Political activities and society. Political activity as the most important policy of politics political activities and society

Political activity is a special, specific area of \u200b\u200bsocial activities covering the entire political life of society. In political activities of man, social layers, classes, nations and other policies, their attitudes towards the world around the world, political phenomena and processes, political values, an existing political system.

Political activity is a universal category of political theory, which characterizes the level of personality development and society as a whole, their participation in the implementation of political relations.

The motivational basis of political activity is certain political interests of the individual, various social groups and layers of SUV-PILS. In the interests, the goal of human activity is concentrated, which requires the search for appropriate funds and methods to ensure them.

Consequently, political activities implies the presence of the necessary objective and subjective conditions and factors that include subjects and objects of activity and certain relations between them; motives and ways of influence of subjects to objects; purpose and program of activity; The implementation of the relevant actions to achieve certain results, as well as monitoring the activities itself and its results (Table 5).

Table 5. Hierarchy of political actors

Types of subjects

Separation of political

subjects by type

and by belonging

Subject functions




Political leaders, power structures, governing bodies of political organizations

Making political decisions, consolidation of society, overcoming conflicts, organizational activities, struggle for self-preservation




Political parties, movements, initiative committees, public organizations

Determination of own interests (self-consciousness), the formation of socio-political structures, maintaining through mass shares

Types of subjects

Separation of political

subjects by type

and by belonging

Subject functions

Basic (primary) policies

Ethnic groups, nations, classes, social layers, religious associations, socio-demographic groups, territorial associations

Determining your own interests

(self-consciousness), the formation of socio-political structures, maintaining through mass shares

Political activities in the broad sense of the word are called the entire set of actions in which socio-political relations are being implemented. That is why war, violence, coercion, etc. are called a continuation of politics. In this sense, the policies include the acts of blackmail, bribing, threats and actually use of force, although in modern world practice such activities are perceived as illegal, illegal and therefore is subject to condemnation. Measures and means of domination of no community or counteraction to it, carried out within the limits of legal regulation, existing constitutional requirements and current legislation, constitute political activities in the narrow sense of the word - actually political activities.

Prior to specific manifestations of political activities include methods and funds of the register of political life entities, in particular, such as participation in the election campaign, the actions related to the adoption of laws and other legal acts of the general national scale, the struggle of political parties and organizations for establishing a certain political regime or form State device, participation in the national liberation movement. Within the limits of political activities, socio-political processes and institutions are being managed, diplomatic practice, etc. Political activity is determined by the interests and needs of a person who are implemented through its participation in various institutional and natural forms of such activities.

The determining factor of political activities is political consciousness. Taking part in political processes, people are guided by certain ideas, views, beliefs, feelings and sentiment. Political consciousness is a form of awareness of group needs and interests and means of satisfaction of them, and therefore, it defines the organization and development of political activities, the main forms of which are ultimately subordinate to the struggle for power, for the domination in order to satisfy mainly group interests. The active role of consciousness in the implementation of political activities is that cognitive activity encourages practical activities. Based on certain theoretical concepts, programms and requirements are made, of which the strategic and tactical recommendations are determined or them, the implementation of which leads to the development of concrete practical political plans, to the proclamation of slogans and appeals, the adoption of resolutions and finally to specific actions. In this way, there is a link to political ideals with subject political activities.

In the structure of political activities, activities should be distinguished as political participation (participation in the political life of society) and activities as political functioning. Political participation is the implementation of certain shares, measures to express interests, positions, requirements and moods that reign in the masses, to form them, as well, and this is the most important thing in order to influence the authorities to force them to fulfill the requirements, statements protest or maintain certain solutions.

Specific forms of political participation may be in extremist style or to mutual agreement. Extremism here should be understood as a tendency to extreme measures and actions, intolerance, rejection of other positions, views or solutions, absolute uncompromising. Extremism eliminates the opportunity to take into account in the implementation of policies, in solving common problems of the diversity of opinions, community interests. Often an extremist policy is related to the installation for the use of force, forced means of impact, imposing with the help of extreme measures of one particular limited position to all people.

Political activities in the style of coordination of interest are based on the principle of tolerance (that is, a tolerant relationship with general disagreement, incomprehensibility with the interests and positions of other political forces); on the recognition of the legitimacy of the existence and implementation of diverse interests and goals that do not contradict human rights and freedoms (the principle of pluralism); on compromise politics, and this means a tendency to make concessions, sacrificing

some of its position for the sake of achieving agreement, interspersed by aspirations. Political consent, or consensus, in contrast to the monotony and one-product, is consent in the main, the consent that is achieved by mutual concessions. It is the only possible prerequisite and the basis of the coexistence of various social communities.

Political activity can be aimed at preserving, certain changes in the existing social and state state or to improve the role of constituent entities based on the preservation of laws, political and legal norms or on the basis of making some changes to them. There can be used various means of influencing both administrative, legal and economic, social and moral nature.

In the political life of society, citizens take part in such practical events as demonstrations, processions, picketing, rallies, elections of representative bodies and all sorts of campaigns conducted by political parties and organizations.

Political demonstration - a mass procession that is introduced to express certain socio-political mood, requirements, solidarity, protest, etc. Demonstrations are held and to attract the attention of the public and the authorities to a certain social problem, to make a demand for solving it.

Manifestation - a public mass performance for the proclamation of an idea or a number of ideas that arise from an acute social problem, in the form of concentration of supporters of this idea in one place, chanting slogans and appeals, speaking speeches, lifting transparencies.

The rally is a public assembly introduced to discuss certain topical social and political issues and to form the psychological readiness of individuals to direct impact on their implementation. This is a collection of supporters of one idea, which here turns into a requirement (prohibit or resolve, maintain or condemn, etc.).

With its actions (speech, chanting, banners), even the very fact of numerous meeting, present promotes the idea that united them. At the same time, they are cleaned closely, willingness arise immediately and directly proceed to the implementation of the idea. Ringings were one of the initial and most common forms of political participation during the revival of the political life of our society, starting from the second half of the 80s. The "Minting Democracy" syndrome is a sign of the early stage of the political development of society, whose political figures are inherent in a claim for the domination of a single idea, the predominance of emotional over rational, replacement of logical arguments by the strength of cries. In the conditions of the rally style of political struggle, it is difficult or at all is impossible to achieve agreement. Almost a rally of a different idea can withstand the dominant idea of \u200b\u200bthe rally.

Political elections are a set of measures to form government governing bodies, parties, public organizations, election of representatives, as well as delegates to representative meetings, congresses, etc. Initially, the elections provide for such procedures as proclaiming, the formation of electoral districts and sites, drawing up lists of voters, nomination and registration of candidates, conducting election campaigning, voting, counting votes, declaring results, conduct, if necessary, re-voting or repeated elections.

Political participation is the exercise by citizens of various acts, measures aimed at implementing their interests, needs, views through the impact on government agencies and public organizations, the fulfillment of their decisions. There are different types of political participation, including individual and collective, voluntary and forced, active and passive, traditional and innovative, legitimate and illegal.

The culture of political participation is determined how citizens know the procedures for the implementation of political shares and norms that regulate. However, the main thing here is the installation on the multiplicity of the world, the value of community, the integrity of society, coherence in the existence of communities.

Political functioning is the implementation of various political institutions (government agencies, political parties, organizations, etc.), managing common cases, processes, satisfying the urgent needs of society and social groups. This is a professional hardware political activity. Political functioning includes such forms such as selection and use of personnel, determination of decision-making mechanisms, actually adopting them, organization, implementation, control over these processes. The nature and content of political activity is determined by the traditions in society, rules and instructions.

A variation of political functioning is political leadership. The political leader may be the head of state, head of the political party, social movement, association. Signs of political leadership is the recognition by the majority of citizens, members of a particular political structure of a particular person for the highest authority, readiness to obey her, to fulfill its instructions.

Consequently, political activities are a variety of forms, methods and means of realizing social interests, the needs, values \u200b\u200bof citizens and their associations through political power; This is a conscious, targeted struggle for conquering, strengthening and using political power, participation in leadership and management of public and public affairs, numerous forms of impact on them. Political activity is internally contradictory. It contains the focus on the secondary needs of people goals - the implementation of certain principles - and at the same time contributes to the establishment of a person, its socialization. In the history of the political development of society, the processes of liberalization of political activity are naturally occurring, the formation of legal norms of political participation, improving the effectiveness of management.

In political science - political science - there are various approaches to understanding policies. One of themit is the consideration of policies as one of the four main spheres of society. Policy consciousness and political organizations include political consciousness, and political organizations (government, parliament, parties, etc.), and the tasks that various social groups seek to decide using power, and the political process going through conflicts and cooperation, including measures Conservation of stability in society and reform. With the characteristic of the political sphere you met in the course of social studies of the main school. Second approachbased on the understanding of politics as a special type of social relations between individuals, small groups and great communities, that is, relations related to the authorities, the state, the management of the Company's affairs. (This material you will be studied in the 11th grade.) Finally, third approachit consists of policies as one of the activities, i.e., the activity of its subjects - participants in political life.
All three approaches give a multidimensional understanding of one object - politics. And in this paragraph, the policy is considered in the light of the third approach.

Politics as activity

Science offers different definitions of political activities. We give two of them.
1. Policy is the activities of state bodies, political parties, public movements in the field of relations between large social groups, primarily classes, nations and states aimed at integrating their efforts to strengthen political power or its conquest of specific methods.
2. The policy is a special kind of activity related to the participation of social groups, parties, movements, individuals in the affairs of society and the state, management of them or impact on this guide.
Think about these definitions, compare them. In them, you can see, firstly, the activity of the policy; secondly, a special role in this activity of large social groups, as well as parties and states; Thirdly, the connection of their activities with conquest, withholding and the use of state power.
Political activity includes public administration, i.e., such an impact on society, on those or other parties to social development, in which the requirements of the authorities are supported by the force of law and special government agencies, including power (police, army, state security bodies) . It also covers the impact of political parties on the course of public processes and the adoption of state decisions. Party and other political associations, on the one hand, are associated with various social groups, rely on their support, and on the other, they express the interests and aspirations of these groups, put pressure on the government or participate in the development of government decisions.
Political activity is also manifested in various forms of participation of the wide masses in the political life of society. In the course of political activities, its participants enter into specific relations. It may be cooperation, union, mutual support, and confrontation, conflict, struggle.
Subjectspoliticians are, firstly, large social communities, which include social groups and layers, classes, nations, estates, etc.; secondly, political organizations and associations (states, parties, mass movements); Thirdly, political elites - relatively small groups concentrating power in their hands; Fourth, personality, and first of all political leaders.
Turn to the question about objectspoliticians. You know that the politics internal and politics are vulnerable. What is the object of each of them? It is not difficult to understand that the internal policy has its own object society in its own country, and the external one community, international relations, i.e. relations with other countries. Depending on the objects to which the internal policy is sent, the economic, social, national, demographic, youth, environmental, cultural, personnel policy is distinguished. In turn, in economic policies allocate scientific and technical, structural, agricultural, investment, financial, foreign economic. (Probably you will be able to name the objects of each of these directions of policies.)
From consideration of political objects, it can be concluded that policies affect the whole society, on all directions of his life. Hence the conclusion about the tremendous importance of political activities in the development of society.

Goals and means of political activity

Political activity, as well as any other, implies the definition of its goals. They are divided into long-term (they are called strategic) and current goals. Objectives can be relevant, priority and irrelevant, real and unreal. How relevant, on the one hand, and real - on the other hand or another, can be answered only by the full and accurate analysis of the main trends of social development, crowning social needs, the alignment of political forces, interests of various social groups.
Of particular importance is the question of the availability of funds with which you can implement the intended goals. With regard to political activities, this issue was considered an outstanding thinker of the Renaissance Niccola Makiavelli (1469-1527). "Needless to say," he wrote, - how talked in the state loyalty to this word, straightforward and steady honesty. However, we know from the experience that in our time the great things managed only to those who did not try to keep this word and knew how to have, bother around the finger; Such state trucks have ultimately succeeded much more than those who put on honesty ... It should be understood that the sovereign, especially new, cannot fulfill everything that people honor well, since for the sake of keeping the state he is often forced to go against his word, against mercy, kindness and piety. Therefore, in the soul, it should always be ready to change the direction if the events will take another turnover or in the other way will blow the wind fortune, that is, as it was said, if possible, not to be removed from good, but if necessary, not to be so happy and evil. " .
So, the politician ("sovereign"), as N. Makiavelli believed, "for the sake of the state" may disrupt this word and in general "not to be so happy and evil". And in our time there are political figures, which, drawing a light image of proclaimed goals, justify the use of lies, materials, compromising opponents to achieve them, and other not good funds. Particularly illegible in the means of organization committed to extreme views and measures. Fighting for his political goals, they consider it possible to arrange street riots, seize administrative buildings, arrange fights with political opponents, etc.
The "Objective Means" formula is opposed to another look at the ratio of policies and morality: to subordinate moral policies. However, many scientists note that the political figure often has to choose: either to prevent the danger to conduct tough measures, not quite relevant "absolute morality", or their inaction to allow the damage to society. The moral limit that cannot be crossed today is reflected in the human rights instruments in international humanitarian law.

Political action

Recall that any activity is a totality of action. Political activity includes a wide variety of activities: the organization of parties and the adoption of government decisions, election campaigns and speeches in parliament, political rallies and diplomatic negotiations, holding party congresses and appeal to the people, the development of political programs and referendums, government coups and visits of government delegations. These may be shares of a separate person or group, which act as subjects of political activities.
Political actions are aimed at "do something" (for example, to achieve the adoption of any law, etc.), or "prevent something", or "stop something" (for example, to stop interground conflict). In this regard, not only the action should be considered, but also inaction. How could I estimate the inaction of the state leader in the face of the danger of the state coup? How to estimate the inaction of a person with regard to elections (non-participation in elections)? And in that and in another case, the inaction allows other participants in political events to hold their line.
The actions of the subjects of policies can be rational and irrational. Rational is the actions of conscious, planned, with a clear understanding of the goals and necessary funds. Irrational is actions, motivated mainly by emotional states of people, such as their irritation, hatred, feeling of fear, impressions of the events. In real political life, rational and irrational beginnings are combined, interact.
Political actions are natural and organized. The spontaneously emerged rally and carefully prepared party conference are examples of such actions.
Not always a political action leads to the achievement of the goal. For example, the murder of People's Republic of Alexander II led to the results that differed significantly from the goals of the "People's Will". (Remember, what were the goals of this organization. What were the consequences of a terrorist act against the king?)

Recently, the importance of such political activities, as a conviction, a study of public opinion, a constructive dialogue of various political forces, control over the observance of legal norms, predicting the consequences of certain political actions. All this requires the policies of high political culture, moral self-control, political will.

Power and power

Since political activity is related to the impact on power or the use of power, consider this concept more thoroughly. At the same time, we met him repeatedly and in the course of history, and when studying social studies. You, of course, are familiar with words that are at the heart of the Greek roots "Short" or "arch", meaning "power", "domination": aristocracy, democracy, monarchy, etc. You probably know that power -this is the ability and the ability to dispose of anyone or anything: to influence the behavior of people with a support for authority, right, and if necessary, then subordinate to their will by coercion. In political science, there are various classifications of power.
Power in the field of economics is called economic authoritywhich is distributed among the highest government agencies, industrial and financial companies, firms, their leaders and owners. Power Militarylocated in the hands of the Supreme Commander (in Russia under the Constitution they are the president of the country), military leaders. Spirituali.e. the power of ideas is the impact on the society of the most authoritative writers, scientists, journalists, church leaders, as well as owners and leaders of the media, which are sometimes called power of information. State powerthe states of the state and persons clothed with the highest powers in accordance with the Constitution of the country (in state power allocate legislative, executiveand judicial).Different stakeholders seek to master the authorities in all spheres of society. The ability to influence all society as a whole gives political power,which is possessed by the state, and in political parties and movements - their leaders.
Political poweras the state arose about 5 thousand years ago. However, even in the previous millennium, there was a need to regulate the interactions of people, give them the organization, subordinating the general rules of conduct. Such regulation in the early stages of human history was carried out by the will of the People's Assembly, the Council of Elders, Military Chiefs. What kind of activity of people became the activity of people, the more noticeably the social inequality was, the more differences were acquired by their interests, the more acute needed in their coordination, in special activities aimed at streamlining, the integration of society, the prevention of chaos, disorganization, the destruction of social relations. This special activity has become professional: a layer of people appeared, the main occupation of which was the management of the affairs of society, the implementation of power functions. There was a state that became the main instrument of the implementation of political power.
Important activity is mainly the work on the development and adoption of power solutions and their implementation. Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin (1883-1954) so \u200b\u200bdescribed this activity: "The authorificant should not only want to solve, but also other systematically lead to wanting and solving. To rule - it means how to impose their will on the will of others, however, so that this imposition is voluntarily accepted by those who obey.
Obtaining is a subtle, artistically, the process of communication of a more powerful will with a weaker will. This process creates an invisible and weightless atmosphere of peripherals to the center, many fragmented free to a single, organized, leading will. "
As a result of the interaction of various subjects and government objects (authorities and subjects), authorities arise. Depending on the subjects used by the subject, these relationships can take a different form. Power of power -this is the ability of the subject to achieve the desired result in relations with the subject by the use of physical or mental impact. Coercion -this action designed to force the subject to comply with anything under the threat of punishment. Movementbased on the ability of the subject to provide subject to those or other benefits. Impact on subject to beliefsbased on the strength of arguments, good, thoughtful arguments affecting their behavior. Subordination authority authorityit is associated with the public recognition of the high qualities of the subject of the authorities that confesses him. Finally, possible manipulationsconsciousness and behavior of people, i.e., the hidden impact on them with the help of distorted information, demagogic slogans, etc.

Political science allocates a number of key components of body activities. This is primarily the powerful will, i.e. intensive desire to achieve the goal, mobilization of forces, freedom in the manifestation of power, the adoption of such decisions that should be implemented by all, the implementation of measures that must be obeyed. This, further, the powerful decision, the ruling on any question, the basis of which is the conclusion found by the carrier of power (ruler, state body) as a result of studying the issue, its thinking, discussion, coordination. These are also power actions, specific manifestations of activity in which the power will and power solutions are implemented. The impersonal activity is reflected in the power acts, i.e., in the laws, decrees, decisions, orders of state bodies. These features of the impersonal activity you can see in the policies of the leaders of different states in various historical periods - Ivan the Terrible and Peter I, Alexander II and P. A. Stolypin, Napoleon and Roosevelt.

Legitimacy of power

Power can be effective subject to its legitimacy. The concept of legitimacy is widely used in political science to characterize such a relationship subject to the owner of power, in which the population recognizes the legitimacy of power, accepts it as legitimate and fair, voluntarily agrees to obey it. The classical typology of human legitimacy was developed by the German scientist M. Weber (1864-1920). He allocated three types of legitimacy and, accordingly, three types of political domination (mulings based on direct and unconditional subordination).
Traditional typelegitimacy exists due to the habit of obeying the authorities. It relies not so much on the law, but on tradition, customs, faith in the sacredity has long been existing orders and authorities. This type is characteristic of monarchy.
Charismatic typelegitimacy is associated with the extraordinary, extraordinary personal qualities of the ruler (the word "charisma" of Greek origin means "Divine Dar"). People take such power not by tradition, but due to the sensual perception of the new, bright, unusual. This type of power is not based on the usual behavior, not to the law, but on the emotionally painted worshipment before the actual or imaginary exceptional qualities of the leader.
Rational and legal typelegitimacy means recognition of the authorities that arose according to the established rules and the relevant law. This type is not connected with an outstanding personality of the head, not with the habit of people, but with a clear compliance with the formal legal norms regulating the imperative activities. In the modern world, he usually exists in democratic states.
If the classification of M. Weber belongs to the legitimacy of the power of individuals, then later the American political scientist D. Easton proposed an approach applicable to various political regimes. Ideologicallegitimacy relies on the values \u200b\u200band principles proclaimed by the authorities, for their compliance with the expectations of people. Structurallegitimacy exists based on the affection of people to the structures and regimens. Personallegitimacy is based on the moral approval of persons performing power functions in the structure structures.
Both considered classifications represent the so-called ideal types of authorities, and in real life they can manifest themselves more or less noticeable; In one or another case, their combination is possible.
Minding is a type of political activity, and it is also inherent in all those features that characterize policies as activities and which are described in this paragraph.
Important activity is essentially the government's policy, affecting all social community, on all areas of human life, to society as a whole.
Politics and power are key concepts of political science, with the most important provisions of which you have to get to know in grade 11.
Basic concepts:politics, power, political power, legitimacy of power.
Terms:political actions, resources, charisma.

1. Is it possible to recognize with relevant or outdated words of Aristotle: "There is a political creature for its nature"? How should they understand them?
2. Russian Philosopher N. O. Lossky (1870-1965) wrote:
"Attempts by other social reformers with one convulsive jump immediately raise society on a much higher level of development usually only destroy the modest well-achieved good and do not carry out new, higher forms of perfection." Analyze this statement about the activities of politicians from the position of communication "The goal is a means - result." What thought in the text of the paragraph confirm the words N. O. Lossky?
3. Name the main directions of Peter I. I. What were the goals, the means to achieve them and the results of each of them? How did Peter I influenced Russian society?
4. What a problem is considered in the next statement by M. Weber: "No ethics in the world bypass the fact that the achievement of" good "goals in a variety of cases is associated with the need to accept and using morally dubious or at least hazardous funds, with the possibility Or even the likelihood of a bad side effect, and no ethics in the world can tell when and in what amount of ethically positive goal "consecrate" ethically dangerous means and the side effects "? Does the position of M. Weber coincide with the views of N. Makiavelli? Agregate your output.
5. Discuss which indicators can be determined, the legitimacy of power increases or decreases. Think about what is evidenced by the prevailing use in the imperative activities of certain funds.
6. Collect press materials on the activities of any political organization lately. Analyze this activity using the concepts that you studied in this paragraph.

Work with the source

Russian philosopher V. Yu. Smorgunova reflects on the relationship of political knowledge and political action.

All political action they have politicalmeaning, they are deliberate, although they contain and unconsciouscomponent. However, the awareness of political actions not alwaysindicates their constructiveness, adequacy existingpolitical situation, correct reflection by the subject politicalthe actions of their own needs and political interests, the correct accounting of the political interests of other political entities. The subject of political action in its political practice can rely on an independently conducted study of political life, not on its own political assessment, but for political information from another gnoseological source. There is also a mismatch between the declared goals, consciously masking the real meaning of political motives, and those political ideas that actually lead to the activities of political actors. This situation is also found in the case of underdevelopment of the political thinking of a participant in a political process that is not aware of the contradictions between thinking and practic...
Political relations, policies in general, power structures are designed to rationalize public life in the interests of achieving public consent. That is why political knowledge is embodied in political decisions. The political decision as an intellectual-volitional education demonstrates the starting mechanism that turns intellectual activities into practical actions. Here the spiritual world is closed with the world real, practical. Here we see how a political person turns out of a person who knows and who wants to give his own interests in man. This realization of interest is only possible in a variety of political forms.
Questions and tasks: 1) What role does political knowledge play in political activities? 2) What does the use of incorrect information behave? 3) How does a person turning into a person who can? 4) What is the difference to the correct ideas about reality for the adoption of power solutions?

Conclusions to Chapter III

1. Activities are a form of an existence of a society, characteristic of a person a way to attitudes towards the outside world, manifestation of the activity of a subject, expressing in the appropriate change in the surrounding world, as well as in transformation by a person himself. In the process of activity, the development of society and the person himself occurs. There are motives in any activity, the goal, the means of achieving it, actions aimed at achieving the goal and the result. The role of motives can be needed, interests, social attitudes, beliefs, ideals, desires and emotions.
A special role in the development of man and society is played by creative activity, in the course of which a new one is created, never previously existed. The diversity of manifestations of creative activity of a person is expressed in such activities as a game, teaching, work. In creative activities, the development of human ability is obtained, and its result is the culture, updating of all sides of public life.
2. Spiritual activity (cognitive, value-estimated, prognostic) is associated with a change in the consciousness of people. This activity in the sphere of science and education, artistic culture and religion. It includes the creation, distribution and development of spiritual values. Owning a culture, people master the spiritual wealth of their people, country and the world. In various kinds and forms, spiritual activity creates and develops the culture of personality and society. The spiritual (inner) world of the person will bring together the mind, feelings, the will of a man, characterizes the personality from the standpoint of her relationship to the surrounding reality, to other people, to themselves.
3. Labor is the expedient human activity aimed at creating material and spiritual values \u200b\u200bwith the health facility necessary for people's lives. This is a way to meet human needs; Source of public wealth; Factor of public progress. Labor activity is characterized by a set of employment; the quality of labor entities; material and technical working conditions; a way to communicate subjects of labor with the means and conditions for their use; The structure of the organization of the employment process and management of them. The transformation of the technical factor of production significantly increases the role of the human factor.
With the transition to a market economy, a social partnership was developed - a system of relationship between government bodies, representatives of workers and employers, entrepreneurs based on equal cooperation.
4. Political activity expresses the interests of large social groups and societies in general. It includes a variety of actions, the use of various means that should not go beyond the limits indicated in human rights instruments. The direction and content of political activities are largely determined by the political ideology.
Political activity is related to the impact on power or the use of power. Power is the ability to influence the behavior of people with support for authority, right and, if necessary, by coercion. The imperative activities are manifested mainly in developing, accepting and implementing political decisions. Effective power may be subject to its legitimacy, i.e., with such a population attitude, in which subjects, the authorities recognize the authorities legitimate and fair.

Questions and tasks for chapter III

1. Relying on the maintenance of chapters II and III, characterize the social essence of activity.
2. Knowledge of activities and its diversity reflect in the table.

Activities and its types

3. At the seminar on philosophy, an argument arose:
Nikolai. In activity - the essence of man. She cannot manifest themselves otherwise than in some cases.
Lena. I do not agree with this. You can live, doing nothing. Ancient Greek philosopher did not deal any activities, but only reflected on life.
Maksim. Is it philosophy - this does not mean to engage in activities? This is also the essence of man. Animals cannot philosophice.
You enter into a dispute. Present your attitude towards expressed points of view and your own point of view on the subject discussed.
4. Give examples of creativity in labor, spiritual and political activities. What is common and what are the differences in these acts of creative activity?
5. Compare two definitions of creativity. N. Berdyaev said that creativity is the transition of non-existence into being through the act of freedom. A. D. Andreev determined creativity as the highest, precious ability of a person, manifestation of the Divine Putrogative (exceptional right. - Ed.)his Spirit. How do you feel about these statements? Do you see anything in them? What definition prefer and why?

Preparing for the exam

1. What features should be supplemented with the necessary elements of determining the concept of "human activity"?
1) manifestation of activity;
2) .........................................;
3) ........................................ .
2. What is excess in the transfer of human activity?
1) goal setting;
2) motives;
3) enforcement adaptation;
4) Environmental conversion.
3. A characteristic manifestation of activity, expressed in the conversion of the outside world, is:
1) game;
2) behavior;
3) attitude;
4) Activities.
4. Activities that generates something new, never previously existed - this is:
1) knowledge;
2) study;
3) creativity;
4) Copying.
5. Are the following judgments true?
A. In the process of activity, the creative creation of culture is carried out.
B. The anthill is an example of well-organized activities.
1) is true only a;
2) is true only b;
3) true and a, and b;
4) Both statements are incorrect.
6. Give your own example of any activity and expand the general features of any activity on this example.
7. Write three suggestions containing the concept of "socio-humanitarian knowledge" and giving any information about these knowledge.
8. Write an essay on the basis of the following statement: "Ah, if the hard work is added to education, but to education - hardworking."

Political activities and society. Politics is a special kind of activity related to the participation of social groups, parties, movements, individuals in the affairs of society and the state, leadership, or impact on this guide. Conclusion: Politics is the achievement of power. Science offers different definitions of political activities: politics is the activities of government agencies, political parties, public movements in the field of relations between large social groups, primarily classes, nations and states aimed at integrating their efforts to strengthen political power or its conquest specific methods.

Slide 5. From the presentation "Politics and political power". The size of the archive with a presentation of 413 KB.

Social Studies Grade 8.

Summary of other presentations

"" Social Structure "Grade 8" - Social Structure. Education. Social relations include relations between society and nature. Social personality status. Interpersonal relationships. Social science. Describe social relations. The structure is a set of interrelated elements. What we differ from each other. Status symbols - external differences signs. Fastening concepts. What is a social structure. Status rights and obligations.

"Social Progress" - social progress and development of society. Uniform development. A number of patterns. Social progress. Is social progress possible. State of the art. Progress. Different peoples are developing at different speeds. What is society. Progress. Information flow. Time.

"Policy and political life" is the essence of politics. Basic signs of politics. Political Party. Politics. Types of politics. Society of society. Functions of the Political Party. Fill out the scheme. Knowledge of a social device. Political sphere of life. Control of knowledge gained. Government. Policy and political life. Activity.

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"Politics and political power" - concepts and terms. The focus of parties to conquest. Party system in Russia. Trends in the development of political parties. Problem. Political activity. Politics and power. Political sphere. Political activities and society. Society. Typology and functions of political parties. Tasks and questions. Professional politicians. Political institutions. Political Party. A number of signs. The main problem.

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Activities are the conscious actions of people aimed at meeting their needs for transformation of the world peace and natural nature. Man's activities are conscious targeted character.

Political activities are conscious targeted actions of policies pursuing individual, group purposes and interests. It is the prerogative of political professionals who fulfill their functional duties. At the same time, if political professionals enter state structures, their activities should constitute a set of organized actions of policies aimed at the implementation of the common tasks of the political system of society. If this is the activities of policies in opposition to the ruling regime, it can pursue completely different goals and interests.

Political activity is associated with the expression and sewing interests of certain social groups. Therefore, the actions of a separate individual pursuing personal or group purposes may acquire political in nature as they are included in public political activities.

The essence of political activities is to organize and managing public relations with the help of government institutions. The political system of society itself can function and develop only thanks to political activities. At the same time, the functioning of the political system is consisted of both the direct activities of policies and mediated participation in the political activities of people who delegated their powers to representative authorities and other political institutions.

But we often received powerful authority from their voters and the political institutions of power ignore the initial promises and thus neutralize the political activities of most citizens of the country. As a result, political activities are monopoly of professionals.

The most important features of political activity are rationality, efficiency and legitimacy. Rationality involves the expression of public needs, feasibility and scientific validity of political goals and how to achieve them. Efficiency is the real results of political activities. Legitimacy - approval and support of political activities by citizens of the country.

But in real life, political activities may be irrational, ineffective and illegitimate. Such a negative result of political activity depends not only on the professional qualities of policies and from their necessary resources, but also from their political motivation. If the ruling political elite of its political activity creates the most favorable conditions for a relatively small layer of rich people, ignoring the interests of the others (for example, as it has been done since the beginning of the 90s of the XX century. In Russia), for most citizens of the country and society as a whole such Political activity will be irrational, ineffective and illegitimate.

Main types of political activities:

fight for political power and powerful powers. This type of political activity is one of the main, since the possession of power or participation in the implementation of powerful powers gives entities to the great opportunities in achieving the targets;

participation in the formation of the development and implementation of political decisions;

activities in non-state political institutions (parties, social and political organizations and movements and other);

organization and conducting mass socio-political events (rallies, demonstrations, strikes, pickets, etc.);

motivated non-participation in various political events, for example, as a protest form against policies that do not meet the interests of the actor or its social group.

Depending on the direction of actions, researchers identify three main groups of political activities58: 1)

activities within the political system itself, such as interaction between political institutions; 2)

the action of the political system aimed at the environment, such as making management decisions in order to change relations in society; 3)

the actions of the surrounding social environment, aimed at political institutions of power, such as the expression of support or distrust to the government, participation in the formation of the institutions of government in elections and others.

Political activity is divided into practical and theoretical. Each of these activities is determined by the specifics of the political entity.

Political behavior is a qualitative characteristic of political activities and political participation; This is how a person behaves in different situations, in different political events. For example, 450 deputies are simultaneously involved in the work of the State Duma, that is, they are engaged in political activities. But the behavior of all these policies is ambiguous. Some calmly dorms in his deputy chairs, others shout out something from the place, the third rush to the microphone installed on the podium, and the fourth stood the scuffle with their colleagues.

Participants of the political event behave differently. For example, some participants of the demonstration are peacefully marked by the declared route, others seek to organize riots, others try to provoke bloody collisions. All these differences in the actions of the subjects and participants of politics fall under the definition of "political behavior".

In other words, all the above-mentioned subjects and participants are engaged in political activities or participate in a political event, but everyone behaves in their own way. Consequently, political behavior is a way of manifestation of political participation in political activities.

According to D. P. Zernikina, in political behavior, there are primarily a subjective-subjective relationship. This is an expression of the state of the subject in the process of action. Whereas in political activities in the foreground, there are subjective-objective relations, that is, the relationship caused by the type of activity59.

The political behavior of the individual (group) may depend on many factors. Let us dwell on some of them.

Individual emotional and psychological qualities of a subject or participant in the political process. For example, for the behavior of V. V. Zhirinovsky, such properties as emotional saturation, impulsiveness, unpredictability, eyepage are characteristic; For V. V. Putin - reasonableness, suspension in words and actions, external calm.

Personal (group) interest of a subject or participant in political actions. For example, the deputy strongly lobbs the bill of interest to its interest, although when discussing other issues it is sufficiently passive.

Adaptive behavior. It is associated with the need to adapt to objective conditions of political life. For example, it is difficult to imagine a brave one, which in a crowd, glorifying a political leader (Hitler, Stalin, Mao Zedong), would shout out the slogans that imagine this leader.

Situational behavior. Due to the specifically established situation when a subject or participant in the political process is practically no choice.

The behavior due to the moral principles and moral values \u200b\u200bof the political actor. For example, Jan Gus, J. Bruno and many other greatest thinkers could not "enjoy the principles" and became victims of the Inquisition.

The competence of the actor in the political situation or political actions as a factor of behavior. It manifests itself in how well the subject owns the situation, understands the essence of what is happening, knows the "Rules of the game" and is able to use them adequately.

The behavior due to political manipulation, when the false, deception, populist promises "forced" people behave accordingly.

Forced coercion to a certain type of behavior. Such methods of impact on behavior are usually characteristic of totalitarian and authoritarian power regimes. For example, in communist mode, people were forced to participate in massive political promotions (Saturdays, rallies, elections, demonstrations) and to behave in a certain way.

The nature of the activity and behavior has a significant impact of the motivation and the degree of actor involvement in political life. For example, for some participation in political events - a random episode, for other policies is a profession, for the third - the calling and meaning of life, for the fourth, is a way to earn a living. Mass behavior may be due to the socio-psychological properties of the crowd, when individual motivation is suppressed and dissolved in weakly conscious (sometimes spontaneous) actions of the crowd.

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Politicalactivityasthe most importantelementpoliticians

politicalactivity Interest Decision


1. The effect of political activities. Types of political activities

2.Marotion of political interests

3. Polytic solutions as a result of political activities

1. Conceptpoliticalactivities.Viewspoliticalactivities

In political science there are various approaches to understanding policies. One of them it is the consideration of policies as one of the four main spheres of society. Policy consciousness and political organizations include political consciousness, and political organizations (government, parliament, parties, etc.), and the tasks that various social groups seek to decide using power, and the political process going through conflicts and cooperation, including measures Conservation of stability in society and reform. Second approach based on the understanding of politics as a special type of social relations between individuals, small groups and great communities, that is, relations related to the authorities, the state, the management of the Company's affairs. Finally, the third approach it consists of policies as one of the activities, i.e., the activity of its subjects - participants in political life. All three approaches give a multidimensional understanding of one object - politics. The historical development and experience of many generations of thinkers engaged in studying policies and political activities, concentrated in modern anconsciousness, in particular, in political science, sociology, political psychology and other branches of social studies.

Politics are the activities of state bodies, political parties, public movements in the field of relations between large social groups, primarily classes, nations and states aimed at integrating their efforts to strengthen political power or its conquest specific methods.

Politics is a special kind of activity related to the participation of social groups, parties, movements, individuals in the affairs of society and the state, leadership, or impact on this guide. When considering policies as activities, there is every reason to recognize it with both science and art of management (state, people), building relationships and realization of interests, as well as conquest, retention, the use of political power.

It follows that political activities are the main content of the political sphere of life. Determine the content of political concept - this means to give a significant definition of policies.

Political activity is a type of activity, referrals for changing or preserving existing political relations. The basis of its political activity is the leadership and management of public relations with the help of government institutions. Its essence is human management, human communities.

The specific content of political activities is: participation in the state affairs, the definition of forms, objectives and activities of the state, the distribution of power, control over its activities, as well as other impact on political institutions. Each of the marked moments summarizes the diverse activities: let's say, directly performing people of political functions within the framework of public authority institutions and political parties and mediated participation related to the delegation of authority to those or other institutions; Professional and non-professional activities; Guideling and executive activities aimed at strengthening this political system or, on the contrary, to its destruction; Institutionalized or non-relationalized activities (for example, extremism), etc.

Political activity is also manifested in various forms of participation of the wide masses in the political life of society. In the course of political activities, its participants enter into specific relations. It may be cooperation, union, mutual support, and confrontation, conflict, struggle. The essence of political activity is disclosed in the specifics of its object and structural elements: subject, objectives, means, conditions, knowledge, motivation, and norms, finally, the activity process itself.

Subjects politicians are, firstly, large social communities, which include social groups and layers, classes, nations, estates, etc.; secondly, political organizations and associations (states, parties, mass movements); Thirdly, political elites - relatively small groups concentrating power in their hands; Fourth, personality, and first of all political leaders.

In modern Russia, political parties and movements are acting in modern Russia (especially represented by their leaders), all sorts of power structures and bodies, public associations, the population (at the moments of referendums and election campaigns).

The object of policies is the object to which the activity of the current subject is directed and in which the change is resolved. Most often, both the object and the subject of political activity are people, that is, participants in political activities. In political activities, object-subject relationship is an organic unity: after all, a person is a major subject and a policy object; Social groups, organizations, movements also act simultaneously as objects of political activities, and as its subjects. In addition, public phenomena, processes, situations, facts may be objects of political activities. From consideration of political objects, it can be concluded that policies affect the whole society, on all directions of his life. Hence the conclusion about the tremendous importance of political activities in the development of society.

Political activity, as well as any other, implies the definition of its goals. They are divided into long-term (they are called strategic) and current goals. Objectives can be relevant, priority and irrelevant, real and unreal. How relevant, on the one hand, and real - on the other hand or another, can be answered only by the full and accurate analysis of the main trends of social development, crowning social needs, the alignment of political forces, interests of various social groups.

Of particular importance is the question of the availability of funds with which you can implement the intended goals. Installation: The goal justifies the means - is characteristic of dictatorial regimes and their political media. The requirements for the compliance of funds to democratic, humane policy goals - the norm of genuinely the folk forces and their political structures expressing their interests. However, many scientists note that the political figure often has to choose: either to prevent the danger to conduct tough measures, not quite relevant "absolute morality", or their inaction to allow the damage to society. The moral limit that cannot be crossed today is reflected in the human rights instruments in international humanitarian law.

An essential sign of political activity is its rationality. Rational is the actions of conscious, planned, with a clear understanding of the goals and necessary funds. Rationality in politics specific: includes ideology. The ideological component permeates all political action, since it is focused on certain values \u200b\u200band interests. Moreover, it is a criteria sign of its direction.

The rational moment is definitely decisive in the subjective meaning of political action, expressing the attitude of the subject to the institutions of power. Nevertheless, political action is not exhausted by rationality. It remains a place for irrational as deviation from targetedness. Irrational is actions, motivated mainly by emotional states of people, such as their irritation, hatred, feeling of fear, impressions of the events. In real political life, rational and irrational beginnings are combined, interact. Political actions are natural and organized. The spontaneously emerged rally and carefully prepared party conference are examples of such actions.

Recently, the importance of such political activities, as a conviction, a study of public opinion, a constructive dialogue of various political forces, control over the observance of legal norms, predicting the consequences of certain political actions. All this requires the policies of high political culture, moral self-control, political will.

Political activity is differentiated on theoretical and practical. Being relatively independent, they are interdepended. Political theory acquires effectiveness and efficiency when it relies on practical experience and coincides with the needs and interests of those groups that present a policy entity.

Political activity is heterogeneous, in its structure you can distinguish several well-pronounced states. Their analysis is advisable to start with the type of activity whose political significance is undoubtedly very large, but the meaning of which is just in rejection and denying policies. They are political alienation.

Political alienation - The state of the relations of man and political power, which is characterized by the concentration of human efforts to solve the problems of personal life when they are detachment and opposing the life of political. Politics is considered in the sphere of alienation as a gene of activity that does not concern real problems, human interests, and contact with political power - as an extremely undesirable business. It establishes a purely compulsory contact with the authorities, the state through the duties, taxes, taxes, etc. For the ruling groups, political alienation is expressed in the transformation of civil service to the service sector of only private, usurgogration interests, the government is usurped by individual people, is replaced by the struggle of the Cleaver representing corporate interests. Serving the interests of social integrity turns into a means of maintaining only individual life. The phenomenon of bureaucracy is a bright manifestation of political alienation.

The following type of political activity is political passivity.

Political passivity - The type of political activity, within which the subject, and they can be both an individual and the social group, does not implement their own interests, but is under the political influence of another social group. Passivity in politics is not inactive, this is a specific form of activity and a form of politics, when the social group is not implementing their own, and political interests alien to it. The type of political passivity is conformism, expressed in the adoption by the social group of values \u200b\u200bof the political system as its own, although they do not correspond to its vital interests. The means of forming conformistic political installations is the specific technique of impact on the consciousness and behavior of people - manipulation, involving "transformation of people into managed objects, the deformation of their inner world, thoughts, feelings and actions and thereby the destruction of their personalities by influences that distort ideas about valid Interest and needs and imperceptibly, with the apparent preservation of free will, subordinate to people will, they are alien. " The system of manipulation is focused primarily on the subconscious sphere of the psyche of people, and its methods and means in modern societies are becoming more sophisticated, actively use the achievements of psychology and sociology.

The criterion for the political activity of the individual or the social group is the desire and opportunity, affecting political power or directly using it, to realize their interests.

The nature of political activity varies significantly depending on the specifics of the problems, its causing, the time of the occurrence of tasks, on the solution of which it is directed, the composition of the participants.

In modern conditions, political activity has the following characteristic features:

The growth of citizens' striving to act outside the traditional forms of political activity and participation, instead of rigidly decorated political parties, preference is given to political movements without a clearly decorated organized structure;

The union is increasingly accomplished not around any party, but around the problem, regarding its decision;

The number of citizens interested in politics is growing, but at the same time falls the number of parties;

More and more people are prone to independent politicization, they do not associate their participation in politics with belonging to one or another political strength, structure, and strive to act independently.

The initial stage of pronounced active activity when a political entity carries out a clear choice of tendency effects is a political, position.

The mature form of political activity is a political movement, i.e., such a targeted and long-term social action of a certain social group, which is its intended conversion of a political system or an integrated protection.

Thus, the concept of "political activity" reflects all the diversity of people's actions in the field of politics, and the concept of "political activity" is the leading creative, transformation form of political activities, expresses the essence of politics - the implementation of its own interests with the social group. Political participation is a characteristic of the degree of subject involvement in a politically active effect, and the concept of "political behavior" allows to reveal the mechanism, the structure of political activities.

2. Manifoldpoliticalinterests

The concept of "interest" (Lat. Interest - to have a value) is actively used in various sectors of scientific knowledge. At the same time, the initial understanding of the term is traveling everywhere to interpretation in dala dictionaries, Ozhegova, Ushakov - "interest" as a value, the importance of the case; ATTENTION, initiated to some significant, important, useful or seemingly such. In the philosophical and political scientist, interest is understood as the cause of the actions of individuals, social communities, the reason that defines their social behavior.

Thus, interest, this attitude (conscious and interested) subject to the object, which is a means of meeting one or another need of an individual or social community. At the same time, the correlation of the needs, objects serving the means of their satisfaction, social conditions of the subject of the subject (social environment) and the ways to meet certain needs are also.

Depending on the scope of action and social carrier, interests are divided into economic, political, cultural, moral, aesthetic, religious, military, political.

Interests are often called the driving force, the "motor" of people's activities. It fully applies to the interests of political.

Political interest is the electoral attitude of institutional and social subjects of policies to publicly political processes, events and phenomena, the real cause of their political activity, based on well-defined ideological principles, beliefs and installations. In other words, this is the internal conscious source of political behavior, which encourages policies to formulate certain political goals and the implementation of concrete political actions to achieve them.

Based on the specifics of the nature of political needs and political interest, the latter is at its essence the subjective expression of objectively existing political relations from the point of view of the implementation of the policies of their social goals. The object of political interest is: power and power relations in society; mechanisms and methods for the implementation of political power; political activities of parties, socio-political movements, public organizations and lobbying groups; Political elite and individual representatives on the national, regional and local levels.

The subject of political interest is the whole set of political processes, phenomena and events. They are perceived and evaluated by policy entities from the point of view of utility and the possibility of use to achieve their goals.

Political interests, by virtue of their diversity, are complex systemic education. You can classify them on various reasons. For instance:

a) according to the degree of community (personal, group, class, public);

b) according to the degree of awareness (spontaneous or conscious);

c) in its orientation (internal political, foreign policy);

d) by the nature of the interest of interest (national, state, party, class, etc.);

e) as possible their implementation (fulfilled and imaginary);

e) in relation to the objective trend of social development (progressive, reactionary, conservative).

In contrast to other social interests, political interests have a number of characteristic features that determine their qualitative specificity.

First, political interest is rooted in the material relations of society, but at the same time plays an active role in relation to it. This is due to the fact that in economic relations in every historical moment there are potentially several development trends, but not every of them can be realized. The implementation of a trend is a matter of political choice in which the political interests of certain social forces, social groups and layers play a decisive role.

Secondly, political interest is the manifestation of the power relations, it is closely connected with the mechanism and with the ways of implementing power in society.

Thirdly, political interest has relative independence. The difficulties and peripetics of the interaction of the interests of various social groups with cumulative social interest - the interest of social integrity, create the possibility of an independent form of the existence of a political interest embodiment in this case in the image of the assistant, "an uncomplicated" state.

Fourth, the controversial nature of political interest generates a variety of conditions, the types in which it appears in the general system of political relations. All variety of types and modifications of political interests has a general source - the ratio of the interests of classes, social groups and layers with the interests of society as a whole. The departure of it causes the formation of illusory forms that lose the attribute properties of political interests. Such an illusory form can serve, for example, bureaucratic interest. This is illusory universal, that is, in fact, not political, but the private interest of the egoistic social group, which by its representatives is consciously issued for universal, but is not such. Moreover, due to the inevitable orientation of the bureaucracy on the formation of a specific corporate - interest, it plays a restraining role in relation to the political activity of the masses.

Fifth, the content of political interest is formed mainly as a result of the interaction of the interests of social groups, depending on their maturity, political activity, weight in society. However, the coincidence of the political interests of social groups and the political interests of society occurs only at a certain moment of development and the whole - society, and its integral part - the social group. There may be situations when the interests of the social group (class) have not yet matured until the expression of the interests of the whole, and the situation when the possibilities are already missed for the coincidence of these two types of interests, when the class is less capable of building their activities, taking into account the interests of the whole. The political activity of this class causes the increasing disorganization of the social system, it does not lead to permission, but to the junction of all new contradictions, the increase in social antagonis. The coincidence of the political interests of the social group with the interests of society gives impetus to intensive development, since their activities are not diverged in the main, defining with the main direction of social development. Such qualities have progressive classes in the era of social revolutions (for example, bourgeois).

Sixth, political interests of individual classes, social groups and layers may not coincide with political public interest: carrying out cumulative political interest, the state may infringe the private political interests. A specific expression of such a situation in society can be the exercise by the Soviet state of political measures after the revolution of 1917.

In the seventh, in a multinational society, political interest has a national color, since nations are subjects of policies, and national relations are the element of political relations. And in this regard, negative processes: national distribution, separatist trends, the elements of the civil war on the basis of national contradictions and conflicts that have a place today are an expression of the political interests of various classes, social groups and layers within the Russian Federation.

What is the role of political interests in the overall system of political relations in society?

First, in political interests, the most generalized expression is found the current political needs of representatives of certain social communities, as a result of which the interests themselves are always aimed at preserving or changing the political position of a group in society, serve as real reasons for their political behavior.

Secondly, political interests determine the focus of political activities, reflect the relationship of general (national interest), private (classroom, social group, personality).

Thirdly, political interests express the level of development of political activities, the degree of reflection in it is essential social needs. If, for example, the economy is the most important basis for political activities and political activity, then qualitative changes in the economy, its structure serve as the most important outcome, indicator of the success of political activities.

Fourth, in political interests reflects the ratio of members of society to political power, the political system as a whole. The lack of consistency between the political interests of various social groups, layers and the interests of representatives of the power institutions can lead not only to the formation and aggravation of political contradictions, but also to create a situation in which contradictions may grow into political conflict.

Fifth, political interests are the base for the formation of political views, political community sentiment, ideological positions, on the basis of which the choice of political priorities that take into account the needs of social groups and sectors of society.

Thus, in the conscious regulation of social processes, when choosing and ensuring the priorities of common interests before private, political interest is important.

3. Polytic solutions like cutltod political activity

The political activity of any level and any scale begins with the adoption of a political decision.

A political decision is always a process starting with the emergence of a political problem and ending with its resolution, withdrawal. Of course, in case of adoption of effective measures.

The political decision is the way to implement the interests of any participants in political events. The political life of society does not reduce the relationship of only the rulers and subordinates. It is the interaction of the interests of various participants in political events, haunting their goals. Their implementation is possible through a number of political measures, actions and, in particular, through political decisions.

The political decision is also a means of resolving conflict political situations. The conflict in the political life of society is an inevitable phenomenon. Conflict is allowed through not one, but as a rule, a whole series of political decisions, each of which should be a step of political wisdom, care, caution, consent, for it is a bumping of the interests of the opposite, and often antagonistic.

Political solution is a conscious choice of a subject of activity of actions from many possible. This side of the political decision is directly related to the conditions for its adoption as freedom and responsibility: the higher the status of a subject, which makes a decision in the pyramid of participants in political events, the higher the degree of its freedom in the choice of action options, but at the same time the level of its social responsibility for elected option.

The political decision is also the volitional effort of someone who decides. Achieve the intended result is to take into account the possible opposition of other participants in political events, therefore, to provide for the cost of significant volitional efforts on its implementation.

From this one we can conclude that the political decision is at the same time coordination of the goals and means to achieve one subject of political activities, with the goals and means established by another subject.

The decision-making has its own patterns representing some algorithm, the sequence of steps that can lead to a positive result. Traditional steps are as follows: awareness of the existing political reality; definition of political interest; setting a goal; the formation of relevant values \u200b\u200band ways to achieve the goal; Deciding on the specific form of activities with the subsequent organization of its implementation, control, adjustment, etc. Depending on the political organization of the system, the decision is made as a volitional act of a dominant political entity, and may become a collective political and legal act of the political institutional system. It can be an oral command of the leader of the elite, and may have the form of a universal law.

Modern democracy involves the adoption of a political decision through collective ideological and political creativity. Often this process is complex, multi-pass and multi-level character. Professionals of various scientific and ideological directions are engaged in training: political scientists, lawyers, sociologists, psychologists, representatives of various intellectual and party-political corporations. As part of the system analysis, a set of alternatives is being prepared, which suggest differences in the resources necessary for the implementation, methods of action, and its results, as well as in possible consequences for different institutions, including all society.

If you proceed from the fact that political activity is a consistent, internally connected chain of political events and phenomena, as well as a set of deeds of various policy entities, it is a political decision as the initial moment, the "starting mechanism" of all events and actions.

As a rule, it is customary to allocate several basic types of solutions: populism, elitism, conservatism, democracy and radicalism. Each of these types of political courses correspond to certain methods of power regulation, the nature of the relationship between the authorities and the population, the information regime of refinery.

So, populism as the main means of achieving power assumes direct appeal to public opinion, direct support for mass moods. Therefore, it is inevitably focused on simplification, and in some cases and vulgarization of the goals offered by society. The ruling elites is trying to work out some slogan, a call to the population, the implementation of which, in their opinion, will ensure the overcoming of all contradictions and rapid progress towards success. Often, in such cases, flattery is used ("Communists - at the head of public progress"), intimidation of an external or inner threat ("the ruling circles - in the Mafia"), unreasonable ambulances and promises ("Radical reforms will quickly lead to an economy) . The most brightly populism is manifested in the charismatic board. But populist measures can act as an integral part of the political course and during the democratic and other type of modes that adhere to rational management methods.

A distinctive feature of elitism - a course on the prevention of any significant participation of citizens not only in developing, but also adjusting decisions, to promote various intermediary forms of interaction with the electorate, the truncation of political public informing, the closed nature of the adoption and implementation of political decisions at all stages. In conservative policies in the activities of the authorities, it is dominated by the installation on the preservation of the structure and functions of government authorities, traditional forms and methods of political regulation. Such management methods are characteristic of stable political regimes that cultivate the internal commitment of citizens to stored and revered in this society values \u200b\u200band ideals. It inevitably strengthens patriotic sentiment and contributes to the preservation of the integrity of social and political organisms.

Relicalism of political rule leads to directly opposite results. Even when the desire to revolutionize society, to achieve his qualitative reorganization is not an end in the authorities, the social and political consequences caused by radical methods of transformations, rarely carry civil peace, order and improvement of the life of the population. Violence is the main method of managing revolutionary regimes - inevitably turns power into a deadly transformation instrument, fraught with mass death of citizens.

Unlike radicalism, neglecting global future goals by pressing rights and the interests of people, democratism focuses on real needs and requests of citizens, the embodiment of their inalienable rights and freedoms. Cultivating the atmosphere of mutual relationships between ordinary citizens and the elite, democratic policies seek the confidence of people, the desire to cooperate loyally with the authorities. Compliance with the procedures of electoral cycles, the principle of separation of powers, civilized relations with the opposition, as a rule, excludes from the arsenal of political management tools for rigid social coercion, encourages the mechanisms of "self-discipline and self-derogation" of citizens (N. Elias).


1. General and applied political science: Tutorial under the general edition of V.I. Zhukova, B.I. Krasnova M.: MGSU; Publishing house "Union", 1997.

2. Introduction to political science. V.P. Pugachev, A.I. Solovyov. Aspect Press Moscow 2000.

3. Political science: study.-method. complex. Shalak A.V. - Irkutsk: Publishing house BSUEP, 2005.

4. Political science. Lecture course. - Omsk: Publishing House of OMGPU, 2005.

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    examination, added 23.02.2010

    Public relations that are developing in the process of implementing the political parties of the Russian Federation of constitutional legal status. The emergence, essence, signs of political parties, their typology and functions, place in the political system.

    course work, added 10.08.2014

    The concept of a political system as a fundamental form of organizing the political sphere of life of modern society, its main elements and functions. Typology and patterns of political systems, the main factors affecting the process of their formation.

    examination, added 08/17/2011

    Criteria for typology of political culture. The role of state institutions in organizing the political life of the country. Synthetic culture of "citizenship". Features of the political cultures of Western and Eastern types. The policy of modern Russia.

    abstract, added 04/26/2009

    The concept and theory of the political system of society. Structure and functions of political systems of society. The place and role of the state in the political system. Neutralization of negative trends in the development of society. Change of state-political regimes.