Feeding budgerigars at home. How to feed budgies properly

Budgerigars are unpretentious poultry that can brighten up an everyday and boring environment. When keeping them, it is worth considering in detail - from the place of keeping to feeding. If you want your feathered pet to be able to delight with chirping and cooing for a long time, then it is better to create all the necessary conditions for his stay. For this reason, it is important first of all to consider how and how to feed the budgerigar. The good health of the bird, as well as its beautiful appearance, will depend on this.

The diet of the budgerigar should include grain mixtures, they are its important component. At the same time, for wavy ones, the presence of various types of this food in the menu is required. In these breeds of birds, an increased metabolism is observed, which is able to quickly digest grain feed.

The best option would be to have 6 different types of cereals on the menu at once. Veterinarians advise against experimenting with bird nutrition and making menus on their own. It is better to purchase ready-made feeds in specialized stores, which contain the necessary useful elements.

The daily menu of a feathered pet should include the following crops:

  • millet of various types - red, white, black, yellow. The component indicator should be 70% of the total;
  • oats. Its volume must be at least 10%;
  • sunflower seeds, flaxseed, hemp and canary seeds, wheat. The amount of grain crops should be 20%.

Many owners of feathered pets often have a question - is it possible to give millet? This type of grain does not have a coating that prevents oxidation, which can have harmful effects on health.

Also in millet, unlike millet, there are fewer vitamins and nutrients that are required for the active development and health improvement of birds. And if it is not fresh or lies down for a long time, then it will have a bitter taste, which the wavy will not like.

Important! Millet can be given to parrots, but in limited quantities, it is better to boil it first. If they feed the bird for more than a week, then it may develop digestive problems, and vitamin deficiency may also occur.

What else can you feed a budgerigar at home besides grain food? Additionally, it can be mixed with boiled eggs, herbs, fresh grass. They will saturate the feed with vitamins and nutrients.

You can read more about grain mixtures and feed in the article.

Fruits and vegetables

A complete and balanced feeding of budgies should include a variety of fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to give them clean, so they should be washed in running water. They should be natural, free from toxic chemicals.

Feed should be fresh vegetables and fruits. If they start to rot or mold appears on their surface, then it is better not to give them to feathered pets. They can negatively affect their health.

Among the vegetables in the menu, you can include varieties from the list:

  • fodder carrot. The vegetable has a high value. It contains a lot of carotene. It is given raw, grated or finely chopped. Additionally, it can be combined with boiled egg or breadcrumbs;
  • parrots love melon, pumpkin. They can also be given raw pumpkin seeds, but they should be milled;
  • cucumbers. Vegetables accelerate metabolism. They can be used as part of dietary food when the feathered pet is overweight;
  • tomatoes. The composition of tomatoes includes acids, carotene. It is recommended for budgerigars to give fully ripe tomatoes, in unripe fruits there is a dangerous alkaloid element that is dangerous not only for birds, but also for humans;
  • fresh cabbage. Leaves can be torn into small pieces, and the stump should be cut into small pieces with a knife;
  • beet. The root vegetable contains sugar, fiber, vitamins, trace elements. A vegetable is essential for birds. It can be stored for a long time;
  • birds are allowed green peas, beans. Legumes should be fresh, soft and young;
  • bell pepper. It has a high level of nutrients. It needs to be cut into small pieces along with the seeds.

In addition to the above vegetables, fruits should be on the menu. They are required to be given only fresh. They should not contain chemicals that can provoke health problems for birds.

Among the fruits in the menu, you can include the following types:

  • apples are valuable for parrots. They are required to be given every day;
  • pears are considered a delicious treat. But it doesn't cost too much to give;
  • enough oranges and tangerines. Citrus fruits have a high level of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), so they must be given to birds;
  • bananas are possible, but not many. They cannot be given along with the skin;
  • feathered pets will happily eat peaches and apricots;
  • to increase the immune system, kiwi should be given periodically, but only without the skin.

You can read more about fruits and vegetables in the article ““.


It is recommended to use green food to improve the nutrition of the budgerigar. It is one of the main ingredients, because greens contain important nutrients that improve health and strengthen the bird's immune system.

So what kind of grass and greens can budgies be given? In the diet of birds, there must be types of greens from the list:

  • lettuce leaves;
  • tops from beets, carrots;
  • chicory salad;
  • spinach;
  • dandelion;
  • clover;
  • radish leaves;
  • starworm;
  • plantain.

It should be borne in mind that there are forbidden greens that should not be included in the diet of birds:

  • tops of potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants;
  • all varieties of decorative flowers;
  • lavrushka leaves;
  • spurge;
  • dill.


Many bird owners, who are often interested in the question of how to feed a budgerigar correctly, pay attention to the fact that their diet must necessarily contain branches of various trees. Twig feed has several advantages:

  • parrots clean and sharpen their beak on twigs;
  • with the help of his birds improve the condition of the claws;
  • has a positive effect on health due to the content of fiber and various trace elements.

Preference should be given to twigs from maple, fruit trees, aspen, birch, alder. Before giving them to a pet, they should be treated with hot water.


When studying what budgerigars eat, it is worth taking into account cereals from various cereals. They quickly saturate the body, and also fill it with useful substances.

Porridge and various cereals have some important characteristics:

  • they contain important trace elements that normalize impaired metabolism;
  • in order to make porridge, you can use buckwheat, beans, rice and others. They can be used together or separately;
  • in addition, you can add legumes, finely chopped vegetables, fruits;
  • it is recommended to boil porridge only in water without adding salt and sugar;
  • they can be stored in the refrigerator, but no more than two days.

Sprouted feed

Sprouted feed is nutritious, for this reason it can be used to replace cereal mixtures. It contains a high level of fiber and beneficial vitamins. Due to the balanced composition, when using this food, the birds increase their immunity, metabolism returns to normal, and failures in the body are restored.

If you don't know what to feed your budgerigar, then sprouted food is a great option. The main thing is to germinate the grains correctly:

  • it is recommended to select grains for cooking;
  • then washed under running water;
  • the grains are poured over with warm water and left overnight;
  • then the grains are washed again, laid out on a saucer and covered with wet gauze, which folds 3-4 times;
  • every 4 hours the gauze needs to be moistened;
  • in 24 hours the first shoots will already appear;

The germinated seeds can be given to the parrot immediately. You can store them no more than 2 days.

Mineral supplements

Be sure to feed the budgie with mineral supplements. Among the suitable are the following:

  • chalk provides calcium replenishment. You can give it in a pounded state or in the form of pebbles. You need to use special chalk, the main thing is not construction;
  • small eggshell. It has a lot of calcium, magnesium, iron, sulfur;
  • bone flour. It contains a lot of phosphorus and calcium;
  • the feathered menu needs to be supplemented with special vitamins and minerals, which are sold in the form of complexes in any pet store.


The budgerigar should always have clean water in the drinker. It must be replaced periodically, otherwise it will become dirty and simply undrinkable. But you need to know what kind of water to give the wavy parrot.

Feathered pets are not recommended to give boiled, raw water, as well as mineral water with gases. It needs to be filtered and cleaned. It should contain useful additives - potassium, magnesium, sodium. Additionally, freshly squeezed juices, lemon juice, decoction of chamomile, rose hips can be added to the water.

Can the budgerigar eat cheese, bread and other foods?

Additionally, food of animal origin can be included in the parrot's diet. But it is rarely required to give it, at least 2-3 times a month. But during the molting period, and for feeding the offspring, protein feed should be used more often - every day.

Protein foods include:

  • cheese. It is worth using fermented milk with low fat content;
  • chicken eggs. From time to time, you can give parrots a boiled egg;
  • fish fat;
  • cottage cheese. If you have a question whether cottage cheese is possible for budgerigars, then do not worry, this component is allowed, but in limited quantities. It is not worth using fatty, up to 9% fat.
  • yeast;
  • salt, sugar;
  • flour;
  • genetically modified wheat can be used;
  • sometimes there may be milk;
  • can be made from rye flour.

These components negatively affect the state of the bird. It is best to dry rusks from bread and mix them with other types of feed. They will go well with an egg and carrot mixture. But you should not abuse them, it will be enough to give them 2-3 times a month.

What you can't feed budgies

Considering what to feed budgies, you should pay attention to prohibited foods, which in no case should be included in the diet of feathered pets. These include the following:

  • salt. The feathered organism is simply not able to process this product on its own;
  • spices, seasonings, spices. They can provoke serious health complications in the bird up to its death;
  • milk and derivatives. In order for this product to be digested normally, enzymes are required that are absent in the body of parrots. In addition, it has a high level of fat content;
  • bread. As it was written above, it is impossible for birds, because it contains yeast, sugar, salt, flour;
  • mushrooms. They can have a negative impact on the activity of the digestive system;
  • chocolate. It contains sugar and cocoa. These ingredients have an exciting effect on the bird's nervous system;
  • do not include some types of vegetables in the diet - potatoes, radishes, eggplants, raw legumes.

Feeding budgies is an important condition on which the full development of a feathered pet depends. It must be thought out inside and out. You should not treat its compilation irresponsibly, because the inclusion of a prohibited product may negatively affect the state of the bird. It is advisable to first consult with a veterinarian, he will be able to develop the most optimal feeding scheme for the parrot.

Budgerigar is a cute and talkative bird that can win even the most callous heart. Parrots are common pets due to their unpretentiousness and lack of special care. But if a small living creature has appeared in your house, you must understand that you are now responsible for it. The first thing you should provide for a new family member is a cage. It should be spacious and light. Parrots like to be in the middle of the room to have a good view. Do not leave the cage near heating devices or in drafts - the bird can get sick.

As far as feeding the parrot is concerned, it should be balanced. In nature, parrots feed on grains, plant seeds, herbs, vegetables and fruits, small bugs and insects. The bird's nutrition must meet its needs for vitamins, minerals, trace elements. A proper and varied diet ensures a healthy and long life for the parrot.

When and how much to feed the parrot

The norm of dry food for a parrot is 2 teaspoons per day. Sometimes juveniles can consume more. But remember that you cannot overfeed the bird - give it no more than three spoons per day. If the bird eats all of the feed given to it in the morning, do not feed the whole portion in the morning. The fact is that a parrot has a fast metabolism and a long time without food can be dangerous. If you are away for a few days, do not put the entire portion of food in the feeder at once for all the coming days of your absence. The bird will first eat everything, and then it will suffer from hunger, maybe even die. In this case, it is better to buy a special feeder, which at a certain time gives out the right amount of feed. But this is, nevertheless, automation and it may not work. Therefore, the safest way is to give the parrot to friends for a while or ask someone from the relatives to feed the pet.

When feeding your parrot dry food, try to add the next batch only when the trough is empty. Often, parrots feast on only their favorite grains, while others remain untouched. But in order for the pet to receive all the necessary trace elements, its nutrition must be varied.

Parrot drinker

In addition to food, pay attention to water for the bird. A special drinking bowl must be installed in the cage. Do not use simple cups - the bird will simply overturn it, the parrot itself will be left without water, moreover, the cage will become wet. Special drinkers, which are attached to the cage bars, are difficult to turn over, the parrot will always be able to drink if necessary. Wash the water troughs regularly and do not expose them to sunlight - various microorganisms can develop in the water. Do not wash the drinker with detergents - a simple rinse is usually sufficient. You can water your pet with boiled or special bottled water for children.

In addition to water, your pet can be treated with juice from vegetables and fruits that are allowed for your bird. It is categorically impossible to give milk to the birds - the parrot's body does not produce lactose, which is necessary for the digestion of dairy products. If you give the bird milk, it may develop stomach problems.

It is best to install two feeders in the parrot's cage - one for dry food, the other for fresh fruits and vegetables. So how to feed the feathered so that his body does not experience any deficiency?

  1. Corn. This is the basis of nutrition for any bird. Parrot food can be purchased ready-made at your veterinary store. Usually more than half of this composition includes various types of millet - white, black, red and yellow. In addition to millet, there are hemp seeds, flax seeds, canary seeds, and wheat. Many owners give seeds to the birds, making a big mistake. Sunflower seeds, as well as nuts, are very fatty for poultry. Parrot food should consist of even and smooth grains, without damage and wormholes. Check the expiration date - old grains are losing their nutritional value. You can check the quality of the beans by soaking them in water. Bad seeds lose their germination. If your food has not sprouted, you should not feed the bird with such a product.
  2. Greens. In addition to the main food, you need to regale the parrot with green plants. It can be carrot or radish tops, some houseplants, grass from the garden. It is better to collect greens away from the roads - this way less harmful substances get into the grass. Budgerigars love to feast on dandelions, green lettuce, spinach, clover, plantain, willow tea, and a string. But it is better to refuse spicy herbs - dill, cilantro, parsley is not recommended for ptah. Some plants give the parrot as medicine. For example, chamomile is suitable for diarrhea, for pneumonia and rhinitis - a mother-and-stepmother, a decoction of plantain is prepared for immunity. Do not cut the selected greens into pieces, just hang the bundle from the ceiling of the cage. Parrots love to choose what they like.
  3. Berries, fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits, vegetables and berries are essential for a balanced diet. However, not all parrots are accustomed to such food and can often refuse it. It is important to find the key to your pet's addictions here. Some of the parrots prefer to peck the whole fruit, the other likes it when the berries are cut into cubes. Still others generally eat carrots only if they are grated. Parrots can be given pineapple, banana, cherries, peaches, apricots, grapes, watermelon, blackberries, raspberries, pears, apples. Favorite vegetables include squash, corn, cabbage, beans, carrots, tomatoes, pumpkin, beets, and turnips. When giving your pet vegetables or fruits, peel them from the core, bones and tough skin.
  4. Minerals. Special substances, without which no parrot can survive, should also be present in your pet's diet. Give the bird crushed egg shells - they are rich in calcium. Also periodically put special chalk (not building chalk), charcoal, bone meal into the cage. Sometimes the parrot needs to be given lemon juice and apple cider vinegar diluted with water. For good digestion, an animal's cage must have organic and inorganic sand. The mineral stone will not only be used to sharpen the beak, but also as a source of minerals. Sepia, the skeleton of a cuttlefish, will help provide the parrot with all the necessary minerals. This powder contains most of the necessary additives. In addition, sometimes you need to add a drop of honey to your pet's water - this will increase the immunity of your bird. Once a month, dilute the diet of feathery cottage cheese and fish oil - a source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  5. Porridge. This is another favorite delicacy of birds that they cannot refuse. Porridge should be cooked without salt, sugar and oil. And it is better not to cook the cereal, but to soak it in boiling water.
  6. Wheat sprouts. Wheat germ is another essential ingredient for the nutrition of parrots. It contains a huge amount of vitamins that can compensate for even a serious deficiency. Sprouted wheat is convenient because it can be grown at home even in winter, when there is practically no greenery. You need to grow wheat like this. Take a handful of selected grains and rinse them with lukewarm water. Place a piece of cheesecloth on a flat and deep enough plate and sprinkle the grains onto it. Pour water over the grains so that they are slightly covered with liquid. Leave in a warm place. Rinse the grains every 4-6 hours. In a day, the wheat will sprout - the delicacy is ready to eat.
  7. Twigs. The parrot loves to gnaw everything around, offer him branches and twigs of trees. The sticks must first be soaked overnight, and then pour boiling water over them. This will keep your pet safe from harmful bacteria and infections. Cherry, viburnum, apple, linden, birch and mountain ash twigs will not only occupy your pet and undermine its beak. Wood contains nutrients that birds also need.

This is the basis of the diet not only for the budgerigar, but also for many other feathered pets. But in order to protect a new family member from illness and even death, you need to know what to protect the bird from.

What should not be given to a parrot

Here are a few points to avoid.

  1. Parrots should not be given fruits such as mango, avocado, persimmon and papaya.
  2. Budgerigars should not eat any nuts.
  3. The following plant species are very poisonous for parrots - anthurium, begonia, heather, hyacinth, gladiolus, buttercup, lily of the valley, Kalanchoe, fern, snowdrop, spathiphyllum (female happiness), ficuses, tulips. Also, do not give your parrots tomato, potato, and bell pepper tops.
  4. Parrots should not be given milk.
  5. Parrots should not eat spices, salt and sugar. If a small amount of sugar is still allowed (in the preparation of porridge for budgerigar chicks), then salt is considered a real poison.
  6. Don't feed the bird from your table. No fried and oily dishes, no pasta, etc.
  7. The parrot cannot be given fresh pastries and bread in general. The maximum that can be allowed is white bread rusks in small quantities.
  8. Chocolate, sweets, cookies are also useless for the pet. They can lead to various diseases of the bird.

Do not forget about these forbidden items if you wish your pet a long and healthy life.

A balanced diet of poultry is the basis of its longevity, health and mood. If you do everything right, the bird will incessantly delight you with its talkativeness and cheerful trill. Take care of your pets, because you are responsible for them.

Video: what does the parrot feed other than food

When purchasing a wavy parrot for the first time as a pet, it is important to know what the budgerigar eats at home, and how the diet differs from natural conditions. In order for a pet to live for a long time and not get sick, it is necessary to monitor its nutrition, diversify its diet with high-quality and healthy food.

What do parrots eat in nature

It is important to know what parrots and other small birds eat in their natural environment in order to provide them with everything they need at home. Wild budgerigars are nomadic birds that are found free in the arid regions of Australia.

They choose meadows and forest regions, and in rainy times they visit farmlands and suburbs. The regions of their habitat are very arid, so parrots may not drink water for a long time in captivity.

In nature, small birds catch:

  • seeds of land plants, shrubs and trees;
  • kangaroo grass seeds;
  • bark of trees and shrubs;
  • exotic fruits.
In nature, parrots find vitamins in fruits, bark, grains

Birds fly from place to place, looking for food and water sources. Their natural food depends on the region where budgerigars live in nature. As already mentioned, these are arid and semi-arid Australian regions, but feeding there for small birds is very diverse, nutritious and fortified.

Features of homemade budgerigar food

In addition to the standard food at home, budgerigars need other sources of nutrients, trace elements and vitamins necessary for healthy development and reproduction.

Watch the video how the wavy fish eats from the hand

The issue of feeding is one of the most important for the owner. After all, nutrition of parrots is the basis of their health and longevity, therefore, it is necessary to approach the solution of this problem with full responsibility.

In this article, the main components of the diet will be considered in sufficient detail. If you accustom your pet to the right food from an early age, then in the future there will be no questions about how to feed the bird.

Grain feed is the basis of the diet

Grain is an essential part of a parrot's daily diet

There is no need to invent anything here, but you should pay attention to ready-made feed. Any pet store will help you find the right food for your species. Ready-made cereal mixtures from different manufacturers may differ slightly in composition, but in general, they all have approximately the same composition:

    - millet
    - oats
    - sunflower seeds (not roasted).

Also, some manufacturers add vitamins to the feed. When buying feed, you should pay attention to the fact that the packaging is intact, and the shelf life has not yet expired.

A young budgerigar at home and, especially during seasonal molting, should be fed not only with purchased grain mixtures, but also prepared independently. Canaries, cockatiels, macaws also love them. In the composition of such homemade mixtures, caring bird owners include seeds:

  • meadow grasses;
  • flax;
  • sunflower;
  • sesame;
  • hemp.

Try not to feed your parrots at home with things that are not available to them in nature, for example, fried sunflower seeds.

Fried seeds should not be given to birds. When feeding budgies and other small birds at home, the standard daily rate of seeds is determined - this is 2 teaspoons per day.

Many birds eat only certain varieties of seeds, but they cannot be increased in the grain mixture.

Diluting your daily mixture with different treats and supplements can harm your pet.

Among the owners of parrots (especially wavy ones) there is sometimes an opinion that grain feed is enough for their birds. However, it is not.

Branches of trees and shrubs for a healthy beak

Don't limit your diet to grains. It's no secret that all birds are very fond of gnawing something, and this "something" is not always useful for them (wallpaper, plaster, ceiling tiles, etc.). That is why many bird owners put tree branches in their cages.

It should be noted that branches should not be torn off along highways, garbage dumps and factories - it is not safe for a budgerigar to eat such wood.

It is best to follow them into the forest or the nearest park. Preference should be given to branches of birch, alder, chestnut, willow. You should not be allowed to gnaw on the branches of coniferous trees (due to the content of tannins in them) and poplar (due to the absorption of toxic substances from the atmosphere).

Poultry will also enjoy eating bark from twigs every day:

    1) beech;
    2) ash;
    3) apple trees;
    4) hazel;
    5) raspberries;
    6) aspen;
    7) hawthorn;
    8) viburnum.
Treat your pet with a branch of viburnum (the berries themselves can also be given, but in small quantities)

For a change, the pet is offered twigs of citrus trees, chestnut, mountain ash, pear, viburnum. For novice breeders who have not yet learned much about what parrots eat in nature, it is worth knowing that they should not pick branches of acacia, elderberry, lilac, which can poison a poultry.

Before giving the branches to the bird, they must be soaked in cold water for several hours, and then doused with boiling water.

Animal proteins in the bird's diet

In addition to plant foods, which have already been said a lot above, animal proteins can and should be added to the diet. Here, preference can be given to grated boiled egg or low-fat cottage cheese.

Animal proteins are very important at home; The budgerigar eats most protein-containing foods with pleasure. It is the main supplementary feed of animal origin, containing a lot of vitamins and minerals that are absent in plant feed.

Protein should be given to the bird daily during nesting, seasonal molting, breeding of young chicks, in other cases - once a week is enough.

Try to feed varied: don't limit yourself to just grains

They give such perishable food fresh daily and remove the remnants of the previous one, which quickly decays and can cause illness. Often separate feeders are prepared for animal food. The most common and harmless supplements for wavy animal protein are:

    1. Boiled chicken egg. Parrots are especially eager to feed on yolk at home, which contains the highest concentration of vitamins and irreplaceable organic substances.
    The egg is also rich in minerals: iron, iodine, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur, chlorine, bromine. It is boiled for birds that are kept at home, hard-boiled and finely crumbled.
    1. Budgerigar lovers prepare soft egg mixtures for their pets, adding white crackers, grated fresh beets, carrots, and semolina to the egg. It is useful to add a couple of droplets of fat to a tablespoon of protein feed. As a rule, the wavy eats such food, if it is accustomed to it immediately.
    2. Low-fat cottage cheese is a source of healthy protein that is important for bird health. It includes magnesium and essential vitamins, as well as lactic acid, phosphorus, essential iron, and potassium. Such a product is given to the bird fresh and crumbly.
    Poisoning is caused by an acidified product. It is allowed to add semolina to the cottage cheese.
    3. Fish oil contains vitamins A and D, phosphorus necessary for the feathered friend and a rare element - iodine. A couple of droplets of it are stirred in grain feed.
    4. Gammarus or mealworms are nutritious protein supplements for parrots. In the wild, wild birds rarely eat insects, but for proper home care, such ingredients must be included.

Mineral components and vitamins

Eggshell contains calcium

Mineral supplements are needed to provide the body with trace elements that are necessary for the formation of skeletal bones.

The cage must contain sepia (part of the skeleton of a cuttlefish), which is an excellent source of calcium. Bird chalk or pre-boiled and dried eggshells are also good.
For those who are just learning what else a parrot eats at home, you should know about some more mineral dressings:

1. Bone meal. Together with egg shells, it is a source of phosphorus and calcium that strengthens bones and feathers. Such additives are poured into bird sand or wet feed mixtures.

Flour is especially important during the period of seasonal molting, because it nourishes the wavy body with salts that are important in the formation of feathers. Such a simple and inexpensive feeding is sold in simple pet stores.

2. Small pebbles with sand. In natural conditions, wild parrots eat together with other food and such components. In the bird's stomach, they mechanically grind food and aid in digestion and enzymatic breakdown.

3. Charcoal. In nature, budgerigars get it from the bark of trees. It contains important trace elements.

It is rubbed and sprinkled with feathery ones along with egg shells and sand. It removes heavy compounds, poisons and gases from the organs of the feathered friend.

What fruits and vegetables can parrots

The diet of parrots should include fruits and vegetables - they are an important part of your feathered pet's diet, as they contain vitamins and minerals.

The most beneficial for pets will be apples, plums, bananas, pears, strawberries, kiwi, pumpkin, corn, carrots or beets. You should not give your pet any spicy and spicy vegetables, as well as potatoes and eggplant (due to the solanine content in them).

Small amounts of fruit are good for the bird

Every bird owner needs to know what else parrots eat besides food when they are kept at home. Their natural diet includes exotic fruits like kiwi or all kinds of wild berries. It is better to add to the menu of wavy house birds:

    steamed or dried berries (lingonberries, blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, mountain ash, cranberries);
    cherries or cherries;
    a pineapple;
    green pea;
    a tomato;
    green salad or spinach;
    different varieties of cabbage;
    Bell pepper.

It is important to remember that all vegetables and fruits that you will give to your bird must be fresh, thoroughly washed and not contain any pesticides or other chemicals that could cause irreparable damage to your friend's health.

Greens on the parrot menu

Greens never hurt parrots. For those who have not yet fully studied the question of how to feed domestic budgies, it is worth knowing that such complementary foods will not harm the birds if administered daily. All grass should be well washed and fresh. Parrots love to eat:

    burdock (burdock);
    meadow grasses;
    spinach leaves;
    oat greens;
    young leaves of fruit trees and cereals;
    plantain leaves;
    beet and carrot tops;
    green leafy salads.

Do not shun greens - they are natural products

Dill, parsley, celery, cilantro and other fragrant and spicy herbs are prohibited. Juicy greens replenish water reserves in nature. At home, the water is changed every day, without thinking how long a parrot can live normally without water. Wild birds can withstand long intervals between drinks, but in a home environment, water should be given fresh daily.

What is forbidden for domestic parrots to eat

It is forbidden to include fresh bread crumb in the menu of small birds, only in the form of crushed rusks, as well as salt, milk, chocolate and other sweets, soups, fried, flour products. This does not mean that the bird will refuse to eat this food, but it will lead to metabolic disorders, obesity and even premature death of the bird. Human food is not good for birds. Only a well-chosen menu will guarantee the health of a wavy pet for many years.

Budgerigars are very unpretentious in food. The parrot's home diet should not be very different from the diet in its natural habitat.

The food of the budgerigar at home must be varied and every owner should know what to feed the parrot, except food... As soon as you put your parrot in the cage, you need to provide the parrot with drinking water and put food in the feeder. There are times when a bird starts to eat from stress on the very first day.

The question of food is very serious, because the health, appearance and well-being of your little pet depend on it.

1. Grain feed should be included in the budgerigar's diet daily. When buying food, pay attention to quality and appearance. It shouldn't smell musty and shouldn't be moldy. The grains should have a smooth glossy surface and a natural color.

Mainly the main feed is grain mixtures. All other feeds can be considered simply as additives to grain mixes or treats. The cereal mixture is mainly composed of a mixture of millet and oats. Pay attention to the fact that millet should be in the husk, which blocks the air access to the grain itself, thereby preventing fats from spoiling. Oats are a complex of amino acids that your parrot needs to keep healthy every day.

Also, the cereal mixture may contain sunflower seeds. It contains a large amount of vegetable fats. Be careful with this supplement, there should not be a lot of it, since an excess of these fats can have the opposite effect on the parrot's body. Excess fat leads to the production of a lot of gastric juice and bile in the body, which cause inflammation of the intestinal mucosa and cause diarrhea. Therefore, carefully monitor your diet.

2. Sprouted grain.

In winter, it is very useful to give sprouted seeds along with ordinary grain. You can buy it at a pet store or "cook" yourself. We take ordinary oats or millet, soak in water, and then lay out on a flat surface in a warm place, you can cover with glass. After a couple of days, the food germinates, rinse well and give to the bird. It contains vitamin E. It is recommended to add some seeds to the feeder in the morning, once a day. But do not add too many seeds, as the sprouted grain quickly deteriorates in the warmth, therefore it is necessary to store such an additive in a cool place.

What to feed the parrot, except food.

How to feed a parrot, except for the main food

1. In addition to the main food, the parrot's diet must include fruits - apples, pears, bananas. All fruits must be cut into slices.

2. You can also give a parrot berries - strawberries, strawberries, cherries, blueberries, raspberries.

Fruits and berries are very beneficial for all birds. But not all parrots will eat them. If you took a small chick, it is better to accustom you to such a delicacy from childhood.

3. Vegetables - cabbage, carrots, cucumber. All vegetables must also be cut into slices.

4. Stems, twigs and leaves of green plants such as dandelion, clover, lettuce are good food for parrots. They also make green flour. For this, plant leaves are collected, dried and ground into pollen. This pollen can be added to regular feed.

5. Mineral mixtures - eggshells, chalk. Very useful for parrots. You can fix a piece of chalk on the cage and the parrot can grind its beak on it.

6. Also, do not forget about nutritional supplements that contain vitamins and minerals.

7. Porridge - cook only in water without salt and additives. Porridge made from buckwheat, rice, millet will do. You can add pieces of fruit or vegetables to the porridge.

8. Nuts and seeds can be given to the parrot in small quantities.

9. Water should be in the parrot's drinking bowl every day.

In no case should you feed your parrot salty food, salt, bread, milk! This can adversely affect the health of the bird and lead to death.

Parrot water

In addition to food, do not forget about drinking water! Do not pour cold water immediately from the tap, it contains chlorine, and because of the cold water, the bird can get sick. Take tap water into a container and let it brew for 24 hours at room temperature. Change the water in the cage at least once a day.

You can add lemon juice to the water at the rate of 1-2 drops per tablespoon. There are vitamin drops for drinking water. But remember to follow the instructions on the package.

Remember that the daily food requirement for each parrot is different. Depending on the weight and size of the bird. For large individuals, up to 50 grams of feed is calculated, for small ones - up to 20 grams.

Do not change the composition of the feed more than once a month.

Are dry grain mixtures. These include oats, millet, canary grass, hemp seeds, and sunflower seeds. When compiling a grain mixture on your own, it should be borne in mind that the percentage of millet from the total mass should be 65%, oats 20%, canary seed 10% and 5% of hemp and small sunflower seeds.

Greens, fresh fruits and vegetables are essential components in the diet of birds. It is the main source of vitamins. They must be given daily in unlimited quantities.

Greens are suitable both for garden (cabbage, radish, spinach, beetroot) and wild (dandelion, plantain, knotweed). Birds should not be fed spicy foods such as parsley.

Fruits and vegetables yield fresh and peeled. You can feed any fruits and vegetables, except for mango, persimmon, papaya, avocado, potatoes.

Do not feed your parrot with vegetables from cooked soups and stews. Also unsuitable are candied fruits and pits with a high content of chenille acid (cherries, plums, apricots).

In winter, in the absence of fresh herbs, you need to give the parrot grass flour. For its preparation, herbs collected in early summer (dandelion leaves, young nettles, buds of red clover, alfalfa and other herbs) are dried in the oven and ground into flour by hand. Store in a dry place in a closed container and add 5-7% of the total volume to grain mixtures.

Soft food is useful for budgerigars: porridge made from rice, buckwheat, millet cooked in water and without salt. The consistency of the porridge should be crumbly.

Food of animal origin is required: boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, boiled and chopped lean meat and fish. Bread soaked in milk or sweet tea should be given little by little and with care. Soft foods should be given once a day, in the morning.

Mineral dressing should be given to the budgerigar every day: egg shells, small shell rock, river sand, chalk. Sepia (bio-stone from seafood) can act as such, a piece of which should always be in the cage.

Food should be added to the feeder in small portions. In addition, a drinking bowl with fresh water should always be in the cage.


It is very important to feed the birds a balanced feed containing all the necessary nutrients in the correct proportions. Feeding technique (correct feeding) of the budgerigar. The grain mixture is usually poured into the budgerigar's feeder once a day, in the evening. Then the bird, waking up, will not rush around the cage in search of food.

Helpful advice

The basis of nutrition and feeding of budgerigars is a grain mixture, consisting of about 70% - millet, of various types, 10% - oats, 20% - the mixtures usually include canary seed, hemp, flaxseed, a little wheat, etc. Millet should be different types: red, white, black, yellow. For a detailed list of allowed vegetables in the article: vegetables for parrots. Porridge for budgies. For a variety of food ration, you can feed the parrots with cereals.


  • how to feed a budgerigar

If you decide to have a parrot at home, it is better to think about its diet in advance. Like any living creature, your feathered friend needs a varied and balanced diet.

Feed quality

First of all, consult with experienced breeders of parrots and find out who is feeding their wards and what. Information of this kind, as a rule, can be found on thematic forums. It is not worth asking about which food is better at the pet store. Like any other product, they also want to sell feed.

If you have already purchased food for parrots and do not really understand how good it is, you can always check it yourself. Since this is a grain mixture, you can always study it. First, smell the food: a quality mixture will have a pleasant smell without any mold, mustiness or anything unnatural. If you feel that the smell is unpleasant to you, it is better not to risk it.

The next step is the composition. Pour the mixture into the palm of your hand and see what goes into it. Good food contains no debris, dirt, insects, or feces. Also, it should not contain rotten, germinated or clearly damaged seeds. You should also think about the quality of food for parrots if there is a distinct dirty mark on the palm of your hand.

Another indicator of the quality of the mixture is the ability to germinate. Take a small amount of food and try to germinate it. If the seedlings are friendly, the seeds are fresh and will be useful for your parrot. If the mixture does not germinate very well, the food has been lying for a long time and has lost most of its properties.


What should a good balanced food for parrots consist of? Typically, all large growers make mixtures of yellow and Japanese millet, seed seed, hemp, canary seed, Senegalese millet and oatmeal. Also, in the preparation of grain mixtures, rape and rapeseed are used - these seeds contain phosphate lime, fats, proteins and other enzymes necessary for the regenerative functions of cells, for growth and replenishment of vital energy.
Remember that not only the quality of the feed is important, but also its balance. Ready-made food is already balanced in its composition, but if you decide to buy all the ingredients separately and prepare the mixture yourself, be sure to use the advice of bird watchers or reference information.


Often, food for parrots contains ingredients that may not be desirable for your pet. Avoid feed with iodine or vitamin complexes, as these substances should not be given to birds all the time.

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When buying a parrot, people sometimes do not attach too much importance to its feeding and think that packaging a ready-made grain mixture is all that a bird needs. However, why not make your pet tasty and make its diet more varied?

Undoubtedly, ready-made cereal mixture is the basis of the diet, but there are a number of foods, the use of which in food will bring additional health benefits to the feathered pet.

Sprouted grain

Sprouted grain is necessary for all parrots, but it is most useful for representatives. For germination, you can use the grain contained in the prepared mixture, especially millet. Such grain is absorbed much better and contains vitamins B2 and E.

In addition to millet, you can use the special germination mixes available at every pet store. The process of grain germination lasts about 12 hours, this time is quite enough for the vitamins in it to increase tenfold.

It is necessary to add sprouted grains to the main diet at least twice a week, while you must ensure that it does not begin to "ferment". You need to store such grain in the refrigerator, but no more than two days.

Fresh vegetable feed

Greens, fruits, vegetables and berries are extremely beneficial for the health and well-being of the bird as it is an invaluable source of vital energy for every living organism. Before feeding, the listed products must be thoroughly washed under running water.

Some foods, such as kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, beets, beans, green peas, need to be blanched (poured over with boiling water). Cauliflower and broccoli should be soaked in boiling water for five minutes. Before poultry with pieces of apples, pears, as well as cherries, cherries and plums, you must remove the seeds.

You can add parrots and cleanly washed dried fruits to the diet, but preferably homemade. In addition, fruit and vegetable purees for baby food will be good for birds, with the exception of those containing meat, fish and sugar.

Other products

There are foods that can be added to the diet of birds in limited quantities. So, once every two weeks, you can pamper your pet with a boiled quail or chicken egg; twice a week, the bird can be fed with yogurt or kefir (fat content no more than 3%); periodically, porridge cooked in water (without salt) can be added to the parrot's diet.

Sometimes you need to add something inedible to the food of the parrot, for example, pieces of cardboard or wood shavings. This is done in order to create additional stress on the bird's beak.

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  • Pet site

On the shelves of pet stores, you can see dozens of different types of food for parrots. It is worth remembering that only those that are intended for small birds are suitable for wavy ones. But even among such feeds there are both good and frankly dangerous ones.
