Organized educational activities for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts area “Cognitive development. The section "Formation of elementary mathematical concepts" refers to the educational area "Cognitive times

MDOU "Kindergarten of general developmental type" Kolosok "

NGO "Cognitive Development"

OOD "Formation of elementary mathematical representations"

Middle group

Theme: "Magic Butterfly"

Developed by:

vos-l cat.

Zorikova N.V.

2016-2017 academic year

OOD abstract

Theme: "Magic Butterfly"

Goal: the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children in joint play activities


Exercise in the ability to distinguish and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle;

To improve the ability to compare two objects in length and width, to indicate the comparison results with the words: long - short, longer - shorter; wide - narrow, wider - narrower;

Develop the ability to compare objects in color, shape and spatial arrangement.

To consolidate knowledge of ordinal and quantitative counting up to 5.


Demonstration material. Model of a butterfly (depicting geometric shapes on the wings), 5-7 balloons of different colors, red and blue ribbons of different lengths, 2 boards of different widths, easel (flannelgraph).

Handout: Two-lane counting cards, cards with the image of red balloons and blue butterflies (5 pcs. For each child), stars.

Game situation "A magic butterfly flies to visit us."

Guys, we meet a lot of interesting and unusual things in our classes. Today a magic butterfly has arrived to us.

Guys, look at what is depicted on our guest's wings?

Children's answers: (geometric shapes)

What are the geometric shapes on the left wing?

What are the geometric shapes on the right wing?

The magic butterfly "plays" with balloons.

Guys tell me: “How many balls does a butterfly have? What color are they?"

Children's answers:

Guys, you have plates laid out on your tables, and in them balls and cards. Let's show the butterfly how we can count.

The teacher suggests putting all the pictures with blue balls on the top strip of the card, and all the pictures with red balls on the bottom.

After completing the assignment, the teacher asks: “How many blue balls? How many red balls?

What color balls are more (less)?

How to make the number of blue and red balls equal?

Children's answers:

What good fellows you are! And you a butterfly, did you like the answers of our children? Since we liked it, we want to play one more game. Guys, can we show the game to the butterfly? (Yes).


We walk one after another.

Forest and green meadow.

Motley wings flicker

Butterflies fly in the field.

One two Three,

Sit on a flower - freeze!

Well done boys!

The teacher invites children to play the game "Compare the tapes".

The magic butterfly loves to play with ribbons (showing the flight of a butterfly with ribbons).

The teacher asks: “What color is the butterfly's ribbons?

Are they the same length?

How can you find out? "
The teacher, together with the children, places the ribbons on the flannelograph (malbert) one under the other, suggests showing a long (short) ribbon and asks: “What can you say about the length of the red ribbon compared to the blue?

What about the length of the blue ribbon compared to the red one? "

Children's answers:

Game exercise "Jump over the brook".

The teacher shows the children the planks (stream) and finds out if they are the same in width or not. He asks to show a wide (narrow) stream and offers to jump over the stream.
At the end of the lesson, the butterfly gives the children stars.

Well done boys. Butterfly really enjoyed playing with us. Let's ask the butterfly to stay in our group, (the butterfly stay). She agrees, Butterfly remains.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher sums up the lesson.


conducting psychological and pedagogical work with children

middle group during GCD in the region

"Cognition" (Mathematical leisure)

Topic: "Gift of Dunno"

Compiled by: educator Gorgul I.V.

Software content

Educational tasks

Quantity and count:

1. to consolidate the skills of ordinal counting up to 5;

2. to reinforce the ability to answer the question "How much?"

The form:

1. to consolidate the ability to recognize and name geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.


1. to repeat the concepts of "big", "small".

Orientation in space:

1. to consolidate the ability to navigate relative to each other.

Time orientation:

1.repeat the concept of parts of a day (day).

Developmental tasks:

1. to develop attention;

2. to develop speech;

3. develop memory.

Educational tasks:

1. to educate the ability to listen to instructions and act in accordance with it;

2. to cultivate an interest in mathematics;

3. to educate the ability to work in a team;

4. to educate curiosity.

Visual material and equipment:

1.Magnetic board, magnets, marker;

2. paper chamomile petals with tasks;

3. counting plot material (cardboard dogs, large and small, 2 pcs.), Counting sticks, "Wonderful bag" (notepads, rulers, erasers ...);

4.Laya cards;

5.geometric shapes on magnets (circle, square, triangle)

Leisure course

Guys, this afternoon I went to your kindergarten and on the way I met Dunno. He gave something and asked me to bring this gift to you. Want to know what it is? (Yes) Then guess the riddles -pulls out an envelope with riddles about a chamomile.

Well done! Guys, you guessed what Dunno gave us? (Yes, chamomile.) See what the middle of a chamomile looks like? (To the circle) Right. Count how many petals a chamomile has (one, two, ... five).

And chamomile is not easy! On the back of the petals, Dunno wrote interesting tasks. Let's try them guys? (Yes) Divide into two teams: the boys 'team and the girls' team.

Exercise 1

Build dog houses.

Dunno loves animals very much. One day he made friends with the dogs and decided to leave them to live with him. He was unable to build houses - booths for his new friends.

Let's help Dunno build doghouses? (Let's) How many dogs? (Two) What are they? (One is large, the other is small). Team of girls, build a kennel for a small dog, here's a building material for you. Team of boys, build a big doghouse, keep building material.

Girls, what kind of house did you build? (Small) Why? (Because the dog is small). Good guys, you did a great job! Let's see what happened with the other team.

Boys, what kind of house did you build? (Big) Why? (Because the dog is big). Well done, boys!

Listen to the next assignment, guys.

Assignment 2

"Stand in a circle ..."

You are excellent at building with sticks, will you be able to build as I say, or rather, show, let's check? (Let's go) What is this? (Circle) What do you know about a circle? (It has no corners) Stand in a circle. Well done. What is this figure? (Square) What do you know about a square? (It has four sides and four corners.) Stand so that you make a square. Great guys! And what is this figure? (Triangle) Why is it called that? (Because it has three corners) Right. Stand so that you form a triangle. Excellent. Calculate how many pieces you get? (One two Three). How can they be called in one word? (Geometric shapes) Correct. You have just drawn geometric shapes!

Ready for your next assignment? (Yes) Let's see what we have written here ...

Assignment 3

Didactic game "Wonderful bag".

How many petals do chamomile have? (Two) Two petals and two tasks. Let's see what is written there.

Assignment 4

Prepare your eyes to watch; get your arms and legs ready to do.

I wonder what that would mean ... But what: look, listen and do -pulls out Lai's cards.

    Clap your hands so much (shows ) times.

    Show so much (shows ) fingers.

    Jump on one leg so much (shows ) times.

    Sit down as much (shows ) times.

    Jump on two legs so much (shows ) times.

    Nod your head so much (shows ) times.

And finally, the last petal remained. What is written there? I am reading.

“Guys, you are all great. We easily coped with the tasks that I have prepared for you. Hope you find it interesting! "

Outcome: So, today we completed the tasks of Dunno. I really liked the way you played, built houses for the dogs. What did you guys like? (Children's answers). Now let's go play on the court.

The task 1 Build dog houses.

Assignment 2 "Stand in a circle ..."

The task 3 Didactic game "Wonderful bag".

The task 4 Prepare your eyes to look; get your arms and legs ready to do.

Petal number 5 “Guys, you are all great. We easily coped with the tasks that I have prepared for you. Hope you find it interesting!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Petrozavodsk city district

"Kindergarten No. 57" Freckles ".

Synopsis of organized educational activities

in the preparatory group

Educational area "Cognitive development"

"Formation of elementary mathematical concepts"

Topic: "And in parrots I'm much longer"

Belskaya Svetlana Ivanovna


the highest qualification category



Goal: familiarization of children with measuring devices - ruler and tape measure;c unit of length measurement - centimeter

Educational tasks:

To form the skill of measuring length by different measures and to establish cause-and-effect relationships: the dependence of the number of measures on their size;

To consolidate the concept of "conventional measure";

Introduce old measures of length;

To acquaint children with the main unit of length measurement - a centimeter;

Form the ability to measure length with a ruler;

Developmental tasks:

Develop the ability to see the problem and take an active part in the joint discussion of finding ways to solve it;

Develop mental activity, the ability to analyze, draw conclusions;

Educational tasks:

Develop an interest in mathematics.

Dictionary: "palm",centimeter, meter.

Preliminary work: watching the cartoon "38 parrots" - "Exercise for the tail",conversation about units of measurement, about methods of measuring length,measurement of objects using conventional measurements.

Methods and techniques: game (surprise moment); visual (using a projector); joint activity in a subgroup; practical activities of children; search questions; Internet use (excerpt from the cartoon); analysis of the lesson.

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive development", "Social - communicative development", "Speech development", "Physical development", "Artistic - aesthetic development".

Use of modern educational technologies:

socio - game technology

ICT technology

technology of musical impact;


research technology

health-saving technologies

student-centered technology


Demo: excerpt from the cartoon "38 parrots", ruler, tape measure, toy boa constrictor, parcel, letter, threads, computer, projector, numbers 1,2, 3, 4 - A4 format.

Dispensing: 6 cards each with numbers 1,2,3,4; 4 envelopes with cards depicting animals and insects (worm, caterpillar, lizard, snake); pieces of thread for each child, rulers for each child.

Ood move:

I ... Introductory part.

Organizing time:

Children sit on the carpet in a semicircle.

Warm up:

Educator: What's the date today? What month? What day of the week is it? What day is it? Tomorrow - what day? How many children are in the group today (boys, girls)?

Educator: Children, look to the left, look to the right and tell me, is there nothing unusual in the group?

Children examine the group's premises and find a parcel on the windowsill

Educator: Today a package has come to our group. There is a combination lock on the parcel, we need to guess the code. And here are the tips: some numbers and tasks. Listen carefully and answer by raising your hand:

A rooster flew up the fence
I met two more there.
How many roosters are there?The first digit of the code is 3.

The teacher calls one child, he picks up the corresponding number and turns to face the children.

Gave the ducklings a hedgehog
Eight leather boots.
Who will answer from the guys
How many ducklings were there?The second digit of the code is 4

The teacher calls the second child, who picks up the next number and turns to face the children.

3. At Kolya and Marina.

Four tangerines.

My brother has three of them.

How much does your sister have? The third digit of the code is -1.

The teacher calls the third child, who picks up the third number and turns to face the children.

There are three bears in the apiary
Played hide and seek by the keg.
One barely got into the keg.
And how many escaped into the forest?The fourth digit of the code is 2.

The teacher calls the fourth child, who picks up the fourth digit and turns to face the children.

Educator: chorus the code for the parcel.

Children in chorus call: 3412

Musical impact technology:

The teacher opens the box, the music from the cartoon "38 parrots" sounds

Educator: Riddle again, listen here:

No arms, no legs -
Crawls on the belly.
She has no hearing
Doesn't chew - swallows.
Looks - does not blink.
How is my riddle to you?
Have you guessed it?

Who - ...

Educator: Correctly a snake. This snake lives in the jungle, it is very long. What is the name of? (Boa).

True boa constrictor. (the teacher takes out a toy boa constrictor from the box, 1.5 meters long)

Educator: And there is also a letter in the package, let's read it.

"Hello children. Monkey, Elephant and Parrot are writing to you. We have a friend Boa who looks like a toy from the package. He really wants to know how tall he is. We measured his height with monkeys and elephants and parrots, but his height was always different. This is very frustrating for our friend Boa, help us please. Tell me how you can measure a boa constrictor, so much so that everyone has the same height. We look forward to hearing from you. "

Educator: Children, let's see how the Monkey, Elephant and Parrot measured the boa constrictor.

ICT technology:

Viewing an excerpt from the cartoon "38 Parrots".

Educator: Indeed, the result was always different.

What were the elephant, monkey and parrot when measuring the length of the boa constrictor? (By conventional measure)

Well, can we help our friends? (Yes).

II ... Main part

Socio - gaming technology:

Educator: First, let's split into teams, and each team will choose their own captain. Number cards are laid out on a tray. We select each card. Whoever has number one - the first team, occupies the table with number 1, who has number 2 - the second team, occupies the table with number 2, who has number 3 - the third team, occupies the table with number 3, and who has number 4 - the fourth team takes the table with the number 4.

Children sit down at the table.

Educator: And now I give you half a minute to choose the team captain.

Children choose a team captain and inform the teacher about it.

I wish you good luck!
Get to work! Good hour!


Arms? - in place

Legs? - in place

Elbows? - at the edge

Back? - straight.

Educator: Now the team captains will come up to me.

In a whisper, gives an assignment to the team captains: You have envelopes on your tables with pictures of animals and insects. Lay out these animals and insects from shortest to longest.

Brainstorming (TRIZ) "And in parrots - I am much longer!"

Educator: Now the team captains will come up to me again.

The teacher in a whisper gives the task to the captains of the teams:

Think, in which animals the boa constrictor will be longer than in parrots? Each team must name three of these animals.

The captain reports the task to his team.

Children are doing the task.

Educator: One team member comes out to answer

Questions for children : - Did your friends from the cartoon measure different boas or the same thing? - Why are the measurement results different? - What happened if you wanted to measure a boa constrictor in ants? In the cartoon, the boa exclaimed: "And in parrots, I'm much longer!"

Do you think the boa was right and is it really longer in parrots?

As a result of the discussion, the conclusion is drawn: the length of the boa constrictor does not depend on the size of the measurement. Only the measurement result depends on the size of the measurement.

Educator: The result is not the same.

Let's try to measure the boa constrictor with our steps?

The teacher chooses 2 children of different heights (the tallest and the shortest).

Practical activities: Children step along the boa constrictor in turn and count their steps.

Questions for children : How many steps did Leon get? How many steps does Nastya have? Does Leon have more steps or does Nastya? Now think, a boa constrictor is of the same length, and the number of steps is different, why did this happen? Thus, we will draw a conclusion with you: the wider the steps, the fewer the number of steps. Leon had wider steps, he got fewer steps. And Nastya has already had steps, so she got more steps. Well done boys! Thanks! You can sit down at your seats.

Health-saving technology:

Educator: Let's get some rest.


From the cartoon "38 parrots" "Exercise for the tail".

Research technology:

Educator: How can we help the boa constrictor?

Previously, people used to measure length what was always with them: hands, fingers, steps. We have already measured in steps, the same growth did not turn out. And people also measured the length in "elbows", that is, they used the distance from the elbow to the end of the middle finger. (Show me your elbow and middle finger.)

Many peoples have used this unit for thousands of years. With their elbows, the merchants measured the fabrics sold, winding them around their hand.

Now I will show you how they measured with the elbow (using a thread as an example).

The teacher gives the task to the team captains: You have threads on your tables, measure the thread to the length of your elbow.

Practical activities of children : children measure out a "elbow" length

Educator : And now we measure the boa constrictor with this measure. (the teacher calls several children).

Questions for children: Did you get the same result or not? Why? (Children are of different heights and sizes, therefore, everyone is different).

Are old length measurements right for us? (No.)

Educator: To avoid controversy, people agreed to use measures that are not related to the size of the human body - they are always the same. Today we will get acquainted with two such measures - meter and centimeter.

The teacher demonstrates a centimeter ruler and a tape measure, explaining where it is more convenient to use a ruler, and where a tape measure. The distance from one digit to another is called a centimeter. Small objects are measured in centimeters. And one hundred centimeters is one meter. They measure long objects.

Educator: You have rulers on your tables, take them in hand. Consider. What's the first number on the ruler? What's the last one?To correctly measure the length, you need to align the number "0" and the edge of the object, placing the ruler in a straight line to the end of the object.

Guys, let's try to measure the height of the giraffe and the height of the tiger with a ruler.

Practical activity for children: Children measure and compare the height of a giraffe and a tiger.

Tell me, is it convenient to measure long objects with a ruler? And what is more convenient to measure?

And why is it more convenient to measure a boa constrictor with a ruler or tape measure?

The teacher calls several children in turn and measures the boa constrictor.

And now everyone has the same result or not.

III ... Final part


Educator: Today we have met with new standards. Let's remember what these measurements are? That's right, meter and centimeter. Why do we need such a measure as a meter? And what is a centimeter for? Vika, please remind us how to use the ruler correctly? Did we succeed?

Were we able to help our friends? What will we write in the letter? How to measure a boa constrictor to find out its height?

So that you do not forget about these measurements, measure at home the length of the table, bed, the length of your books that you have at home.
For a very long time
And indulged in a little
Now the kids
Rest and it's time for you!

Thank you all, everyone was great today!

Purpose: to form the skills of elementary mathematical representations based on cognitive activity, curiosity, to consolidate and generalize the knowledge gained through play.

Throughout the entire educational activity, the integration of educational areas was carried out:

"Cognitive development":

- exercise children in a straight line within 10;

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

To consolidate ideas about the place of a number in a number series;

To form skills of orientation in time;

Develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity.

"Physical development":

Provide conditions for the prevention of fatigue in children by changing the types of educational activities;

Develop general motor skills and coordination of movements;

Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

"Speech development":

Form the ability to answer questions with a complete sentence;

Develop the dialogical speech of pupils;

Enrich the active vocabulary by completing assignments;

To teach children to take initiative, to improve speech as a means of communication.

"Social and communicative development":

- contribute to an independent search and choice of actions that form an active position of the child in the knowledge and transformation of the world around him.

Stimulate the development of the child's initiative and independence in verbal communication;

Develop social and emotional intelligence;

Strengthen the ability to answer questions using elements of explanatory speech.

"Artistic and aesthetic development":

To teach to draw the attention of preschoolers to musical design and ICT.



MBDOU DS No. 12 "Rosinka"

"Formation of elementary mathematical concepts"

Topic: "Traveling around the country Geometry".

(multi-age group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR

From five to seven years old)

Prepared and conducted:


M.A. Kazantseva.

Used Books:

1. Math games in pictures 5-6 years old. Development of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers. FSES , 2017

2. Formation of mathematical concepts in children. Planning educational activities for every day. Preparatory group (from 6 to 7 years old). March-May. FSES DO

3. Mathematical games with geometric shapes and numbers for 5-6 years. Development of mathematical abilities in older preschoolers. FSES

October 2016

Educational area "Cognitive development"

direct educational activities

"Formation of elementary mathematical concepts"

Topic: "Traveling around the country Geometry".

"Cognitive development":

"Physical development":

« Speech development ":


Types of children's activities:





Methods: receptive, visual-practical,

Techniques: demonstration, demonstration, story, instructions, questions for children, didactic games.

Preliminary work: conversation with children, didactic games.

Equipment and visual materials:multimedia equipment, video writing, task cards; gates with geometric figures, gnomes (days of the week), tunnel (for climbing), cones with numbers (for walking with a snake), rope, math assignments (multimedia), balls and markers (for each child), Tangram for didactic games, video message from the Queen ...

The course of direct educational activities:

Children enter the hall with cheerful, cheerful music.

Educator: Look, we have guests in the hall. Let's say hello to them.

Children: Hello!

Educator: This morning, Yesenia Babintseva's mother handed us this letter, and said to open it at 9:00, let's see from whom the letter?(open the letter, and here is the video letter)

Hello guys, my name is Tsifroezhka. The inhabitants of our country are very fond of playing math games, singing, dancing. The funniest Queen Math among us. But lately she has become sad, does not play with anyone, only cries. Residents of the whole country were upset about this and also saddened. I ask you to help cheer the queen and return laughter and joy to this wonderful country. But only friendly, brave, kind children who will correctly complete all tasks on the way can do this. And the tasks you will find in envelopes. Good luck!

Educator: Well, can we help the Digitizer? But to make our journey successful, we will do a warm-up. Then you can hit the road.

An entertaining warm-up is carried out:

1. Let's go hiking. Many discoveries await us. We walk one after another. One-two, one-two, above your feet, kids!(Column walking one at a time)

2. We stood on our toes, walked one after another, We reach the sun, We walk easily on our toes!(Walking on toes)

3. Hands behind the back removed. And we stood on the heels. We straighten our backs, do not lower our heads.(Walking on heels)

4. Raise our legs higher, We walk through the bumps. One-two, one-two, pulling a sock, kids!(Walking with a high knee lift)

5. They ran one after another, Only the heels sparkled. We will run with you, No one can catch up with us!(Run)

7. Let us rest now together, we all need to catch our breath.(Breathing exercises)

Educator: See what it is? what an unusual gate meets us. What is depicted on the gate? They are closed, and we will be able to go through the gates only when we have completed all the tasks.

1) Count how many pieces are on the gate.

2) Count how many red pieces there are.

3) How many triangles are there?

4) Count how many yellow circles.

5) Count how many small squares there are.

Well done, the gates are opening, Our path continues.

envelope find-job on screen

Look guys, gnomes are here, what are they here for? and an envelope. Rather open the letter and complete the video task!

Here is a funny riddle - guess, guys!

There are exactly seven of these brothers,

You all know them.

Every week around

Brothers walk one after another!

Educator: Have you guessed the name of these dwarfs?

Children: days of the week

Educator: that's right, well done! Come on, quickly, in order, you guys place them!

(Children put the gnomes in order)

Educator: List the days of the week starting from Monday.(Children call) ... What day of the week is it? And tomorrow will be ... Name the days off.

Well done boys. We continue our journey.

On the road we go again and we will get into the tunnel.

We crawl on all fours.

Let's crawl as many times as there are eyes for each of you!

How many times will we crawl?

Children: two. (Crawling into the tunnel)


One after another, together in a row,

And we see a number series!

Educator: Guys, look at the numbers, what's unusual here?

Children: Between the number four and the number six, there is an envelope!

(Children find an envelope with a task, between the number four and the number six).

Educator: But before we open the envelope, tell me, what number is missing here?

Children: Numbers 5

Educator: And now we open the envelope: look at the diagram and assemble the figure. (Tangram)

Educator: We gathered in order, We continue our journey, guys. Look, the obstacle is on our way, we can easily pass it! Hands on the belt should be removed and walked sideways on the boa constrictor. And we will go as many times as there are eyes at the traffic light.

How many times will we pass the boa constrictor?

Children: three. (Children walking on a tightrope - a boa constrictor)


Take a look, under the head of a boa constrictor

Again with the taskit:

Listen carefully to assignments

And do them diligently!

Math tasks:

  1. Cockerel walks - a red comb,

Six crested heats are also there.

How many are all?

Tell us!

2. How many horns do two cows have?

3. Three yellow-eyed daisies,

Two cheerful cornflowers

Children gave my mother.

How many flowers are in the bouquet?

4. Somehow four guys

They rolled down the hill.

Two are sitting in a sleigh

How many fell into the snow?

5. Two chickens are standing

Two are sitting in a shell.

How many children will there be

At my hen's?

Educator: ... Look, there are no more obstacles in our path. We have overcome many obstacles, which means that our path has come to an end.

Outcome: Was our journey difficult? What difficulties did you face? Were you able to overcome them? What helped you cope with all the tasks?

(Queen Math appears)

Queen Math:

Hello guys! My friend Tsifroezhka told me about your adventures, about how smart, agile, brave and friendly you are! I have always told everyone that mathematics is not boring science at all, and it opens its doors to those who are ready to cope with any difficult tasks. You have passed all the tests with dignity, and from this my mood became joyful and cheerful. Bye!


I suggest you take bright balls and paint the smiles that we will give

(Children paint balloons)

I really enjoyed our trip, let's: “To mathematics and sports, we will shout together:"Hooray!"

Children go to the group.


direct educational activities

"Formation of elementary mathematical concepts"

Topic: "Traveling around the country Geometry".

(multi-age group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR from five to seven years)

teacher MBDOU DS №12 "Rosinka" Kazantseva Marina Aleksandrovna.

Purpose: to form the skills of elementary mathematical representations based on cognitive activity, curiosity, to consolidate and generalize the knowledge gained through play.

Throughout the entire educational activity, the integration of educational areas was carried out:

"Cognitive development":

- exercise children in a straight line within 10;

Consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

To consolidate ideas about the place of a number in a number series;

To form skills of orientation in time;

Develop attention, logical thinking, ingenuity.

"Physical development":

Provide conditions for the prevention of fatigue in children by changing the types of educational activities;

Develop general motor skills and coordination of movements;

Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text

« Speech development ":

Form the ability to answer questions with a complete sentence;

To develop the dialogical speech of pupils;

Enrich the active vocabulary by completing assignments;

To teach children to take initiative, to improve speech as a means of communication.

"Social and communicative development":

Contribute to an independent search and choice of actions that form the child's active position in the cognition and transformation of the world around him.

Stimulate the development of the child's initiative and independence in verbal communication;

Develop social and emotional intelligence;

Strengthen the ability to answer questions using elements of explanatory speech.

"Artistic and aesthetic development":

To teach to draw the attention of preschoolers to musical design and ICT.

Types of children's activities:





Form of work: with a group of pupils.

7 children were present: 6 boys and 1 girl.

The program content of the material, its volume and complexity correspond to the age, physical and individual-psychological characteristics of children of the seventh year of life, the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Aesthetics, duration, hygienic requirements for conducting educational activities and equipment directly meet SanPin.

The personality-oriented approach in communicating with children contributed to an active dialogue, emotional rapprochement, the manifestation of a stable interest of children throughout the entire educational activity.

Directly educational activities are built in stages. All stages are interconnected, logical, meaningful.

During the NOD, she used a variety of methods and techniques: a motivational and motivating moment - a meeting with Yesenia's mother, who brought an envelope; video message Digitizer; tasks of a mathematical and physical nature: "Open the gates with geometric shapes", Game "Gnomes-days of the week", "Crawl into the tunnel", "Pass with a snake and say which number is not present"; "Walk the tightrope"; "Solve math problems"; video message of the queen to the children to solve the set goal and tasks. The GCD was built in several stages. All stages are interconnected, concise, meaningful and effective.

The organizational moment performed two important functions: organizing a group of children to actively participate in GCD and creating conditions conducive to the introduction of preschoolers into cognitive activity.

Communication on the basis of partnership, cultural language environment, communication with other areas of the program, search activities, contributed to the assimilation of the program material. Tasks were selected based on visual, auditory, tactile, analyzers.

During the GCD, a change in activities was carried out to prevent overfatigue.

To increase the interest of children, encouragement to search for solutions, the development of speech activity throughout the GCD, didactic, verbal games, physical exercises, examinations of objects were used, a dialogue with children was built and maintained. In order to interest the children, playful moments were used, which contributed to the formation of a positive attitude of children to participate in direct educational activities. My small mistakes in GCD were based on little paid individual tasks, lack of emotionality and musical accompaniment.

The most successful moments of GCD: the use of game moments to activate thought, speech, cognitive activity, in the process of nodes, reasonable answers of children to the teacher's questions.

I believe that the set goals were achieved, the program material was mastered by the children.

« Cognitive development "

formation of elementary mathematical representations

early age group (2-3 years old)

(I.A.Pomoraeva, V.A.Pozina)

under the program "From birth to school"

edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva

teacher - defectologist: Maisyuk A.M.

g, Uray 2018

1. Explanatory note

Direction "Cognitive development". Section Cognition. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts.

Goals and objectives: The content of the educational area "Cognition" is aimed at achieving the goals of development in children of cognitive interests, intellectual development, the development of cognitive research and productive (constructive) activities;

formation of elementary mathematical concepts;  forming a holistic picture of the world, broadening the horizons of children. "

Quantity ать Involve children in the formation of groups of similar objects.  To form the ability to distinguish the number of objects: many - one (one - many).  Develop the ability to see the general feature of group items.  Learn to make up groups of similar objects and select individual objects from them.  To form the ability to compare two equal (unequal) groups of objects on the basis of mutual comparison of elements (objects). To acquaint with the techniques of sequential imposition and application of objects of one group to objects of another. Size  To draw the attention of children to objects of contrasting sizes and their designation in speech (a big house - a small house, a large nesting doll - a small matryoshka, large balls - small balls, etc.)  Develop the ability to compare objects of contrasting and equal sizes; when comparing objects, measure one object with another according to a given criterion of size, using the techniques of imposition and application; denote the comparison result in layers: long - short, equal (equal) in length, wide - narrow, equal (equal) in width, high - low, equal (equal) in height, large - small, equal (equal) in size. Shape  To form the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them (cube, brick, ball).  Introduce geometric shapes: circle, square, triangle. Examine the shape of these figures using sight and touch.

Orientation in space  Continue to accumulate in children the experience of practical development of the surrounding space (group premises and kindergarten area).  Learn to find a bedroom, playroom, washroom and other rooms.  Expand the experience of orientation in parts of one's own body (head, face, arms, legs, back).  Learn to follow the teacher in a certain direction.

Orientation in time  To form the ability to navigate in contrasting parts of the day: day - night, morning - evening.


The principle of developmental education;  Principles of scientific validity and practical applicability (the content of the Program corresponds to the main provisions of developmental psychology and preschool pedagogy);  Compliance with the criteria of completeness, necessity and sufficiency;  Ensures the unity of educational, developmental and teaching goals and objectives;  The principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of children;  Building the educational process on age-appropriate forms of work with children.

Forms of work with children: - Directly educational activities (classes), - Joint activities with an adult, carried out in the process of organizing various types of children's activities (play, communication, work, cognitive research, productive, musical and artistic, reading, etc.), - Independent activities of children.

Organizational conditions

Number of GBRs (lessons) per week per month per year 1 4 36 10 min 60 min 6 hours

The duration of GCD for children of the first junior group is 10 minutes. in accordance with SanPin In the middle of the GCD, a physical education minute is held.

Terms of sale

The activities of children in the development centers in the group: "Center of Cognition (cognitive research activity)", "Laboratory", "Design Center" and others. Handout: geometric planar and volumetric figures, number row, strips of various lengths and widths, counting sticks, and dissimilar objects of different shape, length, height, width. Demonstration material: number series, pictures depicting parts of the day and their sequence, abacus, number cards, geometric shapes, posters. Board-printed games, small and large mosaics, loto, dominoes, logic blocks, aids for composing a whole from parts, constructors of various colors and sizes (construction, lego, etc.). ICT: multimedia presentations, computer educational games for the development of cognitive abilities.

Predicted Results

By the end of the year, the child can:  Group objects by color, size, shape (select all red, all large, all round objects, etc.).  With the support of an adult, make groups of similar objects and single out one object from the group.  Find one and many identical objects in the environment.  Determine the quantitative ratio of two groups of objects; understand the specific meaning of words: more - less, the same.  See the difference in the size of two items in length (width, height, overall size); show (name) which of the two objects is large, small, long, short, wide, narrow, high, low, or they are the same.  Distinguish between circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

Control activities Monitoring of the development of the educational program is carried out 2 times a year: in November and April. Monitoring is carried out on the basis of observation, analysis of the products of children's activities and criterion diagnostic techniques recommended under the program "From birth to school" (edited by N.E. Veraksa, TS Komarova, M.A. ...

2. Contents


September 06.09.2017 Lesson 1 "Ball game" Pedagogical goals: Development of objective actions.

10 min

09/13/2017 Lesson 2 "A stick is a little player" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to perform actions with objects: circle the shape of an object, roll, set.

10 min

09/20/2017 Lesson 3 "Visiting grandmother" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to perform actions with objects: stroking with your palm, placing, rolling, constructing the simplest buildings.

10 min

09/27/2017 Lesson 4 “Forest visitor Pedagogical goals: Development of objective actions. To acquaint children with the flower meadow, activate the dictionary on the topic through the words: flowers, meadow, grass, yellow centers, butterflies, beetles, grasshoppers; teach children to answer questions in short sentences using the preposition for; cultivate respect for the world around them

10 min

October 04.10.2017 Lesson 1 "What rolls, what does not roll" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball. Formation of the ability to perform actions with objects: outline the shape of an object, roll, set. 10min 11.10.2017 Lesson 2 "Hide the cube hide the ball" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball. Formation of the ability to perform actions with objects: circle the shape of the object with the palm of your hand, roll, put. 10min 10/18/2017 Lesson 3 "Find the same" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: brick, ball. Formation of the ability to perform actions with objects: ironing with a palm, setting, rolling, constructing the simplest buildings. 10min 10/25/2017 Lesson 4 "Building a chair for the matryoshka" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: brick, cube. Formation of the ability to construct simple buildings. 10 min

November 07.11.2017 Lesson 1 "What's in the bag" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball, brick. Improvement of objective actions. 10min 11/14/2017 Lesson 2 "Putting toys for a walk" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size and designate them with the words: large, small. 10min 11/21/2017 Lesson 3 "Round dance of matryoshkas" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish objects of contrasting size and designate them with the words: large, small. Improvement of objective actions. 10min 11/28/2017 Lesson 4 "Building turrets" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish between blocks of contrasting size and name them: large cubes, small cubes. Formation of the ability to construct simple buildings. 10min December 06.12.2017 Lesson 1 Roll the ball along the path »Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish between balls of contrasting size and name them: big ball, small ball. Improvement of objective actions. 10min 13.12.2017 Lesson 2 "Toys for dolls" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish between cubes and balls of contrasting size. Formation of the ability to group objects by size. 10min 12/20/2017 Lesson 3 "Playing with nesting dolls" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, to distinguish the number of objects: many - one. 10min 12/27/2017 Lesson 4 "Collecting leaves in a vase" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, to distinguish the number of objects: one - many. 10min January 10.01.2018 Lesson 1 "Playing with flags" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, to distinguish the number of objects: many - many. Formation of the ability to use singular and plural nouns in speech. 10min 01/17/2018 Lesson 2 "Playing with snowballs" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish contrasting 10 min.

the size of objects and designate them with the appropriate words: large, small. The development of the ability to form groups of objects and distinguish between their number: many - one, one - many. 01/24/2018 Lesson 3 "Playing with balls" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish objects of contrast in size and designate them with the appropriate words: large, small. The development of the ability to form groups of objects and distinguish between their number: many - many.

10 min

01/31/2018 Lesson 4 "Welcome guests" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, to distinguish them by their number: a lot - a little, a little - a lot.

10 min

February 07.02.2018 Lesson 1 "Assembling the turret and pyramid" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball. Development of the ability to distinguish between the number of objects: one - many. Development of objective actions. 10min 02/14/2018 Lesson 2 "Give toys to a bunny and a bear" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and name them: cube, ball. Development of the ability to distinguish between the number of objects: many - many. 10min 02/21/2018 Lesson 3 "Ball game" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of objects and distinguish between their number: many - many. Development of objective actions. 10min 02/28/2018 Lesson 4 "Find a pair" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, distinguish their number and designate with the words: many - one, one - many, many - many. 10min March 14.03.2018 Lesson 1 “Put the ball into the house” Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish objects that are contrasting in size and shape, to form them into groups by their number and to indicate in speech: large, small, cube, ball, many - many. Formation of the ability to produce the simplest groupings of objects in shape and size. 10min 03/21/2018 Lesson 2 "Building gates for balls" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and quantity and designate them with the words: ball, cube, brick, a lot - a little. 10 min

Formation of the ability to construct the simplest buildings. 03/28/2018 Lesson 3 "Collecting toys for nesting dolls" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape and quantity, to designate them with the words: ball, cube, brick, many - many. Formation of the ability to construct simple buildings.

10 min

April 04.04.2018 Lesson 4 "Build sofas for dolls" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape (cube, brick) and color. Development of the ability to distinguish and show parts of your body. Formation of the ability to construct simple buildings. 10 min

04/11/2018 Lesson 1 "Gifts for hedgehogs" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by size and color. Development of objective actions.

10 min

04/18/2018 Lesson 2 "Where the toys were hidden" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to hear and name spatial prepositions and adverbs, correlate them with the location of a specific object (in, on, under, here, there, here).

10 min

04/25/2018 Lesson 3 "Traveling by train" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, to distinguish their number and designate with the appropriate words: many - one, one - many, many - few, many - many. The development of the ability to follow an adult in a certain direction.

10 min

May 03.05.2018 Lesson 4 "We are sailing on a boat" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to distinguish the number of objects (many - one), to use plural and singular nouns in speech. Development of the ability to follow an adult in a certain direction.

10 min

05/10/2018 Lesson 1 "We spread, we shift, we collect" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, distinguish their number and designate them with the appropriate words: one - many, many - one, many - many. Development of objective actions.

10 min

05/17/2018 Lesson 2 “Making Easter cakes large and small Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by size and designate them with words: large, small. Development of objective actions.

10 min

05/24/2018 Lesson 3 "What is growing outside the window" Pedagogical goals: Development of the ability to form groups of similar objects, to distinguish their number and designate with the appropriate words: many - one, one - many, many - few, many - many. The development of the ability to follow an adult in a certain direction.

10 min

05/31/2018 Lesson 4 "The teacher's story about the cockerel" Pedagogical goals: Formation of the ability to distinguish objects by shape (cube, brick) and color. Development of the ability to distinguish and show parts of your body. Formation of the ability to construct simple buildings.

10 min

Total 36 lessons 9 hours

3. Methodological support

Arapova-Piskareva N.A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten. - M .: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2006. Venger L. A., Pilyugina E. G. et al. Education of the child's sensory culture. - M .: Education, 1988. Education and training in the first junior group of kindergarten / Comp. S. N. Teplyuk. - M .: MOSAIKASINTEZ, 2007. Gromova OE Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in young children. - M .: TC Sphere, 2005. Novikovskaya OA Mind at your fingertips. Little tips for parents. - SPb .: OOO "Sova", 2007. An approximate general educational program of preschool education "FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL" / Ed. N. Ye. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIKA-SINTEZ, 2013. Serbina EV Mathematics for kids. - M .: Enlightenment, 1992. Smirnova OE, Ermolova TV, Meshcheryakova S. Yu. Development of objective activity and cognitive abilities. Games and activities with young childrenand. - M .: MOSAIKA