Didactic game where the traffic light is located. Didactic game-Cheerful Traffic Lighting

The presentation "Amazing Lightformer" is intended for children of middle and senior preschool challenge: assimilation of the main genres of music (march, dance, lullaby) basis of the presentation-game Music and didactic game "Amazing traffic light", Z. Ya. Rota. At the beginning of the presentation, the slide opens, at which the traffic light with three lights is depicted - circles of different colors (red, yellow, green). Having a mouse cursor on any of the circles, children go to slides with the task. The music fragment sounds, the children recognize the genre of this work, again lead the mouse cursor on the circle and go to the other slide corresponding to this circle. This slide opens a picture, conditionally reflecting the genre of music (march, dance, lullaby). Whether children coped with the task, they will learn on sounding music. It should be the same as on a slide with a color circle.

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Alexandrova Irina Alekseevna,

music head of the municipal budget preschool educational institution of kindergarten № 122 Penza city "Maly" (MBDOU kindergarten No. 122 Penza "Kid")

higher qualifying category, work experience: 35 years.

Presentation "Amazing Lightformer" is intended for children of middle and senior preschool age

Task: assimilation of the main genres of music (march, dance, lullaby)

At the beginning of the presentation, the slide opens, at which the traffic light with three lights is depicted - circles of different colors (red, yellow, green). Having a mouse cursor on any of the circles, children go to slides with the task. The music fragment sounds, the children recognize the genre of this work, again lead the mouse cursor on the circle and go to the other slide corresponding to this circle. This slide opens a picture, conditionally reflecting the genre of music (march, dance, lullaby). Whether children coped with the task, they will learn on sounding music. It should be the same as on a slide with a color circle.

Information sources:

Music and didactic game Z. Ya. Rota "Amazing Traffic Lights" / "Music and Didactic Games for Preschool Children", allowance for music leaders, Iris-Press, M, 2004.

Pictures: Scanned - "Music and Didactic Games for Preschool Children", allowance for music leaders, Iyris-Press, M, 2004. Processed: Alexandrova I. A.

Animation: Alexandrova I. A.

Figure "Traffic light":


Musical Row:

I. Kaplunova, I. Novoseltseva, "Holiday every day" / "Composer", St. Petersburg, 2008

View the contents of the presentation
"traffic light"


Didactic game

The task:

Listen to the passage

musical Work

and define its genre.

Then bringing the cursor on

light lighting color,

from which music sounded,

find out the right answer.

Go to the next

traffic light with a task.


Return to traffic light

with the task.


Return to traffic light

with the task.


Return to traffic light

with the task.

The task:

Listen to the passage

musical Work

and define its genre.

Then bringing the cursor on

light lighting color,

from which music sounded,

find out the right answer.

After execution

all tasks

Click here.


Return to traffic light

with the task.


Return to traffic light

with the task.


Return to traffic light

with the task.


Didactic game

for the assimilation of the main genres of music.

MBDOU kindergarten number 122 Penza "Baby"

Information sources:

Music and didactic game Z. Ya. Rota "Amazing Lightforward" // "Music and didactic games for preschool children", allowance for music leaders, Iris press, M, 2004.

Pictures : Scanned- "Music and Didactic Games for Preschool Children", allowance for music leaders, Iris-Press, M, 2004. Processed: Alexandrova I. A.

Animation: Alexandrova I. A.

Figure "Traffic light":


Background: http://radikal.ru/f/s57.radikal.ru/i157/1107/f9/a324bbfd33f5.jpg.html

Musical Row:

I. Kaplunova, I. Novoseltseva, "Holiday every day" // "Composer", St. Petersburg, 2008

Didactic game "Collect Lightfor"

In the framework of the project "Road Inspector".

One child or three can take part in the game.

Materials : Black Cardboard, Covers (Three Flowers: Red, Yellow and Green; Layout black Cardboard Light.

TARGET : To form the presentation of children about elementary rules road traffic; give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe meaning traffic light, fasten the appointment of red, yellow, green.

Tasks :

1. Secure the presentation of children about the appointment of three-flowered traffic light, about his signals, about their right, unchanged location,

2. Rail in children a cognitive interest in Road rules.

3. Develop attention, spectacular perception and speech, speed of reaction and smelting.

4. Develop the visual memory, the ability to navigate in space, contribute to the sensory development and development of shallow motility of the hands.

Game traffic:

Tanned red shine,

Stop kid - no pass!

Tanned yellow - wait a bit!

And he burned light green,

go my friend a scientist!

Estimated result:

In children, the initial skills of safe behavior on the road appear.

Children show interest in compliance Road traffic.

The child has sustainable color knowledge.

Gaming task: Show traffic lights correctly and call the value of its signals for pedestrians.

On the topic: Methodical development, presentations and abstracts

Didactic game "Collect flowers in the basket"

The concept of "small motorbish" means the exact motor abilities of the hands. Normal development of the child's speech is very closely connected with the development of the movements of the fingers. Therapy and motor zones in the Korean head ...

A complex of didactic games for children in the framework of the realization of a cognitive-creative project "Our native Saransk city

Education of love for homeland should begin in childhood with respect for loved ones ....

Educational and methodological manual for the first youngest group didactic game "Collect traffic lights"

Educational and methodological manual for the first junior Group Didactic game "Collect traffic lights & quot ...

Didactic game "Wrong traffic light" in the project "Road Inspector"

Didactic game "Wrong traffic light" in the project "Road Inspector" didactic game "Wrong traffic light" is intended for children for 3-7 years. ...


el. Address: ***** @ *** RU

Didactic game


Developed and talked:


kostroma, 2011

Explanatory note

The Didactic Game "Traffic" is intended for children of 4 years. The number of players is not limited.

Purpose of the game: Formation in children of safe behavior on the road.


1. Wear in children logical thinking and ability to create new game options.

2. Recompage in children cognitive interest in the rules of the road.

3. Reflow the colors of the traffic light and their purpose.

The game consists of 3 color cards in the form of a circle and 12 split parts (red, yellow, green).

Estimated result:

Children appear in the initial skills of safe behavior on the road.

Children are interested in compliance with the rules of the road.

The child has sustainable color knowledge.

Rules of the game:

Option 1

Children get up in a circle, leading in the center, offers children cards (red, yellow, green) consistently.

Red - stand.

Yellow - prepared (sat down).

Green - walk.

Option 2.

Children are offered split cards to collect traffic lights. Tell children about the purpose of the traffic light and its signals to save the participants in the road.

We recommend using the "traffic light" game, which is a lot of functional and is available to children in the game form will help to understand complex situations on the road. The game "Traffic light" is tested in MDOU kindergarten №34 and recommended by parents.

Department of Education Administration of Kostroma Kostroma Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Children's Garden No. 34 of the Outlooking Type with the Priority Implementation of Cognitive Development Children of the City of Kostroma


kg. Kostroma, pr. Peace, d. 137

el. Address: ***** @ *** RU


comprehensive class

with kids middle group According to study

Road rules on the topic:


Using the Didactic Game "Traffic light"

Amounted to:

Senior teacher


educators of the middle group

kostroma, 2011

Software tasks:

1. Develop in children logical thinking and ability to create new game options.

2. Expand the presentation of children about the types of traffic lights.

3. Relieve in children cognitive interest in road rules.

4. Fasten the colors of the traffic light and their purpose.

Materials and equipment: Light layout, crossroad layout, pedestrian transition sign, cards with different species Traffic light, Didactic game "Traffic light".

Methodical techniques: conversation, visibility, productive activity, game, survey.

Travel course.

Educator: Guys Listen to the riddle and try to guess it

At the transition strip

On the side of the road

Beast three-chapted, single-legged,

Unknown to us breed

Multicolored eyes

Talking with us.

Red eye looks at us:

Stop! - It says his order.

Yellow looks at us:


And green eye for us:

So keeps your conversation

Silent ............

Children: traffic light.

Educator: And how, you think, why is it needed? (Children's responses). The guys every year more and more cars appear on the street. So that the cars can move freely, and pedestrians safely be on the streets of the city, traffic lights were installed. Traffic light has three different signals. Who knows, name them.

Children: Red, Yellow, Green.

Educator: What do you think, why these colors were chosen for traffic lights. (Children's assumptions). Red signal - Well visible in the fog, in the dark. Red light is an alarm, danger, he is most noticeable it is difficult to confuse with another. Yellow signal - Just noticeable in bad weather. In the fog, it can be taken for a red signal, but, it will not care, it will warn the driver. Green signal - It is impossible to confuse either with red, nor with a yellow traffic light.

(View traffic light layout)

Educator: Lights are called a means of regulating the road. Depending on the purpose of the traffic light signals, there may be round, in the form of an arrow, a silhouette of a pedestrian or a cyclist. Also, the traffic light may have an additional section in the form of a green arrow, which is located at the level of the green circular signal.

Round traffic lights have the following values:

Green signal - permits movement;

Green flashing signal - permits movement, but warns that a prohibitive signal will be turned on soon. But it is better not to risk, not running on a flashing traffic signal.

Yellow signal - warns that the allowing or prohibitive signal will be enabled.

Red signal - prohibits movement.

Let's consider these types of traffic lights on cards.

But before you the traffic light, where the signals are made in the form of a pedestrian silhouette, then such a traffic light only for pedestrians. The green signal allows pedestrian movement, and red prohibits pedestrian movement.

There are still trafficial traffic shoes, where instead of round signals - a red, yellow, green bike, but there are no such traffic lights in our city.

Guys, did anyone see traffic lights that are supplemented by a sound signal?

(Children's responses)

Educator: Why do you need a beep? (Children's responses)

Educator: Traffic lights are supplemented with a beep for informing blind pedestrians.

Educator: Guys, can I go through the way where there is no traffic light?

Children: No.

Educator: But how then go the road?

Children: by pedestrian crossing.

Educators: right, on a pedestrian crossing. Let's consider this sign "Pedestrian Transition" and remember it. Guys, do you know how to move the road on a pedestrian crossing? (Assumptions of children)

Educator: At the pedestrian crossing, you can cross the way when you make sure the machines stopped and the transition will be safe for you. Walking on a pedestrian crossing, you should not linger or stop.

Educator: And now we have a little rest and play the game "Traffic light". Get up in a circle, I will show you a traffic light color card cards. If red - you are standing, yellow - squat, i.e. prepared, and green - you are walking together. First I will be the lead, and then choose the lead from the guys.

Educator: What are the great men, you rest and, now, we will make the applixation of traffic lights. You are represented circles of the color of the traffic light signal and you are in the correct order, you must stick to the cardboard.



Educator: Guys, what's new did you know in our lesson? You like our a new game "Traffic light"?

Appendix 2.

to the Regulations on the conduct

regional Competition

for the best learning game

by road rules

"ABC road safety


participant of the regional competition for the best training game according to the rules of the road safety "ABC of Road Safety"

Department of Education Administration of Kostroma Kostroma Municipal Preschool Educational Institution Children's Garden No. 34 of the Outlooking Type with the Priority Implementation of Cognitive Development Children of the City of Kostroma


Municipal district of Kostroma

Address: kg. Kostroma, prospekt of the world, d. 137, tel.

Contact phone (indicating code) (49,

E-mail address

familiarization of the preschoolers of the younger group with traffic lights

Abstract of didactic game-classes in the younger group

"Merry traffic light"

Purpose: To give children knowledge about the work of the traffic light, about the appointment of all his signals.

Equipment: Layout of traffic lights and road signs, cars by the number of children, circles of red, yellow, green colors, illustration "Funny traffic light"

Stroke Game

Guys, see who came to visit us today. This is a cheerful traffic light. He wants to meet you and play.

Lightforward (says the teacher): Hello, guys! I am a traffic light. I stand on the road and help moving and machines, and people. For this, I have three signals.

If the light is lit red,

So move dangerous.

Yellow light - warning,

Wait for the signal for moving.

Green light says:

"Go around, the path is open!" (S.Mikhalkov).

Guys, did you remember my signals? Let's repeat them again. ( Red, Yellow, Green).

Guys, I want to introduce you to my assistants - road signs. See how different they are. ( Children are considered road signs).

Let's lay down these signs and traffic lights on the carpet, take the cars and try to go on the roads, observing the signals of the traffic light. ( One child is chosen by the traffic light. It shows multicolored circles. The rest of the children are chaffins. They look at traffic lights and perform game actions).

Well done. I really liked how you observed traffic lights.

Guys, I have friends - traffic lights. But they had trouble, their lights stopped burning and traffic lights could not help cars on the road. Put them, please stick all the signals correctly. ( Children take place to work places and execute appliqué, the educator shows the technique of work).

Educator: Guys, let's remember once again, what kind of color signals have a traffic light? What are they denoted?

Traffic light: Thank you guys! Now my friends will help everyone who rides on the road. With you it was interesting to play. Can I come to you again? Bye.

Didactic game


Junior group (Slide number 2)

Objective: to introduce children with traffic lights. Secure children's knowledge about traffic lights. Learning to lay out the color of the traffic light in the correct sequence. Develop observation, attention, memory, speech. Rail interest in the game, perfection.
Wordwork: Traffic light, pavement, road, pedestrian.
Preliminary work: Monitoring the work of the traffic light with parents.
Material for playing: For each child, a traffic light layout without "eyes" and cardboard circles of red, green, yellow colors.
Stroke Game: The mystery of the traffic light "Lies with three eyes,

In turn flashes

How blinking - the order will lead

What it is?" (Traffic light)
Questions for children : 1. How did you guess what is the traffic light?

2. What color are the "eyes" at the traffic light?

3. What does the red traffic light mean?

4. What does the yellow traffic light say?

5. What does the Green Light Speech?

Suggest children to decompose cardboard colored mugs on a traffic light layout and explain their choice.

Didactic game

"What is too much"

Medium group (Slide from 5-9)

Purpose: Provide during the game the assimilation of knowledge of knowledge about ground, water, air and railway transport. Learn to classify types of transport. Develop attention, logical thinking, memory and speech. Relieve the ability to independently use the knowledge gained.

Wordwork: Terrestrial, water, air and railway transport.

Preliminary work : Acquaintance with the types of transport, viewing illustrations, reading fiction About modes of transport, riddles.

Material for playing : Cards with modes of transport for each child and 1 chip - I option

Cards with modes of transport on a kid and 4 chips - II option

Stroke Game : Questions for children.

  1. What types of transport do you know?

  2. Why is it so called?
Suggest children to consider your card and close one incorrect answer. Wins one who coped faster with the task.
Movable game
"Purobushki and cat"
Junior group (slide number 3)

Purpose:Secure children's knowledge about traffic lights. Learning to distinguish them, start and complete the specified actions on the signal. Educating attention, orientation skills in space.
Preliminary work: Watching the work of the traffic light with parents, the occupation of the cognitive cycle of traffic lights, drawing classes, appliqués on the topic "LightFood", reading fiction.
Game traffic: Children depict the grooves. One - "Cat", he sits on a chair. "Cat" alternately shows the colors of the traffic light. On the green - "Varobushki" scatter on the trees (we run out in different directions), on yellow - raise your hand, on red - stand. Who was wrong - he comes out of the game.

Materials:cat and sparrow masks.

Didactic game
"Gather a sign"
Middle Group (Slide No. 4)
Purpose:Teach children to distinguish and understand the signs of the road. Learning to collect from parts a whole sign. Exercise in the classification of signs. Develop attention, memory, speech, self-control skill. Facilitate the formation of perseverance by solving problem tasks. Educating the ability to bring the game to the end, a sense of collectivism, mutual assistance.
Wordwork: Forbidding, warning prescribing.
Preliminary work: Studying road signs in classes, memorizing poems about road signs.
Material for the game: A set of road signs corresponding to the age of children cut on 4-5 parts.
Game traffic: Questions for children.

  1. What road signs do you know?

  2. What do they mean?
Suggest children to collect a road sign from parts.

Wins one who coped faster with the task.

Verbal game
"What would happen if ...?"
Senior group
Purpose:Teach children to predict events. Ride imagination, connected speech by solving problem tasks, involving children in a discussion. Secure the knowledge of children about the terms of the road, understand the danger on the roads, expand knowledge about road users. Relief proper behavior on the road.

Wordwork: Adverter, road marking, sidewalk.

Preliminary work: Excursions to the roadway road, watching the work of the traffic light, reading poems about the traffic light, the regulator, about road signs.

Material for the game: Card with questions for children.

Game traffic: The educator sets questions to children and discusses the proposed situations. During the discussion, children come to the conclusion that there would be a confusion and accident on the roads. Observing the rules of the road, we preserve our own and other people's lives.

Questions: 1. What would happen if there were no traffic lights?

  1. ... if only the red color was burning, yellow, green?

  2. ... if there was no sidewalk?

  3. ... if there was no pedestrian crossing?

  4. ... if there were no road markings?

  5. ... if there was no adjustment?

  6. ... if there were no roadway?

  7. ... if there were no prohibiting warning signs?

Didactic game


Senior Group (slide10-12)
Purpose: Develop the ability to navigate the plane. Fasten the ability to call the location of the objects: on the right, on the left, at the top, below.

Provide during the study assimilation of modes of transport. Rail interest in the game.

Preliminary work: Movable orientation games in space.

Material for the game: Flangegraph, pictures.

Game traffic: The educator offers children to make a fun picture according to her story: "There was a boy Vova (puts the image in the middle of the picture). He came for a walk and saw at the top he shines and smiles at the sun.

Rem: Children, where is the sun?

Children: Show and say Up

Rem: Set the image of the sun. At the bottom flowing river. And where the river flows?

Children: Show and say - down.

Rest: puts the boat. Asks where the boat is floating?

Children: Down.

Rem: Where is the truck?

Children: Left.

Speed: And the light machine?

Children: Right.

Children show where objects are located.

Surrently: Suddenly Vova heard some sounds, looked and saw ... (I set up the plane). What and where did the boy saw?

Children: The boy saw at the top of the plane.

I'll see what a fun picture turned out. But, suddenly, a playful breeze flew out and stirped everything in the picture. See what happened (in the picture all the figures are confused)?

Children: call the location of objects relative to the boy and conclude that now it turned out a funny picture.

The educator offers children to restore the picture and correctly install objects. Children independently return objects in the original position.

Didactic game
Preparatory group (slide14-! 9)
Purpose:Teach children to guess riddles. Develop imagination, thinking. Relieve interest in solving crosswords and progress.

Preliminary work:Acquaintance with the types of transport.

Material for the game:Riddles, pictures.

Game traffic: The teacher makes the riddles to children about the types of transport. Children guess them, the teacher fills the crossword, and the children read the keyword.













































Didactic game

"Signs on the roads"

Preparatory Group (Slide No. 13)
Purpose:Teach children to use the knowledge gained in classroom. Provide during the game the absorption of road signs and rules of behavior on the road. Rail interest in learning traffic rules.

Wordwork: Prohibiting sign warning, pedestrian, stopping public transport, pedestrian walkway, crossroads, index sign, adjustr.

Preliminary work: Acquaintance with road signs, work on schemes, excursions, observations.

Materials for the game: Mockup map of city, set of road signs.

Game traffic: Children are invited to consider the scheme, properly place road signs and explain their choice.


used literature

  1. Alphabet of road science. Tutorial For 1 cl. nach schools / ed. Minnikhanova R.N., Khaliullina I.A.

  2. Covalo V.I. The game modular course on traffic rules or schoolboy went outside. Moscow, "Vako" .2006. P.191

  3. Zhukova R.A. Didactic games As a means of preparing children to school. II part. Volgograd. "AST teacher." 2005. P.79

  4. Saulin T.F. Three traffic lights. Didactic games, scenarios of leisure hours. Moscow, "Enlightenment". 1989. P.62.

  5. Education of children by the rules of safe behavior on the roads. Tutorial for preschool age. Regional Standard / Ed. Minnikhanova R.N., Khaliullina I.A. Kazan. 1995. p.166.

  6. Curriculum and children's training programs for safe conduct on roads in preschool educational institutions. Regional Standard / Ed. Minnikhanova R.N., Khaliullina I.A. Kazan. 1995. p.32.