Contents of the Working Program in the Dow on GEF. Recommendations for the development of the Work Program of the teacher according to GEF to

Structure of the Work Program of the teacher DOA according to GEF

1. Title List

The title page is a kind of "business card" program. Therefore, as in the business card, only the most necessary information should be specified here:

name of the educational institution;

where, when and by whom this program was approved (in the upper right corner - approves the head of the DOU (date, signature, the number of the order, in the upper left corner - adopted by the Pedagogical Council of the Institution, the Protocol number);

the full name of the program (for example, a working program for the joint activity of the teacher with children 3-4 years, the younger group.);

compiled on the basis of an approximate program (program name)

the term of the program (academic year);

city \u200b\u200bname;

the year of development of the program.

The content of the work program is prescribed and pages are specified.

3. Target section:

1) Explanatory note

Working program for the development of children .... The groups are developed in accordance with the OOP of the "kindergarten number", in accordance with the introduction of the FGOS to.

The Working Program for the Development of Children of the Elder Group provides the versatile development of children aged from __ to __ years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main areas - physical, social, cognitive, speech and artistic - aesthetic.

Partial programs are used:

"Young ecologist" S. N. Nikolaev or others.

The implemented program is based on the principle of the personal-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction of adult with children.

D Anna program is designed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43, 72.

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Typical position about DOU.


Charter Dow.

GEF to.

The purpose and tasks of the basic educational program of the DOU (from the approximate program, i.e. "from birth to school"):

Establishment of favorable conditions for a complete residence of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, to school training, ensuring the safety of the preschooler.

Tasks (mandatory part):

1. Caring for health, emotional well-being and timely development of every child.

2. The creation of a humane and benevolent attitude in the atmosphere groups to all pupils, which allows you to raise them with sociable, kind, inquisitive, initiative, seeking independence and creativity.

3. Maximum use of a variety of types of children's activities, their integration in order to improve efficiency

4. Creative Organization (Creativity)educational process.

5. The variability of the use of educational material that allows you to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child.

6. Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity.

7. The unity of approaches to raising children in a pre-school educational institution and family.

8. Compliance in the work of kindergarten and elementary school continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the formation of preschool children, ensuring the absence of substantive learning.

Tasks (part DOU):

Principles and approachesin the organization of the educational process:

1. Complies with the principle of developing education, the purpose of which is the development of the child.

2. Combines the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (corresponds to the main provisions of age psychology and pre-school pedagogy).

3. Complies with the criteria of completeness, need and sufficiency (allows you to solve the goals and objectives on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable "minimum").

4. Provides the unity of educational, training and developing goals and objectives of the process of education of preschool children, during the implementation of which such knowledge, skills and skills are formed, which are directly related to the development of preschoolers.

5. Constructed taking into account the principle of integration educational regions In accordance with the age capabilities and features of pupils.

6. Based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process.

7. It provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of preschoolers not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also when conducting regime moments in accordance with the specifics of pre-school education.

8. Ensures the construction of an educational process on adequate age forms of working with children (game)

9. Constructed on the principle of culturality. Gives national values \u200b\u200band traditions in education.

Significant to develop and implement the working program characteristics.

Age and individual features of the contingent of children ___ groups for example All the children of the group are perfectly owned by self-service skills, respect personal hygiene rules. Most children have a fine motility. The children of the group are inquisitive, show high cognitive activity, love to listen to books.

In gaming activities, children independently distribute roles and build their behavior, adhering to the gaming role.

It continues to improve speech, including its audio side. In the visual activity, it can be separated by round, oval, rectangular shape. 60% of children know colors and shades. Our children own some techniques of non-traditional drawing, etc.

- Planned program development results(in the form of targets)

W. personal implementation planOOP to B. senior group According to the program "From birth to school":

1) Physical development- Motor Activities - Forms of Educational Activities: Moving Games, Gaming Exercises, physical classes, sports games, physical education - duration and number of nodes

- a week 75 min. (3 nodes).

2) Cognitive development- a) informative-research activities - forms of educational activities: FMP, FCCM, conversations, didactic games, viewing pictures and illustrations, collecting, project implementation, quiz. - Duration and number of nodes - a week 40 minutes. (2 nodes)

- b) Designing - forms of educational activities: Designing from paper, natural and other material - duration and number of NOD - a week 10 minutes. (0, 5 nodes).

3) Speech development- Development of speech - forms of educational activities: conversations, quiz, didactic games, viewing paintings and illustrations - duration and number of nodes - a week 20 minutes. (1 node).

4) socially - communicative Development - a) Communicative activity -

Forms of educational activities: Obzh, game problem situations, conversations, quiz. - Duration and number of NODs - a week 10 minutes. (0.5 node).

b) self-service and elementary household work - forms of educational activities: instructions, duty, games, conversations, HBT. - Duration and number of NODs - daily in regime moments, not more than 20 minutes. (According to Sanpin, p. 12.22).

in) Game activity - forms of educational activities: plot-role, didactic, etc. - duration and number of NODs - in moderate moments.

5) Artistic - aesthetic development - a) Fine activity -

Forms of educational activities: drawing, modeling, applique. Collage. Project. Acquaintance with artists. Exhibition. - Duration and number of nodes - a week 70 min. (3 nodes).

b) the perception of fiction and folklore - forms of educational activities: conversations, hearing Hood. works, reading, learning of poems, theatrical game. - Duration and number of NOD - per week 25 min. (1 node).

c) Musical activity - forms of educational activities: hearing, improvisation, execution, musical and moving games, leisure, holidays and entertainment. - Duration and number of nodes - a week 50 minutes. (2 nodes).

6) Crab variative- Partial programs, etc.

H Ast Dow: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group

(climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others) 1) Climatic features:

When organizing an educational process, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. Tatarstan - the average strip of Russia: the time of the beginning and end of those or other seasonal phenomena (leaf fall, melting of snow, etc.) and the intensity of their flow; Composition of flora and fauna; the duration of the daylight; Weather conditions, etc.

The main features of the climate are: Cold Winter and Dry Hot Summer.

In the group's day mode, invigorating gymnastics, exercises for prevention flatfoot, respiratory gymnastics are included. In the cold season, the stay of children outdoors is extended. In the warm season - the vital activity of children, mainly, is organized outdoors.

Based climatic features region, the graph of the educational process is compiled in accordance with the allocation of two periods:

1. cold period: academic year(September-May, a certain day of the day is drawn up and the schedule of directly educational activities;

2. summer period (June-August, for which another day of the day is compiled.

2) Demographic features:

Analysis of the social status of families revealed that preschool institution Children from complete (___%, from incomplete (___%) and large (___%) families are brought up. The main composition of parents is medium-associated, with higher (___%) and secondary professional (___%) formation.

3) N. anya - cultural features:

The ethnic composition of the pupils of the group: Russians, Tatars, but the main contingent is children from Russian-speaking families. Training and upbringing in Dow is carried out in Russian.

The main contingent of pupils lives in the conditions of the city (only ___ child in the village).

The implementation of the regional component is carried out through acquaintance with the national cultural features of the native land. Getting acquainted with the native edge, its attractions, a child learns to realize himself, living in a certain time period, in certain ethnocultural conditions. This

information is implemented through the target walks, conversations, projects in the section "My City" program 1 time per week.

Work program teacher DOW taking into account

Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education

(senior group, 5-6 years).

Compiled on the basis of the approximate main educational program of preschool education (program name)

The working program is drawn up taking into account the integration of educational regions,

The work program is designed for children 5-6 years old (senior group) and

calculated for 36 weeks, which corresponds to comprehensive-thematic planning for the program (the name of the program)

The work program is "open" and provides for variability,

integration, changes and additions as needed.

3 Perspective planning for educational areas

4 Example of a regional promising planning model

5 Correctional work. Work with parents.

6 Monitoring system

7 Program development results

8 Educational-methodical Support

9 Bibliography

Explanatory note

The leading goal of the working program is to create favorable conditions for a complete residence of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparing for life in modern society, to school training, life safety preschooler. These goals are implemented in the process of various types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, labor, informative

research, productive, musical and artistic, reading.

1. To promote the natural process of mental and physical development of children through the organization of the game, communicative, cognitive

research, labor, motor, reading fiction,

musical and artistic, productive activities;

2. Ensure psychological and pedagogical support of work on the development of educational areas;

3. implement the forms of organization of jointadult-child (partnership) in the course of direct educational activities (NOD),

independent activities (SD), regime moments, working with parents.

The following factors have paramount importance to achieve the goals of the program:

caring for health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;

creating in groups of the atmosphere of humane and friendly relations to all pupils, which allows you to raise them with sociable, kind,

inquisitive, initiative, seeking independence and creativity;

maximum use of a variety of types of children's activities, their integration in order to improve efficiency

creative Organization (Creativity)educational process;

the variability of the use of educational material, which allows to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclination of each child;

respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;

unity of approaches to raising children in pre-school educational institutions and families;

adherence to the work of the kindergarten and primary school continuity,

excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of children of preschool age, providing the absence of substantive learning.

Age Features of Children's Development 5-6 years (Senior Group)

A child of 5-6 years can regulate behavior on the basis of learned norms and rules, its ethical ideas, and not in response to the requirements of other people.

Emotionally experiences non-compliance with the norms and rules and the inconsistency of behavior with its ethical ideas. Without control by adult, not distracted,

it can carry out work responsibilities, bring to the end to the end of an attractive job, to restore order in the room. Behavior becomes more restrained.

It plays together, restrains aggressive reactions, shares, rightly distributes roles, helps in cooperation with friends.

GEF to. Working program of the educator in the preparatory school group of kindergarten

Korobova Tatiana Vladimirovna,
lecturer GBPOU "Pedagogical College №4" of St. Petersburg


1. Operating section of the working program:

1.1. Explanatory note

1.1.1. Objectives and objectives of the work program

1.1.2. Principles and approaches to the formation of a working program

1.1.3. Based on the development of a working program

1.1.5. Social portrait of a group

1.2. Targetlights at the stage of completion of pre-school education (planned results of development of the working program)

1.3. Assessment of the development of the work program

1.4. Deadline for the Work Program

2. Subtractive section of the Working Program:

2.2. Organization and forms of interaction with parents (legal representatives)

3. The organizational section of the Working Program:

3.1. Staying the children in the group

3.1.2. Rules in the cold season in rainy weather

3.1.3. Flexible mode in the cold season

3.1.4. Rules of the day for the time of outdoor activities, vacation, in warm season

3.1.5. Rules of the day for the time of active recreation, vacation, in warm season in rainy weather

3.2.1. Features of the organization RPPS

3.3.1. Planning one at a five-day week

3.3.2. Organization OD at a five-day week

3.4. Working Program Methodical Provision

3.4.1. Methodical manuals

3.4.2. Workers notebooks


1. Target section of the Work Program

1.1. Description

1.1.1 Objectives and objectives of the work program

Present working programm Designed for the preparatory school of a kindergarten group based on the ODC in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education.

The purpose of the working program is:

· Creating favorable conditions for a full-fledged stay by each child of preschool childhood

· Creation of conditions for the formation of the foundation in children of the basic culture of the individual, the comprehensive development of the mental and physical qualities of each child in accordance with age and individual characteristics

· Preparation of preschoolers for life in modern society

· Ensuring the safety of the vital activity of the preschooler

The objectives of the working program are implemented in the process of various types of children's activities:

  • Educational activities, which is carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities - game, communicative, labor, educational, research, productive, musical and artistic, reading of fiction.
  • Educational activities carried out during regime moments.
  • Independent activities of children.
  • Interaction with families of children in the implementation of the educational program.

To achieve the goals of the program, paramount importance are:

  • caring for health, emotional well-being and timely comprehensive development of each child;
  • creation in the atmosphere groups of humane and friendly attitudes towards all pupils, which will make them grow by sociable, kind, inquisitive, initiative, seeking independence and creativity;
  • maximum use of a variety of types of children's activities; their integration in order to improve the effectiveness of the educational process;
  • creative organization of the process of upbringing and learning;
  • the variability of the use of educational material, which allows to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclination of each child;
  • respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity;
  • the unity of approaches to raising children in the conditions of Dou and family;
  • compliance with the work of the kindergarten and primary school of continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of substantive learning pressure.

Based on the objectives of the working program, the following tasks are formed:

· Provide the natural process of mental and physical development of children through the organization of the game, communicative, educational, labor, engineering, reading of fiction, musical and artistic, productive activities;

· Strengthen the health of pupils, to attach them to a healthy lifestyle, develop the motor and hygiene culture of children.

· Ensure psychological and pedagogical support of work on the development of educational areas;

· Implement the forms of the organization of joint adult-child (partnerships) during direct educational activities, in independent activities, in regime moments, in working with parents.

· Develop the humanistic orientation of children's relations to the world, to educate in children a culture of communication, emotional responsiveness and goodwill to people.

· Develop in children cognitive activity, cognitive interests, intellectual abilities, independence and initiative, striving for active activities and creativity.

· Develop the aesthetic feelings of children, creative abilities, emotional-value orientations, to introduce pupils to art and artistic literature.

1.1.2 Principles and approaches to the formation of a working program

The work program is based on the basic principles of pre-school education (see clause 1.4. GEF to):

1) a full-fledged accommodation by a child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of children's development;

2) the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in the choice of its formation, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter - the individualization of pre-school education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child with a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) support for children's initiative in various activities;

5) cooperation of the organization with family;

6) the admission of children to socio-cultural standards, traditions of family, society and state;

7) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

8) age-related adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, agents and development features);

9) Accounting for the ethnocultural situation of the development of children.

The work program uses basic scientific approaches underlying GEF to:

1. Cultural and historical approach.

2. Personal approach.

3. Activity approach.

1.1.3. Based on the development of a working program

The work program is designed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

· Federal law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273 -FZ.

· "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of preschool organizations." Sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards of SanPiN, approved by the Resolution of the Head State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26.

· By order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10/17/2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education".

· Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 13.08.2013. №1014 "0B Approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for the main general educational programs - educational programs of pre-school education. "

· Charter of GDDOU kindergarten 118 Vyborg district of St. Petersburg

1.1.4. Age features of children groups

In the preparatory for school, children begin to master the complex interactions of people reflecting the characteristic significant life situations in plot-role-playing games. Gaming actions are becoming more complicated, they acquire meaning that does not always open with an adult. Gaming space is complicated. It may have several centers, each of which supports its scene line. At the same time, children are able to track the behavior of partners throughout the game space and change their behavior depending on the place in it.

Images out surrounding life and literary workstransmitted by children in the visual activity becomes more difficult. The drawings acquire a more detailed character, their color scheme is enriched. The differences between the drawings of girls and boys become more explicit. With the right pedagogical approach, preschoolers are formed artistic and creative abilities for visual activities.

Children largely master the design of building material. They are able to perform various buildings in the degree of complexity of both their own intent and conditions.

Children can master the complex forms of addition from a sheet of paper and invent their own. This type of activity is important for deepening spatial representations.

Complete constructing from natural material. Children are available holistic compositions by prior plan.

Children continue to develop perception, but they can not always take into account several different signs at the same time.

Developed figurative thinking, but reproduction of metric relations is difficult.

The skills of generalization and reasoning continue to develop, but they are largely limited to visual signs of the situation.

Imagination continues to develop, but it is often possible to observe a decrease in the development of imagination at this age in comparison with the older group. This can be explained by various influences, including the media, resulting in the stereotype of images.

It continues to develop attention, it becomes arbitrary. In some activities, random attention reaches 30 minutes.

It continues to develop, its sound side, grammatical system, vocabulary. A coherent speech is developing. The statements of children reflect both the expanding dictionary and the nature of the generalizations that are formed at this age. Children actively consume generalizing nouns, synonyms, antonyms, adjectives, etc. Children develop dialogic and some forms of monologic speech.

This year, the children of the group ends the preschool age. The main achievements are associated with the development of the world of things as objects of human culture, with the development of forms of positive communication with people, with the development of sexual identification, with the formation of a schoolboy's position. By the end of the preschool age, children should have a high level of cognitive and personal DevelopmentThat will allow them to continue to successfully learn at school.

1.1.5 Social portrait of a group

The group is visited by 22 children 6 - 7 years old. Of these, with the I Health Group - 8 children (36%), with the II Health Group 13 children (59%), with the III Health Group 1 child (5%).

Analysis of the social status of families revealed that in a group of 18 families (82%) - full families, 4 families (18%) - incomplete families (a child lives with mom), 1 family (5%) is large. The standard of living of families is satisfactory.

Analysis of the ethnic composition of the students of the group: 20 children - Russians (91%), 2 children - Armenians (9%). 1 child (5%) from a bilingual family, which makes certain difficulties in the joint activities of the educator with this child.

In group 10 boys (45%) and 10 girls (55%).

In this academic year, 2 children from other kindergarten groups were switched to our group. Newly arrived children organically "joined" in a children's team. At the moment, a cohesive children's team is celebrated, friendly relations between children have been established, which manifest themselves in all activities. Children are active, friendly. Parents take part in the life of a group and kindergarten, are interested in the life of children, they rejoice in their successes, provide special assistance in the upbringing and development of children.

1.2. Targetlights at the stage of completion of pre-school education (planned results of the program development)

The child seizes the main cultural activities of activity, manifests the initiative and independence in different types activities - game, communication, educational and research activities, design, etc.; It is able to choose a deal of classes, participants in joint activities.

The child has a positive attitude towards peace, various types of labor, other people and oneself, has a sense of self-esteem, actively interacts with peers and adults, participates in joint games.

The child is able to negotiate, take into account the interests and feelings of others, empathize and rejoice in the success of others; An adequately manifests his feelings, including the feeling of faith in herself, tries to resolve conflicts. Able to express and defend its position on various issues.

The child is able to cooperate and perform both leadership and performing functions in joint activities.

The child understands that all people are equal regardless of their social origin, ethnicity, religious and other religions, their physical and mental features.

The child is showing empathy towards other people, willingness to come to help those who need it.

The child shows the ability to hear others and the desire to be understood by others.

The child has a developed imagination, which is implemented in different activities, and above all in the game, owns different forms and types of the game, distinguishes the conditional and real situation, knows how to obey various rules and social standards. Able to recognize various situations and adequately evaluate them.

The child speaks good enough speech, can express his thoughts and desires, uses speech to express his thoughts, feelings and desires, construction. speech statement in the situation of communication, allocate sounds in words. A child has literacy backgrounds.

The child has a large and small motility, it is moving, hardy, owns the main movements, can control his movements and manage them.

The child is capable of volitional efforts, it can follow the social norms of behavior and rules in different activities, in relationship with adults and peers. He can comply with the rules of safe behavior and personal hygiene.

The child shows responsibility for the work started.

The child shows curiosity, asks questions to adults and peers, interested in causal relations, is trying to independently invent explanations of nature phenomena and actions of people. He is inclined to observe, experiment, has initial knowledge of himself, the natural and social world in which he lives; familiar with the works of children's literature, possesses elementary ideas from the field of wildlife, natural science, mathematics, history, etc. The child is inclined to accept its own decisions, based on his knowledge and skills in various activities.

The child is open in a new way, shows the desire for knowledge, a positive motivation to further education at school, Institute.

The child shows respect for life in various forms and care for the environment.

The child emotionally responds to the beauty of the surrounding world, works of folk and professional art (music, dancing, theater activities, visual activities, etc.)

The child shows patriotic feelings, feels pride for his country, its achievements, has ideas about its geographical diversity, multinationality, the most important historical events.

The child has primary ideas about himself, family, traditional family values, including traditional gender orientations, show respect for its and the opposite sex.

The child complies with elementary generally accepted norms, has primary value ideas about what is good and what is bad, "seeks to come well, manifests respect for the eldest and care for younger.

The child has initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle, perceives a healthy lifestyle as a value.

1.3. Procedure for the development of the work program

When implementing a working program can be made evaluation of individual development of children. Forms and methods of pedagogical diagnosis - observation and analysis of children's activities. Such an assessment is made in the framework of pedagogical diagnostics (assessment of individual development of preschool children) related to the evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical actions and underlying their further planning.

The results of pedagogical diagnostics can be used exclusively to solve the following educational tasks:

Individualization of education

Optimization of working with a group of children

1.4. Deadline for the Work Program

2. Content section of the Work Program

2.1. Contents of the joint venture of the teacher with children

The working program determines the content and organization of the joint venture of the educator and children in the preparatory to school group of kindergarten. It is aimed at the formation of a common culture, the development of physical, intellectual and personal qualities of children of 6-7 years, the formation of their prerequisites for educational activities, ensuring their further social success, preservation and health promotion.

2.1.1. Comprehensive-thematic planning

The work program is based on the thematic approach. Each week is dedicated to a certain topic, which is initially considered during the "cognitive development", held on Monday. All other OD continues the proposed topic, more or less degree associated with it. Even on those OD who have the goals that are not related to the theme of the week is given a brief mention of the topic of the week in certain points. The topic of the week as possible is fixed in the mode of mode, in working with your family.

The use of a comprehensive-thematic principle of planning, taking into account the integration of educational areas, makes it possible to ensure the unity of educational, developing and learning purposes and tasks, while solving the goals and objectives, avoiding the overload of children.



Final event

1 quarter - autumn


"Knowledge Day"

Group Holiday "Knowledge Day"

"My Russia, folk culture and traditions. Russian folk crafts »

Exhibition of children's creativity: "Khokhloma boards" (decorative drawing).

"Merry Mathematics"

Evening mathematical entertainment.

"My city, my street, my house"

An exhibition of children's creativity: "My Street" (Applique, Drawing).

Quiz "Rules road»


"My city. Walking around St. Petersburg"

An exhibition of children's creativity: "Autumn in the summer garden" (drawing).

"Nature Gifts"

Exhibition of children's crafts from natural material.

Group holiday "Forest Riddles".

"Healthy lifestyle"

Group holiday "grow healthy."


Autumn holiday.


"Day of People's Unity"

Group holiday "My Homeland - Russia".

"Fairy tales of the root of Ivanovich Chukovsky"

An exhibition of children's creativity: "Wonderful tree" (drawing + appliqué).

Quiz "Fairy Tales Chukovsky" (with merry contests and prizes).

"Journey of water droplets"

An exhibition of children's creativity "Fish - Water Residents" (drawing, modeling, applique, origami). Cognitive conversation "Water Circulation in Nature."

"Mothers Day"

Holiday "My Favorite Mommy"

Q2 2 - Winter


"Russians folk tales»

Group holiday "Fabulous journey"

"Winter sports"

An exhibition of children's creativity: "Winter sports" (drawing, modeling, applique).

"Merry workshops"

Making new year cards.

New Year decoration group.

« New Year»

New Year's celebration.


"Portrait, Landscape, Still Life"

Exhibition of Children's Creativity: "Winter Landscape" (Drawing).

"Fairy Tale Week"

Exhibition of Children's Creativity "Magic Birds" (Drawing + Applique).

"My favorite city of St. Petersburg"

Group holiday "We - Petersburgers"



Cognitive conversation "Winter is a wizard".

"Basics of life safety"

Cognitive conversation: "Rules of safe behavior in different life situations."

"Defender of the Fatherland Day"

The evening entertainment "Papin holiday". Production of festive cards.

"Physical Education and Sport"

The evening of sports entertainment "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family."

Exhibition of children's creativity "Sports games".

3 Quarter - Spring, 4 Quarter - Summer


"International Women's Day"

Holiday "Concert for Moms and Grandmothers."

Production of festive cards.

"Plants around us"

Exhibition of Children's Creativity: "Flowers" (Applique, Origami).


Musical leisure "Maslenitsa"

An exhibition of children's creativity "Birds" (drawing, modeling, applique, origami).


"Children's Book Week"

Exhibition of favorite home books.

"Planet Earth. Cosmonautics Day

The evening of musical entertainment "Space Journey".

Exhibition of Children's Creativity "Cosmos"

"The World of Insects"

An exhibition of children's creativity "Butterflies" (drawing, modeling, applique, origami).

"Spring, Spring and Labor holiday"

Group holiday "Spring goes, spring road!"


"Victory Day"

Meeting with veterans.

Concert for veterans.

"My family"

Exhibition of collaborative works of parents and children "The Genealogical Tree of My Family", "the coat of arms of my family".

Holiday "Goodbye, kindergarten!"

"Vivat, St. Petersburg"

Holiday "Vivat, St. Petersburg"


"Pushkin Poetry"

The evening of entertainment "There, on the unknown tracks ..."

Russia is my homeland"

Musical leisure "I love you, Russia, my dear Rus!"

Musical sports holiday "Sun shines in the window, the summer has come!"

2.1.2. Content of educational activities

1.Social - communicative development: aims to assimilate the norms and values \u200b\u200badopted in society, including moral and moral values; development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; the establishment of independence, focus and self-regulation of their own actions; development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, the formation of preparedness for joint activities with peers, the formation of a valid attitude and feelings of belonging to their family and the community of children and adults in the organization; formation of positive plants for various types of labor and creativity; Formation of the fundamentals of safe behavior in everyday life, in society, in nature.

Basic goals and objectives:

Socialization, development of communication, moral education.

Formation of gender and family affiliation.

Self-service, independence, labor education.

Formation of the basics of security.

2. Cognitive development Inappropriate the development of the interests of children, curiosity and cognitive motivation, the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness, the development of imagination and creative activity. Cognitive development forms the primary ideas of a child about themselves, about other people, about objects of the world, about the properties and relationships of the objects of the world (form, color, size, material, sound, rhythm, pace, numbers, numbers, parts, and the whole, space and time, motion and rest, causes and a consequence, etc.). Cognitive development is developing the interest of children to the small Motherland and Fatherland, gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe sociocultural values \u200b\u200bof our people, about the domestic traditions and holidays, about the planet Earth, as the common house of people, about the features of its nature, about the diversity of countries and the peoples of the world.

Basic goals and objectives:

Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Development of educational and research activities, including experimental activities (educational and methodological manual "Entertaining experiments with air, water, sand and static electricity")

Acquaintance with the subject environment.

Acquaintance with the social world.

Acquaintance with the world of nature.

3. Speech development includes speech possession as a means of communication and culture, enrichment of the active dictionary, the development of a connected and grammatically correct dialogic and monologue speech, the development of speech creativity. Also, speech development includes the development of sound and intonational culture of speech, phonderatic hearing; Acquaintance with book culture, children's literature, understanding of the texts of various genres of children's literature; Formation of sound analytical synthetic activity as a literacy training background.

Basic goals and objectives:

Development of children's speech.

Familiarity with fiction.

4. Artistically - aesthetic development involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the world of nature; The formation of aesthetic attitude towards the world around; Formation elementary representations about art kinds; perception of music, fiction, folklore; Stimulating empathy characteristics artistic works; Implementation of independent creative activities of children (fine, structurally model, etc.).

Basic goals and objectives:

Acquisition for art.

Fine activity.

Constructive-model activity.

5. Physical development Includes the acquisition of experience in the following activities of children:

Motor activity related to the right non-damage to the body by performing major movements (walking, running, soft jumps, turns in both directions)

Exercises aimed at developing physical qualities such as coordination and flexibility contributing to the right formation musculoskeletal system the organism, the development of equilibrium, coordination of movement, large and shallow motility of both hands;

Formation of initial ideas about some sports;

Mastering rolling games with rules;

The formation of focus and self-regulation in the motor sphere;

The establishment of the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy lifestyle, mastering its elementary standards and rules (in nutrition, engine mode, hardening, when forming useful habits, etc.)

Basic goals and objectives:

Formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle

Physical education.

An integral part of the educational field "physical development" is also:

1. Holding mobile games, sports events, leisure and holidays.

2. Fismini (engine-speech, gymnastics for eyes, finger gymnastics, relaxation exercises), this is the necessary component of each Node of the static plan (the methodological development of "Fizminutka we need, they are important for children!")

3. Waiting gymnastics, daily held after day sleep

4. Morning gymnastics, held daily in the morning.

5. Point self-massage and respiratory gymnastics (Cold period of the year, Risk of Orzi, ORVI)

6. The system of hardening events:

Contrast air baths (group room and gym) - after daytime sleep and at physical education

Walking barefoot (group room) - after day sleep

Lightweight children's clothing (group room) - during the day

Wash hands, face. Neck cool water (group room) - during the day

The working program is based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process; Ensures the construction of an educational process on adequate age forms of working with children.

In part of the working program, which formed by participants in educational relations (no more than 40%)Submitted:

1. Partial programsaimed at developing children in several educational areas:

· Socially communicative development - "Ethnocalendar of St. Petersburg, 2015", St. Petersburg, Frigate, 2014.

· Artistic - aesthetic development - I.A. Lykov "Colored palms. Fine activity in kindergarten. Preparatory for school Group », M.: Karapuz, 2009

· Physical development- ld Glazerina "Program" Physical Culture - Preschoolers ", M. Vlados, 2004

· Cognitive development- Alifanova "First steps. St. Petersburg for kids from 3 to 7 years old, "M. Paritet, 2008. The implementation of the regional component is carried out through the acquaintance with the national cultural features of the city of St. Petersburg. Getting acquainted with the hometown, its attractions, the child learns to realize himself, living in a certain time period, in certain ethnocultural conditions.

2. Innovative technologies(Modern educational technologies), forms of organizing work with children who most comply with the needs and interests of children of this group.

· Project activity

· ICT technology ("Approximate methods of using ICT technologies in educational and educational activities of the DOU" 28-08.)

· TRIZ-technology, development methods creative imagination preschoolers ("Games and exercises for the development of creative imagination of preschoolers"

· Dielesh blocks, ("initial system gaming activities With Dienesh blocks "

· Fairy tale therapy

· Research technology ("Entertaining experiments with air, water, sand and static electricity"

· Matery.

· Technology of musical impact.

· Excobovich games.

· Heating technology:


Fingering gymnastics, ("Finger games - the best way to develop small motors of the hands of preschoolers"

Gymnastics for the eyes, ("Fisminists we need, for children they are important!"

Relaxation exercises (elements of psychohymnastics), ("Game relaxation exercises for senior preschoolers"

The Working Program is compiled, taking into account the integration of educational areas, the content of children's activities is distributed by months and weeks and represents the system designed for one academic year. It is intended for children 6 - 7 years old (preparatory to school group of kindergarten) and is designed for 40 weeks.

The Working Program provides for the solution of software educational tasks not only in the framework of educational activities, but also in the course of moderates, both in the joint activities of adult and children and in independent activities of preschoolers.

Perspective planning of the joint venture of the teacher with children of 6 - 7 years in the preparatory to school group of kindergarten is presented in the form of an application to the Working Program.

2.2. Organization and forms of interaction with parents (legal representatives)

The legal basis for the interaction of a pre-school educational institution with parents are documents international law (Declaration of the Rights of the Child and the Convention on the Rights of the Child), as well as the Laws of the Russian Federation (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Family Code of the Russian Federation, the laws "On Education", "On Basic Guarantees of the Rights of the Child in the Russian Federation"). The most important provisions of these documents were reflected in this work program:

The right of a child for education, humanistic in nature, health and recreation, free participation in cultural and creative Life, artwork;

Careful attitude to the individuality of each child, the peculiarities of its development;

The child's right is not to protect against all the forms of physical and mental violence, insults, the lack of care or negligent circulation;

Interactions of the Dow with the family in order to form health, upbringing and full-fledged child development.

Working with parents is based on the principles of confidence, dialogue, partnership, accounting for parents' interests and their experience of raising children. Educators in their work with family use different forms:

· Conducting thematic parent meetings (3 times a year).

· Consultations for parents. Parents will optionally familiarize themselves with the text of each consultation in the paper version or on the personal website of the tutor, section "for parents" (files with texts of consultation and consultation presentations).

· Daily open communication with parents "In Contact" for any questions you are interested in on the official page of the "Znayak" group (Group №4 GDDOU 118 Vyborg district of St. Petersburg).

· Organization of group exhibitions creative work Children and joint creative children and parents.

· Joint visits to children, parents and educators of children's theaters, holding excursions in museums (on weekends).

· Organization of thematic holidays with the participation of children and parents.


Work forms

IX- 2015.

"Psychological features of children 5-6 years old"

Consultation for parents

"Age features of children 6 - 7 years old"

Parent-teacher meeting

"Rules for parents of the group" Znayka "

Consultation for parents

X- 2015.

"Rules for the carriage of children in a personal car"

Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents

"Autumn Fantasy"

Competition crafts from natural material made jointly by children and parents.

"Autumn Golden to visit us came"


"Mode of the Day of the Preschooler"

Consultation for parents

"Naughty child"

Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents "Prevention of colds in children of senior preschool age"

Thematic holiday with the participation of children and parents "Mother's Day"


"Russian folk tales"

Joint visit to the Children's Theater on a weekend (children, parents, educators) - a performance based on Russian folk fairy tales.

"Winter sports games for senior preschool children"

Parent-teacher meeting

Consultation for parents "Finger games - the best way to develop small motility of hands from preschoolers"

Thematic holiday with the participation of children and parents "Hello, New Year"

I- 2016.

KVN "Fairy Tale"

Thematic evening of entertainment with the participation of children and parents

"The role of children's impressions in the development of artistic creativity of preschoolers"

Consultation for parents

Consultation for parents "Baby Treats Active and Hyperactive. What is the difference?"

"Russian Museum"

Joint excursion to the Russian Museum for children, parents and educators "Portrait, Landscape, Still Life" on a weekend.

II - 2016.

"Winter - Magician"

Competition of creative crafts for winter themes made jointly by children and parents.

"Safety technique for a preschooler - Rules for parents!"

Consultation for parents

"Gender education of preschool children. Education of girls, boys upbringing "

Consultation for parents

"Prevention of the disorders of the posture and the foot of the foot of the preschoolers"

Consultation for parents

III - 2016.

"Concert for mothers and grandmothers"

Thematic holiday with the participation of children and parents

"Rights and obligations of parents"

Consultation for parents

"Birds Day"

Contest of birdhouses made jointly by children and parents.


Joint visit to the Children's Theater on the weekend (children, parents, educators) - the play "Wire Wires".

"All about the sample manta"

Consultation for parents

IV- 2016.

"Space trip"

Competition of creative crafts for space topics, made jointly by children and parents.

"My favorite book"

Exhibition of children's books

"Security Rules for Pedestrian Children

and accompanying their adult pedestrians "

Consultation for parents

"Children's toys and requirements for them"

Consultation for parents

V- 2016.

"Victory Day"

Meeting with the great-grandfather and great-grandmothers of the children of the group, veterans of the Second World War. Concert for veterans.

"My family"

Photo exhibition of family photographs made by parents.

"The genealogical tree of my family", "my coat of arms"

Exhibition of collaborative works of parents and children.

"Soon to school"

Parent-teacher meeting

"Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello, school! "

Thematic holiday with the participation of children and parents

"Vivat, St. Petersburg"

Thematic holiday with the participation of children and parents


"Color - soul mirror. As in the colors of the children's drawing, determine the mood of the child and the characteristics of the character of the child "

Consultation for parents

"Hardening preschool children at home"

Consultation for parents

"Sun shines in the window, the summer has come!"

Music - Sports holiday with the participation of children and parents

"Summer walk in the forest with a child - security rules"

Consultation for parents

3. Organizational section of the working program

3.1 Doing children's stay in the group

The day of the day is a clear routine of life during the day, providing for an alternation of wakefulness and sleep, as well as a rational organization of various activities. Compliance with the regime of the day is one of the most important conditions for the high performance of the human body. With its observance, a certain biological rhythm of the functioning of the body is produced, i.e. A stereotype is produced in the form of a system of alternating conditional reflexes. Fixing, they facilitate the body to fulfill its work, since they create the conditions and possibilities of internal physiological training for the upcoming activities. The day of the day has hygienic and educational significance, cultural and hygienic skills are formed, and the organism is protected from overwork and over-excitation. With a clear execution of the day of the child, the child is formed: organized, independence, self-confidence.

In compiling the residence mode of children in the group, the climatic features of the region were taken into account. St. Petersburg is the middle strip of Russia. The main features of the climate are: Cold Winter and Dry Hot Summer.
Based on the climatic characteristics of the region, the routine of the day is drawn up in accordance with the allocation of two periods: the cold season, the winter period, the school year (September-May) and the warm season, the summer period, vacation (June-August).

3.1.1. Rules in the cold season




09.00-10.40 Organized childhood activity (total durability, including breaks).

10.40-10.50 Lunch.



12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.



15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-16.40 Games, independent and organized activities.


18.30-18.45 Return from a walk,


3.1.2. Day of the day in the cold season in rainy weather

07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-09.00 Games, independent activities of children.

09.00-10.40 Organized childhood activity (total durability, including break).

10.40-10.50 Lunch.


12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.



18.45-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.

3.1.3. Flexible mode in the cold season


07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-09.00 Games, independent activities of children.

09.00-09.30 Organized children's activity: the world of nature / cognitive development, subject and social environment.


09.40-10.10 Organized Children's Activities: Fine Activity, Applique / Lrack

10.10-10.40 Independent activities.

10.40-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-11.00 Preparation for a walk.

11.00-11.30 Organized childhood activity: Physical education on the street.

11.30-12.30 Morning walk,

12.30-12.40 Return from the walk, independent activities.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-15.55 Cognitive conversation on a lexical topic.



16.40-18.00 Preparation for a walk, evening walk.

18.00-18.20 Return from the walk, independent activities.

18.20-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.


07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-09.00 Games, independent activities of children.


09.30-09.40 Dynamic pause (break between node).

09.40-10.20 Organized children's activity: visual activity, drawing.

10.20-10.40 Independent activities.

10.40-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-12.30 Preparation for walking, morning walk.

12.30-12.40 Return from the walk, independent activities.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.


16.10-16.30 Games. Independent activities.

16.30-16.40 Reading fiction

16.40-18.00 Preparation for a walk, evening walk.

18.00-18.20 Return from the walk, independent activities.

18.20-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.


07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-09.00 Games, independent activities of children.

09.00-09.30 Organized childhood activity: development of speech, preparation for graduation.



10.05-10.10 Return to a group from the music hall.

10.10-10.40 Organized children's activity: cognitive development, educational research activities.

10.40-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-12.30 Preparation for walking, morning walk.

12.30-12.40 Return from the walk, independent activities.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-15.55 Cognitive conversation "Zoz" / "Obzh"

15.55-16.30 Games. Independent activities.

16.30-16.40 Reading fiction

16.40-18.00 Preparation for a walk, evening walk.

18.00-18.20 Return from the walk, independent activities.

18.20-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.


07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-09.00 Games, independent activities of children.

09.00-09.30 Organized childhood activity: cognitive development, formation of elementary mathematical ideas.

09.30-09.40 Dynamic pause (break between node).

09.40-10.20 Organized childhood activity: visual activities. Painting.

10.20-10.40 Independent activities.

10.40-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-12.30 Preparation for walking, morning walk.

12.30-12.40 Return from the walk, independent activities.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-16.10 Organized children's activity: physical education.

16.10-16.30 Games. Independent activities.

16.30-16.40 Reading fiction

16.40-18.00 Preparation for a walk, evening walk.

18.00-18.20 Return from the walk, independent activities.

18.20-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.


07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-09.00 Games, independent activities of children.

09.00-09.30 Organized children's activity: development of speech.

09.30-09.40 Transition of children to the music hall.

09.40-10.20 Organized children's activity: music.

10.20-10.25 Return of children to the group.

10.25-10.40 Group holiday / independent activity

10.40-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-12.30 Preparation for walking, morning walk.

12.30-12.40 Return from the walk, independent activities.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-15.55 Cognitive conversation (art) / design.

15.55-16.30 Games. Independent activities.

16.30-16.40 Reading fiction

16.40-18.00 Preparation for a walk, evening walk.

18.00-18.20 Return from the walk, independent activities.

18.20-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.

3.1.4. The day of the day for the time of active recreation, vacation, in warm season

07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten (meeting of children on the street), free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Return from a walk. Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.


10.30-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-12.30 Preparation for walking, morning walk.

12.30-12.40 Return from the walk, independent activities.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-16.40 Games, independent activities.

16.40-18.30 Preparation for a walk, evening walk.

18.30-18.45 Return from the walk, independent activities.

18.45-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.

3.1.5. Sports of the day for the time of active recreation, vacation, in warm season in rainy weather

07.00-08.30 The arrival of children in kindergarten, free game, independent activities of children, morning warm-up.

08.30-08.50 Preparation for breakfast, breakfast.

08.50-10.30 Games. Joint activities with children, entertainment.

10.30-10.50 Lunch.

10.50-12.40 Moving games, sports games; Working with a book, independent art and speech activities of children. Construction and design games, didactic games.

12.40-13.00 Preparation for dinner, lunch.

13.00-15.00 Preparation to sleep, daytime sleep.

15.00-15.25 Gradual rise, invigorating gymnastics, hygienic procedures, independent activities.

15.25-15.40 Afternooner.

15.40-16.40 Games, independent and organized childhood activities.

16.40-18.45 Moving games, sports games; individual work with kids; Theatrical games, manual labor; construction and design games; Reading fiction.

18.45-19.00 Independent activities, child care home.

3.1.6. Rules for a quarantine

1. Daily reception in the group is made when clarifying the health of the child's health at the parents. The data is logged.

2. Contacts are stopped with other groups.

3. Independent, game and joint activity with the educator is carried out with materials subject to special disinfecting processing.

4. The results of productive activities are disinfected and discarded.

5. Organization of activities on physical and musical development It is carried out in the group room.

6. Changes in the health of the child immediately communicate medical personnel and parents.

7. Requirements for "measures during quarantine" are strictly carried out by educators of the group and assistant to the educator.

3.1.7. Individual gentle mode after suffering diseases

It is appointed to transfer the disease to children and frequent children with a medical worker to reducing the physical and intellectual load on the recommendation of the attending pediatrician for a certain period depending on the health status of the child and the diagnosis of the disease. Approximate terms of the gentle mode:

1. ORVI, flu, angina, oh. Bronchitis, oh. Purulent Otitis, Ba after exacerbation - 25 days.

2. O. Pneneviation, O.Infection diseases, exacerbation of eczema, concussion of the brain CP. gravity, state after extensive operations, after tonsilectomy - 2 months.

3. O.Pielonephritis, meningitis - more than 2 months.

Type of activity in day mode while gentle mode

Parish in Dou

8.00 - 8.30. Individual "Minute Communication"

Morning warmth

Reducing the load on the run, jumping by 50%. Turning the breathing exercises.

Hygienic Procedures (Washing)

Sea temperature 16-20 degrees, careful wiping of hands, face.

Harding procedures (air baths, invigorating gymnastics)

Pajama is removed and a dry T-shirt is worn.


Sit first at the table.

Preparation for a walk, go for a walk

Dress up and go out the latter.


Involvement in moderate motor activity.

Return from Morning Walk

Return first, under the supervision of an adult replacement of wet jerseys on dry.

Physical activity

Intellectual (static plan)

Involvement in active intellectual activity in the first half of the classes.

Day Son.

Putting the first, lifting as wreking. Gradual rise, charging with breathing exercises, walking on "health tracks", air procedures.

Joint activities with an educator

Accounting for the mood and desires of the child.

Independent activities

Offering places remote from windows and doors.

Care home

Until 18.00.

3.2. Terms of implementation of the Work Program

The most important condition for the implementation of the Working Program is the creation of a developing and emotionally comfortable educational environment for the child. Stay in kindergarten should deliver the child joy, and educational situations must be fascinating.

To fulfill these conditions, it is necessary to fulfill certain requirements for the implementation of the Working Program:

1. Ensuring the emotional well-being of each child.

2. Formation in children of benevolent, attentive relationships.

3. Development in children independence.

4. Creating conditions for the development of free gaming activities.

5. Creating conditions for development cognitive activity.

6. Creating conditions for the development of project activities.

7. Creating conditions for self-expression by means of art.

8. Creating conditions for physical development.

To fulfill all the listed requirements for the implementation of the Work Program, it is necessary to create and continuously update the developing objective environment in the group.

3.2.1. The possibilities of the organization of a developing subject-spatial environment (RPPS)

The RPPS group is meaningfully saturated, transformed, polyfunctional, variable, affordable and safe for children. The furniture corresponds to the growth and age of children, toys provide the maximum developing effect for this age. Provides the opportunity to communicate and joint activities of children and adults, motor activity Children, as well as opportunities for privacy.

Saturation environment Complies with the age-related possibilities of children and the content of the work program. The space of the group is organized in the form of well-separated zones equipped with a large number of developing materials (books, toys, materials for creativity, educational equipment, etc.). All items are available to children, which ensures the game, cognitive, research and creative activity of all pupils, experimentation with affordable children's materials; motor activity, including the development of large and small motility, participation in rolling games and competitions; Emotional well-being of children in cooperation with the subject and spatial environment; The possibility of self-expression of children. A similar organization of space allows preschoolers to choose interesting games for themselves, alternate them during the day, and caregivers make it possible to effectively organize the educational process, taking into account the individual characteristics of children.

Transformability The spaces of the group involves the possibility of changes in the RPPS, depending on the educational situation, including the changing interests and capabilities of children.

Polyfunctionality Materials implies the possibility of a variety of use of various components of the RPPS group.

Crab variability RPPSgroups give children the possibility of free choice. Equipment of the RPPS corners is changing in accordance with the thematic planning of the educational process, new items that stimulate the game, motor, cognitive and research activity of children appear. As such corners of development in the group are:

Corner for role-playing games;

Book corner;

Zone for wall-printed games;

Corner of nature (nature observations);

Sports section;

Corner of richness;

Game corner (with toys, building material);

Corners for a variety of species of independent activities of children - constructive, visual, musical, etc.

RPPS Group is available for pupilsChildren have free access to games, toys, materials, benefits providing all major types of children's activity. Permanently respected the health and safety of all materials and equipment.

When organizing the RPPS group is observed requirements Securitythat assumes the compliance of all its elements to ensure the reliability and security of their use.

The group created conditions for independent motor activity of children: there is an area free from furniture and toys, children are provided with toys that encourage motor gaming activities (balls, hoops, rope). Manuals, toys are located so as not to interfere with the free movement of children. The group organizes rational motor regime by alternating a variety of active activities and recreation.

The developing environment complies with sanitary and hygienic requirements and provides all directions for the development of children.

3.3. Maximum allowable educational load

3.3.1. Planning educational activities at a five-day week

Types of educational



OD per week

Cognitive development:

- formation of elementary mathematical representations

- Subject and Social Surroundings

- Mir of nature

- informative - research activities

- St. Petersburg

Speech development:

- Development of speech

Fine activity:

- Painting

- Lepak

- Applique

Physical education:

- in room

- on a walk




3.3.2. Organization of educational activities at the five-day week

According to sanitary and epidemiological rules and standards of SanPiN, approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26, the duration of continuous OD for children from 6 to 7 years is not more than 30 minutes. Educational activities requiring increased cognitive activity and mental tension of children should be organized in the first half of the day. The maximum permissible volume of the educational burden in the first half of the day in the preparatory to school group of kindergarten 1.5 hours. In the middle of time, reserved on one, spend physical investigators. Breaks between periods of continuous educational activity - at least 10 minutes. Educational activities with older preschool children can be carried out in the afternoon after day sleep. Its duration should be not more than 25 - 30 minutes per day. In the middle of the directly educational activity of a static nature, physical investigators are held.

Day of the week

Educational activities


1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

Cognitive development, the world of nature / subject and social environment, 30 minutes

Physical culture on the street, 30 minutes

Fine activity, applique / modeling, 30 minutes

Total: 1 hour 30 minutes


1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

2 Half of the day

30 minutes

Fine activity, drawing, 30 minutes

30 minutes

Total: 1 hour 30 minutes


1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

Speech development, preparation for literacy learning, 30 minutes

Music, 30 minutes

Cognitive development, informative - research activities / St. Petersburg, 30 minutes

Total: 1 hour 30 minutes


1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

2 Half of the day

Cognitive development, formation of elementary mathematical ideas, 30 minutes .

Fine activity. Painting, 30 minutes

Physical culture indoors, 30 minutes

Total: 1 hour 30 minutes


1 Half of the day

1 Half of the day

Speech development 30 minutes

Music, 30 minutes

Total: 1 hour

7 o'clock

3.4. Working Program Methodical Provision

All content of the joint venture of the educator and children in the work program is built in accordance with the OPDD and GEFs before taking into account partial programs:

- "Ethnocalendar of St. Petersburg, 2015", St. Petersburg, Frigate, 2014;

I.A. Lykova, "Colored palms. Fine activity in kindergarten ", M." Karapuz ", 2009;

LD Glazerina, "Physical Culture of Preschoolers", M. "Vlados", 2011;

Alifanova "First steps. St. Petersburg trade for kids from 3 to 7 years old, "M. Paritet, 2008

3.4.1. Methodical manuals

1. "From birth to school. Approximate general education program in accordance with GEF to "ed. NOT. Veracses, TS Komarova, M.A.Vasilieva, M.Mozaika-Synthesis, 2014.

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of 10/17/2013 №1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education".

3. "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of preschool organizations." Sanpine Sanitary and Epidemiological Requirements, approved by the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 No. 26.

4. R.S.BUR, "Socio-moral education of preschoolers (3 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

5. V.I. Petrova, a knockout etc. "Ethical conversations with children 4 - 7 years old", M. Mosaic Synthesis, 2013

6. Kutsakova L.V. " Labor education In kindergarten. For classes with children 3 - 7 years old, M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

7. K.Yu. White "Formation of safety fundamentals from preschoolers (3 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

8. T.F. Saulin "Introduce preschoolers with road rules (3 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

9. N.E. Verasx, A.N. Verasaks "Design activities of preschool children", M. Mosaica-Synthesis, 2013

10. N.E. Verasx, Galimov O.R. "Cognitive-research activities of preschoolers (4 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

11. E.E. Kraschinnikov, O.L. Cholodova "Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers (5 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaica-Synthesis, 2014

12. L.Yu. Pavlova "Collection of didactic games to familiarize himself with the outside world (3 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

13. O.V. Distina "familiarization with the subject and social environment. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years) ", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

14. N. V. Lobodina "Complex classes on the program" from birth to school "for the preparatory for school of a kindergarten group (6 - 7 years old)", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

15. I.A. Pomorava, V.A. Pozin "Formation of elementary mathematical representations. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years) ", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

16. G. Alifanova "First steps. St. Petersburg trade for kids from 3 to 7 years old, "M. Paritet, 2008

17. V.V. Herb "Development of speech in kindergarten. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years) ", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

18. TS Komarov "Fine activity in kindergarten. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years) ", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

19. M.K.comarova "Development of artistic abilities of preschool children", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

20. TS.Komarova, M.B. Zaperina "Integration in the educational and educational work of kindergarten", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

21. L.V.Kutsakova "Designing from a building material. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years) ", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

22. I.A. Likova "Colored palms. Fine activity in kindergarten. Preparatory for school Group », M.: Karapuz, 2009

23. M.M.Borisov "Low-moving games and game exercises. For classes with children 3 - 7 years old, M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

24. L.I. PENZULES "Physical culture in kindergarten. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years) ", M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2013

25. L.I.penzulaeva "Health gymnastics. Complexes of exercises for children 3 - 7 years old », M. Mosaica-Synthesis, 2013

26. E.Ya. Stepanenkova "Collection of rolling games. To work with children 2 - 7 years old, M. Mosaica-Synthesis, 2013.

27. L.D. Glazerina "Program" Physical Culture - Preschoolers ", M. Vlados, 2004

29. L.Vahrusheva "Cognitive fairy tales for children 4-7 years old", M. Sphere, 2015

3.4.2. Workers notebooks

1. D Denisova, Yu. Rogozhin "Mathematics for preschoolers. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years). "

2. D DENISOVA, Y. Rogozhin "Development of speech at preschoolers. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years). "

3. Denisova, Yu. Rogozhin "Diploma lessons from preschoolers. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years). "

4. D DENISOVA, Y. Rogozhin "Recubs for preschoolers. Preparatory to school Group (6 - 7 years). "


Annexes to the working program are most fully expressed by the creative personality of the educator.

Annexes may contain various files, methodological developments, projects and other materials that are most significant from the point of view of the educator for the successful implementation of the Working Program.

The main attachment to the work program is the promising planning of the teacher with pupils of the group. It is advisable to present promising planning for each week in the form of a table, which contains various activities for each development area and the methodological support necessary for their implementation.

An example of prospective planning for the week:

Socio-communicative development

Cognitive development

Speech development

Didactic game: "Cook" , P. (12) p. 48.

Educational games FAMMP: "Merry account", P. (15) p. 36

"What first, then?", P. (15) p. 40

Plot role-playing game: "Polyclinic"

Group holiday: "We grow healthy"

Situational conversations:

"How to behave to be healthy?"

"Why do you need a handkerchief?"

"What food is useful and what harmful? Why?"

"Why should be honest?"

Cognitive conversation fairy tale:

"Tale of the country of Rotland", V. (29) p.37

"Journey to the country washup" V. (29) p.38

"Where do vitamins live?", V. (29) p. 40

OD "Mir of Nature": "Healthy food round year", L. (14) p. 384.

OD "Petersburg":

"The history of our city. Petropavlovsk fortress "A. (16) p.105, 124, 224

FMP №5 , P. (15) p. 36

FAMP №6. , P. (15) p. 38

Walking on a walk: Seasonal clothes. The difference of autumn clothes from summer, from winter clothes.

OD number 5: "This is the story" (17) p.31

OD No. 6.: "Reading with the discussion of the fairy tale A.reizova" Bread Voice "(17) p.32

Lexico-grammatical exercises:

"Catch up the words" (the number of words in the sentence),

"What? What? What? " (Signs of the subject, the names of adjectives)

Articulating gymnastics:

Complex number 7 (Appendix 2)


A. Fet "Dry List ..."

K. Chukovsky "Moydodyr"

Zaitsa "Lessons Aibolita"

(Pages from the book)

Methodical support

12. Pavlova "Collection of Didactic Games"

15. Pomorava, Pozin "FMP"

14. Lobodina "Set classes"

15. Pomorava, Pozin "FMP"

16. Alifanova "First Steps"

29. Vakhrusheva "POSN. fairy tales"

17. Herbova "Development of Speech"

Artistic and aesthetic development

Physical development

Collaboration with family

One, drawing: "Autumn Walk"(Gouache), L. (22) p. 32, 45

One, drawing: "Fun Charging" (Color Pencils)

K. (18) p.53

OD, Applique: "Apple tree at home", based on L. (14) p. 49


From the building material "Buildings", K. (21) p. 15

OD №22. , P. (24), p.27

OD №23, P. (24), p.28

OD№24 (on the street) , P. (24) p.28

Sports Exercises and Games:

"Frogs" P. (24) p.28 and "not falling down" (24) p.29

Outdoor games:

"Wolf in RBU" S. (26) p.123

"Who will rather remove the tape", C. (26) p.123

Physical leisure: "Visiting Aibolit" (27) p. 24.

Morning warmth : Complex number 7, P. (25), p.100

Fizminutka : (Appendix 3)

Invigorating gymnastics: Complex number 7 (Appendix 4)

Cognitive conversation:

"Bear your health. ABOUT proper nutrition and the benefits of vitamins ", B. (7) p.36

Consultation for parents:

(Appendix 6)

Methodical support

14. Lobodina "Complex classes"

18. Komarov "IZO"

21. Kutsakova "Designing"

22. Lykov "IZO"

7. White "Formation of obzhu from preschoolers"

24. Penzulaev "Physical Culture"

25. Penzulaev "Health Gymnastics"

26. Stepanenkova "Collection of p. / Games"

27. Glazerina "Physical Education"

List of used literature

  1. Korobov T.V. Piggy bank of knowledge

2013/14 The school year was marked for all teachers of Dow Russia entry into force of such legislation, which determined a fundamentally new understanding of the essence of the interaction of all participants in the educational process, in particular the priority of the active inclusion of parents in the immediate
Educational activities with children and the creation of conditions for the harmonious development of the child, that is, the developing medium.

On the other hand, it was necessary to adjust the content of educational activities in the DOU, that is, aligning the requirements of GEF to all the documentation of teachers. If there is no issue of the educational program of the kindergarten in the structure of the structure and filling (it is clearly spelled out in section 2 GEFs to), then a lot of questions arise with a working program that is quite easy to resolve when analyzing new legislation.

The Working Program in the Dow is a document reflecting the specifics of the educational activity of a specific group or a specific teacher (educator, teacher-defectologist, teacher-speech therapist, a music worker, head of physical education, an additional education teacher, a teacher-psychologist).

It follows that the work program can not be universal for all age groups for all years all year old, a set of children from year to year has its own characteristics, each group has its own specifics of developing
Environments, each teacher has its professional interests.

The DOW Working Program is the specification of the teacher's work for this age of children and / or on this specificity of children (groups of compensating, combined, wellness and other orientation).

Therefore, in all age groups, including the first younger, the work program is developing both educators. Dow specialists should also have their own working program that is necessarily coordinated with the educational program of kindergarten and the working program of educators of the group. It should be noted that the requirement for working programs is not an innovation for teachers-psychologists and teachers of additional education, which will only have to slightly adjust the content in new wording and focus on active methods of working with parents.

Due to the fact that there is no rigidly regulated structure of teachers working programs, it is possible to offer a support for the content of GEF to and SanPin such a sequence of its structural components.

1) Title page: The full name of the institution, approved (Date of the Pedagogical Council, the Protocol number), coordinated (signature of the head, date), the name of the Working Program, indicating the age of children, the group's enforcement, academic year, the authors (position, full name).

3) Explanatory note: The purpose of the working program, the tasks of educational areas (for a year / in quarters / by months, as accepted in a particular DOU), the characteristics of children (indicate the specific features of children in the group for all educational areas).

4) Schedule of educational activities in the group (In the formulation of GEF before and not exceeding the maximum permissible load according to SanPiN).

6) Educational environment Group: transfer

  • all games, benefits for all educational areas;
  • artworks (author, title, source) for the perception of children according to comprehensive-thematic planning.

7) Methodical support for the work program: List a demonstration material, make a list of references used to prepare the educational process in the group.

8) System of working with parents: Period, content, form of work.

9) Planned Results of Program Development Pupils (For all educational areas in wording according to GEF to paragraphs 2.6 and 4.6 and in accordance with the tasks set in the Work Program).

Analysis of the foregoing shows that most of the listed already exist in dOU groups In one form or another. Teachers need to be adjusted what was developed in 4 years of operation of FGT, and to structure existing methodological developments in the form of a working program.

Experience in writing working programs with teachers with colleagues shows that temporary cost of regard The small and amounts to 1 hour of methodical work per day for 2-4 weeks (only 10-20 hours to prepare the group's work program) depending on the level of possession of computer literacy, which is the main component of the professional pedagog standard.

The volume of work programs of teachers and specialists, as a rule, does not exceed 20 sheets , With the exception of music workers and instructors of physical education, which determine the content of work in all groups that work directly.

Thus, the work program is a necessary document of all Pedagogues of the DOU and should be available to familiarize the parents of pupils.

Examples of registration of structural components of the working program

Structure of the Work Program of the teacher DOA according to GEF

1. Title List

The title page is a kind of "business card" program. Therefore, as in the business card, only the most necessary information should be specified here:

name of the educational institution;

where, when and by whom this program was approved (in the upper right corner - approves the head of the DOU (date, signature, the number of the order, in the upper left corner - adopted by the Pedagogical Council of the Institution, the Protocol number);

the full name of the program (for example, a working program for the joint activity of the teacher with children 3-4 years, the younger group.);

compiled on the basis of the approximate program "---------

the term of the program (academic year);

city \u200b\u200bname;

the year of development of the program.

The content of the work program is prescribed and pages are specified.

3. Target section:

1) Explanatory note

Working program for the development of children .... The groups are developed in accordance with the OOP of the "kindergarten number", in accordance with the introduction of the FGOS to.

The Working Program for the Development of Children of the Elder Group provides the versatile development of children aged from __ to __ years, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main directions - physical, socially communicative, cognitive, speech and artistic - aesthetic.

Partial programs are used:


The implemented program is based on the principle of the personal-developing and humanistic nature of the interaction of adult with children.

D. anna program is designed in accordance with the following regulatory documents.:

Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 43, 72.

Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989).

Law of the Russian Federation "On Education".

Typical position about DOU.


Charter Dow.

GEF to.

Goal and tasks basic educational program DOU


Establishment of favorable conditions for a complete residence of a child of preschool childhood, the formation of the basic culture of the personality, the comprehensive development of mental and physical qualities in accordance with age and individual characteristics, preparation for life in modern society, to school training, ensuring the safety of the preschooler.

Tasks ( mandatory:

1. Caring for health, emotional well-being and timely development of every child.

2. Creating a humane and friendly attitude in the atmosphere groups to all pupils, which allows you to raise them with sociable, kind, inquisitive, initiative, seeking independence and creativity.

3. Maximum use of various types of children's activities, their integration in order to increase the effectiveness of the educational process.

4. Creative organization (creativity) of the educational process.

5. The variability of the use of educational material that allows you to develop creativity in accordance with the interests and inclinations of each child.

6. Respectful attitude to the results of children's creativity.

7. The unity of approaches to raising children in a pre-school educational institution and family.

8. Compliance with the work of the kindergarten and primary school of continuity, excluding mental and physical overload in the content of the education of preschool children, ensuring the absence of substantive learning.

Tasks (part DOU):

Principles and approaches In the organization of the educational process:

1. Complies with the principle of developing education, the purpose of which is the development of the child.

2. Combines the principles of scientific substantiation and practical applicability (corresponds to the main provisions of age psychology and pre-school pedagogy).

3. Complies with the criteria of completeness, need and sufficiency (allows you to solve the goals and objectives on the necessary and sufficient material, as close as possible to a reasonable "minimum").

4. Provides the unity of educational, educational and developing goals and objectives of the process of education of preschool children, during the implementation of which such knowledge, skills and skills are formed, which are directly related to the development of preschoolers.

5. Constructed taking into account the principle of integrating educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and features of pupils.

6. Based on a comprehensive-thematic principle of building an educational process.

7. It provides for the solution of program educational tasks in the joint activities of preschoolers not only within the framework of directly educational activities, but also during regime in accordance with the specifics of pre-school education.

8. Ensures the construction of an educational process on adequate age forms of working with children (game)

9. Built on the principle of culturality. Gives national values \u200b\u200band traditions in education.

Content Psychological and pedagogical work focused on the versatile development of preschoolers, taking into account their age and individual characteristics in the main directions of development and education of children: socially communicative development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Significant to develop and implement the working program characteristics.

- Age and individual features of the contingent of children ___ groups

for example All the children of the group are perfectly owned by self-service skills, respect personal hygiene rules. Most children have a fine motility. The children of the group are inquisitive, show high cognitive activity, love to listen to books.

In gaming activities, children independently distribute roles and build their behavior, adhering to the gaming role.

It continues to improve speech, including its audio side. In the visual activity, it can be separated by round, oval, rectangular shape. 60% of children know colors and shades. Our children own some techniques of non-traditional drawing, etc.

- Planned program development results(in the form of targets)

W. personal implementation plan

1) Physical development - Motor activities - forms of educational activities: Moving games, game exercises, physical education, sports games, physical education holidays - duration and number of nodes - a week 75 min. (3 nodes).

2) Cognitive development- a) informative-research activities - forms of educational activities: FMP, FCCM, conversations, didactic games, viewing of pictures and illustrations, collecting, implementation of projects, quiz. - Duration and number of nodes - a week 40 minutes. (2 nodes)

B) Designing - forms of educational activities: Designing from paper, natural and other material - duration and number of NOD - a week 10 minutes. (0, 5 nodes).

3) Speech development - Development of speech - forms of educational activities: conversations, quiz, didactic games, viewing paintings and illustrations - duration and number of nodes - a week 20 minutes. (1 node).

4) Socio-communicative development - a) Communicative activities - forms of educational activities: Obzh, game problem situations, conversations, quiz. - Duration and number of NODs - a week 10 minutes. (0.5 node).

b) self-service and elementary household work - forms of educational activities: instructions, duty, games, conversations, HBT. - Duration and number of NODs - daily in regime moments, not more than 20 minutes. (According to Sanpin, p. 12.22).

c) Gaming activity - forms of educational activities: plot-role-playing, didactic, etc. - duration and number of NODs - in regime moments.

5) Artistic and aesthetic development - a) Fine activity - forms of educational activities: drawing, modeling, applique. Collage. Project. Acquaintance with artists. Exhibition. - Duration and number of nodes - a week 70 min. (3 nodes).

b) the perception of fiction and folklore - forms of educational activities: conversations, hearing Hood. works, reading, learning of poems, theatrical game. - Duration and number of NOD - per week 25 min. (1 node).

c) Musical activity - forms of educational activities: hearing, improvisation, execution, musical and moving games, leisure, holidays and entertainment. - Duration and number of nodes - a week 50 minutes. (2 nodes).

6) Crab variative - Partial programs, etc.

C. ast Dow: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group(climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

1) Climatic features:

When organizing an educational process, the climatic features of the region are taken into account. The start and end time of certain seasonal phenomena (leaf fall, melting of snow, etc.) and the intensity of their flowing; Composition of flora and fauna; the duration of the daylight; Weather conditions, etc.

The main features of the climate are: Cold Winter and Dry Hot Summer.

In the group's day mode, invigorating gymnastics, exercises for prevention flatfoot, respiratory gymnastics are included. In the cold season, the stay of children outdoors is extended. In the warm season - the vital activity of children, mainly, is organized outdoors.

Based on the climatic characteristics of the region, the graph of the educational process is drawn up in accordance with the allocation of two periods:

1. Cold period: academic year (September-May, a certain day of the day is drawn up and the schedule of directly educational activities;

2. Summer period (June-August, for which another day of the day is compiled.

2) Demographic features:

Analysis of the social status of families revealed that children from complete (___%, from incomplete (___%) and large (___%) families (___%) and large (___%) of families are brought up in a preschool institution. The main composition of parents is medium-associated, with higher (___%) and secondary professional (___% ) Education.

3) N. anya - cultural features:

The ethnic composition of the pupils of the group: Russians, Tatars, but the main contingent is children from Russian-speaking families. Training and upbringing in Dow is carried out in Russian.

The main contingent of pupils lives in the conditions of the city (only ___ child in the village).

The implementation of the regional component is carried out through acquaintance with the national cultural features of the city of Polevskoy. Getting acquainted with the native edge, its attractions, a child learns to realize himself, living in a certain time period, in certain ethnocultural conditions. This information is implemented through the target walks, conversations, projects in the section "My City" program 1 time per week.

Before approaching the design and writing of the educator's working program, it is important to know the basic concepts that exist in preschool education.

1) Sample basic educational program - Developed by scientists-methods. Pre-school institutions take it as a basis for the development of its own educational program, taking into account the regional component and local conditions (for example, "from birth to school" under the ed. N. E. Veracsa; "origins", "Raduga", etc.).

2) Educational program DOU - Management document enshrining certain norms, objectives, content, technology and techniques, forms and means that are used in each specific preschool institution in organizing an educational process. Developed by the head of the DOW and the creative group.

3) Work program teacher - Developed by teacher based on the educational program DW. The structure and content of the working program is developed taking into account the requirements and standards approved on federal level (In our case, in accordance with GEF, pre-school education, which is valid from 01.01.2014). The work program is a regulatory document and is approved by the head of the preschool.

Regulatory documents regulating activities educational institutions and teachers:

Article 2. Basic concepts used in this Federal Law

9) Educational program - a complex of the main characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results, organizational and pedagogical conditions and in cases provided for by this Federal Law, forms of certification, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, calendar curricula, work programs of training items, courses , disciplines (modules, other components, as well as estimated and methodical materials;

Article 48. Responsibilities and Responsibility of Pedagogical Workers

1. Pedagogical workers are required:

1) carry out its activities at a high professional level,provide in full the implementation of taught training subjects, courses, disciplines (module) in accordance with the approved working program.

Unified qualifying directory of managers, specialists and employees From October 31, 2010 Section: official duties:

The teacher-logoped is the formation of educational programs.

Pedagogical psychologist - Documentation on the prescribed form, using it for its intended purpose. Participates in planning and developing educational and corrective programs of educational activities, taking into account the individual and age-age features of students, pupils, in ensuring the level of training of students, pupils that meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, federal state educational requirements.

Educator (including senior) - Develops a plan (program) educational work with a group of students, pupils.

GEF pre-school education (Order of 10/17/13, is valid from 01/01/2014) - contains requirements for the structure of the educational program of pre-school education, and therefore the requirements for the preparation of the work program of the teacher.

Sections of the Working Program on the GEF to.

1. Title List

3. Target section:

Explanatory note

Objective and objectives of the main educational program

Principles and approaches in the organization of the educational process

Significant to develop and implement the working program characteristics. Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

Age and individual characteristics of the contingent of children

Planned results of the program.

4. Subtle section:

Training plan for the implementation of the OOP to in the Elder Group of MBDOU PGO "Kindergarten No. __". In the form of a table: directions of development; Types of childhood activities; age group; Forms of educational activities

Scroll methodical manualsensuring the implementation of educational activities in the older group. In the form of a table: direction of development; Methodical manuals; vividly - didactic manuals; Workbooks.

Forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the program in the older group. In the form of a table: direction of development; Forms of implementing the program (joint activities, independent activities, interaction with family); methods; Methods and techniques; funds)

Interaction with family, society.

Planning work with children in the group:

Approximate annual planning

Calendar and thematic planning (nodes and joint activities)

Model of organizing the joint venture of the teacher with pupils of the Dow.

Part Dow: Features of the organization of the educational process in the group (climatic, demographic, national - cultural and others)

5. Organizational section.

Registration of the subject-spatial environment.

Day Mode, Node Structure (Scheduled Schedule, Movement Mode, Child Hardening Scheme.

List of methodological benefits (for the implementation of the main part and part of the Dow

According to "On Education in the Russian Federation" (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 273-ФЗ), a pedrattle (in this case, the educator) is an individual who has a children's garden, and is committed to educating preschoolers. Based on Art. 48 of Law No. 273-FZ The pedrattlers are obliged to perform high-level job duties, to ensure the implementation of pedagogical goals at a high level.

The Law No. 273-FZ establishes in the education system, which is included in the concept of "educational program" as an integral part of the complex of the main characteristics of education, as well as the concept of "approximate main educational program" as a structural unit of educational and methodological documentation. Thus, it is obvious the need to develop the teacher of the DVO of this document.

Prerequisites for the preparation of the work program of the teacher Dow

Prerequisites for writing the chief regulatory document of a kindergarten teacher are:

  • the need for pedrattlers in the planning of educational and educational steps;
  • the need to take into account the features of relations in the children's team;
  • the ability to analyze the effectiveness of professional pedagogical activities.

Subject to the development of a working program of a kindergarten educator, such changes can be expected:

  • the possibility of a rational organization of the educational process, including the use of creative and innovative techniques for the implementation of pedagogical activities;
  • the ability to determine the vector of development for each pupil;
  • the ability to control the relationship between all participants in the educational process, including parents of preschoolers;
  • the ability to determine the circle of pedagogical problems and to decide them.

When drawing up a document, it is necessary to apply not only step-by-step planning, but also be able to relate their own pedagogical activities with its requirements, choose to implement pedagogical techniques recommended by current educational standards, draw up a list of predicted results.

The concept of the working program of the teacher of kindergarten

The concept of the working program of the teacher of the kindergarten is interpreted in different ways. The most common definition is formed as follows: This is a regulatory document in which the content and volume of education is determined for each age group of pupils, the forms and methods of conducting educational and educational activities are indicated using resources available in kindergarten in accordance with the requirements of GEF to. The working program of the kindergarten educator is developed on the basis of an approximate basic educational program before and copyright partial programs that are complementary by one other.

In order for a compiled regulatory document, he has become a hybrid of the above documents, it is necessary to carefully examine the basic provisions of the concepts presented in scientific and pedagogical literature. It is also necessary to consider:

  • content of educational programs DOO;
  • system of educational technologies and techniques;
  • methodical I. didactic materials;
  • the content of educational and educational activities (weekly educational load) providing for the use of various forms of organizing a children's team.

The requirements for the main regulatory document of the educator at the federal level have not yet been determined, so the pedrattle has the right to independently choose the form of documenting the document.

The working program of the DOW teacher can be prepared by analogy with the main educational program before in accordance with the requirements for its structure imposed by the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, UTV. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 10/17/2013 No. 1155 (hereinafter referred to as Gos Preschool Education). At the same time, the pedrattle has the right to change the individual structural elements of the regulatory document in accordance with the peculiarities of the implementation of educational tasks in a specific DOO.

The model of the Work Program of the Dow Teacher must submit the best conditions for the implementation of pedagogical activities to which the forms of organization of activities, principles and methods of teaching, elements of the subject-developing environment, socio-cultural values.

The Working Program of the Dow Teacher demonstrates how, taking into account the educational purposes and the age needs of students, the educator creates an individual pedagogical model for conducting educational activities based on the GEF of pre-school education. Let us dwell in more detail on the exemplary structural elements of the main document of the Dow Teacher, to the number of which should be attributed:

  • title page;
  • explanatory note;
  • the main part of the document, which includes:

- calendar-thematic plan (comprehensive-thematic planning);
- Schedule of educational activities;
- a summary of the document;
- Features of the organization of the educational process;
- Terms of implementation;

  • bibliography;
  • applications.

The title page and sheets of applications are not subject to numbering. On the title page should be indicated:

  • full name DoO;
  • vultures confirming the coordination of the document with the Children's Garden;
  • name of the working program of the teacher of kindergarten;
  • age of pupils;
  • surname, name, patronymic and the post of responsible pedrattle;
  • the year of documenting the document.

The explanatory note should indicate the summary of the document, goals and objectives of the program, its relevance that can be disclosed through the age needs of children, as well as mechanisms to achieve the quality of the educational process.

When setting the objectives of the document, it is recommended to focus on the provisions of the GEF (providing the availability of education for all children, a guarantee of the quality of pre-school education, enshrined by the introduction of uniform state standards, the conservation of the unity of preschool educational space throughout the Russian Federation). As a basis for determining the tasks of this regulatory document, tasks should be taken as the basis of the educational program before, namely:

  • care for the physical, mental and emotional health of preschoolers;
  • ensuring equality of opportunities for all pupils, regardless of gender, nationality, place of residence, social status, natural talents, defects of psychophysiological development;
  • guarantee of the sequence of the implementation of educational purposes;
  • creation of favorable conditions for the development of natural custody of children, taking into account their interest and opinions of parents (legal representatives);
  • consolidation of educational and educational challenges based on GEF standards and universal values;
  • formation of culture of behavior, ensuring conditions for progressive personal growth (admission to a healthy lifestyle, acquaintance with the aesthetic values, the development of such qualities as independence, initiative, responsibility for own actions);
  • ensuring the psychological and pedagogical support of families of students who contribute to the increase in the competence of parents in education, achieving pedagogical purposes.

As pedagogical principles, the basic principles of pre-school education provided for by GEFs may be indicated:

  • full-fledged pre-school preschooler of all stages of childhood;
  • construction of educational and educational activities, taking into account the individual age characteristics of each child;
  • recognition of pupils with full participants in the educational process;
  • support for family education initiative;
  • ensuring the interaction of pedratch workers with parents (legal representatives) of pupils;
  • stimulating the comprehensive cognitive activity of the child;
  • cultivation of general cultural values, family traditions, behavior rate in society, patriotism;
  • accounting for the ethnocultural interests of preschoolers.

An explanatory note should also briefly describe age peculiarities Children's Group: Submit a description of the children's contingent, indicate the age, gender, nationality, the range of interests of preschoolers.

Next, it is necessary to describe the features of organizing pedagogical activities in these conditions. For example, to point out that the educational process is carried out throughout the period of stay of students in the kindergartal group and is based on the active interaction of the teacher with the children's team. Here you should also specify the traditions of the upbringing in kindergarten and a specific group.

A prerequisite for drawing up an explanatory note is the reflection of a software and methodological complex of the educational process, including such elements:

  • approximate basic educational program before;
  • partial programs in kindergarten;
  • list of used manuals, demonstration, visual and dispensing material necessary to achieve educational purposes;
  • list of auxiliary manuals for pupils (printed notebooks, books).

It should be submitted to a list of practitioners, techniques and techniques of pedagogical work, the selected approach to the compilation of the subject-developing environment.
The obligatory point of the document is the list of regulatory documents, on the basis of which the teacher operates:

  • Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation";
  • resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of 05/15/2013 No. 26 "On the approval of Sanpin" Sanitary-epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the mode of operation of pre-school educational organizations”»;
  • order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on basic general educational programs - educational programs of pre-school education";
  • order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 10/17/2013 No. 1155 "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education";
  • regulatory documents of the regional and municipal levels.

The main part of the working program of the teacher of kindergarten

In the main part of the main regulatory document of the teacher of pre-school education should be reflected:

  • age of pupils;
  • calendar-thematic work plan approved at the Pedagogical Council;
  • schedule of organized educational activities, approved with the Senior Educator or Methodist of kindergarten;
  • the content of educational activities, taking into account the provisions of the FGOS to;
  • features of the organization of the educational process.

In the main part of the software content should be focused on the topic. Traditionally the thematic week in kindergarten begins on Monday and ends on Friday, so when making a document, it is advisable to make it name in top Pages (Table 1).

In the event that the educator decides to use reductions, it should be reflected in an explanatory note.

In the next block, an educational and educational model should be disclosed, which can be a group (subject to the active interaction of the educator and preschoolers) and independent (the activities of children without adults). Within the framework of the first model of conducting educational and educational activities, the achievement of pedagogical objectives is carried out in the form of direct education that is not related to the supervision situations for pupils and the influence on the personal characteristics of preschoolers during regime situations (morning reception, walk).

It is very important to indicate the forms of conducting pedagogical work with preschoolers, describe the group's day modes in the warm and cold seasons of the year, as well as the modes of hardening and motor activity. It will not be superfluous to describe holidays, events, celebrations and shares, which, however, can be submitted as a separate document. The organization plan for the educational process in the group can be decorated in the form of a table (see Table 2).

You can view the full version of the table in the apps to the material

In the section "Conditions and means of implementing a working program of a kindergarten educator", it is necessary to provide data on the equipment of the subject and developing medium available to the methodological support. The document should provide space used for the active interaction of the pedrattle's and pedagogical team (it must comply with the age needs of children):

  • intragroup space;
  • the premises of the kindergarten, which are used to achieve situational pedagogical purposes: a sports or music hall, a specialist room, a museum room, a development center;
  • prices for DoO (platform, ecotrop);
  • center for nearby society (museum, theater, school, sports center, stadium, library, swimming pool).

Among the pedrattleships of pre-school education, the practice of representing the medium of groups in the form of a plan scheme is widespread. Drawing up such a plan allows the educator to deeply analyze their own professional achievements and find creative options for arranging game sites. The premises of the kindergarten, the preservation of the DOO can be represented by a list or in the form of a table, and reflect the schedule of visits to these places is convenient with the help of building a schedule.

Experienced teachers fully realize the importance of controlling the education process, therefore, in the main section, special attention should be paid to the assessment of the individual development of pupils and the indication of the methodology of pedagogical diagnostics used to assess. For example: Evaluation of the effectiveness of pedagogical action to use the author's concept I.A. Lykova "Colored palms" or assessment of the physical development of children using AWP "Physical Cultural Passport".

It is important to remember that according to the result of pedagogical diagnostics, individual routes of development of all students of the group should be made.

By choosing a teacher, a description of the interaction with parents of pupils can be represented in the document in the form:

  • prospective plan for interaction with parents;
  • a separate column "interaction with parents" in the content of the thematic week.

Approximate technical requirements To design a document:

  • format of sheets A4;
  • word For Windows Editor;
  • tIMES NEW ROMAN font;
  • kehal 12-14;
  • the firm interval is single;
  • fields from all sides 2 cm;
  • alignment in width, paragraph 1 cm;
  • transfer in the text are not set;
  • tools and paragraphs in the text are performed using Word tools;
  • tables are inserted directly into text;
  • page numbering, except the title sheet and applications.

An innovation in the planning of the educator was the requirement to compile a presentation of pedagogical goals for parents. If the presentation is posted on the DoO website or the teacher's personal site, then the document needs to make a reference to the appropriate material.

The structural element of the Work Program of the teacher of the Dow "Reference References" includes a list of literature used in working with children. First of all, it is a methodical literature.

Applications to the working program of a kindergarten teacher

The following materials may be presented in the "Applications for Work Program" section:

  • abstracts (scenarios) of various forms of pedagogical activities with children;
  • description of games I. gaming exercises; scripts of master classes for teachers and parents;
  • scenarios of various forms of cooperation with families of pupils (consultations, round tables, trainings, workshops, seminars);
  • morning gymnastics complexes; Visual media information (materials of visual propaganda, located on the stands, in booklets and memos, etc.).

The work program of the DWA teacher is approved annually at the beginning school year (until September 10 of this year) by order of the DOW head. The approval of the Working Program of the Pedagogue of the Dow implies a preliminary discussion and adoption by members of the Pedagogical Council. Depending on how correctly the teacher can analyze, predict, design, organize an educational process, depends on the result of pedagogical work as a whole.

The Work Program of the Dow Teacher, compiled, taking into account the social order for pedagogical services, can be a tool for improving the quality of education, will contribute to the achievement of socially significant education results of pupils and stimulate the professional development of the teacher himself. Drawing up working programs and educational planning is one of the most complex tasks facing the teachers of the kindergarten. It is not by chance that the teacher, especially the beginner, may have a desire to use already existing programs (typical or developed by other authors) to avoid possible difficulties.

However, such a position eliminates the personality of the teacher from the design process, significantly limits its opportunities in professional growth and adversely affects the quality of education. Using already existing programs, without processing and not adapting them to the peculiarities of an educational process in their group, he acts as a performer of a foreign project mechanically performing ready-made positions. As a result of this approach, pupils and teachers do not receive a holistic idea of \u200b\u200bthe topic studied. Awareness of the integrity of the content. If it comes, only after several training cycles, i.e., formed empirically, "method of trial and error". A senior teacher or methodologist of kindergarten will help to cope with this work. It is recommended to carry out methodical associations, workshops, workshops, organize creative groups. The active position of the teachers will speed up the process of drawing up the working program of the teacher of the Dow, and the result can be the creative and fascinating life of the group.

Nested files

  • Document number 1.doc.