“Grow a magic tree. The tree of polite words Making the most polite words

Quiz game

"Be polite."

Prepared by:

Teacher of additional education Negasheva E.A.


year 2013.

Purpose: to foster respect for elders; repeat the rules of courtesy; develop the desire to be considerate of the people around.

Round 1. Say a word .

If you meet a friend

At least on the street, at least at home -

Do not be shy, do not dissemble,

Tell me louder ... ( hello).

Torn sparrow

Spider web threads.

Chirped embarrassedly:

Well…( sorry).

Mole climbed out into the white light

And he said the Hedgehog ... ( hello).

If there is a company,

Not in a hurry, not in advance,

And at the moment of parting

Tell everyone ... ( Goodbye).

If you ask for something

Then don't forget first

Open your mouth

And say… ( you are welcome).

When I give something

They say to me: ... ( Thank you).

They will give you something -

Do not forget to thank !

If you don't want to be branded as ignorant,

I beg you very much - be wise

Start with the polite word request:

Be ... ( kind),

Be ... ( kind).

If, in word or deed

Someone helped you

Do not hesitate loudly, boldly

Speak … ( thank)!

Round 2. Guys, guess the riddle:

Joy has a girlfriend

In the form of a semicircle,

She lives on her face;

Then somewhere suddenly it will go,

Then suddenly come back

Let melancholy fear her!


Round 3. Question-answer. Teams are asked one question, for the correct answer, a token is awarded.

Question. What should you do if an elder enters your room and you are sitting?

Answer. You need to get up, give a chair, and sit down yourself only after the invitation.

Question. How to behave when a senior enters class?

(Students should respond appropriately.)

Question. How should you behave when meeting elders on the street, at home?

Answer. Stop, say hello first.

Question. How to behave when talking with elders?

Answer. Talk while standing, don't put your hands in your pockets, stand up straight, talk calmly.

Question. If you are referring to elders, what should you call them? On "you" or "you"? (Appropriate answer.)

Question. Sometimes you have to meet old people, people with disabilities or women who need help: cross the street, transport something, climb a mountain, stairs, etc. What should you do?

(Get an appropriate response.)

Question: What words do we say when we meet?

Answer: ("Hello", "Good morning", "Good afternoon", "Good evening", "I'm glad to see you", "How are you feeling?")

Question: What words do we say when parting?

Answer: ("Goodbye", "See you tomorrow", "See you", "Bon voyage", "All the best", "All the best")

Question: What words do we say during breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Answer: ("Bon appetit", "Thank you", "Thank you", "Everything was very tasty")

Question: What words do we say before bed?

Answer: ("Good night", "Good night", "Nice dreams")

Question:During the game, you accidentally pushed your friend and he fell. What will you do?

Answer: (Apologize and help get up.

Question: You are about to draw a sketch, you do not have the required pencil, but your friend does. What will you do?

Answer:(Ask politely: "Give me please")

Round 4. Situation.

Once an old man was walking down the street, leaning on a large gnarled stick. He was very old and bent over from old age, so he walked, looking at his feet. A boy walked towards him, lifting his head up and looking at something in the sky. He ran into an old man. The old man was very angry with the boy. But then the boy said something, and the old man immediately became kinder.

What did the boy say that made grandfather stop being angry? (excuse me please or excuse me please.)

Round 5. "Be attentive."

Teacher:Let's play the game again. I will ask you to do something if you do it with a polite word; if you ask without a polite word, you don't. The game is clear to everyone

-stand up please;


-clap your hands, please;

-wind, please;

-sink with your feet;

-shift places with your neighbor;

- lend a pen to your neighbor, please;

- Shake hands with your neighbor, please;

-go to the door;

-Take back the handle you lent to your neighbor;

-sit down please.

Round 6. Who will name more polite words? Teams are given leaflets and each team writes their options in the allotted time, at the end of the time the teacher checks the answers and counts their number.

(For example: please, thank you, good morning, afternoon, evening, night, sorry, sorry, goodbye).

After the end of the round, summing up the results of the entire quiz. All tokens of both teams are counted, rewarding the winning and losing teams with incentive prizes.

Abstract of direct educational activities,

in integration with educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical representations"," Development of speech "

in senior group compensatory focus for children with TNR

developing situation "Tree of polite words"



Abstract of direct educational activities,

in integration with educational areas "Cognition",

"Communication" by section

"Formation of elementary mathematical concepts", "Development of speech"

in the senior group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR

developing situation "Tree of polite words"

MBDOU No. 4 "Snow Maiden", Salekhard

Senior group educator

compensatory focus for children with TNR:

Kizima Galina Vasilievna

Tree of polite words


1. Consolidation of vowels, ordinal counting within 10.

2. To consolidate children's knowledge of grammatical forms of coherent speech, knowledge of children of wild animals and their babies.

3. Consolidation of children's knowledge of "polite" words, the ability to use them correctly in speech.

MATERIALS: letters, numbers, pictures of wild animals, letter,


Educator: Guys, today we received a letter from the Old Man-Lesovichka.

He asks to help the forest dwellers, they cannot get into the forest school, because the evil wizard has bewitched everything around, and only then everything will come to life, who can find the answer to everything. But to help the forest dwellers get to school, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

Children's answer: Yes.

Educator : Well, here's our first obstacle - the river.

The river, the river is deep, there is no bridge anywhere,

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of stones with numbers from 1 to 10).

Educator : To enter the forest, the stones must be disassembled.

Take the stone with the number that comes after the number 5.

Take the stone in front of the number 4.

Take a stone with a number between 7, etc.

Educator : We entered the forest, we go quietly so that the evil wizard does not hear. It's as quiet in the forest, as if everyone had died.

Educator : Guys, here's a note, read it?

Answer one survey - Where does the bear live?

Children's answer: In a den.

Educator : What is the name of the cubs?

Children's answer: Cubs.

Educator : The answer is correct, so our bears came out of the den.

Educator: Where does the fox live?

Children's answer: In the burrow.

Educator: What are the names of fox cubs?

Children's answer: Fox cubs.

The answer is correct, here is our fox with foxes

Educator: Where does the hare live?

Children's answer: Under the bush.

Educator: Where does the squirrel live?

Children's answer: In the hollow.

Educator : What is the name of the squirrel cubs?

Children's answer: Belchata.

The answer is correct, here is our squirrel with squirrels.

But in order to go to a forestry school, we must solve the following tasks:

1) Winter has come, the hare has built himself a house of snow. I planted flowers near the house. How many flowers did the hare plant near the house?

Children's answer: No flowers are planted in winter.

Educator : And here we are met by the Old Man-Lesovichok

Old Man-Lesovichok: Guys, what good fellows you are, you have overcome many obstacles.

Educator: Why are you so sad, Old Man-Lesovichok?

Old Man-Lesovichok: Yes, the evil Fairy enchanted my forest, and my favorite tree of "polite words". My forest will come to life and turn green when kind people come to it, and say many good, kind words.

Educator : Guys, let's help the Old Man-Lesovichka revive the forest, and his favorite tree "Polite words."

Educator: Children, what polite words do you know?

Children's answer:

Educator: Do you know when to say them and do you always do it?

Children's answer:

Educator: We will now go through a courtesy lesson.

- Hello! Word, where are you from? Hello, what does this mean? - so be healthy - this is how people meeting, wished each other health.

Three children come out and read poetry, skipping the right word, and the rest of the children insert it in chorus.


I put on glasses and fins

And dived into the underwater world.

I said to Karasyu: "Hello!"

But the silent-eyed swam away,

Only in response he wagged his tail.

We walk down the street

We beat off a clear step.

We will meet the general

Garknem: "We wish you good health!"

So that ringing is in the ears.

The rules of good behavior are all spoken in chorus.

If you meet a friend

Whether on the street or at home

Don't be shy, don't be cunning

And say louder: "Hello!"

Educator: And there is a word that you can say hello and say goodbye to. This word -Hey!

Mole climbed out into the white light

And he said to the Hedgehog: “Hello!

Haven't seen each other for so many years.

Say hello to your wife.

Now, goodbye. Hey!

And the Mole is no longer there. "

Educator: Here's another polite word - "Please". In this word and a respectful request and reciprocal attention, gratitude and respect.

The rule for well-bred children, everyone speaks in unison.

If you ask for something

Then don't forget first

Open your mouth and say:

"You are welcome!"

Educator: "Be healthy!" These words in the old days meant not only kindness, but also strength. It was not for nothing that “good fellows” won in fairy tales, and one of the Russian heroes was called Dobrynya.

Be kind to everyone who is weaker.

Let the sparrow not be afraid of you.

Warm the kitten, pet the puppy

And don't drive the moth from the flower.

Do not offend the midges.

Don't forget, please!

We repeat the rule in chorus.

If you don't want to be branded as ignorant,

I beg you, be wise,

Start with the polite word request:

“Be kind! Please!"

Educator: "Welcome!" with these words you will be greeted with kindness.

The bear called the bear to visit-

Pamper the medcom.

He opened the door to the den and said: - "Welcome!"

Educator: In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: "God save you!" and these words "save there is:" Don't spare your thanks. "

We repeat the rule in chorus.

If in word or deed

Someone helped you

Do not hesitate to speak out loudly, boldly: Thank you!

Educator: "Sorry!" it is necessary to speak when you unintentionally offended someone, or caused trouble.

Sparrow tore the spider's threads.

He chirped embarrassedly: "Well, I'm sorry!"

The spider got angry: "Well, I'm sorry!"

You messed up the nets - carry a fly! "

If you offend someone by accident

Or stepped on your foot by accident,

Just don't be silent, just don't hum,

Do not wait long, say: "Sorry."

Educator: "Goodbye!" With this, in a word, the children say goodbye to the Old Man-Lesovich with a friend. You can still say goodbye: See you soon! See you! Wish you a good journey!

The tree of "Polite Words" turned green, the forest revived.

Outcome: Educator: Guys, where were we today?

Children's answer:

Educator: What did we do?

Children's answer:


1. Consolidation of vowels, ordinal counting within 10.

2. To consolidate children's knowledge of grammatical forms of coherent speech, knowledge of children of wild animals and their babies.

3. Consolidation of children's knowledge of "polite" words, the ability to use them correctly in speech.

MATERIALS: letters, numbers, pictures of wild animals, letter,


Educator:Guys, today we received a letter from the Old Man-Lesovichka.

He asks to help the forest dwellers, they cannot get into the forest school, because the evil wizard has bewitched everything around, and only then everything will come to life, who can find the answer to everything. But to help the forest dwellers get to school, we will have to overcome many obstacles. You are ready?

Children's answer: Yes.

Educator: Well, here's our first obstacle - the river.

The river, the river is deep, there is no bridge anywhere,

(The entrance to the forest is littered with stones, the image of stones with numbers from 1 to 10).

Educator: To enter the forest, the stones must be disassembled.

Take the stone with the number that comes after the number 5.

Take the stone in front of the number 4.

Take a stone with a number between 7, etc.

Educator: We entered the forest, we go quietly so that the evil wizard does not hear. It's as quiet in the forest, as if everyone had died.

Educator: Guys, here's a note, read it?

Answer one survey - Where does the bear live?

Children's answer: In a den.

Educator: What is the name of the cubs?

Children's answer: Bear cubs.

Educator: The answer is correct, so our bears came out of the den.

Educator: Where does the fox live?

Children's answer: In the hole.

Educator: What are the names of fox cubs?

Children's answer: Fox cubs.

The answer is correct, here is our fox with foxes

Educator: Where does the hare live?

Children's answer:Under the bush.

Educator: Where does the squirrel live?

Children's answer: In the hollow.

Educator: What is the name of the squirrel cubs?

Children's answer: Belchata.

The answer is correct, here is our squirrel with squirrels.

But in order to go to a forestry school, we must solve the following tasks:

1) Winter has come, the hare has built himself a house of snow. I planted flowers near the house. How many flowers did the hare plant near the house?

Children's answer: No flowers are planted in winter.

Educator: And here we are met by the Old Man-Lesovichok

Old Man-Lesovichok: Guys, what good fellows you are, you have overcome many obstacles.

Educator: Why are you so sad, Old Man-Lesovichok?

Old Man-Lesovichok: Yes, the evil Fairy enchanted my forest, and my favorite tree of "polite words". My forest will come to life and turn green when kind people come to it, and say many good, kind words.

Educator: Guys, let's help the Old Man-Lesovichka revive the forest, and his favorite tree "Polite words."

Educator: Children, what polite words do you know?

Children's answer:

Educator: Do you know when to say them and do you always do it?

Children's answer:

Educator: We will now go through a courtesy lesson.

Hello! Word, where are you from? Hello, what does this mean? - so be healthy - this is how people meeting, wished each other health.

Three children come out and read poetry, skipping the right word, and the rest of the children insert it in chorus.


I put on glasses and fins

And dived into the underwater world.

I said to Karasyu: "Hello!"

But the silent-eyed swam away,

Only in response he wagged his tail.

We walk down the street

We beat off a clear step.

We will meet the general

Garknem: "We wish you good health!"

So that ringing is in the ears.

The rules of good behavior are all spoken in chorus.

If you meet a friend

Whether on the street or at home

Don't be shy, don't be cunning

And say louder: "Hello!"

Educator: And there is a word that you can say hello and say goodbye to. This word - Hey!

Mole climbed out into the white light

And he said to the Hedgehog: “Hello!

Haven't seen each other for so many years.

Say hello to your wife.

Now, goodbye. Hey!

And the Mole is no longer there. "

Educator: Here's another polite word - "Please." In this word and a respectful request and reciprocal attention, gratitude and respect.

The rule for well-bred children, everyone speaks in unison.

If you ask for something

Then don't forget first

Open your mouth and say:

"You are welcome!"

Educator: "Be healthy!" These words in the old days meant not only kindness, but also strength. It was not for nothing that “good fellows” won in fairy tales, and one of the Russian heroes was called Dobrynya.

Be kind to everyone who is weaker.

Let the sparrow not be afraid of you.

Warm the kitten, pet the puppy

And don't drive the moth from the flower.

Do not offend the midges.

Don't forget, please!

We repeat the rule in chorus.

If you don't want to be branded as ignorant,

I beg you, be wise,

Start with the polite word request:

“Be kind! Please!"

Educator: "Welcome!" with these words you will be greeted with kindness.

The bear called the bear to visit-

Pamper the medcom.

He opened the door to the den and said: - "Welcome!"

Educator: In ancient times, when they wanted to thank a person for a good deed, they said to him: "God save you!" and these words "save there is:" Don't spare your thanks. "

We repeat the rule in chorus.

If in word or deed

Someone helped you

Do not hesitate to speak out loudly, boldly: Thank you!

Educator: "Sorry!" it is necessary to speak when you unintentionally offended someone, or caused trouble.

Sparrow tore the spider's threads.

He chirped embarrassedly: "Well, I'm sorry!"

The spider got angry: "Well, I'm sorry!"

You messed up the nets - carry a fly! "

If you offend someone by accident

Or stepped on your foot by accident,

Just don't be silent, just don't hum,

Do not wait long, say: "Sorry."

Educator: "Goodbye!" With this, in a word, the children say goodbye to the Old Man-Lesovich with a friend. You can still say goodbye: See you soon! See you! Wish you a good journey!

The tree of "Polite Words" turned green, the forest revived.

Outcome: Educator: Guys, where were we today?

Children's answer:

Educator: What did we do?

Children's answer:

Kizima Galina Vasilievna

Russian speech is filled with polite (magic) words that bring good, joy, hope to humanity. Pronunciation of useful phrases makes people more responsive, softer, more cultured. Let's admit the absence of polite expressions of the Russian language. Significant changes will immediately follow. A worthy act will go unnoticed, a simple request will become an order, ordinary speech will seem insolent, cause discontent, ruin the mood ...

Children trained in magic words, adults, are aware of the power colloquial speechreinforcing personal, business success. It is important to be able to speak kind words in a timely manner, sincerely.

Greetings when meeting and addressing

  1. Hello (you live well, we wish you health)
  2. Good morning (good afternoon, good evening)
  3. Hello (hello, hello, salute, hello)

When meeting each other

  1. Hello
  2. Representation: name, surname, patronymic
  3. Pleased to meet you
  4. Nice to meet you

Words of gratitude

  1. Thank you
  2. thank
  3. Grateful
  4. Touched by attention
  5. Our respect

Apology words

  1. sorry
  2. Sorry
  3. I apologize
  4. I'm sorry

Words with a request

  1. You are welcome
  2. I beg
  3. Show courtesy, generosity

At parting

  1. Good bye see you)
  2. All the best (all the best)
  3. All the best
  4. Good luck

When talking on the phone

  1. Hello
  2. Good morning (good: afternoon, evening)
  3. Hello
  4. Do you have time to talk?
  5. Is it convenient to have a conversation now?
  6. Thank you
  7. Touched by attention
  8. Goodbye (meeting)

List for kids

  • hello;
  • good morning, good afternoon, good evening;
  • excuse me, please;
  • thank;
  • good night;
  • goodbye;
  • you are welcome;
  • let me;
  • let me ask, find out, ask;
  • enjoy your meal;
  • let me help;
  • help yourself or take, please;
  • nice to meet you.

Is it important to say polite words?

People live surrounded by magic reflected in natural phenomena, art, and everyday life. The power of magic lies in the words spoken constantly in infinite quantities. Surprisingly, with phrases, expressions, the interlocutor can hurt, offend or inspire, please, cheer.

How to make the communicating individual receive positive energy?

People want to hear nice words. Pronunciation of polite phrases fills the soul with warmth, light, hope, calmness.

Adults, toddlers, teenagers have verbal magic

It is important to skillfully use magic, to teach children to be kind, useful phrases, correctly apply magic expressions. A sufficient number of polite phrases are used daily at the moments of meeting, acquaintance, request, farewell, telephone conversation... You need to remember the "magic" phrases, to pronounce them on time and correctly.

Thanks to polite words, people are able to do good, make a pleasant impression upon meeting, find a faithful friend, girlfriend, life partner, business partner.

People are constantly convinced of the magical power of polite expression, regardless of purpose. In the morning, when meeting with a neighbor, friend, classmate, a young man, a girl, a pensioner greet, saying "Hello", "Hello" and always hear a warm greeting. People are inspired, charged with positive energy, the warmth of words inspires positive, a smile appears.

Farewell is necessarily accompanied by the phrases "See you", "Goodbye", which are a confirmation of the importance of communication. The interlocutors express friendliness, give hope for new meetings.

What if you need help?

One should ask sincerely saying, "Please help," "Show the courtesy." The interlocutor, to whom kind phrases are addressed, will pay attention, be sure to show goodwill.

What words are used when meeting a girl, boyfriend, or executive?

It is important to make an impression to be noticed, appreciated, wanted to continue communication, and invited to work. There are a lot of polite expressions when meeting you - "Allow me to introduce myself", "Nice to meet you", etc. The main thing is to pronounce sincerely, as sincerely as possible. The interlocutor will certainly show interest, appreciate intelligence, understand how pleasant it is to communicate.

It's harder to apologize

It is required to choose the right polite words, to say them with a feeling of great regret. This will help renew the old relationship with your partner, friends, family. Apologizing phrases make people feel better. The interlocutors soften, show goodwill.

The importance of using polite words is undeniable

Magic expressions, phrases help to arrange the interlocutor, to evoke positive emotions, attention. People who use useful words, phrases, expressions are pleasant, attractive, interesting in communication. Polite words lift your spirits, allow you to enjoy peace of mind, regardless of age, gender, status, employment.

Words of politeness must be spoken constantly, they are the key to successful activities in everyday life!

What do the rules of politeness say when speaking?

Courtesy rules - the most basic canons of an educated citizen. A polite person is a real friend, a pleasant companion, a welcome guest.

There are many laws of courtesy when communicating with a large number of people or two people. The main thing is not to forget to pronounce, to use magic words correctly and in a timely manner.

Plus to knowledge, the use of kind phrases, expressions: the need to show competent tactics of behavior when talking with the interlocutor:

  1. When contacting a stranger with a request, it is necessary to postpone business, show maximum respect, take an active part in the conversation.
  2. Interrupting the person leading the conversation is bad manners. You need to listen carefully, be patient, wait until the end of the conversation. Inappropriate comments, tips, expressing opinions during the story of the interlocutor.
  3. Is the conversation being surrounded by people? Culture should be displayed, one should not react to speech addressed to the person sitting next to him.
  4. The tactless behavior of the communicating person must be gently stopped, the conversation must be stopped.
  5. Is there a discussion or insulting people? Try to translate the topic of the conversation.
  6. Long conversation is considered bad form.
  7. Communication involves the manifestation of politeness, attentiveness, tact. The interlocutor needs to leave urgently? Timely need to end the conversation. It is required to change the topic of conversation if the people present are not interested in listening.
  8. Non-standard phrases should be excluded. The meaning of expressions may be unknown to the interlocutor, incomprehensible.
  9. When communicating with a friend, acquaintance, relative, one should not criticize, discuss, stipulate absent people. Otherwise, an unpleasant environment will be created. One must say good things about those who are absent, or simply keep silent.
  10. Communicating, waving your hands is a sign of bad taste, showing the bad manners of the individual. You need to clearly enough, clearly express your own thoughts.

The information provided will help you understand the importance of polite expressions. By uttering magic phrases, people do the world bright, kind, rich.

    The third tree "Good Tales"

    You know a lot of fairy tales. Every fairy tale has good heroes and villains. Let's all define together who is good and who is evil.

    Ivan - Tsarevich and Baba Yaga

    Seven kids and a gray wolf

    Blue beard and a boy with a finger

    Cinderella and stepmother

    Buratino and Basilio the cat

    Karabas Barabas and Malvina.

    (We attach the heroes to the tree.)

    That's right, you know fairy tales well. Let's plant the next tree.

    The fourth tree "Polite and kind words"

Now we will make sure that there are no bad words at all. All bad words we will replace with good and kind. (Each is given a card with a word)

Rude, angry, greedy, sad, grief, enmity, deception, cruelty, ugliness.

What other kind words do you know? (Children's answers: "good health", " have a good day”,“ Be so kind ”), etc.

(We attach kind words to the tree.)

Let's play a little. I will read a poem, and your task is to finish the kind word that is appropriate in meaning.

Invented by someone simply and wisely -

When we meet, say hello ... ("Good morning!")

The old tree stump will turn green

When he hears: ... ("Good afternoon!")

The boy is polite and developed,

Says, meeting: ... ("Hello!")

Ice block will melt

From a good word ... ("Thank you!")

When scolded for pranks

We say: ... (“I'm sorry, please!”)

Both in France and in Denmark

Saying goodbye: ... ("Goodbye!")

To all of you with great love

I wish you great health.)

Here is our garden and filled with "good trees". So take care of yours
garden, do not let it overgrow with weeds, fill it with sunshine, kind words and good deeds.

I give you these little hearts - symbols of two wonderful qualities - kindness and politeness.

All the best, thanks!

Self-examination of the open class "Kindness and Courtesy"

The topic of this lesson was determined for primary school students as one of the forming ethical behavior of younger students, aimed at moral education students.

The purpose of the lesson was to acquaint children with important human qualities - kindness and politeness;

The tasks were:

- to form in the minds of children the concept of "kindness", "politeness";

Expand children's knowledge of kindness and its role in the life of every person;

To foster goodwill, the ability to give warmth and kindness, to use polite words in your speech;

Correct self-esteem;

Develop communication skills.

They used visualization, fragments of reading excerpts about polite words, music, the song "Smile", "the song of Leopold the cat". For the disclosure of the topic I used the following methods: visual-illustrated, partial-search; form of work: conversation, games, role-playing situations on topics of polite behavior were played.

When generalizing, the children were offered symbolic "hearts" in which kindness would "fit" and would guide the behavior of young children. I believe that the tasks are completed, the students worked with interest on the topic, connected what they studied with examples from life.

Thus, the cultural and cognitive competence of students was formed, the children received knowledge about the correct behavior in society. The goal was achieved. The lesson was personality-oriented.

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"A journey through the land of courtesy"

Topic « A journey to the land of politeness. "


Teaching children a common culture of behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards each other.


    To expand the knowledge of pupils about polite and kind words and their application in life situations,

    To develop in children the ability to analyze their actions, the ability to conduct a dialogue, to use various addresses depending on the situation (talking on the phone, rules of conduct in public transport).

    Enrich and correct vocabulary.

    Develop logical thinking and speech, cognitive interest in language.

    Foster a kind, respectful attitude towards each other.

    Foster a culture of communication.

Equipment: dictionary, requisites for the practical part: phones, basket;

handout for independent work - cards for the selection of synonyms for the word "Good", split proverbs about kindness.

Event progress:

Every morning a magician comes to me and brings me wonderful fairy tales. But today I said to the wizard: "I don't need fairy tales. Today, the guys and I will go on an unusual journey" To the courtesy school. "Then the wizard gave me white list paper and said that all their names were miraculously written on it. Guys, do you believe in miracles? I believe too.

Now we will try to create a small miracle.

(The names of the children are written on a sheet of Whatman paper with paraffin). We call the assistant and together with him paint over the sheet with a brush dipped in watercolor. When the names appear, we read them.

- Guys, what do you think, which person is easy to live in the world: good or evil?

- Who do you think is a kind person?

- What do you need to do in order to be kind?

- Today at the lesson we will get acquainted with the rules of politeness.

And HER MAJESTY POLITY will help us in this. She did not come empty-handed, but with magical objects to help us get into the Courtesy School.

The whole secret is that only a polite, well-mannered and kind person is always treated kindly by the people around. Only such a person is loved and respected by everyone.

- Why shouldn't we be attentive, polite and good friend to friend? It's not that difficult!

Politeness is important for adults and children, politeness is a wonderful and kind country.
Politeness should be learned from childhood, politeness, guys, a particle of magic.

If we are polite every day and hour -
The world will become a million times happier!

You have little life experience, but many of you already know some of the rules of being polite with others. And here are the rules of politeness prepared for us by HER MAJESTY POLITICS, so that we know them and easily get into the school of courtesy.

(The courtesy rules appear on the screen, and the children take turns reading them.)

    Do not rush to sit down first at the table.

    Don't talk while eating.

    Remember to close your mouth when you chew.

    Don't slurp.

    Don't be the first to jump out the door.

    Don't interrupt the speaker.

    Don't wave your arms.

    Don't point your finger at anyone.

    Do not interfere in someone else's conversation without saying "sorry"

    Don't forget to apologize if you pushed anyone.

    Do not pretend on the bus that you do not notice an elderly person standing.

    Don't keep your hands in your pockets.

Guys, why does a person need these rules? Is it really impossible to do without them?

We need the rules of courtesy everywhere and always. Otherwise, people would not be able to communicate with each other, help, respect each other. And in general they would be at the level of a caveman.

- Tell me, guys, with what words do people usually start communication?

- People start their communication with an acquaintance.

That's right, people start to get acquainted with the word “hello”. This is the most common and at the same time the most important word, from which communication of people begins, which characterizes a person as polite and friendly.

- And what does the simple, ordinary word "hello" mean?

- When people greet each other, they wish each other health.

Each word has its own secret, the history of its origin. And we will now reveal this secret, and we will find out when this word appeared.

In very distant times, when cave people lived: they had no words either “hello” or “goodbye”. But one day they got sick and could not recover in any way, and the one who was with them instead of a doctor (because there were no real doctors then) said to them:

- You are ill because you do not wish each other health. How can a person be healthy if no one wishes him health? The cave people thought about it and decided to say the word “Hello” when they met each other - it means be healthy.

“Hello” - they said to each other and immediately felt better.

Since then, people have been greeting each other. That is why they say that the word “hello” is a magic word that can help a person to heal.

And today we are helped by the very MAJESTY POLITE, she gave me a heart that knows magic words. Let's hear what simple but dear words you know. And for this, we will pass this light from hand to hand, and call the magic words. (Children pass a small heart from hand to hand).

Well done! How many magic words do you know!

Guys, we learned poems about magic words, let's tell them.

(Children read poetry about kindness.)

1. Good afternoon! - you were told. Good day! - you answered.
Warmth and kindness were connected like two strings.

2. They wish us: "Good journey!" It will be easier to go and walk.
Of course, a good path will lead to something good.

3. Hello! - you tell the person. Hello! - he will smile back.
And, probably, will not go to the pharmacy, and will be healthy for many years

4. What do we say “thank you” for? For everything they do for us.
And we could not remember who was told how many times.

5. Cancel, perhaps, the word "please"? We repeat it every minute.
No, perhaps, without "please" We feel uncomfortable.

Guys, do you like it when you are politely addressed? What happens if people stop saying polite words to each other? Each of us loves to be approached politely, but we must not forget about the words of the helpers. We must talk to any person the way you would like them to talk to you.

Look, guys, a kind wizard has sent us an invitation to the courtesy school. Why do you think Sunny is the director of this school? (The headmaster of the school is Sunny, because it is warm, kind, warms everyone).

Are you ready to go there? Well, then we open the doors.

Guys, read the motto of this school - "A kind person like the sun". How do you understand this proverb? What do you think the word “kind” means?

Kind. - Doing good to others, responsive.

- One that brings good, prosperity.

Look guys, what unusual lessons are held in courtesy school.

A lesson in kindness.
Musical break.
Communication lesson.
Mood lesson.

So the firsta lesson in kindness ... Why do you guys think there are kindness lessons in courtesy school? (A lesson of kindness is held at the school of courtesy, because the sun is bright, kind, radiant, warm).

What proverbs and sayings do you know about kindness?

But the wizard prepared two more proverbs for us, but he mixed up the words in them, and we must collect them. Who will be my assistant?

Children collect proverbs.

"It is warm in the sun, good in the mother."

"It is bad for him who does good to anyone."

- And so let's check which words are “friendly” with the word “kind”. (Cards with words.)

- What kind of person can we call kind? Guys, what words did you not connect with the word “kind”, why?

Now we are going to play the game "Kind Sun".

Each of us has a little sun. This sun is kindness. Like the sun, kindness illuminates with its rays and gives people warmth, care and attention. I will touch you with a ray of the sun, and you will have to tell me what good deed you have done for recent times... (The teacher selectively touches the children with the “Magic Wand”.)

Musical break .

Now let's dance a little.

Communication lesson .

- We, guys, remembered the polite words that help people communicate.

- Look at the screen. You see different situations in life that we have to face every day.

- In which picture do the characters behave correctly? Why?

- Today, in the communication lesson, we will learn to communicate so that it would be pleasant for everyone.

A bear called me.
How he began, how he began to roar.
- Wait bear, do not roar,
Explain what you want?
But he's only "moo" da "moo"
Why, why -
I don’t understand!
Please hang up.

- Why do you think we didn't have a conversation? What is the right way to start a phone conversation?

Introducing yourself
Explaining the purpose of your call
Gratitude and goodbye.

Now let's try to show the correct telephone conversation.

(Invite those who wish).


1. You call a friend to find out homework... What conversation will take place, how will it end? You must show us this now.

(The situation is played out). Children comment on the correctness of the telephone conversation.

2) You call the teacher to find out the lesson schedule. (The situation is played out). Children comment on the correctness of the telephone conversation.

The bell rings, the bell rings again.
Again calls us to the lesson.

Mood lesson.

To show concern, attention to people needs to be understood: a person is sad or happy, angry or fearful. Now we will practice determining the mood of people.

Please look at the faces of these gnomes? What do they express?

(Joy, grief, fear, anger, surprise ...)

- What dwarf would you like to communicate with?

- It is more pleasant for us to communicate with a cheerful gnome.

- What are you most often?

Rules for all people around us:


Clap on the shoulder when speaking to a person

Wave your arms.

Fiddling with clothes.

Scratching your head, pulling your ear.

Drum with your fingers on the table.

Sneeze, cough, yawn without closing.

- So, today we visited the courtesy school. And now I want to check what the sun taught you, what rules do you remember?

Game "Polite - impolite"

The conditions of the game are simple:

If - you agree with me, and the deed is good,

Don't sit, don't be silent, clap your hands.

Well, if a bad deed and did not happen to you,

Then all of you together, stomp your feet together.

1.If there are no seats on the tram, you should not buy a ticket,

All the same, you are riding standing, it is better to save money.

2. If you become rude to you, you need to be rude after them.

3. If you are presented with a book, you answer: "Thank you."

4. If you went to the cinema, and it has been running for a long time

You need to shout out loud: "Who dared to start without us!"

5. If a friend comes to you, introduce her to your friend.

6. If someone suddenly stepped on your foot by accident

No matter how he apologizes, we will not forgive the act.

Well done boys! You have completed this task.

- Well, it's time to say goodbye. I would like to know what your mood is? You have pictures of girls and boys on your tables. Please draw on their faces. Show me how you feel right now.

I'm glad you are in a great mood.

You helped me so well today, you were kind, friendly hosts. Thank you all.