Cytrospect from polyps. Drops "Cytrostept": Instruction, Price and Real Reviews

Cytrospect is a well-known BD, which has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. It is used to treat skin diseases, washing the nose, pharynx, ureters. However, it is important to get acquainted with the instructions for use before use.

Composition and form of release

The cytrospect is produced in the form of droplets, which can either take inside or apply external. The composition of this drug includes active substances:

  1. Bioflavonoids, such as flavonoids, flavonids, flavones.
  2. It also includes components such as glycerin, grapefruit extract, purified water.

Drop dispenser is embedded in each package. Available in bottles of 10, 20, 50 ml.

Indications for use

Bad is used as an additional source of bioflavonoids for treating or preventing various pathological conditions. It recommends applying inside with such testimony as:

This agent is used to prevent cardiovascular pathologies, improve the rheological properties of blood. Outwardly cytrospect is used to treat burns, trophic ulcers, insect bites, varicose veins.

Instructions for the use of cytrospect

This tool can be used orally or for outdoor skin treatment. When local use is applied to pre-cleaned and dried skin. To prepare a solution, it is necessary to dissolve the preparation in boiled water, mix. We begin to use with minimally recommended dosages, if necessary, they can be increased to achieve the desired therapeutic effect.

The drug is taken orally only in a divided form. The recommended dosage is 10-25 drops diluted in a glass of boiled water. At the same time, the daily dose is divided into 2-3 equivalent techniques.

In the treatment of chronic pathologies, the course of treatment is about 3 months or until the symptoms are completely relocated. IN preventive purposes Adult patients are prescribed 50 drops 2 times a day. At the initial stages of the cold, it is recommended to take up to 50 drops 2-3 times a day for 3 days.

Instructions for use:

  1. With increased acidity, gastritis, ulcers are taken before eating. We start using from 2-3 drops 2 times a day, gradually increasing the dosage into two or three drops for two weeks.
  2. Under the cavity of the mouth, mucous membranes, onychomykosis, vaginites, oral administration is recommended, as well as local processing of detection areas.
  3. In the treatment of diaper candidiasis, the drug is used externally. To prepare a solution, mix 4 drops of Bad with 20 ml vegetable oil. The resulting composition is applied to the skin 3 times a day for a week.
  4. With atopic dermatitis, psoriasis, acne, herpes, genitally infections The drug can be used orally and externally.
  5. For treatment with papillom, Condyl, warts cytrospect is used inside and externally, 1-2 drops in pure form apply to the area of \u200b\u200blesion 2 times a day.
  6. With mixed fungal lesions of nails, the agent is taken orally and externally.
  7. With bronchitis, ORVI, flu and bronchial asthma, cytrosite is used orally, but it can also be used to rinse the throat and washing the nose.
  8. In seborrhea, the scalp is used externally. In the treatment of gingivitis, stomatitis, baud periodontosis is used orally for rinsing and disinfection of toothbrushes.
  9. With dysbacteriosis, gastritis, hepatitis - orally.
  10. In the case of intoxication, including after chemotherapy, the drug is used for oral administration.
  11. For weight loss or treatment of melted invasions, dietary supplements is used orally.
  12. To eliminate itching and swelling from the bite of insects, you need to use 1 drop of the means outwardly, lubricating the affected area 5 times a day.
  13. In case of Lyme disease or atherosclerosis, cytrospect is used orally. To cure wounds, burns, cuts, you need to use a solution for outdoor treatment: Mix 10-20 drops in 100 ml of water, handle the affected area to 5 times a day.
  14. In varicose veins, trophic ulcers need to use the means externally, while it is necessary to pre-dissolve 30 drops in 30 ml of water. The gauze is impregnated with mortar, apply damage to the place for two days.
  15. In gynecology, the drug is used orally or externally for the irrigation of the mucous membranes.
  16. In the treatment of fungal infection on the nails, 1-2 drops of means are applied in the form of appliqués on the nail plate up to 3 times a day. Treatment continues until a healthy nail appears.
  17. In dermatoses, cytrospect is used orally in a divorced form. Begin treatment with a minimum concentration of 1: 4. Reception is carried out three times a day for 14 days.
  18. In the treatment of herpes, a solution of 1: 4 is used in children, for the treatment of adults, the drug is bred in proportions 1: 1 with water. Apply the composition on rashes 1-3 times a day for 5 days.
  19. In Seboro, you need to add to 1 portion of the shampoo to 15 drops of cytrospect, wash your head, then rinse thoroughly. It takes a procedure every three days, not more than 12 procedures.
  20. When rinsed the throat, it is necessary to dissolve up to 12 drops of a cytrospect in a glass of water and rinse them throat to 7 times a day. When washing the nose, dissolve 4 drops of the means in 100 ml of water and carry out the washing procedure up to 3 times a day.
  21. For irrigation of the mucous membranes, a solution, prepared from 1 liter of water and 15 drops of cytrospect, is necessary to use a solution, twice a day. In the treatment of men, dissolved dietary supplements are applied to the affected areas three times a day for 1-2 minutes, then thoroughly wash off with water.

Whether side effects?

Often the patient's body can give a response, which is manifested by such signs as:

  • redness of skin and itching;
  • erythema;
  • diarrhea;
  • headache.

This condition is not dangerous, most often indicates an effectively conducted treatment. In this case, it is recommended a slightly reduced dose, start eating foods rich in fiber. It is also recommended to drink a large amount of water.

If after applying the cytrospect, you felt a strong burning, limit the composition with plenty of water.

There are a number of contraindications. So, the drug cannot be used to remove warts in the following cases:

  • age up to two years;
  • allergy to the active substance.

At the moment there is no data on the taking cytrospect pregnant. For this reason, if the doctor has allowed the use of the funds during this period, it is necessary to closely monitor the body's reaction for treatment. This concerns I. breastfeeding. If during the therapy the child began to capricious, it was recommended to stop the use of dietary supplements.

Interaction with other drugs

With simultaneous reception of dietary supplements with cardiotonic, antihypertensive agents, their pharmacological effects can be enhanced with heart glycosides.

Special guidelines for reception

Before using the Bada, you must pay attention to several important instructions:

  1. To reduce the likelihood of developing the Hersheimer's reaction, it is necessary to increase the dosage of the drug gradually.
  2. Also, during the application, it is necessary to ensure sufficient water intake in the body.
  3. In patients with diabetes, after the beginning of the course of treatment, a temporary decrease in blood glucose is possible.
  4. It is impossible to make the undiluted composition on the mucous membrane, damaged skin, as this may cause injury to the skin.
  5. If the patient has allergies to citrus, then the cytrospect should be taken with caution, since in this case the development of the cross-allergic reaction is not excluded.

The cost of the cytrospect is an average of 1,300 rubles.

What are the analogues?

If for any reason you cannot accept cytrospect, you should pay attention to the analogues.

Artemis Plus Vigen

A biologically active supplement to food, which is like a pharmacological effect, is produced in the form of capsules for oral administration. It is a source of organic substances and vitamins.

Artemis Plus Viestan is recommended for treatment menstrual violations, with inflammatory processes in the sexual sphere in women. It can only be used for the treatment of adults, it is also not recommended during pregnancy, during breastfeeding, in childhood.

Immuncar Forte

Biologically active additive in the form of capsules. In its composition, contains vegetable components, hood from shark cartilage. Used in the treatment of degenerative-dystrophic, inflammatory processes in the structures of the musculoskeletal system. The tool can be used only for the treatment of adults, it cannot be used for therapy of pregnant women, during the feeding period of the child, in pediatric practice


Comprehensive BD, which contains in its composition Ural honey and vegetable components. It is a source of various organic compounds. Possesses the common properties. It can be used in the treatment and prevention of a large number of infectious or somatic diseases in adults.

Against the background of therapy Cytrospectomthe manifestation of the reaction of the Gersheimer, which is characterized by a sense of short-term discomfort, resulting from the simultaneous death of a large number of microorganisms. Toxins secreted by the dead pathogens can provoke fatigue, malaise, headache, diarrhea. This state passes independently, without requiring additional activities. To avoid the reaction of the Gersheimer, the reception of the drug should be started with minimal doses - a few drops per day, gradually increasing their quantity until the expected therapeutic effect is achieved.
The cytrospect is able to cause an irritation of the GCC in the presence of diseases of the digestive organs due to a strong acidic reaction.


: not prescribe when: intolerance between bioflavonoids; pregnancy; lactation.

Interaction with other medicines

CIPROSPT manifests a potentiary effect while prescribed with cardiac glycosides, calcium channel blockers, as well as with other antihypertensive agents and cardiological preparations. Therefore, it is necessary to start receiving a cytrospect with a minimum amount (1 drop per day), gradually increasing it to an optimal dose, which will ensure the achievement of the desired therapeutic effect from the reception this means And it will not cause the onset of side effects from the above drugs.
Also, if necessary, the use of this combination is possible to reduce the prescribed dose of drugs listed pharmacological groups.

Storage conditions

A drug in a dry, not affordable for children.

Form release

Drops of 20-100 ml in bottles with droppers.
1 bottle in a cardboard box.

Structure contains grapefruit extract as a valid component, as well as palm glycerin and purified water as auxiliary substances.


In the external use of the BAD cytrospect, it should be not allowed to fall into the undiluted means to damaged skin areas, the mucous membranes of the eye, the oral cavity, etc.
In order to reduce the manifestations of the Hersheimer's reaction, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed and included in the diet of food rich in cellulose (large grinding bread, bran) in order to increase the removal of toxins from the body.
If the patient has sensitivity to citrus, it is necessary to begin therapy with a citeline with minimal doses - one drops per day to prevent the occurrence of allergic reactions.
If there is a patient sugar diabetes It is possible a minor reduction in blood sugar levels during the period of cytrospect therapy.

Main settings

Name: Cytrospet.

Despite the fact that last years Oncology stepped far forward, there are still many problems before it. Even modern treatment methods are not always effective. Scientists are constantly looking for new ways.

For example, in October 2016, Chinese scientists reported that for the first time a new technology for editing the genome in a patient suffering from lung cancer with metastases was applied. Researchers took leukocytes from men and with the help of the CRISPR-CAS9 system, they were edited by genes that interfere with the immune system to attack the tumor.

"Corrected" cells spread in the laboratory and returned back to the patient's body. If the test is crowned with success, the similar method will be applied to cancer bladder, kidneys, prostate gland.

Development and testing of new techniques is not a fast process, it can last for many years. But over time it will give a chance to many oncological patients.

You can and need to ask questions. When the patient is well informed, it is good for treatment. Ask an oncologist about what kinds of treatment will be appointed, how the procedures will be held, to which result you can count, what are possible side effectsHow to prevent them and how to cope with them.

Diagnosis of lung cancer in Russia

Local clinics are equipped with all necessary high-tech equipment for fast and high-quality lung cancer diagnostics. After confirmation of the diagnosis, a number of additional research is carried out here, which help to determine the tumor subtype and the stage of the disease.

  1. Physical inspection, analysis of the history, general urine and blood tests
  2. Endoscopic examination.Using a special flexible tube equipped with a miniature video camera and LED, the doctor examines the respiratory tract. In the course of the study, if necessary, biopsy is carried out: removal of a small tissue sample for subsequent histological analysis.
  3. Thin game aspiration biopsy. Thin hollow needle and syringe are used to fence fluid and lung fabric. Subsequently, these samples are sent to a laboratory study. The needle is directed to a suspicious area under the control of CT.
  4. Tseudrocetosis. If the patient has a cluster of fluid around the lungs (pleurisy), the doctor takes its sample through the needle and syringe to check for the presence of cancer cells.
  5. Cytological sputum analysis. The mucus secreted during cough of light (sputum) is checked in the laboratory for tumor cells.
  6. CT. The method involves the use of X-ray radiation to create detailed images of internal body structures. CT helps the doctor to determine the size and localization of the pulmonary tumor.
  7. MRI. It allows you to well distinguish the connecting fabric, vessels, nerves and other structures that can be involved in the malignant process. Helps to identify the propagation of tumor cells in the bone or brain.
  8. PET CT. Cancer cells are highlighted using a small amount of radioactive substance. Scanning helps to identify the spread of a tumor on other organs or parts of the body. PET is often carried out in combination with CT.
  9. Genetic testing. Some chemotherapeutic preparations are more efficient against tumors with certain genetic mutations. The definition of these mutations allows you to assign more targeted and effective treatment.

A computer topography (CT) of the chest cavity and upper departments is appointed to the patient with a suspicion of lung cancer. abdominal cavity (Usually with contrasting) to assess the prevalence of primary tumor and possible propagation in the mediastinum, liver and adrenal glands.

The final diagnosis of cancer is established only on the basis of a cytological study (for example, pleural fluid) or histological examination (tissue biopsy).

Biopsy can be performed in one of the following ways:


    Endobronchial ultrasonic bronchoscopy, or EBUS, a technique that combines the use of flexible bronchoscope with ultrasound

    Continuous biopsy under control CT

    Needle aspiration


  • In the event that other biopsy procedures have not allowed to determine the diagnosis, an operation may be required. The most common surgical procedures are mediastinoscopy, which is used for biopsy of lymph nodes in the central part of the chest cavity; Video-assistationorcoscopic operation (VATS) - less invasive method for biopsy of lung tissue; Both thoracotomy, which is a bandwidth operation to remove large parts of lung tissue or tumors.

Radiologist, diagnostic specialist oncological diseases Institute of Oncology EMC Professor Evgeny Libson (Israel) has many years of experience in conducting thin-game biopsies under the control of CT, which allows many patients to avoid an open operation performed with a diagnostic purpose.

After a biopsy, the material is sent to the EMC histological laboratory to install an accurate diagnosis and receipt of the important characteristics of the tumor that help in the future selection of treatment.

If necessary, or at the request of the patient, the diagnosis is carried out in leading clinics of the United States, Great Britain, Israel, Germany, France, Switzerland (by telepatology). Obtaining a "second opinion" of a foreign specialist is included in the standard cost of research.

How is chemotherapy?

Radiation therapy applies ionizing radiation, which, like chemotherapy, destroys rapidly dividing cells. It can be used both to destroy the tumor and to facilitate pain and other symptoms.

There are two varieties of radiation therapy:

  1. With external irradiation, the device is located at a distance from the patient and sends a beam of rays into the body area where the tumor is located.
  2. When internal irradiation, the radiation source is introduced into the patient's body. If the radiation source is a solid subject (capsule or tape), such a type of treatment is called brachytherapy. As a source of radiation, the liquid that is administered intravenously. It applies throughout the body and destroys cancer cells in different organs. This technique is used, in particular, when thyroid cancer.

Rauchery therapy is often combined with surgical treatment:

  • Before surgery, it helps reduce the size of the tumor.
  • During surgery, the surgeon has the ability to irradiate the tumor directly, so that the rays do not pass through the skin.
  • After surgery, radiation therapy helps destroy the remaining cancer cells.

Suppress the production of "guilty" hormone. "To interfere with" hormones to provide their effects, binding to receptors on the surface of cancer cells.

Hormonal therapy is very rarely prescribed separately, most often it complements other types of treatment. Sometimes they resort to surgical interventions, during which the ovaries or testicles remove so that the sex hormones in the body are no longer produced.

Cancer cells - masking masters. They skillfully hidden from the immune system, thanks to which she does not recognize them and does not attack. It helps to fix immunotherapy. There are different groups of drugs, some of which "mark" cancer cells and help the immunity "see" them, others affect the immunity, activating it and forcing it to attack the tumor.

Modern scientists have learned how to edit genes in immune cells. The patient take T-lymphocytes, they change their genes in such a way that they can attack the tumor, artificially multiply new cells in the test tube and return to the body.

In recent years, scientists have learned a lot about molecular mechanisms that help cancer cells grow, multiply, survive. New knowledge helped to create a new direction in the treatment of cancer - targeting therapy.

pharmachologic effect

Bioflavonoids standardized 33% grapefruit seed extract:

affect the cell membranes of microbes (in the absence of toxicity for living organisms);

demonstrate good disinfectants.

Cytrostept helps with:

Colds and influenza;

Cleaning the body and allergies;

Skin infections;

Inflammation of mucous membranes;

Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Indications for use

Candidiasis and other fungal diseases (skin, mucous, nails)

Diseases respiratory tract (sinusitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis), as well as the prevention of influenza and other infectious diseases

Skin diseases (rash, scaly and shooring, urticaria, acne, acne)

Immunodeficiency, antibiotic reception courses, chemotherapy and irradiation

System disorders of the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, meteorism)

Oral diseases (stomatitis, gingivitis and periodontal)

To purify the body, incl. During raising courses




The information set out below is indicative. First, see the instruction invested inserted into each package.

Those who wish to clean the body from harmful microbes, improve well-being and improving immunity, the following 30-day course is recommended:

the first two weeks - 10 ... 15 drops of extract on a glass of water, juice or green tea,

for the third week - 15 ... 20 drops,

on the fourth - 20 ... 30 drops per day.

Bioflavonoids contained in grapefruit seeds dissolve cholesterol deposits, strengthen the walls of the capillaries and prevent the formation of thrombus. Therefore, the regular reception of the extract delays the development of so-called diseases of civilization: increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction. The extract does not cause addiction, dependence and does not destroy the inner microflora even with long and regular use.

Application on acute stages of the disease

In infections and inflammations (initial stages of infectious diseases, colds, flu), "shock" doses of extract are necessary. 50-70 drops on a glass of juice or green tea 2 times a day enough to destroy a significant part of harmful pathogens in 2-3 days.

Dosage for children and pregnant women

Dosage for children is made according to the Fusp Pediatrician method: one drop per kilogram of body weight daily. The corresponding mass of the body is divided into 2-3 receptions. Pregnant women and people taking extract for the first time, it is recommended to start with small doses (2-3 drops per day), which, with a positive reaction of the body, can be increased.

Diseases of respiratory tract

Inflammation of the nose and sinuses, runny nose. The extract solution (3 drops per 100 ml of boiled water) is buried in the nose 2-3 times a day. In no case can not be bought in the nose the undeveloped extract!

Inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, lungs, asthma. The extract has antallergic properties, dilutes the mucus and destroys the bacteria feeding on it. Take 10-30 drops per cup 2-3 times a day, with asthma to continue regular reception at least 3 months.

Inflammation of the throat, almonds. For the treatment of the throat, dilute 10 drops of cytrospect in a glass of warm boiled water and rinse the throat 5-7 times a day.

Diseases of the digestive tract

in the first week, 3-15 drops on a glass of water, juice or tea 1 time per day;

on the second week - 2 times a day;

on the third week - 3 times a day.

Treatment fungus is not easy, fungi with difficulty treatable, so the reception of the extract should continue within 1-3 months after the disappearance of symptoms to avoid recurrence.

Gastric ulcers (duodenal intestine), heartburn, gastritis. The newest studies have shown that the cause of these ailments is not only psychological stress. Fifty percent of the studied patients were infected with a nonlicobacter pylori bacterium, which is successfully excreted by extract. Since the affected areas are very sensitive, it is better to start with small doses, gradually increasing them: 3-15 drops on a glass of water or juice 2-3 times a day immediately before meals. In case of burning, the dose must be reduced. When infected by the Bacteria, nonlicobacter pylori, treatment should continue for at least two months and pass under the supervision of the doctor.

Diarrhea, poisoning. See "Prevention". If the cause of diarrhea is a bacterium or a virus, several sufficient doses (20-30 drops on a glass of water, juice or tea 3-4 times a day), but in the case of dysentery for treatment they can take the week and high doses will be required.

Skin disease

Rash, scaly deprived, urticaria, hailing deprived. Divide 10 drops of cytrospect in 2-tablespoons of vegetable oil. Apply a cotton swab on the affected areas 2 times a day. With purulent skin inflammations and eczema, the affected skin of the skin is pre-dry.

Acne, acne. Apply 5 drops of extract on wet palms. Loose into the skin. With increased skin sensitivity, grapefruit extract dilute with water.

Dandruff, diseases of the scalp. Add 5-10 drops into a small amount of shampoo and wash your head.

Warts. The undeveloped extract is applied directly to the wart 2 times a day.

Varicose veins and trophic ulcers. 30 drops per 100 ml of water. Impregnate gauze and attach to a patient (in the absence of open RAS).


The external extract of grapefruit can be used at an undiluted form (except the mucous membrane and open RAS). Parallel diluted extract must be taken inside and continue receiving for a month after the disappearance of symptoms in order to avoid relapse.

Skin fungi. The extract divided in vegetable oil is applied to patients with sections 2 times a day.

Fungus Stop. An undeveloped cytrosite apply 2 times a day on a sore plot (with wounds and cracks dilute). Paid socks are soaked for 20 minutes in a solution of 20 drops of extract on half a liter of water. Spray the shoes from the inside with the help of a pulverizer.

Nail fungus. It is difficult to treat, since deeply grows into the nail tissue. The disinfected sawdow is to drain the nail and apply a cytrospect to nail 2 times a day. First, the nail is stepping every 3-4 days, in the future - once every 3 weeks.

Mushroom esophagus. See "Food infections".

Genital infections

Inflammation in the field of men's genital organs. 5 drops on the floor-liter of water - rinse sore skin sections 2 times a day.

Oral hygiene

Toothbrush to grind once a week in a weak extract solution.

Disinfecting rinse. 5 drops on a glass of boiled water.

Thrush. 5-10 drops on a glass of boiled water. Rinse 3 times a day. Disinfection used for feeding nipples and bottles, soaking them in a solution of 20 drops of extract per liter of water for 20 minutes.

Serum rash, stomatitis, gingivitis. A solution of 3-5 drops on a tablespoon of vegetable oil to apply on wet lips or gums.


Compared to conventional alcohol and iodine-containing antiseptic meansGrapefruit seed extract has significant advantages. It destroys a wider range of microorganisms already in a weak concentration, applied in a diluted form and does not "burn" tissue. On the contrary, due to its bitterness and citrus origin, the extract has a staging and regenerating skin property. The disinfecting solution is prepared from 20 ml of extract on 250 ml of water, 5 ml is sufficient for open wounds.

It's important to know

Do not allow the undiluted drug to enter the mucous membranes. Under the local application, avoid the drug in the eye. The reaction of Gershemer is short-term discomfort (1-2 days), resulting from the mass intake of harmful microorganisms. Toxins secreted by the dead pathogens can cause fatigue, poor well-being, headache, diarrhea. The reaction of the gexheimer, although not too pleasant, is a sign of purification of the body. To avoid it, the reception of the extract should be started with several drops per day (1-5), gradually increasing the dose. You should drink more and include food rich pulp (coarse bread, bran), as it facilitates the conclusion harmful substances From the body.

For pregnant women, the maximum daily dose should not exceed 20 drops.

People with increased sensitivity to citrus should begin reception with minimal doses: one drops per day to avoid allergy symptoms.

In patients with diabetes, a slight decrease in blood sugar levels is possible.

Taking glycosides and other heartcorts, especially calcium channel blockers used in the treatment of hypertension and coronary failure, and other medicines used in hypertension should be consulted with a doctor.

Attention! Check out the instructions attached to each package.

Biological supplements to food. Everything is extensive. Fill home aid kits. This is in the bulk of those preparations that are made of natural ingredients. One of these is the cite "Cytrospect". Instructions, application, reviews about it will be presented to you later. You can also get acquainted with the opinion of doctors about this drug. It is necessary to explain separately what analogues have "cytrospect".

Composition and type of food additive

The "cytrospect" means is produced by a medication in the form of droplets for use inward and outdoor use. What is part of the medicine?

The bulk of the drug is vitamin C. Its in the described means contains at least 5 grams. Also here are bioflavonoids. Among the additional components can be noted grapefruit extract, glycerin palm and clean water. A medicine is produced in bottles that have a so-called dropper. The capacity of the container is 10, 20, 50 or 100 milliliters. It is attached to each packaging of the drug "Cytrostept" instructions for use. Reviews of medicine say that his undoubted convenience is possible to acquire the desired size of the bottle.

How can I replace the described drug?

What does the Cytrostept Analogues in the Pharmacological Medicine? One of the substitutes of the described means can be called the drug "Cytrostar". It produces on the basis of grapefruit bone extract, as well as the original medicine. Also, replace the composition can be droplets "Citroleife". This means, as in the past case, has vitamin C, isolated from natural grapefruit extract.

There is a "cytrospect" drug analogues relative. These are funds similar in action, but having absolutely different composition. Among these, "Anaferon", "Cycloferon", "Tamiflu", "Isoproprosin", "Amoxicillin", "Azithromycin" and many Dougi can be distinguished.

"Cytrostept": analogs (opinion of doctors about drugs)

What do experienced and qualified specialists say about the medication described and its substitutes? Medicines "Tsitrogen" and "cytrostar" are the most close to the composition of the original medicine. All of them contain bioflavonoids and a large amount of vitamin C. Preparations have a rather high cost. Doctors say that the "cytrostar" drops will cost you about 600 rubles. The drug "Tsitrohyf" is twice as expensive at all. The original tool that is described above has a price category from 700 rubles to 3000.

Doctors say that absolute substitutes of the drug can be taken independently. Such a biologically active supplement to food will only benefit a person. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account contraindications that the instructions report. If you ask physicians about the relative analogues of the described means, then the opinion will be unanimous. Such tools are categorically prohibited to use themselves. Of course, they help to increase immunity, overcome the virus and cope with the bacterial complication. However, all these medicines should be appointed exclusively by a specialist after the diagnosis.

Indications for the use of the described additive

What does the "Cytrostept" drug instruction report? Reviews of doctors say this drug is widely used. It can be used to prevent or treat. Often the composition is appointed in complex therapy. The main indications for the use of droplets will be frequent colds and viral diseases. The composition helps to increase immunity and establish the work of the organism resistance.

Also, the described agent is prescribed for the treatment of diseases such as influenza of different strains, ORZ, ORVI and so on. At the same time, the earlier to start using a medicine, the sooner the positive effect comes. Drops are prescribed and with bacterial complications, as well as for its prevention. The composition is used to treat skin cover in order to eliminate the inflammatory process.


The described medicine, as well as its absolute analogs, is never prescribed by the possibility of developing an allergic reaction to the citrus components. Also, the composition is not prescribed in the case of existing high sensitivity to the additional components. That is why physicians advise very carefully to study the composition of the drug.

Drops are not prescribed to pregnant women due to the lack of clinical data for such use. Also, the use of medication "Cytrostept" and its analogues during breastfeeding can cause an unexpected reaction from the body of the kid. Do not hope for the effectiveness of the medication with serious bacterial complications. Despite the antibacterial properties of the medication, in this case additional therapy is required in the form of suitable antimicrobial preparations.

Method of using drops

When orally use, the medicine must be pre-dissolved. To do this, you can use any liquid. However, its temperature should not be high. Adult patients in chronic diseases and during the period of viral disease are prescribed from 25 to 50 drops per day. If you wish, you can divide the portion into several methods. The course of treatment should be at least one month. If necessary, and on the recommendation of the doctor this time can be extended.

In preventive purposes, the composition is prescribed 5-10 drops twice a day. Baby medication is prescribed depending on body weight. At the same time, one drop should have a kilogram of weight. The total amount of biological supplement should be divided into three applications.

When used on the skin, it is pre-cleaned to clean the processed zone and wash your hands. In order to use the drug in proportion one to one. After that, process the damaged surface.

The composition is also appointed in gynecology, cosmetology, dentistry, dermatology and other branches of modern medicine. The drug described is lubricated with skin, irrigation or rinsing, women are prescribed. In this case, in each case a separate scheme and dose is selected.

"CITROSPT": customer reviews and doctors

Consumers say this drug is quite expensive. Doctors indicate that it costs such money. After all, the composition is able to raise immunity, fighting viruses. When using medication on early stages Disease composition helps to avoid the development of bacterial complications.

Many consumers give medicine for preventing their children who visit educational institutions. And this is very important, because it is in the big team that the virus is most often occurring. The drug "Citrostept" activates the protective functions of the body and provides it with flavonoids. Kids with pleasure take divorced drops, because the drug has a pleasant aroma and taste.


You learned O. natural preparation With the name "Cytrostept". Instructions for use and software presented to your attention in the article. Despite all positive qualities, the medicine can cause allergies. That is why its use should be started with minimal doses. For more more detailed information Contact your doctor.