Enchanted Wanderer 5 6 Chapter Summary. The Enchanted Wanderer


1. Story about the student. How does the leaks explain why the student finished the life of suicide?

Answer: In the northern places, "any freezysty and freedomist cannot resist the population of the population and the terrible missing of the oppressive, stingy nature." It seems - by nature. And if you come from the idea of \u200b\u200ba story: the student did not have a spiritual space to resist the "oppressive" nature, that is, he did not find the strength and spirit to live. Unlike the main character.

2. What did the suicide fear for people?

Answer: "Suicides, because they will suffer a whole century. No one can even pray for them. "

3. "I am a conserve." Who is it?

Answer: "... in horses an expert."

4. Why, in the image system, the writer introduces the Englishman Rarey. In the plot.

Answer: He had to tighten the horses that were distilled from afar.

5. Why did Rarrey needed, according to the author's plan?

Answer: The British are famous jockeys, famous horses telders. But our Ivan Flygin was not worse. That is, there is already a comparison on nations: our no worse, but then the question will arise: why such a different fate. [Recall the BAZE "Levsh".]

6. Terrible essentially episode with a harm. Decrypt the author's intent: why is it so detailed, even with atrocities described the dock?

Answer: Horse gear. This metaphor: the horse did not want to accept, did not want to be a pacified fate and chose his way. Also, the person: either he conquers fate and dies "spiritually", or fights like Fleyn, and defeats fate.

I supplement: the folklore module of the tapering horse is accompanied by Ivan Northanych throughout his life. The episodes of reverse the horse are typical for the Russian fairy tale: they symbolize a person's victory over the natural elements, the personification of which becomes horse. In the parallel - the Russian fairy tale of a non-good and blind warrior: "Katoma sits firmly, one hand holds for the mane, and the other takes out (...) the cast-iron is full and starts (...) the crude of the horses ears (...). And so he donated the Bogatyr stallion, that he could not stand the horse, led by a human voice: "Batyushka Katoma! Let go alive on white light. What you want, then order: everything will be in yours! ".

Chapter 2.

7. Who is the father of the main character?

Answer: "My parent was Kucher Nighborne ... Mesteric rules. From the fortress courtyard people of Count K. from the Oryol province. "

8. And who is the mother?

Answer: He did not remember his mother. She died when her prayer son was at the most young age.

9. Whole shoals of horses in early times were cheap. Why?

Answer: They weakened and duffled later ahead of time, because they could not live in captivity.

10. What is "Foretorship Church"?

Answer: Counter man who slept, and even who fell asleep on the mound, to pull the whip on the shirt. "

11. How does an episode with a man on the bridge characterizes Ivan Flyagin?

12. Missed once again Ivan Count with Countess to the city. What for?

Answer: Treat a closure graph. The horses suffered, and Flagin was able to stop the horses only at the cliff. Moreover, the horses were broken, and Ivan was alive alive.

13. Decipher the meaning of this episode.

Answer: This is also some metaphor - the model of life.

14. Why did Ivan as a gift asked for harmony? He even did not know how to play.

Answer: Harmony - Allegory of his soul. He has it. This is a disinterested request from Ivan - he did not ask for money.

Chapter 3.

15. "Is that you ... Zozinku drew?" Short retelling.

Answer: Cat Baryni Zononyka Scharchil Poevka, whom Ivan loved. That's a man's cat punished, cutting her part of the tail.

16. How does this episode characterize Ivan?

Answer: It seems possible to be said about his cruelty. But it will be more faithful if I judge what happened a fair retribution for the emotional bird life. After all, Ivan did not deprive the cat of life, as she did.

Frame from the film "Enchanted Wanderer" (1990)

Very brief

Travelers meet a monk who tells how many adventures, flour and tests he survived before he got into the monastery.

Chapter first

Traveling through Ladoga Lake on a steamer, travelers, among whom was a narrator, visited the village of Korela. When the journey continued, the satellites began to discuss this old, but very poor Russian town.

One of the interlocutors, prone to philosophy, noticed that "uncomfortable people" should not be sent to Siberia, but in Korela - it will be cheaper for the state. Another said that the decek who lived here in the exile longly endured the apathy and boredom in Korel - hanged himself. The philosopher thought that Dyuche did correctly - "died, and the ends in the water", but his opponent, a religious person, thought that the suicides were tormented on the world, because no one praises for them.

Unexpectedly, a new passenger, silent, mighty, gray-haired man, silent, mighty, gray-haired man in the novice clothing was encouraged.

He spoke about the popik from the Moscow Diocese, who prays for suicides and this "corrects their position" in hell. Because of the drunkenness of Patriarch, Philaret wanted to absorb the poppik, but the reverend Sergius himself was interceded, twice the Vladyka in a dream twice.

Then passengers began to ask the blackberizer's heroic about his life, and learned that he served in the army by Conserve - chose and tamed army horses to which he had a special approach. All over all it was clear that the Chernorizeta lived a long and stormy life. Passengers have contacted him to tell about themselves.

Chapter Second - Fifth

Ivan Northanych Flegin was born a serf in the estate of a rich graph from the Oryol province. The graph diluted horses, and Ivan's father served with him Kucher. Ivan's mother had no children for a long time, and the woman poured the child from God, and herself died at childbirth. The boy was born with a huge head, so the courtyard called him honey.

Early childhood Ivan spent on the stable and loved the horses. At eleven years he was planted by the Forer on the sixth, which his father rules. Ivan was supposed to scream, running from the roads of people. He was stealing twenty.

Once Ivan with the Father was taken by the graph in the guests past the monastery. The boy fell by the whip of the monk who fell asleep. He was frightened, fell from the cart, the horses suffered, and the monk crossed the wheels. At night, Ivan came the monk killed by him, said Ivanov, the mother not only poured him down, but he promised God, and ordered to go to the monastery.

Ivan did not give the values \u200b\u200bto the words of the dead monk, but soon his "First Dissoli" happened. On the way to Voronezh, the harf harness together with the crew almost collapsed into a deep abyss. Ivan managed to stop horses, and he fell under a break, but he survived miracle.

For the salvation of his life, the Count decided to reward Ivan. Instead of asking for a monastery, the boy wanted a harmonic, to play on which he never learned.

Soon Ivan started a couple of pigeons, they went chicks from them, whom the cat was having fallen. Ivan caught the cat, carved, cut off her tail and nailed over his window. The cat belonged to the beloved maid of the Countess. The girl came running to Ivan to swear, he dedicated her "Miscellane on the waist," for which there was a sprinkler on the stable and exiled to crush the stone for garden tracks.

Ivan crushed a stone so long that he had "on the knees, they went." She was tired of tolerate mockery - they say, they condemned him for Koshkin's tail - and I decided to hang in the nearest aspen fishing line. Only he was hung in the loop, how is there anything from where the gypsy came from the rope, and suggested Ivan to go with him in the thief. He agreed.

So Ivan was not broken from the hook, Roma made him steal horses from the county stable. Horses were sold expensive, but Ivan received only the silver ruble, he quit with Roma and decided to surrender to the authorities. He got to the gloom of the painter. For the ruble and the silver native cross, he guided Ivan's skip and advised to go to Nikolaev, where there was a lot of work.

In Nikolaev Ivan got to the Barina Pole. His wife ran away with the military, throwing the chest daughter, which Ivan had to nurse and feed goat milk. For the year Ivan attached to the child. Once he noticed that the legs of the girl "the wheel go." The doctor said that this is a "aglitskaya disease" and advised to bury the child in warm sand.

Ivan began to wear a pupil on the shore of Limana. There he was breeding a monk again, called him somewhere, showed a large white monastery, steppes, "wild people" and said gentle: "You still need to endure much, and then you will achieve." Waking up, Ivan saw the unfamiliar lady kisses his pupil. The lady was the mother's mother. Ivan did not pick up the child, but I allowed them to meet in Limana secret from Barin.

The lady told that stepmother forcibly issued her married. She did not love the first husband, but the currently loved, because he is very affectionate. When the lady came time to leave, she suggested Ivan for a girl's big money, but he refused, because he was a man "official and faithful".

Then the female lady appeared, Ulan. Ivan immediately wanted to fight him and spat on the money that he gave. "Nothing, except for bodily chagrin," Urana did not receive, but did not raise money, and I really liked Ivan this nobility. I tried Uran Child to pick up, Ivan did not give first, and then I saw how my mother stretches to him, and clenched. At that moment, a Barin-Pole with a gun appeared, and Ivan had to go along with the lady and Ulahn, leaving his "unplanned" passport from the Pole.

In Penza, Ulan said that he, a military man, he could not keep a runaway fortress, gave Ivan money and let go. Ivan Ivan to surrender to the police, but first went to the restaurant, I got a drink with pretzels, the field of what was closed to the shore of Sura. There Khan Dzhangar, the "first steppe horse breaker" and the king, sold wonderful horses. For one mare two rich Tatarin decided to beat.

An acquaintance with whom Ivan tea drank, explained to him all the subtleties of the Tatar struggle, and the twenty-year-old bogatyr wanted to participate.

Chapters Six - Ninth

In the argument for the next horse, Ulan was divided. Ivan joined instead of him into battle with Tatarin and to death I was litover. After that, the Russians wanted to plant in prison, but the Tatars were squeezed over him and drove into the steppe.

Ivan lived in the steppe ten years old, was at Tatars for Lekary - he treated horses and people. I miss my homeland, I wanted to leave, but the Tatars caught him and "probated": they cut the skin on the feet, they wound a chopped horse-haired and sewed. When everything healed, Ivan was not able to walk normally - so spoiled a bristle, I had to learn to step by "crook", on the ankles, and stay in the steppe.

For several years, Ivan lived in one Horde, where he had his own yurt, two wives, children. Then the neighboring khan asked to pass his wife and left the hell at himself. There Ivan got two more wives. It was not tested to numerous children to their Ivan's feelings, because they were "non-delivered and the world not Mazana." For ten years, he is never used to the steppes and very wandered around the house.

Ivan often recalled the house, festive feast without pushing horseback, Father Ilya. At night, he quietly leaving the steppe and prayed for a long time.

Over time, Ivan desperately return to his homeland and stopped praying - "What ... Pray, when nothing comes out." One day, two priests appeared in the steppes - the Tatars in Christianity came to convert Tatars. I asked Ivan Popov to rescue it, but those in the affairs of the Tatars refused. Some time later, Ivan found one priest dead and buried him in Christian, the other was missingly disliked.

A year later appeared in Horde two in Chalm and bright coats. They came from Khiva horses to buy and customize the Tatars against the Russians. So that the Tatars do not rob them and did not kill, they began to frighten the people with the fiery God of Talafoy, who gave them their own fire.

One night, the strangers arranged fire lighting. Horses were frightened and fled, and adult Tatars rushed to catch them. Women, old people and children remained in the village. Then Ivan got out of the yurt and realized that strangers scared people with ordinary fireworks. Ivan found a great stock of fireworks, began to run them, and so scared wild Tatars that they agreed to be baptized.

In the same place Ivan found and "caustic land", which is "scary the body of the palette." He attached it to his heels and pretended to be sick. For a few days, the feet of the foot, and the sheltered bristles in them came out with Geek. When the legs healed, Ivan "For greater still coolness, the biggest flakes of letting and gone."

Three days later, Ivan came out to the Caspian Sea, and from there he got into Astrakhan, earned the ruble and washed firmly. He woke up in prison, from where he was sent to his native estate. Father Ilya refused to profess and condemn Ivan, because he lived in Tatar in sin. The graph, after the death of his wife a manty, did not want to tolerate a man, who was excommunicated from the communion, revealed Ivan twice, gave a passport and let go.

Chapters tenth - fourteenth

Ivan went out of his native estate and got to the fair, where he saw Roma tries to sell a disgusting horse. Being a gypsy in the offense, Ivan helped the peasant. From that day, he began to walk in fairs, "guide the poor people" and gradually became a thunderstorm of all the Gypsies and the Baryshnikov.

One prince from the military asked Ivan to discover the secret to which he chooses horses. He began Ivan to teach the prince, how to distinguish a good horse, but he could not assimilate the science and called him to serve himself by the conserve.

Three years lived Ivan at Prince "as a friend and assistant," chose horses for the army. Sometimes the prince was played and asked Ivan the self-made money to recoup, but he did not give. The prince first angry, and then thanked Ivan for loyalty. Dogging himself, Ivan gave money to the prince to save.

One day, the prince went to the fair and soon ordered to send a mare there, who really liked Ivan. From grieving, it wanted to drink, but no one was to leave the government money. For several days of Ivan "Bes Tomil", until he prayed on an early dinner. After that, he was elegable, and Ivan went to the restaurant tea drinking, where he met the beggar "from noble". He defined vodka from the public and climbed her glass wine glasses on fun.

Ivan regretted him, put him a decanter vodka and advised to quit drinking. The beggar replied that he was not allowed to stop drinking his Christian feelings.

He showed the poor Ivan's gift to soberly soberly, who explained with natural magnetism, and was afraid to remove the "Warzing Passion" from him. The beggar forced Ivan to drink a glass behind a glass, making her hands over each pass.

So "treated" Ivan to the evening, staying in his right mind and checking whether the gased money for the sinus. In the end, the drinking companions quarreled: the beggar considered the love of a sacred feeling, and Ivan said that all these are trifles. They were embroiled from the Tractor, and the beggar brought Ivan to the "Living room", a complete Gypsy.

In this house Ivana fascinated the singer, the Beauty-Roma Pear, and he threw all the treasured money to her feet.

Fifteenth chapters - eighteenth

Przresvev, Ivan learned that the magnetizer died from drunkenness, and he himself remained magnetized and since then the vodka did not take the mouth. By the prince, he admitted that she missed the treasury on the Gypsy, after which there was a white chimney with him.

Recovery, Ivan learned that his prince laid all his property to buy a pear out of the Tabor.

The pear quickly loved the prince, and he received the desired, began to be uneducated gypsy and stopped noticing her beauty. Ivan became friends with a pear and very sorry.

When Roma became pregnant, the prince began to annoy his poverty. He started one thing after another, but all his "work" brought some losses. Soon, the jealous pear suspected that the prince there is a mistress, and sent Ivan to the city, to find out.

Ivan went to the former mistress of Prince, the "secretarial daughter" Evgenia Semenovna, from whom he had a child, and became an involuntary witness to their conversation. The prince wanted to take the money from Evgeny, to rent a cloth factory, hear the manufacturer and marry a rich heir. He was going to give a pear to marry Ivan.

Still who loved the prince of the woman laid presented to them the same house, and soon the prince launched to the daughter of the leader. Returning from the fair, where I purchased the "Asian" samples of fabrics and took orders, Ivan discovered that the house of the prince was updated and ready for the wedding, and there was no pear anywhere.

Ivan decided that the prince of Gypsy killed and buried in the forest. He began to look for her body and once the river came across a living pear. She said that the prince locked it in a forest house under the guard of the three dozen girls, but she ran away from them. Ivan offered Gypsy to live together as her sister with his brother, but she refused.

The pear was afraid that he would not stand, and would destroy the innocent soul - the bride of the prince, and forced Ivan to swear a terrible oath that he would kill her, threatening that he would become "in the smallest woman." Without withstanding, Ivan dropped the gypsy from the cliff to the river.

First, nineteenth - twentieth

Ivan ran away and waved for a long time, while a pear, which was in the form of a girl with wings, did not point him the way. On this way, Ivan met two old people, who were taken to the sole sown's soldiers, and agreed to serve instead. Old men cited Ivan new documents, and he became Peter Serdyukov.

After hitting the army, Ivan was asked to the Caucasus, to "die more for faith," and served there for more than fifteen years. Once, the detachment of Ivana pursued the Caucasians who went beyond the Koisu River. Several soldiers died, trying to bring the bridge across the river, and then Ivan was called, deciding that this is the best case, "to make life." While he sailed across the river, he was protected by a pear in the form of "Schrookovitsy at about sixteen years old," from death fell rooted, and Ivan stepped ashore unharmed. After he told the Colonel about his life, he sent the paper to find out, whether the Gypsy pear was killed. He was answered that the murders were not, and Ivan Northergych Flegin died in the house with the peasants of Serdyukov.

Colonel decided that Ivan had a danger from danger and ice water, made him in officers, he retired and gave a letter to "to one large person to St. Petersburg." In St. Petersburg, Ivana arranged a "creditor" to the address table, but his career did not go, because he got to him the letter "Fita", the surnames were found very little, and there was almost no income from such work.

In Kucher Ivan, a noble officer, did not take, and he went the artist in the street Balagan to portray a demon. There Ivan stood up for a young actress, and he was kicked out. He was nowhere to go, he went to the monastery and soon loved the Life Life Lifestyle, similar to the army. Ivan Ivan Izmail, and put him to horses.

Travelers began to ask whether Ivan suffers from Besa, and he said that he was tempted by the demon who assured his beautiful pear. One old man taught Ivan to drive a demon of a prayer, standing on his knees.

Ivan coped with the prayer and post, but soon he began to bother with small races. Because of them, Ivan accidentally killed the monastery cow, accepting her at night for hell. For this and other forelegations, the father of Igumen for the whole summer locked Ivan in the cellar and ordered to grind salt.

In the cellar, Ivan was read newspapers, began to prophesy, and fed an ambulance war. Igumen translated him into an empty hut, where Ivan and lived all winter. The doctor caused to him could not understand, the prophet Ivan or Crazy, and advised to let him "go."

On the ship, Ivan was, making his way on a manty. In a future war, he believed firmly and was going to go to the army to "die for the people." Tolding all this, the fascinated wanderer fell into thought, and the passengers did not dare to ask him anymore, because he had told their past, and the future remains "in the hand of the defendant of his fate from smart and reasonable and sometimes sometimes opening them with babies."

Chapter first

We sailed to the Ladoga of the lake from Konevez Island to Valaam and on the way they went on the ship's shipment to the pier to Korele. Here, many of us were curious to go ashore and went on a cheeky chukhon horses in a desert town. Then the captain made to continue the path, and we sailed again.

After visiting the Corels, it was quite natural that it was a poor thing about this, albeit an extremely old Russian village, whom it is difficult to invent something. On the vessel, everyone shared this opinion, and one of the passengers, the person prone to philosophical generalizations and political jurisdiction, noticed that he could not understand: For what it is uncomfortable in St. Petersburg people, it is customary to send somewhere in more or less remote places, from What, of course, there is a loss of the treasury on their provision, whereas, near the capital, there is such an excellent place in the Ladoga shore, as Korela, where any libertyity and freedomity cannot resist the population of the population and the terrible missing of the oppressive, mean nature.

"I'm sure," said this traveler, "that in the present case, the routine is certainly to blame, or in the extreme case, maybe the lack of details.

Someone, often traveling here, answered it that as if some exiles lived here, but they were just all that they could still stand out.

- One well done from the seminarists here for rudeness in the deaf was sent (I could not understand this kind of links). So, having arrived here, he brave himself for a long time and everyone hoped to raise some kind of contest; And then how I washed, so before you drank, which was completely crazy and sent such a request, so that it was better to give it as soon as possible to "shoot or in soldiers to give, and for the inability to hang."

- What was the resolution followed by this?

- M ... N ... I do not know, right; Only he still did not wait for this resolution: he himself hanged himself.

"And perfectly done," the philosopher responded.

- Perfectly? - asked the narrator, obviously the merchant, and moreover a person is solid and religious.

- And what? At least died, the ends into the water.

- How are the ends in the water-s? And on the light that he will be? Suicians, because they will suffer a whole century. No one can even pray for them.

The philosopher poisonously smiled, but did not answer anything, but the new opponent was opponent against him, and against the merchant, who unexpectedly joined the Dyachka who had committed the death penalty without permission.

It was a new passenger, which for no one of us quietly sat down from Koned. He was still silent, and no one paid no attention to him, but now everything looked around on him, and probably everyone was posted as he could still remain unnoticed. It was a man of a huge growth, with a dark open face and thick wavy hair of lead color: so strangely cast him as soon as possible. He was dressed in an obedient adjustment with a wide monastic belt belt and in a high black cloth cap. It was impossible to guess this novice, it was impossible to guess this, because the monks of Ladoga Islands not only on travel, but also on the most islands do not always wear fire salts, and in rural simplicity are limited to caps. This new to our sophistication, which was subsequently extremely interesting person, it was possible to give from a small years for fifty years; But he was in the full sense of the word Bogatyr, and more commonly typical, simple, good Russian hero, resembling Grandfather Ilya Muromsz in the beautiful picture of Vereshchagin and in the poem of Count A. K. Tolstoy. It seemed that he would not go in a row, and to sit on the "Chubar" and to ride in the laptops in the forest and lazily sniff, as a dark boron smells like a "resin and strawberries."

But, with all this good simpleness, there was not much observation to see a lot of people whistled in him and what is called "experienced". He kept boldly, self-confidently, although without unpleasant outcomes, and spoke to a pleasant bass with a hasty.

"It doesn't mean anything," he began, lazy and gently release the word for the word from under dense, up the hussars of swirling gray mustache. - I, that you about the light for suicides say that they will never come asleep, do not accept. And what for them as if no one pray - these are also trifles, because there is such a person who all their position with the easiest manner can very just correct.

He was asked: Who is this person who knows and corrects the affairs of suicides after their death?

"But someone who is," the Bogatyr-Chernorizer answered, "there is a Popik in the Moscow Diocese in one village - a persecuting drunkard, who was almost absorbed," so he operates them. "

- How do you know this?

- And hind-s, it's not alone I know, but everyone in the Moscow district knows about that, because this case went through the most highly involved Metropolitan Filaret.

Little pause came out, and someone said that all this is pretty doubtful.

The Chernirais Nimalo was not offended by this remark and answered:

- Yes, s, it is first like that, doubtful, s. And what is surprising that it seems to us if it even didn't believe it for a long time, and then, having received the faithful evidence, saw that it was impossible to believe it and believed?

Passengers stuck to Inak with a request to tell this wonderful story, and he did not refuse this and began the following:

"They say that it seems as if he wrote once one dulgnant to highly engaged in Vladyka, as if, he says, so, this thorns is a terrible drinker," drinks wine and does not fit in arrival. And it is, this is a report, one of the entity was fair. Vladyko and ordered to send this poppik to them to Moscow. We looked at him and see that this is really this Pop Spike, and decided that to be him without a place. The poppick upset and even stopped drinking, and everything is killed and mourned: "To what, thinks, I brought myself, and what should I do more than to impose on yourself? This one, says to me only and the rest; Then, at least, Vladyko is clenched over the welfare of the unfortunate family and daughters of the groom will give him to my place and my father's family. " So well: so he blew to cake himself and the day determined, but only as he was a good soul man, then thought: "Good; I, let's die, I will die, but I'm not a cattle: I'm not without soul, - where then my soul will go? " And he began to grieve even more from this. Well, good: He grieves and mournful, and Vladyko decided that to be him for his drunkenness without a place, and lay down one day after the meal on the sofa with a book to relax and fell asleep. Well, well: they fell asleep or a person just reedded, as they suddenly see, as if they were replete to them in the canoe. They were angry: "Who is there?", Because they thought that they had come about the servants about someone; An, instead of the service, look - the old man is, good-protected, and Vladyko now learned him that this is Rev. Sergius.

Vladyko and say:

"Are you, the most Holy Father Sergie?"

And the waters answers:

"I, Slave of God Filaret."

Vladyko ask:

"What is your cleanliness of my unnecessary?"

And the Holy Sergius answers:

"Grace of Khoshchu".

"Who do you lead to reveal it?"

And the wretched and named that Popika, that behind the drunkenness of the place was deprived, and he himself was removed; And Vladyko woke up and think: "To what it is forgetting; Is it a simple dream, or dream, or a dedicinal vision? " And they began to reflect and, as a husband's husband in the whole world famous, find that it is a simple dream, because it is a good deal that the holy Sergius, a postnik and a good, strict greyhound a worm, petitioned about the life of a weak, creative lives with negligence. Well, well, good: Judged so His Eminence and left all this business of the natural flow, as was started, and they themselves had time, as they were supposed, and moved again to sleep again. But just they again crowded, as a vision again, and such that the great spirit of Vladyka was even more confused. You can imagine: the roar ... Such a terrible roar that it is impossible to express it ... I will jump ... There are no numbers, how many knights ... carry everything in green decoration, lats and feathers, and horses that lions, crow, and in front of their proud stratopedar a vacation, and where it will wave a dark banner, everything will be downloaded there, and on the banner of snakes. Vladyko do not know what this train is, and the Goredeman will command: "Try," says, they are: now there are no prayer officer, "and she slipped by; And for Sim Stratopedarch - his warriors, and behind them, like a flock of spring geeses, the boring shadows stretched out, and everyone nodes the lord sadly and fooling, and all through the crying quietly moan: "Let go! "He praises one for us." Vladyko, how to get up, are now sent for a drunk poppik and ask: how and for whom does he pray? A pop in the poverty of the spiritual all before the saint was confused and says: "I, Vladyko, as I do I do." And he has achieved his extremely to be raised that he obeyed: "It's guilty," says, in one that he himself, weakness, having, and from despair, thinking that better life To deprive yourself, I am always on the holy prosecia for without repentance of the died and hands on the nice, I pray ... "Well, there is Vladyko and realized that something for the shadows before him in the vision, like skinny geese, floated, and did not hear the delight of those demons that Ahead of them in a hurry with the destructiveness, and blessed the poppika: "Stay," they learned to say, "and they do not sin, and for whom I prayed - pray," and again sent him to place. So he, a sort of person, always in humans that the life of the boring is not tolerated, can be useful, for he will not retreat from the audacity to his vocation and everything will be bored for them, and he will have to forgive them.

- Why the same "should"?

- And because "fatty"; After all, it is from him very commanded, so it will not change the same-s.

- And please tell me, besides this Moscow priest, no one praises for suicides?

- But I do not know, right, how do you think that? Do not, they say that they would ask for them to ask for them, because they are self-governing, and indeed, it may be other, without understanding, and they pray for them. On the trinity, not on the spirits day, however, it seems, even everyone is allowed to pray for them. Then the prayers are such special read. Wonderful prayers, sensitive; It seems that I always listened to them.

- I do not know-s. This should be asked for someone from reading: those think, should know; Yes, as I didn't have something to talk about it.

- And in the ministry you did not notice that these prayers someday repeated?

- No, I did not notice; Yes, and you, however, do not rely on my words, because I rarely be at the service.

- Why is it?

- My classes do not allow me.

- Are you Hieromona or Ierodiakon?

- No, I'm just just in Ryasofor.

- Nevertheless, it already means that you are ink?

- n ... da-s; In general, it is so honored.

The Bogatyr-Chernorizeta was not offended by this remark, but only it was a little bit and answered:

- Yes, you can, and, they say, there have been such cases; But only I am old: I live fifty-third year, and my military service is not in Dikovin.

- Did you serve in military service?

- served with.

- What, are you from the Under, or what? - again asked his merchant.

- No, not from the under.

- So who; Soldier, or Watch, or Polazok - Whose Yock?

- No, I have not guess; But only I am a real military, with regulatory affairs was almost from childhood.

- So, the cantonist? - Graying, the merchant sought.

- Again there is no.

"So the dough will discern you, who are you?"

- I conserve.

- What about tako-oh?

- I am a coneer-s, conserve, or, how to express it easier, I'm in horseback experts and at the repairs consisted of their guidance.

- That's how!

- Yes, no one thousand horses selected and departure. Such animals have learned what, for example, happen that it gets up on the pillars yes, from all over the spirit, Jumping rushes and now Sedoku is a saddle of the Luko, it can breasts, and I could not have anything with me.

- How do you doubt these?

"I ... I'm very simple, because I received a special talent to this from nature. I, as I, now, happened, I will not give a horse to come to my senses, left him with all his strength for the ear yes to the side, and the permanent fist between the ears on the head, and the teeth scary on her I crept, so she has even an inde brain from his forehead In the nostrils, together with blood it will seem, - she doubts.

- Well, and then?

- Then you will go away, you annoy, you give her eyes to him, so that it remains good imagination in her memory, and then sit down and go.

- And the horse after that comes comfortable?

"It will smash himself, because the horse is smart, she feels what kind of person with her addresses and what is he about her thoughts." For example, I loved the horse in this reasoning and felt. In Moscow, in the manequer, one horse was, at all all the riders from the hands were fighting and studied, the faban, such a manner, so that there is a trick for his knees. Just like damn, grabbing with teeth, so the whole knee cup and loser. From him a lot of people died. Then in Moscow, the Englishman Rarrey came to Moscow, "he was called the" mad premiere "," so she, this pilant horse, even almost ate him, and in disgrace she led him after all; But he only survived him from her, that, they say, the steel knee barbeled had, so she though she was taught behind his leg, but could not contact and dropped; And then he would die; And I sent her as it should.

- Tell us, please, how did you do it?

"With God's help, with, because I repeat to you, I have for this gift." Mr. Rarrey, what is called "Mad Teller", and others who were taken for this horse, all the arts of the controversial of his evackness in the reasons were kept to not allow him to be drenched on the other side; And I completely invented the tool; I, as soon as the Englishman of the Rārey, refused this horse, I say: "Nothing, I say, this is the most empty, because this horse is nothing more, as a demon is obsessed. The Englishman cannot comprehend this, and I will be asleep and help. " The bosses agreed. Then I say: "Take it out for Drohomilovskaya Zava!" Brought out. Good with; We brought him in the reins in the hollow to the films, where in the summer of the Lord in the villages live. I see: there is a spacious and comfortable place here, and let's act. I sat down on it, on this cannogo, without a shirt, barefoot, in one chairs yes in the Kartuze, and on the naked body he had a leaning belt from the holy brave prince Vsevolod-Gabriel from Novgorod, whom I respected him for youngerness and believed in him; And on Tom belt, his inscription Zatkin: "I will never give my honor." In my hands, I did not have any special tool, as they say in one - the strong Tatar nagayka with a lead head at the end so no more than two pounds, and in another - a simple tormenting pot with a liquid test. Well, I sat down, and the four people were drying the face with reins at different directions, so that he would not rush to the tooth on some of them. And he, the demon, seeing that he was missing, and rzhet, and squeezes, and sweats, and all the anger is trusting, it wants to devour me. I see it and Vella Konyum: "Take it, I say, rather with him, a bastard, a notch with a lot." Those ears do not believe that I give it to them, and the eyes have been released. I say: "What are you standing! Or do not hear? What I order to you - you should fulfill now! " And they answer: "What are you, Ivan Northanych (I am in the world Ivan Northanych, Mr. Flyn, called): How, they say, it is possible that you make sure you take a jite?" I began to be angry with them, because I observe and feel in my legs, as a horse from rage infuses, and he was pretented in his knees, and I scream: "Remove!" They were still the Word; But here already, I completely cleared yes, how I crept my teeth - they were now in an instant the ultieuer, yes, who he sees, rushed to run, and I didn't expect him the first to be the first thing that he did not expect The pot smashed, and the dough he flowed into his eyes and in the nostrils. He was worried, thinks: "What is it?" And rather grabbed the card from my head into my left hand and straight them straight to them even more on the eye of the dough I rub it, and I was on my side, right ... he ek dahead, and I am his card in my eyes, so that he was completely vision to stir up in his eyes, but Nagayka is still different from the other side ... and went, and he went to soar. I do not give him to extend, nor loyful, all his as his card in the face misses the dough, blindly, I bring a dental crossing into the thrill, I scare, but on the sides on both sides, Nagaika Dera, to understand that this is not a joke ... He understood it and not He began to persist in one place, and hit me to wear. He wore me, hearty, wore, and I was his foil yes, so that what he worns himself, the fact that I still try to rustly, and finally both of this work began to get tired: I have a shoulder of lomit and hand It does not rise, and he, I look, has already ceased to mow and the language from the mouth won. Well, here I see that he asks him, asking him as soon as he came down, his eyes won his eyes, took him for the Vikhor and say: "Stop, doggy meat, pesting flats!" Yes, how to turne his book - he knees everything in front of me and fell, and since then such a modest was done that it was not necessary to demand better: he was given to sit down and drove, but only soon.

- Fragrance however?

- Frake-C; Proud of very creature was, the behavior was completed, but his nature, it was visible, could not overcome. And Mr. Rārey me then, he having heard about it, invited to his service.

- What, did you serve him?

- From what?

- Yes, how to tell you! The first thing that I was a coneer and more to this part is used to choose, and not for departure, and he needed only for one mad dummy, and the second that it was on his part, as I suppose there was one insidious trick .

- What?

- I wanted to take a secret.

- Would you sell him?

- Yes, I would have sold.

- So what is the case?

"So ... He himself must be frightened."

- Tell us, make mercy, what is this story?

"There was no special story, but only he says:" Open me, a brother, your secret - I will give you a lot of money and take to my cones. " But as I could never deceive anyone, I answer: "What is a secret? - it is nonsense". And he is all with aglitskaya, the scientist takes a point, and did not believe; Says: "Well, if you do not want, in your form, open, then let's drink with you with you." After that, we drank together with him a lot of roma, before he flushed and says, as he knew: "Well, now, they say, open, what did you do with the horse?" And I answer: "That's what ..." - Yes, I looked at him as ridiculously and my teeth creaked, and I didn't have a pot with a dough at that time, then I took it for example a glass on it waved, and he suddenly, it sees How diving - and descended under the table, and then how to scream to the door, and there was such a thing, and there was no place to look for it. So since then we have not already seen.

- So you did not do to him?

- Therefore, with. And how to do when he has been afraid of meeting me since then? And I would like it very much, because he, until I came to me on Roma on this, I liked it very much, but, right, you won't communicate our way, and I had to follow another vocation.

- What do you honor your vocation?

- But I do not know, the right, how to tell you ... After all, I happened a lot, I happened to be-with and on the horses, and under the horses, and in captivity was, and fought, and the people himself beat me, and they could drive me, so, Maybe not everyone would sentence.

- And when did you go to the monastery?

- It is recently, with, just a few years after the past life of my life.

- And also the calling to this felt?

- M ... N ... N ... I do not know how to explain it ... However, it is necessary to assume that I had.

- Why are you so ... as if you are not probably talking?

- Yes, because it probably probably, when I still can't even hug my vast risk of vitality?

- Is that why?

- Because, with that I didn't even do my own willy.

- And Childe?

- by the parent promise.

- And what happened to you on the parent promise?

- I died all my life, and I could not die.

- as if so?

- That is so-s.

- Tell us, please, your life.

- Why, I remember, then if I, I can say, but I can not otherwise, I can not, with how originated.

- Make a favor. It will be the more interesting.

- Well, I really do not know, whether it will be any interesting, and if you please listen to.

Chapter I.
The ship walking through the Ladoga of the lake from the Island of the Covers to Valaam, along the way mooring from the Korela, and passengers from curiosity ride on horseback in this deserted and poor, albeit a very old Russian village. After going on, the passengers argue, why "people uncomfortable in St. Petersburg" will link far when there is a very place that there is an apathy and buying, inappropriate nature will overcome all freedomity. Someone from the passengers traveling here often says that at different times they really refer here, but only all the exile longs for a long time did not stand here. One, for example, hanged himself. "And perfectly done," the passenger noticed, "prone to philosophical generalizations and political fun." Another, apparently the merchant, a religious person, objects - because the suicide will suffer a whole century. For them, even nitomolomy can not.
And then the passenger spoke against both opponents, on which somehow did not pay attention to what was strange. "It was a man of great growth, with a dark open face and thick wavy hair of lead color: so strangely cast him to ask him. He was dressed in a hearing side of the contrast with a wide monastic belt belt and in a high black cloth ... this new snob-nickname ... By sight it was possible to give from a small years in fifty; But he was in the full sense of the word Bogatyr, and more commonly typical, simple, good Russian warrior, resembling Grandfather Ilya Muromsz in the beautiful picture of Vereshchagin and in the poem of Graph A. K. Tolstoy. "
It was seen that it was a man's day, who had ever had a lot. He kept boldly and self-confidently, albeit somewhat unclosed. He stated that there is such a person who facilitates the position of suicides. This is a Popik-drunk in one village of the Moscow Diocese, who prays for suicides. He was almost absorbed. They say that it was already a decision to deprive his place. Popik from grief even stopped drinking and decided to commit suicide - in this case, Vladyko sprinkles over his family and gives the daughter of the bridegroom, which will take his place.
And the bishop once after the meal tristed and sees it seems to him in the celia, the Rev. Sergius is among him and asks to regret the unworthy pop. The bishop decided that it was just a dream, and did not do anything. So he goes to bed again, and dream of him, as a man under a dark banner, waggies the crowd of boring shadows, and they all nodding Sladly Vladyka and ask: "Let him go! "He's prayed one for us." The bishop calls on this very poppika, and he confesses that yes, really pray for suicides. Vladyko blessed Popika and again sent him to his place. In the process of the conversation, it turned out that a conversational passenger was only ink, and once he was a conserve, that is, he was an expert of horses and consisted of repairers for their guiding, selected and departure not one thousand horses. The passenger says that in his life a lot has experienced, he had a chance to be on the horses, and under his horses, and in captivity was, and fought, and the people himself beat, and he was taken away. And the monastery came only a few years ago. "I died all my life and could not die," he says. Here everyone came up to him with a request to tell about their lives. He agreed, but only to tell it will be from the very beginning.
Chapter II.
Former conservation Ivan Northanych, Mr Flygin began his story with the fact that he comes from the courtyard people of Count K. from the Oryol province. His mother died in childbirth, his father was Kucher, and the boy grew up at the father at the Kucher. His whole life took place on the stable, he loved the horses and studied them well. At eleven years, it began to be used as a foreman, and since he was physically even quite weak for the far road, he was tied to his belts to the saddle and to the rods. It was very hard, on the road, he was even losing consciousness, but gradually got used to. Forestors had a bad habit - to knock the whip of the one who sunlook the road. That's how Ivan once, when the count was taken to the monastery, killed one old man who spawned on the car. The Count settled the case with the igumen, sending in the monastery in the autumn to the monastery with oats, flour and dried crucies. And at night comes to Ivan in the dream, that monk he is sitting, and crying. He informs Ivan that he had a mother's Mother's son and promised. That is, the mother promised him to God. "You will die many times and never deceive, while your real death comes, and then you will remember the maturity promise for you and go to Chernitsa," said the monk and disappeared.
After a while, the graph with the Countess decided to take a lucky daughter in Voronezh to the doctor. In the village, the steep stopped feeding the horses, and the monk appeared again and advised Ivan to ask the Lord to the monastery - they would let him go. Ivan did not want. Together with the father they bared horses and went, and there was very cool mountain, on the side of the break, where many people died. At the descent, the brake burst, and the wholehemaker rushed down to the cliff. Father jumped off the goat, and Ivan rushed to breathe and hung on it. Advanced horses were crushed into the abyss, and the crew stopped, overlooking the Koreannikov, whom Ivan the breath was suppressed. Here suddenly he came to his senses from fear and flew down himself. But miraculously survived - broke into the clay ships and rolled like on Slazza. The count suggested that Ivan, whose nickname was talked, ask everything that he wants, and he was stupid asked the harmonica, but immediately threw her.
Chapter III
In his stable headed a couple of pigeons. There were chicks. One navel himself accidentally crushed, caress, and the second ate the cat, which hazardously climbed to the pigeons. He caught her and cut off her tail. It turned out that this is a Cat with a Countess Maid, was headed in the office to the German managers, told to focus and put the pebbles with a hammer for the roots in the garden. He could not even wipe it and decided to hang. He went with a rope into the forest, all settled, jumped off the bitch - and fell to the ground, and there is a Gypsy over him, who cut the rope. He called him with him. "And who are you and what you live? You can't thieves? ... And if you, perhaps, probably do people? " It was all that was. Ivan thought-thought, waved his hand, cried and went into the robbers.
Chapter IV.
Sly Gypsy, so as not to give a guy to come to his senses, and says that in order for him to believe him, let him bring out a couple of the best horses from the county stables. They gone all night, then they sold horses, and Roma deceived headlessly, giving him almost nothing. The guy went to the assembly to appeal that he was a runaway fortress, and the clerk he told his story, and he tells him that he would make him a vacation look. I had to give everything: silver virgin, earring from the ear and a native cross. He came to the city of Nikolaev and became where they were going to work. A huge-premium barin, more than Ivan himself, he pushed everyone from him, grabbed over both hands and tops behind him. At home asked him who he and what, and, having learned that he spared the gallows, was very happy. It turned out, he hires headed into the nanniki. A wife ran away from him and a small daughter remained, and no one would care for. "And how do I contact this post?" - trifles ... You are Russian. The Russian man will cope with everything, "says the new owner. We bought a goat, and Ivan became a nanny and very attached to the child. So continued until the summer. Ivan noticed that the girl was crying legs - he began to wear it to Liman and, on the advice of a shell, dig legs in the sand. But once a lady appears, the mother of the girl, and begins to ask Ivan to give her daughter. He is naked in any. The next day, he again takes a goat and a child with him and goes to Liman. And the lady is already there. And so day after day, quite a long time. And finally, she comes the last time - say goodbye and says that her repair will come himself now. He won a lot to the cards and
Wants to give Ivan a thousand rubles in exchange for a child. Ivan does not agree. And he sees Ivan - goes on the steppe Ulan-Repairer, such an isporatened, hands in Boki ... I looked at Ivan on Ulan and thinks: "I would be great to play with him from boredom." And he decides, if only Ulan will say something wrong, Ivan hesitates him, and there, maybe, and before the fight, it will make things that Ivan I really wanted.
Chapter V.
It is Ivan and thinks how would it be better than this officer to annoy so that he himself began to attack him? And the lady complains that, they say, the child does not give. The repairman strokes her head and says that, they say, nothing, now he will show money, Ivan's eyes and scatter, and if not, he just will take a child with force. He serves Ivan the bunch of assignments, and he pulled out the papers, flew on them and threw - they say, raise himself. Repairer blushed and rushed to Ivan, but with him, who can cope with such a set. He was only slightly shoved the repair, he flew. This repair, although it was physically weak, but the character of proud and noble. He did not pick up his money from the earth. Ivan shouts him to picked up, but he did not raise, but runs and grabs for the child. Ivan took a girl for the second handle and says: "Well, pull it: on whose half will break more." The repair was laid, spat Ivan in his face, let go of the child and pulls the lady, and she sobs, turned her face to her daughter and pulls her hands to her, "exactly living, in half a rush, half to him, half to the child" ... and then Barin's father runs from the city, the father of the girl, the pistol, and shouts: "Keep them, Ivan! Hold! " And Ivan instead caught up with the Barynka with the Ulan and gave them a child; He asked only to be taken with him with him, because Barin would hand over his justice, he had a fake passport.
We arrived in Penza, and the officer and says Ivan that he cannot keep him with him, because he does not have a passport. He gave him two hundred rubles. Ivan really did not want to go anywhere, he loved her very girl, but nothing to do. He asked only that Ulan would hit him for being there, in Liman, broke it. The officer just laughed. Ivan decided to go and surrender to the police, and before drinking tea in the restaurant. Long drank, then went to like. He moved the river Sura, and there are horse shoals and with them Tatars in kibits. Around the most motley crowds crowds: civilian, military, landowners. The fall sits on a motley cat a long power Tatar in the Golden Tubete. It was, as Ivan learned, Khan Dzhangar, the first steppe horse breeding. His herds went from the Volga itself to the Ural itself. Although all this land is owned by Russia, but Han Dzhangar reigns there. At this time, the Tatarchonok drove to the Hanu of extraordinary beauty and the white-mare. Began bargaining. Soon everything was abandoned, besides two - these have already begun to offer not only money, but also saddle, and a bathrobe, and even daughter. Here, all the Tatars began to shout, so that each other was not brought to ruin. Russian, standing next to Ivan, explains him how it will be decided. Khan Dzhangaru will give how much he asks, and to whom to take a horse, with general consent, they will be empty. Explain what it is, the neighbor did not, he said that he would see himself. Both opponents, undressing to the belt, sat down at 304
Earth against each other and took up his left hand for the left, the legs were spread and rested against the feet. Each donated on Nagayka, and they began to whip the chick of each other. In Meanwhile, the neighbor, meanwhile, explained to him the subtleties - how to beat it to hold out longer the opponent. Who will win, he will take a mare. Winning, all in the blood, put his robe on his back on his back and Besht, his belly threw her face and left. Ivan Ho-eating is already to leave, but his new friend delayed him - something else should happen.
Chapter VI
Everything came out. Specked the Tatailon on the Karakov Stallion, which is not impossible to describe. The hot bargain began again. Among the crowd was a familiar repairer, but he didn't even hope to get this horse. Ivan suggested him to get it - he will get rid of his opponent. And won. He fascinated the opponent to death, as he informed the affected passengers good-naturedly and impassively. Seeing the horror of them in the eyes, found it necessary to give an explanation. This Tatarar was considered the first Batyr in all run-sands, so I didn't want to give up anything, and Ivan very helped a penny, which he put in his mouth. He is lying it all the time so that the pains do not feel, but "for the scattering of the thought" in the mind of the strikes, he thought, although he came down from the account. Ivan the Russians decided to lead to the police. He rushed to flee, disappeared into the crowd, and the Tatars helped him. And together with Tatars, Ivan went into the steppe, where he stayed eleven years not at his own request. Tatars treated him well, but so that he did not escape, they made a brutal operation over him: they cut off the plate of the skin on his heels and wound a chopped horse-haired there, then the wounds were closed and sewn. After such a manipulation, a person could not stand on the heel, could only go to the rules or knees. And at the same time, the Tatars appealed to him well, gave him his wife, then another one, and at the other Khan, from Agasseyol, who stole Ivan's desuch, he was given two more wives. This Agashasholi was from far the horde and called Ivan to strip him hansha, for which he promised the owner of Ivan's many heads of livestock. That he let him go. And Agasyol deceived him - crushed with Ivan completely to the other side. Passengers asked what else happened with Ivan. He continued the story.
Chapter VII
Agashashol has no longer let Ivan. He gave him two more wives. Ivan did not love them. All wives narrowed the children he did not consider him, because they were not baptized. Parental feelings did not feel any feelings. Very time for Russia. Around the steppe and steppe ... Sometimes a monastery was killed or a temple, then Ivan I was remembered, and he cried. Ivan describes the life and life of the Tatars on salt marshes over the Caspian. I remembers how I prayed - it prayed that "even the snow of Inde is shutting down and where the tears fell down - in the morning we will see the grass." "And everything went, thank God!" "He brought himself, removing his monastery cap and cross.
I wondered how Ivan Northanych managed to pay his heels, how did he ran from the Tatar steppes and got into the monastery? And he continued his story.
Chapter VIII
The prisoner lost all hope to return home, and even the longing began to weaken. But once among Tatars suddenly began some kind of revival. It turned out, two missionaries arrived, "two white mules, have a security sheet from the White Tsar and they go far to set their faith." Ivan rushed to the yurt, where they were. He was so glad that he sees the Russians, which fell into his feet and buried. And they were delighted, they say: "You see! See? As grace acts, here it has already been touched by one, and he turns from Males. " When they were told that Ivan was not Muslim at all, but from the Russians, they remained very unhappy. Ivan rushed to them with a prayer to rescued him from captivity, where he was already the eleventh year and won like mutilated. Those and he did not listen to him, but took care of their sermia. Ivan chose the moment when the priests remained alone, and again went to them, asked them to parrot the Tatars anger of the Russian king, told them that he did not tell Asians to keep his subjects in captivity, or even better, let him give the Tatars redemption for Ivan , and he will serve them. Those in responses said that they have no ransom, and they are not allowed to frighten them, they comply with them polite politics. He, Ivan, remains only to pray and hope for God. Let him remember his Christian faith, and they are calm for him. Their concern about those who are in darkness. They showed Ivan a book with a list of the Tatars, whom they allegedly joined Christianity. Ivan no longer began to talk to them and left; But somehow one of his sons comes and says that on the lake the dead man lies. It was one of those preachers. Ivan him buried in Christian. Tatars were killed by one Jewish missionary, who also came to them somehow. They buried him on the neck in the sand and began to demand to say where the money hid. But how did Ivan Northanych come out of captivity? "Miraculously saved," he replied. The miracle was created by Talafa, Indian.
Chapter IX.
After the death of the missionaries, there was almost a year when they drove two. Who are they and from where, it was impossible to understand. They spoke in some kind of their own. "Both are not old, one black, with a big beard, in a bathrobe, as if it looks like a Tatar, but only a bathrobe does not have a variegy, but the whole red, and on the head of an acute persiana hat; And the other redhead, also in a bathrobe, but a sort of stuffed, all the boxes had any drawers with me ... "They said that they came to buy horses from Hiva, they were going to fight with someone and pinched the Tatars against the Russians. The coming began to demand horses and threaten fire. The black worm said that at night Talaf will show all its strength and let everyone sit in yurts, otherwise he will burn. And indeed, at night, the beginning of something hiss and flash over again. In trouble, everything froze. These chieves or the Indians ran somewhere, and the fire broke out again. Horses from fright rushed. The Tatars were forgotten about fear and in time, and those already traveled together with herd, only one box remained from them. Ivan hit the drawer and realized that it was just a firework. He began to launch rockets and dubbed all the Tatars in the river under the fear of death.
The most important thing, Ivan discovered a caustic substance in fireworks. He put it to his heels and retarded them with this substance for two weeks so that the bristles would come out with Mouth. Everything happened. Healing healed, and Ivan pretended that he became even worse, ordered everyone for three days for the yurts not to go out, she put the biggest fireworks for the cooler and left. On the fourth day, he was caught by one Chuvash with five horses, offered to sit on one of them. But Ivan was now an incredulous and refused, went on foot. By the evening of the third day I saw water and people. Just in case, I decided to first find out what kind of people in order not to get to captivity again. Underpartments closer and sees: drill and drink vodka, it means Russian! These were fishermen. They accepted Ivan very well, and he told them his story. Ivan learned from them that without a passport, he would have bad here. At night, he left and appeared in Astrakhan. Earned the ruble on the back and washed. I woke up in a progress, and from there I was sent to send to His province. He led him to the city, carved into the police and delivered to the county estate. Here it was carved him a couple of times and put on the lifts, they gave a passport, and Ivan felt herself, through so many years, a free man.
Chapter X.
At Ivan's fair, I saw Roma attempts to penetrate a man anywhere else. He picked him a good horse, and other men also helped, and they rewarded him. So it went: and the capital of Ros, and drunkenness. Ivan Northanych walked from the fair to the fair and everywhere helped to pick up good horses, interfered with the laryrshnikov-gypsies to deceive. And now, he learned
I decided to go to church. He became easier, and he went to the restaurant to drink tea. And there met a strange person. He met him before. They said that once he was rich, was an officer, but everything was droked and now beats on the restaurants and fairs. If anyone brings him a glass of vodka, so he eats it with glass. This type stuck to Ivan Northanych, asked to treat him and promised to wean forever from drunkenness. And for a start, Ivan Northanya to drink. In the end, they were taken to the street, because the restaurant closed.
Chapter XII.
First of all, being on a dark street, Ivan Northanych made sure that the thick bundle of money he had a sinus, in place. He became calmer. And here, next to him, his companion is, which hectic brings him to the Gypsy Titon, and disappears himself. He,. As then he saw Ivan Northanych, Roma paid for it to Mzdu. This type of this, apparently, possessed some hypnotic abilities, because by all means manipulations deprives Ivan Northanic ability to more or less think. He is decided to enter the house, which stands, ask at least a way home.
Ivan Northanych was in a large room, the full nation. And perfectly sang a gypsy pear, very beautiful. Ending a song, she with a tray bypassed the repairs, landowners, breeders, rich merchants, and everyone threw a bill on him. To whom she serves a glass, that wine will drink and put on a tray. And so she went around everyone, a number of next. Ivan Northanych stood at the back, but Roma ordered her to approach him, to bring wines. He was stunned by her beauty. He threw her to a tray at once a hundred rubles. And the Gypsy touched his lips easily with his mouth. After that, Ivan Northanych was brought to the first row and eventually revolve to the thread.
Chapter XIV
After that evening, Ivan Northanych did not drink any more than a single glass. Prince, returning, began to ask for money, and Ivan Northanych admitted that all the money Gypsy threw. The next morning Ivan Northanych came his senses in Lazarete - he had a white marriage, he wanted to hang around, had to turn him into a long shirt. At the recovery, Ivan Northanych appeared to the prince, which in the meantime he retired and lived in the village. He decided to work out spent five thousand. Then the prince said that he himself gave for a pear Tabor in fifty thousand goals, fell into debts. And he has a pear here - he bought it from the table. And nothing good from this did not come out.
Prince was a good man with a good, but changeable. He quickly missed a pear yes with Ivan Northanych and decided to trade horses. He was carried away, he scaled a lot of horses, and did not find buyers. Then he left the trade and began to rush from one thing to another: then an extraordinary mill is building, then the short workshop started, but only all the losses and debts were among everything ... there was never at home, everything went somewhere, and a pear Sit alone, in the position, and missed. The princess is sometimes ashamed of two, sit down at home, and then says Ivan Northanych, let him sit with her, and it is from these "emeralds yakhontovy" (so he called him a pear) to sleep clonit.
Pear tormented jealousy. She was convinced that the prince in the city there is someone or he decided to marry someone. And she began to ask Ivan Northanych to go to the city and everything turned out. And he drove under the faithful pretext.
The pear was unknown and the people were strictly-tuning to hide from her that the prince had another love in the city - the secretarial daughter Eugene Semenovna. She had from Prince Daughter. Parting with Evgenia Semenovna, Prince, then rich, bought her home with her daughter. The prince never came to her, and his servants, remembering her kindness, went to visit her. Ivan Northanych, having arrived in the city, went straight to Evgenia Semenovna and asked her a little to live. She reported to him that the prince was already the second week in the city and starts the case - it takes a closer factory. And she wrote to her, he would look at her daughter. And suddenly the maid declares that the prince came. Nanny suggested Ivan heading to sit down in the dressing room for the closet, everything will be heard there. The prince entered, greeted. They led daughter, and he suggested her to ride in a carriage. She did not really want, but he insisted - he had to talk alone with Evgenia Semenovna.
Chapter XVI
Evgenia Semenovna demanded that the prince says everything straight, without luck. He said that he needs money, thousand twenty. He will send Ivan headed to the fair to take a contract and dial the samples, take the deposits ... The lady was packed, sighed and spoke:
"Calculation," says, - yours, prince, faithful.
- Is not it?
- Verinda, - says - faithful; You will do this: You will give you a deposit, you will be considered a manufacturer after that; In society will report that your affairs recovered ...
- Yes; and then...
- Gulvanie picks up the macaria orders and deposits, and I will return the debt and get rich.
- No, let me, do not interrupt me: you first raise all this on the fourse of the leader, and as long as he will read you the rich, you marry his daughter and then take her dowry for her, in fact get rich.
The prince demands that Eugene Semenovna laid his home and gave money to him. That with contempt agrees. She asks what he is going to do with a pear. The prince admits that the Gypsy is terribly tired of him, but, thank God, they are hung great friends. He marries them, buy them a house and will write Ivan to the merchants. "Where is your conscience?" - Evgeny Semenovna exclaims.
Following this, everything went very quickly. Ivan right from the city went to the fair, scored orders, money and samples and all the money was sent to the prince. And when he came home himself, then nothing could not know, everything was reproduced, and the flaglel, where the pear lived, and there is no trace, there is a new building in its place. Ivan wanted to leave from here forever, but he was very sorry to the pear and he could not find out where she was. Everyone was silent: it was visible, so it was ordered. From Kucher, Ivan learned that the prince went with a pear somewhere not on his horses, but on the hired. Did the prince of a pear killed? Ivan more and more convinced himself in this. On the wedding day of the prince with the daughter of the leader, he left in the morning in the forest, sat down on a steep coast, over the river. And he became so sad, so painfully that he could not stand and began to call a punch loudly: "My sister, respond, respond to me, show up for a minute!" And Ivan began to seem that someone runs to him; And I came running and straight on it hung and pounded ...
Ivan was very frightened, but it turned out - it was a pear ... She came to die here. She must die, otherwise it can ruin the innocent soul - kill the bride of the prince. Pear says that the prince did with it. Suddenly invited her to ride in a stroller, and brought to the forest, wild, swamp place. There was a bee, behind it - the courtyard, and there are three young healthy girls-monodvors and name and name the lady's pear. They picked up a pear under his arms and straightly suffered into the room. The pear immediately felt no good. And the prince tells her: "This is now you will live here." The pear dreamed of escape, but her vigorously erased. Finally, she overthrew her guard and ran away. Pear asks Ivan Northanych to prove her fraternal love.
- Say, what do you want?
- Not; You, "says, - before you walk the bigger in the world there are, what you will do what to ask the mill.
Ivan swore her to her soul salvation, but she was not enough for her.
"You're my soul to curse as your klyal, if I don't listen to me," says the pear. And Ivan said what she wanted. Pear says that she has no strength to live and suffer, seeing grant of the prince and over her abuse. And if she decides itself, then forever will destroy their soul ... And so, she begs Ivan to kill her, and stretches his knife. And herself says: "You will not kill me, I will become the most shameful woman in the wholest of you." Ivan ordered a pear to pray and, the whole trembling, pushed it from the steepness into the river. And she drowned.
He fled from the place, and it seemed to him that someone was chasing him. He came his senses on a big road and went through her. It was all day all day and very tired, and here you have been catching up by his old man with an old woman on a cart of a couple and offered to ride. They both kill: they have a son in soldiers and there is no money to hire someone instead of him. Ivan said that he would have walked for their son without any fee, but he had no papers. A: Tarisks in response, that it does not matter, let him simply call, as their son, Etr Serdyukov. They took Ivan to another city and handed over the son at the recruits there, they gave twenty-five rubles on the road and promised to help all their lives. Ivan the money received immediately put it on a poor monastery - the contribution of the Soul's pear, and he himself began to ask the Caucasus to die soon. In the Caucasus, he stayed for more than fifteen years and no one opened his real name. Ivan lesmed already last year When just on Ivanov, the day of his angel, the Tatars, followed by which they chased, went beyond the Koisu River. The river was fast and cold. And we could not cross it in any way - Tatars lay on the shore behind the stones and targetedly shot. It was necessary to sing someone to a river with a thin twine, on which the rope was tied to cross. Three pairs of soldiers tried to do it and all died. And Ivan thought: "What do I better wait for this case to make life to cum? Bless the Lord, my hour! " - And came out, undressed, read the prayer, took the Bacchev in his mouth and, sneaking from the shore, whining into the water. And slept the river, pulled the rope. Colonel, listening to the story of Ivan about his sins, still made an idea of \u200b\u200bthe production of him into officers. He was given to George and with the resignation. He did not succeed in the service of officials, it had to play in Balagan on the Admiralty Square. There he beat one for the fact that he praised the young actress, I had to leave. The actress contained him, but Ivan was conscientious, and he went to the monastery. Passengers were surprised: only because of this? And Ivan just going to go nowhere. Monastery life he loved. He and here consists of horses, all the time in Kucherach. He is not going to accept in a small tonsure and elder. In the monastery it is considered from noble, although he objects. Chapter XX "Since our wanderer fell in his story to the last life of the pier - to the monastery, to which he, in the deep faith of him, was intended from birth, and since he seemed to be here, everything was favored, it had to think that Here Ivan Northanych is no longer stumbled upon anything. However, it turned out completely different. " They remembered the demons who often pursue the monks. Ivan tells how he accepted the cow for the demon, which, poor, and bored. Father Igumen said that the demon was presented to him because he walks little in the church, and ordered Ivan to always stand in front of the grate to melt the candle. One old woman serves Ivan's candle and asks to put. Ivan approached the aalo and began to put this candle, yes the other dropped. Begun, this raised, began to stick, - two dropped. He began to go to them, looks - four drops. Ivan has bent and hastily with fallen candles rose yes how the backlop cares for the bottom of the candlestick ... And the candles were so fell. Here Ivan became angry, took and all the other candles had a hand. For Ivan, a sample was interpreted, the blind old man was satisfied. Hegumen listened to him and ordered in an empty cellar. Hegumen did not say the deadline, and therefore Ivan promised in the cellar to the most frosts. He was not boring: heard church ringing, comrades visited. He pulled it out of the cellant because of the cold, but because he suddenly began to prophesy the war. It was locked in an empty hut in the garden and set the image of the "good silence" in front of him. There he sat until spring

But not corrected. And now he is swimming at Solovki on the mantom of Zosima and Savvatia. He wants to pray before death. Because soon it will be necessary to fight. Having said that he then puts upon the ammunition, the enchanted wanderer fell into a quiet concentration, which none of the passengers dare to break. And what else could you ask?

About the story "Enchanted Wanderer"
"I will tell all this not as described in the novels. I will not break down one and inflate the meaning of other events: I do not force the artificial and unnatural form of a novel to this, requiring the roundabilities of the fabul and focusing the entire main center. The life of a person goes as developing from the charter's rill, and I will be so easy and I will develop Lanto, "Leskov wrote I. S. Aksakov. The story of Leskov "Enchanted Wanderer" is being built in exactly the way that it was underestimated to modern criticism. FABULES TALE PESTRAY; Adventures follow the adventures, as in a fairy tale or epic. The key to understanding the image of Ivan Northanycha Flagin is the similarity of the hero with the epic hero. He might not only physically, but also spiritually. The "promised" mother of God, that is, the ownership of it must become a monk, he shies away from this, without conquering abundant "signs", and for it is punishable. Like any people's warter, Ivan Northanych hotly loves their homeland, fatally jeaches her, being long years in captivity. His thorough premonition of war, and he is ready to participate in it and die for his native land. Ivan Northanych is not at all the ideal image, with all his talentedness, an exacerbid sense of beauty and ability to compassion. It is not only an offense, but also crimes: murders, intentional and uninhabited, concoction, waste. Nevertheless, the reader feels a clean and noble soul in this man. After all, even of the three murders, about which is told in the story, the first is an unexpected result of naughty churching and who does not know where his young strength is, the second is the result of the opponent of the enemy, hoping "passing" Ivan Northanych "in honest battle", and the third is the greatest Feat dedicated love.
With the spiritual warmth and the subtlety of feelings in Ivan Northany and rudeness, rudeness, drunkenness, moral underdevelopment. His sense of self-esteem, for example, does not suffer from repeated spanking - a consequence of serfdom. The moral underdevelopment of Ivan Northanych is associated with religious prejudices. During the years of life in the Tatar steppe, several children were born from his tatar. Running from the captivity, he is not concerned about the fate of wives and children, he said that they did not read children born by the wives "for their children," because they are unresolved and Mazana. Gradually it inner world It becomes deeper. Love for gypsy pear, her tragic fate and death discover new facets in the soul, the ability to understand someone else's suffering and respond to him. "The sadness of the soul is now the dead and my duty is now for her to pass." I consider yourself a great sinner and trying to atone for sin, he goes to the Caucasus and makes a feat, but in his own eyes everything remains the same sinner, which neither the earth, no water to accept. Once finally in the monastery, Ivan Northanych does not feel here the last refuge.

Nikolay Leskov. "The Enchanted Wanderer"

The Enchanted Wanderer

Chapter I.

The ship walking through the Ladoga of the lake from the Island of the Covers to Valaam, along the way mooring from the Korela, and passengers from curiosity ride on horseback in this deserted and poor, albeit a very old Russian village. After going on, the passengers argue, why "people uncomfortable in St. Petersburg" will link far when there is a very place that there is an apathy and buying, inappropriate nature will overcome all freedomity. Someone from the passengers traveling here often says that at different times they really refer here, but only all the exile longs for a long time did not stand here. One, for example, hanged himself. "And perfectly done," the passenger noticed, "prone to philosophical generalizations and political fun." Another, apparently the merchant, a religious person, objects - because the suicide will suffer a whole century. For them, even nitomolomy can not.

And then the passenger spoke against both opponents, on which somehow did not pay attention to what was strange. "It was a man of great growth, with a dark open face and thick wavy hair of lead color: so strangely cast him to ask him. He was dressed in a hearing side of the contrast with a wide monastic belt belt and in a high black cloth ... this new snob-nickname ... By sight it was possible to give from a small years in fifty; But he was in the full sense of the word Bogatyr, and more commonly typical, simple, good Russian warrior, resembling Grandfather Ilya Muromsz in the beautiful picture of Vereshchagin and in the poem of Graph A. K. Tolstoy. "

It was seen that it was a man's day, who had ever had a lot. He kept boldly and self-confidently, albeit somewhat unclosed. He stated that there is such a person who facilitates the position of suicides. This is a Popik-drunk in one village of the Moscow Diocese, who prays for suicides. He was almost absorbed. They say that it was already a decision to deprive his place. Popik from grief even stopped drinking and decided to commit suicide - in this case, Vladyko sprinkles over his family and gives the daughter of the bridegroom, which will take his place.

And the bishop once after the meal tristed and sees it seems to him in the celia, the Rev. Sergius is among him and asks to regret the unworthy pop. The bishop decided that it was just a dream, and did not do anything. So he goes to bed again, and dream of him, as a man under a dark banner, waggies the crowd of boring shadows, and they all nodding Sladly Vladyka and ask: "Let him go! "He's prayed one for us." The bishop calls on this very poppika, and he confesses that yes, really pray for suicides. Vladyko blessed Popika and again sent him to his place. In the process of the conversation, it turned out that a conversational passenger was only ink, and once he was a conserve, that is, he was an expert of horses and consisted of repairers for their guiding, selected and departure not one thousand horses. The passenger says that in his life a lot has experienced, he had a chance to be on the horses, and under his horses, and in captivity was, and fought, and the people himself beat, and he was taken away. And the monastery came only a few years ago. "I died all my life and could not die," he says. Here everyone came up to him with a request to tell about their lives. He agreed, but only to tell it will be from the very beginning.

Chapter II.

Former conservation Ivan Northanych, Mr Flygin began his story with the fact that he comes from the courtyard people of Count K. from the Oryol province. His mother died in childbirth, his father was Kucher, and the boy grew up at the father at the Kucher. His whole life took place on the stable, he loved the horses and studied them well. At eleven years, it began to be used as a foreman, and since he was physically even quite weak for the far road, he was tied to his belts to the saddle and to the rods. It was very hard, on the road, he was even losing consciousness, but gradually got used to. Forestors had a bad habit - to knock the whip of the one who sunlook the road. That's how Ivan once, when the count was taken to the monastery, killed one old man who spawned on the car. The Count settled the case with the igumen, sending in the monastery in the autumn to the monastery with oats, flour and dried crucies. And at night comes to Ivan in the dream, that monk he is sitting, and crying. He informs Ivan that he had a mother's Mother's son and promised. That is, the mother promised him to God. "You will die many times and never deceive, while your real death comes, and then you will remember the maturity promise for you and go to Chernitsa," said the monk and disappeared.

After a while, the graph with the Countess decided to take a lucky daughter in Voronezh to the doctor. In the village, the steep stopped feeding the horses, and the monk appeared again and advised Ivan to ask the Lord to the monastery - they would let him go. Ivan did not want. Together with the father they burned the horses and went, and there was a very cool mountain, the side of the break, where many people died. At the descent, the brake burst, and the wholehemaker rushed down to the cliff. Father jumped off the goat, and Ivan rushed to breathe and hung on it. Advanced horses were crushed into the abyss, and the crew stopped, overlooking the Koreannikov, whom Ivan the breath was suppressed. Here suddenly he came to his senses from fear and flew down himself. But miraculously survived - broke into the clay ships and rolled like on Slazza. The count suggested that Ivan, whose nickname was talked, ask everything that he wants, and he was stupid asked the harmonica, but immediately threw her.

Chapter III
In his stable headed a couple of pigeons. There were chicks. One navel himself accidentally crushed, caress, and the second ate the cat, which hazardously climbed to the pigeons. He caught her and cut off her tail. It turned out that this is a Cat with a Countess Maid, was headed in the office to the German managers, told to focus and put the pebbles with a hammer for the roots in the garden. He could not even wipe it and decided to hang. He went with a rope into the forest, all settled, jumped off the bitch - and fell to the ground, and there is a Gypsy over him, who cut the rope. He called him with him. "And who are you and what you live? You can't thieves? ... And if you, perhaps, probably do people? " It was all that was. Ivan thought-thought, waved his hand, cried and went into the robbers.

Chapter IV.

Sly Gypsy, so as not to give a guy to come to his senses, and says that in order for him to believe him, let him bring out a couple of the best horses from the county stables. They gone all night, then they sold horses, and Roma deceived headlessly, giving him almost nothing. The guy went to the assembly to appeal that he was a runaway fortress, and the clerk he told his story, and he tells him that he would make him a vacation look. I had to give everything: silver virgin, earring from the ear and a native cross. He came to the city of Nikolaev and became where they were going to work. A huge-premium barin, more than Ivan himself, he pushed everyone from him, grabbed over both hands and tops behind him. At home asked him who he and what, and, having learned that he spared the gallows, was very happy. It turned out, he hires headed into the nanniki. A wife ran away from him and a small daughter remained, and no one would care for. "And how do I contact this post?" - trifles ... You are Russian. The Russian man will cope with everything, "says the new owner. We bought a goat, and Ivan became a nanny and very attached to the child. So continued until the summer. Ivan noticed that the girl was crying legs - he began to wear it to Liman and, on the advice of a shell, dig legs in the sand. But once a lady appears, the mother of the girl, and begins to ask Ivan to give her daughter. He is naked in any. The next day, he again takes a goat and a child with him and goes to Liman. And the lady is already there. And so day after day, quite a long time. And finally, she comes the last time - say goodbye and says that her repair will come himself now. He won a lot to the cards and

Wants to give Ivan a thousand rubles in exchange for a child. Ivan does not agree. And he sees Ivan - goes on the steppe Ulan-Repairer, such an isporatened, hands in Boki ... I looked at Ivan on Ulan and thinks: "I would be great to play with him from boredom." And he decides, if only Ulan will say something wrong, Ivan hesitates him, and there, maybe, and before the fight it will make it, what Ivan I really wanted

Chapter V.

It is Ivan and thinks how would it be better than this officer to annoy so that he himself began to attack him? And the lady complains that, they say, the child does not give. The repairman strokes her head and says that, they say, nothing, now he will show money, Ivan's eyes and scatter, and if not, he just will take a child with force. He serves Ivan the bunch of assignments, and he pulled out the papers, flew on them and threw - they say, raise himself. Repairer blushed and rushed to Ivan, but with him, who can cope with such a set. He was only slightly shoved the repair, he flew. This repair, although it was physically weak, but the character of proud and noble. He did not pick up his money from the earth. Ivan shouts him to picked up, but he did not raise, but runs and grabs for the child. Ivan took a girl for the second handle and says: "Well, pull it: on whose half will break more." The repair was laid, spat Ivan in his face, let go of the child and pulls the lady, and she sobs, turned her face to her daughter and pulls her hands to her, "exactly living, in half a rush, half to him, half to the child" ... and then Barin's father runs from the city, the father of the girl, the pistol, and shouts: "Keep them, Ivan! Hold! " And Ivan instead caught up with the Barynka with the Ulan and gave them a child; He asked only to be taken with him with him, because Barin would hand over his justice, he had a fake passport.

We arrived in Penza, and the officer and says Ivan that he cannot keep him with him, because he does not have a passport. He gave him two hundred rubles. Ivan really did not want to go anywhere, he loved her very girl, but nothing to do. He asked only that Ulan would hit him for being there, in Liman, broke it. The officer just laughed. Ivan decided to go and surrender to the police, and before drinking tea in the restaurant. Long drank, then went to like. He moved the river Sura, and there are horse shoals and with them Tatars in kibits. Around the most motley crowds crowds: civilian, military, landowners. The fall sits on a motley cat a long power Tatar in the Golden Tubete. It was, as Ivan learned, Khan Dzhangar, the first steppe horse breeding. His herds went from the Volga itself to the Ural itself. Although all this land is owned by Russia, but Han Dzhangar reigns there. At this time, the Tatarchonok drove to the Hanu of extraordinary beauty and the white-mare. Began bargaining. Soon everything was abandoned, besides two - these have already begun to offer not only money, but also saddle, and a bathrobe, and even daughter. Here, all the Tatars began to shout, so that each other was not brought to ruin. Russian, standing next to Ivan, explains him how it will be decided. Khan Dzhangaru will give how much he asks, and to whom to take a horse, with general consent, they will be empty. Explain what it is, the neighbor did not, he said that he would see himself. Both opponents, undressing to the belt, sat down at 304

Earth against each other and took up his left hand for the left, the legs were spread and rested against the feet. Each donated on Nagayka, and they began to whip the chick of each other. In Meanwhile, the neighbor, meanwhile, explained to him the subtleties - how to beat it to hold out longer the opponent. Who will win, he will take a mare. Winning, all in the blood, put his robe on his back on his back and Besht, his belly threw her face and left. Ivan Ho-eating is already to leave, but his new friend delayed him - something else should happen.

Chapter VI

Everything came out. Specked the Tatailon on the Karakov Stallion, which is not impossible to describe. The hot bargain began again. Among the crowd was a familiar repairer, but he didn't even hope to get this horse. Ivan suggested him to get it - he will get rid of his opponent. And won. He fascinated the opponent to death, as he informed the affected passengers good-naturedly and impassively. Seeing the horror of them in the eyes, found it necessary to give an explanation. This Tatarar was considered the first Batyr in all run-sands, so I didn't want to give up anything, and Ivan very helped a penny, which he put in his mouth. He is lying it all the time so that the pains do not feel, but "for the scattering of the thought" in the mind of the strikes, he thought, although he came down from the account. Ivan the Russians decided to lead to the police. He rushed to flee, disappeared into the crowd, and the Tatars helped him. And together with Tatars, Ivan went into the steppe, where he stayed eleven years not at his own request. Tatars treated him well, but so that he did not escape, they made a brutal operation over him: they cut off the plate of the skin on his heels and wound a chopped horse-haired there, then the wounds were closed and sewn. After such a manipulation, a person could not stand on the heel, could only go to the rules or knees. And at the same time, the Tatars appealed to him well, gave him his wife, then another one, and at the other Khan, from Agasseyol, who stole Ivan's desuch, he was given two more wives. This Agashasholi was from far the horde and called Ivan to strip him hansha, for which he promised the owner of Ivan's many heads of livestock. That he let him go. And Agasyol deceived him - crushed with Ivan completely to the other side. Passengers asked what else happened with Ivan. He continued the story.

Chapter VII

Agashashol has no longer let Ivan. He gave him two more wives. Ivan did not love them. All wives narrowed the children he did not consider him, because they were not baptized. Parental feelings did not feel any feelings. Very time for Russia. Around the steppe and steppe ... Sometimes a monastery was killed or a temple, then Ivan I was remembered, and he cried. Ivan describes the life and life of the Tatars on salt marshes over the Caspian. I remembers how I prayed - it prayed that "even the snow of Inde is shutting down and where the tears fell down - in the morning we will see the grass." "And everything went, thank God!" "He brought himself, removing his monastery cap and cross.

I wondered how Ivan Northanych managed to pay his heels, how did he ran from the Tatar steppes and got into the monastery? And he continued his story.

Chapter VIII

The prisoner lost all hope to return home, and even the longing began to weaken. But once among Tatars suddenly began some kind of revival. It turned out, two missionaries arrived, "two white mules, have a security sheet from the White Tsar and they go far to set their faith." Ivan rushed to the yurt, where they were. He was so glad that he sees the Russians, which fell into his feet and buried. And they were delighted, they say: "You see! See? As grace acts, here it has already been touched by one, and he turns from Males. " When they were told that Ivan was not Muslim at all, but from the Russians, they remained very unhappy. Ivan rushed to them with a prayer to rescued him from captivity, where he was already the eleventh year and won like mutilated. Those and he did not listen to him, but took care of their sermia. Ivan chose the moment when the priests remained alone, and again went to them, asked them to parrot the Tatars anger of the Russian king, told them that he did not tell Asians to keep his subjects in captivity, or even better, let him give the Tatars redemption for Ivan , and he will serve them. Those in responses said that they have no ransom, and they are not allowed to frighten them, they comply with them polite politics. He, Ivan, remains only to pray and hope for God. Let him remember his Christian faith, and they are calm for him. Their concern about those who are in darkness. They showed Ivan a book with a list of the Tatars, whom they allegedly joined Christianity. Ivan no longer began to talk to them and left; But somehow one of his sons comes and says that on the lake the dead man lies. It was one of those preachers. Ivan him buried in Christian. Tatars were killed by one Jewish missionary, who also came to them somehow. They buried him on the neck in the sand and began to demand to say where the money hid. But how did Ivan Northanych come out of captivity? "Miraculously saved," he replied. The miracle was created by Talafa, Indian.

Chapter IX.

After the death of the missionaries, there was almost a year when they drove two. Who are they and from where, it was impossible to understand. They spoke in some kind of their own. "Both are not old, one black, with a big beard, in a bathrobe, as if it looks like a Tatar, but only a bathrobe does not have a variegy, but the whole red, and on the head of an acute persiana hat; And the other redhead, also in a bathrobe, but a sort of stuffed, all the boxes had any drawers with me ... "They said that they came to buy horses from Hiva, they were going to fight with someone and pinched the Tatars against the Russians. The coming began to demand horses and threaten fire. The black worm said that at night Talaf will show all its strength and let everyone sit in yurts, otherwise he will burn. And indeed, at night, the beginning of something hiss and flash over again. In trouble, everything froze. These chieves or the Indians ran somewhere, and the fire broke out again. Horses from fright rushed. The Tatars were forgotten about fear and in time, and those already traveled together with herd, only one box remained from them. Ivan hit the drawer and realized that it was just a firework. He began to launch rockets and dubbed all the Tatars in the river under the fear of death.

The most important thing, Ivan discovered a caustic substance in fireworks. He put it to his heels and retarded them with this substance for two weeks so that the bristles would come out with Mouth. Everything happened. Healing healed, and Ivan pretended that he became even worse, ordered everyone for three days for the yurts not to go out, she put the biggest fireworks for the cooler and left. On the fourth day, he was caught by one Chuvash with five horses, offered to sit on one of them. But Ivan was now an incredulous and refused, went on foot. By the evening of the third day I saw water and people. Just in case, I decided to first find out what kind of people in order not to get to captivity again. Underpartments closer and sees: drill and drink vodka, it means Russian! These were fishermen. They accepted Ivan very well, and he told them his story. Ivan learned from them that without a passport, he would have bad here. At night, he left and appeared in Astrakhan. Earned the ruble on the back and washed. I woke up in a progress, and from there I was sent to send to His province. He led him to the city, carved into the police and delivered to the county estate. Here it was carved him a couple of times and put on the lifts, they gave a passport, and Ivan felt herself, through so many years, a free man.

Chapter X.

At Ivan's fair, I saw Roma attempts to penetrate a man anywhere else. He picked him a good horse, and other men also helped, and they rewarded him. So it went: and the capital of Ros, and drunkenness. Ivan Northanych walked from the fair to the fair and everywhere helped to pick up good horses, interfered with the laryrshnikov-gypsies to deceive. And now, he learned

I decided to go to church. He became easier, and he went to the restaurant to drink tea. And there met a strange person. He met him before. They said that once he was rich, was an officer, but everything was droked and now beats on the restaurants and fairs. If anyone brings him a glass of vodka, so he eats it with glass. This type stuck to Ivan Northanych, asked to treat him and promised to wean forever from drunkenness. And for a start, Ivan Northanya to drink. In the end, they were taken to the street, because the restaurant closed.

Chapter XII.

First of all, being on a dark street, Ivan Northanych made sure that the thick bundle of money he had a sinus, in place. He became calmer. And here, next to him, his companion is, which hectic brings him to the Gypsy Titon, and disappears himself. He,. As then he saw Ivan Northanych, Roma paid for it to Mzdu. This type of this, apparently, possessed some hypnotic abilities, because by all means manipulations deprives Ivan Northanic ability to more or less think. He is decided to enter the house, which stands, ask at least a way home.


Ivan Northanych was in a large room, the full nation. And perfectly sang a gypsy pear, very beautiful. Ending a song, she with a tray bypassed the repairs, landowners, breeders, rich merchants, and everyone threw a bill on him. To whom she serves a glass, that wine will drink and put on a tray. And so she went around everyone, a number of next. Ivan Northanych stood at the back, but Roma ordered her to approach him, to bring wines. He was stunned by her beauty. He threw her to a tray at once a hundred rubles. And the Gypsy touched his lips easily with his mouth. After that, Ivan Northanych was brought into the first row and eventually revolve


Chapter XIV

After that evening, Ivan Northanych did not drink any more than a single glass. Prince, returning, began to ask for money, and Ivan Northanych admitted that all the money Gypsy threw. The next morning Ivan Northanych came his senses in Lazarete - he had a white marriage, he wanted to hang around, had to turn him into a long shirt. At the recovery, Ivan Northanych appeared to the prince, which in the meantime he retired and lived in the village. He decided to work out spent five thousand. Then the prince said that he himself gave for a pear Tabor in fifty thousand goals, fell into debts. And he has a pear here - he bought it from the table. And nothing good from this did not come out.


Prince was a good man with a good, but changeable. He quickly missed a pear yes with Ivan Northanych and decided to trade horses. He was carried away, he scaled a lot of horses, and did not find buyers. Then he left the trade and began to rush from one thing to another: then an extraordinary mill is building, then the short workshop started, but only all the losses and debts were among everything ... there was never at home, everything went somewhere, and a pear Sit alone, in the position, and missed. The princess is sometimes ashamed of two, sit down at home, and then says Ivan Northanych, let him sit with her, and it is from these "emeralds yakhontovy" (so he called him a pear) to sleep clonit.

Pear tormented jealousy. She was convinced that the prince in the city there is someone or he decided to marry someone. And she began to ask Ivan Northanych to go to the city and everything turned out. And he drove under the faithful pretext.

The pear was unknown and the people were strictly-tuning to hide from her that the prince had another love in the city - the secretarial daughter Eugene Semenovna. She had from Prince Daughter. Parting with Evgenia Semenovna, Prince, then rich, bought her home with her daughter. The prince never came to her, and his servants, remembering her kindness, went to visit her. Ivan Northanych, having arrived in the city, went straight to Evgenia Semenovna and asked her a little to live. She reported to him that the prince was already the second week in the city and starts the case - it takes a closer factory. And she wrote to her, he would look at her daughter. And suddenly the maid declares that the prince came. Nanny suggested Ivan heading to sit down in the dressing room for the closet, everything will be heard there. The prince entered, greeted. They led daughter, and he suggested her to ride in a carriage. She did not really want, but he insisted - he had to talk alone with Evgenia Semenovna.