Still heard somewhere the topman. Complex proposals

How fun in the summer to spank on the puddles during warm rain! In some panties! As under the shower, only better! Because it smells like rain, wet earth, grass, and the air is clean, fresh. Okay!

But the rain subsides. There are already some blue lumets in the sky, they immediately slip the sunlight, and large raindrops still fall and fall ... And suddenly someone joyfully shouts:

Rainbow! See - Rainbow!

And in fact, multicolored arc spread through all the sky, like a huge gate in the sky. Where did they come from? Who built them so fast and so beautiful? Ray of sun and raindrops.

After all, the rainbow is a sunbeam. It passes through the rain drops, as through the prisms, is refracted and reflected on the opposite side of the sky in the form of a huge multi-colored arc.

That is why you can say that we built a rainbow sun rays and rain drops.

Usually, the sunbeam and raindrops are built by one rainbow, and it is not often. But it happens that, everyone on joy and surprise, two rainbows appear in the sky. One of them is bighching, the other pale! This happens in those rare cases when the sunbeam is twice reflected in water drops. Even more than four or five rainbows shine in the sky, it happens only over large rivers, lakes, bays, because there is a complex reflection of sunlight from water. Nature is inventive!

But it is not all wonders. Sometimes a rainbow can be seen at night when the moon looks like after the rain because of the clouds. In her dull rays, the lunar rainbow is born, there is no such bright as sunny.

And the most, in my opinion, amazing - rainbow in winter! It is very strange, unusually. Flowing frost, on the pale blue sky shines a cold winter sun, and crumbling ice crystals are filled in the air. The ray of the sun passes through these crystals, refracted, as in the prism, and reflects in the sky with a beautiful rainbow.


Probably there is no man who would not admire the rainbow. This magnificent colorful phenomenon has been hit by the imagination of people. Legends were made about the rainbow, she was attributed to amazing properties. In the ancient Greeks, the goddess Rainbow Irida performed as an intermediary between the gods and people, who passed the will of the Gods of God. Looking at the rainbow, the ancient Greeks believed that she connects the sky and the earth. According to the ancient ests, the rainbow filled the clouds exhausted after the rain; Water on the rainbow allegedly rose from the lake or river to heaven. Admiring the rainbow, the ancient Indians thought about the colors that were faded on the ground and bloomed again in the sky.

All forest flowers green,
All marsh lugs,
On earth when faded,
Bloom again in the sky.

These lines are taken from the famous "Song about Gayavate", written by the city of Longfello based on the legends of the North American Indians. The feeling of joy and liberation always connected with Rainbow. "The sun shifts on the roof, the rainbow takes the storm," we read in the Estonian epic "KaleviPeag". According to the biblical legend, God Yahweh after the World Flood hung the rainbow in the sky as a sign that he would no longer be so cruelly caraa people: "I hung my rainbow in the cloud so that it was the sign of eternal consent between me and between the land." In the ancient Indian epic, Ramayana meets "Leek Semi Color Mourovnik." Gromovnik - he is the same thumbnail - this is the king of the gods Indra, and his "seven-color bow" is a rainbow. The same sense was attributed to the rainbow and ancient Arabs; They considered her onion of God the Light of Kuzaha. After the victory over the forces of Darkness, not letting the sun on the sky, the cusses hung the rainbow onions on the clouds. The Slavic peoples of the Rainbow, who appeared in the sky after the fertile rain, personified the victory of the Bog-Rubbishman Perun, who struck the lightning of the spirit of evil.

Rainbow - a kind precursor. If it appeared, then the sun was swung; Weeping rain sowing, making a good deed, now it will end, the weather will come. The word "rainbow" contains the Old Slavonic root "Radi", which means "cheerful." In the old Slavonic language there are influence "Radoshti", meaning "joyful." And in our days, in some areas in Ukraine, the rainbow is called "fun." And many people "decrypt" the word "rainbow" as the "paradise arc". Recall the following lines from Don-Juan J. Bairon:

Everyone encouraged: they are rainbow
Considered a good foreshadow:
And Romans and Greeks
Similar trusted to the specimen.
In heavy and gesting days
It is useful to everyone; When suffering
Exhausted mind - it's nice to allow
That rainbow can be saved.

Poets have repeatedly appealed to the rainbow. The feeling of joy caused by the rainbow is well transmitted, for example, in the next poem Goethe. The poet admires the rainbow arising against the background of the jets of the waterfall, and compares the color of human life with the colorful of the rainbow:

To you, I, the sun, turn back;
On the waterfall sparkling, mighty
Now I look with joy, -
He strives for thousands of threads spilling
Throwing to the sky splashes with light clouds.
And between splashing, so flexing so
Shines lush rainbow against
Then everything is visible, then again in the MGLE is lost,
And everywhere splashes fresh delices!
All our lives it reproduces:
Watching it - and you will understand the soul
That life on the glow colorful is like.

Of course, not only a good weather thought people, admiring the rainbow. The ideas about the well-being, about happiness, were associated with the rainbow. Believers existed that in the place where the rainbow goes like one of his ends to the ground, you can dig a pot of gold. And to be happy and lucky in all matters before the end of life, it is enough to go under the rainbow barefoot. It is a pity that's just that anyone has not yet managed to go under the rainbow, no one was able to approach its foundation. I admire the "pearl, multicolored bridge", F. Schiller notes with sadness:

You go to him - he's away tends
And at the same time real estate;
He will be born with her stream
And together disappears with him.

The rainbow is really elusive and short-lived. She gives a feeling of joy, but, alas, this feeling is fleeting. She gives the dream of happiness, but it turns out to be unattainable. Amazing in his beauty "fleeting vision" literally melts in our eyes, leaving us a feeling of bright sadness. F. I. Tyutchev wrote about this very well:

How unexpectedly and bright
On the wet sky blue
Aerial upgraded Arch
In his per minute celebration!
One end in the forest won
Other clouds left -
She grabbed her full
And heightly exhausted.
Oh, in this rainbow vision
What a burner for eyes!
It is given to us for a moment,
Catch it - catch soon!
Look - it has been pale, -
More minute, two - and what?
Gone, somehow leaves everything
What you breathe and live.

Rainbow eyes attentive observer

It has long been noticed that the rainbow is observed only when the sun looked out due to clouds and only aside opposite to the sun. If you stand face to the sun, then the rainbow does not see. It is necessary that the sun be behind (remember from Goethe: "I am to you, the sun, turn back ..."). Rainbow occurs when the sun illuminates the veins of the rain. You can also observe a close rainbow arising against the background of the jets of a waterfall or fountain.

As the rain subsides, and then stops, the rainbow fade and gradually disappears. Remember the Tyutchev, who wrote about the "rainbow vision": "Look - it has already turned pale, - another minute, two ...". Or Schiller who wrote about the "Pearl Bridge":

"He will be born with his stream and disappears with him together."

How many colors have a rainbow? Usually they say about seven colors alternating in the following order: red (the outer edge of the rainbow), orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple (the inner edge of the rainbow facing the earth's surface). However, the number of colors is a conditional concept - there are no clear boundaries between neighboring colors. Aristotle called, for example, only three colors of the rainbow: red, green, purple. Newton first highlighted five colors in the rainbow: red, yellow, green, blue, purple (the last he called Purpurov). Later he spoke about ten colors: Alom, kinovari, lemon, saffron, yellowish greenery, herbicist, azure, blue, indigo, purple. Ultimately, Newton stopped on seven colors - the most, which to this day it is customary to allocate in the rainbow. The choice of precisely this number is not explained by physics, but rather the fact that the number 7 has long been considered "magic" (seven wonders of the world, seven death sins, seven days of the week, etc.). The artist or poet is free to see in the rainbow a different number of colors. Completed the same conversation about the colors of the rainbow poem V. S. Shefner:

I do not all ... Let it be in moments
All seven colors I see without difficulty, -
But still involuntarily waiting for eighth colors,
Which in childhood dreamed sometimes.

Let's return to the description of the rainbow. Often, one more (extra) rainbow arises above the main rainbow - more and blurred. Colors in an additional rainbow alternate in the reverse order: from the purple (outer edge) to the red (inner edge). The phenomenon of the double rainbow is described in Dante:

As an environment of transparent clouds
Above bow onions colors and smuggling
The messenger of Juno is ascended,
And formed internal outdoor.

Here the "messenger of Juno" is Irida, the goddess of the Rainbow. As for the last line, there was an opinion that existed in the Middle Ages as if the outer (additional) rainbow was as if reflected internal (main). Apparently, this thought brought people the observed reverse alternation of flowers in an additional rainbow.

There is a dark band between the red edges of the main and extra rainb. She is called Alexander Strip - by the name of living in II century. Greek philosopher Alexander, who taught this feature of a double rainbow.

Especially bright, the festive rainbow arises after a noisy summer thunderstorm (or during a thunderstorm). With a drizzling rain, the color of the rainbow becomes pale. In this case, the rainbow can turn into a whiten semicircle.

For an observer located on a relatively smooth earth surface, the rainbow appears under the condition that the angular height of the sun over the horizon does not exceed 42 °. The lower the sun, the greater the corner height of the summit of the rainbow and those, therefore, more observed section of the rainbow. An additional rainbow can be observed if the height of the sun above the horizon does not exceed 53 °.

The rainbow can be considered as a giant "wheel", which, as on the axis, "causing" on an imaginary direct line passing through the sun and observer.

Rainbow on other planets

The reader, who carefully followed all our reasoning, can make sure that a large distance is from usually the existential idea that "the rainbow is very simple, this is the sun rays, refracted in the rain drops," to the actual understanding of the physical mechanism of the rainbow. Having understood in this mechanism, we can afford a little fluttering.

Let us ask yourself: what would the rainbow look like if the refractive index suddenly increased for all wavelengths, say, 1.25 times? Imagine that we found themselves on an unknown planet, where some other liquid performs the role of water. This would mean that now for the red rays N k \u003d 1.66, and for purple n f \u003d 1.68. Calculations are given: y k \u003d 11 ° and in f \u003d 10 °. Thus, in comparison with the earth's rainbow, the angular sizes of the alien rainbow should decrease by 4 times; At the same time, the rainbow itself will be about twice as thinner. To see the rainbow, being on the surface of the planet, it is possible only under the condition that the height of the shine above the horizon does not exceed 10 °. When observing the cabin cabin, this requirement is removed. If the refractive index of the liquid sprayed in the atmosphere is close to n \u003d 2, the rainbow is reborn into the light spot located in the direction of the sun.

Physics and beauty

British poets of the XVII century. They reproached Newton in the fact that, explaining the emergence of the rainbow, he thus encroached her beauty. We provide the reader to make sure in injustice of this reproach. We are sure that now, when he met with the physics of the formation of rainbow, this amazing phenomenon of nature will seem even more beautiful. It is possible that by the knowledge of true reasons, it is now it will be especially acute the poetic charm of Lermontov lines:

There is a multicolored arc,
Cheating, often diva
On clouds build a beautiful bridge,
So that from one cliff to another
Go through the air path.

D / s in Russian language grade 9

1. What row lists connecting unions?
Also, either, but;
And, yes, too;
Yes, not that ... not that;
However, or, but.

2. Indicate which union is used in a complex sentence?
The weather is excellent, yes, unfortunately, there is no rain (Arsenyev).

3. Find an offer with homogeneous members associated with the Union and:
I handed him your order, and he fulfilled him with great pleasure (Simonov).
The sun village, and dull clouds hung over the Dark Stepha (Chekhov).
The conversation seemed interesting to him, and he stopped, waiting for the chance to express his thoughts (bitter).
In half an hour we sat at home, drank tea and told our adventures to comrades (Cavery).

4. Specify a complex proposal:
He grinned, but the man and gaze durable to the Duma.
Snow is such that they do not get each other (kataata).
I woke up because I wanted to drink (Platonov).
When we were released, I didn't feel anything.

5. Specify a complex proposal in which there is a general secondary member:
Through the gray stone, the water was soooked and it was stuffy in the gorge in the dark.
Burned under the fodder water and sailor deftly caught the rope abandoned from board (Kataev).
Again, the breads are not removed and the shorts (Grigoriev) are not confused.
And it does not find alone, it does not find the depressed tears and the heart rusts in half (Akhmatova).

6. Specify, on the site of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:
She was young (1) and smart (2) and considered it necessary to take all the best (3) from life (3) that she presented to her (Turgenev).
1)1,2,3 2) 2,3; 3)1,3; 4) 3.

7. Specify how many commas need to be delivered in this sentence:
The grandfather became angry and hit the fist on the tabletop and from the blow and cups and bread and the salt bar jumped up and fell on the floor (smooth).
1)1 2) 2; 3) 3; 4) 4.

8. Here, in which proposal, the punctuation marks are correct:
Thunderstorm completely subsided and only published the distant rollers rushed, and a black endless cloud was crawled across the sky.
Joyfully spring tweets and sing cables (Cavery).

9. Specify a complex proposal with the connecting union:
Father wished me a good way, and my daughter spent to the cart (Pushkin).
Either I will arrange everything, or I am His Duel Call (Chekhov).
The daughter studied at home and grew well, the boy also studied thumbs up.

10. How many simple suggestions are complex?
His soul was coming from storms and anxieties and he missed the shore bored and languishes (Lermontov).
1) 2; 2) 3.

11. What combination of words is one of the grammatical foundations in the proposal?
In the morning dawn, the shepherd is not driven by cows from Glev, and an hour half the afternoon in a circle is not calling his horn (Pushkin).
They are not calling;
does not call him;
Does not call the horn.

12. In which sentence, the grammatical foundations are true?
1) All the same foggy haze is now more thick off the fields, and everything is also strange and strangely looked at nature (Veresaev).
2) A bright rainbow spread over the sky, and scraps of clouds are hurriedly float into this luxurious arc (Solobukhin).
3) the night passed under a large clean moon, and by the morning lay the first frost (Privine).

13. Specify, on the spot of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:
So forever remained the church (I) with the windows braced in the doorway, windows (2) covered with the forest (3) roots (4) Byrian (5) wild thorns (6) and no one will now find a road to her (Gal).
1) 1,2,3,4,5,6;

14. In which sentence does not need punctuation signs?
And relief does not find it depressed tears and the heart rushes in half (Pushkin).
Unless sometimes Filin will blow it away and the sub-buckled owl (Abramov) flies about it.
Shortly after sunrise, clouded cloud and splashed the short rain (Privine).
We drove seven miles and the low home and courtyard (Czechs) appeared.

Elena Vladimirovna Ovchinnikova MOU SOSH №2 G. Bronnitsy

russian language and literature teacher

Complex proposals

Option 1

1. What row lists connecting unions?

    also, either, but;

    and, yes, too;

    yes, not that ... not that;

    however, or, but.

2. Indicate which union is used in a complex sentence?

The weather is excellent, yes, unfortunately, there is no rain(Arsenyev).




3. Find an offer with homogeneous members associated with the Union and:

    I handed him your order, and he fulfilled him with great pleasure (Simonov).

    The sun village, and dull clouds hung over the Dark Stepha (Chekhov).

    The conversation seemed interesting to him, and he stopped, waiting for the chance to express his thoughts (bitter).

    In half an hour we sat at home, drank tea and told our adventures to comrades (Cavery).

4. Specify a complex proposal:

    He grinned, but the man and gaze durable to the Duma.

    Snow is such that they do not get each other (kataata).

    I woke up because I wanted to drink (Platonov).

    When we were released, I didn't feel anything.

    Through the gray stone, the water was soooked and it was stuffy in the gorge in the dark.

    Burned under the fodder water and sailor deftly caught the rope abandoned from board (Kataev).

    Again, the breads are not removed and the shorts (Grigoriev) are not confused.

    And it does not find alone, it does not find the depressed tears and the heart rusts in half (Akhmatova).

She was young (1) and smart (2) and considered it necessary to takefrom life all the best (3) that she will be presented(Turgenev).

1)1,2,3 2) 2,3; 3)1,3; 4) 3.

7. Specify how many commas need to be delivered in this sentence:

The grandfather became angry and hit the fist on the table top and from the blow and the cups and bread and the salt bar jumped up and got into the floor (Smooth).

1)1 2) 2; 3) 3; 4) 4.

8. Here, in which proposal, the punctuation marks are correct:

    Thunderstorm completely subsided and only published the distant rollers rushed, and a black endless cloud was crawled across the sky.

    Joyfully spring tweets and sing cables (Cavery).

9. Specify a complex proposal with the connecting union:

    Father wished me a good way, and my daughter spent to the cart (Pushkin).

    Either I will arrange everything, or I am His Duel Call (Chekhov).

    The daughter studied at home and grew well, the boy also studied thumbs up.

10. How many simple suggestions are complex?

His soul got off with storms and anxieties and hesitated ashore he misses and languishes (Lermontov).

1) 2; 2) 3.

In the morning dawn shepherd does not drive cows of chlev, and an hour half acend in the circle is not calling his horror(Pushkin).

    they are not calling;

    does not call him;

    does not call the horn.

1) all the same misty chimkanow more thicker enveloped inla, and everything is just as strange and incomprehensible gone nature(Veresaev).

2) Bright rainbow swungthrough the sky and scrapshurried floatin this luxury arch (Soloohin).

3) Night passed under Big clean moon And by morning lay per frost (Provine).

13. Specify, on the spot of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:

So forever and the church remained (I. ) with monsters bracing in the doorway, windows (2) covered with forest (3) roots (4) Byrian (5)wild thorns (6) and no one will now find the road to her(Galle).

1) 1,2,3,4,5,6;



    And relief does not find it depressed tears and the heart rushes in half (Pushkin).

    Unless sometimes Filin will blow it away and the sub-buckled owl (Abramov) flies about it.

    Shortly after sunrise, clouded cloud and splashed the short rain (Privine).

    We drove seven miles and the low home and courtyard (Czechs) appeared.

Complex proposals

Option 2.

1. What row lists the dividing unions?

    then ... then, but;

    or, or;

    yes, also;

    however, but.

2. Indicate which union is used in a complex sentence:

Or weave, either sprinkle or sing songs.



3) dividing.

3. Specify a complicated offer:

1) I sat down at the fence and began to listen (Arsenyev).

2) Both too lively and naturally listened and said, and this was not liked Anna (Sergeev-Price).

3) She was young and clever and considered it necessary to take the best (Turgenev) from life.

4) Andreyka pulled out and with difficulty raised up with both hands a large fish (Krutilin).

4. Specify a complex proposal:

    Only the Orioles shout, yes, the cucks are in need of someone who is universal years (paustovsky).

    There, Kucher is waiting with a horse, but not to drive on the sleigh.

    The thunderstorm passed, and the branch of white roses in the window I breathe aroma.

    In the fall on the seashore, the day is so warm that you can safely go in one shirts (Krutilin).

5. Specify a complex proposal in which there is a general secondary member:

    Century-old dark trees closed over the heads of fighters and the sun could not break through the foliage (Simonov).

    The Chelkasha shuddered the mustache and the lights flared up in the eyes.

    We drove seven miles and the low home and courtyard appeared.

    The door slammed and heard a knock of the removing steps.

6. Specify, on the site of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:

Lights (1) and light (2) not yet redeemed (3) lanterns were not needed(Cavery).

1)1,2,3; 2)1; 3)1,3; 4) 2, 3.

7. Specify that the punctuation marks are correctly arranged in the proposal:

    From somewhere there is a ripple, anxious cry of untrue birds or an indefinite sound is heard, similar to whose voice (Sergeyev-price).

    Behindes the sunrise, and Zaveril the top of the mountains, and began to shine a silent boron (Grigoriev).

8. Specify a complex proposal with a Peredivation Union:

    She grabbed my hand, and we went to the other side of the rink, to the playground (Cavery).

    Oil either marinate or dried (Solobukhin).

    The idea of \u200b\u200binseparable bings quite often flashed in their mind, but they never said about each other (Pushkin).

In the morning, on the other day, he had a head buzzed in her ears and in the whole bodythere was ailment(Chekhov).

1) 2; 2) 3.

10. What combination of words is one of the grammatical foundations in the sentence?

Rested and drunk tea, we are smoothly at noonagain sat down in the boat, and she suffered us on a long straight man(Korolenko).

    resting and drunk, we;

    suffered us;

    she suffered.

11. In which sentence, the grammatical foundations are true?

    everyday blurred bad windand overnight in the snow oKcalledsolid, weekest layernasta (Privine).

    Almost still wash wingsmill, and still
    she is similaron small manwaving his hands (Chekhov).

    Fortunately, Pechorin was immersedin thought, looking at the blue teeth of the Caucasus, and it seems at all did not rushon the road (Lermontov).

12. Specify, on the site of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:

For the first time I had to travel on ice (1) and (2) I confess (3) I was not easy for you to have encouraged obstacles (4) drowned at every step ice bath (Sokolom-Mikitov).

1)1,2,3,4; 2)1,4; 3)4.

13. In which sentence does not need punctuation signs?

    It was already hours for ten evenings and a full moon (Czechs) was shining above the garden.

    The muddy sun rushed along the tops of white trees and did not lag behind the car (paustovsky).

    The living room was symmetrically stood the furniture hung portraits and home carpets (L, Tolstoy) were spread on the floor.

    A cast iron grille on a stone bridge and shadow it is so clearly pierced in the light (lakes).

14. What proposal is the punctuation error?

    The sun has already rolled out, and pleasant freshness spilled in the air (Stanyukovich).

    There were stars in the sky, and the occasionally covered by the smoke of the month (L. Tolstoy) glowed.

Complex proposals

Option 3.

1. What row lists the opposition unions?

    yes, also, and;

    but, however, but;

    either, but, and;

    too, or, yes.

2. Indicate which union connects the parts of a complex proposal:

A strange old man spoke very long, yes the sound of his voice was also amazed me(Sergeev-Price).




3. Specify the syntactic characteristics of the sentence:

Methodically ringing the tops of the pines and barely heard Osinki.(Sergeev-Price).

    complex offer with the union and;

    simple sentence with homogeneous members.

4. Indicate a complex proposal in which there is no general secondary member:

    In the whole winter, it never warmed up and did not order with the seal roofs of a fussy thawed water.

    Shortly after sunrise, clouded cloud and splashed short rain.

    It is necessary for me a wide blue sky and large white birds are worn.

    My comrade wondered and for some time we drove silence.

5. Specify the offer in which only one comma:

    He slept with unconcast windows and the garden and the moon looked all night in them.

    We chose a place for the night under the big laggy firs and began to break the tent.

3) Nightingale scattering his spring sang song.

4) One after another to the fire slowly fading in the night was approaching horses and looked at us smart eyes.

6. Specify a proposal with a punctuation error:

    Ice quickly thickened, and the ship had to go a quiet move.

    Everything was quiet, only far from the road slammed the leaves, and the bruises were heard.

    For a while, everything again faded and darkened.

4) The owner was illicious and hospitable, and his home hotel in the hunt seasons was always full.

7. Specify the correct explanation of punctuation in the proposal:

Fog dispelled and outlines of objects became clear.

    andthe comma is not needed;

    complete offer, in front of the union andcomma needed;

    a complex proposal, before the union and the comma is not needed;

    simple sentence with homogeneous members, before the union andthe comma is needed.

8. Specify a complex proposal with the dividing union:

    That slapped somewhere, then he was suddenly howl, then as if someone passed along the corridor (S. Shchedrin).

    Then everything was amended, and only the sea far is still monotonously, quietly noisy (paustovsky).

    A month is shining for a slant, and in the forehead the star is burning (Pushkin).

9. How many simple suggestions are complex?

These were people art and talent and I did not have any talent and I of course he was completely upset and thought about it is (Cavery).

1) 2; 2) 3.

10. How many grammatical foundations in the sentence?

Flame Rtyet. flame sinks splashes and fly and they breathe on them cool dark garden due to river (Tyutchev).

1) 2; 2)3; 3) 4.

11. What combination of words is one of the grammatical foundations in the proposal?

Gypsies stopped for a minute and, jumper, ngave me a matter of the grandmother around, and she sailed on the floor silently likeby air, spreading with his hands, lifting the eyebrows, looking somewhere in the distanceeyes(Bitter).

    Gypsies stopped and jumped;

    She sailed, ranking, lifting, looking;

    Gypsies stopped and went.

12. In which sentence, the grammatical foundations are true?

1) It wasdark, no istill sawand trees, water, and people.

    Around everything darkens and darkensand at night enterin
    familiar village (Bunin).

    That fell as if fog,that suddenly allowedspit, large rain.

13. Specify, on the spot of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:

For a variety, the white cobblestone flashes in Byriana (1) or grows for a moment a gray stone woman (2) or will translate the Suslik road (3) and again the eyes of Byrian (4) hills (5) ridges are running(Chekhov).

1) 1,2,3,4,5;

2) 2,3,4,5;

3) 1,2,4,5.

14. In which sentence does not need punctuation signs?

    My comrade thought about and for some time we drove in silence (Korolenko).

    Occasionally lusters a branch under the foot or turns the motley woodpecker (Mamin-Sibiryak).


The task


Option 1

Option 2.

Option 3.

Option 1

Sunny heat and glitter changed to cool night and inadequate light of a young month (L. Tolstoy).

1) simple; 2) Complex.

If the writer, working, does not see the words of what he writes about, then the reader will not see anything about them (POUST).

1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 4.

The top tier forms a palm tree, which is not afraid of the burning rays of the sun(Soloohin).

1) the tier forms; 2) palm form; 3) is not afraid of the sun.

4. What word or a combination of words is subject to in the proposal?

At this time, the Minister with his son was known in the maiden, but the appearance of them was already described in detail. (L. Tolstoy).

1) the arrival of the minister; 2) appearance; 3) Minister and Son; 4) Maiden.


Gracis have long been packed in the yard and started to vite the nest in the Gracovaya Grove.

6. What characteristic meets this proposal?

It was decided to go tomorrow if the rain stops(Arsenyev).

1) complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) complex; 4) Complexed.

7. What characteristic meets this proposal?

Hatches were tightly closed, and fresh air did not penetrate(Stankovich).

1) complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) complex; 4) Complexed.


Things were folded and there was nothing to do(Aksakov).



9. Specify the offer corresponding to the following characteristic: a complex proposal, with two simple sentences.

1) He woke up when the sunny square of the window came to his eyes (Arsenyev).

2) He stood with her eyes closed, as if gathering with thoughts (Maltsev).

Simple and complex offer option 2

1. Determine the view of the offer:

Spring shone in the sky, but the forest still in the winter was covered with snow.

1) simple; 2) Complex.

2. How many simple suggestions in the complex offer?

The lights of the moon turned out to be quite enough for parts to go where it was indicated, and then they did what the cruel law of bayonet attacks dictated (Sergeev-Price).

1) 2; 2) 3; 3) 4.

3. What a combination of words is one of the grammatical foundations in the structure of a complex sentence? He went outside, and his outer door called a quiet female voice.

4. What word or a combination of words is a fault in the sentence?

Silence it lasted long and I wanted to remind my traveler about the continuation of the story

1) wanted; 2) remind; 3) I wanted to remind; 4) lasted long.

5. What characteristic meets this proposal?

In the shining heaven, the sun ruins, and the wind walks on earth(Ovechkin).

1) simple; 2) complex; 3) complex; 4) Complex non-union.

What characteristic meets this proposal?

Day fugged, in the forest began to get dark quickly (Linkov).

1) complex non-union; 2) simple; 3) complex; 4) Complexed.

What characteristic meets this proposal?

All of something waited, sitting in a cloudy dining room(Kataev).

1. Supported non-union; 2) simple; 3) complex; 4) Complexed.

8. Specify the method of communication of simple proposals inside the complex:

Upon times, only when she didn't notice that, boyar was forgotten, she shifted his eyebrows and looked at Elena(A. Tolstoy).

1) with intonation, without unions;

2) with the help of intonation and verification union when;

3) with the help of intonation and writing union when.

9. Specify the offer corresponding to the following characteristic: a complex proposal consisting of three simple proposals.

1) Ovsyannikov looked around, moved to me closer and continued to talk (Turgenev).

2) Already in the morning I felt not good, although I could not clearly determine what my unhealthy was

Simple and complex offer

Option 3.

1. Choose complicated complications among these proposals:

1) A fresh jet of night air flowed into the window and carried a resinous aroma of spruce forest and fragrant forest herbs (Mamin-Sibiryak).

2) There was a silence in the room, broken only by the rustle of the tetrad

3) Watering the rain as from the bucket, and everything was hidden (Svrani).

2. Choose the specified offers:

1) In the morning I felt bad, although it could not clearly determine what my unhealthy (Cavery) was.

2) Snow on the collar melted very noticeably, despite the fact that it was cold (L. Tolstoy).

3) Soft bluish discharge illuminating a formally spent on lonely ice floe shape, powered by white Ineem (Serafimovich).

3. In which sentence is all the grammatical foundations correctly allocated?

1) A trainit was already awaywhere rails narrowed(Arsenyev).

2) Tel snow nestsin the pits, treacherously closing the puddles and rods, in the cold water of which unexpectedly ensuredoverwhelmed legs(Green).

3) hours at eight in the evening rain stopped,although the sky wasstill frowning (caveryin).

4) I have long beenmy edge leftwhere flower meadowsand thickets (Yesenin).

In which sentence, the grammatical foundations are not allocated?

1) Majestic the mountains,already in spring green, all Taenuliwinter hats on their tops

2) as soon as the sun beginswarm up many are sentin a romantic trip

3) Pilifrom the Gray Bay Low cloudsto the shore raised wave, caught upher whistling wind(POUST).

4) All watchedwith surprise on the hero and seenwhat he bolder is more beautifultheir soul and face

5. Specify the correct syntactic characteristics of the sentence:

The old man was under eighty, and his gray beard had long turned yellow, but he kept firmly and did not inferdate young men(Cavery).

1) Complexed, consists of three simple.

2) Complexed, consists of two simple.

3) Simple, with homogeneous members of the sentence.

4) Sophisticated non-union, consists of three simple.

I option

A. Snow rustles under his feet and he is no longer white on the pavement.

B. opened the door to the garden, and from there he was treated with a thin and viscous smell.

V. Quietly breathes the winter forest, having honed the approach of spring, and gradually awakens from sleep.

G. In the forest quietly and smell like pine and grass.

1. Specify the offer in which an error is made in the punctuation mark.

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

3. Find a proposal with a general secondary member.

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

[undefined personal], and [impersonal].

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

5. What is the importance to the union in a complex offer, then suddenly let the troll of the nightingale, then cries the duck?

A. Simultaneous phenomena.

B. Sequence.

B. Alternation.

G. Contrast.

6. Find a sentence with the Union However (the punctuation marks are not affixed).

A. The bushes rang out the rustle, but soon he fell.

B. The bushes rang out the rustle soon, however he fell.

Test on "Difficult Suggestions"

II option

Check out suggestions, perform tasks.

A. Stand down to the waves, and you will feel the freshness of the morning sea.

B. The end of winter and on the trees without silent shouts.

B. In the forest solemnly and quietly and the air smells in spring.

G. I approached the seashore, plunging deeper into my thoughts and suddenly saw the ship.

1. Find a proposal with a punctuation error.

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

2. Specify complex suggestions.

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

3. Find a complex proposal with a general secondary member.

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

4. The structure of which proposal is complied with the scheme:

[definitely personal], and [twisted].

1) a 2) b 3) in 4) g

5. What is the importance to the union in a complex offer the first locomotives shook my imagination, and I wanted to create these smart cars?

A. Simultaneous action.

B. Sequence.

B. Alternation.

G. Contrast.

6. Find a sentence with the Union too.

A. We hardly got to the forest, to the hut of the forester, then (s) traveled for a long time.

B. Days after ten, already ending the campaign, we again got into that (s) of the village.

Complex proposals

Option 1

1. What row lists connecting unions?

also, either, but;
And, yes, too;
Yes, not that ... not that;
However, or, but.

2. Indicate which union is used in a complex sentence?

The weather is excellent, yes, unfortunately, there is no rain (Arsenyev).


3. Find an offer with homogeneous members associated with the Union and:

I handed him your order, and he fulfilled him with great pleasure (Simonov).
The sun village, and dull clouds hung over the Dark Stepha (Chekhov).
The conversation seemed interesting to him, and he stopped, revived by giving the chance to express his thoughts (bitter).
In half an hour we sat at home, drank tea and told our adventures to comrades (Cavery).

4. Specify a complex proposal:

He grinned, but the man and gaze durable to the Duma.
Snow is such that they do not get each other (kataata).
I woke up because I wanted to drink (Platonov).
When we were released, I didn't feel anything.

Through the gray stone, the water was soooked and it was stuffy in the gorge in the dark.
Burned under the fodder water and sailor deftly caught the broach-sided rope from the board (Kataev).
Again, the breads are not removed and the shorts (Grigoriev) are not confused.
And it does not find alone, it does not find the depressed tears and the heart rusts in half (Akhmatova).

She was young (1) and smart (2) and considered it necessary to take all the best (3) from life (3) that she presented to her (Turgenev).

1)1,2,3 2) 2,3; 3)1,3; 4) 3.

7. Specify how many commas need to be delivered in this sentence:

The grandfather became angry and hit the fist on the tabletop and from the blow and cups and bread and the salt bar jumped up and fell on the floor (smooth).

1)1 2) 2; 3) 3; 4) 4.

8. Here, in which sentence, the signs of Pre-Pinania are correctly arranged:

Thunderstorm completely subsided and only published the distant rollers rushed, and a black endless cloud was crawled across the sky.
Joyfully spring tweet sparrows and sing cinemas (Cave-Rin).

9. Specify a complex proposal with the connecting union:

Father wished me a good way, and my daughter spent to the cart (Pushkin).
Either I will arrange everything, or I am His Duel Call (Chekhov).
The daughter studied at home and grew well, the boy also studied thumbs up.

10. How many simple suggestions are complex?

His soul was coming from storms and anxieties and he missed the shore bored and languishes (Lermontov).

In the morning dawn, the shepherd is not driven by cows from Glev, and an hour half the afternoon in a circle is not calling his horn (Pushkin).

they are not calling;
does not call him;
Does not call the horn.

1) All the same foggy haze is now more thick off the fields, and everything is also strange and strangely looked at nature (Veresaev).

2) A bright rainbow spread across the sky, and scraps, cloud-foddes float into this luxurious arch (Solobukhin).

3) The night passed under a large clean moon, and by the morning layer Frost (Prien).

13. Specify, on the spot of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:

So forever remained the church (I) with the windows braced in the doorway, windows (2) covered with the forest (3) roots (4) Byrian (5) wild thorns (6) and no one will now find a road to her (Gal).

And relief does not find it depressed tears and the heart rushes in half (Pushkin).
Unless sometimes the Filin will blow red, the sublepping owl (Abramov) will be illuminated.
Shortly after sunrise, clouded cloud and splashed the short rain (Privine).
We drove seven miles and the low home and courtyard (Czechs) appeared.

Complex proposals

Option 2.

1. What row lists the dividing unions?

then ... then, but;
or, or;
Yes, also;
However, but.

2. Indicate which union is used in a complex sentence:

Or weave, either sprinkle or sing songs.


3) dividing.

3. Specify a complicated offer:

1) I sat down at the fence and began to listen (Arsenyev).

2) Both too lively and naturally listened and said, and this was not liked Anna (Sergeev-Price).

3) She was young and clever and considered it necessary to take the best (Turgenev) from life.

4) Andreyka pulled out and with difficulty raised up with both hands a large fish (Krutilin).

4. Specify a complex proposal:

Only the Orioles shout, yes, the cucks are in need of someone who is universal years (paustovsky).
There, Kucher is waiting with a horse, but not to drive on the sleigh.
The thunderstorm passed, and the branch of white roses in the window I breathe aroma.
In the fall on the seashore, the day is so warm that you can safely go in one shirts (Krutilin).

5. Specify a complex proposal in which there is a general secondary member:

Century-old dark trees closed over the heads of fighters and the sun could not break through the foliage (Simonov).
The Chelkasha shuddered the mustache and the lights flared up in the eyes.
We drove seven miles and the low home and courtyard appeared.
The door slammed and heard a knock of the removing Sha-Gov.

6. Specify, on the site of which numbers should be commas in the sentence:

Lights (1) and light (2) not yet redeemed (3) lanterns was not needed (Cavery).

1)1,2,3; 2)1; 3)1,3; 4) 2, 3.

7. Specify, in which proposal, the signs of Pre-Pinania are correct:

From somewhere there is a passionless, anxious cry of untoured birds or an indefinite sound is heard, like a voice (Sergeyev-price).
Behindes the sunrise, and Zaveril the top of the mountains, and began to shine a silent boron (Grigoriev).

8. Specify a complex proposal with a Peredivation Union:

She grabbed my hand, and we went to another stort-well rink, to the playground (Cavery).
Oil either marinate or dried (Solobukhin).
The idea of \u200b\u200binseparable bings quite often flashed in their mind, but they never said about each other (Pushkin).

In the morning, on the other day, he had a head buzzed in her ears and in the whole body, there was noiliation (Chekhov).

10. What combination of words is one of the grammatical foundations in the sentence?

Rest and drunk tea, we smoothly sat down at noon again in the boat, and she suffered us along a long straight line (Korolenko).

resting and drunk, we;
suffered us;
She suffered.

11. In which sentence, the grammatical foundations are true?

Every day a terrible wind blew, and overnight in the snow I turned around a solid, weed layer of Nasta (Privine).
In the distance still waving the wings of the mill, and still
It is similar to a small little man waving Ru-Kami (Chekhov).
Fortunately, Pechorin was immersed in thought, looking at the blue teeth of the Caucasus, and, it seems, at all I was in a hurry in Do-Rog (Lermontov).

12. Specify, on the spot of which numbers should be commas in a pre-position:

I for the first time I had to travel on ice (1) and (2) I confess (3) I was not easy for you to have encouraged obstacles (4) on every step Ice bath (falcons-Mikitov).

1)1,2,3,4; 2)1,4; 3)4.

13. In which sentence does not need punctuation signs?

It was already hours for ten evenings and a full moon (Czechs) was shining above the garden.
The muddy sun rushed along the tops of white trees and did not lag behind the car (paustovsky).
The living room was symmetrically stood the furniture hung portraits and home carpets (L, Tolstoy) were spread on the floor.
A cast iron grille on a stone bridge and shadow it is so clearly pierced in the light (lakes).

14. What proposal is the punctuation error?

The sun has already rolled out, and pleasant freshness spilled in the air (Stanyukovich).
There were stars in the sky, and the occasionally the abrasion was shining a month (L. Tolstoy).

Complex proposals

Option 3.

1. What row lists the opposition unions?

yes, also, and;
but, however, but;
either, but, and;
too, or, yes.

2. Indicate which union connects the parts of a complex proposal:

A strange old man has spoke very long, and his voice was also amazing me (Sergeev-Price).


3. Specify the syntactic characteristics of the sentence:

The tops of the peaks of the pines are methodically and barely heard the osinkles (Sergeyev-Viski) moved.

a complex sentence with the Union and;
Simple sentence with homogeneous members.

4. Specify a complex proposal in which there is no secondary member:

In the whole winter, it never warmed up and did not order with the seal roofs of a fussy thawed water.
Shortly after sunrise, clouded cloud and splashed short rain.
It is necessary for me a wide blue sky and large white birds are worn.
My comrade wondered and for some time we drove silence.

5. Specify the offer in which only one comma:

He slept with unconcast windows and the garden and the moon looked all night in them.
We chose a place for the night under the big laggy firs and began to break the tent.

3) Nightingale scattering his spring song.

4) One after another to the fire slowly fading in the night under-go horses and looked at us smart eyes.

6. Specify a proposal with a punctuation error:

Ice quickly thickened, and the ship had to go a quiet move.
Everything was quiet, only far from the road slammed the leaves, and the bruises were heard.
For a while, everything again faded and darkened.

4) The owner was distinguished by a welcoming and hospitality, and his pre-Masher hotel in the hunt seasons was always full.

7. Specify the correct explanation of punctuation in the proposal:

Fog dispelled and outlines of objects became clear.

a simple sentence with homogeneous members, before soy-zom and the comma is not needed;
A complex proposal, before the union and the comma is needed;
A complex proposal, before the union and the comma is not needed;
A simple sentence with homogeneous members, before soy-zom and comma needed.

8. Specify a complex proposal with the dividing union:

That slapped somewhere, then he was suddenly howl, then as if someone passed along the corridor (S. Shchedrin).
Then everything was amended, and only the sea is still a mono-tone, quietly noisy (paustovsky).
A month is shining for a slant, and in the forehead the star is burning (Pushkin).

9. How many simple suggestions are complex?

These were people of art and talent and I had no talent and, of course I was completely in vain and thought about it in vain (Cavery).

10. How many grammatical foundations in the sentence?

The flame races the flame sinks sprinkle and fly and they breathe on them. Dark garden (Tyutchev) breathe on them because of the river.

1) 2; 2)3; 3) 4.

11. What combination of words is one of the grammatical foundations in the proposal?

Gypsies stopped for a minute and, jumper, went to the brush around the grandmother around, and she sailed on the floor silently, as in the air, spreading with his hands, lifting her eyebrows, looking somewhere in dark eyes (bitter).

Gypsies stopped and jumped;
She sailed, ranking, lifting, looking;
Gypsies stopped and went.

12. In which sentence, the grammatical foundations are true?

1) It was dark, but I still saw trees and water, and people.

The circle all darkens and darkens, and at night we enter into
Familiar village (Bunin).
That fell as if fog, then suddenly I absorbed oblique, cheaper rain.

13. Specify, on the spot of which numbers should be commas in the presentation:

For a diversity, the white cobblestone flashes in Byriana (1) or a gray stone woman (2) will grow for a moment (2) or will translate the Suslik road (3) and again they run by the eyes of Byrian (4) hills (5) ridges (Czechs).

14. In which sentence does not need punctuation signs?

My comrade thought about and for some time we drove in silence (Korolenko).
Occasionally lusters a branch under the foot or turns the motley woodpecker (Mamin-Sibiryak).

Synonymous phrases

Option 1

1. Replace the phrase of the real friendship, built on the basis of the coordination, synonymous phrase with the connection with the prognosis. Write the resulting phrase.

2. Replace the phrase from the city, built on the basis of adjustment, synonymous phrase with the connection with the coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

3. Replace the phrase slow descent, built on the basis of coordination, synonymous phrase with the connection. Write the resulting phrase.

4. Replace the phrase to confidently defeat, built on the basis of adjustment, synonymous phrase with communication with coordination. Write the resulting phrase.

5. Replace the phrase. It is interesting to tell, built on the basis of adjustment, synonymous phrase with communication management. Write the resulting phrase.

Option 1

1. Specify the offer whose parts are connected by the Union Word:

1) Scouts have repeatedly found out that there are a dozen and a half of the Nazis with one manual machine gun in the mound. (M. Alekseev)

3) smelled of dew, Chernobyl, sunflowers and something else inexplicable and sweet, which gives rise to a steppe dress. (M. Alekseev)

4) Timofey was pleased that, without hesitation, corrected his mistake. (I. Akimov)

2. Specify the offer whose parts are connected by the Union:

1) The company commander ordered that the intelligence officers rested before the night. (M. Alekseev)

2) there was a dining room, where he was sitting yesterday together with silent guests [Nikita]. (Y. Bondarev)

4) The night was dark, because the clouds covered the sky and did not let the lights of the stars. (V. Grossman)

3. Specify the offer whose parts are connected by the Supervision Union:

1) Several minutes passed, while the twelk with a bitch dropped at the end and stopped the soot in two to the outstretched arm of the boombara. (A.Gaidar)

2) On the visible side of the monolith, the ledgers were fuzzy, from where all the boys of the town jumping from.

3) Apparently, never remembering who it is, Sokolov amazed on top of the points looked at the lead and he held out his hand. (A. Bowls)

4) Andrei did not know anyone anywhere, who would have sorry and respected this cattle [horses] as his father. (V. Rasputin)

1) By midnight, by passing the grove, the scouts went to the edge of the forest, where our front edge began.

2) Lutrov recalls fellow travelers who often plant to the car on the road at the airfield.

3) Lutrov still dated a cigarette when the door was thrown into the hallway to the hallway and several times drove the dog.

4) I never understand why Clara Ivanovna agreed to be wrapped. (Y. Poles)

1) When Vasily and Kuzma came, Natalia slept and did not hear them. (V. Rasputin)

2) The coastality of grandfather is proud, it can be seen, prevented not much, because he ran cheerfully. (V. Rasputin)

3) where there were no thick cherry gardens, now she was shaking burnt black shrub. (M. Alekseev)

4) Finally the smell turned out to be so strong that it is no longer possible to go further. (Treypolsky)

Subordination unions and allied words

Option 2.

1. Specify the offer whose parts are connected by the Supervision Union:

1) My backpack, lonely clutching the side, lying on a platform, where the duty station went out to meet the train. (O. Kuvaev)

2) Bim rushed until she lost sight of quail, and then, cheerful and joyful, returned.

3) Kuzma, having spoiled, catch up with the wiring and asks how much left to the city. (V. Rasputin)

4) The local villages have one feature, which is unlikely to meet where in the world. (Fr. Kuvaev)

2. Specify the proposal, parts of which are connected by the subordinate union that:

1) Money that did not have time to put on a book, Egor Stores in a suitcase. (V. Tendayan)

2) Kuzma tightens the boots from the legs, unwinding the ports and feels that Gennady Ivanovich watches him.

3) smelled of something unknown, which blinked blood. (Treypolsky)

4) Everything that is connected with childhood seems to be beautiful. (V. Soloohin)

3. Specify the proposal whose parts are connected by the Union Word:

1) Irtysh passed on noisy corridors and finally found himself in the room, where several people have already expected a commissioner. (A. Gaidar)

2) And now the sounds are already from somewhere on top. (A. Bowls)

3) Trying to get into someone's traces, so as not to mive the snow, Kuzma through the rails goes to the station. (V. Rasputin)

4) In the beekeeper calendars, if they want to specify when it blooms or a different plant, denote the number of days after the flowering of nuts. (V. Soloohin)

4. Specify the offer whose parts are connected by the Supervision Union:

1) Acacia under the ecclesiast fence, where he was often sitting [Bumbaras] sometime with a ving, a solid wall was broken. (A. Gaidar)

2) With these words, all the army is divided into several detachments, which are in the cold, diverge in different directions. (A. Gaidar)

3) loved at twenty years old, starting his scientific work, also knew exactly what he wants.

4) From the questions, Motchka learned that Japanese intelligence approached. (A. Fadeev)

5. Specify the offer whose parts are connected by the Union Word:

2) Tell us, Alexey, why do you regret it? (Y. Bondarev)

3) The teacher gladly thought that this new boy would not spoil the class.

4) I did not have time to say to this Stepan, because in the barracks a cute voice of the foreman (I. Stadnyuk)

Option 1

1. In which row all the listed words are subordinate unions?

because, but;
because, how much, how, who;
Since, as if, too.

2. Specify a complex proposal:

With the approach to the sea, broad-venous woody breeds were increasingly disappeared, the Sayan spruce was predominating, a white fir (kataata) was predominant.
I have long left my territory, where the meadows and thickets (Yesenin) bloom.

3. Specify which part of the complex offer is the main thing:

(1) Through the window I saw, (2) as a large gray bird sat on the Maple Branch in the garden (Sergeev-Prica).

4. Specify the apparent proposal that is related to the main one with the help of an allied word:

I was remembered now the dog that was my youth friend (Yesenin).
I must be sure in the morning that I will see with you in the afternoon (A. Pushkin).
You say that again we will wait for spring (Cavery).
I believe that the forest is an excellent expression of the forces of nature and the most clear sample of its perfection (Sergeev-Price).

5. In which complex proposal is the apparent definition?

Where there was no longer empty, goal, now the mlauding grove once herself.
I do not know where the border between comrade and other (Fadeev).
Where spring flows were raced, now there are a flow of colors (Astafiev) everywhere.
To us, this meeting was able to once again talk about the old Russian cities, where beautiful Lu Di live.

6. In which complex sentence is the apparent exemplary?

The genius is so internally rich that any topic, any thought, case or subject causes an inexhaustible stream of associations (Cavery).
It was so quiet that the cods broken from the frost, the rustling branch broken from frost, the rigorous branch.
I hope you will not refuse to seek me.
Dust on the streets is so eager that the eyes hurt (Cavery).

7. In which complex the proposal is the apparent reason?

The sun shone so brightly that everything around the sparkle and sparkle (Sergeyev-price).
I was silent because my eyes stopped suddenly three dusting portraits in black wooden frames (Cavery).
It was so dark that she hardly spread the road.
The shout seemed so loud that she fell apart on the ground (A. Tolstoy).

8. What kind of complex offer is there an apparent place?

It was unbearable to see how this big, strong, volitional man (field).
For a few minutes, he stood motionless and tried to quickly pour, where did this growing hum (Fadeev) came from?
It was decided to go tomorrow if the rain stops (Simo-New).
Where the light beam, go down, sharpening tears across gray stones, crawl into black cypress clusters Purple Ro-zy (Akhmatova).

9. What kind of complex offer is therecing an appropriate action and degree?

And somehow suddenly hear that all the forest was flooded with hundreds of votes.
Masha is so friendly and tightly graduated his hand that he had a heart beat from joy (Sergeev-Price).
And I troubledly understood the then that I was never on my homeland a trace never.
Cute, I know that keeps you here (B. Zaitsev).

10. What kind of complex offer is there an apparative comparative?

1) The whole room suddenly darkened, the curtains (Sergeyev-Price) were hidden in it.

2) Lazy Thunder was sipped by the horizon as a slespheld.

3) It seemed to me that I feel how time slowly and demon passively passes by me (Sergeev-Price).

4) Fog as a tilted sea hangs over the forest (Sergeyev-price).

11. What fragment of the proposal corresponds to the complex proposal with the apparent purpose?

1) .. with passion read, what ...

2) ... came there to ...

I really wanted ...
... Forwards sick, if ...

We will need a conductor (1) in reliability (2) (3) there would be no doubt.

1) 1; 2) 2,3; 3) 3; 4) 1,3.

Completed proposals with one add

Option 2.

1. In which row all the listed words are subordinate unions?

which, where, also;
If since, so that;
And, however, from where.

2. Indicate a complex proposal:

To do something great, you need all the strength of the soul to rush at one point (Sergeyev-price).
Wheat is infinitely glorifying, the ramps are green, either the finish of the roots over the swamps (Chekhov).

3. Indicate which part of the complex offer is a pressing:

(1) While the old man melted the oven, (2) already cuttingly (Arsenyev).

4. Indicate the apparent offer, which is due to the main one with the help of the Union:

He extremely loved his father, who did not know from childhood (bitter).
I promised to be silent, whatever happened to me.
There was a time when the old castle served as a refuge every poor man.
I did not occur to my head, what sad minute to us (arsenyev).

5. In which complex proposal is not a definition?

The most accurate person has a minute when the drunk conscience turns like a sharp stone, and cause pain.
From his stories, he endowed the impression that Uncle Misha invites the people to help the intelligentsia.
It was heard that they were far along the street, people quickly go and dragging something heavy (Dostoevsky).
The remote rumble suddenly penetrated the shady gorge where the travelers were driving.

6. In which complex proposal is not an exemplary proposal?

For the seventh days of his hike, Alexey learned, where the sounds of a remote battle came to him in a pleasant night.
Peering in these buildings, you understand that a good taste is primarily a sense of measure (Solobukhin).
It came a minute when I realized the whole price of these words.
I begin to suspect that you are prone to exaggeration (Cavery).

7. In which complex proposal is the apparent purpose?

I pray, so that the storm did not find, rod in the battle, in the gloomy Daryaal gorge me with a exhausted horse.
In order to play something from boredom, he took a spear in his hands (Lermontov).
Blizzards, which will be broken into the doors, will not tend me from the road.
If you don't learn any day, then all day ago (Astafiev).

8. What kind of complex offer is therecing a pressure time?

The whole room suddenly darkened, accurately lingered in her samples (Sergeyev-Price).
As soon as it became light, we moved on (kataad).
The boundaries where the plains come into contact with the mountains are marked extremely sharply.
Raren and happy attending us instantaneous when we can again feel like children (falcons-Mikitov).

9. In which complex sentence is there an appropriate image of action?

In sleepy air, some sounds were heard, exactly someone sighed, whispered.
I suddenly became good in the soul, as if my childhood was returned (Arsenyev).
Due to the fact that spring comes late here, paste only in May.
I also assisted in the room that Samovar buzzes unnaturally angry (Arsenyev).

10. What example is a simple proposal with comparative turnover?

After the rain, everything around somehow transformed.
The Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov blooms at the beginning of August as the river and ponds (paustovsky).
Ini lay even on the deck as a white large salt and chronic stele under his feet (Arsenyev).
Many Russian words in themselves emit poetry as precious stones emit a mysterious shine (Gogol).

11. What fragment of the proposal corresponds to a complex proposal with the apparent definition?

Told how ...
... Rassey, what he listened to ...
... wanted to ...
.... I saw as if ...

12. In which answer is the correctly indicated all the figures on which the commas should stand in the sentence?

I returned to the cozy clean (1) about (2) of which (3) recently collected mushrooms (paustovsky).

1)1; 2)1,3; 3)3; 4) 2, 3.

Completed proposals with one add

Option 3.

1. Unions or allied words are members of the sentence?

Union words.

2. Which of the options to continue the offer should be chosen to get a complex proposal?

In the plane darkened ...

but there were gloomy clouds around.
And there were gloomy clouds around.
Because the dark clouds began to gather around.
However, dark clouds began to gather around.

3. What is the selected word connecting the part of the complex supply?

The sandy road leads to a bridge, under which the invisible river (Korolenko) is hurried and rumbles.

Union word.

4. Specify a complex proposal with an indicative word:

The woman looked in the distance, where the gap of the spacious, filled with a globular-kim, impenetrable darkness (Cavery).
The weather was cold, windy, so the drifts were hung above windows (Sergeev-Price).
I sat in the water itself, in such strong thickets, that from above, I was absolutely not visible (sand).
The sooner the fire was burned, the clearer the moonlight was becoming the moonlight.

5. In which sentence, the appropriate determination can be transformed into a separate definition?

Nikolay was driving the shore of the lake from which the rivers followed.
Sincere Russian landscapes, who are so expressive and talentedly painted the artist, touches the hearts of the audience.
For a long time I have not read a book that would make such a strong impression on me (Astafyev).
The song that children sing is optimistic arguing.

6. In which complex proposal is the apparent conditional?

1) While I can walk, while I can see, while I can breathe and I can go ahead (Arsenyev).

2) Each body can be said that it occupies a certain position at any time in space.

3) It was so nice to lie on wet grass that I involuntarily closed my eyes (Babaevsky).

4) Sometimes this day nor the day that joys will not be wrapped (Cavery).

7. In which complex proposal is the apparent sedentary?

I sat in such thickets that it was not visible from above.
A dazzling luxurious landscape appeared in all its glory, when the sun flooded with light and glitter the whole island (Krutilin).
He politely bowed to him that the latter answered the same (bulls).
Our steamer was dragged by two tugs, despite the fact that he himself worked in a full course (Sergeev-Price).

8. What kind of complex offer is there an appointed attachment?

So my straw hat was almost full of nuts, as I suddenly heard a rustle (Arsenyev).
It was heard only the babage of the hammers on the stone, exactly the land stuck iron noses by a flock of some wisdom birds (Cavery).
Do you remember whether we were forgiven late after a late? (Akhmatova).
We often waited in the morning when the musician will take the violin (Korolenko).

9. What kind of syntactic design is joined in this sentence using the Union how?

Svavina needs to reread, opening new values \u200b\u200bin each line, leaving his books, as we leave for barely noticeable paths into the dense forest with his talking keys and the fragrance of herbs.

1) Comparative turnover;

anxious appendage;
comparative appendage;
Introductory design.

10. What kind of syntactic design is joined in this sentence using the Union how?

Gorky loved and thoroughly knew Russia, knew how they say, in all the "cuts" - and in space, and in time.

1) Comparative turnover;

anxious appendage;
comparative appendage;
Introductory design.

11. What fragment of the proposal corresponds to a complex proposal with the apparent comparative?

1) ..Well, as if ...

2) ... Owner, for whom ...

... grandfather, whose house ...

12. In which answer is correctly indicated all the numbers, the place of which in the sentence should be commas?

Cold autumn shadows (1) wandered through the forest (2) trees (3) in which (4) frozen waiting for winter (caveryin).

1) 1,3; 2) 2; 3) 3; 4) 3, 4.

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