Morse: Useful properties. Morse composition: Vitamins and minerals

Cranberry Morse is a storehouse of vitamins. Cranberry Morse recipe can adopt anyone who take care of the immunities of loved ones, follows the figure and simply supports itself in a tone. Compote, frost, detox cocktails ... We will tell you how to prepare the most delicious drinks with cranberries, and what ingredients it is useful to add.

Prepare the most delicious cranberry juice is better from fresh berries that are often sold on the market. There are no difficulties in technology.

But the Cranberry MiG loses the lion's share of beneficial substances in any contact with iron.

Therefore, it is necessary to pectinate it only with a wooden mortar, press through a plastic colander or gauze, and cook in a bucket with an enameled, non-stick coating (or from any non-oxidizing alloy).

For 2 cups of drink, we will need:

  • cranberry berries - 200 g;
  • sugar - 50 g (3 tbsp);
  • water - 700 ml.

My berries, we slightly dry, peat in a wooden or stone mortar, press through a gauze or colander. Cake flood with water, put the bucket on the stove and bring to a boil. As soon as the water began to burst a little bit, we switch the fire to a minimum and tom on the weaker another 10 minutes. At this time, juice mix with sugar so that all the crystals are dissolved.

Morse, where cooked with cake, flicker and cool to room temperature. Now we drag the juice with sugar, thoroughly mix. Drink ready! Such a morse is obtained by the most "alive" - \u200b\u200bprocessing gentle and retains all the valuable properties of berries. Doctors argue that such Morse quickly "kills" the influenza microbes and for one or two days he puts a person to his feet during the cold.

Cooking frozen berries

Cranberry juice from frozen berries as a whole is not inferior to what is prepared from fresh fruits. Cranberries retains most of their valuable properties during freezing, especially shock. If someone close to you, I started sneezing - a moment run to the supermarket behind the cranberries and prepare a healing drink.

Required ingredients:

  • 400-500 g of cranberries;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • sugar glass.

If you do not like sweet drinks, reduce sugar.

Berries lay out in the bucket without defining. I fall asleep sugar, we give a wooden brush, until juice appears. Fill with water. We put on the stove and warm, until light bubbles appear on the surface.

To bring a drink to a boil is impossible - severe heat treatment is destroyed in cranberry vitamins. It is good enough to warm the compote, and then reduce the fire to a minimum.

Tomim 20 minutes, then filter Morse and cool. It is possible to serve a drink very effectively: the edges of the glass are greased with a culinary tassel, and then we lower in sugar sand. Drink through the tube!

In a slow cooker

Cranberry adore in America - it grows there everywhere, flooding the whole northern part of Chicago to Canada. Americans love to prepare cranberry sauces, and Morse boil mostly in a slow cooker: the device allows not to "bother" with a fierce of berries, but to prepare a drink in minutes.

We will need: a glass of pure cranberries, a half-table of sugar, three glasses of water.

We are preparing in a multicooker "American":

  1. On the bottom of the multicheli we put the berries.
  2. I fall asleep all sugar.
  3. Fill with water.
  4. Include "Cooking" mode or set free mode for 10 minutes. This is quite enough for Morse to be completely ready.

Upon completion of the process, turn off the multicooker, filter the liquid, overflow into the jug and cool. For the sake of justice, we note that the drink more reminds compote, rather than the usual Morse. Although his wonderful taste!

Drink with apple adding

Apple-cranberry drink perfectly quenches thirst for hot summer day when it seems that nothing will save from the scorching heat. Just a pair of compote sips will give a long-awaited feeling of coolness, and at the same time will give forces.

For cooking, you will need:

  • glass of cranberries (raw or ice cream);
  • 2 sour-sweet apples;
  • 2 liters of water.
  • sugar or honey to taste (we advise add 0.5 glasses).

Cranberry with sugar. Apples purify from the cores, cut on slices, add to berries. Pour the fruit-berry mixture with water. We put on fire, well warming the bucket. As soon as the drink begins to throw, we reduce the fire to a minimum and tomoim 30 minutes. Berry-apple mix is \u200b\u200bfiltered, overflow in a jug and cool. Serve in glasses, decorated with mint leaves.

Morse from the cranberries and the root of ginger

The combination of cranberries with ginger encourage all supporters of fashionable detox diets: Two components form a unique to the properties of an alliance with a powerful cleansing effect. Just be with ginger careful, it is very "bright" and should only delicately emphasize the natural spice of cranberry berries.

Prepare for detox cocktails:

  • ginger spine - 5 g;
  • 200 g of cranberries;
  • honey - 3 tbsp.;
  • water - 1 l.

Cranberry mix with honey and larch to make a honey-berry Cashier. Pour everything with water and warm up a little on the stove. In a warm drink to three in a small grater of ginger. Tightly cover the lid so that the root is completely "revealed" in warm, passing your flavor and healing properties.

We insist the drink. Focus. Apply in high cocktail glasses. Such a drink is good to drink in the morning - it charges energy. You can use directly with cranberry cake - it perfectly cleans the gastrointestinal tract.

Useful cranberry juice with rosehip

Cranberry and rosehip - two sources of vitamin C. And the drink with a mix of red berries is not worse than coffee, but does not bring harm to the body. For cooking, you will need: a glass of cranberry berries, half of a glass of rosehip, a half-table of sugar and a half liter of water.

How to cook drink:

  1. Dry rose berries pour boiling water.
  2. Insist for several hours in the thermos.
  3. Cranberry berries with sugar.
  4. Juice I go through the gauze.
  5. Shipovniki decoction is fixed.
  6. Add cranberry juice to it.
  7. Mix.

Drink ready! You can drink it warm, cold - choose yourself. It is tasty in any form. It is advisable to use it for half an hour before meals: so vitamins are expeded faster.

Cooking recipe with honey

Just do not care, it is impossible to heat honey.

All properties are destroyed in warmth, only characteristic sweetness remains.

Prepare a glass of cranberries, 1.5 liters of water, 2-3 tbsp. l honey.

How to prepare a cranberry morse:

  1. Cranberry overripe with honey, so juice.
  2. Fill with warm water (35-40 degrees).
  3. Mix thoroughly.
  4. Insist 60 minutes under the lid.

Focusing Morse, overflow into a jug and serve in a high glass, decorated with mint or cinnamon stick.

Beneficial features

Morse - a straight "heir" of all the benefits that nature presented the cranberry. Healers are called its vegetable antibiotic for powerful antibacterial properties. The berry contains fructose, glucose, sucrose, which soften the acid of cranberries, so that if desired, it can be used even in the raw form (although the dish, to admit to an amateur).

The maximum benefit is organic acids:

  • sorval;
  • benzoic;
  • apple
  • glycolic;
  • lemon;
  • hinny.

In cranberry, they are balanced harmoniously and completely absorbed by the body. And the berries is a valuable source of vitamins, including rare B9, as well as iron, magnesium, potassium and silver.

Cranberry Morse during pregnancy from edema

Doctors strongly recommend drinking Morse during pregnancy - The drink has a light urgered effect and removes the excess fluid from the body. Edema, especially in the late pregnancy, provoke pretext (increase in pressure, dangerous premature childbirth).

Visible edema will eliminate the liter of cranberry morse per day, and for the prevention of enough two glasses - in the morning and in the evening. Before childbirth (after 37 weeks) there will be enough glass in 2-3 days.

In cranberries, the content of flavonoids - antioxidants, which strengthen the walls of the vessels of the future mother, improve the composition of the blood and regulate the metabolic processes. And this is favorable for the development of the fetus.

Use when cystitize Morse from cranberries when cystitis

Cranberry Morse necessarily enters part of the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. As a natural antiseptic, it kills pathogenic bacteria, changes the structure of the urine structure to the best indicators in a short time.

Morse is effective in the treatment of cystitis, especially in the early stages, when the disease only made himself felt.

Launched shapes, cranberries, of course, will not cure, but with medication therapy, doctors always advise drinking cranberry for one or two glasses per day.

Is it possible to drink Morse with breastfeeding?

Young mothers often fear drinking cranberry juice after childbirth, believing that a berry, like all red vegetables and fruits, is a potential allergen for a child. But the cranberry turns out to be a pleasant exception. This berry is considered hypoallergenic and allowed to nursing mothers.

With breastfeeding Morse:

  • enriches milk with vitamins, microelements;
  • reduces the risk of colds in a nursing mother;
  • eliminates non-pills from the first signs of malaise at the time of influenza;
  • it establishes the work of the gastrointestinal tract of the mother (if you drink Morse without filtering, with pieces of berries).

Useful berry is also very tasty: a light bitter note, barely catchy tartness and spice make a drink attractive not only for adults. Children also with pleasure drink berry fruits, especially if they are saturated. Discover the cranberry, prepare compotes and frosts with it. Let your loved ones be healthy and happy.

Mors are well known - these drinks were popular in ancient Russia, constantly attended the menu and ordinary people, and representatives of noble classes. Morse is a drink made from the berries juice, with the addition of water, or.

Chemical composition of Mors.

The exact list of the vitamins and minerals that are part of the drink under consideration will not give no one - it all depends on which berries it was cooked. But it is clear that in any berries contain a large number - it means they will be present in the Mors.

Morse calorie is also variable and depends on how much sugar or honey was laid in the drink. But in general, it is possible to name the discarded drink in the dietary product - they even arrange unloading days on it!

The use of horses is determined by its constituent:

  1. Blackberry Morse - recognized as a secrecting agent, increases, normalizes the operation of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. morse - It serves as a prophylactic agent of diseases of the kidneys and the urinary system, reduces the body temperature and increases the overall tone of the organism.
  3. Brushing Morse - significantly increases appetite, serves as an excellent means to combat cold symptoms.
  4. Morse because - Expands the vessels, normalizes the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, improves blood circulation.
  5. Morse - helps to get rid of the stomach disorder in childhood, increases visual acuity.
  6. Blackmorerodin Morse - It has an anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the walls of blood vessels ,.
  1. Morse - serves as a prophylactic agent of intestinal infections, restores the intestinal microflora after the forced long-term intake of antibacterial drugs.

You can select and general useful properties that all their frosts possess:

There is such a concept as a plain therapy - the drink under consideration in this case is used by a cycle of 2-3 weeks. Doctors prescribe Morse use in an amount of 250 ml before each meal, but taking into account the following moments:

  • if a person has a low acidity of gastric juice, then Mors need to drink half an hour before meals;
  • with the increased acidity of the gastric juice, the Morse drinks over an hour and a half before meals.

Similar Morsotherapy helps strengthen the immune system, speed up the restoration after a protracted illness, improve overall well-being. Doctors argue that such cycles of consumption of horses can be carried out at any time of the year, but they will be especially effective in the fall and spring - during periods of seasonal cold epidemics.

Possible harm

The drink under consideration consumes everything and everywhere, without regard to their own health. And completely in vain!

First, it is necessary to know exactly that there are no diseases of the stomach - for example, when gastritis with increased acidity is better to abandon Morse, or take it only during periods of the disease. The most reasonable thing is to get a permit for the use of Morse at your attending physician.

Secondly, the juice of some berries, which is used to prepare a morse, can provoke the formation of a dental stone and the development of caries. Such includes cranberry, black-cormoranodine juice - after using these horses, you need to carefully rinse the oral cavity.

Thirdly, do not forget about the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to a particular type of berry - it is extremely gently consuming Mors for the first time and carefully follow in the future for the reaction of your own organism.

How to cook Morse:

  • berries cooked for morse, hands pressed in non-oxidized dishes;
  • dispoded fruits (cake) are connected to water and bring to a boil;
  • after the berries persist in the water of 1-2 minutes, the juice obtained earlier is added to them.

Morse can rightly be considered a traditional drink of Russian cuisine. He began to prepare several centuries ago. It was then that it was customary to add honey to this soft drink. Over time, the recipe changed, other ingredients began to add to Morse. Now Morse is boiled from currant, cranberries, lingers, cherries, raspberries and other berries and fruits, not only sugar, but also honey add to it.

Morse is not only a very tasty, but also a useful drink. It contains vitamin C, PP, B2, as well as mineral salts and pectin. This drink can help in treating flu and various colds.

If you want to prepare a delicious and useful morse, it is important to adhere to the following rules:

  • If you want to get a wellness and more useful morse, then replace sugar with honey.
  • Before preparing the Morse, definitely defrost berries or fruits.
  • Do not use damaged and rotten berries.
  • To make the taste of Morse more expressive, add cinnamon, carnation or mint to it.
  • So that the taste of the sea was more saturated, hide the berries with boiling water directly before cooking.
  • Do not boost for more than the specified time. It can spoil his taste.
  • Do not cross the berries in the metal dishes, it is better to use the dishes from the tree.

Morse preparation recipes

Morse Cranberry

What is needed to prepare a sea of \u200b\u200bcranberries:

  • Cranberries (frozen or fresh) 500 gr.
  • Water 1.5 liters.
  • Lemon zest 1-2 art. l.
  • Sugar to taste.
  • If the berries were frozen, then defrost them and fill with water for 3 minutes. Fresh berries need to be simply rinsed and quenched with boiling water.
  • Boost water in a saucepan and cool it a little.
  • Grind the berries to the state of Cashitz. You can do it using a blender or knife. Then wipe the mass through the sieve.
  • Put in the water with a wipe of cranberries, lemon and sugar zest. Cover the saucepan with a lid. Leave the Morse for 30-40 minutes.
  • Add mole from cranberries, mix all and leave the Morse for another 10 minutes.

Morse from black currant with a piece of orange

What is needed to prepare a black currant with a piece of orange:

  • Black currant 400-500 gr.
  • Sugar 3-5 tbsp. l.
  • Zestra Orange 3 h.
  • Lemon juice 2 h. L.
  • Vanilla sugar 1 pack.
  • Water 700-800 ml.
  • Berry, rinse under water and remove the fruits.
  • Pour the orange zest with water and bring the mixture to a boil. Then add ordinary and vanilla sugar to it. Boil the mixture for 5 minutes.
  • Add black currant to water and sugar and bring a mixture to a boil. Insist it for 10 minutes.
  • Add lemon juice to Morse and cool it.

Refreshing Morse

What is needed to prepare a refreshing morse:

  • Gooseberry 100 gr.
  • Grapes 150 gr.
  • Currant 100 gr.
  • Mint to taste.
  • Tarhun twig.
  • Orange 1 pc.
  • Water 600 ml.
  • Sugar 3 tbsp. l.
  • Thrick grapes, gooseberries and currants. Remove all frozen and leaves.
  • Mint and sprig of Tarkhun rinse under cool water.
  • Clean the orange, remove the bones and cut it into several pieces of medium sized.
  • Pour water in a pan and bring it to a boil. Then add sugar, mint and Tarhun twig into the pan. Boil the mixture for 5-7 minutes.
  • Put currants into the water, grapes and gooseberries. Bring the mixture to boil and remove it from the fire. Insist Morse for 10-15 minutes.
  • Add the orange slice into the cooked Morse and insist it for another 5 minutes.

Cooked forms can be launched for another 2-3 hours. This will reduce the taste of berries or fruits and make a drink more fragrant and tasty. Serve Morse can be in cold and hot.

Cold drinks
3th page


Morse is a drink from juice, diluted with water and seasoned with sugar.

In any morse, you can put a slice of lemon, orange or grated lemon zest.

Feed Morse in jugs or glasses. In winter it is customary to serve warm, in summer - with pieces of ice.

We hope with the help of our recipes you can prepare a lot of delicious and varied drinks, which will come up with your loved ones and friends.

Morse from different berries

Morse is preparing from red currants, raspberries, strawberries, blackberries, bounds and other berries. Locked and purely washed berries folded into the pan and pour water. Pan to put on a strong fire and boil until the berries are filled. Then everyone strain through a linen napkin into separate dishes.
The remaining pulp squeeze through the napkin.
The resulting juice can be diluted with boiled water and sweeten with sugar, then pour into a jar or cans and cool.

Apple Morse

Ingredients :
200-250 g of sour grades, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 l of water.


Apple Morse can be prepared in two ways.
1. To wash the apples, cut into slices, put in a pan, pour water, put on fire and boil 10 minutes, and then strain. Add sugar to the resulting decoction, boil 1-2 minutes and cool.
2. Open juice from apples across the juicer or take ready-made juice, add boiled water, sugar and cinnamon to taste.

Apple Cranberry Morse

Ingredients :
500 g of apples, 200 g of cranberries, 4 tbsp. Sugar spoons, 200 ml of water, vanillin on the tip of a teaspoon.


On the grater to grind washed and purified apples and squeeze juice. Jump sugar (2 tbsp. Spoons), boil, strain through fine sieve or gauze, give to settle, then neatly, without scolding the sediment, pour into another dishes.
In the same way to prepare cranberry juice.
Mix juices, pour cold boiled water, put vanillin, you can add more sugar to taste. Put on the cold.
Serve in a jug with pieces of ice.

Morse made of rosehip and apples

Ingredients :
80 g of rosehip fruits, 500 g of sour apples, 1 l of water, 100 g of sugar or 80 g of honey, lemon or orange zest, lemon juice (or acid) to taste.


Purified fruits of rosehip and apples cut into small pieces, pour cold water, boil a few minutes, strain.
Add sugar or honey, some lemon or orange zest, lemon juice or citric acid.

Cranberry Morse with Honey

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 1 glass of cranberries, 2 tbsp. Spoons of honey.


Locked, washed and cleaned cranberry to smoke, pour water and boil for 5-10 minutes. Decoction to strain, add honey. Insist 1-2 hours.
Serve chilled.

Morse Cherry

Ingredients :
2 liters of water, 2 cups of cherries, 1 cup of sugar.


Wash cherries, remove bones and smash. Allocated juice to merge into a glass vessel, close it tight and put it on the cold. Cherries pour hot water, boil 10 minutes.
The decoction to strain, add sugar, bring to a boil, cool and mix with juice.

Orange or Lemon Morse

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 1 small orange or lemon, 120-130 g of sugar.


Fruits rinse, grind on the grater and strain the juice (you can squeeze juice from oranges without prior grinding, and then they are finely cut together with the sister). Pouring with hot water, boil 10-15 minutes, then stop heating and insist 25-30 minutes.
The decoction to strain, squeeze the mass.
In the decoction to introduce sugar, stir up to complete dissolution, add juice, cool and file to the table.

Morse from watermelon

Watermelon cut, remove the flesh, remove seeds, squeeze juice. Put juice on fire and, often stirring, cook 1.5 hours, strain. In the leaky juice, add pieces of mekaty watermelon (in a 3: 1 ratio), cook for another 2 hours, stirring constantly.
When the juice becomes thicken, remove from the fire, give to stand and pour into bottles.

Morse from Barbarisa

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 200 g of dried barberry, 100 g of sugar, vanillin to taste.


Barbaris pour hot water, cook until the berries will not be soft, and strain. In the decoction, sugar sugar, add vanillin diluted in boiled water.
All mix and cool.

Morse Brusnish

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 2 cups Lamberry, 1/2 cup sugar.


1. Lingonberry to go through, wash, stretch and squeeze juice, pour it into a jar, cover with a lid and put in a dark cool place. Pour the squeeze with hot water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from fire and strain. The decoction is a little cool, mix with the previously obtained juice, add sugar and mix.
2. You can prepare a brushing juice and differently. The scenes of a wooden pestle lingberry pour sugar and leave for 2-3 hours. Syrup to merge and put in a cool place. Pouring pouring water and boil 5-7 minutes, then remove from fire, strain, add citric acid to the decoction and the syrup previously obtained.
Stir, file cooled.

Morse from red currant

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 250 g of berries, 125 g of sugar.


Berries go through, rinse, lean on a colander, strain stainless steel spoon, squeeze juice. Folding pour water, boil, strain.
In the decoction to put sugar, cool, add juice.

Morse from Kalina (option 1)

Ingredients :
500 ml of water, 400 g of viburnum, 300 g of sugar.


Berries thoroughly wash, clean from the fruits and wipe through the sieve. Mashed pour cold boiled water, add sugar and bring to a boil.
Immediately remove from fire, strain and cool.

Morse from Kalina (option 2)

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 1/3-1 / 2 glasses of viburnum juice, sugar to taste.


The juice is mixed with hot boiled water, add sugar to taste and leave for 3-5 hours.
Serve cold.

Morse from viburnum with honey

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 1/2 cup of viburnum juice, 100 g of honey.


Honey dissolve in water, pour juice, mix.
Serve cold.

Morse from raspberry

Ingredients :
1 l of water, 400 g of raspberries, 3-4 tbsp. Sugar spoons.


Clear berries, rinse with cold boiled water, spread with a wooden spoon, squeeze juice. From the wrinkles to cook decoction, strain, add sugar.
To the cooled decoction pour pressed juice.

Morse inherbird

Ingredients :
4 glasses of water, 7 glass of blueberries, 1/2 cup sugar.


Blueberries go through, wash, stretch and squeeze juice, pour it into a glass jar, cover with a lid and put in a cool place. Pour hot water (3 cups), boil 10-12 minutes and strain, and the decoction is mixed with juice and add sugar syrup prepared on 1 cup of water.
Morse serve chilled.

Morse from syrup

Ingredients :
1 l of boiled water, 180-200 ml of fruit or berry syrup, citric acid or taste.


Add boiled water to fruit or berry syrup, mix. If the drink is too sweet, add citric acid or sour juice.

Morse from jam

Ingredients :
1 glass of berry jam, 1/4 cup of sour juice or 1 lemon, 1 liter of boiled water.


Dilution jam in hot boiled water, cool, fill with sour juice (better lemon).
You can serve both hot and cold.

Morse Beckolon

They say that constantly drinking tea and coffee drinks is very harmful. What then to do? After the steering wheel is not desirable. Equality fluids also do not benefit everyone. But so I want to refresh yourself and quench thirst.

You can't drink anyone constantly one water. Yes, and behind juices in the store are not challenged. But in the summer heat and in the winter cold, the recipes of preparation of a vitamin morse will always come to the rescue.

The tasteful palette of this melting moisture is rich enough. How many berries can be obtained so many tastes. And also their combinations can be pleased with their loved ones.

This natural and healthy drink can be prepared in a matter of minutes, both from fresh ingredients and from jam. It can be cooked or used in original form without thermal processing.

So what is required for the preparation of morse? Do not believe, but only 3 ingredients are enough! Water, berries and sugar (or honey)!

To begin with, berries are usually prepared. Fresh move and cleaned from all sorts of leaves and fruits, then washed under cool water.

With frozen, you will have to tinker a little.

In order to bring them to the monstering state, usually billets are pulled out of the refrigerator and shrink into the colander, and it is installed on top of the deep cup so that the gem juice did not flow out as the precious juice is disappeared. At room temperature, raw materials will reach the desired state in just an hour.

But if you have conceived cooking in the morning, then it is better to leave this design in the general chamber of the refrigeration unit, and for the night of the layer, there will be beautiful tender berries.

In no case cannot be used to accelerate the defrost of boiling water. He will not only hurt them, but the MiG will destroy useful vitamins.

Also, so that there is no oxidation, it is desirable to use only enameled dishes and cooking tools not from metal. It is better to take a wooden rolling pin or plastic pestle.

However, no one forbids working out what you are more convenient. This is a personal matter of everyone.

To make more benefits and a saturated concentration, berries are best crushed. You can crawl them manually or use the blender, mixer or juicer. And some use for this old good meat grinder.

Then the crushed raw material should be separated from the cake, it is shattered through a sieve, or pressed through the gauze. And then the pressed puree is preferably sweetened. It can be familiar sugar, and many add honey - it is much more useful and gives a drink completely different amazing taste.

The resulting mass is well mixed and diluted with cool water to its taste. That's all - Mors ready!

Many prefer crushed sweet mixture to be reduced to a boil with a small amount of fluid, and only then dilute with boiled water. In a sense, it will be correct - after all, not all berries can be perceived by the organism "with a bang."

A small thermal processing will allow and more taste to get from the cake, and eliminate unwanted components, exciting stomach, when they are used in raw form.

However, if there are no berries, you can always do the same with jam. Only add sugar is no longer required - it is already sufficiently sweet.

Such such liquid yummy can up to three days, provided you keep it in a closed form in the refrigerator.

If you do not like small intersions of the pulp and skins, it is always before draining to the container you can more carefully filter the raw material through the siter or gauze.

Morse from lingry without cooking berries (step-by-step recipe)

Lingonberry is insanely useful, especially in the winter season! Not only is it a natural antioxidant and an antibiotic, a magnificent means of fatigue and avitaminosis.

Many prefer to boil Morse from her, but for me it is more compote, so I do a little in my own way.

We need:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Lingonberry - 1.5 glasses.
  • Sugar sand is 1 cup.


1. Put a saucepan with water on fire, pour sugar and bring the syrup to a boil. Waiting until all the crystals are completely dissolved, you can remove from the fire. Then cool to room temperature.

While the syrup cools, go through a lingonberry from garbage and rinse under running cool water. Throw back to the colander so that the excess water can drag without any obstacles.

2. As soon as the sweet liquid cools, pour the berries into a special flask or in a jar. Add some sugar water to be on the same level with a lingonberry.

It must be done in order to make it easier to crush the berry. She in itself is pretty tough, so the driver will help her in this.

3. It's all good to beat the blender to homogeneity. There should be a homogeneous fragrant porridge. She slightly looks like a smoothie and has its own unique fragrance.

4. Strap the resulting puree through a sieve to remove solid cake. To do this, you can use a spoon, or a peeper for cooking potato mashed potatoes. If it did not turn out at hand, you can take a clean piece of gauze and fold it in two - three layers. The effect will turn out exactly the same.

You can squeeze the lingonberry puree immediately into a saucepan with a cooled syrup so as not to get a lot of dishes.

5. Mix well mixed mixture and you can overflow the precious nectar into a decanter. Before serving, it is advisable to cool the drink in the refrigerator.

It turns out to be tastefully with a light pleasant mustard, which only adds extra glasses to him.

How to cook sea buckthorn mole at home

Core vitamins is sea buckthorn. In order not to lose them, it is best not to boil the berries during cooking, and in no case to fill them with boiling water. It is best to just dilute the prepared raw material with a cool purified water.

As a last resort, use warm liquid to save all useful trace elements.

We need:

  • Berries sea buckthorn - 150 gr.
  • Sugar - ½ cup.
  • Water - to taste.


1. First you need to wash the sea buckthorn, remove trash and twigs. Collect the berry is hard, and therefore this good is always a lot among the harvested harvest.

2. Clean orange berries to template to the state of the puree. It is better to do it in high dishes so that the squeezed oily juice does not dust all around. In addition, it is absolutely necessary to spray precious drops.)

Blender is quite suitable for grinding. Although I would recommend you an ordinary pin, because she will not give up hard bones and will not give these mustard of our drink. The taste will be more "clean" and natural.

3. Pour sugar and mix well into the crushed raw materials. Dilute with water to the desired consistency and serve to the table.

4. Someone loves to eat the remaining particles of berries, so you can not get ready for the mixture.

But if Morse drinks little kids, then it is better to skip the sweet purel at first or squeeze through the gauze. And only then the resulting thick juice to breed with water.

And sugar in this case is better to add after the skins and bones removed.

Feed the drink is better than chilled slightly, but however, this is a matter of taste.

If you have not found fresh, or frozen berries, then you will feel free to cook, it will also be very tasty.

Video on how to cook delicious and useful sea buckthorn Morse

We also recorded a short video on our channel so that everyone could see the entire cooking process. You will be surprised how much everything will be easily and simple.

Do you know what a delicious sea buckthorn Morse is it? !!! Words just do not describe. Prepare necessarily and blow. And write in the comments about your feelings.

By the way, the same recipe you can take as a basis for making a drink absolutely with all other berries, and even fruit, if desired.

How to cook forms from fresh cranberries

To avoid colds in the cool time of the year and increase immunity, it is useful to include cranberries in your diet. It not only refreshes, but also contains substances that contribute to a positive mood.

So we can say that this is a natural medicine from depression. And it's no joke !!!

We need:

  • Cranberry - 0.7 kg.
  • Water - 3 liters.
  • Sugar sand - 0.35 kg.


1. Well-washed and purified from unnecessary garbage berries to grind to a puree-shaped state. It is not worth the smallest, although large pieces will be at all about anything. The main thing is to achieve such a state to allocate more liquid from it.

Method of grinding can be selected independently. It is convenient to use the food processor for these purposes, it can adjust the degree of consistency of the berries.

2. Prepare a pure stroke gauze and shifting it to the resulting Cashitz. Carefully assemble the ends of matter, and with it to press the precious juice.

To make it easier to squeeze the berries do not post them in the gauze immediately all. It is better to do it with parts, so we lose less useful particles of ruby \u200b\u200braw materials.

3. By the way, the resulting cake can also be used - which is good to disappear!. It is worth pouring into a saucepan and, bay with water, mix well. Bring to a boil and immediately turn off the heating.

4. The resulting color decoction to strain through the previously used gauze and now unnecessary skins and bones can be thrown with a calm soul. All that could be taken from them, we have already taken.

5. While the liquid is still hot - sugar in it. If we go, then the crystals will then be more difficult to dissolve.

And as soon as the resulting syrup cools to room temperature, pour the cranberry juice pressed earlier.

7. You can then pour into a beautiful container and serve as a drink at least to the table, even just for use instead of water.

So quickly, just! And how healthy!

Step-by-step recipe for cranberry sea frozen berries

Frozen cranberry is no less useful. True, at first it is required to warm at least to room temperature and then start cooking and delicious drink.

Such a morse is very tasty, so everyone in the freezer is kept by a bag-other with this wonderful berry.

We need:

  • Water - 2 liters.
  • Frozen cranberries - 250 gr.
  • Sugar - 200 gr.


1. Remove the berries from the freezer in advance and give them to waste in high dishes. Remember that it should come to the right state without any additional intervention in the form of water, or some heating.

Then crush them with a wooden or plastic bar.

Iron utensils are better not to use such cases so that the berries do not oxidize, and did not receive an unnecessary additional taste.

2. Add sugar sand and breed ruby \u200b\u200bfragrant puree water. The amount of sugar in the recipe is given that, which I usually add me myself.

You can try the diluted liquid and adjust the taste yourself.

3. Transfer the mixture into a saucepan and heat to a boil.

If you bought Cranberry ice cream in the store or on the market, you can even cook it literally a couple of minutes. More cooking should not be not confused precious useful substances.

Close the lid and give the plating the aroma and the color of the berries. From insteading it becomes more rich, both in terms of taste and colors.

4. A ready-made drink to cool down, strain through a small sieve, or by gauze, who, which was at hand, can be served for use.

Morse cooked from frozen berries is not at all inferior in his taste quality, which is preparing from fresh.

Therefore, be sure to harm the cranberry necessarily, laying it on storing it in the freezing chamber.

How to cook frozen frozen currant

Oh, and I like smorodine, rich in vitamin C! With great pleasure, her whole family eats her. Naturally, for the winter we turn it in huge quantities, and at any time we can get out of the freezer to enjoy a sweet-sour stunning taste!

And what is it from her Morse! Even the coffee sometimes cannot replace this stunning drink, especially frosty winter in the morning.

We need:

  • Water is 1 liter.
  • Frozen currant - 300 gr.
  • Sugar sand - 100 gr.


1. Black berries get out of the freezer and move to the pan. Give the opportunity for 20 minutes to let stand in warmth so that they manage to hurt. Time for this will be quite enough.

2. Add sugar and mix well. Sweet taste additive can again be added to its taste, and maybe someone will like to add honey to the berries.

Have you ever tried a combination of currant with honey?!

3. Grind fragrant berries by one of the known methods - either with a tool, or a blender. We need a condition - this is the maximum grinding, it is desirable to the state of Cashitz.

In this case, of course, a blender will be more useful.

4. Pour warm water and shake so that sugar is not adhesive to the bottom, but dissolved. To do this, give a little standing in the mixture on the kitchen table, and at the same time periodically stirring our workpiece.

5. Then put a saucepan with the contents on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Immediately remove from the stove, not just turn off the gas, namely remove with a hot surface.

Long heating will destroy all vitamins, then it will be quite tasty. But we want to be also useful!

Cool the resulting nectar to room temperature, leaving it simply on the usual kitchen table.

6. Strain one of the methods known to us, today we have already talked about it. Namely through sieve, or gauze, and put it cool into the refrigerator.

7. Drink this stunning drink can be at any time. And how is it good for any festive table! If it is to stand on the table Shop Sok and our Morse, it will start with it, and they will also finish !!!

By the way, it is equally good and in the cooled state, and in warmth.

8. Sugar during preparation can not be added. Instead of it in the already cooled decoction is enough to add 3 tbsp. l. Honey and Morse will play new taste paints.

If you never tried such a combination, then try, you can surprise your taste receptors!

Video on how to cook homemade juice from a berries mixture

Today we reviewed several diverse recipes for the preparation of berry horses. And they all were prepared from one type of berries.

And you know what delicious they are obtained from a mixture of berries. At the same time, they can be the most different, but the diverse the composition of the ingredients will be, the richer will taste.

And here is one of these recipes. As part of the delicious components, frozen black and red currant, as well as blackberry and strawberry. Already when you just read the composition of the ingredients becomes delicious! And imagine what will be if you cook this splendor !!!

By the way, the composition may be every time you want. It all depends on your fantasy and that raw materials that you were prepared in your freezer.

These are tasty frills! If someone before the start of reading also had doubts, cook them, or not, now probably it became clear to all that not only juice and compotes can be pleased with their loved ones. But also aromatic homemade drinks.

By the way, they contain much more vitamins than in packaged juices and juice-containing beverages that have passed pasteurization.

You can drink them almost at any time of the day, but do not abuse. As in no way, and you add sugar to them. And too sweet drinks are harmful to health. Even if you breed jam in the water and you will enjoy the lively moisture, the content of sweets will still be great.

The smaller sugar, the better! And it is much more useful to drink a favorite drink with a tea spoonful of honey.

Enjoy your appetite and be healthy, getting vitamins from beautiful berry horses!