Types of electricity and actions on the body. Great Oil and Gas Encyclopedia

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Danger of exposure electric current Human is estimated at the response of the body. With increasing current, several high-quality excellent responses are clearly manifested: a sensation, a convulsive cutting of muscles, irrelevant (for alternating current), painful feeling (for DC), heart fibrillation and lung spasm.

The danger of exposure to the electric current depends on the value of the current passing through the body, the duration of its exposure, the path of passage, genus, and current frequency, as well as the individual properties and states of the human body. On the outcome of the current, the human body resistance and the value of the voltage applied to it affect the person. There are three limit values \u200b\u200bof the current (when it flows along the path, the hand is hand): tangible, uncomfortable and fibrillation.

The danger of exposure to the electric current on a person depends on the resistance of the human body and the voltage attached to it, the current forces, the duration of its exposure to the path, genus and frequency of the current, the individual properties of the victim and other factors.

The danger of exposure to the electrical current on a person depends on the resistance of the human body and the voltage, strength, current, the duration of its impact, the path of passage, genus, and frequency of the current, the individual properties of the victim and other factors.

The danger of exposure to the electric current on the human body depends on the electrical resistance of the body, the current, the duration of exposure, the pathways, the genus and the frequency of the current, the individual properties of the person and some other factors.

It is known that persons who have certain diseases are most susceptible to the danger of exposure to electric current. In order to prevent accidents and ensure the safety of labor, by order of the USSR Health Minister of May 30, 1969 No. 40O establishes a list of contraindications that impede admission to work into separate production for a number of professions.

When working in rooms with high temperatures ambient The skin heating is accompanied by the enhanced selection of sweat, which is a good electrical current conductor. Consequently, the danger of exposure to the electric current per person is aggravated when working under conditions that cause reinforcement of sweat. In addition, it was established that the resistance of the human body significantly decreases with a long stay in a medium with an increased temperature and significantly depends on the temperature of this medium. Elevated level Noise and vibrations adversely affect the human body and leads to an increase in blood pressure, impaired respiratory rhythm.

Any human disease, ranging from the cold and ending the disease of the nervous system, causes a sharp change in the course of biochemical, biophysical, physiological and other processes. At the same time, the protective functions of the body are not only reduced, but its physical parameters are changed, aggravating the risk of exposure to electric current. For example, the disease of the nervous system, alcohol intoxication leads to the fact that the central nervous system loses its regulatory role in respiratory management and blood circulation, which significantly agults the outcome of electric shock. For all types cold illness Increases sweat selection, decreases electrical resistance Skin cover, which also increases the risk of electric shock.

When working in rooms with high ambient temperature, human skin is heated, which is accompanied by reinforced byaming. Pot, which contains mineral salts and metabolic products, is a good electric current conductor, which aggravates the danger of exposure to the electric current to the human body. The resistance of the human body under these conditions is significantly reduced. It depends on both the duration of the stay in a medium with increased temperature and on the temperature of the medium and the intensity of thermal loads. Pollution of the skin with various substances, well conducted by electric current, also reduces its resistance.

When working in rooms with high ambient temperature, skin heating is heated, accompanied by reinforced byaming. Sweat, which contains mineral salts and metabolic products, is a good electric current conductor. Consequently, work in conditions that cause enhanced sweating exacerbates the danger of exposure to the electric current per person. In addition, the latest studies have established that the amount of human body resistance under these conditions is significantly reduced. It depends on both the duration of the stay in a medium with elevated temperature and on the temperature of this medium and the intensity of thermal loads.

Working in rooms with high ambient temperatures is a reinforced removal. Sweat, which contains mineral salts and metabolic products, a good electrical conductor. The magnitude of the resistance of the human body operating under conditions causing enhanced removal significantly decreases and the risk of exposure to the electric current on the human body increases. The human body resistance depends on both the duration of the stay in a medium with elevated temperature and on the temperature of the medium and the intensity of thermal loads.

Painful condition of the body, especially respiratory organs, of cardio-vascular system, thyroid gland, nervous system, makes a heavier outcome during electric shock. Developing fatigue causes an increased sweating, reducing the electrical resistance of the skin, reduces the attentiveness of working. Many researchers indicate an amazing influence of attention. A person who knows about the upcoming danger of exposure to electric current, psychologically prepared himself to him, much less vulnerable than a person incorporated into the electrical chain suddenly or morally not prepared for this. In this regard, the persons in the state of alcohol intoxication are more susceptible to electric current.

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Electricity - This is an ordered movement of electrical charges. The strength of the current in the area of \u200b\u200bthe chain is directly proportional to the potential difference (i.e. the voltage at the ends of the section) and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit section.

The nature and depth of exposure to the electric current on the human body depend on the strength and kind of current, the time of its action, the path of passing through the body of a person, the physical and mental state of the latter.

The threshold (tangible) is a current of about 1 mA. With a larger current, a person begins to feel unpleasant painful contraction of the muscles, and at a current of 12-15 mA, it is no longer able to control its muscular system and cannot detect itself from the current source. Such a current is not released. The current action of more than 25 mA on muscle tissue leads to paralysis of the respiratory muscles and stopping the breath. With a further increase in current, fibrillation (convulsive reduction) of the heart may occur. Current 100 mA is considered fatal.

AC current is more dangerous than the permanent. It matters what kind of parts of the body people concerns the current-carrying part. The most dangerous are the paths at which the head or spinal cord is amazed (head and hands, head - legs), heart and lungs (hands - legs).

A characteristic occasion of the stress is contact with one pole or phase of the current source. The voltage acting on the person is called the tension of the touch. Particularities located on the temples, back, back sides of the hands, the heads, head and neck are especially dangerous.

The effect of electric current on the body is characterized by the main affixing factors:

1) electric shock that excite the muscles of the body, leading to cramps, stopping the breath and heart;

2) electrical burns arising from heat release when passing the current through the human body. Depending on the parameters electrical chain and human status may occur redness of the skin, burning with education;

3) bubbles or tissue char harness; When metal melting, leather metallization occurs with the penetration of metal pieces into it.

The effect of current on the body comes down to:

1) heating;

2) electrolysis;

3) mechanical exposure.

A mechanical action leads to a tissue rupture, bundle, shock effect of evaporation of a liquid from the body tissues.

With a thermal action, overheating and functional disorder of organs on the passage of current are occurred.

The electrolytic effect of the current is expressed in the electrolysis of the fluid in the tissues of the body, the change in blood composition.

In the presence of tissue changes at the point of exposure to the electric current, they apply a dry aseptic bandage on the affected part of the body.

To avoid electric shock, all work with electrical equipment and appliances are necessary after disconnecting them from the electrical circuit.

Static electricity protection

Permanent electrostatic field (ESP) - This is a field of fixed charges that interacts between them.

The emergence of static electricity charges occurs during deformation, crushing (splashing) of substances, relative movement of two in contact bodies, layers of liquid and bulk materials, with intensive stirring, crystallization, as well as due to induction.

With the friction of dielectrics on their surface, excess charges appear, they accumulate on dry hands. electric charges, Creation of potential to 500 V. The potential difference between the thunderstorm cloud and the Earth reaches the huge values \u200b\u200bmeasured by hundreds of millions of volts, and in the air there is a strong electric field.

Under favorable conditions, there is a breakdown. The charges have a property to be more accumulated on the rally or bodies close to the shape of the islands.

Night electric fields are created near these acute. For this reason, lightning fall into high separate objects (towers, trees, etc.), and therefore a person is dangerous to be in the open space during a thunderstorm or near individual trees, metal objects.

Along with the natural static electric fields in the conditions of the technosphere and in everyday life, a person is exposed to artificial static electric fields.

Artificial static electrical fields are due to increasing use for the manufacture of household items:

1) toys;

3) clothes;

4) for finishing the interiors of residential and public buildings;

5) for the manufacture of construction parts manufacturing equipment;

6) equipment;

7) tools;

8) parts of machines of various synthetic polymeric materials;

9) dielectrics.

Permissible levels of electrostatic fields are installed in GOST 12.1.045-84.

The use of protective equipment of working must in cases where the actual levels of the intensity of electrostatic fields in the workplace exceed 60 kV / m 2.

When choosing protection against static electricity, features should be taken into account technological processes, the physicochemical properties of the material being processed, the microclimate of the premises and the other, which determines the differentiated approach when developing protective measures.

Common means of protection against static electricity are to reduce generation electrostatic charges Or their removal with electrified material, which is achieved:

1) grounding of metal and electrically conductive equipment elements;

2) an increase in the surface and volumetric conductivity of dielectrics;

3) Installation of static electricity neutralizers.

Grounding is carried out independently of the use of other protection methods.


Simultaneously with the demographic explosion there is a process of urbanization of the population of the planet. This process is largely objective, because it helps to increase productive activities in many areas, at the same time solves the social and cultural and educational problems of society. But solving these problems, a person faces various views Dangers that can apply a huge imprint on its safety and further vital activity. Significant technogenic hazards is subjected to the operation of technical systems in the zone. The levels of dangerous impact on a person in this case is determined by the characteristics of the technical systems and the duration of the person's stay in the danger zone. This topic reveals the degree of danger that lifts a person when interacting with electric shock, because at work and in everyday life, a person may be in the field of action electric field or direct contact with electrical current wiring. As a result of the passage of current through a person, a violation of its livelihoods can occur.

The danger of lesions of people by electric current appears in non-compliance with security measures, as well as when refusing or malfunction of electrical equipment and household appliances. Compared to other types of industrial injuries, electric traumaticism is a small percentage, but one of the first places occupies with a heavy and particularly lethal outcome. In production, due to non-compliance with the rules of electrical safety, 75% of electroporation occurs.

The danger is exacerbated by the fact that, firstly, the current does not have external signs and as a rule, a person without special devices cannot detect the danger threatening in advance; Secondly, the effects of current per person in most cases leads to serious violations of the most important vital systems, such as central nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory, which increases the severity of the defeat; Thirdly, the alternating current is able to cause intensive muscle cramps, leading to a non-releasing effect, in which a person cannot free themselves from the current effects; In the fourth, the effect of current causes a sharp response of wondering, and in some cases the loss of consciousness that when working at height can lead to injury as a result of a fall.

The purpose of the study: to study the effect of electric current per person, means of protection, methods and measures to reduce the risk of entering the effect of electric current.

Object of research: electricity as a dangerous man-made factor

Research Subject: Electrical safety and its value in a person's life.

Research tasks:

.Based on the analysis of special literature, consider the causes of exposure and affecting electrical current factors.

.Determine the main ways aimed at reducing the risk of electricity to humans.

.Suggest a set of events and means to protect a person from electric current.

Chapter 1. Concept of electric current, causes and features of human lesion by electric shock

1 electric current. General laws of its impact on man

Probably the manifestation of danger and when using a person of technical devices in production and in everyday life, electrical networks and instruments, machine tools, hand tool etc. The emergence of such hazards is associated both with the presence of faults and with the incorrect actions of a person when using them. The levels of hazards arising from this are determined by the energy rates of technical devices. The most common and most sufficiently high concentrations or energy levels include harmful production factors: dustiness and gas supply, noise, vibration, electromagnetic fields, ionizing radiation, elevated and reduced parameters atmospheric air, insufficient and improper lighting, monotony of activity, severe physical work, etc.

Electric current - ordered (directional) movement of electrically charged particles or charged macroscopic bodies. The direction of current takes the direction of movement of positively charged particles; If the current is created by negatively charged particles (for example, electrons), the current direction is considered to be the opposite direction of movement of particles. The effect of electric current on the living tissue is versatile and peculiar. Passing through the human body, electrotes produces thermal, electrolytic, mechanical, biological, light effect.

The thermal exposure of the current is characterized by heating the skin and tissues to a high temperature up to burns.

The electrolytic effect is the decomposition of the organic fluid, including blood, and the violation of its physicochemical composition.

The mechanical action of the current leads to a bundle, rupture of body tissues as a result of an electrodynamic effect, as well as instantaneous explosion-like formation of steam from tissue liquid and blood. Mechanical action is associated with a strong reduction in muscles up to their rupture.

The biological effect is manifested in the irritation and excitation of living fabrics and is accompanied by convulsive cuts of muscles.

Light action leads to the affix of the mucous membranes of the eyes.

When operating and repairing electrical equipment and networks, a person may be in the action zone electromagnetic field Or directly contact with electrical current conductors located under voltage. In this case, the current passes through the human body, as a result of which violation of life functions (loss of consciousness, stop breathing or cessation of the heart can occur).

One of the features of electric shock is the lack of external signs of threatening danger that a person could detect in advance with the help of the senses: see, hear, albeit, etc. In most cases, a person is included in an electrical network or hands (current path hand-hand ), or hand and legs (current path hand-legs ). The current current leads to serious damage to the central nervous system and such vital organs as the heart and lungs.

The severity of the outcome electrician is the second feature of electric shock. Temporary disability with electric worms, as a rule, is long. So, when lesion in the networks of 220/380 in it, it averages 30 days.

The third feature of human defeat with electric current is that industrial frequency currents are 10-25 mA capable of causing intensive muscle cramps. As a result, the so-called crazy man to the current parts. The victim independently cannot be freed from the effects of electric current. Prolonged current flow of such a magnitude can lead to difficult consequences.

The effect of current on a person causes a sharp reaction of the turning, and in some cases loss of consciousness. When working at a height, this can lead to a fall in a person. As a result, there is a danger of mechanical injury caused by the impact of current. This consists of a fourth feature of electric shock. The electric current passing through the human body has a biological, thermal, mechanical or chemical impact. The biological effect is the ability of the current to irritate and excite live tissues of the body, thermal - in its ability to cause burns, mechanical - lead to tissue rupture, and chemicals to blood electrolysis.

Evaluate the danger of exposure to electric current per person in responses of the body. With increasing current, three qualitatively excellent responses are clearly manifested. This is primarily a feeling, further a convulsive cutting of the muscles (unscruiting for AC and pain effect for permanent) and, finally, the fibrillation of the heart. Electrical currents causing the appropriate response are divided into tangible, uncomfortable and fibrillation. Current up to 1 mA frequency of 50 Hz is practically no more than half of the people - an irrelevible current. It does not pose a danger, so it is permissible for its long-term flow through the human body in production conditions. The increase in current leads to the appearance of sensations, and in the future and the convulsions of the muscles of the limbs. Current irritation when passing through the body is called tangible.

A safe current is only if the person falling under the voltage is able to independently overcome the action of the convulsion and free from contact with the electrodes. This current is customary to be called letting. In cases where a person independently cannot be freed from contact, there is a danger of a long convulsion. The current causing irresistible convulsive cuts of the muscles through the human body through the human body, in which the conductor will be clamped. An irrecomaring current of 10-25 mA is usually not direct danger to the life of people if its impact will be discontinued quickly. However, given that the person can independently be free from contact with current-friendly parts, and a long-term impact leads to a disruption of respiration, the inconsistent current should be attributed to dangerous. The current 30-50 mA leads to a violation of breathing, loss of consciousness, makes it difficult for the work of the heart.

When current flowing, a few tenths of the ampere arises a danger of heart impairment. An erratic, non-ordinated (fibrillation) reduction of individual cordial muscle fibers can occur. The current causeing the heart fibrillation through the human body through the human body is called fibrillation. The process of heart fibrillation is irreversible, and the current causing it is fatal. The minimum values \u200b\u200bof currents capable of causing a particular response of the body is considered to be thresholds. Thus, the minimum current value causing the heart fibrillation is the threshold value of the fibrillation current.

The danger of fibrillation occurs when the flow of the chest area occurs. When passing current on the way noga Noga Such a danger is practically absent.

Permissible for humans are estimated for three electrical safety criteria. The first criterion is an irrelevible current (I \u003d 0.6 mA), which does not cause violations of the body's activities and is allowed for long-term flow through the human body when servicing electrical equipment. As a second criterion, the release current (i \u003d 6 mA) is taken. The effect of this current per person is permissible if the duration of its flow does not exceed 30 s. The third criterion is an unsuitable current that does not exceed the threshold value of the fibrillation current and acting briefly (up to 1 s). Instant current values \u200b\u200bdepending on the duration of exposure can be taken as follows: at 1 C - 50 mA, at 0.7 C - 70 mA, at 0.5 s - 100 mA, at 0.2 C - 250 mA, at 0, 1 C - 500 mA, at 0.08? 0.01 C - 650 mA.

2 Factors determining the outcome of electric current per person. Safe current

These factors include: strength, current exposure duration, its genus (permanent, variable), pathways, as well as environmental factors, etc.

Current and duration of exposure. An increase in current force leads to qualitative changes to the impact of it on the human body. With increasing current, three qualitatively excellent response - the body's reactions are clearly manifested: the feeling, a convulsive cutting of the muscles (not release for the alternating and pain effect for DC) and the heart fibrillation. Electrical currents causing the appropriate response of the human body, received the names of tangible, not letting and fibrillation, and their minimum values \u200b\u200bare called thresholds.

Experimental studies have shown that a person feels an impact of an alternating current of the industrial frequency by force of 0.6-1.5 mA and a direct current by force of 5-7 mA. These currents do not constitute a serious danger to the human body, and since, with their impact, the independent liberation of a person is possible, then their long-term flow through the human body is permissible. In cases where the affecting effect of alternating current becomes so strong that the person is not able to free themselves from the contact, the possibility of a long flow of current through the human body arises. Such currents received the name of the non-letters, the long-term effects of them can cause difficulty and disruption. The numerical values \u200b\u200bof the force of no release current are not the same for different people and are in the range from 6 to 20 mA. The impact of DC does not lead to a non-releasing effect, but causes severe pain sensations, which in various people occur at a current of 15-80 mA. When current flowing, a few tenths of the ampere arises a danger of heart impairment. Heart fibrillation may occur, that is, indiscriminate, non-coordinated reductions of the fibers of the heart muscle. In this case, the heart is not able to carry out blood circulation. Fibrigration lasts, as a rule, a few minutes, after which the heart stops should be stopped.

According to experimental studies, conducted on animals, threshold fibrillation currents depend on the mass of the body, the duration of the current flow and its path. The defeat will be heavier if the tower is the heart, chest, head and spinal cord. In the practice of servicing electrical installations, the current flowing through the body of a person who has occurred under the voltage goes, as a rule, along the path "hand-hand" or "hand-legs". However, it can proceed in other ways, for example, "head-leg", "spin-hands", "foot-leg", etc. The degree of lesion in these cases depends on which human bodies will be underway, as well as From the strength of the current passing directly through the heart. So, when current flow along the path of "foot" through the heart passes 0.4% of the total current, and along the path "hand-hand" - 3.3%. The force of not letting current along the path "hand-hand" is approximately 2 times less than along the path "right-hand-leg-leg". The current industrial frequency is the most unfavorable. With increasing frequency (more than 50 Hz), the values \u200b\u200bof tangible and non-letters increase. With a decrease in the frequency of 50 Hz to 0, the values \u200b\u200bof the non-releasing current also increase and at a frequency equal to zero (permanent current), become more than about 3 times.

The values \u200b\u200bof the fibrillation current at frequencies of 50-100 Hz are equal. With an increase in frequency up to 200 Hz, the fibrillation current force increases by about 2 times, and up to 400 Hz - almost 3.5 times. Increasing the frequency of the power supply voltage of electrical installations is used as one of the electrical safety measures. Humidity and air temperature, the presence of grounded metal structures and floors, conductive dust have an additional effect on the conditions of electrical safety. The degree of electric shock is largely dependent on the density and contact area of \u200b\u200ba person with current-time parts. In wet rooms with high temperatures or in external electrical installations, adverse conditions are folded, in which the person's contact area with current-time parts increases. The presence, grounded metal structures and floors creates an increased risk of damage due to the fact that the person is almost constantly connected with one pole (land) of the electrical installation. In this case, any touch of a person to the current-carrying parts immediately leads to a bipolar inclusion in its electrical circuit. Touch-conductive dust also creates conditions for electrical contact with both current-friendly parts and earth.

This should be considered a current at which a person can free themselves from the electrical circuit. Its value depends on the speed of the current through the human body: with the duration of action more than 10 C - 2 mA, and at 120 s and less - 6 mA.

A safe voltage is considered to be 36V (for lamps of local stationary lighting, portable luminaires, etc.) and 12B (for portable lamps when working inside metal tanks, boilers). But with certain situations, such stresses may be dangerous. Safe voltage levels are obtained from the lighting network using lower transformers for this. Disseminate the use of safe voltage to all electrical devices is not possible. Two clauses are used in production processes - permanent and variable. They provide various impact on the body at stresses up to 500 V. Danger of defeat dC less than variable. The greatest danger represents the current with a frequency of 50 Hz, which is standard for domestic electrical networks.

The path in which the electric current passes through the human body largely determines the degree of damage to the body. The following variants of the current movement of the current of the human body are possible:

the man is like with both hands to the current-carrying wires (parts of the equipment), in this case there is a direction of flow from one hand to another, i.e. hand-hand , this loop occurs most often;

when touched one hand to the source, the current path closes through both legs to the ground hand-legs ;

when testing the insulation of current-carrying parts of the equipment on the case under voltage, there are hands working, at the same time running the current from the equipment body to the ground leads to the fact that the legs turn out to be energized, but with other potential, so the current path occurs hands-legs ;

when flowing the current on the ground from the faulty equipment, the land is close to the changing potential of the voltage, and the person who has come on both legs on such an earth is under the difference of potentials, i.e., each of these legs receives different voltage potential, as a result, stepper voltage and electric chain noga Noga which happens less frequently and is considered the least dangerous;

touching your head to the current parts can cause depending on the nature of the work performed by the current path on the hands or on the feet - head-HR , head-legs .

All options vary in the degree of danger. The most dangerous are the options head-HR , head-legs , hands-legs (hinge full). This is explained by the fact that vital systems of the body fall into the lesion zone - the brain, heart. The duration of the current effect affects the final outcome of the lesion. The longer the electric current on the body is impact, the harder the consequences. The conditions of the external environment surrounding the person during production activities can increase the risk of electric shock. Increase the danger of damage to the current elevated temperature and humidity, metal or other conductive floor. By the degree of danger of human damage to the current, all rooms are divided into three classes: without increased danger, with increased danger, especially dangerous.

Chapter 2. Organization of measures to protect a person from exposure to electrical current

1 Electrical safety. Tools protection against electric shock. Electric shock warning

Electrical safety is a system of organizational and technical means that protects people from the harmful and dangerous effects of electric current, an electric arc, an electromagnetic field and static electricity, is called electrical safety. Electrical safety is ensured by the following measures: electrical installation design, technical methods and protective equipment, organizational and technical measures. The design of the electrical installation must comply with the conditions of its operation and ensure the protection of personnel and contact with current and moving parts, and equipment from entering out inwards and water. These requirements are established in the standards of the SSBT, as well as in standards and technical conditions on the electrical product.

Electrical energy is one of the most convenient and cost-effective types of energy resources. The same is widely used both in production and in everyday life. In accordance with the rules of the device of electrical installations (DUE), electrical installation is called a combination of machines, apparatuses, lines and auxiliary equipment (together with structures and premises in which they are established), intended for production, transformation, transformation, transformation, distribution, distribution electrical Energy And transforming it into another type of energy.

According to the requirements for ensuring the reliability of power supply, the electrical receivers are divided into three categories: - Electrical drivers, the uninterrupted work of which is necessary for trouble-free stopping in order to prevent the threat of people's life, explosions, fires; - electrical receivers, the break of power of which leads to a sharp decrease in production of products, long-term output of technological equipment ; - All other consumers who are not believed to categories I and II. Electrical installations with which you have to deal with almost all manufacturing work, represent a potential danger. It consists in the fact that current-carrying conductors or machine hulls, which caused by voltage as a result of insulation damage, do not supply danger signals to which the person reacts. The human reaction to the electric current occurs only after it pass through the tissues of the body.

When operating electrical installations, technological equipment with electric drive, electrical instruments, a person is exposed not only to the dangerous effects of electric current, but also harmful influence electromagnetic zones. Statistics of electrical exchanging shows that up to 85% of the deaths of people with electric shock occurs as a result of the attachment of the victim directly to the current-carrying parts under; Voltage. The main reasons for the manufacturers in production are the unsatisfactory organization of work on electrical installations, ignorance and non-fulfillment by heads of work and victims of electrical displacement, non-use of personal protective equipment, non-compliance of electrical installations by the requirements of the rules and norms.

Technical and organizational protection measures are aimed at ensuring unavailable to conductive parts and the impossibility of random touch to them, eliminating the risk of lesion when the current is closed on the electrical equipment or land; Prevent erroneous personnel actions in electrical installations. Staff working in electrical installations are systematically trained, check knowledge and train safety. Electric current damage is possible only when the electrical circuit is closed through the human body: touching the operating parts of the equipment and wires open; touching electrical installations to the housings, randomly protested (insulation damage); step voltage; liberating a person under stress; electrical arc action; The effects of atmospheric electricity during thunderstorms.

Increasing electrical safety in the installations is achieved by using protective grounding systems, reassembly, protective disconnection and other means and protection methods, including safety and warning posters and inscriptions. In local lighting systems, in the manual electrified tool and in some other cases there is a reduced voltage.

Natural entries should be used as grounding devices of electrical installations. Perhaps application reinforced concrete foundations Industrial buildings and structures. In the absence of natural earthinglers, the use of portable earthingers, for example, introduced into the Earth steel pipes, rods, corners. After gluing to the ground, they must have ends of 100 ... 200 mm above the surface of the Earth, to which the connecting conductors are welded. It is strictly forbidden to use pipelines with flammable liquids and gases as earthing.

The downstream consists in a deliberate connection of metal non-current-carrying parts of the equipment, which may be under voltage due to the breakdown of isolation, with zero protective conductor. When the contour of the short circuit is formed to the body, the contour of the short circuit is formed, characterized by the current force of a very large value sufficient to "knock out" fuses in phase feed wires. Thus, the electrical installation is de-energized. It is envisaged to re-ground the zero conductor in the case of breaking the zero conductor on a plot close to neutral. On this grounding, the current flows to the ground, from where it enters the grounding neutral, on it into all phase wires, including having a breakdown isolation, then on the body. In this way, the ground contour is formed.

The protective shutdown of electrical installations is provided by administering the device automatically turning off the equipment - the current consumer in the event of danger of lesion to the current. Schemes of disconnecting automatic devices are very diverse. In all cases, the system works to exceed which parameter in electrical networks of technological equipment (current force, insulation resistance voltage).

Organizational and technical measures for electrical safety are mainly in the relevant training of testing of knowledge with the assignment in accordance with the qualification group for electrical safety. Instructions for labor protection and admission to work with electrical installations of persons who have passed medical examination; The implementation of a number of technical measures, when carrying out work with the disconnection of the voltage in the current electrical installations or near them (removal of fuses, disconnecting the ends of the supply lines, the establishment of fences and safety signs, ground imposition). Compliance with special requirements for working on the current-carrying parts of those under stress or near them (execution of work on a tolerance of not less than two persons, the organization of supervision of work, the use of electrical protective equipment). When working with portable electrical devices (electrified tool, portable electrical manual lamps) the danger of the electrician is particularly increasing when the isolation is damaged due to the dense contact between the person and the specified instruments. The greatest danger represents the transition of the highest voltage to the side of the lower transformers feeding portable devices.

Depending on the category of electrical safety rooms, portable electrical devices designed to work in these conditions should also be used by the electric shock by electric shock used portable electrical devices before issuing employees should be checked. They must be subjected to periodic tests of which are marked in the logbook of the storage condition must comply with the specified passport on the product.

To create safe working conditions with electrical installations, there are a number of protective devices:

) Fencing and blocking

) Means, insulating the worker from the earth

) warning inscriptions and posters

) Alarm

Lattices, solid shields, boxes, insulated chambers, etc. are used as fences. All fences are closed on the lock, the key of which is kept from the person responsible for the work, or is supplied with locks that exclude the ability to enter the fencing or opening of the boxes, cameras when enabled Voltage.

The introduction of the blocking system creates such working conditions of the service personnel, in which every possibility of injury is excluded. By its constructive performance, blocking devices can be either purely electrical when when opening the door leading for the fence, the electrical circuit of the main or auxiliary current occurs, or mechanical when the latches of one or another design are released when opening the door, which prevent the inclusion of switches. Means serving to isolate worker from the Earth are insulating supports, rubber mats, rubber galoshes and bots, rubber gloves and other personal protective equipment. It is very important to ensure the complete stability and strength of insulating supports, since as a result of the destruction of the stands there is a danger of lesion to the current. Insulating supports are needed quickly and conveniently clean from dust and dirt.

Rubber mats are an insulating tool at a voltage of up to 550 V. The minimum size of rubber rugs and tracks should be at least 750x760 mm with a rubber thickness of 7- in mm. Rubber mats lose their insulating properties from dampness and contamination, as well as with mechanical damage (punctures, cuts that stuck metal objects n t. P.). Before use, rubber mats for 15 minutes are tested on a breakdown with a voltage exceeding 2.5 times the working rated voltage of the installation. Regardless of the test of electrical strength, rubber mats at least once a month are exposed to outdoor inspection. If any defects are found, mats should be removed immediately.

Rubber galoshes and bots serve to isolation of a person from the floor. Insulating galoshes can not be used as shoes during the rain and in other cases, since pollution, dampness I.Lilayer damage deprives. And insulating properties.

Special insulating rubber bots for high voltages are made with a thickness of 12-116 mm thick and 12-L6 mm side walls, a height of at least 200 mm. Before each use, rubber galoshes and bots must be carefully examined, since penetration into rubber of sharp pieces of metal, buttons, wire debris are very dangerous.

Rubber gloves and mittens are the main and only means of protection in the event of a person touching two poles under the vellenities. For the isolation of a person from the Earth, they are only additional means of protection. Gloves n Mittens should be sufficiently light, soft and elastic. Gloves and mittens are considered as the main means of protection only at a voltage of up to 550 V, with higher voltages, they serve as an auxiliary tool that complements the isolation of the rods, cells, insulating supports, etc. Isolation gloves and mittens must have a length. Not less than 300-400 mm. The dimensions of the gloves should provide the ability to put on paper or woolen gloves to protect hands from the cold. Use insulating gloves, with any defects it is impossible.

To the instruments that serve to turn the current on and off, to check the absence of voltage and to measure the voltage include insulated forceps and pliers, hoses, voltage pointers. Working with these appliances should be made subject to applying other means of protecting rubber insulating gloves, insulating stands and protective glasses. .

When installing switches on the front side of the shield, their mobile and fixed contacts should be closed with flame retardant material. The dirt falling inside the casing facilitates the occurrence of short circuits in the switch itself, both between the phases and the casing case, so metal casing should be securely grounded. It is unacceptable that the handles of the switches had for attachment to the traverse metal bolts or rods connecting with current-time parts.

2 Electrical injuries and first medical care victims when exposed to electric current

Electricians make up about 1% of total injuries at production and 20 ... 30% of the number of fatal accidents. At the same time, the majority (up to 80%) of deadly accidents fall on electrical installation by voltage up to 1000V. Warning Electricalrav is an important task that is implemented in the form of a system of organizational and technical measures to protect people from electric shock.

The effects of electric current on the human body can cause lesions, the outcome of which depends on many factors. The danger of exposure to the electric current on a person is also the same and because it is invisible to the eye, not hearing, is not felt at a distance, there is no smell, but perceived only at the time of contact with unprotected current-handing wires or parts of electrical installations and their buildings that Or reasons were driven by stress.

The human body, which turned out to be under the action of electric current, cannot only be considered as a physical body. A person's response to the electric current is very complex and diverse. Electric current (directional movement of electrons under the action of the potential difference in a closed chain), enrolling through the location of the entrance to the human body, has an irritating effect throughout the current pathway, and not just in the places of its "entrance" and "exit". This is the feature of the current action compared to other stimuli (mechanical, thermal, etc.), which causes only local irritation (at the "entrance"). The effect of electric current per person is diverse. Passing through the human body, the electric current causes thermal, electrical, electrolytic, biological and mechanical action.

Electricalrama is an injury caused by the exposure to electric current or electric arc. Conditionally electricians are divided into local and common. With local electricians, local damage to the body arises, expressed in the appearance of electrical burns, electrical signs, in the metallization of the skin, mechanical damage and electrophthalmia (inflammation of the outer shells of the eyes). General electricians, or electric shocks, lead to the defeat of the entire body expressing in violation or complete termination of the activities of the most vital organs and systems - light (breathing), heart (blood circulation).

Local electricians are pronounced local (local) damage to body tissues caused by the effects of electric current or electric arc. Local damage is most often exposed to the surface of human skin, but in some cases muscle tissues are affected, as well as ligaments and bones. Typically, local electricians are cured by human performance fully or partially restored. However, in some cases, local electricians lead to the death of a person. To local electricians include:

1-electric burns,

-electrical signs (current tags),

-electrometallization of the skin,

-mechanical damage,


Electric burn is the most common electro an injury arising from the majority (63%) of the affected electric current. Depending on the conditions of burning, it can; Being a current (contact), which occurs when the current is passed through the human body as a result of its contact with the current-carrying part, or arc, caused by the effect on the human body of an electric arc. In electrical installations, burns are also possible and without passing the current, in particular, when touched a person to strongly heated parts of electrical equipment, from the fluttered hot particles of metal, etc.

There are four degrees of burns: degree - redness of the skin and minor pain; degree - the formation of blisters (bubbles) on red-free inflamed skin;

C degree - color of the entire skin thickness; degree - charging of the skin and muscle tissues.

Usually the severity of damage to the body during burns is due not to so much the degree of burn, how much area affected by the burn surface of the body. It is known that the defeat of the burn more than one third of the body surface leads to a death.

Electrical signs (current tags) arise, in contrast to burns, with good contact with electrodes. In appearance, they are swelling on the skin of a man round or oval shape, the edges of which are sharply outlined by white or gray border. The skin in this place hardens in the form of corns and acquires gray or yellowish gray. In the affected place, there is a sacrifice of the top layer of the skin. No redness or inflammation is observed. Electrical signs are usually painless and usually ended with healing. Over time, the top layer of the skin comes down and the affected area acquires initial color, elasticity and sensitivity.

Electrometallization of the skin is the surface impregnation of the skin with the smallest particles of metal, melting and evaporating under the action of an electric arc. A damaged skin area has a rigid rough surface. The victim is experiencing an unpleasant feeling from the presence of foreign particles in the skin. The outcome of such a lesion, as in the burn, depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe affected skin surface. Over time, the sick skin comes off, the affected area acquires a normal form and elasticity, all painful sensations disappear.

Mechanical damage occurs due to sharp involuntary convulsive cuts of muscles under the action of electric current passing through a person. In this case, tendons, skin, blood vessels and nerve fibers can occur. In addition, there may be dislocations of the joints and fractures of bones. Mechanical damage occur quite rarely, but are, as a rule, serious injuries requiring long-term treatment.

Electrophthantmia is the inflammation of the outer shells of the eye, resulting from the effect of the stream of ultraviolet rays created by the electric arc. Electrophthalmia develops through, 4 ... 8 hours after ultraviolet irradiation. At the same time, redness and inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes of the eyelids, tearing, purulent separation from the eyes, eyelids, and partial blinding are occurring. The victim is experiencing headache and sharp pain in the eyes, increasing in the light. In severe cases, the transparency of the horn shell is disturbed, the pupil is narrowed. Usually the disease lasts for several days. However, in the case of damage to the horny shell, the treatment is more complex and long.

Electric blow is the general biological effects of electric current on the body, which is manifested in the form of a reflex (involuntary) excitation of alive tissues of the body flowing through them. Electrical impact is an automatic reaction (reflex) of the body to an electric current produced by external irritation. This type of electrical current exposure is very sharp, as it is due to the effect of electric current through the nervous system. An electric blow can lead to muscle cramps, stopping the breath, impaired heart activity and shock. It is known that when flowing through the body of an AC industrial frequency, the beginning of its feeling of different people on it steps at different currents of the current and lies in the range from 0.8 to 3 mA, which is explained by the individual characteristics of the person.

The observations have been established that 99.5% of all people begin to sense the current by force in 1 mA, which is accepted as a threshold imperceptible current. When flowing through the body, only slightly exceeding the threshold is irrelevant current, the person feels weak itching, tingling and pinching the skin at the point of contact with the electrode. With a further increase in current (up to 5 mA), the intensity of unpleasant annoying sensations increases, at the same time involuntary cuts (crashes) of the muscles of the hands and forearm appear. However, these convulsions are still that a person can overcome them independently and break the circuit through it current without any assistance, although with difficulty. In other words, these cramps and their currents will be leaving for a person.

Starting with 6 mA, individual people (0.5%) are no longer able to solve the circuit of the current flowing through them, that is, the current becomes irrevocable. Therefore, the current of 6 mA strength is adopted as a threshold unwitting current.

Electric blow can lead to shock.

Shock is a heavy overall disorder of all the functions of the body (blood circulation, breathing, metabolism, etc.), caused by a severe mental shock, or a sharp physical impact that an electric strike may be accompanied. Shock can last from several tens of minutes before a day. If the victim is not given a timely medical power, then death comes as a result of a complete fuss of the vital functions of the body.

It can be concluded that the deadly outcome at electric injuries can occur as a result of the following body damage:

-violation of cardiac activity;

-stop breathing;


-extensive burns (usually at stresses above 1000 V).

Very often death occurs as a result of the simultaneous action of several of the above reasons, since in human ganisme All its life features are interconnected. Stopping respiration and cessation of blood circulation (no pulse) are the first external signs of death. However, there are two main stages of death:

clinical (or "imaginary") death;

biological death.

Clinical death is a transitional state from life to death, which comes from the moment of termination of the heart and lungs. The duration of clinical death is determined by the period of time since the cessation of blood circulation and respiration before the death of the cells of the cerebral cortex. Most normal people do not exceed 6 minutes. If during this period to start providing relevant assistance to the affected assistance, then the further development of death can be suspended and human life is preserved. If the victim does not have timely assistance, then clinical death goes into biological death, under which the irreversible phenomenon is characterized by the cessation of biological processes in the cells and tissues of the body and the decay of protein structures. Save a person after that it becomes impossible.

In case the accident failed to prevent, a person who had an effect on the effect of electric current must be first aid.

It consists of two stages:

) Liberation of the victim of the current

) His medical care.

The release of the victim of the current is necessary if he is not able to do this. This position may occur if a current passes more than 10-15 mA and it is not able to break the hand with a clamping wire; under paralysis or convulsive contraction of the muscles; With loss of consciousness. It should be remembered that the current passing through a person can quickly increase to a dangerous value, so it is necessary to urgently free it from the current action. Such release can be carried out in several ways. The simplest is the easiest - turn off the electrical installation, which concerns a person from the power supply. If it is impossible to do this, then the victim must be delayed from the current-carrying parts or refer the wires. At voltages up to 1000, it is allowed to pull the victim, holding his clothes and pre-isolated hands (dielectric gloves, scarf, mittens, etc.). It is necessary to act with one hand.

When a person convulsively squeezes in his hands, one wire and electric current passes through it into the ground, it is easier to interrupt the current, without squeezing the hands of the victim, and separating it from the ground (for example, snap under the affected dry board). Or you can isolate yourself from the floor, putting onto a rubber rug, a dry board or clothing. Fold the wires at stresses up to 1000 V can be ax with a dry wooden handle or other tool with insulated handles. Each wire should be chopped separately so as not to cause short circuit and as a consequence of an electrical arc between wires.

In electrical installations, the voltage is higher than 1000V to ensure their own safety, assisting must wear dielectric gloves and the release of the victims of the current parts to produce an insulating barbell or ticks with insulating handles designed for the appropriate voltage. When it is impossible to quickly and safely free the victim from the current, resort to short closure. To do this, pounce the conductor on the current part.

Immediately after the liberation of the affected electric current, it turns out to be the first preference.

To determine its type and volume, it is necessary to find out the condition of the victim (check the availability of breathing, pulse, the reaction of pupils to the light). If the victim is in consciousness, he has normal breathing and heartbeat, it still cannot be considered healthy. It should be convenient to put in a dry place, ensure the influx of fresh air and ensure full peace before the arrival of the doctor. The fact is that the negative effect of electric current per person may not affect immediately, but after some time - in a few minutes, hours and even days. If the victim is unconscious, but with normal breathing and pulse, it should be comfortable to put it, to ensure the influx of fresh air and start bringing into consciousness (bring to the nose to the wool moistened in the ammonic alcohol, spray the face with cold water, rub and warm the body). In the absence of the affected breath or pulse, it needs to produce artificial respiration and indirect heart massage. Never refuse to assist the victim and consider it dead due to the lack of breathing, heartbeat and other signs of life. There are many cases of revitalizing people affected by current, after several hours, during which artificial respiration and heart massage were continuously performed. However, revival attempts are effective only when no more than 5-6 minutes have passed since the heart stop. Artificial respiration makes many ways. Most effective method mouth to mouth . Under the blades, the victim put a roller from the clothes. After that, it is necessary to somewhat beaten the head of the victim and prevent the scales of the language in the larynx. For this, carefully throw the head of the victim. Cover your mouth or nose of victims of clean gauze or nasal handkerchief. After deep breaths, blow the air into your mouth or the victim's nose. In case of artificial respiration through the mouth you need to close your thumbs in the victim; At blowing into the nose - the affected mouth closes. After each blowing the nose and mouth of the victim open, so as not to interfere with the free output of the air from the chest. Then repeat the air blowing again. Frequency of fading 12 times per minute. If the victim does not work the heart, in addition to artificial respiration, it is necessary to make an indirect heart massage. Heart massage is best done with an assistant. To do this, it is necessary to settle down to the left of the victim. Putting the palm of the left hand on top of the back side of the right, completely straightened hands, it is necessary to prescribe to the lower side of the chest victim closer to the left. It is necessary to press the shocks with such a force so that the grower is shifted by 4-5 cm. After the jolts, it is sharply released. Massage is made with a frequency of 1 time per second. After 3-4 persons - a break for 3 seconds to blow air. Do not apply to the sternum during a blow - it prevents the restoration of breathing. After every five minutes, it is recommended to take breaks for 15 to 20 seconds to restore the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood of the victim. It stimulates the restoration of normal self-breathing. Along with artificial respiration in all cases, it is recommended to grow the back, limbs, the skin of the face.

Artificial respiration to the victim should be done until the full appearance of signs of life, i.e. When the victim becomes free to breathe freely, or before the arrival of the doctors. Death can only state the doctor.

The long absence of the pulse when the respiratory appears and other signs of the animation of the body indicates the presence of heart fibrillation. In this case, it is necessary to make it defibrillation. Only a doctor should produce electrical defibrillation of the heart! It is achieved by short-term exposure to a large current on the heart of the victim. As a result, a simultaneous reduction in all the fibers of the heart muscle occurs, which were shortened in different time. After that, natural abbreviations of the heart can restore. Defibrillation is made using a special device - defibrillator, the main part of which is a capacitor with a capacity of 20 μF with a working voltage of 6 kV. The current of the discharge of the capacitor at a duration of 10 μs is 15-20 A.

3 lightning protection

From the blow of lightning in the world, about 3,000 people die annually, and there are cases of simultaneous defeat of several people.

There are two types of lightning types:

primary - related to direct impact

secondary - caused by electromagnetic and electrostatic induction.

With direct impact, fires, explosions, destruction of structures, lesions of people, overvoltage on wires may occur electrical network. The strength of the current in the zipper channel reaches 200 ka, the voltage is 150 mb, the length of the zipper spark is hundreds and thousands of meters, the temperature reaches 6000-10,000 ° C. Linear zipper is characterized by very large values \u200b\u200bof currents, stresses and discharge temperature, so the impact of lightning per person, as a rule, is completed by very serious consequences, usually - death.

The discharge of lightning passes along the path of the smallest electrical resistance. Since between the high object and the thunderstorm cloud, the distance and electrical resistance is less, then zipper, as a rule, strikes into high objects. Punch lightning to the ground or the object located on it depends on the electrical conductivity of the soil. Lightning is much more likely to hit clay and wet areas than in dry and sandy, since the first possess more electrical conductivity. Lightning more often amazes deciduous trees (oak, poplar, willer, ash), as they contain a lot of starch. Linden, walnut, beech, coniferous trees (spruce, fir, larch) contain many oils, so they have greater electrical resistance and affect the lightning less often.

Statistics show that 27% of the poplar, 20% of pears, 12% of the linden, 8% fir and only 0.5% of the cedar are affected from 100 trees. When the lightning strike, the tree is split off according to the following mechanism: wood juice and moisture on the discharge site will instantly evaporate and expand; At the same time, huge pressure tighteners are created. A similar effect, accompanied by sprinkling, may occur when the lightning is shred into the wall of the wooden structure. Therefore, under high wood during a thunderstorm is dangerous. A person can be amazed with zipper not only with direct hug. Dangerous stepper voltage arising from spreading in the earth discharge current zipper. The radius of the striking stepping voltage reaches 30 meters. Also dangerous jumps of lightning discharges and induced charges. The discharges of discharges occur from objects in which lightning came to objects located nearby. For example, a distance of discharge from a high tree per person, the wall of the house, etc., can occur, if the latter are located next to the tree. The charges are subject to well-conductive items (for example, metal farms, hedge, etc.) under the action of the electric field of the thundercloud. Thus, the finding of a person during a thunderstorm near high trees, masts, metal objects of large sizes, clay and wet land plots is dangerous.

Lightning often amazes people working in the field, tourists. It is dangerous to be in the time of thunderstorm on water or near it, as water and sections of the water in water have greater electrical conductivity and are often affected by lightning. During thunderstorms in the city less dangerous than in the open area, as steel structures and high buildings perform the function of lightning lines. Finding during a thunderstorm inside reinforced concrete buildings, metal structures (for example, metal garages) is safe for humans. Passengers inside the car with a all-metal body, tram, trolleybus, train car are located during a thunderstorm safe until the windows go out and open the windows.

The nature of the ball lightning is still not fully clear, its behavior does not always find an explanation, so there are no reliable methods and rules for protection against it. It may unexpectedly appear anywhere, including in closed rooms. It often penetrates the buildings through the pipes, open windows and doors. Size of ball lightning can be from several centimeters to several meters. Usually it is easily soared or rolls over the ground, sometimes jumps out. The ball lightning reacts to the wind, draft, ascending and downward air flows. Ball lightning may appear and disappear, without harming to man or room. Any contact with lightning leads to severe injuries, burns, and in most cases to death. Ball lightning often explodes. The emerging air wave may injure man or lead to destruction. It is believed that ball lightning has a temperature of about 5000 ° C and can cause a fire.

Lightning protection is a complex of protective measures from the discharges of atmospheric static electricity, ensuring the safety of people, the preservation of buildings and structures, equipment and materials from fires, explosions and destruction. The probability of lightning strike into the ground object is the greater, the higher the object.

One of the main measures of protection against lightning is a lightning device. Rising over objects, they take the discharges of the thunderstorm cloud on themselves. Lightning lines create a protection zone - the space inside which does not arise zipper. Lightning lifting consists of lightningness, a current-flow, providing the passage of the discharge current to a grounding device, and a grounding device.

There are several types of lightning lines: rod, mesh, cable; Single, double, multiple; separately worth it; Isolated from the object and uninsulated.

Rod and cable lightningings are installed either on separately standing supports, or on supports associated with the design of the object. Mesh lightning tracks are placed on the roof of the building. If the lightning lifting is fixed on the roof of the building, then as currents can be used metal constructions And the armature of the building, for example, metal stairs, located on the outside of the building and leading to the roof. Clakes must be securely connected to a lightningness and earthing. Grounders are an essential element in the lightning protection system. They provide sufficiently small resistance to spreading the lightning current into the ground. As a grounding agent, you can use buried to the ground to a depth of 2-2.5 m metal pipes, Plates, Motions Wire and Grid, Slices metal fittings. All public buildings, storage buildings are protected by lightning material values, single buildings located on elevations, historical and cultural values.

Special attention is paid to the lightning protection of storage facilities and explosive materials, flammable liquids and gases. Students and OU employees should be familiar with the precautionary measures from lightning damage. If there are clear thunderstorm signs or warnings, the hydrometeor service is better to refrain from traveling to the forest, in the field or on the reservoir, it is advisable not to be removed away from home. It is necessary to comply with the basic rules of conduct during a thunderstorm, described in detail in special literature, as well as in almost all textbooks at the rate of BZ. In case of damage to the zipper, the victim must immediately have the same help as with electric shock.


The relevance of the electrical safety topic is that the electric current is not visible for a human look, not heard and does not smell, and when the cable is trigged into the case or during damage to the cable, a person can get under voltage. Many people do not imagine the danger of electric current at all. How to behave in a situation when the wire lies on Earth, where to contact which actions take, because there is no guarantee that it is not under voltage. How to save the victim that has fallen under the action of the electric current, and as at the same time it does not turn out to be energized.

Each person should have at least minimal knowledge of life safety, so as not to get into a situation that threatens his life and health, as well as take the right actions when assisting the victim, so as not to exacerbate the current situation, not harm. To do this, at each enterprise there is a department for labor protection, where, when admitting work, the employee receives primary safety instructions in the workplace. In the workplace there are verification of working conditions, factors are detected by the worker threatening health and eliminate. The employee is instilled in the first aid skills, the rules for the safety of labor are inspected annually. Immediately before performing work, the employee conducts a target instruction on the safe performance of a specific work, that is, all measures are taken to reduce injury in the workplace.


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The conditional direction of the current, in addition, should be the basis of a number of rules associated with the definition of many electrical phenomena.