Vitamins group in Angovit. Combined vitamin complex Angovait: What is the drug and for which it is prescribed? Instructions for use and dosage

It is a combined drug streaming drug into the composition of which includes vitamins of group B: pyridoxine hydrochloride dose 4 mg; Folic acid (vitamin B9) dose 5 mg; Cyanocobalamin dose 6 μg.

The drug is produced in the form of white, two-layer biconvecake tablets having a shell. 10 tablets - in cell packaging. 6 cell packages are placed in a box of cardboard. Tablets can be packed in polymer cans, 60 tablets in each, banks are packaged in cardboard boxes.

The pharmacologically effect of the Vitamins of the group "B" is based on their participation in methilation metabolism (indispensable, sulfur-containing alpha-amino acid).

Under the influence of the vitamins of the group, the activation of methylene-tetrahydropholathautase enzymes and Cestaon-B-synthetases carrying out translucencies and removal of methionine is implemented. This allows you to significantly speed up the metabolism of amino acids and thereby reduce the level of the concentration of free homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood plasma.

Hypergomocysthenemia as I. elevated levels Methionine plasma is an element of pathogenesis of about 60-70 percent of all cardiovascular diseases.

The drug contributes to preventing the development of such diseases as: atherosclerosis of the main vessels, ischemic stroke, myocardial infarction, diabetic angiopathy, and also applied in the usual non-obscenity of pregnancy or in the case of congenital fruit pathology.

Different studies prove the connection of increased concentrations of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin blood plasma with diseases such as sedenie dementia or dementia, Alzheimer's disease, depressive states.

The drug is quickly absorbed after taking inside. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of individual components of angovite are not represented.


Angovitis is applicable as long-term prevention and treatment of diseases cardiovascular vascular system: Myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease with a stress angina of the II-III functional classes; ischemic stroke; ; Diabetic angiopathy.

Also, angovite is used to improve the fetoplazent circulation.


The drug does not apply under individual intolerance to the drug.

Mode of application

The drug is intended for oral administration. Usually one tablet is accepted in the morning clock. Tablets are permissible to take both before and after meals, and they should be swallowed entirely by drinking enough water. The application term of application determines the attending physician, as a rule, the course lasts 20-30 days.

Clinical doctors note that the course can be started with two tablets in the presence of an excessively high level of homocysteine \u200b\u200band methionine.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated. At the same time in some cases It is possible that the presence of allergic reactions in the form of urticaria, angioedema edema, etc., as well as other unwanted phenomena: dizziness, headaches, increase skin sensitivity, disorders of sleep cycles and waking cycles.

Disps are possible in the form of pain in the abdomen, meteorism, nausea right up to vomiting, which can manifest after intensive vitamin courses.


Cases of overdose by the drug were not observed, but with uncontrolled drug intake, the symptoms of hypervitaminosis are possible.

For example, when re-published in the body of vitamin B6, a violation of coordination of shallow machines, partial numbness of body parts can occur; With an increased amount of vitamin B9, it is possible that no passing, long seizures, more often in the calf muscles; When rebupping vitamin B12, a thrombosis of small vessels may occur, as well as the reaction up to an anaphylactic shock.

special instructions

Folic acid, which is part of the drug, significantly reduces the effectiveness of the use of phenyotine (anti-epileptic and antiarrhythmic preparation).

Antacid drugs, including magnesium and aluminum, swiveramin, sulfonamines reduce the effective absorption of angiovitis.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) significantly enhances the effect of tiazide diuretics (while the proportion of urine decreases, the amount of urination increases sharply), at the same time weakens the activity of anti-parkinsonic drugs from the group of levadase-containing means.

The effect of vitamin B6 decreases with a joint admission with penicillamin, isonicotine hydrazide, cycloserine, as well as with estrogen-containing contraceptives.

Pyridoxine contributes to the enhanced formation of contractile proteins of myocardial, it leads to an increase in the stability of the heart muscle to hypoxia, which is manifested when using angiovite together with cardiac glycosides.

Vitamin B12 absorption decreases with joint admission with aminoglycosidic antibiotics, salicylate, antiepileptic preparations, colchicine, as well as potassium preparations.

Co-use B12 with thiamine increases the risk of developing allergic reactions and other unwanted manifestations.

Angovit is not prescribed with drugs affecting blood clotting. In this case, it is possible to increase blood viscosity, as well as stagnant phenomena to the thrombosis of small arteries.

The use of angiovita during pregnancy contributes to preventing the development of severe pathologies of the fetus, such as the weakness of the immune system, heart defects, physical underdevelopment of the vascular system, lagging in mental, physical development.

Storage conditions

Angovit is stored in a dry, dark place at a temperature of from 15 to 25º C. Shelf life is 3 years.


An analogue of the drug Angovait is a majority.


Angovit is released from pharmacies without a recipe. Average prices make up 180-270 rubles per pack of 60 tablets.

Do not resort to self-treatment techniques even for disease prevention. Before using Angovita, consult a doctor!

Angovait is complex drugcontaining Vitamins of Group V. has the ability to activate in the body the key enzymes of translucelifurative and remotation of methionine - methylenetohydrohydropholate-hydrogen-metylanetohydrohydroofolatase and cystic-in-synthetase, resulting in acceleration of methionine metment and reduction in blood concentration of gimotheine.

Hypergomocysteinemia is an important risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and arterial thrombosis, as well as myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke of the brain, diabetic angiopathy. The emergence of hypergomocysthenemia contributes to the deficiency in the body of folic acid and vitamins in 6 and at 12.

The normalization of the level of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood against the background of the integrated use of these vitamins prevents the progression of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, facilitates the course of ischemic heart disease, brainwater disorders and diabetic angiopathy.

Form release

Tablets covered with white shell, round, biconvenets; Two layers are visible on the cross section.

Auxiliary substances: sucrose (sand sugar), starch potato, sodium crossarmellos (transcelose), talc, calcium stearate.

10 pieces. - Packaging cell contour (6) - packs cardboard.


Folic acid. Reduces the effect of phenytin (an increase in its dose is required).

Analgesics (long-term therapy), anticonvulsant preparations (including phenytoin and carbamazepine), estrogens, oral contraceptives increase the need for folic acid.

Antacids (including aluminum and magnesium preparations), swiveramin, sulfonamines (including sulfasalazine) reduce the absorption of folic acid.

Methotrexate, pyrimetamine, triamteren, trimethopris inhibit dihydrofolatide and reduce the effect of folic acid.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride. Enhances the action of diuretics; Weakens the activity of Levodopa. Isonical hydrazide, penicillamine, cycloserine and estrogen-containing oral contraceptives weaken the effect of pyridoxine.

It is well combined with cardiac glycosides (pyridoxin helps to increase the synthesis of contractile proteins in myocardium), with glutamic acid and asparkamom (increases resistance to hypoxia).

Cianocobalamin. Aminoglycosides, salicylates, antiepileptic preparations, colchistes, potassium preparations reduce the absorption of cyanocobalamin. Enhances the risk of developing allergic reactions against the background of thiamine.

Angovit: instructions for use and reviews

Angovit - complex of vitamins of group V.

Release form and composition

Vitamin complex Angovit is produced in the tablets covered with a shell (10 pcs. In contour cellular packs, in a carton of 6 packs).

Composition 1 Tablet drug:

  • Pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - 4 mg;
  • Folic acid (vitamin B9) - 5 mg;
  • Cyanocobalamin (vitamin B12) - 6 mg.

Pharmacological properties


The pharmacological properties of angovite are due to the action of vitamins of the group in its composition.

Folic acid takes part in the synthesis of DNA and RNA, as well as amino acids, and is responsible for erythropoes. This substance minimizes the risk of spontaneous miscarriage in the early periods of pregnancy, and is also a means of preventing congenital intrauterine defects for the development of nervous and cardiovascular systems of the fetus. The reception of folic acid avoids the malformations of the fetus limbs caused by the insufficient concentration of this compound in the body of a pregnant woman.

Cianocobalamin (Vitamin B 12) is an important element Many metabolic processes and participate in the synthesis of DNA. The compound is responsible for the production of myelin, which is part of the shell of nerve fibers. The deficiency of vitamin B 12 during pregnancy can lead to the braking process of the formation of myelin shell of nerves from the fetus. Cianocobalamin improves the resistance of erythrocytes to hemolysis and enhances the ability of tissues to regenerate.

Pyridoxine (Vitamin B 6) takes part in metabolism and is vital for the full work of the central and peripheral nervous system. With the toxicosis of pregnant women, this substance prevents the development of nausea and vomiting. Vitamin B 6 allows you to fill the lack of pyridoxine in the body associated with the reception of oral contraceptives before pregnancy.

Group vitamins (in 6, in 12 and folic acid) are important components of homocysteine \u200b\u200bmetabolism processes. Angovit is capable of activating in the body the main enzymes of remotation and transsulfurative methionine - cystic-in-synthetase and methylenetohydropholtase. The consequence of this is the intensification of methionine metment and a decrease in the concentration of homocysteine \u200b\u200bin the blood.

Homocysteine \u200b\u200bis a predictor of pathological changes in the human body (neuropsychiatric disorders, pathologies of pregnancy, cardiovascular diseases). The use of angovite as an element of complex therapy makes it possible to normalize the level of this compound in the blood.


Folic acid is absorbed in the small intestine at high speed, while participating in the processes of recovery and methylation with the formation of 5-methylterahydrofolate present in the portal blood circulation. The level of folic acid rises to a maximum 30-60 minutes after the reception.

The absorption of vitamin B 12 occurs after its interaction in the stomach with the "internal factor of caste" - glycoprotein, producing stomach parietal cells. The maximum concentration of the substance in the plasma is recorded in 8-12 hours after the reception. Like folic acid, Vitamin B 12 is exposed to substantial intestinal and hepatic recycling. Both components are characterized by significant binding to plasma proteins and the cumulation of their excess in the liver.

Daily 4-5 μg of folates are removed through the kidneys in the form of folic acid, 5-methyltetrahydrofolate and 10-formytohydrohydrofolate. Folates are also derived with maternal milk. The average half-life of vitamin B 12 is approximately 6 days. The part of the adopted dose is excreted in the urine during the first 8 hours, but most of them are excreted in bile. Approximately 25% of metabolites are outlined with feces. Vitamin B 12 penetrates the placental barrier and in breast milk.

Vitamin B 6 is easily absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract and in the liver is converted into pyridoxalphosphate - the active form of this vitamin. In the blood, the process of non-enzymatic transformation of pyridoxine in pyridoxamine occurs, which leads to the formation of one of the final exchange products - 4-pyridoxyl acid. In the tissues, pyridoxin is subjected to phosphorylation and turns into pyridoxal phosphate, pyridoxinphosphate and pyridoxyminphosphate. Pyridoxal Next is metabolized to 4-pyridoxyl and 5-phosphopyridoxyl acid, which are allocated with urine through the kidneys.

Indications for use

Angovit includes in complex treatment of heart ischemia, insufficiency of blood circulation of the brain atherosclerotic genesis, diabetic angiopathy.

The use of the drug is effective in hypergomocysthenemia (the disease arising from the deficiency of vitamins B6, B12, folic acid).

Angovit is also used during pregnancy to normalize fetoplacementar blood circulation.


Angovit is contraindicated with increased sensitivity to the components of the means.

Anguide instruction: Method and dosage

The tool take 1 tablet per day, regardless of meals for 20 days or a month.

Side effects

The use of angovite can cause allergic reactions, headaches and nausea.


Symptoms of an overdose of angiovitis are considered dizziness, nausea, strengthening side Effects drug. In this situation, it is necessary to rinse the stomach immediately and take activated carbon. According to the testimony, symptomatic therapy is prescribed.

special instructions

Angovit cannot be prescribed simultaneously with drugs that increase blood clotting.

During treatment, it should be borne in mind that folic acid reduces the effectiveness of phenytoin, and at its actions, methotrexate, triamtenen, pyrimetamine are negatively affected.

When pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the vitamin complex is prescribed solely after the medical recommendation.

Impact on the ability to control vehicles and complex mechanisms

The reception of angovite does not affect the ability to manage road transport or perform potentially dangerous types of work.

Application during pregnancy and lactation

The appointment of Angovita during pregnancy allows preventing dangerous hypovitaminosis of the Vitamins of the group B, which is able to lead to the development of such severe pathological conditions in the fetus, as weak immunity, vices of the heart, physical underdevelopment of the vascular system, physical and mental delay.

Also, the drug is recommended to be used during pregnancy planning, since it ensures the full development of the central and peripheral nervous system of the fetus, the proper laying of germinal leaflets and their physiological development in the process of intrahetogenesis.

Folic acid penetrates breast milk, so during lactation The use of the drug is not recommended.

Medicinal interaction

Folic acid reduces the effect of phenytoin, which requires an increase in the dose of the latter. Oral contraceptives, analgesics (with long-term treatment), estrogens, anticonvulsant drugs (including carbamazepine and phenytoin) weaken the effect of folic acid, so its dose correction is necessary. The absorption of folic acid decreases with its combination with sulfonamins (including sulfasalazine), skewers, antacids (including magnesium and aluminum preparations).

Timetoprix, methotrexate, triamtenenes, pyrimetamine are inhibitors of dihydrofolatide and weaken the effect of folic acid.

With the simultaneous admission of angovitis with diuretics of pyridoxine, the hydrochloride enhances their action, while the activity of levodopes at its combination with vitamin 6 decreases. The effect of pyridoxine is also inhibited by combining the preparation with estrogen-containing oral contraceptives, isonicotin hydrazide, cycloserine and penicillamin. Pyridoxine is well combined with heart glycosides, contributing to the reinforced cutting of contractile proteins of myocardial tissues, as well as aspark and glutamic acid (the body acquires greater resistance to hypoxia).

The absorption of cyanocobalamin decreases with its combination with potassium preparations, aminoglycosides, colchicine, antiepileptic preparations, salicylate. Taking the cyanocobalamin against the background of thiamine increases the risk of allergic reactions.

According to the instructions, Angovit is prohibited to be taken simultaneously with drugs that increase blood coagulation.


The most common analogue of Angovite is a trigio cardio in tablets.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store in a dark place inaccessible for children at a temperature not higher than 25 ° C.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Angovit is a complex drug relating to the category of vitamins, which supports the normal operation of the heart and blood vessels due to the reduction of homocysteine.

The drug is prescribed as an auxiliary agent to patients suffering from vascular grid pathologies, as well as impaired integrity of the walls of blood vessels.

In this article, we will look at what doctors appoint Angovit, including instructions for use, analogues and prices for this. medicine in pharmacies. Real Reviews People who have already used Angovit can be read in the comments.

Composition and form of release

Vitamin complex Angovit is produced in the tablets covered with a shell (10 pcs. In contour cellular packs, in a carton of 6 packs).

Each tablet contains:

  • cyancobalamin (vitamin B12) - 6 μg;
  • folic acid (vitamin B9) - 5 mg;
  • pyridoxine hydrochloride (vitamin B6) - 4 mg;
  • glucose (is an additional component).

Clinical and Pharmacological Group: Complex of Vitamins Group V.

What are Angovit appoint?

The drug is intended for long-term prevention, treatment of cardiovascular diseases, namely:

  • angina functional classes Іi-іііі;
  • lesions of the vascular system of diabetic;
  • sclerotic violation of cerebral circulation;
  • heart disease ischemic;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • ischemic stroke.

It should also be emphasized that the tool is applied to normalize the fetoplacentar blood circulation (the exchange of blood masters between the mother and the fruit during the period of intrauterine development).

pharmachologic effect

Angovit is a complex drug containing vitamins of Group V. has the ability to activate in the body key enzymes of translucelifurative and remotation of methionine - methylenetohydrohydropholate-hydrogenation and cystic-in-synthetase, resulting in an acceleration of methionine metment and reduction in blood concentrations of gimocyisteine.

Hypergomocysteinemia is an important risk factor for the development of atherosclerosis and arterial thrombosis, as well as myocardial infarction, ischemic stroke of the brain, diabetic angiopathy. The emergence of hypergomocysthenemia contributes to the deficiency in the organism of folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12.

Instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, angovit take 1 tablet per day, regardless of food intake for 20 days or month.


The drug is usually very well tolerated by all groups of patients. This explains the almost complete absence of contraindications to its use, with the exception of the individual intolerance to the components that make up the complex.

Side effects

The use of angovite can cause allergic reactions, headaches and nausea.

Analogs of Angovita

Among the analogues of Angovitis, the following complex vitamin preparations should be allocated:

  • Alvvil;
  • Aeromete;
  • Benfolypeen;
  • Veterinary
  • Vitabex;
  • Vitamult;
  • Gendsitis;
  • Calzhet;
  • Macrove;
  • Neurulivitis;
  • Pent;
  • Peak;
  • Ricavit;
  • Tither;
  • Foliber;
  • Unigamma.

ATTENTION: The use of analogs should be coordinated with the doctor.

Angovit is very useful when planning pregnancy, as it is a multivitamin complex, which includes various vitamins that can be favorably affecting the conception and further development of the fetus. Frequently often, specialists from the field of medicine began to appoint this particular drug regarding other medicines, since on numerous research and observations it was revealed that it was most secure, useful and effective. It contains precisely those vitamins that are also needed for men, and for women during the planning of conception, so that the spermatozoids are as active as possible, and the eggs ripened without delay. By appointment of doctors, these pills can also take both men, and they will not bring any harm and exceptionally.

Reviews of Angovita when planning pregnancy

Prescribe a vitamin composition called Angovit under certain pathologies, a wushed state of a woman or if there is various diseases. In particular, for representatives of the fine gender, it is required to prevent the prevention of the vitamin group deficiency in which in this preparation is contained in sufficient quantity. In the absence of a normal number of vitamins of this group, the conception may not occur, and the ripening of the egg cell, and not rare it becomes the cause of the problems in the development of the fetus and its nervous tube.

In addition, there are some more reasons why angiovite:

  1. If there is a risk of premature genera or not at all of the fruit, which often occurs during the formation of hypergomocysthenemia or in other words, with an increase in the level of homocysteine \u200b\u200b- a component capable of disrupting the fetoplazater circulation. It negatively affects the child and first of all can have a toxic effect on it.
  2. The complex will need those who relate to an increased risk group, for example, if earlier a fair sex was already experiencing miscarriage, fetal fetal and premature birth.
  3. If there is heredity to heart attack, stroke and thrombosis.
  4. The drug is used to treat infertility and preventive conception.
  5. The drug perfectly helps with conception with those who suffer from problems or violations in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  6. The medicine is suitable for those who have predisposed to ischemic stroke, sclerotic violation of cerebral circulation and diabetic damage to vessels.

Inflammation of the gum during pregnancy: 5 symptoms of gingivitis

Angovit is considered an excellent tool to increase the immunity of a man, which can be very useful when planning pregnancy, because the health of the crumbs depends on both parents at the same time.

Instructions for the use of angovite when planning pregnancy

The instructions for the use of this drug is simple to the impossibility, and the treatment regimen does not cause special problems and issues. The medicine has a detailed description of how to apply it, in which dosage and at what time. It is especially important that it helps become pregnant, but with proper reception. Very often, this agent is used even those who work in reproductive medicine centers, as they consider the medication a very successful development.


  1. When planning pregnancy, angovite can be taken 1 tablet per day, and it is worth noting that it is only available in a tableted form.
  2. It is possible to take it independently of food intake, as it is permissible to drink to meals, and after, and even during.
  3. Time of reception or period in days, when it is better to consume drug, is not limited, as it can be breakfast, lunch or dinner.
  4. The course of treatment depends solely on how the previous goal is achieved is achieved, but the average is about 20-30 days.

It should always be remembered that the medicines can help, not only read reviews on the Internet, but also first of all use the recommendations of the doctors. Against the background of conducting analyzes, inspection and research can conclude that the body lacks and how to fix the problem. If you need to receive angiovita to men, then the dosage can be increased in 2 or 3 times depending on the pathology, which was detected.

Contraindications of vitamins Angovit

Angovit is considered a safe drug, and therefore it is used in most women's clinics and some therapists. It is worth noting that the drug has one single negative side or other words of contraindications to use, and this is the individual intolerance to the medication. This is very rare, but there are side effects, when they occur, it is desirable to immediately stop the reception and consult a doctor. Side effects may occur when the dosage is exaggerated, without the recommendation of the doctor, as well as if the reception is more than the course recommended by the instructions for use.

If congregations appeared during pregnancy

Among side symptoms You can note:

  • Urticaria;
  • Headache;
  • Allergic reaction;
  • Skin itching;
  • Increased sensitivity of skin cover;
  • Sleep disorders;
  • Angioedema edema;
  • Nausea;
  • Vomiting;
  • Epigastric pain;
  • Belching;
  • Meteorism.

If at the stage of pregnancy planning was the appointment of angovite, but the symptoms described above began to appear, then it is required to appeal to the doctor immediately, and if there is an allergy in a strong manifestation, then you need to drink an antihistamine drug. As a rule, doctors simply reduce the dosage, or replace it with other similar medicines. At the same time, it is not desirable to drink several vitamin complexes at once, as this may cause the formation of side effects and strong allergies.

Composition of vitamins Angovit

Angovaitis as a whole consists of vitamins of the group B, and each of them is important at a certain stage of pregnancy planning, as well as its prosperous flow.


  1. Vitamin B6 is pyridoxine hydrochloride, which requires a fine sex representative after conceived. Its presence helps to reduce the manifestation of toxicosis, reducing irritability, improving the synthesis of amino acids, which are converted to proteins and are necessary for the full and natural development of the baby without the use of additional drugs.
  2. Vitamin B9 is folic acidwhich is important to both parents at the stage of pregnancy planning, and then mother and baby. The mother is important to the acid of this species, so as not to experience nervous, and the child so that the normal formation of the nervous tube occurred and the likelihood of pathologies, violations in the work of the central nervous system and the general deterioration of the state was reduced. Also, vitamin is considered extremely necessary to prevent education. congenital defectssuch as hydrocephalus, aezefali, as well as hypotrophy and defects in the form of a delay of mental and mental development.
  3. Vitamin B12 is a substance called Cyanocobalamin, which is important to both parents and the baby to exclude the formation of anemia, disorders in the work of the central nervous system and too high unrest, which is categorically prohibited during pregnancy.

Dry mouth during pregnancy: 3 main reasons

In general, such a composition will make it possible to conceive, endure and give birth to a healthy baby.

For men: Angovit when planning pregnancy

It is worth noting that the drugs that are accepted at the stage of pregnancy planning, there is a considerable amount.

for example:

  • Antovitis;
  • Pent;
  • Femibion.

Planning a pregnancy, it is worth noting not to familiar and the Internet, but in special reproductive medicine centers that will be able to conduct all the necessary analyzes, provide advice and plan a successful conception.

Angovit when planning pregnancy is considered the most favorable drug, as it is not able to harm the mother's organism nor the future baby, but it is not allowed to apply it independently and without the recommendation of the doctor.

The oversupply of vitamins can be much more dangerous than their deficit and also cause the formation of pathologies, and therefore it is necessary to extremely carefully treat medicines, their consumption and even more so at the pregnancy planning stage. The result of the fact that the vitamin group in will not be taken in the body, can be anemia, which is manifested in the form reduced pressure, dizziness, nausea, disorientation in space, lowering hemoglobin and even fainting. All this negatively affects the general condition of the mother and especially on the development of the fetus.