Autumn walks in 1 youngest group. Card file walks for younger group


Walk 1.

Observation Behind the trees. To draw the attention of children to the fact that the trees are snow, it is white, soft fluffy. To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe time of the year - Winter.

Didactic game"Who is attentive?" - develop hearing sharpness, the ability to perceive verbal instructions regardless of the power of the voice that it is pronounced.

Movable game"Step through a stick" - I exercise children to overpand through the subject.

Individual work.Running in a straight line.

Work.We swell the track from the snow - to cultivate the desire to work together.

Walk 2.

Observation "What has changed on the street?" - form elementary ideas about winter changes in nature, develop speech, the ability to answer questions.

Movable game"Bear white sits" - teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content.

Didactic game"Where did you call?" - develop the focus of auditory attention, the ability to determine the direction of sound, orient in space.

Work. "Snow the snow with blades" - execution of orders.

Individual work.Gaming exercise "Find a toy" - learn to walk in a certain direction, start moving along the tutor signal.

Walk 3.

Observationbehind the snow - to form ideas about winter weather phenomena, expand the horizons of children, intensify the dictionary: "Snow", "Snowflakes", "Winter", "beautifully", "cold".

Movable game"Run to me" - exercise children in running in the specified direction.

Didactic game"Loudly quietly" is to develop the ability to change the power of voting: it is loud, then quietly.

Work.We collect toys at the end of the walk - to learn to work together.

Individual work.Repeat the poem M. Poznanskaya "Snow is coming."

Walk 4.

Work.Washing the feeders - to raise the desire to work with the educator.

Observationbirds, bird feeding is to bring up a caring attitude towards birds.

Movable game"Who is quieter?" - Exercise in walking on socks in the specified direction.

Didactic game"What's in the bag?" - Teach children to determine what kind of grain are in the bag.

Individual work.Lesheka "Big feet walked on the road ..."

Walk 5.

Observationbehind the cat is to attract for pet observations, to raise a desire to take care of them.

Movable game"Furnits - catch-up" - to learn to coordinate their actions with the actions of a comrade.

Didactic game"Find and bring" - to continue the development of the ability to understand the speech of an adult, learning to fulfill uncomplicated instructions, learn to navigate in space.

Work."We sweep in the gazebo" - attract children to the fulfillment of the simplest orders.

Individual work.Jumping on two legs through line.

Walk 6.

Observationbirds - to form in children the desire to take care of birds, teach to recognize birds, call parts of the body.

Movable game "Mom-Sparrow" - to learn to perform movements on the signal.

Didactic game "What are birds?" - Exercise children in the ability to find the right bird in the picture.

Work.Feeding birds - to educate a desire to take care of birds.

Individual work. Exercises for sound resistance to the voices of birds.

Walk 7.

Observationbehind the weather changes - the formation of ideas about the winter.

Movable game"Snowflakes and wind" - learning to act on the signal.

Didactic game"Song - Song" - fix the correct sound testing, develop speech rumor, skill to pronounce sound and sound imitation.

Work.We collect branches in a bunch - to cultivate the desire to work together.

Individual work.Gaming exercise "Pass along the track" - to learn to walk in a straight line.

Walk 8.

Observationfor clothing passersby. Why do people dressed so warmly? - Continue to form the presentation of children that in winter it is cold.

Movable game"Bear white sits" - continue to teach children to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the content: clap your hands, bounce in place, etc.

Didactic game

Work.Sprinkling tracks sand - clarify the children that when it is very slippery, the tracks sprinkle with sand. Educating the desire to help adults.

Individual work.Remember the poem N. Sakonskoy "Where is my finger?"

Walk 9.

Observationbirds. Brief interest in the world around the world, to educate a desire to help birds in winter.

Movable game"Crows and dogs" - learning to act across the signal.

Didactic game"Oline assistants" - to teach form the forms of the plural number of verbs, decreasing - burning forms of nouns.

Work.We collect toys - to teach without reminding an adult to collect toys after a walk.

Individual work.Repeat poems to the New Year holiday.

Walk 10.

Observationfor the games of senior preschoolers - consolidate the rules of behavior during the walk.

Movable game"Catch the ball" - exercise children in fishing, abandoned by an educator from a distance of 50-100 cm.

Didactic game"Hide the ball" - to form in children the skills of understanding the proposals.

Work.Wake up the track - to learn to work with the senior preschoolers.

Individual work.The finger gymnastics "three bear sitting".

Walk 11.

Observationbehind the snow. Promote familiarizing with the properties of snow by the game with him.

Movable game"Changing the ball" - develop the ability to maintain during walking and running the necessary direction.

Didactic game"Nazis Laskovo" - to teach the formation of nouns with dimensional suffixes.

Work."Enumerate in the gazebo" - involve it for the fulfillment of the simplest orders.

Individual work.Walking on a straight track.

Walk 12.

Observationon the topic: "Winter Cold" - to form connected ideas about the winter.

Movable game"Santa Claus" - instilling the skill to perform characteristic movements (bunny, teddy bear, chanterelle, birds).

Didactic game"Yes," - consolidate the rules of behavior on a walk in winter.

Work.Snow smooth in a bunch - preparation for the manufacture of snow buildings - attract children to work.

Individual work.Repetition of poems to the New Year holiday.

Walk 13.

Observationbehind the snow. Forming ideas about snow properties (white, fluffy, bulk, cold).

Movable game"Snow is spinning" - teach children to relate their own actions with the actions of the participants of the game.

Didactic game "One - a lot" - learning to distinguish between the number of items.

Work.Help the janitor to clear the tracks from the snow - to support the desire of children to help adults.

Individual work.Remember the poem of O. Tedisky "Cold".

Walk 14.

Observationbehind the weather day. Develop speech, thinking, forming ideas about winter.

Movable game"Bunny white sits" - learn to coordinate movements with the text of the poem.

Didactic game"Show whom I will name" - to learn children to find, show and call the names of peers, childcare staff. Educating friendliness, develop sociability and good relationship with others.

Work.Collect snow into a bunch for building a slide - to attract to fulfill the assignments.

Individual work.Range throwing.

Walk 15.

Observationfor passersby: someone carries a tree, bags with gifts - to draw the attention of children to how people are preparing for the holiday.

Movable game"On the tree" - to teach children to perform imitation movements.

Didactic game"Bring the same subject" - learning among toys to find similar to the proposed.

Work.Decorate the buildings with colored ice floes - to raise the desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten.

Individual work. Jump on two legs.


Walk 1.

Observationbehind the trees in the winter dress - to learn to notice beautiful around, consolidate ideas about the winter.

Movable game"Snow is spinning" - to teach children to relate their own actions with the actions of the participants of the game.

Didactic game"Wonderful bag" - to learn to determine the objects of the power.

Work."Build a slide for the doll Kati" - to learn to fulfill labor orders.

Individual work.Walking with a high knee lifting.

Walk 2.

Observation"How dressed passersby?" - Continue to form ideas about winter, fix in the dictionary of the names of winter clothes.

Movable game"Airplanes" - exercise children in the ability to run in different areaswithout pushing at each other, perform movements by signal.

Didactic game"Big and small" - to learn to build houses for a mouse and bears of the appropriate size.

Work.Snowing snow with blades - learning to work together.

Individual work.Jumping on two legs "From a mug in a circle."

Walk 3.

Observationbehind the work of the janitor in the winter - to form knowledge about the work of adults; Reliable respect for their work.

Movable game"Catch up with me" - exercise in a run in a certain direction.

Didactic game"Where is the kitten?" - To form the ability of children to navigate in space.

Work.Assistance to the janitor in a snow clearing - to educate a desire to help.

Individual work.Exercise for sound resistance "How does the kitten meow?"

Walk 4.

Observationbirds - to form in children the desire about the winter birds; Learn to call parts of the body of birds.

Movable game"We hear - do" - they have children to perform movements on the game text.

Didactic game"Policy doll" - form moral qualities: politeness, attentiveness; Learn to take care.

Work.Build a hill - to educate the desire to participate in joint work.

Individual work.

Walk 5.

Observationbehind the snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow (cold, white, crumbly, crisp).

Movable game"Snow is spinning" - to teach correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game.

Didactic game"Orders" - teaches to understand verbal instructions.

Work.Clearing tracks from snow - execution of orders.

Individual work.Archings of two-bending: "Once a chamber, two chairs - under the snowball".

Walk 6.

Observation"Frosty Sunny Day" - to develop interest in the surrounding, form ideas about winter.

Movable game"On the Christmas tree" - to teach children to imitate the characteristic movements of children.

Didactic game"On our site" - to learn to focus on the site of the kindergarten, call familiar subjects.

Work.Decorate with a snowy sandbox with multi-colored ice cream - to educate the desire to decorate the territory of the kindergarten.

Individual work. Long jumps.

Walk 7.

Observationbehind the snowfall. Learning to notice the beauty of natural phenomena, to form ideas about snow properties - snow melts on his palm.

Movable game"Run to the fact that I will name" - remind the names of the items, teach to run a stink.

Didactic game"How many items?" - Forming the ability to distinguish the number of items (one - a lot).

Work. Clearing track to a gazebo from snow - to learn to perform the simplest orders.

Individual work.Filter game "Forty-forty".

Walk 8.

Observationat the work of the janitor - to educate respect for someone else's labor; Develop the ability to answer the questions of the caregiver: "What is the janitor in his hands? What does the janitor do? What is it cleansing the tracks? "

Movable game"According to the narrow track" - teaches to step from the circle to the circle, act across the signal.

Didactic game"Who called?" - Learning to distinguish with sound-resistant words for rumor, find out peers in voice.

Work.Help the janitor in clearing a plot from snow - to educate the desire to help.

Individual work.Remember the poem of N. Sakonskaya "Where is my finger?"

Walk 9.

Observation"Icicles on the roofs" - to acquaint children with natural phenomena, explain that under the roofs are dangerous if I hung off the roofs.

Movable game"Snow is spinning" - to teach correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game.

Didactic game"On our site" - to teach children to focus on the site of the kindergarten, call familiar items, carry out instructions.

Work.Pour food to bird feeders - to bring up a caring attitude towards birds.

Individual work.Gaming exercise "Serebagni obstacle"

Walk 10.

Observationbehind the trees - to form ideas about trees, to educate the careful attitude towards nature.

Movable game"Lochmatic dog" - to learn to move around the site, following the instructions of the educator; Learning to respond quickly to the signal.

Didactic game"Find balls of yellow color" - learning to distinguish yellow color.

Work.Clearing tracks from snow - to cultivate the desire to work.

Individual work.Gaming exercise "Run to what you call."

Walk 11.

Observationbehind the snow - continue to get acquainted with the properties of snow: cold, white, fluffy, nelipe, crumbly.

Movable game"Run to the fact that I will name" - to learn to navigate in space, run, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game"One - a lot" - learning to distinguish between the number of items.

Work.Fucking birds on the plot - to bring up careful and caring attitude towards the winter birds.

Individual work.Remember the speech "Big feet walked on the road."

Walk 12.

Observationbehind the weather - consolidate knowledge of winter, about the features of winter weather.

Movable game"Step through the bumps" - exercise in overpanding through items with a height of 10 - 15 cm.

Didactic game"Who and where?" - Learn to navigate in space.

Work.Snow smooth in one place - teach children to work.

Individual work.Fingering gymnastics "This finger - grandfather ..."

Walk 13.

Observationbehind the sky - to develop the cognitive activity of children, speech, expand the horizon.

Movable game"Birds, time! Birds, two! " - Exercise children in performing movements.

Didactic game"Guess, not looking" - to teach children to recognize the objects of the power, develop tactile sensations.

Work.Spenting the snow in the gazebo - execution of orders.

Individual work.Cleaner "UK UK-UK - Cattle Brushes Onions"

Walk 14.

Observationbirds - to bring up a desire to take care of birds, continue to study their features.

Movable game"Practice and the car" - to learn to act on the signal, run, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game"What's in the bag?" - Learning to determine which croup is in the bag: millet, peas, rice, etc.

Work.Feeding birds - to educate a desire to help birds in winter.

Individual work.Remember the poem E. Ilyina "Our Christmas tree is high ..."

Walk 15.

Observationbehind the weather changes - continue to form an idea of \u200b\u200bwinter.

Movable game"Crows and a dog" - to teach children to imitate movements and voices of birds; Move without interfering with each other.

Didactic game"Learn voice" - develop auditory attention.

Work.Building a highway - to educate the ability to work together.

Individual work.Throwing snow in the range.


Walk 1.

Observationbehind the trees - to educate the careful attitude towards nature.

Movable game"Hares and Wolf" - to teach carefully to listen to the educator, exercise in jumping with promotion.

Didactic game "Two roads "- to teach choose the road for small machines and large cars (for large - wide, for small - narrow).

Work."Will the track" - to learn to perform the simplest orders.

Individual work.Repetition of fun "Ai, Du-Du, Du-Du, Du-Doo."

Walk 2.

Excursionin the area of \u200b\u200bthe kindergarten: the viewing of buildings performed by the elder children - to promote the development of relations between the kids and senior preschoolers, to introduce elementary standards and rules of relationships; Enrich children's dictionary, develop the ability to answer questions.

Movable game"On the narrow track" - to learn to perform actions on the text of the poem.

Didactic game"Help the bunny to get to the house" - to teach choosing a narrow track for a bunny (a bear goes wide).

Work.Let's clean the track from snow - to teach the work together with the older children.

Individual work.Finger gymnastics "Build a house."

Walk 3.

Observation"Footprints in the snow" - to learn to determine the traces: children, adults, animals and birds.

Movable game"Mice water dance" - to acquaint children with Russian folk rolling games, exercise in performing movements on the text of the flow.

Didactic game"The clock is ticking" - to develop sound testing, voice apparatus, consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds "K", "T", "T". Develop the ability to utter words quickly and slowly, loud and quiet.

Work. "We build a house from the snow" - develop the desire of children to build from snow.

Individual work.Respiratory exercise "Wind".

Walk 4.

Observationfor ice - introduces children with natural phenomenon -ld.

Movable game"Bunny white is washed" - to teach children to act according to the text of the poem.

Didactic game"Repeat after me" - shape the skills of the correct sound.

Work.Feeding birds - to bring up a caring attitude towards birds.

Individual work.Respiratory exercise "Merry Cockerel"

Walk 5.

Observationbehind the wind - to acquaint children with affordable phenomena of nature, to develop the ability to answer questions: "Why are the branches of trees swinging? Does the wind blowing? How do trees swing? "

Movable game"Oh, what kind of people?" - Continue to acquaint with folk games, learn to move the pack, perform certain actions, running, do not interfere with comrades, do not encounter each other.

Didactic game"On our site" - to learn to navigate on the site of the kindergarten.

Elena Velgortskaya
Card file walks in the first junior group

Card file walk. First younger group.


Walk 1.

Observation of the butterfly - to form in children a careful attitude towards insects, to educate the ability to see the beauty of the surrounding world.

Gaming exercise "Come to me" - Exercise children in running directly without stopping.

Didactic task "Large and small pebbles"

Labor order "We collect toys at the end walk»

Walk 2.

Watching birds - enrich the ideas of children about the world.

Movable game "Bubble" - Fasten in children the ability to become in a circle, gradually expand and narrow it.

Didactic game "Find down the sound"

Labor order "We bring sand in the sandbox" - Learn to perform the simplest orders.

"Go along the track" - Exercise children in walking on a limited area.

Walk 3.

Watching a dog - attract children to pet observations, form ideas about domestic animals.

Movable game "Sun and rain"

Didactic game "Spread on color" - learning to distinguish the main colors group items(molds for sandbox) in color.

Work. We bring the twigs on the site - to attract the simplest orders to fulfill the simplest orders.

Individual work. Jump on two legs.

Walk 4.

Observation of flowers on the flower bed - to educate the ability to see beautiful around, admire the beauty of flowers, leaning carefully to plants.

Movable game "Cat and mouse" - Learn to walk in a circle, holding hands, scatter in different directions with the end of the poetic text.

Didactic game "Pick up tape dolls" - learning to distinguish tapes length: Long and short.

Work. Build the road from the sand - to learn to work next to each other.

Individual work. Throwing into target.

Walk 5.

Monitoring the machine, bringing food to kindergarten - to attract to transport observations, learning to call parts cars: Cab, wheels, steering wheel, etc.

Movable game "A train" - Exercise in walking with each other, learning to start and finish the motion at the signaler.

Didactic game "Big small" - Learning to pick up a house for a teddy bear and mouse. (Houses draw in advance with a wand on earth or shallow on asphalt.)

Work. "Slow sand with sandboxes" - to cultivate the desire to work with the educator.

Individual work. Exercise in walking in a straight line.

Walk 6.

Monitoring the work of the janitor - to acquaint with the difficulty of adults, to support the desire to help.

Movable game "Cut me"

Didactic game "Find out a friend by description" - Teach learning to know your comrades for the description of the educator.

Work. We collect leaves - help the janitor.

Individual work. Jumping with promotion forward.

Walk 7.

Wind observation is to acquaint children with affordable nature phenomena, diversify game activities with the help of actions with turntables.

Movable game "Get into the goal" - develop the eye meter, coordination of movements.

Didactic game "Bring the same subject" - Learn among toys to find a similar one.

Work. We will collect sand into the sandbox - to attract labor orders.

Individual work. Repeat Russian folk sweat "Fucked Lischik Fox with a Bodyman".

Walk 8.

Watching birds - to educate interest in the world around the world, maintain interest in observations of wildlife objects, to educate the desire to take care of birds.

Movable game "Catching" - Exercise in running.

Didactic game "Find down the sound" - Development of auditory attention.

Work. We collect toys after walk - to educate the desire to remove toys after the games.

"Big feet walked on the road ..."

Walk 9.

Observation of clothes: His and passersby - intensify the dictionary on the topic "Clothing", form knowledge about how to dress in the fall.

Movable game "Run to me" - Exercise in the run in one direction, not coming together to each other.

Didactic game "Find a cub" - learning to find baby pets on pictures.

Work. We collect leaves - to educate a desire to carry out orders.

Individual work. Draw a stick in the sand - develop interest in drawing /

Walk 10.

An excursion to the garden of the kindergarten is to form knowledge about vegetables, to learn to call them.

Movable game "Cut the ball" - Learn to run in a certain direction.

Didactic game "Order" - Teach to understand the verbal instructions.

Work. Help in harvesting potatoes - to educate a desire to help.

"We are rubbing rubble - ruby".

Walk 11.

Observation of the clouds: White, wind drives clouds, they change the form - to involve natural phenomena to observations.

Movable game "Lohamatic dog" - Learn to act across the signal, run in different directions, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" - Learning to determine the objects of the power.

Work. Collect sticks on the site - attract children to the execution of orders.

Individual work. Lazagne on the gymnastic wall.

Walk 12.

Monitoring seasonal and weather changes in nature - to form elementary views On autumn changes in nature.

Movable game "Cars" - Exercise children in running in different directions, in the ability to start moving and stop at the signal.

Didactic game "What colour?" - Learning to distinguish between the flowing cars.

Work. "We collect twigs" - Acqualce to work.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Raise the legs above" - Learn to overstep objects with a height of 5-10 cm.

Walk 13.

Transport observation - to form a transport opinion, about elementary rules road.

Movable game "Cars" - Learning to move around the site, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "On our site" - Learn to navigate in space, call familiar items.

Work. "Take toys in group» - Learn after walk Clean your toys yourself.

Individual work. "Catch - throw" - Exercise in fishing and throwing the ball.

Walk 14.

Watching trees: What trees? What are the leaves on them? How do trees swing in branches? - Attract to observations of trees on the site, develop speech.

Movable game "Practice and car" - Learn to act across the signal.

Didactic game "Who and where?" - Learn to navigate in space, improve the understanding of the speech of an adult.

Work. Mound of sand into the sandbox - to learn to execute orders.

Individual work. Speech game "Loud quiet".

Walk 15.

Watching grass: Mark which color of grass, what kind of power it is, etc. - attract to observations of wildlife objects.

Movable game "On the narrow track" - Develop a sense of equilibrium.

Didactic game "Fox, dances!" - Learning to distinguish with the sound of tools.

Work. We sweat the sandboxes - to cultivate the desire to work together with adults.

Individual work. Running along a straight track.

Walk 1.

Observation of the grass on the plot. Conversation issues: What color is grass? What is she apt? Who eats herbs? Is it possible to eat the herbs? " - Develop thinking, speech, learning to distinguish colors, explain that inedible objects cannot be taken in the mouth.

Movable game "At the bear in Bor" - Learn to teach the children to run.

Didactic game "Guess what to do" - Teach children relate the character of his actions with the sound of the tambourine. Education in children skill to switch auditory attention.

Work. "We will help the janitor in the cleaning of the site" - to educate in children the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Throwing the ball into the range.

Walk 2.

Cat observation is to expand the idea of \u200b\u200ba cat - a cat. Brief desire to take care of animals.

Conversation on the topic: "Who lives from the animals with a man at home?"

Movable game "Furnits - Catching" - Teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of comrades.

Didactic game "Sun or rain?" - Teach children to perform actions according to the various sounding of the tambourine, bring up the ability to switch auditory attention in children.

Work. Gaming exercise "Collect leaves" - Teach to fulfill labor orders.

Individual work. Exercise children in distinguishing the items of a contrast value (big house and small house, big ball and little ball, etc.)

Walk 3.

Transport observation is to explain to children that cars go through the roadway road, the driver leads the driver, during a trip to the car do not need to distract the driver to conversations.

Movable game "Cars" - Teach children to run in different directions, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "Guess the sound"

Work. Cleaning a sector of kindergarten - to educate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Step up a stick" - Develop the ability to overpand objects and not lose balance.

Walk 4.

Leisure observation - Show children a variety of paints of golden autumn; Reveal a new concept "List Fall".

Movable game "Who is quieter?" - Exercise children in walking on socks in the specified direction.

Didactic game "Collect the Red and Yellow Leaves" - Learning to distinguish yellow and red colors.

walking - Accustomed to work.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Bring the ball" - Develop the ability to maintain a certain direction during walking.

Walk 5.

Watching birds. Relieving a kind attitude to feathery.

Movable game "Lohamatic dog"

Didactic game "Where did you call?" - Teach children to determine the direction of sound.

Work. We collect leaves in a bunch - to educate a desire to help adults.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Catch the ball".

Walk 6.

Observation of birch. Consider birch zKU: Listers Yellow, blowing the breeze, birching swings, drops leaves.

Respiratory exercise "Breeze".

Movable game "Cut the ball" - Develop the ability to maintain during walking and running the necessary direction.

Didactic game "Loud quiet" - Teach children change strength vote: To say it quietly, then loud.

Work. "We bring sand in the sandbox" - attract children to the execution of orders.

Individual work. Run between the two lines is to develop coordination of movements.

Walk 7.

Observation of the sky, conversation issues: "Show where the sky? What is in the sky? Who flies in the sky? " - develop speech, educate interest in the surrounding.

Movable game "Sun and rain" - Learn to navigate the space, act across the signal.

Work. Collect branches on the site - to attract labor orders together with older children groups.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Step up a stick" - Develop the ability to step off the stick, while not to lose balance.

Walk 8.

Observation of flowers on the flower bed. To draw the attention of children to withering colors. To form ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Movable game "Lohamatic dog" - Acquire children to listen to the text and respond quickly to the signal.

Didactic game "One - a lot"

Work. Suggest help the janitor to collect leaves on the plot. Educating the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Exercise in Lazania according to the gymnastic forest.

Walk 9.

Will observation - the wind blows, breaks the leaflet from the trees. He introduces children with affordable nature phenomena, to educate interest in the world around.

Respiratory exercise "Breeze".

Movable game "Cat and birds" - Develop speed, dexterity.

Didactic game "Name a baby cub" - develop speech, consolidate knowledge of pets.

Work. Collect the leaves to a certain place - to attract to the fulfillment of the simplest orders.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Cut the ball" - Learn to run in a certain direction. Exercise Children in Oppiance - Exercise "Who as he says".

Walk 10.

Observation of the sky (gray, freezes rain, no sun, birds hid) - to educate interest in the world around.

Movable game "Through the rod" - Learn to step over obstacles.

Work. "Collect pebbles on the plot" - attract children to the fulfillment of the simplest orders.

Individual work. Repeat the poem A. Barto "Horse".

Walk 11.

Observation of the rainwright, consider how he moves, tell where he lives is to educate interest in the surrounding.

Movable game "Dwarf-Giant" - Learn to act across the signal, walk, not coming around to each other.

Didactic game "Large and small leaves" - Teach children to distinguish between items in magnitude.

Work. Assistance to the janitor in cleaning the plot - to encourage the desire to help adults.

Individual work. Remember the poem "Ball" A. Barto.

Walk 12.

Watching trees: Consider trees, its main parts, to propose to stroke the trunk - to acquaint with objects of wildlife.

Movable game "Birds in Nestshka" - Learning to walk and run the gasser.

Didactic game "Find down the sound" - develop auditory attention.

Work "We collect leaves in a bucket" - Learn to perform the simplest orders.

Individual work. Exercise in Lazania according to the gymnastic wall.

Walk 13.

Observation of the work of the janitor, the provision of satisfaction is to educate interest in the work of adults, the desire to help.

Movable game "Lohamatic dog" - Develop the ability to run in different directions, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "Find a dog's place"

Work. Assistance to the janitor in cleaning the plot - to support the desire to help.

Individual work. Fingering game "Soroka-forty", game exercise "Catch the ball".

Walk 14.

Observation of life streets: Watching moving transport - learning to distinguish transport funds: car, bus, tractor, truck, etc.

Movable game "Sparrow and car" - To acquaint children with elementary rules Road traffic, exercise in running in different directions, teach to run, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "Big small" - Develop attention, thinking, learning to classify items in magnitude.

Work. Sun together in a gazebo - teach to work.

Individual work. Repeat sweat "Bai-Bai - you, doggy, not bark". Exercise children in jumps with progress forward from place.

Walk 15.

Observation of clothes and children's footwear - dictionary enrichment (jumpsuit, jacket, boots, boots, etc.).

Movable game "Legs" - Create a good mood, continue to teach listen to adults.

Didactic game "Wonderful bag" - Promoting the formation of skills to examine objects.

Work. "We gather a branch in a bunch" - to educate the desire to work.

Individual work. Gaming exercise "Step through a stick" - Exercise in overpanding through obstacles.

Walk 1.

Watch observation. To acquaint children with signs of autumn (trees are discarded by the foliage, form a careful attitude towards nature (branches of trees can not break).

Movable game "Catch me" - Learning to run in a certain direction, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "High and low trees" - Learning to distinguish trees in height.

Work. We collect pebbles on the plot - learning will perform the simplest orders.

Individual work. Remember feather "Our clarification in the morning". Exercise in Lazania according to the gymnastic wall.

Walk 2.

Observation of the weather day is to form ideas about autumn changes in nature.

Movable game "Bubble" - Develop a desire to play mobile games with the educator.

Didactic game "One - a lot" - learning to distinguish between the number of items.

Work. We collect leaves in a bucket - to cultivate the desire to work together with adults.

Individual work. Fingering gymnastics "Finger-boy, where have you been?"

Walk 3.

Wind observation is to pay attention to the branches of trees, on the leaves, how the wind is swinging quietly. Suggest children to portray the breeze - respiratory exercise "Breeze".

Movable game "Cat and mice" - develop motor activity, learning to act across the signal, run, not pushing at each other.

Didactic game "Guess the description" - Learning to guess by the description, whom the children fought the teacher.

Work. Sun together in a gazebo - to learn to perform the simplest orders.

Individual work. Exercise children in fishing.

Walk 4.

Observation of adults - to educate interest in the work of adults.

Movable game "Who is quieter" - Exercise children in walking on socks.

Didactic game "One, a lot" - learning to distinguish between the number of items.

Work. The provision of assistance in cleaning the area from the leaves is to cultivate the desire to help.

Individual work. Throwing the ball on the distance right and left hand.

Walk 5.

Observation of the carriageway of the road - give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of the road.

Movable game "Where does it ring?" - Learn to navigate in space.

Didactic game "Curious doll" - Teach children answer questions "Who?", "what?", "what is he doing?"

Work. We collect twigs in one place - teach to perform the simplest orders.

Individual work. Exercise children in leaps in place.

Walk 6.

Watching birds - to talk about the fact that with the approach of colds in birds it becomes less feed, and people should take care of them. Rail a caring attitude towards birds.

Movable game "Legs" - Exercise in alternating movements (Running, walking, jumping, squats).

Didactic game "Guess the sound" - Continue to dilute and recognize the sounds of individual musical instruments.

Work. Suitable in the gazebo - to attract labor orders.

Individual work. Jumping on two legs with advanced advance.

Walk 7.

Watching the rain - consolidate the ideas about the autumn changes in nature: often it rains, on the street, raw, overcast.

Movable game "Cats and mice" - Exercise in the run by the signal.

Didactic game "Call color" - Learning to distinguish the basic colors.

Work. Collect toys at the end walk - to educate the desire to fulfill labor orders.

Individual work. Lazain on the gymnastic wall.

Walk 8.

Watching the trees is to draw the attention of children to the branches without leaves, tell me that the trees drop the leaves for the winter - to acquaint with the objects of wildlife, bring up a careful attitude towards trees.

Movable game "Cut me" - Exercise children in running and walking in a certain direction.

For the kids of the first younger group, whose age ranges from 1.5 to 3 years, staying on the street is the best way to implement challenges of harmonious and comprehensive development, as well as increase immunity. But the teacher must carefully plan each step of the walk to interest children different species Activities, enhanced educational tasks in an entertaining and understandable form for kids.

Why do you need walks

For pupils of kindergartens, leisure in the fresh air is an effective way to join the beauty and uniqueness of the surrounding nature and strengthen health. These factors determined the inclusion of walks in the mandatory educational program kindergartens.


Preservation and strengthening of children's health is the main goal of the educational process in preschool institutions. Leisure in the fresh air allows kids to adapt to the conditions of the external environment. At the same time, like any other type of work with children, a walk has 3 kome-free directions: educational, educational and developing. Based on this, the federal state educational standard identifies the following goals of the event on the street for the kids of the first younger group:

  • development of natural behavior norms (through observations of weather conditions, change of seasons, etc.);
  • obtaining an idea of \u200b\u200bprofessions, types of animals, plants, etc.;
  • development of analyzing skills, assessment of environmental changes and the formation of skill to be recorded by these transformations using oral descriptions.

The knowledge of the surrounding world occurs through direct interaction with him


To achieve the goals of the teacher, planning a combination of activities for a walk, lays a range of educational tasks:

  1. Demonstration of perfection of everything that is created by nature: Trestoviki, bugs, spiders, etc.
  2. Acquaintance S. different times years, interesting attractions in the native locality, labor activity adults (for example, builders, janitors, etc.).
  3. Work on improving health culture. For the first younger group, this ability to wear, remove the upper clothes without (or almost without) to help adults, shoved, forming the hand washing skill, report the need to go to the toilet, blow the root before and after the walk.
  4. Education of a positive, respectful attitude towards man and nature.

Rules of organization

In order for leisure on the street, it worked for the tasks, it should be competently organized.

It is interesting. Detailed information on sanitary standards is represented in SanPiN of May 15, 2013. N 26 On the approval of SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of work in preschool organizations."

Types of walk

By time, daily walks are divided into:

  • morning - before lunch;
  • evening - after day sleep.

They are held at any time of the year under suitable weather conditions. In the first younger group, a walk in the cold season takes 4 hours distributed to 2 receptions. Summer work with kids in kindergarten is called wellness, since weather conditions are favorable to strengthen the health of children. During this period, all types of activity are carried out in the fresh air, the guys only take food and sleep.

Preparatory stage

The exit to the street begins long before the walk, as several important preparation stages will have to go through children and adults.

  1. Children are frozen, go to the toilet.
  2. The tutor is equipping the first part of the children: checks the correctness of the staging of shoes, clothes and helps those who are not quite independently dressing.
  3. Children overlook the street with the educator.
  4. The assistant caregiver helps the second part of the children to carry out hygienic procedures, clothes them and sends to the street to the first group.
  5. Return from the street passes through the same principle. Only kids with a weak state of health come first, even though they are always the second.

Leisure structure on the street

The walk process is divided into several important components. These parts can be combined in different combinations, leaving unchanged only that completing the mione need a calm walk.


The basis of the foundation of a walk in the first youngest group. Among the objects of consideration may be:

  • plants, animals;
  • precipitation;
  • signs of changing the seasons of the year;
  • man's work (as the janitor sweeps the leaves, clears the snow, etc.).

Depending on the observation object, there may be:

  • short-term (forming ideas about form, color of certain objects, their position in space);
  • long-term (for example, to demonstrate changes in the color of the leaves depending on the time of year).

An algorithm for analyzing objects of observation is that children with adults:

  • install facts (after the rain puddles appear);
  • they associate them between themselves (for example, a lot of puddles due to rain, on the road wet);
  • accumulate similar information;
  • formulate with an adult output.

Observation of signs of one day or another year develops attentiveness and expands the horizons

Labor activity

With the help of this work, the child is raised by a sense of responsibility.

  1. Folding toys in boxes or boxes.
  2. Cleaning of large garbage and snow in winter (shovels, meters).
  3. Watering colors. Usually, the kids entrust to help convey the watering can or trace the water level in it.

Any work should be sat for kids

Game techniques

During walks with children, 1.5-3 years spend 2 types of games: movable and low-lifting. Their choice depends on the topic of a particular walk and weather conditions. Active fun for good weather - Skolki, hide and seek, games with a ball, calm for slushful - ring-ring, constructor, etc.

Teacher participates in all the proposed games usually as a lead

It is interesting. Psychologists have established that the kids of the first youngest group due to the age and maturity of the thinking apparatus play not together, and near.

Individual work

Walk, as a rule, love all the kids. Only temperament guys may vary. Therefore, the educator should find an approach to everyone: someone plays the ball, someone jumps through the wheel. At the same time there are children who are happy to run for a beautiful dragonfly. Teacher's task: choose a lesson for each kid and, having the necessary assistance (for example, showing how to keep a cuckoo correctly), control the correctness of the execution.

It is interesting. In the evening, the walker suggests that the teacher will communicate with his parents, and therefore observation, labor - those activities that require maximum concentration of attention not only children, but also adults are not included.

Individual work implies and the possibility of free choice of activity

Video: Individual gaming activity on a walk in the first youngest group (spring)

The card files featured a description of the all academic yearas well as on summer periodWhen preschoolers most of the time in Dow are outdoors.

  • Card file walks for the first youngest group (Alypova L.V., Torbostayeva E.N.).
  • Card file walks in the younger group (from 1-3 years) (Ignatiev T.A.).
  • Card file walks in the younger group (Komarova N.V.).

Table: Fragment of a trip file

SubjectKind of activityContentTasks
WeatherObservationSuggest the children to see if there is a sun or clouds in the sky. Ask what they did clouds (closed the sun), note what kind of heaven (gloomy), what the weather is (frowning).
  • Winds are blowing, rains,
    Tuchi walk, the clouds are dark.

To draw the attention of children on the tops of the trees (swing), the wind blows, rocks the trees. In the trees bloomed foliage.

  • If on the trees leaves wishes,
    If there is a distant bird fleet,
    If the sky is gloomy, if the rain is poured,
    This time is called autumn.
Learning to determine the time of year on characteristic features.
Labor activityWater sand for play.
  • To accustom to abide by the purity and order on the plot, encourage adult assistance;
  • fasten the knowledge that dry sand is crumbling, and if it is pouring it, it becomes wet, you can sculpt cakes for dolls.
Outdoor games"Purobushki and car". Children - "Varobushki" sit on the bench - "Nests". The tutor depicts the "car". After the words of the teacher, "flew, sparrows, on the track", children rise and run around the site, waving their hands - "wings". According to the tutor's signal, "Car rides, fly, sparrows, in their sockets!" "Car" leaves "Garage", "Varobushki" fly to "Nestzda" (sit on benches). "Car" returns to Garage.
"Take care of the subject." Playing form a circle. One child is located in the middle of the circle (leading), the rest are standing, several laying legs and holding hands behind her back. At the feet of each child lies a cube (or any other item). Drinking tries to grab this cube, but the playing protects him, squats and closes his hands, not letting it be touched. As soon as the leading departs, the player gets up. A child who does not defend his cube takes a step back from the circle. He is temporarily not involved in the game. When you manage to take objects from two or three players, a new leading is appointed. When changing the leading children behind the circle, return to the game.
  • Learn to act and navigate the signal in space;
  • develop dexterity.
Individual work
FallObservation of the clouds
  • I saw today myself:
    Elephant walked around heaven!
    Purple carcass
    Not in rainforests
    And we, above our land
    Elephant hung in heaven.
    In the blue, he is spelled out
    Even the sun deposited.

Suggest children to watch the clouds, tell us that the clouds consist of water droplets. Suggest each child to choose the most liked cloud and trace where it sails, quickly moves or slowly. Let each child give his cloud name.

  • Introduce various natural phenomena;
  • show a variety of water condition in the environment;
  • to form a creative attitude to business.
Labor activityCollection of fallen leaves and other garbage on the site.To accustom to observe order on the site of kindergarten.
Outdoor games"Sunny and rain". On the words "Rain goes!" Run to your home (sit on the bench), and on the words "the sunth flies!" Exit the middle of the site.
  • Learning to walk and run a swarming, not pushing at each other;
  • to accustom to act quickly across the tutor signal, help each other.
"From the bump on the hammer." At the site, the tutor draws the circles with a diameter of 30-35 cm, the distance between them is about 25-30 cm. These are bodies for which you need to move on the other side of the swamp. On bumps you can step off, run, jump over.
  • Continue to learn to jump on two legs;
  • jump from high items to gently land, bending legs in the knees;
  • improve jumping skills.
Individual workTasks on the development of movements.
How to behave on the roadObservationGo to the carriageway of the road and watch the movement of transport. Explain that kindergarten is located next to the road. This is a highway.
  • Like the river, the prospectus is wide,
    The stream floats here.

Ask what machines are moving along the highway. Let the children name familiar cars. Pay attention to the fact that there are a lot of passenger and trucks on the highway, and no one bothers each other. This is because drivers comply with the rules of the road.

  • Introduce a roadway road - highway;
  • give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe rules of the road.
Labor activitySnaging dry leaves to a certain place.Teach the right to use rakes, fill buckets "to a certain mark".
Outdoor games"Purobushki and car".
  • Learn quickly run around the signal, but do not come together on each other;
  • start moving and change it across the tutor signal, find your place.
"Film fishing." Children become on one side of the site below. On the opposite side of the site, a trait was drawn. In the middle there is a fishing. After the words "times, two, three, catch!" Children move on the other side of the site, and the fishing catches them. He, to whom the fishing touched before the running crossing the line, is considered caught and departs to the side. After 2-3 days, the counting is calculated, and the new fishing is selected.Teach to coordinate your actions with the actions of comrades.
Individual workGames with dolls, machine.
Signs of springObservationIn Sunny March Day, pay attention to Spring Signs: Bright Dazzling Sun, High Sky, Light White Clouds. From the south side in the sun, the snow fell, and icicles appear. Snow became loose and wet - you can sculpt from it. Sparrows have fun tweet and jump through the snow.
  • Soon there soon to be warm -
    This news is the first
    Glass drums
    Gray headpad of the willow.
    Tired of us Winter, go, Winter, herself!
    In March, the sun bake, in March with roof water flows,
    And the snowdrock flourished on time - the very first is our flower.
    Good March, the whole world of Sogray, you are all months mile!
  • Consolidate knowledge about the time of year;
  • study grades of early spring.
Labor activityClearing tracks from snow on the plot, snow cleaning on the veranda.Learn to rack the snow using the blades to a certain place.
Outdoor games"Hares". One of the players choose "Wolf", the rest are "hares." At the beginning of the game "Zaysa" stand in their houses, the wolf is on the opposite side. "Hares" come out of the houses, the teacher says:
"Hares jump scop, schok, scall,
On the green on the meadow.
Twelling grass, eat,
Carefully listen - whether the wolf is not going. "
Children jump, perform movements. After these words, the "Wolf" comes out of the ravine and runs behind the "hares", they run away in their houses. Caught "Zaitsev" "Wolf" will take to themselves in the ravine.
Learn to quickly perform actions across the tutor.
"Jump-turn". Children, freely located on the site, jumping on the spot "1, 2, 3", for the account "4" rotate right by 45 °. Again make 3 jumps on the spot, the fourth turn right. Returning to its original position, the children perform jumps on the left side. Between the repetitions it is necessary to make a little break - to like on the site.Fasten repulsion skills when jumping on two legs.
Individual workGames for interest.

Table: Walk abstract example

AuthorTimofeeva Olga Vasilyevna, educator DOU Anninsky kindergarten number 7
NameAbstract Walking in the i junior group on the topic: "First Spring Flowers"
Kind of activityContent
  • Brightly the sun shines,
    In the air heat,
    And where we look,
    All the circle is light.
    (I. Surikov)

Children are suitable for flowerbed, which bloomed irises.
Educator: "Look, what beautiful flowers. Do you know how they are called? These are irises. Pay attention to the leaves that they are color. "
It offers children to breathe the aroma of Iris.
Children go further, suitable to tulips.
Educator: "What are these flowers called? That's right, tulips.
What color are these tulips? Find the same flower.
And what color leaves? "

  • Try, stroking - how gentle
    Gullible firstborn spring!
Individual workWalking on a limited surface ("no fall on a flower").
Children overlook the clearing with dandelions.
Educator: "Look at how many colors have grown. These are dandelions. What are these colors called? What color are they?"
  • Wears dandelion.
    Yellow Sarafanchik ...

The educator proposes to consider parts of the plant: stem, leaves, flower.
Children take place in the meadow and see dandelions who have already been blowing away.

  • Grow up - dressed up
    In a whlen, dress:
    Light, air,
    Obedient breeze.
    (E. Serov)

Children view a dandelion, blowing on it, watch the seeds fly out.

Outdoor games"Bunks".
  • On the forest lawn
    Have fun bunny.
    (Children perform rhythmic jumps on both legs, hands kept in front of a breast, like legs.)
    Jump, burst,
    Paws are stuffed.
    (Rhythmically stepped in place.)
    Jumping gallop! Jumping gallop!
    Stressed under the bun.
    (Make rhythmic jumps.)
  • Dandelion is so good! (Children stand face in a circle, closing hands above the head.)
    He looks like a cloud. (Knock your head and closed hands.)
    Only the wind flew, (strongly swinging.)
    Dandelion Our back.
    Dandelion went around, (drops hands.)
    Sheltered and lost weight. (Lower the head, shoulders, relax.)
Labor activityKids clean toys.

Temporary walk plan

A clear observance of the time frame for the fulfillment of each type of activity on a walk allows not only to achieve the educational goals, but also to maintain the interest of kids. Depending on the time of year, weather conditions can walk from 30 minutes to 2 hours. In accordance with this, it is distributed to each of the stages:

An example of the time distribution between the steps of a walk on the topic "Autumn leaves"

  1. Watching trees (10 minutes). Show children that it became cold, the leaves fall fall in the fall. This phenomenon is called leaf fall. On the trees is becoming less leaves. Much lies on the ground, on the grass.
    • Fall, fall leaves,
      In our garden, leaves.
      Red, Yellow Leaves
      In the wind, we go, fly.
  2. Individual work (10 minutes). Collect a bouquet of leaves.
  3. The movable game "Bunny white sits" (15 minutes). Children - "Bunks" are sitting on a bench. The educator suggests running out "bunnies" for the middle of the site ("Polyanka"). Children overlook the middle of the site, become near the teacher and squatted. The educator says the text:
    • Bunny white sits (children stir up hands, raising them to the head)
      And ears mechanics. That's how it is like this (imitates the harassment ears).
      He makes her ears. Bunny sit coldly sit (clap your hands),
      You need to warm my paws
      Clap, clap, clap, clap,
      It is necessary to imitate my paws.
      Bunny stand stand (bounce on both legs together),
      Need a bunny jump.
      Need a bunny jump.
      ... (Toy name) bunny frightened (indicated who scared hare),
      Bunny jump and row (the tutor shows the toy, children run away in their place).
    • Note: Having finished reading the text, you should not quickly run over children, you need to give them the opportunity to find a place. No need to demand from children so that they take sure to place on their place, everyone takes a free space on the bench.
  4. Labor activity. Fold toys (5 minutes).

Experiments for walking

In the framework of the course the world It is assumed to be executed with children of the simplest experiments that help them get more complete ideas about the world of wildlife. The most convenient way to conduct such experiments is to combine them with the topic of watching for a walk. In this case, the timing of this type of activity in the fresh air will increase due to the reduction in time to perform other types of work. Methodists are recommended to conduct 2-3 experience per month.

In the observation of the properties of sand, you can turn on the performance of wet culberies

To make a walk in the first youngest group entertaining and useful, it makes sense to pay the preparation of the event a little longer. It will take the selection of suitable observation methods, for example, experiments aimed at productive study of the surrounding world, or to choose the plot for moving games. In any case, a similar type of methodological creativity will not immediately leave the guys - even the smallest - indifferent to the walk.

Moving games for walking

"Snow is spinning"

Purpose: Learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game to develop auditory attention, motor activity to educate a desire to play rolling games

The course of the game: Educator: "Snow, snow is spinning, White all street!" - Children are circling.

"We gathered everything in a circle, skipped like a snow" - the children approach the tutor.

"Sleeping snowflakes, white gunki" - children squat

"The cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered." - Children scatter around the site.

"Crow and dog"

raise a desire to play out

Gaming: Educator:

"Near the Christmas tree green

Drows, crows rope:

Car! Car, Kar "- Children jump, make a sound resolution.

"The dog came running here

And the raven all dispersed:

AV! AV! AB! - Children run up in different directions.

"On a roving track."

Acquire walk freely in the column one by one

Develop a sense of equilibrium, orientation in space, coherence to the movement of hands and legs

Brief friendly relationships

On a roving track

On pebbles, on pebbles ...

"Birds, time! Birds, two! "

Objectives: Exercise Children in Jumps, Introducing Bird Wrought

develop attention, motor activity

Move: birds, times! (put forward one leg ahead)

Birds two! (put forward another leg)

SCOK-SCOK! (Jumping)

Birds, time! (lift the wing)

Birds, two! (raise the second)

Claw! Claw! Claw!

Birds, times! (Close one eye)

Birds, two! (Close the second)

Birds flew (run, masses with wings, tweet)

"Shaggy dog."

Objective: Learning to move in accordance with the text, quickly change the direction of movement, develop auditory attention, speed, educate attentive attitude to peers

The move: one child is chosen by the dog, he sits on the other side of the site. Children are suitable for him, and the teacher says words:

That lies a shaggy dog,

In my paws bored my nose,

Quietly, twin it lies

Not a dreaming, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake up

And let's see: "What will happen?"

After the last words, children run up, and dog catches them.

"Cat and mouse"

Purpose: Learning to run without pushing. Develop an exposure, orientation in space., Educating attentive attitude to peers

The move: children are sitting on one side of the site - these are mice in minks. On the opposite side, the teacher is a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice are running out throughout the room. But here the cat wakes up, begins to meow and catch mice. Children run to their places.

"Catch me"

Objectives: Learn to quickly navigate in space;

Develop dexterity

Raise a desire to play with the educator

"Snow is spinning"

Purpose: Teach correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game. Develop auditory attention, motor activity. Raise a desire to play out

Purpose: exercise in throwing, develop the strength of the hands, to educate the desire to perform physical exercises

" Santa Claus"

Objectives: Learning to perform characteristic movements, develop run, speed,

educate attentive attitude to peers

I frost, red nose

Bearded overgrown.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Get out quickly!

Get out bunnies!

Children jump.

Corroku! (run away)

Then the educator calls different animals, and children imitate movements

"Birds in nests"

Objectives: Learning to run without pushing, develop memory, attention, speed of movements, orientation in space to educate attentive attitude to peers

The move: to draw several laps on Earth - it is sockets.
Adult pronounces words:
Birds flew, birds are small.
Everyone flew, everyone flew - wings Mahali.
On the track sat down, the grains were filed.
The key-key-key, like I love the grains.
Pries will be cleaned to be a pike.
That's the way, so that they were cleaner!
We jump over the branches, so that it is stronger to be kids.
Jump, jump-skok, jumping on branches. - By signal: "Fly home in the sockets!" Children return to "Nights

"Sparrow and car"

Purpose. To accustom to children to run in different directions, not pushing out each other, start moving and change it across the tutor's signal, finding your place. Develop speed, attention to bring up attentive attitude to peers.

The move: children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the site or room. This is a sparrow in the nests. On the opposite side the educator becomes. He depicts a car. After the words of the teacher, "flew, sparrows, on the track" children rose from the chairs, run around the site, waving his hands-wings.

According to the tutor's signal, "Car rides, fly, sparrows, in their nests!" The car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly to the nests (sit on the chairs). The car returns to the garage.

"On the Christmas tree"

Objectives: to learn imitate the characteristic movements of animals, improve motor skills, develop attention, motor activity. raise emotional response to the game, desire to play again

The move: Well, a Christmas tree, light, spurry with lights!

We invited guests. Have fun with us.

By tracks, on snow, on forest lawns

Specked for the holiday to us a long bunny. (jump)

And behind him, see everything, a redhead fox.

Wanted and fox

Have fun with us (run quietly)

Go tovotka

Barbed Bear

He carries a honey and a large bump as a gift (go in the turn)

"Find your tree."

Objectives: To teach children to run easily, not pushing at each other; Quickly act across the tutor's signal, fix the names of the trees, develop orientation in space, attention, speed

relieve the need for motor activity.

"Get into the circle."

Objectives: Improve the ability to act with different objects, teach throwing objects in a certain direction with two hands, develop eyemeter, coordination of movement, dexterity, educate the need for motor activity


Objectives: Learning to run in one direction, learning to act across the signal

develop attention, motor activity, to educate a desire to play mobile games

Move: The teacher says: "To get ready for the flight. Motors! Filty! Children run on the site in one direction. After the signal "For landing!" Children land on the knee.

"Bunny white"

Objectives: To accustom to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, exercise in jumping, develop motor skills, to educate a desire to play mobile games

Move: bunny white sits

And ears mechanics.

Like this

He makes her ears.

Bunny can sit cold

It is necessary to imitate my paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

It is necessary to imitate my paws.

Bunny stand stand

Need a bunny jump


Need a bunny jump.

Someone has a bunny frightened, bunny jump ... and rowed.

"On a roving track."

Objectives: To accustom to walk freely in the column one by one; Develop the consistency of the movement of hands and legs, a sense of equilibrium, orientation in space, to educate friendly relationships

Move: on a rovy walkway, children go for each other

On a roving track

Our legs are walking times, two times, two

On pebbles, on pebbles jump with advance

On pebbles, on pebbles ...

In the pit of boo! Squatted squatting.

Walk 1.

Snow observation

Objectives: To acquaint with the properties of snow to develop observation, aesthetic perception to educate curiosity


Attract the attention of children to the falling snow: "Look, children, how snow goes, how quietly he falls on the ground. Where else does it fall? " It proposes to live a hand, see how snow lies on them. Pay attention to the beauty of snowflakes, that they are not like alone. Suggest find the most beautiful snowflake - big and small. What happens to the snowflake when they fall into arms?

In January, in January

Many snow in the yard.

Arrived asterisk

In the air a little

The village and melted on my palm.

Labor activity - Construction of buildings from snow.

Objective: Learn to raking snow with the help of blades to a certain place to develop motor activity to educate hard work

Purpose: Learn to correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game to develop auditory attention, motor activity to educate a desire to play rolling games

Game traffic:

Educator: "Snow, snow is spinning, White all street!" - Children are circling.

"We gathered everything in a circle, skipped like a snow" - the children approach the tutor.

"Sleeping snowflakes, white gunki" - children squat

"The cold wind blew, the snowflakes scattered." - Children scatter around the site.

Purpose: Exercise in walking on a straight track with topping through objects. Develop a feeling of equilibrium. Rise a desire to do exercise for a walk

Materials: Shovels, cubes 5 pcs.

Walk 2.

Watching Voronova

Objectives: expand the idea of \u200b\u200bthe winter birds,

learn to notice how birds move. Teach to guess riddles

Develop observation to educate love and careful attitude towards the winter birds.


To draw the attention of children to the color of the crows. The body is covered with feathers, so they are not cold. Birds fly, mashed with wings. Crow more Sparrow. Birds arrive at the feeder if they embark on the bins.

Car-Car-Car! - shouts the cheer.

Well, deft thief!

All brilliant little things

This bird loves!

And she is familiar to you,

What is her name?…

Labor activity clearing tracks from snow and garbage.

Objective: Learning to use the blades, develop motor activity to educate hard work, the desire to bring the work started to the end.

Moving game "Crow and dog"

raise a desire to play out

The course of the game.


"Near the Christmas tree green

Drows, crows rope:

Car! Car, Kar "- Children jump, make a sound resolution.

"The dog came running here

And the raven all dispersed:

AV! AV! AB! - Children run up in different directions.

Individual work: throwing.

Purpose: Exercise in throwing on a distance right and left hand. Ride Eyemer, to educate a desire to do exercises

Materials: Shovels, trash can, dog mask, sand bag

Walk 3.

Observation of ice

Purpose:continue to acquaint children with water properties , to form an idea that the ice is slippery, you can fall. develop observation, memory, speech , rail inquisite


Water in the frost freezes. Water can be freezed in the mold. If the ice is put into the room, it melts and again it turns out water. Ice transparent.

Winter, winter on the streets of white!

And turned the puddle

In transparent glass!

Labor activity to penetrate the snow to the roots of trees

Learning to work with robber and shovel

Develop motor activity

To raise a desire to participate in the care of plants, instill a careful attitude towards nature.

Acquire walk freely in the column one by one

Develop a sense of equilibrium, orientation in space, coherence to the movement of hands and legs

Brief friendly relationships

On a roving track

On pebbles, on pebbles ...

Individual work: Jumping with Promotion

Purpose: Exercise in jumps with advancement, develop motor activity. raise the desire to do exercise

Materials: Molds, Water, Balare, Shovels

Walk 4.

Observation of pigeons

Objectives:continue watching birds, their habits, compare sparrows and pigeons, develop observation, speech , rail inquisite

Stroke observation

Before a walk, the teacher says to children that you need to take bread in order to feed the pigeons. Having come to the place, first consider them, ask, how many pigeons? See how pigeons will peck. To draw the attention of children that the pigeons have eyes - they see feed when they pour themselves, there are beaks - they peck crumbs, there are legs - they go, there is a tail and wings - they fly. Pigeons are different colors and magnitude. Pigeon is sometimes called "sisari".

Labor activity

To accustom children with adult feed birds.

Develop a shallow motor

- to educate the desire to participate in bird care;

Moving game "Birds, time! Birds, two! "

Objectives: Exercise Children in Jumps, Introducing Bird Wrought

develop attention, motor activity

Birds, time! (put forward one leg ahead)

Birds two! (put forward another leg)

SCOK-SCOK! (Jumping)

Birds, time! (lift the wing)

Birds, two! (raise the second)

Claw! Claw! Claw!

Birds, times! (Close one eye)

Birds, two! (Close the second)

Birds flew (run, masses with wings, tweet)

Purpose: exercising in fishing, develop the eye meter, to educate the expressiveness of movements, desire to play with children

Materials: Bread, Food Box, Ball

Walk 5.

Watching dogs

Purpose:fasten the presentation of the dog: appearance, movements, published sounds, haggards, exercise in the pronunciation of oracle, educate caution in relation to unfamiliar dogs

Stroke observation

Watch as dogs warm in the sun near the buildings, clarify the structure, remember what they eat.

Today I came out of the house,

Fluffy snow lies around.

I look - to meet my friend

runs through the snow barefoot.

Stay with me a little more! -

But I undelhed him.

"Gav! Gav! "- He said strictly,

I waved the tail and ran away.

Labor activity

Objectives: to learn correctly fill the snow by snow until a certain mark; bring the work started to the end. Learn to work together, do not interfere with each other, develop motor activity, educate hard work

Movable game "Shaggy Dog".

Objective: Learning to move in accordance with the text, quickly change on the board of motion, develop auditory attention, speed, educate attentive attitude to peers

The move: one child is chosen by the dog, he sits on the other side of the site. Children are suitable for him, and the teacher says words:

That lies a shaggy dog,

In my paws bored my nose,

Quietly, twin it lies

Not a dreaming, not sleeping.

Let's go to him, wake up

And let's see: "What will happen?"

After the last words, children run up, and dog catches them.

Individual work:

Didactic game "Pets"

to form ideas about pets, what benefit they bring people, exercise in the pronunciation of oracle, develop memory, speech, form ideas about the correct ways of interaction with animals

Materials: buckets, blades, dog mask

Walk 6.

Watching a cat

Purpose: Secure the presentation in children of characteristic features of the cat to develop observation, to educate the careful attitude towards animals


Munty paws,

And in the legs - the DAC scratch.

To draw the attention of children to a wary ears from a cat - she can catch any rustle. In a cat big eyesthat are well seen in the dark. It feels cold or hot food. Cat has soft pads on the legs. It may quietly, do not hear to sneak. Show children like a cat climbs on the bottom, the tree is releasing claws.

Opened the door quietly,

And the messenger beast entered.

Sat down at the stove, burning sweetly,

And washed with a gray paw.

Beware of mouse genus

A cat came on the hunt.

Labor activity: Clearing track

Purpose: Learning to use the blades, develop motor activity to educate a desire to help adults

Movable game: "Cat and mice"

Purpose: Learning to run without pushing. Develop an exposure, orientation in space., Educating attentive attitude to peers

The move: children sit on one side of the site, these are mice in minks. On the opposite side, the teacher is a cat. The cat falls asleep, and the mice are running out throughout the room. But here the cat wakes up, begins to meow and catch mice. Children run to their places.

Individual work: throwing bags

Purpose: Exercise in throwing on a distance right and left hand, develop the ability to maintain a stable body position, to educate the desire to do physical exercises for a walk

Materials: Shovels, cat mask, sand bags

Walk 7.

Observation of the sky

Objectives:continue to meet various natural phenomena; learn to distinguish the weather by tying her with the state of the sky, enrich the dictionary of the noun (Clear, cloudy, overcast, clouds, clouds)

Stroke observation

Suggest children to look at the sky, note what it is. (Number, blue.) So, the weather is clear, sunny. In winter, the sky is blue, blue, gray. In the morning, it's dark on the street, in the evening it darkens early.

Labor activity Construction of snow buildings.

Objective: Learning to rack the snow with the help of blades in a certain place, learning to work together, to achieve the goal of community efforts, develop motor activity, educate hard work

Movable game "catch up with me"

Objectives: Learn to quickly navigate in space;

Develop dexterity

Raise a desire to play with the educator

Individual work: development of movements


Develop Eyemer

Bring up expressiveness of movements, desire to play with children with

Materials: Shovels, ball

Walk 8.

Wind observation

Objectives: To form an idea that winter wind is cold, learning to determine the presence of wind, enrich the dictionary (soft, spiny, cold, warm)

Stroke observation

To watch the tops of the trees. If the trees swing, then there is a wind. Ask frozen whether the child has a face, they feel the wind. When the wind is strong, it seems prickly, greatly flawed cheeks. Usually then on Frost street. Watch how the wind raises the snow.

Where will the breeze sleep?

For the development of three roads

On high on pine

Often falling in a dream.

But around do not move

Neither a stroke, nor leaves -

They are afraid to wake.

Rear-year breeze.

Labor activity: garbage collection on the site.

Movable game: "Snow is spinning"

Purpose: Teach correlate your own actions with the actions of the participants of the game. Develop auditory attention, motor activity to educate desire to play rolled games

Individual work: didactic game

"Warm and cold"

To form ideas that the snow is cold, the water in the war is warm

Activate dictionary K.

Develop the skills of connected speech, memory, thinking

Rail inquisite

Materials: garbage bag

Walk 9.

Observation of the Sun.

Objectives:continue familiarizing with natural phenomena; Show that the sun shines at all times of the year, to form an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is impossible to look at the sun, develop cognitive interest. bring up a desire to communicate with the educator

Stroke observation

The sun shines, it means sunny day. The snow shines beautifully in the sun. The sun is not shining. Sun shines, but on Frost Street. In winter, the sun shines, but does not warm. Frost pinch nose and ears.

Where are you, the sun, in fact?

We are completely stolen.

Without you, the water froze,

Without you, the land is freezing.

Get the sun soon.

Click and heating!

Labor activity

Movable game

Purpose: Exercise in throwing, develop the strength of the hands. raise the desire to do exercise

Individual work:

Objectives: Learn to jump on two legs with advancement, develop motor activity, educate a positive attitude to physical exercises

Materials: buckets, blades, sand bags

Walk 10.

Observation of birch

Objectives:to form knowledge of the features of birch, according to which it can be allocated among other trees; Develop aesthetic perception , rise up a desire to defend and protect nature. B.

White birch under my window

Snapped with snow, precisely silver

Stroke observation

Test children to birch.

To admire with the children of Birch. Consider her trunk. (Behax, with black stripes - looks like a sundress). To make attention to how beautiful is the snow on the branches of birch

Labor activity: rags snow to birch trunk

Movable game "Santa Claus"

Objectives: Learning to perform characteristic movements, develop run, speed,

educate attentive attitude to peers

I frost, red nose

Bearded overgrown.

I'm looking for animals in the forest.

Get out quickly!

Get out bunnies!

Children jump.

Corroku! (run away)

Then the educator calls different animals, and children imitate movements

Individual work

Objectives: fix the skills of lasagna, develop motor activity,

educate a desire to engage in exercise

Walk 11.

Observation of bastards and tit.

Goal: give an idea of \u200b\u200bbullfinches and on the tit forming the ability to recognize the feathers appearance Learn to notice how birds are moving to develop observation to raise a desire to take care of birds

With yellow breast flies

What is this bird

How to be treated

Call her tit


To watch the birds be cooled on the trees, as flying, during the flight they are waving wings. Compare bullfiner and blue: Snegier has a red breast, and the light is yellow

Labor activity:Preparation of bird feed along with the educator.

Objectives: To accustom children with adults feed birds. Develop a shallow motorcy, to educate the desire to participate in bird care

Movable game "Birds in nests"

Objectives: Learning to run without pushing, develop memory, attention, speed of movements, orientation in space to educate attentive attitude to peers

Draw on Earth a few circles - these are sockets.
Adult pronounces words:
Birds flew, birds are small.
Everyone flew, everyone flew - wings Mahali.
On the track sat down, the grains were filed.
The key-key-key, like I love the grains.
Pries will be cleaned to be a pike.
That's the way, so that they were cleaner!
We jump over the branches, so that it is stronger to be kids.
Jump, jump-skok, jumping on branches.

- By signal: "Fly home in the sockets!" Children return to "Nights

Individual work: Walking through objects.

Purpose: Exercise in walking on a straight track with overpanding through items. Write a feeling of equilibrium to educate a desire to perform exercise for a walk

Walk 12.

Observation of sparrows

Objectives: Give an idea of \u200b\u200bSparrow, to learn to notice the features of the behavior of birds in winter, develop observation. Rail a desire to take care of birds.


To watch the sparrows sitting on the branches, thoughted, because it's cold. In winter, birds are hungry. You need to help the birds to feed them with bread crumbs. Than sparrow crumbs peely beak. How sparrow moves, jump or fly. Sparrows are like bullfires and cinemas, but they are completely gray.

Shunny jumps sparrows,

Bird-gray baby.

In the yard scents,

Crumbs collects.

Labor activity:

Preparation of bird feed along with the educator.

Objectives: To accustomed to children with adult feed birds., Develop a small motorcy, to educate a desire to participate in bird care

Individual work: Perelezing through a snow shaft

Objectives: Copy Lazagne skills. develop motor activity to educate the desire to do physical exercises

Movable game "Sparobushki and car"

Purpose. To accustom to children to run in different directions, not pushing out each other, start moving and change it across the tutor's signal, finding your place. develop speed, attention to bring up attentive attitude to peers with

Children sit on chairs or benches on one side of the site or room. This is a sparrow in the nests. On the opposite side the educator becomes. He depicts a car. After the words of the educator, "flew, sparrows, on the track" The children rise from the chairs, run around the site, waving his hands-wings.

According to the tutor's signal, "car rides, fly, sparrows, in their nests!" The car leaves the garage, the sparrows fly to the nests (sit on the chairs). The car returns to the garage.

Walk 13.

Summary of Pine

Objectives: To form an idea of \u200b\u200bthe peculiarities of pine on which it can be distinguished among other trees, develop observation, to educate the careful attitude towards nature
Stroke observation

At the site, the teacher invites children to find a tree, having listened to the poem.

Always in the forest you will find it

Walk to walk and meet.

It is striking, like a hedgehog,

In winter in a summer dress.

Test children to pine. Pay attention to the characteristic features. (Instead of the needle leaves, always green, branches down the long, at the top are short.) In winter, only the pine is green. Suggest go through the entire territory of the kindergarten and find a pine.

Labor activity: To roaring the snow to the pine barrel

Objectives: Learning to work with robers and spatula, develop motor activity, to educate the desire to participate in the care of plants, instill a careful attitude towards nature.

Individual work: Didactic game "Closely far"

Objective: enrich the dictionary, form free communication skills, develop orientation in space, to educate a desire to play with the educator

Movable game "On the Christmas tree"

Objectives: to learn imitate the characteristic movements of animals, improve motor skills, develop attention, motor activity. raise emotional response to the game, desire to play again

Well, a Christmas tree, light, spurry with lights!

We invited guests. Have fun with us.

By tracks, on snow, on forest lawns

Specked for the holiday to us a long bunny. (jump)

And behind him, see everything, a redhead fox.

Wanted and fox

Have fun with us (run quietly)

Go tovotka

Barbed Bear

He carries a honey and a large bump as a gift (go in the turn)


Observation of winter trees.

Goal: expand the idea of \u200b\u200btrees in winter time years, learn to admire the beauty of native nature, develop observation, aesthetic perception, to educate the desire to take care of natural sites, careful attitude towards them.

Stroke observation

Cocks sleep, birks sleep,
In the wind do not rustle.
Dreams in winter in winter
Summer noise of foliage green.
Dream range
And the cheerful rain dreams

To admire the snow-covered trees, draw the attention of children to the beauty of the landscape. Clarify which color is characteristic of winter trees. If the sun shines, the snow on the trees is glittering.

Explain to children that in the frosty days the branches of bushes and trees are very fragile, easily break, so they must be preserved, do not break, do not knock on the trunk, do not run sled.

Labor activity: To roaring the snow to the trunks of the trees

Objectives: Learning to work with robers and spatula, develop motor activity, to educate the desire to participate in the care of plants, instill a careful attitude towards nature.

Individual work: jumping on two legs with Promotion

Movable game "Find your tree."

Objectives: To teach children to run easily, not pushing at each other; Quickly act across the tutor's signal, fix the names of the trees, develop orientation in space, attention, speed

bring up the need for motor activity

Walk 15.

Observation of the clouds

Objectives: introduce various natural phenomena; develop imagination, educate curiosity

Stroke observation

What color is the cloud? Watch how they float. What are you like?

Artistic word:

White-white, light lungs

In the sky, the clouds float deeply.

Waiting ahead of their country far away,

It will be not easy for them.

Labor activity

Objectives: to learn correctly fill the snow by snow until a certain mark; bring the work started to the end, learning to work together, do not interfere with each other, develop motor activity, educate hard work

Purpose: Exercise in throwing. develop the strength of the hands, to educate the desire to perform exercise

Individual work: jumping on two legs with Promotion

Objectives: Learn to jump on two legs with advancement, develop motor activity, educate a positive attitude to physical exercises

Walk 16.

Acquaintance with the pedestrian walkway - the sidewalk

Objectives: To form knowledge of the rules of behavior on the street, develop attention and skills of orientation in space, educate caution

Stroke observation

Invite children for a walk around kindergarten. To explain to them that from this moment they become pedestrians and should strictly follow the rules of the road: move only along the pedestrian walkway (sidewalk), do not rush, be attentive, crepe to keep each other by hand, do not shout, listen carefully.

Outdoor be attentive, children!

Firmly remember these rules!

These rules remember always

So that the trouble does not happen to you.

Labor activityConstruction of snow buildings.

Objective: Learn to rack the snow with the help of blades in a certain place, develop motor activity, educate hard work

Movable game: "Get into the circle".

Objectives: Improve the ability to act with different objects, teach throwing objects in a certain direction with two hands, develop eyemeter, coordination of movement, dexterity, educate the need for motor activity

Individual work: jumping

Purpose: Exercise in jumps on two legs, develop motor skills, educate a positive attitude to exercise

Walk 17.

Observation of the passenger car

Purpose: Learning to distinguish transport in appearance, get acquainted with the work of the driver, develop the ability to listen to the tutor's story, educate the need for communication

Stroke observation

Watch with children behind the movement of a passenger car. Explain that the driver leads the driver, he sits ahead, and everyone else is passengers. It is impossible to talk during the movement with the driver that the car does not encounter other cars.

A car

A car

On the way rushing.

And behind him thick dust

Trucheu Clubs

Moving game "Sparobushki and car".

Purpose: To form knowledge about the rules of the road, to teach running without pushing around, learning to act on the signal, develop orientation in space, speed, educate attentive attitude to peers during the game

The move: children are sitting on a bench on one side of the site, they are a sparrow, the tutor is on the other side - he is a car. After the words "flew sparrows", children run on the site, after the words: "Car rides! Fly a sparrow in the nests "The children run to the place.

Individual work: Riding the ball

Purpose: I exercise in skating the ball between the kegs, develop the eye, to educate the desire to play

Labor activity

Objectives: to learn correctly fill the snow by snow until a certain mark; bring the work started to the end, learning to work together, do not interfere with each other, develop motor activity, educate hard work

Walk 18.

Cargo observation

Purpose: Learning to distinguish with the appearance of cargo transport, to acquaint with the work of the driver, develop the skills of a connected speech, educate curiosity

Stroke observation

To acquaint children with a car on which products are brought. Name its main parts. (Cab, body, steering wheel, wheel, windows, faucet.) Watch how the products are unloading from the car, explain that the products are the cargo for it. To tell what important work this car performs.

Does not fly, not buzzing -

Beetle on the street runs.

And burn in the eyes of the beetle

Two shiny lights.

Labor activity: Collecting garbage on the site.

Objectives: To accustom to abide by the purity and order on the kindergarten section; Develop motor activity, to educate the desire to assist adults.

Moving game "Aircraft".

Objectives: Learning to run in one direction, learning to act across the signal

develop attention, motor activity, to educate a desire to play mobile games

Move: The teacher says: "To get ready for the flight. Motors! Filty! Children run on the site in one direction. After the signal "For landing!" Children land on the knee.

Individual work: Didactic game "Transport"

Purpose: learning to distinguish and call transport (car car, machine is easily ambulance, fire truck), develop the skills of a connected speech, educate activity in communication

Walk 19.

Observation of the janitor's work

Objectives: To form ideas about the work of the janitor, develop the ability to listen to the story of the teacher, to bring up respect for people's work; Responsiveness

Stroke observation

On the walk, draw the attention of children to the work of the janitor: "Look, as it tries, it removes the snow, clears the tracks to make you where to play." Clarify that the janitor performs its work well, deftly acts on a shovel and broom. Go to the janitor and offer to children to tell, what buildings they have to regain. The janitor explains that the buildings must be preserved, do not break them, and the site always keep in order. To suggest the children that I thank you for work, you can not only with words, but also by affairs. Suggest help. The janitor shows how to act with shovels, praises guys for a friendly good job.

Labor activityClearing the territory of snow.

Purpose: to learn how to use the shovels and brooms correctly, to led the work started to the end, develop motor activity, to educate the desire to come to the aid of others

Movable game "catch up with me"

Objectives: Learn to quickly navigate in space; develop agility to educate a desire to play with the educator

Individual work: didactic game "closely"

Objectives: enrich the dictionary, form free communication skills, develop orientation in space, to educate a desire to play with the educator

Walk 20.

Observation of snow

Purpose: To acquaint children with the properties of snow, enrich the dictionary adjective, develop the skills of connected speech, the observation to educate the aesthetic environmental perception

Stroke observation

Get out with children for a walk and carefully look around yourself. What did you notice? Everything is noticeable with white snow. Snow on the sun sparkles, even the eyes hurt. Suggest children to walk through the snow and listen to how it creaks. Snow white, cold, light.

Snow fell, the snow raged, and then tired ...

What is snow, snow-snowing snow, did you become on Earth?

For winter, I became a cemetery,
For pine - Lace Perino,
For bunny, he became a pillow down,
For kids - their loved game.

Labor activityClearing the track, slapped snow.

Objectives: to learn how to use the shovel, bring the work started to the end, develop motor activity, to educate the desire to help adults

Individual work: development of movements.

Objectives: Exercise in throwing the ball due to head, develop the ability to maintain a stable body position, strength, to educate a desire to perform exercise

Movable game "Bunny Bell"

Objectives: To accustom to listen to the text and perform movements in accordance with the text, exercise in jumping, develop motor skills, to educate a desire to play mobile games

Bunny white sits

And ears mechanics.

Like this

He makes her ears.

Bunny can sit cold

It is necessary to imitate my paws.

Clap, clap, clap, clap,

It is necessary to imitate my paws.

Bunny stand stand

Need a bunny jump


Need a bunny jump.

Someone has a bunny frightened, bunny jump ... and rowed.

Walk 21.

How dressed people

Objectives:learning to establish the relationship between the weather and clothing of people to fix the names of winter clothes, enrich the dictionary, develop observation, the skills of the Speech, to educate curiosity

Stroke observation

In the yard, big frost,

Throwing a doll nose.

We put on her coat

And stews steps

In the warm header head,

Hands hiding in sleeves,

There will be a doll with us

All ukutana now.

On Winter Street, Frost. People dressed winter clothes? What? Fur coats, warm jackets, hats, boots, mittens, scarves.

Labor activity

Objectives: to learn correctly fill the snow by snow until a certain mark; bring the work started to the end, learning to work together, do not interfere with each other, develop motor activity, educate hard work

Moving game "On a roving track".

Objectives: To accustom to walk freely in the column one by one; Develop the consistency of the movement of hands and legs, a sense of equilibrium, orientation in space, to educate friendly relationships

On a roving track, children go for each other

On a roving track

Our legs are walking times, two times, two

On pebbles, on pebbles jump with advance

On pebbles, on pebbles ...

In the pit of boo! Squatted squatting.

Individual work: throwing bags

Objectives: I exercise in throwing bags in a horizontal goal, develop the eye meter, strength, to educate the desire to do physical exercises

Card file number 2.