How many cherry tomatoes are stored in the refrigerator. Is it possible to freeze tomatoes - Cherry and others as at home to freeze fresh tomatoes for the winter in the freezer

Tomatoes are loved by many vegetable used as the main component of salads and as an addition to hot dishes. At the end of the season I really want to find the best way Store tomatoes so that they longer remain juicy and tasty. In our article we will tell you how to properly save the harvest of ripe tomatoes at home, as well as let's talk about the storage of green fruits at the ripening stage.

Storage conditions

To keep tomatoes for a long time, you need to create the right conditions. Without some compliance with certain requirements, for example, in a package in a kitchen cabinet, tomatoes lie just a few days, after which they begin to quickly deteriate.

For many, habitually store tomatoes in the refrigerator, where they can go to 10 days. But if you want to save tomatoes longer, for example, before the new year, you need to consider the following factors:

  • choose for storage only whole fruits, without the slightest damage and traces of damage;
  • prefer unreasonable Tomatoam, and not ripe copies;
  • take care of suitable temperature mode. It will depend on the degree of ripeness and a specific storage method;
  • provide regular air ventilation in room.

Methods for long-term storage of tomatoes

Each of the methods below is suitable for tomatoes of varying degrees of maturity - from completely green to ripe and surround fruits. For savings will suit both homemade tomatoes, only collected from the bed and bought on the market.

At least twice a week check the tomatoes in the storage location. It is not only possible in possible damage to fruits, but also at the speed of their ripening. Ripe (or already seen) tomatoes are isolated ethylene, which activates the process of ripening the rest. Therefore, instances begin to blush, it is necessary to remove from the repository as quickly as possible. For the same reason, it is impossible to keep apples or pears of autumn collection next to tomatoes.

Ripe fruitperfectly stored in clean lattice boxes made of plastic or wood. Shipped the bottom with clean paper / parchment and spread tomatoes on it, additionally shifting each row paper or wrapping vegetables into it. When all tomatoes are laid, pour the contents with peat or sawdust. In such a form, tomatoes may chase a few months if maintaining the temperature in the room no more than + 8 ... 12.

To preserve tomatoes with fresh for the winter, it is important to collect a crop at the stage of dairy maturity. If the weather allows, green fruits are best removed from the garden as possible, for example, in October. Wrap each vegetable in thin black paper and gently lay out in the lattice box, shifting each row straw. Store the blank follows in a dry dark place with a good ventilation system at a temperature of +10. Under all the conditions of tomatoes, they gradually arm and persist until January.

To destroy the microbes and extend the storage of tomatoes, before bookmarking the boxes need to be treated with pharmacy alcohol and dry.
  • in vegetable oil. Fold the tomatoes in glass jars and pour sunflower or other vegetable oilso that it completely covered vegetables. The oil layer from above should be at least 1 cm. Close the harvesting by iron or plastic lid;
  • in brine. Mix the water, salt and vinegar in the proportion of 8: 1: 1. Washing tomatoes fold into the container and pour the cooked solution.

For rapidly ripening Green fruits (5-10 days) decompose tomatoes on the floor in a well-lit place with a temperature around +25. You can fold the fruits directly with the fruits and stems and hang in the ventilated room. A small amount of unripe vegetables can be laid out in the apartment right on the windowsill so that they blush.

In order for tomatoes longer than fresh, do not wash them before booking on the savings.

Verified method for storing ripe tomatoes - slash. Select strong red fruits for the workpiece, free them from the fruits. Separately prepare overripe tomatoes: they need to cut into large parts. In a saucepan or a jar, lay out a layer of crushed tomatoes with a thickness of 8-10 cm, slide a little, lay the layer of whole fruit over the top and pour salt again. Fill the cutting to the top so that the last layer is salt. Sealantly close the dishes and put it on storage in a cool place.

Detailed recipes of tomato blanks for the winter, see this section of our site.

Where to keep tomatoes in the apartment?

Do you still think how to keep tomatoes at home in the apartment? If in rural areas there is almost always a cellar - the best place To save tomatoes, the urban residents have to choose between storage in the refrigerator and storage at room temperature. The following principles will help to determine the optimal option:

  1. For storing tomatoes designed for use in the near future, suitable any Sun protected place. Spread the tomatoes with a flat side down on the windowsill or kitchen table. For a couple of days, they will become more delicious and will not lose their fragrance.
  2. To keep ripe red tomatoes for 5-7 days, place them on the vegetable shelf of the refrigerator Closer to the door.
  3. Slightly misappropriate fruits are recommended to hold at room temperature so that they do loose, and then move the refrigerator.
  4. In the fall and in winter it is convenient to save ripe tomatoes on a glazed balcony or loggiawhere the temperature rests in the range from +10 to +20. In such conditions, tomatoes sufficiently lay out one layer on the floor or another smooth surface, covering the top with a dense cloth to avoid direct sunlight on them.


Regardless of where and at what temperature you decide to save tomatoes, some tricks can extend their storage time:

  • tomato varieties are important (planning storage still at the seed selection stage);
  • keep ripe tomatoes separately from dissolved and at different temperatures;
  • consider that major fruits are ripe faster than small;
  • when sorting tomatoes, spend a thorough inspection of each vegetable, because even the slightest traces of phytophulatoons can lead to a damage of the whole harvest;
  • remember that tomatoes are longer stored without fruits;
  • before bookmarking for storage, dry vegetables;
  • to fresh tomatoes Preserved longer, treat them with 0.3% mortar boric acid or a weak solution of potassium permanganate (manganese).


From the next videos, you will learn about three different ways of storing tomatoes:

It has a considerable experience of garden work - starting with sowing seeds and seedlings and ending with the harvest and storage. Each sowing season begins with the search for new methods of cultivation, because the cucumbers can be collected not only from the garden, but also, for example, with ... barrels and even grow in winter on the windowsill. Plant care considers one of the best ways to remove stress.

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Do you know that:

Natural toxins are contained in many plants; No exception and those that are grown in gardens and at the gardens. So, in the bones of apples, apricots, peaches there is a blue (cyanocystic) acid, and in the topping and peel of non-fermented (potatoes, eggplants, tomatoes) - Solan. But you should not fear: their number is too insignificant.

It is believed that some vegetables and fruits (cucumbers, stem celery, all varieties of cabbage, pepper, apples) have a "negative calorie", that is, more calories are spent when digesting than them is contained. In fact, only 10-20% of calories obtained with food are consumed in the digestive process.

To help gardeners and gardens have developed convenient applications for Android. First of all these are sowing (lunar, floral, etc.) calendars, thematic magazines, collections useful Soviets. With their help, you can choose a day favorable for landing of each type of plants, to determine the timing of their maturation and build a crop on time.

From varietal tomatoes, you can get "your" seeds for sowing the next year (if the variety really liked). And with hybrid it is useless to do this: the seeds will turn out, but they will bear the hereditary material of the wrong plant from which they are taken, and its numerous "ancestors".

One of the most convenient methods to prepare the grown crop of vegetables, fruits and berries - freezing. Some believe that freezing leads to the loss of nutritious and useful properties plant products. As a result of studies, scientists found out that the decline food value When freezing is practically absent.

The "frost-resistant" varieties of garden strawberries (more often - "strawberry") also need shelter, as well as ordinary varieties (especially in those regions where there are nosemount winters or frosts alternating with thaws). The whole strawberry roots are surface. This means that without shelter they freeze. The assurances of the sellers are that Zezhnika "Frost-resistant", "winter-hardy", "transfers frost to -35", etc. - - deception. Gardeners must remember that the root system of strawberries could still be changed to anyone.

In Australia, scientists began experiments on cloning several grape varieties growing in cold regions. The warming of climate, which is predicted for the next 50 years, will result in their disappearance. Australian varieties have excellent characteristics for winemaking and are not susceptible to diseases common in Europe and America.

In a small Denmark, any plot of land is very expensive. Therefore, local gardeners have adapted to grow fresh vegetables in buckets, large packages, foamboxes filled with a special earthy mixture. Such agrotechnical methods allow to obtain a harvest even at home.

Compost - overworked organic residues of different origin. How to do? In a pile, a pit or a large box, everything is in a row: kitchen residues, vegetable crops, bevelled to flowering weeds, thin twigs. All this is overlapped with phosphoritic flour, sometimes straw, earth or peat. (Some dackets add special composting accelerators.) Clean the film. In the process of overheating, a bunch periodically grinding or poured for the inflow of fresh air. Usually the compost "Ripen" 2 years, but with modern additives can be ready for one summer season.

Delicious fresh tomatoes in winter - rarity. They cost expensive, and the quality of the vegetable sold in the cold season leaves much to be desired. If you know how to freeze tomatoes, you can provide yourself with delicious and useful products for the entire winter. Frozen vegetables differ little from fresh and much better than tomato Pasta or juice. How to freeze tomatoes at home?

General rules of frost tomatoes

If you decide to keep tomatoes in the freezer, you need to comply with some rules:

  • before freeze tomatoes, you need to carefully select them and prepare. Choose dense, elastic, but not too tough, fresh fruits without dents, holes and other flaws;
  • after the vegetables are washed, they should be dried, otherwise the tomatoes will simply stick together;
  • large fruits are better stored in the freezer, pre-cutting into pieces or rings. Small varieties can be freezed entirely.
  • putting the fruits into the container, pack them as close as possible so that the moisture is not evaporated;
  • packaging should be hermetic;
  • freeze in small tanks or parties.

Methods of freezing

Whole fruits

This is the least laborious process that takes a little time. If you are thinking whether you can freeze Cherry tomatoes, you can safely store them entirely. Such varieties are also suitable as "cream", small and fleshy.

  • Selected tomatoes wash and add.
  • To put on the pallet in 1 layer and put in the freezing chamber.
  • When the fruits are frozen, they can be shifted into packages.
  • It is necessary to defrust the tomatoes for use in the winter at room temperature without exposing heat treatment or heating. Fruits are suitable for cooking sauces for second dishes and stuffings.

    You can use frosthed tomatoes in fresh formBut everything will depend on the quality of storage, shape and consistency of fruits. If the vegetables retained properly, they will save their taste even after cold processing.


    This kind of frost is well suited as a blank for pizza or salads. Those who do not know how to freeze tomatoes for the winter, can be advised to cut vegetables with rings. So they will take less space and will be ready for use immediately after defrosting.

  • Tomatoes wash well and dry.
  • With a sharp knife, cut the fruit with thick rings.
  • Put the food film on the plate, and on it - the carriages of tomatoes in 1 layer.
  • When pieces are fastened, they can be placed in a plastic container.
  • Tablets

    Those who are thinking how to freeze fresh tomatoes, you can offer a method of frost "tablets". To this end, the fruits are crushed to a puree state, which is then subjected to molding.

  • Tomatoes wash and skip through a meat grinder. They can add sweet pepper, greens and spices.
  • Dispatch mashed puree for muffins or for freezing ice cubes.
  • When tomatoes are frozen, you can remove them from the form and decompose by packages. So that the puree is well separated, the forms should be dipped in hot water Or just turn out.
  • The molded tomato mass is suitable for the preparation of gravy to the second dishes, refueling for boors. It will be enough to throw several such "tablets" in boiling water.
  • The prepared puree can be frozen in small plastic containers. Such a measure will preserve the product tightness and convenient for storage form.

    Juice or sauce

    Is it possible to freeze tomatoes in the form of sauce or juice? Of course, it is possible if the volume of the freezer and there is a suitable packaging.

    To prepare juice, you need a well washed fruit to skip through the juicer and pecking 15-20 minutes to remove the acid. Salt is added to taste. Then the juice is placed in small containers and in the freezer.

    You can cook sauce according to the following recipe:

  • Tomatoes crush, rub through sieve.
  • Cook puree on slow fire 5 minutes.
  • Finely chopped onion and sweet pepper.
  • A minute before the removal from the fire add vegetables to tomato mashed potatoes.
  • Cool sauce, pour in containers and put in the freezer.
  • Before use of the container with sauce or juice, dip in hot water and put a frozen tomato puree into a large container. To speed up defrosting, slightly warm the dish.

    Is it possible to freeze tomatoes in the freezer? Of course, the process is limited to the volume of the freezer and the desire of the hostess. This is a unique opportunity to provide your family vitamins throughout the winter. Fresh tomato slices and tomato juice will give me dishes with nothing comparable charm.

    2015-12-02T05: 00: 05 + 00: 00 admin.homemade billets

    Delicious fresh tomatoes in winter - rarity. They cost expensive, and the quality of the vegetable sold in the cold season leaves much to be desired. If you know how to freeze tomatoes, you can provide yourself with delicious and useful products for the entire winter. Frozen vegetables differ little from fresh and much better than tomato paste ...

    [Email Protected] Administrator feast-online

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    Method tomato blanks for the winterWith which we offer to use, does not imply use or salt, nor vinegar, no water. No hint of jacket or marinency!

    Tomatoes Save with elastic and fresh, as if only from the bed. So everyone will be surprised when you are not a greenhouse tomatoes for the New Year's table, but those that ripened under the summer sun!

    For such a workpiece, choose tomatoes dense, fleshy, small size, without graziness and other damage.

    How to save tomatoes

    Ingredients on a 3-liter jar

    • 5-6 st. l. mustard powder
    • tomatoes


    1. Steriline banks. Tomatoes of Visible and thoroughly discuss.

    2. Dry and clean spoon generously mustard powder And falling on the bottom of dry banks.

    3. Trying not to press each other, lay out tomatoes in 1 layer, having a place where there was a pet. Again sprinkle mustard.

    4. Repeat the layers before filling the bank. At the end, flowing still portion of powder and cluster lid (sterile and dry).

    5. After that, tilt the jar and gently ride on the table so that the mustard is evenly distributed.

    6. Keep the workpiece in a cool, dark place.

    Essential oils contained in mustard suppress the reproduction of rotten bacteria, allowing tomatoes to remain fresh. Try to prepare a portion of tomatoes in this way and be sure: the way will not let down!

    How to store tomatoes at home? Each, without exception, knows that preservation is our everything! And few people guess that tomatoes can be stored without much effort until February. Just need to know a few secrets.

    What tomatoes choose

    Ultra-space and early tomato varieties are not suitable for long-term storage. You need to choose late or those on the packaging of which black in white it is written that they are lying. In turn, you need to postpone whole tomatoes without signs of diseases or wilting, with intact skin. Soft are not suitable, they have already slept or repulsed.

    Tomatoes must be brown or dairy ripeness. Fully matured "gold apples" to store for a long time without special processing it is impossible.

    Before laying on storage, vegetables are better not to wash. You can wipe each fruit with a cloth dipped in alcohol or good vodka. This will allow you to remove diseases from the surface of the pathogens. There were advice to make an alcohol injection of alcohol, at the point of attaching the fruits. But there was no answer, how to remove the wound from the puncture of the needle so that the bacteria do not penetrate there.

    Council. If there was no alcohol at hand, the tomatoes with a weak solution of manganese can be wiped.

    What are the methods of storage of tomatoes

    Depending on the degree of maturity, the tomatoes can be saved in several ways:

    • ringerging
    • drying
    • basement method
    • preservation without heat treatment
    • in a refrigerator

    All options are good, you can choose the most suitable.

    Council. It may happen that it will take every way. For example, many tomatoes have begun in the basement bookmark. It is impossible to eat all the fruits, sorry to throw out. Cutting sore sick places, delicious "remains" can be knocked out or putting.

    Sun-dried tomatoes

    Till whole fruits in the oven at a temperature of 40-60 ° C. Ripe tomatoes are chosen, carefully wash, lay out into one layer on the contradictory, lubricated oil. Include fire and leave vegetables for 4-6 hours. Occasionally check that the fruits do not dry.

    Then, after cooling, the raised tomatoes are placed in a glass jar with layers with vegetable oil. You can throw your favorite spices to the bottom. Tomatoes are stored for up to 8 months.

    Council. For a good result, tomatoes are cut in half and necessarily slightly spit.

    Preparation of tomatoes is the same as for breaking. Only drying occurs about 10-15 hours, depending on the thickness of the fruit. You can dry tomatoes in the sun, but it is not less than 6-8 days. Or in the electric grid, hours 8.

    Store such fruits in glass jars with a dense lid. Shelf life up to the year. It is said that the taste of dried vegetables as fresh.

    Council. Before drying tomatoes are not solid. It is better to add a pinch of sugar.

    Side storage

    In principle, this is the only name. You can store tomatoes in the basement, on the balcony, in the storage room, shed, under the bed. Main conditions: good ventilation, darkness, temperature 9-12 ° C, humidity not higher than 65-70%.

    High-quality ventilation is needed to remove excess carbon dioxide and ethylene. Because of them, tomatoes ripen quickly, then begin to deteriorate.

    Darkness is required to slow down the exchange processes in tomatoes. So they will lay longer, and they will start to ripe it when they are taken to light. For the same purposes you need reduced temperature.

    Air humidity must be observed as accurately as possible. It drops - tomatoes will be covered, start drying. It will increase - malicious and putrefactive bacteria are activated, it is possible to lose the entire harvest.

    Take brown tomatoes or the first stage of ripeness - dairy. Do not wash, wipe with alcohol or a solution of manganese. They dry, wrap each tomato separately into parchment paper. If there is black, generally perfectly. Next lace vegetables into cardboard or wooden boxes in two layers, no more. Instead of boxes, you can use wicker baskets. Sleep "Gold Apples" with dry straw, sawdust, peat, onion husks. Remove for storage.

    Regularly ventilate, once a week inspect for damage. At the first signs of the disease, the tomato is cleaned not to infect the rest of the vegetables.

    IN soviet time In industrial enterprises for consistency, "gold apples" were covered with a thin layer of diluted gelatin. Now for these purposes, food wax is used. It is not always possible to get it possible, but gelatin is sold almost everywhere. Why not put an experiment on several fruits?

    When complying with all conditions, tomatoes can safely be kept until February, remaining fresh.

    Before direct use, the fruits are pulled out and raise temperatures up to 18-20 ° C. For 5-7 days, tomatoes will fully divert.

    Council. Recently there were special sheets for long-term storage of vegetables. They are two layers of tissue, between them a special powder. It absorbs ethylene, carbon dioxide and pathogenic bacteria. There are two such sheets, top and bottom. Other shelters will not need.


    You can store tomatoes in glass jars, without water, vinegar and spices. We will need ripe tomatoes, mustard powder or alcohol. Fruits are moving, but do not wash. At the bottom of the banks pour alcohol, 2-3 tablespoons. Carefully laid tomatoes, not comic. Cress the lid and twist the jar so that the alcohol is evenly distributed. Then he cautiously ignite it and instantly roll.

    If a dry mustard is chosen, then it is simply poured with a thin layer of tomatoes in a jar. Next roll with covers.

    Tomatoes are stored until 5 months at a temperature of 2-4 ° C.

    Council. Do not turn over such jars upside down. Otherwise, the whole mustard will link in one place. And it should be evenly distributed by fruits.

    Tomatoes in the refrigerator

    Store tomatoes in the refrigerator - not very a good idea. There too low temperature and high humidity. About 3 weeks of the fruit on the shelf can be ruined, but the taste will change irreversible, and the fragrance will disappear completely. In order not to confuse the entire value of tomatoes, it is recommended to keep them in the refrigerator no longer than the week.

    Council. It is not advisable to store tomatoes in polyethylene packages. Condensate and unpleasant smell are provided.

    Useful details

    1. Collect tomatoes for bookmarking is necessary before the onset of frosts. External signs of damage to fruit cold may not be. And at the cellular level, irreversible processes will begin. Such vegetables will be cleaned almost immediately.
    2. Store tomatoes preferably with fruits. So they will lay longer.
    3. Large tomatoes ripen much faster than small. To accelerate this process, a simple fresh apple is added to the fruits. It highlights ethylene, which contributes to the correct quick session.
    4. Before bookmarking the storage, you need to carefully process the boxes and drawers from the pulverizer. Alcohol, a solution of manganese or chlorine is well disinfected by the container. Then you need to tear it well. And only then use for long-term storage of tomatoes.
    5. It is not advisable to take boxes with a lattice bottom. Vegetables may interfere with the rod or break through the skin.
    6. Putting fruit strictly fruined up. This is their natural natural position.
    7. Green tomatoes are suitable only for timely dosing. For long-term storage they are not put. The taste turns out very special, few who like it.
    8. Store tomatoes longer than March not recommended. Seeds begin to germinate, the taste changes, the pulp becomes loose, an unpleasant amber appears, resembling soap. Everything has its time. Even to the New Year holidays to taste fresh tomatoes of our own production - already a remarkable achievement.
    9. Tomatoes in boxes or boxes covers are not closed so that they do not "suffocate" in their own carbon dioxide. Do not wait to cover the tank? Take a loose fabric, thin paper or nonwoven material.
    10. Before cleaning for storage, vegetables are sorted by the degree of ripeness, sizes and varieties. Put in boxes, guided by the same principle.
    11. Tomatoes collected with open soil, reserved much better greenhouse fruit and grown under the shelter.

    Of course, over time, the taste of tomatoes changes slightly, becomes weaker than the fragrance. But still, it is much better than those tomatoes that are sold in winter in supermarkets and shops.

    Video: How to keep tomatoes with fresh for the winter

    When the season of vegetables passes, they need to be preserved, the longer, so that even the cold does not interfere with the vitamins to eat, pampering close to various goodies. But here is a product like a tomato, to save is very difficult, but perhaps. The main thing is to purchase high-quality tomatoes from bed (or disrupting from bed), to watch not wild barrels or damaged, rotten and ridden places. By the way, from the pitched tomatoes you can cook delicious tomato juice, which is perfectly stored all winter. In fact, you can still store any variety of tomatoes, it is best to storing the tomatoes of the plum variety, they are strong and lie for a long time, even without assistance. And the most important advice!do not immediately make a lot of blanks for the winter, try to save several tomatoes different ways. After all, the cellar is different and varieties of tomato, too, Exhibit and Podister for yourself The best way to keep tomatoes with fresh to the new year.

    How to save tomatoes:Method with mustard

    A response to the question of how to keep tomatoes with fresh, can be banks. Yes, yes, ordinary cans for 3 liters. It is also necessary to prepare a dry mustard powder. We rinse tomatoes, remove the roots, driving them. We take the sheets of paper, they will shift the vegetables. Tomatoes fold, carefully, so as not to remember and not add them to each other. You do not need to drink vegetables too tightly, they must have space. We spend each layer of tomatoes with dry mustard, put paper, tomatoes, then again. Scroll covers, and immediately hide in the basement.

    How to save tomatoes:Alcohol

    Take banks, tomatoes, several spoons of alcohol, thick thread for the wick. So, the banks are sterilized, we put tomatoes there, pour 2 tablespoons of alcohol, cover with a lid, scroll through a slightly to the jar so that the alcohol is impregnated with each vegetable. Saw out the wick and omit into the bank, immediately roll up the covers. Now we know how to keep tomatoes with fresh with the help of cans and remedies.

    There is one more opinion on this. Tomatoes will continue to be saved if oxygen will not come to them. Therefore, just to roll them into banks without any additives, you can and need. But before this it is necessary to slaughter for 2 minutes each tomato, dry and just omit them, not tight, in banks, roll with a lid, open in winter. You need to store in the cellar.

    How to save tomatoes:Method in the newspaper

    We will store tomatoes in the refrigerator 2 weeks with the help of a regular newspaper. You can wind each vegetable in paper, you can make envelopes, as for seeds, and store them 3 pieces. The easiest way to keep tomatoes is fresh is that the moisture does not hit them, change the newspaper more often, and in the refrigerator and on the shelf should be dry. If each fruit is in paper or newspaper, it will be stored for a very long time and not in the refrigerator. If tomatoes are separately closed, change sheets every week, they will lie all winter and just in boxes or baskets. The main thing is not to cumbers the tomatoes on another numerous layers, 1 or 2 will be enough.

    How to save tomatoes:Method in sawdust

    Store tomatoes in boxes, with sawdust. If you have acquired or collected a crop, not very ripe, put tomatoes in the box, preferably wooden, just lay the rows, the back to the back so that they do not remember each other, the place where the fruit (tail) is up. Shoot each layer of paper, and spend sawdust that absorb moisture, do not give tomatoes to rot or deteriorate. In order for this method, how to preserve tomatoes fresh was effective, it is necessary to provide the fruits of the minimum of moisture, the absence of sunlight and temperature, above +10 degrees. Drawers omit into the cellar or basement, or store on the balcony if the side is not solar, cover with paper.

    How to save tomatoes: paper in paper

    This method, how to keep tomatoes fresh, similar to the previous one. The difference is that even green tomatoes need to rinse well and completely dry on the towel, without the help of the sun. Tomatoes do not need to wipe, they must dry themselves. Take the merchant, moisten well, wipe each vegetable, wrap it in paper, a newspaper, fold in the drawer with ranks, roots up. Do not put tightly, even if tomatoes will have a little space. Be sure to store an indoor box that is well ventilated, the temperature should not exceed +10 degrees. Such fruits can be saved until winter, the new year, and if the grade is strong, then before spring. The main thing is not to take ripe vegetables, let them be greenish, dense and strong.


    If you learned how to keep tomatoes with fresh with the help of boxes and paper, and decided to use this way, remember that periodically, about once a week, it is necessary to sort out the fruits, pick up the seized, surpread, damaged. The same case is that the red tomatoes have to be separated from green, since unhealthy vegetables are not so saturated. folic acidShe also contributes to rapid redness, fetal maturation. And we need to slow down this process. You know about the trick "you want green tomatoes to ripen faster, be sure to put several red tomatoes to them." Therefore, the red tomatoes from the green needs to be quickly removed.

    Inspecting tomatoes, it is necessary for the subject of rot, so that one tomato does not infect the rest. Change paper, it becomes wet, and this is contraindicated for long-term storage. Watch out for drawers, and your tomatoes will be stored until spring.

    If you have straw, then it is better to lay it on the bottom of the box, it is desirable to periodically change it to a new one, dry. Straw generally helps the hostess to save to new Year holidays Ripe, delicious vegetables, especially in the question, how to keep tomatoes with fresh. So go to her, get rid of disposable polyethylene bags. They collect moisture, spoil tomatoes.

    You can use all ways how to save tomatoes fresh.That is, green or slightly ripe fruits omit in boiling water for 2 minutes, dry, wipe with alcohol, closer into paper, fold up the roots up the ranks, in two layers, shield with sawdust and getting straw. So you are still in spring, before the start of the season, you will eat delicious fragrant tomatoes.