Comparison of mixtures on goat milk table. Children's mixture on goat milk

Once the child goes to artificial feeding, the parents have a question about choosing an adapted mixture.

Modern Pediatrics proposes to pay attention to goat milk products. If earlier, such mixtures were a random product on the counters of specialized stores, now moms have something to choose from.

The better baby mixtures based on goat milk

The opinion is widespread that the goat milk in its composition as much as possible on the mother and that is why it is useful to babies.

But what about the product says Pediatricians:

  1. The protein mass of goat milk is completely different in composition than the cow's cow, and therefore the child has almost no allergies to him. But to completely eliminate the probability of reaction children's body It is impossible - medicine known cases of the development of the strongest allergies to the sip of the product under consideration.
  2. Fat in milk from goats is more "light" and is better digested in the intestine, but this statement "works" only if the child has already been 6 months. Prior to this age, the imperfined intestines of the baby equally poorly digested fats "alien" (not maternal) milk. Therefore, in adapted mixtures, this component is replaced with vegetable or fish oil.
  3. The protein of the product under consideration, falling into the stomach of the child, turns into the influence of the gastric juice in the gentle and deer clot, is easily moving into the intestines. The cow's milk contributes to the formation of a heavy and thick bunch, which leads to joins and irritation of the gastric mucosa.
  4. The goat milk contains much more calcium and phosphorus than in a cow - this is a fact. But the body's body is not able to cope with so many of these substances, therefore children's milk mixture on goat milk Adapted by "withdrawing" excess minerals.

It should be passed to the product in question in the event that the baby has an allergies to other mixtures, or they are poorly absorbed and the child constantly worry colic, constipation. But even in this case, pediatricians will be able to pick up special mixes on cow's milk - here you need to act individually.

Note: The statements of the manufacturers of mixtures that it is the goat milk saturates the product with probiotics, omega-acids and other useful components, are not true - they are artificially introduced into the adapted mixture.

Rating of children's mixtures on goat milk

When choosing the product under consideration, parents should pay attention not to the cost, but for high-quality characteristics.


Children's mixture on goat milk "Nanny" It is manufactured on the basis of a solid product and therefore refers to the category of hypoallergenic.

The outlets present 4 types of this mixture, which are designed to feed the kids of different ages:

  • from birth - Nanny Classic;
  • from birth with the addition of prebiotics - Nanny 1 with prebiotics;
  • from 6 months - Nanny 2 with prebiotics;
  • from 12 months - Nanny 3.

Reviews of parents are positive, children become calmer, they are not tormented by colic and constipation.


This adapted product for artificial feeding children has appeared on the market recently, the manufacturer is Spain. The composition has prebiotics, and in a mixture, which can be given from the semi-annual age, there are probiotics. Such a combination allows you to quickly normalize the work of the child's intestine and adapt its body to a sufficiently heavy (compared to maternal milk) product.

As part of Mamako, palm oil is present, but manufacturers claim that in this case it is useful - they are replaced by poorly digestible fats. But this product is allowed for feeding children who have previously been diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

Parents celebrate the sweet taste of the product.


Children's mixture on goat milk "Cabrite" Produced in Holland and is distinguished by the correct ratio of proteins, which brings the product as much as possible according to the composition and properties to maternal milk.

Prebiotics and probiotics are also present. In addition, a patented complex of easily digestible fats is introduced into the cabrite, which not only improve digestive processes, but also provide a full absorption of calcium / phosphorus.


These are the only mixtures on goat milk, in which the rules of saturation of proteins and salts are observed (in all other products the degree is overestimated). The manufacturer of this product satuates its omega-fatty acids, which has a positive effect on the work of the infant digestion system.

MD MIL SP Goat is the most popular mixture on goat milk: it is present on the market for a long time, there are no complaints from pediatricians and parents, but there are really many positive feedback.

Artificial feeding is stress for an imperfect infant organism, no exception and introduction of mixtures on goat milk.

So that the child adequately accepted the new product, the following Pediatrician recommendations must be followed:

  1. The mixture should be seamless in strict accordance with the child's age - on the label the detailed recommendations are indicated.
  2. Pay attention to the composition of the adapted product - if it is supposed to feed the baby under the age of 6 months, iodine, nucleotides, taurine and fatty acids (polyunsaturated) should be present among the ingredients.
  3. Before entering a new product, you must consult a pediatrician.
  4. It is necessary to closely monitor the health of the baby - after the first feedings, symptoms of allergies may appear, which is an indication of the immediate cancellation of the product.

Our study showed that in the children's mixture MD MIL SP goat 1 small deviations by the number of minerals and vitamins in the composition. The content of potassium and iron varies in the range of 2-4% below the specified, and calcium corresponds to the declared manufacturer. Vitamin C exceeds 15% and is 60 mg / 100g mixtures. The daily consumption of vitamin with a child under the age of 6 months should be above 30 mg, the manufacturer suggests a formula with a double stock, but this will not cause harm to the baby.

According to experts, the optimal ratio of calcium to phosphorus in the mixture is 2: 1. In MD MIL SP goat 1 it is 1.76: 1, which is permissible.

The amount of ash in MD MIL SP goat 1 is higher than in the other mixtures we tested, and is 2.3% by weight. However, 2.7% of ash asses are stated on the package, which means its number below by 15%. The ash is an indicator of the mineralization of the mixture. The larger the ash's baby food, the more minerals in it.

MD milk mixture MIL SP goat 1 on goat milk, whose proteins are absorbed by children lighter proteins of cow's milk.

The composition also has:

    Beat milk whey proteins (as many as 60%) - proteins, which, unlike casein (heavy protein) cow's milk, are easily absorbed by infants. The protein component in this mixture is one of the best mixtures among the tested instances.

    DHA and ARA - polyunsaturated fatty acids, useful for the formation of a child's brain and vision.

  • Prebiotics - Oligosaccharides, which are not inclined to splitting in the gastrointestinal tract servants for useful microorganisms, contribute to the improvement of digestion.
  • Nucleotides - participants in many biochemical and energy processes in the human body.

There are no probiotics - living useful microorganisms that contribute to the improvement of digestion.

Security - 5.0

MD MIL SP Goat 1 safe, as there are no toxins and pathogenic microorganisms. Sugarozes in the composition also found no.

Taste and convenience of breeding - 4.0

MD MIL SP goat 1, according to the reviews of our tastors, natural taste with a small "metal" aftertaste, they appreciated it to "satisfactory." The speed of its dissolution in the water is high, and is inferior only to the mixtures of Nestogen, and SIMILAC.

The manufacturer proposes when dissolved the mixture to adhere to the ratio 1: 6.67. On each gram of the mixture should account for 6.67 ml of boiled and cold to 35-40 degrees of water. Remember, if you breed it at a larger temperature, vitamins are lost in it.

Packaging and its convenience - 4.0

MD MIL SP Goat 1 is sold in a metal package for 400. If you consider the average nutritional nutritional need for six months - this amount should be enough for 4 days.

Packaging quality and comfortable. The metal membrane is moderately soft, when opening is not supervised. The plastic cover adjacent to the bank tightly, but not hermetically. Such protection is enough to protect the mixture from dust, but not from oxidation and contamination by microorganisms. A jar is equipped with a dosing scraper, with which it is easy to align the mixture in a measurable spoon.

A spoon MD MIL SP goat "saves" a mixture. Contrary to the applications of the manufacturer, no 4.5 grams are measured at once, but about 4.3-4.35. According to our experts, best way Observe the manufacturer's recipe - mass measurement on kitchen scales.

Mixtures on goat milk are successful in modern mothers. Parents want to give the child the best nutrition for the right development. Perfect baby food is maternal milk. But sometimes the woman who gave birth is not able to fiery the baby herself. There is a need for artificial nutrition.

Pediatricians are prescribed mixtures based on the state of the child. But some moms wish for their kids only the best. And require appoint goat milk products.

5-6 decades ago Goat milk was considered a medicine for weakened infants. He was attributed to wonderful properties. Today, pediatricians consider adapted products from it possible to replace mixtures on cow's milk.

Composition and properties

Children's digestive system immatched. It is capable, with benefit for the body, digest exclusively breast milk. But artificial mixtures are constantly developing new formulations.

Technologists do not produce baby food, consisting of 100% of solid milk. Such food will damage the crumb. Goat milk products consist of 40-50%. The rest is useful additives. They make a mixture suitable for breastfeeding.

The advantage of the mixture is smaller casin protein molecules. Under the action of gastric juice in the digestive tract in newborns, a loose structure is formed. Her baby is easier to digest. Kroch will not receive constipation or stomach disorder.

By type of proteins, the goat milk belongs to the casein product. Cow - too. And feminine - to albumin. Both basics for mixtures in pure form are not suitable for feeding. Adaptation additives benefit.

The view is widespread that mixtures of goat milk do not cause allergies in infants. It's a delusion. Allergy - immature reaction digestive system On the Casein protein. He is the basis of goat milk. But smaller fractions can reduce the likelihood of its manifestation.


Manufacturers take care of the health of the baby in the artificial feeding of Baby. They create light products for digestion. Mixtures of goat milk include:

  • beta-casein (does not cause digestive disorders, easily digested and absorbed);
  • phosphorus and calcium (required for the normal development of bones and brain);
  • probiotics (required for normal digestion, form the necessary flora in the digestive tract);
  • nucleotides (create a strong immunity);
  • vitamins of groups A and RR (participate in normalization of blood circulation, metabolism, development of vision).

Mixtures of rod milk include 3 times more amino acids compared with cow's milk products. Lactoses are 60% less. Such ratios make the compositions easily digestible and safe for the baby.

Overview of Marks

The list of goat milk products is small - only 4 positions. The first to presented their products Spain ("MD Mil SP Goat") and New Zealand ("Nanny"). Then consumers pleased the names: "Cabrite" (Holland) and "Mamako" (Spain). Now the choice has become wider. Mommies try formulations from different manufacturers. Defined the rating of brands.


The product was developed by the technologists of the company Bistol from New Zealand. Kids are offered:

  • baby from birth and up to a year can use "Nanny Classic";
  • crumbs from birth and until six months receive "Nanny-1";
  • babes from half a year before a year feed on "Nanny-2";
  • from one year, the crumbs eat "Nanny-3".

All options have features. Choose the appropriate will help the watching child pediatrician.

The manufacturer has introduced a dry whole goat milk into the nutrition. Technologists consider: in New Zealand, special conditions for the cultivation of animals. Milk has a finely dispersed structure. It is easily absorbed and does not cause allergies.

The whole goat milk has milk fat. This (according to manufacturers) makes the product more useful. The mixture is supplemented with fish oil (to obtain the required balance of polyunsaturated acids). "Nanny" does not contain palm oil.

"Nanny" - caseino forming a mixture. The ratio of serum proteins and casein - 20:80. Such indicators make the product comfortable for the digestive tract of the baby.


Developed by technologists of the Spanish concern ILAS S.A. The composition includes serum from natural goat milk. The manufacturer represents 3 types of mixture:

  • children from birth and to six months are offered "Mamako-1";
  • older babies (from six months and up to year) receive "Mamako-2";
  • bifidobacterium-enriched mixture - from 1 year.

The manufacturer achieved the optimal ratio of casein and serum proteins. It looks like an indicator of breast milk and is 1: 1. "Mamako" is complemented by vitamins, vegetable fats and prebiotics.


Product Manufacturer - Hyproka's Dutch firm. Developed several types of "Cabrite":

  • for baby from birth and until half a year - "Cabrit Gold-1";
  • for the killets from six months to a year - "Cabrit Gold-2";
  • for kids after the first year of life - "Cabrit Gold-3".

Source of protein - serum natural goat milk. The combination of serum proteins and casein corresponds to the age of baby.

The manufacturer introduced the "live" lactobacillia and bifidobacteria to the nutrition. These additives strengthen immunity. But sometimes useful elements inhibit the formation of the natural flora of the gastrointestinal tract of the baby.

Palmich acid source is palmitate. "Cabrite" is used to feed children with diabetes mellitus.

The feature of "Cabrite" is the absence of maltodextrin, probiotics and prebiotics. The manufacturer considers them unnecessary for an immature digestive tract.

"MD MIL SP Goat"

"MD MIL SP goat" - the product of Technologists in Spain under the license of Switzerland. Consumers are offered:

  • for newborns and until half a year - "MD MIL SP Goat-1";
  • from six months and up to a year - "MD MIL SP Goat-2";
  • older one year - "MD MIL SP Goat-3".

The ratio of whey protein: Casein changes in the brands "goats". The first indicator decreases, the second - increases.

"MD MIL SP goat" is distinguished by the complete lack of modified starch. Contains vitamins and probiotics. But the manufacturer supplemented the composition of palm oil.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pediatricians note the advantages of food from milk goats:

  1. Mixtures on goat milk, with a reaction with a hydrochloric acid of the stomach of the baby, are fitted. The structure is porous and easy. It is easier to digest an immature digestive tract.
  2. Goat milk products have a finely dispersed structure. When absorbing the probability of allergy on milk protein decreases.
  3. Toddler food products are complemented by vitamins, prebiotics and probiotics. This allows the baby to develop in accordance with age.
  4. The mixtures are not therapeutic. This is an alternative to feeding cow milk. They have a pleasant taste and are perfectly soluble in water.

Disadvantages are: limited grades selection and high price. Goat Milk has a high percentage of phosphorus and calcium content. Manufacturers adapt the composition of making minerals.

What mixture to choose

  • evaluate the components specified on the bank;
  • find out: Milk mixture or serum;
  • it is better to give preference to products with natural creamy taste;
  • take into account the age of baby;
  • pay attention to the price: feed the baby will have for quite a long time;
  • look at the shelf life of the product: he should not end until the baby consumes the entire bank.

It is important to remember: only "Nanny" is prepared from whole milk: the remaining stamps are used serum.

The best mixture is the one that suits the concrete baby. It should grow, develop and do not have discomfort.

How to go to a mixture based on goat milk

Any nutritious composition is an approximate analogue of female milk. The gastrointestinal tract of crumbs perceives it as foreign onwards.

For the best result, it is necessary to move correctly to a breast milk substitute:

  • give food gradually, it should be started from one feed per day;
  • do not feed the baby overnight: perhaps the mixture will cause colic;
  • climbing should be increased gradually;
  • cooking is required directly before feeding in an amount that should be given;
  • prepare food should be accurately according to the instructions on the package;
  • during the first two days, it is required to observe the condition of the child: when signs of allergies or colic, stop taking power.

It is forbidden to give a product with an expired shelf life or from damaged packaging.

The choice of high-quality mix - one of important moments In the life of a newborn. The product should not only satisfy hunger, but also saturate the children's body by all necessary vitamins and minerals; contain prebiotics that improve the digestion process; Be delicious and not cause problems with digestion. This is the mixture of "Cabrite", the reviews say that it rarely provokes an allergic reaction and prevents the appearance of colic.


A mixture of "cabridge", the composition of which is characterized by nutritional value, contains all the substances necessary for the development and growth of the substance. And if it is not possible to feed the baby with breasts, then you can replace the maternal milk with this product. The mixture is well absorbed by a children's organism, contains natural and high-quality goat milk.

The composition includes lactose and vegetable fats, among which the DigestX complex is allocated, which includes natural oils (rapeseed, palm, sunflower). The mixture contains a concentrate of serum proteins concentrate, skimmed dry goat milk and a solid dry goat milk. The corn starch includes fruitoligosaccharides, GalactoOLigosaccharides. The mixture is enriched with mineral substances. Fish fat has been added to it, the source of docosahaseanic acid from the Omega-3 class. Also in the product contains arachidone acid, vitamins, taurine. Cabrite includes choline and nucleotides, bifidobacteria and mesoinositol.

It should be noted that the DigestX complex in the composition of the mixture recreates the structure of breast milk. This improves the digestion process, warns constipation. Contributes to the rapid absorption of calcium. Stimulates energy exchange. Prebiotics in the form of fruitoligosaccharides (FOS) and Galactooligosaccharides (Gos) together with live bacteria Bifidobacterium BB-12 strengthen the immunity. Nucleotides are involved in metabolic processes, perform the functions of bioregulators. Omega-3 and Omega-6 have a positive effect on the brain and vision.

Assortment of Cabrite products

Under the brand "Cabrite" produce porridge on goat milk for the first dust. So, the produced mixture is divided into three types:

  • "Cabrite-1" - for children from 0 to 6 months.
  • "Cabrite-2" - for kids from 6 to 12 months.
  • Cabrite-3 - for children older than the year.

Children's cereals "Cabrite" (goat milk here is the main component) are divided into four types:

  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • buckwheat with an apple and apricot;
  • porridge from seven cereals with banana.

All of them are instant, when prepared, they are enough to pour warm water. Sat a children's body with useful substances and energy. Does not contain whole milk, sugar, salt, artificial and taste additives.

Positive sides

The Kabrita Gold line is a modern mixture on goat milk. Contains the necessary substances for the full development of the kid.

The product has an adapted protein component, individually selected for each age category, which eliminates constipation and other disorders of the digestive tract arising from the transition to artificial feeding. Thus, the ratio of serum protein and casein is represented in mixtures as follows:

  • Cabrite-1 - 60% serum protein and 40% casein.
  • Cabrite-2 - 47% serum protein and 53% casein.
  • Cabrite-3 - 37% serum protein and 63% casein.

The mixture is good tolerant and absorbability. The composition is less than the αs1-casein protein and more β-casein protein. The first makes it difficult to assimilate milk and its digestion.

Digest complex stimulates the digestion process. It has a positive effect on the energy exchange. Improves calcium absorption. Warns constipation and softens the chair. DHA / ω-3 and ARA / ω-6 positively affect the development of the brain and improve vision. Nucleotides provide a good immune response, perform the main cloth for DNA and RNA. Play the main role in the energy exchange. They come into synthesis with proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Prebiotics and probiotics strengthen immunity. Support a healthy intestinal microflora.

The mixture has a mild creamy taste that children likes. All components are balanced and satisfy the physiological needs of kids aged from the age of to three years. Ideal for children with cow's milk protein. Does not contain maltodexin, sugar, artificial additives and dyes.

Cooking method

Children's mixture of "Cabrite" is prepared immediately before feeding the child and in the standards specified in the table.

To obtain one hundred grams of the mixture, three without the top of the dry product are needed (this is about 13.5 g) pour 90 g of boiled water. Preparation includes the following steps:

  1. Wash the hands.
  2. Sterilize a bottle and nipple with boiling for 10 minutes.
  3. Pour into the container the desired volume of water with a temperature of 40 ° C.
  4. Pour the required amount of dry product into the water.
  5. Close the bottle and mix everything (vigorously shake the container).

When preparing a mixture, you need to follow the instructions specified on the bank. The remains of the finished product storage and subsequent use are not subject to.

You can not use for cooking for baby:

  • non-filled water;
  • non-stervised nipples and bottles;
  • product expired;
  • the mixture after improper storage and transportation.

Packaging After autopsy should be used for a month and stored at a temperature not higher than +25 ° C.

Indications for the introduction of a mixture on goat milk

The mixture of "Cabrite" (reviews note that the crumbs eat it with pleasure) is well absorbed by a children's body. Suitable for kids with intolerance to the protein of cow's milk and often jerking after feeding, as well as having a low has antirefluxore properties. It has a delicate consistency that does not irritate the gastric mucosa and is quickly absorbed by a children's body. The mixture stimulates the digestion process, removes constipation and helps to cope with diarrhea, colic and bloating.


In the product "Cabrite" there are not only nucleotides and prebiotics, but also probiotics, or "live" dairy cultures. They, on the one hand, are positively affected by immunity, and on the other hand, the formation of natural intestinal microflora is inhibited.

As in the cow, they can cause allergies, since beta-casein refers to animal proteins. With an allergic reaction to proteins, special hypoallergenic products should be selected. In this case, specialists should be engaged in the selection for crumbs.

Nevertheless, what is better - "Nanny" or "Cabrite"?

A lot of mixtures are represented on the market, but the most popular on goat milk are "Nanny" and "Cabrite". They contain only Kozain proteins. Both the first and the second company produce mixtures for the following age categories: for children aged 0-6 months, from 6 to 12 months older than twelve months. The first mixture has an option "Nanny Classic", which is intended for kids from 0 to 12 months.

Both mixtures are adapted and as close as possible to natural nutrition in its composition. Move from goat milk with reduced protein content. The "Nanny" uses only dry goat milk, and the mixture is considered to be casein (the ratio - 20/80), and in the "Cabrite" - partially skimmed milk and the coat of whey proteins of the goat milk with an index of Casein 60/40.

In the manufacture of a mixture, the structure of goat milk changes. His big part is replaced vegetable oils and fish fat, but it is natural fats that give results when processing eaten food in the intestine. So, in "Cabrite" such components are less than in "Nanny".

On the development of mental abilities and formation nervous system Influence fatty polynaturated acids, so it is important that mixtures contain them. Also, products for children must have arachin and docosahexaenic acids, which play an important role in the formation of the central nervous system and the retina. Both mixtures meet these requirements.

Many specialists do not advise buy baby food with palm oil. In Nanny, it is not, whereas "cabridge" contains this component. Both mixtures have a vitamin and mineral complex that meets all the needs of the children's body, but iron in the "carbit" less than in Nanny.

Another mixture "Nanny Classic" does not have in the composition of nucleotides and prebiotics, in contrast to "Nanny-1.2" and "Cabrite-1,2,3", which contain them. Nucleotides are activated in strengthening the immune system, and prebiotics maintain the stability of the intestinal microflora. Such mixtures do not give children suffering from diarrhea.

"Cabrite", unlike "Nanny", contains probiotic. These are live bifidobacteria plus a prebiotic. A similar composition has a beneficial effect not only on the intestinal microflora, but also on immunity, but at the same time can have a negative impact on the formation of its own intestinal microflora.

Both mixes are expensive, they are not just found in the usual store.


A mixture of "cabridge" (the price makes the product is not available for many mothers) is packaged in banks at 400 and 800 g. For 400 g, the store will have to give 1000-1300 rubles, and for 800 g - 1800-2000 rubles. For the bank. This is an expensive and high-quality mixture.

Baby mixes on goat milk began to be sold on russian market recently. They do not belong to hypoallergenic or therapeutic, are an alternative to the mixtures on cow's milk and differ in high cost. Such nutrition is often prescribed with allergies to the cow protein.

In addition, a mixture based on goat milk is used with frequent and abundant jagging or stomach problems at the kid. Today we produce only four stamps of such nutrition. In the article we learn the features of each. Consider when and why such mixtures are needed.

Composition and properties

Goat milk for infant is not quite suitable, especially for children in the first year of life. Therefore, the mixtures are manufactured based on this product. The contents are artificially close to the composition of maternal milk. Such a children's mixture includes no more than 45-46% goat milk. The rest of the composition is special additives and components, among which the following elements are:

  • Probiotics regulate the work of digestion, soften the chair and help with, create a favorable microflora in the intestine;
  • Nucleotides restore and strengthen immunity;
  • Vitamin A contributes to the normal development of vision and improves the condition of the skin;
  • Vitamin RR establishes real exchange and normalizes blood circulation;
  • Calcium and phosphorus strengthen the bone skeleton, claws and teeth, stimulate the brain and improve memory;
  • Beta-casein is easily absorbed and digested, it does not provoke the occurrence of allergies or stomach disorder.

Children's mixtures on goat milk contain lactose 57% less than other mixes and another milk product For artificial feeding. In addition, the staff is three times more useful amino acids, which forms and strengthens immunity. BUT useful vitamins And minerals fill the body with elements necessary for full growth and crumb development.

Adaptation of a child when moving to mixed or artificial feeding using such mixtures is easier than using nutrition on cow's milk. But do not rush to go to this product, but first of all, consult your doctor.

Indications for use

  • Lactose intolerance. As part of the goat milk-based mixtures, the lactose is less than twice as in the usual children's mixture;
  • on cow protein. Goat proteins have a different composition than cows. But remember that this is not hypoallergenic nutrition, therefore, the goat proteins also can cause an allergic reaction;
  • Frequent jeling and constipation. The mixture on goat milk in the stomach turns into a soft loose and gentle clutch, which is easily absorbed and does not irritate the digestion. But for serious problems With joining and chair, it can be better to approach antirefluxic mixtures with the mark "AR" or "Ar";
  • which represents a disorder of intestinal microflora, which causes discomfort in infants, breaking sleep and strong colic. The soft composition restores the microflora, settles the work of the stomach and improves the condition of the child.

Advantages and disadvantages

Goat milk is closer in the composition of the thoracic than the cow. Due to this property and composition, such food quickly and without problems is absorbed. The newborn feels comfortable, and the chest baby easily adapts to artificial nutrition. The goat milk consists of a more uniform mixture, which allows the product is absorbed almost 100%.

Such mixtures do not contain hazardous proteins that cause atopic dermatitis. In the manufacture of the product passes less processing steps, so the power is obtained more adapted.

Among the disadvantages, expensive costs and the fact that the mixtures are not hypoallergenic and can provoke a negative reaction. Therefore, this nutrition must be administered carefully and after consulting a doctor. With the first product sample, observe the infection of the infant for two days. If allergy symptoms manifested themselves, they will have to change the brand or the type of mixture. Read more, what to do with allergies to the dairy mixture, read.

Choose a mixture that is suitable baby by age. Carefully learn the composition and expiration date. Do not store ready-made food in the refrigerator more than 24 hours. It is better before each meal to prepare a new mixture. When cooking, follow the instructions.

What mixture to choose

Nanny - a mixture of dry whole goat milk with a useful content fish fat. Release Nanny for children from birth, Nanny with the content of probiotics, Nanny for babies from six months and older than one year. In this power, the large content of casein, which prevents the emergence of constipation. At the same time, the composition does not include palm oil and dairy serum, and the amount of lactose is reduced. Nanny does not include allergenic proteins and in the manufacture of retains maximum nutrients.

MD MIL SP goat is also produced in three types for newborns, babies from 6 and 12 months. This serum power, which is characterized by low osmolality and the optimal ratio of acids. It favorably affects the development of nerve cells and normalize the chair, does not load the kidneys and intestines of a small child. The big advantage of this brand is the absence of starch, which sometimes leads to bloating and strengthens.

Mamako includes nucleotides and probiotics in the maximum volume, which is needed for the full development and growth of infants, as well as for the formation of strong immunity. The composition is as similar to the composition of breast milk. However, the mixture is distinguished by increased osmolanity (concentration of salts and proteins in solution). It may adversely affect the work of the intestines and the kidneys, lead to dehydration. Machine Mamako for kids from birth, from six months and from year to year.

The cabridge is also manufactured in three versions. The composition, in addition to typical of this nutrition, comprises a DiGest X complex. This complex improves digestion and increases calcium absorption. Such a mixture is easier to digends, it contains simultaneously and prebiotics, it is characterized by the optimal ratio of price and quality. In addition, the cabridge does not contain maltodextrin, which allows the use of nutrition for kids with diabetes.

Overview of goat milk mixtures

Mark. Benefits disadvantages Cost (400 grams)
Nanny It does not contain harmful palm oil and extremely rarely causes allergies, prevents constipation, normalizes the chair and eliminates colic, pleasant taste Insufficient taurine and iodine content 1000-1200 rubles
Mamako. Balanced composition, maximum similarity with breast milk, strengthens immunity and establishes digestive operation, available cost for such a type of food High level of osmolality, rarely meets in Russian stores 700-900 rubles
MD MIL SP Goat Does not contain starch, does not cause colic and bloating, low levels of osmolality, rarely provokes allergies and normalize the chair, stimulates the development of the nervous system, a pleasant taste The highest level of lactose in this form 1300 rubles
Cabrite. Improves the absorption of calcium, strengthens the immunity and increases the protective functions of the body, prevents constipation and reduces colic, it is easily dissolved in water and absorbed in the body, improves appetite, pleasant taste, suitable for children with diabetes Due to the content of bifido- and lactobacilli, it may impede the formation of natural intestinal microflora 900-1700 rubles

Mixtures based on goat milk are suitable for healthy kids, and for children with a tendency to a negative reaction to various products or drinks. They will be a real salvation for a child with a medium or severe form of food allergies and atopic dermatitis. What other mixes exist, and what nutrition to choose for infant, you will find on the link.