What time do the morning namaz do. When should be combined two namaz? Forbidden time for prayer

One of the mandatory pillars of Islam, which should perform every Muslim is a five-time prayer (Salat) of Almighty Allah at the prescribed time of day. At the same time, certain conditions must be met for making namaz. How to make Namaz and what should every Muslim ever know before committing it?

How to read Namaz - Preparation

Before proceeding with the namaz, it is necessary to perform a small (voodoo) washing or, if necessary, full (husl).

In addition to ablutions, the following conditions must be completed:

  • Verification. For women, it is allowed to leave open legs and brush hands open. At the same time, the head, including the hair, should be covered. In men, the head remains not covered.
  • Prayer must be committed towards Kaaba (Mecca, Saudi Arabia).
  • For a certain prayer, a certain time must be respected.
  • It is necessary to express the intention to make Namaz (in the shower).

If all of the listed items are executed, you can begin to make Namaz.

How to read Namaz correctly. Five Mandatory Daily Namaz: Names and Time

  • Fajr - Morning Namaz. This salad is performed with the onset of dawn and until the sun is fully sunrise when the sun completely crosses the horizon border.
  • Zuhr - midday namaz. You can pray a few minutes after the sun passes Zenit. The period in which you need to have time to pray ends with the beginning of the prayer of Namaz ASR.
  • ASR - foremost Namaz. Beginning about two hours before sunset and you need to have time before the sun starts hiding behind the horizon.
  • Magrib - Evening Namaz. An evening prayer should be made immediately after sunset, until the moment there is still an evening glow.
  • Isha - night Namaz. With the onset of the late evening, when it's very dark on the street, you can make Isa-Namaz. His time covers all night before dawn.

How to read Namaz - Rules

Consider the mapping on the example of the morning phajr-namaz (consists of 2 Ra'katov). Important, praying reads Namaz to himself or whisper.

  • Stand up towards Kaaba. Lower your hands along the body and you need to look at the floor, about meter from yourself. The eyes do not close.

  • Then the hands bended in the elbow, the open palms are raised from themselves to the level of ears, Takbir is pronounced: "Allahi Akbar!" (Allah is great!). At the same time, the fingers must be connected together. After pronunciation, the takov cannot be done any actions that can disrupt Namaz, because it will not take into account the Most High (laugh, talk, look around, scratch something and so on).

  • After the hand are connected on the stomach above the navel. At the same time, the right brush is put on the left, hackering it in the wrist. The first Ra'Cath Namaz begins. San is read - praise Allah:

"Subhanaka-Llakhumma Va Bi-Hamdika Vasha Tabarak-Smug Va-Ta'ala Dzhadduka Va Jalla Sana'uka Va La 'Ilaha Giukór" ("You, about Allah, with your purity! We start with praise. Blessed name Your. Your power is great. Thank you. No deity, except you ").

  • After pronounced: "A'UZA BI L-LYAHI MINA-SH SHETANI-R-RADE!" ("I resort to the protection of Allah from the damned and rejected Shaitan!").
  • Next, it is necessary to read the Sura al-Fatiha ("opening").

Al-Hamdu Li-Llya Rabbi-L-Alamine.
Maaliki yavmi-d-din.
Iyaka Nasta'in Nast'in.
Siraat-L-Lyazina An'amta Aleikhim.
Gairi-Li Magdoubi Aleikhim Va La-d-Daaaallin.

In the name of Allah, gracious, merciful.
Praise Allah, Lord Worlds,
Merciful, merciful,
Lord of the Day of Radiation!
You worship you alone and you are one molim about help.
Lead us directly
By those whom you have enforced, not those who fell anger, and not lost.

  • After completing the opening sura, you need to say: "Amen!" And immediately read another sura. It may be the Sura "en-us" (people), "al-iahlas" (cleansing faith), "Al-Falac" (dawn) or any other by heart.
  • After the second sura, the Tabier "Allahi Akbar" is pronounced with the raising of the hands and makes a belt bow (hand). At the same time, the open palms go down to her knees, pronounced: "Subhana Rabbiya-L-Azim!" (Fame to Lord the greatest!) - 3 times.

  • Then, climbing, says: "Sami-lrhah Limida Lydakh!" (Allah hears those who attract praise to him!).
  • With full straightening: "Raban Vasha-L-Hamd!" (Our Lord, all praise only to you) and Tabier: "Allah Akbar!"

  • After takak, the earthly bow (Sudjud) is done. It is performed as follows. The knees begin to bend, then you need to get up on them, then lower your hands in front of you and touch the forehead and bowl of the floor. Hands at this time should be closed at the level of the ears. At the same time, the feet remain on the socks. Pronounced: "Subhana Rabbiya-Lef-a'l!" (Glory to the Lord Almighty) - 3 times.

  • Then the Tabier and, without getting up, sitting on the left foot, bent the foot under him with a sock inside, and the right straightener parallel to the floor. Palms are put on her knees, the fingers are connected and the hands lie along the thighs. Then again pronounced Allah Akbar and makes a second bow with a three-time repeating phrase: "Subhana Rabbiya-Fa A'l".

  • Further, Tabble "Allah Akbar" and you need to get up in reverse order. First, they take away from the floor of the hand and the head, and then you need to get squocked and straightened. So the first R'Kat is ends.

  • Next, the repetition of the first R'KAATA and at the end of the second waist bow, is pronounced Tak. and again you need to sit on your feet. At the same time, the index finger of the right hand needs to straighten towards Kaaba. Prayers "Tashahud" and "Salavat" are read. During these prayers, the straightened finger should move up-down without stopping.

"AT-TAHIATIA Li-Llya Vas-Salavatu Va T-Taiyibat! As-Salamu 'Alaya Ayuha-n-Nabiyu Va-Rakhmatu-Llakhi Va-Barakatuh! As-Salamu 'Aleina Va-'a, Ibadi-Llya-Salikhin! Ashkhada 'Alla' Ilyaha Ilya-Llakh, Va-'Ashad' Anna Mukhammadan 'Abduha Va-Raulukh! " (All greetings - Allah, all prayers and righteous acts. Peace to you, about the prophet, grace of Allah and his blessings! Peace to us and all righteous slaves of Allah. I testify that there is no deity, except for Allah, and testify that Muhammad is his slave and messenger.)

Salavat: "Allahumma Sally 'Alya Muhamadiv-Va-Va-Va-Va" Ali Muhammadin Kama Sallight "Alya Ibrahima Va-'a" Ali Ibrahim, Innaka Hamidun-Madzhid. Allahumma Barik 'Ala Muhammadiv-Va-' Ali Muhammadin Kama Barakta 'Alya Ibrahima Va-' Ali Ibrahima, Innaka Hamidun-Majid "(about Allah! Bless Muhammad and Muhammad's family, as you blessed Ibrahim and Ibrahim family. Truly , You have loved, dotsed and great. About Allah! Way to Muhammad and his family generosity, as you gave up the generosity of your Ibrahim and his family. Truly, you have been adolestrated, dotseduated and great).

  • After Salavat, you need to turn your head to the right and say: "AS-Salamu Aleicum Va Rakhmatu-L-lah" (peace and grace of Allah), and then left and again: "As-Salam Aleikum Va Rakhmatu-L-lah."
  • Namaz Fajr is over. All other namaz, except Maghreb, consist of 4 Ra'katov. After the first two, when Tashakhud is spoken to the "Ashkhada 'Al-La' Ilyah Illa Llya ...", again speaks the Tabier "Allah Akbar!", You need to rise and repeat two Ra'kataat again. Maghreb consists of 3 Ra'katov.

Before you begin to pray, you need to get acquainted with the option when you cannot make Namaz, which violates Namaz, how to actually do the ablution and much more. At first it may seem that everything is very difficult, but it is not so! The most important thing is that after prayer you will feel internally calm and satisfaction! Peace to you and the blessing of Allah!

The Prophet Muhammad peace to him and blessing, said: "Who will save for my intelligence forty Hadiths, will they say on the vessel day:" Come to the paradise with what you wish the gate ""

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Namaz" (Ahmad, AT-Tirmisi, Ibn Majakh, At-Tyalisi) is "the most important thing in Islam and his support. He also said: "Know that the best of your acts is Namaz!" (Ahmad, Ibn Mazzhah)

"Allah Almighty made compulsory five prayers. And the one who performed thoroughly washing and prayed to the time established for prayers, and performed full-fedly belonging and earth bows, and respected humility in prayers, he has a promise from Allah that he will forgive him! And the one who will not do this does not have a promise from Allah, and if Allah wishes, it will forgive him, and if he wishes - punish! " (Abu Daud, Ahmad, Ibn Maja, An-Nazai)

"The greatest proximity to its Lord the slave reaches during the commission of the globe" (Muslim)

"The first for which the calculation will be made with a slave of Allah on the day of the resurrection - will be Namaz. And if the namaz it will be good, then all the rest of his acts will be good, and if Namaz it will be unsuitable, then the rest of his acts will be unsuitable "(AT-Tabrani)

Hanzal Allah, and he will be pleased with Allah, heard the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Whoever wrapped the five mandatory magazines, making their belt and earthly bows, following the time established for them, and knew that this is the truth prescribed by Allah , he will enter the paradise, "or the paradise" is obligatory ", - or" he will be banned for fire! " (Ahmad)

Ibn Mu'aiuya, lety, he will be pleased with Allah, said that the Prophet ﷺ said: "The one who missed Namaz, is like a deprived of his family and property!" (Ibn hibban)

"Who forgot about Namaz or recruited him, then the redemption will be the commission of this namaz, as soon as he remembers about him" (Muslim)

From the 'Abdullah Ibn' Amra, may Allah will be pleased with Allah, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "For the one who will be thrown to His Namaz, he will become light, clear evidence and resurrection on the day of resurrection, and for the one who is not It will be thrown to him, there will be no light, nor clear evidence, no salvation. And on the day of the resurrection, he will be together with Karunu, Pharaoh, Haman and Ubai Ibn by Halya. "(Ahmad, Ibn Hibban)

Hadith about the temporary boundaries of Namaz

Angel Jabrail (Gabriel), peace, came (once) to the prophet Muhammad ﷺ and exclaimed: "Stand up and make a prayer!" The prophet Muhammad ﷺ committed it when the sun passed by Zenith. Then the angel came to him in the afternoon and recovered: "Stand up and make prayer!" Messenger of the Most High ﷺ made another prayer when the shadow of the subject became equal to him. Then Jabrail (Gabriel), peace, was in the evening, repeating his appeal to prayer. The prophet ﷺ made a prayer immediately after sunset. Angel came and late in the evening, once again encouraging: "Stand up and make a prayer!" The prophet made her as soon as the evening dawn disappeared. Then the Angel of God came with the same reminder at the dawn, and the Prophet ﷺ prayed with the advent of dawn. It happened a day after the historically important and notable night of Ascension (Al-Mi'raj).

The next day at the midday time, Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) came again, and the prophet, peace and blessing, prayed when the shadow of the subject became equal to him. Then he appeared in the afternoon, and the prophet Muhammad prayed when the shadow of the subject was in his two lengths. In the evening, the angel came at the same time as the day before. Angel also appeared at the expiration of half (or the first third) of the night and made a night prayer. For the final time, he came at dawn, when it was already significantly more (shortly before the sunrise), prompting the Prophet to make the morning prayer. After that, Angel Jabrail (Gabriel) said: "Between these two (temporary borders) - time [committing compulsory prayers]" in all of these prayer-namaza Imam for the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessing, was Angel Jabrail (Gabriel), who came to In order to teach the prophet with prayers. The first midday prayer and all subsequent were committed after the Night of Ascension (Al-Mi'raj), during which it became mandatory by the will of the Creator committing five daily prayers. In theological works and vaults, which gives this Hadith, emphasizes that, along with other reliable narratives, it has the highest degree of reliability. Such was the opinion and Imam al-Bukhari.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "There is no prayer after the morning prayer and before sunrise, as well as behind the afternoon prayer until the sun disappear beyond the horizon." (Muslim)

Messenger Allah ﷺ said: "Who caught one Rakatat Namaz, he found Namaz himself" (al-Bukhari, Muslim)

According to Umm Farua, it will be pleased with it Allah, it is reported that when the envoy of Allah ﷺ asked: "Which of the acts is the best?" He replied: "Namaz, perfect at the beginning of his time!" (Abu Daud, AT-Tirmisi)

"The one who managed to accomplish the earthly bow (Saddha) of the afternoon ('ASR) prayer before the sun went down and the one who had time to commit a sidewill of the morning prayer, before the sun climbed, he found prayer" (Muslim)

Hadiths about Morning Namaz (Fajr)

From Ibn 'Abbas, and he will be pleased with Allah, it is reported that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Dawn is two species. Dawn, in which it is prohibited to eat and is allowed to make a prayer, and the dawn, in which you can not make a prayer, but it is allowed to eat "(al-Khakim, al-Bayhaki) in another version of this hadis says:" As for false dawn, she is like Wolf tail, and at this time is not allowed to namaz and not forbidden food. As for dawn, which extends along the horizon, then this time allowed for namaz and forbidden to eat! "

Abu Musa, may Allah be pleased with him, handed over: "The Prophet ﷺ began to commit the morning namaz, when he appeared, and people could not recognize each other (due to dark)" (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "The [fulfillment] of the morning prayer (Fajr) continues until the sun goes out." The Prophet ﷺ also said: "Who will have time to make one rackat of the morning prayer before the start of the sunrise, he overtakes it." Theologian claims: This and other reliable Hadiths on this topic indicate that if a person has time to make one rocket with all its components, including the earthly bow, he completes the prayer as usual, despite the attack of the sunrise or sunset. However, it is extremely undesirable to leave the morning prayer at the end of the time interval, making immediately before the sunrise.

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "Muticated Namaz is collectively similar to the one who revived midnight! And the Morning Namaz committed is collectively similar to the revolving all night! " (Muslim)

"Mutted Morning Namaz is under the protection of Allah!" (Muslim)

"The skin going in the darkness to Namaz will shine a full-fledged Nur on the day of the Grand Court!" (Abu Daud)

"The one who will make Namaz Al-Bardyni will enter Paradise! Al-Bardyni Namazy - this morning and evening namazy "(Al Bukhari, Muslim)

"None who committed Namaz will not go to hell before sunrise and before its sunset" (Muslim)

"Two morning-namaz racks are better than the whole world and what in it!" (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Angels who are authorized over your acts alternately replace each other, alone monitor at night, while others. They are found during the morning namaz and during afternoon prayer, then rise, those who have followed at night. Allah asks them: "How did you leave my slaves?" And the angels respond: "We left them by Namaz, and when we came, they also found them praying!"

Ibn Masood, will be pleased with Allah, handed over that once in the presence of the prophet ﷺ someone mentioned one person and said: "He continued to sleep until he woke up in the morning, and not stand on Namaz." To what the Prophet ﷺ replied: "Shaitan reappeared into his ear" (al-Bukhari). Hafiz Ibn Hajar handed over the words of Imam al-Kurtubi, who said that "urine is genuine, as it is known that Shaitan eats, drinks and marries" ("Fathul-Bari" 3/28)

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "About Allah, allocated grace for my intelligence in her early endeavors!"

Transfer from the words of Abu Khruire, and he will be pleased with Allah, that the Prophet ﷺ said: "When any of you falls asleep, Shaitan tie three knots on his back, hitting each of them and saying:" Your night will be long, sleep! " If a person wakes up and remembers the Almighty and Great Allah, one node will unleash; If he takes a bluntness, there are two nodes, and if it makes a prayer, they will unleash the nodes, and the person will be unlocked in the morning and satisfied, otherwise he will fall from sleep in the bad location of the Spirit and will be sluggish [all day] "(Muslim)

Hadiths about the midday Namaz (Zuhr)

"Time of midday Namaz (Zuhr) begins from the moment the sun passed Zenit, and continues until time when the length of the human shadow becomes equal to its height" (Muslim)

Abu Zarr, and he will be pleased with Allah, said: "Once the Prophet ﷺ During the trip, Maazzin told, when he wanted to call for prayer:" Wait until the heat falls. " He then said: "Strong heat from breathing hell, and if it becomes too strong, then hold the prayer until she subsides" (al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Hadith about the afternoon Namaz ("ASR)

From Jeam, and he will be pleased with Allah, it is passed that the Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Complete afternoon Namaz ('ASR) when the shadow of the subject is equal to its length" (An-Nasai, AT-Tirmisi)

"The one who managed to commit a terrestrial bow (Saddi) of Prayers 'ASR, before the sun went out, he found' ASR" (al-Bukhari, Muslim)

In one of the cloudy days of Buraida, and he will be pleased with Allah, said: "Make the afternoon ('ASR) prayer early (immediately after the onset of her time), for, truly, the Prophet said:" The acts of one who leave the afternoon prayer will be vain ! " (Al-Bukhari)

It is advisable to make the afternoon prayer before the sun "starts shy" and lose its brightness. Leave this prayer finally, when the sun is nearing the horizon and already blues, it is extremely undesirable. The Messenger of the Most High ﷺ about the afternoon prayer left at the very end of her time, said: "This is a hypocrisy prayer [in cases where there are no significant reasons for such a significant delay]. He sits and waits until the sun sits away between Satan's horns. After that, he gets up and begins to accelerate four rackat, not mentioning the Lord, except for insignificant (little) "(Muslim)

Hadiths about Evening Namaz (Magreb)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "Make the evening (Magreb) prayer as soon as the sun goes" (AT-Tabrani)

"The time of evening (Magreb) prayer lasts until the evening dawn disappearance" (Muslim)

The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said: "Does not leave my followers the benefit and well-being until they start to leave the evening prayer until the appearance of stars" (Ahmad, Abu Daud). Rafi 'Ibn Hadidge, may Allah will be pleased: "When some of us ended the evening (Maghreb) prayer, which we made with the envoy of Allah ﷺ, he could still see the places of falling his arrows" (al-Bukhari , Muslim)

Hadith about Night Namaz ("Isha)

"Time Namaza 'isa lasts until the middle of the night!" (Muslim)

Aisha, let it be satisfied with her Allah, said: "Once the messenger of Allah ﷺ delayed the prayer 'Isha until the considerable part of the night passed. Then he came out, made Namaz and said: "This is a true time of this prayer, if only I was not afraid to burden my followers" (Muslim)

The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said: "If it were not burdensome for my community, I would have commanded them to postpone the performance of prayer 'Isha to the first third of the night or until the middle of the night" (AT-Tirmisi, Ibn Majakh)

Jabir, may Allah be pleased with him, said: "Sometimes the Prophet is in a hurry with a night prayer, and sometimes he was slowing with her. When he saw that the people were already going, I made a prayer early. When people were delayed, he was postponed Namaz "(al-Bukhari, Muslim)

Morning Namaz consists of four rakaatov, two of which are "Sunna and two - Fard. First, 2 Sunna Rakaty is performed, then 2 cancer - Fard.

1. Standing, with the heart of the intention (nigs) to make Namaz.

2. Raise both hands, palms towards Kibla and say "Allah Akbar".

3. Then put the right hand with the palm on the left hand and lower the arms folded in this way just below the navel (women put hands at the chest level) and read the Du`a "Sana"
"Subcanachey Allaahumma Va Bihamdika, Va Tabaarakhaxymuk, Va Tagaalya Juduk, Vaia Ilyajae Guyuk" .

"Auzu Billahi MinashShaitaani R-Rada"
Sura "al-Fatiha"
Bismillahi R-Rahmaani R-Rahim

Arraramani R-Rahim
Maalika Yaumiddin


After Sura al-Fatiha read another short suar Or one long ayat, for example, Sura "Al-Ihlas"
Kully Huva Allaha Ahad
Allaah C-Edamad
Lyam Yalid Vaj Yuulyad
Vas Lam Yakullyuhu Coonan Ahad

4. Having lowered his hands, say: "Allah Akbar" and make a hand "(waist bow). In the worship, say:

"Subhana-Rabbian-" Azym " - 3 times

5. After the hand, "Straighten the body to the vertical position, pronouncing:

"Samihalha-Limyan Hamidach" . Then tell me

"Raban Ua Lyakal Hamd"

6. After a short pause, perform the earthly bow, saying "Allahu Akbar" . In the earthly worship, you should touch the earth with palms, knees, fingers, forehead and nose. Having achieved calm in the earthly worship:

"Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times.

7. After that, with the words "Allahu Akbar" Climb from a sedentary standing in this position pause 2-3rse

8. And again words "Allahu Akbar" Reduce again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times.

9. After that, with the words "Allahu Akbar" Climb from the sort of second cancer. Read Suru Al-Fatiha
Bismillahi R-Rahmaani R-Rahim
Alhamijy Lillya Rabl Galyamin
Arraramani R-Rahim
Maalika Yaumiddin
Jiagyak Nastagydy Va Syagya Nastagyn
Iddina C-Soyatal Mystaky
Syewallazina Anhamta Aleikhim
Gairil Magdubi Aleikhim Valyad-Daaallin "
("Amin" pronounced to himself).

After Sura al-Fatiha, we read another short suture or one long ayat, for example, the Sura "al-Falac"
Kulu A "Wood Brabbilflak
Minn Sharrie Maa Khiank
Va Minn Sharri Gasikyn Fleying Vacaab
Va Minn Sharrin-Naffaasata Fil "Usad
Va Minn Sharri Haasidin Fleying Hassad

10. Holding hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" And make a hand "(belt bow). In the worship, say: "Subhana-Rabbian-" Azym " - 3 times

11. After the hand, "Straighten the body to the vertical position, saying: "Samihalha-Limyan Hamidach" After talking about yourself "Raban Ua Lyakal Hamd"

12. After saying "Allahu Akbar" , EXTRACT SHARE (Earth Bow). In Poklon, say:

"Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times.

13. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" Climb from a seitoring position. Withstand in this position pause 2-3rse

14. And again words "Allahu Akbar" Reduce again and say again:

"Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times.

15. After saying "Allahu Akbar" Climb from Sitage Position and read Dua "Attachim":

"Attachyaty Lillyah Vassalavaty Wayyibyatu. Assalyamy Aleik Ayyhannabiya Va Rakhmatyllahi UA Barakatyh. Assalyamy Aleina Va Galya Galyhybadillahi S-Salihine. Ashkhad Ashkhady Anna Mukhammada Gabdyhu UA Rajalyukh."

Then read "Salavat":
Allahum Sally Alya Muhammadin Va Ali Muhammadin, Kyama Salya Alya Ibrahima Va Alya Ali Ibrahima, Innakya Hamidun Madzhid. Allahuma, Barik Alya Muhammadin Va Ali Muhammadin Kyama Barakte Alya Ibrahima Va Alya Ibrahima, Innakya Hamid Maggid.

Then read Daa "Raban":
"Raban Atina Fid Dunya Hasanatav Va Movie Ahyrate Hasanatav Va Kyna 'Azan-Naz".

16. Say a greeting: "Assalamu Aleikum Uau Rakhmatullah" With a turn of the head, first towards the right shoulder, and then - towards the left.

On this Namaz completed.

Then read the phase. Farm Morning Namaz is performed as accuracy as Sunnat.

We continue the story of making namaz for beginners. In this article, with the permission of Allah, let's talk about how to make Namaz a novice that violates Namaz and will answer the common questions about Namaz

Each namaz consists of a certain amount cancel'atov - A set of actions that include reading certain Sur Koran standing, performing one longer bow (arm) and two terrestrial bows (Saddi).

Morning Namaz ( fakhr.) comprises two Rakaatov,

dining ( zuhr) - out four,

afternoon ( aSR) Also out four,

evening Namaz magrib - iz three,

and night Namaz isha - iz four.

However, in addition to the obligatory part (FarD), each NAMAZ includes another quantity of desired Namaz (Sunnat), which are not necessary, however, the reward is also promised for their implementation. Beginners, of course, you should first teach yourself to the regular execution of a mandatory part of the five namazy, but then you should try to make a Sunnat-Namaz, in addition to the main.

Also, scientists of the Khanafitsky Mazhab are considered mandatory ( vajib) Making Namaza witconsisting of three Rakaatovwho do after Namaza isa.

After you have performed a wash and closed aurat, stand up on a prayer rug (if you do not have it yet, for this purpose you can use a pure towel or sheet), contacting the Kyble, and express the intention in my heart ( nyat) Make Namaz. During the intention it is necessary to name that Namaz, which you are going to commit (mandatory or desirable and its name - Fajr, Zuhr, ASR).

Intention to pronounce mentally, in about the following words: "I intend to take the sake of Allah Fard (obligatory part) of today's Morning (eg) namaz Fajr. (Or call that Namaz you are going to do).

Note: The intention to make Namaz needs to be pronounced, but introductory Tabier, Suray Koran and the necessary DUAs are pronounced out loud (not necessarily loudly, you can whisper, but so to hear yourself, moved lips and tongue).

1. After the expression of intention lift hands with palms to the shoulders and say (loud!) Phrase "Allah Akbar!" (This is so-called. Introduction Tabier) (as shown in the picture). While raising the hands, follow the sleeves to you and Arat did not open - it can spoil your namaz!

2. Then fold hands on the chest (right on top of the left) and read the Sura al-Fatiha

Sura "Fatiha" (opening) (Approximate transliteration and translation):

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

[Bismillahi R-Rakhmani R-Rahim]

In the name of Allah gracious, merciful

الحمد لله رب العالمين
[Al-Hamdu Lillyahlabbil-Alyamine]

Slava Allahu, Lord of all worlds

الرحمن الرحيم

Merciful, merciful

مالك يوم الدين
[Maliki yaumid-din]

The rulers of the vessel of the day

إياك نعبد
[Iyakya Nabud]

You worship you alone

و إياك نستعين


and to you one call for help

اهدنى الصراط المستقيم

[Musdinas-Syretal Mustacheim]

Move us on the way righteous

صراط الذين أنعمت عليهم
[Suspatalyazina Anyamta Kvalehim]

the path of those you gave your benefits

غير المغضوب عليهم
[Gairil-Magondubi âАлейхим]

those who do not bring your disgust

و لا الضآلين
[UA Lyad-Doughlin (Amin)]

and those who have not mislead. (Amen)

(As already mentioned above, you can restrict ourselves to the pronunciation of phrases "Bismillas", Alhamdullylah "" La Ilyah Illlalah).

During the pronunciation of Sur, the look turned to the estimated place of the globe.

3. With the pronouncement of the words "Allah Akbar" make a waist bow - hand '. Women make a bow not as deep as men. The look at the same time turned to the fingers; Hand brushes lie on the knees, without wrapping them.

4. After doing the hand 'straighten again to standing.

5. With the words "Allah Akbar", make a terrestrial bow (Saddi). To make it, first go down to his knees, then rely on the hands and then touch the surface of the earth with the nose and forehead. Footpicks (at least two fingers) must rest in the ground, elbows relate to the floor and pressed to the body, the stomach is pressed to the thighs.

6. With the words "Allah Akbar", climb into a sedentary position for a short period of time, which is sufficient to utter the phrase "Subhanallah". Then again say "Allah Akbar" and make the second earthly bow.

Here the first rack of namaz.

7. With the words "Allah Akbar", climb into a vertical position to commit the second mazaz gauge and fold your hands on the chest, as described above.

2nd Rakat:

8. First, as in the first Rakaate, read the Sura al-Fatiha (or say the words of Zikra - remembering Allah). Usually in the second cancer also utter some short suver, but the newcomer can be limited to only one suice al-Fatiha. Then they make a hand 'and sadness, as described above.

9. After committing two terrestrial bows, sit on your feet (as shown in the picture), hands lie on the knees, both legs are shifted to the right side. You should not sit on my left foot, but on the floor. In such a position, the Dua Attahiyat is pronounced.

Approximate transliteration and translation:

التحيات لله و الصلوات و الطيبات

Greetings to Allah, prayers and good deeds.

السلام عليك أيها النبي و رحمة الله و بركاته
[As-Salam Laaleykya Iiyukhan-Nabiyui UA Rakhmatullahi UA Barakatuh]

Peace to you, about the prophet, grace of Allah and his blessings.

السلام علينا و على عباد الله الصالحين
[AS-Salam Yalaein Ua Lael Kybadillahis-Salikhin]

Peace to us and True servants of Allah.

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أشهد أن محمدا عبده و رسوله
[Ashkhada Alla Ilyaha Illyallah Ua Ashkhad Anna Mukhammadan abduha Uau Rasulyukh]

I testify that there is no deity besides Allah
And I testify that Muhammed is his slave and envoy.

Attention! During the pronouncement of the words "La Illyha", it is necessary to raise the index finger of the right hand, and during the pronunciation of the words "Illy Llakh" omit.

11. If you make Morning Namaz (Fajr) After pronouncing the Dua At-Takhiyat, a greeting (Taslim) of the end of Namaz is pronounced. With the words "Assalam Aleikum Va Rakhmatullah", turn the head towards the right shoulder, and then with the same words - towards the left.

If a you make Namaz consisting of more than two cancer, after trying the Dua At-Takhiyat (without pronounced the greeting of the end of Namaz!) You need to rise to the standing position and make another one (if you make Namaz Magnib) or two more cancer (if you make Namaz Zuhr, ASR, ISH). After committing the last (third or fourth rokateat) again sit down and once again say Dua At-Tahiyat, then say the Greeting "Assalam Aleikum Va Rakhmatullah!", Turning the head first to the right shoulder, then to the left.

After making Namaz, you can turn to Allah with your personal requests (in any language, optional in Arabic).


In the third and fourth rockets of mandatory Namaz after reading the Sura Fatiha, you do not need to read the second suver. If you commit a Sunnat-Namaz, consisting of four cancers, then the second Sura in the third and fourth cancer pronounces.

Namaz Vitr.

As mentioned above, the Hanafi scientists consider it to be obligatory to perform Vitr-Namaz: Namaz, committed after Namaza Isa and before the time of Namaz Fajr. Namaz Viter consists of three cancer. Before his commitment, intention is pronounced as follows: "I intend to take the sake of Allah Namaz Vitr" - It is not indicated, Sunnat is either Fard Namaz, since among scientists there is a disagreement on this issue. In the third Rakaate of this namaz, after reading, the al-Fatiha need to read a short sura, then uttering "Allah Akbar", raise his hands as well as for the fitting takov, then folded them on the chest and say Doua Kunut:

Approximate transliteration:


"About Allah! We call for your help, ask us to lead us along the right path, we ask you for forgiveness and come. Believe and rely on you. We glance you in the best way. Thank you and do not deny. We reject and leave (leaving) all those who peckless the lawlessness. Oh my God! You worship to you, pray and come in front of you. We strive for you and go. We hope for the mercy of yours and the scarces of your karas. Truly, Kara Your female female! "

If a person has not learned the dua kunut, you can pronounce Dua:

"Rabbana Atina Fid-Dunya Khasanatan, Va Fi-Aahija Khasanatan Va Kynaa 'Azaban-Naar."

"Our Lord! Give us a good in this and future life, protect us from the torment of hell. "

What actions violate Namaz

1. During prayer, it is impossible to talk, laugh - moreover, loud laughter (which people standing nearby people can hear) - dismisses not only Namaz, but also a wash. However, the smile (no sound) Namaz does not violate.

2. You can not publish some sounds or sigh. Sneezing or cough Namaz do not violate.

3. You can not cry for worldly reasons (it is allowed to cry out of fear of Allah).

4. You can not make multiple minor actions without need (to correct clothes, itching). Small actions made by a good reason are forgiven, but it is necessary to ensure that they are minimized.

Extractions are determined, according to a strong opinion as actions that, being seen at a distance by an observer, who does not know that you pray, completely convinced him that you do not pray. If you have doubt, it is not an excessive action - and Namaz it does not violate. Usually three continuous large action It is considered superfluous (based on Radd Al-Mukhtar Ibn Abidida).

5. A man and a woman cannot be performed by Namaz, standing in one row (there must be some kind of distance or barrier).

Frequently asked questions about Namaz:

Is it possible to make Namaz on a piece of paper or book? Beginners often make Namaz, spying in a book or a tip paper. This should be avoided, because in this case it will turn out that you make many unnecessary actions that make your Namaz invalid.

Is it possible to pray during Heyda or Nifasa? - Not, woman does not make Namaz during menstruation (Heyd) and postpartum bleeding (nifas). If she still makes Namaz at this time, it flows into sin. To reality worship it is very important to learn how to correctly determine the beginning and end of Hyde - because if you begin to pray earlier than you have completed menstruation, such namaz will not be valid, and vice versa, if you don't pray when you have completed menstrual, it will turn out What do you miss namaz without good reason. And in that, and in another case, you will have to later replenish the missed namaz. Heider can be read here Namaz no need to make missed at this time (Hyde and Nifasa).

Do I need to make missed namaz? - missed namazu - for any reason (except those that were missed due to monthly and postpartum bleeding) - it is necessary to replenish! So if you slept the morning namaz or could not pray at work or study, it is necessary to fill these namazy subsequently.

If a person started praying not with the onset of majority (In particular, a woman is not from the moment when she began monthly), and in more mature age, should this namaz need to fill? - Yes, such nama should be replenished.

How to pray at work or study? - Often people say that they can't pray at work or in an educational institution. These reasons are not considered respectful - you should make a maximum effort to find time and place for Namaz.

How to be if parents do not allow me to make Namaz? - If direct violence is not used regarding you (for example, you are not threatened to kill or seriously crumpled - and you must be sure that the threat will really perform!), And this is unlikely in the case of loved ones, you should start praying despite their discontent. Your natives are not all day at home, they do not follow each of your pitch - so select the time when you do not pay attention, find a secluded place in the house and pray. Be patient and firm in our decision - Inshallah, with time your relatives are humble with your choice and will even respect you for hardness.

Is it possible to read namaz to women with a separate female jamaat (not for imam-man, but choose some kind of knowledgeable sister and make Namaz for her). Hanafiti scientists consider such an action by Macrich Tahrimi (close to forbidden), so that it is necessary to refrain from this (although the scientists of Shafitsky Mazhab are like this).

Women sometimes ask: is it possible to pray with a child in hand Or what to do if, during prayer, the child climbs on his back or on his mother's hands (or concerns it): In this article, you can read a detailed explanation of this issue "Prayer with a child in hand"
Muslim (Anya) Cobulova

According to the materials of the site Darul-Fix

It begins from the moment of the appearance of dawn and lasts before the start of sunrise. Morning Namaz consists of four rockets, two of which are Sunna and two - Fard. First, there are 2 Sunna Rakat, then 2 Rakataat - Fard.

Sunna Morning Namaza

First Rakat

"I mean for the sake of Allah to make 2 Rakataat Sunny Morning (Fajr or Subh) Namaza". (Fig. 1)
Raise both hands, spreading your fingers, palms in the direction of the kibla, to the level of the ears, touching the big fingers of the uhas (women raise their hands at the chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar"
, then and (Fig. 3)

Holding hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbian-" Azym " "Samihalha-Limyan Hamidach" After saying "Raban Ua Lyakal Hamd" (Fig. 4) After saying "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" Reduce again and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" Rise from the second rocket. (Fig. 6)

Second Rakat

Say "Bismillahi R-Rahmaani R-Rakhim" (Fig. 3)

Holding hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" And make a hand "(Loving Bow). In Poklon, say: "Subhana-Rabbian-" Azym " - 3 times. After the hand, "Straighten the body to the vertical position, saying: "Samihalha-Limyan Hamidach" After saying "Raban Ua Lyakal Hamd" (Fig. 4) After saying "Allahu Akbar", EXTRACT SHARE (Earth Bow). When performing the sore, you must first fall on your knees, then rely on both hands and only after that, forehead and nose touch the place of salt. In Poklon, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" Climb from the sideling position withsting in this position pause 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)

And again, the words "Allah Akbar" again go down to the sorce and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After saying "Allahu Akbar" Lift from the Sitage Position and read the arc Attachyat "Attachyaty Lillyah Vassalavaty Wayyibyatu. Assalyamy Aleik Ayhykhannabiya Va Rakhmatyllahi UA Barakatyh. Assalyamy Alena Va Galya Galyhibadillahi S-Salihih. Ashkhad Ashkhady Anna Muhammadan." Gabdyhu Then read Salavat "Allahuma Sally Ali Muhammadin Va Ali Muhammad, Kyama Salya Alya Ibrahima Va Alya Ibrahima, Innakya Hamidid Maghyda. Allahuma, Barik Alya Muhammyadin Va Alya Ali Mukhamad, Kyama Barakta Alya Ibrahima Va Alya Ibrahim "Then read Du" And Raban. (Fig. 5)

Say a greeting: With a turn of the head, first towards the right shoulder, and then - towards the left. (Fig. 7)

On this Namaz completed.

Then we read two cancer of FARDA. Fard Morning Namaz. In principle, Fard and Sunna Namaz is not different from each other, only the intention is changing that the Fard Namaz and for men, as well as those who have become Imams in Namaz you need to read in the rumor sura and tacks "Allahu Akbar".

Minor Morning Namaza

Fard Morning Namaz In principle, nothing different from Sunny Namaz, only the intention changes that they make Fard Namaz and for men as well as those who became Imam in Namaz need to read Sura al-Fatiha and a short suture, tacks "Allahu Akbar", Some zicks out loud.

First Rakat

Standing, do the intention (nigs) to make Namaz: "I mean for the sake of Allah to commit 2 morning racks (Fajr or Subs) Fard Namaz". (Fig. 1) Lift both hands, spreading your fingers, palms in the direction of the kibla, to the level of the ears, touching the big fingers of the ugra (women raise their hands at the chest level) and say "Allahu Akbar", Then put the right hand with the palm on the left hand, clasping the little finger and thumb with the right hand of the left hand, and lower the arms folded in this way just below the navel (women put hands at the chest level). (Fig. 2)
Standing in this position Read Du`a Sana "Subcanachey Allaahumma Va Bihamdika, Va Tabaarakhaxymuk, Va Tagaalya Juduk, Vaia Ilyajae Guyuk", then "Auzu Billahi Minashvytaanir-Rada" and "Bismillahi R-Rahmaani R-Rakhim" After reading the Sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdy Lillyah Rabla" Alyamin. Arrachmanir-Rahim. Maalika Yaumiddin. Ayayaky on "Bydy Va Jayyak Nasta" BYN. Iddina C-Syreatal Mystakim. Syewallazin An "Amta" Aleikhim Gayrill Magdabi "Aleichim Valya Daaaallin. Aamin!" After Sura al-Fatiha, we read another short suture or one long ayat, for example, Sura al-Kyauusar "Inna A" Tynakya Cyauusar. Lie Rabika Uanhar. Inna Shani Acya HUBA "Amine" Pronounced to yourself) (Fig. 3)

Holding hands, say: "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbian-" Azym " - 3 times. After the hand, "Straighten the body to the vertical position, saying: "Samihalha-Limyan Hamidach" "Raban Ua Lyakal Hamd" (Fig. 4)
After saying "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar"

And again in words "Allahu Akbar" "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" (Imam, as well as men read loud) Climb from the other Rakat. (Fig. 6)

Second Rakat

Say "Bismillahi R-Rahmaani R-Rakhim" Then you read the Sura al-Fatiha "Alhamdy Lillyah Rabel" Alyamin. Arrachmanir-Rahim. Maalika Yaumiddin. Ayayaky on "Bydy Va Jayyak Nasta" BYN. Iddina C-Syreatal Mystakim. Syewallazin An "Amta" Aleikhim Gayrill Magdabi "Aleichim Valya Daaaallin. Aamin!" After Sury al-Fatiha, we read another short suture or one long ayat, for example, Sura al-Ihlas "Kulhu Huva Allaha Ahad. Allaah C-Edyamad. Lyam Yalid Vara Lyam Yuulyad. Vas Lam Yakullyuhu Kufuvan Akhad"(Sura Al-Fatiha and the Short Sura imam, as well as men read out loud, "Amine" Pronounced to yourself) (Fig. 3)

Holding hands, say: "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read out loud) and make a hand "(Loving Bow). In the worship say: "Subhana-Rabbian-" Azym " - 3 times. After the hand, "Straighten the body to the vertical position, saying: "Samihalha-Limyan Hamidach"(imam, as well as men read loud) after say "Raban Ua Lyakal Hamd" (Fig. 4)
After saying "Allahu Akbar"(Imam, as well as men read out loud), execute the church (earthly bow). When performing the sore, you must first fall on your knees, then rely on both hands and only after that, forehead and nose touch the place of salt. In Poklon, say: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After that with the words "Allahu Akbar" (Imam, as well as men read out loud) Raise from the sideling position withsting in this position pause 2-3 seconds (Fig. 5)
And again in words "Allahu Akbar" (Imam, as well as men read out loud) go back to the sore and say again: "Subhana-Rabbiyal-Agilla" - 3 times. After saying "Allahu Akbar" (Imam, as well as men read aloud) Raise from the Sitage Position and read the arc Attachyat "Attachyaty Lillyah Vassalavaty Wayyibyatua. Assalyamy Aleik Ayhykhannabiyu Va Rakhmatyllahi UA Barakatyh. Assalyamy Aleina Va Galya Galyhybadillah C-Salihijahn. Ashkhad Ashkhady Anna Muhammadan. Gabdyhu Ua Raalyukh. " Then read Salavat "Allahuma Sally Ali Muhammadin Va Ali Muhammad, Kyama Salya Alya Ibrahima Va Alya Ibrahima, Innakya Hamidid Maghyda. Allahuma, Barik Alya Muhammyadin Va Alya Ali Mukhamad, Kyama Barakta Alya Ibrahima Va Alya Ibrahim "Then read Du" And Raban "Rabbana Atina Fid-Dunya Khasanatan VA film Ahyrate Khasanat Va Kyna 'Azan-Naz". (Fig. 5)

Say a greeting: "Assalam Galekum UA Rakhmatullah" (Imam, as well as men read out loud) with a turn of the head first towards the right shoulder, and then - towards the left. (Fig. 7)

Raise your hand to perform the Du "A "Allahumma Anta-Salama Va Minka-Salam! Tabarakt ya per-ya jalyali va-ykram" On this Namaz completed.