Trits rf yalutorovsk pass the testimony. Trits personal account

Each apartment usually has three meters: an electricity, gas and water meter. Their indicators need to be checked every month in order to find out how many kilowatts or cubes were used, and accordingly how much you need to pay for the past month.

How to take readings of the electricity meter? ...

Electricity meter in apartment buildings, be on the landing near your apartment. Each meter has a number of the apartment, the indicators of which it measures, in addition, each device has its own unique number linked to the personal account of the apartment. The dial of electric meters can be electronic and mechanical, on the mechanical after the decimal point or point there is usually one digit, on the electronic two. For indications, you need to take the number to the left of the separating comma or point. For example, in the figure below we will write (25 kW)

How to read the water meter? ...

Water meter usually placed in a bathroom or toilet. Its dial has several black and red numerals. In order to find out the indicators, you need to look at the device and round the numbers to an integer. For example, if you have (659) on a black background, and (89 + -) on a red, then rounding up we get 660 cubes.

How to read a gas meter? ...

Gas meter in apartments it is located in the kitchen and here is the same principle as with a water meter. There are several numbers on the black dial and several on the red one, we also enter the number displayed on a black background. On the electronic board, as in the figure below, the number from left to right to the point, in our case (360 cubic meters) Dear consumers, all meters must have a seal, if it is not there, or it is damaged, you need to write a statement to the housing office as soon as possible. In order to transfer the meter readings to Ishim (TRITS), use our service.

Dear users! Please note that in the absence or delay in the date of verification of the water meter, you need to submit the meter verification certificates to your management organization. If the package of documents has already been transferred to the managing organization, and the possibility of making testimony has not been resumed, we recommend that you contact the Center for Public Services.

The service allows you to transfer the readings of water meters, find out the dates of the meter calibration and view the archive of the transmitted readings.

When you first apply to an electronic service, you need to submit the primary readings of water meters at the Center of Public Services of your area.

It is recommended to transmit hot and cold water consumption readings from the 15th of the current to the 3rd of the next month, otherwise they will be taken into account in the next billing period.

  • Who can apply for the service


  • Service cost and payment procedure

    Is free

  • List of required information

    • Payer's code (payer's code can be found in the upper right corner on the receipt of the Unified Payment Document intended for paying for housing and communal services)
    • Apartment number
    • Water consumption readings (units of water flow in cubic meters (m3))
    The fields for entering meter readings have the following restrictions:
    • You cannot enter readings if you have a new meter installed. In this case, you need to contact the GKU IS of your area / management organization serving your house to transfer the documentation and enter primary indications
    • You cannot enter readings if in the last 3 months you have not entered readings through the Portal. To resume the possibility of transferring testimony, you must contact the GKU IS / MFC of your area
    • It is possible to skip the transfer of readings, but not more than for 2 months. The readings for the missed months will be taken into account in the next billing period
    • The readings entered outside the recommended period (from the 15th day of the current month to the 3rd day of the next month inclusive) are not taken into account when calculating the charges of the current period. In this case, the readings are taken into account in the next billing period.
    • You cannot enter readings less than the calibration readings (you can see the calibration readings under the "?" Sign opposite the meter name)
    • You can not enter readings less than the value of the previous reading
    • It is possible to enter only numbers and a separating character (period or comma), up to seven whole characters and three decimal places
    • The entered reading should not exceed the standard by several times (the water consumption standard for 1 person is 11.68 m3 / month: 6.935 m3 / month - cold water, 4.745 m3 / month - hot water)

Attention! A new section of our website, "Personal Account", has been launched. Now it has become possible, without interrupting work or household chores, to receive a receipt for payment and check the balance of the consumer's personal account. Access to your personal account is possible from any computer that has access to the global Internet, which allows you to control the receipt of paid money for housing and communal services to your personal account, check whether the underdelivery (accident) has been taken into account. The balance of your personal account will always be under your control. Having spent quite a bit of time working with the "Personal Account", you can generate and print a receipt for housing and communal services. If your apartment is equipped with metering devices, you can INDEPENDENTLY enter the readings of these devices, whether it is a hot and cold water or heat meter. You also have access to information about the readings you entered earlier. You can generate and print a receipt immediately after entering new data on metering devices.

How to register in the personal account of JSC "TRITs" Tyumen?

Access to the "Personal Account" service can be obtained by:

  • 1.Owner / tenant of the dwelling
  • 2.Person with permanent registration in the dwelling
  • 3.Legal representative of the minor owner
  • 1. Personal appeal to the subscriber station of JSC "TRITs"
  • 2. Filling out the application form presented on the website and sending it to TRITS JSC by mail:
  • 625000, Tyumen, st. Pervomayskaya, 40
  • 627753, Ishim, st. Karl Marx, 57
  • 626150, Tobolsk, st. 8 microdistrict, 32
  • 627010, Yalutorovsk, st. Sverdlova, 42
  • 627141, Zavodoukovsk, st. Shosseynaya, 141

If there is no possibility of a personal appeal to the subscriber station of JSC TRITS to obtain a login and password to the Personal Account, the owner or a person permanently registered in this residential premises (registration with a passport), you must fill out an application (form No. 1).

For residents of Tobolsk, Zavodoukovsk, Yalutorovsk (and regions)

  • Through the "Personal Account" on the website.
  • Through a special form on the website. Enter through the banner "Transmission of readings" on the main page.
  • Via SMS to the number +79037676855.
  • By typing in the browser line.
  • By email: [email protected] ... Mail is processed automatically, so no additional characters, words, characters need to be added, otherwise the message cannot be processed.
  • Around the clock through the Unified Help Desk: 8-800-250-60-06. And also during working hours by phone:
    Tobolsk: +7 (3456) 294−100
    Yalutorovsk: +7 (34535) 3−58−88
  • Through the terminals of Sberbank (section "Tyumenenergosbyt, transmission of readings". Path: "Cash payments / Utility bills / Electricity") - no bank card required, the service is free.

Each apartment usually has three meters: an electricity, gas and water meter. Their indicators need to be checked every month in order to find out how many kilowatts or cubes were used, and accordingly how much you need to pay for the past month.

How to take readings of the electricity meter? ...

Electricity meter in apartment buildings, be on the landing near your apartment. Each meter has a number of the apartment, the indicators of which it measures, in addition, each device has its own unique number linked to the personal account of the apartment. The dial of electric meters can be electronic and mechanical, on the mechanical after the decimal point or point there is usually one digit, on the electronic two. For indications, you need to take the number to the left of the separating comma or point. For example, in the figure below we will write (25 kW)

How to read the water meter? ...

Water meter usually placed in a bathroom or toilet. Its dial has several black and red numerals. In order to find out the indicators, you need to look at the device and round the numbers to an integer. For example, if you have (659) on a black background, and (89 + -) on a red, then rounding up we get 660 cubes.

How to read a gas meter? ...

Gas meter in apartments it is located in the kitchen and here is the same principle as with a water meter. There are several numbers on the black dial and several on the red one, we also enter the number displayed on a black background. On the electronic board, as in the figure below, the number from left to right to the point, in our case (360 cubic meters) Dear consumers, all meters must have a seal, if it is not there, or it is damaged, you need to write a statement to the housing office as soon as possible. In order to transfer meter readings to Yalutorovsk "Tyumenenergosbyt" (Vostok branch) use our service.

Each apartment usually has three meters: an electricity, gas and water meter. Their indicators need to be checked every month in order to find out how many kilowatts or cubes were used, and accordingly how much you need to pay for the past month.

How to take readings of the electricity meter? ...

Electricity meter in apartment buildings, be on the landing near your apartment. Each meter has a number of the apartment, the indicators of which it measures, in addition, each device has its own unique number linked to the personal account of the apartment. The dial of electric meters can be electronic and mechanical, on the mechanical after the decimal point or point there is usually one digit, on the electronic two. For indications, you need to take the number to the left of the separating comma or point. For example, in the figure below we will write (25 kW)

How to read the water meter? ...

Water meter usually placed in a bathroom or toilet. Its dial has several black and red numerals. In order to find out the indicators, you need to look at the device and round the numbers to an integer. For example, if you have (659) on a black background, and (89 + -) on a red, then rounding up we get 660 cubes.

How to read a gas meter? ...

Gas meter in apartments it is located in the kitchen and here is the same principle as with a water meter. There are several numbers on the black dial and several on the red one, we also enter the number displayed on a black background. On the electronic board, as in the figure below, the number from left to right to the point, in our case (360 cubic meters) Dear consumers, all meters must have a seal, if it is not there, or it is damaged, you need to write a statement to the housing office as soon as possible. In order to transfer meter readings to Yalutorovsk (TRITS), use our service.