The script of the game program tale after tale. "Visiting an old, old fairy tale ..." Children's play program

The holiday involves 2-3 teams (groups of children). During the holiday, there is competition within the group and between groups. Each participant is given a personalized package (envelope). Two or three flowers are fixed on the stands (one flower per team). Each flower has 15–20 petals. Questions are asked by the host. An assistant leader is assigned to each team. The facilitator asks questions to each team separately, those who wish to answer raise their hand with the package. The assistant approaches them and they whisper the answer to him. If the child answered the question correctly, he goes to the flower of his team, tears off one petal from it and puts it in his bag (envelope).

Prepare for the matinee in advance:

Exhibition of drawings "My favorite fairy tale";

Exhibition of works from plasticine "My beloved fairy-tale hero";

Exhibition of books with fairy tales;

Illustrated posters for fairy tales;

Costumes for the parade of fairytale heroes and fairy tales.

Summarizing. The winning team is determined by the total number of correct answers, the winning participants - by the number of correct answers that they gave. Other participants become prize winners (according to the number of points scored).

Holiday progress

Leading. Listening or reading a fairy tale, you comprehend its unique, magical world. Unkempt paths lead you to the ends of the earth. There they rise, rising to the very blue sky, beautiful palaces made of snow. Wild swans fly over the endless sea, and pink clouds are reflected in that sea. Overcoming many dangers and adventures, a little helpless boy becomes strong and brave. Intelligence and resourcefulness help him in an unequal duel with a cruel serpent.

In a fairy tale, various miracles always happen. Then an evil sorcerer turns a beautiful princess into a frog. That geese-swans steal a brother from a sister. Then the disobedient Ivanushka, having drunk water from the enchanted hoof, becomes a kid. Either the apple tree rewards the kind girl with silver and gold apples.

All this is so interesting and tempting.

There are many wonderful fairy tales in this world. But among them there are the most dear, the most beloved. Today we will remember our favorite fairy tales, visit their heroes. So, let's open the door to the wonderful world of fairy tales and see who greets us there.

First, let's guess from which fairy tales guests came to us and what their names are.

The parade of fairytale heroes begins.

(For example, Little Red Riding Hood, Doctor Aibolit, Puss in Boots, Baba Yaga, Cinderella, Cheburashka.)

Leading.At our exhibition there are many heroes from various fairy tales. Come on, find out who they are?

Sculpting exhibition quiz. Heroes: Kolobok, Baba Yaga, Cheburashka, Dragon, Boy-with-finger, goldfish.

Leading. Now let's look at a fairy tale that we all know from early childhood.

Staging of the tale "Turnip".

Leading. Now we will look at your drawings. What are the names of the fairy tales, the plots of which were drawn by the guys, and who wrote them? ("Kolobok", a Russian folk tale; "Turnip", a Russian folk tale; "Little Red Riding Hood", Ch. Perrault; "Geese-Swans", a Russian folk tale; "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", AS Pushkin; "Three Little Pigs", an English folk tale, translated by S. Mikhalkov)

Leading. And now - a fairy tale again!

Staging of G.Kh. Andersen's "The Princess and the Pea".

Leading. Let's now see how artists illustrate fairy tales. Tell me which fairy tale the drawing belongs to and who wrote the fairy tale.

The presenter shows illustrations for fairy tales: "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" (A. Pushkin), "Turnip" (Russian folk tale), "Little Red Riding Hood" (C. Perrault), "Zayushkina izbushka" (Russian folk tale), "Three Little Pigs" (translation by S. Mikhalkov), "Moroz Ivanovich" (V. Odoevsky), "Silver Hoof" (P. Bazhov), "The Steadfast Tin Soldier" (G. H. Andersen), "Seven-colored Flower" ( V. Kataev).

Leading: Let's see another tale.

Staging of the fairy tale "Kolobok".

Leading. Now we will hold a quiz "Do you know fairy tales well?" The guys will tell the passages, and you have to say the name of the tale.

1st child.

Cockerel cock,

Golden scallop,

Butter head,

Silk beard,

Look out the window

I'll give you peas.

("Cockerel - a golden comb")

2nd child. The girl took the largest spoon and sipped from the largest cup. ("Three Bears")

3rd child. The needlewoman began to whip up the snow, so that the old man could sleep softer, but meanwhile, her, the poor, her hands were ossified and her fingers turned white, like those of poor people who rinse linen in the ice-hole in winter: it’s cold, and the wind in the face, and the linen freezes, with a stake worth it, but there is nothing to do - poor people work. ("Moroz Ivanovich")

4th child. For a long time she ran through the fields, through the forests. The day is approaching evening, there is nothing to do - you have to go home. Suddenly he sees - there is a hut on chicken legs, about one window, turns around itself. Old Baba Yaga is spinning a tow in the hut. And on a bench sits a brother, playing with silver apples. ("Swan geese")

5th child.She brought straw, made a doll out of straw, put her dresses on it, and put it by the window. ("The Girl and the Robbers")

6th child. And her mistress had three daughters. The older one was called One-Eye, the middle one was Two-Eye, and the smaller one was Three-Eye. ("Tiny-Khavroshechka")

7th child. I missed it and rolled: from the window to the bench, from the bench to the floor, across the floor to the door, jumped over the threshold into the entrance, from the entrance to the porch, from the porch to the courtyard, from the courtyard to the gate and rolled along the road further and further, further and further. ("Kolobok")

8th child. Darenushka sat again at the window, admired the stars. I wanted to go to bed, suddenly a footfall passed along the wall. Daryonka was frightened, and the stomp on the other wall, then on the one where the window was, then where the door was, and there it knocked on top. Quietly, as if someone walks light and fast. ("Silver Hoof")

Summing up, rewarding.

Leading.Well, our journey into a fairy tale has ended, but we do not say goodbye to our beloved heroes. They are waiting for you guys on the pages of books. Soon you will go to school and will surely read many new interesting fairy tales. Good luck, friends!

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64. Read fairy tales Reading fairy tales to a child before bedtime is one of better ways help him fall asleep and share pleasant moments with him in the evening. The emotional experience parents and child have when reading at night does more than just create a special relationship between them.

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How to read fairy tales 1. Point to every animal and every object in carefully drawn illustrations. 2. Vocalize the voices of all animals depicted. 3. Relate the tale to the child's experience, naming the protagonist's parents, his grandparents. 4. Repeat

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Tales of Everything They say that the great storyteller Andersen could come up with an amazing story about absolutely everything that came into his eyes: from a sewing needle to a leaf on a tree. You can too. Try telling fairy tales, composing them on the go.

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Fairy tales Russian folk tales are a real treasure trove of information for those who are concerned early development your child. Not only the classic "Ryaba Chicken" and "Turnip", but also dozens, hundreds of other fairy tales can teach your child to think, compare, worry about others.

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Competitive program "Own Game" 1. 3-6 people (or teams) take part in the game. Participants are selected in advance. 2. The game has three rounds - three blocks of questions. The questions are divided into sectors. Each sector has four questions of varying difficulty, answering which the player

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"As for Pushkin's birthday ..." Game program The room is festively decorated, the table is laid, music sounds, characters come out pushkin's tales: Baba Babarikha, weaver, cook, Prince Guidon, queen, goldfish, Shamakhan queen, princess Swan,

Purpose of the event: in an entertaining plot and play form to tell children of primary or secondary school age about friendship, mutual assistance, good qualities of a person.

Tasks: 1) create a festive atmosphere;

2) tell children about friendship in a playful way;

3) contribute to the formation of friendly relations between children.

The action takes place in a forest glade.

Music sounds.

The Storyteller appears.

Storyteller: Hello little people,

A fairy tale is knocking at the gate.

A fairy tale will come to you soon

The fairy tale will bring joy.

A fairy tale loves all children

It's more fun with a fairy tale.

Today gathered in our magic glade

friendly guys? Are you guys friendly?

Children answer.

Storyteller: And now we will check it out.

The game "Fish".

During the game, Baba Yaga appears, stands and listens behind the scenes, what the Storyteller is talking about to the children.

Storyteller: Well done guys, you are very friendly, and our fairy tale

loves friendly guys.

Baba Yaga runs out onto the site, begins to rush, scream.

Baba Yaga: What fairy tale? What kind of friendship? I mean grief

and they talk about some kind of friendship.

Storyteller: So, Baba Yaga, wait, why are you shouting at the children?

What has happened with you? Calm down and tell everything in order.

Baba Yaga is hysterical.

Baba Yaga: I lost my broom with a stupa, and they are here about a fairy tale,

about friendship. I don't believe in your fairy tale.

Storyteller: Don't worry, Yagusenka, the guys and I are for you

we will definitely help you, we will return you both the mortar and the broom.

Baba Yaga: Oh, oh, oh, but you don't love me, I'm angry,

i'm Baba Yaga myself! I don’t believe you!

Storyteller: Baba Yaga, the guys and I will help you, really

Children answer.

Baba Yaga: Really, will you help?

Storyteller: Of course Granny-Yagusya, we will help, we will help.

Baba Yaga: Oh, and you will deceive me! Listen, come on

it is you The storyteller with your children stole mine

stupa with a broom, and now kidding? I will you now

i'll show you how to mock Baba Yaga, now I

to all of you….

Baba Yaga begins to swing at the Storyteller, waves her fists at the children, the Storyteller interrupts her.

Storyteller: Are you out of your mind Baba Yaga? Stop it. What for

us your stupa, broom? We are fine without them

we move.

Baba Yaga: What, really, they didn't take? Straight honestly, honestly?

Storyteller: Guys, tell her that we didn't take anything.

Children tell Baba Yaga that they did not see her things.

Baba Yaga: Now I will bring you all to clean water, all

check. I'm going to ask you ... riddles.

Storyteller: Please, the kids are all smart here, you can

do not doubt.

Baba Yaga: The first riddle.

The grandfather went out into the garden,

What kind of miracle is growing there?

Set in the ground firmly

Big ... (Turnip.)

Baba Yaga: Well done, well it was the easiest riddle, so

for warm-up. Listen to the next one.

He is not low, not high

It is not narrow, not wide.

Guess the kids?

What is this? ... (Teremok.)

Baba Yaga: So, stop guessing that they are smart? This one

you will not guess exactly.

He is mixed with sour cream,

At the window he is chilled.

Round side, ruddy side

Children are ... (Kolobok.)

Storyteller: Well, what are you convinced of? Now do you believe us?

Baba Yaga: Nuuuuuuuu ... no, I don’t believe ... I have one more

a riddle, the children do not exactly know it.

In this fairy tale they lived together

Old grandfather and woman.

Together with a laying hen,

Her name was ... (Ryaba.)

Storyteller: You see, the guys and I spoke the truth.

Baba Yaga: Well done guys,

You have guessed the riddles.

Okay, persuaded, I believe you.

Well, where did my stupa and broom go then?

Storyteller: Baba Yaga will be looking for, and in the search will help us

fun and friendship of our guys.

The storyteller and Baba Yaga are playing the game "We are funny guys".

Baba Yaga: Oh, really, what a funny and friendly you are.

Storyteller: What did you think? The funniest, the most friendly.

Music from the fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood" sounds - "If for a long time, for a long time, ...".

Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood run out onto the platform, run around, then stop.

Baba Yaga: Oh, and where are you going? And I don't understand at all

why are you together? Something strange today

some, I can not understand anything. Wolf, you

ate this girl's grandmother?

Wolf: And the fairy tale and its magic helped us to make friends

strength. Now Little Red Riding Hood and I are friends, and I

very happy about it.

Little Red Riding Hood: Yes, the Wolf is telling the truth, me and his grandmother

forgiven, and now we are heading to visit our

beloved grandmother, isn't it Wolf?

Wolf: Of course, and we bring her a basket of pies.

Baba Yaga: Just think, and indeed miracles.

Storyteller: You see Baba Yaga, friendship helps in everything.

Wolf: Oh, Little Red Riding Hood, look how many kids,

girls and boys.

Little Red Riding Hood: Hello guys.

Storyteller: The guys and I help Baba Yaga find her stupa

Wolf: Oh, that's it.

Little Red Riding Hood: So we and the Wolf will help you, right Wolf?

The wolf runs up to Baba Yaga, slaps her on the shoulder, runs around.

Wolf: Of course, we will help, together we will find your things

Yaguska, no problem!

Storyteller: That's nice. Now there are even more of us.

Little Red Riding Hood: And in order for us to find our things

Baba Yagi, we need to dance.

Guys, repeat the movements behind us.

Wolf: And you Baba Yaga too.

"Dance of little ducks".

Baba Yaga: Look at them, you have guessed the riddles,

funny, friendly, but they dance like, uh,

just a miracle.

Music from the cartoon Madagascar sounds.

Shrek appears.

Shrek: What are the kids making noise?

It's time to have fun.

I am Shrek you all know,

I'm very interesting.

I love to dance.

I never miss

I don't notice longing

Hello to all of you friends.

All together: Hi Shrek.

Shrek: What's up friends?

Do I see you in trouble?

Have you lost anyone?

What happened here?

Storyteller: Our dear Baba Yaga lost her stupa and broom.

Little Red Riding Hood: And we help her find her big things,

friendly and fun team.

Baba Yaga: You are also from their company, so all

kind and positive, huh?

Shrek: Well, something like, what are you actually

do you ask?

Baba Yaga: Listen, friend, help, eh !?

Shrek: Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know, I need to think.

Wolf: Well, what do you don’t know, come on help us, in the end

finally, are you Shrek or not Shrek?

Shrek: So be it, you persuaded me, only you

Yagusya do not do any more dirty tricks to anyone,

Baba Yaga: Yes, yes, yes. I will be good, obedient. Well straight

all such a good Granny-Yagusenka. AND!

Storyteller: Sounds, sounds.

Shrek: Now we will consolidate our friendship with you.

we will play a very interesting game.

The game "There was a goat in the woods."

After the game, music immediately sounds.

Cinderella appears, holding a beautiful magic wand in her hands.

Cinderella: I opened the doors to the fairy tale,

Into the world of miracle, light, magic.

I always gave good to everyone,

Today I have come to you too.

Baba Yaga rushes to Cinderella, starts running around her, hugging and asking for help.

Baba Yaga: Cinderella, Cinderella, I'm good, I'm kind

Baba Yaga, I do not offend children, I love everyone,

i'm really obedient.

Cinderella: Wait, tell me what happened to

Storyteller: Baba Yaga is in trouble.

Little Red Riding Hood: She lost her broom.

Wolf: And a stupa.

Shrek: And we help her search.

Storyteller: And the guys also help.

Little Red Riding Hood: And you help us Cinderella, because you


Cinderella: I will help you guys, and Baba Yaga will help you,

but on one condition.

Shrek: We agree to all your terms.

Wolf: Our guys are very funny, friendly and

Little Red Riding Hood: Together, we will fulfill all your conditions.

Baba Yaga: Come on already tell us what we need

do, we can dance, play games,

and guess riddles. That's what we are!

Cinderella: Well done guys, and you Baba Yaga are well done,

you all know all my tale, and you know that mine

wicked stepmother made me touch

rump, so now I want to see

how attentive the guys are.

Baba Yaga: Well, guys, don't let me down, I’m all of you

very very very much please.

Baba Yaga runs to the children and asks them to help.

Cinderella game.

Storyteller: Well done guys.

Baba Yaga: Yes, you are my good ones, I just adore you,

you see Cinderella, our kids went over everything.

Cinderella: Yes, guys, really great.

Little Red Riding Hood: Dear Cinderella, wave the magic

stick, help us and Baba Yaga.

Cinderella: When visiting a fairy tale, everything is always magical,

After all, a fairy tale gives a miracle to all guests.

And the magic will certainly happen

And the fairy tale will come true to you and us.

The fabulous hero asks all the children to hold hands, and they themselves take

hands. Cinderella waves her magic wand and spins around her three times.

Cinderella: miraculously light up the magic wand,

Broom and stupa appear.

Music sounds.

A stupa and a broom appear.

Cinderella: Here is Baba Yaga, don't lose your things anymore.

Baba Yaga: Thank you Cinderella, thank you guys,

thank you all. Now I will be with you

make friends, you turn out to be so kind,

good, funny, and most importantly friendly.

Storyteller: Yes, you are right Baba Yaga, because we go to Cinderella

brought the friendship and kindness of our little ones

friends, thank you guys.

Baba Yaga: Now, I will know that I need to be friends with

everyone, and help everyone.

Little Red Riding Hood: Friendship makes people kinder, sincere, with

friends you will never be bored

friends will always come to the rescue.

The final music sounds.

Storyteller: Let's be friends with each other,

Little Red Riding Hood: Like a bird with the sky,

Wolf: Like a field with a plow,

Shrek: Like the wind with the sea,

Cinderella: Grass with rains,

Baba Yaga: How Baba Yaga is friends with all of you !!!

All together: See you soon, dear friends.

Children's music sounds.

The heroes go backstage.

Lyudmila Mikheeva
A game program based on Russian folk tales "Journey to the Fairy Land" for children of middle preschool age

« Journey to a fairyland»

(game program for middle-aged children)

goal: to help generate interest children to Russian folk tales



1. Remember heroes with children russian folk tales

2. Deepen, expand and consolidate knowledge children about fairy tales


1. Expand lexicon children

2. Develop cognitive activity, attention, auditory perception


1. To bring up love, kindness, respect for the world around us through fairy tales

2. Attach to the artistic word

Preparatory work: reading russian folk taleslooking at books, dramatizing fairy tales"Teremok"

Registration: flying carpet, casket, door in front fabulous glade, fairy glade, on which stands an apple tree, under the apple tree sits Alyonushka, a book with an empty a page on a stump, Baba Yaga's hut.

Event progress

1. Organized start.

(There is a box on the table, music is heard, storyteller with children)

Storyteller: - Do you guys hear? Where does this music come from?

Children: - This is probably the box singing.

Storyteller: - Look, guys, what a beautiful box was on our table. Let's see what's in it?

Children: - Yes.

(Children open the box and find a letter in it)

The storyteller reads the letter:

“Hello guys, I'm Alyonushka. I'm in trouble. The swan geese carried my brother Ivanushka to Baba Yaga in Fairy land... Only get to Fairy land is not easy, and I can't do it alone. Help me please."

Storyteller: - Well, guys, can we help Alyonushka? Are we ready for the test? Then go ahead! Our unusual journey, so we will move on a flying carpet. Take your seats (children sit on the carpet)... Well done. Let's close our eyes and say the magic the words:

"Carpet plane,

Take us flying

Before us in fairy tale door

Open it soon " (music sounds)

2. The main part.

1. "Riddles"

Storyteller: - Oh, guys, what's ahead.

Children: is the door

Storyteller: - Probably this is the door to fairy land... Let's go see (go to the door)... See some note here (is reading)

“To open the door to fairytale land you need to guess the fairy tale»

Storyteller: - Well, let's guess?

1. "- Stove-stove, tell me the way.

And you taste my rye pie, then I'll tell you.

Here's another thing, I'm going to eat a rye pie, we don't eat wheat at home either.

The stove did not answer, but the girl ran on. "

(story"Swan geese")

2. "Kukareku, I walk on my feet in red boots,

i carry a braid on my shoulders

i want to cut a fox,

go, fox, from the oven ... "

(story"Zayushkina hut")

3. "There is a fox along the path and a song hums:

The fox walked along the path, found a rolling pin,

I took a chicken by the rolling pin,

I took a duck for a chicken ... "

(story"Chanterelle with a rolling pin")

4. “Friends will sit at the table, not rejoice:

I, damn butter, dip in the cabbage soup and get out, so they are fat.

And I, - says the mouse, - will bring firewood, gnaw finely, throw it into the stove, scatter it with my tail, the fire burns well in the stove and dinner is cooked ...

Well, I, sparrow, do not miss, I will pick mushrooms, drag beans, so you are full! "

(story"Winged, Shaggy and Oil")

5. Before the wolf, he trembled,

I ran away from the bear

And the fox's teeth

All are caught.

(Gingerbread man)

6. The girl took the largest spoon and sipped from the largest cup.

("Three Bears")

7. The red girl is sad,

Spring is coming.

It's hard for her in the sun.

Tears are pouring, poor thing.

("Snow Maiden")

8. And the road is far

And the basket is not easy.

Mishka would sit on a tree stump,

I would eat a delicious pie.

("Masha and the Bear")

9. And her mistress had three daughters. The eldest was called One-Eye, medium - two-eye, and the youngest is Triglazka.


10. There is no river or pond.

Where to drink water?

Delicious water

In the fossa of the hoof.

("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka")

11. Here in the hut the corners crackled, the roof swayed, the walls flew out and the stove itself went down the street, along the road straight to the king.

("By the pike's command")

Storyteller: - Well done, guys, they answered correctly (door opens).

2. « Fairy glade» (The guys come up to a clearing with an apple tree, Alyonushka is crying by the apple tree)

Alyonushka: - Hello, dear guests, hello, guys. Thank you for coming to my aid. I've asked the apple tree to help me, but it will help if I complete all the tasks. Will you help me?

Children: - Yes

(Take a leaf with a task from the apple tree)


1. How many apples are there in the apple tree?

2. How many red apples?

3. How many green apples?

4. Which apples are more?

5. And what needs to be done to make the apples equal?

Apple tree: - Well done, guys, helped Alyonushka. Go straight and straight. There will be a magic book waiting for you (children walk further down the path)

3."Collect the animals" (go to the hemp on which the book is without pictures)

Storyteller: - See what it is?

Children: - book

Alyonushka: - Yes, there is something written here (is reading)

What the fairy tale, consider,

And whisper in my ear:

There is a teremok in the field,

He is not low, not high.

(Children whisper the name in their ear fairy tales.)

Alyonushka: - Guys, the book is empty. The animals got scared and fled somewhere. To help everyone return, you need to turn into a beast. The animals hid in the flower petals (takes a flower)... Tear off each petal in turn, and on it is a picture with an animal. You must to tell the voice of this animal.

Alyonushka: - So all the animals returned to their fairy tale"Teremok"... Well done!

Book: - Thank you guys for returning all the animals, and what are you doing in my clearing.

Alyonushka: - Geese-swans took Ivanushka to Baba Yaga. Do you know where we can find them?

Book: - Go straight, and then right, there will be Baba Yaga's hut.

Alyonushka: - Thanks. And we will go further.

You and I have been wandering around for so long fairy paths, it's time for us to relax a little, scatter like small peas, knead your arms and legs!

4. Physical education:

White swans

Swans flew (Smooth hand movements with a large


And they sat down on the water. (We squat down, put our hands back,

behind the back)

We sat down and flew. (Get up, smoothly wave your hands)

Swans are flying

Waving their wings, (Smooth movements of the hands with a large


Bowed over water,

They shake their head. (Leaning forward, bending over)

They know how to hold themselves straight and proudly,

They sit on the water very quietly. (Squats)

(they approach Baba-Yaga's hut)

5. Collect puzzles.

Storyteller: - Guys, look what a mess around, here someone scattered everything.

(Baba Yaga comes out of the hut)

Baba Yaga: - Yeah, how much kids: girls and boys! Why did they come?

Alyonushka: - We are looking for my brother Ivanushka, your geese-swans carried them away.

Baba Yaga: - I have your Ivanushka. But I won't give it to you so easily. And you love fairy tales?

Children: Yes

Baba Yaga: See what a mess I have.

(sings ditties)

I was here today

AND "Order" brought,

I swept with my broom

Your scattered fairy tales,

Puzzles you have to collect,

Russian fairy tales to name.

Alyonushka: -Ah, what a harmful Grandma-Hedgehog, what should we do, guys?

Children: -Let's collect the puzzles that Grandma-Hedgehog scattered.

(Children collect puzzle pictures from russian folk tales)

Baba Yaga: - Collected? Well done! And from which fairy tales pictures you can guess?

(children guess "Teremok", "Kolobok", "Snow Maiden", "Three Bears")

Baba Yaga: - Well, we coped with all the tasks. We'll have to give you Ivanushka. (Leads Ivanushka out of the hut and runs away)

Ivanushka: - Guys, thanks for saving me.

Alyonushka: - Oh, what fine fellows and clever you are, you did a good job, but it’s time for business, fun for an hour, but we need to hurry home, and for the fact that you helped me I want to thank you. I will give you a book, a book, although not a gingerbread, but beckons to itself. Read books, but don't be bored. Read to your health, grow smart - reasonable.

(Alyonushka gives children a book with fairy tales, says goodbye and leaves.)

Storyteller: - Well, it's time for us to return to kindergarten. Take your seats on the plane carpet, close your eyes. We say magic the words:

"Carpet plane,

Take us flying

Co we say goodbye to fairy tales,

We are returning to kindergarten "

Open your eyes. Here we are in kindergarten... Did you like it journey?

Children: - Yes

Storyteller: - Thank you all. And I will look forward to the next meeting.


Internet resources

1.http: //

Shcherbakova Elena Yakovlevna
senior counselor
MBOU "Bolsherechenskaya secondary school №2"
Omsk region

Program conditions: 4 teams of 8-10 people are involved - experts in fairy tales.
Each team comes up with a name, motto, draws an emblem, chooses a captain and prepares homework: an excerpt from a fairy tale; a song from any fairy tale for a musical pause. For all team members - a costume of a fairytale hero.

Goal: introducing younger students to the values \u200b\u200bof fiction


Personal UUD:
- to educate the aesthetic perception of the environment;
- show understanding and respect for the values \u200b\u200bof the cultures of other peoples;
- analyze and characterize the emotional states and feelings of others, build their relationships with them in mind;
- evaluate situations in terms of rules of conduct and ethics;
- to show kindness, trust, attentiveness, help in specific situations.

Cognitive UUD:
- to acquaint with the heroes of Russian folk tales, fairy tales of great writers;
- develop creative imagination, logic of thinking and memory;
- independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one;
- be able to independently carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources.

Regulatory UUD:
- carry out step-by-step control according to the results of work, under the guidance of a teacher;
- analyze the emotional states obtained from successful (unsuccessful) activities;
- evaluate the results of their activities.

Communicative UUD:
- Allow the existence of different points of view;
- be able to express their thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication;
- own monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language;
- to form verbal and non-verbal communication methods;
- be able to integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Host: Do you like fairy tales? And I love. All people in the world love fairy tales. And this love begins from childhood. Magic, funny and even scary - fairy tales are always interesting. You read, listen - it takes your breath away.
"A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows." There is always a lesson in a fairy tale, but a kind lesson, most often it is friendly advice. The tale teaches us to distinguish good from evil, good from bad.
Teams are taking part in the marathon today ... ... Greetings from the teams.

Competition 1. Warm-up.

The facilitator asks the teams questions. The teams are responding. For each correct answer - 1 point.

  1. What was the name of the boy, whose heart almost turned to ice. (Kai)
  2. What was the duckling like before it became a swan? ( Ugly)
  3. The roundest fairytale hero? ( Gingerbread man)
  4. Heal everyone, heal ... ( Aibolit)
  5. What was the name of the girl who made a long journey in a fairy tale? ( Gerda)
  1. The nose is a special distinguishing feature of this hero. ( Buratino)
  2. Who helped Thumbelina to get into warm lands? ( Swallow)
  3. Who has the ugly duckling become? ( In Swan)
  4. Girl with unconventional hair color (Malvina)
  5. The famous boy from a modern English fairy tale ( Harry Potter)
  1. Old Man Hottabych's vehicle ( Carpet plane)
  2. Which heroine of Russian folk tales has a long braid? ( Barbara)
  3. Disco that Cinderella was going to ( Ball)
  4. The first miracle of the goldfish ( Trough)
  5. Who fulfilled all Emelya's wishes? ( Pike)
  1. The main enemy of Dr. Aibolit (Barmaley)
  2. Which of the fairytale characters of Pushkin had all the strength in his beard? ( At Chernomor)
  3. Faithful friend of fox Alice ( Basilio)
  4. What's in Winnie the Pooh's head? ( Sawdust)
  5. Name of the girl who saved Kai's brother (Gerda)

Competition 2. "Find Familiar Names"

Each team is given a “Fairy Tale Heroes” sign. In the cells of the tablet are written the names of the heroes of children's books and fairy tales well known to the children. But the letters of the names are not always written in one line. Participants must find these names. There are eight of them. (Time for completing the task is 1 minute). This task is estimated at 5 points.

Download the plate below.

Assignments for fans.
"Heroes of Fairy Tales in Riddles"

The facilitator reads one riddle to each team. You need to guess the hero of the fairy tale.

To fly off the ground
She needs a stupa with a broom. (Baba Yaga.)

Wooden playful
I could make friends with a book.
He got into the puppet theater,
He became a faithful friend to the dolls. (Buratino.)

Loves honey, meets friends
And he composes grumblers
And also - puffs,
chants, nozzles ... Wow!
Funny bear ... (Pooh).

Was not left without a tail
Our good donkey ... (Eeyore.)

Grandma baked my grandfather -
The grandfather was left without lunch:
The boy ran away to the forest,
I hit the fox on the toe. (Gingerbread man.)

Lives in Prostokvashino.
The whole farm is there.
I don't know the exact address,
But the surname is sea. (Cat Matroskin.)

That girl is no more beautiful
That girl is no smarter.
And Pierrot, her sucker.
He sings about her all day. (Malvina.)

Yes, guys, in this book
Kids live, little ones
And one eccentric lives.
He does everything wrong.
He is reputed to be inept.
Who will name him? (Dunno.)

Mischievous merry fellow
He flies into the window just like that.
He got to the Kid in the house
And he staged a pogrom there. (Carlson.)

Competition 3. "Add the name of the fairytale hero"

The presenter calls the first part of the hero's name, and the participants in the game (in turn) complete the missing name. For each correct answer - 1 point.

1. Dad ... Carlo.
2. Brownie ... Kuzya.
3. Doctor ... Aibolit.
4. Postman ... Pechkin.
5. Signor ... Tomato.
6. Dwarf ... Nose.
7. Princess ... Swan.
8. Iron ... Woodcutter.
9. Ole -... Lukoye.
10. The old man ... Hottabych.

Musical pause

Competition 4. "Magic objects"

* (1 option)
3 participants from teams stand in a circle, alternating with players from other teams. Then a poem sounds - an introduction to the game.

There are magical objects in fairy tales,
They fulfill the heroes of desire:
Flying carpet - rise above the world
A wonderful pot - to eat sweet porridge.
Come on, try and you, my friend,
Collect magic items.
Remember, do not yawn, Name those objects.

Participants of the competition take turns (in a circle) to name magic objects from fairy tales they know. If the player cannot name the magic item or repeats, then he leaves the game. The team with the last player left wins.

*(Option 2)
Name all items:

1. Magic objects that grant wishes (magic wand, petal, ring, hair).
2. Objects that tell the truth and tell what is happening (mirror, book, golden plate).
3. Items that perform work for the hero (self-assembled tablecloth, needle, sword-kladenets, clubs).
4. Items that restore health and youth ( rejuvenating apples, living water).
5. Objects showing the way (stone, ball, feather, arrow).
6. Items that help the hero to overcome difficulties, distance and time (invisibility hat, boots, walking shoes, flying carpet) ...

Competition for captains 5. “From what fairy tale G.Kh. Andersen's subject ".

Cards are issued to the team captains.

  1. Umbrella ("Ole-Lukkoye").
  2. Sledge ("The Snow Queen").
  3. Pea ("The Princess and the Pea").
  4. Shell walnut ("Thumbelina").
  5. Paper boat ("The Steadfast Tin Soldier"),
  6. Nettle ("Wild Swans"),
  7. Chest ("Flying Chest").

Competition 5. "Fairy Tale Trouble"

The names of fairy tales are confused. A commotion began. The princess became Khavroshechka, Koschey became the Clear Falcon. There should be no disorder in fairy tales. Get cards with the names of the fairy tales and connect the beginning and the end of the names of the fairy tales.
Teams carry out the task without captains.

"Fabulous commotion"

Assignments for fans.
"Heroes of Fairy Tales in Riddles"

The facilitator reads one riddle to each team.
Guess which riddle heroes and from which fairy tales these heroes are.

1. The guy got off his favorite stove,
For water I trudged to the river.
I caught a pike in the hole
And since then he did not know any worries. (Emelya from the fairy tale "By the Pike's Command".)

2. It is not gold that sparkles,
It's not the sun that shines
This is a fabulous bird
He sits on an apple tree in the garden. (Firebird from the fairy tale "Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf".)

3. On a bump of a swamp, the Bride is waiting,
When will the Tsarevich come for her. (Frog from the fairy tale "The Frog Princess".)

4. A lot of silver and gold
He hid in his chests,
He lives in a gloomy palace
And steals other people's brides. (Koschei the Deathless.)

Competition 6. "Round dance of fairy tales"
Find out the Russian folk tale at the beginning of the text.

1. “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king and a queen; he had three sons - all young, single, daring, such that they cannot be told in a fairy tale or described with a pen ... "(" The princess is a frog. ")

2. “Once upon a time there was a Tsar Berendey, he had three sons, the youngest was named Ivan. And the king had a magnificent garden; an apple tree with golden apples grew in that garden ... "(" Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf. ")

3. "In a certain kingdom in ancient times there lived a grandfather and a woman and a daughter in a small hut, and she had a doll ..." ("Vasilisa the Beautiful".)

4. “Once upon a time there was an old man, he had three sons. The elders were busy with the housekeeping, they were dandy and dapper, and the youngest, Ivan the Fool, was so-so - he liked to go mushrooming in the forest, and at home he sat more and more on the stove. It's time for the old man to die ... "(" Sivka-Burka ".)

« Who lives here? "

Each team receives cards. One of the players on the team of experts reads the text and answers.

  1. This shelter is located on the roof of the house. And it has a lot to see: cherry pits, nutshells and candy wrappers on the floor. Who is the owner of this house? (Carlson)
  2. This building, on command, turns its back to the forest, to the guest in front, and its mistress smells the "Russian spirit". (Baba Yaga)
  3. They lived in this dilapidated shelter near the blue sea for 30 years and 3 years. (Old man and old woman)
  4. One of them has a house made in a quick way from straw, the other is more durable - from branches and twigs, but the third has a stone house with a strong door. Name all residents. (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf)

Fan Assignments

1. What did Cinderella have a carriage from? (from pumpkin).
2.How much does a ticket to the Karabas Barabas theater cost? (4 soldo).
3. Who is Freken Bock? (housekeeper).
4. Who was able to defeat the Cockroach? (sparrow).
5. What did the Scarecrow need to get from the Great and Terrible? (brain).
6. With what substance did Fatima smear Ali Baba's measure? (honey).
7. What was the name of the disease that Dunno suffered on the moon? (yearning).
8. What did Kai need to make of the pieces of ice? (the word "eternity").
9. In what case does old man Hottabych's beard hair not work? (when the beard is wet).
10. What was in Little Red Riding Hood's basket? (pies and a pot of butter).
11. How did Thumbelina get to the land of the elves? (on a swallow).
12. What animal has brother Ivanushka become? (into a kid).
13. What did Emelya ride? (on the stove).
14. Where did the seventh goat hide? (in the oven).
15. Malvina is a girl with what hair? (with blue).
16. Who brought Aibolit to Africa? (eagle).
17. In what fairy tale did the bird save the emperor from death? ("Nightingale").
18. In what fairy tale did the sea burn? ("Confusion").
19. What is a "red flower"? (Fire).
20. What was the name of Malvina's poodle? (Artemon) ....

Musical pause.
(performance of a song from a fairy tale prepared by one of the teams)

Task-competition "Story in a circle"

The moderator reads the story, and the participants, moving in a circle, depict everything they heard.

"Carousel of fairy tales"

We are going to the fabulous country "Lukomorye". To do this, you put on a heroic helmet on your head, tie a sword-kladenets on your belt, harness your heroic horse Sivka-Burka. The horse throws back its head, whinnies merrily and hits its hoof.
You jumped into the saddle, whistled, whipped the horse with a whip and galloped out of the yard. You are driving through a dark, impenetrable forest. Suddenly a huge ... dew drops from the branches. Thick thorny branches block your path, and it is very difficult to wade through them. Then you loudly shout "But"; the horse jumps and ... lands safely on the other side of the ravine.
But the forest finally ended. Before you is a huge oak tree. And then a deafening whistle is heard. It is the Nightingale the Robber whistling. Trees lean towards the grass itself, dust rises in a column, gets into your eyes. Your horse falls to its knees. Resisting the wind, you can hardly unwind a huge club over your head and throw it at the Nightingale the Robber, and you yourself fall unconscious.

Summarizing. The word of the jury. Rewarding.

Pesegova Galina
Scenario of the competition and entertainment program "Visiting the Fairy Tale"

Municipal budgetary educational institution

additional education for children

Center for the Development of Creativity.

Competitive and entertaining script

programs"IN visiting a fairy tale»

(methodical development for children in grades 1-5)

Pesegova Galina Ivanovna

teacher - organizer

Center for the Development of Creativity

8(39031) 2- 26-64

chernogorsk 2017.

Scenario for conducting a competitive and entertaining

programs"IN visiting a fairy tale» .

Targets and goals:

To develop in children attention, observation, ingenuity, resourcefulness;

To unite children - participants of sports competitions;

Teach children to work in a team, obey certain rules, develop a sense of camaraderie;

Increase interest in competitive gaming. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

Time spending: 1 hour. A place holding: auditorium. Necessary material:

Blanks of emblems for each team member;

Tokens for dividing participants into teams;

Cards with written long words;

Paper mittens with different patterns;

Pin cushion and flowers for counting points;

Bucket (2 pcs);

Rope (2 pcs);

Clothespins (10-12 pcs);

Handkerchiefs (10-12 pcs);

Balls by the number of participants;

Newspapers, paper;

Music for accompaniment contests;

Song melodies for musical competition.

Event progress:

On scene the Host comes out to any funny music.

Leading. Good afternoon guys! Today we will go with you to a wonderful and magical world - the world fairy tales... Children attending different circles gathered in our hall, probably, you have already met someone and already know many, but you will get to know someone during our event.

Guys, from early childhood you have heard a lot fairy tales... When you were small, you adults told, and then you went to school and learned to read them yourself. And today, as a child, I want you tell a story, it is called "Country Handicraft".

Presenter reads fairy tale(see Appendix No. 1)

Today in our program heroes will meet too fairy tales.

And so, welcome to Competitive entertainment program"IN visiting a fairy tale» .

Jury presentation. Now attention here!

To have understanding

I present to you the jury,

You take a closer look.

Now I will check which of you reads a lot and knows a lot.

1. Competition"Lucky case".

The leader asks questions to the children. For the correct answer, the child receives a token (blue or red) and goes to the leader. Thus, children are divided into two teams, 6-7 people each.


2. Without what dish is it impossible to have lunch in Russia? (no bread)

3. What was the name of the towel before? (towel)

4. hanging cradle? (cradle)

5.what dish is salted three times (dumplings)

6.What is poured into the pan and folded four times? (pancakes)

7.what a lady, very gozha: sitting on a spoon, legs dangling? (noodles)

8.Where they put Guidon and his mother in « The tale of Tsar Saltan ...» A. Pushkin? (barrel)

9.who is Artemon's mistress fairy tale A... Tolstoy's “The Golden Key? (Malvina)

10.What fabulous the hero had a straw head? (at the Scarecrow)

11. Who gave Dad Carlo a talking log? (carpenter Giuseppe)

12.What fairy tale Charles Perrault has a hero named Carabas? (Pinocchio)

13.what is the name the tale of Kai and Gerda? (The Snow Queen)

14. Which bakery product could move and speak on its own? (gingerbread man)

15.what was the name fabulous veterinarian? (Dr. Aibolit)

Let's get acquainted. And first to you the task: agree and come up with a name for your team. Write the name of the team on the emblems, (emblems are prepared in advance according to the number of children for two teams).

In the meantime, the teams are preparing, I invite the audience to work too.

2. Playing with the audience: riddles "Clever men and clever men".

Two brothers, one heart

Two ends, two rings

In the middle of the carnations. (scissors)

The more I spin

The more I get fat (spindle)

Who walks the night and walks the day

Not knowing what laziness is. (clock)

Back and forth

The steamer walks, wanders.

Stop - grief:

You will make a hole in the sea. (iron)

I am small, thin and sharp.

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me. (needle and thread)

In a black field, a white hare

He jumped, ran, made loops.

The trail behind him was also white,

Who is this hare ?. (a piece of chalk)

In this narrow box, you will find

Pencils, pens, pens, paper clips, buttons -

anything for the soul. (pencil case)

He himself does not take and does not give to sparrows


Now I'm in a box, then in a ruler.

Manage to write on them.

You can draw. What am I? (notebook).

Your pigtail without fear

She dips in paint

Then a dyed pigtail

In the album leads the page (tassel)

My girlfriend lives like this: In the morning she drinks ink,

Then I give her a notebook, she goes for a walk on it (a pen)

Thin, long, one-eared, sharp,

the whole world is red. (needle)

Small round

Do not lift by the tail. (ball of thread)

Sits astride

does not know who. (a cap)

3. The leader invites the guys to continue the name fairytale hero:

Woman (Yaga)

Cat {!LANG-98feea05e97110bde4e1691ce1e10848!}

{!LANG-b68d06045426cf2d65befcd104cc62e5!} {!LANG-b59014a087624bd0ee692b3de25bf46f!}

{!LANG-121e8f04fb7c337db0eb8156d1770f3a!} {!LANG-a9a60677baf6cf7399e5236e5aa5f196!}

{!LANG-4dce1512b2d31bcecba0c2ac24968c28!} {!LANG-b568051be6a5cdd46c3b09827a823b24!}

{!LANG-6780a59bb09de5fe4e424d77c42c51ed!} {!LANG-ae75bcb77da3146bc2e4779be26189a2!}

{!LANG-ce10b799b1cafa67f773c186e6dfc0eb!} {!LANG-b8c8c1bee166b4a3d467518ac677e03c!}

{!LANG-f7d785b60a44cb53f27856ae29d9540a!} {!LANG-f50eed1360ae233d50872c094b5bcd37!}

{!LANG-7d2123cd4f67602559c6b381d16881f8!} {!LANG-fd1967438295296920aee52f12ebc82b!}

{!LANG-2a2970cb3404db0f5d27ce689f935958!} {!LANG-5553ab38c22bd737d4a84bcbdc22fa99!}

{!LANG-fef665f23c87ac560f3d536fa2191041!} {!LANG-5f065cf3f5181e31f06e202233feb58d!}

{!LANG-8f846c49a7975f86db352d6818c04a84!} {!LANG-9e4126cb643ae03e4a4ea61fabf7dfdd!}

{!LANG-a1b622137dbcb518a7f4803da004939f!} {!LANG-51a74d50bbe9073064b6fd21a162e89b!}

{!LANG-ec35110814e2a8750059ad16656abcaa!} {!LANG-d1e08ce561fe37e405527076103e1e4c!}

{!LANG-8af1bf60cf0ef1a3045eaa1bc6bba1c6!} {!LANG-92061a2f12dc607724929ce7502d0a07!}

{!LANG-019ab6bbae1dca6097e7345df465be4f!} {!LANG-0ad8a67dfd0333e5c481386beab1be51!}

{!LANG-b358f8089572944e4098d20ffa0cbcca!} {!LANG-100eb5cafabf6b2e94e4f9d02d935528!}

{!LANG-0ada4c30d275c70a3b8fc531cd3a221b!} {!LANG-8796d16a07beb4b463f282e9814278c8!}

{!LANG-bd05e301de1d7473dba354d0341067a2!} {!LANG-587ca3a12618a4b05ff57d6f94bd0e25!}

{!LANG-e570236345c869a4971e1a64fd42e0a7!} competition{!LANG-49ca0b548103542360143d4531078e3d!}

{!LANG-7752090ee7c8ca36d4ee64336f5ed29b!}{!LANG-0091819bc054510165937c2d71ccaa02!} {!LANG-768df9d1984dde5319275ee4e489889d!}:




{!LANG-f35bcd0ba219a82bebf522418e603c9e!} {!LANG-6479a7d0d5736d0f7866acc13272684f!}.

{!LANG-f5fffea2af9e5dfbfe309a9ac4a5489c!} {!LANG-df57be63d4f2860cd0b113a5a6f02ea4!}:

4. Competition{!LANG-46fa76a2275e98b08096f78d757ca360!}.

{!LANG-d538c64b520dedb385c035a731f1c5ec!}{!LANG-f9bdad20d7b61efa48eec11241a816a6!} {!LANG-efdcfea7bb3a93fc6dbc95bf08df58f4!}{!LANG-84963521252250adc3d94272c5eaaf01!} {!LANG-e35dd18a83a3d4a2f50e9dddffcad8e4!}{!LANG-71e2e6d9931deef1f773ba5565dad82a!} {!LANG-dc8fe18a1a2f127db308a4062c700e42!}.


{!LANG-df06b9096af0f31260a3d899b324a958!} {!LANG-2b22ba473ac9e9b35b5970c80b32f224!}{!LANG-3bf993f6ee9609cebad21ab4f1d1a59a!} {!LANG-e7cb118811b09aa22edbadad7594b807!}{!LANG-6fb1c9db96d1acea1b012e90c879030a!} {!LANG-70efdc2c6e65299d4e8755859482e0f0!}{!LANG-938ff37f0192aeab098dde9499cb890d!} {!LANG-fd019d71c9eef2d971933a9111177c28!}.

5. Competition{!LANG-d29e8880c7db0048ba40ac498e0f4eae!}.


{!LANG-518b8d1df1add15b3a8ab438a295cad7!}{!LANG-e34403bf01a16bfc935508a5c6b8d2c7!} {!LANG-bdd54ab03f9c6e0ac82fc7b96f44f576!}{!LANG-2926c62853f37deb78844da136b0231c!} {!LANG-d0c0c5b93b9acd3bf97fdc83e516ef4a!}

{!LANG-2f5f1e3182a04e3b5d0dff425b15027a!} {!LANG-5356b2126db59ca4ad587437156a7192!}{!LANG-93ffb050cbddcb91925d547723a373a1!}


{!LANG-f14730ba0016f3841535cc7f87ff1238!} {!LANG-d419199219dbbd8d1b3dc1d818cd69cd!}.









{!LANG-8c5ccccce30aac1d8b45866ea347979e!} {!LANG-5aa2b59948ea90fb49ea014168d67503!}

6. Competition"IN {!LANG-f42bf9ae83b893c0d0899c19e76ee110!}»



{!LANG-9797b6f87924f61b33922440c5f4cdf9!} {!LANG-47c0ec46bbde3b8057c8c3d173540c1f!}.



{!LANG-842bb9661f4409e1e9a84387bcdbe917!} {!LANG-df57be63d4f2860cd0b113a5a6f02ea4!}{!LANG-f917a29ed2f572c0f9784b56bb37ee22!}.


{!LANG-81cc8fa857f14b6d4596a7eb8e9c92d1!} {!LANG-df57be63d4f2860cd0b113a5a6f02ea4!}.

9. {!LANG-06369e8fe00acdd25c22dd2391b07814!}.

{!LANG-4d34b84924cb68ae2760774e4ba223a6!} {!LANG-51a4005a92bfff74a03ce3974868bfc2!}{!LANG-b55ff66b2a8bf2199161a74ba018d2c2!}



{!LANG-46f258f5f18f6a375bbd503ac74a5ea1!} {!LANG-340babe6da1b1453277f8f17fdb14bf4!} {!LANG-083668b04047a738e80d663753c09df7!} {!LANG-5b1e969c6081ff75b43ee3e1800d3ff3!}{!LANG-5074390ab2afa94c33d33bfb51923b3f!}






{!LANG-c378872cef3890c9561e16f639ef0a6d!} {!LANG-1df24ff0148f57ec559e26d6a8ff1308!}!


{!LANG-31708c0f45351222a43f9deb971274f0!}"Country Handicraft"

{!LANG-cbeeda52930bf47f155ae26ab6121497!} {!LANG-e146c6323e68dc7434ed839f0720f918!}{!LANG-47ad9022bfa9a862798af4bc8de458d6!}




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{!LANG-bd3a7cbee76a133ea112bf968356a12c!} {!LANG-b17ccd694f7b79a22f9e9930c9012fc7!}: {!LANG-a71b3ca530b91e2328c8667eed09d8da!}{!LANG-c6c5c1f83f02e10e1e0ff37144af6a6b!}

{!LANG-d2bf71f29f23acb24ad67a0b7e742fa9!} {!LANG-f9f7d4357a664d3b6e70bab73ab21404!}{!LANG-c6453cd5494e8f537503af596b3c20c0!} {!LANG-2bc577b68e4fcb4a9dbd505048f3ebbd!}{!LANG-f25e5fa94efbbdd76145324b663e351a!} {!LANG-491755f7abe3e5e8fc657f671016d08c!}{!LANG-c3c2e856f565bad54cc9cf85eb18ef52!} {!LANG-28a2fe37bd63e192b0762465dd42606e!}).

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