What Armenian husbands are they? Armenian dating

Love has no nationality. However, here's what you need to prepare for if you are going to tie the knot with an Armenian man. Evarushnitsa share your stories.

“I have a second cousin who has been happily married to an Armenian for 9 years already. Their family is very friendly, a person is quite adequate. True, the wedding was exactly Armenian, with a bunch of Armenians who spoke their own way, including toasts, which the bride did not understand, with an offering of gold in huge quantities and not always new.

There is another example - a relative of her husband married an Armenian. So patriarchy in all its glory, a woman even gave him a coat when she dressed. His family took the girl with hostility, in general, it all ended in a scandalous divorce after 10 years. "

“I have been married to an Armenian for 12 years and have three children. Frankly, they didn’t quite want to accept the Russian, but when they accepted it - as my own - it was almost like a mountain for me, even in front of my husband. The husband's family all their life in Yerevan lived in several generations (i.e., they were not at all Russified). We have a lot of friends and there are still Russian wives - and no problem. As for the language - never in a company, on a holiday, etc. if one of the Russian wives at the table does not speak Armenian, their order is like that - only in Russian, or first in Armenian, and then translation. No patriarchy, quite the contrary.

My husband cooks, and more Russian is busy with children. Although there are pitfalls: the Armenian mother-in-law. It will not be easy at first, but if you approach her with mind and heart, it will be like a second mother. "

“I was married to an Armenian from Baku. I loved him to the point of madness, he too, youth ... But he walked like a dog, did not hide, raised his hands, then asked for forgiveness. After 4 years, the sex came to naught, and the Armenian ambition only increased. Well, I sent him. He is now happy with the same hairy Armenian beauty, two children. I am grateful for having learned to cook from his relatives. I will say one thing - consider this my personal opinion - if you want to live in a marriage without sex, go for an Armenian. They are enough for several years, then only for multiple mistresses, but not for a wife. Gave birth - free, so to speak. Sex once a month is good. Well, in general, hot blood - it cools quickly, especially to his wife. "

“Two of my friends are married to Armenians. And I must say, we would all have such husbands, girls. This is not just carrying wives in your arms - this is some kind of permanent adoration. Both are family, caring, they carry children in their teeth, everything to the house, everything to the family. And one is a military man, now they serve in the Moscow region, there is a military service. The second graduated from the railway technical school, i.e. with education not quite there, all his life he works on the railway, like his late father - the dynasty with them. I love being in this family (we just live closer), I am charged there with such a frantic positive energy that later it seems to me that I will have such a family and such relationships in my life. BUT! When I was young, I met an Armenian, and no matter how he called me to marry, I would not go. Purely for me, marriage with them is unacceptable. Although ... never say never. In general, you need to look at a person and listen to your heart. "

“A friend married an Armenian (she is Ukrainian, he is from a family of refugees from Nagorno-Karabakh), but I understand that he is not a purebred Armenian, there is a lot of blood mixed there. He sought her for a long time for 6 years, probably, she is 4 years older than him. His Armenian relatives were against marriage, openly at the wedding they said that Valya jumped into the last door of the last tram (although she is smart, she always studied well, she earned 2/3 of the money for the wedding herself. Now she is at home with 2 children. I was she is a guest: she is always irritated, there is not enough money (alas, this Armenian did not turn out to be a breadwinner). I suspect that he will fix a third one for her so that she, like his mother, would sit at home by the stove.

Describe the Armenian Man What are they in character, etc.

  1. Peace to the world, money to Armenians (old Soviet proverb)
  2. cheerful, hard-working, normal in general.
  3. smart ass
  4. great father, hot guy, funny, with money))
  5. An Armenian is a person who values \u200b\u200bparents and their opinions highly. Children are sacred to them. And they love children, both their own and others. ...
    No Armenian can live without a female. They are very gallant gentlemen, dressed with a needle. ... Lots of beautiful words. ... This is their main difference from ours, the Russians. , men. ... they know how to present themselves. ...
    They work very hard, hard work is in their blood. But with a large amount of work, they have a good rest. ... because everyone in our world needs relaxation. ... Therefore, cafes in which Lezginka plays in full and beautiful girls are walking are their priority.
    They have money, because they do not just work, but really work hard. ... .But at the same time, scattering money to the right and to the left, they will not. They are cunning, in terms of money, especially :) They put money into something worthwhile ...
    Not like our Russians. ... Give him a bunch of money, he basically pours it out on the very first evening. ... . (Forgive me who hurt you)
    Those who claim to marry their own. ... Yes, mostly it's true. ... And not because we are Russians, it is not clear who, but they, Armenian girls, are super duper. ... There are exceptions to every rule. ... I saw how Armenian women walk in shashliks and get into the car with the Russians. ... But the Armenians themselves say that they are as Armenian as the Chinese iPhone. ...
    This phrase has the whole point. ...
    If a girl behaves with dignity, sits quietly, modestly, and does not go out every night somewhere, then there is a chance. ...
    But, at the same time, the chance is mainly with those Armenians who live here, modern Armenians who get used to our traditions. And not those Armenians, whose parents have lived all their lives in Armenia, and have only heard that all men are alcoholics here, and the girls are untangled. ...
    Something like this. ... ...
    All the best :)
  6. Swarthy, accent (of course!), Of average height, love to roll up to beautiful girls, funny, love to dance (especially native dances), brown eyes (in the majority!)
  7. They are all different)))
    For example, my father's friend, an Armenian, was "loud", temperamental, loved to argue and was very fair. And he was a very kind man, he pitied everyone. It is very sad that he died early, he was a good uncle (((But his son-in-law is completely different. More cunning, less open. And outwardly completely different....

    Well, and "my" Armenian is a separate song altogether. He can be evil, and sometimes, on the contrary, kind and humane. Not a believer, does not observe any traditions. The first wife was Russian, well, I'm not Armenian either))) And outwardly, I look more like a Turk)

    They are different ... both externally and in character) But by the way, this is the only trait that all my Armenian friends had - all are NOT poor. Some are in business, some are in the police, but everyone is NOT poor. And I haven't met Armenian drunks either.

  8. armenians. ... they are like Jews .... yes, all nations are like Jews .. except for Russians ... and even the Chinese ... they are like the Chukchi
  9. the most cunning of Armenians is Petrosyan

Speaking about the holidays of Armenians, where national costumes are traditionally present, one cannot fail to mention the musical heritage of this people. Their music is very melodious, since it absorbed not only Middle Eastern motives, but also took something from the Mediterranean.

The Armenian duduk can be considered a striking example of musical instruments, which many call unique, and those who hear it claim that this is heavenly music. It is impossible to move awkwardly to such fabulous motives. Therefore, they are always distinguished by extreme harmony and inner aestheticism.

It does not go unnoticed, which, as historians have proven, is one of the oldest in the world. There are always a lot of greens, meat, dairy products in the gastronomic set of cooks. Sweets are widely known, often created only from sugar and flour, but with an indescribable taste.

Other Armenian dishes are no less unique, among which barbecue is in the first place. It is no coincidence that their restaurants are famous all over the world for their exquisite dishes.

What are they like modern Armenians?

Armenians are an integral part of modern society. They can be equally attributed to both the European and the Eastern ethnic groups. Today their number cannot be accurately calculated, however, according to statistics, there are up to 10 to 12 million representatives of this people in the world. They live in many countries, from Russia to Brazil and Australia. And everywhere they bring a touch of Armenian flavor, which is undoubtedly worthy of respect.

Even anecdotes about Armenians speak of what an unusual mentality these people have. In numerous literary sources, they appear as a benevolent, brave and cheerful people who can joke, and dance, and stand up for their independence, if necessary. And the old good-neighborly relations with the Russians in many ways became a guarantee that their contribution to Russian and world culture did not go unnoticed.

So, among those who fought against the fascist aggressors in the Great Patriotic War, there were many Armenian heroes. This is Senior Lieutenant Sergei Burnazyan, Lieutenant Colonel Garnik Vartumyan, Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Baghramyan. These are only three surnames of those representatives of the Armenian people who became Heroes of the Soviet Union. And there were dozens of such people, and thousands of ordinary Armenians, along with Russians, Belarusians, Georgians, fought for a common homeland.

There are no less than those who have become symbols of world culture and sports. Among the most famous Armenians are film director Sergei Parajanov, actors Dmitry Kharatyan and writer William Saroyan, football player, chess player, singer Bulat Okudzhava (the last names are on the maternal side). These and many other people have contributed to the development of modern civilization.

They really gave a lot not only to those peoples, next to which they were historically forced to live, but also to the entire world community. Today, they complement the community of Caucasian ethnic groups in a special way, preserving their originality and at the same time remaining a people, genetically whole. The Armenian diasporas that exist all over the world only confirm this.

Armenian man. With this phrase, the image of a tall, handsome man with an oriental appearance immediately arises. And many girls and women are ready for a lot, if only this attractive and mysterious handsome man drew attention to them.

Someone manages to attract the attention of an Armenian easily and naturally, while someone, despite all efforts and attempts, is defeated. So, let's try to answer the question: how to win the love of an Armenian man?

What is an Armenian man?

First we need to find out what exactly do we know about Armenian men?

The image of a fatal handsome man with an ardent temperament and reverent attitude towards a woman has firmly settled in our thoughts. In fact, Armenian men do not really stand out among men of other nationalities. The Armenians are distinguished by a sharp change of mood, jealousy, unconditional charisma, loyalty to traditions, respect for family ties, hard work. These are the main characteristics obtained from women living or communicating with men of this nationality. Armenians living in Russian cities are more socialized than their compatriots living in their homeland. But it must be remembered that every person is an individual and people of Armenian nationality are no exception.

How to attract the attention of an Armenian man?

Before figuring out how to win the love of an Armenian man, you need to clarify how you can draw his attention to your person. There are no known facts that Armenian men prefer a certain type of women. Therefore, it makes no sense to repaint from blonde to brunette, lose weight or gain weight. An Armenian can be attracted to a woman by mystery, or by the presence of a zest, which seems to be visible, but not solved. This way you can intrigue him and arouse his interest. If your meeting is casual and you would like to start a relationship with this person, in no case impose on him, try to gently push him to action and then very reluctantly give in to his request. Behave as unapproachable as possible, this will push him to further action, because Armenian men are essentially conquerors. Mysteriousness, inaccessibility and well-groomed appearance are your main weapons at the first stage towards the goal.

How can you win the love of an Armenian?

So, now you need to consolidate the result and move to a new level of relationship with the subject of your dreams. You need to try to tie him to yourself. Learn how to cook his favorite dishes and learn the Armenian language, this will flatter him and it will be much easier for you to communicate with his family when you further get to know your relatives and friends. And such an acquaintance will definitely take place. And in order for your relationship to become as strong and durable as possible, you need to please the parents of your Armenian man. It is the opinion of his family that will play a decisive role in your relationship. Whatever affection the young man feels for you, he will be able to break off relations with you if the family so decides.

If you are counting on a long-term relationship with your partner, then he will certainly be proud if you know his roots and understand all the "branches" of his huge family.

You will need to show your partner that it is he who plays a major role in your relationship, but do not let him rob you of his own opinion. This will inspire his respect for you, and he will be proud that an independent girl recognizes him as the head of the relationship.

You shouldn't test his feelings with jealousy. Armenians, as a rule, are very jealous and you can expect a scandal at best, or a complete rupture of relations at worst.

Learn to respect your Armenian boyfriend. Show him your intelligence, understanding and admiration. An Armenian man will be proud to have such an intelligent and understanding girl. And most importantly ... If your relationship has grown into a serious one and you have reached your initial goal, express your love for him. After all, every person needs to be loved.

And in the end ...

You have worked hard to get the love of an Armenian man. What do you get in return? Armenian men, as a rule, are well-bred, it is interesting to communicate with them, they look after them beautifully and show care. If you are planning to start a family with him, then, according to statistics, Armenians are good husbands, caring fathers who put the family first. They respect the wife and her opinion.

These tips are not at all a guide to action, since each person is, first of all, a formed personality with his own principles and worldview, and, accordingly, he needs a special approach. But, these tips can help you better understand the thoughts, feelings and attachments of an Armenian, which in the future will help you create and strengthen your relationship with your beloved man.

April 20, 2015, 23:47

In search of a temperamental prince

Taking care of creating a future family, women are increasingly inclined to choose a foreign man as their companion. The most popular among Slavic girls are men with hot blood - Armenians. Why do ladies pay less and less attention to Slavic men? First of all, those who have not found happiness in their homeland are looking for suitors of other nationalities. Women are tired of Russian guys who are inferior, in their opinion, to Armenian ones. The representatives of the fair sex argue such a statement by the fact that our men are not so passionate, they do not know how to look after beautifully and are not able to achieve women. You can't say that about all men, but there is still some truth here. Modern women strive for independence, develop, fight for equality, while for men the opposite process takes place. Because of the appearance of such “mattresses”, ladies are beginning to look at foreign princes. Before looking for Armenian acquaintances, you need to find out what kind of Armenian men they are.

Characteristics of Armenian men

Probably, every girl immediately imagines a tall, brown-eyed brunette who is distinguished by ardor, passion and respect for his beloved. Dreams are dreams, but people are different and not everyone looks like models on the covers of magazines. But the Armenians are distinguished by their character. There is no doubt that Armenian men have charisma, it was probably given to them from birth. These people are quite hardworking, put family values \u200b\u200babove all else, treat their people and centuries-old traditions with care. But at the same time, such men are terribly jealous owners, hot-tempered, and their mood can change surprisingly quickly. This characteristic is inherent in men who live in Armenia, while in Moscow the Armenians are already slightly different. Coming here, they socialize and soften their natural ardor.

It cannot be said that only our women want Armenian husbands, they, in turn, also often look at girls of Slavic appearance, it is not for nothing that they are considered the most beautiful.

What attracts Armenian men to girls?

The first thing men always pay attention to is their appearance. And our girls have something to brag about. In addition, Armenians are attracted to women with a twist, they are interested in solving it, discovering more new and interesting things for themselves. Since these men are conquerors, they prefer not only mysterious, but also not unapproachable girls. They will not build relationships with windy and easily accessible people. Of all this, in order to please an Armenian, you need to have three trump cards up your sleeve: neatness, mystery, inaccessibility.

Secrets of a Happy Relationship

You will have to play the role of a cunning fox, because it is not difficult to attract a man's attention, but keeping him close is much more difficult. You should not always loom in front of him, impose, try, as if by chance, to direct him to the right path so that he becomes interested in you. When he takes the first step, answer him in the same way, only half a step less, you need to show your inaccessibility. But do not overdo it, if you play too much, you can lose your man. Since Armenian men are conquerors, he will want to achieve you, to know the whole essence.

If your relationship at the initial stage is great, but the candy-bouquet period will not last long. Therefore, so that the fuse and feelings are not extinguished, you need to throw firewood into the "Armenian fire". Since Armenians value and honor their culture and traditions, a man will be pleased if you show interest in her. Try to learn Armenian, learn to cook traditional dishes, find out more about the homeland of your beloved.

All this is useful for getting to know his family, which will take place if a man is determined to have a serious relationship. The family means a lot to an Armenian and your joint future depends on how it accepts you. After all, with disapproval, there is a great chance of a break, and it doesn't matter how strong a man's feelings for you are.

Assign roles in the relationship. A man should be in charge, but no one deprives you of the right to your own opinion. On the contrary, by showing your position, you will command respect from your loved one. The Armenian will be proud that such a strong-willed and strong woman recognized him as the main one.

Armenians are very jealous, so do not think about “shaking up” a relationship or checking the authenticity of a loved one's feelings. The consequences can be irreversible.

Where to look for Armenian dating in Moscow?

If you are not one of those who hope for chance, casual acquaintances, then you need to act and, literally, take the bull by the horns. You can start your search from Armenian establishments, go to cafes and restaurants. So you can not only take a closer look at the potential groom, but also have a delicious meal. The standard places to meet anyone are nightclubs, parks, etc. If the role of a detective is not to your liking and you do not want to go around the city in search of that one, the Internet is an alternative option. You can try to find the man of your dreams on social networks, register on a dating site, where you will surely find Armenians. But, perhaps, hitting the target will be if you find an Armenian dating site, where you can search for people at the place of residence "in Moscow".

The last two options are best suited for dating an Armenian man. It is worth noting that there is absolutely no need to spend money for this, since many resources are free.

Remember that you are building your own life. Beautiful love stories are more common in movies and fairy tales than in the real world. Therefore, do not rely on chance and do not wait for heaven to send you any sign. If you feel, love and are afraid of losing, then this is yours. Grab and hold, but consider the feelings of the beloved. And it does not matter what nationality he is, what religion he is or what his worldview is. There are no barriers to love.