How to save green salad at home. How to Prepare for Winter Salad Leaves: Main Methods

I really love the greenery of sheet salad! If you love him like me, then find out how to prepare it. Below is described by my personal experience, it may differ from the generally accepted.

Several rules:

  • Do not wash the greens of the salad of the future - only the quantity that is used at a time, when washing, excessive water and moisture remains from which the salad gets quickly;
  • Keep in the package - the packaging is made by yourself, a small towel (better linen) moisturize drinking water, easily wrap to them salad and put it in a plastic bag that firmly close from air ingress, but some air inside should remain, you do not need to create a vacuum;
  • Do not separate the salad from the main root and do not remove the pot from the purchase salad - then the greens will last a long time;
  • Do not cut off part of the salad across the growth of leaves - tear off for cooking the leaves entirely from the central trunk, it also extends the safety of freshness.

These rules will help you store a salad in the fridge to a month, especially this is true in the winter when you see good salad In the store, I want to buy it a little later.

I bought covers for cans and a pump that pumps air.

My lettuce leaves, dry them with a towel, then leave in the kitchen laid out on the tray until the next day, about a day. During this time, the extra humidity evaporates and the salad will not start. Then I cut the salad with large slices and laying layers in banks, there I put 2-3 garlic slices, cut into two parts along. Garlic just in case of microbes, but maybe he is superfluous, try without him, and I love the reinsurer and garlic.

I fill the banks without fanatism, I try to keep the leaves not to break much. When the bank was filled, I close it with a lid and pumping the air. All is ready!

After each opening of the can, press the air again. Noticed that the less salad remained, the worse is stored. Therefore, I choose small banks and use salad for 1-2 times.

From time to time, check visually as there salad. It can be stored in cold places, such as Khrushchev refrigerator or in a conventional refrigerator. At room temperature, thus stored about 2-3 weeks, sometimes longer, but it depends on how hot is at home.

About cleaning salat

Do you pull the salad with the root? I began to cut a salad from the ground and small salads grow out of the remaining stem. Try!

Sheet salad is a wonderful alternative to greenery and vegetables. Some use it in salads, others - decorate them ready-made dishes, others eat just like that. It often happens that it is not possible to use a sheet salad immediately, which is why it flies, not having time to even get to the table. That is why it is worth learn how, where and how much you can store a salad so as not to throw money not the wind.

The most important thing in the storage of leaf salad

    Moisture is the main enemy of the leaf salad in the refrigerator. The leaves should be sent there perfectly dry.

    The amount of vitamins in the sheet salad decreases with each hour. Try not to buy it in the right.

    It is best to store a sheet salad in a vacuum container. At a thin end - in a tightly closing pan.

How to store a sheet salad

Speaking about how to store a leaf salad, we mean whole fresh leaves, and not those selling in supermarkets in not very fresh, and therefore crushed form. About how to store a salad properly, a few know, so it often has to throw away. So, before keeping salad leaves at home, you should learn several greenery storage rules that concern and sheet lettuce, including:

  • contact with the metal is poorly reflected on the taste properties of lettuce, so it is supposed to tear up;
  • the recycled salad should be used or harvested for storage as soon as possible, since it very quickly loses freshness and freight form;
  • before keeping green salad In the refrigerator, it should be carefully dried, because even a drop of water can spoil the entire bundle.

How to store a leaf salad in the refrigerator

Refrigerator - the best place For proper storage of sheet salad. Before storing a fresh salad in the refrigerator, you should choose the right leaves and prepare them:

  • buying for storage is better than a whole coach of leaf salad;
  • separate leaves should be separated immediately before storing a sheet salad in the refrigerator;
  • each sheet of salad is thoroughly rinsed under running water;
  • using paper towels to dry leaves;
  • before storing lettuce leaves in the refrigerator, it should be placed in a food container, wrap with a paper towel or a food film.

How much to store the salad in the refrigerator will succeed in this way, it is difficult to say for sure. Sooner or later it will definitely deteriorate, but it is not necessary to hope that the salad breaks down in the refrigerator longer than a week.

How to keep a leaf salad for winter

To date, it is difficult not to find fresh-frozen fruits, berries and vegetables from someone in the freezer. So why not freeze and leaf salad? How to store lettuce leaves for the winter, if not in the freezer? However, unlike other gifts of nature, before storing the leaves of salad in the freezer, they must be taste.

Blanching is an important process that allows you to preserve the appearance as much as possible, as well as the nutritious and flavor properties of green leaves. For those who do not know whether it is possible to store a salad in the freezer, the answer is unequivocal - you can.

So, before storing the leaves of lettuce for the winter, they are lowered into boiling water for two minutes, and then hide with ice water. After blanching, the casting of lettuce is dried, distributed into the food packages, dividing into small portions, is removed into the freezing chamber. How much to store lettuce leaves in the freezer - at least until the spring, most importantly - if they defrost them, then only once.

All types of sheet salad are customary to use fresh form. The product is delicate and, being torn off the bed, sluggfightly in the eyes. It is very sad ... If you do not know how to store a leaf salad so that he remains fresh for several days. With pleasure we share the secrets of home cooking.

Non-love greens

Freshness of lettuce, like dill, parsley, kinsea can be saved for several days if you put the greens in the water like a flower. In a small size, but a deep bowl is poured some water and immerse the Kochan. So that the plant is better absorbed moisture part of the leaves near the cuttings is cut by 3 mm. From above, a bowl is covered with a food film or polyethylene sachet.

In such an improvised greenhouse, the leaflet of the salad is not tucked relatively long, do not turn yellow. You can not even put the greens in the refrigerator. If the kitchen is cool, the greens will remain fresh and after 2 days. But the refrigerator still contributes to an increase in the storage period of the product - at a temperature of about + 4 degrees (separation for vegetables) salad and after 4-7 days it will be the same crispy as it was just torn from the bed.

Disassembled on separate leaflets Salad salad stored only in the refrigerator. For this, sheets are laying a loosely on a substrate from cardboard or food foam. Top covers (loosely) food film. Weekly unwashed salad leaves in such a package are guaranteed not covered, do not boost, do not moldy.

Myva Salad.

There are several ways to storing a washed sheet salad. The technologies are simple, help preserve the green-purpose for 2 weeks. What should be done:

  1. The washed salad wrap in a dry waffle towel. Place in the refrigeration chamber on the bottom shelf.
  2. Salad wash, paper towel carefully remove excess liquid. Put in a glass, ceramic or enamelled bowl. From above covered with colander. A couple of times shake the container so that the lettuce leaves easily tight. Send to vegetables stored in the refrigerator.
  3. Salad disassembled on the leaves, laid out not very tight in the plastic container. From above are covered with a paper napkin, which will absorb an extra moisture and will not allow the greenery to mold. Tightly cover the container with a lid. Store in the lower separation of the refrigeration chamber for 7-10 days.

Share M-A-A-A-Yelenka, but very useful trick: if there is a silver ring, a coin, any other product from silver next to a sheet salad (package, towel), a coin, any other silver product, the shelf life of the vegetable to increase to 21-30 days.

And one more secret: "drooping" lettuce leaves can be reanimated. For this, the greens are poured with very cold water, put on top of the press (plate) and leave in this form for a couple of hours. The plant during this time will notice moisture and "will revive". Now the vegetable can be fascinated or sent to the refrigerator.

Fresh salad is not only characterized by original taste, but also popular due to its useful properties. That's just very quickly he fades. But I will tell you how to store lettuce leaves in the refrigerator using unacceptable ways.

Most effective storage methods

Salad leaves, like other leafy vegetables, have a short shelf life. And yet there are several ways that will allow you to preserve the leaf salad at times longer.

In the refrigerator: 4 ways

If you think that it is enough to simply wash the leaves of salad and fold them in the refrigerator, then do not be surprised that in a couple of days they will begin to rot. To this not happen, use one of the proposed storage methods.

Picture Storage and Instructions

Method 1. In the container
  • First of all, very carefully rinse every leaf of greenery, removing yellowed parts.
  • Catch off the greens on the sieve or in a colander, give water to drain.
  • Put the product on a paper towel, and wait for it final drying.
  • Gently fold the leaves into the container, cover them with a paper napkin. The container itself is close. If there was no container at hand, it can be replaced by an enameled ass. It is covered with a cellophane package with holes or a paper towel.

    Put a silver product into the container - it will save the salad fresh for 30 days.

Method 2. In the substrate

Unwashed greens can be stored as follows:

  • Put the leaves on the substrate from food foamflast (the price of them is minimal and starts from about several rubles).
  • Do not lay out the greens too tight - air must remain between the leaves.
  • Cover the food film product.
  • The resulting package put on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. A fit of the storage will ensure the freshness of the leaves for the week.

    The amount of greenery you need is better not to cut off, but to tear off with your own hands. It is believed that contact with metal surfaces spoils the taste of salad.

Method 3. In a bowl with water

I know about the fairly popular practice of storage of greenery - in water, like flowers:

  • Take a bowl and pour into it a small amount of water.
  • The lower part of the leaves in the area of \u200b\u200bthe cuttings cut for 2-3 mm. This will strengthen the absorption plant.
  • Place the salad with cuttings into the water.
  • The top of the food film or package. It is not necessary to go too tightly, the greenery is needed.

Method 4. Marinated in a saucepan
  • Put on the bottom of the bank or enamel pan 3-4 cloves of garlic and cut celery.
  • One by one lay out the washed leaves into the container.
  • Cover salad with dill and celery sprigs.
  • Prepare marinade in parallel. For him, boil the liter of water and add two spoons of sugar into it, a spoonful of salt and a teaspoon of citric acid.
  • Fill the green marinade, put the oppression from above.
  • Wait for the marinade cooling, and then send the saucepan to the fridge.

To always enjoy fresh greens, it can be stored, but rather grow on your own on the window sill in a pot.

Purchased seeds germinate for 5 days, and after 20-25 days you can collect the first harvest. The main thing is not to forget to provide a regular watering, feeding and sufficient lighting.

Method 5: In the freezer

Fell fresh lettuce leaves - very cool but do it round year Difficult. And then the freezer comes to the rescue.

The whole leaves do not frow it. This is due to the fact that they contain a large amount of water, and with very low temperatures Salad turns into a mess. But you can do otherwise.

  • Throw the leaves with boiling water, and then cool them in cold water.
  • After that, overrift them manually or with the help of a blender to the state of the puree.
  • Formed by Cashitz, spread over molds, containers or packages.

The salad is prepared in this way can be used in the manufacture of sauces or soups.

How to store salad you can not

I have told you about the ways of storage of salad, it's time to discuss what the greenery categorically impossible to do. And you can not do only two things:

  1. Store in a closed polyethylene package. Inside the moisture will accumulate, which will only accelerate the damage of the greenery.
  2. Leave leaves open. Due to the fact that a strong evaporation occurs in the refrigerator, the lettuce leaves are raised at times faster.


I told you how to store a salad properly to extend your life. You can use one or several ways in several ways. Watch the video in this article, it will be useful to you. If you have questions left or you decide to tell about your experiences of blanks, write in the comments.

Similar articles Frieze Curly or Lollo-Rosso greenish-red usually apply to feed with fish or meat food. Do not manufacture salad in advance, pour oil and cheat it right before consumption.

You will need

  1. In 100 grams of lettuce of lettuce, the lettuce of ten-fifty millig grams of vitamin C, and this is actually as much as in lemons - generally accepted leaders at the accommodation of this vitamin. Therefore, you always eat green on a summer diet.
  2. Previously, the lettuce was not taught with a salad, the leaves of this plant simply teased on large pieces, after which they were watered with olive oil, sat down. And in the Middle Ages, the salad was used as a garnish.
  3. Also very popular with the hosts and professional chefs uses Salad Iceberg, Roman, Cress Salad and Lollo Ross. It is explained by their attractive external species and unusual colors that are used for a beautiful presentation of dishes. Roman salad is distinguished by a gentle nut aroma and a very crispy texture, and the Cress Salad is spicy and spicy taste. In addition to the above, there are also such types of sheet salad: Butterhead, watercress, dabutrous salad, Pak Choi, Mash Salad, Frieze and many others. Each of the types of sheet salad is very useful and promotes the improvement of the body.


  • Salad leaves by 96% consist of water, which makes them low-calorie and dietary product - They contain only 12 kilocalories per 100 grams. In addition to water, they contain many fiber and carbohydrates, as well as the minimum amount of protein and fats. Listed salad can be used in unlimited quantities without any harm for the figure. For the purpose of slimming, the salad needs to be used daily in a fresh form, because after heat treatment or long-term storage, many useful properties of this leaf vegetable are lost.
  • It makes sense to store green leaves in the form of mashed potatoes, since it is often after defrosting, they turn into a nonappetitive mass. To do this, twist the leaves, spread to the packages and freeze. You can freeze the leaves in plastic containers with a lid.
  • Shipping table or other working surface with cotton towel or paper napkins and put the leaves on them, let them completely dry.
  • It is important! After harvesting, almost 25% of the most useful substances from salad takes each day.
  • Consider a salad by laying out the leaves on a towel, colander or sieve. Excess water during storage will contribute to rotting even at low temperatures.
  • Sheet

How to keep lettuce leaves for winter

Folic acid, vitamin C and vitamin K are contained in green leaves. Green salad is a very useful product, since it is an excellent source of Vitamins B6, B2, B1, and in addition, it contains beta-carotene, increasing immunity and promoting in the fight against numerous diseases, threatening danger to life.

Salad collection and storage features

Salad is used not only as an ornament, it also serves as a side dish, and an addition to meat and fish products, and as an independent product.

And in addition, in such a useful plant, folic acid, minerals and vitamins of group B. Foliaic acid is useful for people of any age. In addition, it has a beneficial effect on the reproductive function of representatives of female and male.

At the accommodated amount of vitamin C and carotene, lettuce leaves significantly exceeds many garden fruits and fruits. I know about it, probably not all, so it is not serious about this plant.

Self the best way To get a truly useful salad is to grow it in my garden or in the apartment. So you will be completely confident that chemicals have not been used in its cultivation, which will subsequently contain in its leaves. However, if you do not have the opportunity and desire to grow salad, it can be bought on any market or in the store. When choosing a sheet salad, pay attention to the state of the leaves - they should be bright, without yellow and brown spots, juicy and elastic. Salad with soft and cough leaves buy no sense - useful substances in it are already very small.

It was found that the use of sheet salad in the evening can significantly improve sleep due to the composition of the magnesium and a special substance of a lactucine that has a soothing effect. Doctors believe that the daily use of salad in food will help to establish digestion and metabolism, improve the work of the whole of cardio-vascular systemsignificantly reduce the risk of development oncological diseases, restore healthy sleep and wonderful well-being.

Preparing lettuce leaves for storage

In one package or container, freeze the amount of salad required for one use. Repeated frost vegetables.

  1. Do not leave the greens in the daylight for a long time. If you have no time to do blanks, cover the leaves on top with a clean towel.
  2. By purchasing a salad on the market or in the store, you need to know some secrets of its storage. If you just put a leaf vegetable in the fridge on the shelf, after wrapped in a wet towel, it will remain fresh no longer, the odd day.
  3. Place the salad into the container with low sides, and, preferably, double bottom, upper from which with water drains holes. It is important if you did not have time or the opportunity to give a track of the water on the towel. If the water is glass from the leaves, you can put them in a saucepan. Better vertically, cut down.
  4. Salad.

A minor amount of refueling needs precisely to be able to fulfill.

  • It would be nice to combine the leaves of lettuce with the juice of the fruit of lemon or garlic. In this case, they are allowed and not to be pressed.
  • In addition, Vitamin K, which is suitable in sufficient quantities in lightning leaves, takes part in the adjustment of the blood coagulation process.
  • For example, dill and parsley are enriched with carotene, its accommodation in these products in 100 grams of greenery is approximately 1.5 milligrams. But in tomatoes and carrots, its maintenance is much smaller, although these garden fruits are known sources of carotene.

Storage of green vegetable in the freezer

It is important to know that the leaf salad is not subject to long-term storage after cutting - it must be used for 1-2 hours. For this reason, it is better to buy a salad that grows in a pot. So you can cut it in front of the use and even grow a new crop. If necessary, cut salad can be stored in the refrigerator for several hours.

However, despite its undoubted benefits, a leaf salad is not recommended to be used in large quantities, which suffer from gout, enterocolitis and kidney diseases, due to the high content of oxalic acid in it.

Another interesting way to frost lettuce leaves. Finely chopped salad into ice molds, pour with boiled water and put in the freezer. After the water freezes, put the resulting cubes with greens in the bags and send it back in the freezer. In this way, you can freeze not only salad, but also dill, parsley and other green vegetables. And they will be stored for up to two years, and after the thawing, even their smell is preserved.

As already written above, the salad leaves are a gentle and a whimsical plant that requires careful and careful relationship. Knowing some facts about greenery, you can protect yourself from her quick damage:

Extend a few days. Freshness of salad will help a small trick: wrap the vegetable into a paper napkin, and put any silver object inside the resulting packaging and deposit in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. So salad culture will continue for a week.

Marinate Sheet Salad for Winter

Cover the container with a salad wet pure towel. It is not recommended to cover the food film, as it will interfere with the air exchange and stimulate damage. Leave open also should not be left, because the lettuce leaves will faster, because air circulation in the refrigerator is significant.

Luxury Sheet Salad

Compared with other greens is kept worse. Its leaves are more tender, lighter lose moisture and exposed to rot. The perfect preservation option is to provide conditions close to the natural environment, i.e. Full root nutrition, sufficient humidity, moderate or reduced temperature.

It is preferable to add natural cold spin oils: linen, olive, sunflower, corn.

Useful properties of sheet salad

There are more than a hundred species of salads, but all of them are divided into coastal and leafy:

Many mineral substances are contained in all the leaves of greenery. It is sodium, and iodine, and copper, phosphorus, zinc, and potassium, and iron.

In the leaves of lettuce and greens in a significant number of carotenoids accommodate

In order to have a healthy slimming, the leaf salad has been applied for many years and shows excellent results. This is a low-calorie and dietary product, which can be used in unlimited quantities and absolutely not worrying for calories and excess weight. The nutritionists of the whole world recommend using it as the main ingredient of salads and snacks, as well as replacing them a side dish to dishes containing a large amount of protein. The useful substances that are included in its composition effectively accelerate metabolism, establish the right lipid exchange, improve digestion, contribute to the removal of toxins, slags and excess fluid, which leads to a gradual and healthy slimming without harm to health.

There are more than a hundred species of salad in the world, which is divided into sheet and jam. It is noteworthy that those known to all of the Beijing cabbage also refers to a coastal salad and has a lot of useful properties. But leaf grade salad is more widely used in cooking, as they have different shapes, colors and flavors. Among them can be found varieties with very spicy and even bitter taste, and you can find very gentle and sweet species with a nut aroma. The main thing is that all types of salad are extremely helpful and they need to be used to everyone who wants to be healthy, slim and young as long as possible.

Varieties of leaf salad

There are several ways to marine salad leaves. Let's look at the most popular.

Salad leaves are completely dry: even by chance the little water droplet is capable of ruining the taste of the plant.

If you need to keep the culture of fresh for up to two weeks, keep it in glass or plastic containers with a lid. Get plastic containers and use it exclusively for the storage of greenery so that there are no extraneous odors in it. On the bottom of the package bed paper towel, lay out the layer of greenery, cover top with a paper napkin and close the lid tightly. Keep the container on the refrigerator shelf. If the container is high, then between the layers of the greenery, lay paper napkins.

Place the container (or pan) in the refrigerator, the desired storage temperature + 4 ° C. Catch the leaf salad every day, removing the damaging leaves. So you can extend the shelf life of up to 5 days. Remember that greens refers to perishable products, and its shelf life (after cleansing and washing) range from 18 to 24 hours at storage temperature + 4 / -2os.

- Container or saucepan

Salads made of greens are not only added to the Kushans of taste and aroma, however, contribute to other useful components from the main dish. For example, meat is absorbed much faster if the salad with the presence of green leaves and garden fruits to consume as a side dish.

Correct selection and storage of sheet salad

Arugula - leaf salad with pronounced spicy taste. This species was known since a long time, more specifically more than two thousand years ago. The arugol is characterized by the highest accommodation of vitamin C and carotenoids.

Salad leaves should be stored in the refrigerator, namely in a vegetable office

Eating sheet salad for weight loss

Who contribute to the preservation of your vision

As you have already been able to make sure the leaf salad is unusually useful productto be used daily to maintain and restore health, solving the problem of excess weight and the preservation of youth on long years. Salad is a storehouse of essential vitamins and minerals, available to us all year round.

Salad leaves for weight loss. Views. How to store. Recipe

The most common type of leaf salad is a lathouse. It grows everywhere, it can even be grown in the apartment in small pots. Latuke has a gentle, almost imperceptible taste and a juicy, crispy texture, so it can be added to almost any dishes. In addition, the latch is perfectly stored, keeping its useful properties up to 2-3 days after cutting.

More recently, in our country, the leaf salad was used solely to decorate dishes, and now it is widely used to prepare exquisite and useful salads, snacks, sauces and even used as a lightweight and tasty garnish to meat and fish dishes. The most diverse views of this sheet vegetable began to sell in stores, each of which has a different flavor, taste, shape and even color. This is an unusually popular product in the Mediterranean countries, where it has long been used with olive oil and salt as a dietary side dish. Fortunately, in our country, the leaf salad is quite inexpensive, so each hostess can use it for cooking useful and delicious food for the whole family.

Do not grind the leaves with a knife, as contact with the metal negatively affects their taste. Salad leaves are accepted by hand.

Bottling lettuce leaves for the winter, the hostess should know all the whims of this culture. After all, the slightest error can lead to the fact that every effort will go as shock. Preparation must be held in the following order:

What is useful lettuce leaves and greens?

Store the raw sheet salad at 0 ° C, tightly laying in the box or basket. It is very sensitive to air humidity: at low indicators (60-70%) quickly swept, at high (more than 90%) molds. So optimal moderate humidity (80-90%).

- towel, sieve or colander

Iceberg Salad (Corn, Romano or Other Sheet Salad);

  • Iceberg is the most famous type of salad, which acquired such a name due to its storage during the delivery period, and the salad leaves at that time were slept. Iceberg leaves can be compared with fresh cabbage, because they are also crunchy. Only here this product tastes much more gentle and tastier. A significant amount of water is fitted in it.
  • Salad in the storage process should be wrapped in a plastic or paper package, otherwise it will soon become dry and fruitful.
  • Useful for a healthy condition of the skin and mucous membranes,

On our table is such a greens like lettuce leaves are quite rare. Many of you are probably not even taken for a normal product Salad leaves and suggest what is used solely by the Operations, seeking to get their ideal weight or unshakable vegetarians.

  • No less popular and common in our country is a Batavio leaf salad, which is distinguished by wide leaves with wavy edges. It is used to prepare all sorts of salads, sandwiches and snacks, as it has a gentle taste and looks impressive. After cutting, the battulus very quickly loses its beneficial properties, so it needs to be used immediately.
  • In addition, the salad is very easy to grow in beds or even at home - it grows throughout the warm period and delights us with its bright, juicy and crispy leaves. This culture began to grow more than five thousand years ago, but in cooking and medicine, this product was the first to use the ancient Romans. It was they who noticed that the leaves of lettuce possess a pleasant aroma and perfectly emphasize the taste of meat, vegetables and cheese. In addition, the ancient healers was noticed that the regular use of salad helps effectively establish the digestion and work of almost all organs. And the main thing - the salad is a dietary product, with which you can easily throw excess weight And consolidate the result achieved for life. In this article, we will tell you about the composition and beneficial properties of sheet salad, as well as its application for the purpose of a healthy weight loss.
  • The recycled salad needs to be immediately eaten or used for billets for the winter - it quickly loses its commodity look and benefit.
  • Bring salad leaves home, fold the greens in a large bowl and rinse under running cold water.

How to keep ca

Green leafy vegetables have a short shelf life. Therefore, it often happens that their hostesses have to just throw them away and do not have time to prepare a delicious dish of them. Therefore, the question is how long to keep the leaves of salad fresh, as well as how to prepare them for the winter, as never relevant. Knowing some secrets, you can extend the shelf life of the leaf vegetable, maintain useful trace elements and vitamins, as well as with pleasure to prepare dishes from it in winter.

  • - Wet Towel
  • One spoon dining holes cedar;
  • In addition, the crisp and the leaves of Roman, which is enriched with sodium, red radiko is enriched - it contains a considerable amount of iron and calcium, Chinese cabbage is a salad of the jam.
  • Lettuce leaves need to be slightly dry until you send them to the refrigerator. Leaves in a wet form, being in the package, will be rapidly faster.
  • Alzheimer's disease is warned.
  • And, of course, do not feed the leaves of the salad of your own spouse. Only here, ironic statements in this case are not entirely appropriate, since such a small-calorie food product has many advantages over numerous familiar dishes, if we consider all its useful qualities.

Types of flyshlades

B. lately Salads, snacks and sauces with arugula, which is also a kind of leaf salad, are unusually popular. Arugula attracts gourmets around the world with their piquant and rich taste with mild mustard. Its fragrance gives dishes a very interesting note and perfectly combined with cheese, nuts, tomatoes, red meat and a bird. Arugula, like other types of leaf salad, you need to break your hands, and not cut with a knife, since some useful properties of this product are lost from contact with the metal.

  • All types of salad have long been famous for their useful properties. Their composition includes a practically a full range of vitamins and minerals, but especially a lot of vitamins A, C, E, K, RR, carotene, zinc, selenium, iron, folic acid, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sodium. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps strengthen immunity, helps to improve the work of the cardiovascular system and accelerates the metabolism. The content of ascorbic acid in the sheet salad is almost the same high as in the apples. Vitamin E is also the strongest antioxidant that helps to work nervous system, Restore the normal hormonal background and prevent aging of the skin. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in the process of blood clotting, so it is vital to every person. Vitamin A and Carotine effectively improve vision and serve as excellent prevention of ophthalmic diseases. The salts of iron included in the sheet salad are necessary for the correct blood formation and prevention of iron deficiency anemia.
  • Almost all green vegetables can be stored in winter in the freezer, defining them immediately before use.
  • The washed leaves fold into the colander so that the glass is excessive liquid.
  • If you grow a salad on your household plot, make a harvest in the morning in dry weather. Rain and dew contribute to rapidly damage leaves. The greens dig out of the ground along with the root and fold in the box root down. Sheet salad - capricious plant. It poorly tolerates transportation, and with improper storage, it will be spoiled literally in a matter of hours.
  • First, cut the roots, beat the greens, removing the spoiled parts. Rinse salad carefully under running water, separating leaves. It is better to wash with cold water, to 18 ° C.