A game program with elements of local lore "land dear to the heart". Local history program Competitive local history game programs for children

Educational and game program for primary school students "Freaky journey through the cities of Yamal"

The Freaky Journey event is designed for primary school students. It was carried out in an institution of additional education, but it can also be carried out at a school to develop the cognitive interest of children in studying their region.
Objectives: To acquaint children with the cities of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, with the traditions of the indigenous peoples of the North - the Nenets, their culture.
Tasks: To form the ability to feel the beauty of northern nature. To develop compositional skills (the ability to correctly place the details of the application), the ability of children to convey the characteristic features and individual characteristics of the Nenets costume. Develop emotionality and imagination in various activities.

Form of carrying out: cognitive - game program
Materials: cotton wool snowballs, 2 buckets, fishing rods 2 pcs, fish, horns, lasso 2 pcs, snowshoes 2 pairs, boxes with dogs 2 pcs, cardboard bones.

The course of the event.

Leading: Hello dear guys and adults. Today we will go on a trip to the cities of Yamal. We will play, make crafts - the indigenous peoples of the North and get acquainted with the cities of Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The program is called "Freaky journey through the cities of Yamal". Why is it freaky, you guess? (From the name of the dwelling of the indigenous peoples of the northern Nenets). Right!
Guys, please tell me where we live? What is the name of our city? (New Urengoy). Where is it located? (In the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous District). Yes, that's right, look how our district looks from above on the map. What does green mean on the map? (This is land, swamp, etc.). What does blue mean? (Rivers, water). It is from our city of Novy Urengoy that we will begin our journey today.
What do we know about the city in which we live? (Children's answers). The city's stele says that it is a city of gas producers and builders. Our city is young enough. He is 42 years old. It was created in 1975. But in this short period of time our city has become beautiful, light, cozy and well-maintained.
It is the first largest city in the district, one of the few Russian regional cities that surpasses the administrative center of Salekhard both in terms of population and industrial development.
The city is located on the banks of the Evo-Yakha River, a tributary of the Pura. The Tamchara-Yakha and Sede-Yakha rivers flow through the city and divide it into two parts - North and South. The territory of the urban district is surrounded on all sides by the Purovsky district.
Novy Urengoy is the unofficial gas capital of Russia. There are several versions of the origin of the word "Urengoy". Translated from the Khanty language, the word "Ure" means "oxbow" (old river bed), in the Nenets language there is the word "Ngo", or an island, that is, "an island among the old river bed." In some sources, the word "Urengoy" is translated as "bald hill", "a hill on which larch trees grow, suitable for poles of a plague," "a hill covered with yellow grass."
What is he famous for every city dweller? Our city annually hosts the "Holiday of the Peoples of the North" in the last week of March. And also, the fact that every winter a beautiful, fabulous ice town is arranged on the square. Where you can have fun with the whole family.
I suggest you now imagine that we are in an ice town and play snowballs.
Snowball game.
Leading. The North is immense, harsh! Do not drive around it. And the sleigh is too difficult. But by helicopter - fast, fun, great! We only need to recruit pilots and a crew commander. (Choosing).
Commander: Everyone, get ready to fly!
Pilots: Get ready to fly!
Leading: We will fly to the village of Tazovsky,
We do not get bored on the way.
We look at the river from above
Tazovsk - "a place by the river".
Soundtrack helicopter noise

Leading: We arrived at the Tazovsky village! Guys, let's see where Tazovsky is located on our map. Look, this is where he is. What is that thin blue wavy line? (This is a river). Right! Tazovsky is located by the river.
Tazovsky is an urban-type settlement. It is also located in the Yamalo - Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The Nenets live in the area of \u200b\u200bthis village, because this “place by the river” is where people fish and hunt. I invite you to join the fishermen and go fishing!
Fishing game.
Children split into teams and take turns catching fish. Who quickly.
Phonogram Game fishing
Leading: Well done! Everyone, get ready to fly!
Pilots: Get ready to fly!
Leading: On the road! On the road!

Fastened your seat belts!
Soundtrack Noise of a helicopter
Leading: We will fly to Salekhard - a city on a cape!
We will see there, friends, polar beauty.
We will meet new friends, we will sing songs!
And we'll tell everyone about how friendly we live.
(The phonogram sounds, the helicopter flies ...)

Leading: So we flew to Salekhard! Salekhard is the center of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, its capital. Salekhard - any of its inhabitants will proudly tell you - is the only city on the planet on the Arctic Circle.
Look on the map where he is. The name of this city is translated from the Nenets language as follows: "Sale" - a cape, "Hard" - a city. Cape Town. Does anyone know what a cape is? The cape is part of the land. Look, there is a dotted line on the map, this is the Arctic Circle. We arrived directly to the Arctic Circle itself!
The city of Salekhard used to be called Obdorsk from the name of the Ob river and the word "dor", translated from the Komi language - "a place near", "near something"), it was founded by the Cossacks in 1595. In the middle of the 18th century, merchants came here for fairs, and at the end of the 18th century the fortress was abolished. Since the 20s of the XIX century, Russians began to settle in Obdorsk for permanent residence.

In December 1930, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug was formed, the city of Obdorsk became its center, and from 1933 it became known as Salekhard. The settlement received the status of a city in 1938. It is the first and only city in the Arctic Circle.
The history of our district was described and studied by many local historians, scientists, both now and in past centuries. One of such remarkable researchers of the historical past, the culture of the indigenous inhabitants of Yamal, the founder of one of the first schools in Obdorsk was a clergyman. Give his name (hint - now the Museum of History and Local Lore in Salekhard is named after his name).
Answer: Ivan Semenovich Shimanovsky
From ancient times Salekhard was a trade center of Siberia and was famous for its fair. Fish, fur and hand-made products were sold at the fair.
I suggest you also make kitties with your own hands - the national winter Nenets shoes. (A master class is held).

Phonogram Master class
Practical work.
First, let's remember the safety rules when working with scissors and glue. (Children tell the rules, and then glue the details of the applique).
What are these patterns called? ("Chumiki"). Children glue the ornament on the kitties. What is on our table? (Fur). How can we glue it? What are we going to spread with glue, fur or background? (We will smear the fur). And why? (This is more convenient, you can distribute the glue over the flesh, use it sparingly). (Children glue the fur). After we glue the fur, we need to decorate the kitties with chumiki patterns. To do this, take patterns in yellow and red. So your kitties are ready. Typically, northern peoples use beads to decorate their clothes and shoes. But to cope with the task faster, I suggest sticking sequins instead of beads. You have got beautiful kitties. They will come in handy on a long winter trip. And now we continue our journey.
Leading: I invite you to take your seats in our virtual helicopter.
Commander: Everyone, get ready to fly!
Pilots: Get ready to fly!
All children: On the road! On the road!
By blue sky! To the Arctic Circle!
At the end of the earth! We all fly together
Fastened your seat belts!
Soundtrack 07 Noise of a helicopter

Leading: Let's see where we flew. On the banks of the Ob River there is a city, it is also called the city of seven larches. Name it.
Labytnangi is a city in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, of regional subordination. It is located 20 km from the capital of the district, Salekhard. The city is located on the eastern slopes of the Polar Urals, beyond the Arctic Circle. It is a port city on the left bank of the Obi River.
Labytnangi is a Khanty phrase. It means “seven larches”. It is known from Khanty folklore that the number “seven” has magical powers. Larch is a sacred tree for the indigenous population, so seven larch trees are doubly sacred.
Previously, it was a settlement of Khanty reindeer herders living in temporary dwellings - chums. The settlement received the status of a city on August 5, 1975.
New life the settlement was given by the one who came here railway - the brainchild of the Stalinist GULAG. Thanks to this road, the city has become a bridgehead for the development of the Urengoyskoye, Yamburgskoye and other major gas fields. The cultural space of the city is very large. This is evidenced by the fact that more than 250 holidays are held in the city. Labytnangi is one of the most athletic cities in the district.
Since 1999, Khanty national holidays “Crow's Day” have been held in the city, which symbolize the arrival of spring, the awakening of nature and the revival of the traditions and customs of the indigenous peoples of the North.
And we will play with you now.
Phonogram Nenetskaya
Streams and lakes
The players stand in five to seven columns with the same number of players at different ends of the hall — these are streams. At the signal "Brooks are running!" all run after each other C in different directions (each in his own! column). To the signal "Lakes!" players stop, join hands and build circles - lakes. The children who build the circle faster will win.
Rules of the game. You need to run one after another, without leaving your column. It is possible to form a circle only on a signal.

Snowshoe running
The players are divided into two teams and stand behind the line. Each team has one pair of snowshoes.
At the signal of the educator, the leaders of each team in snowshoes run to the pyramids set in advance on the opposite side of the site, each goes around his own pyramid, runs back, gives the snowshoes to the next player on the team. The winner is the team that finishes the run earlier.
The game is played on the basis of a relay race. Snowshoes can only be passed outside the line. Going around the pyramid, you must not touch it.
Leading. It's time for us to go. I invite you to take your seats in the helicopter.
Leading: On the road! On the road!
Through the blue sky!
At the end of the earth!
We all fly together
Fastened your seat belts!
Soundtrack Noise of a helicopter

Leading: We flew to the city of Nadym. Nadym is the center of the Nadym region.
This is the first city that appeared on the territory of the Okrug thanks to the largest natural gas fields discovered in Yamal.
In the mid-1960s, in order to accelerate the development of the Medvezhye deposit, it was decided to start the construction near the city. Nadym, a small settlement of gas workers, was given the status of a town in 1972.
The place where the city is located has long been known for rich reindeer pastures where the Nenets grazed their reindeer.
Let's imagine that we have arrived to the Nenets and we need to lasso the deer. To do this, we will split into two teams. Each player throws a lasso - tynzyan and tries to hook the horns and pull them up. The team that ropes more deer wins.
Phonogram Nenetskaya
Leading. We take seats in our helicopter again. Our journey continues.
On the road! On the road!
Through the blue sky!
At the end of the earth!
We all fly together
Fastened your seat belts!
Soundtrack Noise of a helicopter

Leading. We arrived at Tarko - Sale. Tarko-Sale is a city in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the center of the Purovsky district. The population is about 40 thousand inhabitants.
The city is located in the most beautiful places, at the confluence of the Aivasedapur and Pyakupur rivers and the formation of the Pur River.
Founded in 1932 as the administrative center of the Purovsky district. In the Nenets dialect, the name Tarko-Sale means “a cape at a fork”. Once upon a time, a shaman came to the place where the city stands and opened a camp at the confluence of two rivers. The beginning of the city is associated with the development of hydrocarbon reserves.
On March 23, 2004, the State Duma of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug made a decision to give the urban-type settlement Tarko-Sale the status of a city.
On the territory of Tarko-Sale there is an agricultural cooperative “Verkhne-Purovsky” (reindeer husbandry, fur farming, fur trade).
Leading: Who do you think helps the reindeer herders to herd the reindeer? (Children's answers). This is a dog. And now we will play a game with you
Children are divided into two teams, and each player takes a bone, runs to the box - the booth and throws it into the dog's mouth (a slot in the form of a mouth). The faster one won.
Soundtrack "Feed the dog"
Leading. And now, we take seats in the helicopter. We are returning home to our beloved city of Novy Urengoy.
Soundtrack Noise of a helicopter
Leading Let's go on the road
Let's return to our city,
The best in the world this
The city of Novy Urengoy!
I hope that our journey was not in vain for you, and that you learned something new for yourself. And we will now check it out. I suggest you answer the mini-quiz questions. And you yourself will take these questions out of your Nenets purse.
Quiz questions.
1. In what year was Novy Urengoy created? (In 1975)
2. What rivers flow within our city? (Evo - Yaha, Tamchara - Yaha, Sede-Yaha)
3. In what area is Novy Urengoy located? (In the Purovsky district)
(In the Nenets language there is the word "Ngo", or an island, that is, "an island among the old river bed." In some sources, the word "Urengoy" is translated as "bald hill", "a hill on which larches grow, suitable for poles of the plague." , "A hill covered with yellow grass")

4. How is the name of Salekhard translated? (The name of this city
translated from Nenets like this: "Sale" - a cape, "Hard" - a city. Cape Town)

5. What was the name of Salekhard earlier? (Obdorsk)
6. In what year did Obdorsk receive a new name and what? (Salekhard, in 1933)
7. What is the name of the researcher of the historical past, culture of the indigenous inhabitants of Yamal, the founder of one of the first schools in Obdorsk. (Hint - now the Museum of History and Local Lore in Salekhard is named after him. The correct answer is Ivan Semenovich Shimanovsky).
8. Which city of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug is called the city of seven larches? (Labytnangi).
9. How is the name of Tarko-Sale translated from the Nenets language? (In the Nenets dialect, the name Tarko-Sale means “a cape at a fork”)
Leading. Well done! With this our event came to an end. Until next time!
Phonogram 12 Final
The soundtrack of the song "New, new, new ..."

Anastasia Kodoeva
Local history program

Explanatory note.

Local history one of the most powerful tools education of preschool children. It fosters in children a conscious love for their native land as part of the great Motherland - Russia, connects education with life, helps to form moral concepts and feelings on the basis of their land, in all the diversity of its forms and methods has a tremendous educational impact on the formation of the personality of a preschool child.

Knowledge of the city, the region in which the child lives, allows him to update his daily knowledge, experience and apply the knowledge and skills he has acquired; develops analytical skills, cognitive activity.

Meaning local history education: allows you to solve the problems of fostering love for your small homeland, develops interest in cultural heritage, introduces the child to cultural traditions, develops emotional and value guidelines through understanding the history of the city, develops the ability to feel the beauty of the city, the ability to understand the architectural and sculptural appearance of the city, its symbolism, promotes the development of artistic and creative abilities of children in productive activities.

A person is rich in his past, his memory, his history. Only he will be a true citizen of his state, who knows, preserves and increases it. Adapted educational program« local history» is designed so that students learn and know their history - history their edge. Studying the history of your region helps to instill in children love and respect for their city, the people living in it.

Thus, effective mastering local history content is facilitated by the setting of children in active research activities. This is done by activating thought processes and imagination. Of particular importance is the problem of forming an active interest in the architecture of Moscow and Podolsk at the senior preschool age. Acquaintance with Moscow edge, Podolsk, with its history, culture, architectural basis, on which the acquired knowledge fits, skills and abilities are formed through different types of activities, that is, the principle of the complexity of knowledge is implemented. Interest should act as the most important quality that characterizes a preschool child as a subject of activity. Among the various signs of interest in a preschooler, the most common are: emotional manifestations, the effectiveness of ideas, intellectual and creative activity, individual preferences. In preschool childhood, the child acquires the foundations of personal culture, its basis, corresponding to universal human spiritual values. The basis of personal culture includes the orientation of the child in nature, objects created by human hands, in the phenomena of social life, and finally, in the phenomena of his own life and activity, in himself. Local history the material is of great importance in expanding the horizons of children, developing their intellectual potential.

Local history approach in raising children contributes to the implementation of basic didactic principles pedagogy: from close to far, from known to unknown, from simple to complex.

The relevance of this programs is determined, on the one hand, by the goals and objectives of additional education, on the other, by the need to form a clear concept of the historical characteristics of their native land in children.


In senior preschool age the amount of knowledge about the hometown is increasing. Children get acquainted not only with the sights of their hometown, but also with its history and industry. Acquaintance with the hometown continues in the lessons of visual activity... Working with children to get to know their relatives edge is also conducted in the book corner, where educational books are exhibited (illustrations about the nature of the native land, photo albums of a modern city and historical photographs). Observations on walks for natural phenomena, plants, birds contribute to the enrichment of knowledge about the native edge... In the process of all the work, preschoolers develop feelings of admiration, pride for their hometown, region.

IN preparatory group work is underway on the following sections:

Journey through history;

"I see a wonderful expanse";

Life and traditions;

In the wonderful world of the Russian language;

Creation of human hands.

Pedagogical expediency

From the point of view of pedagogical expediency, we can say with confidence that the lesson to familiarize children with the sights of the Moscow region, Podolsk develops our younger generation. Program designed in order to teach children, through various methods, to aesthetically comprehend the images of familiar silhouettes, to perceive the architectural environment of the city. Pass them on in productive activities, emphasizing the beauty of our region. Its general logic is built from the perception of an architectural structure as a whole - to highlighting it the most beautiful and unusual, that which surprises and causes further work of thoughts. Also program introduces children to our history, gives an idea of \u200b\u200beveryday life and our traditions.

goal programs: development of children's interest in the Moscow region, the city of Podolsk and the history of Russia in general.

goal programs implemented in the process of solving the following tasks:

Raising a child's love and affection for his family, home, kindergarten, city;

Maintain the interest of children in the life of our ancestors, foster respect for the Russian people;

Expand children's understanding of the wealth of the Russian land, their native land;

To acquaint children with the dwelling of Russian people, the arrangement of the Russian hut;

Development of interest in folk traditions and crafts;

Expansion of ideas about the cities of the Moscow region;

Acquaintance with symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem) Russia, Moscow, Podolsk;

Formation of tolerance, a sense of respect for other peoples, their traditions.

Age characteristics of children 5-7 years of learning program material

At this age, the child knows and calls his last name, the name of his parents, family ties and his social role, has successive skills (skills row formation: infant - preschooler-schoolboy; granddaughter - daughter-mother-grandmother, professions of her parents; can give their name and patronymic, profession, briefly tell about it. Knows how to politely address teachers by name and patronymic; names the sights of the city, they know and are named after whom the street is named, the history of the holiday, the cultural traditions of the celebration, uses folklore. names objects located in the microdistrict kindergarten; streets, can independently determine the route from home to kindergarten on the plan-scheme and in space is familiar with the works of local poets and artists

Material and technical conditions. When implementing programs"Moscow region is my homeland" the organization of the subject-developmental environment is carried out in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for the creation of a subject-developmental environment, ensuring the implementation of the main general educational programs preschool education; sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and regime of education and training of children in preschool educational institutions.

Subject - developing wednesday: collection of dolls in folk costumes; a collection of products containing asbestos; collection of minerals; collection of medicinal herbs and plants of the Moscow region, the Red Book of the Moscow region, "Attractions of the city of Podolsk", card file of folk outdoor games. Socio-cultural conditions. Implementation software the material is carried out with the involvement of the parents of the pupils and the organization of interaction with socio-cultural institutions.

For a more efficient solution programmatic tasks, interaction with sociocultural institutes: children's library, children's art school, local history museum.

Work principles

The principle of historicism is to preserve the chronological order of past and present phenomena. Children cannot imagine the historical picture of time, the remoteness of certain events;

The principle of the unity of emotions, actions, intelligence. Everything that the child receives in class should be passed through the heart, hands and head. The child must remember this for the rest of his life;

The principle of orientation towards universal human concepts - a child as a full partner, a citizen;

The principle of self-realization is taking into account the individual accumulation of experience, taking into account age and gender, the characteristics of the cognitive and emotional sphere;

Integration principle - organization different types activities, cooperation with family, library, museum.

Forms and methods of conducting classes


interactive programs;


home family creative work.

Reproductive activity.

Reading and telling fairy tales, legends, aimed at accumulating experience in children. Drawing patterns and ornaments according to the sample.

Search activity.

Telling children of didactic fairy tales and stories according to the content of thematic blocks, their problematic discussion.

Examination of reproductions (slides) artistic paintings, which prepares the child for the development of educational content.

Word games aimed at clarifying the ideas of children, activating the dictionary.

Planar and volumetric design.

Co-creation of the teacher and children.

Fantasy games - collective writing.

The composition is a continuation and completion of fairy tales about images - symbols of the city.

Sketches of invented stories and the creation of a clamshell book (color pencil technique, colored pens, mixed: pencils and markers.)

Application using various techniques.

Predicted Results:

Personal results

The cognitive interest of children is manifested in the desire to complete a creative task, read a book about the city, visit walk, excursions, visit the museum;

The formation of a value attitude towards the heritage of Podolsk in children is manifested

in verbal expression of one's own impression of the object (What? What? What);

in explaining the need to respect urban objects.

Terms of implementation programs:

Program designed for children of preparatory preschool age.

Classes are held twice a week.

Duration of the lesson: 25 minutes.

Lesson form: group.

Forms of summing up the results of additional educational programs

Compilation of an album of the best works.

Exhibitions of works.

Thematic work plan for the moral and patriotic education of children of the preparatory group.

month task topic Local history in other activities

September 1. "What do we know about our homeland"

2. "Russia on the globe"

3. "How the Tatars wanted to conquer Russia"

4. "Like on our street" 1. to stimulate interest in the history and culture of our Motherland; cultivate kindness, caring for each other, the ability to resolve issues together.

2. To expand children's ideas about our Motherland; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe South and North Poles.

3. to foster a desire to learn the history of the life of Russian people.

4. to form an interest in art works of Russian masters.

applique "Doll in Russian national costume"

drawing: "Birch tree"

October 1. "The device of the Russian hut"

2. "A. Nevsky liberator of the Russian land "

3. "Secrets of the Russian Forest"

4. "How the hut was built" 1. to acquaint with the dwelling of Russian people, to explain the purpose of its constituent parts; to develop an interest in the life of ancestors.

2. Using the example of specific historical events to form children's interest in the history of our Motherland.

3. to clarify the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat nature is; expand the concept of the forest.

4. we continue to acquaint with the Russian hut Dymkovo painting

Reading a Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Wise"

November 1. "Dmitry Donskoy - the liberator of the Russian land"

2. "My native city"

3. "Proverbs and sayings"

4. "N. Nesterov "The vision of the youth Bartholomew" 1. using the example of specific historical events to form the interest of children in the history of our Motherland; to acquaint with a historical figure, book. Dmitry Donskoy, who managed to unite the princes of the Russian lands.

2. arouse interest in the history of our city.

3. prod to acquaint with unt; foster interest in creativity.

4. to acquaint children with the ethnic norms of human life in society. Conversation "My native city in autumn"

Making a layout "On the lake" from natural material

Gorodets painting

December 1. "Moscow - golden-headed"

2. "Ivan Susanin - defender of the Russian land"

3. "Minin and Pozharsky defenders of the Russian land"

4. "Traditions" 1. to acquaint with the history of the emergence of Moscow.

2. We acquaint children with the heroic deeds of the Russian people.

3. we acquaint children with the heroic deeds of the Russian people; encouraging interest in the life of ancestors.

4. acquaint children with Russians traditions: hospitality, veneration of old age, clarifying ideas about the church, temple, icon. Conversations about traditions: hospitality, respect for old age.

Construction "What we drove in Russia"

Reading: acquaintance with epics

January 1. "Tsar Peter I."

2. "Volga-worker"

3. "Epics"

4. "Peter the Great - Founder of St. Petersburg"

1. to maintain children's interest in the history of their homeland; we bring up in children the ability to reason, evaluate the situation and actions.

2. to expand the understanding of the rivers of Russia.

3. Introduce a new genre - epics.

4. give the concept that a person is famous for his deeds; foster a desire for good deeds. Conversation "Christmas"

Reading a fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich"

Acquaintance with portrait painting of V. Serov

February 1-2. "Great Russian generals A. V. Suvorov and M. Kutuzov"

3. "Winter-winter"

4. "Attractions of Podolsk" 1-2. to acquaint with the great Russian commanders; foster respect for the Russian soldier.

3. with the help of the works of Russian poets to concentrate the knowledge of children about winter natural phenomena; foster interest in Russian poetry.

4. to consolidate knowledge about memorable places of Podolsk. Genre painting by V. Vasnetsov

Khokhloma painting

Conversation "Winter Podolsk"

March 1. "The history of the city of Podolsk"

2. "The feat of the wives of the Decembrists"

3. "What they dressed in Russia."

4. "Virtual excursion to Red Square" 1. to introduce you to the history of your hometown.

2. to give the concept of honor, duty, duties to your neighbor.

3. to stimulate interest in the Russian national costume.

4. to give specific historical information about our capital.

Conversation "Attractions of Moscow"

Acquaintance with still life

Reading phns "Finist - the meat falcon"

April 1. "A thin world is better than a good quarrel" Civil War.

2. "Holiday Easter"

3. "Conversation about Artists"

4. "Traditions" final 1. to form in children the correct attitude to war; teach to reason, negotiate, decide together; educate personal quality: patriotism, justice, prudence.

2. to acquaint with the holiday, its traditions.

3. to consolidate the knowledge of children about the genres of painting; develop an interest in painting.

4. to consolidate knowledge about traditions; suggest some use in modern life. FTSKM "Spring is coming" (final)

Conversations “What they dressed in Russia. How we celebrated the holidays "

Reading phns "Nikita Kozhemyaka"

may 1. "War with the fascist invaders"

2. "Podolsk during the war"

3. "We are Podol residents" 1. using the example of the exploits of schoolchildren to tell children about the war against fascism; foster a sense of patriotism.

2. to cultivate patriotism and gratitude to their ancestors.

3. coat of arms of the city, foster a sense of responsibility for your city. Drawing "Victory Day"

Application "Defender of the Motherland"

When drawing up programs material from the book by G.N. Danilina was also used "History and culture of Russia for preschoolers".

Tasks to complete with parents

1. Talk about your family. Complete the genealogical trees of each family. Draw portraits of your mums and dads. Design the coat of arms of your family.

2. Tell your child about your village, your street. Visit museums and exhibitions. Introduce history. Prepare a project "The yard of my dreams", "My child's friend".

3. To participate in all events of the city - May 9, City Day, Labor Day, etc. Introduce children to their relatives who were at war. Decorate your child's photo exhibition on memorial monuments. Congratulate the heroes of the war on Victory Day. Help in organizing a meeting with current heroes (those who served in the army, participated in hostilities and showed themselves as heroes)

4. Explain to the child the meaning of words and phrases: feat, hero, heroic deed, veteran, victory.

5. Assist in organizing exhibitions with photographs about the city, its history, current changes, monuments, exhibitions, flora and fauna.

6. Take excursions to the places closest to the garden (school, garden, hairdresser, cafe, administration, etc.)... Talk with children about everything you have seen, make sketches with children and write stories.

7. Study the symbols of our city, other cities, the names of streets and squares.

8. Make feeders and stocks for birds.

Creative tasks for children

1. What memorable places have you been?

2. What is shown on the postcard, photographs that you brought to kindergarten?

3. Which of your relatives was in the war? What are the awards? Who served in the army? What are the awards?

4. Do you know the awards that are awarded to heroes of war, Russia and labor?

5. Which of famous people monuments were erected in Podolsk? What do you know about these people?

6. Do you know folk songs, ditties, dances? Show and tell

7. Draw a beautiful building in Podolsk. Evening city.

8. Color the national costume according to the template.

Game program for younger students "Where is this street, where is this house"

Final event in the framework of the decade of local history in primary school

Tolstikova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, educator, NSSHI, Naryan-Mar
Description: Decades of local history are traditionally held in our school. Each year they focus on a specific topic. During these decades, themed stands, exhibitions of children's drawings are arranged, competitions for riddles, puzzles, crosswords, quizzes, and intellectual games are held. Children, together with their educators, always design newspapers, posters, collages on the theme of the decade. And at the end of the decade, a game program is usually held, where children not only have fun and rest, but also summarize the results of the entire decade. I have already written about one such decade in the article "The Decade of Local History at School". Today I bring to your attention the final game program for the decade of local history "The streets of the city tell". The material may be of interest to teachers primary school, organizers of extracurricular activities.
Goal: holding the final event within the framework of the decade of local history
consolidate the knowledge of children about the streets of the city,
foster love for the native land,
promote the consolidation of the children's team,
develop logical thinking, attention, dexterity, speed of reaction.

record player,
songs about Naryan-Mar,
sets of cards for games,
fishing rods with slaves.

heading "Where is this street, where is this house",
posters, rebuses,
plague layout (it contains cards for games).

The course of the event.

Were not proud by the name
The first streets of the city ...
Polar, near Tundra,
With houses, of course, new.

And the main avenue of Naryanmar
It was considered to match the Leningrad.

Red Square was also here,
Where in the days of national celebrations
The columns were greeted by our leader
Under the all-pointing finger.

Everything was ... everything was ... everything was,
The city is changing, and now
He is in the tundra, frozen and cold
Like a proud bird swims.

Our streets are changing
But the essence remains the same.
Our city is becoming more beautiful
In him, strength and pride are visible.
(Alexey Pichkov)

Competition "Most Favorite Street" (Smidovich street)
2 teams of 9 people each receive sets of cards with the letters of the word Smidovich.
The facilitator says the definition of the word, the team must make up a word-answer from cards with letters.

It has a gardener (garden).
This is the name of the dwelling of people (house).
This tree is called weeping (willow).
When he grows up, his name will be Dmitry (Dima).
This city hosted the 2014 Olympics (Sochi).
In fairy tales, it is wondrous, and a miracle is wonderful (miracle).
With this name there is a herring (Iwashi).
This fish is a mustache (catfish).
It contains exactly 60 minutes (hour).
This bird sleeps during the day and hunts at night (owl).
We need it not only for drinking, but also for washing (water).
Girls, especially women of fashion, always follow it (fashion).

Competition "Where is this street, where is this house"?
4 participants are given cards with the name of the street, the rest are given cards with the name of attractions (among them are the attractions of other streets).
(The names of attractions are not official, but the way they sound in common people).
A song about Naryan-Mar is played.
While the song is playing, the players with the names of the streets need to collect their attractions.

Vyucheyskiy - school of arts, police, pedagogical college, Children and Youth Center "Leader".
Smidovich - department store, post office, household, employment center.
Pyrerka - fire department, clinic, pharmacy, d / s "Sevensvetik".
Lenin - city administration, hotel "Pechora", school number 3, savings bank.
And also: a library, a sanatorium school, a museum, a boarding school, a power plant, the Zarya store.

Competition "Walk the Streets".
Children are given street cards. The name of each street is repeated 2-3 times. 1 child - driving.
The presenter says: "We are walking along Lenin Street." All children with a card with this street must switch places. The driver must have time to take one of the vacated chairs. The child left without a place becomes the driver and gives the card with his street to the former driver.
Victory, Pechora, Yavtysogo, Tyko Vylka, Khatanzeisky, Saprygin,
October, Pustozerskaya, Pionerskaya.

Summing up the results of the contest of puzzles and wall newspapers.

Answers: Pyrerka, Saprygina, Mira, Polar, Student, Menshikova, Morskaya, Lenina, Kalmykova, Smidovich, Yubileynaya, School, Rybnikov, Aviators, Yuzhnaya, Olenaya
Red, River, Factory
Auction "Street, street, native street".

Who will be the last to name the street.

Relay "Street for a Fishing Pole".
The game involves 2 teams of 6 people. In the middle of the room are fish with magnets. At the bottom of the fish are letters. Each team has a different color letter. Players take turns to fish and bring the caught fish with letters of their color to the team. The name of the letters should form the name of the street.
Streets - Lenin, Victory.

Song about Naryan-Mar.

Choir performance of a song about Naryan-Mar
Music: Grigory Ponomarenko
Words: Victor Bokov

In the sky the dawns turn red
Are blazing in the distance
Like a deer sun
They brought it on the horns.

My Naryan-Mar, Naryan-Mar,
The town is neither large nor small.
Near Pechora by the river
Reindeer herders and fishermen live here.

These songs are shepherd's
Now the calls are quiet.
You listen, listen
How the shepherds sing.

Don't hide anywhere
Thunderstorm girl
On a reindeer sleigh
I'll take her away!



Goal and tasks :

1 . To develop interest in the history of the native land, region;

2. To cultivate a sense of respect for the history of the region, region;

3. To develop the cognitive activity of students.

Equipment: screen with sectors, handouts.

Educational technology: developmental training.

Content :

1 .Business cards kamand.

2. Questions of the grandfather-ethnographer.

3. Make up proverbs.

4. Mosaic.

5.Warm-up for captains.

6. D \\ W poems about the native land.

7. Summing up

Ved. Keeping the traditions of age,

Our land is great and silent.

Rich in nature and people,

Do not forget his stories.

one . SECTOR: "BUSINESS CARDS for teams".

Team presentation: name and motto.

II. Sector: "Questions of the grandfather - local historian."

Leader asks questions, students raise answer cards

1. Find the extra! In our land grow :

A) birch forests

B)olive groves

C) aspen forests

2 the biggest beast of our place :

A) wolf

B) polar bear


H. Find the excess! In our rivers and lakes are found :

A) bream

B) sturgeon

C) carps

4. Find the excess! Among the birds you can find :

A) bustard

B) heron

C) hummingbird

5. Find the excess! Medicinal plants our region:

A) viburnum

B) raspberries

IN) walnut

6. What lake is located near Buzuluk?

A) Ice

B) Transparent


III. Sector: “Make a proverb! ".

The presenter names part of the proverb, the team members of several cards with proverbs, raise the second part of the proverb.

It is hard for him who remembers evil

Those who boasted fell off the mountain.

It's easier to work with your hands than with your head.

It's not a bear, it won't go into the forest.

If you want, there are rolls, so don't sit on the stove!

Whoever knows a lot, so much is asked.

Who knows more, he sleeps less.

Dunno lies, but know it runs far.

IV. Sector: "Mosaic".

Children are offered sets of mosaics (cut postcards of animals and plants included in the Red Book of the Volgograd Region) - who will assemble it faster!

V. Sector: “Warm-up for captains”.

The host asks questions, the team captains raise the cards with answers

1. What was the name of Volgograd during the Great Patriotic War?

A) Stalingrad

B) Tsaritsyn

2.Stanitsa Preobrazhenskaya was founded as:

A) fortress


H. We live on:

A) the lower Volga region

B) middle Volga region

4.What areas does Kikvidzensky border with?

A) with Elansky

B) with Nooaninsky

5.Our land is rich:

A) black soil

B) oil

6.Our region is famous for:

A) Cossacks


7. What is the largest river in our area?

A) Buzuluk

B) Hopper

VI. Sector: "Legends of our land"

(D / W) Poems about the Native Land.

VII.Sector: "No riddle without a solution"

The presenter reads riddles about minerals that are mined in the Leninsk - Kuznetsk region. It is necessary to guess the riddle and show the conventional sign of this mineral. The team that gives the most correct answers wins.

    If you meet on the road

That will bog down strongly legs.

And to make a bowl or a vase -

You will need it right away. (Clay)

    The kids really need him

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at the construction site and on the beach

And it is even melted in glass. (Sand)

    Cover their roads

Streets in the village

And it is also in the cement.

He himself is a fertilizer. (Limestone)

VIII.Sector: "A dark horse"

Each team needs to define animals along the contour and make inscriptions under the drawings. The winner is the team that does everything correctly and accurately.

IX.Sector: Guess

Each team needs to solve puzzles and name the birds that live in our area.








X.Sector: My small homeland.

Each team is offered an envelope containing a cut illustration of the sight of the Kikvidzensky district. Teams must compose this image and name the landmark and in which village it is located. The winner is the team that completes the task faster and correctly.

At the end of the game: summing up, rewarding teams.

The game program is aimed at acquainting children with the flora and fauna of the Yaroslavl Territory, in order to instill in children a respectful attitude towards the surrounding world of their native land



    Learn to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

    Promote the development of observation in children, develop abstract thinking, the ability to quickly navigate in the environment and find the right answers to tasks.


    To cultivate interest in the world around us, a good attitude towards nature.

    Raise interest in studying the nature of the native land, awareness of its environmental problems.

    To instill a love for wildlife.

    To cultivate a culture of behavior, self-discipline, responsibility, benevolence and mutual assistance.

    Foster self-confidence.


    Develop qualities such as listening to another person.

    Develop cognitive interest.

    Develop the skill of finding information.

    Develop the skill of working in a group, communication skills.


    Develop students' speech, attention, memory, thinking, and creativity.

    Develop experience of participation and experience of using acquired knowledge and skills in the implementation of positive activities.

    Develop interest, curiosity.

Leading: In a forest clearing in a small hut lived and lived a forester Listik. Leaflet knew how to do many miracles - after all, he was a wizard - but more than anything in the world he loved to look after plants, animals, maintain order in the forest, and protect his property from uninvited guests. And for this, Mother Nature gave gifts to Leaf. His hut was decorated with paintings of dried flowers, and the floor was covered with a beautiful carpet of colorful leaves. And animals and birds helped him with the housework, delighted Listik with stories about forest life. And, of course, it is the Lesovic Listik, who knows the most different secrets of the life of the wonderful nature, who will play our game.

Video accompaniment "Nature of Russia"

Leading: Hello, today we will go on a unique journey, very interesting and informative. Guys, all of you probably love nature, read books about animals, plants, natural phenomena. You observe the world around you and know a lot of interesting things about our native nature. On the way, knowledge and ingenuity, friendship and resourcefulness, speed and accuracy in completing tasks will come in handy. You should help each other, not blame for failures or mistakes. Act amicably, have fun, and you will be lucky.

Teams take part in our today's game ...

Please greet each other.

Competition "Botanical"

Teams are given cards. It is necessary to distribute them.

One card - a list of plants (on each card there is a record of one plant):

geranium (1), fern (2), bell (3), water lily (4), tulip (5), raven eye (6), (2), St. John's wort (2), blueberry (2), cranberry (2), thistle (W), (2), fuchsia (1), ivan da marya (2), clover (3), lotus (4), gladiolus (5), wolf bast (6), yarrow (3), bone (2), cloudberry (2), rape (3), (5).

6 cards for the team with the names of the sections:







Team members either assign the plant cards to the section cards, or indicate the section card number on the plant cards in brackets.

These mysterious animals

Each inhabitant of the forest is not like the others; it has its own characteristics, its own habits.

1. This beast is as necessary for nature as all other animals. He builds his dwellings in remote, impassable places and lives there constantly with families. He never hunts near his home. It attacks mainly weakened and sick animals. Wolves.

2. This animal is a lonely animal and does not tolerate neighbors, its nest is carefully lined with soft grass, dry leaves and moss. Cubs are born here - from 3 to 7 blind babies. Absent from the nest, mom buries them in the litter so that they do not freeze. Squirrel.

3. This animal is a predator, belongs to the canine family. However, it has a number of features that distinguish it from other animals. For example, her paw pads are covered with wool. Eye pattern, like a cat, oblong. These animals never live in packs and hunt alone. Fox.

4. Where is it more convenient for a hare to run: downhill or uphill? Up the hill, as his hind legs are longer than the front.

5. How many hours a day do ferrets sleep? Ferrets sleep up to 20 hours a day.

6. It is perfectly adapted to life in water and never moves away from it. She spends the day in a hole, which she digs herself or takes the shelter of another animal. At dusk, she leaves her burrow and hunts fish, crustaceans, amphibians and even small mammals. To make it easier to notice the fish, it often climbs into elevated places, for example, on branches hanging over the water, from where it rushes to prey.


7. A herbivore that lives near water. It feeds on vegetation in the shallow waters of rivers and lakes. When a predator appears, this animal seeks salvation right in the water. He is able to swim many kilometers. The female gives birth to one or two babies, who part with their mother after nine months. This animal is the largest in Russia . Moose.

8. For this river builder, his tail is both a rudder and an oar, in which he accumulates fat for the winter . Beaver.

The Volga River, its inhabitants and vegetable world

Who is there rushing about everywhere,
Doesn't it freeze for a minute?
Fidget and twirling,
All mobile fish ... ... loach.

The fish was worn out in a day
What a day, be it wrong!
Resting from chases
In dense thickets…. sabrefish.

Clear day as in the picture!
Well, where does the rain come from?
There are countless rings on the water
Amusing ... .. loach.

The fish quickly looks for
Something to eat.
All in worries, fussing,
Flashed in the river ... ide.

It's not easy to catch him
After all, a fish's fin is sharp!
Predator, you better not disturb
Protected reliably…. ruff.

Doesn't want to, well, in any way,
Bream to peck at the worm!
No way I won't forgive
This is a sly ... ... bream!

Good in the river and satisfying
It's a pity, you can't see everything.
Looks out of the water to the shore
Very curious…. asp.

Who lay at the bottom under the silt,
So that the fry could not be seen?
Labor is in vain, visible to them,
Lurking ... .. burbot.

Our eyes are fixed on the river:
Splashes fly to the sides
On a clear day, frolicking in the water,
The scales shine…. crucian carp!

Fish, large caviar
Mosques early in the morning.
How black caviar
The handsome…. sturgeon!

A fish huddles in the thickets,
Strives to hide from everyone.
Cautious as in the old days
This little ... .. gudgeon.

An extraordinary journey

All pictures with animals, insects, plants and a map of the Yaroslavl region participate. All residents travel from Rybinsk to the cities of the region. Trace on the map which major cities meet along the way

Assignment: land an inhabitant in the city in the name of which the first sound coincides with the first sound in the name of an animal or bird. (For example: in Rybinsk - lynx, Yaroslavl - hawk, etc.).

    Rybinsk - lynx

    Poshekhonye - shepherd boy, lesser white-fronted goose

    Danilov - great snipe

    Tutaev - turcha swamp

    We love - loot

    Yaroslavl - hawk warbler

    Myshkin - moskovka

    Uglich - barbel-tanner

    Gavrilov-Yam - blueberry -orion

    Rostov - English sundew

    Pereslavd - Zalessky - open chamber


Answers: stork, seagull, jay, crow, warbler, duck, titmouse, starling, swallow, warbler, muscovy, flycatcher, crane, nuthatch, cuckoo, lentil, twirlwind, sparrow, lark.

Closing conversation.

I really want to believe that everything that we talked about will remain in your memory. Mikhail Prishvin said: “For fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppes, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. And to protect nature means to protect the Motherland ”. Love and take care of nature. Let it be thanks to you, she will become richer! And our land will become even more beautiful!

On our earthly ball,

Where we were born and live

Where there is fragile dew in the herbs

And blue skies

Where is the sea, mountains, steppes, forest -

Full of mysterious wonders.

A gray wolf wanders through the forest

And a thin lily of the valley grows.

In the steppe feather grass, like delicate silk,

Combs the breeze.

A waterfall thunders on the rocks -

And the spray is flying like a rainbow.

And in the blue sea a fat whale

Big as a house sleeps on the waves.

Don't ruin this world

Girls and boys!

Otherwise, these miracles

Will remain only in the book!

So that there was narzan in the sources,

From the meadow - strawberries,

Be careful like Tarzan

Be friends with wild nature!

You are also part of her miracles

After all, the forest is darkening for you

And the river flows bright

And in the spring, the lilac blooms.

And we must try

We will not part with this!