The teachers of the Voronezh school, in which the second-grader died, were reprimanded. The teachers of the Voronezh school, in which the second-grader died, were reprimanded Allocation of mucous plug

The girl in the photo is 10 years old. She gave birth right in the classroom at school. It was a clear surprise for everyone, and for herself too.

The record of the youngest mother in Russia has been held by Valentina from Kapotnya near Moscow for 10 years. The story of this girl is perhaps one of the most famous. Valya became a mother when she was only 11 years old.

The schoolgirl became pregnant with a 17-year-old guest worker from Tajikistan Khabib P. The young man rented a room in the apartment where Valya lived with her grandmother.

When the third-grader's pregnancy was revealed, a criminal case was opened against the guy, but the young man did not go to jail. “Romeo and Juliet from Kapotnya” - as the couple dubbed the journalists - were able to convince the public and law enforcement officers to allow them to start a family, raise a child and get married (when Valya grows up, of course). The girl who was born was named Amina. For several years, the child was raised by Vali's grandmother, and her young father helped her in this.

In 2010, Khabib and Valentina, who by that time had already turned 17, got married. The wedding was played on a grand scale - in a chic restaurant in the center of Moscow. According to the young man, "friends from the FSB" helped him organize a magnificent celebration.

And three years later, the couple had a second child - Amir. By that time, the young family had already settled in the old grandmother's apartment in Kapotnya. Valentina got a job in a store as a saleswoman, and Khabib as a storekeeper.

In one of their last interviews, Valya and Khabib assured journalists that their life was flowing like clockwork. Gradually, the interest of the press in "Romeo and Juliet from Kapotnya" faded away, and the neighbors' whispering stopped.

An unusual family recalled of itself at the beginning of last summer - in June, when Khabib turned to the police with a statement about the disappearance of his wife. As a result, it turned out that the girl did not disappear, but simply ran away from home. The journalists found Valya with her friend. During the interview, the fugitive admitted: her oriental tale ended, and she ran away from home due to systematic beatings.

“I went to my friends, I can't live at home, because my husband constantly beats me. He kept me at home for two weeks and did not let me out, so that I could not take off the beatings. But we are still together, we are not going to get divorced, ”the girl told LifeNews journalists.

According to Vali, the marriage with Khabib began to fall apart due to his jealousy. The youngest mother of Russia (now the girl is only 21 years old) has not yet found a way out of this situation.

Alexandra Gladkovskaya, Vladimir region. Gave birth at 15

The story of Sasha Gladkovskaya from the town of Kosterevo in the Vladimir region is completely devoid of romance. The girl became a mother in 2012 at the age of 15, but unlike Vali Isaeva, the schoolgirl did not find support from her relatives. Upon learning of her daughter's pregnancy, Sasha's 35-year-old mother began to insist on an abortion.

“I was ready to do anything, pay any money to have an abortion,” recalls Alexandra's mother Maria.

However, the schoolgirl refused, not suspecting what kind of turn this story awaits after the birth of the baby.

Two years later, the young grandmother stated that she was unhappy with the way her daughter was raising the boy, kicked Sasha out of the apartment and began to seek the deprivation of the girl's parental rights in order to take the baby for herself. The story of the division of the boy, who has already turned 3 years old, continues with his mother and grandmother.

Veronica I, Yakutia. Gave birth at age 12

A sixth grade student from Yakutia Veronika Ivanova became a mother in 2009. The girl was then only 12. Until the very birth, she surprisingly managed to hide her position from both her parents and teachers.

“Veronica has always been a chubby child, so we did not pay attention to her belly, thinking that she was just getting better,” the director of the school where the girl studied.

The parents found out that the schoolgirl was pregnant only shortly before the birth. Veronica complained of acute abdominal pains, and the ambulance doctors stated that the girl would soon give birth.

In the meantime, the 12-year-old schoolgirl was in the hospital, the police were looking for the child's father. He found it quickly. It turned out to be a 19-year-old friend of the girl, Valery. The young man, by the way, was repeatedly convicted of drug trafficking.

“All my friends were jealous of me that I had such an adult gentleman,” Veronica recalled.

However, the adult gentleman never became the schoolgirl's legal spouse. Valery was sentenced to 8 years for seducing minors. However, the young mother was not very upset, and some time after the birth of the child, whom her grandmother began to raise, she acquired a new boyfriend. And later she went to study at night school.

“I love my daughter and am happy that I have her. You will see, everything will be fine with me, ”said Veronika Ivanova in an interview, two years after the birth of the child.

Lyuba B, Saratov region. Gave birth at age 14

The childhood of Lyuba Bessudnova, a schoolgirl from the Saratov region, ended in 2013. At the age of 14, an exemplary high school student became a mother - gave birth to a boy.

To everyone's surprise, it turned out that Lyuba gave birth to a 24-year-old married man from her math teacher.

The teacher did not plan to become a father, so for a long time he denied his involvement in the birth of the baby. However, the genetic examination showed the opposite. But even after that, the man did not agree to admit paternity. The altercations between the young mother and the teacher, who were confident in her innocence, ended in court.

Six months after the birth of the child, the teacher was sentenced to 4 years. His grandmother, Luba's mother, took up the upbringing of the baby. The girl continues her studies at school.

Her contractions began right in the middle of the lesson. Neither the girl herself nor the adults knew about her pregnancy. The teachers thought she had an acute attack of appendicitis.

The schoolgirl herself did not even know about her pregnancy. The teachers, too, did not notice anything suspicious. The birth of her daughter was a big surprise for her and her family. The delivery was successful, without complications. The little mother and the newborn are doing well. Despite her young age, the schoolgirl has already developed a reproductive system. The baby's father will not be punished, because he turned out to be a seventh grade student of the same school.

First, let's figure out for what reason this happens. Undoubtedly, we all know how badly excessive air pollution affects the environment and all living things. More and more skyscrapers are being built in cities, the appearance of the city is changing, the ecology is deteriorating, and nature, unfortunately, is slowly but destroyed.

Naturally, birds, including sparrows, do not like such buildings. They quickly move to places where they feel more comfortable and safer - in forests, villages, villages, fields, etc.

This case is unique in a number of ways. Firstly, mom was ready for conception and childbirth much earlier than the deadline set by nature and culture. Secondly, she conceived, that is, there was someone who could not call him a "man", which provided her with this conception. Thirdly, she was able to bear the child. Fourthly, to give birth, albeit with the help of a cesarean section. Fifth, the child was born full-fledged and survived. As many as five shocking accidents. So how old is the youngest mother in the world? At the time of delivery she was 5 years, 7 months and 21 days old.

The scariest part of this situation is that it is a fully documented case, a medical fact, recorded and confirmed. The girl's parents went to the doctor when they saw that her stomach was protruding too much. Doctors suspected an abdominal tumor. It is scary to even imagine what a shock they had when they found out that the tumor was already vigorously moving its arms and legs and in a couple of months plans to see a white light. Lina Medina was seven months pregnant.

On May 14, 1939, a significant event took place in Peru - the baby Hererdo was born, named after the operating surgeon. For a long time, he was sure that he was just Lina's younger brother. The youngest mother in history, however, was able to improve life in the future, get married and give birth to another child, already at a more suitable age for this.


To begin with, consider the signs that indicate that childbirth will occur in the near future, usually within 1-2 weeks. When these signs appear, do not panic, and even more so go to the hospital.

These signs include:

  • false contractions;
  • precursor contractions;
  • discharge of mucous plug;
  • prolapse of the fundus of the uterus;
  • discomfort in the lower abdomen.

False contractions

Let's start by mentioning the so-called false contractions, which are also called Braxton Hicks contractions. Strictly speaking, they do not talk about anything at all, and their nature is not fully understood. In some women, they may appear as early as the 20th week of pregnancy and in no case are they talking about close childbirth. However, first-time labor may misinterpret false contractions and become anxious.

Braxton Hicks contractions are painless, occur without any system and are expressed in abdominal tension and pulling sensations. Often, false contractions occur with physical exertion or laughter and quickly pass. You should not pay attention to them, they have nothing to do with childbirth.


In contrast to false contractions, precursor contractions can occur from 36 weeks of gestation and indicate that, as a rule, from 1 to 14 days remains before delivery. Harbinger contractions in sensations coincide with birth, but have a lower intensity, are characterized by tension in the lower abdomen and subsequent relaxation. They can be painful and have some periodicity. At this time, there is a change in the structure of the uterus and its preparation for childbirth, but the uterus does not open.

You can distinguish between precursor contractions and birth contractions by measuring the interval between them. The interval should not decrease over time. Contractions are temporary and usually resolve within a few hours. If the interval between contractions is more than 20 minutes, then there is nothing to worry about, you need to try to relax and sleep. You can also take a warm bath to help relax your muscles and stop any precursor contractions.

Isolation of the mucous plug

During pregnancy, the cervix is \u200b\u200bsealed with a mucous plug, which prevents the vaginal microflora from entering the uterine cavity. When a few days remain before childbirth, in the process of changing and softening the cervix, the mucous plug comes out of it. In this case, a certain amount of mucus is released from the vagina, which can be transparent or have a yellow or pink tint. The cork can stand out in small portions over a period of several hours, or stand out completely at one time.

Do not be afraid of these secretions, they are absolutely normal and only mean that the uterus is almost ready for childbirth, which, nevertheless, may remain for several more days, up to a week.

After the release of the mucous plug, it is forbidden to swim in ponds or pools, as well as take a bath. Water should not enter the vagina, as this increases the risk of infection.

In some cases, the release of the mucous plug does not occur and it comes out simultaneously with the amniotic fluid, this is a completely normal situation and you should not worry about this.

Lowering of the fundus of the uterus

Shortly before delivery, there is a slight change in the position of the fetus inside the uterus. The presenting part of the fetus moves closer to the small pelvis. This is accompanied by a change in the pressure of the uterus on the diaphragm and stomach. The woman has shortness of breath, there is a feeling of breathing deeply, heartburn and a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen after eating disappear. The shape of the tummy also changes slightly.

The limits of the expansion of the external throat
cervix (diameter), cm
Time interval, hour *
* Median, (5th; 95th percentile)
Expansion rate, cm / hour
2-3 3,2 (0,6; 15,0) 0,3 (0,1; 1,8)
3-4 2,7 (0,6; 10,1) 0,4 (0,1; 1,8)
4-5 1,7 (0,4; 6,6) 0,6 (0,2; 2,8)
5-6 0,8 (0,2; 3,1) 1,2 (0,3; 5,0)
6-7 0,6 (0,2; 2,2) 1,7 (0,5; 6,3)
7-8 0,5 (0,1; 1,5) 2,2 (0,7; 7,1)
8-9 0,4 (0,1; 1,3) 2,4 (0,8 7,7)
9-10 0,4 (0,1; 1,4) 2,4 (0,7 ; 8,3)

Uncomfortable sensations

When only a few days are left before childbirth, most women experience discomfort in the abdomen and just below the lower back. Feelings are similar to menstrual cramps. This is due to the restructuring of the pelvic muscles, as well as greater blood flow to this part of the body.

These signs indicate the approach of labor, but do not speak of their onset, you should not contact a specialist with this. This is quite normal and all pregnant women go through it.

The earliest pregnancy and the earliest childbirth were recorded by doctors in 1939. The youngest mother was the 5-year-old Peruvian girl Lina Medina, who was born in September 1933. Her "record", fortunately, is still not broken. Lina's parents brought the girl to the doctor for examination, worried about the increase in the girl's belly, suspecting the worst. Upon examination, the doctors found that the girl was in her seventh month of pregnancy. Lina's mom confirmed that her daughter's first period began at the age of three. On May 14, 1939, Lina Medina gave birth to a boy by a cesarean section, which was necessary.

The boy, who was born, weighed 2.7 kilograms and was named after Dr. Gerardo, who performed the operation. All the responsibilities of raising the child were taken over by Lina's parents, and until the age of 9, Gerardo considered Lina his sister. Who was the father of this child, no one knows to this day. Lina herself never talked about it. As an adult, she married and gave birth to her second child in 1972. The youngest mother in the world died in November 2015, having outlived her eldest son by almost 40 years. Gerardo died in 1979 of brain cancer. Cases of such early puberty in girls are extremely rare, but still this fact is not an isolated fact.

The relatives of a second-grader who died at school recently received an official response to their complaint, which was sent to the children's ombudsman Irina Popova. The relatives of the baby who crashed in the fountain demanded punishment for the teachers who allowed the tragedy. But the reaction of the supervisory authorities disappointed the girl's relatives.

Recall that the tragedy occurred on September 27 on the school grounds in the village of Krasnolipye, Repyevsky district. According to the school teachers, the second grade student Christina had five lessons that day. Immediately after them, the girl ran out into the yard to play with her classmates. For a joke, the little girl climbed onto a statue in a fountain located 15 meters from the porch and collapsed with her onto the concrete bottom.

A few minutes later, the teachers ran out of the school building at the shouts of the children. They called an ambulance, which arrived 15 minutes later. Doctors ascertained the baby's death.

As experts later established, the cause of her death was a fracture of the base of the skull, which she received after hitting the concrete bottom. However, Christina's relatives do not agree with the conclusions of the experts. They are sure that the sculpture that fell on their daughter was the cause of death.

The parents of the second grader believe that the school employees should be held accountable for what happened.

When sending the child to lessons, we were sure that their safety was monitored there, - said the dad of the deceased schoolgirl Maxim. - It is not clear where the teachers were looking when our girl climbed into the fountain. Why are there such dangerous structures in the school yard? And most importantly, why was there no nurse on the spot at the time of the tragedy ?!

Relatives sent complaints to the Education Department of the Voronezh Region and to the children's ombudsman Irina Popova. Both letters were answered by officials from the department. As stated in the official letter, the school director and the primary school teacher really did not have proper control to ensure safety in the educational institution. For this they were brought to disciplinary responsibility. Simply put, both teachers received a reprimand. Also, relatives were notified that after what happened at the school, security measures would be strengthened ...

The girl's parents do not want to believe that the irreparable happened

Photo by Anastasia KAZHARINA.

However, this answer did not suit the applicants.

Not only did the Children's Ombudsman send our complaint to the Department of Education, but no action was really taken! - the grandmother of the deceased schoolgirl Julia Duzhnova is suppressed. - Is this the punishment for the death of an 8-year-old child ?! It's not a broken knee! And if the director of an educational institution was unable to ensure the safety of children, does he have the right to continue working?

Yulia Duzhnova sent a response letter to the Voronezh Children's Ombudsman again. Now the woman is waiting for a more solid answer.

As we have already reported, a criminal case was opened on the death of the child under the article "Causing death by negligence." As reported in the regional Investigative Committee, while the investigation has no reason to bring charges against the teachers who did not ensure proper control. The investigation of the criminal case continues. If, according to its results, the guilt of teachers is confirmed, then they face a more severe punishment - from dismissal to imprisonment (up to three years).