Competitive game "Cross-Znoliki". Game program "Cross-tickers" Questions for the children's game Kresty Noliki

  • Strengthening mutual understanding, mutual respect and love of adults and children.
  • Development of logical thinking, attention and creative abilities of children
  • Expansion of the horizon.
  • Development of ability to apply knowledge in non-standard situations.
  • Participants: Students of 1-5 grades and their parents.

    The form of the event: the game-quiz, in which teams consisting of children and their parents participate. The presenter is a cool leader.

    Preparatory work.

    • Script development.
    • Production of the playing field.
    • Selection of issues corresponding to the topic of tasks on the game field.
    • Preparation of prizes.

    Types of tasks (playing field cells):

    1. "Fairy tales of grandparents"
    2. "Music Ring"
    3. "Sold down crossword"
    4. "Whose portrait is it?"
    5. "I draw a fairy tale ..."

    Registration, equipment, inventory.

    • Class can be decorated with balls.
    • For the game you will need two game fields consisting of 9 cells.
    • Fallers - lots.
    • Record player.
    • Pens or pencils.
    • Cards with questions about Russian folk fairy tales.

    Rules of the game:

    The game participates 2 teams of 6 people, jury;

    On a 1 game field with the number of 3x3 cells, the tasks are encrypted, the names of 9 contests are recorded in the field cells; On the 2 game field - empty cells to exhibit the icons "X" or "O";

    The teams pull the lot whose role is played by two cards with icons "X and" O ";

    The team stretched out "X" is called the "cross" team and starts the game;

    Both teams participate in the game, receiving the same number of tasks;

    The members of the jury determine the winner, raise the signal card with the signs of "x" or "o" and cover the appropriate cell of the playing field with screensaver "X" or "O";

    The next choice of the cell makes the team losing in the previous game tour;

    As a result, those who will succeed with their signs to fill the cells of the playing field horizontally, vertical or diagonal;

    If none of the teams did not cope with the task, the teams receive an extra time or an additional task, then the team that managed to put more than its signs on the playing field will be defeated in the game.

    Event flow

    1. Organizational moment

    How much today in the class
    And parents and children!
    For a whole year, the guys were waiting
    Such important, honored guests.
    So want more often
    There were parents and children together.
    Then it will be better to all
    Live on white light!

    Host: Hello, guys and respected parents! Today we invited you to the intellectual and entertainment game "Cross-Znoliki". It is very nice that today Moms and Pope came to visit us. We often see the games of children, but, unfortunately, not always adults take part in them. But in the game you can see the child on the other hand, find out what he is capable of, revealing his new qualities. Today we have parents will play with children.

    2. The course of the game

    Host: 2 teams consisting of students and parents will take part in our game. When you went to the classroom, at the entrance each of you got a token. If you look carefully, you will see that some of them depict "x" or "o". Please come to me owners of these icons. (Players come out)

    Host: We now have two teams formed and each team obtains 3 student and 3 adults. Now ask teams to choose captains ... (Teams meet and choose Captain)

    Host: So, for 1 table playing the "Crossings" team led by the captain ... (name). 2 table playing the "Nolikov" team led by the captain ... (name). Allow the jury to present you. (Presentation of jury members)

    Host: On the board in front of you - a gaming field of 9 squares. Each square contains a task and has the appropriate name:

    • "Fairy tales of grandparents"
    • "Music Ring"
    • "Golden Key, or Adventure Buratino"
    • "The old proverb not broke"
    • "What is the beauty of these fairy tales! .."
    • "Sold down crossword"
    • "On the roads of Russian folk fairy tales ..."
    • "Whose portrait is it?"
    • "I draw a fairy tale ..."

    Gaming field

    Host: All you know the rules of the game in cross-tag. The winner of today's game will be the team that will put three signs in a row in any direction (horizontally, vertically, diagonally). If none of the commands wins, a draw is declared. So, prizes are ready, the audience also prepared for you to cheat. And begins our game the "Crossings" team. Choose a task on the playing field.

    Task "Fairy Tale Grandparents"

    Question: In what verses and fairy tales k.I. Chukovsky Do you occur crocodile? Read the excerpts with the mention of this animal. Attachment 1 .

    Task "Music Ring"

    Host: Now will be presented to your attention music composition Of the 10 fragments of songs of the heroes of cartoons and popular children's films. All of them are literary characters. Your task is to guess who sings a song. (Sounds Popourri from the songs of Heroes M \\ F and K \\ f.) Appendix 2.

    Task "Golden Key".

    Host: From the three proposed response options, you need to choose the right one. Appendix 3.

    The task "the old proverb not broke".

    Host: Russian proverbs and sayings are a taking expressions created by the Russian people, as well as translated from the ancient written sources and borrowed from the works of literature, in a short form expressing wise thoughts. Many Russian proverbs consist of two proportionate, rhymes.

    Host: Now I will call the first part of the proverb, and you have to finish it. Appendix 4.

    Task "What is the beauty of these fairy tales! .."

    Host: Everything is known without exception and love Tales A.S. Pushkin. Alexandra Sergeyevich recognizes the great or even the greatest Russian poet, its writings are considered as a reference sample of the Russian literary language. I offer you a small quiz. Appendix 5.

    Task "I draw a fairy tale ..."

    Host: next competition for team captains. Each receives color pencils and a set of figures that need to be turned into fabulous heroes. Appendix 6.

    Game with spectators.

    Moderator: The rest of the participants will still rest a little, and we will play with the audience. Dova-long ago, people dreamed of climbing into the air, go down to the bottom of the sea, so that the pot without fire Kishov was cooked ... there was time. And what was miracle before, now - the most ordinary things. What have these miracles have turned? Appendix 7.

    The task of the "Razing Crossword".

    Host: Tales - the most beloved and readable view literary works. Do you know overseas fairy tales? Try to solve the crossword of the tales of G. He Andersen. Appendix 8.

    Task "Whose is a portrait?"

    Host: The following task is to find out on the description of fabulous heroes. Call the fairy tale and its author. Appendix 9.

    Task "On the roads of Russian folk fairy tales ..."

    Host: Finally, we will arrange a mini-exam on Russian folk tales. Now every team member will answer the question, stretching a ticket with a question. ( Everyone is pulled out of the total number of cards with questions and immediately respond to the questions set). Appendix 10.

    3. Summing up

    We like your character combat,
    Your temperament is cheerful, fire.
    We rightfully give prizes worthy
    And the prizes of their award.

    Host: So, the game is finished! And the winners welcome it! And now ask the jury to summarize and declare the results of today's game.

    (The jury announces the results of the game. Rewarding)

    Host: I think that you not only have fun, but also learned a lot of useful and necessary, with benefit spent time, and most importantly, I realized that you need to read a lot to know a lot. To new meetings!

    Oksana Yakovlev

    When should the development of logical thinking in children in preschool childhood?

    Before answering this question, you need to think about the fact that the logic is a preschooler? The fact is that on each age stage a certain step is created on which mental functions are formed responsible for the transition to the next stage of development.

    Consequently, the skills and skills acquired in the pre-school period will serve as a foundation for the knowledge and development of ability at older age. The prevailing, among all these skills, will be the skill of logical thinking, i.e. the ability to "make work in mind". A child who has not mastered the techniques of logical thinking may be difficult to study - solving problems, performing exercises that require high time and strength. As a result, the health of the child may suffer, as well as in such children there are interest in the teachings.

    To do this, in order to develop logical thinking, it is necessary to offer the child to independently carry out analysis, synthesis, comparison, build inductive and deductive conclusions.

    And how can I develop the logic in the child? Of course, through the game. After all, the game is the natural environment for the development of children. After all, only, through the game form, sometimes complex and very little interesting exercises and tasks become for children a very exciting occupation.

    Purpose: Development of logical thinking in children of senior preschool age.


    Introduce children with the rules of the game in "Cross-Noliki";

    Fasten the ability to distinguish the concepts of "vertically", "horizontally" and "diagonally" from senior preschoolers.

    Master the logical operations;

    Fasten an account within 10.


    Form and improve in children of senior pre-school age spatial representations;

    Continue to form in children a steady skill to learning activities;

    Stimulate the development of the mental abilities of children in the process of familiarization with various mathematical actions;

    Develop mental operations: perception, memory, thinking, attention.


    Promote the development of small motility of the hands, the development of attention, logical thinking, memory and speech of children;

    Cause joyful emotions;

    Manufacture board games "Noliki cross-ticks do it yourself.


    This didactic game Made of multicolored felt, synthet board, hollofiber, thread, wire, beads, ribbons.

    First we make the pattern of all billets. Instead of familiar cross and zero, we decided to do space stars And the moon. We need five stars and five moons. For stars used blue felt, for the moon - yellow in polka dot. The billets were stacked with each other and filled with holofiber. Velcroe was sewn behind. The field is made of blue-gray and green felt, since felt soft fabric, it was placed between a green square and a blue-gray rectangle. On a green square, the field (with the help of a tape) from nine cells 7x7 cm, sewed velcro and was sewn all the layers. From above and from the bottom from the game field made a wire with 10 beads on each to the Victory account.

    Game traffic:

    1. The game "Crossings - Noliki" - as an ordinary game, which is drawn on leaves. Players take turns flip on the free cells of the star field and the moon. Wins the one who first built in a row of 3 of his stars (moon) vertically, horizontally or diagonally.

    "Where is the star (Moon, tell me and show"

    In order to refine spatial views, you can offer a child to stick 1 star and 1 moon, and ask what is on the right, and what is the left. You can also position one figure for the other, while asking the child to verbally designate the interconnection of the figures. Also, this task can be complicated: the teacher, says in which direction it is necessary to move the figure, while the child performs the instruction of the teacher.

    Publications on the topic:

    Game according to the rules of fire safety "Cross-Znoliki" Municipal preschool educational institution Children's garden number 10 of the Kopean city district of the Chelyabinsk region (MDOODS number 10).

    Objectives: develops tactile perception, child thinking, replenish vocabulary Children with new words, small motility of hands, beneficial.

    Tasks. 1. Learning to set the size relationship between 5 objects of different widths, heights, to have them in a specific sequence.

    Roll Material: Wooden plate, fabric, pockets from ordinary transparent cakes are covered around the edges. Various pictures of fruits and vegetables.

    In one of the magazines, a few years ago, I saw the game, the principle of ours in the childhood of the game "Cross-Znoliki". I liked the idea so much, I remembered.

    Didactic game "Gifts from Burenki!" Booking game for children 4-5 years old. View of the game of cognitive orientation.

    Two teams participate in the game: one team "Crossings", the other - "Noliki". For her, the field is needed 4? 4. A team that starts the game, chooses a square, calling it, for example, 2B. If, having consisted, answer the question of the leading correctly, the corresponding square fit the sign of this command; If incorrectly - the sign of the opponent's command. With the right answer, the right move remains at the team, otherwise - the transition of the course. The team that completely filled out some kind of diagonal, vertical, horizontal, or has a greater number of its signs on the field, wins.

    BUT B. FROM D.
    1 0
    2 H. 0
    3 H. H. H. H.
    4 0 0

    Questions for the game:

    1a. One of the most prominent Italian mathematicians of the 16th century - Nikolo Tartalia. This name was the fountain. What does the nickname of Tartalia mean?

    a) Zaica
    b) Unspecified
    c) Gorbun

    2a. Who in Russia was called "Powers" or "Vesseli"?

    a) merchant
    b) Officials inspecting scales
    c) artisans manufacturing weights and scales

    3a. Who are the Greeks who visited Egypt called "harphedonaps"?

    but) rope tensors
    b) builders pyramids
    c) navigas

    4a. Can there be a height of man 3 ARSHINA?

    a) yes
    b) NO
    c) this is not a unit of length

    (IN Ancient Russia: 1 Arshin - about 71.12 cm, 3 ARSHINA - 213.36 cm)

    1b. "Strong always powerless to blame:
    In history, we are the darkness of the examples of the ... "

    (I.A. Krylov, Bass "Wolf and a Lamb")

    So how much is it "darkness"?

    a) 1000.
    b) 10000.
    c) 1000000.

    2b. What operation when solving the equation meant the word "Almukabala" in the book of famous Arabic mathematics of antiquity of Mohammed Ibn Mousse Al-Khorezmi?

    a) the transfer of the terms from one part to another
    b) disclosure of brackets
    c) bringing similar terms

    3b.When Don Quixote was wounded in one of the fights, his faithful squire of Sancho Pansa led from the neighboring town of Algebrist. So whom in Spain were called "algebras"?

    a) priest
    b) Kostoprav doctor
    c) Narchar

    4b. In Japan, compete schoolchildren to Schoolchildren on the Surobane. The winners of these competitions enter into a duel with computing machines. What is Soroban?

    a) counting sticks
    b) Calculator
    c) scores

    1C. What did Estonian sailors measured in ancient times, Spaniards - cigars, the Japanese - horsepower?

    a) time
    b) distance
    c) Square

    2c. Tetragonon is translated as ...

    a) quadrangle
    b) hexagon
    c) pentagon

    3c. In one legend it is said that in honor of the opening of his famous theorem, he sacrificed a hundred bulls. Who is he?

    a) Pytagor.
    b) Falez.
    c) Geron

    4C. One of the mathematical concepts comes from the Latin word, which means carrying or leading, which moved by carrying. What is this concept?

    a) Progression
    b) vector
    c) beam

    1d. In the first book "Measuring fields" of the ancient Chinese treatise "Mathematics in 9 books" the terminology was still extremely primitive. What do you think for what geometric shapes used the words "oblique field" or "field in the form of a scoop"?

    a) rhombus
    b) a trapezium
    c) parallelogram

    2d. In some vintage Russian manuscripts in mathematics, the area of \u200b\u200bthe trapezium is expressed by the work of the base of the grounds on the "trunk". Is it true?

    a) yes
    b) NO ("Trunk" is the lateral side)

    3d."It is better to go need and adversity with an eagle,
    Than with a thoughtful sit behind an abundant table.
    Better rush to gloat alone,
    Than halvae to treat with an empty donkey. "

    What a poet scientist wrote this poem is one of many who are known to the whole world called "Quartens" - Rubai.

    a) Biruni.
    b) al-koche
    c) Omar Khayam

    4d.In the algebra there is a formula that is called "Formula Cordano", despite the fact that it should be called at least so: "Formula Ferro - Tartalia - Kardano." What formula is we talking about?

    a) one of the formulas of abbreviated multiplication
    b) the algebraic solution of the 2nd degree equations
    c) algebraic solution of the 3rd degree equations


    1. Depima I.Ya. Vilenkin N.Ya. Behind the pages of the textbook of mathematics: allowance for students of 5-6 CP classes. shk. - M.: Enlightenment, 1989. - 287 p.: Il.
    2. Glaser G.I.History of mathematics at school. 7-8 classes. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982. - 243 p. : IL.
    3. Mathematics. Grade 5: studies. For general education institutions / N. Ya. Vilenkin et al. - 22nd ed., Ched. - M.: Mnemozina, 2007. - 280 s. : IL.
    4. Mathematics. Grade 6: studies. For general education institutions / N. Ya.Vilenkin et al. - 21st ed., Ched. - M.: Mnemozina, 2007. - 288 p. : IL.

    Goal and tasks:

    Training logical thinking creative imagination, attention, memory;

    Development of communication skills, the formation of cooperation skills with peers, group cohesion;

    Identifying an informal leader, a generator of ideas, an organizer of activities;

    Removing emotional tension.

    Age: 9-12 years old

    Rules game:

    The team who won in the competition puts his sign on the playing field, crossing the cage with the name of the won contest. The team losing in the competition has the right to choose a new cell on the game field, thereby determined by the game in the next competition.

    A team of which will be able to build in one row during the game (horizontally, vertical or diagonal) three of their signs. In this, the essence of the game "Cross-Nolyli".

    If the teams fail to build three of their sign in a row, all nine contests are played out, all the cells of the playing field "O" and "X" are filled, the team that has more signs on the playing field.

    Gaming field

    Dear guys, I congratulate you on the beginning of the holidays, with an excellent joyful sometimes! I suggest you to play an interesting cognitive-entertaining game "Cross-Znoliki".

    Introducing the jury: ..................... .. For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point. The jury assesses every contest and announces its result. The jury also today will determine the winning team today. But the most remarkable, we learn who of us ... ..

    The most erudite participant

    The most consumed participant

    The most attentive participant

    The most artistic participant

    The most cheerful member

    The most sport participant

    The most deft participant

    The strongest participant.

    We have two teams: the team of "Crossings" and the "Nolikov" team. In the process of preparing for the game, we chose the captains of each team and invented a slogan. The captain of the team "Crossings" - ........................ "Make sure you are more than once, we guys are just a class!", "Nolikov" - ..................... "Enough joy at all, success awaits us!".

    Participants of the game, try to maximize your abilities, knowledge, ingenuity and fiction, be cohesive, friendly to bring the victory team. On the board depicted a game field with the name of contests. The winner of the competition puts his sign on the game field, the right to open the name of the new contest is provided by the winning team. So, we start the game. We wish you good luck to the "Crossings" and the "Nolikov" team and personally each of us

    1. Contest "Workout"

    In this competition, it is necessary to show erudition, smelting and intelligence, to be attentive.

    1. Who will be born with a mustache? - Kitty
    2. What is called a bird that has the most big nose, and beak like a sacc. - Pelican.
    3. One egg is boiled 4 minutes. How many minutes are 6 eggs cook? - 4 minutes
    4. What creature can jump over a distance, 100 times more than its own length? - Frog
    5. What is the Greeks in the 5th century in the sandals walked? - on the ground
    6. What are the heroine of a fairy tale, which was an agricultural product? - Repa
    7. Call the hero of the fairy tale, which once violated sanitary and hygienic rules and paid for it? - Ivanushka from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
    8. Which hero of the fairy tale really liked shoes and how did they call him for it? - Puss in Boots
    9. Name the fairy tale of the Italian writer, where all the characters are fruits and vegetables. - Adventures Chipollino
    10. Question of intelligence. What will be with a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the Black Sea? - Wet

    Questions for the "Noliki" team

    1. Who has a mustache long legs? - Tarakana
    2. The male of these birds is fulfilling the role of the mother, the nest itself builds, the eggs himself cries, feeds chicks. The female only puts the eggs. - Ostrich
    3. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? - one, the second will not be an empty stomach
    4. What a living being can take the cargo almost 100 times more than yourself? - Ant
    5. What Russian folk fairy tale is solved by the problems of housing? - Teremok
    6. Call the bird from a fairy tale that has carried a product from precious metals for the owners. How was her called? - Dwarf Ryaba
    7. What a fabulous hero sown money, hoping to make a profit? - Buratino
    8. What was the name of the French fairy tale, which was engaged in unqualified work, cleaned the pots and cleaned up in the house? - Cinderella
    9. What belongs only to you, but do you use them less often? - Name
    10. Question of intelligence. What color is the stop-crane in the plane? - he's not there

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    2. Competition "Strong Hand"

    In this competition, participants must show agility and strength.

    From each team it is necessary to choose the strongest and deft participant. A newspaper is issued to each representative of the team. The task is: who will quickly collect her in his fist, while not helping the other hand, he will bring the victory of the team in this competition. It will be necessary to take into account the size of the newspaper lump, the smaller the lump, the better the task is fulfilled.

    What will the jury say?

    3. Competition "Steeplet"

    Soch the poem in which four sash, and these four lines end in such words:

    1. cat - spoon - window - slightly
    2. mug - Girlfriend - Frog - Chastushka

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    4. Competition "Captains"

    Here the captains must show their intelligence, the speed of the reaction.

    Captains, please approach me. You are given a task to collect the picture from the cut parts, the time and accuracy of the task will be taken into account.

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    In this competition, participants must show their imagination and creative abilities. Draw an unusual animal called - Swabrochvostus

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    Participants need to show their artistic and expressiveness. In this competition will be taken into account the ability to own their voice and intonation. Read the poem of Agnia Barto "There is a bull goes around ...", but not as usual you read with the expression, but as if ....

    1. you boast before the guys
    2. you frightened dogs

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    7. Competition "Fantashers"

    Come up with new applications to the old one who is not necessary: \u200b\u200btin can.

    What will the jury say?

    8. Competition "Parodists"

    In this competition you need to be artistic, accurate and plastic. A team participant receives a card with a task, reading and thinking a little, you need to imagine facial expressions, gait, sounding such or another animal.

    1. gloomy Eagle
    2. alarmed cat

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    9. Contest "Secret Box"

    In this competition, you need to show erudition and readiness. Task for all team members, you need to guess what lies in the box.

    1. In the secret box there is something that indicated the path - the path is not only Ivan Tsarevich, but also one of the mythical heroes ancient Greece? - Tangle thread

    2. The thing that lies in the box will never give New Year In China, since, according to legend, such a gift does not bring good luck. Every useful thing is in everyone in the house, and often even in some embodiments. According to the Russian proverb, they do not look at those who are happy. Name this thing. - clock

    3. Very truthful thing. - Mirror

    4. Universal medical agent, according to the doctor from the flower city. - Castorka

    5. The thing from this fragile material helped the main hero of the fairy tale to find a mysterious stranger. - Crystal

    6. Favorite book Pinocchio. - ABC

    Jury estimates.

    Dear Guys! Dear adults! All contests ended. Let's look at the playing field. Following the game, the team won ... .. I climb the winner team. I climb another team. The rivals were worthy. But that's not all. All the guys tried very much, were active, everyone sought victory. The winner in our game, each of you became, but in different nominations . Jury, please, please, winners in different nominations . (Handing medals)

    So our game came to the end. Tell me, please, what contests did you especially like? What is remembered?

    Each child expresses his opinion.


    1. Afanasyev S.P., Komorin S.V. Three hundred creative contests. _ Kostroma, RT NIT "Evrica-M", 1999
    2. Methodical newspaper for teachers-psychologists "School psychologist" 10, 2009



    Psychological educational and educational game

    "Crossings - Noliki"

    Goal and tasks:

    Training logical thinking, creative imagination, attention, memory;

    Development of communication skills, the formation of cooperation skills with peers, group cohesion;

    Identifying an informal leader, a generator of ideas, an organizer of activities;

    Removing emotional stress.

    Age: 9-12 years

    Rules game:

    The team who won in the competition puts his sign on the playing field, crossing the cage with the name of the won contest. The team losing in the competition has the right to choose a new cell on the game field, thereby determined by the game in the next competition.

    A team of which will be able to build in one row during the game (horizontally, vertical or diagonal) three of their signs. In this, the essence of the game "Cross-Nolyli".

    If the teams fail to build three of their sign in a row, all nine contests are played out, all the cells of the playing field "O" and "X" are filled, the team that has more signs on the playing field.

    Gaming field

    Dear guys, I congratulate you on the beginning of the holidays, with an excellent joyful sometimes! I suggest you to play an interesting cognitive-entertaining game "Cross-Znoliki".

    Introducing the jury: ..................... .. For each correct answer, the team gets 1 point. The jury assesses every contest and announces its result. The jury also today will determine the winning team today. But the most remarkable, we learn who of us ... ..

    The most erudite participant

    The most consumed participant

    The most attentive participant

    The most artistic participant

    The most cheerful member

    The most sport participant

    The most deft participant

    The strongest participant.

    We have two teams: the team of "Crossings" and the "Nolikov" team. In the process of preparing for the game, we chose the captains of each team and invented a slogan. The captain of the team "Crossings" - ........................ "Make sure you are more than once, we guys are just a class!", "Nolikov" - ..................... "Enough joy at all, success awaits us!".

    Participants of the game, try to maximize your abilities, knowledge, ingenuity and fiction, be cohesive, friendly to bring the victory team. On the board depicted a game field with the name of contests. The winner of the competition puts his sign on the game field, the right to open the name of the new contest is provided by the winning team. So, we start the game. We wish you good luck to the "Crossings" and the "Nolikov" team and personally each of us

    1. Contest "Workout"

    In this competition, it is necessary to show erudition, smelting and intelligence, to be attentive.

    Questions for the team "Crossings"

    1. Who will be born with a mustache? - Kitty
    2. What is the name of the bird, which has the biggest nose, and the beak like a sump. - Pelican.
    3. One egg is boiled 4 minutes. How many minutes are 6 eggs cook? - 4 minutes
    4. What creature can jump over a distance, 100 times more than its own length? - Frog
    5. What is the Greeks in the 5th century in the sandals walked? - on the ground
    6. What are the heroine of a fairy tale, which was an agricultural product? - Repa
    7. Call the hero of the fairy tale, which once violated sanitary and hygienic rules and paid for it? - Ivanushka from the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka"
    8. Which hero of the fairy tale really liked shoes and how did they call him for it? - Puss in Boots
    9. Name the fairy tale of the Italian writer, where all the characters are fruits and vegetables. - Adventures Chipollino
    10. Question of intelligence. What will be with a red silk scarf if it is lowered to the bottom of the Black Sea? - Wet

    Questions for the "Noliki" team

    1. Who has a mustache long legs? - Tarakana
    2. The male of these birds is fulfilling the role of the mother, the nest itself builds, the eggs himself cries, feeds chicks. The female only puts the eggs. - Ostrich
    3. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? - one, the second will not be an empty stomach
    4. What a living being can take the cargo almost 100 times more than yourself? - Ant
    5. What Russian folk fairy tale is solved by the problems of housing? - Teremok
    6. Call the bird from a fairy tale that has carried a product from precious metals for the owners. How was her called? - Dwarf Ryaba
    7. What a fabulous hero sown money, hoping to make a profit? - Buratino
    8. What was the name of the French fairy tale, which was engaged in unqualified work, cleaned the pots and cleaned up in the house? - Cinderella
    9. What belongs only to you, but do you use them less often? - Name
    10. Question of intelligence. What color is the stop-crane in the plane? - he's not there

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    2. Competition "Strong Hand"

    In this competition, participants must show agility and strength.

    From each team it is necessary to choose the strongest and deft participant. A newspaper is issued to each representative of the team. The task is: who will quickly collect her in his fist, while not helping the other hand, he will bring the victory of the team in this competition. It will be necessary to take into account the size of the newspaper lump, the smaller the lump, the better the task is fulfilled.

    What will the jury say?

    3. Competition "Steeplet"

    Soch the poem in which four sash, and these four lines end in such words:

    1. cat - spoon - window - slightly
    2. mug - Girlfriend - Frog - Chastushka

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    4. Competition "Captains"

    Here the captains must show their intelligence, the speed of the reaction.

    Captains, please approach me. You are given a task to collect the picture from the cut parts, the time and accuracy of the task will be taken into account.

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    5. Competition "Merry Artist"

    In this competition, participants must show their imagination and creative abilities. Draw an unusual animal called - Swabrochvostus

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    6. Competition "Timpleko times, two words"

    Participants need to show their artistic and expressiveness. In this competition will be taken into account the ability to own their voice and intonation. Read the poem of Agnia Barto "There is a bull goes around ...", but not as usual you read with the expression, but as if ....

    1. you boast before the guys
    2. you frightened dogs

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    7. Competition "Fantashers"

    Come up with new applications to the old one who is not necessary: \u200b\u200btin can.

    What will the jury say?

    8. Competition "Parodists"

    In this competition you need to be artistic, accurate and plastic. A team participant receives a card with a task, reading and thinking a little, you need to imagine facial expressions, gait, sounding such or another animal.

    1. gloomy Eagle
    2. alarmed cat

    Listen to the opinion of the jury.

    9. Contest "Secret Box"

    In this competition, you need to show erudition and readiness. Task for all team members, you need to guess what lies in the box.

    1. In the secret box there is something that the path indicated - the track is not only Ivan Tsarevich, but also one of the mythical heroes of ancient Greece? - Tangle thread

    2. The thing that lies in the box will never give a new year in China, since, according to legend, such a gift does not bring good luck. Every useful thing is in everyone in the house, and often even in some embodiments. According to the Russian proverb, they do not look at those who are happy. Name this thing. - clock

    3. Very truthful thing. - Mirror

    4. Universal medical agent, according to the doctor from the flower city. - Castorka

    5. The thing from this fragile material helped the main hero of the fairy tale to find a mysterious stranger. - Crystal

    6. Favorite book Pinocchio. - ABC

    Jury estimates.

    Dear Guys! Dear adults! All contests ended. Let's look at the playing field. Following the game, the team won ... .. I climb the winner team. I climb another team. The rivals were worthy. But that's not all. All the guys tried very much, were active, everyone sought victory. The winner in our game, each of you became, but in different nominations. Jury, please, please, winners in different nominations. (Handing medals)

    So our game came to the end. Tell me, please, what contests did you especially like? What is remembered?

    Each child expresses his opinion.


    1. Afanasyev S.P., Komorin S.V. Three hundred creative contests. _ Kostroma, RT NIT "Evrica-M", 1999
    2. Methodical newspaper for teachers-psychologists "School psychologist" 10, 2009

    COU Omsk region "Sherbakul adaptive boarding school"



    The script has developed:

    Buyakova M.E.

    "Crossings - Noliki."

    Goals and objectives:

    Develop creative abilities in children;

    Teach children to work in the team;

    Secure knowledge, skills, skills from different areas, by performing tasks.

    Equipment:a square was drawn on the board consisting of 9 cells and numbered; Sheets of A4 format, markers.

    "Crescents" is an intellectual-cognitive game that allows

    use it in any area of \u200b\u200bknowledge.

    Game traffic:

    In each of the 9 cell cells, questions are inscribed. The teams pull the lot whose role is performed by cards with signs "X" and "O". The team stretched out "x" will be called "cross" and start the game by choosing one of the 9 cells. The resulting task is performed by both teams, and the jury prefers one of them. In case of a successful response, the team has the right to put a sign in place of just won the competition. The game wins the one who has more cross or zealiks.

    1. Choosing a jury.

    2. The division of the guys for 2 teams.

    3. Making tasks.


    1. Receipt.

    Competition musical. Remember as much children's songs as possible and fulfill these songs on one line.

    The word jury ...

    2. "Understand me."

    Commands are offered by actions and gestures, but without words to depict the concepts:

    1. "Let me, water"; 2. "How cold".

    The word jury ...

    3. "Drag together."

    Teams on sheets that bend after each participant should draw an animal. (1st draws his head, next neck, etc.)

    The word jury ...

    4. "Books" (questions).

    The name of the hero is Russian folk fairy tale "By whining the vein" (Emelya.)

    What fairy tale girl goes to winter forest for flowers? ("Twelve months".)

    What heroine has crystal shoes? (Cinderella.)

    A girl with unusual hair that loved to raise naughty boys (Malvina).

    The word jury ...

    5. "Who is faster."

    From the matches to draw up the word: - the bank; - Board.

    The word jury ...

    6. "Circular words".

    6 letters are written in a circle. How many different words - the nouns will be able to read the teams here? You can read in any direction, but only read is necessary in a row, i.e. With all the letters that are near.

    C - Wheel, Juice, Donkey, Paul, Forest, Village, Falcon, Lockers, Oko.

    To C - Osa, Specta, Dock, Spit, Sadok, Garden, Juice, Ode, Hell, Oko, Code.

    Who will write words on the circle.

    The word jury ...

    7. "Artistic".

    Once all the characters of the fairy tale "Vini Pooh and everything, all, all" wanted to have a headdress. Draw such a headdress that could wear:

    Winnie the Pooh; - Piglet.

    The word jury ...

    8. "Question-answer."

    1. What is the hero of the fairy tale sh. Perero belong to all these items?

    Hat, - sword, - boots, - feathers (cat in boots.)

    2. Among these colors there are those that collected a step from the fairy tale "Twelve Months". What kind?

    Lrangessi, - Snowdrops, - Vasilka, - Chamomiles.

    The word jury ...

    9. "The most attentive".

    When reading the story, participants should decide as much mistakes as possible in the story and fix on their leaves, then call.

    The forest is the wealth of the country. Bumbinks, foxes, squirrels live in the forest, camels hares as well smallanimals - bears, tigers, lions. Major beasts are great value: sable, cunits, minks, mice Lisers, beavers. From the skins of these animals they sew fur coats, caps, summer dresses,collars.

    Bobras live in deaf more often(In the water, in the pond), the minks are digging. In the deaf coniferous forests of the Urals and Siberia dwells a huge beast with branched horns- Sable, whose skin is valued due to excellent fur.

    There are plants such as spruce, pine, fir, camelthorn plant,cedar, larch.

    There are berries such as raspberries, strawberries, cloudberries, blueberries, blueberries.

    Thick, hard-to-reach forests are called tundra.

    The word jury ...
