Good advice" Slide number 5

The Seven-Blossom Flower will give you 7 good tips.

Group work - 7 groups. Children take one petal at a time and guess which plant they are talking about.

1 petal (slide No.)
- Hair is washed with broth.
- It is a good styptic
- Sleep sends the sick.
- Stops nasty vomiting.
- They say about me that I alone replace seven doctors. (NETTLE)

2 petal (slide No.
- Heals wounds, cuts.
- It is used for stomach pain.

3 petal (slide No.)
- White peas on a green leg.
- Drops are taken for heart pain.
- A sedative. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

4 petal (slide No.)
- Yellow eyes, white eyelashes.
- It is used to gargle with sore throat.
- Hair is washed with broth. (CHAMOMILE)

5 petal (slide No.)
If a cough has tortured you,
The inflammation has begun
Make friends with me soon
I promise everything will pass. (MOTHER AND STEPMOTHER)

6 petal (slide No.)
- My infusion is drunk for prevention, it is very tasty and healthy
- It contains vitamin C. (ROSE)

7 petal (slide No.)
Fever, headaches, poor appetite.
Drink a decoction of my leaves
You will forget about them instantly. (BRUSNIKA)

Playing with the audience
First I will ask a question,
And you think about it seriously
Think about it. One out of two -
“Yes” or “no” - answer out loud.
If you are resourceful, in full
Rhyme will help, but it
So tricky with us
Which can be confusing at times.

Say: welcoming the dawn, does the mustachioed catfish sing? (not)
- Do geese know how to swim when cutting through the surface of the pond? (Yes)
- And if the sun warms the snow, will it become cold ice? (not)
-Answer, maybe mignonette bloom in the garden in winter? (not)
- Can a crocodile collect a bouquet of white lilies? (not)
- Is the camel able, give an answer, to go three days without food? (Yes)
- Are those who always work respected by the people? (Yes)
-In the end it's time to ask: did you like the game? (Yes)

3. Solving the crossword puzzle "Recognize me by sight" by pictures. (slide number)

4. Contest "Connoisseurs of Nature"

Quiz. "About green forests and forest wonders"

 Why do the lower branches of the pine die off, but the spruce does not? (Pine is a light-loving tree)
 Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden - blooms in summer)
 What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting)
 What is the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly, because in a day it eats food several times more than it weighs)
 What birds mutter in the spring “I will buy a hoodie, sell a fur coat”? (Kosachi, black grouse are males, the words are similar to imitation of his song - muttering)
 What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal to us? (Bird nests are clearly visible)
 Are the sighted or the blind born as rabbits? (Sighted)
 Who is the cuckoo's female or male? (Male)
 Which animal grows teeth every day? (All rodents)
 Do mosquitoes have teeth? (Yes - 22)
 Which animal was given 2 monuments? (To the frog)
 Are rhinos found in forests? (Yes, rhinoceros beetle)
 A herb for 99 diseases? (St. John's wort)
 Colorful mushrooms? (Russula)
 Is the tree a symbol of Russia? (Birch tree)
 What is the name of the squirrel's nest? (Gaino)
 Which cubs are born “naked” and have a cover after a few hours? (Hedgehog)
 What insects do they clap their hands with? (Mosquitoes, moth)
 Which plants are insect predators? (Sundew)
 The name of which plant says where it lives? (Plantain)
 What wood is used to make matches? (Aspen)

 What can be used in the forest instead of tea leaves?
A - buttercup leaves,
B - henbane leaves,
B - strawberry leaves,
G - blueberry leaves

 Make the name of a profession related to nature out of letters and underline an extra word.
goleog evil
kinatob cardiogol

 The name of which primrose consists of a particle, a preposition, a sentry box? (no-booth)

 The name of which spring primrose has 2 prepositions? (Mimosa)

 What flowers have human names?
A - Ivan - yes Marya
B - Cornflower
B - Chamomile
D - Carnation

5. How to collect medicinal plants? (slide number)
Flowers at the beginning of flowering;
Leaves - before flowering or early flowering;
Roots and rhizomes - in spring or autumn.
Bark - in spring, at the beginning of sap flow.
All raw materials are collected in dry sunny weather when the dew dries up.
Dry under a canopy, avoiding direct sunlight, spread in a thin layer.
Turn over while drying.

6. Protect nature!

Scene "White Cherry" (after Z. Alexandrova)
(the girl goes and reads a poem)

Girl 1 (pointing to the tree)
The bird cherry blossomed near the stream,
In the April sun
Whispering branches.
Light as a cloud
As clean as snow.
Every person rejoiced at the tree.
The girls came
Sit under it.
And she could bloom
Many, many days.
(two girls pass by)

Girl 2 (admiring the bird cherry)
- Whose bird cherry is this?

Girl 3
Yes, she's a draw.
White Snow Maiden
Near the stream.
(There is a group of schoolchildren. Looking around, they break off all the branches from the tree)

Girl 1
The girls came running
But there is no snow maiden
Only lying in the dust
A fading bouquet.
And there was a bird cherry
Pure as snow
Rejoiced at the tree

Flowers disappear on the ground
This is more noticeable every year.
Less joy and beauty
Leaves us every summer.
Revelation of meadow flowers
We hardly understood.
We trampled them carelessly
And madly, mercilessly tore.
The insane "stop!"
It seemed to us: everything is small, everything is small.
And then in the crowd of the city
We dragged armfuls tiredly.
And did not see how from under your feet
Silently, breathing barely - barely,
the cornflower looked doomed,
the carnations looked hopelessly.

I'm ready to argue with the whole world,
I'm ready to swear on my head
That there are eyes of all colors
And they look at us with you.
In the hour of our meditations and worries,
In the bitter hour of trouble and failure
I saw: flowers, how people cry
And the dew is dropped on the sand.

We know these plants
We care and protect
To BOOK Red they
Long ago entered.
We tear them not for fun -
We will take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make medicines.

Guys, who knows what the Red Book of Nature is?
The representatives of nature included in this book must be protected with particular care.

What rules of friends of nature did you remember in this meadow?

Intellectual and cognitive game "Green Pharmacy" for 3 - 4 grades

Prepared by: Bondarenko I.A., Fedorova L.D.

Slide number 1
There is just a temple
There is a temple of science
And there is also a natural temple
With the woods reaching out
Towards the sun and winds.
He is holy at any time of the day,
Open to us in heat and cold.
Come in here
Be a little bit heart
Do not desecrate her shrines.

Slide number 2
Here in the forest thickets,
Where everything is so sweet since childhood
Where clean air
It's nice to breathe like that
Eat in herbs and flowers
Healing power
For everyone who knows them
Solve the mystery.

Slide number 3
The forest is like a fairy kingdom
There are medicines growing all around.
In every grass, in every branch
Both medicine and pills.

1. Contest "Mysterious" Slide №4
1. Breathes and grows, but cannot walk. (Plant)

2 the kingdoms of the dark tenants
Crawling to different ends
Drinking moisture tirelessly
All plants are allowed to live. (Roots)

3. Birdies perched on branches in spring
And they mutter something when they meet each other.
In the spring and summer they sit without flying,
In winter you look - the whole flock has disappeared. (Leaves)

4 I look so much like a rose
Isn't that good
But my fruits
Suitable for everyone. (Rosehip)

5. Winks at you stealthily
The flashlight is sweet from the grass. (Strawberry)

6.With these fluffy balls
Parachutists will fly. (Dandelion)

Carries a dandelion
Yellow sarafan.
Grow up, dress up
In a yellow dress.

7 .. Every leaf of mine loves trails
By the side of the road
But one day to good people
He helped to heal the wounds. (Plantain)

8. Sisters are standing in the field:
Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

2. Game "Good advice" Slide number 5

The Seven-Blossom Flower will give you 7 good tips.

Group work - 7 groups. Children take one petal at a time and guess which plant they are talking about.

1 petal (slide No.)
- Hair is washed with broth.
- It is a good styptic
- Sleep sends the sick.
- Stops nasty vomiting.
- They say about me that I alone replace seven doctors. (NETTLE)

2 petal (slide No.
- Heals wounds, cuts.
- It is used for stomach pain.

3 petal (slide No.)
- White peas on a green leg.
- Drops are taken for heart pain.
- A sedative. (LILY OF THE VALLEY)

4 petal (slide No.)
- Yellow eyes, white eyelashes.
- It is used to gargle with sore throat.
- Hair is washed with broth. (CHAMOMILE)

5 petal (slide No.)
If a cough has tortured you,
The inflammation has begun
Make friends with me soon
I promise everything will pass. (MOTHER AND STEPMOTHER)

6 petal (slide No.)
- My infusion is drunk for prevention, it is very tasty and healthy
- It contains vitamin C. (ROSE)

7 petal (slide No.)
Fever, headaches, poor appetite.
Drink a decoction of my leaves
You will forget about them instantly. (BRUSNIKA)

Playing with the audience
First I will ask a question,
And you think about it seriously
Think about it. One out of two -
“Yes” or “no” - answer out loud.
If you are resourceful, in full
Rhyme will help, but it
So tricky with us
Which can be confusing at times.

Say: welcoming the dawn, does the mustachioed catfish sing? (not)
- Do geese know how to swim when cutting through the surface of the pond? (Yes)
- And if the sun warms the snow, will it become cold ice? (not)
-Answer, maybe mignonette bloom in the garden in winter? (not)
- Can a crocodile collect a bouquet of white lilies? (not)
- Is the camel able, give an answer, to go three days without food? (Yes)
- Are those who always work respected by the people? (Yes)
-In the end it's time to ask: did you like the game? (Yes)

3. Solving the crossword puzzle "Recognize me by sight" by pictures. (slide number)

4. Contest "Connoisseurs of Nature"

Quiz. "About green forests and forest wonders"

 Why do the lower branches of the pine die off, but the spruce does not? (Pine is a light-loving tree)
 Which tree blooms the latest? (Linden - blooms in summer)
 What kind of hunting is allowed in the forest at any time of the year? (Photo hunting)
 What is the most voracious predator on the planet? (Dragonfly, because in a day it eats food several times more than it weighs)
 What birds mutter in the spring “I will buy a hoodie, sell a fur coat”? (Kosachi, black grouse are males, the words are similar to imitation of his song - muttering)
 What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal to us? (Bird nests are clearly visible)
 Are the sighted or the blind born as rabbits? (Sighted)
 Who is the cuckoo's female or male? (Male)
 Which animal grows teeth every day? (All rodents)
 Do mosquitoes have teeth? (Yes - 22)
 Which animal was given 2 monuments? (To the frog)
 Are rhinos found in forests? (Yes, rhinoceros beetle)
 A herb for 99 diseases? (St. John's wort)
 Colorful mushrooms? (Russula)
 Is the tree a symbol of Russia? (Birch tree)
 What is the name of the squirrel's nest? (Gaino)
 Which cubs are born “naked” and have a cover after a few hours? (Hedgehog)
 What insects do they clap their hands with? (Mosquitoes, moth)
 Which plants are insect predators? (Sundew)
 The name of which plant says where it lives? (Plantain)
 What wood is used to make matches? (Aspen)

 What can be used in the forest instead of tea leaves?
A - buttercup leaves,
B - henbane leaves,
B - strawberry leaves,
G - blueberry leaves

 Make the name of a profession related to nature out of letters and underline an extra word.
goleog evil
kinatob cardiogol

 The name of which primrose consists of a particle, a preposition, a sentry box? (no-booth)

 The name of which spring primrose has 2 prepositions? (Mimosa)

 What flowers have human names?
A - Ivan - yes Marya
B - Cornflower
B - Chamomile
D - Carnation

5. How do you collect medicinal plants? (slide number)
Flowers at the beginning of flowering;
Leaves - before flowering or early flowering;
Roots and rhizomes - in spring or autumn.
Bark - in spring, at the beginning of sap flow.
All raw materials are collected in dry sunny weather when the dew dries up.
Dry under a canopy, avoiding direct sunlight, spread in a thin layer.
Turn over while drying.

6. Protect nature!

Scene "White Cherry" (after Z. Alexandrova)
(the girl goes and reads a poem)

Girl 1 (pointing to the tree)
The bird cherry blossomed near the stream,
In the April sun
Whispering branches.
Light as a cloud
As clean as snow.
Every person rejoiced at the tree.
The girls came
Sit under it.
And she could bloom
Many, many days.
(two girls pass by)

Girl 2 (admiring the bird cherry)
- Whose bird cherry is this?

Girl 3
Yes, she's a draw.
White Snow Maiden
Near the stream.
(There is a group of schoolchildren. Looking around, they break off all the branches from the tree)

Girl 1
The girls came running
But there is no snow maiden
Only lying in the dust
A fading bouquet.
And there was a bird cherry
Pure as snow
Rejoiced at the tree

Flowers disappear on the ground
This is more noticeable every year.
Less joy and beauty
Leaves us every summer.
Revelation of meadow flowers
We hardly understood.
We trampled them carelessly
And madly, mercilessly tore.
The insane "stop!"
It seemed to us: everything is small, everything is small.
And then in the crowd of the city
We dragged armfuls tiredly.
And did not see how from under your feet
Silently, breathing barely - barely,
the cornflower looked doomed,
the carnations looked hopelessly.

I'm ready to argue with the whole world,
I'm ready to swear on my head
That there are eyes of all colors
And they look at us with you.
In the hour of our meditations and worries,
In the bitter hour of trouble and failure
I saw: flowers, how people cry
And the dew is dropped on the sand.

We know these plants
We care and protect
To BOOK Red they
Long ago entered.
We tear them not for fun -
We will take them to the pharmacy.
From the gifts of the forest kingdom
People make medicines.

Guys, who knows what the Red Book of Nature is?
The representatives of nature included in this book must be protected with particular care.

What rules of friends of nature did you remember in this meadow?

Equipment: phonograms (sounds of the forest, songs about plants); pictures of nature (for decoration); herbarium "Medicinal plants of our region" (for the game)

Lesovichok: Man has long noticed that among the multitude of plants animals choose only those that will help them heal. Man began to study these plants and their properties. In Russia, such people were called "herbalists". Having studied the medicinal properties of plants, they entered them into a special book. This is how knowledge about medicinal properties plants that we use now.

Our today's holiday is held under the motto "All high mountains will be walked, all the secrets of nature will be revealed."

The soundtrack "Sounds of the Forest" sounds. The Fairy of the Forest comes out.

Fairy of the Forest: When you enter the forest

Where everything is sweet to us since childhood,

Where clean air is so pleasant to breathe

Eat in herbs and flowers

Healing power,

For everyone who knows how to solve their secret.

Lesovichok: The forest is like a fairy kingdom

There are medicines growing all around

In every grass, in every branch-

Both medicine and pills.

Well, and how and how to treat,

We can teach you.

All medicinal plants

We know without exception.

Fairy: We will now get to know some of them.

There is a curly hair in the forest-

White shirt,

In the middle is golden

Who is she?

Chamomile appears to the music

Chamomile: It's me, Chamomile. Chamomile - this name translates as "sweet simplicity". Long ago I came to you from distant America. I used to be an ordinary weed.

Lesovichok: Sweet chamomile, how are you useful?

Chamomile: If it happens to you, you catch a cold.

A cough will appear, a fever will rise.

Pull the mug in which it is smoking

Slightly bitter, fragrant broth.

Fairy: A thin stalk by the path

On the end of his earring.

There are leaves on the ground-

Small burdocks.

He is like a good friend to us,

Heals wounds of legs and arms. What is it?

Plantain appears to the music

Plantain: It's me, Plantain.

Fairy: There is a legend about how they were discovered healing properties plantain. Two snakes lie on the road, basking in the sun. Suddenly a cart drove out around the bend. One snake managed to crawl away, and the other did not. People stopped and saw how that snake, which had crawled away, brought a wounded plantain leaf, and after a while they disappeared from sight together.

Plantain: With a simple and unsettling title

Calling beyond the paternal threshold

Grows along Russian roads.

And it is important that wounds for travelers

Knows how to heal a flower.

Tear off the leaf carefully

And soothe the burning pain

Nondescript flower - plantain

How do you grow in dust?

Lesovichok: Dear plantain, what else is useful for you?

Plantain: If you suddenly get a tooth ache, your eye is inflamed, your finger is cut, your heart hurts, run to me urgently. I will help!

Fairy of the forest: And now I will ask riddles about medicinal plants that live in my forest.

  • Burns, not fire;

Evil, but heals people.

What is it? (nettle)

  • Glossy leaf,

Berries with blush

And the bushes themselves are not higher than the bump. (lingonberry)

  • Although his bush is green

I'm ready to hurt you,

There are red pills

Hung on a branch

And he is ready to help everyone from various troubles. (rosehip)

Lesovichok: Thank you, Fairy of the Forest for interesting riddles. But the guys and I got bored. Let's dance and sing songs.

Song "Medicinal herbs"

Exercise "Walk in the magic forest"

A boy appears and walks with the children.

Lesovichok: Wait, look what you do?

Boy: I? Walking! What?

Lesovichok: Look around and see what you've done!

Boy: So what? They are ugly anyway, and who needs them?

The boy wants to leave the clearing. But then various troubles begin to happen to him: he rubbed his leg; cut his hand; started sneezing, coughing; he had a headache, etc.

Medicinal plants come to his aid.

Boy: Thank you very much! I didn’t know that plants are so useful.

The boy, along with the plants, leads a round dance.

Fairy of the forest: I have interesting pictures, let's play a game.

The game "Who will collect the picture faster"

(Children are given cut pictures with various medicinal plants.)

Lesovichok: And I also have a game!

The game "Know the plant"

Fairy of the forest: Well done boys! Today we have learned a lot about the benefits of plants. And I want to give you a command that you must remember. Then nature will be grateful to you!

You friend

Look, don't disappoint!

Be truthful and promise good!

Do not offend either birds or crickets!

Don't buy a butterfly net for the butterfly!

Love flowers, forests, open spaces of fields -

All that is called your Motherland!

Lesovichok: And at parting we have prepared a treat for you. And the treat is not simple, but medicinal - it is a delicious, aromatic drink made from rose hips.

Fairy Lesa and Lesovichok say goodbye to the children, leave.